CHITTENDEN'S Commercial College, 37 Chestnut Street, (Comer cf Seventh,) PHILA DELPHI A. Established lol4. Incorporated 1855 Young' Itlen l'ra-tlrnlly JKdncntesl for liUKlnmn. The facilities of tliis Institution have been largely Increased, and it now has advantages for imparting business knowledge which are unequalled. The practical value of ill well-tried course of In struction U attested by bundredi in all departments of business. Many a young man owet hie sueeesain life to the Qualifications earned here. The intruction throughout is thorough, practical, and juot what ti daily used in our best business bouses. The instruction include! Book-Keeping In all its Branches, Penmanship, (nam and ornamental.) uointnorclal) vial eolations, Business Papers and Cor respondence, Commercial Law, Detecting Counterfoils, Ktfl. Student Instructed separately and recolved at any time. Diploma awarded on graduation. Stran Iters assisted in procuring suitable boarding places, Board may be obtained for about $5 per woek. Cata logue mailed tree. CHITTENDEN'S BOOK-KEEPING, Counting House, pries tt 60. High School, prioe 91 (0. Common School Kdilion 871 els. Judge Sharswood's Lectures befure the Students on t'omrnercinl Law, price rl oti. THE CRITTENDEN COMMERCIAL ARITll MKI1C AND BUSINESS MANUAL. Containing new and rapid methods of calculation as actually nied by business men. Forms of Business Paper s accompanied by explanations of their nature and nu. naafiil Pntnninrnial Tables, and much valuable (information on business subjects. Price tl 25. The sale of this Book has been rapid that it is already in its second edition. Any of the above books sent postage paid on re ecipi ot me price r 8. U. CRITTENDEN A CO. June 8. 1P67. 6m Agricultural Implement), TT OE'S Grain Kakos, Steel and Iron Garden Rakes, XX Long and D Handle Spades, Shovels, Manure and Hay Forks, Grass and Urnin Scythes, Grain Cradles. Cradle Fingers, Traco, Breast, Ton cue and Log Chains, Grind-stones, Fanning Mill Scivesof all sites and kinds, a large assortment of Red Wagon Hamas, for Plowing, Farm Bells. Cultivator Teeth, for sale by J. jr. CON LEY A CO. "l IKE AI iv AT 13 It PHOUF ROOFING ! THIMES A CO., are the Agents in the Counties . of Northumberland, Snyder and Montour, N .WARREN'S Improved Fire and Water-Proof Hoof. I bis is the cheapest and best Roof .that ean he put on a building. Has been used in the city of Philadelphia, since 1851, where it has superseded almost every other kind of Roof. It is recommend ed by the builders, and is used on all of the finest buildings in that city. Parties contemplating build ing, will do woll to examino into the merits of this and all other kinds of Roots, atd give the best the preference. The Fountain Hotel, of Sunbury, will, in a few days, be covered with this Roof, and parties desiring to do so. mav call there and examine it. For further information address Box 14, Sunbury 1 oat Utlicc, or call at the uno. ard ot T. UIMES A CO. Sunbury, IS, 1867 3m Coachmakers. 1T7E are telling Rims, Spokes, Hubs, prmgs. VV Canvass, Bolts, Clips, Axles, Ae., very low a Large Stock at CONLEY 4 CO. Sunbury, March 30, 1B67. "ALL and Bee those beautiful Bird Cages at the y new iiaraware store oi J. II. CONLEY A CO. FIRST NATIONAL mot. mi & mmi a. a. TEACHER, Proprietor. MARKET BQUA RE, SUNBURY, PA New Goods, New Styles, New Trice The largest Mock of Boots and Shoes in this Marke TRTJNK8 OF EVERY GRADE & PRICE Gents' Traveling Satchol, Hand-Bags, Valises, Ac. An elegant assortment of Ladies' Fine Leather Sat chel Cabs', Ac, Ac. COMF. AND SEE, COME ASD SEE. lM'ituiii' lSuiltllnc, MA UKET 8 QUA HE, April 6. 1S07 Sheet Iron and Stove G- ZETTLEM0YER&; BItO., (Successor to NJ. ZKll'LtiJlOi UK.) Market Street, near Lngcl't Store, SUXBURY, PA TTAV'INU taken charge of the old stand so long I I patromzea oy tne people oi eunDury ana vi cinity, beg leave to announce to the old friends and the publio guncrally, that they will supply thein with the most improved varieties ot STOVES, COOK, OFFICE and PARLOR STOVES of the best Brand which are unsurpassed for beauty of finish. eimnlioitT of arrangement, oombinine obeanneae and dnrability and each stove warranted to perform what uey aro representee. Coal Oil, Coal Oil Iiiupa, I.niiternM, Shades, Chimneys, and all articles usually kept in an eBiaiiiiKnineni oi mis ainu. COfl'ER, liRASSand IRON KETTLES, of all sixes. Fltl'IT JARS and CANS of the latest improved tyles. " lie is also prepared to do all kinds of Spouting and Routing. Rauge and Furnace Work. Repairing, cheaply and neatly executed. U.u. fc&iiLEi.viuicii miu. June 8,18':" y REiMEMBEIl THE DEAD. MESSRS. D. C. Dissinger and John A. Taylor, would rospectl'ully announoe to the citiiens of Kunbury, and surrounding eountry, that having formed a co-partnership, they are now prepared to furnish ornamented and plain Ornrestonea, Toralii & Monamcnl ef the best Italian and American niarblo, at prices that cannot fail to give entire satisfaction, and re peotfully tulioit the public patronage. DIStilNOEK A TAYLOR. Bnnbury, March 31,1868. ly. "ntnrMee rpHE following persons are entitled to receive an X increase of Bounty under the Act of Congreas passed July 1B66, to equalise Bounties. 