JJifi ubXr r NOIII HVt PA. 1 SATURDAY, AUGUST 24, 1807. r ILoral p flairs., A BEQUEST TO, BUBBCBIBEBS. W ere at present fending bill for iabaeriptlont to th AmmcAM to a number or suMerioers, mostly ' residing t distant point, who, wo trust, will ' promptly remit tho amount due. These bills, al though email in Individual cases, in the aggregate make a considerable amount, and are very impor tant to enable ne to carry on onr business. We shall fool greatly obliged to our patrone to whom then bill) are tont If thoy will Immediately comply with our request. Our lubsoribora are particularly re quested not to allow their Indobtodnose to overrun one yoar. All lubecriptioni should be paid in ad vanco, but undor no consideration should the year pass around with the subscription unpaid., - : i - 6kwino Miciiim roa San On of Ilowe' cxcotlont machines, with the latest Improvements, bat just been roeeived, and will be sold at a rcdueod price. . Inquire at this office. ' . ' '( 1 To Bridqb Boilmirs. Tho County Comrais loners Invito proposnls for building eight bridges. Coo advertisement In another column. Select School. Mr. Ellas Scbnoidor will open scloot school in tho Academy building, on Front ctreet, on Monday, September 3d. Mr. Schneider is recommended as an oxoellent teacher, and as a echool of this character Is much needod here, we hope be will be properly encouraged by our citiien. Prof. Aumnsoii, the Wlxard and Prestidigitator, las been giving a series of entertainments in tho .Masonio llall, In this place, during tho present ereok. II suoooeded in drawing crowded houses every ovoning. Bali or A, Farm. Ucorgo Uoruian, of Folut township, this oounty, has sold bis farm, containing one hundred and fifty acres, to a Mr. Springman, of Freeburg, Snyder county, for the sum of $10,000. Entertainment. Tho M. E. Sunday School, of this place, intend giving an exhibition at tho Ma sonic llall, on Tuesday and Wednesday cvonings of ooxt week. This is a laudable enterprise, and should receive tho support of tho public. The pro ceeds will be dovotcd to the purohase of a library. Tickots 2Scontg, to bo obtained at the stores of II. Y. Friltng, N. F. Llghtncr, and Miss Anna Paiutor. Tu sudden rise of tho oroeks and streams have dono groat injury in this and tho neighboring coun ties. We understand that many of the mill-dams on the Shainokin orock and tributaries have boon destroyed or greatly injured. Whole fields of oats, cut but not tukon in, havo been swept an ay. One man, below Solinsgrovo, has lost bis crop of about 1,000 bushels of outs. Henry Burns and Col. Eyer, In the samo neighborhood, have euHtainod heavy losses In having fields of corn and oats de stroyed. - ' Tub Miudlbckebk Railroad. Tho Lcwistown tluzcltt says that tho Directors of this road, atthoir meeting last week, appointed Col. Henry C. Eyor, of Solinsgrovo, a Diroctor, in place of Thos. Bcnvor, resigned. What Is known as the J ack's orcek route was adopted, tho line being almost straight, and easily mado, whilo tho routo through Ltllysville was 1700 foet longer, much curved, and mora exponsivc. A Fbeb Lecture WiiBnji to Euigbatb. Dr. 3. Uiggins, the Stato Immigrant Agent of Mary land, respectfully informs the cititensof Sunbury and vicinity that ha will dolivor a lecturo in the Masonio Hall, on Friday evening of next week, August 30th, showing the paramount advantages which Maryland offers for tbo investment of labor and capital in her lands, in tho cheapness and fer tility of the soil, the health and mildness of its ell muto, the spoody, cheap and varied transportation to tbo best markets, tbo abundant yiold not only of tbo staplo crops, but also of fruits and vegetables of overy vnrioU and of the best quality, the social and moral privileges, Ac, io. A pamphlet uf moro than one hundred pages, showing tho abovo, will be sent on addressing Dr. J allies Uiggins, State Immi grant Agent, Bultiinuro, Md. The locturowill com mence at half -post seven o'clock. Tub Domestic Markets. Tho vcgotable market eocms to be well supplied, but priocs still rule high. Potatoes have declined some, and aro selling at 76 cents, from farm wagons. Tomatoes aro retailed at 60 cents per peck, something lower than last weok, but still a high figure at this soason. We observed some vory firm and solid ones, raised by Dr. Wal- drou, at Milton. Apples are scarce and necessarily high, and aro rotailed at about 76 eents per peck. Melons and citrons are coining frcoly into market. tiood pooches are now arriving, and in a few weeks they will be abundant. Moats aro still high, bams having advanced. Beef is soiling at old prices good pieces from 20 to 25 ots Mutton is much too high in this plaoe. Whatever may be said of cattle, sbeop are plenty, and are quo ted at only 6 to 6 cts. per lb., gross, in Philadelphia, whero mutton sells in market at 10 to 15 for fore and bind quarters. Butter being in demand, it was advanced, eoino days since, by some of our retailors to M eents, a prtco not warranted. Butter is selling in Baltimore at 28 cents, or leas than bcre. In the towns on tbo Juniata, and at Bedford, it is soiling at li ocnts, Wdat oi' a Neiuuuohs Tuink or Us. Brother Kiohort, of the Pittston Gaxrtte, recently paid a visit to Sunbury, and thus notleos it in the lust issue of his paper : "On Saturduy last, we spent an hour or two in this beautifully situated and evory-way pleasant town not the quiet village, however, that it was twenty years ago, when nobody seemed to do anything yet all bod plonty to eat, drink and wear. Railroads have eleotrifiod her people tho roughly, and they are now as bopoful of a bright future as those of any other locality in the State. A splendid now Court House bas recently been built, and numerous new buildings of alt kinds are in pro gress. We called upon our brethren of the press at the "Sunbury Amorioan" and "Northumberland County Democrat" offices, and found all well and flourishing. Walking leisurely about, we yielded to the attraction of the very fine Book and Stationery Store of Mr. N. F. Lightner, formerly of Pittston, A heavy rain foil during our stay in the town, and the abundant foliago, and spacious lawns, showed off beautifully." The Flood. The late freshets have not been confined to