THE VERY LATEST ARRIVAL II SPRING AND SUMMER : Joseph Eyster, Corner of Market and Fourth Street, BUNBURY, PENN'A. Invites the pubtio to call and examine hU elegant assortment or SUMMER 0 00 1)8. which he will sell at greatly reduced prices. Hi took eonsists In part of CA33IMERES. CLOTHS, &C-. Hilk), Delaines, Lawns. Ginghams, Calicoes, Muslins, Sheeting. Tickings, Joans, and a full assortment of Cotton and Woolen goods generally. . HD)T2D)H39 ITreiory, Olovee, Uuop Skirls. AUo Handkerchief), Brushes, Com). , . ' Ilntn nnd ("ap, Hoof nntl Kbocei, His assortment of goods will not, ho is lure fail to please the fancy and suit the want of auy desirous of purchas ing. His stock of HARDWARE AND QVEKNSWAItE, and Groceries is large In quantity nnd choice In quality, comprising geuerslly everything needed hi the household eitlior for use or ornament. lie Is alwnj-s ready and glad to see his friends and takes pleasure in showing them his goods even though no sales are made, lie only asks a end, and Is sure that the stock will compare favorably in price and quality with the cheapest. . JOStPH EYSTER. Sunbury, April 13, 1867. AGENTS WANTED S200 PER MONTH &$SZ female Agents, to Introduce a New and Usoful In vention, of absolute utility in every household Agonta preferring Ui work on Commission can earn from 820 to toll f or day. For full particulars en olosestamn. and address W. (i. WILSON CO., 534 Arch St., Phila., Pa. maren su, ihoi sin JOHN BOWMAN, No. 704 ARCH STREET, rillLADELPIHA, MANUFACTURER AND DEALER IN SILVER PLATED WARE, Our Goods arc decidedly the cheapest in tbe City tor toipli: plati;, a .h. i. July 7th. 1808 lye' IRON. A large assortment of the best manufac tured Sara, Hoop. Band, Round and Sqnaro Iron, Nail Rods, Cast btcol, Blister Vteel, Drill Steel, Horse Shoes, Horse Nails, Anvils, Bellows. Vices, Hammers, Sledges, Rasps aad Files, at CONLEY A COS. BBCTOKXAEtLNa Are especially invited to cull and examine our stock of .BUILDER'S HARDWARE, comprising Nails and Spikes of all varieties. Butts, Screws, Strap and T Hinges, Locks and Latches, Bolls. Plas tering Trowels. Brick Trowels, Plasterer's Sieves, ate Ac, for sale by J. H. CONLEY t CO. tending; Itailroad. SUMMER ARRANGEMENT. April 8th, 1867. GREAT TRUNK LINE from the North and North-Weet for Philadelphia, New York, Rend ing, Pottsvillo, Tamaqua, Ashland. Lebanon, Allen town, Eastou, Ephrata, Litiz, Lancaster, Columbia, Ac, Ac. Trains leave UarrUburg ' for New-York, as fol low! : At 3.00, 8.1V and 9.35 A. M. and 2.10 and 9.00 P. M, eonneoting with similar Trains on the Penn sylvania Railroad, and arriving at Now York at 6.00 and 10.10 A. M. and 4.40, 6.20 and 10.25 P. M. Hloepini Cars accompanying the 3.00 A. M. and 9.00 P. M. Trains, without change. Leave Harrisburg for Reading, rotUville, TTania qua, Mincrsville, Ashland, Pine Grove, Allentoirn and Philadelphia at 8.10 A.M. and 2.10 and 4.10 P. M., stopping at Lebanon nud principal way stations ; the 4.10 p m. making connections for Philadelphia and Columbia only. For Pottsville. Schuylkill Haven and Auburn, via Schuylkill and Susquehanna Railroad, leave Harrisburg at 3.20 p. m. Returning: Leave Now York at . 