1 E.WIL VERT, '' - -' SATURDAY, AUGUST , 1867. ilocal affairs: . ' A HEaTJEBT TO BUBBCBIBKRS, ; ' We ar at present sending Mils ft subscriptions to the American to a nnmber of subscribers, mostly residing fit distant point, who, we trust, will promptly remit the amount due. These bills, al though email In Individual ease In the aggregate make a considerable amount, and are very impor tant to enable ui to carry on our business. We snail feel greatly obliged to our patrons to whom these bills are sent if they will immediately oompl with our request. Our subsorihers are partioulany re quested not to allow their indebtedness to overrun ' one year. All subscriptions tkoltld be paid in ad vance, bat under no consideration should the yoar paas around with the subscription unpaid. SawiRo Macbini rot Bali. One of Howe's excellent machines, with the latest Improvements, has just been received, and will he sold at a reduced price.! Inquire at this offioe. lUm. The refreshing rain on Sunday night has greatly invigorated the growing oropa of corn and TKitatoes. ' Ta oommenoemont exeroiset of the University at Lewisburg, took place last jreok. It was the 17th commonoemont, and was attended by a large num ber of the frionds of the institution from abroad. Ho li m nt op a Sam. Oo Sunday night last the Vfflce of 8. B. Boyer, Esq., of this plaoe, was entered by burglars, and some valuable papers belonging to sir. Boyer wore stolon. The safe was opened by means of false keys. Mr. Boyer offors reward of : $300 for the reoovery of his pipers. ' ToNsomal. We call attention to the advertise ment of Messrs. flunnison A Co., who have lately opened a aVst-olaaa Barber Shop, over the Post Office, in Third stroot. Their establishment is decidedly neat, and with the aid of two barbers well skilled in the tonsorial art they guarantee satisfaction to all who may favor them with a oall. r Pretty" Uihls. Lewisburg, we have been in formed, has a superabundance of young ladies, and good looking ones, '.oo, while the beaux are so scarce ' that the girls are estimated as ten to one of the lat ter. Hero is a fine field or oponing for a "foreign invasion," and somo of our young bachelor frionds, in this place, have already evinced unmistakable signs that iudicnto intentions to accept the bounty and enlist. Limd and Limkstokk. Mossrs. Lenkor A Bro ther, as will bo seen by their advertisemont In ano ther column, have commenced burning lime in their new kilns at this place, and call the attention of those who want good lime and limestone to the foot that they arc prepared to deliver either at the short--est notice. As their limestone is procured from the celebrated quarries in Lower Mahanoy township, they think they can furnish an article of lime that cannot bo excelled In the county. Finx at Milton. On Tuesday evening last, about 9 o'clock, a fire broke out in the dry-house of the Miiton Car Factory, owned by Messrs. Chaniberlin, McCormick A Co. The building is of briok, one story high, and covered with a slate roof. The en gine played steadily upon the burning mass for more than an hour, without extinguishing it. One oar of lunibor was run out on the track that runs into the building. We did not hear any estimate of the loss, but it must be considerable. The pile was still burning when we left on the 11.20 train. Dissolution As will be seen by announcement in our advertising columns, the partnership hereto' fore existing between Mossrs. J. W. Friiing & Son, the well known prdpriotors of the Mammoth Store, In this place, has been dissolved, the senior member cf lUd firm, John W. Friiing, Esq., retiring. Mr, Friiing is one of our oldest and most successful mer chants and business men, and has always enjoyed tbo confidence and patronage of the public lie U succeeded by his son, II. Y. Friiing, who possesses, in an eminent degree, the business qualifications and liberality of his futhor. Til a cnora of groin and hay have been nearly all safely housed, and they are the best we have had for twenty years. The oats crop is large and heavy, und corn and potatoes promise well. Several thou sand bushels of now wheut wore brought to Milton during the past ten days and sold, at first, for about $2. It is now quoted at $1.80. In provisions there is nothing so high as beof. Mutton ia said to be Abundant, and is selling in the city market! at 50 per cent, loss than is demanded or it here. Berries are bighor than last yoar the reason why we don't understand Blackberries are soiling at 7 to 8 eents ; whortleberries, from 10 to 12 cents. New potatoes nt 91 .50 per busbol. Tomatoes at 80 cent per peck Accident ok tub Shamokih Valley Railroad. On Thursday morning of lost week, aa a caniol back engiue with 90 empty coal cars and a passenger .oar, going to Shaniokin, was rounding a curve about two miles from thia place, the front afle .of she en gino broke, precipitating it and 25 of the. cars down an embankment of eight feet The passenger and some 30 of the rear oara remained upon the track, while those in tho oentre of the train were piled up i'in general oonfusion. Fortunately xto person waa (injured, and but two of the cars totally wreoked. The engine waa but slightly damaged. By 4 o'clock in the afternoon the wreck was cleared from the .track, and interfered but littlo with the regular bu sinoas of the road. I. O. or O. F. A spocial aeasion of the Grand .Encampment of I. O. of O. F. waa held at Lewis burg on Tuesday evening, July 234, fox the purpose -of organising Buffalo Valley Enoampment No. 157, The Kncunipment was duly instituted by the follow, ing officers, via : D. Dep. Q. P., 8. B. Boyer, act ing M. W. Q. P. ; P. C. P., Henry Haldeman, acting M. E. Q. P.; P. C.P., Josiah Kelly, acting R. W O. 8. W. ; P. M. Shindel, aotir R. W. i. J. W. Kman'l Wilvert, aoting G..8. After the Encampment waa instituted It waa or ganized by the election of the following officers to nerve the ensuing term : C. P., I. S. Sterner ; II. P. D. Oswald ; S. W., W.D. Snydor j J. Vf., E. Straub S. Young. The new Bin do i at Liwisbubo. The atone work for the railroad and