CHITTENDEN'S Commercial College, 37 CbMtnnt Street, (Corner of Seventh,) HULA DELPIIIA. Established 1S44. Incorporated 1865 Young Men Irfoll'tlly Educated or 1IhIiihh. The fooilitloB of thie Institution here been largely Inoroased, and it now bai advantages for Imparting business knowledge which are unequalled. Ibe praotioal value of hi well-tried coarse of In ttruction If atteeted by hundreds In all department of business. Many a young man owei bi tuoeotsln life ta the qualifications gained bore. The Instruction throughout if thorough, praotical, and justwhat isdaily used In our bent business houses. The instruction includet ' Book-Keeping in all Ita Branches, Penmanship, (Plain and Ornamental.) Commercial) Cal eulationt, Buiineaa Papon and Cor respondence, Commercial Law, Deteoting Counterfeit, Kto. fltndonta Instructed teparately and reoolred at anytime. Diplomas awarded on graduation. Stran- Sera assisted In procuring suitable boarding planet, loard may be obtained fur about $5 per week. Cata logue! mailed free. CRITTENDEN'S BOOK-KEEPIN'O, Counting House, price $2 60. High School, price $1 t0. Common bohool Edition 87 J eta. Judgo Shars wood's Leoturea before the Student on Commercial Law, price $ 1 At). T11K CRITTENDEN COMMERCIAL ARITH METIC AND BUSINESS MANUAL, Containing new and rapid methods of calculation aa actually used by business men. Forma of Buiiucm Paper a accompanied by explanations of their nature and use, useful Commercial Tables, and much valunble iuiformation on business aulijecra. Price tt 25. The aale of tbie Book hat been rapid that it le already in its eecond edition. Any of the above books, aont postage paid on re oeipt of the price. S. H. CRITTENDEN A CO. June 8. 1867. dm Agrlculttiral Implement!, HOE'S Grain Rakea, Steel and Iron Garden Rukca, Long and D Handle Spndes, Shovels, Manure and liny forks, and Grnin Scythes, Grain Cradlos, Cradle Fingora, Trace, Breast, Tongue and Log Chains, Grind -stones, Fauning Mill Soives of all eiies and kinds, a large assortment of Red Wagon Unities, for Plowing, Farm Bells, Cultivntor Teeth, for saleby Jjr- CONVEY C0. Tiiti: Aio watjhic pkuof ROOFING ! m HIMES A CO., are the Agents in the Counties I , of Northumberland, Snyder and Montour, M WARREN'S Improved Fire and Water-Proof Hoof, i his is the cheapest and beat Roof that can be put oo a building. Una been used in the etty of i i .,1. : .. i c m v. : . l. , i s iitiauvipuiis, siuiic awi, nuvia uu eurerBeueu almost evory othor kind of Roof. It is recommend ed by the builders, and it used on all of the finest buildings in that city. Parlies conteiunlatinir build ing, will do well to examine into the merits uf this aud all other kinds of Roofs, ar.d give the best the preference. Tho Fountain Hotel, of Sunbury, will, in a few days, be covered with this Roof, and parties desiring to do so, may call there and examine it. For further information address Box 14, Sunbury Post Office, or cull at the Brick Yard of T. HIMES A CO. Snnbnry, 18, 1BB7. 3ai Coachmakers, TtTE ore aelling Rims, Spokes, Hujbf, Springs, 1 1 lanvasa, uoiuj, cups, Axles, c, very low Large Stock at CONLEY A CO. Sunbory, March 30, 1SC7 CALL and see those beautiful Bird Cages at the new Hurdware atoro of J. H. COXLEY A CO. FIRST NATIONAL !BDDTL SUM i& Wmi H. O. TIIACHER, Proprietor. MARKET SQUARE, SCNBUK Y, PA New Goods, New Styles, New Price Tho largest Stock of Boots and Shoes In this Marie TRUNKS OF EVERY GRADE & PRICE GenbT Traveling Satchol, Iland-Bags, Valises, Ac. An elegant assortment of Ladies' Fine Leathor Sat cbel Caba's, Ac. Ac COME AND SEE, COME AXD SEE. PleUNsint's) ltuildlug, MARKET 8 QUA JiHr , April 8, 18(57 Sheet Iron and Stove G- ZETTLEMOYER&BRO., ucceseor to duj. i6t l liiJiaiOXlSK.) Market Street, near Engel's Store, SUNBURY, PA. HAVIXH taken charge of the old stand o long patronized by the people of Sunbury and vi- uiuuy, uug reave io announce to the old mends and the publio generally, that they will supply them with ttiA moat r ' STOVES, COOK, OFFICE and PARLOR STOVES of the beat Brands which are unsurpassed for beauty of finish, simplicity of arrangement. oouiLinin el,t,n,.r,d durability and each stove warranted to perform what Coal Oil, Cool Oil I.nui. LnnlcrnN Shades, Chimneys, and all artlolca usually kept in an establish mentor this kind. COPPER, BRASS and IRON KETTLES, of all (lies. FUUIX JARS and CANS of the latest improved styles. Ho is also prepared to do all kinds of Spouting and Hoofiug, Range and Furnace Work. Hepuiriag, cheaply and neatly executed. i o EO. ZETTLEMOi'tK A BRO. Juno 8, 1SG7 y REMEMBKIl THE DEAD. MESSRS. D. C. Disainger and John A. Taylor, would respectlully announce to the oitisens of buubury, and surrounding country, that having formed a oo-partuorsbip, they are now prepared tS furnish uruauiented and plain ruvef oiif, Tombs & Monuments) of the beat Italian aud American marble, at prices that cannot tail to give entire aatialaoUon, ro. speoltully eolicit tiie pahlio patronag,. ' e k t . DISSINliER A TAYLOR. Sunbury, March 31, lbtttt.l y. mflX following peraonf are entitled to receive an J. inoreaoe ot Bounty undei the Aot of iWre.. parsed Jul, 16, to ea.ualie Bounties oai"u afr ii.i l . Wn 'aiM? after lhe 1Wn j of April, IS61, lor S yeara, and forved .their time of u.u.u. um,m won uouorauiy discharged, and w..,. i uuiitxi 10 receive a Bountv of 1100, are eulitled aa additional