Sunbury American. (Sunbury, Pa.) 1848-1879, June 15, 1867, Image 4
SPRING AND SUMMER 0300JnKi9 AT TUS STORE OF J II EN GEL, Corner or Fonrlh aod Market Street, BUNBURT. JUST reoelvod from Now York anil Philadelphia, a large supply of BFRING AND BUMMER UOODS, which ho will soil at email profit, for oash ir oountry produoe. . .. Ilis Dry Good department h full of ovary descrip tion. sA splendid lino of LADIES' DRESS GOODS, and White Oonda at all prioea. Fancy Sacking for Ladle, and Shetland Wool Shawl Yankee Notions in Great Variety Alto, Ladles' French Corset and Hoop Bkirta. a A. n I E T s , Wovo Floor Cloths, Btair Carpeta Floor Oil Cloths, all widths, Carriage Oil Cloth, Tnblo Oil Cloth Widow Shades, Plain Green and Brown Oil Cloth and Futures for Windows. .ug,r Coffee, Molasses, Rio, Crackers, Bpioos, Salt Queenswaro.Ulaaswuro, splendid Sotts of Teaware, iow pnues. s i BOOTS A SHOES IN GREAT VABIBTY, Huts and Cops, Oil, Paint. Glass, Patty, School Books, Paper, Elates, .to. HARDWARE . Shovels, Forks, Nails, Looks, Hinges and Screw A Large assortment of WALL PAPER and Bor dor. at all prices. - All persons desiring to got good goods will please civo him a call. J. II. ENUEL. Sunbury, April 20, 18(17. If you wont DONLEY A CO'8 SPRING AND SUMMER" MILLINERY AD FANCY GOODS, Just opening at the Store of Miss LOUISA BHISSLEK, South sido of Market Square, SUNBURY, Pa. MISS SHISSLEK has just returned from the cities with a choice and fashionable selection of BONNETS, HAT.-?, SHAKERS, SUNDOWNS, RISTOR1, COMET, AC, of tho latest styles and patterns, to which she invites the attention of lady purchasers. Also, Misses and Children Hats f different varieties. A line nssortmont of Ladies' Hosiery, Gloves, Fans 1'iiriioolii, Bugle Trimmings, Flowers, Kihbona, Belt Ribbons, Velvet Ribbons, Braid, Ladies' Neck Tics, Dress Qornbs, Head Dresses, FANCY GOODS, Laces, Handkerchiefs, Laee Collars, Zephyrs, buttons, and all goods found in a lady's furnishing tore. Also, received an excellent assortment of Perfu mery, Toilot Soaps, Tooth und Hair Brushes, with a different variety of collars (paper and linen,) and Aeck-iiea, ilalt-llose. Suspenders, o., for ucnllo. men. A good nssortmont of Stationery. Thankful for past favors she hones by a further desire to ploaso tho public, tho continuanoe of their putronage. LOUISA SII1SSLER April 13, ISC7. THE VERT LATEST AERIVAL1 1 SPRING AND SUMME1 Joseph Eyster,1 Corner of Market and Fourth Street, 8UNBURY, PENN'A. Invltos the publio to eall and examine his elegant assortment of SUMMEROOODS, which be will sell at greatly reduoed prioea. His stock eonsists in part of OASSIMERE3. CLOTHS &C Silks, Delaines, Lawns, Ginghams, Calicoes, Muslins, Sheeting, Tickings, Joans, and a full assortment of Cotton and Woolen goods generally. Hosiery, Gloves, Uoop Skirts. Also Handkerchiefs, Brushes, Combs. Ilntr. and Caps, Hoofs and Shoe, II is assortment of goods will not, he is sure fall to please the fancy and suit the wants of any desirous of purchasing. His stock of HARDWARE AND QUEENS WARE, and Groceries Is larze In Quantity and ohokse in quality, comprising generally everything needed in the household either for use or ornament. He is always ready and glad to see his friends ana taues pleasure in snowing mem ms goods even though no sales are made. Ho only asks a call, and is sure that the stock will compare favorably in price and quality with tho cheapest. Sunbury, April 13, 1867. MOON & LAMFffEAB, No. I and 4 Fnl((l Mrl WHOIiffiBAIiB DEALBBtt BHIPPJ6BS of all kinds a . ' , PRE3H - All orden punotually ttntd lo ;.. ' Fobruary 83, 1B67.. .' - : No . mord Bal i TIRD CAGES, 11 different kinds. JL) good and cheap Bird Cages, go to SPUING TRADE 1SG7. M. L. LAZARUS, "IT70ULD respectfully call tho attention of tho 1 public to iier new assortment of . SPPJ1TG GOODS, In Dress Goods, Lnwns. Delaines, Alapnons. Mohairs, Ac. 1 hite Woods, lauibrios, iwu rtainsnok, Jaconet, lndiu-Twills, Brilliants, and a variety of Uarribaldi Muslins, Now .Style. Isrtns Trimming; In rrcat variety. Edging", Gloves, Hosiery, Ribbons, Corsets, Hoop Skirts, Towels, Napkins. Ladies and Gent's Linen Handkerchiefs, Parasols, Lace and Grecnadino Veils and a great variety of Notions too numerous to men tion. KID GLOVES of tho very host quality. M. L. LAZARUS. Eunhury, Mny I, 1S67. i AGENTS WANTED $200 PER MONTH Female Agents, to introduce a New and Useful In vention, of absolute utility in every household. Agents proferring to work on Commission can earn troiu to JU per aay. onuu particulars en close stainn. and address W. G. WILSON A CO., 634 Arch St., I'hila., fa. March SO, 1867. m JOHN BOWMAN, No. 704 ARCH STREET, PHILADELPHIA, ' MANUFACTURER AND DEALKR IN SILVER &PLATED WARE, Our Goods are decidocily the cheapest iu I lie City tor TKlFtii' plati:, A So. 1. July 7th. 18f6 lyct Heads r ; ' ; ' ' '. moirt' Gray Xcktl on. LEoni' ELECTRIC HAIR REJTEWEK, Is prononnoed by all who have need It the Tery beet preparation for the Hair. It to a positive eura for Baldness, eradicate Dandruff and Humors, stops the Hair from falling out, and speedily restores Gray Locks to their original hue and luxuriance ' It operates on tne seoreuons ana mis me gunus with new life and coloring matter. Thin, dead, faded or gray bair will always be brought baek by a few applications, to its youthful abundance, vitality and color. ' 1 It make the hair toft, glossy, fragrant, pleasant to the touch and easy to arrange. Dry, wiry and intractable locks beoome moist, pliant and disposed to remain in any desired position. At a Hair Drew ing it ha no equal. The sales are enormous and It ts a universal favorite wun oiu ana young oi now sexes. i : l . Bold by Druggist throughout the united State. Address all orders to ZIEGLER A SMITH, Bole Proprietors, 137 North Third St., Ihii'a. November 24, 1868. ly. $100 REWARD For medicif thai will cure ..... CCUGHS, . . . , , INFLUENZA, . . i ( TICKLING iu the THROAT, ' WHOUPINO COL'OH. oi elieve ' - CONSUMPTIVE OOUGHS, as quick aa . . r COE'S COUGH BALSA Ml OVER ONE MILLION BOTTLES 1 have been lotd and not a Suiftle distance of lte failure ie known. We have, in one poasession, any quantity of Cer tificates, some of them from EMINENT PHYSICIANS who have nsrd it in their piaciiee.and given it the pre eminence over eveiy otber