1 ' E&e Suntutj? American. '' - 1 ' - ; B.WILVBHT.J- ... . M,B,EHOI,Il,PW'M. , Bt'5Bl'RT, PA. BATURDAT, JULY 80, .867. . . . local affairs. ' Bewiso Macmibb ro Bali' On of Iluwe's exeelleat miehin, with th latest Improvement, hM Just been received, and will be fold at a reduoed prle. Inquire at this offlo Tia Niw Rulii or Coont, regulating the prao Una of tha Court In tba 8th Judicial Dlatriot of Pennsylvania, composed of the counties of Northum-. berland, Lycoming and Montour, hare bean pub lished by ua, and are new for aala at the Aaaai can office. Those who bare not yet lubaerlbed eau obtain ooptea by applying Immediately. Notabt Public Messrs. Emanuel Wllvert and David Rockefeller, hare been re-appointed Notarial Public by Governor Geary, for thli plaoe. li.il Senna Dbatb. On Monday last, Mr. William Caaett, an old eitiien, who resided In tha lower part Front street, died very suddenly of apoplexy. He was about AS years of age. Bis remains ware inter--cd on Wednesday last. - t !' Apfoixtmxnt ar ma Oovbrbob. Our neighbor jf tha Gazette, John Toungman, Esq., has been ap pointed by Got. Geary, Superintendent of State Printing. Mr. Funk, of the Miltoman, the present nouatfeeot, has hold tha appointment for the past four ycrs. 'TaaDnAwiRdof the Wax Cross took plaee on Friday evening of last week, as the Masonio Hall. It vaa drawn by Wm. M. Rockefeller, Esq., of this ilnce. who was the luoky possessor of ticket No. 69, vbioh drew the prise. Upwards of 250 tickets were old, at 25 eta. each, which netted quite a handsome urn. The proceeds will be applied to the eonstruo ion of the Lutheran Parsonage. The cross was made ly Miss Caroline Dclius, of this plaoe, and is a hand Kmo ornament. Fiki Woc We lately saw at the establishment .'Mr. A. II. Rush, in Third street, a handsome oinb, intended to be placed over the grave of a de based child of Mr. "J. H. Love, of this plaoe, which, hen finished, will be one of the most beautiful spe limens of the art that we have seen for some time In point of design and artistio finish we think it will lompare favorably with any of the kind turned out n the cities. Mr. Hush opened his establishment tore last spring, and is doing good business. lie is :onsidered a first-class workman. Plc-Nic The employees of the P. A E. Machine Shops gave a pie-nio on Bird's Island, on Wednesday ast, which was largely attended. The day was spent ery pleasantly in the usual games, plays, and danc ng, inoident to occasions of the kind. A large num ber of persons from town were present, the steamer 'Ira T. Clement" having been chartered for convey ng them to and from the island. In the evoning he grounds were Illuminated, and the party enjoyed hemselves in dancing, a platform being erected or the purpose. The festivities were kept up until late hour. Line Kilh. Messrs. Soasholta A Co., of this lace, having lately completed their large lime iln at the upper basin, it was fired up on Saturday ist. It is located along tha P. A E. R. R , a switch nd side track having been put down, which gives ie firm every facility for unloading the stone and onveying the lime to market The capacity of the iln is over two thousand bushels per week, and will 3nd somewhat to supply the extensive demand for me of a puro quality, that will be produced by using le stone of the Tuokahoe quarry, above Northuia erland, which is owned and worked by this firm. Rob, i nr. Mrs. Kinter, a widow lady, who keeps boarding house on Chesnut street, in this place, as, on Wednesday night last, robbed of a valuable old mutch and about HO in money, which were iken from a bureau drawer in her bed room. There re no suspicions who the robber or robbers are. The iss is a serious one for Mrs. Kinter, who is a poor oinan. We hope the valuables will be recovered, ad the villain who committed the robbery properly uuUbed. A reward of $2S is offered for the appre ansion of the thief and recovery of the stolen pro- ty. Ox last Tuesday, Mr. Barrett, employed at the earn saw mill at Northumberland, was standing on ie carriage which holds the logs while being sawed, hen it suddenly started, causing Mr. Barrett to fall j whole length towards the circular aaw. Seeing is peril, be, by great exertion turned his body aside id avoided falling directly upon the aaw, which as all the time in motion. But his foot came In the ay of the saw, causing a severe wound in the heel is ankle also was very much sprained In his fall together, his escape from immediate death was try narrow, and we are glad to learn that his pby cian apprehends no serious result, sinless some ing uuforseen occurs. Iuphovbubmti Wedoubt whether inaoy of our tisens are aware of the number of new buildings iw in progress in this plaee. A friend, who haa ken the trouble te asoertaia tha number, informs i that over eighty new buildings are now under ay. Some of these are large and handsome atcae- .res. Mr. Sebastian llaupt's new building, corner 'Market Square, has a handsome iron front, resting i granite, the first atnry to be occupied for stores ae iron castings ware made by Mr. S. Uuber, at anville. Mr. John Haas is putting up a handsome brick sidence on Chestnut street, L. T. Rohrbach, Esq handsome frame on the sune street Mr. I). Hendricks is building a handsome brick sidence on Walnut street. There are a number of bers worthy of notioe which will be given kareaftor Nkw Court IIoi'su at Locc Dav TaeCotn Msiuaers of Clinton oounty invito proposals until e 5tb of August for the erection of a new Court oube at Lock Haven. The new building is to be ected on the corner of Water aod Jay streets, on e site of tbe old Clinton House, which wa do roved by fire some years ago and never rebuilt. ie design of the building was furnished by Sloan e well known architect of Philadelphia, who will penatend the ooustrucioo of tbe work. The edl r of the Republican, in speaking of the new s true re, says tout "the design is such as will scour all e merits and exclude most of the more serious de eta of the Court