Bounty of HI on 2d All fuck aoldiert who enlisted for S yeara and have been honorably discharged on aoeoun't of """ oivu in ium line oi outy, are entitled to Buuiiiuuur oouniy oi wv 3d The Widow. Minor Children. or Pirniaofi,,.), aoldiera who died in the service of wounds or disease, w vmiuvu w mu UUUltlOUKl OOUUiy OI f 1 tllf c uy appiioaiiuu to B. r. WOLVERTON, Esq., of rtaauur, reuosyivauia, who ia an authorised Claim AReui, an sucu claims can be speedily collected. Suiibujy, August, leHid. tf USB J. DE WOLF & CO S MAGIC VERMIN EXTERMINATOR! This wonderful preparation is certain death to RATS Tops if t i u'.' j , u UUS, ANTS, M06QVI XULb, f LItA, and Insects in Uardens. May be obtained by our Agent, W.A.BENNETT, Wholesale and Retail Druggist, SUNBURY, PA. June o l,tt07 ami, 11 l.0 FUU NAl.i:. H AND80ME, floe-toned, new, ud prioa low. Ifttmiia-aa u iWi . ita " "psusj M till Vmtjaj. C'ltUdrassa'ai Cttrrluareai. WE "Vuld eall tlx attenUon of those wanting a Child t Carriage, to our new and large assort- euuprising new and beautiful style. i U CONLEY A CO. BREAKFAST SHAWLS, for sal at the Fan7, 'tt ANNA PAINTVD MASONIC HALL BUILDING. DSBIBBAOE BBOTHEBS, RESPECTFULLY inform their irlenda and oua tomera, Ibat they have removed their Store into the south end room of the'Maaonie Building, on Third streot, opposite lb Depot, Sunbury, where they will be happy to wait upon them. Thoir large assortment of Groceries. Provisions, AC are all fresh and of the best quality, consisting ot Teat, Coffees, Sugars, and Bpioea . Dried and Canned Fruits, 'Prunes, Raisins, Cheese, and Crackers, and in fact everything usually kept in the Grocery line. They would also call attention to their large and cheap lot of Good Family Flour, Green Tea, llama, Shoulders, Ac, which are constantly kept on hand. FRESH FISH and Vegotnbloa, avery Tueeday and Friday evenings. Give them a call and see P yourselves. Banbury, April 27, 1&67. BRICK! BRICK! BRICK! To the Citizen of Snnbnry and vicinity. mnE undersigned have bought the Brick-Yard J. and improvements, formerly leased and worked by A. B. Stevens, and bava made additional lm provementa, and are now prepared to make oontrao lo manufacture and deliver BRICK in lurge quan llilea. fur building and other purposes. By the manufacture of a good artiole, and prompt attention to business, we hope to receive a share of nuhlia natrnnave. Orders left at the Brick-Yard, or Box 14, Sunbury Post Office, will be promptly attended to. T. HIMES A CO. Sunbury, May lrt, 1"T. 3m cTlOICE FRUIT & ORNAMENTAL $ & s 3 e .- s BE 1ST J". BOHNEB, Dealor in Fruit and Ornamental Trees, will furn ish from the most responsible Nurseries in thia and other States, first class TREES of all kinds. Alan, Shrubbery, Vine and Plants. Garden Seedaof all kinda. Orders are reapectfully solicited. Address BENJ. BOIINER, Paxinoa, North'd. Co. tjp N. B. Insurances taken In several of tna most responsible Fire Insurance and Horse Detective Companies in the state. JuneS, 1867. y 1TE7" SHOE STOP.S Market Street, adjoining Gearhart'a Confeotionery store, euABuui, ra. T1IF underaigned reapectfully informs the oitiscna of Sunbury and vicinity, that he baa opened a NEW SHOE STORE, for the aale aa well aa for the manufacture of the tineat and beat quality of Ladies' Shoes, via : UloroKId, Morrocco, Inlf-alilu and Intiliugr 4nitvria, Ac. Children's Shoea of all kinda. Ilia stock ia entirely new and well selected. He also manufactures fine French and other Calf skin Boots and Shoea for Gentlemen. Orders for ladies and gentlemen's custom work will be promptly attended to and got up iu the best style by skilful mochanios Shoe findings Ac, constantly kept on hand and 'or sale to the trade. J. 11. JEFFRIES. Sunbury, April 20, 18BT; THS FIRST PREMIUM Ot m Silver Medal WAI AWARDED TO BARRETT'S HAIR RESTORATIVE Br Hit N. U. State Agricultural Society, at Vsl Its fair halJt'n In NuhuL eiiiit.UI. InbtL BABBETT'I Vegetable Hair Restorative Rcstm-M Gray Hlrto lt offtunU color. Prt motci the growth t til Hair. Cliuifref th rooU to their oridual ornnic actloo. tradi- tj. cmtn Dnndmlf and llumurs. lrtvrnt 0 Unl S.llioamni l.U...u.r.M tsraia.inai .& it contains no tujuriuu ingrt'divntasJ a od It the rnott popular unci rcli- mot arutic uir 'uiidui vaa . aui, tti, nana sua w South. V J, R. BARRETT & CO., Proprietor, MAItCnRSTER, M. R. Sold by W. A. BEXETT, Sunbury, Pa., ad JJruggiat generally. April 6, 1867 tim J. w.', WATCHMAKER & JEWELER M.irkot Square, noar tho Court House, FUNBURV, Northumberland County, Ta. HE baa just openod an tissortiuout ot (lold ryw and l'lain Patent Watches, CLOCKS Vfc;.! for Railroads. Banks and Dwellings, Fine lV?'