1st All soldiers who enlisted after the ltltb dav of April, 1B61, tor S years, and served tbeir time of enlistment ana nave seen Honorably discharged, and have received or are entitled 10 receive a Bounty of $100, are entitled an additional Bounty of sttOO. Sd All such soldiers alio enlisted fur 8 years, and have been honorably discharged on account of wounds receives in toe line ot duty, are entitled to an aaoiiionai Bounty u ai v. Sd The Widow, Minor Children, or Parent of such. cornier do aiea ro ine service oi wounus or disease, are enituea to an aauitionai iiounty ul HIVU, By application to 8. P. OLVERTON, Esq., of Puxsvar, I'eunsylrajiia, who is au authorised Claim Agent, all suob claims i.T. be speedily collected. bunUity, August, HJtiO. tf TJS33 : J 1)2 WOLF & CO S MAGIC VERMIN EXTERMINATOR This wonderful preparation is certain death to RATS oin r., iiUALlliJS, lltu UCtid, AN14. MOSUL'I, svjw, iuico, autt j usui! u in Garden. May be obtained by onr Agent, W.A.BENNETT, Wholesale and Retail Druggist, BCNBUKY, PA June 1,807 3uip 1AU l'OH HALIi, TTANDSOME, fine-toned, new, and prioe low. XX laquir at tnis umo. Children') Corrlaitca. soul J eall th attention of tbos wanting sV Child' Carriar, to our new and large assort meut oompruing new and beautitui style. r i. 11 CONLEY A CO HREAIiFA'T SUAWLij. ftM cf fer sal at Ihs Fancy 4 AlPlb. WavrnHVM: MASONIC HALL BUILDING. DREI8BACH BROTHERS. RESPECTFULLY inform their friends and cus tomers, that thev have removed their Store Into the south end room of the'Masonie Buildini.on Third street, opposite the Depot, Sunbury, where the; will o nappy to wait upon tnem. Their Jerge assortment of Groceries. Provisions, AC. are all fresh and of the best duality, consisting: of Teas, Coffees, Sugars, and Spices. Dried and Canned Frnitt, 'Prunes, Raisins. Cheeso, ana crackers, and in fact everything usually kept tn the Grocery line. They wonld also call attention to tbeir large and cheap lot of Good Family Flour, Green Tea, Hams, moulders, are., wnten are constantly Kept on nana. FRESH FISH and Vegetables, aver; Tuesday and Friday evenings. Qive them a call and see for yourselves. Sunbury, April 27, 1867; BRICK! BRICK! BRICK! To the Citizens of Snnbnry and vicinity. mnrj nnBnlnnurl have bouaht the Brick-Yard X and improvements, formerly leased and worked bv A. B. Stevens, and have made additional im provements, and are now prepared to make oontrac to manufacture and deliver BRICK in large quan titles, tor building and other purposes. By the manufacture of a good article, and prompt attention to business, we hone to receive a share of public patronage. Orders left at the Brick-Yard, or Box 14, Sunbury Post Office, will be promptly attended to. T. I1IMES A CO. Sunbury, May IB, 18B7. 3m CHOICE FRUIT & ORNAMENTAL B $ ft 3 S 8 13 EN" J. BOHNEB, Dealer in Fruit and Ornamental Trees, will furn. lh from the most responsible Nurseries in this and other States, first class TKEES of all kinds. Also, Shrubbory, vines and Plants. Garden Seeds of all kinds. Orders aro respectfully solicited. Address BENJ. BOHSER, Paxinos, North'd. Co. fir N. B. Insurances taken in several of tne most responsible Fire Insurance and Horse Detective companies in tne Male. June B, 1867. y 1TEV7" SHOE 5TOS.E. Market Street, adjoining Gearhart'a Confectionery buiro, btiMillu, i a. THF undersigned respectfully informs the citiiens of Sunbury and vicinity, that he has opened a NEW SHOE (STORE, for the sale a well as for the manufacture of the finest and best quality ot Ladies' Shoes, viz: 4jIoveIaid, Jlvrrovco, t ulTaUlu uixl InHtinsr 4nltcra, Ac. Children's Shoes of all kiuds. His stock is entirely new and well selected. He also manufactures fine French and other Calf skin Hoots and Shoes for Uentlemen. Ordors for ladies and gentlemen' custom work will be promptly attended to and got up in the best style by skilful mechanics Shoe findings Ac, constantly kept on hand and for sale to the trade. J. H. JEFFRIES. Sunbury, April 20, 1867. TBB Vr FIR8T PREMIUM Or at Silver Medad WAS AWASDBD VO eSy BARRETT'S HAIR RESTORATIVE E waV By the N. D. Bute A-rlrulturn! Rnelrtr, at gf It. Kklr holden in NmbIiuk. peDt.SO. 1SOL BAUHETT'I Vegetable Hair Restorative Kertortf OnT Flair to 1 nitural color. Pro mote! the growth of th tmr jLUMiRet tn roou lu lUCir onsiiitii orfmiuc cuod. craiic ev etm imnnnin uia iiumora. lirrenu Uair uuil f out. j nuptror urtsn-ing. a 11 COQteUDB DO irijtirioiit) infrn'uicnu.iv ua 19 in muti popuiireuiu sen y able article thmutrhout tiw aw tact, WnU North and ouuin ra i. R. BARRETT A CO., Proprietor, MANCHESTER, Jt. R. Sold by W. A. BE"ETT, Sunbury, Ta., and Druggist generally. April c, 1MU7 t)m WATCHMAKER A JEWELER. Markot Square, near House, the Court SUKBURY, Northumberland County, Pa. TT E has iimt nnrned an nsnrtmont of Gold fWt 11 and Plain Patent Watches, CLOCKS fcW tur natiroaus. uanKs ana Dwellings, nno Oold Rings, Finger Rings, Bracelets, Minia ture Cases. Medallions. Lockets. Pencils, Thimbles, Spectacles, Silver Tablo, Dessert, Tea Suit and MuKtard Spoons, Sugar Spoons, Cups, Napkin Kings, Fruit and Buttor Knives, Shields, Combs, Diamond Pointed Pens, Casters, Pitchers. Butter Dishes, Fruit Dishes, Cake Baskets, Syrup Pitchers, Ac. Ac. He invite the citiiens of Sunbury and vicinity to call at the above place, where he will be happy to watt upon tncm. Particular attention paid to REPAIRING. April 18, 1HH7. J. H. Conley & Co., Market Ktreet, Kat ufllic llailroad SUNBURY, PENN'A. DEALERS IN rOKtlCi.X &. A.UEKICA.'V, Hardware & Cutlery. mHE attention of Mechanics, Farmers, Builder, I and Buyers generally is invited to the fact that we are now ottering a better svleotea assortment et HARDWARE. CUTLERY. AC. than ever was offered in this marked at prices much below those heretofore demanded by dcalors. Our stock comprises all artiolea in this line of business, embracing a general assortment ot tools and mate rials usca ny CARPENTERS, BLACKSMITHS, CARRIAGE AND WAUONMAKEHS, together with a lame stock of Iron, Steel, Nails. Spikes. Rope, Chains, Grindstones, Mill and X Cut ail. sa., oo Sunbury, Maron. 