a small locality, but have extended over States. But what is remarkable is tho fact that the greatest sufferers, in many instances, are those who supposed tbey wero boyond the roach of floods, This is tbo case with our Shamokin neighbors. The heavy torrents, rushing from tho mountains that lur round the town, came through the strocts like mill race, inundating cellars and carrying every' thing before thorn. Our Shamokin friends, whose tympalblos had boon so strongly excitod in behalf of this plaee, when we, in ooinmon with most of the towns on the Susquehanna, suffered slightly from the tnobrtnro of the groat freshet in March, lbW, . Data rally supposed that the flood at this point was second only in magnitude and importance to the great flood in which one Noah figured SO eonspiooously. As most of the bridges botwoen this plaoe and ShB' tuokin woro carried off, and all cominunioaiioa, by rail and otherwise, was suspended, rumor f all kinds wore naturally sot afloat. Among these, we understand, was one that the town was entirely sub' merged, and that the first inquiry made was to certain the truth of the story that the new Court House had been oaxriod Into the Middle of the Sus quehanna. Another was that oar enterprising old friend, J D , of Bhamokln, bad authorised some on to make bid for the wreck of the Court House, as it stood, with rlew of re-baUding it at Shamokin. Our Shamokin friends wore, no doubt, greatly relieved when they found that the rains had aearcely raised the Susquehanna sufficiently high to make it navigable, and that everything; as far as the elements were concerned, was as "culm as Summer I morning " . , ,..'... . . ' Tsi 1ai a A New aed Excitin Tut. Our ."devil" havlsa be on prefect at the lata Char- .ail and Tableaux utof tnlbment given at tea a onieUail, la thk) place, has become thoroughly in spired with the drama, and gives every indication f rivalling the irnmortar 'Spoke'rtiato" himself. W give place to onebf hi 'high pressure" ctlu sious, as follows : , ,,-) The Last "Punlin" fitA Yankee Romanee. Chapter I. fibs threw horself upon bis breast and wept. ' Chapter II. As the ceased weeping be groaned audibly. There the? sat entwined in each other's arms, and nary one an 'em spoke. Chapter III. A voice rraoturoa tne solemn sun ms of the air. Twos Eugene's. "How sweet, my own lore, Harriet ; if I had but a pumpkin plo to at." . Then she lifted nn her tear-dlmmed eves to the starry heavens, clasped ber hands wildly, and ex claimed, "Coma with ma to the kitchen, love, and thou shalt eat thy fill, for there wore three of thorn loft at dinner." , . . They clasped each other by the hand, and rushed to the pastry. .-'. i : Chapter IV. Two pumpkin pics had disappeared, and the third was about to share the same fato, whon a stoalthy stop was heard. "Fly, my angol ! my beau 1 'Tis the old woman, I know. And sbo foil fainting at his foot. Chanter V. The old woman stood faoo to face with Eugene. And sho asked him what ho had been doin' with the gal, and he said he hadn't dun notliln'. She solsea upon the remaining pie and, with tho forocity of a tigress, she ohucked it at him. Chanter VI. Her aim had been too true. She hit him in the pit of the stomach, and ho fell at hor foot a corpse. They buriod tbem both in one grave ; and every Spring tho village maidens planted onions over the plaoe whero the lovers ate at last united. Tna following Is a statement of tho recolpts and disbursements incident to tho Charade and Tabloaux exhibitions, given for the benofit of the fire depart ment of this place, last week : . Lewis Dewart, In account with the recolpts from tne Charades, o., lor tho ncnoht ol llio hro com panies of Sunbury. DR. To tickets sold, $134 (10 Donation from a lady; 6 00 $139 60 CU. Rent to Mr. linns, for Masonic Hal), Connolly A Co. 's receipt, hardware and oil. $20 no 1 6G 1 M 1 00 Kicholtz, printing, Youngman, Friling, . , , ; Zottlemoyrr, Drolsbacb, Itrisbin, curtain and fixtures, foot lights, ., . oil and candles, firo powder, door kooper, broken rcQoctor, gilt paper, oil and candles, 7 75 2 40 . B& I 60 3 00 1 60 66 85 IU. K. liuchor. Smith A (lonthcr, Miss black, Uarlngcr A Bro., $42 60 $139 60 42 60 $07 10 Receipts, Expenditures, ; Balanoe, The balance (?97 10) is placed in Bank for tho use of tbo companies whon thoy commence building. It ii said that the shares ef tho Washington Library Company, of Philadelphia, aro being dis posed of with unexampled rapidity. The nbsenco of all concealment, tho honesty of purposo manifes ted by thoso who first inaugurated the cntcrpriso, tho fairness With which tho proposed final distribu tion is to bo conducted, and tho patriotic purposo to which the cntiro surplus is to be applied, havo taken firm hold upon public confiJonco. So largo have tho salos been thus far that tbo trustocs hope to antici pate the time originally fixed for the dispensation of tbo gifts, amounting to $300,000, thus placing the funds collected much sooner than thoy expected in channel to carry out the noble act of bonevolonce which was the object of tbeir cntcrpriso. All Iboso, thcrcforo, who desire to partioipato with thorn in the ploasuroof doing a good action should subscribo without delay. They will receive at onoo a fino engraving, worth at retail moro than tho money in vested, besides a gift of such valuo as their sbaro maybe entitled to In tho final distribution. N.F. Lighlnor is the authorised agent for Sunbury and iciuity. Read tho advertisement. ' Editor's Table. "Beyond tbb Mishissipi'I :" A Complete Ilisto l of the Ncv Htntcs ami Territories, from the Ureal liiver to the Great Ocean, by Albert D. Richardson. This is a niojt entertaining and valua ble book, and its popularity is attested bv tho solo of over 20,(n)0 copies in a ringlo month. Tho uu- tuor s long and varied experience in the little known and interesting regions of tho Far West, fur nishes the valuable material for its contents. Mr. Richardson Is widely known as one of our most brilliant journalists and writers. No other au thor nas traveled over so mucu or our vast western domains, end wo know of no one who can so well describe what he bas seen. He is always iutorest- wg, generally amusing, auu, ootior sun, luvoriubiy iruiniui. The