?5 Oold Rings, Finger Rings, Bracelet, Minia- r ture Cases. MedHlliona, Lockets. Pencils, y Thimbles, Spectacles, Silver Table, Dessert, Tea Stilt and Mustard Spoons, Pugar Spoons. Cups, Napkin Ringa, Fruit and Butter Knives, Shields, Combs, Diamond Pointed Pens, Casters, Pitchers. Butter Dishes, Fruit Dishes, Cake Baskets, Syrup Pitchers, Ac. Ac. Ho invites the citizens of Sunbury and vicinity to call at the above place, where ho will be bnppy to wait upon tnein. -Particular attention paid to RETAlRIXti April 13, IKlir J. H. Conley & Co., Market Street, Fust of 'the Ituilrond SUNBURY, PEISTN'A. DEALERS IN Hardware & Cutlery. mnE attention of Mechanics, Fanners. Builder X and Buyers generally if iuvited to the fuot tbut we ate now onoring a better aeleoteu assortment o HARDWARE. CUTLERY. AC than over was offered in this marked at prices much below those heretofore demanded by dealers. Our atock comprises all articles in thia line of business embracing a general assortment ot uwis ana inaie rials used by CARPENTERS, BLACKSMITHS, CAKK1AUK AND WAWOH M AKLK3, JOINERS, AC, AC, together with a large stock of Iron, Steel, Nails, Spikes. Rope, Chains, Urindstones, Mill and i. Cut Saws, Ac, Ac. Sunbury, ftlaroh 31), 1H07. Fashionable Dress TRIMMINGS AND Millinery Goods Justopening at the Millinery Store of Miss M. L. OUSSLEB. Fourth Street, two doors below the Railroad, West side, bCNBUKi , PA. Such as ib a b i a a 9 hi a a a Drest-Trimmingf, Head-Droaset, Ulovet, Hosiery Ribbons, Flowers, Collars, Handker chiefs, Ac, Ac, which have been earefullv aeleoted. ' Miss M. L. Uuasler has just opened large assort ment of Millinery Hoods Ladies should not fail lo go and see the latest stylet as it will pay to not delay in visiting her store. Call aud examine for yourselves. No trouble to snow goods Sjinbury1April 20, 1607. STEVENS HOUSE, 21, 23, 85 & 27 Broadway, N. Y. Opposite Bowling Ureen, ON THE EUROPEAN .PLAN. r I we Hi V KNB HOUSE is well and widely known -r- a ruuiio. xam looauon u eupe daily suitable to merchant r,H k, . i. i. in close proximity to the business part of the eity Jf on the highway of Southern and Western travel- ana atmeeut lo all the pimcipal Railroad aad Utoailiiuusiv urjptlli, The STEVENS HOUSE has liberal aeoommoda lion lor over oua guests it is wet, furnished, and poseeasea every modern improvement for the ooui. tort ana enlcrUinment of its ininatna Tk. are spacious and well ventilated provided with gas " prompt auu respeoltul and the table is generously provided Willi aver UEO. K. CUASK A CO., Prep'trs. May ii, I87.-in JMB wCJJC BT Are especially invited te-oaU aad examine oar stock ui jiiiiiivan o DAnvrf Arvfs, Ousnnrisina1 n . VU.M, DVrVWSi Strap and T Uingea, Locks aud Latohaa. Bulla. Pi... taring Trowels, Brick Trow ala, Plaalwer's Sieves, Ae , Ae , for sale by J u t-USLEX A CO "19 yeara established in N. Y.CIty," 1 f , . .! . .. T 1 1 . V. ! HmaJiM W IW1WI1 . " "Free from Poisons," "Not dans emus to the Unman Family." "Rett eomeout of their holes to die." "C09TAR'8 RAtTrOACH,' Ae., EXTERM'S Is a nasle used for Rats, Mioe, Roackea, Black and Red Ante, Ac , AC. "COSTAR'B" BED-BUB EXTERMINATOR Is a liquid or wash used to destroy, and also aa a pieveutive for Bed-Bnga, Ae. "COSTARtS ELECTRIC POWDER FOR INSECTS la for Moths, Mosqnitnee, Fine, Bed-Bug, Insects on Plants, Fowls, Animals, Ac. ' ! ! ! Bawaa ! ! ! of all worthless Imitations. rrr that "Cosrsa'e" name is on each Box, Bottle, and flask, before you buy. CT Address, HENRY R. COSTAR, 4W Broadway, Y. And all Drupgiet and Retailers everywhere. Sold by FRILING A SON, Sunbury, Pa. O O T -Au I. ' S CELEBRATED BUCKTHORN SALVE For Cuts. Bums. Bruises, Wnunds, Boils, Cancers. Broken Hreasls, SXire ISipples, Weeding, Hliml ana rnli.lul files j Perofnlous. Putrid anil lit conditioned Soies; Ulcere, Olauriular fjwellinga. Eruptions, Cutaneous AflretBnis, Ringworm, Itrh, Corns, Bunions, Chilblains, Ac ; t ped Hands, Lips, Ac; Bites uf tspideis, Insects, Auima! Ac, Ae. tf Boxes, 95cts., 50 cts , and (1 sires. Hold bv all Drtlceists everywhere. And by HENRY H. CUSTAR, Depot 481 Broadway, New York. Sold by FRILING SON, Sunbury, Pa. COSTAR'S UNIVERSAL GCB.1T SOLTE1TT. For Corns, Bunions, Warts, Ae. twBoxes, 23 cts , 50 cts , and SI sizes. Bold hv all DrtiEffistf evprvwhere. And bvHKNRY R. COSTAR, Depot 4et Broadway, New Voik. Bold by FRIMNO A SON, Sunbury, Pa. COSTAR'S PREPARATION OF BITTER-SWEET & ORANGE BLOSSOMS FOR BEAUTIFYING THF. COMPLEXION. Uard t PoftiMi and Beauty the Skill, remove Freckles Pimptai. Kniplinns, ho. Ionics are now using it in preterence to an otners. ry-Botllca, !, IsVjId by all liiusfriste everywhere. And lir HENRY R. COSTAR. Depot 4o4 Broadway, Nrw York. Sold hy FRILING A SON, Sunbury, Pa. COSTAR'S PECTORAL COUGH REIVIEDY For Couejis. Colds, Hoarseness, Sore Throat, Croup, Whiamiua Couch. Inllii.a. Aalhraa. C(Miauiauioa. Brno chiul Alfcclious, and all Diseases of the Throat and Lungs. Hottlra, 15 eta., SO eta , and aires. fcMdhvall DruacKte everywhere. Aiwtbv HENRY R. COSTAR, Depot 404 Broadway, New Voik , Sold by r RILING SUN, Suuoury, ra. CCSTAPk3 CELEBRATED ... r. BISHOP PILLS. A UNIVERSAL SINNER PILL, ; For Nervous and ick Headache, Coativeness, Indigealioa, Dvaprpsia. BillKHisueas, Constipation, Dierrbea, Collca, Clklls, Feveis, aud feueial daaiiKeiueui of the Dtgealiv, Boxra, tS ela., 60 eta., and SI aixea. Sold bv all llruvaiau everywhere Audliy H NHY R. COSTAR, Depot 484 Broadway, Bold by FRH.INQ BON,Suubary, Pa. BOLD BV FIULINQ 4 SOX, , .. Suobury.r. ' I .'.i' .'it Jups 22, lWf.4nt, THE VEST LATEST ABUT ALU SPRING AND SUMMER Joseph Eyster, . Corset of Market and Fourth Street, BUNBURY, PENN' A. Invite the pabllo to fall and examine his elegant assortment ol SUMMER GOODSi which he will Nil at rreatly redueed prteea. Hit Mock oonsistf d part of OASSIMERES CLOTHS, &CV Silks. Delaines. Lawna. Glntrhams. Calieoea. Muslins, Sheeting, Ticking, Jeant.and a full assortment ol Cotton and Woolen goods generally. Hosiery, Gloves, Uoop Sklrta. Also Handkerchiefs, urusnes, vomna. IIutM and Cap, llootaj Bnd Mhoea Hia assortment of goods will not, ha If aura fail to pleaae the fancy and suit the wants of any desirous ot purchasing, ma sioca oi HARDWARE AND QTJEKNSWAKK, nit HmnnHea la Wire In Quantity and choice In quality, comprising generally everything needed In the household either lor use or ornament. 