00 a. in., 12.00 Noon and 8.00 p. m.; Philadelphia at 8.14 a. m. and 3.30 p. m. Way Passengce Train leaves Philadelphia at 7.30 a. m., returning from Reading at tf 30 p. m. stopping at all (Stations ; Pottsville at 8.45 a. in. and 2.46 p. m.; Ashland 6.00 and 11.30 a. m. and 1.05 p.m.; l'awaqua at 9.45 a.m. and 1.00 and 8 55 p. in. Leave Potutville for Harrisburg via Schuylkill and Susquehanna Railroad at T 00 a. m. Reading Accommodation Train leaves Roading at T.30 A. Si. returning from Philadelphia at 6.00 P. M. Columbia Railroad Trains leave Seading at 7.00 A. M., and 6.16 P. M. for Ephrata, Litiz, Lancas ter. Columbia, o. On Sundays: Leave Niw York at 8 00pm., Phila delphia 8.00 A. M., and S.16 P M. the 8.00 a.m. train running only to Leading, Pottsville 8 00 a m., Harrisburg, 9.35 a m, aud Rending at 1.20 and 7.20 a. in, for Harrisburg, and 11.22 a. in. for Now York, and 4.25 p m. for Philadelphia.. Commutation, Milenge, Scaron, School and Ex cursion Tickets, at reduced rates to and from all points. Baggage checked through : 80 Pounds Brggage al lowed each Passeuger. Q. A. NICOLLS, General Superintendent Reading, Pa., April 8, 1867. CAUPENTEItsl WILL find in our establishment a superior stock f Planes, Saws, Augers, Hatchets, Hammers, Files, thisuls, Ac, Ac, for sale by J. H. CONLEY A CO. "7T. 77- APSLET. WITH T II A G II E R & CO., WHOLESALE HEALER IX ' Boots, Shoes & Trunks, No. Id, North 4th St., PHILADELPHIA, March 23, 1867. ly CHESTNUT STREET, PHILADELPHIA. rilHIS well known Hotel, situate near the corner X of Ninth A Cheenut Streets, Philadelphia, is, on account of its superior location and excellent accom modations, one of the best and most duiirable stop ping places is the oily. H. W. KANAQA, Tropriotor. February 16, 1H87. 6in Taa Vr FIRST PREMIUM Of a liver Medal waa AWABDBD TO Pf BARRETT'S HAIR RESTORATIVE By tit N. H. Statt Aerteultnnil aoddy. Ma t'ait tioklcB tn NaUiua,, itfift. nABHETT'l Vegetable Hair Restorative Heatorei Ory Ilair to Its nituiml fctVor. Fnv niowi me grow m 01 uie nir. (.iianuci root u ineir ongiuai orxonit- fteuun. bratli- a UiUI UUH'I UI A BUktIsOr UrNMIll, It oouuuit uo uijunuu ingnlivuit, uii it ine tnuii popuiiranu rcu "V kble vtlde thrnuhuut ttu cM, ntxu. ua fV J. R, BARRETT A CO., Proprietor, MAsicil FSTKB, H. it. Sold by W. A. BENETT, 6'unbary, Pa., and Iruggist generally. April 6, 167 6m ' REMEMBER THE DEAD. "1 TESBltS. D. C. DUsinuer and John A. Taylor, would respectfully auuounoa to tb eitiseus of buubury, ana surrouuaiug country, mat naving formed a co-partnership, they are now prepared to (urDisn oroaweniea ana plain 4-irtat entuiica,, Xosnbis W losssinens) of the beat Italian and Atuerioan marble, at prloee that eannot fail to giv-foutue salMlooUoti, and ra uecttully folielt tue publto patronage. HISSINUER A TAYLOR. Bunbury, March 31,1866 ly. lalnlai, Ollai, afec. A full (took of Oil comprising Linseed Oil, Coal "til. Fiah Oil. and Lubricating Oil for Engine and Machinery, Varaishes, (ilsss, alwsys on hand, atllow t-nsesai jib&i w w w P O L A N Dfl Ilagic Bilious Powders IHIA PRF.PAAATION la the rfltenT- ejv of the Rev. I. W. Poland for V turner merly the Pastor of the Baptist Charch in OnOitown. N. H . ami a man ilearlv bWnved by that drnnmhrallnn tiinnifhoiit New Eimglend He waso Wised to leave the palpi! and start 7 medicine to save hia own- life, and his Malic Powdets ate one of the moat wonderful discoveries of modern times. It ia THE. GREAT LIVER AND BILIOUS REMEDY 1 which completely throws rn the sheds all other disrrrv erie e In medicine) and it affords him much gratification that they receive the unanimous approbation of all who have tested them The Magic Bilious J'owdere ate a PoaltlvcCure for 1-1 vcr Complaint I In Its most agravated form, and an Immediate corrector of all Excellent for RRADACIIE, OON8TIPATION, PIJtW.Ki, HLOTCHF."