Sunbury American. (Sunbury, Pa.) 1848-1879, June 15, 1867, Image 3

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    Efce Sunfrntg American.
.WUCVKftT.I ....
N. 8. ENQIjE, J Publlahari;
- BCTBtUT, PA. , , .
C BATtJBf)A.Y, JuSb IS, 1867.
Horal affairs.
" Cinces. Robinson's Great Sooth Western Circus
xhlbited here oa Friday last. The attendance iu
tarjr large, tad tbt jperfcrmsnis feryjprdlnary,
T new Dank ballding fart Juat, ton enclosed
with a new fanes, of a handsome design, Whkw will
add much ta th appearance of that elegant struc
ture, i -i i, I -i . . . t
Tan BlAMOKitt Fcbjucb Mr. Vb. Brown, the
lessee of tha furnace at Shamokln, Intends to put it
in oparatioa at aa early day. Tha repairs and al
itratloni ara nearly flniihed.
Raatira vndbh thb BaXKRurr Llw. The
Uarrisburg Telegraph announoes that Joslah WelsU
Hag, Esq., of that plaoa, hat been appointed Register,
under tha Bankrupt Law,' for this (Fourteenth) Con
greuional District. " ? i $ ' ' f,
m Eeudbi r a U. S. Rivinoi Aaanr. The dis
tillery of Jacob Greencoe, in Snyder county, (Filth
Division of tha Fourteenth Collection Distrlot,) has
een teised by J. B. Henderson, Bpeeial Revenue
Agent, for violations of the V. 8. Internal Revenue
laws. .- - ' - '
Naw Boot and Enoc Shop. John Wilver haa
again bang out bif sign, to let tha pablio know that
be has opened a shop on Bpruoe street, where he in--tends
to manufacture boots and ahoea. He ii pre
pared to make np all kindt of work, and in the bolt
manner. Bee bit advertisement.
Tel Market Street Bridgb. Messrs. A. Len-
ker A Co., the contractor! for bnilding the new iron
bridge over the 'got," at the eaatern end of Market
street, are pushing the work ahead rapidly. ' The
stone work if nearly completed. Tho bridge, when
efAnished, will be a substantial one, and will, no
doubt, refleot eredit on the tkill of the builders.
Taa Baioaa acrou the oanal, at the Intersection
with Fourth street, is at present being constructed,
under tha supervision of our worthy Chief Burgess,
. K. T. Bright, Esq. This street will, no doubt, be
one of our most important thoroughfares, after it U
opened through Cake's addition. We observe that
the pubtio road, loading from the'Cutawissa road to
the new town, is nearly finished.
New Firm. We refer our readers to the adver
tisement of Q. Zeltlcmoyer A Brother, who have
taken the old and well established Tin Ware and
Stove establishment, on Markot street, formerly eon
duoted by their father, Mr. Benjamin Zettlemoyer.
They have a fine store, are steady and industrious
q young men, and have a thorough knowledge of tbo
busiuess. Xhey deserve sucoess.
6rn aw berries. Tho strawberry crop was later
than uiuul this season. Our dealers wore not sup
1 plied with them, from abroad, until Thursday lost.
On Wednesday previous some very fine ones were
brought to town by Mr. . William Reed, raised on his
farm, about two miles above this place. They are
produced on high ground, and are some days oarlicr
(ban those cultivated in the gardens 'In this place.
Tub portrait of lion. AlexanderJordan, President
Judge of this District, which was painted by Mr.
Merchant, of Philadelphia, was placed in the now
Court House, in the recess behiad tho Judge's seat,
on Wednesday .last. The portrait is well executed
and gotten up, and .was presented by tho members of
the bar as a testimonial of regard and esteem for tho
Judge, who has so long and satisfactorily presided
4 over the courts in this District.
Taa Btbeet Railwat. The following gentle
men were eleoted Directors of the Sunbury Stroct
Railroad Company, at a meeting held in Northuni-
bcrland on Monday of last week : Amos E. Kapp,
Wm. T. Forsyth, Wm. M. Rockefeller, J. H. Jen
kins and H. L. Cake. A. E. Kapp wus eleoted
President, and J. U. Jenkins, Secretary and Trea
surer. The authorised capital of the company is
$30,000. It is estimated that the road con be built
and stocked for $25,000.
Another Case or Drowmso. The Democrat
says that on Wednesday of last week the body of an
unknown man was found on Buyers' Island, below
this place. He had on a pair of dark eassimere
pants, woolen shirt, oalf skin boots with patent soles
and had two scars on his chin. He was about five
feel six inches in height, and from appearance was
twenty-fire years of age, but there was nothing on
his person to lead to the discovery of bis name or
where be was from. Coroner Oeasey held an In
quest, and the jury deoided that the deceased had
come to his death by drowning.
Til a Strawberbt Festival. The ladies of the
Episcopal Church, .of this jklaco, .will open their
strawberry festival, in the store room in Mrs. Boul
ton's building, Market street, en Wednesday evening
of next week, and will oontinne every evening du
ring the balance of tho week. A valuable oil paint
ing will be disposed af by ballot, at ten cents each,
to be given to any minister receiving the largest
number of votes. It is to be hoped tha ladies will
be liberally enoouraged, as the object for which tho
festival is to be given, the building of a parsonage,
is a most worthy one.
- Shad. We ara glad to learn that an unusual
number of shad have boen caught, the past week, at
the fishery of Mr. Wm. Oaugler, on Buyers' Island,
a short distance belew this plaoe. Over five hundred
were taken the first three days. The shad are very
fine, and muoh superior to those brought from Phil
adelphia and Baltimore. Whether the presenoe of
these shad is owing to the continuous high stage of
water, or to the Improvement made for their asoen-
, aloo at the Columbia dam, is a question that cannot
be readily settled ia one season.
Taa entertainments given in the new Masonio
Hall, in this plaoa, on Baturday and Monday eve
nings last, by the Ellicger and Foot Combinatioa
Troupe, ware well patronised, tha large Hall being
completely jammed each evening. . The audienees
ware delighted with seeing and hearing the celebra
ted Commodore Foota and his accomplished sister.
Mr. Harrison, tha extempore comla ringer of the
troupe, Is excellent, and his productions were re
ceived with shouts of applause. The appear anoe of
tha Commodore's little equipage an the streets cre
ated an unusual excitement among the juveniles.
