f I T 7 It . v I . 'Tl ft T B.WII,VEHT,1 ' ... . N. 8. ENQLK, $ Publiahera. 8ATUKDAY, AUGUST 81, 1807. ' 'SLocal Elffatrg. Burma Macaua or Bali One of llowe't excellent maohiaes, with the latest improvements, has jut bean received, ud will beeold at a redneed ptloe. Inquire at this office. , Divine sorvlocs will be held Id Bt, llatthew's (Kpltoopal) Chnroh, by tho pastor, Her. Mr. Van dine, on Sunday next, at half-past 10 o'clock, A. M. ArroiSTHEXT. Mr. Thomas M. Puriel, of this plaoa, bat been appointed to a position In the Cus tom House, at Philadelphia, under Col. Cake. Pkaches are somewhat higher than last week, hot they are moon better than those first received at this place. Messrs. Smith A Genther received, on Wednesday last, soma very fino ones, wbioh they (old at 93 per box. f I ' i i Select School. We bare been requested to an nounce that Miss Clara U-. Edkln will re-open her school, In the Sunday School building of the Epiioo pal Cliuroh, on Monday, September 16th. A mew stock of fall and winter Clothing Is now feeing opened at Marsh's Clothing Storo, in Simp son's building, Market square. Call and see the late fall styles. . Fint. at Suajcokis. On Monday evening last, about 8 o'olock, a fire broke out to Bhamokin, which .destroyed property to the amount of about $5,000. Tho origin of the fire Is no: known. - BtRCCK nr Liohtnixo. A bnru belonging to Samuel Resslcr, in Upper Augusta township, was struck by lightning during tho storm of Wodncsdny afternoon last, and was consumed with its contents. Tho barn was filled with wheat, lately harvested. The loss is about $1,500, on which there is a partial insurance. Mkloxs. The season for good watormelons and citrons is now at band, but those brought up by the market cars are high in price and nothing extra in quality. This is particularly npplioablo to citrons, which, at best, are inferior in every rcspoct to thi.se raised in this neighborhood. The entertainments given at the Masonic Hull, on Tuesday and Wednesday evenings last, for the benefit of the M. E. Sunday School, were very suc cessful. The program mo consisted of tableaux, di alogues, declamations, singing, Ac. About $125 were realir.od, whioh will be used in the puruhiuo of a library for the Sunday School. Till late continuous heavy rains hare dune more .injury in the destruction of bridges orer creeks and smaller streams than any flood we have had for many years. The new county bridgo nt Shoinokin was not only carried away, but by the fury of tho flood broken to fragments, and thus the bridgos be low were saved from destruction. The foundations 'of a number of bridges orer the Shainokin creek and its tributaries havo been souiowhat injured by the flood. Tna White Deer Mills, owned by Messrs. OriflVy nnd Brumbach, were damaged to the extent of over $20,000 by the late flood, the dry bouse being swept -away, and the main buildings being badly dam nged. Tho flats below the mills were oorerod with logs from the now dam being built by Mr. Griffey for Mr. Pardee, and which was also destroyed. ' Accident is the I'mn End or ins Corxir. The Democrat says that on Monday week last, whilo Judge Welker nnd ex-Sheriff Reader were driving a young horse, in the upper end of tho county, the borso became frightened and ran away, upsetting tho buggy. Boih were violently thrown out. The Sbrrifl had two of his ribs injured, and was otherwise hurt. The Judgo escaped with se vere bruises. The Raiss and Floohs. The NiUonian says that It Is over nineteen years since the Chilisqunque nnd tho other oreeks in thut vicinity have been so high as during tbe lute floods, caused by tho heavy rains of last week. In many Instances bridges have teen swept away, culverts damaged nnd roads ren dered impassable. Theso floods were entirely local in their character, the river having risen but little and very gradunlly. Improvements. The lato rains hare greatly re tarded the oporations of those engaged in building. Mr. Uaupt has the third story of bis building, in Market square, nearly up. He will have two iron front storerooms. Mr. Vim. II. Miller has his store, in the Dewart mansion, nearly ready. Mr. Hen dricks' three-story brick rosidenoe, on Walnut street, is under root'. Mr. Haas' two-story brick residence, on Chestnut street, is nearly up. Mr. Ira T. Clem ent is rapidly putting up tha foundation walls for Lis new planing mill, sash and door ftotory, Ac. Thb Markets. There is but little change in tho vegetable markets. Prices of many articles still continue fifty per oent. higher than previous to the war. liaising truck, as it is ar.lled, we should think is a paying business. Butter Is. selling at 30 cents, or 10 cents higher than at Lewisburg and most other places, but is getting more plenty than it has been for several weeks past. Poultry is not abundant, and chickens sell at from CO to 75 cents per pair. Lamb, hind quarter, is sold by tho butchers generally at 20 ots., though eomo sell it at 15, which is the Philadelphia prioe, and quite as much as it is worth. Scbscriptioks to the Washington Library Com pany of Philadelphia ara pouring in rapidly. The handsome engravings given away with each share of etock are of rare und excellent workmanship. By subscribing for the stook at one dollar per share you obtain an engraving worth fifty per cent, mere than you invest, besides participating in the grand dis tribution of gifts. Every share of stock will receive some present, with an equal chanoe of securing soine .of the valuable articles, as published in the schedule The engraving entitled '-The Marriage of Poca hontas," which is given to those who take fire shares of stock, is executed in tbe neatest and most Hp proved style, and fully equal to those of tha tame character that are now retailed at from eight dollars and upwards. N. F. Llghtner is tha authorized agent for Sunbury and rtoinity. Bead the adrer tisement. pad accident. A sad acoidont ooenrred on Wednesday afternoon last, on tba Phila. A Erie Kailroad, near the machine shops, In Cake's addi tion. A party of German emigrants, who arrived here on the emigrant train that day, ware detained several hours, and while