House at Wiillamsport and Sun- try" Tub MmnLBCBEBK Railroab. Tha Director the Middleoreek Valley Railroad held a meeting , tbe fllli inst, and decided to commence work on a road on or about the 1st of August. A eorres- ndent of our neighbor of the Gazette, who I oon ctsd with tb corpa of engineers of the road, wri lg under data of tba 7th Inst, say that the engi icrs finished locating on the day previous aa far a lamsburg, Snyder oounty, a distano of 25 mile out Sunbury, and it was expected that they would i in tba vicinity of Lew-town, tha western teruii is of the road, en thai 20th. Watsovtovii. Tbe Miltoman, of last week ys "W are Informed that Mr. Pardee' exten re (team saw mill, at Wataontowa, I now In full wration. During a trip lately, up White Deer reek, where Mr. P.'a timber tract mainly lies from '. -V bioh the mills at Watsortows ar fed, we observed ousands of pine log lying in and around the) creek m ly lot a fresbet to be floated down to uieir oesu Uiuu. i om an estimate tnado, it will take forty n five yean to out dows tb timber now along the eek aud belonging to Mr. Pardee." Art iuBKT la DubAWABB TowBSBir. On Satur- ly eveuiB.g last Mrs, Truckemiller, aa old lady, i.u n..4oj lii McEweosvilJe, Uii oounty, aocideo Ji oil u UiruieJiW b-rsoo-io-la, Mr. Dan- J lioffuiui, in Delaware township, and broke on ' lr Ui below the kne. Tb limb wa tat by r. Albright, of Munoy, and the old lady i a om TaviT Tmiivmo aid Dbtcctiob or Taaas abb Saao-a, As the season Is near at band arham persons who cultivate fruits are annoyed by maraud ing fruit thieves, we publish for their benefit tha following provisions from the atonal coda of Penn sylvania to aieet took eases. It Is tha puall duty of every one to prosecute 6 (Tenses of this kind to the fullest extent of the law. Tha provision read a follow; ' -i . " " 'If any DeraoB. shall willfully a eiatlnlnnit In. I Jura or destroy coy fruit or ornamental trees, shrub, plant or grape vines growing or cultivated In any orohard.garden. or enoTosura.or upon any publicstreet or square in this Commonwealth, ha shall be guilty of a misdemeanor, and on eonvlotton. be fined not exceeding one hundred dollars, and undergo an Imprisonment not exceeding six months, or both, or either, at the discretion of the oourt." Tea a should be raised for such an object at educating th orphan bf out gallant soldiers and sailor wltMn on month.; Let all who era able re spond, and It might be done in a week. Let all who have no disposition for eharityi but' simply want pictures and want to purchase where they can be had for the least money, buy of tha Washington Li brary Company, of Philadelphia, and more than enough might be realised in a vary short time. ; Read advertisement i Mors Sanunxs r a Rbvbnob Orricaa. A wagon and two horses, together with a load of cigars and tobaooo, were recently soiled at Milton by Mr. B. Depderson, a special agent of the revenue opartment. They belonged to J. W. Swelfert, of Danville, who violated the revenue law by running two team under one lioense. Mr. Ilenderson baa also Seised a number of horses and wagons at Northumberland. They are the pro perty of the New Tork State Lightning Rod Com pany, who had not paid the speoial lax required by law. A Sbasobablbj Rbcipb. Aa the blackberry sea- ion is almost at hand, wo give place to the following recipe, from the Uermantown Telegraph, for ma king blackberry wine : There Is no wine eaual to the blaokberrv when properly made, either in flavor or for medicinal pur poses, and all person who oan conveniently do so should manufacture enough for their own nse every year, as it is invaluable in sickness as a tonio, and nothing is a better remedy for bowel diseases. We, therefore, give the receipt for making it, and having iriea it ourselves, we speaa advisedly on uie suDjeot : Measure your berries and bruise them ; to every gal lon adding one quart of boiling water. Let the mixture stand twenty-four hours, stirring occasion ally ; then strain off the liquor into a cask, to every gallon adding two pounds of sugar ; oork tight, and let it stand till the following October, and you will have wine ready for use, without further straining or boiling. This make a most excellent and pal atable wine." Tbb rbw Bridob at Lbwirbvro. The Chron- cle says that tha franchise of the old bridge oompa- together with the pier and other property, have been purohased by th new bridge company and will bo used in the new structure. The con tract with the Pennsylvania Railroad Company with regard to the construction of the blanch railroad and bridge, was signed on Wednesday of last week, and there is now do obstacle in tha way of their immedi ate construction. Suebp Killid bt Lightkinq. The Sclinsgrovc Timet says that on Tuesday, the 9th inst., a tree on farm of Mr. Scbnure, In Monroe township, Snyder county, under which a lot of sheep had taken shelter, was struok by lightning and sixteen of them killed. Drowbbd. On tha 3d inst., a (on of Peter Shaf- for, of Selinsgrove, aged fire or six years, fell into Penn's ereek and was drowned. His body was not found until the following Sunday, when it was dis covered lodged against some bushes in the stream, at the lower end of that town. Dedicatiob. The audiencevoom of Trinity Evan gelical Lutheran Church, at Sbamokin, whioh is being completed In a handsome manner, will be ded icated on tbe second Sunday of next month, August Uth. A session of th Susquehanna Synod will be held in4u church on tbe following day. Tbb Furnace at Sbamokin was put in blast last week, and is, we learn, working admirably and turn ing cut No. 1 Iron. Mr. Brown, the lessee, has. made material alterations and improvements, and the furnace Is now believod to be in a condition to run suocsscfully. Passiss CooxTEurBiT Money-. Th Selinsgrove Courier, of the 11th inst, says thst on Tuesday of last week a fellow came to a Mr. Kliaa, of McKee's Half Falls, Snyder county, and purchased a sulkey for fifty dollars, paying the amount in five ten dollar bills on the Third National Bank of Philadelphia, all of which were spurious. He passed through Se- insgrove on Tuesday evening about II o'clock. Mr. Kline is on the villain's track, and it Is to be hoped he will (ucceed in capturing him. For the Americau. Letter from Jackson Township. Herbdob, July 10th, 1867. Editor or thb America : I was under the Impression that vou had a correspondent in this vi- einity to inform you, weekly, of all that transpires here wortbv of note, but findinc nothing in the AMERICA oi tbe Incidents, or rather accidents, that have occurred here reeent v. 1 eame to tbe oonclu' sion that you have no one here to report to you rca; ularly. 