1 isalwavaread and Elaa to tee nis menn and takes pleaaura in ahowing them hla goods even fhinrh nn sales are made. He only aska a call, and ia aure that the stock will compare favorably in nrice and quality with the cheapest. Sunbury, April IS, 1867. THE HOWE MACHINE CO S SEWING MACHINES, 699 Broadway-, Naw York. For I"ninllivsi and MaaulHcturcru, These World-Renowned Sewing Machines, were awarded the highest premium at the World 's Fair in Loudon, and six nrst premiums at tna Aew lora. State Fairof 1866, and are oolebrated for doing the best work, using a much smaller needle for the same thread than any other machine, and by the introduc tion of the most approved machinery, we are now able to supply the very best machines in the world. Those machines are made at our new and spacious Factory at Bridgeport, Conn., under the immediate supervision of the President of the Company, Eliai Howe, Jr., tho original inventor of the Sewing Ma chine. They are adapted to all kinds of Family Sewing, and to use of Seamstresses, Dress Makers, Taylors, Manufacturers of Whirls. Collars, Skirta, Cloaka, Man tillas, Clothing, Hats, Cups, Corse's, Boots, Shoes, Harness. Saddles, Linen floods, Umbrellas, Parasols, etc Thcv work eauallv well upon rilk, linen, wool en and cotton goods with silk, cotton or linen thread. Tbev will seam, auilt, cut her. hem, fell, cord, braid. bind, and perform every species of sewing, making a beautiful and perfect stitch, alike on bctb sides of the articles sewea. The .Stitch in von ted bv Mr. HOWE, and made on this Machine, is the most popular and all Sewing Machines are subjoct to the principle Invcntea oy mm. SEND FOR CIRCULAR. The Howe Machine Company. 6'JSI Broadway, Cor. Fourth St., N. Y. April 6, ISli7, NOTICE TO FA II .11 1: It K. T0RRINQT0N & H0DGKINS : MANUFACTURERS OF RAW BONE SLTER-PIIOSPIIATE OF LIME, Sunbtiry , Pa. - AS the lessen is ft band, we offer to the farmers our Super-Pbosphute, which as a fertiliicr for Wheat, Corn, Oata, Potatoes, Grata, Ao., uauuot bo excelled, and warrant it a permanent improver of ALL KINDS OF SOIL, (not excepting any.) It does not act as a simple stitnulunt for one crop only , but is lusting in its effects, nuicu can oe proveu oy me larinere oi incster anu adjoining couutiea of this State. Also of the ad jacent oounties of Delaware and Maryland, who have used our manufacture lor the last B years. We ask a trial thia spring, confident that those who purchase, will continue to patronise. For Wheat 31)0 lbs. per aore drilled or sown broad cast, For Corn 150 to 200 lbs. per acre dropped in hill, at planting. For Oata 150 lbs. per acre sown broadcast. For Potatoes 400 lbs. per aero scattered in row. ror urasa, zuu ids. per aore aaa top dreseer. i nut quantity on urasa lanrts, will prod ace an ia crease is first crop of 1 to li tons per acre. GIVE IT A TRIAL. Wc know that the result will be satisfactory. v. ' Sold in Barrels and Bags, at $67 per 2000 lbs., at our new Mia uu tut-tory, Kant Murkrt Htreet, Also shipped to all Points or the Phil's. A Erie. Northern Central, Lackawana A Blooinsbarir and Sbamvkin Valley Railroads. ..... J. E. TOKKI.NUTUN, ' ' - ED. H0DUKIGS. Sunbury, March 18, 1807. MAMIA MAKEIt, Uri. A. TWEED. In Mist Anna Painter a Fancy floods Store building, maraet oquare, .) aoors weal 01 tue rost Utnoe, SUNBURY, PA. RESPECTFULLY informs her friends and the publio that aba has again opened a shoo, in Market street, Sunbury, whore eh it prepared to make to order Ladies Dresses, io an entire new style, Ladies' Cloaks, Ao. Also Gentlemen's shlrU. urdert respeotlully solicited. Sunbury, Jan. 19, 1867. ly TRON. A large assortinent of the boat manufao X i urea Ban, Hoop. Band, Round and Square Iron, Nail Roda, Cast Steel, Blister Steel, Drill Steel, Horse Shoes, Hone Nails, Anvils, Bellows, Vices, Hammers, Sledges, Rasps and Filet, at CONLEY A CO S. BOOTS, SHOES AND TEUNKS 1 II. . THACllKIt, trjccxaaouTO W. W. APSLEYV LN addition to our larg stock, already on band, wt are now receiving a full aupply of Spring and Summer gooda for Ladiea, Gentlemen, Miaaea and Cbildren'f wear. Alas a good assortment of Trunks. A large lot of R. K. Bags, Geuta' fine leather Satchels. We wish it distinctly understood that we intend telling our goods at small profits, exclusively for the cash. Don't forget the plac. Pleasant 'f Building, Mar ket Square, Sunbury, Pa. NOTICE Boots and 6he neatly repaired at ahort notice. If any bought of ua should rip they shall be fixed for nothing. H. O. TUACHER. Banbury, April . 1887. tf. lalata. Oil. Ac. ' A full flock of Oilt comprising Llnteed Oil, Coa Oil, Fifh Oil. and Lubricating Oil for Engines an Machinery, Varniabet, Glass, always on band, at low sat tunLDi a iU o R Saddlers, wa have Saddle Treat, Bit la, Back lea. Gic Trees. Pad Trees, Hanaa, all kinda aad vary thing pertaining to the business, for sal by J. U. CONLEY CO. SILVER'S WASH POWDER SAVES Time, Labor, Money. Maksa WASHING A PASTIME AND MONDAY A FESTIVAL, old Everywber. TRY IT. . , XdJreas ai( trdert to the Msjmfaoturer . , . ZIEGLEK fJMIT,;,v.t" ' Chemlete and Wholeaala Dragriata.' . 