IPBOTEVBTt. A day or two since we spent
an hour looking at soma . of tha improvements,
in progress at tha eastern end of tha town, aa tha
property of Mr. J. B. Leaker. Tha new Brick Ma.
china of Messrs. Looker a Gaaglerwasia succoasful
operation, making ten thousand bricks per day, and
appeared to do it work well. To test its capacity
asi speed, a trial was made, and sis hundred bricks
were turned out In fifteen minutes. As brick will
oat only be reasonable and abundant, there will be
bo excuse fur tha erection of wooden buildings, that
cost nearly as much as brlok, and ara worth one
third less whan finished. , Wc trust oar Council, if
It aaa'l entirely prevent this delusion in regard to
frame buildings, will at least regulate matters so aa
to prevent the erection of wooden shanties In our prin
cipal streets. : ,
Near the brisk yard, Messrs. Bowen, Wilder at Co.,
are erecting buildings and putting up an angina and
machinery fur refining Petroleum, or Coal Oil. Tha
location, which it near tha railroad, is aa excellent
one, and the enterprise will nndoubtedly prove to bs
a profitable one. Tha amount of oil received and
distributed, at this place, wo understand is bow
about 1,09 barrels per annaa. Whea tha oil is pro
Tared here, that amount wUl bo doubled the first
Close by thaea Improvements is tha establishment
of Me
. TerringtoB Hod x kins, for tha manufaa.
rura of Baper-Pnespb.,,, of Lima, aa article that
should be need by every farmer. They are about
erecting a new betiding, adjoiaiag, with astaaa ea
fine, for crushing aeaes, de, used in their establish-meal.
Taa Middli Caaai Rah-Boas. Oar eotempo-
rary of tha Middleburg TYistms speaks rery favora
bly of tha prospects of tha oonatraetion af this read
af this read,
ia Anal bulldj
ays: "AOei
y, and wheaj
and thinks that if reports ara correct tha
tag of It amounts to a oortainty. Jt cays
several months of apparent inactivity.
many of u eltirana imagined tha nraleot aiben.
doned, wa receive tha intelligence that active ope
rations' are about Jo bag la. . Our worthy townsmen!
A. E. Gift, has informed us that he ts one af the
eorpa employed I locate the road, and that ha had
Instructions to report by tha 17th Inst.', to oom'menoe
operations. i Tha work will be begun at tha Waster
terminus, and Will be worked towards tha Kastara
terminus.' If the work ia once oommenoed tha bal
anoe of the money needed to secure Its eompletioa
will readily be see a red. la our estimation the pros
peels of the road being bailt ara proab better thaa
they have been for many days." " "
! - i . . ,.,., , . j , . . ,
Policb Matters i tub Coal Rboiob. We
take tha following from the Potteville Journal, of
the 8th Inst. : "Mr. Miehael Lukins, a aolllery boss
and book-keeper at Loeust flap, Northumberland
oonnty, was, with bis family, threatened by soma
notorious obaracters, among them one James Rodgers,
last week.. On Saturday and Sunday Marshal Heis
ler's pqjice, under oommand of Lieut. Thos. J . Fits
Simmons, guarded Mr. Lukins and his family, and at
last accounts all was quiet. ' On 'Sunday morning,
while the polioe were going the rounds to see that all
waa right, Rodgers, who has the reputation of being
a very bad man, opened the door and fired on the
foroe, using at the same time abusive language.
Lieut. Fitssimmons Immediately entered the house
and arrested Rodgers in his bed room, and found tha
pistol with which ho fired the shot in the same room.
Oc Monday Rodgers was held to bail to answer at tha
next court to be held in Northumberland oounty.''
His Name. The name of the man who was found
dead, near the blue hill, opposite this place, on the
29th ult., and who was supposed to have oommitted
suioide by taking strychnine, was Paul Sadler. Tha
deceased had in his possession an honorable discharge
from the United States servioea lie had served in
Battery I, 3d U. 6. Artillery. The discharge gave
tho unfortunate man (Jie oredit of having been a
faithful soldier, tho words "character good" boing
underlined. lie was a printer, and had bean at
Middleburg, Snyder oounty, on tho preceding Mon
day, in search of employment.
Tub New Railroad We find in the Danville
American, of lost week, tho following report of
F. C. Arms, E.-q., of this place, Chief Kngineer of
the proposed new road from Sunbury to Hoaleton,
called the Danville, Hasleton & Wilkosbarre Rail
road, which shows the advantages of this route to
Now York over any othor route proposed or comple
ted :
Sundort, Pa., May 81st, 1867.
B. P. Kase, Esq., Pret't. D. . 6 W. K. R.,
Sir: In reply to your inquiries, in relation to the
advantages which the Danville, Hasleton A Wilkes
barre R. R. will have for trade In competition with
other routes, I may say besides the saving in dis
tance between Sunbury and New York, alluded to in
my report, vis : 41 niilos over the Harrisburg route,
13 over the Calawisaa line, and 9 miles over the Mt
Carmel, thus occupying a position to oommand the
entire New York trade of the Philadelphia A Erie
Railroad the road will open the shortest, ehedpett
and beet route for th anthracite coal of the Mc
Canlay and Bnci Mountain, and the Lehigh
Valley to the entire t.r, at Erie, Pa. Taking
Iluil elon as a point, (although this is 12 miles east
of the Buck Mountain coal, and 21 ruilos east of the
McCaulay,) and we have the following comparison
of distanoe :
From Hailoton to Maueh Chunk, 22 miles.
Easton, 44
Elisabethport, 63 "
Now York, 12 '
Albany, US " '
Buffalo, 350
From Haxletpn to Bunbury,
A saving of 298 miles, and all transhipments
for the entire trade of tits Lakes .' The grades for
this traffic whioh is destined to booome immense,
will be either descending or levol to Sunbury from
the McCaulay mines, and with only one reverse
grade of 62 feet for two miles from Hasleton. The
road can be built at moderate oost and good align
ment, and with no high and expensive bridges or
tunnels. The advantage of this favorable connec
tion of the western markot with the coal regions
cannot bo overestimated. Your Geologist reports
the supply in the McCaulay mountain, (the nearest
point,) to be almost inexhaustible, and you have cer
tificates from experienced foundry men that the qual
ity of this coal for smelting and foundry purposes is
not equalled.
The road will also connect, (throagh the Middle
Creok Railroad, now being located from Sunbury to
Lewistown, and forming an almost air line exten
sion,) the now productive anthracite coal regions
with the Middle Creek valley, rioh in agricultural
produots and inexhaustible beds of valuable iron
ores and limestone, which will open a heavy traffic
in both directions.
