'l.-WIiYvKRT,fe vi u ' '' V RVRBUBT, PA. - - - lg-- ' - 1 ' Hi .1 i l 8ATU1UA JULY S7, WP7. Sawuia Macaiaa rat Bali. On, f Hew' aneetlwlt nsaatiliwa, with tha latest Improvement, iBi just been reoetved, ud will be fold at s reduced price. Inquire ti thli offio. .: Ii . Ket Dim Boii.diks). The vacant MM the !orner of Market ud Water atreets, in Northumber land, hu bees purchased for the mm of $2,100, M a location for a new Baak building. About year igathiiloiwM cold for 11,000. - v.. . Thb Cmcrj. Whitbey' Cirou exhibited here on Monday last, and brought to town a large num ber of our eountry friend to lee the fun. It was well atreaUed, both in the afternoon ud erening. The performance gave general aatiifMtioa. t. . Buicidi m Loweb Mabhot Township. We learn that on Saturday erening last, Chriatlaa Mess ner, of Lower Mahanoy township, . this ooanty, com mitted suicide by hanging himself ia his barn. Be wa a man about fifty yean ef age, and had for mat time given evldenoe of inianity. . . t j FiRB bbab MotHBBBBfcAn. On Wedneaday night last a barn, well tiled with grain,' about two alias from Northumberland, on the Taokaho road, uelonging fa George Merti Ud rented by a Mr. Brobst, wat burned with all lie oontont. It ta sup poted to be the orlt of an Incendiary , Akotbir IurBOViMiHT.--W ooserv that Wm. II. Miller, the popular boot ud shoe dealer of thii place, ii engaged In remodeling the atone houae on the oorner of Third and Market streets, which he lately purchased of Maj. Dewart. It is Mr.' Miller'i intention to remove his More to his new building du ring next month. i . Gall Accepted. We learn that Rev. Mr. Van tjine, of Philadelphia, has aeoepted a eall from the vestry of Bt. Matthew' (Episoopal) Churoh, of tbis place, and will locate here some time next month. The churoh has been without a regular pastor for some time the former rector, Rev. L. W. Gibson, having resigned in January last, to aoeept a oall in Minflesota. IIiayy Roibbbt. On Monday night last the residence of Samuel Heim, near the Bhamokin dam, was entered by burglar ud $350 In greenbacks taken from a trunk which was in a room in theaeoond story. An entrance was effected through an up stairs window, by means of a ladder, while Mr. Heim ud his wife were at the circa. . The robbers were heard by an invalid lady who was in bed in the house at the time, hut wa unable to give the alarm. This is the largest robbery that has occurred here for some time, and the loaa is a sevor one to Mr. Heim, who is a bard working ud industrious meohanic When will people learn wisdom in the care of money ? With one of the safest ud best Banks in the State, whose iron vaults are proof against the utmost efforts of burglars, they keep their hard earn ing! within the reach of any ordinary thief, who only wants a favorable opportunity to seoure it. Police ArrAiR. During the past week several offenders have been added to the number of inmates of the county jail, at this place, who were charged with committing various offenoes. At present there are no less thin fifteen prisoners confined, which shows an alarming Increase of crime In this oounly. On Saturday last a man by the name of Henry Slack and a lewd woman, Anna B. Tone, who have been cohabiting together, in Cake's addition, for some time past, were arrested and committed to prison on a charge of being drunk and disorderly. The par ties have been a terror to the neighborhood in which they resided, ud the cititens were in oonatant dsn gerof being injured by them. : .. On the same day a man named Michael Pursel was takba to jail by two of Marshal Ueisler'l policemen, from Locust Uap, charged with commit ting a violent assault and battery on the person of John Bram, of that place. Another prisoner, Patrick Ryan, was oommitted on the same day by the constable of Coal township. He was charged with malioioualy breaking and de straying a gate and breaking windows, on the pie mises of John Myers, of that township, ud also with threatening to do him bodily harm. On Monday last a desperate character named Jlugh MoCuen was taken to jail by policemu M.J Sbiltborn, of Mt. Carmel. He wa charged, on oath of Mrs, S. Mullen, with having attacked ud beaten her huabud, Edward Mullen, with intent to kill him. We learn that his viotiin's injuries are of such a serious nature that he is not expected to recover, and bail, whioh was offered for his release, was con sequently refused. It is said that the prisoner com' mitted a murder in the neighborhood of Mt. Carmel, some years since, by deliberately (hooting a man dead, ud afterwards fled and eluded the pursuit of the officers. He is represented as a villain of the most dangerous character. Daniel Michael, who hails from Lower Mahanoy township, was committed on Tuesday by Esquire Beard, for drunkenness, and for the purpose of tes' tifying where he procured Us liquor. The prisoner slated that he got it from Joseph Long, a hotel keeper in the lower part of Sunbury., On Wedneaday a man, who assumed the name of Edward Bpenoer, ud who said his home was In Har risburg, wa taken to jail by the constable of Milton He was charged, on oath of Albert Cadwallader, with committing a burglary in Cadwallader' bouse, in Milton, early oa Wednesday morning. Ha was caught in the act of robbing the house by Mr. Cad' wallader's mother, u old lady, who soiled him ud cried for help, ud had the prisoner secured. His person was searched, ud a pair ef gold spectacles belonging to th plaintiff were found. ', He eonfeaaed hi guilt. ' Miltoh Itbhi. W take the following from the Niltouiait, of Friday last : A number of our citi tens indulged in u old-fashioned olam-bake on the island, oa Saturday, 13th Inst It wa a pleasant affair. A case of sun-stroke occurred on Saturday, 13th lost. The victim was a little girl, aged about eleven years, ud though badly injured she is doing well and likely to recover. - The Odd Fellow have leased Lawson'i Hall for -a term of years, and are now fitting it up for use a a permanent lodge room. The lodge is in a flourish' log condition. ' ' ' ."''' v-Dr. T. B. Hull recently met with an accident iby the running off of his