1 will try to give you a tew items, wnicn may be of some Interest to your numerous readers : On tbe Zlst of June lam, uutler Aeits, a vounc man about 18 year of age, came over from Port Trevorton to tbe Island to kill blackbirds, in a corn' field. In going through the brush his gun acciden tally caught and the contents were discharged, en tot ing tbe back of the unfortunate boy and killing niin Instantly. va tna it inst., ineateam boner or 1. A men s n. D. Bower's saw-mill exploded. The engineer, Mr Scmink, and Mr. II. D. Bower,' were badly scalded. They are doing well, and are under the oare of Dr. II. W. Lama, T fort Xrerorton, and Dr. Kaker. They are fast recovering The boiler exploded by burntine ou t the bead of one of the flues. Mrs. foaae Vi tcel, of Jordan township, while en gaged In baking cakes, suddenly complained of feel, log unwell, and told a girl, who was present, to take care of tbe baking, one sank to the floor and ex pired almost immediately. a. (. BUSIBTK88 HOTIOEB. CFJob Printing:. Having received large supply of NEW JOB TYPE, of various new atytea, Poster, Handbills, Ciroulars, Cards, Letter Heads, Bill Heads, Labels, Ac, can be printed in the latest and best styles, and on short notioe. Orders by mail BfiomvUy attended to. ii mi All deeu-ing Picture framed, would do well by calling on W. A. Bennett, as he has reeeived a fine assortment of Gilt and Rosewood mouldings, and can at short nolio furnish frames and glass of any sis. Wa call Ui attention of the publio, specially to W. A. Bennett's remedy for Dyscentery and Diar rhoea. It gives general satisfaction, and in fact baa net foiled In one single Instance. Oiv It a trial. siiai TauB, evert Woes or it. Tha best and largest assortment of Boot, Shoes, Trunks, Valise and Ladies' and Gent' Satchel, to be found in Sunbury or vicinity, I at Harry Thachar' Store, la Pleasants' building, Market street. Every one is invited to all and examine the large atoek. Wbat Dob Mbab t When a large number of person assemble, and continue to do so from day to day, at torn particular point or place, th natural inquiry la what 1 going on, or wbat does it mean? In this Instance it can be aeoountod for. J. F. 6haaffer, Merchant Tailor, Market Square, be just received another lot of goeda for summer wear, whioh are being mad up into suit at the very lowest price, ' aeeea i "Pat,", laid Judge Sniff to hi neighbor, in a deeping car, "yon would bar remained a long time in tbe old country before you eonld bav slept with a judge." "Tea, yer honor ; and y would bav been a long Urn In tb ould counthry before ys'd been a judge." But no man need be in Sunbury long before dieeovcriag that tba fashionable summer suits that ara at present seen in our street ar made at tb Continental Clothing Baaaaf Market street. isma-m Tbat tbs bbs i tbb CBBAraoT, 1 sa true In buying clothing as anything else, and IX ya would realise tb V t J 1 1 of this old ard familiar adage jou should preeeure your garment at tb tailoring establishment of J. S. Bmlek, on rourth street, where every variety of Sumner clothing eaa be obtained At Btbrlt' Oaliibt, In 8tnpj' building, Market street, Is tb plac to get good liken. Ejtrly takss lb best piotures. At Byerly ' I th place to get Melainotype. At Byerly' you can get beautiful Photograph. At Byerly' you can get splendid Amtrotypes. - . At Byerly's yew eaa get U keaMt mi best la thi plee. . r-i - . - : , i ilmn" 1 ' "Havb yo read my lad speech T" tald a vain orator to a friend. , "I hop so," wa th reply. But th people have not yet got tired reading the notloes of th elegant stock of Boot and Shoe at Miller's Eioelrlor Store, Market street. Th public ar alwayt pleased to learn (hat Miller reoeives weekly addition to hi stock, embracing every style and variety, which h sells' very cheap: Tbb McroAL Lira Ixscrabcb Coufabv, of New Tork, I a Cash Compaay, and all tha profit ar tfuiiaitf divided among fts mmbr. . Th first payment on a policy I alwaya th largest aver re quired. Irons and after that time tba payment grow less and lea every year, until they ar entirely canceled by the dividend. These dividends ar declared annually and paid at once In cash i If pre ferred, by reducing the annual premium next be coming due. Jacob Shipmab, Fir and Ut Inrurann Aftnt, Banbury, Pa. miii Bomb men are naturally good looking thrs affa ble In their manners. All gentlemen can b greatly improved by being clothed In entire new suits, to correspond with the season, at J. 0. Beck' tailoring establishment, on Fourth street, Sunbury. Beck has a fineatook of summer good, which all are invited to call end oe for themselves. . .,.. " Now Is tha winter of our discontent made glori ous rummer," said th wily Suka of Uloster, when, through hi malicious manoeuvre, he sssul- nated hi brother and became King of England. If the Duke were living In these days he could more properly make use of the expression, for Faust, at his fashionable Hat and Cap Store, keeps constantly on hand such large variety of goods of bis Una that every one who wear thorn, (because of their fine texture,) oan exolaim, "now 1 our glorious summer, in reality. DEATHS. In this place, on Monday last, of apoplexy, Mr. WILLIAM CASETT, aged 65 year 8 months and IK days. New Jersey papers pleas copy. HUKBl'RY 1I1AKUETN. Correoted Weekly for the "American." Wheat Flour, extra family, per barrel, $14 00 7 50 10 00 00 2 00 1 SO 1 10 do do do do per ewi. per bbl. per cwt. per bushel, do do . do do per pound Bye Flour, ao Wheat, prim red Bja, Corn, new Oats, 70 00 40 Potatoes, Dried Peaches, pared no do unpared Dried Apple, oo do 25 15 Dried Cherries, (unstoned,) per bu 2 00 Butter. per pound, per dosen, per pound, do do d do do do per pair - 10 Eggs, Cheese, 18 . 