30, 1S87. Fashionable Dress TRIMMIN GS1 AND Millinery Goods, Justopening at the Millinery Stor of Miss M. L. GU83LEB. Fourth Street, two doors below the Railroad, West side, bl'.NbLKt, 1'A. Sueh a m t vt '.9 ra m f ra ?i DreM-Trimmings, II cad-Dresses, Gloves, Hosiery Ribbons, Flowers, Collars, Uandker. chiefs, Ac, Ac, which hare been earefullv (oleoted. iiiiss m. Li. u ussier lias just opened a lara aseon ment of Millinery Goods. Ladies should not fail to ;o and see the latost styles as it will pay to not dslay n visiting her More. Call and examine for yourselves. to troabl te snow goods buuburyApril 20, 1807. STEVENS U0U8E, . 31, S3. 26 At 27 Broadway, If. Y. Opposite Bowling Green, ON THE EUROPEAN .PLAN. mllE STEVENS HOUSE Is well and widely known L te the traveling public. The location is espe cially suitable to merchant and business men : it is in close proximity to the buslueas part of the city is oo the highway of Southern and Western travel and adjacuat to all th principal Railroad and Meats boat dermis. IheeriKVKNij HOUSE bat liberal accommoda tion for over 800 guests it is well furnished, and possesses every modern improvement for the com. sort and entertainment of its inmates. The rooms are spacious and well ventilated provided with ga uiu " iu, .hvuvusi m prompt and respectful .unuwuiuiBii guuuruusiy proviued with every GtO. K. CiiAbB 4 CO.. Prop'tn. Are especially invited to eall and ezamlu our stock of BUILDER' HARDWARE, oooriaioi Nail and Bpik ef all varleiin. R-tu i..-. Strap and T Hinges, Locks and Latches, Bolts, pla teriug Trowals, Brick Trowel, Plasterer's Bisves, to-, Ac .tor sale by H CONLEY A CO. MS?SX 'I'niiiiir'i "' nn "IS years established In N. Y. City," "f Inly infallible remedies known." "Flee from Poisons," , "Not dangerous tn the Ho man Family. " "Rata ooweout of their hole to die." 'COTTAR'H".RATC-CH, Ae, F.XTEBM'8 Is a paste used fur Rats, Mice, Roaches, I Black and Rod Ants, Ae , etc. -"COBTAR'8" UKD Dt'O FJC TERMINATOR Is a liquid or wash used tn destroy, and nlsti as a preventive for Bed-Bugs, Ae. "COPTAR'S ELECTRIC POWDER FOR INSKCT9 Is for Moths, Mosqulbies, Fleas. Bed-Bugs, Insects on Plants, Fowls, Animals, Ac. feT ! I ! Bkwhiii ! ! ! of all worthless imitations. CVPeethat "CosTsa's" name is on each Box, Bottle, and Flask, before you buy. IT Address, HENRY R. COSTAR, 484 Broadway, N. Y. And all Druge-isls and Retallets everywhere. Sold hy FRII.IN'O ft SON, Sunbury, Pa. CO T -A. R ' 3 CELEBRATED BUOKTHOKN SALVE, Fin Cuts. Burns. Bruises, Wounds, Boils, Cancers, Broken llr.l. H,,re Ninnl,.. Kleeilli.V. Illillll lld Pailtful Pill'. ck'roiuloua, Putrid ami III conditioned Boies; Ulcers, Glandular dwellings, Eruptions, Ciitmienu AUecttons, Hineurumi. Ileli. Cirn. Munioiia, l.'hiltilains, etc ; CUap. ped tlanda, Lips, ftc. Bile; nf Spideis, Insects, Animals, AC AC nr Boxes, uSrta., 50 els , and PI sizes. Ritfl l,v nil llroftnrmlfl evervwhere. And hy HKNII Y R. COSTAR, Depot 4M Broadway, New V"rk Sold by FRILl.NO SON, Bontrary, r. COTTARS UMVKRSAL CCaiT SOLT31TT. Pnr Cor ni, BuiiiiHti, U'nru, A a. tBoxM, ft.1 eta , 6 eu , and SI aiza. tild hy all DruffKisttfvtMrwhere. A nrl b v H KN RY R. COSTAR, Depot 464 Broftdwmy, New Ymlt. Suld by r RILING ft SUN, PunDury, ta. COSTAR'S. PREPARATION OF BITTER-SWEET 4, ORANGE BLOSSOMS FOR BEAUTIFYING THE COMPLEXION. L'sed tn Poftrn and Beauty the Skin, remove Freckle Pimples. Hruplions, Ac. ladit are now using it in preference to another. rv"Billes. SI. Sold by all lliumiM. everywhere. And bv HENRY R. COSTAR, Depot 4Bi Broadway, New York. ' Bold by FRIUNO A SON, Sunbury, Pa. COSTAR'8 TF.CTORAL COUGH RE1MEDY ! For Coughs, Colds, tloarsenrss. 8nv Throat, Croup, Whooping Cousli, liiAneoaa. asthma. Cmisuinp4ni, Br on chial Atfections, and all Disease, of th Taroat and Lungs. Unities. 19 cl.., an rts , and l sizes. ttold rvail llru.Ki.ts everywhere. Ami bv HENRY R. COSTAR. Depot 484 Broadway, New V..ik Sold by t HI LI Mi fe BUM, buiibury, ra. COSTAPw'3 CELKBtUTED BISHOP FILLS. A UNIVERSAL DINNER PILL, For Nerwiua and tick Hwdache, Costivaneas, Indigestion, Dyspepsia. HillHMi.nrss. C'SiMipatum, Iharrhee, Colics, Ca lis, Fevers, and general deianieraent of the Digsetiv, Oiana. Boars, 3 els., no sis., and all site. Void by all Drutsists vrywarv Andbv R NHV H. COpTAR. DsDut 4M Broaden. New Vork bold by rrtlUNM at BU.