horse. The Doctor was (thrown ont of his buggy ud quite seriously injured. ;He is rapidly recovering. . A Old Vbtbbab Uoh- We learn by the Ju niata Sentinel of the death of Benjamia F. Walls, Esq., which occurred at bis rotideo.ee ia Lack town ship, Juniata oounty, on the loth Inst, at th age jt sixty-two year. He was well known as th oolor- bearer of the 7th Pa., Vet. Volt ,(a member of Co.O whioh wa from this place,) ud participated insev era! battle during the rebellion. The Bsnkntl, ia Dsakiogof him, say a: 44 icnnir Walls was a well known and highly e ni titan a man of more than ordinary Intel' ! inflnM and natriotiam. His aenuine na- triotism was well illustrated ia the marked event of his life. Although turnout inree soore year oia the time, be enlisted in, the service of his eountry, Jo the 7tb P. V., in August, 1861 ; ud for three eventful year ww she faithful eolor-bearer of hi i..:.ntm 4,-i'k. nt a hrava Revolutionary lire, Sergeut Walls was "ever inch a soldier." Ia the battle of tit....nt Rill. La.. A Dill . lass, he wa woanded in the left shoulder, bat, against all entreaties to re 'tire, be still held high in the air the flag he loved . held it ia bit right hand and tee. J : . t f After his regiment had order to fall back' ia tb engagement at feaoUligo. "the 'rSquira" Mood fast until he emptied oa the spproeohmg enemy, several loaded musket that lay as sis iss. . of bis Colonel, 'there was bo bettor map ia th t7th Regiment. ... i PHOToaBAPai, mad from Dagaerreo types or Am brotyr, t Bergstreseet'l Gallery, Third ttreek, op SaABOiia ArrAiit. W copy the following Item from th IHratd, ef th 18th last. iXcktrtM Patron, a miner, while descending the lop at th Pan Webster Colliery, on Tuesday moriing, slipped wbea within about 40 yard of tb Bottom, ud fell the entire distance. Strange to say, be escaped with 4 more (erion Injuries that th dislocation of his hip ud a few slight braise. . . , , , On Friday evening lait, William Zlmmermu, a young maa aged about M year, was drowned la the Bhamokin Creek, at Moore' bridge, a short dis tance below Reed' station. It appear th unfortu nate young (nan, ia company with several others, went to the ereek to bathe, ud that he dived la, bat oa coming ap wat, from tome cause, anabla to help himself, th water at that point being of eoaatderaMe depth. He wa seen to be drowning by en ef tb party ea the bank, and. effort 'were toad to Save him, bnt by th time ha wa got oat h wa too far gone td recover. It Is Supposed he was seised with the crimp while under the -water. ' Deceased resided In Irish Valley, was much respected, ud had been a soldier. . ' On last Saturday morning it was discovered that a dastardly attempt had beeh made the Bight previ ous to "blow np the foundry ud maohlntihop of Mr. 8. Blttenbender, now leased and worked by th M tears. Crnlkshuk . The safety-val v of the engine was found fastened down by wedging a brlok be tween the lever ud a rafter in the roof, the damper open, and the fire-door closed. Fortunately the pressure of steam upon the lever drove the wedge np far enough to allow a little steam to escape, ud at Uieual amount of coal had Dot been pnt on th Arson Friday night, In coniequeno of the (apply being exhausted, it burnt out before sutBoient (team to burst the boiler was made. It appears th vil lain entered and left the building through a small door oa the roof of the engine house; as the outside door was found to have been bolted by him on th inside, in addition to the usual fastening from with out by a pad-lock. Both the proprietor ud lessee are at a loss to think of an enemy capable of doing to cowardly u act, and it i proBable the wretch will escape the punishment he to justly merit. , Tna rt.AX of the Washington Library Company, of Philadelphia, is to offer to the public an interest in a charitable institution by offering stock la (hare of one dollar, for whioh a certificate is given with u engraving fully worth the money paid. As a (till further inducement to have the share taken np ra pidly, every stockholder I promised a present of some value, in addition to his stock certificate ud picture. The funds thus secured by the sales of stock are deposited with Messrs. Oeorge A. Cooke 4k Co., Bankers, No. 33 South Third Street, Philadel phia, to be by them applied to the object In view. A charitable public Institution thus reoeives the ben efit, ud not a private individual.. Bead advertise ment. Oil RariXBBT. Messrs. Bow en 4k Wilder are now turning ont from their Oil Refinery, in this place, some of the beat oil manufactured in the country. . Their oil i made from the best ornde material produced In the oil regions of the western part of the State. Dealers in thii neighborhood would find it to their advantage to purchase their oil as near home as possible, to save freight ud waste. Messrs. Bowen A Wilder make all the various oils, such as Kerosene, Qreen Lubricating, Brown, Signal or Engine Oil, ud Bensine. We have no doubt that it it the best and cheapest in the market. A sort of date, supposed to contain valuable ore of either silver or Kino, has been discovered on the farm of Adam Wolf, in Lower Augusta township. Partial are preparing to have specimens examined by a competent assayer. Editor' Table. Thb Atlartic Monthly. We are indebted to the enterprising publishers for a duplicate copy of the July number of this incomparable magaiioe, the first one tent us having been lost in the transmission through the mails - Wis also acknowledge reoeipt of the August number, wnich contains tbe following excellent table of content : The Uuardiu Angel, part VIII. : Hospital Memories, chapter 1. : a poem entitled, Dirge for a Sailor ; Up the Edisto ; Poor iliobard. Dart ill. : mo urowu. ii nutations ana Toleration of Shakspeare's tienius; Longfellow's Translation of Danto's Divine Commedia; The Old Story; A Week's Hiding; The Little Land of Ap pentell; The Lost Ueniut; Cincinnati; A Liliput Provinoe; Reviews and Literary Notices. Pub lished by Tioknor 4k jrields, 124 xromont btreet, Boston, jnasa. Harpbr' Maoasirb. We are nnder obligationa to Messrs. Harper A Brothers, the liberal