compound. ' t IT DOES NOT DRY UP A COUGH, but LOOSENS IT, so as to enable the patient to expectorate freely. Two or ?tiree doses. . - Will Invabusli CBTieLi!t9 m tub Thhout ! A hnlf hot. Ie has often comnteletv cured the most Stub born CtiuKh, and yrt. though it Is so sure and speedy in its operation", it Is perfectly harmless, being purely vegetable It is very agreeaoie lo tne las:?, vvn may po luiimiineieu to children of any age. Iu cases of CROUP we will guarante a our, if tukea in , LOOS IIO BP I T A 1st .... EBTABLiHHKD Af) A nFX70X H0M QTJACTC ii n-: , j,". .u.iBBV." - TUB VTfLt FLAGS ' fTBBHS A OVRB '. cAif be obtained, l , DA. JOHNSTON be disaovered the meat Certain, HpeedT and only Xfootaal Remedy In the World for all Private Diseases, Weakness of the Baek sr Limbs, Btrieturea, AftaeUesi af the Kidney and Bladder. Involnntarv Diaahnrse. Imnotenov. Gene ral Debility, Nervousness, Dyspepsy, Languor, Low Jpirit, Confusion of Idea, Palpitation of the Heart, timidity, Tremblings, Dimness of Sight or Uiddinees, Disease of the Head. Throat, Not or skin, Affections of the Liver. Lunn. Stomach or Bowel those Terri ble Disorder arising from tb Solitary Habit of Xoutn tnorn secret ana eolltary practices more iauu to their victims than the arm a- of Svren to the Ma- Uners of U lyases, blighting their most brilliant hopes or anticipations, rendering marriage, Ao., Impossi ble. vAiinn m Kiel Especially, who have beoome the vlotlms of Solitary Vine, that dreadful and destructive habit which annually sweeps to an untimsly grave thousands of Young Men ol tne most ezaitea t&iems ana Driiuam inteiieel, woo migm oinerwise nave enirauoeu ..stou Ing Senates with thunders of eloquence or waked o eostaty the living lyre, may oatl with full oon HdenM. iH ' ' 1 ' ' ' I I Married Persons, or Yonng Men Contemplating marriage, being aware of physical weakness, organie debility, deformities, Ac, speedily cured. 11 who place ntmsell under we car oiut.j. may religiously confide in hi honor as a gentleman, I and confidently rely upon bis skill a a Physician. OnUAM WEAKNESS Immediately Cured, and Full Vigor Restored. This Distressing Affection which renders Life miserable and marriage impossible is the penalty paid by the victim of improper indulgences. Young persons are too apt to commit exoesses from not being aware of the dreadful consequences that may anaua Now. who that understands the subject will pretond to deny that the power of procreation is lost sooner by those falling info improper habits than by the prudent7 Besides being deprived the pleasures of healthy offspring, the most serious and destructive symptoms TO DOIU Doay anu uunu arine. iuo pvblvlu linaomea Deransed. the Phvsioal and Mental Func tions Weakened, Loss of Procreative Power, Nervous lrritahilitv. DvsDeDssa. 1'aloitation ol me iiearc. Indigestion, Constitutional Debility, a Wasting of the Frame, Cough, Consumption, Decay and Death, Ofllce, I'o. r South Frederick Street Left hand sida going from Baltimore street, a few doors from the corner. Fuil not to observe name and number. Letters must be paid and contain a stamp. The Doctor's Diploma hang in his office. A CL'ItK WAKUATIGD 1 TWO DAYS. JV Mercvry or JS'auieoui Drugt 1K. .lOIIN'rtKV Member of the Royal College of Surgeons. London, 1VEV IIARBLE YARD t Third eUree, North of th Depot. ' BUNBUKT, FENN'A., " ' , '"' ' ''' ' "i; WM, BUSH, Itoprlefor.' r V"1 MOHTJMTENTS, Tssnh-stoiies, aod OrBasaMtal and Plain Work a JiarU prompUy eaeeaud atihe lowest prioe. ... , ., , . , . The subscriber having bad eiperienoa In the best establishment of Philadelphia, feels confident of being able to tan oat tb beet styles of work. . ' . A. Ii-. BUSH, Agent., , April w, ion I. J TROX. A liirao assortment of the best hiauufac- I tured " R.irs. Hoon. llBnd. Kound and Niuare Iron. Nnil Kods, Cast Steel. lllister Stool. Drill Hteel. Horso Shoes, Horse Nails. Anvils, ' Bellows. Vioes, Uumiuors, Sledges, lUsps and Files, at C0NLEY & CO'S.. Graduate from one of the most eminent Colleges in the United States, and the greater part of whose life hashnfln snent in the hohnitnls of London, Paris, Philadelphia and elsewhere, has effected some of the most astonishing cures that were ever known ; many troubled with ringing in the head and oars when asleep, great nervousness, being alarmed at mdden sounds, bashfulness, with frequent blushing, attended sometimes with derangement of mind, were nred immediately. DYSPEPSIA CURE! takk iautici;i-aii WOT1CE. X O J. A U A A J J I nr. J. addresses all those who have iniured them, rpillS GREAT REMED" FOll ALL DISEASES o ,eiTes by improper indulgence and solitary habits, NO FAMILY SHOULD BE WITHOI T IT! It is within the reach of all, it being the cheapest and bee medicine extant. CO. CLARK A CO , Proprietors, NEW HAVEN, CONN. February S3, 1807. I y O O 33 ' S Great Attraction, " ' attna NE W TIN - W ARE; (Sheet Iros nad Store Store or SMITH &. GEITTEEH, SXJ3ST33XJDFI-2', 3?-., Where they keep constantly on hand and manufac tore to order at short notioe. i TIN AND SHEET IRON-WARE of all description. They would espeoiallv call the attention of par ohseers to tbelr large and well seleoted stock of COOK AND PARLOR STOVES. ' The subscribers have mad arrangement to have all their best stoves made to order, and those who would bsve a good stove would do well to go-and examine their large aod well seleoted stock. , First. They defy competition on the following tried Brands of Cook Stoves, via : Combination tiian Uurner, Cook. OoTemor Penn-ook. . WABASH AND IRONSIDES, and the well known Antiduat Cook Stove called BPEAK'd ANTIDUST. Also. Parlor and office Stove in great variety em bracing all the best manufactures and most fashion able designs, unsurpassed for beauty of finish atiAiili oity of arrangement combining cheapness, durelriity and each stove warranted to perform what they are represented. Also, The celebrated Dal tlmore Fire Place Stove, for heating first, second and third stories by Registers Also, VULCAN HEATER. Also, the eelobrated MORNING GLORY. Conl Oil, Coal Oil I.nmpia, Slinders, Chlmnieaj, nnd nil urt Soles ' usually kept In an establishment of this kind. They are also prepared to furnish Slate and do slating in the best workmanlike manner. Also, to do Tin Roofing, Spouting. Range nnd Furnace Work, Gas Fitting, Ao. Repairing neatly and cheaply exeouted. Also : i'lSanglVa Raw llono Super-l'lioB. phnte." Remember the place. Sample and Sales Room nearly opposite Conly's Hardware Store, Market street, between Third and Fourth streets: Building dark pointed. August z, laoo. ' two door west of tb Post 'Offlc, BUNBtRt f Pa. RESPECTVCLtr Inform th eltlsen f Sun. bar and victnltj. that h wiU bake to order ail klndaof at .iwj ,i- ) i e.u . -:.,-, i. , .: u Vakee ior Balls, lwrtle Ae Panrlllee am Mpplied witkt FRESH BRBAD, Twist Rolls, Rusk, lea Bun, Ao., and also kept on hand manafaotured out of the best material. All orders will meet wtlb prompt attention.'