SmitlJRY, PA. SATURDAY, JUNE 28. 1867. Tbi imill pz txoltement at Dowvllli has rioarly ubsided. Only on death oeoumd then from that disc!. 1 Middli Cubic Railroad. A oorptof eogineeri commenced the location of thli road on Tuesday jut, beginning at tho termlDni, opposite thli plaoe. Rilioioci Notici. Rtr. H. C. Llghtner will preach In St. Mattbew'i (Episcopal) Church, in thU place, on Sunday inning next. Servloet will oom menee at half-past 7 o'olock. Mikiitir Called. The reitry of Bt. Mattbew'i (Episcopal) Church, of thU plaoe, bare tendered a call to Ber. Mr. Swarti, of New York olty, to be come pastor of that ohurch. .. The congregation have been without I minister for tome time, their former pastor, Ber. L. W. Gibeon, having resigned In Jan uary last, to acoept a oall in Minnesota. Rblioioci Notici The second Quarterly Meet ing for Northumberland station M. . Cburoh will be held In Northumberland on the 23d of June, in the absence of the Presiding Elder, Rot. B. B. Ham lin, A.M., of Williamsport, will preach at 10.80 A. M., and at 8 P. M. Communion services will take place at 3 P.M. Wit. n. Dill, Pastor. Orrici Rihoted. Geo W. Zioglor, Esq., moved into his new office, adjoining the millinery store of Miss Black, in Market square, on Monday last, lie will be pleased to see his old friends and clients at his now quarters, and will be happy to giro ad vloe on all matters pertaining to the law. DlAvr Damaoes. The heirs or Wm. Butler, of Snyder county, have reoently recovered in the court of that oounty damages to the amount of $18,000 gainst the Pennsylvania Railroad Company for the killing of their father In an accident that occurred on the road, near Lancaster.about a year ago. The mother was also killed at the same time, and it it laid that another tutt will now be brought to recover damages for ber death. Tni Buckwheat Crop. Messrs. Torrington A llodgklm, the proprietors of the Super-Phosphate of Lime manufactory, at this plaoe, are now prepared to furnish this superior fertiliser, in any quantities, for application to toll intonded for buokwheat. As the season for towing buokwheat it approaehing, we would advise our farmer friends to give it a trial. Those who applied it to the spring crops speak very highly of the effioacy of the Phosphate. Strict Cboisiiqi. Wi observe that the authori ties are putting down tho street orossingt in tome of tho most important thoroughfares. Until these crossings are made the paving cannot be considered finished. But a crossing is not properly a continua tion of a pavement, and where there it traveling by teams they should be made partly of eobble stones, alternating betwoen blooks of heavy flag. Milk. Some of our oitixons oomplaln that milk it ttili kept up to war and famine prioet, notwith standing the causo alleged, the high price of hay, no longer exists. There never was a greater abun dance of grass, and the expense of feeding cattle cannot be more than half what it waa tix months since. Butter bat declined in price one hundred per oent., and we cannot toe why the causes that operate in one ease should not equally affect the other. 6tawbbibs. This fruit it now abundant, but the prloea here still rule high. Good berries from Baltimore, York, and other places, are told by our dealers at 20 cents per box. Some fine ones, raised in this neighborhood, are brought to market, but are held at a higher figure. At this time 25 oents should be deemod a fair, if not a big price, for tho very beet. At an eloction for President and Dirootors of the Lew isburg, Centre A Spruce Creek Railroad Com pany, held at Lewiabarg on tbo 10th inst., the fol lowing officers were chosen : President lion. Geo. F. Miller. Directors John Walls, Robert II. Duncan, Mark Halfpenny, Eli Slifer, James P. Coburn, W. Cook Dunoan, Franois Wilson, Philip Ruhl, Poter Beaver, A. U. Dill, J. O. Buchor and J. M. Linn. AiausTA Uotil. We refer our reader! to tbo advertisement of the new proprietor of this large and commodious bouse, Mr. Mnnn, who comes highly commended at one who "knows bow to keep a hotel." This hotel it handsomely situated near the banks of the beautiful Susquehanna. The scenery of the neighborhood it not surpassed anywhere. Persons who are frequently cooped np, for weeks, in small chambers at the watering places, would find much more comfort in the quarters of tuoh a hotel, to tay nothing of the saving in money expended in obtaining indifferent comforts. A Valuablb Cow. Our friend, Mr. John Mo Farland, of Northumberland, it the owner of one of the best eowt we have ever teen. She oomes from good ttock three-fourthi Alderney and one-fourth Ayrshire. She is a beautiful and finely proportioned animal, and possesses all tho good points character istic of good milkers. II er calf it now nearly three months old, and about two weekt since her cream, gathered from ona Monday until the Monday fol lowing, on being churned, produced something over seventeen pounds of good butter, and Mr. Mo Farland thinks if the cream used in the family du ring that time had been added, the product would have been but little short of twenty pounds. Some persons having previously expressed tome doubts on tho Abjoot, Mrs. McFarland called in tome of ber neighbors, who witnessed the result above stated. The butter is of a dark orange color, ft peculiarity of Alderney stock. A Public Tbial. Messrs. T. Ilimes A Co., of this place, who are the agents for Warren's Improved Fire and Water Proof Roofing, will give that article publio test with lr, to-day, (Saturday,) at 6 o'clock, P. M., on the grounds immediately above the upper basin. This patent roof hat lately been put on the Augusta Hotel, and its proprietor, Mr. Mann, speaks very highly of it, its water proof qual ities having bees thoroughly tested during the recent rains. Wi would advita thou who contemplate building to be present and witness what effeot fire will hare on this new material. Naw Fcbbitobb Storb. We observe that our young friend, Albert Haat, bat reoently opened ft Furniture Store In Third street, above the depot, and hat just received ft large ttock of all kinds of bouse furniture, of the best material and workman ship, from the city. Mr. II us intends paying par ticular attention to supplying the wants of the publie in bit branoh