-v, Banbary, fa. SOLD BY FRILING A SON, Bonbnry.rn. June 22, IMT J THZ TOY LATEST ARRIVAL! SPRING AND SUMMER Joseph Eyster, Corner of Market and Fourth Street, SUNBURY, PENN'A. Invitet the public U eall and examine hi elegant assortment of . BUMMER OOODB, which he will tell at greatly reduced prioe. BU took eonslsu in part of OASSIMBREB. CLOTHS, &C-. nitka n.i.ln. i.iim. Ointrhama. Calicoes. Muslins, Sheetlnc. Tickings, Jeans, and a full aseortmeotof Uottoa ana woolen gooas generally. Hosiery, Olovee, Uoop Skirts. Alio Handkerchiefs, Brushes, Combs. lint and Caps), Boot nnd Shoe, His assortment of goods will not, he is lure fait to please the fancy and suit the wants of any desirous of puronasmg. aim sure ui HARDWARE AND QUEENSWARE, and Groceries Is large In quantity and eholoe In quality, comprising generally everything needed in the household either for use or ornament. He is always reedy ana giaa w see sis menus and takes pleasure in showing them his goods even though no sales are made. He only asks a eall, and la sure that the stock will eompart favorably in price and quality with the cheapest. Sunbury, April 13, 1867. a THE HOWE MACHINE CO S SEWING MACHINES, tot Broadway, New Yoac. For Families) and .ttauufactarera, These World-Renowned Sewing Machine, were awarded the highest premium at the World' Fair in London, and six first premium at the New York State Fair of 1858, and are celebrated for doing the beet work, using a much smaller needle for the same tnreaa man any otner maenine, ana oy tne introauo tlon of the most approved machinery, we are now able to supply we very best macmne in in worm These machine are made at onr new and spacious Faotory at Bridgeport, Conn., under the Immediate supervision of the President of the Company, Eliai iiowc, jr., tne original inventor oi tn oewing aia, chine. They are adapted to all kind of Family Sewine, and to use of Seamstresses. Dress Makers, Taylors, Manufacturers of Shirt. Collars, Skirts, Cloaks, Man tillas. Clothlni. Hats. Cap. Cnrsei. Boots. Shoes, Harness. Saddles, Linen Goods, Umbrella, Parasols, eto. They work equally well upon silk, linen, wool en and cotton goods with silk, eotton or linen thread. Tbey will seam, quilt, gather, hem, fell, eord, braid, bind, and perform every species of sewing, making beautiful and perfect stitch, alike on bclh side of the articles sewed. The Stitch invented b Mr. HOWE, and made on this Machine, is the most popular and all Sewing Machine are subject to the principle invented by SEND FOR CIRCULAR. The Howe Machine) Company. 99 Broadway, Cor. Fourth St., N. Y. April 8, 1867. NOTICE TO FAKMKKS. IT0ERINQT0N & H0D0KINS MANUFACTURERS OF RAW SONS I SUPER-P110SP1IATE OF LIME, Rnabnry, Pa, A il our Super-Phosphate, which as a fertiliser for Wheat, Corn, Oats, Potatoes, Grass, Ac. caanot be excelled, and warrant it a permanent improver of ALL KINDS OF SOIL, (not excepting any.) It does not act as a simple stimulant for on crop only, but is lasting in its eD'ects, wntcn can o. proved by tne farmer of tne. tur and adjoining eountiee of this .State. Also of the ad jacent counties of Delaware and Maryland, who I nave used our manufacture for the last 8 years. neasa a trial mis spring, connaeni mat tuose who purchase, will continue to patronise. for wneatjuu lo. per aors armed or sown broad east, For Corn 1W to 2001b. per aor dropped lu hill, at planting. For Oats IsO lbs. per acre sown broadcast. For Potatoes 400 lb, per aore scattered in row. For Grass, 200 lb, per aore as a top dresser. This quantity on Grass land, will produce aa la crease In first crop of 1 to 1 1 tons per acre. QIVE IT A TRIAL. W know that the result will be tatisfaotory. Sold in Barrel and Bags, at $57 per 2000 lbs., at our new Manufactory, tinnt Market Slroel. Also shipped to all point on the Phil's. A Erie, Northern Central, Lackawana A Bloomsburc and Shamokin Valley Railroads. J. .. lUHKlJXUlVJS, ED. UODGKIGS. Bunbury, March 16, 186T. .tlAVI fTA MAHEB. lira. A. TWEES. In Mi Anna Painter's Fancy Goods Stor building, juaraet equare, J doors west ot tne rost umoe, BUNBURY, PA. T ESPECTFCLLY inform bar friend and th XV public that she ha again opened a shop, Market treat, Sunbury, where she is prepared to make to order Ladies' Dresses, In an entire new style, Ladies' Cloaks, Ac. Also Gentlemen's shirt. Orders respectfully solicited. Bnnbury, Jan. 19, 1667 ly IRON. A large assortment of the best manufao tured Ban, Hoop. Band, Ronnd and Squar Iron, Nail Rods, Cast Steel, Blister Steel, Drill Steel, Horn Shoe, Hone Nail, Anvils, Bellows, Vices, Hammers, Sledges, Reap and Files, at CONLEY CO 8. BOOTS, 8H0E3 AMD TRUNKS 1 II. C. TIlAl'llUIt, ocenaaon ra W. VY. AP8LEY. IN addition to our largs stock, already on hand, w ar aow receiving a full supply of Spring and bummer good lor Ladies, Uentlemen, Muses and inimren s wear. Also a good assortment of Trunks. A large lot of K. R. Bag, Genu' Hue leather Satchel. W wish it distinctly understood that we intend selling our goous et .well prunis, eaoiu.ivviy lor Ul aaau. Van t forget tne piaoe. rieaaaot'i uuilding, Mar kst 6'quare, Sunbury, Pa. NOTICE Boot and Shea neatly recaired at short notice. If any bought of us Mould rip they snail a nxea toe notniog. 11. M. Banbury, April 1. 