197 Jorh I blrd kircan. aViaU'a. November 14, WaV ly ?, . ' i - . ' PHOTO O R A F H :i LlDM 8 BOOKS AN3 8TATIOBI1BY, Monthly Tim Books. Drawing Books and Slate.' Bocks, Hymn Books, Blink Books, Menwraodusa Baolu, Diaries, Pockat Book, lak Staadt, peas, Pent ils, a oo assortment of Paper, iuk, Ae. loisalaby AKkA PAINTER, sT A aJ ' -i ItaUadelpaalfa Krie RaOlremd. fUMMKR TIM' tABLB. ' ' Th range, and direct route between Philadelphia, HalUmore, ilarrtsbarc, w tlllamspon, ana in urea Oil Region of Pennsylvania. ' ' K Ltd ANT BLEEPIiVq OARS on aU Right Trains. rw .A., at j. s-.ti eoik i aav iv T.t on the Philadelphia Sri Sail Road wUk raw aa V II nU Bl.vr l " J I null! MWl mirvi , wn . follows 1 , .. ,,. WatTWARD, Mall Train leavef Philadelphia. . 1 .00 p m " " ennbury, 2 .43 a m "' .' Brie. ' 4.09 nm Erie Express leaves Philadelphia, !; U OOaooa Dunonry , ,, j i. p m " arr at trie 9.4b a m Elmlra Mail leaves Philadelphia, ' 8.00 a m Dunourv a.iupm " arrive at Lock Haven. T 45 n m Buffulo Express leaves Baltimore v. 10.30 p m i 1 " " Banhury, , . I.utffl 1 ., 11 arrive at Loek Haven, , . 11.60 am. ' EasrwAan. 1 . Mall train leaves Erie 10.25 am M " Sunbury, 1163 am ' arr. at Philadelphia. ' 7.00 ft m Erie Express leaves Erie S.OO p m "Punnury i.iosn '" art. at Philadelphia. I.OOom Elmira Mail leaves Lock Haven. 7.13 am " " Sunbury, !0I5am arr. at Philadelphia, ' ! 6.40 p m Lock Haven Aoc leaves Lock Haven. 1.60 pm " " Sunbury, 6.20 am 11 " arr. at Philadelphia 12.50 am Mail and Express conneot with all trains on War ren A Kranklin Rnilway. Paaaengers leaving Phil adelphia at 12.00 M. arrive at Irvineton at 6.40 a m, and Oil Citv at B 50 a m. Leaving Philadelphia at T.30 P. M., arrive at Oil City at 4.36 o m. All trains on Warren A Franklin Railway make close oonneoltona at Oil City with train for Frank lin and Petroleum Centre. BAUUAQE CHECKED TUROUUU. ALFRED I.. TYLER, General Superintendent A Ni:W AKKIVAI. Of SPRING AND SUMMER AT THE STORE OF J II EN GEL, Corner of Fourth and Market Streets, SUNBURY. JUST received from New York and Philadelphia, a large supply of SPRING AND SUMMER UOODS, which he will sell at small profits, for oosh or country produoe. Hit Dry Goods department Is full of every descrip tion. Aaplendid line of LADIES' DRESS GOODS, and White Uooda at all pricea. Fancy Sacking for Ladies, and Shetland Vt ool Shaw la Yankee Notions in Great Variety Also, Ladies' French Corsets and Hoop Skirta. O A. 3R, 3? E T S , Wova Floor Cloths, Stair Carpets Floor Oil Cloths, all widths, Carriage Oil Cloth, Tablo Oil Cloth Widow Shades, Plain Urecn and Brown Oil Cloth and Fixtures for Windows. GHOCERIB S , Sugar, Coffee, Molasses, Rice, Crackers, Spices, Salt Flab, Cheese, Ao. Queensware, Glassware, splendid Settaof Teaware, at low prices. BOOTS & SHOES IN GREAT VARIETY. Hate and Capa, Oil, Paint, Ulan, Putty, School Books. Paper, Slatee, Ao. HARD WARE. Shovels, Forks, Nails, Locks, Hinges and Screws, A Large assortment of WALL PAPER and Bor der, at all prices. All persons desiring to get good goods will ploaaa give hiin a oall. J. II. KNUEL. Sunbury, April 20, 1867. SPRING AND SUMMER MILLINERY AD FANCY GOODS, Just opening at the Store of Miss LOUISA BHISSLER. South tide of Market Square, SUNBURY, Pa. MISS SHISSLElt has just returned from tho oitict with a choice aud fashionable selection of BONNETS, HATS, SHAKERS. SUNDOWNS, RISTORI, COMET, AC, of the latest stylet and patterns, to wbioh aba invites the attention of lady purchasers. Also, Misaoa and Children Hats of different varictiea. A fine assortment of Ladies' Hnsiory, Gloves, Fans Parasols, Bugle Trimmings, Flowers. Ribbons, Belt Ribbons, Velvet Ribbons, Braid, Ladies' Neck Ties Dress Combs. Head Dresses, FANCY GOODS. Laces, Handkerchiefs, Lace Coltnrs, Zephyrs. Buttons, and all goods found in a lady's furnishing 'torc. Also, received an excellent assortment ot Perfu mery, Toilet Soaps, Tooth and Hair Bru.-hea, with a uinerent variety ot collars (paper and linen,) and Neck-Ties, Half-Hose, Suspenders, Ac, for Gentle men. A good assortment of Stationery. Thankful for past favors she hopes by a further desire to pleaae the public, the continuance of their patronage. LOUISA SI11SSLER ApriU3, 1S07. NEW GROCERY STORE, V". S. FUP.MAIT & CO Market Street, Six doors East of Third street, north side, SUNBURY, PA., T ESPECTFULLY inform their friends and tho XV public, that tbey have opened a NEW GROCERY AND PROVISION STORE, and will be happy to have tbein cull and examine taeirstwK, wnien naa just been opened, eiubrue log everything in the Grocery line, such as Coffee, Tea, Sugar, Syrnps, Spices, Canned and Dried fruits, iluaos. iluiuiny, Cheese, truckers, Buoon, Ham, Futb.balt, Potatoes, etc, together with Soaps, Candles, Soda, Ac, and in fact everything in the Gruoeryund Provision Line. FLOUR AND FEED, Quccnswarc, Wlllbw-waro, Ulassware, uoal uil i.amps, Uoal Uil Ac Call and see before purchasing elaewhere. W. S FI RMAN A CO Sunbury, April 27, 18Q7. . MILLINERY GOODS KJsa ANNA PAINT IB, Market Square, two doors west of the rost Office SUNBURY, PENN'A. RESPECTFULLY informs her friends and the publio, that sh has just returned from the oity, where she bat spent sometime in making teleotious and purchases, and bat just opened a large stock ot MILLINERY GOODS AND NOTIONS, Ribbons, Laoes, Dreat-Linings, Crinoline and Wi gaua Skirting Lining, Hoop Sklru, Bugle