publishers of Harper's Magaiine, for back numbers of this su perior publication, including a copy for July. A oopy of the July number was mailed to us over a montn since, out rauea to come to nana, owing 10 some mismanagement of the mails. This magaiine is generally acknowledged the best publication of tbe Kind in tne oonncry, ana tne name ot Harper nas become a household word in almost every community In tne lud. We are also in receipt of the number for August, the contonts of which are as follows : Personal Re collections of tbe War, (eighth paper,) illustrated : xne lurxs, tne ureexs, ana tne eiavons, (illustra ted ;) A Pine Tree, a poem ; The Dodge Club, or, Italy in MDIXXL.1A, (continued;) Air. Uregory; Conscience as a Detective : Port Hudson : A Re formed Ring-Man ; Eight Castles in Spain : Tom Marshall, of Kentucky ; Mr: Pullet's Mistake ; I'ri vate Correspondence of Webster : Antagonisms : tvnat emeu tney vo to do eavea r Ane lieaumui Miss Newman ; Editor's Easy Chair : Literary No tices ; Monthly Record of Current Events ; Editor's Drawer. Address. Harper 4k Brothers. Franklin Square, New York. , ' Tbi Last's Fribib, fob Acock. The August number of this charming magaiine opens with a niauut steel engraving of a rustio maiden holding eggs up to the light to see If they are fresh. Tbe steel fashion plate for tbis month is a group of six young misses, neaauiuuy aesignea ana ooiorea. Then we have numerous eogravinga devoted to the teanions, em a urea, neaa oouar, nail ua Bonnets, penlums. dresses, children s oostume. paletots, so. Among the literary contents we may notioe, Wax flowers ud now to Haxe xnem : Bister rattv s Sewing Society; Self-Made: Poems by Florence rercy ua August sen ; unaer tne saatx : vora Castel; and tbe continuation! of How a Wonun Had Her Way and Orville College. Published by ueaoon reterson, siv naioutoi., i-nuaaeipnia. BUBINEB8 NOTICES. tpJob Print Having received large supply of NEW JOB TYPE, of various new styles, Posters, HudbUl, Circulars, Cards, Letter Heads, Bill Heads, Labels, to., can be printed in the latest and best styles, ud on short notice. Orders by mail promptly attended to.. iHSCBARca or Wa Srocx. We give place to the following oertileate of a number of rot pec table eltUens of thii oounty, with pleasure. This CompB' ny is a most reliable one, and a Urge number of our farniersud others have their stock insured ia it 1 . We, the undersigned, having had stock insured la the Oreat Eastern Detective Horse Insurance Com pany, and lost tbe same by death or otherwise, ud having received the amount of our insurance in a few days after giving proper notioe to their Agent, I. 8. dossier, we would recommend this Company for it punotual payment of losses. W know the Company to be reliable, and those having (took cannot do belter wan oy insuring in it. 1 ' La vi Sbasbolts, Sunbury, Jobb B. Brtobb, Lower Augusta, Valbrtirb Dists, Sunbury, E. D. Bafpaa, Miltoa. BaaaiTBSMBB, Third street, opposite th Masonic Hall, th tuoeeeeful Photographer, make picture ia all style of the art. Person are requested to give aim a eall before going elsewhere. Thb Nbbt Rclx 0 Cooar, regulating the prac tice of th Court in tha 8th Judicial DUtriot of Pennsylvania, composed of tbe counties of Northum berland, Lycoming and Montour, hare been pub lished by us, ud are bow for eel at th Aaaai ca office. Those who hav not yet subscribed can obtain eople by applying immediately. ' issiiai Lira Isscbahob. '-It is do more the moral duty of a maa to provide th daily bread for hi family while he lives, than it is to provid against their being left penniless, ia th event of his death."- Kdxtkhurr Journal. Jaoo Satrsua, Fir and Is asuraar 4?'. Suabary, Pa. . .. -. : . . . 1 1 - T 1 ' Wax yoa wut aheap and good Photograph Bargstrausr' tiallery, Third street, opposite th Maaonis Hall, is the plao to resort te. tlx cards, or ana large Photograph, for Sl.M. Duplicates, J5 to 0enta. , . , , . , Ta Lata Bawl. Ladle and (eat, hav yow Heard tb lest news About th low priota of good Boot and Sheei f On Market (trees, at Miller's, yoa'U And Th east Boot and Shoes, and of every lo4- . r Men', boy', aai youth' lloota, ta both self and , - ....(. . - . , . i .,.,, And goods w will warrant never to rip ! Bhoee ef every description, for all kinds 6f warh 4 oat never wiu rip, nor never win tear. Ladies' Qlbve Kid, ana Congress, that Will make a Beat foot, . Because they will set jast like a book ) umidren's bnoes that are an good ud nioe, And all teem eatlsfied with the reduced prk. ' Bo drop ia and fee, and examine the Bnoee, And we think yoa'U e atiaaea with mt very lateetaew. , ; . 'i 1 1 v f V(.i Wbat Dob if Mra f When a large number of persons assemble, ud continue to do o from day to day, at tome particular point or place, tha aatural Inquiry hv what it going oa, or what doe it aieu T In thl' instano it can be aeoonnted for. J. F. Bhaeffer, Merchant Tailor, Market Square, hu just received another lot of goods for summer wear, whioh are being made np Into suit at th very lowest prloe. MM44flSt4IS4M '' ' ' Josa BiLLtxo ay : "I never bet uy stamp on th man who 1 el way tellln of what he would have did if ha had bin there. I hav noticed that thii kind never get there." Bat at Book' tailoring es tablishment yoa will always find him thirt, ud wbea tets get there yoa will be satisfied that he makes th cheapest Suits In town. Or all places to get good Photographs, go to Berg- tresjer'i Oallery, Third ttreet, opposite the Matonio Hall, where they art made; ' Bix cards, or one largo Photograph, for f 1 .50. Duplicates, W to M eta. All desiring Pictures framed, would do well by sailing on W. A. Bennett, as he has reoetved a fine assortment of Gilt ud Rosewood Mouldings, and oan at short notioe furnish frames ud glass of uy site. WB can the' attention of the publlo specially to W. A. Bennett's remedy for Dysentery ud Diar rhoea. It gives general satisfaction, ud ia fact has net failed in one tingle Instance. Give It trial. Taca, bvbrt Word or it. The beat ud largest assortment of Boots, . Shoes, Trunks, Valise ud Ladies' ud Gents' Satchels, to be found in Sunbury