waiting for their train to start several of them went to a market ear standing on the siding to purchase provisions. While they were standing on. the main track tbe 4.10 afternoon -train came thundering along at so great a speed that the engineer was unable to check It In time to pre vent an accident. A German widow lady, named .Amelia .Winger, and her four obildran, on their way io Illinois, where aha has a son residing, were on tbe .track at the time. The woman and two of her children ware struck by the cow-catcher of the loco motive. She was thrown tome dUtauoe, striking her head in her fall, and receiving a wound that will probably prove fatal. liar daughter, aged about twelve years, was seriously bat not fatally In jured. A little son was also strack by the engine and rolled along on the traok for some distance, but escaped with a few alight bruises. They ware taken to the Augusta Hotel, where tbey ara receiving every eare aud attention. Their wounds ware dressed by Dr. D. W. Sbindal, of this plaoa. It U thought tba mother eannot reoorer. Wa bava repeatedly referred to tba faet that pas senger trains are run through town at a high aod -daugerous speed, not only In violation or tha bo. tougb erdinanoee, but of tbe rules of the oompauy. Tlioe things bad better ba attended to before some lad calamity eoairelf rifrrnjii,n , TaaT4 Vtaat i8nAoif.-Tlio Jxarafaf, of the 2Jd lust.; gives lbs following account of the damage sustained at Bhamokin (hiring the roc not flood at (bat plaoe :-J'8haaokln oreek and Ds tribe lariat at this plea row ta aaoh a height as to sweep away bridges and feooea, and wea, as we balleva If generally eoneaded, at least 11 inehae higher than la I860. . r1-S'.!LT'.y '-'..v. U' ." 1 "Between 2 and a o'olook on Baturday morning the water attained Its greatest height, when tho bridge across tba oreek, near the Furoaoo, and the oorered one at the Oap, were carried away, as was also the Coal Bun bridges on Bhamokin and Kook streets, and tba ona aoross the old abannel on Lib erty street! Tha foot-bridge on Spursheim street, and one at tha lower and of town, recently erected. were also taken, making a total of fire wagon and two foot bridges lost, and leaving In the borough only tha new Iron bridge on Market street, tha one reoently ereotod orer the new channel on Liberty street, and 'those across Carbon Bun, all of which were more or less damaged. . "Although considerable damage was dona to pro perty In the flat, by the destruction of fences and flooding and washing of lots, the residents of Sha mokin street suffered most. This was owing to tbe entire washing away of the lower abutment of the bridge at the bead of the street, which left a Con siderable body of water rush down, filling nearly all of tha cellars, and in some plaoes undermining the walls and tearing up pavements." Has it Bkir Done ? The new school law, passed last wintor by tbe Legislature, makes It the duty of the trustees of tho several districts to. make, or cause to be made, a correct census of the children in each district between tbe first and twentieth days of July, in order to ascertaiu the number of children admis sible to the public schools. A report Of the census is also to bo returned to the County Hnporintendont. If these requirements nro not oomplicd with, tbe district so failing will be deprived of the amount due it from tbe State appropriation. Payment or Coxrorxu Interest Notes. Gen. Spinner has issued the following rules for the pre sentation of compound interest notes to the Treasury for redemption : First. Holders aro required to remit such notes in packages separate from any other notes or securi ties, addressed to the Treasury of the United Statos. Heeond. Express charges on compound intcrost notes forwarded to the Treasury for redemption must be prepaid by the party remitting thorn. Third. Schedules of rates should be prepared and sent to the Treasury, specifying tho denomina tions, dates, letters and numbers contained in each remittance. Fourth. As a safeguard to the holders it is sug gested that these notes may bo canooled before for warding them, by punching out both signatures, care boiDg taken to leave the dale and numboring untouohed. Fifth. Payment for these notes will be made by checks on the Assistant Treasurers at New York, Philadelphia, Boston, Sun Francisco and New Or leans, os in uurrency by express at tbe cost of the owner of the notes, as the party remitting may elect. Report or Tns Guano Junv. The following is the report of the Grand Jury, made at the August session of our Court : To the Honorable Alexander Jordan. President, und his Associates, Judges of the Court of the bounty oj iorthumberlana : The Grand Jurors, after having passed upon and finished all business luid before them by the Court aud District Attorney, and made such examinations of the public buildings as deemed necessary, do re port as follows : Willi feelings of just pride do we recognize the generosity of the liar in the presentation of tbe por trait of the Hon. A. Jordan, President Judge of this Court. We take it as a mark of thai high catoom entertained by the Bar towards bis Honor, which is so justly due for services characterized with so much ability, justness aud urbanity. Tbe Grand Jury consider it a very appropriate ornament to the Court room. Upon examination of the public buildings, the Jury lind that the following repairs and arlicles are needed ut the Jail : The yard buildings need a tho rough repairing. The yard wall is weak and poor in places, and we recommend that thcro be put a tbiek coat of good lime and sund plastering on tbe inside of the wall, seven or eight feet high from the grouud ; two stoves aud one top to a stove in use ; one table; two beds und bed clothing; zino or iron shectingjmder all the stoves, and certain repairs to tbe floor. Tbe Grand Jury strongly urgn taking some mea sures to remedy a defeat of l ho Court room, referred to in former reports of this kind, touching the difti culty to henr satisfactorily. This should not be de furred. Tbe public rooms and oflices are found in good condition and well adapted to the purposes for which they