volume before us is accompanied by an ac curate and minute map of tbo entire region bovond mo Mississippi, ana is elegantly printed and pro fusely illustraUid with over two hundred engravings from original photographs and sketches from tho pencils of Bicrstadt, Nast, Ucnnessy, Darloy, Fenn, Stephens, Forbes and othor eminent artists, which aro really beautiful and worthy of examination as specimens of art. Many of thum are sot into the body oi we text, alter tno popular style of Loosing s i'lciuruu fluia iuuk oi ine r-uvoiuuon. This work, we understand, is sold only by sub scription, and is just such a one as persons socking to act as agents should add to tnoir list, it is pub licum! Dy tue NATIONAL I'CBLISUIXU VO., 1'hlla dolphia. Harper's Maoaiine. Wo have roeoived the bontcnibcr number of Ibis excellent publication. xi eoniains me louowina: ino uotfge Vluo. or. Italy in MDCCCLIX, (continued ;) Our Work, a poem ; Tbo Rob Roy in the Haiti o ; The Haunted House at Watertown ; A Pleasant Morning ; The lankee before the Ibrone: Mv Mexican Mines : Tho King; Eight Castles in Spain ; Pairing Off; Newspaper Curiosities; Held by a Throad ; Here after, a Doein : La Belle Franca : a elimnse : Wal ter Uoluuitt or Ueorgia: Mrs. Linoumn s Friend: Martyrs to Circuuistanoos ; Rag Fair; What Shall They Do ? Mrs. Robertson's Boarders : Stranded, a poem ; Editor's Easy Chair ; Monthly Record of current events, and tailor's Drawer, furnished by Uarper A Brothers, Franklin Square, New York. Tna Lady's Fbibnd. for September "The Villago Doctor," an expressive cloture, is the title of the stoel engraving in the September number of mis popular uiagaiine. A boautilul steel fashion plate, with numerous other engravings of the fash' .. ... AJlAta nJ th n.l i f : - worth of itself the priee of the number. We would ww, aw. ".. buw M u 1. ... uiws Ut uvllUim UHIU, suggest to our lady readers who desire to got a n ueuivr uboo oewing aisouino, mat ino 'la- ay srriend" oners one or these machinos as a MO' uiiuui iur oiuua oi miny names, ana in at it is not a moment too soon to eommenco making uo their lists for next year. A beautiful stool engraving will also be sent gratis to every single ($2 50) subscriber, and to every porson sending the usual olubs. Spec imen numbers of the magaiine will be sent for 20 ots. frioe (witn engravlngi si.dOayoar; four copies, iwiiu one engraving) o uu ; one copy or the Lady 's ''riend and one uf Saturday Evoning Post, (and one engraving.) $4 00. Address Deaoon A Peterson, 310 naiuui eireui, ruiiaucipoia. . For tho Amorioan. A llnnlliiic l'arly. Mr. Editor : A buntiug party from npthe river arrived ber on Tuesday morning last, and stopped at the National liotol. Plans were arranged fur an expedition to capture suoh game as abounds in tho woods in this vicinity, and it was agreod apon that each should perform their share of the work, one to be hunter, oaatlieier, aud one limner of the game that would be captured. The landlord, having an eye to business, stopped their progress by securing a rvbtm to anius tiiein, which elated the party so that thoir errand was forgotten until time to return horn. The landlord suggested that eels would pro bably be as much of a luxury as game. The eels wore speedily procured and all embarked on the train euinir north, the landlord taking charge of the rokbin while the hunter, the eticier aud tho ii tuner kept eyeing the eels. It is supposed that the eels wore served up at the United btatos Hotel, Milton. Pa., in the boat style, bottles of champagne crocked, over the fostive board, aud toasts drank to the happy Dunvari. bttiv. Oeorgotown, Aug. 21,1867. BUUIKEB3 NOTICES. CPMob lrln(lssir. Having received large supply of MEW JOB TYPE, of various new stylos, Posters, Handbills, Circulars, Cards, Letter Heads, BUI Heads, Labels, Ae., eaa be printed is the latest and best stylos, and on short notice. Orders by mall promptly attended to. , Elioant. Our eiliaens wUl And at 3. 0. Beck' tailoring establishment, on Fourth street, the most elegant (took of easslmeres, ho., fur gents' and boys' clothing. Bulls r made to erder promptly, neatly and cheaply. Puotoobafbs, made from Daguerreotypes or Am- bro types, at Bergstresser s Uullery, Third street, op- poit the Slacomc llall i. 4 . "i i - A Fins OrroBTURirT to sbo your mothers, wives. Ions and daughters, without finding the bottom of your pockots, is presented at Miller's Excelsior Boot and Sho Store, in Markot Square. Tbo largest, on'H elegant and ge'ntoet stock of Boors and Shoes ever brought to Sunbury, you will find at Miller's. ! ii ihiiii mmi 1 1 'Some things esn be done as well as others," said Sam Patch, when he put an end to his existence by his Wonderful leap at UenneSse Falls. ' Faust, the fashionable Hat and Cap manufacturer, accepts the above motto in business poiut of view, for at his establishment there is no end to his stock of goods, and his endleti variety of styles will please the most fastidious. Life Iksurance. Thore can be no higher earthly motive, nor one that gives greater elevation of char actor arising from the puresi impulse of the heart than that which impels a parent to retrench luxuries, or even many of the nocessAi les of Hfo, to secure to the loved ones the means of futuro support from the time thoy can have the services of a parent rio longor. Jacob SniruAN, Fire and Life Insurance Agent, Sunbury, Pa. , Tub New Rules or Court, regulating the prac tice of the Courts in the 8th Judicial District of Pennsylvania, composed of tho counties of Northum berland, Lycoming and Montour, have boon pub lished by ns, and are now for sale at the Ameri can office Those who have not yet subsoribed onn obtain copies by applying immediately. , " . , A Western paper thus hits off a Into and popular fashion i "The attention of tho police should be di rected1 to Pant A. Loon. Uo's tight on the streets daily awful tight." Any number of theso "tights" can bo seen daily in the strocts of Sunbury, and they aro turned out from Sbaefior's Tailoring Establish ment, Markot square, where everybody can be "suit ed" Tory cheaply. .... Althouoh every individual may not be positively intcrosted in the various change that aro taking place, not only In Sunbury, but throughout