of business, and should receive the patronage of those of our eitUent who bava here tofore tent abroad for their furniture, at hi will be able to sell at good an article, and at as low a figure, at can be procured elsewhere. An establishment of thil kind bat been much needed here, and we have no doubt thli new enterprise will meet with suoeeae. Dedication or tbi Tobbottilli Cmitibv. The now cemetery at Turbutvllle, In tbi upper end of the county, was dedicated on Monday, 10th inst.i with appropriate ceremonies. A large number of persons were pretest, the crowd in the enolosuri being estimated ft Uart one thousand. Thi exer ebet wen introduced with tinging by tbi eomblned eholrt of the three oharcbes of that place. Addresses were delivered by Rev. Adams and Wolf, in the Eng lish, and Rev. Mr. Albert, is the German languages, -fur which the dedioatory ceremony was performed by tbi latter olergyman. Tbi cemetery it ft beautiful oni, and It situated short disUDoe north of the town. It was laid out about fifteen month ago by Samuel Leiobach and B 11 Barto, and eonUunt five acre and sixty -five perchet. It it divided Into four kindred and eight lots, about oni hundred ami twenty of which being already told ' Taa Naw HAMmo Ball. At the eeneert given by the KIHnger A Foot! tronpl, la (hit place, on Mecday light if he week, the capacity of the new Hall waa tatted for the Ant time sine lei oom pie tioa. When the seats an pot In and properly ir ranged It will, perhaps, aooommodat between five nd tlx hundred person, but u the evening In question It It said that over eight hundred persons wen In attendance. The Hall o the teoond story is, of iUelf, unobjectionable, . but III approaches through a narrow passage way, In the centre of the building, it a great architectural blunder. It It not only aoustom, but In some placet the law requires that publio Halls Intended to accommodate ft large number of persona thonld be well provided with ready means of egress from suoh buildings, In ease of fir or accident. Indeed, every large Hall should have a back or private entrance, to oommunlcate with the stage, as well at for safety. The new Hall was much needed, and will prove ft great conveni ence, but experience hat already proven that It capacity is not sufficient for extraordinary oocationi. At all publio assemblages or exhibitions there should be a oonstable or some police officer In atten dance. The managers should alwayt stipulate that exhibitors should employ tome oni to keep order and proteot the building. Unruly boyt would then learn that the purchase of a ticket of admission does not give them the right to annoy the audienoe by their bad conduct. Kobbebt We copy the following item from the Democrat, of last week : Wm. Stittman, of Milton, wat committed to prison thil week for taking (107 from the person of John Shanor, lock tender, near Cameronia. Shanor oame to Northumberland, drew the money from the bank, and wat returning on the defendant ! boat when the alleged robbery took plaoe, while Shanor wat tying asleep. It It charged that etitiman teoreted the money in the cook stove In the oabln of the boat, but while the plaintiff was seeking an officer, took it out and seorotcd it in the horse stable, where it was subsequently found. Du ring the search the novo waa noticed to havo in it a tremendout fire, which aroused tuspicion. The fire waa extinguished and the stove taken apart, when two of the stolen bills were discovered considerably burned, behind ejtie oven in the lower part of the stove, where tliey hnd evidontly aooidentally fallen, and fur the hasty destruction of which the fire had been made. Stitsmnn was subsequently released on bail fur bis appearance at oourt. Singular Actios of a Conductor. The Mil- Ionian, of last week, contains the following : "We learn that shortly after the robbery at Wattontown the telegraph Operator at that plaoe went on tbo train bound north and pointed out to the oonductor of tbo train one of the portloa supposed to have been concerned In the robbery, but stated that it was only suspicion, and that he would ascertain definitely and telegraph the information to Muncy. He did to, telegraphing that the suspected party was one of the robbers. When the dispatch was given to the eon duotor, at Muncy, he said, he knew all about it it was all right. For tome unacoountable reason, bow ever, he took no measure for baring the robber ar rested, but on the other hand, just before the train reached Williamsport, partially stopped his train and allowed the rascal to escape. His conduct was sin gular. It would seem that be should at least have locked the door of the oar in which the robber was riding." Tm New Baggage Law. The law regulating the amount of baggage each passenger on the Penn sylvania railroads shall be allowed to carry, which was passed at the last session of the Legislature, is now in foroe. It provides that each passenger shall be entitled to carry one trunk or box, not exceeding one hundred pounds in weight ; that when baggage shall be lost and damages claimed, a sum not to ex ceed three hundred dollars shall be allowed for each trunk or box, together with its contents ; that if any porson wishes to oarry more weight or greater value of baggage than this, he or she must have the trunk or box weighed by the baggage agent before start ing, disclosing the valuo that will be olaimed in ease of loss, and pay extra for excess at may be re quired by tho particular railroad company. HonRiBLB Accident. Tho Danville Intelligen cer says that on Wednesday afternoon of lost week Watkin Evans, young man about 25 yean of age, met with a ludden and terrible death at the slope of the Pennsylvania Iron Company. He waa working In one or the breasts of the mine when a rock, over head, weighing some tons, became dotached and fell upon bim. His fellow workmen had to use jack screws to lift the rock from off his body. When taken out it wat found that hit whole breast tnd tide had been crushed in, killing bim instantly, He wat an industrious young man, and much respected by hit associates. He leaves an infant chilU, his wife hav ing died some months since t mm Accident on tbi Catawissa Railroad at Dan ville. The Danville American, of Thursday last, sayt : "An accident occurrod on the