wagon bridge at Lewis- hurg waa awarded on Monday of last week to Mr John Shields, of Mauch Chunk, fur the sum of $51,- 000. The wood work waa secured by the Keystone Bridge Company, at a tittle less than the amount required for the atone work, the while amounting to 998,000. The Chronicle aaya the work will be eoin jnenced in a few days, and expresses the hoe that the bridge will be to far completed aa to paas trains by the first of January next. I Mr. Shielda, we learn, has given up the contract, and that Mr. Campbell, who oonetruoted the Ma chine Shopa at thia place, haa bean awarded the etono work at J M,00 f Ahotheb Jail Hied. On Monday last the con stable of Bhamokln brought to town an Irishman named Stephen Grant, wbe waa arretted for commit ting an assault and battery, with intent to kill, on William Nettle, of that plaoe. Nettle, who is a man about sixty years of age, was boss in one ef the mines near Shainokin, and the prisoner had been employed under him, but waa discharged by Nettle for some offence The prisoner became very angry and mads threats that be would kill his employer On Monday last, meeting him in one of the streets of Eharuokiu, be deliberately sUuok him with a lung-shot, knocking him senseless, and repeated th Dope with the weapon after his yiotim had fallen to the ground. Several persons who happened to be near at the time of the occurrence, arrested the prl aoner and took him before Kaquira Caldwell, who oouiwittoJ hiia to jail. Nettle's injuria are of a very dangerous character, and it Is thought be can' not recover (tni li reputed violent and brutal fellow. ..-..- , IUuArtXABLi S0BVr. The Potlsville Miners' Journal BTVto 27th , M that' (ft rntwesdng lurroy hatVcccntly boen' msMw In Northermftortand lounty, not only s it settle a long open and vexed tuestloi as to the true boualsiioe of Important sur veys, Mnbraoing an axtenaive fang of valuable coal lands, but from two remarkable oolnoiiionooe con nected with it. The JtunuU saye : . . . . .. . "Aft or yean of anxious gearob, certain Important lines and corner were found and established, by clearly defined mosmmeats, on the anniversary of the day on which they were made, seventy odd yean ago; in 1793. "The old compass used by John Reese,- a deputy of Wm. Oray, the old surveyor, to run the linos and fix the boundaries originally in I7U8, paaaed down through various owners, into the possession of Mr David rtcekofellor, of Sunbury, and was used by him and his associates oo this anniversary to re-traoe the old origfnnl linee and disoover the old original oop ncrs. After seventy odd years, thia ancient truth teller compass, fnithfnl to its high trust, toM the aamo story in May, 1867, which it told in May, 17V. "This remarkable surrey waa made by Mr. David Rockefeller, of Sunbury, so eminent in hia profes sion, In company with Messrs. Sbipman, McWilliams and West, of Danville,' also favorably known aa faithful and able surveyors. ' "It haa been well eaid, human testimony may fail, human witness may be corrupted, but nature never lies and never betrays the trust reposed in her. "In 1793 the monuments and oorners were made in the trees, and to the bosom of thoeo witnesses were eonGdod the memorials which were to ascertain and determino private rights of individuals to immense estates for a long eerioffof years to come. ''Amid sunshine and storm, night and day, sum mer ant) winter, stood the pine tree, which was made the corner. - A sentinel faithful to its trust, it stood a true and incorruptible witneaa of the truth. To its faithful bosom was confided the sacred trust. Years rollod around and wach successive year buried the truth deeps and deeper in its heart, and fur nished aoaumulating evidenoe of toe identity of the witness. At length comes tho surveyor, directed by bis faithful compass, In search of the truth, and be hold as the axe penetrates the bosom of the old pine, the interesting fact oommittod to its keeping, is re vealed. It ia the important corner, the long and earnestly sought iandmtrk. For seventy odd yoara this true and faithful witneaa stood at its post ; it never faltered, its memory never failed, its fidelity never waned. No human power oould influenoe, no bribe could corrupt, no artifice oould confuso, no trick could brow-beat into silenco. It stood the true, faithful, ooorageoua, undaunted witness. Tho storms and tempests of seventy winters did not sub due it, and it now perpetuatea a monument whioh years cannot destroy , which prevents litigation and all its evils, and makes right and justice and peace triumphant and supremo.1' Bcnzjse. At the Oil Refinery of Messrs. Bowcn ft Wilder, at this place, the fuel used for generating steam and driving tho machinery is tho bontino extracted from orude petroleum, in refining. The demand for this product ia not equal to the supply, and the aulea are, thcrofore, limited, even at the low price of twenty oonts per gallon. It ia a valua ble but dangerous substanco, and when too much is loft in the oil it is liable to explosion. In this re spect we consider tho oil of Mossrs. Bowen ft Wilder the best and safest we can got. Ibsurancb fAin. The barn owned by Goo. P. Merti, near Northumberland, which waa destroyed by fire on Wednesday night of last week, was insurod in the Farmers' Mutual Insuranoo Co., of Danville, to the amount of $1,200. This sum haa already been paid in full by the company, and Mr. Merti haa commenced rebuilding. TnE WAsniRGToji Library Cohpakt, of Phila delphia, gains oredil and support every day. The sales of stock surpass ail expectation, and the pros pect is that the funds for the noble objoct will be secured even in advance of tho timo anticipated. Tho reason is obvious. The dosign is worthy, and creditable to the patriotio hearts who arc laboring to reward a too much neglected class. The funds go Into responsible hands, and the publio have lip fears that they will bo mis-directed. The plan adopted satisfies the scruples of the most conscientious, and tho endorsement of eminent legal authority. It is by its distinctive features entirely