Very respectfully your obed't serv't,
F. 0. Arms, Chief Eng.
Pbocbedimqs or TOE BououuH CoujtciL. Coun
cil met on Tuesday evening, 4th lust., it being the
regular stated night of meeting. Members present
Messrs. Haas, Hendricks, Bucher, Bourne, Mar
kle, Brioe, Clement, Bright, Youngmao, Uoovor
and Henry Haas.
The minutes of last stated night of meeting were
road, and the following amendments made, vis :
The words "and bounty tax" were stricken out of Mr.
Markle's resolution in regard to per oapita tax ; the
fine for destroying or injuring publio or private shado
trees, by bitching horses to them, was changed from
$10 to $20, and tha word "fifty" was directed to be
Inserted in that part of the resolution in reference to
the different denominations of bonds to be issued,
making it read, "of the denominations of fifty, one
hundred, two hundred, to." The minutes were ap
proved with the above amendments.
The regular order of business was suspended to al
low Messrs. Masser, Rockefeller and Boyd to appear
and suoke a statement in regard to fixing Centre
On ipotiua of Mr. Haas, Resolved, That the Chief
liurgutu is requested to employ John Bowen, at $3
per day fur each and every day employed, in attend
ing to the grading, repairing, fixing and improving
of Centre alley, oouiuienoing at Market street and
termiuaiiuji al ChesUiut street, and. if reauired. to
alter and improve the eontinuanee of said Centra
alley irom Chestnut street to the bnainokin Valley
Railroad : to facilitate and improve the allev called
Centre alley from Chestnut to Market street ; that
the work tnereoi snail do aone, ste., and toe' said
John Bowen is also empowered to have personal su
pervision of the paving required for all orossings at
streets and alleys ; all of which is to be under the di
rections of the Chief Burgess, to tha said superin-
tenaant, rfoaa oowen.
The committee on claims and aooounts presented
tha following report, which was read and adopted
Wa, the committee on claims and aooounts. would
report adversely on the claim of J. M. Bastian for
exemption from payment of per capita tax. We
report against elaim of Wm. L. Dewart, and against
uie payment oi taxes on inoreasea valuation, so far
as it relates to. xoe year leoo, out in lavor oi pay
ment for 1866. r , A. N. BUICE,
.., , J NO. HAA8,
...... . -' JNO. W. BUCHER,
Tha following bills were presented and orders
granted for same t Geo. Bucher, Street Coinmiss'r,
$7 76 ; BenJ. Hendricks, $18 ; Samuel Hendricks,
$1 M ; David GotahaU, $4 M ; Jacob Trlmmel, $i SO;
Gilbert Robins, $t M ; Fred. Hammer, $3; B. U
Buyers, $1 11 ; A. N. Brioe, $3 7; Lyon Brother,
44 cents ; Philip Clark Co ., $6 98. .
On motion, Resoiutd, That tha Chief Burgess is
hereby authorised to purchase from 26 to M ear loads
of brokea atona (spalls) from i. B. Welser, at $2 iu
per ear loaa.
Ob motion of Mr. Haas, Resolved, That a commit'
taa of three be appointed to confer with tha Not
them Central Railroad Company as retards brinKlnc
materials to stoaa or snaoadaBiise Third street, from
Market to SdraM.
Oa motion. Ktsolved, That a oommiUMof three
be appointad to confer with the Good Intent lira
company in raferonoo to tha sale of their present
angina, tha purohaee of a new steam Ara engine,
suitable auction hoes, Ac, . and tha erection of a
buildina on their lot In Beoood stroct. eaid oom
mittea to report oost of building, hose, steam angina,
Ao., and report at next Councirmeeting. ...
, Messrs. Brioe, Bourne and Clement were appointad
a aaaamittea.
Oa motion of Mr. Haas, Resolved, That hereafter
it shall be considered illegal for parties belonging to
tha Council frosting privileges to parties, contrary
to reeoiuuoDS pmmmu uf atm vvuemj.. II
Oa motion, adjourned-
-. f r
Jacoa EairMAB, Clark.
Rosiebt At Watsohtowh. The Miltnniannjt
that on Wednesday night of last week the store o
A.T; aaodman.A Brother; at Wabnto, was eni
tered through tha cellar and goods to tha amount of
about two, huqdred dollars stolon therefrom. Thej
party made a desperate effort to break open the safe!
bat ware unsuccessful. Tha .rascals wars seen getJ
tlag on the aarly morning passenger train at ; WatJ
sontown, and were traced to Willlamsporl, where all
further elue was lost. , i.''. '
A' night or twa before, tho reaidenea of A. T.
Goodman wm entered and a valuable gold wateh, as
wall as other artlolcs of minor value, stolen there
from. . '? r-,
Kewhsdt'b Rare Review oautions the publio
against receiving the new and dangerous Imitations
of the $5 bills of the National Banks.,' .'They are got
ten ap ra a style wall calculated to deceive. Tha
following marks of distinction may assist la detect
ing these bills! Id the first place the signatures of
both President and Cashier ara printed, while la all
genuine bills tha names are invariably written. The
tetters "t" and "s" in the title "Pres't," in the origi
nal, ara separated by an apostrophe. Ia the coun
terfeit the neat figure or the two females, sitting in
the lower right, Is almost invisible j in the genuine
it is very clear and distlnot.. Tha back of the bill is
still mora bunglingly made than the front. , The
green Is pale and poor, and la tho true bill no letters
along tha top touch the green border, while in the
spurious the Words are partly printed on the green
entirely across. The ptoturo plato is too large for
the green border.
Lumber. Wo direct the attention of our readers
to the advertisement of the Potter County and Sun
bury Lumber Company, in our advertising columns.
This company is now prepared to furnish all kinds
of prepared lumber, and in any quantities. Persons
desiring to purchase lumber will not only save the
oost of transportation front other markets by getting
It at this plaoe, but can get a cheaper and better
article. This eompnny owns extensive limber lands
in Potter county, and their facilities are such that
orders eon be filled at the shortest notioe and shipped
to all points, by railroad and canal.
Taa mew Jort Law does not tncrcaso the pay of
jurors to $2 60 per day, as bos been stated ; it only
provides for that sum per day as the compensation
for tho Jury CommUsionors provided for in that law.
A swell told his shoemaker to make his shoes
high enough to cover the entire calf. The bootma
ker, eyeing him from head to foot, replied, "That is
impossible ; I have not leather enough in the shop
for that !" If tbo "swell" should happen to call at
Thacher's, in Pleasants' building, Market street, he
could be accommodated, as Boots and Shoes of all
grades, stylos and sixes, arc kept there, and told very
n !.