., A SALLOW CKIM. DltOWSINI-:". DI7.ZINE?S. HEAHTH'TtN, PALPITATION, And a most wmiderliil CURE A PREVENTIVE OF FEVER A AGUE! (Weadvlse all who are troubled with this fearful mala dy to always keep the Powdera on hand ready fur imme diate use ) Here nre a few important patticnlars: lat They ate the Great Specific for all Bilious Affec tions. 41 They are the only known remedy that will cure I.iverComplaiiit. 3d The are the only known remedy that will cure Conitipition. 4th. The Powders are so thnronith in their operation thnt one package will be all that the majority of those using them will require to effect a cure. Sth. They aie mild and pleasant yet the moat effec tual cathartic known. 6th They aie the cheapest and beat medicine extent, aa they can he sent by mail to any part of the globe for the price. 50 cents. Circulars, containing certificates, information, Ac., tent to any part of the world free nf charge. fMJi.DBY ALL DRUliGISTS, or by mail on applica tion to C. 0. CLARK A CO., GtisauL Aer.xTe, New Haven, Conn. JViee, 50 Cent per Vox. Frbrnnry SI, 1807. ly. Lyon'i I'orlodlonl DropN, THE GREAT FEMALE RF.MEDIE8 FOR IRRE GL'LAKlTIEfl! I have tested these limps in my own place, over ten yeara, and do not heaitate to say, thnt nothing has yet been developed by medical research, that acta so powerfully, positively, and harmlessly, in cases of female irregulnrily, as does this medicine. In all recent enses it never tails, while thousands who have been long suneieis, are indent ed to it lor the boon of health to day. Althouirh so powerful and exsitive. thev are perfectly harmless, and may he used at all, eacept when ape- ciauy toruiuoeii 111 tneairectiona They have been extensively employed by eminent phy sicians in France and Knilaiid, m well aa in my own prac. tice, over ten years, and 1 have yet to hear of the firs Instance ot Tenure. 1 coukl give you testimonials in men efficacy from Indies all over the northern and western States, were thev not ill their nuture private. Over lull,. 000 bottlea have been aold the past year, and I hope and truat aa many autferers have been benefitted, 1 am well aware that a remedy ao potent to remove all ob structions, mav be used for a nud purpose, but trust that where one bottle is thus used, ten may fall into the bunds ot really needy suttercis. To all who suffer from any irregularity; painlul, diffi cult, excessive, offensive or obstructed Meustiuntion, Lu corrliea, or Hie train of diseases that follow, I would any, try a bottle ot Dr. I.vos's French Periodical Drops. Ucma a fluid piepur.'ltmn, their action is mora direct and lm tive than any pills ot powders. Kxplicit directions, Leal 117 my fRi-aimile. accomnanv each bottle. They may be obtained of nearly evury rlruftirist in the country, or by inclosing the price toC. O. CLAKK A CO , Sew Haven, Cl., General Agents for the United States ar.a tjanaaa. . DR. JOHN L l.YON. Practicing Physician, Price. 1 60 per Bottle. New Haven, Conn. February 83, IWI7. ly PJSCOBD YOUR CEED3' PERSONS havine unrecorded Deeds are remind od that tbey must be recorded, according to the Act of Assembl y which requires that "All deeds and conveyances for real estate in this Commonwealth, shall be reeordod in tho office for Recording Heeds in the County where the lands lie within st j- mouths after the execution of sueb deeds aud conveyance; and every such deed and convey ance not recorded as aforesaid, shall be judged FRAUDULENT AND VOID against any subsequent purchaser for a valuable consideration unless such deeds be recorded before the recording of the docd or conveyance under which suoh subsequent