vicinity, is at Harry Thaeher' Store, ia Plaatuta' building, Market ttreet. Every one i Invited to eall ud examine the large stock, Thb World a Roord a a Ball. The heading of thii article is but u expression, so far at wa are oonoerned, bnt in soienoe and ia tha discoveries of Columbus, argues muoh. Had Ferdinand been as kindly towara Columbus as Isabella wat, Columbus would have received more gratitude; thusj in a pleasant way, we wish to oonvinoe the public that jrautt, at nis iarmonaoie uai ana uap emporium, daily contributing to their ad van tare in furnishing tbe best, handsomest ud cheapest goods, in bis line, that come to una place, uall ana examine tne la test style ud large assortment. Ml ISSI Ii "Pat," (aid Jadge Sniff to his neighbor, in a sleeping oar, "you would have remained a long time in the old eountry before yoa oould have slept with judge." "Yes, yer honor ; ud y would have been a long time in the ould eonhthry before ye'd been a judge." But no mU need be in Sunbury long before discovering that the fashionabl summer suits that are at present seen in our street are mad at the Continental Clothing Basaar, Market street. That tbb bbst is thb Cbbafbst, Is as tra in buying clothing a anything else, ud if you would realise the benefit of thii old ud familiar adage you should prooure your garments at the tailoring establishment of J. E. Smlck, on Fourth street, where every variety of Summer ololhing eu be obtained at very low rates., . At Btbrlt' Gallbbt, in, Simpson 'a building, Market street, is the place to get a good likeness. Byerly takes th best piotures. ' At Byerly' is th place to get Melainotypes. At Byerly 's yon eu get beautiful Photographs. At Byerly's yoa can get splendid Ambrotypes.. At Byerly's yoa cu get the cheapest ud best in this'plaoo. WUINtlLKV MAKHETH. Corrected Weekly for the "American." Wheat Flour, extra family, per barrel,' do do de do perewt. Rye Flour, per bbl. do per cwt. Wheat, prim red, new, per bushel, Rye, do Corn, new do Oats, do Potatoes, do Dried Peaches, pared ' per pound do do nnpared do fit 00 7 50 10 00 b 60 2 00 1 30 1 10 76 i 00 40 H IS 3 00 2i 22 ii 20 22 1H 14 13 18 AO Dried Apples, do Dried Cherries, (unstoned,) per bu. Butter, per pound, per dosen, per pound) do -do do do do do per pair tgg. Cheese, Lard, Hams, Shoulders, Beef, hind quarter, " front " Mutton, Chicken, Sboxmoktm Coal Trade. Bhamoxir, July 23, 1867. . Tom. Cwt. Bent for week ending July 20, . 11,622 17 Per last report, 1 S47.647 14 259,170 11 283,518 12 . ! 1 84,346 01 Te tim last year, Deweaae, .' , , .' ' Special Notices. Dtspipsia. The aoourge of th rue, the most aggravating of all diseases known, ud hardest to cure, yields immediately to the influence of Co' Dyspepsia Cure. It is certainly tbe most wonderful remedy ever discovered for Indigestion, ud uy disorder of th Stomach or Bowel. "An ucel face ! it sunny wealth ef Hair. Ia radiant ripples bathed the graoefal throat and dimpled shoulders." " If bar hair had been crisp and fussy, dry ud croppy, even her angel face ud dimpled shoulder oould not have made bar beautiful. Young women, if yoa need a dressing for the hair, try "Barrett's Vegetable Hair Restorative," and be a ledger ashamed of your appearance. THB QBSSA.T ZINOA.BI BXTTXBS! Certificate from Hi Excellency, David &. Porter, Ex-Governor of Pennsylvania : Habbiibpbo, Pa , Deo. T, 1868. I have bad occasion to use RAHTER'S ZINOARI BITTERS in my family, and found them very sffi- caoioua in all disorders of the bowel. 1 have re commended their as alto to friends ia New York, where they have been lound to produee th sams effect. Every family woald do well to have a snip- ply at all times oa hand. DAVID R. PORTER. - - X Comamnaptlwoa. "Th advertiser, naving been restored to health ia a few week by a very simple remedy, after having tufiered for several yean with a severs lung affeo tian, and that dread disease, Consumption I anx ious to make known to his fellow-sufierers the means of euro. To all who desire it, be will send a eepy of tb prescription used (free of charge,) with the direc tions for preparing and using the same, whioh they will find a sure ear for Codhptio, Annua, Bbobcbitis, Cooobi, Colo, and all Throat and Lung Affection!. The only object of the advertiser la tending the prescription Is to benefit the afflicted, and spread Information which he conceives to be invaluable, and he hope every suffer ec will try hi remedy, as it will cost them nothing, and may psov a blessing. Parties wishing the prescription, bbbb, By return mau, win please auarees REV. EDWARD A. WILSON, mj 18V'7.1y t I y WiUiamBar(,KingiC.,N.Y 1HB HlAhll FOOIi, . . And Hous of Mercy. ' ' HOWARD ASSOCIATION REPORTS, for Young Mea, oa th arim of Solitude, and th Error, Abu ses and Disease which destroy th manly powers. ruU inanedlmeat to Marriaa. with sure means of relief. beat in seeled letter envelopes, free of charge. Address DR. I. eRILLIN AtUUGHTON, Howard Association, fhiladsipBi, r Jun,188.-ly .... SB PRICB CLOTHING. '!. - ' 1., 1 1 ; ,i t "I JONES' ' OLD ESTABLISHED CLOTHING , HOUSE, , 04 market Street Ob door above Sixth, Philadelphia. For many years thl Eatablishment has don busi ness on the One Prloe 8ysm, and we believe we are the only Clothing House In the city that strictly adheres to this principle. We have earned a repu tation whioh we are proud of, for good taste In select- f;ccd styles and substantial materials, ud not less mportut, for having all eur goods, , , KXTRA U KLL 2IA1I2. We employ the best talent, for Cutters, and ear Goods are of both kinds Fashionable end plain so that all tastes can be suited. The prloe are the very lowest, as any one by a moment s thought must see, or otherwise we oould not meet the competition of our neighbors, for as no deduct ions are evor made, we must put our prloea down to the advantages we promise. The people may depend, thii it the true plan upon which to do business, and many a dollar can be tared to Clothing buyers by keeping in mind JONES' ' ONE PRICE CLOTHING HODSK, , 604 Market Strreet, Philadelphia, Not on the Corner, but one door above Sixth. . March iS, 180T. ly TKHRII'IC