25 20 20 18 14 IS 18 fit Lard, Hams, Shoulders, Beef, bind quarter, rront Mutton, Chickens, Bharaokta Coul Trade. Bbakokib, July 13, 1887. Tout. Cvt, Sent for week ending July 13, M,H8 02 rer last report, . zio.oov ix 247,547 14 377,002 13 29,454 19 To same time last year, Decrease, Special Notices. Save tour Doctor' Bill. Co' Dyspepsia Cure will save tho expense of a Doctor very many times if kept on band ready for immediate use. In the Summer season, for Cholera Morbus, pain in the stomach, Diarrhoea, Ac, it is a sure and certain remedy. There are many case on record where the hair of individuals has, from mental anxiety and great fright or distress, ohanged in a few hours from its natural oolor to an almost perfect white. This was said to be the case with the unfortunate Marie An toinette, one of the most beautiful of women, in tbe dreadful night preceding ber execution, llut there are other more natural causes than these that ar daily producing a like effect upon the hair by slow but sure approaches, and a certain preventative or mis unsignuy misiortune is a puuue necetaciion. This baa been found in tbe discovery of the famous "Barrett's Vegetable Hair Restorative," which uni formly proven le baldness and greyness, and is a most delightful article of the toilet. No lady or gentle man sneuid o witoout u. 'I'o Consumptives. Th advertiser, having been festered to health In a few weeks by a verv simple remedy, after having: suncred lor several years witn a severe lung atteO' tian. and tbat dread disease. Consumption is anX' lous to mace known to nis tcllow-suaercrs the means of cure. To all who desire it, he will tend a eerv of the prescription used (free of charge,) with the direc tion fur preparing and using the same, whioh they wui nua a sure cure lor uoaauurTioB, asthma. Brobcuitii, Coughs. Colo, and all Throat and Luna A flections. Tbe only obiect of the advertiser in sending tba prescription is to benefit the afflicted, and spread information which be conceives to be invaluable, and he hopes every sufferer will try his remedy, as it will cost them nothing, and may prove oiessiDg. ranies wisning me prescription rii, oy reuirn man, win please addreas SEV. EDWARD A. WILSON, my I8-'67.1y Williamsburg, Kings Co., N. T THE HEALING POOL, A.nd House of Mercy. HOWARD ASSOCIATION REPORTS, for Yonna Men, on tne crime oi boiitude, and toe trrors, Abu ses and Diseases whioh destroy the manly powers, and create impediments to Marriage, witn sure means of relief. Sent in sealed letter envelopes, free of charge. Address DK. J. bhJLUN UOLJUION Howard Association, rnuaueipoia, ra. June t), luoj. ly OBACE'B CELEBBATED 8AXVE. From Mr. E. Tucaaa, Depot Master at Salisbury, Mass. "I hay been troubled for year with a bad humor: sometimes outwardly, and sometimes inwardly. During th past summer it manifested itself more than usual outwardly, and I used your Salve. All signs of it have siooe disappeared, without affecting me tawaraiy, locieauag, i uiina, u eradicating nature of tbe Salve. " SETH. W. e'OVYLE, A BON, Boston, Proprietors. Sold by all Druggist, at tl oU. a box. Sent by mail for84ots. Jeitr, 67.-4t UELMBOLD'S FLUID EXTRACT Is certain cur for diseeaea of tk BLADDER, KIDNEYS, GRAVEL, DROPSY, OR OANIO WEAKNESS, FEMALE COMPLAINTS, GENERAL DEBILITY, and eU disease of th URINARY OROANS, la MALE OB FEMALE, f roaa whatever sees osigiaating aad ao ssatter of . MOW LON6 STANDING. Diseases of these organs require the use of a diuretic. If mo traatawul is submitted so. C oasemptioa ot Insait- Ity saay eaaue. Oar fleak aad Blood aie auapotted from Ikeae aueicea, aao we HEALTH AND HAPPINESS, . i - . and ' , ' 1 that of Postal ty, dapeud apou prompt of b raliabl leiuedy. HELMBOCD EXTRACT BUCUU, Established upwarda of 18 rear, prepared by II. T. IIELNUOUi, DRUGGIST, MM Broadway, New Ymk, end 104 bVU lixk Bueet, Paitadclpkia, Pa. March l,lb-ly . ' k . ... . lii rrers of - outku . A geatlemaB who suffered fur year from tlarvow Debility, Premature Decay, and all the affect of youthful indiscretion, will, for th take of suffering humanity, send free te all who need It, tb recipe aad direction for making the simple remedy by which he wa cured.- u-ern wishing to pront by U advertiser experience, eaa ao o oy aauraseiuK in perfect eonadwio, juua u. uuutB, . myis-ei ly vr t-t, bi. HI PRICI CLOTHINU. JONES' OLD ESTABLISHED , o.m; Bim;v CLOTHING HOUSE, OA Market Ntreel, ' On door above Sixth, Philadelphia.- . Far many year this Establishment has done kui- ess ou the One Price Hys .era, and we leiieve we ar tb only Clothing House iu th oily that strictly 4acres to this principle. We have enrued a repu tation Which we are proud of, forgiod taste iu select good styles and substantial materials, and notice mportana, for Having all our goods, EXTRA iriiLI. JMnK, W employ the best talent, for Cutters, and our Soods ar of both kinds Fashionabl and plain so tbat all taste can he suited. Th" prices ar tbe very lowest, as any one by a moment's thought munt see, er otherwise we oould not meet the competition of oar neighbors, for asnodeduotionsareevermade, wa must put our prices down to the advantages we promise. The people may depend, this is th true plan npon which to do business, and many a dollar can bo saved to Clothing buyers by keeping In mind JONES' ONE PHICE CLOTHING- HOUSE, 104 Market Strreet, Philadelphia, Not on the Corner, but one door above Sixth. March 23, 1B67. ly lr. ivttclick liilinonlc Nyrup. This great meJMne cured Dr. J. H. Schenck, the Proprietor, of Pulmonary Consumption, when it had assumed lis most