Tbr old saying that "dress makes the man" has
often been disputed, yet we cannot help but recog
nise tho fact that dress duos, to some extent, make
tho man ; that is, in ordor to be considered anybody,
you must dress in style. The best way to do this is
to go to J. O. Beck s, on Fourth stroet, and order a
suit of the beautiful summer goods, whioh he is pre
pared to make up in the latost stylo. "
Life Insurance. Prompt attention to the sub
ject of life Insurance is of the utmost' importance.
Insure while in good health, and without delay, for
after the health has failed, and disease has set in, it
will be too late to get insured ; and if postponed, and
only good intentions ara the result, they will not
save the wife and children from loss, if death should
overtake the husband and parent before they pro
duced fruit in securing a policy on bis life.
Jacob SBirM AX, Fire and Ltfe Insurance Agent,
Sunbury, Pa. '
Wanted A young man to learn the drug and
prescription business. None need apply without
satisfactory recommendations.
Cheap Goods. Wa have examined tho ne
goods just opened by J. E. Smick, Merchant Tailor,
in this plaoe, the good qualities and low prioes of
which forcibly remind us of the good times previous
to the war. With an elegant assortment on hand,
which he now offers at groatly reducod prices, he is
able to sell much ohcoper than any ether establish
ment. Cull and examine the goods,
The Warm Weatueb is as welcome to all just
now as the handsome and seasonable clothing made
at the popular tailoring establishment of J. F. Shaf
fer, N. W. corner of Market and Third stroets.
Gentlemen are especially invited to call and soe the
new stock of Summer Catsimores, and learn the pri
cos, before ordering elsewhere.
"Always aim at what becomes you," although
an old saying, is most ridiculous advioe. Just ima
gine a man setting up bis best coat for a target and
biasing away at it ! Ridiculous, indeed, if it should
happen to be one of those beooming, fashionable,
oheup and durable coats turnod out at tho Continen
tal Basaar, Market Square.
"There's two ways of doing it," said Pat to him.
self, as he stood musing and waiting for a job. 1 If
1 save iue four thousand dollars, I must lay up two
hundred dollars a year for twenty years, or I con
put away twenty dollars a year for two hundred
years. " Pat or anybody else oan easily save twenty
dollars a year by purchasing bis Boots and Shoes at
Miller's Exoelsior Store, Market Square.
"Veri, Vidi, Vici," was the dispatch sent back
to his oountry by the great Cassar, after he bad met
and oonquered the enemy. This short saying is ac
cepted by the people now-a-days, Instead of using
the latin, translate it by saying, "we oame, saw, and
conquered" all our prejudices by buying our Hats
and Caps at the fashionable Hat aud Cap Emporium
of S. Faust, Market street, Sunbury, Pa., where can
be purchased goods of the latest style and best
Photography. The beautiful piotures .taken at
Byerly's Photograph Gallery, in Simpson's building,
Market street, are acknowledged the best ever pro
duced in Sunbury. Notwithstanding this, Byurly
charges less than most any other artist. Go at onoe
to his gallery and bo oonviaoed as to the truth o'
this assertion.
ftJUjiKjiiY nARUETN. "
- Corrected Weakly for the " American."
Wheat Flour, extra family, per barrel,
do do do do perowt.
Rye Flour, per bbl.
do per ewt.
Wheat, prime red par bushel,
Rye, ; do
Corn, new do
Oats, do
Potatoes, do
Dried Peaches, pared per pound
de do nnpared Jo
Dried Annies. do
(15 00
8 00
10 OA
6 60
2 50
1 80
1 10
3 00
Dried Cherries, (unstoned,) per bu.
per pound,
per doaen,
per pound,
do '
do '
per pair 1 ' '
Cheese, .
Shoulders, '
Beef, hind quarter,
front "
Hbtunoklm Coal 'I' rude.
, Bbahokim, June 10, 1867.
'. , To. C'soi.
Bent for weak endiag June 8, 12,749 OS -
Far laatreport, . ? , ,,.;' ,,172,42 11
186,21 14
205,676 IS
J0.H48 18
To tame lima last year,'
' Decrease, ' '
Sprriat Notices.,
. i i . . And House of Mercy. - - 1
fen, on the crime of Solitude, and tha Errors, Abu
ses and Diseases which destroy tha manly powers,
aad areata impediments to Marfiaxs, with sura means
of relief. Sent ia sealed letter envelopes, free of
charge. Address PR. J. SKILL! N HOUGHTON,
Howard Association, Philadelphia, Pa.
. Juoee, leo!-ly
- 17" A Xooia Lady returning To let country hotrt
after a enlnurn of a few months in the Cltv. waa hard
ly reoogntted by her Mends,' In' pmeo f a coarsal
ruitia, flushed' face; sh had i. soft rely omplexioa
of almost marble smoothness, and Instead of twenty!
three she really appeared but eighteen. Upon inj
qairy as to the oeuscpf at gnat a ofanngo, she plain.
IV told them that aba used (ha Cis-cunHlnsa
In list, and considered It an Invaluable acquisition)
to any Lady's toilet. By Its use any Lady or Gentle
man can improve their personal appearance en ban.
dred fold. It is sin pie in Its combination, as Nature
herself is Simple, yet nnrarpaasod In its effleaey la
drawing impurities from, also healing, cleansing and
beautifying the skla aad eomplexioa. By its direct
action on the eutiela it draws Irom H all its imparl,
ties, kindly healing tha same, and leaving the ear.
face aa Nature intended it should be, olear, soft.
smooth and beautiful. PrioS $1, sent by. Mail ar
Express, aareoolpt of on order by -
w ii. uljAkh. at uu., unemists,
"' ' No. I West Fayette St., Syracuse, N. Y.
The only American Agents fur the sale of the same.
February 16, 1867. ly . ......
0li PKI4JK ' "... to ' '
OA .Unrkct tttrectt ,
One door above Sixth, Philadelphia. :
For many years this Establishment has done busi
ness on the One Price ys:em, and we believe we
are the only Clothing House in the elty that atrlotly
adheres to this principle. We have earned a repu.
tatinu which we are proud of, for good taste in scloot
good styles and substantial materials, and not leas
important, for having all our goods,
liXTKA Vfi:l.I. SIAOK.