removed from the taint of catch-penny schemes whioh havo so often been the means of imposing on the public. It gives to purchasers of its stock a full equivalent for the consideration paid. All its transactions are open and above board. It has no concealments, and tho reputation of the managers is such that they cannot afford to "be dishonest in this transaction. Read ad vertisemont. BTJSINEBS NOTICES. Cp'Job l'rin tins'. Having received a large aupply of NEW JOB TYPE, of varioua new atylea, Postera, Handbills, Circulars, Cards, Letter Heads, Bill Heads, Xabols, ftc, can bo printed in the latest and beat styles, and on short notice. Orders by mail promptly attended to. The New Rules or Court, regulating tho prac tice of the .Courts in the 8th Judicial District of Pennsylvania, composed of the counties of Nortbuuv bcrland, Lyooming and Montour, have boen pub lished by ns, and are now for sale at the Ahchi cae offioe. Thoso who have not yet subscribed can obtain copies by applying immediately. Superb. Our citirons will find at Shaeffor's tui lorlng establishment, Market Squaro, the most beau tiful patterns of summor oaasimores for gents' and boys' clothing., They are made to order promptly, neatly and cheaply. "Secuhb the Shadow, ere the Eubstahcb . Fades." If any of ur readers -iliou'd want a beautiful and lifcdike Photograph, or pictures of any si to or style, and on any kind of material, we would advise them to go to the Photograph Gallery of 6. Byerly, in Simpson's building, Market street. Protect youb Feet! The best way to protect your feet from exposure in inclement weather is to purohase your Boots and Shoos from the elegant stock at Thscher's Store, in Pleasants' building, Market street. "Lives there a ma it with bocko dead," . Who has never desired to wear, GjjKo worn, such Suits for Gentlemen, Suits for Boys, Suits of all grades, As are made at The Continental Clothing Bazaar, Market Street, Sunbury. Bebostbbsseb, Third street, opposite the Masonic Hall, the .successful Photographer, makes piotures in all styles of the art. Persons are requested to give him a call bofqre going elsewhere, Lira Ihs-urakce. "It is no more the moral duty of a mas to provide the daily bread for his family while he lives, than it Is to provide against their being left penniless, in the event of his death." Edinburr Journal Jacob bhifmai, t'irt and Lift Iwuranrt Aant, 6unbury , Pa. PaoTOSRAPBS, made from Dagaerreotypes or Km brotypes, at Bergatresser's Gallery, Third street, op posiu the Masonio Hall. Whse you want cheap and good Photographs Bergttresser's Gallery, Third atreet, opposite the Masonic Hall, is the plaoe to resort to. Six cards, or one large Photograph, for f 1.50. Duplicates, 25 to 50 cents. ai-ic The Latest News. Ladies and gents, have yon heard the last news ' About ths low prioes of good Boots and Shoes ? On Market street, at MiUex's, you'll liud The beat ltools and Shoes, and of every kind. Mens', boys", and youth's boots, in both calf and ip, And goods we will warrant never to rip i Shoes of every description, for all kinds of wear, That never will rip, nor caver will tear. Ladies' Glove Sid, and Congress, that will make a neat toot, ytecause they will set just like a book t Children's Shoes that are all good and nice, And all seem satisfied with the reduced price. So drop in and aee, and examine the Shoes, Aad we think you'll be satisfied with the very latest (tews.. , . ' i en.i-. Jose Euusm says i 'I aeser bet say stamps aa the nasi whe Is always lelUn of what he would have did if he bed bjn tbva- I hava noticed that tBls kind never get there." J5ut at Beck's tailoring es tablish ai sot you will always Jid kirn then, aad wben you get there yoa will be eatitfied that he makes ths cheapest suits is) town Or all places to get good Photographs, go to Berg atreastrw Gallery, Third Street, opposite tut Masonic Hull, where they are; made. : Six cards, or one largo Photograph, for f 1.50. Duplicate!, 23 to 50 eta. ' I Mil Q HI ' ; .. J .... : Tit I Woe ld AS Booed as A Ball. The heading of thia artlole ia but an expression, so far as ws art concerned, but In soienee and la the discoveries of Columbus, argues much. Had Ferdinand been as kindly toward Columbus as Isabella was, ColumWis would have received more gratitude) thus,1 In a pleasant way, we wish to convince the nubile that 8. Faust, at his fashionable Hat and Cap Emporium, Is daily contributing to their advantage in furnishing the best, handsomest and cheapest goods, In bis line, that com to this plaoe. Call and examine tho la teat atylea and large assortment. ,., f , . . .. - Teat flia best is Tns Cheapest, is as true In baying clothing as anything also, and If you would realise the benefits of this old and familiar adage you should procure your garments at the tailoring establishment of J. E. Stnlck, on Fourth street, where evory variety of Summer clothing can bo obtained at Very low rates. ----- DEATHS. '. . At Rio Janeiro, (on beard U. S. steamship Brook lyn,) May 2S, 1K67, CHARLES W., son of Charles Mygatt, of Washington oity, agod 31 years. Corrected Weekly for tho "American." Wheat Flour, extra family, perbarrol, do do . do do porowt. Rye Flour, per bbl. do per owt. Wheat, prime red, new, per bushel, Rye, do Corn, new do Oats, do Potatoes, do Driod Peaches, pared per pound do do unparcd ' do Dried Annies, do $12 00 0 50 10 00 6 00 . 2 00 1 25 1 10 50 2 00 40 25 15 3 00 25 22 25 20 25 18 14 13 . 1" 60 Dried Cherries, (unstonod,) per bu. Butter, per pound, por doion, per pound, 1 do do do do do - , do per pair Cheese, Lard, llnms. Shoulders, Beof, hind quarter, " front " Mutton, Chickona, Nhainokin Conl Trade. Shahokin, July 29, 1867. Ton. Cm. Sent for wook ending July 27, 11,965 04 Per last report, 259,170 11 271,135 15 ' 309,644 19 . 