Catawissa Railroad, in this place, on Friday lost. A freight train was on the main track between the depot and bloom street. The conduotor, it seems, intended to send out a signal to warn the passenger train, due at 11 o'clock, but fell asleep in the caboose. The passenger train came down round the curve at a pretty rapid rate, and waked up the conductor of the freight train by demolishing the caboose. The sleeping conductor wat seriously injured, and was carried away more dead than alive. The passenger locomotive roared up on the next cars, and there remained a perfect wreck. A number of the cart were more or less broken, but none of thorn were thrown from the track, nor were any of the passen gers hurt, with the exception of a few slight bruises The conductor of the freight train it severely cen sured." Local Newspaper!. The Cleveland Herald makes the followiag sensible remark in relation to local newspapers : "It matters not how many news papers a man takes, hit list it incomplete without hit home paper. Erery eitiien who wishes well for his locality should give ft generout support to hit home paper. If that paper is not just such as be would wish, he should feel that himself and neigh bors are responsible, in measure, for its short comings. Give a paper liberal support, an active tympathy, and it will instantly respond to tuch manifestation!. " Editor'! Table. A Valcablb Book. Wi an indebted to Mean. S. H. Crittenden A Co., of the oelebrated Critten den Commercial College, No. 637 Chestnut street, Philadelphia, for a copy of ft book entitled, "The Crittenden Commercial Arithmetic and Business Manual," which is a valuable work for business men and tboee preparing for business. It contains rapid methods of business calculations, some of which an now published for the first time ; forms of the differ ent papers used in business, with explanations ; use ful eommeroial tables, and muoh valuable business information. This book hat been highly commended by eminent merchanti, banken and teacben. The tale hat been so rapid that the first edition is already exhausted. Price, $1.25. It will be tent to any addreas, pottage prepaid, on receipt of price. Ad dress, B. H. Crittenden A Co., No. 637 Chestnut street, Philadelphia. Godby'i Ladt'i Book. Wi ban already re ceived the July lumber of thi excellent and incom parable lady' maguin, whioh i the first number of volume seventy-five and the thirty-eighth year of the Lady's cook, Ine beauty of toe engravings, selection ef fashions, ornamental work and literary matter cannot be excelled. The embellishment! in the July nainber oontitt of the following: "Old Letters, one of those highly finished steel engra vings whioh make this magiune to attractive ; col ored fashion plate, five figure ; "A Pleasure Par ty," ft tinted plate. Among the wood-out fashion! are deaiirni for bathlnz dresses : three new evening dresses ; ft new ooiiture ; and ten engravings of fashionable bonnet. The preserving reoeipts in thil number are alone worth the prioe of lb book to any housekeeper. The reading matter I mad up of article written by the best writen in our country. Published by L. A. Uodey, Philadelphia. BUSINESS NOTICES. Taa old aaying that "d.ess make thi man" ha often been disputed, yet wi cannot help butreoog" aiac the fact that drsss doe, to torn ixtent, maki thi man; that is, in ordr to be eonsidend anybody, you must dress la tyl. Tbi beat way to do thil it to go to 3. O. Beck's, on Fourth street, and order suit if the beautiful summer goods, whioh he it pre pared to miki up is thi latest style A ybrdari Tankee, nolng the announcement In large littira, la front of book Hon, "Sotting to Wear Bold Here," exclaimed, "Wei, now, I wonder whe laid then wit 7" If yea want something to weir yea will find laaVt thi OontloeauU Basaar, of thi beat lad most bcaatlful style, and very cheap Everybody should oall end tee (hi splendid (took of, summer goods. " 'Tit summer, glorious summer, Beheld the glad green earth I , I: . How from lta grateful bosom , . , Th herb and flowers spring forth !" Let ut Imitate nature, in our gratitude to thi present season, by being olad In a new seasonable luit from J. F. SbaefTar't tailoring establishment , N. W. corner of Market and Third street, (2d story.) i minii A Iwell told hit shoemaker to mail hit shoes high enough to cover the entire calf. The bootma ker, eyeing him from head to foot, replied, "That Is Impossible ; I have not leather enough in the shop for that !" If thi "swell" should happen to call at Thaober't, in Pleasants' building, Market street, he could be acoommodated, ts Boots and Shoe of all grades, styles and slies, arc kept there, and told Tory oheaply. Those cheap Boot tnd Shoes at Miller's Excelsior Store have been going off rapidly, but there are many more left, and there are great bargains in store for all who call. We would advise every one to go to Miller'!, Immediately, and examine the fine itook now on hand. n Life Insurance. Prompt attention to the sub ject of life insuranoe it of the utmost importance. Insure while in good health, and without delay, for after the health ha failed, and disease has set in, it will be too late to get Insured ; and if postponed, and only good Intentions arc the result, tbey will not save the wife and children from lost, if death should overtake tbe husband and parent before they pro duced fruit in securing a policy on his life. Jacob Siiipman, Fire and Life Insurant! Agent, Sunbury, Fa. Cheap Goods. We have examined tbe new goods just opened by J. E. Smlck, Merchant Tailor, in this place, tbe good qualities and low prices of which foroibly remind ut of the good timet previous to the war. With an elegant assortment on hand, which he now offers at greatly reduced prices, be it able to sell much cheaper than any ether establish ment. Call and examine the goods. - "Vbni, Vidi, Vici," wat the dispatch tent back to bis oountry by the great Cesser, after he had mot and conquered the onemy. Tbit short suying is ac cepted by the people now-a-dnys, instead of using the latin, translate it by saying, "wo came, taw, and conquered" all our prejudioet by buying our Hats and Caps at the fiuthionable Hat and Cap Emporium of S. Faust, Market street, Sunbury, Pa., where can be purchased goods of tho