are used. We found tho officers of tho different departments to ba gentlemanly and obli ging, aud an honor to the county. It is recommend ed that suitable blinds be put in the windows of the Court House which have no shutters, to exclude light or rays of tho snn. The Grand Jury very much rcgrot the great in crease of the uumber of crimes in our oounty, which is a oaa omen ol me stale oi society. Petkr M. S.nvdkh, Foreman Reuuiocs Notice. "The harvest is past, the summer is ended, and we aro not saved." Young men of Sunbury, is it thus with you? If so, God forbid that another harvest shall pats ere you shall acknowledge that "Christ is your all and in all.' Young men, be present with us at our next Union Prayer Meeting, which will be held in the lecture room of the Presbyterian Church, next Babbatb eve ning at S o'olock, P. M. Ministers of the gospel, cry aloud to the young men of this plaoe ; spare not, nrge them to the necessity of attending the Union Prayer Meoting. Cast aside sectarian prin ciples and oouutenanoe and encourage theso Young Men's Prayer Meetings by your presenoe. Many Members. Editor's Tablo. Tiib Atlantic Monthly We are in receipt of the September number of this exoollent magazine, published by Ticknor A Fields, Boston, Mass. Tbe contents sre as follows : The Guardian Angel, part IX; Prophetic Voices about America: a Mono graph ; Sunshine and Petrarch ; Canadian Woods and Waters; Tbe Nightingale in the Study ; Hos pital Memories. II.; Minor Italian Travels ; The Mysteiy of Nature; A Wife by Wager; Tbe Jesuits in North America in the Seventeenth Century ; The Blue and tbe Gray; Fugitives from Labor; Re views and Literary Notices. This is a superior num ber of the Atlantic. Blackwood's Emnblpuh Magazine. Tho Aug ust number of this able British periodical has been re-published by the Leonard Soott Publishing Co., 140 Fulton Street, New York. It contains the fol lowing : Brownlows, part VIII.; The Sooiul Kra of George lit.; Lite and Letters of Governor Win throp; The Easter Trip of Two Oohlophobista ; In tern per anoe and Intolerance; Tevsk ; Maximilian The Chiffonier ; The Bill as it is. Godey'b Lady's Book, for September, is one of the best numbers of the year. The leading II lustra tinn is "A Rustic Sceue, true to nature, and beau tiful as true. The other embellishments eonsist of fashion plates, colored and plain, and patterns for dresses, needle-work. Ao., "too numerous to men tion." Tba litorary department is well filled with excellent original contributions from favorite au thors. Godey is excellent. loon Stories. Messrs. Ticknor A Fields have issued the initial number of Goon Stories, under which title they propose to publish, in cheap and attractive lorm, a ruiuanie collection or snort sto ries, tales and sketches. The need of such a collec tion has long been felt; for whila numerous collec tions of poetry bave been made, no general reperto ry of good stories exists It is not intended to limit this collection tu Eng lish literature. It will embrace, by eompetent translations, the best and most characteristic short lories of all lunuuaies While having in view the idea of making Ibis col lection valuable as a repertory of choice fiction, the nub lisbees have In nund the great need oi ine tra velling puklio for a class of reading that shall answer for amusement In the rail-ear or on toe ateamooai, A large volume or a long story often beoomes weari nm u the traveller on aecount of tbe disadvanta- m la which ha Is subjected, while tbe type of many volumes renders the reading of them impossible to aot a few travellers. In Goon Stories all of these difficulties are over Rv, .nmhM is a small nuarto. aonronriate- lv illustrated, and easy to tha band ; tha stories ara .Ks.l and demand not too continuous attention i tba type is large and oan ba easily read, and tbe nriea. fifty cents number, wilt plaoe Goon Stories within me raaoo oi aai. Awsnwr m ,v,u., w,,-. era, Boston, Mass. J3TJBINXBB NOTICES. ITCI ,! rlntlntr. Having received large aunply of NEW JOB TYPE, of various new styles, Posters, Handbills, Cirenlara, Cards, Latter Heads, Bill Heads, Labels, 4c, oan bo prlntad 10 tha laUet aod hast styles, and on short notice Orders tysnsil rrrmrtl attended to . t " "i - r j ( tr jni -' it 5-il ff Taa great art of lira si a play for aaaoh and stake little ; la ether words, "to boy cheep and aell dear." Bat this Is not the em with J. 9. Bhaeffer, tha ea tarprlilng Merohant Taller, fa Market square. Da bay his stook aheap, males H up into well-ntUng sails,, and sails them at prlaea tha tefjt eosapett tloa. Shaeffer makes it a point to give satlafaotioa toau.; : ,..Y. . .sT, 1 ' . Taa CoETiif asTTAtj Clotbiko Baiaae, In Market square, still oontlnaea to be tha great centre of at traction.1 Tha Continental turns out tho neatoat, oheapeet and best-fitting garments to be obtained outside of tha large oltlea. Tha tatost and moat fashionable styles oan always be loon at tha Baaaar. Call and examine.. "... i I Tbe. Place to Uar Them .Persons not knowing where to purchase cheap, should not fail to call at the First National Boot and Shoo Store, in Pleas- ants' building, Market square. All persons desiring a cheap and fashionable pair of boots or shoes are respectfully invited to oall and sea tha extensive stock now on hand. Eleoant. Our oitizens will find nt J. 0. Beck's tailoring establishment, on Fourth streot, the most elegant atock of eassimcrcs, 4c, for gents' and boys' clothing. Suits are mado to order promptly, neatly and cheaply. , . ..Jitr i. Piiotoqrapus, mado from Daguorrcotypesor Am- brotypes, at Bergstresser's Gallery, Third streot, op posite tho Masonic Hall. A Fikb Opportcnitt to shoe yourmothers, wives, sons and daughters, without finding tho bottom of your pockets, is presented at Millor's Kxoelsior Boot and Shoe Store, in Market Square. 