Sunbury American. (Sunbury, Pa.) 1848-1879, June 29, 1867, Image 3

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    JWftftMPg) American.
F 1
If. 8. BNQUD, PubUah.r..
..-, ... . , urBuy, pa.
SATURDAY, JUNE 89, 1987.
7Eocal lEffaitgy
mi ' 'i ' -
Raw. W had several refreshing showers of rain
on Wednedtjlit.-j . i ! J c I '
' Tin Naw 0t Fillows' Ham,. W understand
thai th. erection of till building, la Market street,
il a tied foot, and that th itook la nearly all tub
orlbed. Tha Hall, whn aompletad, according to'
tb design, will ba an ornament to the place, and,'
we bare no doubt, profitable to the stockholders. '
Naw Bawoh. Mr. William Hoover, late propri
etor of the lftjuor More, bu recently opened a lager
beer saloon In tbe new Maeonio Hall, In this place,
which be hei fitted up in a handsome manner. A
free Innob it. served np every morning at 10 e'olook,
and we lean that the new eetabliahment it already
well patronised. ... , :-
Wa have been requested to ttate that the drawing
of the wax Croat, whloh wet to have been disposed
of at the Lutheran Fair, last spring, will take place
n Friday, Jaly 12th, at 8 o'oloek, P. M., In the new
Maeonio HalL , The proeeedi from the tale of ticket
will be nted in the erection of the parsonage, now
being built bh Walnut street ' ''
Dissolved. Messrs. llurahA Brown, grocers, of
thit place, have dissolved partnership. Mr. B. F.
Hursh will hereafter carry on tbe business at the old
tend. This it .one of our best and most popular
grocery ttores, and we have no doubt will eontinue
to receive the liberal patronage it bat heretofore en
Joyed. '
" BtiDDtiiDaAfa At Sbamokis. On Monday morn
ing, 17th but, John Van Zant, while In the store of
Hoffman A Bergstresser,, in Bhamokin, fell to the
floor, dead, from a bench on which be wat sitting.
Tbe phytloian present at the Inquest pfonounoed
doath to have been oausod by apoplexy. He wat
about 45 yean of age.
Distbuctior Of Oil. On Friday morning, 14th
Inst., the oil train of the Empire Line on the Cata
witsa Railroad caught lire from the sparks of a loco
motive, when passing through Danville, and at Beeh
Jer's woods the oars had . to be detached In conse
quence. They did not cease burning until tome
tixty barrels of oil were eontumed.
. Busquxhabha CoBvooAtion.-'-The Susquehanna
Convocation of the Protestant Episoopal Church met
In Williamsport on Tuesday last. The Bishop of the
Dlooese, Btevent, who bat long been absent on ao-
oountof ill health, It expected to administer the rite
of confirmation at Christ Churoh, In that place, on
Sunday, 30th inst. r ' ' '
Insceahcb Paid. From the annual report of the
Lyoomlng .County Mutual Insuranoe Company, for
the past year, we learn that the following persons in
Northumberland county were paid insurance by
the eompany, for losses euttalcod by fire during
that period : Hlrsh A Newberger, $4,000 ; Valen
tine Fagely, (4,(00 ; Mosel Chamberlin, $300 ; Mrs.
Jane Buoy, $3 ; Mn. Nancy Carr, $5.10.
Fibb Basxbts. W understand that some per
eons, in violation of the law, have erected a num
ber of fish baskets immediately below the Bhamokin
dam, and are destroying thousands of small shad and
salmon. We learn that efforts will be mode to bring
fiiese offenders to justice. Every good eitiiea should
endeavor to protect and aid all measnroi to inorease
the supply of fish, and bring to punishment all who
would thus destroy them.
The Susquehanna Female College, at Belinsgrove,
whioh was about to pats into tbe hands of Rev. J. R.
Simm, of Columbia county, will continue In charge
of the Rev. ft. Domcr, tha present inoumbent, who
bad intended to remove to Baltimore. He will re
open the tchool, under hit own immediate charge, on
the 22d of August. . It it laid that the latter gentle
man hat purohated tbe college building.
A Tibt with Fibb. Mesne. T. Hirnet A Co.,
of thit place, who are the egenti in this section for
Warren's Improved Fire at.d Water Proof Roofing,
according to their announcement, gave thit new
roofing material a publio trial with fire on Saturday
evening last, in the presence of a number of our
oiUient. A rough wooden building wat erected for
tbe ooeasion, the roof of which was covered with thit
patent flre-proot ' It wat then set on fire, and wat
very toon consumed, with the exoeption of that por-
Uon of it on whioh the roofing had been nted. We
understand that those who witnessed the trial were
convinced of ita fire-proof qualities, which oertalnly
gives it a great advantage over the common wooden
roof. ' .
Stbawbbbbibs. The season for strawberries it
now drawing to a olote In this neighborhood. The
crop, thit year, bat been an exoellent one with most
of our cultivator!, and yet the prlcet ruled high at
thit place.' Wa are pleated to tee that our farmers
are paying more attention to fruit, of late years.
Thit year there have been several new competitors
in the market, among whom we noticed Mr. Wm.
Roed and Mr. Samuel Oberdorf. On Tuesday last
Mr. Oberdorf brought to market over three bushels,
picked that morning sjrom a bed in hit garden.
These were readily told at twenty etuis per quart.
Mr. Oberdorf says he baa picked over ten bushels
. of strawberries trom his patch. . , '
,. Tbout Ftsama. Thit sport bat induoed quite
a number of persons, from thit and other placet, thit
teason, to visit tbe mountain stream! above Look
Savon, on the Phila, A Erie road. Last week a
special ear, attached to the 0.80 evening train, went
op tbe road on a trout ashing excursion, it was ru-
snored that Gen. Grant was among the party. He
only came to Hanover Junction, on bit way to Get
tysburg. In the ear, however, were Gen. Cameron,
Admiral Lee, Hon. F. P. Blair and wife, Senator
Thomas, of Maryland, and alto Meant. Du Barry,
Colder, and several others from Uorrisburg. The
party returned on Saturday with a number of the
speckled beauties, and before leaving the station
' here, kindly tendered at a fine mess of the fish,
erhiob were duly served op nut morning (Sunday)
for breakfast, and wa oonfess, our good opinion of
trout for breakfast bat not diminished In the least,
and wa shall take no offense at any repetition of
auch favort on tha part of ear friend.