1867. tf. Pnlntn. Oils, Vc. ' A full (took of Oil oomnrisinff Linseed Oil. Coa uu, run u ii, ana iunrioating uu lor engines an Machinery, Varnishes, Glass, always on hand, at low prices at tuntti as vu a TCOK Saddler, w have Saddle Trees, Bills, Buck X ies. Uia Tree. Pad Tree. Uaae. all kind and vary thing pertaining to the business, for sal by SILVER'S WASH POWDER QAVE9 Time, Labor. Money. Make WASHINQ O A PASTIME AliD MONDAY A FESTIVAL iold Sverywbere. IttX IT. Address all order to th Manufacturer ZIEGLER A SMITH, ' ChetniaU and Wholeaai Druggist. -1ST rvorth Xlaira plrect, Fbirn. Novsmber 14, 18 ly PHOT 0 0 JTTB H ALB UH8 BOOKS AMO STATIOJrXXtT. Monthly Time Book, Drawing Book and Slates. Book. Hymn Book. Blank Books, Memoranda as tteoB, Utart as, rocket Hooka ink Stands, Pea, Pencil, a In easortraent of Paper, ink. Ae. Fes catchy ANNA PAIMTR Vjt;. ITUlataotyMt. ofc Brim Threacn and dhreet fewtej between Philadelphia, Baltimore, Harriebarg, Wtlliexasport, and the ttreatj QU Region of Pennsylvania. ELEGANT BLEEPING CARS on alt Night Train. On and after Monday, April 20th, 1861. the Train on the Philadelphia Erie Rail Hoed will ran follow t Wiirwaan. If ail Train leave Philadelphia, f.00 p m. " " " ounoury, . a aa " , Erie. 4 08 p m Xrie Expres leave Philadelphia, ' 13.00 boob " Bnnbury - - 0.36 p m " err at Erie 4 a m Slmira Hail leave Philadelphia, 6 CO a m Sunbury 4.16 pm " arrive at Loek Haven, T.4J p m Buffalo Express leave Baltimore ; 10. HO p a " " " Sunbury, t.U a m " arrive at Loek Haven, 11.60 am. Eastward. Mall Trail leaves Erie 4t gunbury, " arr. at Philadelphia, 10.25 am 11.63 am T 00 am 6 .00 p m trie ttxprsts leaves trie , eunoury " arr. at Philadelphia. 10 a m 1.00 p m Elm Ira Mail leave Look Haven, 7.16 am 10.26 am 6 40 p m 1.60 p m 6.20 am 12.60 am " sunDnry, arr. at Philadelphia, Lock Haven Aco. leave Lock Haven. CUUVUITi 11 arr. at Philadelphia Mall and Express oonnect with all trains on War ren A Franklin Railway. Passengers leaving Phil. ad el phi a at 12.00 M. arrive at irvineton at 0.40 a m, and Oil City at 9 60 am. Leaving I'nilaaeipuia at 7.30 r. arrive at uil City at 4 86 pm. All trains on Warren A Franklin Railway make elois connections at Oil City with trains for Frank. lin and Petroleam Centre. BAtiUAUt, Vxtt.un.ltAi THROUGH. ALFRED L. Tx, Oenoral Superintendent. A NEW A It It I V A I j OF SPRING AND SUMMER AT THE STORK OF J II EN GEL, Corner of Fourth and Market Street, SUNBURY. JUST received from New York and Philadelphia, a large supply of SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS, which he will sell at small profit, for cash or eountry produce. Hi Dry Good department is full of every descrip tion. A splendid lin of LADIES' DRESS GOODS, and Whit Goods at all price. Fancy Backing for Ladies, and Shetland Wool Shawls Yankee Notions in Great Variety Also, Ladle' French Corset and Hoop Skirt. O -A. H 3? E T S , Wore Floor Cloths, Stair Carpet Floor Oil Cloth, all width, Carriage Oil Cloth, Table Oil Cloth Widow Shade, Plain Green and Brown Oil Cloth and Fixtures for Window. GHOCEBIE S , Sugar. Coffee, Molasses, Rice, Cracker, Spioea, 8alt Fish, Cheese, Ac. Queentware, Glassware, splendid Sett of Teaware, at low prioe. BOOTS & SHOES IN QBJSA.T VA.BIETY. Hat and Caps. Oil. Paint. Glass. Puttr. School Book, Paper, Slates, Ao. HARD WARE. Shovel, Fork, Nails, Locks, Hinge and Screw. A Large assortment of WALL PAPER and Bor der, at all price. All persons desiring to get good goods will pleas give him a eall. J. H. ENGEL. Sunbury, April 20, 1887. SPRING AND SUMMER M1LL1NEBY AD FANCY GOODS, J uat opening at the Store of Mis LOUISA 8HI3SLER. Sooth side of Market Square, SUNBURY, Pa. MISS SHISSLEll ha just returned from the oitle with a choice and fashionable selection or BONNETS, HATS. SHAKERS. SUNDOWNS, RISTORI, COMET, AC, of the latest style and patterns, to which she invites the attention of lady purchasers. Also, Misses and Children Hats of different varieties. A fine assortment of Ladies' Hosiery, Gloves, Fans Parasols, Bugle Trimmings, Flowers, Ribhons, Belt Ribbons, Velvet Ribbons, Braid, Ladies' Neck T ies Drees Combs. Head Dresses. FANCY GOODS Laoee. Handkerchiefs. Lace Collars, Zephyrs, Buttons, and all goods found in a lady's furnishing tre. Also, received an excellent assortment oi Perfu mery, Toilet Soaps, Tooth and Hair ilr with a different variety of collars (paper and linen.) and Neck-Ties, Half-Hose, Suspenders, Ac, fur Gentle men. A good assortmentof Stationery. Thankful for past favors she hopes by a further desire to please the publio, the oontinuance of tbeir patronage. LOUISA SU1SSLER. April 13, IS67. NEW GROCERY STORE, 77. S. FTJP.lrCAlT & CO., Market Street, Six doors East of Third street, north side, SUNBURY, PA., RESPECTFULLY inform tbeir friend and th public, that they have opened n NBW GROCERY' AND PROVISION STORE, and will be happy to have them call and examine their stock, which has just boon opened, embrac ing everything in the Grocery line, such aa Coffee, Tea, Sugar, Syrup, Spices, Canned and Dried Fruits, Beans. Hominy, Cbeeso, Crackers, Bacon, Ham, Fi.h, Salt, Potatoea, etc., together with Soaps, Candle, Soda, Ac, and In fact everything in the Groceryand Provision. Line. FLOUR AND FEED, Queensware, Willow. ware, Glassware, Coal Oil Lamps, Coal Oil As. Call and ses before purchasing elsewhere. VY. tt. HUMAN A CO Sunbury, April 27, 18S7. MILLINERY GOODS A1D 1SXOTI J2STS. Mice ANNA PAINTER, Market Square, two door west of the Post Office SUNBURY, PENN'A. RESPECTFULLY informs her friends and the publio, that she ha just returned from the city, where she has spent some time in making selections and purchases, aud ha just opened a large stock ot MILLINERY GOODS AND NOTIONS, Ribbons, Laces, Drew-Linings. Crinoline and Wl geua Skirling Lining. Hoop Skirt, Bugle Trim ming, irepe irimmmgs, uat vrap, uioaa Buttons Corsets, Zephyr. A larn assortment of Ladies and Gentlemen' Hosiery. A variety of BOOKS A STATIONERY. DOLLS of all sises. Alphabet Blocks, Ae. She flatters herself in being able to make a display that will give entire (atiafaotion to visitors, and good will be exhibited with pleasure. Ouaoury, Aiay , isoi. SPRING TRADE 1SG7. M. Ii LAZARUS. 