O.KIAUtjIHr. Now is the season for those huge black swarms of Hies, that so torment man and beast. DCTCUER'S LIGHTNING FLY-KILLER will make a clean sweep of them every sheet will kill a quart. Beware of bogus Imitations, whioh some may say are "just as good." There is nothing at all comparable with it. . .Sold elsewhere. Price Six Cents. Jul 27, 1867. tt .Ir. WlHtar'a Jlulxniu of Wild Cherry. Where this artiole it known it It a work of supere rogation to say one word in its- favor, so well is it established as an unfailing remedy for Coughs, Colds, Bronohitls, Croup, Whooping Cough, Asthma, diseases of th Throat, .Chest and Lungs, at well as that most dreaded of all diseasos, Consumption, whioh high medical authority has pronounced to be a arable disease. Thoso who have used thii remedy know It value ; those who have not, have but to make a tingle trial to be satisfied that of 'all others it is the remedy. . . THE REV. JACOB SECHLER, well known ud muoh respeotod among the German population 01 tnis oountry, writes as follows : Uaiovrr, Pa.. Feb. IA. 1859. Messrs. S. W. Fowl A Sox, Boston Dear Sirs : Having realised in my family important benefits from tbe use of your valuable preparation Wistar's Balsam op Wild Cdicbry it affords me pleasure to recommend it to tbe public. Some eight yoar ago, one of my daughters seemed to be in a decline, ud little hopes of nor recovery were entertained. I then procured a bottle of your excellent Balsam. ud before she had taken the whole of it there was a great improvement in her health. I have, in mv Individual case, made frequent use of your valuable medicine, and have al ways been benehted by it. I would, however, caution the public against imposi tion, booauao there is a good deal of spurious Wis tar's Balsam of Wild Chorry afloat throughout the country. JACOB SECHLER. None genuine unless signed BUTTd" on th wrapper. . e Prepared by SETII W. FOWLE A SON, 18 Tre mont&t., Boston, and for tale by Druggists generally. Chronio Diseases, Scrofula, Ulcers, &o. It is well known that the benefits derived from drinking of tbe Corrrkss, Saratoga, and other celebrated Springs is principally owing to the Iodine they contain. . DU. H. ANDEHS' IODINE WATER ' contains Iodine in the same pure state that it Is found iu tbese spring waters, but over 600 per oont. more in quantity, containing as it does 1 grains to each fluid ounce, dissolved in pure water, without a solvent, a discovery long sought for in this country and burope, and It tbe bust remedy in tbe world for Scrofula, Cancers, Snit Rbeum, Ulcers, and all Chronio Diseases Circulars free. J. P. DINSMOltE, Proprietor. 86 Dev Street. New York. Sold by all Draggistt. jy27-4t r. Nchrnrk's lrlauilrake IMIIm. A Wnlmllliile lor d.'nlomjl. These Pills are oompoaod of various roots, having the power to relax the accretions of tbo liver as promptly and effectually as blue pill or meroury, and without producing any of thoeo disagreeable or dangerous effects which often follow the use of tho latter. . In all bilious disorders these Pills may be used w iiu cuiiuueuee, ua inej promote me uieuuurge 01 vitiated bile, nnd remove thoso obstructions from the liver and biliary ducts, which are the oause of bilious nffnetions in general. , SCHEMCK'S MANDRAKE PILLS oure sick headache, and all disorders of the Liver, indicated by sallow akin, coated tongue, oostiveness, drowsi ness, and a general feeling of weariness and lassi tude, showing that tbe liver is in a torpid or ob structed oondition. In short, those Pills may be used with advantage in all cuii'S when a purgutive or alterative inedioine is required. , . l'luiue ask for "Dr. Sclienck's Mandrake Pills," and observe tint tbe two likenesses of the Doctor are on the Government stamp one when in the last stage of Consumption, and tbe other in his present health. . Sold by all Druggistsaud dealers. Price, 25 cents ferbox.- Principal Office, No. 15 North 6th Street, hilailclphin, Pa. General Wholesala Agents : Demo Bsrnes A Co., 21 Park how, New York; S. S. Hanoe, I US Balti more bt., Baltimore, Md. ; John D. Park, N.E.eor. of Fourth and Walnut St., Cincinnati, Ohio ; Walker a Taylor, 131 and 1M Wabash Avenue, Chicago, III.; Collins Brothers, southwest oorner of 2d and Vine Sts., St. Louis, Mo. Oct. 211, lStitJ. 4lh4 Jth w.oa.uio.ly. UELMBOLD'8 FLUID EXTRACT tjrz: m Jai arj- la a certain cure fni diseases of the BLADDER, KIDNKYS, GRAVEL, DROPSY, ' OK OANIO WEAK.VKSS, FEMALE COMPLAINTS, GENERAL DEBILITY, and all diseases of tbe . , URINARY ORGANS, ' whsthej existing m MtLE OR FEMALE, from whatever cause originating and no mailer of HOW LONG STANDING. . Diseases of these organs require the use of a diuretic. . If un treatment it submitted 4, Consumption or Insan ity may ensue. Our Flesh aud Blood are supported from these sources, and the HEALTH AND HAPriNESS, aud that of Posterity, depends upou prompt use of a relisble remedy. HEI.MBOCD S EXTRACT BUCHU, Established upwards of 19 years, prepared by 11. x. 111:1, nuoi.is, DRUGGIST, 61H Broadway, New York, snd 1(4 S.uih lulu Street, Philadelphia, Pa. March t, IfceJJ ly Ilrrora ot Youth. A gentlemen who suffered for years from Nervous Debility, Premature Decay, and all the effects of yoathful indiscretion, will, for thesiiks 'of suffering humanity, send free to all who need it, the recipe and direction for making the simple remedy by which he was cured. Sufferers wishing to profit by the advertiser's experience, can do so by addressing, in perfect eonfidenoe, . JOHN B. OGDKN, myl8 -fl7.1y 42 Cedar Street, N. Y. . t'O IAI XT V. At t'O.'fe GERMAN . ERASIVE SOAP U manufactured from PURE MATERIALS, and may be considered the STANDARD OF EXCELLENCE. For sale by all Grueert.' ! May IB, 1887. ly. HELMBOLD'S CONCENTRATED EXTRACT :i. . . J ; i i 'iHJcuu - (.:.. - 1 Is tbe Great Diuretic. ndmboliT Concentrated Extract Sartaparilla Is the Gieat Blood Purifier. Both are pi spared aeuudiug to rules of Pharmacy and Unemisti) , and aie lb wuauiative uiat cau be luwle. Mates 1, Ite7.