Sunbury American. (Sunbury, Pa.) 1848-1879, July 13, 1867, Image 2

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H. B. HASBSB, Editor Proprietor.
SATURDAY, JULY 18, 1807.
no.i, miiHT w. niLLUnii,
Crf Allegheny County.
fW Marshal ITbislbr'i Pomcs. The
Tollce Bill, pissed by tbe lut legislature, it
likely to make tome trouble in thli county.
Marshal Heisler end hie ten police officers
came to town on Monday of last week, to
firaw their pay, which amounted to about
1900, for their last month's salaries. The
Commissioner! positively refused to pay
one single dollar. Suit was then brought,
and eleven summons were served on the
County Commissioner, to appear before
Esq. Bhindel on Monday last. The Com
missioners not appearing, judgment was,
of course, entered against them by default
The Commissioners say they have employed
the best legal talent, and will resist the pay
ment of these claims as long as any legal re
medy exists.
There is a diversity of opinion In regard
to the policy of the measure. The friends
of the bill say it has qnleted the coal region
and checked the lawless and turbulent men.
Others contend that if a special police was
necessary it should be paid by the opera
tors, as in Schuylkill county.
f3T Maximilian. The execution of this
unfortunate dupe of Napoleon, by the Lib
erals in Mexico, has caused a profound
sensation among the crowned heads of Eu
rope. The act is universally condemned on
the continent. In this country there is some
difference of opinion on the subject. Had
sot Maximilian sanctioned the shooting of
the Liberal officers that fell into his hands,
sympathy for him would have been more
general. If it was right to execute these
men, natives of the soil, for political offences,
the friends of the fallen Emperor cannot
complain of these semi-barbarians following
his example when the reverses of war chang
es their condition.
3F"JoirN H. Suruatt. The guilt of
this villain, even according to' his own acts
and confessions, in having been concerned
in the assassination of President Lincoln,
is established beyond all question. And yet
there are editors of papers whose political
prejudices have rendered them as blind as
copperheads in August, who attempt to
defend this double-dyed villain and hunt
down respectable witnesses who have testi
fied against him.
("Recently the Grand Jury of Ithica,
New York, had under consideration the
question of indicting the ladies of two of
.the churches of that city "for being engaged
in getting up and carrying on lotteries con
nected with fairs held by them in the
churches." It is believed by some that the
present wide-spread mania to engage in lot
tery speculations have been greatly increas
ed by lotteries held in connection with
church fairs.
fBThe Reconstruction Bill of the nonse
of Representative, reported by Thaddeus
Stevens, passed on Tuesday last, by a vote of
118 to 81. Mr. Stevens made the concluding
speech, which was said to be one of his
ablest efforts.
fSPrThe report that Santa Anna had been
shot in Mexico has been contradicted.
The Extra Meavlon of Coneream.
Both houses of Congress met on Wednes
day, 8d inst., there being a quorum in both
In tbe Senate there were thirty-five members
present, of whom but one was a Democrat 1
In the House there were one hundred and
twenty-seven members present, of whom
four were Democrats. presenting certain petitions,
argueu against limning toe ousinesaoi con
gress to the passage of an amendatory Re
construction act, and in favor of a Ions ses
sion if necessary. Mr. Wilson offered his
amendatory bill. Mr. Sumner introduced a
bill abolishing in all the States political
distinctions on account of color. Mr. Drake
introduced a bill providing for the removal
of civil officers in tbe Rebel States, for tbe
appointment of successors by tbe District
Commanders, and for the re-admission of
the States. A bill in explanation of the Re
construction acts was introduced by Mr.
Edmunds, declaring the military authority
paramount in the South. Mr. Frelinghuysen
presented a similar bill, and a resolution
was passed requesting the President, to
furnUh copies of all instructions and cor
respondence under the Reconstruction acts.
The Senate adjourned until Friday, after
agreeing in caucus to confine its work to tbe
passage ot a declaratory bill. ..
In tho House the important business
transacted was the exclusion of tbe Ken
tucky members, notoriously elected as rebels.
Mr. Migan s resolution. referring the creden
tials to a committee, and forbidding them in
the meanwhile to take their seats, was pass
ed by a vote 07 to 60. Mr. George M. Adams.
against whom no charges of disloyalty were
made, was admitted. Mr. Eliot offered a
resolution limiting the business of tbe session
to the perfecting of the Reconstruction act.
and excluding general legislation, which was
aaopiea. 1 he Senate and House screed upon
this poiut. Tbe House also adjourned over
to Friday.
In tbe Senate on Friday, Mr. Edmunds, ot
termoni, introduced a Dill, which was
tabled and ordered to be printed, empower
ing the registration boards in tbe South to
examine and decide upon the qualifications
of persons applying to be reeuttered under
tbe Reconstruction acta, and declaring that 1
no person shall be entitled to vote who can
not take the oath prescribed by the supple
mental act. Mr. Anthony offered a resolu
tion declaring that the business of tbe ses
sion should be confined to providing for tbe
execution of the Reconstruction act. After
considerable opposition and debate the reso
lution was adopted yeas 23, nays 9. Tbe
Senate adjourned until Monday.
In tbe House, a memorial of Green M.
Adama against representative Beck, from
Kentucky, was presented . and referred.
. Resolutions of thsnks to Generals Sheridan
and Sickles were adopted yeas 111, nays
17. Ou motion of Mr. Washburn, of Indi
ana, the Judiciary Committee were directed
to inquire whether Congress has power to
regnUu suffrage in tbe States, and if so to
report a bill accordingly. Mr. Shanks of
fered a resolution, expressing pleasure at tb
. downfall of Maximilian, but the House re-
fused to suspend the rules to receive iL
Mr. Spalding, of Ohio, introduced another
supplementary Reconstruction bill, after
which rb House adjourned until Monday.