We employ the best tolont, for Cutters, and our
Goods are of both kinds Fashionablo and plain-
so that all tastes ean be suited. The prices are the
very lowest, as any one by a moment's thought must
see, or otherwise we could not meet the competition
of our neighbors, for as no deductions are evermodo,
we must put our prices down to tbo advantages we
The people may depend, this Is the true plan npon
which to do business, and many a dollar can be
saved to Clothing buyers by keeping in mind
604 Market Strreet, Philadelphia,
Not on the Corner, but ono door abovo Sixth.,
March 23. 1867. ly
Wonderful but True
Maoamr Reuiroton, the world-returned Astrolo-
gist and Somnambulistic Clairvoyant, while in a
clairvoyant stato, delineates the very features of
the person you are to murry, and by the qid of an
instrument of intense powor, known as the Psycho
motrope, guarantees to produce a purfect and life
like picture of the future husband or wife of the
applicant, with dale of marriage, occupation, lead
ing traits of character, Ac This is no imposition, as
testimonials without number can assert. By stating
Elace of birth, age, disposition, color of eyes ana
air, and enclosing fifty cents, and stamped envelope
addressed to yourself, yon will receive tho picture
by return mail, togotbor with desired information.
ksr Anurous in aonnaenco. madahe uertrudb
Rkuuioto.i, P. 0. Box 297, West Troy, N. Y.
The first dose convincos that Cue's Dyspepsia Curo
is just the thing for any disorder of the stomach. It
is not necessary to try half a doscn bottles ; tho first
dose will stop distress after outing In ten minutes.
lr. Mclicnck'ai I'ulmonlc Syrup,
This great medicine eured Dr. J. U. Sohoock, the
Propriotor, of Pulmonary Consumption, when It had
assumed its most formidable aspect, and when
speedy death appeared to be inevitable. His phy
sicians pronounced his coso incurable, when he com
menced tho uso of this simple but powerful remedy.
His hoalth was restored in a very short tiino, and no
roturn of the disease has bcon apprehended, for all
the symptoms quiokly disappeared, and his present
weight is more than two hundred pound.
Since his reoovory, be has devoted bis attention
exclusively to the cure of Consumption, and the dis
eases whion are usually ooinplioatud with it, and the
cures eifeoted by his medicines have been very nu
merous and truly wonderful. Dr. Schenck makes
professional visits to several of the lurger cities
weekly, where be has a largo concourse of patients,
aud it is truly astonishing to soe poor oonsumptives
that have to be lifted out of their carriages, and in a
few months heal thy, robust persons. Da. Sobk.nck's
MANDRAKE PILLS, are generally all roquired
in curing Consumption. Full directions accompany
each, so that any ono can take them wkhout seeing
Dr. Schenck, but when it is convenient it is best to
see him. Us git es advice l'reo, but for a thorough
examination with his Respiromotcr his fee is three
Please observe, when purchasing, that the two
likenesses of the Doctor ono when in the last stage
of Consumption, and the other as he cow is, in per
fect huulth are on the Government stump.
Sold by all Druggists and Dealers. Price (1.&0
per bottle, or (7.60 the half doion. Lottere for ad
vice should always be directed to Dr. Sohcnck's
Principal Office, No. 15 North th Stroet, Philadcl
pbia, Pa.
General Wholesale Agents: Demos Barnes A Co.,
N. Y. ; S. S. Hance, Baltimore, Md. ; John D. Park,
Cincinnati, Ohio; Walker & Taylor, Chiougo, 111. ;
Collins Bros., St. Louis, Mo.
Out. 20, 1807. 3d w. ea. mo. 1 yr.
Jr. WIatar' UuIhuiu ot Wild
In tho whole history of medical discoveries, no
remedy has pcrformod so many or such remarkable
euros of tho numerous affections of the Tuuoat,
Lukos and Cuxsr, as this long-tried and justly cele
brated Balsam. So genorally acknowledged is the
superior excellenco of this remedy that but few of
the many who have totted its virtues by experience
fail to keep it at hand aa a speedy and certain euro
for sudden attacks of Cold fully believing that its
remedial powers are comprehensive enough to cm
brace every form of diseaae, from the slightest cold
to the most dangerous symptom of pulmonary com.
From Rev. Franois Lobdcll, Pastor of the South Con.
grogational Church, Bridgeport, Conn.
"I consider it a duty which I owe to suffering hu
monity to bear testimony to the virtues of Or. wis.
tar's Balsam of Wild Cherry. I have used it when
I have had occasion for any remedy for Coughs,
Colds or bore Throat, for many years, and never in
a single instance hot it failed to relieve and cure me.
1 have frequently boen verv hoarse on Saturday.
and looked forward to the delivery of two sermons
on the following day with sad misgivings, but by a
lik...l ... 11.. U.l.. I E :
bly been removed, and I have preached without
'I recommend it to my brethren in the ministry,
miu uj puuuc .leasers generally, as a certain reme
dy for the bronchial troubles to which we are poculi
arly exposed."
Prepared by BETH W. FOWLE A SON, 18 Tra
mont St., Boston, and for sale by DruggUts generally.
For all the Protean forms of Disease originating in
there is nothing that ean equal the purifying effeots
ut iium ..u suiuinisicrea in a pure state.
is a pure solution of Iodine dissolved in water, with.
out a solvent, and is. tha best remedy for Scrofula
and kindred diseases aver discovered. Circulars
tree. J. P. D1NSMOHB,
36 Dey Street, New York.
Sold by Druggists generally. je 8,-3t
Is a oritain cure foi diseases of the
and all diseases of the -
wbetaei existing iu
from whatever cause originating and uo matter of
. Diseases of these weans reauiie the ass of a SHuretie.
If aotraetawut is submitted to. ConeuunuitM. or Insan
ity auy ..sue. Oa. Kkak and Blood ate suppmted lioui
Micee auewvea, mim ih
.. and
that of Posterity, eeewdaanaei prompt use of a reliable
Established upwards of Is years, prepared by
.'.." II. T. IIUI.MIIOI Jf,
: - - - .'!' . .. DRUGGIST, 1
6m BroadwayrNewYoik, and
14 aouia lota Street, i'hikuielphia, Pa.
March t, lb?ly . . .
Rose Wash euro, secret aud delicate duwrders ia ell their
suae., at hills espeuaa, Imie as no eamafe ia diet, uu
convenience aud ao MBusuia. it i. plraeaut ia tale aud
ewe, unmeaiaie iu us action, ana nee line all iniu
nous piupei lies.. mhSSl ly
,T !'T! V?1" Diuretic " '
ilelmiold't Ctrfmtratd Extract SartnpariUa
Is lbs Bleat Blood Pariler.
tints an prepared eooofdinc to rales of Pharmacy and
" ChtmisU), aiid ait the woeiactive that can be made.
March i, 1WT.- fy " '
3"'- i I'rti to l-iTrybly.
A Large ( pp. Cireular, giving information of the
groatost importance to tha young of both sexes.