', Tsa SrBAWBBBBr Fbstival. The ladle of the
Eplsoepsl Church, of thit place, bold strawberry
festival last week, commencing on Wednesday eva
ding, and continued, It during tb balance of the
week. They war very tuooettful, realising over
two hundred dollar, whioh they Intend putting to
Rood us in the erection of parsonage. The bat'
lotinc for tha oil painting, presented by Mn. Donnel,
whioh wa to be gives to the minister receiving the
most vote, was quit spirited, and wat finally award
d to Rev. Mr. Anderson, of the Methodist Churoh.
Tbe following it tha number of votes reoeived by
aoh minister : Revt. Anderson, 433 ; Keigart, ZJV ;
Cramer, 131 ; Hemperly, 4. Totol, M. Tb la
diet deserve credit for the energy and good manage
ment displayed on tb ooeasion.
Tbb Middlbcbbbk Railboad. Tb Belinsgrove
v.. i.nwakina' of thit new road, tayt; "Tb
amount of subssrlptlon. 7 required toth.rtoek of
tb Middlak Valley Railroad 1 aboul lorty or
fnrtv.flva thousand dollar 1 but additional toboonp-
. ..i u..
tiona ar coDliBttally saad along un, ana we
,.t JTZ amount will aoo.
t th. fuU amount will Mon
b rallsl. Th work of finally locating tn roaa
eemmsneed thit week, and tb engineer and bit
corps ar new ai work, MaJ. John Camming! bat
beta at work now lor several days, snd ha has -urd
ia this town sod vicinity aa additional tab
tariottoB of 111 share, or tS,&0, and 80 conditional
share, mr 11.500 total 111 share, W I7.0SO. Let
aa aaual aBort be mad au s-ong so mm mm i
r..u unMiii sin ty -aallaad in ana week. So far a
w. e ,W tb. prosraeto that thit read will bow
.Tan Dante atiob of fan kbw Maiqkiq, Uxvi
jlTto aew Masoale llall, in this plaoi, will be dedioa
ated a Tuesday next, to M vf Jury. - From pre
sent appearance tb number of visiting brethren
will be very large, and the event promises to be on
of mors than usual Interest. W leant that, tb
M. W. Offloen of tb M. W. Grand Lodg of the
Stat of Psnntylvanla, and alto the Grand Offloen
of tb Grand Oomtnaadery of tb State, will be here
on tb occasion to partlelpat lit tb oeremonlet.
The following Lodge of Commend erloi have ac
cepted invitation and will be present : William.
port, Bloomtburg, Harriiburg, Lebanon, Reading,
Lancaster and York.
Tb following Chapten and Blue Lodges are alto
expected : Chapters CatUwlsna, Harriiburg, Wil
liamsport, York and Lancaster. Blue Lodge Be
llntgrov, Mlllarsburg, Harriiburg, New Bloemfleld,
Miffllntown, Tkoeaptontown, JJeobaolosburg, Car
lisle; Cbambertburg, York, Columbia,' Lanoaster,
Lebanon, Reading, Bhamokin, Ml. Carmel, Ash
land, Minenvtlle, Potttvtlle, Danville, Bloomtburg,
Wilkesbarro, Plttston, Scranton, Lewisburg, Milton,
Munoy, Williamsport, Lock Haven and Jersey
The dedication services will take plae In' the
Lodge room precisely at 11 o'oloek, and after an ad
journment for dinner the fraternity will meet at the
Hall at S o'oloek, P. M., when the procession will
be formed for a grand parade through our principal
streets. The rout of profession will be at follows :
Form at the Hall, and move to Market street ; down
Market to Fourth; down Fourth to Chesnut; np
Chesnut to Second ; up Beoond to Arch ; down Arch
to Fourth; down Fourth to north side of Market,
and thenoe to the Court House. i
The order of exoroisot at the Court House will
be 1st. Singing by tbe Choir ; Sd. Prayer J Jd.
Singing; 4th. Oration by Dr. Crelgh, of Washing
ton, Pa. ; 6th. Singing; flth. Benediction. : '
A Bold Thixv. The Muney Luminary says that
on Saturday morning last a stranger applied at the
livery stable of M. B. Johnson, in that place, for a
bone and buggy to go to Williamsport. Mr. John'
ton told him be eould have one, and toon after left
town. Before tbe stranger started, however, Mr.
Van Buskirk, of the United States Hotel, for tome
reason bad hit suspicions aroused (bat the fellow was
a scoundrel, and to informed Wm. Croman, who has
charge of Johnson's stable, and advised Croman to
drive the man to Williamsport himself, and not risk
a bone and buggy with him. Thit Croman finally
concluded to do, and toon after brought out a hone
and buggy and started with bit passenger. They
arrived at Williamsport ail right and put up at the
City Hotel, but while Croman wat at dinner the
stranger went to the liable, ordered out the hono
under the pretext of going a short distance into tho
country, and left for parti Unknown." At toon as the
theft wat discovered pursuit wat given, and it is
hoped the villain may be overtaken and the pro
perty recovered. It hat been ascertained that the
thief went np Lycoming Creek about seven miles,
and then ttruok aoooss to Loyalsoek Creek.
Tbb Odd Fsllowb' Celebkatiob at Milton.
Our eotemporary of the Niltonian tayt that the
gathering of Odd Fellowt at that place, on the com
ing Fourth of July, will probably bo ono of the most
imposing displayi of societies over witnessed in Mil
ton. Lodges representing over a thousand mamben
have signified their intention of being pretont. An
oration will be delivered by Rev. 11. A. Fink, of
Johnstown, Pa., a well known and eloquent speaker.
A parade of the various lodge will take place at
11 o'clook, A. M., tbe procession forming at Haag't
National Hall, Front ttroet, and marohing to tbe
lower island, where a dinner will be served and the
address delivered. In addition to this an effort is
being made by our Milton neighbon to have a full
representation of the various military oompanies from
that teotion In the parade, and alto to have a display
of fireworks in the evening.
A Naw Railroad. We take the following from
the Gazette, of last week : A movement Is being
made to build a railroad from Turbutville to Wat-
sontown, and a meeting of parties interested wat
held at Turbutville on last Saturday. By invita
tion, John B. Packer and F. C. Arms, Esqs., of thit
place, attended the meeting. The road will be six
miles in length, located In One of tbe richest agri
cultural regions in the State, and, if built, we believe
will do a paying business in carrying the agricultural
productions of the country through which it will be
located, together with other looal business. Its
building will include the ulterior object of an exten
sion to ai to oonneot with the North Branch line of
railroads. The meeting on last Saturday did not
fully develop the purposes of the projectors, but will
soon be followed by another.