tho country, yet every gonlloinan of tasto cannot fall to be interested In tbo fashionable Summor Suits made at the Continental Clothing Batanr, Market square. The Continental is famous for its good and cheap clothing.' Tna lato Artcmus Ward, while lecturing In a wostcrn town, uttorod scathing malodiotions on it. His agent took $2.87 at tho door, while Artemus took tho moasels, tnsido. This hvone of Ward's "goaks," but wo can assaro tho publio that wo are not joking when we say that Tbacbcr, of the First National Boot and Shoe Store, in Fleasante' building, Markot square, has tho best and cheapest stock that oon bo soon anywhere. ' A Talk. It bas latoly boon remarked that tbo gcntlomen of Sunbury all appear so well aud fash ionably drossod. This is always the oase when gen tlemen order tholr suits from JohnE. Smick's Tai loring Establishment, on Fourth street. AH who havo negloctod to replenish thoir wardrobes can readily bo accommodated at Smick's. "SECUItB TDB SUADOW, BRB TUB BuBBTANCn Fades." If any of our readers should want a beautiful and llfe-liko Photograph, or pictures of anv sixo or stylo, and on any kind of matoriul, wo would adviso thorn to go to tho Photograph tiallery of S. Byerly, In Simpson's building, Markot stroct. BERoSTRBSSBn, Third streot, opposite the Masonio Hall, the suooeasful Photographer, makes pictures in all stylet of tho art. 1 Persons aro requcstod to give him a oall before going elsewboro. When you, want cheap and good Photographs Borgstrcssor's Uallory, Third street, opposite tho Masonio Hall, is tbo place to resort to. ' Six oards, or ono largo Photograph, for $1.60. Duplicates, 25 to 60 conts. Or all places to got good Photographs, go to Borg- strodsor'e Uallory, Third street, opposite the Masonio Hall, where thoy are made. Six oards, or ono largo Photograph, for $1.60. Duplicates, 25 to 50 ots. PEATHb. In this Plaoe, on the 21st Inst., MAKT11A KL1Z- Attivill, uaugnior or J. a. anu ueiou m. vum- wings, agod 1 month and 9 days. huiui;kv iriAititirrw. Correoted Weekly for tho "American." Wheat Flour, extra family, perburrel, $11 00 6 60 do uo do do per owe. Kye rlour, per bbl. 10 00 uo Wheat, prime red, new, Rye, per owt. per bushel , do do - do do por round 6 CO I V0 1 25 1 10 SO 2 00 40 Corn, now Oats, Potatoes, Dried Peaches, pared do uo unparea Dried Annies. Uv do 25 15 3 00 30 Dried Oherrios, (unstonod,) per bu But tor, por pound, per doun, por pound, do do do lo do do por pair ' 22 " 25 20 25 li 14 13 18 CO Cbeoso, . Lard, Hams, enouiuurs, Boof, hind quarter, iront Mutton, Chickons, Nhumohln 'onl Trude. Shamokin, August 20, 1367. Tom. Ctot. Sent for week ending Aug. 17, y.407 05 Por lost report, ?J0,U11 Ot 300,318 09 3J3,3iO 13 ' 63,032 04 To same time last year. Deorooso, Spctial Notut0. Mobb SurrBRiNo, sorrow and death, are tho re sults of Indigestion and Dyojiepsia than from all other known discos os. Coe's Dyspepsia Cure is sure and immodiate remedy. It will stop distress after eating as soon as you take It. "Our remedies oft in ourselves do lie, AVhlch we ascribe to heaven." And when the unfortunate possessor of beauty finds it fast disappearing, and the frosts that usually come only with time, beginning to whiten locks that wero the admiration oi all Donoidors, uo romoay tborofor is not in the stars or heaven, but In "liar- rett's Yerokablo lioir Ueetorative." whose efficacy has been successfully tried by thousands. Its effects in preventing premature baldness and in preserving a neaitny action in tne roots oi tne nau, aro iruiy wonderful. Road the testimonials of those who havo tried it, and then provide your toilet with this in- aispenaauie arnoie. Grace's Celebrated Balve. From Mr. James Curlin, of Amesbury, Mass. t "l was atmoied witn a severe felon on one or my fingers, and tried many remedies without relief. juy irionds wauood me to apply your batvo. la iwo uays it Miraaiwi too inuamuiauun iroin my finger so as to enable me to resume my work . I can almost say that the Salve worked like magic, for it euecteu a euro wiioout leaviug a soar, i uuuosi. tatingly pronounce Urace'e outve an excellent rem edy, and do not doubt it will be appreciated uirougneui uie una." . vim.! zo wnis a du.y. SET II W. tfOWLK A SON, Boston, Prop'rs. Bold by Apothecaries and Urocers generally, . August 24, 1867. 4t - .... THE EBALIBO.POpii, And House of Mercy. HOWARD ASSOCIATION REPORTS, for Young Men, on the crime of Solitude, and the Errors. Abu se and Disease which destroy the maul powers. and ereate ini pediment to Marriage, with sure means of relief. Sent in scaled letter envelopes, free of charge. Address DR. i. BKILLIN 110UUUTON, Howard Association, rniiadoipuia, re. . June b, too. ty . ., Irrrj or Yam Us. A gcotlsman who suffered for yean from Nervous Debility, Premature Decay, and all the effect of youthful indiscretion, will, for tb aam of suffering humanity, send free to all who need it, the reclpo and direction for making the simple remedy by which ke was enrea. ounerer wtaning to ejront ny tb advertiser's experience, ean do so by addressing, n perfeot conadenoo, ' wuiin u. wvan, my lb -67.lT ' 4S Cedar (Street, M.Y. TAKE NO MORK UNPLEASANT AND UNSAFE HF-.MKOIKS fur unulcaaaiil and duiisntHU dineaiM Use HsLuboi D'sKiiSiii fenui' AM' iMiaovso H 'U. AU f U:rt f, lr -iv j ( BOq tip iiv (f. ! ', ! I ere nighty In the mibre', Fiercely wii-ldpit by the brave Olririouj is the stalwart stoamer, Laughing at the sJ- ni nnd rf?.ff '' . Beauteous lb the patoco pillars, , Saving Ih the pointed rod, . As it brings the deadly lightning . Quelled and harmless to the sod . . , But thero Is a glorious csjpncn, 1 ' ; 1 Whero I take my grandest power, Oiving to tho RAi'B my surest, -. ' Sweetest aid, In danger's hour , Seol before mo fly diseases) -. See tho dnrkest livdras lio'w T See the rose of health and beauty Tako the pnlost check and brow. Fly. dyspepsia ! fly, consumption ! Yes, all ills are crushed at length i For I give what human nature Only ever needed strbnqtq ! ' ' Shall I toll In what (Trent essence I can thus your spirits cheer up? . Pallid, trembling, living sufferor, i . . , "lis Uio lamed "Peruvian Svnur." Th PERUVIAN 8Y11UP is a protected Solution of the Protoxide of Iron, a now discovery in mrdi- cino