- ' Having baa tare exrerteooe I hotse to dv general atisfaotlon to all who may favor ma with tneir patronag. DAVID FRY.. SunWy, Deo. , l8ot.Vl. A " ' ' I 4 I ' r C. UllARIIAHX'S ,, Confectionery, Toy and . Market Stret, Sunbury, Ptt.'. CONFECTIONERY OF All KINDS, , TOYS OF EVERY DEfeCRIPTION ' ' ' ; FRUIT, &c, &c, ' CONSTANTLY on band and for sale at th above establishment at wholesale and retail, at reason able price. i ' 1 . ' He I manufacturing all kinds of Oonfeelionaries to keep up a full assortment which are sold at low Tobacco, Segars, Stationery, Nuts of all kinds, and a variety of other articles, all of whioh art ofleied wholesale and retail. LeTRemember th name and place. JF ' M. C. GEARI1ART, Market rtreet, 8 doors west of E. Y. Bright A Son's store. ....; Sunbury. Sept. It. 1803. tf NEW G,R 0 CvE;RiY 11UB subeorlbors begs leave ID announce to ti' . oitiaen of Banbury and It vUtaity, that Uxy have opened . ' ' Hew onooEinr, Twtdoor M of J, JL BngUt- rj n , j Market 8qvarti ( where they art prepared to furnish every variety of grooeriea, and will keen constantly on hand th choicest vanetio oi FLO URjfe' FEED; Fish, Coffoe, Tea. Sugar, Molanet, Cheese, Bait Spiees of all disorlption, Soap .of vvy variety Candles, Smoking and Chewing tobacco, Segars. nams. onouiders, Hseoa, nuner, ana Agge. una Dried fruits of all kinds, Caned Peaches and Toma toes. Pickets, Ketchup, Pepper Sauce, Raisins, Lemons, Ao., of beetquality, and in fact every style of articles kept in a well stocked Grocery. Also Cider Vinegar. All kinds ot country produce taken In exchango. The patronage of th pabllc I re- apvcuuiiy SOUOliea. ; ..GJ&OKUB IS. .BKAKD 4 CO. Sunbury, Nov. 11, 1866. , ,, , ,.,,... , BTBlJnBU'H'B3BB.Sae) Are csnoemllv invited toonll and examine our stock of BUILDER'S HARDWARE, comprising Nails nnd Spikes of all varieties. Uutts, borowe, Ktnin nnd T llinffi-!.. Locks and Latches, Dolts, l'lus- torimr Trowels. Brick Trowels, Plasterer's Sieves, o.,Ao.,, J, H. C0NLEY A CO. .lUTIt'li TO FA It Ml? KM. T0RRINGT0N & H0DGKINS, MANUFACTURERS OF B O XT E 1 tl, ST O M A C H 8 is Hie discovery of the inventor of Cue's valuable Conch Bultum. while experimenting for his own health. It ruml Crauii in the Stomai li tor him which hud before yielded 10 nothing but chloroform. The almost daily teitimony from vnrious parts of the country enconiage us to believe there is no disease caused by a disordered stomach it will not speedily euro. Physician endorse and Use it I Ministers giTe testimony or its emoacy. And from all direction w reoeiv tidings of cures per- formed. DYSrEPSIAl ; . It is sura to cura. FANCY DRY GOODS STORE MISS KATE BLACK. llaxket street, four doors west ofWm. H. Miller i Boot and Shoe sloro, SUNBURY, Pa. T) ESPECTFULLY infonusher friendsin Sunbury ' J V ana vicinity, tnat san lias just opened tier ai'IUXO ir tiUJI.VEB DliKSS 000DS, ufevory description. fttHlaiouiible Ii-ot Tt-iminlngM, Jlead Dresses, Gloves, Hosiery, Embroidories, Lace Collars, Bloaclied and uubleaohed Muslins, sheetings. Drillings, Alapaeus, Poplins, Crapo and Luce Veils. IadiuM IlatM. tJiildivu'n Ilatst nnd jaM, of every variety. Mtue. Dcinorest's Hair Curlers. Hair Coils and Cnrls, 0 loves. Btocltini;., Collars, Corsets, 4o. Gents' Collars, Neckties, half Hose, Ilandker chiefs and Suspenders. Bradley' now Patent Duplex Elliptic (or dcuble Spring SKIRTS.) HOPKINS Elliptic Skirts. ferfumery, Toilet Soaps, Hair Brushes, Comb;, Toys, and a general variety of NOTIONS. KATE BLACK. Sunbury, April27L18n7. t'liilrirt'ii'it Cnrrliidrrai. WE would call tho attention of those wanting a Child's Carriage, to our new and large assort went comprising new and beautiful style. . J. 11. CON LEY A CO. MILLINERY GOODS NOTIONS. . ' Miss ANNA PAINTER. Market Square, two doors west of the Post Office, SUNUUKY, PENN'A. RESPECTFULLY Informs hor friends and the public, that she has just returned from the city, where she has spont some time in making selections und purchases, und has just opened a large stock ot MILLINERY GOODS AND NOTIONS, Ribbons, Laces, Dress-Linings, Crinoline and Wi gans Skirting Lining. Hoop Skirt, Bugle Trim mings, Cmpe Trimmings, Hat Crape, Clouk Buttons, Corcat', Zephyrs. A largo usjitueut of Ludics and Gentlemen's Hosiery. A variety of BOOKS A STATIONERY. DOLLS of all sites, Alphabet Blocks, Ac. She flatters herself in being able to make a display that will give entire satisfaction to visitors, and goods will be exhibited with pleusure. Sunbury, May , 1SH7. BOOTS, BII0E3AKiTtRUNKS ! II. . TllACllUll, tCUCeSKOUTO . IV. W, APSLEV. IN addition to our large stock, already on band, we are now receiving a full supply of Spring und Summer goods fur Ladies, gentlemen,. Misses and Children's wear. Also a good assortment of Trunks. A large lot of n. n. nags, liouu line I earner etatuhels. We wish it distinctly understood that we intend selling our goods at small profits, exclusively for the cash. Dou't forget the place. Pleasant' Building, Mar ket Square, Sunbury, Pa. NOTICE Boots and Bhee neatly repaired at short notice. If any bought of us should rip they hull be fixed for nothing. II. 0. THACHER. Funbury. April 6. lSo7.