RoBBxniBS. At a late hour on Monday night of I
last week the offioe of Mat. Dewart, In Market
square, was entered by a burglar, and articles to tho
value of fifty dollar! were token. An entrance wat
effected by climbing in a lecond story window, and
then going down stain and foroing open the office
door. On the same night the otllars of G. W. Zleg-
ler, Andrew Hoover,"" Jaoob Marts and Mn. Adams I
were broken into and a large quantity of provisions I
stolen. ' ..
On Wednosday night last the foundry of Mr. J aoob
Youngman, on Arch street, was visited by thieves,
and a lot of leather", intended for belting, carried
off. Borne of th mould, for castings, were injured
by tbe villains. We understand that a number of I
gardens, near the foundry, were also visited on the
tame night, and vegetables, fruit, Ac, destroyed.
Tbb Btatb Aobicultdbal Exhibition. Messrs.
Hamilton, of Dauphin, Kapp, of Northumberland,
and Way, of Allegheny, a oommittee of the State
Agricultural Society for that purpose, have fixed the I
location for holding lit next exhibition at Pittsburg,
commencing on Tuesday, Eept. 24th. The grounds I
in that city are tpaoious, very complete and conveni
ent of access. The competition wat lively between
the east and west, but Pittsburg having complied
with tbe terms submitted by tbe oommittee, it wat
deoided that the claim! of the west were paramount.
Taa Luhsbb Tbads at Willisbsfobt. During
the month of May there were shipped by railroad
from tb WUliuwspurt station 9,382,80 feet of lum
ber, and from the lit of January to June lit, 1867,
81,165,495 feet.
Obpbabs or Solpiirs and Bailobi. In our ad
ver tiling oolumni, this week, will be found tbe an'
nounoement of the Riverside Institute, of Burlington
county, N. J., for Soldiers' and Ballon Orphans.
Thli liberal and splendid enterprise eonuaeads itself
to an Intelligent and human publio. From the
Philadelphia Evening TeUgraph w glean the fob
lowing facts hi relation to th Institution :
It la founded for th Durnos of eratultouil v edu
cating tho sons of deceased Soldier and Seamen of
the United State, and wa incorporated on the bib
of Acril last. In order to rail fund for the main-
tenance ox too institution, me waaningion i.iwary
Company, chartered by the State of Pennsylvania,
organised itself and perfected a plan which has re
" . . l. - i . - . V. V ; ..1 . i 1
thority of this State and New Jersey, 'their plan of
action is to sell certificate or membership at II eacn
Five series of fin iteel-plat engravings have been
inuad. one of whlcb will D riven to every subscri
ber, in addition to a present, which it also ensured,
... l ; . V k;k -rill X.M mm,A-
ail on tha 25th dav of SeDtember next, at the Aoade
mv of Musis or at tha Institute. Tbe presents to be
.w.rHiwt aonsiat of Fortv Thousand. Ten Thousand,
Fiv .thousand, ana two oi x weniy-r ive nuoureu
Dollars, all in greexibaeks, together with real estate.
watches? earners hair, lace and lasbmer shawl.
dro pattern, silver war, and an endless varioty
.ikM wwti of vraai value. Everv Durohaser will
iy TwUlToneepaid
. to aem A. Cook A Co.. banker. No. 33
V-,ir.;." .ri.i ... ij j .. ...
boum xnira ureei, wno
reeaiv from the .imp a faet tiat it bat Urn fully
tU. ol.T.t p7jl
. I shown to
, to u dwoUd u,. Eivid.,
and tb hundred of orphan who ar now knocking
at il doors for admission, and who are denied this
blearing oa aeeount of th want ef funds. This rea
son has ai tadeeed tb Commissioner of Internal
Revenae to exeuipt to aaasi iron au a ui
kind whatever. Th object i a nobl one, ana ui
I one, aua we
mature delibe-
prnl plan
T ratiott and eonsultotion with th highest legal au
thority. I no other way eaa tba Company raise so
WS only aaoptea aiver
larse a sum as will be required. And when a fair
f 2. raTaXsST atfS.-rST sBa S wi fcT-
Tna Forata or Jdlv.W bav not heard that
any aavsual detvonttratloa is to (aha place in Ban
bury on tb anniversary oelebratioa f bur national
birthday, this year. W understand that the store
win b elated, and that Itrsral Bunds school plo-
nlot will com off. .' . I
- CyJol trlntliif;. Having reoeived a
large supply of NEW JOB TYPE, of variout new
styles, Posten, Handbills, Circulars, Cards, Letter
Heads, Bill Heads, Labels, c, can be printed In
the latost and beat styles, and on short notice.
Orders by mall promptly attended to.
i .i wtman . '
Bomb men are naturally good looking others affa
ble In their manners. All gentlemen ean be greatly
improved by being clothed in eatlr new suits, to
correspond with the season, at J. O. Beck's tailoring
establishment, on Fourth street, Sunbury. Beck hat
a fine stock of summer goods, whioh all are invited
to eall and tee for themselves.
Tub Bbst Eooirowr. If possible always buy your
boots and shoes with a vlow to durability, and where
the principle of trade it the one prioe oash system,
and there you are tur to purchase at the lowest
oath prices. . Harry Thacher, in Pleasant' building,
Market street, is determined to keep the largest and
finest Itook In this place, and is now tolling at
greatly reduoed rates.
" Now is the winter of our. discontent made glori
ous summer," said the .wily Duke of Gloster,
when, through bis malicious manoeuvres, he assassi
nated his brother and bcoarae Kins: of England. If
the Duke were living In these dnyi he Could more
properly make use of the expression, for Fatist, at
his fashionable Hot and Cap Store, keeps constantly
on band tuoh a large variety of goods of bit line
that every one who wean them, because of their fine
texture,) can exclaim, "now is our glorious summer,"
in reality.
i i ie.KM
Cheap Goods. W have examined the now
goods just opened by J. E. Bmick, Merchant Tailor,
in this place, the good qualitio and low priocs of
which forcibly remind us of the good times previous
to the war. With an elegant assortment oa band,
which he now offers at greatly reduoed prioea, ho it
able to sell much choaper than any ethcr establish
ment. . Call and examine tbe goods. .. . :
' -
Lira Iksuhahcb. "You ask my opinion as to the
principle of Life Assuoce. That I expressed yean
ago lint, in having my owa life assured for a small
urn, far too small, but then up to my meant of pay
ing the annuity. And If life war more frequently
assured by mon of salary, and of small capital, there
would be fower dependent widows and orphans than
there are." The late Nicholas Murray, D. D.
Jacob Suipman, Fin and lift Insurant Agent,
Sunbury, Pa.