It toaohos how the bomoly may booome beautiful,
the despised respected, and the forsaken loved.
' No young tady or gentleman should fail to send
their address, and receive a copy, post-paid, by re
turn mail; v fr t -
Address P. 0. Drawer, 81, Troy, S. T.
' . Krrors of Vossth.
1 ' A gentleman who suffered fbr years from Nervous
Debility,' Prematura Deoay, and all the effects of
youthful indiscretion, will, for the sake of suffering
humanity, send free to all who need It, the recipe
and directions for making tho simple remedy by
whioh be waa cured. Sufieren wishing to profit by
tho advertiser's exporionae, can do an by addressing,
in perfect confidence, ' ' JOHN B. OUDEN,
myl8'-07.1y i. 42 Cedar fitreet, N. Y.
Will Cure tho Itch In 4H Ilourw.
Price 60 eents. For sale by the druggists. By send
ing 60 cents to WEEKS i POTTER, Sole Agents,
170 Washington streot, Boston, it will bo forwarded
by mail, free of postage, to any part of tho United
States. " ' - - ' " Jc 23 '66-y
Sheet Iron and Stove
(Buccessor to bcoj. iiiiLf.MUiiiii.)
Markot Streot, near,Engel's Store, SUNBURY, PA.
HAVING taken charge of the old stand so long
patronised by the people of Sunbury and vi
cinity, beg leave to announce to the old friends and
me puDiic generally, mat tney win supply them
wilu tiiu uiusb liugjiuwu varieties ui
Brands which are unsurpassed for boauty of finish,
simplicity of arrangement, combining oheapuees and
durability and enoh stovo warranted to perform what
tney are represented.
Colli Oil, Coal Oil I.nmp, lanlcrns,
Shad os, Chimneys, and all articles usually kept in an
osiaoiisnnieniat tnis mna.
FRUIT JARS and CANS of tho latest improved
tie is also prepared to do all kinds ol spouting and
Roo6ng, Range and Furnace Work.
nepairiug, cheaply and neniiy executed.
JuncS, 1867. y
Commercial College,
137 Choslnut Stroot, (Corner of Seventh,) PHILA
DELPHIA. Established 1814.
Incorporated 1855.
Young; Men Practically Kducatcd
lor MuBitteaisi.
The facilities of this Institution havo been largely
increased, and it now has advantages for imparting
business knowledge which are unequalled.
Ihe prsoticul value of its well-tried oourse of in
struction is attested by hundreds iu all deportments
of business. Many a young man owes his sucoossiu
life to the qualilicutious gained here.
The instruction throughout is thorough, practical,
and just'wbat is daily used in our best business houses.
ihe instruction includes
Book-Kceping In all its Branches, Penmanship,
(l'luiu una ornamental,) Uotnineroial) Cal
culations, Business Papers and Cor
respondence, Commercial
Law, Detecting
' Etc
Students instructed separately and rccoivod at
anytime. Diploroas'awardod on graduation. Strun
gors assisted in procuring suitable boarding placet.
Board may be obtained tor about $6 per week. Cata
logues mailed free.
Counting Houso, prioe $2 50. High School, price
$1 60. Common School Edition 871 ots.
Judge buurswood s Lectures before the Students
on Commercial Law, price 91 60.
new and rapid methods of oaloulntion aa actually
used by business men. Forms of Business Paper s
ttcoompanied by explanations of their nature and
use, usutul Commercial Tables, and much valuablo
iuiforuiatiun on business subject. Prioe fl 25. The
solo of this Book has been rapid that It is already in
l lb eceuuu vuiuuu.
Any of the above books sent postage paid on re
ceipt of the price.
June 8. 1807. 6m
Auditor's) ICopvrt.
Auditor's Report of the Bounty Fund of Lower
Augusta Township for the yoar 1800. Wm. Mulick,
Treasurer of the Bounty Fund. .
To cash received from J. B. Bartholomew,
for tho year 18C3,
To eurb. reo d. from Daniel Bloom, Collec
tor for the year 1804.
tm i
117 18
To cash roo'd. from Isaac Marts, Collco
tor for the years 180A 4,
4,204 54
$1,848 S3
By caeh paid on Bonds for money advanced
to pay recruits, with interest, 1,740 71
By services for School Directors, 4c, 67 VI
By neroentago on $4,802 63, 24 01
By balanoa due by Treasurer, 111 BV
$4,848 33
Isaac Marts, Collector for tho year 1880, DR.
To amount of duplicate $0,895 20
Byamount paid to Wm. Malliok, Trees. $4,158 54
By exoneration on Duplicate, 620 02
By puroentuge on 4,159 54 at 1 ots. 72 67
By balance due oa duplicate, 2,042 U7
$8,81)5 20
Isaao Marts, collector DR.
To balance due on Duplicate for 1805, $1'J1 08
Daniel Bloom, Collector - DR.
To balanoa due on duplieate for 1864, $102 52
Wa Ihe undersigned Auditors, met at tha bouse of
D. B. Foy, to settle the Bounty Fund Acoount of
Lower Augusta Township. Alter examining the
aooounts and vouchers, we find the indebtedness of
the same, to be $85 29. Witness our hands this
first day of June, 1867.
, AM A3. WYNN, , Auditors.
If the balanoa due is paid forthwith, the aooount
will be squared.
June 8, 1807. '
f &-B 8 0
Dealer in Fruit and Ornamental Trees, will furn
ish from the most responsible Nurseries in this and
other States, first class TREES of all kinds. Also,
Shrubbery, Vines and Plants. Garden Seeds of all
Orders are respeotfully solicited.
. Paxinos, North 'd. Co.
ts N. B. Insurances taken in several of tne
most responsible Fire Insurance and Horse Detective
Companies in the State.
June 8, 1867. y ; ! ' '
Mrs. A. TWEED,
In Miss Anna painter's Fancy Goods Store building,
Market Square, doors weet of tha Post Office,
RESPECTFULLY informs her friends and tha
public that she has again opened a shop, in
Market street, Sunbury, where she is prepared to
make to order Ladies' Dresses, ii aa entire new
style. Ladies' Cloaks, Ac. Also Gentlemen's shirts.
Orders respectfully soliolted.
Sunbury, Jan. 19, 1807. ly
. Coachmakers.
WE are selling Rims, Spokes, Hubs, Springs,
Canvass, Bolts, Clips, Axles, c-, very low
a Large Stock at
Sunbury, Mircb Da, lb7. '.....! ,,
A 6rst-class Double thcot Eight-page paper, con.
talnining Forty-eight oolnmns.