-r-tf. H -A. W SUPER-HIOSrilATE OF (iunbnry, Pa. A S tho seastn is at hand, we offer to the fnruicrs V our Super-Phoiphate, which as a fertilizer for Vt heat, Oorn, Oats, 1'otatocs, urass, ao., cannot oo excelled, and warrant it a permanent improver of ALL KINDS OF SOIL, (not excepting any.) It does not act aa a simple stimulant for one oroponly. but is lasting iu its effects, which can be proved bv the farmers ot onester ana odioinimr counties of this State. Also of the ad. iaeeiit counties of Dolaware and Maryland, who nave used our manufacture for the last 8 years. We ask a trial this spring, confident that those who purchase, will continue to patroniio. For Wheat out) lbs. per acre drilled or sown broad' cast. For Corn 150 to 200 lbs. per acre dropped in hill, at planting. For Oats 160 lbs. per acre sown broadonst. For Potutoes 400 lbs. per acre scattered in row. For Urass, 200 lbs. per acre as a top dresser. This quantity on Grass lands, will produce an in crease in flrst crop ot 1 to 1 1 tons per acre. GIVE IT A TRIAL. Wc know that the result will be satisfactory. Sold in Barrels and Bags, at $57 por 2000 lbs., at our new a n u factory, l'.ttt Snrket Street. Also shipped to M points on tho Phil'a. A Erie, Northern Central, Laekawana A Bloouisburg and Bhaniokin v alley ilailroads. j. luunijo iu.. ED. UODUKltlS. Sunbury, March 16, 1807. T710R Saddlers, we have Saddle Trees, Bitls, Buck V les. Giic Trees, Pad Trees, Hnnes, all kinds and every thing pertaining to the business, tor sale ny j . 11. lUMti a uu. CARPENTERS. WILL find in our establishment a superior stock of Planes, Saws, Augers, Hatchets, Hammers, Files, Chisels, Ao., Ao.,for saleby HEARTBURN ! i One dose will cure. SICK-HEADACHE! It ha cured in hundreds of caaea. LIME HEABACHR AND DIZZINESS! ACIDITY OF THE STOMACH ! It corrects at once. RISE OF THE FOOD! It stops Immediately. DISTRESS AFTER EATING ! One dose will remove. CHOLERA MORBUS! ,. Rapidly yields to a few dose. BAD BREATH ! Will be changed with half a bottle. IT IS PERFECTLY HARMLESS It UNPRECEDENTED SUCCESS is owing to the fact that t Cures by Anllinar ftntnre TO RF.-ASSERT HER SWAY IN THE SYSTEM Nearly every dealer in the United States sells it at ONE DOLLAR PER BOTTLE. C. a. CLAK & CO., Proprietor , NEW HAVEN, C05.N. February 23, 1867. ly. , . TOWN LOTS IN the Borough of Sunbury, desirably situated, in high and eontral locations, roit sai.k, on such easy terms as will enable persons, with a limited amount of available money, to purohaeo homo, rersons having . Mineral or Timber I.nnln, Farm, Dwelling? stir other Real Estate, for (ale or lease, a woll as those desiring to purchase or rent, are invited to consult the subscriber. His connec tion with reliable firms insiVew York, Philadelphia, and eisewnere, aitord unusul advantage!. Conveyancing correotly and neatly executed JJSO. KAY CLEMENT, Attorney at Luw, Third door west of Smith A Genther's Stovo Store, Sunbury, Pa Sunbury, Dee. 8, 1866. tf. SMITH A dr 3. & (Bill 11 (BAIL STORE. W. A. I3ENNET, ' Market Square, 8jiIllJKV, Pa. HAVINO recently purchased the Drug Stw formerly conducted by R. A Fisher, I beg; leave to inform the oitisens of Sunbury and vi cinity, that I have tntirely replenished my itoo of . -au to EXCELSIOS ! JEXCELSKJa ! ! CIIASTKLLAU'S V , Hair i:.trrnilnalor ! ! FOR REMOVING SI PEllFLt'OLS HAIR.' Te the ladies especially, this mvalualile depilatory re- etmUJielulsilaelf a liitj; all almost utd;.ieiisubia ariitle lo feuwile beauty, is eMail) applied, dors not bum ur injure Uie .bill, bul aeu tliiectiy on the pkus. It is warraiitt-d lu le.itove sa.erHu(.u l.u.c from aiw forehead., of from any lrtor ti.e botiy, e..mpMeiy, totally aim radically sixlir. Iifiiuf the same leaviua the akin sot't, siutajta and natural lliis is the t-uiy article uatal by tit French, and ie lite only real euactual uviutuiry m existence f rice 7a uenla pi nackJce, ssiu jaist-puid, o any address, va receipt of order, by BERSJ.K, BHCTTS A CO., Ceeruist, KrJ Rivuibt.Tioy.N.y. I'ebiuarv It, IS07 ly .Pensions Increased. Tb lot Act of Congress gives additional pay to lli following Tensions, vit : 1st. To those who bav lost tbe light of both eyes or both handa r totally disabled so as to require oon slant attendance, tbe sum of 25 00 per mouth. 2d To those who have lu.t both foet, or ar totally disabled in tbe same hi a to require constant attond . anee. tfie sum of t'ii 00. Sd. To those who have lost on baud or on foot, nr areo dianblod as to render tbeui unable toper. form manual labor Ii (10 per month, nod other eassin proportion. Th subauriber is duly prepared lor th Immediate rrooureuieu ul ibene claim. 8. B. BOTER, Att'y at Law.1 Sunbury, June 16, lttdrt. f EAD Pipe, all sites in llor, and for sale by Li OON Li V A CO. PERSONS having unrecorded Deeds are remind ed that they must be recorded, aooording to the Aot of Assembly which requires that "All deeus and conveyances lor real estate iu inis Commonwealth, shall be recorded in the office for Recording- Deeds in tbe County where the lands lie within nx mouths after tbe execution of such deeds and conveyance; and every such deed and convey ance not recorded as aioresaia, buuii oo juugea FRAUDULENT AND VOID against any subsequent purchaser fur valuable consideration unless such deeds be recorded before the recording of th deed or oonvcyunoe under which such subsequent purchas er or mortgage shall claim." L- Those having old Deed will profit by paying strict attention to tbe above. March 23, 1867. IT- 77. APSLET. wiTn THACHER & CO., WHOLESALE DEALER IX Boots, Shoes & Trunks, No. 16, North 4th St., P1IILADELPH March 23, 1867. It I A, THE HOWE MACHINE CO S SEWING MACHINES, 699 Broadway, New York. For l'ainilieai und Manufacturer), GIHAP.D E0TJ3E, CHESTNUT STREET, PHILADELPHIA. THIS well known Hotel, situate near the corner of Ninth A Chesnut Streets, Philadelphia, is, on account of its superior location and excellent aooom- nioilutions, one ot tbe best and most desirable stop ping places in the city. it. w. n.Aix AtiA, Proprietor. February 16, 1867. 