Hon. Henry W. 'Williams, the Republican
nomlneee for Jiklco- of the Bunreme Court I
in this State, is a native of Connecticut, I
aim wuoia a lew monuis oi lony-six years
of acre. He Graduated at Yale Col lege, from I
which institution be subsequently won the
honorary decree of Doctor of Law. navina
removed to Pittsburg immediately after
graduating, he became a student in the office
of the late Chief Justice Lowry. He was
admitted to the Bar in 1840, entering at
once on an extensive practice as the law
partner of his legal tutor. In 1851 Mr. Wil
liams was elected Judge of the District
Court of Allegheny county, and in 1801 re
elected without any organized opposition.
nnueinuge Williams wa a prwuuiug
tory he was regarded as one of the safest
While Judge Williams was a practicing ai
counselor at the Bar. As a lawyer he is
methodical and accurate ; as a Judge fear
less and nnricrht. nossessinff the happy facul
ty of discerning at once the justice of the
cause, notwithstanding me aimcuiuee ami
quibbles by which it may be observed. He
ia tl!l in tha nrime of life, is blessed with
good health, and is capable of sustaining the
v.rat mental labors for many years to I
comei I
Personally. Judge Williams, while of a 1
modest and reticent disposition, is one of I Francis Meagher, Secretury and Acting Gov
the most popular men known to the masses ernor of this Territory, fell from the deck
of the western part of the State. He takes
a lively interest in every project calculated
to improve and advance tbe growth and
prosperity of the State, and during the fear
ful atruggle for the Dational life and honor,
no man occupying a judicial position did
more than he to serve the cause of justice
and freedom. He never for a moment fur
got that his country haa a right to his first
and undivided efforts in its behalf in the
hour of its peril, nor did he grudge those
who periled their lives in its dctence the
pecuniary remunerations and the personal
honors to which their valor entitled them.
Fearful Llcfatntnir Stroke.
Last Thursday afternoon, about five
o'clock a laree crowd had assembled in tbe
Fair Grounds of tbe Springville Union Ag
ricultural Association, wheu a sharp thunder
storm came up. The rain began to fall, and
tbe crowd sought refuge from its effects in
tbe exhibition sheds. A flash of lightning
took place, accompanied by a loud peal of
thunder, and instantly an awful spectacle
waa presented. .
The licbtning struck: one ot the sheas
which contained men, women and horses.
About a hundred porsons were paralyzed in
an instant, falling ou their faces, and as
many as fifty were rendered insensible for
five or ten minutes, while about a dozen
were quite seriously burned. Two horses
were killed on the spot. An old gentleman
named John Gordcnier, and two or three
others, are not expected to recover. One wo
man was prostrated anil deprived ot ber
senses, but not ot ber power ot locomotion;
she instinctively gathered herself up and
waa conveyed to Holmes1 Hotel, and declares
she bad no knowledge of what took place
after the Hash until she found herself in a
room at the house.-
The lightning struck a post in the centre
of the shed, against which Harry Tillou, tbe
landlord ot tbe West Falls Hotel, was lean
ing, and to which a horse was attached by
a chain halter. The horse was killed in
stantly, while Mr. Tillou escaped by being
dazed and knockod down. A singular tact
mentioned in connection with tbe strange
freak of tho electric fluid is that all the per
sons rendered insensible fell on their laces.
A young lady named Miss Nellife Cassey,
who wore a white and black checked dress,
was quite seriously injured, and ber dress
was fairly scorched, but did not take fire.
Another woman was struck on the shoulder,
the fluid passing down her side, raising a
i - i v. . - i : . . a i.
peneci unsiur iu ita uuurau. a uiaa lruiu
Otto was hit on the right side of the head,
and on bis recovery the mark was found to
commence at the right eye, whicb was swell
ed like a puff ball, and could be plainly
traced down tho neck, across the chest, aud
off the left arm.
The most fearful consternation existed
among the people until it was discovered
how light the injuries were that had been
inflicted, and the excitement was most in
tense. A great many attributed tbe stroke
to the attraction ot a mowing machine,
whicb stood near tbe shed, but two bovs
who were sitting on it at the time escaped
uninjured, nor was tbe machine at all
damaged, if struck. :
A valuable mare which was bitched to
the pole was knocked down and died on
Friday from tne enects ot tbe ughtuing.
If such thunderbolts visit Fair grounds,
other establishments may be expected to be
visited, but tbacks to tbe genius ot tbe ira
mortal Franklin, ample protection is afford
ed to all who avail tbemselves ot tho servi
ces of lightning rods. Buffalo (JV. Y.) Ex-
A public meeting was held in Charlottes
Till Va., on Monday, tbe 1st inst, and was
largclv attended by tbe people of tbe connty,
when an animated of opinion
on political topics took place. Resolutions,
after warm debate, were adopted recom
mending co operation with tbe Republican
Union party of the United States, and
authorizing and directing the chairman to
appoint delegates to the Republican con
vention called to meet in Richmond on tbe
1st of August. The adoption of tbe rendu
tions was advocated by Messrs. William F.
Gordon, Jr., R. T. W. Duke, William T.
Early, William P. Parish, and Dr. Randolph,
and was opposed by Hon. 6. F. Leake and
A Norfolk paper (the Day Book,) in speak
ing of tne above meeting, says
"The gentlemen participating in this
movetdtnt are among the ruoBt respectable
and InQifential citizens of tbe country, and
they inaugurate this co-operation with tbe
Uepublican party in tne interests ot recon
struction. We do not believe the Republi
can party of tbe North would be at all
unforgiving towards the Southern people
but for tile constant irritation kept up ny
the Democratic party and its presses. We
have all the time disclaimed any affiliation
with the Democracy, and - to-day we Lave
less respect for that party than for the Re
publicans. They aided before tbe war in
brioging on our troubles, and then basely
betrayed and abandoned us : and now they
are injuring US Still. Under tue-mask Ol
still, under tbmask of
.n-'J'T obetruc"n he settlement
we all desire to see effected, and making
capital out of our defenceless condition. We
look to Congress for some modification of
tbe reconstruction acts. If its coming leiris
i -. : ,, i . . . . w
lauun auait oe id in interests of peace,
liberality and magnanimity, towards the
people of the South, let them pass a healing
measure of that kind, and thev would make
Republicanism so popular that we believe a
strong party win spring up in a day.
At 8a n Bernardo, Cal.. is a cabbase triowa
from seed sent out from tbe Patent Office,
which is three feet broad. This is believed
to be the bieRest cabbacehsad In tbscouutry
except but the Dams aeed not be mention-
ept but I
John Allen attacked and beat his divorced
wife, in Decatur. Illinois, tbe other dav.
Patrick Ityan endeavored to save tbe wo
man, when Allen knocked bitn down with
an ax, and than bit bis noes off. The can
nibal was attested.