38,509 04 Te samotlme last year, Decrease, J pedal Notices. No medicine equals Coe's Dyspoptie Cure, for Dyspopsia, Indigestion, Constipation, Fever and Ague, Siok Headache, and all diseases that proceed from a disordered state of the Stomach and Bowels. All druggists keep it. "Loveliness needs not tho foreign aid of ornament, But ia, wben unadorned, adorned the moat." : But loveliness, iUolf, cannot always be possessed without sacriflco aud oare. The prematuro loss of the hair and its unfortunate tendency to turn grey at an early period, both fatal to the beauty of tlie person, oan only be prevented by a judioiary use of tho truly celebrated Hair Restorative of Mr. Bar rett. Tho testimonials of its efficacy are numerous and unexceptionable. THE GREAT ZINGAKI BITTEHSI Certificate from His Exeellenoy, David R. Porter, Ex-Governor of Pennsylvania : . Habrisburo, Pa., Deo. 7. 1866. I have had occasion to use RAUXER'S Z1NUARI BITTERS in my family, and found them very ctli oacious in all disorders of the bowels. 1 have re oommended their use also to friends in Now Yoik, where they have been found to produoe the same encot. fcvery tamiiy woulu ao well to navo a sup. ply at all times on hand. DAVID R. PORTER. 'I'o JonuiUtivctf. The advortieer, having been restorod to health In a few weeks by a very simple remedy, aftor having sunoreu tor sevoral years with a severe lung atteo tinn, and that dread disease. Consumption is anx loua to mase Known to nia tuuow-sunorers ma means of eure. To all who desire it, he will send a oopv of the prescription used (free of charge,) with the direc tions for preparing and using the same, whioh they win nna a sure oure tor (Jomhuuptiox, ahthma, Bhoxchitis, Couous, Colds, and all Throat and Lung Aficotiona. l'he only objoct of the advertiser in Bonding the prescription ia to benefit tbo afflicted. and apread iuiurmation which he conceives to bo invaluable, and be hopes every suncrer will try his remedy, as it will cost thorn nothing, and may pi jve a blessing, i'artios wishing tne prescription, free, by return mini, will please address REV. EDWARD A. WILSON, yl6V67.1y - Williameburg, Kings Co., N. Y THE HEALING POOL, And House of Mercy. HOWARD ASSOCIATION REPORTS, for Young Men, on the crime of Solitudo, and the Errors, Abu ses and Diseasea which destroy the manly pewore, and create impediments to Marriage, with euro moans of relief. Sent in sealed letter envofopos, freo of charge. Address DR. J. SKILLIN HOUGHTON, Howard Association, rniladelphia, fa. . , Juno 8, Jl7. ty lr. WlKtar'a Unlxum of Wild Cherry. Whore this article is known it is a work of supcro rogation to say one word in its favor, so well is it established aa an unfailing romcdy for Coughs, Colds, Bronchitis, Croup, Whooping Cough, Asthma diseases of the Throat, Chest and Lungs, as well as that most drsaded of all diseases, Consumption which high modical authority has pronounced to be a curable disease. Those who have used this remedy know Its value ; those who have not, have but to Biake a single trial to be satisfied that. of all others it is tht remedy. - ' THE KEY. JACOB EECnjJEIi, well known snd much respected among the Gorman population ot this country, writes as follows : xiahoveb, ra., reo. .10, ibov. Messrs. 8. W. Fowls ft Son, Bostob Dear Sirs Having realized in my family important benefits troin the uaool your valuable preparation wistab s Balsam or W ild Cheery it aflorda me pleasure to recommend it to the public Some eight years ago, one of my daughters seemed to be tn a deoline aud little hopes of her recovery were entertained I then procured a bottle of your exoellent Balsam and before sbe bad taken the whole of it there wus a great improvement in her health. I have, in my individual oase, made frequent use of your valuable meaioine, ana nave always been oenentea oy li. J would, however, caution the publio aeainst imiieei tion, because there is a good deal of apurioua V tu tor's Balsam of Wild Cherry afloat throughout the country. JACOB SECiiLER. j one genuine unless signed "i. utiiis oo tne wrapper. Prepared by 6ETII W. FOWLK ft 80N, 18 Tre- tuoot St., Boston, and lor sale by Druggists generally HcbencaVsi Kfciweed .Tonic. This medicine, invented by Dr. J. H. Schencs: ef Philadelphia, is intended to dissolve the food and make it into ebyme, the first process ef digestion. By cleansing the stomach with Sohenck's Mandrake Pills, the Sonic soon restores the appetite, and food that could not be eaten before using it, will be easily digested. Consumption cannot he .cured b Schenck'a Pul menio Syrup uniese the stomach and liver ia made seal my and tne appetite restored; sense the Tonio and 1 ills are required in nearly every ease of oon- smuDtlon. A half doien battles oftha KKAWKKn TONIC and three or feur boxesof the MANDRAKE yiialuS will eure any ordinary case of dyspepsia. Dr. Schvnck makes professional visits in New York, Boston, and at hia principal Oiftee ia I'biUdclphia, every week. See daily papers of each plaoe, or hia pamphlet on consumption, for bis days for visitation Please observe, when purchasing, that the two likenesses of the Doctor, one when in the last stage of Consumption, and the other as he now is, inperfuct health, are on the Government stamp. Void by all Drnegists and Dealers, nriee 91.50 ner bottle, or $7.50 the half doieo. All letters for advice should be addressed toDr. Hchenek a Principal Offioe, no. I norm ow Direct, rniiaaeipnia, fa. General Wholesale A erects: Deinas Barnes A Co. N.Y.; 6. llanoe, Baltimore, Md. John D.Parke, Ciaoinnati, Ohio ; Walker ft Taylor, Cbieegcv 111 Collins Bros , St. Louis, Mo. Oot. BU, lstw.ea.mo.lyr. ' HELMBOLD'S EXTRACT BlICHtf and Improved Rose Wash eases awet aud delicate diaordctaia all their suaae, at bule aapeuae, little Of no eaanse la aueS, ao uv enoveaieiiee and uo eipoaare. It ui pleasant ia lasts and ooor, lauaanune ia Ha aeunu,ana use Irani an inn nrus properties. eitrtfly txite roicu clothixci.- y ilia v; ::: 7? j r&r L.;.,,. JONDS' I )) , 1 1 0)j Df H S T A, III A 8 II Ij J( I , CLOTHING OOl market 'flftreet One door shove Sixth) Philadelphia. 