purchas er or morta-Hie shall claim." Uf Those having old Deeds will profit by paying strict attention to tue above. March 23, 18B7. THE HOWE MACHINE CO S SEWING MACHINES, 699 llnoADWAY, New Y'onc. For Famillew nnd .llanuructurem, Tboso World-Renowned Sowino Machines, were awarded tue nibest premium at the V) oil.t s cair in London, and six first premiums at the New York fitate Fair of 18(i6, and are oelebrated for doing the best work, using a much smaller needle for tbe tame thread tban any other machine, and by the introduc tion or tbo moat approved machinery, we aro rww able to supply tne very best uiaoutues in tho world These machine ere made at our new and snaciou t actory at Bridgeport, tonn., under tne immediate supervision of the President of tbo Company, Emas Howe, Jr., the original inventor of the ib'ewiug Ala- ctitno. They are adapted to all kinds of Family Sowine, and to use of Seamstresses, Dress Makers, Taylors, Manufacturers of Sbirt. Collars, Skirls, Cloaks, Man tillas. Clothine. Hats. Cans. Corsora. Boots. Shnea. Harness, Saddles, Linen Uoods, Umbrellas, Parasols, etc. They work equally well upon silk, linen, wool en end ootton goods wttb silk, ootton or liuen thread. They will scam, auilt. eather. hem. fell. cord, braid. uina, ano pertorm every species 01 sewintr. making a beautiful and perfect stitch, alike on both sides of tne ariiciossewed. The Stitch invented bv Mr. HOWE, and made on this Machine, ia the most popular and all Sewing Machine are subject to the principle invented by uiui. BEND FOR CIRCULAR. Tha Howe Machine) Company. 699 Broadway, Cor. Fourth St., N. Y. April 6, 1807 .lOI Ui; TO IMiCMEItM. T0RRINGT0N & H0DGKINS, MANUFACTURERS OF HAW BONE SlTElt-I'lIOSPIIATE OF LIME, finnbury, Pa. AS tbe seascn ia at hand, we offer to the farmer our Super-Phospbate, which as a fertiliser for Wheat, Corn, Oats, Potatoes, Grass, Ao., eaanot be excelled, and warrant it a permanent improve or ALL KINDS OF SOIL, (not exoeptiog any.) It does not act as a simple stimulant for one crop only, but is lasting in it effects, which oau be proved by the farmers of Charter and adjoining counties of this &tale. Also of the ad- iiweut counties of Delaware and Maryland, who lave used our manufacture lor the last 8 year. We auk a trial this spring, confident that those who purchase, will continue to patronise. For Wheat 300 lb, per aere drilled or sown broad east, For Corn 160 to 2001b. per aor dropped ia hill, at For Oats 160 lbs. per acre sown broadcast. For Potatoes 400 lbs. per acre scattered In row. tor Uraas, 200 lb, per aere ass top dresser. This quantity on Uraas lands, will produe an in crease In first crop of 1 to 1 i tons per aere. ' GIVE IT A TRIAL. We know that the result will be satisfactory. Sold in Barrels and Bags, at $57 par 2009 lbs , at our new 9Iai a factory, Kat Market fttreet. Also shipped to all points aa the Phll'a. A RrU Northern Central, LVckawana 4 Bloouuburg aud uu.wu.iu 1 muvj itaqreaiw. i. B. TORRINOTON, Eb.Hoinik.iuij. Bunbury, March 16, 1867. TjTOR Saddler, we have 8addT"Trees7TjltU. BucW J? les, Uig Tree, Pad Trees. Uanee, all kind and every tning pertaining le tne bostneas, for sale by i. H. CONLEY A CO. MOON & LAMmEAR, Ft, a nil 4 Falls! J4rla TW YOBK, WHOLXBALB DBAtsIKB BDIPFXRa or all kinds of IP R'E s h fi s k. All order) punctually attanied so. Fabraary is, 1867 ' ' No more Bald Head I ... . v ' M . moT Oray Zoci DR.XBON81 ELECTRIC HAIR REVEWER, Is pronounced by all who hava used It Oje Very beat preparation for the Hair. It Is a positive enre for