latest stylo and best quality. pe Photography. The beautiful pictures taken at Byerly's Photograph Gallery, in Simpson's building, Market street, are acknowledged the best ever pro duced in Sunbury. Notwithstanding this, Byerly oharges lest then most any other artist. Go at once to his gallery and be convinced at to tbo truth of thit asaortion. lyjob Ir-I it HUB'. Having received a large supply of NEW JOB TYPE, of various new styles, Posters, Handbills, Circulars, Cards, Letter Heads, Bill Heads, Labels, Ac, can be printed in the latest and best style, and on short notice. Orders by mail promptly attended to. SUMIMtY 51 AllIilOTf. Corrected Weekly for the "American." Wheat Flour, extra family, per barrel, do do do do - per ewt. Rye Flour, ... per bbl. do per cwt. Wheat, prime red per bushel , Rye, do Corn, new do Oats, do Potatoes, do Dried Peaahos, pared per pound de do unpared do Dried Annies. do $15 00 8 00 10 00 ' 6 60 2 40 Dried Cherries, (unstoned,) per bu. Butter, per pound, per uosen, per pound, do do do do do do per pair Cheese, Lard, Hams, Shouldera, Beef, hind quarter, " from " Mutton, Chickens, jltamokin Coal Trade. Shamokin, June 17, 1807. Ton. Ctrl. Sent for week ending June 15, 14. All 01 Per lost report, 185,2111 14 199.742 15 222,461 01 To tame time last year, Decrease. 22.718 OS Special Notiffs. Look Out for the Cuildrkn. Many deaths oc cur from eating unripe fruit. Every family should btve Coe's Dyspepsia Cure at hand in case of emer gency. It will speedily oorreet the stomach in oases of Cholera Morbut, if taken In season. Preuaturb baldness, to a lady, is frightful. The unexpected discovery of a grey hair, where none should exist, it enough to make one't hair itand on end, "like quills upon tbe fretful Porcupine." We don't like to grow old, and we still loss like to bare false evidence thereof before the fact occurs. A ju dicious care or tuis boaulitul covering ol the Dead a thorough treatmeut with "Barrett's Vegetable Hair Restorative," has saved many from tbe horrors of the appearance of old age. Testimonials of it efficacious effocta are exceedingly numerous. Tbe afflicted should not fail to try it. To 1'oBkiiinpliveit. Tbe advortiser, having been restored to health in few weeks by a very simple remedy, after having su Bored for several yean with a severe lung affec tian, and that dread disease. Consumption i anx ious to make known to hit fellow-tuSeren the means of eure. To all who desire it, be will tend a ocpy of the prescription used (free of charge,) with the direc tion tor preparing and using the same, whioh tbey will nna a sure oure inr liUNSUMrTiuiv, asthma, Bronchitis, Coughs, Coldi, and all Throat and Lung Affections. The only object of the advertiser in sending the prescription is to benefit the afflicted, and spread lnlorination which he conceives to be invaluable, and he hopes every sufferer will try his remedy, as it will cost them nothing, and may prove a blessing. Parties wishing the prescription, raiB, by return mail, will please address REV. EDWARD A. WILSON, my 18- 67. 1y Williamsburg, Kings Co., N. Y. Know Thy lieatlay. Madamb E. V. Thornton, the great English At trologist, Clairvoyant and Psyonometrioian, who has astonished the scientific olastet of the Old World, baa now located henelf at Hudson, N. Y. Madame Thornton potease such wonderful powers of seoond sight, as to enable her to impart knowledge of the greatest importance to the single or married of cither aex. While in a state of trance, she delineate the very feature of the person you ore to marry, and by the aid of an instrument of intense power, known as tbe Psyubomotrope, guarranteea to produee a life like picture of tbe future husband or wife of the applicant, together with date of marriage, position in life, leading traits of character, Ac. This ia no humbug, a thoutaud of testimonial can attars. She will tend, when desired, a certified certificate, or written guarantee, that the pioture ia what it pur ports to be. By enclosing a small lock of hair, and toting place of birth, age, disposition and com nlexion. and enclosing fitly oents and stamped en velope aaureasea hj jouneii, yuu wm receive we pioture and desired Information by return mail. All communications sacredly confidential. Addreas in confidence, Madamb E. F. Thobnton, P. O. Box 223, Hudson, H. t. leu lB-'P71y. - THI H BALING POOL, And House of Mercy. HOWARD ASSOCIATION REPORTS, fur Young Men, on tho crime of Bolituae, ana uie crrora, Aba ses and Diseatel which destroy the manly powers. and create impediments to Marriage, with sure meant of relief. Sent ia sealed letter envelopes, free of charge. Addreas DR. J. BklLLIK HUUlimUN, Howard Association, rnuaaeipnia, re. June 8, 1867. ly HRI.MBOLDV EXTRACT Bl'CUU sod Impmvi Rue Waal cures eseiet and debeau disorders ia ail their urex. ml hula. udum. liule of no eham in diet, no in- eoavenMBce aed ao eapueare. It is pleasant ia taste and Mor, imasediaw la IM action, eoa nee iraae an inja- rious properties. , mmj ryA Tool Laar re lam lug to bar ccantry bom after ft sojourn of few month In theOitjr, was bard ly recognised by her friends. Ia plaoe of a coarse rustic, flashed floe, she had a toft ruby complexion of almost marble amoethaees, ami Instead of twenty three she really appeared bat eighteen. Upon in. quiry at to tbe eauae of so great a change, b plain ly told them that she used the C'lrcaanliua la Int. and considered It an Invaluable acquisition to any Lady's toilet. By It nc my Lady or Gentle man oan Improve their personal appearance an hun dred fold. It it simple In It combination, at Nature herself it simple, yet unsurpassed In Its efficacy In drawing Imparities from, also healing, cleansing and beautifying tbe skfh and complexion. By lta direot otion en theoutlole It drawt from it all it impuri ties, kindly healing the earn, and leaving tfaesur, faoa a Nature Intended It should be, olenr, soft, smooth and beautiful. Price tl, tent by Mail or Kxpress, on receipt of an order by W L. CLARK A CO., Chemists, No. 8 West Fayette St., Syracuse, N. T. The only American Agents for the sale of the same. February 16, 1807. ly QNE PRICE CLOTHING. JONES' OLD ESTABLISHED CLOTHING HOUSE, OOA Market Ntreel, On door above Sixth, Philadelphia. For many yean this Establishment bat