1TTOULD respectfully eall the attention ef the ft public te ner new assortment of SPPallTO GOODS, In Drees Goods, Lawns, Delaines, Alapaoaa, Mohairs, o. wmieuooas, liamDrioe, esia naiusooi, Jaconet, India-Twills, BrilliaoU, and a variety of Garribaldi Musliaa, New Style. Drenat Trimming In xrnt wnrltr. Edgings, Glove, Hosiery, Ribbons, Corsets, Hoop Skirt. Towels, Napkin. Ladies and Uent'i Linen Handkerchiefs, Paiasola, Laoeand Ureenadlne eils and a great variety of Notion too numerous to men WVU. dUD GLOVES of the very best quality. M. L. LAZARUS Sunbury, May A, 1S67. RECORD YOTO DBED3 PERSONS bavinr unrecorded Deeda are remind ed that they must be recorded, aeeordiug to th Aot of Aamnbl which require that "All deeda and conveyances for real estate in this Commonwealth, (hail tic recorded ia the otficc fur Recording Deeda In the County where the land lie ( nx asoMtAs after the xeowien ef such deed and conveyance; and aver sack deed and convey ance not record ad a aforesaid. akAlt ha iudA FRAUDULENT AND VOID agaiaet any subaequ at wwmgT veiuw eeaataamtieB aaiese suoa deed b recorded belure the seoardme a the daad reeaveyaaeeueder whkheesbsabseauent Mireha. cr or mortgage akall dam.1' -If Those having eld Deed will prolt by Baying March :3, IWt. Great Attraction, At the NEW TIN-WARE, 8hr t Iron nnd Mate Ster SMITE &. OEITTEEH, SXTlSTBTTHSr. 3P-, Wher tbey keep constantly on baa and toaaofiM- tur to order at short notice. TIN AND SHEET IRON-WARE of aU description. The would esDeotallv call the attention of PW haawr tn their large and Well selected stock of COOK AND PARLOR 8T0VE8. The subscribers have mad arrangement to have all tbeir best stoves made to order, and those who wonld have a good stove would do well to go and examine their large and well selected stock. First. They defy competition on the following tried Brand of Cook Stoves, via : Combination ejiaa llnrner. Cook. UoTcrnor Ienn CooW. WABASH AND IBONSIDES, and th well known Antldott Cook Btov called BPEAR'S ANTIDUST. Also. Parlor and office Store In great variety em bracing all th best manufacture and most fashion able designs, unsurpassed for beauty of finish simpli city of arrangement oombining cheapness, durability and each stove warranted to perform what they are represented. Also, The celebrated Baltimore Fire Place Store, for beating first, leoona ana intra stones oy rtegisters Also, VULCAN HEATER. Also, the celebrated MORNING GLORY. Conl Oil, Conl Oil Lassps, fthtvdco. Cbtmnlesi, and all article usually kent in an establishment of this kind. Tbey are also prepared to furnish Slat and do dating in the beet workmanlike manner. Also, to do Tin Rnofint. Sooutini. Ranee and Furnace Work, Gas Fitting, Ac. Repairing neatly ana oneapiy xeeuta. Also: "Bitueh's Ilutr Bone HuperItao pbate." Remember th place Sample and Bale Room nearly opposite Conly'i Hard war Store, Market street, between Third and Fourth street. Building dark painted. August 2&, 1889. MOON & LAMPI1EAU, fto. 3 nnd 4 I'nlton Market new Tronic, WHOLESALE DEALERS at BHIPPXBS of all kinds of PRESH FI SH. All order punctually attsnted to. February 23, 1847. Xo mtr Bald Head! 2ib vurt Gray Lotlt! R. LEO.M' ELECTRIC HAIR RENEWER, is pronouneed by all who have need it the very best preparation for the Hair. It is a positiv cure for Baldness, eradicates Dandruff and Humors, stops the Hair from tailing out, and speedily restore Gray Locks to their original hue and luxuriance It operates on the secretions and fills the glands with new file and coloring matter. Thin, dead, faded or gray hair will always be brought back by a few applications, to it youthful abundance, vitality and color. It makes the hair soft, glossy, fragrant, pleasant to the touch and easy to arrange. Dry, wiry and intractable locks become moist, pliant and disposed to remain in any desired position. As a Hair Dress ing it ha no equal. The sale are enormous and it is a universal favorite with old and young of both exe. Sold by Druggists throughout tie United State. Address all orders to ZIEOLER A SMITH. Sole Proprietor, 137 ."Nor til Third M., I'hU'a. November , 1805. ly. inn I: Lyon's l'criodical IkroftM, THE GREAT FEMALK REMEDIES FOR OCLAR1TIKS! I have tested these Drops in my own ptare, over ten yeara, and do uot arsitate to say, that nothing baa yrt twit developed by medical rest-arch, that acu so powerfully, positively, and harmlessly, in eases of female irregularity, aa does this medicine, lit all recent eases it never latl., while thouasnrt. who have been long eufleicr.