Raldness, tradieatef Dandruff and Humors, stops the Hair from falling out, and speedily res Lores Gray Locks to their original hot and luxuriance; It operates on the secretions and fills the glands with new Ilia and coloring matter. Thin, dead, failed or crew hate will alwava ba broiiffht back bv a few application, to it youthful abundanoe, vitality and color. It mnkea tha hair an PL cIosbt. fraarranL nleasnnt to the touoh and easy to arrange. Dry, wiry and intractable locks become moist, pliant and disposed to remain in any desired position. At a Hair Dress ing it ha no equal. The sale are enormous and it is a universal favorite witn 01a ana young 01 00 ui exes. Sold by Druggist throughout the United State. Address all order to ZIEOLEP. SMITH, Sola Proprietor, 137 .Tioriti Third St., rUll'a. November 24, ldOf. ly. Northern Central Kail ray. FOUR TRAINS DAILY to and from Baltimore and Washington oily. THREE TRAINS DAILY to and from the North and West liraoch Susquehanna, and "Northern and Western Pennsylvania nnd New York. OiN and alter mumiav, JUAUUit inn, -ibov, the Trains of the Northom Central Railway will run as follows : NORTHWARD. Mail Train loaves Baltimore 8. SO am Harrisburg, 1.20 p m arr at WilliamsDort. 6.25 nm BnDolo Express leaves Baltimore 10.10 p m .1 ! l- It lit - jiarriapurg, m uu Elmira, 1135 am arr. Canandaizua. 3.00 p m Fast Line, leaves Baltimore, 12.10 p in " Jiarrisourg, a.tupm 11 Elmira, 1.16 a m arr. Csnandaieua. 4.00 a m Erie Express leave Baltimore, 7.20 p m " Warrisburg, a m arr at Erie. 7.00 a m York and Harris. leave York, 7.10 a m ourg Acouin. 1 arr. itarrlsourg; a m SOUTHWARD. Mail Train, leave Williamsport, 8.40 a m " . ilarrisburg, I.JJ pin arr. at tiallimore. e.uo D m Buffalo Express leave Canandaizua, 1.00 p m ttmira, s.jv p ta " Harrisburg, 2.60 am arr. at Baltimore. 7.00 a m Fast Line leaves Canandaigua, 10.20 pm Elmira, 1.05 am " Harrisburg, tf.20 a m arr at Baltimore. 1. 00 Dm York and Harris- I leave Harrisburg, 6. 05 p m nuro Accom. t arr. lora - o.aa n m Mail Train and Uarrisbura: Accommodation North and South will run daily, except Sunday. Elmira tx press Norm daily, aad boutn daily, exoept Alon day. Cincinnati Express south will run daily except eumtay. ilaat liine .Nortn arrive daily except Bundaya Elmira Express North leaves daily, and Erie Ex press North leaves daily except Saturday. For further information apply at the Ticket Office In tne Pennsylvania Itailroad Depot. x. xucAxtiti nen. oupt. Lui kawannn Ac Bloomoburi; Kail road. ON and after Jan. 1st, 1867, Passenger Trains win run aa louows : SOUTHWARD. A. M. A M. P. M. P. M. Leave Scranton, 6.60 10.00 7.10 4.40 ' Kingston, . 11.20 B.ZU 6 00 Rupert, 20 8.17 " Danville, 9M 8.60 Arr. North'd., 10 35 10.15 NORTHWARD. Leave North'd,, . 7.00 5 10 " Danville, 7.40 6.110 Rupert, 8.15 A. M. P. M. 6.36 " Kingston, 10.60 8.30 2.50 9.06 Arr. at Scranton, 12.00 9. 66 4.00 10.15 Trains leaving Kingston at 8.30 A.M. for Scran ton. eonnect with Train arriving at New York at 6.20. Pajsenger taking Train South from Scranton at 0.911 A. M. via Northumberland, reaoh Harrisburg n. ju r. ai., naiumora r. ni., viaanington 1U. 00 P. M. via Rupert reach Philadelphia at 7.00 p. m. ir a iviiurii c..'. Kingston, Jan. 19, 1867. IH91. 