1 bo largest, most elegant and genteel stock of Boots and Shoes ever brought to Sunbury, you will find at Miller's. itiih iiiii "Soub things can be done as well as others," said Sam Patch, when he put an and to his rxistenoe by his wonderful leap at Oennessce Falls. Fanst, the fashionable Hat and Cap manufacturer, accepts the above motto in a bnsineea point of riow, for at his establishment there is no end to hie stock of goods, and hit endless variety of styles will ploase the most fastidious. Life Insurance. There can be no higher earthly motive, nor one that gives greater elevation of eharaoter arising from tbe puree; impulse of the heart than that which Impels a parent to rctrenoh luxuries, or even many of tho ncccssai les of life, to secure to tho loved ones the means of future support from tha lime they oan have tho sorvices of a paront no longor. Jacob Shipban, Fin and Life Inturanr Agent, Sunbury, Pa. TnB New Rules or Court, regulating tba prao tloa of tho Courts in the 8lh Judicial District of Pennsylvania, composed of tho counties of Northum berland, Lycoming and Montour, havo been pub lished by us, and are now for sale at the Ameri can office. Thoso who have not yet subscribed can obtain copies by applying immediately. A Talk. It has lately been remarked that the gentlemen of Sunbury all appear so well and fash ionably dressed. This is alweys the ease vrhon gen tlemen order thoir Buits from John E. Smick's Tai loring Establishment, on Fourth streot. All who havo negleoted to replenish their wardrobes can readily be accommodated at Smick's. ' "Secure the Shadow, erk the Substance Fades." If any of tmr readers should want a beautiful and lifo-liko Photograph, or pictures of any size or style, and ou auy kind of material, we would advise them to go to tho Photograph Gallery of S. Byerly, in Simpson's building, Market street. Berostresser, Third street, opposite the Masonic Hall, the successful Photographer, makes pictures in all stylos of the art. Persons aro requested to give him a oall before going elsewhere. Wuen you want cheap and good Photographs Bergstresser's Gallery, Third street, opposite the Masonic Hall, is the place to resort to. Six cards, or one large Photograph, for 1.50. Duplicates, 25 to 50 cents. Or all plaooa to get good Photographs, go to Berg stresser's Gallery, Third street, opposite tha Moaonio Hall, where they are mado. Six cards, or onelargo Photograph, for $1.50. Duplicates, 25 to 50 ots. Corrected Weekly for the "American." Wheat Flour, extra family, per barrel, do do do do per owl. Rye Flour, porbbl. do . per owt. Wheat, prime red, new, ' per bushel, Rye, do Corn, new do Oats, do Potatoes, do $11 00 5 50 10 00 GO 00 1 25 1 10 55 90 40 25 15 3 00 30 22 25 20 25 18 14 Dried Peaches, pared per round do do unparca ao Dried Annies. do Dried Cherries, (unstoned,) per bu Butter, per pound, per doten, per pound, do do do do do do per pair rgg, CheeBe, Lard, Hums, Shoulders, Beef, hind quarter, ironi Mutton, Chickens, 1:1 18 60 ajbumohln Coal Trade, Sbahokik, August 26, 1867. Tom. Vvt. Sent for week ending Aug. 21, Per last report, 4.0b8 IS 300,318 09 304.405 07 308,037 04 64,531 17 To same time last year, Decrease, Spfticil Notitrs. Onb of tbe greatest oauses of ill-health is Indi geation or Dyspepsia, with their attendant miseries, such as headache, sour stomach, loss of appetite, depression of spirits, Ao. Coe's Dyspepsia Cure will certainly cure these troubles, as thousands can testify. . Yoo say I am beautiful, and then you dare Me to snow you my luxurious nair. You think it is falso so then I will (how That you're greatly mistaken as you may soon know mere, wnat aid I leu you, every tnreua oi it true, No false curls for me though there may be for you ; The secret I'll tell you if you'll promise to keop it, It's due to the dressing that's put up by Barrett. Its tha best preparation 1 ever nave Enown To make the bair glosey and long, as I'm shown. If you doubt it s euiciency, please give it one try, And its transeendant virtues you ll no more deny. Oraoe'a Celebrated Salve. From Mr. James Curlln, of Amesbury, Mass. : "I was aril io ted with a severe felon on one of my fingers, and tried many remodiea without relief my irienus idl uoeu ine to appiy jour dhivb. xa two days it extracted tha iunaininaliun from mv finger ao as to enable me to resume my work. I oan almost say that the Salve worked like magic, for it enectea a cure wunout leaving a scar, a unnesi- tatingly pronounce Grace Solve an excellent rem edy, and do not aouut It win do appreciated throughout ine land. unit a ujsatH A UUA. BETn W. FOWLK A SON, Boston, Prop'rt. Sold by Apothecaries and Grocers generally. August 24, 1807. 4t THB H BALING POOL, And Houae of Mercy. HOWARD ASSOCIATION REPORTS, for Young Men, on tbe crime ot solitude, and ine terrors, Abu sea and Diseases which destroy the manly powers. and create iinnediinonta to Uarnage, wllb sure means of relief. Sent la denied letter envelopes, free of eharge. Address Da. 4. KK1LL1N llOUGUiOil Howard Association, Philadelphia, Pa. . June a, mo,;. -ly lrora of out It. A gentlemen who suffered for yean from Nervous Debility, Prematura Dooay, and all the effacta of youthful Indiscretion, will, for tbe aake of suffering hnmanitv. eanil free to bH who need U. the reoir and directions for making the simple remedy by wbioh he was cured, ttuuarere wisning to prom oy the advertiser's experience, can do so oy aa a r easing .n perfoot confidence, juuh u. cuim. soy 18 -OT. Jy sa vauar ouevv, . . TAKE NO MORK UNPLEASANT AND UNSAFE REMEDIES lot unpleasant ana oanous aieeases. va Hslmsols'sExtbaci fierae sua Jiiraovae Rosa Want Merea 2, IW.