1 For many years Hits Establishment has dono 'busi ness en the One l'rtce System, and we betieVe we are the only Clothing House in the oity that strictly adheros to this principle. We have earned a repu tation which we are proud of, for good taste In seleot ooa styles and substantial materials, and not loss important, for having all our goods, - i:tra wi:i.i4i!iAii:., Wo employ tho host talent, for Cuttore, and our Goods are of both kinds Fashionable' and plain so that all tastes oan bo suited. The pricos are the very lowest, aa any one by a moment a thought must see, or otherwise we could not meet tho competition of our nolghbora, for as no deductions are over mnde, we must put our prices down to the advantages we premise. The pooplo may depend, this is the true plan upon which to da business, and many a dollar can be saved to Clothing buyorr by keeping in iniml ' 1 JONES' ONE PRICE CLOTUINd UOU8B, 004 Market fUrrcet, Philadelphia, Not on the Corner, but One door abovo Sixth. Maroh 23, 1867. ly '.TERninc o.-!si.;iit. Now Is the season for tboso huge black swarms of flics, that so torment man aud bouat. DUTCHEU S L1GHTNINU FLY-KILLER will make a clean sweep of them every shoot will kill a quart. Beware of bogus imitations, whioh some may say are "lust as good." Thoro is nothing at all comparable with It. Sold elsewhere. Prioe Six Cents. July 27,1867. It Chronio Diseases, Scrofula, Ulcers, tec. It la well known that the benefits derived from drinking of tlie Congress, Saratoga, and other celebrated Springs is principally owing to the lodioo they contain. . DIl. H. ARDEUS' IODrNK WATER contains Iodine in the same pure state that it is found in tboso spring wafers, but over 500 per cent, more in quantity, containing as It does 1 j grains to each fluid ounoo, dissolved iu pure water, without a solvent, a discovery long sought for in this country and Kuropo. and ia the bett rcmody in the world for Scrofula, Cancers, Salt Rheum, Ulcers, and all Chronio Diseases. Circulars free. J. P. DINSMORE, Proprietor, 86 Doy Street, Now York. Sold by all Druggists. j;27-4t HELMBOLD'S FLUID EXTRACT. Is a certain cure for diseases of the BLADDER, KIDNEYS, GRAVEL, DROPSY, OR OANIC WEAKNESS, FEMALE COMPLAINTS, GENERAL DEBILITY, and ell diseases of the URINARY ORGANS, wliethei existing in MALE OR FEMALE, from whatever cause originating and no matter of HOW LONG STANDINO. Diaenses of these orgnus require the use of a diuretic. If no treatment ia suhinittea to, Consumption or Insan ity muy ensue. Our r-'icali and Btood are auppoited from tlieae sources, and the HEALTH AND HAPPINESS, and thntnfroaterity, depemla upon prompt use of a reliable reincuy. ; tlF.I.MBOCP'9 KXTRACT BUCHU, Established upwards of IS years, prepared by II. X. IICI.MIJOI.O, DRUGGIST, 894 Broadway, New York, and 104 Souib luih Street, I'bilauelphia, Pa. Marcha, li7.ly lirrom of Youth. A gontloman who anffured for years from Nervous Debility, Premature Decay, and all the effects of youthful indiscretion, will, for tbo sake of sufforing humanity, aond free to all who need it, tho rcciiio and directions for making tlie simple reinody by which he waa cured. Suftbrera wishing to profit by tho advortisor a exporiouce, can ao so oy aanressing In perfect oontldonoo, jujijh jj. uuDtiM, my 18 -ov. ly m uoutir oircei, ix. i . GERMAN ERASIVE SOAP Is manufactured from PURE MATERIALS, and may be considered tho STANDARD OF EXCELLENCE. For salo by all Grocers. May 18, 1B67. ly. HELMBOLD'S CONCENTRATED EXTRACT Bt'CHU Is the Great Diuretic. IelmloltTt Concent ratal Extmct SartnparilUi Is the Grent Blood Purifier. Roth are prepared arcoiriinir to rules of Ph.irmaey mid inemmtr, ami nie me muauiciive inui can lie made. March 4, 1SS7.- ly TAKE NO MORK UNPLEASANT AND UNBAFE RKMKDIKB for unpleasant ami danirevous ilisetmea. t?ne llBLMUoi.n'a K.xTRAcr Uucuu and Isiraovxe Uoox Waui March -J, trJ7. y NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. THE GREAT CENTRE OF ATTRACTION Is on 3d street, opposite tho MAbONIC HALL, at BERGSTBEESSER'S NEW PHOTOGRAPH GALLERY, Uut Irately I?fntIIlic1, Mills all the Alodei-n Improvements of tlie Art ! THE subscriber, having built the room expressly for the purpose of Photographing, und bavins devotod many years to the business, is confident of his ability to assure bis patrons that the work pro duced shall bo second to none in oountry or city. fo work allowed to leave the gallery unless en tirely satisfactory, llavinir tho best sky light in the county, he is prepared to make Photographs in all kinds oi weatner, but would pretur a clear day tor small children. He is also prepared to take new sise, or cabinet card Photographs. aii Kinas or pictures copied and magnified to any required site and colored beautifully in Oil or Water colon or India ink. We pay special attention to all kinds of out door work, such as Landscape views of Monuments, Machinery, County Seats, Ac, a large lot of Photograph frames constantly on band. Tho publio are respectfully invited to cull and see our spoaimens and our etiuiplcto arrangomonts for making Photographs, special teuus to families and clubs. J. B. BERGSTRESSER. Sunbury, July 15, 1867. . " PURE LAGER BEER! From (he ' Cold Spring Brewery, SUNBURY, PA. JOSEPH EACEEH., R&SPECTFl'LLY iuforma the publio geaecaily, that he is prepared to bunish LAGER BEER ia large or small quantities. His facilities for mak ing Beer cannot be excelled, and is prououneed supe rior to any other offered in Central Pennsylvania. It has also been recommended by physicians as a healthy drink for invalids. Hotels, Restaurants and private families supplied at short notice. ' Banbury , July 13, 186T. CARPENTERS. , . : WILL find in our establishment a superior atoek f Planes, bawa, Asgera, Hatchets, Hammers, Files, ctumus, sto., ac.ior sale oy J. H. CONLEY CO. H-rOJ Si HJ Insure your Stock ! JN THK " " ' Ureat Koaitern Iketertltsi llonte In suraare Vo, i ISAIAH . QOBSLEH. Agent. SUNBURY, PKNN'A., IB toking Pottetos for the above Company in this and adjoining comities, insnring stock of all kinds against daUh by aeaiduit or otbwwise. Tbuse having slock should not fail to have H in sured at onea. Address, ISAIAH 8. eOSSUIR, Sunbury, Ts . JttlS74ld67.