done busi ness on the One i'rioe Hysjeto, and we believe we are tbe only Clothing House in the eity that striotly adheres to this principle. Wo have earned a repu tation whioh we are proud of, for good taste in select good stylet and substantial materials, and not leas important, for having all our goods, EXTUA HELL HI AUK. Wc employ the best 'talent, for Cutten, and our Goodt are of both kinda Fashionable and plain to that all toeloe can be suited. The prices ere the very lowest, at auy one by a moment a thought must tee, or otherwise we could not meet the competition of our noighbors, for as no deductions are ever mado, we must put our prices down to the advantage we promise. The people may depend, this Is the true plan upon which to do business, and many a dollar oan be saved to Clothing buyen by keeping in mind ONE PRICE CLOTHING HOUSE, 604 Market Strreet, Philadelphia, Not on tbe Corner, but one door above Sixth. March 23, 1867. ly Wonderful bat Trnc. Madam Remington, the world-returned Astrolo- gist and Somnanibulutio Clairvoyant, while in a clairvoyant state, dolincatet the very feature! of tbe porson you are to marry, and by the aid of an instrument of intonse power, known at the Psycho motrope, guarantees to produce a perfect and life. liko pioture of the futuro husband or wife of tbe applicant, witb date of marriage, occupation, lead ing trails of charactor, Ac This is no imposition, at testimonials without number oan assort. By stating place of birth, age, disposition, color of eye and hair, and enclosing fifty cents, and stamped envelope addressed to yourself, you will receive the pioture by return mail, together with desired information. I B-Address in confidence. Maoavb GkrtroDB Remington, P. 0. Box 297, West Troy, N. Y. feblfl-'67.1y. tr. iflienck'at Mandrake IMIIn. A HtibHtltnte for Calomel. These Pills are composed of various roots, having the power to relax the scorotlous of tbo liver at promptly and effectually at blue pill or mcroury, and without producing any of those disagreeable or dangerous effects which often follow the use of the latter. In all bilious disordera these Pills may be nsed with confidence, as they promote tbe discharge of vitiated bile, and remove thoee obstructions from the liver and biliary duet, which are the cause of bilious affections in general. SCHENCK'S MANDRAKE PILLS cure sick headache, and all disorders of tbe Liver, indicated by sallow skin, coated tongue, coativeness, drowsi ness, and a general feeling of weariness and lessi tude, showing that the livor is in a torpid or ob tsruotod condition. In short, those Pills may be used with advantage in all cases when a purgative or alterative medicine is required. Please ask for "Dr. Schenck's Mandrake Pills," and observe that tbe two likenesses of the Dootor are on the Government stamp one when in the last ttage of Consumption, and the other in hit present health. Sold by all Druggists and dealers. Prioe, 25 oents per box. Principal Office, No. 15 North 6th street, Philadelphia, Pa. General Wholesale Agents : Demos Barnes A Co., 21 Park Row, New York ; S. S. Hance, 108 Balti more St., Baltimore, Md. ; John D. Park, N. E. oor. of Fourth and Walnut St., Cincinnati, Ohio ; Walker A Taylor, 134 and 136 Wabash Avenue, Chicago. III.; Collins Brothers, southwest oorner of 2d and Vino Sts., St. Louis, Mo. Out. 21), 1806. 4thd5Ui 4'OIXMIF. Ac CO.'S GERMAN ERA'SIVE SOAP I Is manufactured from PURE MATERIALS, and may be I considered the STANDARD OF 'EXCELLENCE. For tale by all Orooera. May 18, 1867. ly. Ir. Wltur' HalMura oi Wild Cherry. In tbe whole history of modioli discoveries, no remedy bos performed so many or tuoh remarkable cures of tbi numerous affections of tbe Throat, Lvnoi and Chest, it this long-tried tnd justly cele brated Balsam. So generally acknowledged, it the superior excellence of tbit remedy that but few of the many who have tested itt virtues by experience fail to keep it at hand as a speedy and certain oure for sudden attacks of Cold fully believing that it remedial powers arc oomprebensivc enough to em brace every form of disease, from tbe slightest cold to the most dangerous symptom of pulmonary oom- plaint. unsolicited testimont. From Rev. Francis Lobdell, Pastor of the South Con gregational Cbureh, Bridgeport, Conn. "I consider it a duty which I owe to suffering hu manity to bear testimony to the virtues of Dr. Wis tar's balsam of Wild Cherry. I have used it when I have bad occasion for any remedy for Coughs, Colds or Sore Throat, for many yean, and never in a single instanee has it failed to relieve and eure me. I have frequently been very hoarse on Saturday, and looked forward to the delivery of two sermons on the following day witb tad misgivings, but by a liberal use of the Balsam mv hoarseness hat invaria bly been removed, and I have preached without difficulty. "1 recommend it to my nrelnron In tbe ministry, and to public speakers generally, at a certain reme dy for tbe bronchial troubles to whioh we are peculi arly eiposed." rrepared Dy eutt w. JUH Lli BON, 18 Tre mont St., Boston, and for sale by Druggists generally. For all the Protean forms of Disease originating in BCROFILA, there it nothing that can equal the purifying effect! of Iodine when administered in a pure itate. DH. H. AKOERl' IOUIKH WATER - -it a pun solution of Iodine dissolved in water, with out a solvent, and ia tbe best remedy for Sorofula aud kindred diseasee ever discovered. Circular! free. J. P. DINSMORE, bo Dey Street, New York. Bold by Druggists generally. je B,-8t IIELMBOLD'S FLUID EXTRACT Is I errtaia eure for diseaaee of the BLADDER, KIDNEYS, GRAVEL, DROPSY, OR OANIC WEAKNESS, FEMALE COMPLAINTS, GENERAL DEBILITY, and all diseases oT the URINARY ORGANS, whet Lei existing ia MALE OR FEMALE, from whatever eaate originating and i matter of HOW LONG STANDING. Disease of these otgant require the use of diuretie. If nu treatment is submitted to, Consumption of Inaall- ity may ensue. Our Fleae. aud Blood are supported from Uteae sou roes, eua we HEALTH AND HAPPINESS, and tkat of Posterity, depends ipoa prompt ate of a reliable remedy. HELMBOCD'S EXTRACT BUCHU, Established upwards of It yeare, prepared by II. X. MliL.MHOLI, DRUGGIST, SM Broederay, New York, end H bouu iota Street, Puiladelphia, Pa. Marca