New Oriiahs, July 0. The Timet has a
arterial rleanntch from Houston. Texas, civ-
0a a detailed account of the execution of
Maximilian. Miramon ana fliejia, nenuer
of ahum were bound or blindfolded, nor
were any indignities offered them, as re
norted. Maximilian, before be! nil shot, re
capitulated the causes which bad brought
Dim to Mexico; denied tne autnonty oi mo
court which sentenced him, and hoped his
blood would stop tne eDusion or Dloou in
Mexico. Miramon read from a paper, ex
pressing the Only regret he felt. in dytnK was,
that should the Liberals remain in power,
hit children could be pointed out as the
children of a traitor. Mejia made no ad
urcra, jiuxuiuiiau rancu mo uigoau i
the guard, and gave him a handfal of gold, I
dress. Maximilian called the sergeant of
requesting as a favor, that they should aim
at bis heart. Five ball entered his breast,
but not being quite dead, two soldiers were
called out and shot him in the side. The
spectators manifested much grief and dis
satisfaction. The sword of Maximilian was
presented to Juaret by Escobedo, in the
government palace.
Death of Oess. Thomas V. IMeutrticr.
Vergima Citt, July 7. General Thomas
of the steamer Thompson, at Fort Benton,
on the evening of July 1, and was drowned,
He had been absent for the last fortnight
on public business, and had succeeded in
procuring arms for the troops engaged in
the defense of the Territory, besides trans
acting other military business demanded by
our present exigency. His death is greatly
lamented, and a pudiic demonstration win
be made in honor of his distinguished
character and services. At tbe last accounts
bis remains bad uot been found. The dark
ness of the night and the rapidity of the
current prevented any rescue.
Chicago has 855 lawyer.
Milk is 20 cents per quart in New Orleans.
Victor Emanuel rules 24,200,000 subjects,
The State Constables in Portland watch
the sacramental wine
The Czar is generous at a pinch ho gave
away lots ot suuu boxes.
Virginia is troubled with worms army
worms tbat strip tbe trees,
The Sultan borrowed ten millions of francs
off tbe Greeks to go to Paris,
An impudent correspondent bays Victoria's
nose grows redder and redder.
. . . . -
No less than eight duels have been fought
in the neighborhood ot Memphis, since 1805
A man in Jersey City was recently con
fronted by three of his wedded wives. He
still survives.
Mr. Eullerton, aged 02, is the best euchre
player in Vermont. His son, a lad aged Go,
is tbe next best.
Berks county designs making an effort to
secure tbe location ot tbe Eastern Model
Farm within its borders.
Governor Worth, of North Carolina, wore
"Confederate gray ' at the reception of Pre
sidect Johnson, in Raleigh. .
Wm. II. Langley, a suspended flour mer
chant, ot Gallipolis, Ohio, is reported to have
tbe largest lile insurance ot any man in tbe
country fauo.UOO,
The ladies put paregoric into the ice cream
at a strawberry lestival in Cincinnati to
prevent injurious effects. Thu cBccts were
not injurious but ludicrous.
Mrs. Elizabeth Lockman died at Bethel,
Pa., a few days ago, at the age of one hun
dred and five years. She was a middle-aged
woiuau during tbe f residency ot Washing
ton. The American colonists in Venezuela have
selected for settlement a choice soot, three
hundred miles up the Orinoco river, and ex
pect to engage in tbe culture of sugar. They
have been hospitably treated
A remarkable being has just died in Page
countv. Va. Tbouirh UDwarda of thirtv
years old, he was a mere babe in size, never
left his cradle except when he wus assisted,
received bis food from a spoou, aud was
- . . tj .... i
unable to articulate.
The people of Central City, Colorado,
have subscribed $5,000, to be paid for In
dian scalps, "with tbe cars on, at the rate
of f 20 a piece.
Baltimore is about to adopt tbe Nicolson
1 he cholera has mado its appearance in
Memphis, ienn.
The colored people of Suffolk had a pro
cession on the Fourth ot July.
The streets of Galveston are beiug shelled.
Charlotte, the late Empress of Mexico, is
twenty-seven years old.
A new medical novelty is a Bostonian,
wbo practices by tbe Xnaturopathy method.
Letters from Paris say the Exhibition is
not yet complete, and that tho building still
resembles a carpenter shop, more or less,
. , . .. .. -
Garibaldi has issued invitations for a Free-
masons' congress a; jN spies, to be held at
the same time as the Centenary of St. Peter
at Kome.
In 1789 tbe French budget called for $125,-
000,000, and after taxing everything they
could trunk of tbe amount lacked f 12,000,-
000 ot tbat sum.
The Sheriff of Tishomingo county, Miss.,
is about to put to work 1,500 persons to pay
.1...:- . aK i i : : -
mm to do tuis.
- It is considered probable tbat Congress
will adjourn early next week, aud reassem
ble in October.
Governor Brownlow, of Tennessee, has
issned a proclamation regulating the elec
tions in that Mate.
The Central Pacific Railroad of Califor
nia is being pushed forward with great
energy, l he recent strike of the Chinese
laborers caused but a single day s delay.
On Saturday, the 6th icst, there was in
tbe United States Treasury $140,000,000 in
cash. Of this sum $1)0,000,000 was in gold
certificates and coin.
New flour sells at Atlanta, Go., for 18,50
per barrel.
At a quarry in Massillon, Ohio, a few
days ago,-a stone was taken out by-ma
chinery weighing 117 tons. It was 00 feet
long, 7 feet wide, and 4 feet thick.
It is stated that two hundred years ago a
Scotch emigrant carried to Canada a thistle.
Iutvntionally or otherwise and planted it in
bis garden, its seeds took root in his neigli-
k.,.'..,,il .nrl tr..H0 it ia tin. nf t i.n
Provinue8 depreciating the value of real
L.,.. '
in SOme 01 tne towns in Vi estern ntassa-
cbusettS a thriving business aS carried On in
the sale of "cabbage plant" The custom-
era are said to call at a very early hour in
tbe morning. Tbe most curious part ot tbe
transaction is mat tne customers an uriuir
jug$ or bottle to get tbeir cabbage plants In I
Am eminent divine, says. "I hare been
is tag tbe Peruvian Syrup. It (rives me new
vigor, buoyancy of spirits, elasticity of mus
cle." j. r. uinsmore, 80 Dey turret, Hew
York, -will send free, a pamphlet of 83 pages,
containing a mil account or tula remarkable
medicine, to any one sending him tbeir
Tbe great East Indian millionaire, who.
since his father's death, has been leader of
bis co-religionists, Mr. Rustomjoa Jamsetjea
jejeeonoy, ana wno, tnree years ago, waa
worth $10,000,000, baa failed, which it bad
mi auv moss, etc., ttc ett. . .