-ly BONO OS1 IHOH I" f'VT T 1 1 I iM In iBaaifcra. I , ,1 era mi, Fiercely wielded by the Ware ; Glorious la tba stalwart staawior, 1 mhdio we nova aaa wave. Beeatooas la tha paleoa aHlara. ' ' Saving In tba pointed rod, '' As it bringe the deadly, lightning . . -'Quelled and harmless to the tod x But there is a glorious easees, ' ' Where I take my grandest power,' Giving to the BAoa my surest, fiweeteet aid, in danger's hour. ' Bee! before me fly diseases Bee the darkest hydras bow I ; " Bee the rose of health and beauty , , , , Take the palest oheek and brow. Fly, dyspepsia !, fly, consumption I Yea, all ills ara orusbed at length ; For I gire what human nature Only ever needed BTBRKam I ' Shall I tell In what great essenoe I can thus your spirits cheer up ? Pallid, trembling, dying sufferer, 'Tis the famed "Peruvian Syrup." " The PERUVIAN SYRUP is a proteotcd solution of the Protoxide of Iron, a new discovery In medi cine that strikes at the root of disease by supplying the blood with Its rital prinoiplo or life element Iron. ' ' Tho genuine bos "Percvian Syrup" blown In the glass. Pamphlots free. J. P. D1NSMORE, Proprietor, No. 38 Doy St., New York. Sold by all Druggl-la. aug. 24 4t HELM HOLD'S FLU II) EXTRACT Is a certain cure fot diseases of the BLADDKR. KIDNEYS, GRAVEL, DROPSY, OR OA.MC WEAKNESS, FEMALE COMPLAINTS, GENERAL DEBILITY, and ull diseases of the URINARY ORGANS, whethej existing ill MALE OR FEMALE, from whatever cause originating and no matter of HOW LONG STANDING. Diseases of these organs requite the use of a diuretic. If no treatment Is submitted to. Consumption ot Insan ity may ensue. Our Heih aud UlouO uie auppoiled from these sources, and the HEALTH AND HAPPINESS, aud lhatof Posterity, depends upon prompt use of a reliable lemedy. .IELMBOCD'9 EXTRACT BUCHU, Established upwards of 19 years, prepared by II. T. lli:l-MHOI.I, - - DRUGGIST,- 61 Broadway, New York, and 104 South 10th Street, Philadelphia, Pa. March t. Ifr67. ly 0 ME PRICE CLOTHING. JONES' OLD ESTABLISHED i: I'KM.'U CLOTHING HOUSE, 601 Market Street, One door above Sixth, Philadelphia. For many years this Establishment has dona busi ness on the One Price Sys.em, aud we believe wo are the only Clothing House in the city that strictly adheres to this prinoiplo. We have earned a rcpu tation which we are proud of, for good Uule in soloot good styles and substantial materials, aud not less important, for having all our goods, i: vi it a ui:li, si tin:. We employ the best talent, for Cutters, and our Goods are of both kinds Fashionable and plain so that all tastes can be suited. The prices are tha very lowest, as any one by a moment's thought must see, or otherwise we could not meet the competition of our neighbors, for as no deductions are ever made, we must put our prices down to the advantages we promise. Tho people may depend, this is tho true plan upon which to do business, and many a dollar can be saved to Clothing buyers by keeping in mind JONES' OXE PRICE CLOTHING HOUSE, 604 Market Strroot, Philadelphia, Not on the Corner, but ono door above Sixth. March 23, 18fi7. ly COLUATi: Jk CO.'S GEIt.MAN ERAS1VK SOAP Is manufactured from PURE MATERIALS, and may bo considered the STANDARD OF EXCELLENCE. For sale by all Grooera. May la, 1867. ly. 'I'o ConaumplirfK, The advertiser, having been restored to health in fow weeks by a very simple remedy, after having siiflered for several years with a severe lung affeo tiun, and that dread diseaeo, Consumption is anx ious to mako kuowu to bis fcllow-suflerers the means f cure. To all who desire it, he will send a cepy of the prescription nscd (free of charge,) with the direo- i'iis tor propuring aud Ubing ine same, wnion uiey ill find a sure cure for Consumption. Asthma, DnoNCHms, Coccus, Colds, and all Throat and Lunir Affeotions. Tbe only obiect of tbe advertiser in sending the prescription is to benefit tbe afQioted, and spread information which he conceives to be invaluable, and he hopes every sufferer will try his romedy. as it will oust them nothing, and may prove a blessing, rartics wisumg me prescription, rREB, by return mail, will please address my 18-'67.1y Williamsburg, Kings Co., N. Y. Iir. Hclivuck'M Mundrnkc IMIIk. A NsibKliissle for i'ulomcl. These Pills are composed of various roots, having the power to relax the secretions of the liver as promptly and effectually as blue pill or mercury, and without producing auy of those disagreeable or dangerous effects which often follow the use of tha latter. In all bilious disorders these Pills may be used ith confidence, as thev promote the dischargo of vitiated bile, and remove those obstructions from the liver and biliary ducts, whioh are the cause of bilious aueotinns in general. bCUKNCK'ri MANDRAKE PILLS oure sick headache, and all disorders of the Liver, indicated by sallow skin, ooated tongue, eostiveness, drowsi ness, and a general feeling of weariness and lassi tude, showing thut tha liver is in a torpid or oh- tsruuted condition. In short, these Pills mav be usod with advantage in all cases when a purgative or altorative medicine is required. Please ask for "Dr. Schenck'a Mandrake Pills," and observe that the two. likenesaea of the Doctor are on the Government stamp one when in tba last stage of Consumption, and the other in bis present health. gold by all Druggists and doalcrs. l'rice, ZS cents per box. Principal Office, No. IS North Oth ft tree t, biludelpbia, 1'u. Uenerul Wholesale Agents : Demaa Barnes A Co., 21 Park Row, New York j S. S. lluuoe, lua llalii mora St., Baltimore, Md. ; John D. Park, N E. cor. of Fourth and WalnutSt., Cinoicnati, Ohio ; Walker A Taylor, J 34 and 13d Wabash Avenue, Chicago, 111.; Collins Brothers, southwest ooruer of 2d and Vine Su., St. Louis, Mo. Oct. 20, lstko. AlbiMb w.ea mo.iy. I1KLM HOLD'S EXTKACT UUCUU and Improved Rose Wash cures secret and aelicate disorders ill all their stages, at lutle expense, little of uo chuuge in diet, 10 in convenience and 110 exMisure. It is pleasant in taste aud odor, immediate In. its action, aud f;ee from all inju- lous properties. 111110 ly HKLUUOLD'd CONCENTRATED EXTRACT UCCIIU Is tbe Great Diuretic. lMmlolTg Concentrated Kttraet Sarwparilla Is the Great Blood Purifier. floth are piepared aecoidiug to rules of Pfuimacy and i;aemiair), sou aie tne mostaenve inaican uc uiaoe. March II, Ie67. ly NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Ksttate oTCbrAitiaji itlesianer, lc'J. NOTICE is hereby given that letters ef adminis tration bavin been iron tad to tbaAiaderaizned on the estate of Christian Messner, late of Lower Manaeiny township, Northnniberlund oounty, Pa., dee eaed. AU parsons Indebted to aaid estate axe requeued to make huuadiate payment, and those naving eiaima 10 present them for settlement. - - JttSKPUSPOTi, Adm'r. Lower Mahonoy twj., Aug. J, 17. - QOA AA AUENT3 IVANTED-'IOO.OO-Male Jiv.VU and Female, to iutroduue our NEW PATENT, STAR SHUTTLE SEWING MACHINE. It is adapted for family use and Tailoring. It makes a stitch alike on both sides. Price only TWJCNT Y DOLLARS. Extraordinary inducement to Agents. For full particulars, address DUM0NT A WILSON, : 30 ARCH ('treat, Philadelphia, July l 167. 