Trim- uiingt, urap iriuimingt, ilat Crape, Cluak Buttons, Corsets, Zupbyra . A large assortinent of Ladies and Gentlemen'! Hosiery. .... A variety of BOOKS A STATIONERY. ' DOLLS of all tiset. Alphabet Blocks, Ac She flatten horself in being able to make a display mat win give entire tattsluction to visitors, and goous will be exhibited with pleasure fiuubury, Maj 4, 167. SPRING TRADE 1867. M. L. LAZARUS, "1TT0ULD respectfully oall the attention of the 1 f publio to her new asaortmeut of SPHIITG- GOODS, In Dress Goods, Lawns, Delaines, Alapaeaa, Mohairs, e. it on uoons, vaniDrioa, iswus oainaook, Jaoouat, India-Twills, BrilliauU, and a variety of Garribaldi Muslins, New Style. Irc Trinmlne; In (Treat varlrti'. Edgings, Glove, Hosiery, Ribbons, Coraeta, Hoop SkirU, Towels, Nepkint. Ladiea and Gent't Linen uenuaorcmeif, rarasols, Laoe and Greeaadin Veils ana a great variety of Mutiona too numerous to men lion. KID GLOVES of tie vary beat quality. i . M, L. LAZARUS Sunbury, May i, 1BT. PERSONS bavins unrecorded Daarfa era r.,l.j ed that tbey muat be recorded, according to the Aot f Assembly wbioh require that "All deeds aud aonvevaneaa lor rul mmtt In ihi. Commonwealth, shall be recorded in the offie tor neooraing needs in the County where the lauds li cut Aim nx montki after the execution of suoh deeds and oonveyaoe: aad vry such ded and eonvav. anc not recorded at aforesaid, shall b niduedl FRAUDULENT AND VOID against any aubaequenl S " " T sirauoa naief suea eds b recorded betors the reoordlag of la ded or eonvayano under which suck subsequent nurabat. w or mortgage shall claim. " ITT Those having aid Daedt will profit by paying taaWi tk I f Sknl iva Aaa tl.aa m k w March J, 1867 Great Attraction, :NEV TIN -WARE. ' Saaeet Iron nl Store More ot : SMITE '& GE1TTHE1IV Where tbey keep onatantly an Band and maarafae toxe to order at abort notice. TIN AND SHEET IRON-WARE of all descriptions. They wowld esvee tally eall the attention of pur chasers to their large and well selected stock of COOK AND PAKL0R STOVES. The subscribers bare made arrangementa to have all their best stoves made to order, and them who would have a good stove would do well to go and examine their large and Wall selected stock. First. Tbey defy competition on the following! tried Brands of Cook Stoves, via : Combination din llaarncr. Cook. UoTtrnor l'eamai- Cooks . WABASH AND IRONSIDES, and the well known Antidust Cook Stove called BPEAR'8 ANTIDUST. Also. Parlor and office Stoves in great variety em bracing all the best manufactures and moat fashion able deeigni, unsurpassed for beauty of finish simpli city of arrangementa combining cheapness, durability and each sUive warranted to porlorin what tbey are represented. Also, i he celebrated Mainmort r ire riaee rtove. for heating first, second and third stories by Registers Also, VULCAN HEATER. Also, the celebrated MORNING GLORY. Coal Oil. Coal Oil Lamps, Nhndeai, Chiannlcti, and nil urllclea usually kept in an establishment of this kind. They are also propared to furnish Slnto and do slating In the best workmanlike manner. Also, to do Tin Roofing, Spouting. Range and Furnace Work, Gat Fitting, Ao. Repairing neatly ana cneepiy executed. Also I lllliiRk't) Itaur Home NiilT.Iliort- l!iut." Remember the place. Sample and Sales Room nearly opposite Conly's Hardware Store, Market street, between Third aud Fourth streets. Building dark painted. August 2i, IH68. MOON & LAMI'llEAH, Xo. a nnd 4 I'nlloii .Hnrbtl 3STEW YORK, WHOLESALE DEALEH3 & SHIPPERS of ull kinds of pr e s Pish. All orders punctually attcnted to. February 2.1, 1807. Bin. iu mure lald Iliad.' Xo mors Gray Loclt! I It . I. K O !S H ' ELECTRIC HAIR RENEWER, is pronounocd by all who have used it the very best E repartition fur the lluir. It is a positive oure for aldness, eradicates Dandruff and 1luutors, atofis tbo uuirlroin iHlling out, anil speedily restores Urny. Locks to their original bue and luxurinnce it operate on tbu secrotions aui mis the glsnds ith new life and coloring matter. Thin, dead. faded or gray hair will always be bruugbt buck by a few applications, to its youthful abundance, vitality and color. It makes the hair soft, gloasv, fragrant, pleasant to the touch and eujy to arrange. Dry, wiry and intractable locks become moist, pliant and disposed to remain in any desired position. As a Hair Dress ing it hits no equal. The sales are enormous and it is a universal favorite with old aud young of both sexes. Sold by Druggists throughout the United States. Address all orders io . ZIEGLEU A SMITH. Sole Proprietors, 137 . or 111 Third St., IMiii'u. November 21, 16C6. ly. I.yonH IVriodirnl lrom, THE GREAT FKMA1.K KbMKUIKS FOR I It UK Ul'LAIUTIf-:! I have tested these Droits ill luv own .tl.iee. over ten veins, und do i..t lirmnir to suv. lint iiotliiiiu litis vet lieen develoied liy niediciil reaeurcli, tliiit acia . tsiwei fully. positively, hiiii luirniiesifiv, m cnsesol leiiMle ureaulHritv. us does I Ins medicine. In till recent eases it never lulls, Willie thousands who have been long sulleiera, are indebt. ed toil lor the boon ot health lo day. Alt'inuch si rsiwrrful and iviitlve. Ihev are nerfcrtlv ImrmleM, and may lie uard at ull, except Kheuane eiully lorbiddeu in tliedireciioua They have been extensively employed hv eminent nhv- siciana in Krunee and Knlmid, na well ua in my own prae- nec, nvcr irn yrars, auu luve yei 10 