mat striKos at llio root ot uisoiuo by supplying tbo blood with its vital piinciplo or lifo element Iron. Tho genuine has "Peruvian SvRur" blown in tho glass. Pamphlets free. .. J. r. utSMUftii. rropnoior, No. SO Doy St., New York. Bold by all DruggHs. aug. 24 4t UELMBOLD'S FLUID EXT11ACT fietJ3cr:3CJa-:3CT Is a certain cure for diseases of the DLADnr.rt, kidnkys, gravel, dhoicy, tu OANIC WEAKNESS, FEMALE COMPLAINTS, . GENERAL DEUIUTY, and ull diseases of the URINARY ORGANS, whcthei existing in ' MALE OR FEMALE, from whatever cause originating and no matter of HOW LONG STANDINU. . l)ise!ne of these organs require the use of a diuretic. If in. treatment is snlmiucd to, Consumption or lutein- ity may ensue. Onr 1- ksh aud HIixhI ur aupoittil Hum thelu sourees, an.1 the . HEALTH AND HAPrlNESS, , imil llintnf Posterity, depends upon prompt use of a reliable remedy, ; i "i tfELMliOCD'S EXTRACT BUCHU, 1-Uul.luUod upwuida of 13 years, prepared by - II. T. IIIIsVMimi.Ir, LlItUOUIST, 6!M Brnadvenv, New York, and 101 South lUlii treut. 1'liilaUelplii.l, I'll. March 9, It-67. ly 0 NB PUICK CLOTUIXU. JONES' OLD ESTABLISHED CLOTHING HOUSE, UOt Jlnrkct Stroct, Ono door abovo Sixth, Philadelphia. For many years this Kstublishnicnt bas done busi ness on tho Ono l'rico Sys:eru, and wo beliovowo uro tho only Clothing House iu tho city that strictly adheres to this principle, wo nuvo earnoa a repu tation wbioh we aro proud of, for good taste in soloct good styles and substantial materials, and nut less importaut, for having all our good, Wo ornploy tho best talent, for Cutters, and our Goods aro of both kinji FashionaUu and plain so that all tastes can bo suited. Tho prices aro the vory lowest, as any ono by a moment's thought must see, or otUortviso wo could not meet tho competition of our ncij'liburs, for as no deductions aro ever mauc, wo must put our prices down to the advnnta;;"8 wo promise. Tho pcoplo may depend, this in tho truo plan upon which to do burinusa, and many a doitnr can bo saved to Clothing buyers by keeping iu mind JONES' ' ONE PlilOK CLOT11INU HOUSK, C04 Market Strroct, Philadelphia, Not on tho Cornor, but ono door nbovo Sixth. March 23, 1 867. 1 y " GERMAN ERASIVE SOAP Ts manufactured from PUKE MATERIALS, and may bo considered tho STANDARD Of KXCliLLKNCE. for Salo by all Grocers. , May 18, 1SC7 ly. To CouMUiuptlvvH. The advertiser, having boen restored to health in a few weeks by a very simplo roincdy, after having sutlcred for several years with a severe luu;; allco tian, and that dread dioa?o, Consumption is anx ious to multe known to his lellow-suuerors tno means of cure. To all who desiro it. bo will sond a oopy of the prescription usod (lico of chargo,) with tho direc tions for preparing and using tho some, whioh they will nnd a sure euro lor uonuuraon. astuma, BuoNniiTiH. Couiiiis, Ooliik, and all Throat and Lung Atfootious. Ibe only object of tbo advortisvr in sending the prescription is to benoCt tbo alilictod, and spread information which ho ooncoivos to be invaluable, ami be hopes cvory suueror win try his remedy, as it will cost thciu nothing, and may provo a bluming. Parties wishing tho prosuripliou, I'liEB, by roturn mail, will please adaross MJU l.'I.WAlfll A U 1 1 . REV. ICDWAHD A. WILSON. Williamsburg, Kings Co., N. Y. my 18-'C7.1y Ir. rSl"i-!ti4 Itlandrnkc Vlilsi. A Miilt3tll3itc for ,:iloii-l. Those Pills aro composed of various roots, having tb power to rolax tho secretions of tho liver as promptly and effectually as lluo pill or uieroury, and without producing any of thoso dbmgrocablo or dangerous offucld which often follow tho uso of tho luttor. In all bilious disorders theso Pills may b nsed with oouGdouco, ns thoy prouioto the diohuriro of vitiated bi!o, and rciuovo thoso obstructions from tbo livor and biliary ducts, which uro the cause of bilious affections in irenorul. riCllENCK'd MANKKAKU l'll.l-.'S euro sicH headache, und ull disorders uf tbo Liver, indicated by sallow slttn, coated tonguo, costivenoss, urowsi' ness, and a gcuorul fueling of woarinoss and laser tado, showing that tho liver is in a torpid or ob tsructcd condition. In short, these Pills may bo used with advantago in all cases when a purgative or ultorutivo luudiciuo is required. Please ask for "Dr. Sehcnck's Mandrake Pills," and observo that the two likenesses of tho Doctor aro on tho Uuvoruiuout stamp ouo when in tho lost stage of Consumption, and tho other in his present neuitn. Sold by all DruK ''nts and doalers. Prioo, 2a cents nor box. Pruietpul Otlico, No. lo North otb otrcvt, PhiludelDhia. l'a. General Wbolcsulo ArcuU : Domss Barnes A Co., 21 Park llow, Now York ; S. S. llanoe, lutl Haiti more St.. Lultimoro. Md. : John D. Park, N. lvoor of Fourth and Walnut St., Ciuoicnati, Ohio ; Walker A Taylor, 131 and 136 Wabash Avenuo, Chicago, 111.; Collins Druthers, southwest cornor of 2d and Vine St., St. Louis, Mo. ucl. zu, lano. itnjtotnw.ca.mo.iy. IIKI.MDOl.U'S EXTRACT lll'CIIU and Improved Rose Wash cures secret und delicate disorders in all their tiiirB. nt hltla fxiviiia.!. lillia ur ml euuutlu III diet, no ill cuiivcuioiioe and ao exposum. Itisnlearfuiit in fiste and odor, iiiiiuediuic iu iu action, and (;vi Irian all iimu. loua properties. iy ULLMUOLD'-) CUNCDNTRATtO KXTltACT 1JUCIIU Is tho Grett Duirctio. ILlmlvlYi Concentrated Extract &irttijarilU I tho Civat Dlood Purifier. Doth arc niunared aecoidiiia to rue of Pharmacy aud Liioantr, ami ale the moetacuvc liiaicau oe inauo. Marck tt, 1007.- iy NEW ADVERTISEMENTS 'DKYOND THE MISSISSIPPI ;" A Complete History of tho Now States and Torrito ries, from tho Great Kiver to th Or eat Ocean Uy Albert D. Itloliurdson. Ootr 20,000 Cojut toll in one Month, Life and Advonture on Prairioi. Mountains and the Pacifio Const. With ovor 200 Dvsuriptiv and i'hotogrspnio t lows oi tno scenery, Citios, Lands, Mines, i'eopl and Curiosities of tho Now bt'itos and Territories To i prospective emigrant and settlors in the "Far it, this History of that vast and fortile region West, mis History oi tnat vast and tortile reinon will provo an invaluahl assistance, supply ins as It does a want long felt of a full, authentic and rclia Lie guide to climate, sou, products, menus ul travel, Ac Ao. Atih'NTS WANTED. Send for Circular and se our terms, and a full description of the work. Address NATIONAL Pl'llLISHlNU CO., iu7 Minor ct , I'til.