formidable aspect and when speedy death appeared to be Inevitable. His phy sician pronounced his ease incurable, when be com menced tbe use ot this simple tut nowertai remedy. His health was restored in a very short time, and no return of the dtaease has been upprehended, for all tbe svmptoms quickly disappeared, and bia present weitm is more loan iwo nunarea pounas. Since his redovery, he has devoted his attention exclusively to tire cure of Consumption, and the dis eases whiek are usually complicated with it, aod tbe euro effected by bia medicines bav been very nu merous and truly wonderful. JUr. Sonenou makes profm iionl visits to sevcrul of tbe larger cities weekly, where h has a large concourse of patients, and it is truly asburUhing to see poor consumptives that have to be lifted out of Ibeir carriages, and in a few months healthy, robust peimns. Dn.ScnRBCK'8 rutiMuiviu BiKUf, (ihAwttu xuiMi;, and MANDRAKE PILLS, arc generally all required In curing Cunsamptiun. Full directions accompany each, no tbat anv one can take mem witnouiseeina Dr. Schenck, but when it is convenient it is best le see him. lie gives advice free, but for a thorough examinatiea with hit lies pirooiotcr his foe is throe dollars. Please observe, wben purchasing, tbat tbe two likenesses of the Doctor one wben in tbe last atsge ot Consumption, and tne other as be now Is, in per fftot health are on tho Government stamp. Sold by all Druggists and Dealers. Prico 71.60 ber bottle, or the half doxen. Letters for ad vie should alwaya be directed to Dr. Schenck' Principal Office, No. 15 North 0th Street, Philadel nhia. I'a. Ucneral Wholesale Agents : Demas Barnes ft Co., o. I . ; S. S. lianco, Baltimore, Md. ; Jimn v. rarlc, Oinoinnuti, Ohio; Walker A Taylor, Chicago, 111 Collins Bros., St. Louis, Mo. Oct. 20, 1807. 3d w. ea. mo. lyr. GERMAN ERASIVE S0AI Is manufactured from PURE MATERIALS, and may be considered the STANDARD OF EXCELLENCE. For sale by all Urocers. May IS, 1867. ly. Iron In tlse fillooil. Tb necessity of a due proportion of iron in the blood Is well known to all medical men; when it be comes reduoed from any cause whatever, the whole System suffer, the weakest part being first attacked, and a feeling of languor, lassitude and -all goneness" pervades the system. The remedy is simply to sup ply th blood with tbe necessary quantity of iron This can be done by nsing the PERUVIAN SYRUP, a protected solution of the protoxidoof Iron, which is so prepared that it aiuimilates at once with tbe blood, giving strength, vigor and new life to the whole system. To take medicine to cure disease occasioned by a deficiency of IKON 13 111b liL,uui), witnoul re storing it to the system, is like trying to repair a building wben tne toonaauon is goue. An eminent uivine says: -a nave ocen using me PERUVIAN SYKUP lor sometime paxt: it gives me new vigor, buoyancy of spirits, elasticity of muscle." Pamphlet containing certificates of cures, and recommendations from some of the most eminent physicians, clergymen and other, will be sent froe to any address. The genuine has "Perpviar Strop" blown in the glass. J. P. DIS8MORE, Proprietor, No. 36 Dey St, New York. Sold by all druggists. " HtLMUOLU'd CONCKNTHATF D EXTRACT 1IUCIIU Is the Ureal Diuretic. IMmMiT Concentrated Extract Sarnaparillu Is the Cieat Blood Purifier. Both sre prepared icrordmir In ruW-t of Piutimncy nd Cheroialr), ajtd ale the utoalucttve ihatcan be made. March 8, le7.-ly TAKE NO MOUB UMPI.KABANT AND (.'K9AFK RK.MI-UMKS for utipteHunl tnid duoseious diteascs. Cse Hklmbm's KxTBicr liucuc kd ljirRovao Itixx Wash. Miireh 9 ly HbTmHULO'S KXTK.tCT UCCHU and Improved Row Wash eurm secret and delicate iliaordt-re in uli their atasea,al little expense, little or no rhinje in dirt, ro in ciiiivtiiiienceaitrl no exposure. It rs plenum! in tnrte and mtiir, immeilime id ks action, and free from all 'inju rious priiierlies. luliKW ly jIwIdvertisements. BOOTS AND SHOES. MANUFACTURED TO ORDER. JOHN WILVEB, RESPECTFULLY informs his friends and ous. tumors, that he has just opened a shop for th manufacture of BOOTS 4 SHOES, on Sprut4 etrett, Ixttvceu Second etreet and Centre AJey, Sunbury. wbr all kind of work in his line will be made up in tha latest atyl and in tbe best workmanlike man ner. Having first class stock on hand, he Batter himself tbat b will be aJil to suit Uie tastes or the uioat fas tidious. Ihe public are invited to call. JOHN WILVEB. Sunbury, June 10, 1337. FANCY DRY GOODS STORE MIB8 3CVT- BLACK, ICarket street, Siur doors west ofWm. 11. Miller' Boot and Shoe store SUNBURY, Pa. RESPECTFULLY informs her friends in Sunbury and vicinity, that she has just opened her Sl'RIXQ 6" SL'AIXtill DUE S3 GOODS, of every description. rushloaablo lr-HM 'Il-iinsuluau, Head Dresses, Gloves, Hosiery, Ewbroiderios, Lace Collars, Bleached and unbliMtened Muslins, Sheetings, Drillings, Alapaeus. Poplina, Crapa and Laoo Veils. Badlr, llutM, Jblldren,w Iltsta aud i.4ips, of every variety. Hot. Demurest' Hair Curlers, llair Coil and Curl, Gloves, Stockings, Collars, Corsets, o. UeaU' Collars, NookliM, half 11 use, Handker chiefs and Suspenders. Bradley' aew Patent Duntet Elliptic (or double opriug oairiio.f HOPKINS BUlDtio Skirta. Perfumery, Toilet Soaps, Hair Brushs, Combs, tml aoda-eneral varietyor ptui !".". ' L' iTtf TIT AnV Sunbury, AprU JT, 1867. ' TIRD CAGES, II . different kinds. If you want JUT goea aad cuees vagm, pro u tl . , . , CON LET 4 CO'8 BAKERY. BAKERY. C. KVIrMUOv'K; Agrmt, Manufacturer of . . CANDIES, BREAD, CAKES. PIES, AC , Front St., door east of th P. V. R. R- Depot, OHTIIU1lli:Mt.A."ai, PA. Caatoaiar will be nrved daily. Order solicited. Northumberland, June 22, lao7. WAITED. A R active and reliable Salesman to ael Fish and J. Provision la Northumberland and adjoining eountie of Pennsylvania, one who eaa intluenoe trade. Addreas Bob XJVy, PhUadalphU, P. 0 , o stating referenc. t. . JuaeN, ledlat I , TUB "' ' 1 Washington Library Co, ,1 f PHILADELPHIA. . , . . r SUBSCKimOtf ONE