A verdant Yankee, teeing the announcement in
large letters, in front of a book store, "Nothing to
Wear Sold Here," exolaimod, "Wal, now, I wonder
who laid there was!" If you want something to
wear you will find it at tbe Continental Basaar, of
the best and most beautiful styles, and very ehoap.
Everybody ahonld call and too the splendid stock
of summer goods.
" 'Til lummor, glorious summer,
Behold the glad green earth !
now from its grateful bosom
The herbs and flowers spring forth !"
Let us imitate 'nature, in our gratitude to the
present season, by boing olad in a new teamhable
suit from J. F. Bbaeffer'l tailoring establishment.
N. W. corner of Market and Third street, (2d story.)
e j ii 1 1 i .
Tuose cheap Boots and Shoot at Miller's Excelsior
Store bav Seen going off rapidly, but thero are
many more left, nid there are great bargains in
ttore for all who call. We would advise every one
to go to Miller'i, immediately, and examine tho fine
stock now on hand. .
PaoTooEArBT. The beautiful pictures taken at
Byerly'i Photograph Gallery, in Simpson's building,
Alarket street, are acknowledged the best ever pro
duced in Sunbury. Notwithstanding this, Byerly
oharges less than moat any other artist.' Go at once
to his gallery and be convinced at to tho truth of
thit assertion.
On Thursday evening, June 20th, 1867. bv Rev.
M. Rhodes, Mr. Saiioel Y. JIaui t, 1st Sergt. Co.
C, 47th Reg't. P. Yet. Yol., and Miss Amelia
UU88LEB, Dotn ol bunbury.
Corrected Weekly for tho "American,"
Wboat Flour, extra family, per barrel,
$15 00
do do
do do
per owt.
per bbl.
per ewt.
per bushel,
per pound
8 00
10 00
1 60
2 40
Rye Flour,
Wheat, prime red
1 SO
1 10
Corn, new
Dried Peaches, pared
de do unpared
3 00
Dried Ancles,
Dried Cherries, (unstoned,) per bo.
per pound,
per dosen,
per pound,
, do
per pair
Hams, ,
Beef, hind quarter,
' IS
HUatnokln Coal Trade. -
Sbasiokim, June 24, 1807.
Ton. Cit.
Sent for week ending June 22,
Per lost report,
12,210 18
190,742 15
211,953 13
233,899 19
23,946 OS
To lame time last year,
- Decrease,
Sptnal Notices.
" Her hair, dowo-cuthinc, in an armful Hows.
And flood her Ivory ueok, and glitters as she
The crown of a woman's dory is her hair. It has
been the favorite' theme or the poet in all ace.
Without a beautiful and luxuriant head of hair, all
other personal attractions go for nothing, and a bald
auestionablv an object of aversion. "Barrett's Veg
etable Hair Restorative" is unquestionably tbe finest
article for toe toilet ever auoovered. -it ia a sure
preventative to baldness and premature grey hair,
and no lady or gentleman who properly value per
sonal aitraouons snouia do wttnoui it.
Ai Old Btobv, but yet true, that Coe'i Dyspepsia
Cure has performed mora euro in esses of Dyspep
sia, Indigestion, and General Debility, than any
medicine ever compounded. It I exoellent for Blck
Headache, Sour Stomach, Heartburn, Cramp, Colio,
and dittres. All druggists keep it.
. To Consiuiuptlvea.
Tb advertiser, having been restored to health in
a few weekt by a very simple remedy, after having
Buttered fur several years with a sever lung afl'eo-
tian, ana that dread disease, consumption is anx
ious to make known to hit feUow-sunereri the mean
of cure
To all who deslr It, he will send a eepv of tbe
t for preparing and aiing th same, which they
prcsonnuou uiea iiree oi enorge,! wiiu me uireo-
r. r. j irt .
Bbobcbitii. Cocoas. Colds, and all Throat and
Lung A II action. Th only object of the advertiser
In eeuding the prescription Is to benefit tbe afflioted,
and spread Information which he eonoeive to b
invaluable, and he hope every lufferet will try
bis remedy, as it will eofc them nothing, and may
- - -
, by rUurn.ta.U, wiU phMedrei '
a oiwiing. aarwvs wwuuig w. wavi iwv.)
' t xvxv wi
I my 18-'
WUliamsburg, Kings Co., N. Y.
And Ilpaa of Mercy
Man. ob the crime ef Solitude, and the Errors, Abu
a- aaA Diseaaas which destroy the manly powers
ui amaia imDadimaBvIs to MsiTiac. with suv mean
of relief. Seat in sealed letter envelopes, free of
eharg. Addreei DR. J. KKILMH UUUUuiUM,
Howard AssoeiaUoa, Pfailadalpaia, Pa.
J on 8, 1B6I.-1J . . . .
, Know Thy Destiny.
' Madakb B. F." Tdobetob, the great Bnglish At
trologiat, Clairvoyant and Psyenometrioien, who hat
astonished tb Mien ti So elavM ef tb Old World,
has no loo ted herself at Hudson, N. Y. Madam
Thornton posesse mob wonderful powers of seoond
light, a to enable her to impart knowledge of the
greatest Importance to the tingle or marrietf of either
tex. While In a state of traooe, she delineate the
very feature of the person vow are to marry, and
by the aid of an instrument of intent power, known
at the Psyobomotrope, guarranteea to produce a life
like picture of tbe future hatband or wife of tb
applicant, together with data of marriage, posttioa
in life, leading traits of character, Ae. This is no
humbug, as thousand of testimonial! ean assert.
Bhe will send, when dosired, a certified oertlfioate, or
written guarantee, that the piotur is what it pur
port to be. By enolosing a small lock of hair, and
stating plooe of birth, age, disposition and com
plexion, and enclosing fifty cent and stamped en
Velopa addressed to yourself, yon will reoeiv the
picture and desired information "by return mail. All
oommunloatiflm sacredly confidential. Address in
confidence, Madam E. F. Tdornton, P. O. Box
223, Hudson, N. Y. febl6-'07.1y.
X3TA Yonwa Lady returning to hor country horn
after a sojourn of a few months in the City, was hard
ly recognised by her friends. In plae of a coarse,
rustic, Bushed face, the hod a soft ruby oomplexion
of almost marble smoothness, and Instead of twenty,
three the really appeared but eighteen. Upon in
quiry as to the cause of so great a change, she plain,
ly told tbera that she used the 4 ir'HSininii
Inlm, and considered It an invaluable acquisition
to any Lady' toilet. By it use any Lady or Gentle,
man can improve their personal appearance an hun
dred fold. It is simple in it combination, as Nature
herself i simple, yet unsurpassed in its efficacy in
drawing impuritie from, also healing, cleansing and
beautifying the skin and oomplexion. By Its direet
action on theoutiole It draw from it all its impuri
ties, kindly healing the same, and leaving the sur
face as Nature intended it should be, clear, soft,
smooth and beautiful. Price 1, sent by Muil or
Expross, on receipt of an order by
W L. CLARK A CO., Chemists,
No. 8 Wost Fayette St., Syracuse, N. Y. '
The only American Agent for the sale of the same.