-dclihiii. l'a Augiit S, IStj' It ' t. : i 1 lllS TH GREAT ZEIGAIU BITMS Thompnnent parts of this remarkable preparation were erst discovered, oompounded end distributed, some twsoty years aito, by Ir. Cniopscs, Win cclc erated Egyptian Physiaiaa. Thousands of his suffer lag eeuntrymen were rutorcd to health, as well as great numbers of the Inhabitants of Nubia and Abyssinia, and ef theeountrles bordering upon tbo Southern const oi tno Mediterranean Sea. limiMfi, the fame of the z.inwaai.1 ui'riiuius oon spread over Kurofw, and was adopted by th principal Physicians In ohanrn of the tinnittfl nf 4 th old world, In which It Is still used with Aminl. nat sueees. Th Tloeroy of Egypt placed the nam ef a. Chiofsos apnn the " Roll of Noblas," and pre sented to bla a Medal bearing th following Insorln. , Mod: " Da. Cuaorscs,tbe Public Benefactor." This Bitters Is now offered to tb publlo of America with ' the full assurance that It will bo found, upon a fair trial, to act as a specUto for th cure ol Cholera, Dysentery, Dlarrhosn, Cholera Morbus, Paver stnil Ague, Yellow Kever, Khenmntism, Typkoli Fever, Uysnepsla. Colic, BroaehlUa, Coninmptlnn, Klatu Unr.y. Ulcease of th Kidneys, Nervoue liability, ana Female Complaints. Bemarkable cares of tho above diriuia hw ium. effected by Its ase, asnumerouscertiflcates, many from regular physicians, fully attest; and It Is destined to suprrstde any preparation extant. As an airccabl Tonic, and an IN VlaOBATINO BEVEItACE, It DAS NO EQUAL. '' Tntts tn ETff OARI BITTERS IM9 SOUL AS WELL AS BOOT, SKD li t . PRIVENT1VB ' or niSKASK, BAS NO SUPERIOR. A TEW WORDS TO LADIES. The uso of the SINOARI BITTERS will give to you tint soft, semi transparent completion which the Ood of nature (de signing woman to be the loveliest of his works) fully Intended that you should have for It Is nature's own powder and paint combined. Dy purifying tho blood, stimulating the pigmtotnry cells of the dermis, and Imparting health and lira throughout the entire system, it especially gives that smooth clearness and Beauty to the complexion so much to be deslrcens moving all roughness, blotches, freckles, pimples, and that yellow, sickly look so common in our day; and what Is even better than this. It cures every speciosof lemalo Irregularities and disease. Principal Depot, Uarrisburg, Pa. RAHTER & HATJSE, Solb PnorniBTons. For salo by W. A. BENNETT, Druggist, Sunbury, Pennsylvania. August a, 1SC7. FAIIMRS & I)U IJjpERS. LIME AND LIMESTONE rrWIK subscribers respectfully inform tho citizens X of Northumbcrliiml county, thut thoy uro now reparoa to lurnisn i.uir. ot u superior qunlity to uruicrs nim iiuiidurs. Ai-o, idMis-tiiu.h irom the celebrated Limo-Stono Quarries of Lower Mulio noy townihip, at short notice and at rcit.Jonnlilo rates. 1 lie aoovo will bo delivered to any ltnilroad sta tion alontr tho lino of tbo different railroads when ordered. Thoro Kilns aro located at tho Shainokin Vnllcv nilruad, near Sunbury, whero ordors will bu promptly filled. urdors aro rcspocltully solicited. Address, j. II. LLXkLll & liliV.. August 3, 1807. Suubury, Pa. roitVc to 'IVacln'ris nutl llircctors. piIE EXAMINATIONS for tho present yoar will bo held as follows: rbotwp., Monday, Aur. Itlth Trovorlon, S. II. Mt. Curmul bor. and twp., Wednesday, Aug. Slut lioavcrd'ilo S. II. Shmnokin bor. and Coal twp., Thursday, Aug. 22d Shainokin, B. li. Sunbury nnd Upper Augusta twp., Monday Aug. Mill bunuury. Milton nnd Turbut twp., Wodncsdny, Aug. 2Sth Altitun. Lower Mahanuy twp., Friday, Aug. 30th George town. ' . L'ppor Mnhanoy twp,, Mqpdny, Sept, 2d Boiscl's old stand. ltn-h twp. and ionrliart Dis., Woducsday, Sept. 4th Hushtown S. li, owcr Autiustn twp., Friday, Sept. otn .ton Church S. II. Shouiokin twp., Monday, Sept. 9th Snuil'towu S. U. McEwonsvillo and DclowarO twp., V'cduosdiiy, Sent. 11th SinUinir Sirmao. 11. ' Turbutvillo and Lewid twp., Thursdup,Scpt. 12th luruutvillo, Point twp., Mondny, Sept, lfith S. II. No. 3. Chilisfuniuo, Wcduosday, iScpt. lath iSuduin o. u. FECIAL EXAMINATIONS will bo held in Sun bury. Sort. 27th. Oct. 4th, 11th and Mil, lor tho ueooiuuiouaiiou of such toushcrs only as wero poxi- velu unable, to attend tho regular examinations. Private examinations aro discontinued. Lxainina- ions will invariably eommenco lit precisely rS o -dock. A. M. Oircclurs nro earnestly rcciucstcil to bo proscnt durins tho e.xniuiuutiona, und at the closa of tho oxorcisos select their teachers. U. W. HAi:PT, County Superintendent. August 3, 1807. 3t Somctliinj' New Nothing New - AND GOOD NEWS! Tho splendid assortment oi U 001)3 ut tbo MAMMOTH STORE II. V. I'KsI.iU, IS NEW, but it is Nolliine New for them as they uro always getting up JN1SVY UWDS. GOOD NEWS, to the people of SUNBURY, fhr they hnvo purchaco od thoui guods low and are selling tucui at vory We are determined to sell our Uoods at Low Prices and dufv oumnctiLion. We keep the In-Ht aiuulilv ol' 4ool9l aud sell them asluw as tho rt'outl tiuulilieal arc sold by othor uuulcre. tome and vxamiuo our block aud licarn our No cliarrro for sliowinur GooJd. That is our business and wo tuko ploaauro in doing it. Feeling very thankful to tho public fur their vory liberul palroiiugo heretufor bestowod upon us, wo luol oonudont of rolainiug tnoir custom, by a strict adherence to tne rules w bavu auuptod. , ; -: REMEMEER TUB PLACE, Tho JSTaininulU Btor e. Market Bipuaro, J doors east of the Now Court House, SUNBURY, PA. II. V. FUILINU, Sunbury, Aug. 10, 1867. IF you vant good Tin-Ware, go to UilMiUVi Nim Kbit SMITH li I) LJtfJ?aawiPaiM J TUB ' , , Washingtoii Library' Co. ' ' PHILADELPHIA. SUBSCRIPTION ONE DOLLAR. auKjo.ooa PRESENTS TO t3UI5SCKinEKi'. Ohb Cash PnrxSHT oy $IO,OilO. Oxs Cash Prkkkitop j'20,()tl(l. Onh Cash 1'arsKNTor $lt),tM). Okb Cash PnMHBNT ov SA.non. Two Cash PiiBBBRTsor !i.i(K)oach. Kcxut full Siheitiile of 1'rcicrtt U, hu. Each Certificate of Stock It accompanied with a Beautiful Steel-Plate Engraving wonrn noita at rbtah, tram tub cost or CBRTIFlrATB, And also insure to tho holder a PRESENT IN THE OUEAT DISTRIBUTION. The Wasliington Library Company Is churtorcd by