DOLLAR. ; .. $300,000 . PRESENTS TO SUBSCRIBERS. Oaa Cash Prbhent or HO, POO. . (lua Cash l'iiR8Kf or 20,otiO. ' Ok a Cash I'kessmt or $10,000. . Oaa Caso Prbsrrt or f 5,000. Two Cash Pbesbbt or V'i.frOO each. Read full Schedule tf FrtteeH Below. Each Certificate of Stock is accompanied with a Beautiful Steel-Plate Engraving WORTH M0RB AT RETAIL THAN TBB COST r CBRTiriGATB, And also Insure to the holder a PRESENT IN TUB UKK AT DISTRIBUTION. The Washington Library Company I ohartered by the Bute of Pennsylvania, and Organised in aid of tbe . RIVERSIDE INSTITUTE! -Cult 1 Soldiers' and Sailora Orphan. Incorporated. by tbe State of N. I. APRIL 8, 1S67. THE BIVEBBIDE INSTITUTE, Situate at Kivemlde, Burlington County, New Jer sey, Is founded for the purpose of gratuitously edu cating the sons of deceased Soldiers and Sonmen of tne united Mates. The Hoard of Trustees consists of the following: well-known ciliaens of Pennsylvania and New Jersey: DON. WILLIAM 11. MANN, District Attorney, Philadelphia, Pa. HON. LEWIS R. BROOMALL, x-Chinf Coiner U. S. Mint, and Recorder of Deeds. Philad'a.. Pennsylvania. HON. JAMES M. SCOYEL, New Jersey. ili'N. W. w. WAKE, Hew Jersey. IIKNRY U0RMAN, Esq- Airent Adams' Express. Philadelphia, Pa. J. E. CUE, Esq., of Joy.Coe A Co., Philadelphia. TRKASriRT DRPARTMRNr, Washihutor, D. C, April 18, lSn7. Office of Internal Revenue : Hav ing, received satisfactory evidence that the proceeds of the enterprise conducted by tre Washington library Company" will be devoted to cnnruuoie, use, permission is hereby granted to said Company to conduct such enterprise exempt from all charge, whether from special tax or other duly. . E. A. ROLLINS, Commissioner. The .Washington IJbs-ary Co., In or dor that the benevolent object set forth in this oircuiar may De sucoosstulty accomplished, nave issued five series of FINE &TEEL-PLATE ENGRAVINGS, which are put on subscription at price muoh below their retail value. CERTIFICATES OK STOCK IN THE WASH INGTON LIBRARY COMPANY will be issued, stamped with the seal of the Compa ny, and signed by the .Secretary. (None other renmne.) Any person sending as One Dollar, or paying the satno to our local Agents, will reooive immediately a fine Steol Plate Engraving, at oboice from the fol lowing list, and Ono Certificate of Stock, insuring One Present in our published schedule. ONE DOLLAR ENGRAVINGS. No. l-"My Child ! My Child !" No. J "They're Bnved ! They 're Saved !" No. 3 "Old Soventy-six or, the Early Days of the Revolution." Any person payingYwo Dollars will receive either of tbe following fine Steel Pistes, at choice, and Two Certificates of Stock, thus becoming entitled to Two Presents. TWO DOLLAR ENonAVIKdS. No. 1 "Washington's Courtship." No. 2 "Wash ington's Last Interview with bis Mother." TRUER DOLLAR ESUBAVlRaS. Any person psying three dollars will receive the beautilul Steel Plate of . ' HOUR FROM THB WAR." and three Certificates of Stock, becoming entitled to three Presents. FOUR DOLLAR KJORAVIICGS. Any pernnn paying Four Dollars shall receive tbe large aud beautiful Steel Plate of "TUB PKHILS CP I'VR roRKFATBKRS." and Pour Certificates of Stock, entitling them to Four Presents. flVR DOLLAR ENGIIAVIXaS. Any person who pays Five Dollars shall receive tho laro and splendid Steel Plate of THE MARRIAGE OF POCAHONTAS." And Five Certificates of Stock, entitling Ihcm to Fire Presents The engravings and Certificates will be delivered to each subscriber at our Local Agencies, or sent by mail, post paid, or express, as may be ordered. The Wauliing'ton Library Couipany Wilt Award THREE HUNDRED THOUSAND DOLLARS IX PRESENTS TO THE SHAREHOLDERS, On Wuliicmiay, September 25th, 1867, At PHILADELPHIA, PA., Or at the Institute, RIVER SIDE, N.J. SCHEDULE OP PRESENTS. I Cush Present 1 CmdIi rrrMttit ' i f 10,000 gu,ouu tll,U0 6,000 (,uuo I Cash l'leaeut 1 Canh t'reaent Cash Hnscnuer S'l.SOO each t Handsome Country lanideiice, r-table, Orounds, . Ae.. tiennuulirwii. Phlladt-hiluu. 18,0110 1S,0UU 1 Duutile Kr-sideiice, three-story bncSj Camden, N J. I ueia, urhees, theds, l.ri.uiKl, with busi- iiom eManuaiMHi, No. 1311 n aaaiugum Av enue, PlnladelihiH, ' Couiiiry Kouciic, Riveisidc, N. 8 , with Ur mud, t-'ruila. Ae. 19,000 10,000 1 Tlliee-storv Cottaffe. Lot. Ac. 6,000 6,000 6,0110 3,uotl its Valuahle Uuikliiii Lot., Itivenide, taoOeeeh cletMill luriniut I-amity uarruiue, Piall oi Horses, Htirueas, Ac., coiuplete IK Valuabk Huiklmi Una, Hiveraide, tUoueaea 1 Bautilui Silver 4iray Hirsv, 16 banda hish, sirm ov ine eek-tiraieu uiiMrii-a Arauiuu Horse 'Caliph ;"also,a lijilit Rued WaKoii weiatiL 140 piiutids, with aet of superior Singh) Harness, ku., making a first-class establishment 6,000 ie,ou S.MiO 1,000 30 Pianos, Stl each St) MekideiHia, ) each Ruaewiaal 8ewiac Machines tSOO each III Family Sewing Machine., aiuoeocu 60 Enm Unld Watcbra, V'JUO eauh 1,00V 10,0(10 100 Oil Haintuiga, by leading artists aggregate value 10,M 3.000 6,000 7S0 3 Camel's lluir Shawls, BI.OIIO each 1 Camel's Hair Suuwls, SJ.WKI each 3 llaiKlaorae Lao Miawla, M6U each IW CaaluiH-re tSbawU 6l earn AMI 1,5110 8,760 II Silk Dress Pailirn 75 eac-h SO CltV Buildup Uils, ftl7S earh Tlie reinamder will consist oi Ml vet ware, siu.irai tloles Opera (ilusaes, Pocket Uiblea, and dll ferant eilieles of ornament and uw, amoimv tug to, M.OOU T,il. ' 8300,000 All th aronertiea aiven clear nf incaianraiiM. HOW TO OBTAIN SHARES AND ENGRAVIFGS rWil ortler. nt as by mail, eneluaiiia from it to '), either by Post Odk-a ordera nr m a leniMereri Iriler, at uarrnk. t-trget auiuuuta anuuai oe aew uy uruit or oreaa. ill shaies with Engravinss 9,S0 8J Okie, wilh EntfraviiiK. 