Fobruary 16, 1K67. ly '
COI Market Street,
One door above Sixth, Philadelphia. ,
For many yean this Establishment has done busi
ness ou the One Price Syswm, and we beliove we
are the only Clothing House in the city that strictly
adheres to this principle. We havo earned a repu
tation whioh we are proud of, for good taste in select
good styles and substantial materials, and not loss
important, for having all our goods,
uxtua vi:i.i. made:.
We employ tho best talent, for Cutton, and our
Goods are of both kinds Fashionable and plain
so that all tastes can be suited. The prices are the
very lowest, a any one by a moment's thought must
see, or otherwise we eould not meet tb.o competition
of our neighbon, for as no deductions are ever mado,
we must put our priocs down to the advantage! we
The people may depend, this is the true plan upon
which to do business, and many a dollar ean be
laved to Clothing buyen by keeping in mind
604 Market Strreet, Philadelphia,
Not on the Comer, but on door above Sixth.
Mareh 23, 1867. ly
Woiidcrxsil ltut True.
Madame Rbminoton, the world-returned Aatrolo-
gist and Somnambulistic Clairvoyant, whilo in a
clairvoyant state, delineates the very features of
the penon you are to marry, and by the aid of an
instrument of Intense power, known as the Psycho
motrope, guarantee! to produce a perfect and life
like pioturo of the future husband or wife of the
applicant, with date of marriage, occupation, lead
ing traits of character, Ac. Ibis Is no imposition, at
testimonial! without number ean assert. By stating
Iilace of birth, age, disposition, color of eye and
ia;r, and enclosing fifty cent, and stamDod envelope
addressed to yourself, you will receive the picture
oy return man, togetner witn aesirea information.
ly Address in confidence Madame Uertrcdb
Rkminqton, P. 0. Box 297, Wost Troy, N. Y.
iud lo-oT. iy.
Ir. Ncbenck'si Mandrake IMllu.
A HulsMtltaie for Calomel.
These Pills are oom posed of various roots, having
the power to relax the secretions of tho liver a
promptly and effectually as blue pill or mercury,
and without producing any of thoso.disagreeable or
dangerous effects which often fullow the use of the
latter. ' '
In all bilious disorders these Pilli may be used
with confidence, as they promote the discharge of
vitiated bile, and remove those obstructions trom tbe
liver and biliary ducts, which or the cause of
bilious affeotions in gen oral.
headache, and all disorders of tho Liver, indicated
bv sallow skin, coated tongue, ooeureness, drowsi
ness, and a general feeling of weariness and luRti
tudo, showing that the livur it in a torpid or ob
teruoted condition.
In short, these Pull may be used with advantago
iu all caaot when a purgative or alterative medicine
is required.
Please auk for "Dr. Schenok'a Mandrake Pills,"
and observe that the two likenesses of the Doctor are
on tbe Government stamp one when in the last
tageof Consumption, and the othor in hit present
health. ,
Sold by all Druggists and dealers. Price, 25 cent
per box. Principal Ofllco, No. 14 North 6th Street,
Philadelphia, Pa.
Uenerar Wholesale Agents : Denial Barnes A Co.,
21 Park Row, New York ; B. S. liance, 108 Haiti,
more St., Baltimore, Md. ; John D. Pork, N. E. cor.
of Fourth and Walnut St., Cincinnati, Ohio ; Walker
ft Taylor, 134 and 136 Wabash Avenue, Chicago,
111.; Collins Brothcn, southwest comer of 2d aud
Vine Sts., St. Louis, Mo.
Oct. 20, 1860. HhAQlh
COL.tiA.Tl-: A. CO.'M
Is manufactured from PURE
MATERIALS, and may be
considered tbe STANDARD OF
EXCELLENCE. For sale by
all Grocers. .
May 18, 1887. ly.
Iron In the lllood.
Tha necessity of a du proportion of iron in the
blood is well known to all medical men ; when it be
ooine reduoed from any cause whatever, tha whole
yitem sufieri, the weakest part being first attacked,
and a feeling of languor, lassitude andi'all gononeas"
pervades the system. The remedy iswimply to tup
ply the blood with the necessary quantity of iron.
This oan be done by using the :
a protected solution of the protoxide of Iron, whioh
is so prepared that It assimilate! at onee with the
blood, giving Itrength, vigor and new life to the
whule system. " '
To take medicine to cure disease oecsjlcned by a
deficiency of IRON IN THE BLOOD, without re
storing it to the system, is like trying to repair a
building waea un louoaauoa goue.
An eminent divine yt- "i nave neon using me
PERUVIAN BYRUP for some time past: it give
me- new vigor, buoyanoy of spirits, elasticity of
Pamphlet containing certificates of euros, and
reoommeudstiuus from some of th most eminent
physioiaua, olergyaien and others, will be sent ire
to any address.
Tbe senuin ba PxBOVlAB Etbup" blown ia
tb glass.
sr. simBmvint i rupnetor,
. No. 36 Dey St.. New York.
6old by all druggist. ' ;
From Mr. E. !; Depot Mast at 8alibury,
J I - I
'I bav been troubled for years with m bad humor;
sometimes ouiwaraiy, . aaaj sometime inwaruiy
During the past manner it taaaiteeted itself more
than usaal outwardly, and 1 used your Salve. All
sign -f it bav sine disappeared, without affecting
mr iriardly, indicating, I thbsk, tb eradicating
tkUM a of tb Salve. "
SKTsL W. f OWLK, A BON, Boston, Proprietor.
.Sold by all Druggists, at 1 els. a box. Sent by mail
for 3a et.
j ZV, 'Oi -41
Rose Waati eaicaeeeres an deucel diaorder iu ell their
staes,ai liuie eapeiM, huM or no change in diet, so ia-
ouiiveuiejMa' bm w capuawiw. t( w pieaaant ia lame ana
odor, imsaedaiM ja iu swea,aad lit from all inju-
imi properue. t ans 07 iy
REMKDIES fur anpleaaaut and daucsktaui diseowe Use
Hst.iuei.e' F.XTaaet itera as Inraovse Hoas Wassi
MsrcasrlW. ly -
l:,. :' ; o.'-.fsurciii. ? . i
a, r I tb Ores Dietetic. t
IIolmbohTt ConcmtraUd Extract SartapariUa
I th Great Blood rurifler. '
Both r prepared eocotdmg to rale of rhJinwey and
Chemistr), end ai tbe saoeiacUve that can be md.