.! ' ii ji J ( J .'a:-.-
A laree number of clerks will soon be
dismissed from the United State Treasury
Department, there being no work for them ,
"Wira Fottn Msvallio Qoauvicatkxs a man
nay be pretty sure of earthly snooeas. These are
gold In hli pocket, silver In hi tonga, brass In hi
face, and Iron In his heart." But for atonls eppe
tiier, and ae a gentle atlmnlant, there Is reliable irlr
tu In PLANTATION BITTERS. No article ha
ever been no popular or don half so much good.
Let all who bar not already tried this great sto
tntchio, at onoe teat It quality. We understand
that tbe Druggists and Grocers of this section are
selling vut quantities, and that scarcely a family is . i
MiQHOUA WiTn A delightful toilet article
superior to Cologne and at half the prlea.
TT,.T. ; . rvtrnnrntnUHntTrrfl
IN JCiW AD V LK liobMLIN 1 0.'
T. 8. eilANNOIt, praotioal Watchmaker and Jew
eler, Market Square, Sunhury, Pa., wants a boy
from 14 to IS years or age to learn toe trade, none
but those of Rood moral character need apply. Ref
erences required.
July 131b, 1HW.
NOTICE iehereby riven to ait parties, or persons
Interested, that the "Direotort of the Exoelaior
Coal Company, (the charter of raid Company having
been diasolved.) file! their acouunt with the Compa
ny in dosing up ill affairs, in openeourt, on July 2,
1867, and (bat unless oauae is shown to the contrary,
on or before the 12lh day of Auguat next, said ao
Count will be approved hv the Court. p. c.
Sanbury, July 13, 1867. 4t
is on Sd street, opposite the MASONIC HALL, at
But Iiloly KitinhllKhed. Mllli nil
the itlodcrn Improvement a
of the Art 1
TIIE subscriber, having built the room expressly
for the purpose of Photographing, and having
devoted many years to the buainera, is confident of
uii aoimy loaaeure nis patrons that the work pro
duced (ball bo aeoond to none in oountry or city.
No work allowed to leave the gallery unless en
tirely satiiifaotory. Having tbe boat sky light in the
countv, he la prepared to make Phntoirrnnlia in ll
jiindaot weather, but would profer a clear day for
rami cauareu.
lie is alao prepared to take now lies, or cnhinot
card Photographs.
All kinda of pictures copied and magnified to
any required size and colored beautifully in Oil or
Water colors or India ink. We pay apecial attention
to all kinda of out door work, auch as Landscape
views of Monuments. Machinorv. Countv Rbi. An .
a large lot of Photograph frames constantly on hand.
Tbe public are respectfully invited to call and see
our apeclmens and our complete arrangements for
making Photographs, special tormi to families and
fiunbury, July 15, 1867.
From the
Cold Spring Brewery,
RESPECTFl'LLY Informs the publio generally,
that he u prepared to furnish
In large or small quantities. Hit facilities for mak
ing neer cannot oe excelled, and is pronounced supe
rior to any other offored in Central Pennsylvania.
It has also been recommendm! ht nhviixUm h .
healthy drink for invalids. .
iioteia, Kestauranti and private families supplied
at short notice.
Sunbury.Jtily 13, 1807.
OV.UU and Female, to Introduce our NEW
It is adapted for family uae and Tailoring-. It make
a stitch alike on both sides. Price only TWENTY
DOLLARS. Extraordinary inducements to Agents.
For full particulars, address
630 ARCH Street, Philadelphia.
July 13, 1867. 3in
Itegititer'M Notice.
"VTOTICE is hereby given to all legatees, creditors
1 and other persons interested in the fnllnwini.
estates, tbat the Administrators, Executors and Guar
dians of the within numcd, have filed their accounts
with the Register of Northumberland oounty, and
that said accounts will be presented to the Orphans'
uourt tor connrmation and allowance, on Tuesday
August 6th, 1867, at 10 A.M.
1 I'heaceuantur C. Rhdt, s-uarHian of$ W O
Hint, a mmm chiklof Ziba llud.dec U., Sled Februaiy
lt7. .
The acenqnt of Tobias B fc Esther M tVi..i ,
iatrators of Daniel Z. Dunklebergcr, deceased, filed Aluich
9, Ihfl7.
3 The account of Juseoh Doukeltwrer. arimini
Danirl St. Uunklebeieer, deceased, filed Mwch II, 1067.
4 me account in J u. Kiiortee, guanliun of Emrluie
Bird, a minor of Ziha Bird, dec'il., filed Murch S, Ih67
6 The account of William Wilson, admi
Susan R. Heisael, rtec'il., filed April 3, IM)7.
6 The arc.iunt of Juroli Setter, executor of John Jacob
Seller, dee'd , filed April , IM17.
7 The account of Geo. B KlrhL adininiatratnt of Mi.
chael Kiehl dec'il, filed Aprils, IHI7.
8 i ne account or jiiiui uuukelheiger, guardian of Wil
liam, Jackson andjushua Kline, filed April IS, IHJ7.
S Tbe account of Mabion Uoughuer, executor of John
Boughner, deceased, filed April gu, IHI7.
10 The account of Klias Uuah, guardrail of Mary Fetter.
l Anvil .Ml IMI, ' '
11 The account of Charles Miaire. euanliim rl R P
Obeidorf. filed May S. It67
Vi Tilt account of DllVill IlilUCk. iWmlnl nrili. nt
I ny... nitior, Kuinj Liwrm llttaS, executor Of SUId
David (lauck.dec'd.. hied .May 4, imi7.
13 The account of Klias H. Rsasler., r
Geo. O . Haupt, deceased, filed Mav 4, 1807.
14 The account oi'Beuiani u GaaihaK. ujirHiii nf
Gearhart Uerr, settled by Wm. C J.ilmnou, administrator
of said Benjamin Oeaihart, dee'd., filed May 8, lt67.
IS The account of Benjamin Gear hart, dre'd , late guar
dian of O. W. tienriart, aeltlcd by Wm.-C. Johnson, ad.
miuiatrator of said Benjamin Gearhart. dee'd.. riled Mav
B, lrS7.
IS The final account of Abraham Frv. am,niir.i, r
Lyitia Fry, deceased, filed May 13, lt-67.
17 The final account of P B. Gowen. admhiiatmlnr
Cum Taataineato Annuo of Hugh Bellas, deceased, filed
May 14, 1007. '
16 The first account of Jamaa Part
Park, deceased, filed May 'J7, 1667.