Published Every Morning, Southwest oorner of
Seventh and Chosnut Streets, Philadelphia.
18.00 per annum.
(4.00 tor six months.
$2.00 for three months.
94.00 per annum.
$3.00 for six mouths.
$1.00 for throe months.
$2 00
per annum .
tor six months.
The most valuable Wookly Newspaper in the World.
It contains items of interest to every one.
One Copy i no per annum.
Five Copies - 9 00 "
Ton Copies - . . 17 50 . "
Twenty Copies . 33 00 "
To the getter np of a Club of Tan or more Copies
an extra copy wiil be givon.
All orders should be addressed to
Editor and Proprietor,
S. W. our. Seventh and Chesnut Sts.,
Philadelphia, l's.
June 8, 1867. 4t
MusicI Music"! T
MISS MARION DUVALL respectfully informs
the cltitens of Sunbury, that tho will give
M ujuo Lessons on Piiino or Melodcon, either ut hor
own rosideneo oral that of the pupil.
Sunbury, May 1!5, 1807.
From rniLADEI.rHIA.
In Simpson's Building, Market Square,
I TUNE Gold and Silver American and Swire
; Watches, Clocks, Jewelry aud Silver ware, con
stantly on hand. Hair Jewelry and Masonic Marks
made to order.
Gold and Silver Plating done in the best manner
and warranted to give entire sutiKfactiou.
Fine Watches, Clocks, Musis Boxes and Jewelry
Kepairea ana warrnnted .
All orders promptly filled.
Sunbury, Juno 1, 1807.
AIiniuistrator' iVotlcc.
ATOTICE i hereby given Unit letters of adininbv
X tration havo been granted to the undersignod,
on the ostute ot Anna 31 una Al vers,-late ot the Juo
rough ot'Sunbury, Northumberland county, Penn'a.
deceased, All perconj indebted to said estate nro
requested to make immediato payment, and those
having olaiins ngainst the estate nro requested to
present them for settlement.
Lower Augustu twp., Juno 1, IS07.
Notice to Merchants and Shippers.
THE undersigned, proprietors of Weiiior S, Frick's
Line, give notice to merchants and shippers
that their Depot is still at 811 Market street, Phila
delphia, aud all Goods directed to Sunbury und Dan
ville will bo promptly ileliverod.
Ijf Cars leave 811 Market street, Philadelphia,
tri-weckly Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays.
May 20, '67. J. tt. RICHARDSON.
12. A. LINO., Sup't,
May 25, 1S07. 6m
Asidiloi-'M KtatvititMitoi'tlie ltounty
Accoiiut ol'Jorduu tovvitnliip.
WE, the undersigned, having carefully audited
the Bounty Account of (be Supervisor's and
the Committeemen, appointed to recruit for said
townihip of Jordan, county of Northumberland, Had
the same to be as follows ;
April 8th, 1864. Amount paid for
IV men and expenses for recruiting
by Elias ShaSer, couiiuittoouinn, $2,330 30
Amount raised by taxation and
subscription, $2,330 30
August, 1S01. Amount paid 18
men l'uruiabcd for the military ser
vice by Joseph Schwarti, commit
teeman, Expenses,
$7,510 OH
271 07
$7,811 07
Amount by taxation and subscription,
Amount yet due,
Janurry 25th, 1885. Amount paid
10 mun tor the uiililuy service by D.
M. Schwartz and Eliai Heukert, com
mittemon, Expcnsos,
6,013 b0
$397 87
$5,000 00
108 15
Totnl indebtedness of the townshsp, f ft. 066 02
it n ess our hands the 22d day of May, 1807.
KTZ, )
ER, )
GEO. W. TitAlTJIAN, Auditors.
June 1. St.
The boat and cheapest for tho consumer are thoso
muuulauluroa by
Shingling, Lathing, Claw und Broad, made of the
best cast-slcol and warranted ns good or bStter than
any othurs made iu the United States, and sold ut
much lower prices than any other really Qreuclsu
hatchets. They are tempered by one uf the tiruj,
S.J. Tongue, who possesses a peculiar faculty that
might be called
Which gives his tools a great colcbrity iu Uioe parts.
Not. 33 and 35 Richmond Street: the red ears up
Third Street crura Richmond, near the works.
Philadelphia, May 25, 1807 1m
kiuds of SCHOOL BOOKS,
Slates, Pens, luk, Puper, 4c
Miscellaneous Books, a good assort
ment. All the new books reoeived
assoonas published, ai-d for sale at
Publishers' prices. J
BIBLES, Prayer Books and Hvmn
Books, in every stylo U binding. J
Catholic Prayer Books.
FAMILY BIBLES in various styles.
DICTlONARIESorall sises.
Juveniles and Toy Books, a large
assortment j
Ellank Hooks) aud Blank
Forms of ull kinds.
Foolsoap, Legal Cap, Letter and
Note Papers. j
Pen Racks, Files, Paper, Cutters and
Cuunting House Statiuuury genorally.
09 '
and dear.
Gold Pens and Holders.
Pocket Books and Bill Wallets.
Pioture Framee.
Stureuscopes and Yiewa, Ainorioan,
French, Ao.
Drawing Paper, all sites, Bristol
viioura, u. -
Diaries, Memorandum Books, Ao I
Backgammon Boards, Games, Chess
men, Au. j
Toys a large and complete assortment
Base-Balls and Bats. Fubiuo- Rods
ana laosie.
PerfUmes, Brohemlan and Parisian
Marbles. .
Gold Pens re-Dointed.
Lamps, Sbadus, Globes, Chimneys,
Wall Paper and Border, all kinds.
Window Curtaiua, Paper Gilt and
Music and Musical Instruments.
rjAll kinds of Books and Stationery not oa hand
promptly ordered.
All the Dally and Weekly Papers and Magatines.
Agent for the 'American Organ." Also for MLa
Rose's Hair Restorative," Enamel of America, aad
'National Steam Navigation Company. '
biuibur, May 18. loo 7
Market Stroet, throe doors east of the; Railroad,
north side, SUNBURY, PA
, AND ...
Provision Store
Their Stock is enmplete, costlstlng In part of -SUGARS,
Tobacco, Cigars, Flour, Feed, Firh, Salt,
Hams, iS'boulders, Cheese, Fruit, '
Glass, Lamps, Ac, As.
Country Produce taken in exchange for Goods.
(jCall and examine our Stock, and satisfy your
.Sunbury, April 27J 1867. ' ' ' ;
THAT all those who are indebted to DoeU J: W .
i'EAL, on Note or Book Acoount, aro invited
to settle the same within thirty davs, as after thit
thoy will be placed in the bands of G. W. Ziegler.,
Lsu.. fur ilolloction without respect to persons.