-T3m . ... ,. NEW GROCERY! -Market Strcot, throe doors east of the Railroad north sido, SUNBURY, PA. '' , ; WrlOLESALS A RETAIL W - ..: rnzz c - , . AND - Provision Store FOR CHEAP GOOD8I Their Stock is complote, consisting in part of SUGARS, COFFEES, TEAS, SPICES, COAL OIL Tobacco, Cigars, Flour, Feed, Fish, Salt, Hams, Shoulders, Cheese, Fruit, Glaus, Lamps, Ao., Ao. Country Produoe taken in exchange for Goods. t'Cull and oxauiineour Stock, and stilUfy your aclvea. Sunbury, Juno 29, 1867. J. YOUNCMAN'S FGUiNMtl! Arvla St.,1-tM-ii I and It la. clone to ll liill!c Ht liool lloii, SUNBURY, PENN'A. MILL Uearing, Stoves, and the largest class of Castings made promptly to order. Also. Window Weights, Frames and Unites for Cel lar Windows, to. Clint Iron 4'lilmiioy Topn, WATER TROUGHS DOOR STEPS. A liberal prioo paid for old castings. THE CKLKIIRATED LIVERPOOL PLOW, im proved, is manufactured nt tbisustiibliKhinoiit. Also, Stove Urates of all kinds, Kettles, nud every variety of small coatings. Sunbury, JulyO, 1SC7. ly S. S. Wbdeh, John Kunklb 99 04 UAVAJa ARCH STREET, botwoon Third and Fourth Street9 . iihi.aii:i,iiiia. WEBER ft RUNKLE. Proprietors. Juno 29, 1867. ly THE UNION PACIFIC RAILROAD COMPANY, Are now constructing s Railroad from OMAHA, NEBRASKA, westward towards tbo Pacific Ocean, making with its connections an unbroken lino ACROSS T H.E CONTINENT. The Company now offer a limited amount of their FIRST MORTGAGE BONDS having thirty years to run, and bearing annual in terest; payablo on tho first days of January and July, In tho City of New York, at the rato of SIX PER CENT. IN GOLD, A T Iiii'ty CcnlH on tlie ItoIInr. This road was completed from Omaha 'Mb miles west on the 1st of January, 1807, and is fully cciuii pcd,and trains aro regularly running over it. The Company has now on band sufficient iron, ties, etc to finish the remaining portion to tho eastern hose of the Kooky Mountains, Hi luilos, which is under con tract to bo done September 1st ot this year, and it is expected that tbo entiro road will be in ruunii.ir or der from Omaha to its western connection with tho Central Pacific, now being rapidly built castwurd trom eacrameuto, Oat., during lbiu. MEANS OF THE COMPANY. Estimating the distnnco to bo built by tho Union Pacific to bo 1 ,505 miles, tho United States Govern ment issues its Six per cent, i'hirty-year DumU to the Company as the road is finished at tho nvcriio rato ol about i,i.iu per lniio, amounting to M l,zus, 000. Tbo Company is also pormittcd to issuo its own First Mortgage llonds to un equal amount, aud at tho same time, which by special Act of Congress aro mado a First Mortgage on the entire lino, the bonds of tho United States Xeing subordinate to thoui. The Government mukos a donation of 12.SUU ucres of land to the mile, amounting to 20,02,(100 acres, estimated to be worth MO.UUU.OOO, making the total resources, exclusive of the capital, $118,410.1100; but tlie full value of tho lauds cannot now bo realized. a The authorised Capital Stock of tho Company is one bunlroomiuion dollars ot wmcn live millions havo already been paid in, and of which it is not supposed that more than twenty-five millions at most will be required. The cost of tho road is estimated by compotcnt on ginoera to bo. about one hundred million dollars, ex elusive of equipment. PROSPECTS FOR BUSINESS. Tho railroad connection bctweon Omaha and the East is nowoomplute, and the oarningsof the Union Pacifio on the suotiuna already finished fur tbo first two woeksin May were (113,000. Those sectional earnings as the road progresses will much more than pay tho interest on tho Company's bonds, and tho through business ovor tno only liuo of railroad bo- tween the Atlantio and faoitio must be iiuinousc. Value und Security of the Itoiul Tho Conipuny respectfully submit, thut tho abovo statement of facts fully demonstrates tho security of their lionus, and us additional proof thoy Mould sug gest that the Uonds now offered are less than ten mil lion dollars on 617 miles of road, on which over twen ty million dollars hove already boon expended : on d.iu miles ot this roau tno oars aro now running and tho reinaiuini! 187 miles aro nearly completed At tho present rato of premium on gold these bonds pay au annual interest on tho present cost ol Iino ler Cent., and it ia believed that on tho completion of tho road like tho Government llonds, they will go above pnr Tbo Company intend to sell but a limited amount ut the present low rato, and retain tho right to advance tho price at their option. Subscriptions will be received in New York by the Continental Nati&nal Bank, No. 7 Nassau St. Clark, Desax & Co., Bankebs, No. 61 Wall St. John J. Cisco A Son, Bankers, No. 33 Wall St and by BANKS AND BANKERS generally through out the United Stutes, of whom luups aud descrip tive pauiphlots may he obtained. They will also be sent by mail troni the Company a umco, tu zu Iniis auu Slreot, New York, on application. Subscribers will soloet tliuir own Agonta in whom they buvo con fidenoe, who alone will bo responsible to them for tho sola delivery ot tne bonds. - JOHN J. CISCO, Treasurer, NEW YORK. June 23, 1867. 3m BOOTS AND SHOES. MANUFACTURED TO ORDER. JOHlSr WILVER, X ESPECTFULLY Informs his frionds and ous Xi toinura, that bo has just opened a shop for tho uiunufucture of liOOiS A bllUt-S, on Sjiruce atreet, Ictieeen Second ttrcct and Centre Alley, Sunlury. where all kinds of work in his line will bo mado up In tbo latest stylo and in the best workmunliko man ner. Having first olass stock on hand, he flatters himself tnat be will be able tosuu ine rasies 01 uio mosi uis tidious. The public are invited to call. JOHN WILVER Sunbury, June 13, 1867. FANCY DRY GOODS STOKE MISS KATE BXjA-CIC, Market street, four doors west of Wm: 11. Miller' Boot and Shoe atore, SUNBURY, Pa. T ESPECTFULLY informshor friends in Sunbury It ana vicinity, titat sue nas Just openod ner SPUING fi- SUXXEli DRESS GOODS, of every description. I'tiBSiioiiuble Irews Trlnaiulac;, Head Dresses, Qloves, Hosiery, Embroideries, Lace Collars, Bleached and unbleached Muslins, Sheetings, Drillings, Alapaeas, Poplins, Crape and Laoe Veils. aLadieai Hat, Cbildren,a Hutu and ajapx, of every variety. Mmo. Demoreat'a Hair Curlers, Hair Coils and Curls, Oloves, Stockings, Collars, Corsets, Ao. Uents' Collars, Neckties, half Hose, Handker chiefs and Suspenders. Bradley's new Patent Duplex Elliptio (or double Spring SKIRTS.) HOPKINS Elliptic Skirts. Perfumery, Toilet Soaps, Hair Brushes, Conibi, Toys, and a general variety of MOTIONS. KATE BLACK. Banbury, April IT, 1867; IRD CAQESll-different kinda. If you want good and cheap Bird Cages, go to CONLEY ACQ'S SHOEMAKERS. THE heat qualities of Bole Leather, French Calf skins, Mornieeas, Liniuvs, Lasts, Kails, Pegs- Tools of all lines, and tning used .t the trade, frr sale low by jj. . CONLKV rVCO TITT3 Washington Library Co. IIIII.ADELPHIA. ' ' SUBSCRIPTION ONE DOLLAR. 