- ly . TAKE NO tlGRK UNPLEASANT AND UNSAFE REMEDIES for unpleasant aud da.me.tHis diseases, Use fisLMseLD't F.itb&ct Becitv sal Iwraovas Uuas Waaa. marea , it7 ly HKL.MtHJL.U-B KAIHAUT MUUHU a a Imp Ross Wash cures secret snd deuoala disoiesre iu ell eteaea, at little sanaiise, Utile or no chause is diet, 1 eiwveuiesie aud uo aapuenre. It is plsaasut la taste end ouur, louaeuiei in lis aouon, sua lie I rant an inui. I lioesjwperlisa. - ruli? (7 ly 0 NEW ADVERTISEMENTS, i . THE .x.r. , Washington Library Co, PHILADELPHIA. SUBSCEIPTIOS 0SE DOLLAR. " - 0300,000, -PRESENTS TO BUBSCIUBERS. Orb Csan Prbsbrt or $40,000.. Orb Cash Prbsbrt or 20,000. Orb Cash Prrsbrt or 910,000. Orb Casb Prbsbrt or f 5.000. Two Cash Prrsbrtb er fJ.WOeaoh. RtaJ full BckUult Pmtttt BtJov. Each Certificate of Stock is accompanied with - Beantifal Steel-Plate Engraving wortb Heal at brtail thaR thb cost or caairicATB, Anil also insure to the holder a PRESENT IN THE GREAT DISTRIBUTION. The Washington Library Company U chartered by tbe State of Pennsylvania, and Organised In aid of the niVEHBIDB INSTITUTE roa Soldier' and Bailors' Orphan. Incorporated by the State of N. J. APRIL 8, 1867. THB RIVERSIDE INSTITUTE. Situate at Riverside, Burlington County, New Jer sey, ia lounded for the purpose of gratuitously edu cating the ton of deooaaod Soldiert and Seamen of the IJnited States. The Board of Trustees consist of the following well-known citiiensof Pennsylvania and New Jereev : HON. WILLIAM B. MANN, District Attorney, Philadelphia, Pa. HON. LEWIS . BROOM ALL, Ex-Chief Coiner U. 8. Mint, ud Rooorder of Deeds, Pbilad'a., Pennsylvania. HON. JAMES ,M. BCOVEL, New Jersey. HON. W. W. WARE, New Jersey. HENRY OORMAN, Esq., Agent Adams' Eipress, Philadelphia, Pa. J. E. COE, Esq., of Joy, Co A Co., Philadelphia. Trrascrt Departrrrt, Wasiiiuqtor, D. C, April 18, 1S67. Offioe of Internal Revenue : Hav ing received satisfactory evidenoe that tbe proceeds of the enterprise oondueted by the "Washington Library Company" will be devoted to charitable, use, permission is hereby granted to said Company to conduct such enterprise exempt from all charge, whether from special tax or other duty. E. A. ROLLINS, Commissioner. . The ' Washing torn Library Co., Ia order that the benevolent object let forth in thii circular may he successfully accomplished, have issued five series of FINE STEEL-PLATE ENORAVINOS, which are put on subscription at prices much below their retail value. CERTIFICATES Of STOCK IN THE WASH INGTON LIBRARY COMPANY wili.be Issued, stamped with the seal of tbe Compa ny, and- signed by the Secretary. (None others genmne.) Any person sending ns One Dollar, or paying the same to our local Agents, will receive immediately a fine Steel Plate Engraving, at choice from the fol lowing list, and One Certificate of Stock, insuring One Present in our published schedule. ONE DOLLAR ENORAVINOS. No. 1 "My Child ! My Child !" No. 2 "They're Saved ! They're Saved V' No. S "Old Seventy-iix or, the Early Dayt of the Revolution." Any person paying Two Dollars will receive either of the following fine Steel Plates, at choice, ud Two Certificates of Stock, thus becoming entitled to Two Presents. TWO POLLAB BNQRAV1RQ8. No. 1 "Washington's Courtship." No. 2 "Wash ington's Last Interview with hit Mother." THREE DOLLAR ERGRAVIRGS. Any person paying three dollars will receive the beautilul Steel Pluto of nORB rROM TBB WAR." and three Certificate of Stock, becoming entitled to throe Presents. fOCB DOLLAR BXORAVIKGR. Any person paying Four Dollars shall receive the large and beautiful Steel Plate of "THE PERILS CF OUR FOREFATHERS." and Four Certificates of Stuck, entitling them to Four Presents. ' P1VB DOLLAR BRGRAVIROR. Any person who pays Five Dollars shall receive the large ud splendid Steel Plate of . ' THE MARRIAGE OF POCAHONTAS." And Five Certificates of Stock, entitling them toFivo Presouts Tho euzravimrs and Certificates will be delivered to enob subscriber at our Local Agencies, or sent by ' mail, post paid, or express, asmsy beordored The'sYalilng;ton IJbrary Company Will Award THREE HUNDRED THOUSAND DOLLARS IN PRESENTS TO THE SHAREHOLDERS, On Wednesday, September SSfA, 18C7, At PHILADELPHIA, PA., Or at the Institute, RIVER BIDE, N.J. SCHEDULE OF PRESENTS. I Cash Present I Cash Present 1 fjath I'lesent , . . 1 Cash Present 4 Cash Presents of ti.SOO each 1 Handsome Country Residence. Stable. Grounds. 910,000 nn,ouu 111,000 . 6,01 MJ 6,000 Ac., Geriiiantown, Philadelphia, IS, 000 I Double Rceideiw, three.story brick, Camden, N J. 16,000 i ioi ueout, unices, tneds, urnunti, witn nusi. neueauliliahed, No. IUI4 Washington Av enue, Philadelphia, 1 Country Residence, Rivet side, N. 8., with 13,000 10,000 . ,(IOO ,ouo ' Ground, Fruits, to. 1 Tbree-story Oottage, Ut, A.c. US Valuable Building Lota, Riverside, 300 each I EleKunt Turnout Family Carnage, bpau of Horses, Hnruets, Ac, complete 10 Valuable Building Lots, Riverside, t3U0 each 1 Beautiful Silver-tiray Horse, I5 hands high, sired by the celebrated imported Aratuau . Horae "Caliph alau, a light Ruad Wagou weight 140 poundt, with set of supeiior Single Harness, Ac, making a first-class establishment SO Planus, 3uu each : su Meludeuua, SU each 6 Rosewood Sewing .Machines CXa) each U Family Hewing Machines, Blue each 60 Fine Gold VValcbea, auu each 8,0110 3,000 (,000 10,000 4,tMi0 1,1100 1,000 10,000 10,0,)0 3,000 6,000 7S0 &w 1,500 100 Oil Paintings, by leading trusts aggregate value 3 Camel's Hair Shawls, ! OHO each H Cumel'sHair ribawls, SW.OOO each 1 HaiMlemn Lace hluwlt, SiSO each Iu Cashmere btiawH) V50 each SI) 81 Ik Dress Pattern 7 J each 60 Citv Building Lots, I75 each 6,750 A lie remoiliuer win mihr ui b.itct wbiv, ... . Buses Onera Olasaes, Pocket Bibles, and dif ferent articles of ornament and use, ainonnt- lug to, ' 8i,000 Total, 8300,000 All the properties given clear or incumhranre. HOW TO OBTAIN SHARES AND F.NGRAVIFGS Send orders to as by mail, enclosing from fl to 61, either bv Post Office orders or in a registered letter, our risk. Laiger amounts should be scut by draft 01 ex. oreaa. 