6m jvHo v TUB FIRST PREMIUM Of av atllver Medal WAS AWARDED TO BARRETT'S HAIR RESTORATIVE wt th. N. II. atat. Arrleullur.1 Bncictr. at tLA iu t'idrhuiaca iu N.hua, a.t.W, ladt. and Vegetable Hair Restorative lie-tores Unty IliUrlo lit notural color, l'ro a i note thtj growth nt tl)a I ifkvir. Lhiuuce thf aijk rout to their uriuiual urfranlc actluo- TJnuli- Tti crU- )Mi:irun anii liuinurm. I'revttuti . Unir tailii gout. U huiiiur Dat.iug . A It eonUin n't ii.junuu. inifiviiiLiib, - . Ilic in"t ptipularund rell- V J. ft. BARRETT A CO., Proprietor. MANCHESTER, V.ejl. Sold by V. A. BENETT, Sunbury, P., uruggist generally. April, 1887 Sot J RKMEMBKH THE DEAD. H ESSRS. D. C. Dissinger and John A. Taylor, itl would respectfully announce to the eltliens of Sunbury, and surrounding country, thai Having formed a co-partnership, they are bow prepared to turuian ornamented and plain fjlrwvetitoneki. Tombs V Monuinentsj of tb best Italian and America marble, at prioe that cannot fail to give entire satisfaction, and re spectfully solicit tbe publio patronage. DISSINtitll A TAYLOR. Sunbury, March SI, I860. lj " Iali,OUa., kc. A full (took of Oil oom prising Linseed Oil, Coo Oil, Fish Oil. and Lubricating Oil for Engines an Machinery, Varnishes, Ulass, always on haad, alow price at CONLEY A CO 8 These World-Renowned Sewing Machines, were awarded the highest premium at the World's Fair in ondon, and six flrst premiums at the New York State Fairof 1866, and are celebrated for doing the beet work, using a muon smaller needle lor tne same thread than any other macoine, ana oy tne iniroauo- tion of tbe most approved maoninery, we are now able to supply tbe very belt machines In the world. These machine are made at our new and spaciou Factory at Bridgeport, Conn., under the itnuiediute supervision of tb President of tbe Company, Eli as llowi, Jr., th original Inventor of the Sewing Ma chine. They ar adapted to all kinds of Family Sewing, nnd to use of Seamstresses, Dress Makers, Taylors, Manufaoturersof Sbirta. Collars, Skirts, Cloaks, Man tillas, Clothing, Hals, Caps, Corse's, Boots, Shoes, Harness, baddlos, Linen Uoods, Umbrellas, Parasols, etc. , 'They work equally well upon silk, liuen, wool, en and cotton goods with silk, oottoo or linen thread. They will seam, quilt, gather, hem, fell, eord, braid,' bind, and perform every species of sewing, making a beautiful and perfeot Mitch, alike on both aide of th articles sewed. - The Stitob invented by Mr. HOWE, and mad on this Machine, is th most popular and all bewing Machine are subject to th prinsipl invented by him. - - ' - . . ... . BEND FOR CIRCULAR.- .,, Th How Machine. Company. 699 Broadway. Cor. Fourth St., N. Y. Ajiril , 1MI.' ' "r". Z'WHISKERS . '.' AND TOKCtD la cruw uiwa the eiaiMtthest face iu from V tine, lo Sv weekJby usnia Dr. SKViliNE'8 tIEtt- TACRATKvB CAI'lLLAiKK, the uioat wonderful dis covery la mtalerii scirjice, ectin UMi. the Beard and Hair ui an alm.t raiia?uloua manner. It has been used by the elite of Hans and Londou with the as- a lalterini eucceas. Name of all purchasers will be registered, and tf entire sastataatitMi as nut f ivea. lu (very instance, the money wal be ekees fully aefuMleaV Pfiee by mail, seeled and pisliiaui, $1. I'eeonpiive eirealara and leetHejiaiiaai mailed free. Addreae BERtttR, SMUTw at CO , Chsinists, No. IT-5 Hives Sueet, Troy, N. Y., eS. ageute fur the Culled (stale. 1 feblaaly. C ALL and see those teatiA4 Bird- Cage tU Uardwar stor of J. H CONLIY A CO. which ruin both body and mind, unfitting them for either business, study, socioty or marriage. Tuesf. are some of the sad and melai.e'noly effects produced by early hahtte of youth, vis: Weakness of ihe Back and Limbs, Pains in the Head. Dimness of Sight, Loss of Muscular Power, Palpitation of the Heart, Dyspepsy. Nervons Irritability, Derangement of the Digostiv Functions, (ieneral Debility, Symp toms of Consumption, Ao. iUlth lv The fearful effects on the mind are much to bo dreaded Loss of Memory, Confusion of Ideas, Depression of Spirit. Kvil-Dorebodings, Aver sion to Society, Self-Distrust, Love of Solitude Timiditv. o are anmeof the evils Droduood. Thousands of persons of all ages can now judge what is tbe oause of tboir declining health, losing toeir vigor, beooming weak, pale, nervous and naointed, having singular appearance about the yes, cough and symptoms o. oumuuiiuuo iVho have Injured themselves by a certain practice an alone, a habit freouentlV learued from evil eomnanions. or at school, tbe effect of which are nishtlv felt, even when asleep, and If no cured renders marriage impossible, and destroys both mind and body, should apply Immediately. What pity that a young man, the hope of his country, the darling of his paronts, should be snatched r-An, .11 nri.nw.ti and eniovmonts of life, bv the eonsequenoe of deviating from Ihe path of nature and lnuUIgingin a certain .curat uaui. vuuu jfwbuiw mitsT, before contemplating MA It It I At.!?. reQect that a sound mind and body are the most necessary requisites fo promotr connubial happiness. Indeed without these, tLd journey through life be somes a weary pilgrimage; the prospect hourly darkens to the view; the mind becomes shadowed with despair and fillod with the melancholy reflec tion that the happiness of another becomes blghted with our own msiiAsi? of lJiPiinncii. When the misguided and imprudent votary of pleasure finds that he has imbibed the seeds of this painful disease, it too often happens that an ill-timed tense of shame, or dread of discovery, doters him from applying to those who, from eduontion and respectability, can alone befriend him, delaying till tbe constitutional symptoms of this horrid disease makaf their appearance, such as ulcerated sore throat, diseased nose, nocturnal pains in the head and limbs, dimness of sight, deafness, nodes on th shin bones and arms, blotches on the head, face and extremities, progressing with frightful rapidity, till at last the palate of tho mouth or the bones of the nose fall in, and the viotim of this awful disease become a horrid object of commiseration, till death puts a period to bis dreadful sufferings, by sending him to "that Undiscovered Country from whenoe no traveller returns." It la &mrlanrhulv fact that thousands fall victims to this terrible disease, owing to the unskillfulnoss of ignorant pretenders, who, by tne use ot mat ueaaiy Poison, Mercury, ruin the constitution and make tli residueof life miserable. KTRiXilHN Trust not your live, or health, to tb care of th aiany Unlearned and Worthless Pretenders, destitute ot knowledge, name or character, who oopy Dr. Johnston's advertisoments, or style themselves, in the newspapers, regularly Educated Physioians, incapable of Curing, they keep you trifling month after mouth taking their filthy and poisonus com pounds, or as long as the smallest fee can be obtained, and in despair, leave you with ruiued health to sigh ot er your galling disappointment. Dr Johnston is the only Physician advertising. His oredential or diplomas always