March a, 187-ly .
" sVree to Ewerybody.
' A targe 6 pp. Circular, giving Information or the
greatest Importance to the young of both sexot.
It teashes bow tb homely may besom beautiful,
th despised respected, and th forsaken loved.
' No young lady or gentleman thould foil to tend
their address, and reoeiv a copy, post paid, by re
turn mail.
Address P. O. Drawer, 81, Troy.N. Y.
. Errors of Youth. .
A gentleman who suffered for yean from Nervous
Debility, Prematura Deoay, and all th effects of
youthful Indiscretion, will, for tbe sake of infforing
humanity, tend free to all who need it, the recipe
and directions for making the simple remedy by
whioh he was oured. Sufleren wishing to profit by
the advertiser's experience, oan do so by addressing,
In perfect eonfidouce, ., JOHN B. OQ DEN,
my 18'-67.1y 42 Cedar Street, N. Y. ,
itch i rftJii t lTcift-
Will Care the Itrh la SH Hours.
Prioo 69 cents. For sale by the druggists. By tend
ing 60 oonta to WEEKS A POTTER, Sole Agent,
170 Washington street, Boston, it will bo forwarded
by mail, free of postage, to any part of tho United
State. jo 23 '65-y
. xk'0';3b; a-ixij
. I a erttain euro fof disease of the
and all disease of tha
whethei existing in
from whatever cause originating and no matter of
Disease of these orfn require the use of a diuretic.
If no tceauneut Is submitted in. Consumption or Insan
ity may ensue. Our Flesh and Blood are auppoitod from
these sources, and the
: and
Uwtnf Posterity, depends apon prompt use of a reliable
Established upwards of 18 yeans, prepared by
- ir. x. uui.iraiioi.o, .
894 Broadway, New York, end
104 Soeih 10th Street, Philadelphia, Pa.
Mareh 1, 1667. ly
mm wm & TOM
H. O. THACHEB, Proprietor. .
New Goods, New Stjles, New Trice
The largest Stock of Boot and Shoes In this Mark
Gents' Traveling Satchel, Dand-Bags, Valises-, Ac.
An elegant assortment of Ladies' Fine Leather Sat
chol Cabas, Ac, Ao.
Pleasant') linJIdlngT,
April , 1867. - ' '
This wonderful preparation is oertain death to RATS
TOES, ELIES, and Insect! in Gardens.
May be obtained by our Agent,
Wholesale and Retail Druggist, SUNBURY, PA.
Junet), 1867. 3mp
THE following persons are entltlod to rocoive an
increase of Bounty undor the Act of Congress
passed July 1866, to equalise Bounties.
1st All soldiers who enlisted aflor tho 19th day of
April, 1861, lor 3 years, and served their time of
enlistment and have been honorably discharged, and
have reoeived or are entitled to reoeiv a Bounty of
$100, are entitled an- additional Bounty of iOU.
2d All sueb soldiers who enlisted for 3 years, and
bav been honorably discharged on account of
wounds received in the line of duty, are entitled to
an additional liounty or t l uo.
Id The Widow. Minor Children, or Parents of such
soldiers who died in the service of wounds or disease,
are entitled to an additional Bounty of JtlOO.
Bv annlieatlon to S. P. WOLYERTON. El..of
Sunburv, Pennsylvania, who u an autboriiod Lluiiu
Agent, all such olalnil oan be speedily collected.
bunbury, August , lboo. u
A desirable residence, suitable for a small family,
located on North 4th street, Sunbury, now occupied
by Mr. Frederick Walter. For particulars, apply
. ft urn .i.mnu "
to XI. is. miaaio.i.
Sheet Iron and Stove
' (Successor to BENJ. SETTLE AIOYK.)
Markot Street, near Engel't Store, BUNBURY, FA.
HAYING token charge of th old stood so lung
natronlied bv the ueonle of Snnburv and vi
cinity, beg leave to announce to the old friends and
tbe publio generally, that they will supply them
wrtn me most improvea varum- i
Brand which are unsurpassed for beauty of fioiah,
ironiinitw .if arrangement, combining cheapness and
durability and each atov warranted to perform what
they are represented.
Coal Oil. Coal Oil Lain p, Lantern.
Ehades, Chimney, and all ax tide usually kept In ao
establisbmentoi toes aina.
COPPER, BRASS and I1WH KHriLlLa, oi ail
rWlT JARS and CANS of tbe latost Improved
style. ,1 Lt.j..fcn.Ht:n....i
lie 1 also prepare! iu uu m imn vi ufwuvmi,
Hoofing, itange ana sumac vteva.
Hepairing, cheaply anu neauy execuwiu.
June 8, 1867. J
Mr.. A. TWEED,
Ia Mist Anna Painter's Fancy Good Btor building,
Market Sauare, a doors west et Ui row vinos,
RESPECTFULLY Inform her friends and the
publio that she ha agaia opened a shop, In
Market street, Sunbury, where sb to prepared to
mak to order Ladies1 Dresses, la ao entire new
stvle. Ladles' Cloaks, ste. aim tsenueinen sniri
i Orders respectfully solicited, . ,
Bunbury, Jan. 19, 1867. ly -
Monthly Tim Boost, Drawing Books and Slates.
Rooks, Bywrn Books, Blank Books, Memorandum
Beaks, Diaries, rocket Books, Ink Blonds, fen,
Pencils, a toe assortment of Paper, Ink, Ae.
For sale by - AN si A PAINTER.
11TR . MiiiDg Rims. Books. Bubs. Borings
y Canvass, Bolts, Clips, Alias, A., very low
Large DUMB as
gunbary, Mareh 10, lboT.
Clalldrca'a CarrisLsrra. ,
V.TTE would eall tbe aUention ef thoe wanting
YY Child 's Carriage, to our new and larA asset
aan. aompruuii ... i---Sx CO
A nnt-elass Double sheet Eight-page paper, oon
taltiinina Forty-debt columns.
Published Every Morning, Southwest oornor of
Seventh and Chesnufbtreets, Philadelphia.
; teTims:
, daily press,
R 00 per annum,
i il 00 for six months.
(2.00 for three months.
W.Ofl pe
Per annum.
$2 00 for six months.
1 1.00 for three month.
f 1 00 per annum
$1.00 lor six months.
Tho most valuable Weekly Newspaper In the World.
It oontains items of interest to every one.
. One Copy . . . (2 00 per annum.