300,000 TRESKNTS TO SUBSCRIBERS. One Cash Present or $10 000 Onb Cash Presi nt ok Jo.flnn' One OAsn Present or Elfl.noo. One Cash Presrnt or $0,1100. ' Two Cash PiiEaiNTaor 2.60ooaoh. Read full Schedule of Vrcscrm lletuto. Each Certificate of Stock is aeoompanled with a Beautiful Steel-Plate Engraving WORTH VOHB AT RETAIL TRAM TUB COST Or CERTIFICATE, And nlso insure to the holder a PRESENT IN THE tlUEAT DISTRIBUTION. The Washington Library Company Is chartered by the Stale of Pennsylvania, aud Organised iu nid of the RIVEItSIDB INSTITUTE FOR Boldiors' and Sailors' Orphan. Iucorporuted by tbo Statu of N. J. APRIL S, 1H87. THE IlIVEHSIDE INSTITUTE. Kilualo nt Riversido, Burlington County, New Jer sey, is foundod for the puriH.se of j;ratuiluuly edu cating tho sons of deooased Soldiers and Seamen of tlie 1'niled States. i'ho Board of Trustoos consists of tho followine well-known citizens of Pemifiy I vaniu aud Now Jersey : nun. iiiiimrt.H li. m:n. District Attornev. I'liilailolohm. Pit. HON. LEWIS R. BHOOMAl.L, lix-Cbief Ooiner II. S. Mint, antl Rocordcr of Deeds, Philad'n., Pennsylvania. HON. JAMKS M. SCOVKL, Now Jersey. HON. W. W. WARK.Now Jersey. UKNRV UOHMAN, Esq., Agent Adams' Express, Philadelphia, Vil. J. E. COU, lisn., of Joy. Coo A Co.. l'uiladulnhiu. TRFASirnv Dkpautment. Washinotov Vi C April IS, 18H7. Office of Intciuul Revenue .Hav ing received satisfactory evidence that tho irn .Is of tho ot terpriso . conducted liv tfco 'WnxhWi.,11 Library Company" will bo dovoted to charitable, uso, permission is hereby granted to said Company to conduct sueh enterpriso exempt from all charge, whethor from special lux or other duty. r.. a. iiutibiAa, Uommi3sioncr. The Wn1tlns-tou I.ihrnrv 'o.. In order that Iho benevolent object set forth in tills circular may bo successfully accomplished havo issueu live series 01 FINE iVTEEL-PLATE EXGR AVISOS. which aro put on subscription at prices much below their retail value. CERTIFICATES OF STOCK IN THE WASH. INUTOiV LIBRARY COMPANY will bo issued, rtampod with tho soul of tho Compa ny, and signed by the fceorotary. (None others goniiino.) Any person sondinff us Ono Pollnr, or caving tho same to our local Agents, will receive immediately a line Meoi i'lato engraving, at ohoiee from the fol lowing list, and One Certitioato of Stock, insuring Ono Present in our published schedule ONE DOLLAR ENGRAVINGS. No.l l-"My Child ! My Child !" No. 2 "They'ro I ! Thoy'ro Saved V' No. 3 "Old Sovonty-sU Saved or, tho Early Days of tho Revoluticn Any person paying Two lollnrg will receive cither of tho following lino Steel Plates, at chnico, and 1 wo Certificate of Mock, thus becoming entitled to Two Presents. TWO DOLLAR ESanAvlNGS. No. 1 "Washington's Courtshin." No. 2 " Wash ington's Last Interview with his Mother." Tnr.KE run. 1. a it esouavinoh. Any person pavinir throo dollars will recoU-o Ihn beautiful Stcui i'lato of ' HOME FROM THE WAR." and throo Certificates of &'tuck, becoming ontitlcd to three Presents. FOI'R DOLLAR ENORAVINns. Any person paying Four Hollurs ahull rocoivo the largo and beautiful Steel Plato of 'the rruiLS or our forefathers." and Four Certilicates of Stock, entitliug them to Four 1'reecnts. FIVE DOLLAR ENGRAVINGS. Any porson who pays Fivo Hollurs shall rocoivo tho largo und splendid Steel Pluto of "THE MARRIAGE OF POCAHONTAS." And Fivo Certificates of Stock, entitling thorn to Five Presents. Tho engravings and Certificates will bo dolivorcd to each subscriber at our Local Agencies, or sent by mail, post puid, or express, as may bo ordered . Tlie Washing ton IJbrnry Company Wilt Award THRF.KHI.'NURI-:n TIIOI SANI) UOI.I.AKS I.N PKEM-LVrs TIUllKSHAliKIKUJlKHS, On rciliien,lni, Srjt,:mTcr 2.VA, 1SU7, At l'UILADKI.riil A, PA., Oi nt the Institute, HIVHR- siui:, n j. SCIIKDULE OF PRESKNTS I Cash Present I Cu.li I'resent I Cii.li Preaent 1 t:asii I'reiwiit. 1! Cash Presume of $2.S0O each 1 Itaa lmiie Omntry Hesalenee, Stable, Uround (Sti,npn -JO.IKSI lo.iaiu u,nou 6,000 Ae., ijeriiiniilowii, rinlailelpliui, I.OIHl 1 Double Heniddice, iluee .tory bnck,Ciiiudcn,N J. li,iio 1 Coal Depot, Ollieen, MieUs, Onrninl, Willi bul- iicssntalilniiv,! . utt Wu.luiiaioii Av enue, I'lliliidelplua, 1 Country Mewiriii-c, Kiveisi.le, N. wilh OrouiiJ, Krinu, ace. I Thiee-story Colla-e, Lot, Ae. IS Valual.lc lluiuliuK l'U, Kiver.ido, fHKlracli 1 Elegant Tuini.ui Family C'aninee, Sj.an of lb.rae, Harue, Ae., O'inplt te 10 Valuable IIuiMiiik 1i, Kiversldu, 8V1U0 caeh I lleaulilul Silver Gray il.irno, hands luh, sired by tho celebrated imported Arabian Horse "Caliph ;" also, a liglit Koud Wutou weifht HU pounds, Willi set of nupcilol Single Harness, Ac., waking a Brst-claiii eeluofi.tinieiit SO Pia, UMi enell Sfii Mel,Kleuiii, jf2-jj each 5 KokwixvI Setvmir M irliines PiOO each Ml Family rSewmc; Maclmu s, glOUtuch 50 Fine Uokl WuuJica, s)'JUu eueli lot) Oil I'aiiuiiiga, by loading artists aggrcgato value 3 Caiuel'i Hnir Sliawln, 1.000 each 1 Cauiel'iHair Sliawls, i,lsl each 3 Handsome tjiee Miuwli, If'J.HI eueh lit Cashmere Htinwlt jU eaeli l Silk Dren Pattern $7j eaeh SO ("UV HiiililniR IyiU, iir3 eaeh 'l'lie reiiiaimler will unntist 01' Silverware, Mjnlenl 1.