5m THH GREAT ZUIC-MI BITTERS The aaaapeaeat parti af this rematVabls preparation ware Am dlsearersd, aompounded and distributed, eecae twenty years lo, by Dr. Chsopsus, the eele fcreud EcrjtUan Phjsiolan. Thousands of bis suffer ing ooantr risen were re tared ta health, as well as great emaibera af the Inhabitants ot Nubia and Abyssinia, and of theoountries bordering upon the Boutherncoasi ;or tue Alcditerrancan Bea. 1 Indeed, tho fnme of the ZlNGARl UITTKRs) soon spread over Europe, and was adopted by Ilia principal Physicians in charge ef the hospitals of the old world, in whioh it Is still used with preemi nent success. Tha Viceroy of I.gypt placed the name of ta. Ciisofsos upon the " Roll of Nobles," and pre- sented to kins a Medal bearing the following Inscrip tion: "Da. Casorsos, the Publle Benefactor." This Bitters Is now altered to the public of America with the fall assurance thut it will be found, upun a fair trial, W act as a specific for tho sure of Cholera, Dysentery, Dlarrhern, Cholera Morbus. Fever anil lent, YtUow Kever, llheumntlsm, , Typhoid fever, Dyspepsia, Cotle, nronehitis. Consumption, Vlalu. !rXl. D,"ea of tho Kidneys, Nervoua Debility, ana Female Complaints. nemaraanie cures or the above diseases have been effected by its use, asnumerouscenmcates, many from regular physicians, fully attest; and It Is destined to iiriKuc any preparation extant. Tonic, and an As an agreeable INVIGORATING BEVERAGE, it nss NO EQUAL. Tmcs Trie EIVSAltf HITTERS If'' HAS 80CI. AS WELL AS BODY, Ann as A PREVENTIVE or DISEASE, HAS NO SUmtlOR. A FEW WORDS TO LADIES. The use of the EINQAK! BITTERS will plve to you that son, semi transparent complexion which the God of nature (de signing woman to be the loveliest of his works) fully Intended that you should have for It Is nature's own powder and paint combined. By purifying the blnod, stimulating the pigmentary cells of the dermis, and Imparting health and life throughout the entire system, it especially gives that smooth elearness and beauty to the complexion so much to be desired re moving all roughness, blotches, freckles, pimples, and that yellow, sickly look so common in our day; and what is even better than this, it cures every species of female irregularities and disease. Principal Depot, Hairithnrg, Pa. RAHTER & HAUSE, Soli: Puofuiktors Fur sale by W. A.JBEXNETT, Druggist, Sunbury, Pennsylvania. August a, 1867. FARMERS MILDERS. LIME AND "LIME STONE. THE subscribers respectfully inform tho citizens of Northumberland ciunty. that they nro now prepared to furnish Ll.MK of a superior quality to Farmers and Builders. Also, L1ME-STOXK from tne celehrntcd Liuie-Stnne Quarries of Lower Maho uoy township, at short notice and ut reasonable rates. The above will be delivered tunny Kailroad sta tion along the lino of tho different railroads when ordered. There Kilns are located at tho bhamokin Valley Ruilrond, near Sunbury, where orders will bo promptly filled. Orders aro respectfully solicited. Address. J.'li. LKXKKIl A I1RO., August .1, 1867. Sunbury, l'a. !olU-o l 'IVnclaori ril IMrs-rlurN. rplIE EXAMINATIONS fur tho present year will I be held lis follows : Upper Muhunoy twp Monday, Sept, 2d Bciscl's old stand. Rush twp. und lenrhart Di."., Wednesday, Sept. 4lh Rushtown &. 11, Lower Augusta twp., Friday, Sept. 6th Zion Church S. II. Shomokin twp., Moujuy, Sept. Oth Snufflown S. II. MoEwensville and Dtlewnro twp,, Wodnosday, Sept. 11th Sinking Springes. II. Turbuivillo mid Lewis twp., Tbuiadnp, fopt. 12 h Turbulville, Point twp., Mondny, .Sept, ldlh S. II. No. 3. Cbilisquaque, Weduesdny, Sept. 13th Sodom SPECIAL EXAMINATIONS will be held in Sun bury, Sept. 27ih.Oct. 4 h, 1 1th and loih, lor tho accommodation of such teachers only as were posi tively unable to attend tho rogulur examinations. Private examinations are discontinued. Examina tions will invariably oomnteiiee ut precisely ri o' clock, A. M. Directors are enrncstly requested to bo present during the examinations, and at thocloao of the exeroises select their teachers. U. W. UAUPT, County Superintendent. August 3, lb7. 3t Something New Notl New AND GOOD N E W S I The splendid asfortment of GOODS at tbe MAMMOTH STORE II. Y. rir.ii.1. .,, IS NEW, but it is Nothing New for them as they are always getting up NEW GOODS. GOOD NEWS, to the people of SUNBURY', for fhey have purchase ed them goods low aud are selling them at very We are determined to sell our Goods at Low Prices aod defy competition. Wekeepthe Im-mI ualily of 4oolw and sell them as low as the set eud jnuli t ! are sold by other dealers. Come and cxamiue our Stock and Learn -our No charge for Bliowing Goods. That is our business and wo take pleasure in doing it. Feeling very thankful to the public fur their very liberal patronage heretofore bestowed upou us, we feel oouhdent of retaining their custom, by a strict adherence to the rules wa uuve auopteu. REMEMBER THE PLACE, The Mammoth S t or c. Market Square, doors east of the New Court House, bl'NBl'RY, PA. II. V. FRILING, Sunbury, Aug. 10, 1H67- "CLEANLINESS IS NEXT TO GODLI NESS." A FACT which is demonstrated at GUNNISON jt. CO S., Firat Clu.si fabuvlusr Hair Cuttlus 11 ud hbuiupoonint; It 00 111 . Taa frsL-elsaa BARBERS always in altendanee. Irtluular attention to euttinn Ladies and Children's hair. Give us a oall at the New Rooms over the Toat Office. . t-unbury, August 3, ISoT. tf - TUB ' ' ' Wa on Library Co. ' PHILADELPHIA. SUBSCRIPTION ONE DOLLAR. ' fpaoo.ooo rRESENTt) TO 8UBSCK1BEKS. On Casb PaasnsTor $10,000. One Cash PaaaaaT or W).0O0.. Oki Casb PuescNT or (IU.U00. . Onb Cash PHasrar or j.i.OOU. Two Cash Prebskts or (2. M0 each. Head fill Schedule of Prutett Below. Each Certificate nf Stock Is accompanied with a Beautiful Steel-Plate Engraving wonrn Moaa at hktail tram tub cost or canTirirATK, And also insure to the holder a PRESENT IN THE GREAT DISTRIBUTION. The Washington Library Company Is