I, lb7ly TAKE NO a ORB UNPLEASANT AND UNSAFE REMEDIES foe unpleasant and dangerous diseases Ute ti ai.anwLi's KxTBaet HOCBI ail Mtriovn sue n ih , Matcbt, tB7 1st HELM HOLD'S CONCENTRATED EXTRACT BUCHU Is the Great Dicrotic. JMmbol(T$ Conemtratod Extract 8rwparxUa I to Of eat Blend Fariler. Both are prenred eocmding in relee of Ptmrmcf and .nm,nr,, ai uia moeteeuve mat eaa be made. J to Krerrbody. A Large 6 pp. Circular, giving Information or tbi greatest ImporUnoe to the young of both sexes. ' It teaohei how thi homely may become beautiful, the deepised respeotod, and thi fomken loved. No young lady or gentleman should fail to lend their address, md receive a copy, post-paid, by re turn mall. Addres P. O. Drawer, tl, Troy, N. T. Krrori or Youth. A gentleman who so Bored for yean from Nervous Debility, Premature Decay, and all thi effocta of youthful Indiscretion, will, for tbi sake of luffering humanity, aend free to ail who need It, tba recipe and directions for making the simple remedy by which he wat cured. Sufferers wishing to profit by tbe advertiser's experience, oan do so by addressing, in perfoot confidence, . JOHN B. OODEN, myl8'-7.1y 42 Cedar .Street, N. Y. ITCH! ITCH! ITCH! SCRATCH! SCRATCH! SCRATCH! WIIEATON'8 OINTMENT Will Care the Itch la AH Honrsi. Also ourot SALT RHEUM, TJLCERS, CIUL BLAINS, and all ERUPTIONS OF THE SKIN Price 50 cents. For sale bv the drnrirlsts. H send ing 60 oents to WEEKS A POTTER, Sole Agents, 170 Washington street, Boston, it will be forwarded by mail, free of pottage, to any part of the United States. je 23 '65-t NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. TSOJU-flaVaa AVWAXbUG:) Sheet Iron and Stove G- ZETTLEMOYER&BRO.j (Suocosior to BENJ. ZETTLEMOYER.) Market Streot, near Engel't Store, SUNBURY, PA. HAVING taken oharge of the old stand so long patronised by tbe people of Sunbury and vi cinity, beg leave to announoe to the old friends and the publio generally, that they will supply them wiu ine most improvea varieties oi STOVES, COOK, OFFICE and PARLOR STOVES of the best Brands which are unsurpassed for beauty of finish. simplicity of arrangement, oomblnlnoheapnessand durability and eaoh stove warranted to perform what tbey ore represented. Coal Oil, Coal Oil Iimps, Laateras, Shades, Chimneys, and all article! usually kept in an establishment of this kind. COPPER, BRASS and IRON KETTLES, of all sites. FRUIT JARS and CANS of the latest Improved style. lie i also prepared to ao ail Rinds 01 spouting aud Roofing, Range and Furnace Work. Repairing, cheaply and neatly executed. GEO. ZE1TLEM0YER A BRO. June 8, 1867 y CRITTENDEN'S Commercial College, 637 Chestnut Street, (Corner of Seventh,) PHILA DELPHIA. Established 1844. Incorporated 1855. Young .lien Practically Kdacatcd lor ItuNlncN. . Tbe facilities of this Institution have been largely increused, and it now bat advantages fur imparting business knowledge whioh are unequalled. The practical value of its well-tried ooune of in struction is attested by hundreds in all departments of business. Many a young man owes hit tuooesa in mo to me quaunoations guinea uere. The instruction throughout is thorough, practical, and just what is daily used in our best business houses. The instruction includes Book-Keoping in nil itt Branches, Penmanship, (Plain and Ornamental,) Commercial) Cal culations, Business Papers and Cor respondence, Commercial Law, Dotecting Counterfeits, Etc. Student! . Instructed separately and received at anytime. Diplomaetawarded on graduation. Stran- Sen assisted in procuring suitable boarding places, oard may b obtained lor about f 5 per week. Cata logue mailed free. CRITTENDEN'S BOOK-KEEPING, Counting House, pice $2 60. High Sohool, price tl 60. Common School Edition 8,71 ota. Judge Shanwood.' Lectures before the Students on Commercial Law, price 91 60. THE CRITTENDEN COMMERCIAL ARITH METIC AND BUSINESS MANUAL, Containing new and rapid methods of calculation as actually used by business men. Formi of Business Paper's acoompanied by explanations of their nature and use, useful Commercial Tables, and muoh valuable information on business subjects. Price $1 25. The sale of this Book has beon rapid that it is already in it second edition. Any of the above book lent postage paid on re ceipt of the prioe. S. U. CRITTENDEN A CO. June 8. 1867. 6m Auditor's Keport, Auditor's Report of the Bounty Fund of Lower Augusta Township for tbe year 1066. Wm. Malisk, Treasurer of the Bounty Fund. DR. To eath received from J. B. Bartholomew, for the year 1863, $236 61 To eash ree d. from Daniel Bloom, Collec tor for tbe year 1864, 847 18 To cash reo'd. from Isaac Marts, Collec tor for the yean lbo5 6, 4,264 54 Total 4,848 33 CR. By cash paid on Bonds Tor money advanced to pay recruit, with interest, $4,746 71 Bv services for School Directon. Ao., 67 V2 By percentage on S4.802 63, 24 01 Uf balance due by .treasurer, iv oy $4,848 33 Isaac Marti, Collector for the year 1866, DR. To amount of duplicate $6,895 20 By amount paid to Wm. Mallick, Treat. $4,159 64 By exoneration on Duplicate, 620 0 2 By percentage on 4,159 54 at 1J ott. 72 67 By balance due on duplicate, 3,042 97 $6,895 24 Isaao Marts, oollootor DR. To balanoe due on Duplicate for 1865, $191 08 Daniel Bloom, Colleotor DR. To balance duo on duplicate for 1864, $102 62 Wc the undenigned Auditors, met at the house of D. B. Foy, to eettie tbe Bounty Fund Aoouunt of Lower Augusta Township. After examining the aooounts aud voueben, we find the indebtedness of tbe same, to b tHi 29. Witness our hand! tbit first day of June, 1867. SOLOMON 8. SNYDER, , ANIAS. WYNN, Auditors. JOEL YORDY. ) ' If the balanoe due is paid forthwith, the aooount will no squared. June 8, 1867. CHOICE FRUIT it ORNAMENTAL BENJ. BOKNBB, Dealer in Fruit and Ornamental Trees, will fun- ish from tbe most responsible Nurseries in this and other State, lint claas TREES of all kinds. Also, Shrubbery, Vines and Plant. Garden Seed of all kinds. Ordcn are respectfully toliolted. Address BENJ. BOHNER, Faxinos, North'd. Co. N. B Insuranoe taken In teveral of tnc most responsible Fire Insuranoe and Hone Detective vompaniee m in bumv. J uae 8, 1867 .J MANTUA NAMEU. Mm. A. TWJBKD, In Miss Anna Painter's Fancy Goods Store building, Market Bqaan, s doors west oi me rost umoe, SUNBURY, PA, RESPECTFULLY Inform her friend and thi publio that she ha again opened a thop, in Market street, 6unbury, when thi is prepared to make to order Ladiee' Dresses, ia aa eolire new tyle, Ladies' Cloaks, Also UCBUemca I Hum. uraera respeouuuy sououaa. Sunbury, Jan. 19, lb7.