nenr oi llie nra inMance ol'fHiluie. I could k veyou tMituuinnala of then etficticy ffoiu kidiea all over llie mirlherii und weateru flutes, were they not in tlietr uuluie prlvul-e Uver Itai,. Ooobollles have been s !! the mstyenr. and I hoi und truai us iniiiiy sullereis luive been beiiefitteu. I am well uwuie th:it a retueily ao p,,tent to remove till oli alruelloiia, may be used Torn luid purpose, but trust tlitil Here one bottle is tliua uiied, leu limy mil into the lunula ol reully needy anllereis. i an win. auner Irmn any irreeoliintv : pmnlul, dtfli- CUII, exeesuve, oireusive or ohalluetrd .Mciutiuxtl. il, l.u- corrlicii, or the Hum ol' discuses lolluw. I wouiil sav. try ii iKittleol Dr. I.vo.ii's Kreueli feriodiciil Orops beuia Huid pieiNirulioti, their action is inoie diiertuod nisi- live th:in anv oi III oi powders. F.xplieit diiecllons, lirai- Inzmv iHeatinite, aectiiiiaiiiy ench bottle. Illey m:iy lie obtoiiietl or llrnrlv every drilerlwl In the eouiitiv. or liyincloMiui Hie price bC. G CI.AKK A l't , ocw iinvrii, v,i.( ueueiui Ateuia lor llie lUiteaMalca ai.d Cmunlu. DH JOHN I. LVOV. I'nirtieinir l'li kieiiin. Price, l SO per Bottle. New Haven, Comu Fchiiliiry mi. If POL A N D'S Magic Bilius Powders, rpillA PRKPAH ATION it the iliitMV 1 t-jyol the Hcv. J. W Pihm1 for. mcilythn rati..r ..f the lluptist Churi h in O-.fTrttMWu, N. II . mikI a man dmrlv brtivt hy Unit drifumiiHtnm tlirmifirh.ut New KiiiilaiuJ He waao lilignj t ktive lhe iulpit and ttuiiy mm) (fine it anve bis own life, aiul hia Miigic PowuViaaie mie tif the iivial w.'iidriful iliiccvtric uf iwHierii iitue. it ia THE GREAT 1IVER AND BILIOUS REMEDY! which completely thmwa in the ahade all other iliarnvertes In medicine j and it aflorda htm much gratiaVaiina ikat they receive the unnuini mis eppndialioii of all who have tested them The Magic Bilious Powilera arc a I'onilivct'sare lor I .Ivor 4'osiipliiinl J in ita moat agravated form, and au immediate corrector of all iii i.ioi; i ir.i . a t:jt i Excellent for HEADACHE, CONSTIPATION HIMfl.KS, A SALLOW OKIM, DROWSINKSS l)lZlNl-!. HEAHTIIl'RN, PALPITATION, And a moat womlrrlut CURE A PREVENTIVE OF FEVER A AOIE! (Weadvise all who are troubled with thia featCul inti'a dy to alwaya keep the Powdera ou baud ready fm iiiinic diste uae ) Here nre a few important paiticulura: lai. They are lhe Ureal tSpeeioc for all Bilioua AAW tioua. lid They are the only ktiowu reuieriy that will rure Liver Complutut. 3d. Tbe are the only knows remedy iknl will cure Conalipaliou. 4ih. The Powdere are ao thorouh in their o,rnii that one paekaae will be all thai kite majority iu liaise uaing them will reguire to eflret a cure. oth. They ate mild aud pleaiaut yet the moat ejfec lual cathartic known. m 6th They aie the rheaneat and beat medicine extant, aa they ran he sent by mail to any pait of lhe globe for the price. SO oema. Circulars, containing ernifknslra, infnraiatiod, Ac., sent to any part of lhe win hi free of charge. SOLD HV ALL UU UtitilsTts, or bytiuulou applica tion lo C. G. CI.ARK A CO., Gkmbssl Aosara, New Haven, Cia. Priet, 50 Cmj fr Box. February 1, 1807 y. (ieod aevt a lor ill oilier) I MOTHERS, ar you oppressed with anxiety' for your little -ones? Ar year eiuujbere and hearts broken bv their eriea ' Do yo awake ia tba morning unrefreaaed and apprehensiv f If to, pro- IrftGICI oure at once a bottle or Dr. Leons infant Keuiedy and yoa will have no more weary hourtoi' watching aad anxiety. oh. i.i:os' i.'xtat rk.tikdv bat ttood the test of years. Thousands of nurse so mothers bear witness that It never fails to give relief if used in icaeon. It it a mild, yet aur aud speedy cur for Colio, Cramps and Windy Pains, and it in valuable for all oetuplaiata inoident ta Teething . Sold by Druggists throughout the Vailed states. Address all urdera to WtULER 6MITU, Sole Pproprietor. ISY Aorta Third Blrvct, l'UU'n. Kovaniber 34, i.8fA. ly. SUNBURY BUILDING LOTS IK t. W. CAKE'S Additioa to tba Boiough of Suubury, fur bal ea reaauuabla tersns. Avply la Dr. &. U AWL ud, , 60L. BHOblOL'Sr ' Bunbury v Pa. Or P. VT. 6HEAFER FotUrill, Ft . b'ov :i, ie. N EWiQ.llO (LEJl Y, THH rabterlbera begt leave to announce to iba ' oitisens of Sunbury and ita vicinity, that lby have opened a " NEW GROCERY. Tut door wt ' e J. It. Bngh't Btort, (W - ' Market Bqttar,- , , , whan Htey are) prepared I famish every variety of , groeetiea, and Will keep oonttaatly to hand ta ehoieeat yarlettea sf i . : . i . FLOUR & FEED, Fish, CofTao, Teas, Sugar, Molasswa, Cheosa, Salt fiplcea of all diaeviption, Soap f avary variety Candles. Smoking and Cbewiag tobacco, Segare. Hams. Sbouldera, Baoon, BuUer, and Aggs. .Also Dried fruits of all kinda, Coned Peaches and Tom a toes. Pickels, Ketchup, Pepper Sauow, Raisins, Lemons, Ac, of best quality, aad in fact avary ityler of articles kept ia a well stocked Grocery. Also uiaer v imgar. All xinas ei ooomry preiuoa iuu In exchange . The patronag of tba publia it re speotfully sollotud. . i GEORGE E. BEARD A CO. Snnbnry,' Nor. 11, 1Mb. ' t ' BREAD & FANCY CAKES, Two doors west of the Post Office, SUNBURY, Pa. RESPECTFULLY Informs the citiiena of Sun bory and vicinity, that he will bake to ordef all kinda of 4'iineit for llnllsi, Pnrtieia, Ac. Families r supplied with FRESH BREAD, Twist Rolls, Kuikt, Tea ifif, Ae. and also kept on hand manafairitired out of the beat materinle. All orders will meet with prompt uttcnlion. Having bnd large experience I hope to give general satisfaction to all who may favor me with? their patronage. DAVID FRY. Bunbury, Deo. 9, 18B. n. V. 4l?AIIIIAUT'r Confectionery, Toy and FRUIT STORE .llnrUi t Mtreet, Kntifniry, Iiw COXFECTIOXEUTOPAII WINDS, TOYS OF EVEIIY DLbCUlPTiO FUU1T, &c, &c, CONSTANTLY on hand and for sale at the above cstablinhment atwboluatile and retail, at reason able prices. He is manufacturing all kinds of Confeetlonaricr to keep up a full assortment which are sold at low rntca. Tobacco, Segara, Stationery. Nuts of Ml kinda, and a variety of other article, all of whiah ar pfietod, wholesale and retail. IS Renionibcr tho name and plane. M. C.HEARHART. Market street, 3 doors west of E. Y. Bright A Scti'v store. (Sunbury, Sept. 19. 