83 60 60 .hares With Engravings 46.60 76 shares with Engravings 64.60 100 suares wUh fcngravuig. t W',0 Local AGENTS WANTED Ihrougkoiit lb luiled Sule The Association have apoointed as Receivers, Met CEuKoE A. CUOk si CO., whose weU kanwn uite snlv and busnieas aanerience wiM uv n suliirieirt guaiuu- Isc ihatltw waiey tiureated to them will us pruoiplly ap plied to the purpu. .lateu. i . .i Puu-.un.raiA, Pa., May 80, 186T, To lb O (Rears aad Mem bats of the Waebuigtuu Lihia- l Co , N. RK AD, Secretary. Ucmknwu -Ou lecsipt of your favor of the lilli in. noiiiinf us of vour appajUineut aa Krceivers for yuar CWiaiiy, we Cmk the liberty to suUuit a eupy of yuer Cbaiter, with a plan nt yoar eularjme, to tae burheat legal auUkMtly tT Us SaU,aud having reeaivad his favos able opini'Mt in regard to ua legality, and ayatpaibiaiog wua Uw hauevotsat ubieet of you Aaaueiatnai, via : the edueataai and avutteuaue of tba otphaa children af our asldwss and sailor at Uie Riversioa lualitule, we have SMusiu u) w aocevt die tiust, aud to as our beat afforta to proiuou ao worthy au object. Ksapectfally, yoara, Ac, GEO. A. COOKKk CO. Address .11 MUsra aad ordart to .OKO. A. COOKE A CO., BANKERS, MSoath Third Street, Phllaiklpkiaj P Beeivre for the WashiNyten Libtery tiu. Jum m ita?.-i, .. Something New ! Nothing New AND GOOD NEWS) The splendid assortment o( GOODS at th A TVT O ii T H STOEE A V v J. XV. IfllLnG Jt SOX, . IS NEW, but it I Nothing New for them as they ar always getting up JS-W UU0D8. GOOD NEWS, to the people of SCNBURT, for tboy have purchase ed inem goods low and are selling worn ar very We are determined to sell our Good Price and defy eomnetltlon. at Low We keepthe iM-nt quality of fiilooda and sell them as low as tbe hccobmI qaulltlei are j soia ny outer ooaiers. Come and examine our Stock and Learn our No cbarrro for sbowiriff Goods. That is our business aud we take pleasure in doing it. Feelinir very thankful to the publio for tholr very liberal patronage heretofore bestowed upon us, wo feel confident of retaining their custom, by a strict adherence to tho rules we bave adopted. REMEMBER THE PLACE, Tho Mammoth Store. Mai ket Square, 2 doors east of the New Court House, SCXBURY, PA. J.AV.FRILINQ 4 SON. Sunbury, Maroh SO, 1867. LUMBER! LUMBER! Tbe Potter donnty susd Mnnbury Lumber Company, Now fully established at the SUNBURY STEAM SAW MILLS, are prepared to aaw to order WHITE PINE, HEMLOCK AND OAK, of any site and all lengths. Afuil assortment of IDiRTST ITJ33El- always kept on hand. Pannol, Flooring, Siding and nutsbing boards ot all Kinds. MOULDING. SASH, DOORS, and SIIUTTEKS. SHINGLES, Sawed and r-baved, hite Pino, and Hemlock. I'liiHtrrine l.atli and Puling, Planing, Ripping and Turning, will be done to order at short notioe. This Company design furnishing everything in tholr line at auob rates tbat Lumber xarus, uuiiuers ana an panics using uiuour, win find it to their interest to buy at this cstuuusninent. ORDERS are respectfully solicited and will be promptly at tended to by addressing. Sunbury, June IS, 1868. FIRST NATIONAL Sr3rX-KX.Ka-9 H. a. THACHER, Proprietor. MARKET SQUARE, SUNBURY, PA New Goods, New Styles, New Trice The largest Stock of Boot and Shoes In this Marka TRUNKS OF EVERY GRAPE & PRICE Gents' Traveling Satchel, Iland-Bags, Valisos, Ao. An elegant assortment of Ladies' Fine Leather Sat obel Caba s, Ac. Ao. COME AND SEE, COME AND BEE. lleusunt,a lluildlnic, MAR ICE T SQUA 11 E, April 6, 1S67. KjaaTTrTre THE following persons are entitled to receive aa increase of Bounty under the Act of Congress puased July IrjAtt, to equalise Bounties. 1st All soldiers who enlisted alter tbe I9th day of April. 18(11. fur S years, and served their time of enlistment and have been honorably discharged, and have received or ara entitled to receive a Bounty of 9100, are entitled aa additional Uounty of 91OO. Id All such soldier wbo enlisted for t years, and have been honorably discharged on account of wounds received in the line of duty, are entitled to an additional liountyct IJIWW. Si The Widow, Minor Children, or Parents of such soldiers wbo died in tbe service of wounds or disease, ate entitled to au additional Bounty ot v 1 OO. By application to 8. V. WOLVERTON, Em., of Bumbohv Pennsylvania, who is an authorised Claim Agent, all such claims can be speedily oulleoled Buubury, August!, ltttHI. if FOR SALE, A desirable residence, suitable for a small family, located on North 4th street, Uuubury, now occupied by Mr. Eredurttk Walter. Eur particulars, apply to 11. D. YYliAHTO a. Sheet Iron and Stove mifiiriif niiiriil- l) rklfcrv (Succeasor to i.HJ. SHI tUSMUlEH.) Market Street, near Engel't Store, SUNBURY. PA. TT AVINIt t-kn eharra oftha old stand aa Inns tl batruaiaad by tba Deonle of Sunbury and ciuily, beg leave to announce to tha old friends aad the publio generally, thai they will supply theot W1LU Ul UMl unproved varieties ux STOVES, COOK, OFFICE aud PARLOR STOVES of the beat Brands wbieb are unsurpassed lor beauty of nnub, simplicity of arrancemeut, combiniua cheapness and durability and each stove warranted to perform what they are represented. Coal Oil, aIOIIIJnsa,lssl'rssis, Shades, Chimneys, and all article usually kept in an atabliabmenlol tnis Kind. COPPER, BRASS and IRON KETTLES, of all aiaM. ' FRUIT JARS and CANS of th latest Improved styles. II i also prepared to do ail kind of Spouting aal Hooting, Mange and rurnace nor a. atcoatrinc. eneapiy ana nennr u umi. tJEo. ZETTLkMOYEK A BRO. June 8,l8o7.