chartered by the Stuto of Pennsylvania, aud Organised in aid o the niVEnelDB isthtittjte FOR ' Soldiers' and Bailoro' Orphans. Incorporated ly the State of ?". J. ArhlLS, lb7. THE RIVERSIDE INSTITUTE, Situiito at Riverside, Burlington County, New Jer sey, is founded fur lha purpose of gratuitously edu cating the sons of deceased Soldiers and Seamen of the l.'nilod States. Tho Board nf Trustees consists of tho following well-known eititensof Pennsylvania and New Jersey : HON . WILLIAM B. MANN, District Attorney, Philadelphia, Pa. liny. LEWIS IV. BKUOMALL, Ex-Chief Coiner U. S. Mint, and Recorder of Deeds, PMlad'a., Pennsvlvania. HON. JAMES M. FCOVEL, New Jersey. HON. W. W. WAKE, New Jersey. HENRY GORMAN, Esq., Aent Adams' Express, Philadelphia, Ta. J. E. COE, Esq , of Joy.Coe A Co., Philadelphia. Treasury Department, Washington, D. C, April IK, 1MI7. Office of Internal Revenue : Hav ing received satisfactory evidence that tho proceeds of the enterprise conducted by tre "Washington Library Company" will he devoted to charitable, use, permission is hereby granted to said Company to conduct such enterprise exempt from all churgo, whether from special tax or other duty. E. A. ROLLINS, Commissioner. TIic Wtiiiliiton Library Ct., In order that tho benevolent olject set forth in this circular may he successfully accomplished, have issued file series of FINE .YTEEL-PLATE ENGRAVINGS, which arc put on subscription at prices much bulow their retail value. CERTIFICATES OF STOCK IN TI1E WASII- INOTOiY LIBRARY COMPANY will be issued, stamped with Hie seal of the Compa ny, and signed by the .Secretary. (Neno others genuine.) Any person sending us One Dollar, or puvinz the siune to our local Agents, will receive immediately a lino Steel Pinto Engraving, at ohoicu from the fol lowing list, and One Certilicnto of Stock, insuring Uuo Present in our pulilisbud schedule. ONE DOLLAR ENGRA VINOS. No. l-"My Child ! My Child !" No. 2-'-They'r Saved ! They're Saved !" No. 3 '-Old Seventy-six or, tho Early Dnys of tbe Rcvolutirn." Any person paying Two Dollars will reccivo either nf the following- fine Steel Plates, nt choice, and Two Certificates of Stock, thus becoming entitled to Two Presents. TWO DOLLAR F.NOnAVINr.S. No. I "Washington's Courtship." No. 2 "Wanli ingtou's Last Interview with his Mother." TliUEU DOLLAR KNURAV1XUS. Any person pnying three dollars will rccelvo the beautiful Steel l'lnto of 'IIOMB EKOM TUB WAR." nnd three Certificates of Stock, becoming intitlod to three Presents. FOUR nOLLAR ENORAVINCS. Any person paying Four Dollars shall receive the largo nd buautiful Steel Plate of 'the I'Khils cr ol-r roH tr Am Ens. " and Four Certificates of Stock, untitling them to Four Presents. FIVB DOLLAR ENGRAVINGS. Any person who pays Fivo Dollars shall receive the large and splendid Steel Pluto of "THE MARRIAtJE OF POCAHONTAS." And Five Certificates of Stock, entitling them to Five Presents. The engrnvings aud Certifieatcs will bo delivered to racb subscriber at our Local Agenoies, or sent by mail, post paid, or express, asmay be ordered. Tiie VTufcJitiiRtun Library I'onipuuy Will Award TIir.EI-: HUNDRED THOUSAND DOLLARS IX PRESENTS TO THE SHAREHOLDER, On Wednesday, Rytnnber 23fA, 18C7, At PHILADELPHIA, PA., Or at the Institute, RIVER. SIDE, N.J. SCHEDULE OF PRESENTS. 1 Cosh Present 1 Cttidi rreseut 1 Cash Pieautit I Cash Present li Cash Presents uf S-i,&riO each 1 lluiidsoiue Country Residence, ptahle, Grounds, 10,000 JO,Cl 111,000 6.000 5,000 Ac., Ueriiuiiaowii, Philadelphia, IP.OOO 1 Double Kesidenee,tliree-li'iy hnelt, Cumden, N J. 1S.UOU I Coul Depot, Orfitte, emede, tiround, with husl- iiteLitii!lied. No. 1311 Wasliiucluii Av enue, Phlludelfllui, 1 Country Residence, Riveiside, N. S., with 1S,0!,U lu.tion 6,000 5,000 6.00(1 3,0011 Oroiind, t-ruiti, &c. ITluee-itiry Cniiu;re, Ut, Ac. ii VuluuMe lluililuig Lots, Riverside, f 300 rseh I Elegrtnt Turnout Family CanittK, Span f Horses, thirurss, Ac. , complete 10 Valuuhle Uuiidnig Lots, rtiverside, t:lo0 each 1 Ueuutilul Silver Oruy Horse, I5J hamle lutjb, sired by llie celehruted iinpnrlrd Arabian Horse '-Caliph t" also, a light Road Wairoti weight Mil pnuiitU, with set uf superior Single Harness, Ac, making a first-vlats eslulilishinent SO Pianos, Sjvv eiich VU MeliMleoua, !'. eoch & KoaewiHHl sjewiua Machines 8200 each IO -Family Sewing Machines, 8I1H) each in Fine Oold Wuiehes, a-JUUeaeh 1U0 Oil Puiiitiogs, by Icudmg urtists aggregate value 3 Camel's Hair Shawls, 1 II11O each 11 CuliJ. r.ll.or tfhuwls, SJ.ISiU eaeh 3 liumumnie Ijice dimwit. iKo eaeh In Cufchinere liuw!4 S.HI euch Silk Dri u Pattern 75 eneh OOCitv Building 1M, Bl?5earh The remuuiilei will consist ol Silveiware, Musical Duxes Operu Glasses, Poeket Bibles, and dif ferent aiticles of ornament and use, auiuiml iug tu, 5,000 111,000 4,500 1.000 1.000 lU.OHO lO.OnO 3,000 6,000 750 6IKI l.&OO o,?40 62,000 Total. fcjutl.uoo All Ihe properties giveu clear of incuitlhruace. HIIW TU llHTAI.N SHAKES 1MI KNOItAVIFGS Send unlets to us by mad. enclosing from 91 to SjO, either by Pt tnU.- orucrs or ill a Irgiolcred letter, at our risk. Luiner amounts should ba sent by draft or ex press. in shales with Engravings 8D,M) 25 shares with F.ufravme U.) 50 60 shures with Knaravines 40.50 ?5 shaies with Ktigraviutrs thi.SO 100 siiar. s who taigruviiigs xu,iu Local AGENTS WANTED throughout the Uuilcd States. The Association have apoointed as Receivers, Messrs. GEOKOfc A. CiJUKK A CO., whose well known inte giuy aud business experience will bea soifuneul guarau tee that the mouey intrusted to tueiu will be promptly ap plied to the puipose stated. PuiLAbiLi'iiiA, Pa., May , IMT. To the Olticrrs and Memheia of lha Washington Libia ry Co, N. S. HF.AD, Secretary. Gemleuian On receipt nf your favor of the 1.1th lust , until) lug us of oui app-'oiiUMpol as Kieetvera for your Company, we I the liberty msalauit a copy uf your f bailer, with a plan nf your eulerpnae, Ui the hujbcst kalsuthiuy of Uie Stale, aud baviug laeived his lavor. able oninixn in resuid to 11a leaality, and sympatbixing with lb benevolent object uf your Association, via: lha education and maintenance of the nipaau ehiklrrn vftair soldiers and sailers at Uie Riverside Institute, we have xmcludcd to aaceol the trust, and to use our beat efforts u promote so wonky au ulgn-t. Respectfully, yours, Ac, . GEO. A. COOKE A CO. Aildreas all letters and orders ! GEO. A.COOKK CO., BANKERS, 33 Sauk Taird Street, Pbiuuielijhia, Pa Receivers foi the Wuahiugtuu Ubfary Cu. , fjjp N. F, LM11TKEU, Bookseller A Stationer, Suubury, Pa., U the authorised Agent of tha Com pany fur this place and ih-iiuiy June ten. l-7.