&re indebt ed to it lor the btaai of health to day. Although so powerful and positive, thev ar perfectly ' harmless, and may he uaed at all times, except wheu spe cially forbidden In thedirectiona ' They have been extensively employed hy eminent pny sicians in France and Kugluid. a. well as 111 my own prac tice, over ten yean, and I have yet lo hear nt the firs instance of faiiuie. leouldgiveyou testimoiuala of their efficacy fiom ladies all over the northern and western States, were they not in their nature private. Over 109, out) bottles have been sold the past year, and I hope and truit os many .ufTerera have been hsiienttea. 1 am well aware that a remedy so notetit to remove aU oh structioiis, may be used for a bad purpoae, but trust that where one bottle is thus used, ten may fail luto Ihs bands ol really needy suffereie. To all who suffer from any irregularity; painful, dim eult. exceeuve, ntfeueive or obstructed Menstiualion, Lu corrhea, or the train of diseases that follow, 1 would say, trv a Mttle oi Dr. I.vox's French Periodical Drops. Bsine: a fluid preparation, their action ia more direct and p iai- live than any pills ol powders, hxpiicit direction, bear. inxmv facsimile, aucompany each bottle. my facsimile, accompany each bottle, fhey may be obtained nf nearly vry drurgut in the They may be obtained nc nearly everv crurrutt country, or bvincloeinc the priea inc. O CI.AHK A CO New Haven, Cl., Ceaeral Agents for the United States at.u lanaaa. DR. JOHN L LYON. Practieina- Phrsiciaa. Price, tl SO per Bittie. Now flaven, Conn. rebruary 93, IB97. ly FOLA N D'S Magic Bilius Powders, n rrIUS PuEPARA r Li.JiLj J. eiy of the Rev. J fe&sSlrv'gt'iieilv the Paster of tl rrfar in O.ff.lowii, N. II , i DON Is the discnv W. Poland, f l- the llaptiM Charek and a man dearly bt-lovtft by that denomination throughout New Kiinalaiid lie waao bliged toleave Ihs pulpit and aludy medicine to aava h.s own life, and his Mafrie Powdeissie one nf the moss wondeiful discoveries of modem times. It is KlfVGICi 'OvVDtT?? THE GREAT LIVES AND BILIOUS REMEDY I which completely throw in the shade all other diseovenc In medicine j and it affords him much gratification that they receive the unanimous approbation of all who have tested Ihem The Magic Bilioua Powders ar a PosillveCure lor IJrtr Complaint! in its most agravated form, and an Immediate corrector fall IllI.IOi; IsKKAKGT.nETI Excellent for HK AD A CHE, CONSTIPATION P1MPI.K9. BLOTCH KS, A SALLOW fKIN, DROW8INI--.SS. DIZZINESS. HK.ARTBl RN , PALPITATION, And a most wonderful CURE A PREVENTIVE OP FEVER A AGUE! I We advise sll who are troubled with this fearful mala dy to always keep the Powders on baud ready for imuie diste use ) lleie are a few important pai "enters: 1st. They are the Great Specific for all Eilion Affec- tinna. Sd They are the only known remedy that will cure Liver Complaint. 3d. The, are the only known remedy that will cure Constipation. 4th The Powders are so thorough in their operation that one package will be all that th majority of thoa using tnem win require to enect a cure. 6th. They ar mild aud pleasant yet the moot etfee. lual cathartic known. - - th They ai. the cheapest and beat medietas extant. aa they can be eein by mail to any put of th glob for h price. SO cents. Cireurara, containing eertiacatea, inforaiation, Ac. sent to any part h tne world iree or enarae. BUI.UBY ALL URUUOloTS, or ermesloa appbea- Hon to C. O. CLARK CO., OeNseu. Aaaara, New Have, Cina. Pnct, 50 Ctnti ftr Bel. FebrearyM,I9a. ly. tiood new Tor nolhrra! M0THER8. are yon oppressed with anxiety for your little ones? Ar your slumber and hearts broken by their cries D yon awake in th morning unrefreshed and apprehensive T If so, pro cure at one a boul of Dr. Leon' Infant Remedy and you will have no more weary hour of watching and anxiety. UK. I.KOS lFAr HK.HEDV has stood the test of years. Thousands of ansae and mother bear witness that it never I ails te give relief if need in season. It is a mild, yt suti and speedy sure tor Colio, Cramp and Windy P'-'.n. aad is in valuable for all oumplainu incident to Teetbinf Sold by Druggist throughout ike United States. Address aU ardors lo j , . TJEULSR 4 BMITn, ' Sol Pproprlet. 1T orth Tatlrtt Street, Vnlln. Neveasaerit, i,atA-ly. ' BUBBURY BUILDIHO XiOTS IN 9. IT: CAIB'S AddlUon t tin Botongk of Beabwry, fcr Sal en reaseaabln .. Apply te Dr. . H. AWL and, . F" , SQL. BROSIOU8, ' ' - - pvv Bunbury, Fn OrF W. gHKArm.TVtts'llte.P Nov :t, mi NEW 0 ROGER Y rniTK hsoribr keg tear to asmooaea to th J. eitisen of Snnbnry and it vioiatty, that tbey aarespened n NEW CmoCERY, Two doort tMt p J. JI. Engle't Store, in ifarhit Squar, wher they arc prepared to furnish every variety of grooeriee, and will kp constantly on hand the ehoieect varietle of FLOUR & FEED, Fish, Coffee, Tea, Sugar, Molasses, Cheese, Salt Ppioe of all disoriptlon, op of every variety Candles, Smoking and Chewing tobaecA, ftegar. Ham, shoulders, Bacon, Butter, and r.eirs. Ala Dried fruit of all kind, Caned Peaches and Toma toes. Piokels, Ketchup, Pepper Sauee, Raisins, Lemons, Ac. of best quatlty, and in fact vry style of article kept In a well stocked Grocery. Alsd Uider Vinegar. All Ktna Of country protiuce isrob In exchange. The patronage of the public I re- ipectruuy solicit!. GEORGE B, BEARD A CO. Sunbury, Nor. 11, 1865. BREAD & FANCY CAKES. Two door west of th Port Office, BUNBURY, Fa. RESPECTFULLY Inform! the cltiscn of Sun bury and vicinity, that he will bake to order ail kind of CnUealor Hallsi, lirtlM, Ac. Families ire supplied with FRESH BREAD, Twist Bolls, Ru.ks, lea Buns, Ac, and