-y CtUldrcae') Camrrlatceai. W1 E would tall th attention of those wanting a Child s Carriage, to our new and large assort- meat ompriiog n.w aud beautilul style. J 11 CONLEY A CO. T. S. SHANNON, . Practleot Watchmaker ARD JEWELER, From PHILADELPHIA. In Simpson's Building, Market Square, 3TI1TBITET. PS1T1T-. IUNK Gold and Silver Amorlcsn and rswm ' Watch. Clocks, Jewelry and Silver ware, ove- atantly on band. Ibair Jewelry and Masonic Marks made to order. Gold and Sllvnr Plating done in tne nesijuunner and warranted to give entire satisfaction. t'ioe Watches, Clocks, Musio Boxe and jewairy Repaired and warranted. All orders nromntlv filled. Sunbury, June i, J 857 Arimtninirator' ftotlco. NOTICE is horeby given that letters or adminis tration have been aranK-dtotheunderr-iiciied. on tbe estate ot Anna Marin Myers, lata of tho Do- rough ot Sunbury, IHorthuinberlnnd county, t'cnn'a., deceased. All persons indebted to said estate ara Jn "'"n' ,llMt tn MUte reosled to I rr-ini. thorn for aetUoment. " u.iixf vtvrtid . j i- iiun.i u i x-r.o, Aum r. Lowor Augusta Iwp., June 1, 1H87. TAKE NOTICE. mH AT all those who are Indobted to Doctor J. W. I TEAL, on Note or Book Account, are invited to settle tbe same within thirty days, aa after that thev will be placed in the hands of U. W. Kiegler., Esq., for collection without respect to persons. J. W. PEAL. Banbury, May 2S, 1867. m Notice to merchants and Shippers. fTtHE undersigned, proprietors of Woisor A Frick' a lilne, give notioe so merconuia ami sinupvrB that their Depot Is still at 811 Market street, Phila delphia, and all Goods directed to (SunDury and Lan- vine win oe prompuy umir. ro Uars lonve on maraei street, rouaaeipnia, tri-weekly Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays. vr . V. iiwiruvii. May 85, '7. J. R. RICHARDSON. &. All kinds of SCHOOL BOOIiS, Slatos. Pens. Ink, Paper. Ao Miscellaneous Books, a good assnr1" moot. All tbe new books receive11 b. 3 lusoon aa published, ad for aale at t..UIial.AM' nri.M A .Ulirii.ip r"v- BIBLES. Prayer Book and Hymn liooks, In every style ot binding. Catholic Prayor Books. FAMILY BIBLES in various stylos DICTIONARIES of all sisos. a w to x a o o W ts w H & P ta W H m P Q t M ts a tit a a to Juvenile and Toy Books, a large assortment ItlonW ItnoltM and Blank Forms of all kinds. Foolscap, Local Cap, Letter and Kote Tapers. COPYING BOOKS. Inkstands Pen Racks, Files, Paper, Cutters and Counting House atationcry generally PHOTOGRAPH ALBUMS cheap and dear. Gold Pons and Holders. Poekot Rooks and Bill V, allot. j Picture Frames. Stereoscopes and Views, American, French , Ac. Drawing Paper, all sites, Bristol Bonrd, Ao. Diaries, Memorandum liooKS, o. Backgammon Boards, liamoa, Chess men. o. Toys a largo and complete assortment tiase-uaua and uuts. risumg noas and Tackle. Perfutnee, Drohomian and Parisian Marbles. Ae. Gold Pens re-Dointed. Lamps, Shadoa. 0 lobes. Chimneys, Ao. Wall Purer and Bnrdor. all kinds Window Curtains, Puner Ciilt oud Oiled. Musio and Musical Instruments. OAIl kindsof Book and Stationery not on hand promptly ordered. All tne Daily anu vt eemy rapers nu nSa..u. Aeentfortho "American Organ." Also for "La Hose's Hair Restorative," Enamel of Amonoa, and "National Steam Navigation Company.'1 Sunbury, May in. IbflT. CHITTENDEN'S Commercial College, 637 Chestnut Stroet, (Corner of Seventh,) PUILA DELPBIA. Established 1814. Incorporated 1855 Young 91-n I'ructlcally Ilducuted Tor llnslueaw. The facilities of this Institution bave been largoly increased, and it now has advantages for imparting business knowledge which are unequalled. The practioal value of its well-tried course of in struction is attested by hundreds in all departmeuta of business. Many a young man owes his success iu life to the qualifications earned bere. The instruction throughout is thorough, practical, and just what is daily used in our best business houses. The uistruouon uiciuue Book-Keoping In all lb Branches, Penmanship, (t'lainend ornamental,) uouiuierciaij vtu oulatiens, Business Papers and Cor respondence. Commercial Law, Detecting Counterfeits, Etc. Student instructed separately and received at any tfme. Diplomaswarded on graduation, fetran gers assisted in procuring suitable boarding place. Board may be obtained tor about $3 per week . Cata logue mailed tree. Counting Ilouse, lirkj $2 SO. High School, price (1 (0. Common Bohool Edition 871 eta. Judge bharswood'a Lecture be tore the Student on Commercial Law, prion $1 60. THE CRITT-NDKN COMMEKC'IA- AKITM METIC AND BUblNESH MANUAL, Containing new and rapid methods of calculation as actually used by business men. Forms of Business Paper a accompanied by explanations of their nature and use, usetut tJommeroial is ores, ana mucu vaiuanio Imfurmation on biuiuuis subjects. Price Si Si. Tbe sale of this Book ha been rapid that it is already in It second edition. Any of the above books lent postage paid on re ceipt of the prioc. June 8. 1B67- 6m AKrlcsUlurul Isitplemeuta, HOE'S Ornln Rakes. Steel and Iron Garden Rakes, Lone and D Handle Suadas, Shovels, Manure and Hay Forks, Grass and tirain Scythes, drain Cradles, Cradle Fingers, Traoe, Breast, Tongue and Log Chains, Onnd-stones, racning Jnitt Deives ot all sises and kinds, a large assortment or Rod Wagon Hamea, for Plowing, Farm Bells, Cultivator Teeth, for sale by J. . CONLEY A CO. ROOPING ! TIlIMEd A CO., are tbs Agenu) In th Counties . of Northumberland. rSuydcr and Montour, U, WARREN'S Improved Fir and Water-Proof Hoof. This is tbe cheapest and beat ltuof that can be put on a building, lias been used in the olty or Philadelphia, since IBM, where it haa superseded almost every other kind of Roof. It is recommend ed by the builder, and is used on all of the finest building in that eity. Particaountemplatlng build ing, will do well to examine into the merits of this and all other kind of Hoofs, a-d give the best the preference. , , n.. fountain IIoUl. of Suuburv. will, In a few I d&Yf. day, be covered with this Roof, and parties ditairing do ao. niav call were ana exaiuiuw . Fur further information addreas Box 14, Suubury Poet oiioaTor caU at the Brick Yard of T. UIMSB A CO. 1 Sunbury, 18, 1867. Sm vi - I . Coachmakers. TB ar selling Rims, Spokes, Hubs, Springs. 1 V Canvass, Bolts, Clips, Axles, a., very low a Larg block at Sunbury, Maroh 80, lb7. CONLEY CO. CALL and see those beautiful Bird Cagea at the new Hardware store of J. H. OON LEY A 00. USE J. LE WOLF & CO S MAGIC VERMIN EXTERMINATOR! This wonderful preparation Is certain death to RAT MICE, ROACUES, BED BU03, ANTS, MOeUli TOES, FLIES, aud Insects in -erdeu. May be obtained by our Agent, W. A. BENNETT, Wholwal aad Retail Druggist, BUN-CRY, PA. June 1,BT imp l'OK HAlTlr HANDSOMB, Dae-toned, aw, aa price low laquir at this Ottie. irtabla a aonlsj be ipet4. at very Is rates " .. ... ; i ; 1 i. - ' '. i