the Stato of Pennsylvania, and Organised in aid of the HIVEKSIDB INSTITUTE FOB Soldlcra' and Sailors' Orphans. Iucurpuratcd ly tho Slate of N. J. APRIL S, 1807. TUE rtlVEHUIDE INSTITUTE, Sltanto nt Riverside, Durlingtun County, New Jer sey, is louuded for tho )mrp.i.io of gratuitously edu cating tho sons of douousod Soldiers and Souiucu of tho linitcd States. Tho board of Trustooa consists of tho following well-known chitons of Pennsylvania and Now Jersey : HON. WILLIAM 1). MANN, District Attorney, Philadelphia, Pa, HON. LEWIS 11. DROO.MALL, Ex-Chief Coiner U. S. Mint, and Recorder of Docds, Pbilad'n., Pennsylvania. HON. JAMES M. SOOVEL, Now Jorscy. HON. W. W. WAKE, Now Jorscy. HENRY UORMAN, Esq., Apcut Adonis' Express, Philadelphia, Pa. J. E. COM, Esq., of Joy, Coo A Co., Philadelphia. TnnAscnv Detartxiknt, WAsniMGTON, D. C April 1M, lSfw.Oflico of Internal Rovuuuo : Hav ing received satisfactory oviclenco that tho proceeds of tho onterpriso conducted by tbo "Washington Library Company" will bo dovotod to charitnblo, uso, permission is horeby granted to said Company to conduct such enterprise exempt from ull euargo, whether from special tux or other duty. E. A. ROLLINS, Commissioner. 'VUc WuMliiiigfton lMIirury Co., In order that tho bcuovolcnt ohioct sot forth in this circular may bo successfully accomplished, havo hauvii no ecriua oi FINE &TEEL PLATE ENOR AVISOS, which arc put on subscription at priocs much below thoir retail valuo. CERTIFICATES OF STOCK IN THE WASH INUTOiV LIBRARY COMPANY will bo issued, stamped with tho soul of tho Compa ny, and signed by tho Secretary. (Nouu others gonuino.) Any person sending us Ono Dollar, or pnvintr tho snmo to our local Agents, will rccoivo immediately a hno Moel I'lato biigrnvinj, at chotco from tho fol lowing list, nnd Ono Ccrtilieato of Stock, insuriug Ono Present in our pubiishod schcdulo. ONE DOLLAR liNORA VINOS. No. l-"My Child ! Mv Child !" No. 2 "Thcv'ro Saved ! They're Saved !'' No. 3 "Old Soveuty-eix or, tbo Early Days of tho Revolution." Any person payint lwo Dollars will rccvivo citbor of tho following lino Stool Plutes, nt choico, und Two Certificates of Stock, thus becoming tutillcd to Two Proseuts. TWO D0I.LAK ESGUAVINOS. No. I "Washington's Courtship." No. 2 "Wash ington's Last Interview with his Mother.'' TlirtEH DOLLAR ENUIlAVlNaa. Any person paying throo dollars will receive tho bouutiful Stcol Plato of 'iiojib pnow Tne WAn." and throo Certificates of Stock, bocouiing entitled to thrco Presents. FOirt POLL A 11 ENUnAVINGS. Any porson paying Four Hollars shall rcccivo tho lurgu und beautiful Steel Plato of "tub I'KniLS ov ova ronBPATiieits." and Four Ccrtilicates of Stuck, untitling them to Four Presents. P1VB HOLLAR GNORAVINGH. Any porson who pays Fivo Dollars shall roccivo the lurgo mid splendid Steel Pluto of "THE MARRIAG.E OF POCAHONTAS." An J Fivo Certificates of Stock, entitling Ibcui to Fivo rcsenis. Tho engravings and Certificates will bo delivered to each subscriber at our Local Agencies, or sent by uiuil, post puid.or cxprca, UJUiuy be ordered. i'lic Wusliiiiloii Idbrui') Company vv ill Award TIlllKi: III NUKEO THUI SANO DOLLARS IN I'll EtflC.N I'd TO TIIESHAKKIlOLDKItS, On Wednesday, ixj'tcnJur 25, 18C7, At PHILADELPHIA, PA., Ol at the Institute, HI VKlt- UlOIi, N. i. Sl'Hl-.Dl'I.E OF PRESENTS. Cash Present Oath Present I(I,(KKJ t!ii,imo Cuaii Piesent Casll Pteiielit Cash Preaeuisof S j,500 each Ilandisoiiiu Country Uesuluiicc, Stuhlc, Grounds, 10,000 5.IIOU 3,000 ..c . UeriiiuuLuwil, 1'lni.ldt Iplnu, IS,1HK) Double Kiaidtiice, tliiecslmy brick, Cuiihlcn, N J . 1 j,UU0 voui uiRii, unices, ptieiis, urouiai, wun Lusi licuscfUMiilicd, No. 1311 Washington Av enue, Philadelphia, Country HesnleiKv, ltiviiiide, N. 8., with i;r.jiin,l V,.!.. a .. 1S.OXU 1U,(HXI o,(hsi S.IIOO 5 UOO 3,uuo ITllles-storv Coltilirc. Lot. C. i Valuable liuiUliug l,u. Riverside, flalO each i.u;iim luin.'iu l uiuily uarilniiu, buiu ol HorseK, Hiiruess. Ac. onulldelu 111 V.tlu:i!le iiuildiiif! Ixus, Kiverside, 300 enell I Uuuulilul Silver limy llorse, lij luuds hiitli, sireu uy i:iu culeuruletl liuporlcu Arulnuii llurae 'Culiph also, a liglit Uiwd Wagon weipht 110 Mui(da, Willi stt ol' supvuor Single Harness, &c., uiuLilig a fiiHt-ciiibS cslal'hsiiHiciit .1,11110 pi,iio 1,000 I, ISO 1U,UIHI lO.flnn 3,ouo e.msi 7S0 SMI M rianos.kaiOeai'li W Aleiodcons. 9X1 mch 5 Uoscwixni Sewing MurhilKS each 111 r liliillv ciwinif aiiu-lilues, vluucOi'll !U I' lne Uold WuU'ln'3, 'J00o.u-ll lot) Oil ruiiitings, by leudiug artists ai&tcgaie value 3 Camel's ilair fliawls, VI MX) each H Ciiiiifl'sliair tsiuiwls, SrJ.tarti each 3 llauthioiiie Luce Shawls, i30 eueh 10 Oisliiucte bliuwU aio uili Dii 81 Ik I iresa Pattern (-7" rni h 1,500 b,75 oil Cuv Ouildiiifr Lota, t?a each Hie reniuinifei will consist ot Mlvet wurc, aiusical iioxes Oiteru tilasaes, Pocket liloics, und till ierent aitielcs uf olllaiueilt ami ust", umuiiut. UiJ to, BJ.000 Total. S3UO.UI0 All Uio progenies 1; i veil clear of incumbrance. HOW TO OBTAIN r?llAKKS AND LNURAVIl'CS Pend orders to ns by in:id, enclosing from 1 to &-U, cither by Post OdU-e orders or in a nniUT(d letter, ut our risk. Luiger ammmts sht'uld he sent by draft or ex press. I sltaies with Kuitiavimrs tt5 tliarus with Kiiiiuvins 50 shares with I'lruvins 7u sliurus with KiiKntvliuts n,.w a so 4,5II tw .VI jo.uu 100 sliarts with biajiuviuus Loeul AUliNTS WANTI.0 throughuut the L'liiteJ States. The AHOciutiou have appointed as Receivers, Messrs. til'.tlUOK A. Cut IKK a. CO., whu wcN knowu into ailiytuld busilieMCAterieiii'u will bu a aullielenl (itiuruu. loo uiultue luouey iiuiusuxi 10 iiiviu wiu uu (mvii.., plied lo Uie puipt se staled. PniLiiELriiiA,Pu.1MayJO, ItjOT. To the O'tfiocrs and Munilnrs of the Wuthiiigtou Libia ty Co , N. 8. READ.BccrcUry. n..,.tlrn.4, On t..ii)l .if vour favor of the .Vh inst.t iiolitin us of .out app.iinlii.uut ilicvivurs for your ConiiKiuy, we look tho lilwrly to sulai.tt a oopy uf yiair Chaiter, with a plan uf your uilurpi iae, lo llio hu-liest knulaullauity of the rMale.aud Uuviug lauoived kis luv.r. .......u. 1,. i.jiaid lo us ksauluv. aud syiuiuiuizin with Uie tieuevolcul object uf Voul Asaueialiiai. via : llio ... .1.... .....i..i..i.i.uu .l Urn tiiiilinu