-ly Coachmakers. TIT E an tailing Rims, Spokes, Hubi, Springs, V V Caavase, Bu It, Clips, Axles, ., very low a Large block at CON LEY A CO. Sunbury, March St, IboT. tHU GREAT RADICAL NEWSPAPER, FORNEY PRESS. NO COMPROMISE WITH TRAITORS! GET THE BEST AND CHEAPEST NSWSPAPER IN THE COUNTRY. THE PRE-SS. A flrst-olass Double sheet Elght-page paper, con talnlning Forty-eight oolumne. 11 ' Published Every Morning, Southwest corner of Seventh and Cbcsnut Btroets, Philadelphia. T BRM 8 . , DAILY PRESS, $3.00 per annum. ' $4.00 for six months. $2.00 for three months. TRI WEEKLY PRESS. $4.00 per annum. $2.00 for six months. $1.00 for three months. THE SUNDAY PRESS. $2 00 per annum $1.00 for tix months. THE WELKLY PRESS. The most valuable Weekly Newspapor In o World. It contains items of interest to every one. READ THE TERMS. On Copy . . . $2 00 per annum. xiveCopios - 9 00 " Ten Copies 17 50 " Tfrantv fnnin. - . 91 r.rt M. 1 " 1' W I lo the getter up of a Club of Tin or more Copies I an extra ennv will hn fftvan eH All orden ahould be addressed to JOHN W.FORNEY, Editor and Proprietor, S. W. cor. Seventh and Chesnut Sti., t . Philadelphia, Pa. June 8, 1867. 4t Music! Music I! MISS MARION DUVALL rcpeotfully inform! the ciliiens of Sunbury, that the will give Musio Lessons on Piano or Molodcon, eithor at her own residence or at that of the pupil. Suubury, May 25, lb67. T. S. SHANNON, Praotical Watchmaker JEWELEH: From PHILADELPHIA. In Simpson's Building, Market Sqnare, STJ1TBTTE.7, FEITIT'A. FINE Oold and Silver American and Swiss Watches, Clocks, Jcwolry and Silver ware, con stantly on hand. Hair Jowelry and Masonio Marks made to order. Oold and Silver Plating done In the belt manner and warranted to give entire satisfaction. l ino Watches, Clocks, Musio Boxes and Jewelry Repaired and warranted. All orden promptly filled. Sunbury, June 1, 1867 Administrator's Notice. NOTICE i hereby given that lettcn of adminis tration have been granted to the undorsigned, on the estate of Anna Maria Myers, Into of the Bo rough of Sunbury, Northumberland county, I'enn'a., deceased. All persons indebted to said estate are requested to make immediate payment, and thoee having claims against the estate are requested to protect them for sottlomont. JOHN MYERS, Adm'r. Lower Augusta twp., J uno 1, 1867. Notico to Merchants and Shippers. rjlllE undesigned, propriotonof Weisor A Frick't X Line, give notice to merchanti and sbippen that their Depot is still at 811 Market streot, Phila delphia, and all Goods directed to Sunbury and Dan ville will be promptly delivered. Ij Cars leave 811 Market street, Philadelphia, in-wecKiy lueauays, inursuays and Saturdays. nr. v GOODRICH. May 25, '67. J. R. RICHARDSON. IIEHDIC HOUSE, K. A. WHO, Sup'f, WILLI AMSFOBT, PA. May 25, 1367. 8m HATCHETS. The best and cheapest for the consumer are those manufactured by JENKINS & TONGUE, Philadelphia. Shingling, Lathing. Claw and Broad, made of the best oast-stool and warranted as good or better than any others made in tbe United Stntos. and sold at much lower prices than any other really first-class hatubets. They are tempered by one of the firm, S.J. Tongue, who possesses a peculiar faculty that might bo called STEEL ON THE BRAIN, Which give! hit tool! a great celebrity in these port. TRY THEM. Nos. 33 and 35 Richmond Street : the red cars op Third Street cross Richmond, near the r.orki. Philadelphia, May 25, 18B7 lm JSJCL All kinds of SCHOOL JoOKS, Slates, Pens, Ink, Paper, AoJ Miscellaneous Books, a good assort ment. All tbe new books received as soon as published, aid for tale a' Publishers prioes. BIBLES, Prayer Books and Hymn ti . i . : ,, : .J . . JJOUKI, iu VYVfJ viyiv vi uiuuuig. Catholic Prayer Books. FAMILY BIBLES in various stylet DICTIONARIES of all sixes. Juveniles and Toy Books, a large assortment. lllnnlc Hooka and Blank Forms of all kinds. Foolscap, Legal Can, Letter and JNote ropers. COPYING BOOKS, Inkstands Pen Racks, Files, Paper, Cutten and Counting House Stationery generally. PUOTOORAPII ALBUMS cheap ana dear. Gold Pens and IIoMors. Pocket Books and Bill Wallets. Pioture Frames. Stereoscope and Views, American French. Ao. Drawing Paper, all sues, Bristol Board. Ao. Diaries, Memorandum liooKS, Ha. Backgammon Boards, Oamos, Chess men. Ac. Toys a large and complete assortment liase-uaus ana uats. Dinning noos and Tackle. I Perfumes, Brohomion and Parisian Marbles, Ao. Oold Pens re-pointed. Lamps, th tales, .Globes, Chimneys, ao. Wall Faier and Border, all kinds Window Curtains, Paper Oilt and Oiled. Musio and Musioal Instrument. IV All kinds of Books and Stationery not on hand promptly ordered. All ili. mid Waeklv Panera and Macatinet. Agent for the '-American Organ." Also for "La Rose's Hair Restorative," Enamel of America, and "National eteam navigation (Jouspany. Sunbury, May 18. 1807. Fashionable Dress TKIMMINGSl AND Millinery Goods, Just opening at the Millinery Store of Miss M. I. QU83LER. Fourth Street, two doon below the Railroad, West side, SUNBURY, PA. Such at d nn . 'ii i 'i 2 Dreas-Trimniingi, Uead-Dresses, O loves, Hosiery Ribbons, Flowers, Collan, Handker chiefs, Ac, Ac, which hare been earefullv leleoted. Miss M. L. U ussier hes juit opened a large assort ment of Millinery Uoods. Ladies ahould not fail to Eo and tee the latest styles as it will pay to not iatay I vui ting her store. Call and examine for yourtelvet. No troabli to tnow guous Sunbury, April 30, 1867, PHOTOGRAPH ALBUMS BOOKS AKB BTATTONEBT, Monthly Time Books, Drawing Books and 6 late Books, Hyma Books, Blank Book, Miasaranduni xleokt, U unlet, rocKet Boots, ina Dianas, rent, Peacila, a sol assortment of Paper, Ink, Ae. , for tali by ANNA PAINTER. NEW GROCER Yf Market Street, three doon cast of the Railroad, nerthtidi, SUNBURY, PA. WHOLESALE A RETAIL AND Provision Store FOR CHEAP GOODS t o Their Stock Is complote, com tetlng in part of BUQARS, COFFEES, TEAS, SPICES, COAL OIL, Tobacco, Cigan, Flour, Feed, Fish, 8alt, Hams, Shoulders, Cheese, Fruit, Glass, Lamps, Ac, Ao. Country