19 Theaoceunt of J. W. and A. E. Gauser.
of Jacob Gauger, deceased, filed May 117, 1H07.
In T.. . . U u.... ' ' . . . .
. n ..i.iuu, ui o. nutiermau, guardian oi Isaac,
William, Lewis. Andrew, bamel & l.nlia l)u,,,.
mimirhHdrea of Daniel Puukelbvrger, deceased, filed
SI Ttie account nf Catharine Michael. iHnliu.i,.i,i. r
Jacob M ichael, deceased, filed May 3d, ir47.
ii The finsl account of James R Wagner, one of the
administrators of John M Wagner, dee'd, filed May 31, "S7.
a- i ne acctunt m uiaHge newer, SdramiatraUir of
Peter Reaaler, deceaeed, filed June S, lo7.
1)4 The account nf Pelei Peieiur. administrate nrFnu,,.
uel Zimmerman, deceased, filed June S, tJ7.
S3 Iheaecountui bo.Hill,guaiduuiol laebeha Thoino
n, filed June 18, ls7. r
86 The account of Samuel Garnhart, administrator of
reo. Anderaini, deceased, bled June SI. Ib67.
S7 Thearcouutof H. W. Brown & Ellas Smith, admin
istrators of Peter tamilh, dee'd., filed June SI, lb67.
S3 The final aee-'iut of J.whue Willet, executor of Ni
cholas Willet. deceased, filed June t, IBS7.
an i ne anal account ol Joahaa Willet, administrator of
Rachel Willet, dee'd , filed JuurtS. 167.
30 The fiual aoeount of W. W. MoWillianw and D. N.
McWiHiams, executors of Davul McWiUiama. deooaaed,
filed June x7, 1767.
31 The account of Daniel Holahoe, gaardian of Chas.
Holshoe, minor of BenevUle Huuthoe, dee'd., Sled Jaua
), Ic67
3i The anal account of P. II. Moore and O J . Oberdorf.
adinimstraiori of tteo. Oberdorf, deceased, filed JuasSS,
23 The final aceoant of Joaenh Pr eatlev. executor of
aiary nuiea,uceeasea. uiea juiy l, leor
M I he. la ail aoeiHHit ol Wat. H. M.aire, actinic adroinis-
traur of Kicuaid Wolveruw. deceased, filed J air 1. 1867.
B'A'ied'jy s "i,'"" ' G""
"M Th'.!', "idzLii . aj-i-i -
It I J I i 1 I I A . .
I 37 The accouut of Paul Mastellar. Ttostea to sen tha
realeaiaieof Bertram Galbraith, dee'd , filed July 3, leSJ7.
bSiK iw '"
3s Thsaoounto a. e Gaatnn, Aama Oastna and An-
"Z7f, mi7 nutma r usioraou, 0ecaaaeutyiieii
40 The euDnlementarv and Snal aeeonnt of Arnoa T.
BeieeL exeeouir of Jacob Wesley, deceased, Sled July s,
41 The aeeonnt of Wm T. Foray the, administrator of
Joseph P met, deceased, Sled Jury , lr7.
tH Tbe Snal aceoant of Anjandua 8. Miller, executor of
Bilas 8. Farrow, deeeaaed. Sled June IS, Irs7.
43 The artranitof Abraham ethipman, administrator of
Caspar 8t CaH, deceased, Sled July f, lMT.
xi Th .iui ni l ti. .k. l ur-..i. .,,nlrl af
William MoCarty, deeeaaed, sled July 6, lhoT.
. . . J.A.J CUMMINUS, BegigUr,
Bunbury, Jaly IS, 186T.
8. B. Wsssa, Jobs Rvsklb.
AKCH STREET, between Third and Fourth S tresis
WKUEil A sUMKL, Propriaaon.
Tim larg est Exhibition In tbe WOrld 1
' 'lth a Model a4 Complat
And a Ceiwal datlea ef the India; Talent nrr4 m
Freee.-illns mare Bare end Cutioue Anlmils. tnlaraatlnf and HsptUaeand a mora Varitd and Woval Par.
firmsnce lhaa In any enncarn In Auarka. A
aiajor poriloa of tha
Have been iuat Imperial. Among tha features are
An TJnwatnaa Calf. First African E'epaanl aver as
turan, Youngest and mal!el ere, eean. Only Id
Kiinin, ma. u ,a it u gu inenn pun, and t
OU sound, and lhs wonderful lrfurtuiasj
minfii mvnuier
3D JLm
P23CIX 13."
Colossal Aalalie.
Being tee small ta trnval en foot. Will not he ahowa In
the Paraia, bat will be performed ia the lUux at eaah
Tb Animftl Conqotror, will at mcS CibibHIoav
nurlh n.n, canUinfnc LIONS. TIGERS, LKOP.
Ptrformftnc with thai) Fiarct and 4tm
Tha rraa Display of WILD ANIMALS n4 tha
Will ba tiran in conj unction with tha
Tha Dens will contain a Magnificent Zebrai a
Towering; Ostrich, While Plumed, Seren Fret
HiichiThrea African Lion (Six Months Id)
Kittens, finest and prettiest specimens In any
Menagerie) Sacred Cow and Unit"; Long Lip
ped Hindoos tan Hears only Animals of the kind
known to exist) The Erebus or J et II lack Linn I
a Oomlnlqna Alpacrat tha "Ship of tbe Des
ert" a Dromedary of Pahara; black, African
and Aslatlo Liona and Lionesses ( Hens:! Tl-R-ers
I Senegol and South American I.eopnrr)s
Hlack, Orlezly and .!lnnamon Hears Striped
and Spotted Hyenas t Elk) Fallow and Spotted
Daera) tlaahmere Ooata) WoItcs Fantbers
Foxes; Ooone; Inchneumons t'onxoors ; rti-a-verst
Moose; C'rlt t'at( Prairie Dors. Ac,
with a FULL AVIARY OF 11IRDK, and all the
kaown variety of Apes, Bauoone axvd Monkey a
Consists of FOHTY PHINt'lPAL ARt ISTKS. kmam.
waom are l.flliir.', more inin n.T, svar
besnansaisdin on. HJUKM HUM SliO.
MMla Carlotta Wiiitbt y,
JLa I'ctitA I-oun.
M"o Blarguretta lea Moyne,
Mltss Jeimtte Mavland.
aud M'nie ClcinHe Fabricr.