-1,000 tti.otxi S.000 5,WO S.nnn 3,ow s.nao 10,0110 4,aoo I.INHI 1,(SI 10,0011 IP.OrrO 3.IKHI 6,IHKI 7 JO 6IHI l.fiOO b,7i0 coin i,era Ulaaaea, rocket llrlilca, and du ferent ailielea of uriiuiaeut una u, ainouut i"g to, pa,oo . Total' wmi.utsj All the properties Riven clear of incumbrance. HOW TO OUTA1.N SHARKS AND KNORAV1KCS fend ordera to ua by aiml, eucloaiHg from t to S'.ll, eiltier lly imt (litiee orders or 111 a regutcred letter, nt our r nk. Larger autuuuu thorn UI be acnl by draft or ex- lo ahaies with Riigravinira 25 almrca Wllh Kiiirrnvinga 50 ttiurca with Knuniviuga 75 atiures wilb Kiirraviiia 100 aiurea with Eugruvinjja 9,S0 46.60 Ov.AO UU,00 Local AGENTS WANTED throughout the United Stales The Association have opnolnted aa Rereivera, Measra. GLOKUK A. CUOKK A CO., whose weU known nils giity aud business experience Will boa auuicient auaruu lee that the money intrusted to tliera will Uo prouiplly ap plied to tlie purjHae auiled. PuiLADKLrHiA, Pa., May SO, U7. To the OfSeera and Members of the Waahiiigtou Libia ry C , N. 8. RfcAD, SeereUry. Gentlemen : t)u receipt of your favor of the 1.1th Inst., nntiiyuuj as of ,oul appoiutiueul aa Kieeivera for your Cowiwny, we took the liberty to submit a copy of your Chaiuir, with a plan of your eiiksrHiae, to ilie bialieal k'gal sulhouly of the rotate, aud having: reeeiveil hia lavor atile oiiininu in regard to ua Iraulity, and ayiupattiuuur wilh the benevolent ohjeet of yimr A"jwiin. vis i the education and munleluum of the mptuin cloldreu mf our snldiara and suitera at the Uivuaide luatlluto, we tiuve joueludod to aereia the trust, and to use our best edoria to prtMuute ao worthy au object. tteaixctfally, yuuia, Ae., CEO. A. COOKE at CO. Addieaa all letters and nrdere to OKO. A.ClM.HKACOf, BANhfKS, 33 nri Tluru Sueet, l'ho4ci h jl, Pa Rereivera for the Wuutiuf tou Libtii) Cn. iunaK). M'. TVS. SHANNON, frnrtfoal Watchmakers AND JEWELER, From PHILADELPHIA. In Simpson's llnflding, Matket tjo,uaro, STJ1TBTJP.Y. PEITIT'A 1MNE Hold and Silver American and Swisi Wutches, Clicks, Jewelry and Silver ware, con suntly on hand. Hair Jewelry mid Masonic Mnrr luadu to order. Oold and Silver Plating done in tlio bcttinanncr and warranted to give entire satisfaction. Fine Watches, Clooks, Muslo Doles and Jewelry Repaired aud warranted. All orders promptly filled. Sunbury, Juno I, 1S07. Notice to Merchants and Shippers. rpilK undcrslgnl, proprintors of Wciser A Prick a J. l.ino, give nofino to merchants and shippers Hint their Depot ia still at 81 1 Market street, I'liil dolphin, and all Hands directed to Sunbury and Dan ille will be promptly delivered. i.Cr "Cars leave till Market street, Philmlelplifa, iri-weekly Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays. V. V. (KHilutlCH. May 25, 'C7. J. II. RICHARDSON. All kinds of SCHOOL BOOKS, Slates, Pens, Ink, Paper, Ao. j Miscellaneous Rooks, a good assort nicut. All the new books received n soon as published, atd for sule at Publishers' prices. H 1HBLES, Prayer Rooks and Hymn Hooks, in every ntylo 01 biuuing. Catholic Prayer liooks. FAMILY UI lil.KS in varioussfyles UIOTlONAUIKSol'all sises. W M H 'a m w a y o. o w 05 O W M B a W w w o a Juveniles and Toy Books, a large assortment IlliiiiK Hooks and Plank Forms of all kinds. Foolscnp, Legal Cap, Letter and Note Papers. COPYING LOOKS, Inkstands, Pen Racks, Files, Paper, Cuttors und Counting House Stationery generally .j PHOTOiJRAl'H ALLTM3 eh-ia. and dear. Oold Pens and Holders. Pocket Books and Bill Wallets. Picture Frames. Stcreoscopce und Views, American, French, A 0. Unnvimr Paper, all sizes, Bristol Board, .Ve. lliarica, Memorandum Rooks, Ao Buckguniinon Boards, Uaiuos, Chess men, Ac.. W m cl fei w a d Toys a large and complete assortment Baso-llulls und Bats. Fishing Rodsj ana xackio. Perfumes, Brohcmian and Parisian Marbles, Ao. Oold Pens rc-pointed. Lamps, Shades, (j lobes, Chimneys, Ao. Wall Paper and Bordor, all kinds. Window Curtains, Paper Uilt and uneci. Music and Musical Instruments. 0A11 kinds of Books and Stationery not onjhau.l promptly ordered. All the Onily and Wcokly Papers and Magazines Agont fur tlio "American Or(iiu " Also for "La Rose's Hair Restorative," Enamel of America, and "National Steam Navivpitiou Company' Sunbury, May 18. lbi.7. Somctliinjc New Not I un' Aib GOOD NEWS! Tho splendid assortment of GOODS at the MAMMOTH STORE J. W. l'KII.IACi Ac SOi, I.S NEW, but it is Nothing New fi.r them ns they aro altvnyj getting up NEW OOO D3 GOOD NEWS, to tlio pcoplo of SI NliURY, fur they havo purch ine cd tbeio goods low and arc selling thcui at very Wo arc determined to sell our Good." at Low Prices and defy competition. Wokeeplbu Itfhl iililil.4rMtlM ai.d tell them aa low as trio aiet'uutl iMalilic!S aro sold by other dealers. Coiuo and examine our Stock and Learn our tb p -grey -B.r:eBitj No cliargo for showing GooJd. Tliat id our business and wo take plcasuiu in doing it. Feeling very thankful to the public for their very liberal putronugo heretofore bestowed upon us, wo feel confident of retaining their custom, by a strict adUeriuoo to the rules wo have adopted. ItEMEMRER THE PLACE, Tho Mammoth Stov v. Market Squaro, 2 doors cast of tho Now Court Homo, BUNRLRY, TA. J. W. FRILINtl A SON Sunbury, March SO, 1857. DAKEUlUKKltY; v. nvsumtxi:, Agent, Manufacturer of CANDIES, BREAD, CAKES. PIES, AC, Front St., S doors east of the P. A E. R. R. Dev,t AUIU'llll.nilKKI.A.I), fA. Cuatooiera will be served daily. Orders solicited Northumberland, June 28, IS67 LUMBER ! LUMBER ! The otter County nud Nuaburt Lumber Coisipuny, Now fully entablished at tho SUNUl'RY STEAM SAW-MILLS, are prepared to saw to order WHITE PINE, HEMLOCK AND OAK, of any sise and all lengths. Afull assortment of alwaya kept on hand. Pannel, Flooring, Siding and fiuUbing boards of all kinds. MOULDING, BASH, DOOH9, nmi SFICTTERS SHINGLES, Bawod and Shaved, White Pise, and Hemlock Plaaiterlsss IJUta antl I'nlins:. Planing, Ripping and Turning, will be done to order at abort notice. Thia Company design furtiihing everything iu their line at aueh rates that Lumber Yards, Uuildora aint all parties wing Luinl er, will Cud it to their in tor est to buy at this eetablishoiont ORDERS are re.'pcclfully solicited and will be promptly at leaded to by addressing. WM REACEN, Sup Sunbury, June 15, 18ot