hang in his office. His remidics or treateiiient are unknown to all others, prepared from a life spent in the great hos pitals of Europe, the first in the country and a more extensive Private Practice than any other Physician in the world. IlOKXIiMi:iT OF Till? PIC 12 Th many thousands eured at this institution year after vear.' and the numerous important Surtcica! Operations performed by Dr. Johnston, witnessed by tbe reporters of the "Sun." "Clipper," and mauy other papers, notices of which have appeared again and agaiu before the publio, besides bis standing as a gentleman of character and responsibility, is a sufficient guarantee to the aftlieled. rt.i. iiv:aai:mw ii:l:iii.y ci itt:t, Persons writing should be particular in directing their letters to his Institution, in th following manne JOll.K M. JOllXXOK, M. I. Ol tbe Baltimore Lock Hospital, Baltimore, Md. June 30 lodo ly. PERUVIAN GUANO SUBSTITUTE 1 BAUGII'S EA-W BOJSTE SUPERPHOSPHATE OF LIME. JF you rant good Tin-Ware, go UENT IKR'S New Shop. AFFLICTED! 8UFFEB NO MORE! When hy the uk of DR. JOlNVIMsK'S ELIXIR you can lie cured pcnnuiiBiitly, hi id ut a infting cuit. The untinuliNig luecett which hits nttemletl thil in valu . able medicine Tor I'liyiicul nud Nervous Weakness, Uene thI Dehility and Hritstrntitin Lobs -of Muffc-ulnr Knripy, Inipoteiicy, or any ot inecoiife(Kneiieei or yontmui indn creii'Mt, render it tlje moil valuable preparation ever discovered It will remove all nervimi affections, depression, excite- meul, mvaprciiy to study or business, loss of memory, contusion, thoughts of self-destruct,! u, feu is of iiiSHintv. Ac. tt will restore the appetite, renew the health of th se who have destroyed it by sensual excess or evil practices. Young Men, be humbugged no more by "(.Junes. Doc tots" and ignorant practitioners, hut send without detny for the Elixir, and be at once restored to health and hippi nesa. A Perfect Cure is Guaranteed in every instance. i'rice, 81, or four bottles to one address, $3. One buttle is sufficient 10 eiiect a euro iu all ordinary cases. ALSO, UK. JOlNV.LIsK'S SPECIFIC FILLS, for the speedy and peimaueiitcure of Gonorrhea, Uleet. Ure the Kidneys and Bladder. Cures effected in from one to five days They are prepared from vegetable extracts that are harmless on the system, and never imusea'te thestom ach or iinpretriiale the breath No change of diet is neces sary .vhile using them, nor does their action in any maimer interfere with business pursuits Price, SI per Imx, Either of the above mentioned articles will be sent to any address, ckssely sealed, and post-paid, by mail or ex press, on receipt of price. Address ulloiders to UERGRU, SHUTT .V Co., Chemists, No. River Street, Troy, N, V. February ,J, 1867 ly FANCY ARTICLES ! such as Combs, Brushes, Pocket-Book, Soaps, Per fumory, Hair-Oil, Knives, Scissors, Coal-Oil Lamps, Tobacco and Cigars, luint, OIU, 3lue, CiiluNft, Iitty, Yurnlslirn, Patent Medicine), Ac. AIIuit Tinotures. Syrups, Ointments, Cerates, and other preparations niu manufactured by myself, uij from the best material I oan prooure in Market. Having had quite a number of years' experienoi j) the , ' Drug and Precription Bminm, both in Philadelphia and the oonntry, and also the advantuge of the College of Pharmacy, I feel com petent to COMPOUND ALL PRfctjCRIPTIO." that the Phvsioians and publio maT favor uio with. Alt my preparations as i nave anove asserted, are made from the best material, and upon honor I assert, they are of officinal strength. ror medicinal purposes, 1 keopon band the vary best WINES. BRANDIES AND LIQUORS, that I can procure. Before purchasing elsewhere, call ant oonvinu. your own mind. w. A. Ut.N.Ntll. Sunbury, Nov 18,1865. BAUQK Ac SONS, Sole Manufacturer A Proprietors, DELAWARE HIVEK CHEMICAL W0UK3, PHILADELPHIA, U. rj. A. For Wheat, live. Barley. Corn, Oats, Pd tutoe8. Tobacco, Buckwlicut, Stirghuui, Tur nips, Hops. Garden Vegetables, and every Crop and Plaut. Especially recoininended in the gruwers of TRAWUUKRIKS, R A8PBEHK1K3, BLACKBER RIES, AND ALL 9MA1.L FKLITS. More than 13 years of tegular use upon all description of Crops grown in the Mniule und tfoulhern States, has given a uia,h degree of popularity u this MANURE, wtuch iluces its application now, entirely beyond a mere experiment. BAUGHS'S RAW BONE Kuper-Hliospliute of l.tme, Is eminently a success as a rjnlistitnte fer Peruvian Guano and Scahlo Manure and is .alere.1 to I lie Agriculluriat irf the Noniieiuanl Eastern tUtes as a fertilizer tliat will cheaply rcitore to the Soil, those cskiii ails which have been diauird from it by oonstaut cropping nod light manu ring. IT is very prompt in its action is lasting in eflwt lo a degree unattaiiieri by any commercial mauurtt in the market and is arToriltxl ut a much less cost than laiuglu Stable Ma nure, or Peruvian Unaiio The lbor involved hi its use is far less than that of applying stable manure, while there Is no risk from the iutroduclion of uoxiooa weeds. lT" Fanners are recommended to pmchase of the dealer lix-uled in Iheir nelghliortu.ial. Inrections where no dea ler i. ihe Phiauihaieniavheprivureildirect- ly from the undersigned. A Puced Ciicular will be sent to all who apply, tlur NEW PAMPHLET, "Howtu Maintain th Fen tilitv .if Ainrtnean Purm. fill naaea. fliviimfull illlorma. tion iu regard lo the use uf manure 4o , will be furnished gratis on application. BAUGII & SONS, Office No. 20 8. Dehiitttre A ceil tie, PHILADELPHIA. BAUGII BROTHERS & CO, General Wholesale Agent, So. 181 Pearl St., oorner ol Cedar. NEW YORK. Separator Capilli. Throw away yuui taise frizzes, your switches, your wig Desti uctive of coinfurl, aiid uot worth a Bg Coin, aged, rome youthful, come ugly and fair, And rejoice iu yuui uwa luxuiiaut hair. . , Kepuralor Cupllli, For restoring hair upon bald heads (from whatever cause it may have falfeu out) and liHcmg a growth ( hair upou tbe laee, u sas equal. It will fore the beard tu grow upou the anuaitheat luce in from five to eight weeka, tn bail upon bald heads in from two ! three months. A few ignorant pracliuoiiers have asserted that there is nothiug that will force or beaten the giowta of th hair or beard. Their assertions are false, as thouiamds of living witnes. ses (fiom their own experience) can I vear witness Hut many will