1 . J. W, PEAL.
8unbury, May 25, 188T tm
ESPECTFULLY inform their friends and cus
tomers, that they have removed their Store into
the south ond rooiuot ihe'Masonio Building, on Third
streot, opposite tho Depot, Sunbury, where they will
bo happy to wait upon them.
Their large aorliuuat of
Groceries, Provisions,
AC, nro nil fresh and of the bast quality, consisting
ot Teas, Coflecs, Sugars, aud Spiees.
Dried and Canned Fruits, 'Prunes, ltiil.-uis, Cheese,'
and Crackers, and in fact everything usually
kept in the Grocery line.
They would also call attention to their large and ,
rhenp lot of Good Family Flour, Green Tes.liams,
Shoulders, Ac, which are constantly kept on hand.
FRESH FISn and Vegetables, evory Tuesday and
Friday ovenings.
Give them a oall and seo for yourselves.
Buirbury, April 27, 1807.
To llic Citizens of Knubiiry land
THE undersigned havo bought the Brick-Yard
and improvements, formerly leasod and worked
by A. B. Stevens, and have made additional im
provements, and aro now prepared to make contract
to manufacture and deliver B1UCK iu large quail
titles, tbr building and other purposes.
By the manufneturo of a good article, and prompt
attention to business, we hope to receive a share of
publio patronage. Orders loft at tbo Brick-Yard,
or Box 14,' Sunbury Post Office, will be promptly
attended to.
Sunbury, May 18, 1867. 3m
1TEV SHOE ST 03.33.
Murkot Stroct, adjoining Genrharl's Confectionery
Sbjro, SUNBURY, Pa.
THF undersigned respectfully informs ihe citizen
of Sunbury and vicinity, thut he hne opened a
NEW UOE STOKE, for the sale us well as for the
manufacture of tho finest an! beet quality of Ladies'
Shoes, viz :
jilovoKI, Morrovco, ( alf-altiu and
I.nMtiiiK' .'aiteris A-..
Children's Shoes of all kinds. His stock is entirely
new and well selected.
Ho also manufactures fine French and other Calf
skin Boots aud Shoes for Gentlemen.
Orders for Indies and gentlemen's custom work
will be promptly attended to and got up iu the best
style by skilful mechanics
Shoe findings Ac, constantly kept on hand and
forsule lo tho trade.
Sunbury, April 2u, 1867.
.1. W. KI'IJTK.ASO:,
Markot Square, near the Court
SUNBURY. Northumberland Countv. Ta.
si j:. nas just opened an noriinoni ot lioia j
XJ. and Plain Putunt Watches, CLOCKS'
for Railroads, Banks and Dwelling?, Fine -r
uoia Kings, ringer lungs, llracelets, Minia
ture Cafes, Meilnllions. Lockets. Pencils.
Thimbles, Spcctaolos, Silver Table, Dessert, Ton Suit
ana MuJtnru epoons, hugur bpoous, tups, Napkin
Rings, Fruit aud Butter. Knives, Shields, Combs,
Diamond Pointed Pons, Castors, Pitcbnrs. Butter
Dishes, Fruit Dishes, Cake Buckets, Syrup Pitchers,
Ac . Ac.
He invitee the cititens of Sunbury and vioinity to
call at the above place, wbero he will bo buppy to
wait upon them.
V Pnrtieul nr attention paid to REPAIRING.
April 13, 1867.
J. H. Conley & Co.,
Market !tr's, Haul oi "Hie Knilroiial
i-oKi:ici v An:jtiCA,
Hardware & Cutlery.
rpHE attention of Mechamoi, Farmers. Builder,
A. and Buyers generally is invited to the faot that
we are now offering a belter selected asaortment of
than over was offered in this marked at prices much
below those heretofore demanded by dealers. Our
stock comprise all articles in this lino of business,
embracing a general assortment of tools and mate
rials used by
together with a large stock of Iron. Steel, Kails.
Spikes. Rope, Chains, Giiudstones, Mill and X Cut
Sawt, Ac, Ac.
Sunbury, March 30, 1807.
21, 23, 25 & 87 Broadway, N. Y.
Opposite Bowling Green,
rpHE STEVENS HOUSE iswell and widely known
JL to the traveling public. The location is espe
cially suitable to meruhants aud business men ; it is
iu oluse proximity to the business part of the city
is on the highway of Southern and Western travel
and adjuoent to all the principal Railroad and
Steamboat depots.
The STEVENS HOUSE has liberul accommoda
tion for over SOU guests it is well furnished, and
possesses every modern improvement for the com
fort aud entertainment of its inmates. The rooms
are spacious and well ventilated provided, with gas
and water the attendance is prompt and respeottul
and the table is geueruusly provided with every
delicacy of the season at moderate ratus.
GEO. K. CHASE A CO., Prop'tri.
May 25, 1307. llm .
TUE best qualities of Sole Leathor, Freuoh Calf
skins, Morroocos, Linings, Lasts, Nails, Pegf
Tools of all kinds, and evorv thing ued h- the trade,
for sale low by iLH, CONLEY A CO.
Agricultural Implement,
HOE'S Grain Rakes, Steel and Iron Garden Rakes,
Long and D Handle iSpades, 'bovele, Mauuro
and Hay Forks, Grata and Grain Scythes, Grain
Cradles, Cradle Fingers, Trace, Ureaat, Tongue and
Log Chains, Griud-stoues, Fanning Mill Selves of
all sises and kinds, a large assortment ! Rod Wagon
Hemes, fur Plowing, Farm Bells, Cultivator Teeth,
for salejby J. 11 OONLEY A CO.
TUIMES A CO., are the AgeuU in the Counties
. of Northumberland, Snyder aid Montour,
lor WAKREN'S improved Fire and Water-Proof
Roof. This is the cheapest and best Root that oan
bo put on a building lias been used iu the eity of .
Philadelphia, since 1641, where it has superseded
almost every other kind of Roof. It is reoommond
ed by the builders, and Is used on all of the flueel
buildings in that elty. Parties contemplating build
ing, will do well to examine into the merits of this
and all other kiuds of Root's, atd give the beet the
The Fountain Hotel, of Sunbury, will, in a few
days, be ooverud with this Roof, and parties dosiriug
to do so, may call there aud examlue it.
For further Information address Box U, Sunbury
Post Office, or oall at the Brick Yard of
Sunbary, 18, 1M7 om