Two Oood Clownsi.
1'ete Cod kiln & Chan. Morgan.
Toli ii Conkllii.
The Atblsta sad Cannin ball Jneaipulater.
J. IlernHiil-fi,
Champioa Bars bscis H.Jar.
Qeo. Derions, Omar Iolisl, I.aRowa, Sllves.
ter, O- Hunter. R linr.lon. Pierre, .lean, Koch
ford. Dunbar, Mona. Prrrille. W. Kichaxdaun,
Alaater Charles anil Mr. U. Yi bilbey,
And others, furnishing all that la Nnvsl, Aatsnadtni and
atandard In the Equestrian Act.
Will ba mad apon the Entree Into Town
Uonalatlng of
Drawn by Sixteen Arabian Horses, containing
Elegantly painted and ornamented.
An immense atoek of
Trained Blooded Circu3 Horaes
And a
The wbola forming aPUULIO P Alt AIJE, won
a day's journey to witness.
All tba Menageries ad Cireneea nader Oaa
Tent for Una b-tngie rrice oi jsunuaaiun.
Two Performances,
Afternoon & Evening, at 2 & 7 1 -2 o'clk.
Doora open one Hour previous.
Seata for all wbo some. Plenty of Boom.
Children, undtir 10 yeart, 25 Cent
I , ' BIIO W 1 TllaS W OKI..
Philadelphia afc JBrla Rtvllroatd.
Thrnogh and dlreot route between Philadelphia,
Baltimore, Oarrlsbarc, Wllliamsport, and tha Ureal
OU Keg loo of f ennsylTant.
ILEOAST BLEEPING 0AR8 ea aH Might Trains.
Or, anal iKm Um.j. a m eriiu 1 oaT ,k. nMfn.
s i leva PtvUadelabla A Srie Rail Head wUl run as
iviivws :
Mail Train leaves Philadelphia,
f OA p m.
J 44 a m
4.08 am
12.00 noon
0.S6 p m
9 45 am
8.00 a m
f.45 pa
10.30 p m
6.6J a m
11.60 am.
10.55 am
11.61 a-m
T.00 a m
5.00 p m
.10 a m
1.00 pm
10 X5 am
6.40 p m
1.60 p m
- 5 20 am
12.60 a m
" ean bury,
Erie Eiprsss iearee Pbiiadslptila,
are at Erla
Elmtra Mall leave Philadelphia,
" Sunbory
" arrive at Lock Haven.
Buffalo Exprees leaves Baltimore
" " eunbnrv.
1 " arrive at Los k liavon,
. ' Eastwabb.
Malt Train leaves Erie
" " Sunbnry, '
air. at Philadalnhla.
Erie Express leaves Erie
" " oonbnry
erf. at Philadalnhla.
Elmira Mail leaves Look Haven,
" " Sonbnry,
' arr. at Philadalnhla.
Lock Haven Aoo. leaves Lock Uaveo.
" cunhnry,
" ' arr. at Philadelphia
Mall and Elnresa eonnant with all brains an War.
ren 4 Franklin Hallway. Passengers leaving Phil
adelphla at 12.00 M. arrive at Irvineton at S.40 a m,
and Oil City at 9.60 am.
Leaving Philadelphia at T.30 P. H., arrlvs at Oil
Citvat4 3Snm
All trains on Warren A Franklin Railway make
iw vuimnjiinni sivu ijiiy who iraina tor rrnna-
nn ana retroieam Uentre. BAUUAUK CI1ECKED
General Superintendent.
Arch. Nt.,lx"tvreem Sd and Ilia, clowo
to the Public (School House,
MILL Gearing, Stoves, and the largest olass of
Castings made promptly to order.
Also. Window Welchts, Frames and Orates for Cel
lar Windows, te.
A liberal price paid for old eastings.
nrrsVsrl U tnaniiFtiAtiirnfl nt Irilst aairnkliaitivnAnt
Stove Gratmof alt kindi, kettles, end evorv varietT
bunbury, July 0, I3C7.--lj
Market Ktreet, three doors east of the Railroad
north side, BUNBURY, PA.
Provision Store
Fon cnEAr goods i
Their Stock Is complete, consisting in part of
Tobacco, Cigars, Flour, Feed, Fish, Salt,
liams, Shoulders, Cheese, Fruit,
Ulas, Lamps, to., do.
Country Produce taken in exchange for Goods.
tjfCall and examine onr Stock, and satisfy your
Sunbury, June 29, ISoT. '
Quarterly Report of tha condition of the "The First
National Dank of hunburv. in the Boroueh of nun
bury, in the fitnto of Pennsylvania," on the morning
oi ine nrst Jionauy oi July, a. v., Itxw :
Capital stock paid in, t!O0,IHi0 00
surplus rund, 12.471 21
Dividends Unpaid, - J.iyS 20
circulating notes received from
tbe Comptroller, 1180,000 00
Less amount on band. b.02S 00
Leaving amount outstanding, 171,174 00
Individual Deposits, 177.(121 69
Construction Account, 10. B4
luo the National Banks. 11,052 78
" " other Banks and Bankers. 6108
btate Bank (Bank of Northumberland.) .
circulation outstanding, 9.373 50
Discount, hxebanze and Interest. Profit
and Loss, 43,04 62
Total, 1818,511 52
Loans and discount, f 1 SI ,353
Banking-honse, other Real Estate, furai- .
turn and fixtures, 44,621 91
Current expenses and Taxes paid, 1,145 05
Cash Items, inoluding Revenue blames, 5,1182 24
Due from National Banks, 87.206 96
" " other Banks and Bankers, 12,105 b7
L . Bonds deposited with U H.
Treasurer to aeoure circulating notes, 200.000 00
Other V. S. securities on hand, 27,000 00
Other stocks and Bonds, - lt,V20 00
Cash on band in circulating notes of other
National Banks, 9,095 00
iaan on nana in eirouiaut.( notes of Mate
1,460 00
Spenie, '
U. 8. Legal Tender Notes,
Compound Interest Note,
371 22
71.520 00
20,000 00
(648,511 62
I, B.J. Packer, Cashier of the "First National
Bank of Bunbury, Pa.," do solemnly swear that the
aoove statement is true to tbe best or my knowledgi
and belief. 8. J. PACKER. Cashier.
Sworn to and subscribed before me, this 3d day
ai Juiy, a. v., 18A7.