10 sliaies with Engraviftgs . t9,50 iU shares with Engravings 1K1 SO 60 stiares with Engravings 4A.S0 7 thares with Engravings W.oO 100 sherrs with Engravinga liu.UO Local AGENTS WANTED throughout the United States The Association have apsoiuied as R see i vers, Meters. GKoRtik. A. CUOliU A CU, whus well known line- gi uy and busiiiess exuericxee will be a sumcient guar an lea thai the mousy mtrutled 10 them will be promptly ap plied to ins purpose slated, i; r ' PaiLseavau, Pa.,MayM, Te the OrSeera and Metabtxa of tbe Washington Libia. r Co . N. 8. READ, Secretary. , Ueiubuneu 1 On receipt of yoor favor of th 1.1th Inst. notifying us of .oar spp-anuneut es Kieerverc for your Company, we took the liberty to submit a oupy uf your Chatter, with a plan of' yoar eulerpiiee, 10 the highest kgelaulb.il uy of Ui tkaie,aud baving reueived kia favor, able opiui'iu in regard w iu legaluy, and aympelhiciiig wiih lbs eeaevoleiit object of your Aasuciaiiou, vis : tbe educsuou and eaawlcuauce of the 01 plun ehildrsa f our suidiers and aausra at the Riverside iuatitute, we have jcneladed ta aesnt the trust, aud to ass oar beet effort! to promote so worthy aa oexvt. Reapestfuliy, yoera, Ao, . . 1 GEO. A. COOKE CO, Address all letters and orders tn , GEO. A. COOKE A CO., BANKERS, ' 33Bouth Third Street, PhiMelrkie.re Rseeivers for Us Waahingtr Library Co. JuneW, l7 -rB ' Something New ! Nothing New J AND GOOD NEWS. The splendid assortment of OOODS at the EIAMII0TH STORE J. W. FRlsLIJtCt A. SON, 18 NEW, but It I Nothing New for them a they are elwaya getting up uw uuudo. GOOD NEWS, to the people of SUNBURY, for they have purchase el them goods low ana are telling tnom at very I We are dctormined to sell onr Qooda at Low Prices and defy competition. Wekeepthe bent quality of Wooslu and tell them a low as the etecomd qualities are sold by other dealers. Come and examine our Stock and Learn our M32! No charge for showing Goods. That is our business and wo tako pleasure in doing it. Feeling very thukful to the public for their very libersl patronsgo heretofore bestowed upon us, we feel oonndent of retaining their custom, by a strict adherence to the rulos wo hav adopted. REMEMBER THE PLACE, The Mammoth Store. Market Square, 2 doors eaatof the Now Court House, SUNBURY, PA. J. W. FRILINO A SON. Sunbury, March SO, 1867. LIMBER! LUMBER ! Tho Potter County and SnxiburT I.nmlter Company, Now fully established at tho SUNBURY STEAM 8AW-MILL3, are prepared to law to order WHITE PINE, HEMLOCK AND OAK, of any site and all lengths. Afull assortment of IDHrZ- LUMBER, always kept on hand. Pannol, Flooring, Siding and nnisuing ooaras 01 an xinas. MOULDING, SASH, wuuks, ana buuin.ua. SHINGLES, Sawed and Shaved, Whito Pine, and Hemlock 1'Iufttcrintr, latli aud I'aliuir, Planing, Ripping and Turning, will be done to order at short notioe. This Company design furnishing everything in their line at such rates that Lumber Yards, Builders and all parties nsing Lumber, will nuu it to tneir interest to buy at this rstabliBlimont, ORDERS are respectfully solicited and will be promptly at' tended ui oy addressing. HJII. ttUAUCK, oup 1. Sunbury, June 1 5, 1868. FIRST NATIONAL H. O. THACHEB, Proprietor. MARKET SQUARE, 8UNBURY, PA New Goods, New Stylos, New Trice The largest Stock of Boots and Shoe in this Mirk TKUXKS OF EVERY GRADE & PRICE Gents' Traveling Satchel, Band-Bags, Valises, Ac. An elegant assortment of Ladies' Fine Leather Sat chel Caba'a, Ac, Ao. COME AND SEE, COME AND SEE. IMenannt'a Ituildlnc, MARKET SQ UAHE, April . 1867 mill followintr nerson are entitled to receive an L increase of Bounty under the Act of Congress passed July I sua, to equalise Bounties. let All soldiers who enlisted after the 18th dsy of April, 1861, for S years, and served their time of enlistment and have been honorably discharged, and have received or are entitled to receive a Bounty of iuu, are entitled an additional county f glow, 2d All auoh soldiers who enlisted for 8 years, and have been honorably discharged on account of wounde received in the line of duty, are entitled to an additional .Bounty ot 91 WW, 8d Tbe Widow, Minor Children, or Parent of such soldiers who died in tbe servloe ot wounds or disease, are entitled to an additional Bounty of $100. By application to S. P. WOLVERTON. Eso dmbubv, Pennsylvania, who is an authorised Claim Agent, all suoti claims can be speedily oollected eunpury, August ,, iboo. tt FOR SALE, A desirable residence, tuitable for a small family located on North tin ttreet, Sunbury, now occupied ujr inr. xreuuric nailers. or particulars, appi to u. v. WHARTON. Jtmr an mvAHUB: Sheet Iron and Stove C ZETTLEMOYER& BRO. (Successor to BENJ. ZETTLEMOYER.) Market Street, Bear Engel's Store, 8UNBURY, PA TTAVINU taken charge of the old stand so long XX pairuuiaws vj uis psopie 01 ouuoury and vi cinity, beg leave to announce to the old friends and tbe publio generally, that they will supply them wiui tuv iuuh iiu proven varieue 01 STOVES, COOK, OFFICE and PARLOR STOVES of tha best Brands which ax unsurpassed for beauty of finish, simplicity uf arrangement, oombiuinacheaDneasand durability and each stov warranted to perform what luej sxv repreaeuMMi. loal Oil, CoaJUIIljtxnpM. Ianterna, Shades, Chimneys, and all artiole usually kept in aa wi.uii.nuinii ui inia aina. COPPER, BRASS and IRON SETTLES, of all site. FRUIT JARS and CANS of th latest improved style. 