Five Copios . . 9 00 "
Ten Copioe . - . 17 o "
Twenty Copies - . . S3 00 "
To the getur np of a Club of Teh or more Copios
an extra oopy will bo given.
All orders should be addreewd to
Editor and Proprietor,
8. W. oor. Seventh and Chesnut t?U.,
Philadelphia, Pa.
June 8, 1S67. jt -
- In Simnwn'i Building, Market Square,
IjINB Gold and Silver American and Swiss
' Watches, Clocks, Jewolry and Silver ware, con
stantly on hand. Hair Jewelry and Masonic Marks
made to order.
Gold and Silver Plating done in tho best manner
and warranted to give entiro satisfaction.
Fine Watches, Clock, Music Boxes and Jewolry
Ropoired and warranted.
All orden promptly filled. ,
Sunbury, June 1, 1807.
AdmlnlMtrator'sj Notice. .
NOTICE ! hereby given that letters of adminis
tration have been granted to tho undersigned,
on the estato of Anna Maria Myers, lato of the Bo
rough of Sunbury, Northumberland county, Ponn'a.,
deouasod. All porsons indebted to laid estate aro
requested to inako immediate payment, and thosa
having claims agninst tho estate aro requested to
present them for settlement.
Lower Augusta twp., June 1, 1867.
Notice to Merchants and Snippers.
rriHE undersigned, proprietors of Weiser A Prick's
X Lino, give notiuo to merchants and shippers
that their Depot is still at 811 Market stroct, Phila
delphia, and all Goods directed to Sunbury and Dan
ville will be promptly delivered.
"jf Cars leave 811 Markot street, Philadelphia,
txi-woekly Tuesdayd, Thursdays and Saturdays.
May 23, '67. J. R. RICHARDSON.
' All kinds of BCIIOOL BOOKS,
Elates, Pens, Ink, Taper, Ao.
MiBftitllanenns Books, a irood assort
ment. All the now books received
as soon as published, acd for solo a1
Publishers' pricos.
BIBLES, Prayer Books and Hymn
liooas, in every style oi oiuuing.
Catholio Prayer Books.
FAMILY BIBLES in vnrlousstylci
DICTIONARIES of all sites.
Juveniles and Toy Books, a large
lllank Hooks, and Blank
Forms of all kinds.
Foolsoan, Lceal Cap. Letter and
roots t'npvra.
Pen Racks, Files, Paper, Cutters and
Counting House Stationery generally.
and dear.
Gold Pens and Holders.
Pocket Book! and Bill Wallets.
Pioture Frames.
Stereoscopes and Views, American,
French, Ao.
Drawing i'aper, all iitei, iiristol
Board, Ac.
Diaries, Memorandum Books, Ac
Backgammon Boards, Games, Chess.
men. ao.
ovs a larire and complete assortment!
jjnse-isaiis ana Data, runing noos
and Xacklo.
Perfumes, Brobcmion and Parisian
Marbles, 40.
Gold Pens re-pointed.
Lamps, Shades, Globes, Chimneys.
Wall Paner and Border, all kind!.
Window Curtains, Paner Gilt and
Miuio and Musical Instruments.
reAU kinds of Books and Stationery not on hand
promptly ordered.
aii him iimiiv inn neexiv r&ncn ana mnurroiuco.
A iron I fur tha American Oriran." Also lor "La
Rose's Hair Restorative," Enamel of America, and
"rtatninol Steam ry aviation Company
bunbury, May IS. 1807.
Commercial College,
637 Chestnut Street, (Cornor of Seventh,) PUILA
Established 1841. Iucorporatod 1855
Youns Men Practically KtlucaU-d
for llnnlnem.
1 Tho facilities of this Institution have been largely
increased, and it now has advantage for imparling
busiuoa kuuwledgo which are unequalled.
1 he iiraetieal value of its woll-tried eourso of in
struction u atteatud by hundreds in all departments
of business. Many a young man owe his tuueessin
lite te tbe quauueaiions gaiueu lb.
Tha instruction throuiiboul is thorough, practical
and just'wbat is daily used in our beat business bouses.
The instruction includes
Book-Keeping in all ita Bronchos, Penmanship,
11 lain auu vmaiaeuuu.l vutuuivioiai t'
culutions, Budnes Papers and Cor
respondence, Commeroial
Law, Beteoting
Bludent instructed separately and reoeived at
anytime. liplouuuawardcd on graduation, etran-
Surs assistod iu procuring suitable boarding places,
oard may bs obtained lur about $5 per week. Cata
logues uiuilod froe.
a . . . f. UliliT t'T-lltiT.'rl
tKlllliJUU o iwua-aiii-i.W
Counting Bouse, price ti bO. High School, price
ai do. Common bohool Edition 871 ots.
Judge Sharswood's Lecture before the Students
ont-ouimereiai tMtw, price el no.
tub ciirrixmN uum.meki. amiu
MK'ilO AND BU61NESi MANUAL, Coutainini
now and rapid methods of calculation as actually
used iy Dusineti men. xorm ui iubiuv -aotuiuiuanied
bv exulanutions of their nature and
use, uaufuljCommoroial Tables, and much valusble
Imfurmation on business subject. Price (I 26. Tbe
sale of this Book bos been rapid that it ia already in
its lecond edition. .
Any of the above booki tent postage paid on r-
..iptotmaprui. u CRITTENDEN A CO.
Juno 8, 1687. m ,
V: a a 2 o
i- v.n (irnamontol Tree, will furn
"v. Vine, and Plant. Garden Seeds of all
aatsa wwwrw
Orders ar respectfully wlioitod.
A4art faxino, Nurlb d. Co.
riN. B. Insuraaeet Uka In aeveral or tn
asoai reaponiibl Fire Insuranoe and Bors Detective
lOIll paillUP Id HIV waw
, June , IbUT y
TO T nil thorn who are Indebted to Deotor J f
PKAL, on Not or Book Aeeount, are lniti
to settle th lame within thirty v, aft after that
they will be plaeed in tbe head of U. W. Ziegler.,
Esq., tor collection without respect to poreon.
Sunbury, May 85, lBOT-tm..
RESPECTFULLY inform their friends and cus
tomers, that they have removed their Store into
tbe south end room of the'Masonie Building, on Third
street, opposite the Depot, Sunbury, where they will
w u " (' J MV m . u jrvu Miaul,
Their larg assortment of
Groceries, Provisions.
AC, are all fresh and of the best quality, eonsiitlnn
of Toas, Coffoes, Sugars, and Bpiees.
Driod and Canned Fruits, (Prunes, Raisins, Cheese,
uiu vravaora, anu in laoi overruling usually
kept in the Grocery line.