say, now ar we to ainnguieh me genuine from the spuruiusl II aeflainlv isdirheult. as nine. tenths of the different Preparations advertised for the hair and beard are eutirely worthless, and you may have already thrown away large amotion iu their purchase. To such w would aay, try Ihe ttepaiator. Caopilu i is wia oust von nothing unleM it fully comes upsoouirearcaeiilaiHHi a. If your uruggiH uue am .seep u, eaad us oae dollar and wa win forward it, piartpaui, togeiluar with a receipt tof Ih. nvaiey. winoe wia ! returae oa oa aonlioaliou. ruovi ding entire eatisfaction is not given. Addreea w. I.. LLAHK st CO., Chemists, ' No I Wert Fayatia eHreet, rsrBAOns, N. Y. February 18, IMI7. ly SILVER'S WASH POWDER OAVES Time. Labor, Money. Make WASHING lO A FASUME AND MONDAY A FESTIVAL. Sold Everywhere. THY IT. Address all order tu th Manufacturer ZIEOLEH A 6M1TU, ' ChemUta and "Wholeiale) Hrurgtat", ' ' lr Aorth ThtrU Street, lMtir. , Nv.iubr K WM , lr - TCB CREAM FRXEZERB ut) 3Jy' Pateut m fi1B. W-Ia. . r i i BimbttT, July T, 18M. GEORGE DUG DALE, WiwluaU Agent for Maryland ds Virginia, No. 105 Smithi Wharf, BALTIMORE, ill). . i . Sold by SMITH AGENTHER, Suubury. ' July 28, 1866. ly - Tliete Cometh glftd tidiiign nf joy to tl, T(i youiifi and to old, U grtnt and lo mall ; The benuiy winch m ice wmi precious and laia, U (ttx for all, and ail may be fair. Hy tbe ue oi" . - w CHASTELLAE'S W HIT 3C LIQUID For Imnroviiia and Beautiryinff the Comnlexion The moat vamable end perfect prepamtioii iu uae, for ivinc the skiii a neouiiiui peen-uHe inu, inui ie oitiy mi. din youth. It ouii'kly removea Tan, Pieckiea, Firo- plr. Hloichea. Moth Huichei, Haltowneaa, Eruntiona. and 1 allimpuriiieeot trie in in, aniaiy neannf cne mm leaving the km whiia and deer at alabaster, lta use ean not he detected hv fcmcrettai'rutiiiy,and beina a vraeialile pre- rwiiation i peneclly hHrmteM ll ( ma only anicw ni the kind used by the Freuch, and it ooneidered by the Pa riiiiinae ihdiipruSHhie to a perfeot toilet. Upwerda of 30.0UO iMitilei were aoio ouriiig tne pan year, a umcienc guarantee uf its tflUiacy, Price only T6 cents; fcent by mail, poet-pei- on receipt oi an oraer, oy, onu i inn tu,, (iiefDiew, 85 Biver 8t , Troy, N.Y February Ifl, . FINE MyrUa Pomatum, at the Fancy 8(opa or i. - ANNA PAINTER. ASTROLOGY. THE WOULD ASTONISHED AT THE WONDERFUL KEVELATIONS MADE BV THE UKEAT ASTUOIOGlST, luduuie II. A li:ltI-0. Hhe reveals necretB no mortal ever kuw. She rpsturre tO happinena those who, from doleful events. cnUittiophes. crosses ill love, loss of relations end fi lends, loss of money, Ac , have become despondent. She brings together lhwe lone separated, fftvesinioimation corcermngauseni irientis oi lovers, restores lott or stolen property, tells you the busi ness you are best quahheU to pursue aim ui wnui you win be most successful, causes speedy umtringes and tells you the very duy you will marry, gives you the .in me, likeiieu and characteristics of the person. She rends your very thoughts, end hy her almost supernnturul powers unveils the dark ami hidden mysteries of the future. From the stars we sue in the h r limine i it the mule tic stars enm over come or predominate iu the confutation from tne aspects and oiiiiMis of the planets anu the fixed stars in the heavens at the time of birth, she deduces the future destiny uf man. Fail not to consult the greatest Astrolo gist on earth. It coits you but a trifle, and you may never again have so favorable an opportunity. Co ntti nation tee, with likeness and all desired information, SI Parties iiviiis- at a distance can consult the MuOnme by mail wild equal safety and satisfaction to themselves, as if in person. A lull and explicit chart, written nut, with an inquiries answered and likes ess enclosed, sent by mail on receipt of price above mentioned. The strictest secresy will lie maintained, ana all correspondence returned or aestrovea. ne cirnmi'i mc ink" rat Mr tier lutniBiiru mono ucaiiing them. Write plainly the dav f the month and year in which you were born, enclosing a small lock of hair. Address, M 4b ah a H. A. rwtniiiu, P. O. Dbawer '-H3, Buffalo, N. Y. J'ebrUMVlft, I8tt7 ly CRISPER COMA Oil ! she was beautiful and fair, With sturry eyes, and radiant hair Wti'ieecwlingtemirils siift, rtilwined, Euehaineil the very heart and miud. CEISPBB COMA. , For Curling tho Hair of either Sex into Wavy and Glossy Kinglets or Heavy Massive Curls. Dy u.i lis thisartlcle Ladies and Gentlemen can beautify themselves a ihnusand fuld It is the only article in Ihe world that will curl siraight hair, and at the eame tune aive it a tieautilul, iriianv anpeaianee. sne risiier t,nma uot only curls the huir, but invigorates, lieautifies aiid cleanses it; is hiieiily and deliRhtfully perfumed, and is the most c iniplete article of the kind ever laTered to the Anieri can nublic. The Cnsner Coraa will be sent tu any address. sualeil and postpaid for $1. AUdreas all urdere lo W. I,. CLARK A CO., Chemisu. . No. 3 West Fayette Sire, t, Svaacoia, N. V. Feb.JIS, lh67. ly AUBURN, GOLDEN, FLAXEN A 81 LKF.N CURI PKODUCKDhythe use uf Piof. DF.BREUX' FRI SKH I.K CHtVKUX. One apnlimiHKi wa named to eurl the most straight and stubborn hail of either sea mto wavy mulcts, or oeavy massive euna. naa oeni I used by tiie fashionables of Paris and Loimmir, with the most araliivina results, uoes no injury toiaenair. rrice by mail, sealeil aiid nosi-aid, f I Descriptive Circular Ariniess ni.niir.n, pii i t i9s uu., ne- NEW LIQUOR STORE! WM. HOOVEB i lCallrond Wtreet, nboye .ftnrkrl, HEAR THE CENTRAL HOTEL, SUNBURY, TA. RESPECTFULLY Invites liis friends and the I public generally, to call and examine his large assortments of liquors bAforo purchasing elsewhere. IIIm Mock '" il ol HraiMtieH, "s hiskey, llollniid iiln, Van kve It miii, iMononeaht'lit nntl llossi'ltvst ol list) Iscait siuulia ly. "M Isseis, 4Jiler, "lints !(iir, Aic Farmers, lintel Keepers, and others are invited to call, as his Btock Is genuine, and will render general satisfaction. Sunbury, February 3, 186t). SUNBURY FOUNDRY Cil'V. ItOllRUACH SO.X, ABE now oarrying on business at this old estalv lisliuient with renewed vigor. Cusliiigs of every description, promptly furnished to order. The (Stoves manufactured at this Foundry have acquired the highest rojaitation. Particular attention paid to MILL CASTINGS , Farmers should not forget that 'tho l'LOW.