Produce taken In exchange for Goods. ty-Call and examlneour Stock, and satisfy your lelves. Munhnry, April 27, 18B7. TAKE NOTICE, THAT all those who are Indebted to Doctor J. W. PEAL, on Note or Bonk Account, are Invited to settle tbe inmo wltbin thirty days, as after that they will be placed in tho hands of U. W. Zieglor., Esq., for collection without respect to persons. J. W. PEAL. Sunbury, May 28, 1887 2m MASONIC HALL BUILDING. DHE18BACH BROTHERS, RESPECTFULLY inform their friends and cus tomers, that they have removed Ihoir Store into the south end room of the'Mosnnio Building, on Third streot, opposite the Depot, Sunbury, where they will be happy to wait upon them. Their largo assortmont of Groceries. Provisions, AO., are all fresh and of the best analitv. consisting of Teas, Coffees, Sugars, and Spices. Dried and Canned Fruits, 'Prunes, Raisins, Cheese, ana vracaers, ana in iact everyming usually kept tn the Grocery line. They would also call attention to their torire and oheap lot of Uood Family Flour, Oreen Tea. Hems, onouiuera, cc.,wmcn are oonsianny kept on band. FRESH FISH and Vegetables, evcrv Tueedav and Friday evenings. uive them a call and tee for yonreolve. 6unbury, April S7, 1867. BRICK! BRICK! BRICK! To tho Citizen of ftanbnry and v lei nil r. THE undersigned have bought tbe Briok-Yar4 and improvements, formerly loused and worked by A. B. Stevens, and have made additional im provements, ana ire now prepared to mane oontrao to manufacture and deliver BRICK in largo quan. titioa, for building and other purposes. Bv the manufacture of a sood article, and nromnt attention to businoss, we hone to receive a snare of public patronage. Orden left at the Briek-Yard, or Box 14, Sunbury Post Office, will be promptly aiienaea lo. T. HIMES A CO. Snnhury, May 18, 1867. 8m 3Em.3Ut'W99a5 lTSTT SHOE 3T0P.E. Market Street, adjoining Genrliart's Confootionery ci,. unvni'uv u. THF underaignod rcspoctfully informs tho oititent of Sunbury and vicinity, that he has opened a NEW SHOE STORE, for the salo as well as for tbe manufacture of tho finest and best quality of Ladies' Shoot, vis : diloTe-KId, Morrococ, CnlCvkln nnd I.awtlns' cjiiittcris, Ac. Children's Shoes of all kindt. Hit ttock It entirely new and woll selected. He also manufactures fine French and othor Calf skin-Boott and Shoos for Gentlemen. Orden for ladies and gentlemen custom work will be promptly attended to and got up in the beat style by skilful mechanics. Shoe findings Ac, constantly kept on hand and for tale to the trade. J. U.JEFFRIES. 6unbnry, April 20, 1867. J. W. STEYKXSo:, WATCHMAKER A JEWELER, Market Squaro, near the Court House, SUNBURY, Northumberland County. Pa. He. bat just openod an assortment of tiold I and Plain Patent Watches, CLOCKS ' for Railroads. Bonks and Dwellings, Fine Gold Rings, Finger Rings, Bracolets, Minia ture Cases, Medallions, Lockets, Penoils, . Thimbles, Spectacles, Silver Table, Dessert, Tea Salt and Mustard Spoons, Sugar Spoons, Cups, Napkin Rings, Fruit and Butter Knives, Shields, Combd, Diamond Pointed Pens, Casten, Pitchers, Butler Dishes, Fruit Dwhos, Cake Baskets, Syrup Pitchers, Ac. Ao. He invites tho oitizens of Sunbury and rioinity to call at tbe above place, where he will be happy to wan upon mem. iy-Particular attention paid to REPAIRING. April 13, 1867. J. H. Conley & Co., Market Ktrcet, Eaat ofihe Kailroad STJISTBTTPt., PENN'A. DEALERS IN FOKi:K.H Sc. AMERICA, Hardware & Cutlery. THE attention of Mechanics, Farm en, Builder, and Buyen generally ia invited to the foot that we are now offering a better selected assortment of HARDWARE, CUTLERY. AC, than ever was offered In this marked at prioet much below those heretofore demanded by dealers. Our ttock oompritet all articles in this line of business, embracing a general assortment of tools and mate rials used by CARPENTERS, . BLACKSMITHS, CARRIAGE AND WAtiONMAKERS, JOINERS, AC, AC, together with .a large stock of Iron, Steel, Nells, Spikes, Rope, Chains, Grindstones, Mill and X Cut Saws, Ac, Ae. Sunbury, March SO, 1807. STEVE2S HOUSE, 21, S3, 29 37 Broadway, ST. Y. Opposite Bowling Green, ON THE EUROPEAN PLAN. THE STEVENS HOUSE is well and widely known to the traveling publio. Tbe location it espe cially suitable to morohanta and business men ; it Is in close proximity to the busine a port of the city is on tbe highway of Southern and Western travel and adjacent to all tha principal ilailroad and steamboat depot!. Tbe STEVENS HOUSE ha Hoetat aoeommuda tion for over 8U0 guest it is well furnished, and possesses every modern improvement for the oom tort and entertainment of itt Inmate. The room are apacioua and well ventilated provided with gat and water tbe attendance Is prompt and respectful and the table ia generuutly provided with every delicacy of the season at moderate rates. GEO. K. CHASE A CO., Prop'trs. May 85, 1867. m I SHOEMAKERS. THE bast qualities of Soli Leather, French Calf skins, Morrocoas, Linings, Ltstt, Noils, Pegs Tools of all kinds, and every thing used by the trade, for tale low by J. H. CON LEY A CO. Asrricultnral Implement!, HOE'S Grain Raket, Steel and Iron Garden Rakes, Long and D Handle Spades. Shovels, Manur and Hay Forks, Grata and Grtin Scythes, Grain Cradle, Cradle Fingers, Trace, Urcast. loegu and Log Chains, Grind-atone, Fanuiug Mill Sive of all site and kind, a large assortment of Red Wagon Homes, lor Plowing, Farm Bulls, Cultivator Teeth, for tola by J. it. CONLEY A CO. I'IKi; AI U'ATEU PHOUF ROOriNG ! TUIMES A CO., an thi Agent la the Count'.et , of Northumberland, Snyder and Montour, fur WARREN'S Improved Fire and Water-Proof Roof. Tbit It the cheapest and best Roof that can be put oa a building. Hat been need in thi city of Philadelphia, tiaoc 18M, when it ha superseded almost every othetkind of Roof. It ia recommend ed by the builders, and ia used oa all of the finest buildings in thateuity. Pax lie contemplating build lug, will do well lo examine into the merit of this and all other kind oi Roofs, atd give thi beat the preference. Thi Fountain Hotel, of Sunbury, will, la a few days, be covered withtliii Roof, and partial deal nog to ia so, way call then and examine it. For further information ddrea Box 14, Sunbury Post O&oe, or call at tba Brick Yard of T. HIMES A CO. Sunbury, 13, 1887. 3m