Thov would also oall attention to their larira an.l
choap lot of Good Family Flour, Greon Tea, Hams,
Shoulders, Ao., which are constantly kept on band.
FRESH FISH and Vegetables, every Tuesday and
Utve them a oall and see for yourselves.
Bunbury, Aptil 27, 1807.
To tlie Citizens of Banbury and
fTUIE undersigned have bought tho Brick -Yard
X and improvements, formerly loated and workod
by A. B. Stevens, and havo made additional iui
provemenis, ana are now prepared w maao oomrac
to manufacture and deliver BRICK in lariro qunu
titios, for building and othor purpose.
By the manufacture of a good article, and prompt
attention to business, we hope to. receive a share of
public pntronago. Orders left at the Brick-Yard,
or Box 14, Sunbury Post Offioe, will be promptly
attonued to.
Bunbury, May 18, 1867 3m
Market Slreot, adjoining Gearhart'i Confootioncry
Btore, Buauuui, ra. ,
rpUF undersigned respectfully informs tbe oitisonl
X of Sunbury and vicinity, that he has opened a
NEW SHOE STORE, for the salo as well as for tho
manufacture of tho finest and best quality of Ladios'
Shoes, vii: '
CilOTOlild, Morrocco, Cairkln and
Lnfttlnar 4tUtcrff, &c. .
Children's Shoes of all kinds. Hit itook entirely
now and woll selected.
lie also manufacture! line French and other Calf
skin Hoots and Shoes for (lontlomcn.
Orders for ladios and eontlemen'i custom Work
will be promptly attondod to and got up in the best
style by skilful mechanics
Shoe findings Ac, constantly kept on hand and
for salo to tho trado.
Bunbury, April 20, 1867.
j. xv. sti;vi:o;,
Markot Squaro, near tho Court
SUNBURY, Northumberland Countv. Pa.
Hr, nos just opened an assortment of tinld I
and Plain Patent Watches, CLOCKS '
for Reilroads, Banks and Dwellings. Fine
Gold Rings, Finger Rings, Bracolots, Minia
ture Cases, Medallions, Lockets. Penoils.
Thimbles, SpeoUcles, Silver Table, Dessert, tea Salt
and MuHtarcl Spoons, Sugnr Spoons. Cups, Napkin
ttings, rruu ana iiuttor Kmvos, bbiclds, Uombt,
Diamond Pointed Pens, Casters, Pitchers, Butler
Dishes, Fruit Dishes, Cake Baskets, Syrup Pitchors,
Ac. Ao,
lie invito! the citizens of Sunbury and vicinity to
oall at tbe above place, where be will be happy to
wait upon tnom.
fcjTl'articulnr attention paid to REPAIRING.
April 13, 1867.
J. H. Conley & Co.,
.tlarUot N t root, T.ast of Use Kallroad
Hardware & Cutlery.
alllE attention of Mechanics, Fanners, Builder,
. and Buyers generally is invited to the fact that
wo are now oO'oring a bettor seiocted assortment of
than ever was offered in this marked at prices much
below those heretofore demanded by dealers. Our
tock oomprisei all articles in this line of business,
embracing a general assortmoni oi tooisana maie
riula used by
toeothcr with a laree stock of Iron, Steel, Nails,
Spikes. Rope, Chains, Grindstones, Mill and X Cut
baws, ftc, do.
Sunbury, March 30, JSG7.
Fashionable Dress
Millinery Goods,
Just opening at the Millinery Store of
Fourth Street, two doors below the Railroad, West
aido, SUNBURY, PA.
Such at
Dross-Trimmings, Hcad-Drossos, Gloves, Hosiery
Ribbons, Flowers, Collars, Ilondkcr
, chiefs, Ao.,0.,
which hare been carefully iclocted.
Mist M. L. U ussier has just opened a largo assort
ment of Millinery Goods. Ladios thould not fail to
go and see the latest stylos si it will pay to not delay
in visiting her store.
uall anataxamine ior yourscivee.
show gVtodt
No trouble to
Bunbury, April 20, 1867;
21, 23, 25 A 27 -Broadway, N. Y.
Opposite Bowling Groen,
milE STEVENS HOUSE Iswell and widely known
X to the traveling public. The location is espe
cially suitable to merchant and business men ; it it
in close proximity to the businuiS part of the city
is on the highway of Southern aud Western travel
and adjacent to all the principal Railroad and
Steamboat depots.
Tho STEVENS BOUSE has liberal accommoda
tion for over 300 guest! it it well furnished, and
pot eases every niodoru improvement lor ine oom
fort and entertainment of ill inmates. The room
are spacious and well ventilated provided with gas
and water the attendance is prompt and respeottul
and tho table il genorously provided with every
delicacy of the season at moderate ratos.
UtU. IX, VllADQ a W., I ri "o
May 84, 1807 8m
SHOEMAKERS. Implement,
HOE'S Grain Rakes, Steol and Iron Garden Rakos,
Long and D Bundle Spades, Shovels, Manure
and Hay Forks, Graas and Grain Scythes, Grain
Cradles, Cradle Fingurs, Trace, Breast, Tongue and
Log Chains, Grind-atone, Fanning Mill Seiyoiof
all sites and kinds, a large assortment nf Rod Wagon
Uamee, for Plowing, Farm Belli, Cultivator Teeth,
for .ale by J- B- CONLEY A CO.
m UIMES A CO., are the Agents in th Counties
I . nf Nnrlhnmharland. Snvder and Monlour.
WARREN'S Improvod Fir and Water-Proof
R,,f This i th cheaneat and beat Roof that ean
be put on a building. Hut beea used iu the eity of
Philadelphia, since 1851, where it hat superseded
almost every other kind of Roof. It is recommend
ed by the builders, and is used 04 all of the finest
buildings in that eity. Parties contemplating build
ing, will do well to examine into the merit of thit
aud all other kinds of Roofs, acd giv th best tb
The Fountain Hotel, of Sunbury, will, In a few
daya, be oovered with thi Roof, and partial desiring
to do to, may oall there and examine it.
Fur further Information address Box 14, Bunbury
Post Offioe, or eall at the Briek Yard of
BunburylS, 18r Sm
1CK CREAM FREEZERS and Haley. Patent
Clothe Wringers, fur ule by
tunbury, Jaly T, I860
THE best qualitiM of Sole Leather, French Calf
skins, Morroooos, Linings, Lasts, Nails, rtyi
Tools of all kinds, and every thing ued by tbo trade,
for salo low by J- R. CONLEY A CO.
b aaui are very enwaragwg. ; , t . ,