-ill T. 8. SHANNON, Piaoiijal Watchma.ker- ara From THILADiTLPMIA. ' In Simpson's Building, Market Unara, StliTBtTRT. PEITIT'A Gold and Silver American and fcwia Watoboe, Clouks. Jewelry and Silver ware, eon- siantly on hand, xtair Jewelry aid Jlasonla Marl " mane la order. Gold and,Silvor Plating done In the best n i .. - and warranted to give eutire satisfaction. Fine Watches, Clocks, Musia Boxes and Jewel. 7 Repaired and warranted. All orders promptly filled. Sunbury, June I, 1W Notice to Merchants end 6h;rj e.i ritHE undersigned, proprietors of Weiser A Flirt. 7 JL Line, give notice to merchants ami shipprrr. that their Deimt is still at 811 Market strc.-t. 1'i.iK dolphin, and. all Goods dirocted to Sunbury and Dhu ville will be promptly delivered. (V'Cnrs leave 811 Market streot, 'Philadelphia, tri-weckly Tuesdays, Thursdays and Rutin -li, vs. W. C. GOODRICH. May 25, '67. J. R. RICHARDSON. JBaVSjo. All hinds of SCHOOL BOOKS. Slates, Pens, Ink, Paper, Ao. Miscellaneous Books, a good assort ment. All the now books rcooivei assoon as published, ard for sale a Publishers' prices. BIULES, Prayer Books and Hymi Books, in every style 01 oinuiug. Catholic Prayor Books. FAMILY BIISLESin various styles DICTIONARIES of all slses. Juveuilcs and Toy Books, a large assortment Itlastk Itooks and Blank Forms of all kinds. Foolscap, ' Legal Cap, Letter and ZSote I'apera. COPYING BOOKS, Inkstands Pen Rncks, Files, Paper. Cutters and Counting House Stationery generally . PHOTOGRAPH ALBUMS uheap and dear. Gold Pens and Holders. Pocket Books end BUI Wallets. Picture Fruinus. Stereoscope and Views, American, French, Ac. Drawinir Paper, all sis.es, Bristol Board, Ac. Diaries, Memorandum Books. Ao Baakguiumon Boards, Games, Chess men. Ac. Tova a lane and oompleto assortment Bbo-MII and Bats. Fishing Rods and Tacklo. Perfumes, Brohoraian and Parisiai Murblcs, Ac. Gold Pens re-pointed. Lamps, Shades, Globes, Chimneyf ie Wall Paper ami Border, all klndt Window Cumins, Pauer Gilt an Oiled. Musio and Musical Iutrumeuts. All kinds nf Books and Stationeiy not on las.i prouiptlv ordered. All Ih'o Daily and Weekly Pnpurs nnd Mniin".' Agnntfnrtho "American Organ." A so fi r :i n. Rose's Hair Uc3tonilivc," Ennnel of Ameiie.i, and "National Sloaui Navigation Couipuuy." Sunhurv, May IS. loliT. NEW GROCER YI Market Street, three doors east of tha Railroad north tide, SUNBURY, PA. 3Ba WHOLESALE A RETAIL 3:3 cax: H:flc"'' AND Provision Store FC)i CHEAP GOODS! Their Stock Is complete, comisting in part of SUGARS, COFFEES, TEAS, 5PICES, COAL OLL, Tobacco, Cigars, Flour. Feed, Fish, Salt, llams, MioulJtri, Cheese, Fruit, Glass, Lumps, Ac, A J. Country Produoo taken In exchange fur Goods. tjj Call and examine our flock, and satisfy your telvos. 6'uuhiiiy, June 29, 1SC7. J. YOUiM AiN'S FOUNDRY! Arcli Wt., lftv eon 3l und tilt, c!v to (be I'liltllc !c3:iol IIoiino, SUNBURY PJENN'A. A TILL Clearing, Stoves, and the largest oiassof i.i A earnings mauo promptly to order. Also. Window Wciirhts, Frames and Grates for CeU lar Windows, Ac. t'jint Iron ( liiinsiry i'opa, WATER TROUGHS A DOORSTEPS. A liberal price paid for old castings. THE CELEBRATED LIVERPOOL PLOW, im. proved, is manufactured at this cstabliihmont. Also, Stove Urates of all kinds, Kettles, and cvorv variety ofsmnll castings. Sunbury, duly e, isoi. Jy BOOTS AND SHOES MANUFACTURED TO ORDER. JOHN WILVEH, RESPECTFULLY informs his friends and ens. turners, thut ho has just opened a shop lor lha manufacture of ROOTS 1 SHOES, on Spruce it red, Ir.tireen Second ttrett and Cciitrt Alby, Suubury. where all kinds of work in his line will be made np in the lutcst style and in tho boat workmanliko man uer. Having first class stock on hand be flatters himself that ho will be able to suit the tastes of the moat fas tidious. Tbe publio are invited to cull. JOHN WILVER. Sunbury, Juno Is, I80T. THE GREAT CENTRE OF ATTRACTION, is on 3d street, opposite the MASONIC HALL, ai BERGSTREESSER'S NEW PE0T0GEAPH GALLERY, Hut Ijstcly I?k-iu.IUliMif wllb all the .lIol'rn Improtemcnls ol tli Art I rpHE subscriber, having built the room expressly 1 fur Hie purpose of Photographing, aud having devoted many years to tbe business, is confident of his ability to assure his putrons that the work pro duced shall be second to none in oountry or city. No work allowed to leave the gallery unless en tirely eatfactory. Having tbe best sky light iu tba oounty, be IS prepared to make Photographs in all kinds of weather, but would prefer a clear day lor small children. He is also prepared to take new aise, or eabinet card Photntrrar.hs. All kinds nf pictures copied and magnified to any required site and colored beautifully in Oil or Water colors or India ink. We pay apetuai attention to all kinds of out door work, such as Landscape views of ilonuuionls, Machinery, County Seats, Ac , a large lot of Photograph frames eoustanlly on baud The publio ara respectfully invited to call and sea our specimens and our complete arrangements for making Photographs, special terms to families and clubs. J. B. BERGSTRE3SER. Jiunbury, July IS, 1867; PURE LAGER BEER!. From the Cold Spring Brewery, B U N B U R V , PA. JOSEPH 2.CEZn. RESPECTFULLY Informs tha publig generally, that ba is prepared to furnish LAGER BEER In large or small quantities. Ills facilities for saak. tng Beer oannut be excelled, aud is prunuuueed supe rior to any oiher offered in Central Peuwrvlvania It has also been recommended bv nhvaiuiana aa a healthy drink fur Invalids. Hotels, Restaurants and private families supplied at short notice. Sunbury, July 13, 1487. rIRD CA0.ES.U diflerett kinds. If you waut s ' mi rheap Pirj :.'ze-. r tu 1. t.rv i