P. M. SatansL, Ass't. Assessor.
Bunbury, July 6, 1867.
Audttor'si Mtatcnieat of the llounly
Account ot sLewerMalsomojr Tn
I1TE, the undersigned, having carefully audited
1 1 tne Bounty Account or tbe buporvisora ol Low
er iuationoy township, nortbumberland county,
follows :
ISAAC BOBB, Supervisor and Bounty Tax Collector,
? - DR.
To tax duplicate of 1864
By cash paid on Bonds and interest '
By cash paid Isaas Lenkee, supervisor,
By backstanding bills,
By exonerations . v .'
By collection , . ,
1 Total ." ': ' , ' '
93,179 40
I8AAC LKNKER, Supervisor and Boonty Tx Col
teoior. vn. .
To tax duplicate of 1866,. . -To
eaah from I. Bobb,
To cash from Francis Starkly,
To cash from Abraham Lenker,
3,978 46
790 00
150 SO
- M 00
14,948 46
II.T71 65
61 23
95 65
1,232 11
125 00
By cash paid on Bonds,
By Expenses, ,
By exonerations,
By amount paid la Selinsgrors Bank,
By collection,
4.275 64
Amount due from Isaae Lenker,
Amoaut due from Isaae Bobb,
672 n
1,066 or
1,727 99
We, the undersigned Auditors, do hereby certify
that tne above statement is correct
Lower Mabonoy twp July 6, 1867. Auditors.
This wonderful preparation is eertaia death to RATS
l'OKS, rUHS, end lasaots la Uetdeoe. ,
May ha obtained by oar Agent, '
Wholesale aad Retail Prngglet, BUNBURY, PA.
June d 1,867 imp
riavw rm balk. -1
HANDOM, tree-toned, sew, and Dries lew
Isqaire at this OrUoe.
, AatUtora IVoticA.
fMTJTICH Is hereby givon, that tho un-loraifrnoJ
JLl Auditor appoinwd by the Utpbau' t'jnrr o!
ISorlbumberland Countv. u .Imirii.i.i.. n... i, ;,.,.,.
la tha bands of II. B. Alasser. Leo., una nf Ll,. kia.
tutors of lienry Manser, deooaaed as per oonOrma
Uoa of tbe Auditor's report on his aooount to and
amdngst Iboee legally sntitled thereto, will sttond
to tha dntletof his said appointment, at his office Id
tba BorouEh of Hunbarv. on Baturdav the 2iith dav
of July, A. D. 1887, at whicb time and place all
parsons inter est ea can attend it tney sea proper.
nn. m. ntru&niALLr.n, Auditor.
Banbury, Jan 29, 1807.
Y vlrtne of certain writs of Ven. Exponas and Alias
Ven. Kxnonas. issued out of the Court or Common
Pleas of Northumberland eountv. and to me directed, will
he exposed to publio sale at the Court House, in the
nnmon orianiitniry, on MONUAY, Anguetstn 18S7, at
If o'elock P. M., the folhiwins; property, to wit :
A certain W ol ground, situate in the town of Trevorton.
Zerbe township, Northumberland eonnty, Ps., hounded
and described ss follows i On the west hy Jacob Omler
on the south by Trevorton Town Lots j on the east by A.
n. nim aiio nnn n, iine, ana on me norm oy r arne
worth Reed eoiRalninf two aud one-half acres, mora or
leas, whereon are erected a Iwo-sUiry log house, etc,
irciaeuinaen mio execution anu 10 oe eoia as tne pro
perty of Thwdore Omler.
ALSO The Inllowmr tract nf land, situate in Poinf
townships Northumbi'tWnd comity, adjninins; land of
Joseph Vank irk lne northwest ( on the south-rsat by
had of ease Miller, and nn the south by land or tract of
ana neiongins; to ueorge u. Meim, eootaimng ahout
sixty acres, more or less, whereon are erected a two.stnry
log house, a tenant house, wagon shed and other outbuild
Peized, taken Into execution and to be sold as the pro.
petty ot Wm. Donaldson.
A certain nouse ana lot, situate in liwer auv
la townahin. Nortliumherland Co , I'n., horfoHH on
the north hy Mrs. Daniel B. Foy : on the east hy Oeorere
B. Conrad and another lot of said C. A. Conrad; nn the
sooth hy Mrs. Foy, stud nn the weat hy Mre Sarah Raker,.
containing anont onehalvaci,eof land, whereon iserctec
iwo-srory brick aweiung nouse ann storeroom aitacnea.
ALPO A vacant hnildinr Int. ailuate in ihesame biwiw
ahip, county and State aforesaid, boandedon the north by
ueoree u. umirau and Mrs. r oy; on the east oy tfeorf-o
B. Conrad and another lot of ground nf said C. A. Con.
rad ; on the south by Mrs Daniel R. Foy and another, ther
west hy the above described lot, containing one-fourth of
an acre, more or leas.
AI.SO Another lot or around, situate in the same town--
ahip, hounded on the north by Goo. B. Conrad ; on lh
eaal ny tieorge U. Conrad and others; on the south by Hie'
Church Lot of the Luthersn and German Reformed-
Church, and on the west by Mrs. Daniel Foy, containing
about two acres of land, whereon is a good young orchard.
. Srized, tnken into execution and to be sold as the pro
perly of C. A . Conrad.
uanir.u uhcKi.KY, stieritr.
Sheriffs Office, Bunbury, June SP, 1&67.