11 is also prepared to do all kinds of Spouting and noonng, itang ana rum see work. Repairing, cheaply and neatly executed. GEO. ZETTLEMOYER A BRO Jun8,lS6T. y Cblldrea'a Carriagti, 11TB would call th attention of those waotiuz If Child 1 Carriage, to our new and large assort Btat sjompruuig atw aaa oeauiiini style. J H CTUO.EV A CO. T. S. SHANNON, Prnoticai Watchmaker ARB ' JEWBLUBi A From PHILADELPHIA. In Simpson' Building, Market Square, STJlTBtTB.7. PEITIT'A I JUNK Gold and .Silver American and bwist 7 Watches, Clouks. Jewelry Snd Silver ware, ena- atantly on hud. hair Jewelry aud Masonic Marks made to order. Gold and Silver Plating done In the bist'manner ud warranted to give entire atisfaction. Ftne Watches, ClocVs, Muelo Boxes aud Jowelry Repaired and warranted. All orders promptly filled. Punbitry, June 1, IW07. ' Admlnlxlrutoi 'rt Notice. NOTICE I hereby given that letters of adminis tration have been granted to tbe undersigned, on the estate of Anna Maria Myers, late of tbe Bo rough of Sunbury, Northumberland county, Venn's., deceased. All persons Indebted to said estate are requested to make Immediate payment, and those having claims against tbe estate are requested to preaent them for settlement. JOHN MYERS, Adm r. Lower Augusta twp., June 1, 1SB7. TAKE NOTICE; WHAT aU those who are indebted to Doctor J. W. X PEAL, on Note or Book Account, are invited to settle the same within thirty days, as after that thoywillbo placed in the ban Js of G. W. iCtegler., Esq., for collection without respect to person. J. W. PEAL. Sunbury, May ii, 1867 2m Notice to Merchants and Shipper. THE nndersignod, proprietors of Weisersr Prick's Line, give notice to merchants and shippers that their Depot is still at 81 1 Market street, Phila delphia, and all Goods directed to Sunbury and Dan ville will be promptly deliver jd. rsr Cars leave 811 Markot street, Philadelphia, tri-weokly Tuosdays, Thursdays and Saturdays. W. C. GOODRICH. May 25, '6T. J. R. RICHAROSUN. All kinds of SCHOOL BOOKS, Slates, Pens, Ink, Paper, Ao. I Miscellaneous Books, a good assort ment. All the new books received E a w H H 00 tt O o W CD H O w w K td W M H 09 o Q w w 03 cl tt cl to ; as soon as published, and for sale it D..l.lialiM' n.i.M IHUllWW. f 1UBLKS, Prayer Books and Uvmn hooks, in every style 01 oinumg. Catholio Prayor Book. FAMILY BIBLES in various styles DICTIONARIES of all aires. Juvoniloa and Toy Books, a largo assortment. Islamic Hooka and Blankl Forms of all kinds. Foolscap, Legal Cap, Letter and note rapers. . COPYING BOOKS. Inkstands. 'en Racks, Files, Papor, Cutlers and Counting llouso Stationery gonorally. PUOTOGRAPU ALBUMS cheap and dear. Oold Pens and Holders. Pocket Books and Bill Wallote. Pioture Frames. StoreoseoDos and Views. Aniorioan. French, A 0. Draw in 11 Paper, all sues. Bristol Board, Ao. Diaries, Memorandum Books, Ac Backtrammon Boards. Gatnea. Chens.! men, Ao. Toys a large and complete assortment! ttase-uaiit and Ban. nsntnrr, llodi and Tackle. Perfumes, Brohomiaa and Parisian Marbles, Ao. Uolii I'cns re-pointed. Lamps, Shtdos. Globes, Chimneys Ac. Wall Paper and Border, all kinds Window Curtains, Pauer Gilt and uncd. Music and Musical Instruments. rsAll kinds of Books and Stationery not on hand promptly ordered. ah tne Liauy ana weekly rapers ana fliagaiiue.. Affentfnrtha "Amerinan Onran." Also for "La Rose's Hair Restorative," Enamel of America, and "National Steam Navigation Company." tunbury, May IS, 1U07. CRITTENDEN'S Commercial College 637 Chestnut Street, (Corner of Seventh,) P11ILA DELP1IIA. Established 1841. Incorporated 18i5 Yoanj Men Practically Kducatixi for UuMineKM. The facilities of thit Institution have been largely increased, and it now has advantages for imparting business knowledge which are unequalled. Tbe practical value of its well-tried course of in struction is attested by hundreds in all departments of business. Many a young man owes his success in life te the qualifications gained here. The instruction throughout is thorough, practical, and just what is daily used in our beet business house. ihe instruction include Book-Keeping in all it Branches, Penmanship, (Plain and Ornamental.) Commercial) Cal culations, Business Papers and Cor respondence, Commercial Law, Detecting Counterfeits, Etc. Student Instructed separately and received at anytime. Diplomasjawarded on graduation. Stran- Sers assisted in procuring suitable boarding places, oard may be obtained for about 5 per week. Cata logues mailed free. CRITTENDEN'S BOOK-KEEPING, Counting House, price $2 bO. High School, price 1 60. Common School Edition 871 ots. Judge Bhars wood's Loot ur 01 before the Students on Commercial Law, price tl 60. THE CRITTENDEN COMMERCIAL ARITH METIC AND BUSINESS MANUAL, Containing new and rapid methods of calculation as actually used by business men. Furnis of Business Paper 1 aooonipauied by explanation! of their nature and use, usoful Commercial Tables, and muoh valuable imformation on business subject. Price $1 25. The sale of this Book has been rapid that it is already iu lis second edition. Any of the above book tent postage paid on re oeipt of the price. S. II. CRITTENDEN A CO. Juno 8. 1867. fiin Agricultural Implement, HOE'S Grain Rakes, Steel and Iron Garden Rakes, Long and D Handle Spades, Shovels, Manure and Hay Forkt, Grasa and Grain Scythes, Grain Cradles, Cradle Fingers, Traoe, Breast, Tongue and Log Chains, Grind-stones, Fanning Mill Seivesof all tites and kinds, a large assortment of Red Wagon Ham e, fur Plowing, Farm Bells, Cultivator Teeth, for sale by J. p- CON LEY tCO. 11111: ai w axkii i'iiobir HOOFING! TUIMES A CO., are tb Agent In the Counties . of Northumberland, Snyder and Montour, M, WARREN'S Improved Fire and Water-Proof Roof. Thii is the cheapest and best Roof that can be put 00 a building, lias been used in the city of Philadelphia, ainoe 1861, where it bas superseded almost every other kind of Roof. It it recommend ed by the builders, and is used on all uf tb finest buildings ia that city. Parties contemplating build -ing, will do well to examine into tbe merits of this and all other kinds of Roofs, and give the best th preference. The Fountain Hotel, of Sunbury, will, In a few days, be covered with tbis Roof, and parties doairing to do ao, may call there and examine it. For further information address Box it, Sunbury Poet Offioe, or call at tbe Brick Yard of T. UIMES A CO. Embury, 18, 1867. 3m Coachmakers. WE are selling Rims, Spokes, Hubs, Springs, Csnvsss, Bolts, Clips, Axles, Ac, very low a urge oioca at Sunbury, March SO, Ibfl7 CONLEY A CO. CALL and aee those beautiful Bird Cages at tb aw Hardware store of J. B. CONLEY A CO. TJSE J. DE WOLF ft CO S MAGIC VERMIN EXTERMINATOR! This wonderful preparation is certain death to RATS MICE, ROACHES, BED BUGS, AN'W, MOSUl l TOES, FL1R3, and Inaeets I Uarusua. May be obtained by our Ageut, W. A, BENNETT. Wholesale and Retail Druggist, SUNBWiV, PA Jane a 1,867 Imp iMA.XO ft'OH BtAaAT. HANDSOMIi, toned, asw, tad prc ! laquire al this Omtc , poait tn aiatouic nan