diiklrcu vf our soldiers and auiuira at Ihu ltiversiuo Institute, we havo wuuludnl lu accept the Uuat, aud to use our Iwst cduf ts lu promote wormy au uujeei. ltasevtlully, yuura, Ae., CKO. A. COOKE 4 CO. Address all letters ami orders 10 UKO. A.UOOKH Si CO., BA.NKF.ItS, 33 'Uta Tlurd flieel, l'lulaikiphiu, Pa iloeeivers for the WashmaUiu Librury Co. rWN. F. LIOHTNER, Booksellor A Statiouor, Sunbury, Pa., is tho authorised A Rent "t tho Com pany b'l this place and VKUStty ' llU-C"; I 117 U1 T. S. SHANNON, Prootieiii Valchmaker JEWELEH, Prum lHILADFLPHlA. In Simpson's lluilding, Market SUinn, : OU1TBTJIRT. PEITIT'A 1JIINK Hold and .Silver American ami Swba " Watohos, Clocks. Jewelry uud Silver ware, con stantly on hand. Hair Jewelry and Masonic Jrlarka mado tn order. Oold and Silver Tltiliug dono In tho best nisunor and warranted to jrivo euliro satislnufloii. Fino Watches, Clocks, Musio Duxes aud Jeweliy Repaired nnd wnrrnutud. All orders promptly filled. Hiinbiiry, Juno I, 1 sc,7. Kotico to Merchants nnd Shippers, rPHK undersigned, proprietors of Weiser Prick 'a -L Line, pivo notic e Iu merchants and shippers that their Dcit is still at 811 Market street, Phila delphia, and alt (iuods diructed to Sunbury uud Dun villo will bo promptly delivered. lr Cars leavo UU Market stroot, Philadelphia tri weekly Tuesdays, Thursdays und Saturdays. W. C. OOdDHICIl. May 25, 'T. J. 11. RICHARDSON All kinds of SCHOOL DOOKS. Slutos, Puns, Ink, Paper, Ac. Miscollnncous Rooks, a Rood oHsort mont. All tho now books received 2 G o 9 w w a a o o m w ns soon as publishod, aid fur salo a " " I ' LIKLKK, Prayer Books and Hvmi Hooks, to every stylo ut Dinning. Catholic Prayer Duoks. FAMILY DIDLESinvurlousstylus DICTlONARIKSuf all sijos. Juvoniloj and Toy Books, a large assortment. lllnnU Ilooksj and Blank Forms of all kinds. Foolscnn, Local Cap, LoUcr and Nuto Papors. COPYINO R(M)KS, Inkstainls Pen Rucks, Files, Paper, Cutters nml Counting lluuse stationery generally PHOTOORAPH ALU! MS cheap and dear. Oold Pens and Holders. Pocket Rooks nnd liill Wallets, l'icturo Frames. Stereoscopes aud Viow.i. American w a OI g w to French. Ao. Druwing I'upor, all sizes, Bristol Board, Ac. IMutics, Memorandum Hooks, 4o Backammou Dourds, Oumcs, Chcs-; men, Au. Toys a largo and coin plot 0 assortment! Uasc-lislls aud Lials. r lulling llodi and Tncklo. Porfuuics, Brolicuiian nnd Parutan Mnrblos. Ao. Uuld Pens ro-pointcd. Lauipj, Shadus. Oloboj, Chimnoys Ao Wall Papor and Border, ull kinds. Window Curtains, i'ui'er Oilt aud utieu. Music nnd Musical Instruments. C'All kinds of Books und Stationery uoton band promptly ordered. , All tno uuiiy una ivccKiy I'npcrs una juapniiin. Airont for tho t; Ainerienii Ori'nn." Also for "Lll Rose's Hair Rcsturativc," Funnel of America, and "Niitiumil Stoum Navigation Company. '' ftunliury, May in. lstij. NEW GROCER Yl Mnrkot Street, thrco doors oast of tlio Railroad north sido, SUNBURY, PA. WHOLESALE A RETAIL CT2 JK.CX3 JsXSJaTIS.'&r AND Provision Store FOR CHEAP GOODS! Their Stock is complete, consisting in part of SUO ARS, COFFEES, TEAS, SPICES, COAL OIL Tobacco, Cigars, Flour, Food, Fish, Siilt, Hums, Shoulders, Choeso, Fruit, Olass, Lumps, Ac, Ac Country Produce lukcn in exebango for Uoods. Hj- Call und examine our Stock, and rntisfy your selves. Sunbury, Juno 29, 1SC7. J. YOUNGmTn'S FOUNDRY! Ari'Ii WI.,Iolv''ia Utl ;i:id lt!i, close to I lie l'ublic Sliool House, SUNBURY PENN'A. MILL (louring, Stoves, and Uio largest class uf Castings mado promptly to ordor. Also, Window Woights, Frames uud Urates for Col lar Windows, Ac. CiiMt Iron Chimney Topn. WATER TR0U0H3 A DOORSTEPS. A liberal prico paid for old castings. THE CELEBRATED LIVERPOOL PLOW, im proved, is manufactured at thiscftaolii-liuioiit. Also, Stove Orates of all kinds, Kettles, uud every vuriuty of smul I castings. Suubury, July 6, 1607. ly boots andsh6es7 MANUFACTURED TO ORDER. JOHN WILVER, 1" ESPECTFULLY Informs his frionds and cus j turners, thut ho has just opeuod a shop lor tho munufucturo of BOOTS A SHOES, on Spruce itlrcct, hcltrccn Second tlrcct and Cintrc Alley, Sunbury. whrro all kinds of work in his Huo will be mado ui in the latent stylo uud in the best workmanlike man nor. Having first class stock on band, bo flatters himself that bo will be able to suit tho tastes of the most fas tidious. The publio uro invited to cull. JOHN WILVER. Suubury, Juno la, 1S67. THE GREAT CENTRE OF ATTRACTION. 1 1ST SUILTBTTIErsr, id on 3d stroet, oppoiito tho MASONIO HALL, ut BERGSTREESSEITS NEW PIIOTOGilAPH GALLERY, Itut Lately Established, Mills nil tho JloUeru Imitrovciuenta of the Art ! rpiIE subscriber, having built tbo room expressly X for tho purposo of Photographing, mid having dovotcd many years to the business, is confident of bis ability to assuro hid patrons that the work pro duced shall bo second to none in country or city. fio wura allowed to loavo tbo gullury unlet en tirely sutUfactury. Having tho best sky light in tho county, ho is prepared to make Phologrupbs in all kinds of weather, but wuuld refer a clour day iur small children. Ho is also prepared to tuko new sue, or cabinet cord Photogruplis. All kinds 01 pictures copied ana magniuca to nny required sizo and colored beuutilully lu Oil or Water colors or ludia ink. We pay special attention to all kinds of out dour work, such as Luudsoape views of Munumouts, Muchiuury, County Seats, Ac., a largo lot of Photograph Ci antes constantly uu hand. The publio aro respectfully invited to cull and 000 our specimens and our complete arrangements for making Photographs, special tortus to families and clubs. J. It. BLnUolULoSER. Runbury, July 15, ISOT; PURE LAGER BEElt!. -. Front the Cold Spring Brewery, SUNBURY, PA. JCSEPE EACEEH. 1) ESPECTFULLY inform th public generally, V that ho is prepared to furnish LAGEH llEKlt in largo or small quantities. His facilities for mak ing Boer cannot be oxoellod. and is prouuuueod supe rior to any othor ottered in Central Pennsylvania. It bus also boon retouiiuondud by physicians as a healthy drink for invalids. Hotels, Restaurants and private families supplied at short notice. . Sunbury. July li, lSf.7. IC'ELI?AlOREmi8 and" Hi JcyTTuU lit t.'loilio Wrii.gern, for sale by ft 7rTKLMovrr. 1 "anlmiy 'ttlv 7 lM