also kept on hand manafactured out of the best materials. All orders will meet with prompt attention. Having had large experience I hope to rive general satisfaction to all who may favor me with tbeir patronage. DAVID FRY. Sunbury, Deo. 9, 1896. SI. V. GKAHIIABT'll Confectionery, Toy and FRUIT STO 3 Mnrkvt Street, Wisnbiiry, lpn. CONFECTIONERY OF AIT WINDS,- TOTS OF EVEKY DESCRIPTION' FRUIT, &c. &c, CONSTANTLY on hand and for sale at the abovs establishment at wholesale and retail, at reason able prices. He la manufacturing alt kinds of Confectioneries to keep up a full assortment which ar sold at low rates. Tobacco, 8egar, Stationery. Nuts of all kind, ana a variety of other art.clea, all of wbiah art ofleiett wholesale and retail. LV-Retnember the name and place M. C. HEAR 11 ART, Market street, 3 doors west of E. Y. Bright A Son's store. Sunbury. Sept. 19. 1863. tf Deli J J. S V& I ill 4 U ii i ORE. T W. A. UONHT, Market Squnre, SI .MIl ltY, Ir. TTAVING recently purchased the Drug Store XI formerly conducted tiv it. A f isher. I bez leave to inform the citiiens of 5unbnry and vi cinity, that I have entirely replenished my stock of FANCY ARTICLES ! ueh as Combs. Brushes, Focket-Books, Soaps, Per fnmery, Hair-Oil, Knives, Scissors, Coal-Oil Lamps, Tobacco and Cigars, l'alnts, OUm, Clue, Glasin, 1'iitly, Vnrnlfliie, Putfut MrdU'tus-M, Av. ; All my Tinctures, Syrups, Ointments. Cerates, and j other preparations aio manufactured by myself, and I from the beat material I oan procure lii Market. Having had quite a number of years experience hi the Drug and Precription Ltipinm, Loth in Philadelphia and the country, and also th advantage of the College of Pharmacy. I feel com petent to uumruuiJiU ALL rilfcSCKlt'TlO.NS that the Physicians and publio may favor me with au my preparations aa 1 nave above asserted, an made from the best material, and ut.on honor j aasert, thny are of officinal strength. for medicinal purposes, 1 keep on hand the ver; WINES, BRANDIES AND LIQUORS, that I ean procure. Before purchasing elsewhere, oall and convince your own mind. Vt. A. BENSETT. ennbury, Nov 18,1885. NEW MARBLE YARD Third street, .torili of the IScpet BUNBURY, PENN'A., VM. HUSH, Proprietor. MONUMENTS. Tomb-tones, and Ornamanti and Plain Work in Marble promptly execute at the lowest prices. The subscriber having had experience in the be establishment of Philadelphia, fuels confident being able to turn out the heat styles of work. A. 11. RUSH, Agent. April W,18r. SUiNHUIeY FOU.NDIU. UKO. ItOIIUUACU At XO.K. ARE now carrying on business at this eld cats lisbment with renewed vigor. tastings of every description, promptly fur&i.o. to order. Tb Stove manufactured at this Foundry bai acquired the highest reputation. Particular attention paid lo MILL CASTINGS Farmer should not forget that the PLOWS ma. at the Sunbury Foundry have never been equalle Agricultural implements repaired at short notu Sumll earnings, iucluding Cooking utensils, of t most improved and niost useful patterns. The business will be conducted on an enlarg scale. Old customer, will be accommodated a usu and uew ones are reapwifully solicited. Sunbury, May li. isoo. FLOijR & FEED STOR WHOLESALE iSD RETAIL. THE subscriber respectfully informs the pub that he keena constantly on hand at bis a WAREHOUSE, near lii Shamokin Valley Railrc Depot, iu SUNBURY, Flour by the barrel and au of all kinds of Feed by the ton The above is all mannfaelured at hi own Mi and will be sold at the lowest cash price. J M. CADWALLADER. Sunbury, April 1, Jot" IIOUl (aKIItTN. 63 MiW SPRING STYLES. -Or 0w Max.' enibraoiiiK every New and Desiral'le site, style . Shape Plain aud Trail Hoop rltn.. J. i'l-i. i -, 3, 3 1-4, !t l-i. -4 aud 4 Ids., round ev length and ie U aist ; in i very respect First Qu ty aud espeoiully adapted to meet the wauls ot F Lluaa and most fashionable Trade. "Ocn Owa Msac," of Hoop Skirt, arc lighi mors elastic, more durable, and Really Cheaper ll any other make of either Single or Double Spr Skirt in the Ainerienu Market. They are Warn ed ia every respect, and wherever introduced g universal aatistaclioo. Tbey are now being ext sively Sold by Retailer, aud every Lady should them. A for 'Hopkin's Own Maka," and se that Skirt is Stamped "W. T. HOPKIN S MAMF TURKIC 024 ARCH Street, PHIL AD An other ar Uenuiu. A Catalogue containing Sti Sue and Retail Prices, sent to auy address. A I form and Liberal Discount allowed to Dealers, dera by mail or otberwire, promptly and cureft filled Wholewtle and Kweail, at Manufactory I Salearootas, . No. 638 ARCH Stresi, PHILADELPHIA. SKIRTS mad to order, realtered and repairs TERMS, NET CASH. ONE PRICE 05: WM. T. HOPKINS. March 23, lS67.-10mw TOWN LOTS IN th Borough ef Sunbury, desirably situated high and eeutral locations, IUU MA I.C. an inch easy term as will enable persons, wit limited auiouat of available money, to purer homes. Persons having mineral or Tim her l.nnsla. Fans. Dwellings, or ether Real Estate, for aal lenea, as well as these desiring to purchase ar r are invited to consult the subscriber. Uis eoui tioa with reliable arms ia Nw York, Philadalp and elsewhere, aJtord anuaul advantages. -. Conveyancing eurreotly ard neatly executed , JN0. KAY CLLMKNT. , Attoruey at La' ' Third door wast of Smith A Genthcr Stat bt Baubury, Pa Suabury. I1 , WW. - tf