1303. tf STORE. AV. A. 15ENWKT, .llarkvt Niiiarc, SI AillltV, Jtt.. HAVIXtJ recently purchnscd the Drug flom formerly conducted hy R. A Fisher, I beg leave to infor.n the oitirxna of Nuubury and vi otiiity, that I have entirely replenished my stock of C U CTS- Aa. FANCY ARTICLES! such as Combs, Brushes, Pnaket-Bnoks, Snaps, Per fumery, 11 air-Oil, Knives, Scissors, Coal-Oil Lamps, Tobacco and Cigars, Iuiul, Oilie, UIuo, 4lUH, ally, Vlil', lat-iil .vls'tliriua'si, Ac, All my Tiliclurea. JSyrups. Ointments. Cerates, and other preparations an: manufactured by myself, and from the best material I can .procure in Market. 1 1 living bud tui'.e a uumbcr uf years' expericuuo in tho Dnnj and I'rterij'tinn liuint, I with in Philadelphia and the country, and also tho advantage of the College of Hhiirnntcv. I feel com petent to COMPOUND ALL PRESCRIPTIONS that the Physicians anil public nuiy favor me with. All my preparations as I have above asserted, are made trout tiie best material, and upon honor I assert, they are of officinal strength. For medicinal purposes, I keep on hand the very best WINES, IJIUNDIES AND UQUOiLS, that I can procure. Uel'ure purcburing elaewhcro, call and convince your uwu mind. w. A. lit.Nr.l r. Sunbury, Nov IS, IMJ. NEW H AE B LE YARD! 'I'liird Mlrrrt. .ortli f Itir l'tt, SL'MllliY, I'ENN'A., WM. RTJDH, Proprietor. MONUMENTS. Touib.stones, nnd Ornaiuentnl nnd l'liiiu Work in Marble promptly exncutei at the loweai prices. Ibe subfenhef having bad experience iu the best establishment f Philadelphia, feeia conhdent of being able to turn out tbo best stylus of wuik. A. li. liutll, Agent. April 20, IHH7. 'i:0. IKtlllCll.ll'II V !, ARE now carrying on bu'inesa at this old estnh lishuient with renewed vigor. Castiugsuf every description, promptly furnuhed to order. The Stoves manufactured at this Foundry havo acquired the bighent reputation. funicular attentiou paid to MILL CASTINGS Farmers should nut forget tbut the PLOW 4 nindu at the Sunbury Foundry huve ncvor been ctiuallcd. Agricultural implements repaired at short notice bin ull onslinga. iucludiug Cooking utensils, of tho most improved und most useful patterns. The Lusiuesi will be couduuled oe an enlarge! scale. Old customers will beaccuaimoilateds usual, aud now ones are respectfully autiotted. bunbury. May 12, lsod flour" "&"feed Ytore WHOLESALE AXD RETAIL. THE subscriber respectfully informs the publio that he keeps constantly on hand at his new WAREHOUSE, near tha Shamokin Valley Railroad Depot, in SUNBURY, Flour by the barrel aud sacks of all kinds of Feed by the ton The shove Is all maunfaotured at hit own Mills, and will be sold at the lowest cash price. J M. CADWALLADER. Sunbury, April 1, Jac' HEW SPRING STYLES, -Oca Own Mahh." embraoing evary New and DeairaUe aiie. atyle and' .bap of Plain aud TraU Hoop Skirts, J, i l-i, 2i t i-i, 3, 3 1-4, a 1-2, 3 3- and A Yds., rouud everv. length and site Waist ; intvery respeut Firat WuhIi ty aud especially adapted to uiuot lie want ot First Clus and moat tashiuiiable Trade.. '-Ovb Own UAKJi," of Hoop SkirU, are lighter, mora elastio, more durable, aud Really Chentier tbar aay other make of either Siagl or Double Spring Skirt ra the American Market. They ar Warrant ed in every respect, and wherever introduced give universal satisfaction. Tbey ar now being exten tively Sold by Retailers, aud every Lady should try them. Aa for "Hopkiu's Own Make," and tee that each Skirt is Stamped "W. T. HOPKIN S MANUFAC TURER, tii AUCU Street, PUILAD A." No others are taenuine.. A Catalogue euutaiuiug Style, Site and Retail Prices, sent to any address. A Lui lurtna&d Liberal Discount alloaud to Dealers. Or ders by mail or other i.e. promptly aud carefully fUlod Wholusal aud lULuil, at Alauufuulory aud Salesrooms, N. 2i ABXU Sliwei, PHILADELPHIA. SKIRTS made to ordor, vealtered and repaired TERMS, NET CASH. ONE PRICE ONLY WM. T. HOPKINS. Marelj 23, tSoZ.-Usw m X VTT--v -w- rria vr w O.M J-t-f -x- IN th Berrmgh ot Sunbury, desirably titnated, in high and aeutral locations, ion ai.i:, aa toeht af terms as will enable persona, with a limited amount of avaiUbl money, to purchase usva. Parauai baviug Sllaiersxl r Xltnlarr l-nsadai, Faiast, Dwekliags, or other Real Estate, fur tale oi lease, as well as tbuaa desiring to purchase or rent, ar invited to- consult tha subsoriuer. His connee. tioa with reliable Arms ia New York, Philadelphia, aad laeaber, asTord uousul advaniaget. Conveyancrug aorraotly and neatly executed. JNO. KAY CLKMJiNT, Attorney at Law,. Third door mat of Smith A Uwtbar t&iovabuiw, Bunbury, Pa Sunbury, Pee 8, IW8 tf