-i made at the Sunbury Foundry have never been equalled. Agricultural implements repaired at short notice. Sinull castings, inoluding Cooking uteusils, of the most improved and most usoful patterns. The business will be conducted on an enlarged scale. Did customors will be accommodated as usual . and new ones are respectfully solicited. tiunbury, May 12, 1666 FLOUR & FEED STORE" WHOLESALE iXD HE TAIL. THE subscriber respectfully Inform the publio that be keeps constantly on hand at his new WAREHOUSK, near tha Shamokin Valley Railroad Depot, in BUNBUHY, Flour by the barrel and sacks of all kinds of Feed by the ton Tbe above is all manufactured at his own Mills, and will b sold at the lowest oash prices. J M. CADW ALLADER. Sunbury, April 1, 1868. li Troy, N. Y., Bole Agents for uniilrd free. mists. No 5 Rival St the United Plates. February IS, lb7. ly - ' BREAKFAST SHAWLS, for sal at th Fancy Store cf ANNA PAINTER. To procure a family erouD Pbototrrah. so in BYERLY'8 Room in Bimpson'. Building up stair NEW MUSIC STORE. , " ,' Call at our New Muslo Store hi ' -SELIN'S QBOVE. d4 buy one of Haines Ubotbir'b New Soale Piano Fortes. 2H. IIUOI NKIKTK. NEW SPRING STYLES, "Ocb Own Make." embracing every New and Desirable size, style and Miape of Plain and Trail Hoop bkirte, 2, 2 1-4, 2i. 2 3-, 3, 3 1-4, 3 1-2, 3 3-4 and 4 Yds., round every length and siie Waist ; in evory respect First Quali- Class and most fashionable Trade. 'Our Owk hake." of Hoop Skirt, ar lighter, more elastio, Dior durable, ana Really Cheaper than auy other make of either Single or Double Spring Skirt iu the Amerloan Market. They are Warrant ed In every respect, and wherever introduced give universal satistaotion. They ar now being exten sively Sold by Retailer, and every Lady should try lueiu. . . As for "Hopkin's Own Mak." and see that each Skirt is Stamped "W. T. HOPKIN'S MANUFAC. TURER. 828 ARCH Street, PHIL AD' A. "No others are tienuine. .A Catalogue containing Style, Site and Retail Prices, sent to any address. A Uni form and Liberal Discount allowed to Dealer. Or ders by mail or otherwire, promptly aod carefully filled Wholesale and Retail, at Manufactory and Salesrooms No. 823 ARCH Street, PHILADELPHIA. SKIRTS mad to order, realtered and repaired. TERMS, NET CASH. . ONE PRICK ONLY, WM. T. HOPKINS. March 23, 1867. lOrnw jood aewi for .Mother! f OTHERS, ar you oppressed with aailaty for Xtx. your utile onesr Are your slumbers ana heart broke by their cries ' , Da you awake In th morning uorefrosbed and apprehensive? If so, pre sure at onoe a bottle of Dr. Leoos' Infant Remedy and you will hat no more weary hour of watching and anxiety. ' ' h, i.i:of4 mfant ttent:nv ha stood tb test of year. Thousand of nurses and mothers bear witnes that It never fail to giv relief u usea in season, it is a una, yet sure ana speedy our lor Colio, Cramp and Windy Pain, and is in valuable (or aU MmplMafetMidettttoTMtbtBf. Sold by Druggist throughout th United State. Auureas ait to ZltULER A 6MITH, .' x " ' ' . - t Sol Ppreprietor.',-: ay . L- r a 1 1. 1 a j . K ... ' s. mm nirrei s Ull a, November 14, 18M.t-ly. .... t i; ' .. m m . 8USBUHY BWItPUIO LOW... IN I. W. CAKE'S Addition th BotA jl wiAausury, iw oai oat svBSOBBBtv seres. X' . Apply to ur. H. h. A WTaaad, - - fiuakiur. Pa. Or P. W. 6mAriR, PvtUTkU, f 1 No-. 2, 1888 Every Instrameat la Warraated forlva ears' Wa Bias keep esntaatly on hand a good stock ol th eeiebrated rhLOUllET'S MKLODliONS, CABI- MtT and CHURCH OKlsANS. aod ekalleage etber to sell cheaper than we ars selling. - . neaataaacBau amo or Maaioal MerakaBdise and rsoair all the lateat aaaaio as aoea aa published. A liaerai oUaeeunt to teaobara of School anal ctami. nari ui .. !.. ... .i.-i ; i.ii . tjrbieoond haad lnstrumeau taksa In xehan( tut aew ones. 1 .i. . ,-. .... . i . Piano eoneotly turned aad repaired. a4 lor Ciieular. .. j ..- .. sj ' -i . . a-.,, a , i.u iALIM BROTHER. , Saiinsgrov, Sayder eo.. Pa , July 8, Imslj ; ; Ctoachmakers. ' ' u WE are feWC Rlu BMkS Hnto, Baling. Caavaas, Holla, CUp. U1, A.. r low aLargaokaek at 5uBary, Hank 30, tbtT. J I 'lil iS J AUKU'li JL Email da farU," : THE NEW BEAUTIFIER OF THE SKIN. TESTIMONIALS FROM CELEBRATED LADIES This secret of beautifying the skin being known only to Meesra. Jared A Rene, they honorably state that it differs from all other preparation. It gives to the most harsh and freckled skin both the texturo and color of polished Ivory, removing all discolor Moos, whether .appearing as freekles, Ian, merphew. moth or blaokworm (peeks, and is especially sue oessful iu smoothing out th mark, lull Ly the small pox. Th agent of "L'EMAIL de PARIS" moat confi dently submit to th public the earnest endorse ments of such diatlaguished ladle a Signora RISTOUI, . -;. ... -. M'ddleFELICITA VESTVALIA, . ' Miss MAGGIE MITCHELL. Mr. D. P. BOWERS, - - - ... . iiUUliiLai WliBTERN. i , . i i Madam PONISI, Mr. EMMA WALLER, LUCY RFSHTON. '' ' ' " - f NOEMIB Da MAROUBRITTES, - " ' :, w. - i .. . ..i-. Must A.rKRRJr aad many othar who high standing is th prefes ion give the stamp of truthfulueu to their uitellK gent and genuine approval.. . The beautiful Luoille Western says: ' - l And that th ' Email" prod aees all the hrilliaa ay of roug and lily.whit. with th grout and pecu liar advantage of total harmleaaoess., It really add to th softness and beauty of the skia. " The magnincent Vestsalia ay : - . 1. 1 hav cutlertd s muoltfruSB Um various whit loUous, o., which my theauioal lijaaion oblige m to use, that I eonaider it a perfeot benefaotion to find a prepasatien which gives the Beeessary white Bi th skiB,an4 leaiB akia ol aad snooth.' Mia Maggie Mitchell say , . 'I havitried th skia beautifer, "L tmail d Pari,' and found that it Instantly imparts natural btoosB aad treahnees to U oemplioB." ; , "Jwed Kauul da Pari;' i bW a " besulihorof th for Theatre, Saloon or Ball Room, by th most refined and sorupulou l'diea, Broduoing all th beautifying effect ol rout and Uly-wbiw, wUaoat tkr rulgtB Siar oe injury t Id by all nrat-oias iwugMwi., Ladies' Hair Dresser. Sold by scie uaiivo". . a. r . w.-l. ... nutitt lanai DsrMt Cs. Md V. O. Wll Co N Xmk , BB a, Cowdaa, PlaiW.U A m; 6aral Agarst aad, Mew York. Jan. 2 lo7 d