iii;itiri"'w m.4i7i:7 '
BY virtue of sundry writs of Venditioni Exponas,
isssued out of the Court of Common Pleas of
Northumberland oounty, and to me directed, will
be exposed at publio sale at tbe public house of John
neavcr, in ircvorton, on iSAl LK.DA X , J t LX 13,
18117, at 10 o'clock A. M., thu following lota and
pieces of ground with the anpurtennnoea in the town
of Trevorton, Northumberland county, described as
ioiiows, vis :
Lots number 9, 10, 11, 12 and 13. in block 9: lots
number 8 and 9 in block 10 ; lots number 1, 2. 3,4,
5, 6 and 7 in block 11 ; lota number 9, 10, 11, 12 and
1.1 in block 12; lots number 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6 and 7 in
block 13; lots number 1, 2. 3. 4 and 5 in block 23 :
lots number 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, tt.7. 8. 9. 10, 11, 12 and 13
in block 25 ; lots 1, 2, 3, 4. 5, 6 and 7 in block 30 :
lota nninber 6, 7,8, 9, 10 and 12 in block 3!) ; lots
number 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 4, 7 and 8 in block 40 ; lots num
ber .1, 4, b, n, 7, 8 ana I J in block 41 ; lots number 1,
2 and 3 in block 44 ; lots number 10, and 11 in block
45: lot nnmbcr7 in block 46; lots numbers 7,8,9,
10 and 11 in block, ii.l ; lots number n and 7 in block
64 ; lots number 7, 8, 9, 10 and II in block 65 ; lots
number 3, 4, 7, 8, 9, 10 and 13 in block 67 ; lots num
ber 11 nnd IZ in block 57, on which is erected a two-
story double frame house; lots number 1 and 2 in
block ov ; lots number n and V in block ou ; lots num
ber 1 , 2, 3 and 4 in block 61 ; lot number 9 in block
67 ; lots number 3, 4, 7 and 8, in block 63 ; lots I, 2,
3, 4, 5 and 6 in block 73 ; lot number 13 in block 75 ;
lots number 6,7. 8 12 and 13 in block 76; lots num
ber 2 and 6 in block 77 ; lots number A and 7 in
block 78 ; lots number 7 and 8 in block 81 ; lot num
ber 8 in block 85 ; lots number 5, 6 and 7 in block V0;
lots number 12 and 13 in block 91 ; lot number 3 in
block 92 , lot No. 13 in block 93 ; lots No. 3 and 8 in
block 108 ; lots No. 3, 4 and 13 in block 109 ; lota I,
2 and 6 in block 110 ; lots number 1, 3 and 4 in block
116 ; lotsnumber 6, 7 and 8 in block 124; lots num
ber 7. 8 and 9 in block 126 ; lota number 4 and 5 in
block 134; lots number 6, 7,8,9.10, II, 12and!3
in block 135 ; lot numbor 6 in block 136 ; low num
ber 4, 7,8 and 12 in block 137; lots number 10, tl,
12 and 13 in block 138; Iota number 3, 5 and b in
block 140 ; also upon out-lots in said town of Trevor
ton. as follows, vis: Out-lots number I. 2, 5, 9, 14,
17, 21, 22, 25 and 26, each containing two sores,
more or lent; alro out-lots number 28, 31, 32, 3&, -iv,
43, 47, 61, 53, 67, 68, 69, 70, 78, 83, 84, 87, 91, 95 and
104, each oontainmi- ono acre, more or less ; also 7
town lots in block loitered "R ;" also 7 town lots in
block lettered "S ;" also 7 town iota in block lettered
"L ;" also 7 town lots in block lettered "X.
Seised, taken into execution and to be soli as the
Eropert of Charles P. Ilelfenstcin. administrator of
dward llelfenstein, dee'd , aud William Drppii)!
with notice to Charles P Ilolfenstein and John toy,
Assignees of Edward llelfenstein.
IIAMU , Sheriff.
Suiibury, June 21. 1867.
Are now constructing a Railroad from
westward towards the Pacifio Ocean, making wit)
its connections an unbroken line
The Comrany now offer a limited amount of thei
having thirty years to run, and bearing annual ic
tercst, payable on the first days of January and Jul
in tbe City of New York, at the rate of
Ninety Cents on tho IoIInr.
This road was completed from Omaha 305 mill
west on tbe 1st of January, 18ri7, and is fully equi)
LoJ, and trains are regularly running over it. XI
otnpany has now on hand suftioient iron, ties, etc
to finish the remaining portion to tbe eastern base
the Rocky Mountains, 212 miles, which is under coi
tract to be done September 1st ot this year, and it
expeoted that the entire road will be in running o
dor trom Omaha to its western connection with tl
Central Pacific, now being rapidly built eastwai
frutu Sacramento, Cat., during 1870.
Estimating the distance to be built by the Unii
Pacitio to bu 1,565 miles, the United States (lover
ment issues its Six per cent. Thirty-year Bonds
tbe Company a tbe roud is finished at the a vera,
rate of about (28,250 per mile, amounting to J J 1,20;
The Company is also permitted to issue its o
First Mortgage Bonds to an equal amount, and at t
same time, which by special Act of Cungresa a
made a First Mortgage on the entire line, the bun
of the United States being subordinate to them.
The Government makes a donation of 12,Stm aoi
of land to tbe mile, amounting to 20.032.0UU aur
estimated to be worth 130,000,000, making tbe to
resources, exclusive of tbe capital, $118,416,000 ; I
t-he lull value of the lands cannot now be realised.
Tbe authorised Capital Stock of the Coiupanj
one hundred million dollars of which five tu ill ir
have already been paid in, and of which it is i
supposed that more than twenty-five millions at ui
will be required.
The cost of tbe road is estimated by competent 1
glneers to be about one hundred million dollars,'
elusive of equipment.
Tbe railroad connection between Omaha and
East is now complete, and tbe earnings of the I n
Pacifio on tbe auctions already fiuished for the f
two weeks in May were 9U3,0u0. These seotin
earnings as the road progressea will much more tl
pay the interest on tbe Company'a bonds, and
through tmaineas over the only line of railroad
tween the Atlantic and Paoilio must be immonse
Vaslue and Security of tbe Ilont
The Company respectfully submit, tbat the ah
statement of faota fully demonstrates the security
their Bonds, and as additional proof they would a
f;est tbat tbe Bonds now offered are less than ten n
ion dollars on 617 miles of road, on which over tw
ty million dollars have already been expended
on 33d miles of this road the cars are Dow runni
and the remaining 187 miles are nearly complet
At tbe present rate of premium on gold tl
bonds pay an annual interest on the present coat
Nine Per Cent.,
and it Is believed that on the completion of the rr
like the Government Bonds, they will go above
The Company intend to sell but a limited amoun
the present low rate, and retaia the right to adva
tbe prioe at their option.
Subscriptions will be reoeived to New York by
CoMTiKXKTii Natioxal Bask, No. T Nassau
Clabb, Dooaa Co., Baxsias, No. il Wall
' J oaa J. Cisco A Soar, Baaaaaa, Mo. 33 Wall
and by BANKS AND EANKER8 generally throu
eat the United States, of whom maps and dew
tive pamphlets may be obtained. They will aim
sent by mail from the Company's Office, No 20 N
sao Street, New York, on application. Subsoril
will seleat their own Agents in whom they have c
tdenee, who atone will be responsible to them for
safe delivery of the bonds.
' , " Treasurer,
22. lMI.-Ssa '