1407. Philadelphia St Erie Railroad. nHIS treat line traverse the Northern and North J. west counties of Pennsylvania to the oity of Erie on Lake Erie. It bos been leased and U operated by the Pennsyl vania itailroad company. Tim of Patstngtr Train at Sunbury. Leave Eastward. Erie Mail Train, 11.68 p.m. Erie Express Train, 6.10 a m. Elmira Mail Train, 10.26 a m. Lock Haven Accommodation, 6.20 p. m. Leave Westward. Erie Mail Train, 2.45 a m". Erie Express Train, 6.36 pm. Elmira Mail Train, 4.36 p. m. Lock Haven Aooommodation, 6.65 a. m. Passenger car run through on the Erie Mail and Express Trains without change both ways between rnuadoipma and trie. Iieiv York Connection. Leave New York at 9.00 a m, arrive at Brie 10.00 a. m. Leave New York at 6.00 p. m., arrive at Erie 4 08 p. m. Leave Erie at 5.00 p.m., arrive at New York 3.15 p. m. Leave Erie at 10.25 a. ni., arrive at ew lor a iu.iu a. m. ELEGANT SLEEPING CARS fn all Niirbt Train , For information respecting Passenger business apply at vor. sum and juaraet et., rnuadeipnia. And for Freight business of the Company's Agents, S. B. Kingston, Jr., Cor. 13th and Market St., t'nuaaeipnia. J. W. Reynold, Erie. William Brown, Agent N. C. R. R., Baltimore. II. II. Houston, Oen'l Freight Agt. Fbilada. II. W. Owtaaaa, Gen'l Ticket Ag't, Philada. A. L. TYLER. tiec'l Manager, Williamsport. way e, tan;. AWAHN EIPRENN COMPANY. REDUCTION OF RATES ON PRODUCE, OYS TERS, AO. THE rates on Fresh Fish, Oyster in the Shell, and Truok of all kind, to places in this Division, where the rate ia 75 oeats per 100 lbs or over, has been redueed 25 cent per 100 lb. At plaee where the rate is between 60 and 75 cents per 100 lbs, tbe rate will be 60 cent per 100 lb. Barrel of truok weighing lea than luO lb will be charged as 100 lbs in weignt. Fresh Fish will require to be packed in tight bar' rola or boxes. Prompt attention to the collection of Bills, Drafts, N. FERREB LIQHTNER, Agent. Sunbury, June 16, 1866. Sheet Iron and Stove Market Street, near Engel's Store, SUNBURY, PA A N Immense stuck of every kind of Tin Ware, XX ana onset iron nare 01 all description. STOVES CO0K.0FF1CB and PARLOR STOVES of the best Brands wbicu aro unsurpassed for beauty of finish, implioity of arrangement, oombinina cheapness and durability and aaoh stove warranted to pertorm what tney are represented. Coal Oil, Coal Oil Lamp, lantern a, hades, Cbimnys, and all articles usually kept In an establishment of this kind. COPPER, BRASS and IRON KETTLES, of all isea. RUIT JARS and CANS of the latest Improved styles. 11 is also prepared to do all kind of Spouting and tloooog, xiange and lurnaeo vrora. Repairing, cheaply and neatly executed. BEN ZETELMOYER. Bunbury, July 7, 1866 V WHISKEBS AND ' 2OTOTJlCEC3 i I FORCED t grow upon the amnntltest faeo in from ' three to five weekeby using Dr. 8EVIONKH RKS TAURATKUR CAHlLLAiKt;, Us anuat wonderful die eovery ia modern aaienee, aeuag apou the Beard and Hair ia an aliuwl ntiiatulou SBaauar. It has bean used by Ue situ of Paris sad London with the aoat Ballerina eucecaa. Naioaa ef all parcaaaers will be reg istered, and II entire aatiafaetion ia not given In every mala nee, the mmiey will be cheerfully refuudad. Priee by nail, sealed and postpaid, Ml. Uaacriptiva ciretUara and SaatiatouiaJ mailed free. Addreas BERCER, CUUTTS CO., Caeiaiats, No. Sxa R,vf ftrrest, Troy.N. Y-.fcole aaauu fev the Caitad tt(M. (ebuHly. BALTIMORB , .rhOOK,HOIFITlu !" STAlTtrsntD AI A TtKFTJQa FROM tJUACX- TBS ONLY FLAVB WHS KB A CVRB , : VAN MB obtained; ' JR. JOHNBTON ha discover ed the Biost Certain, J Ppeedy aad only Effectual Remedy In ike erld for all Private Disease, Weakness oftheBaek nt Limbs, Ptrtotures, Affeotions of the Kidney aad Bladder, Involuntary Discharges, Impotency, uene- Ueblllty, nervnnsnes, I'yspepsy, ianguor, lm rlta. Confusion of Ideas. Paloilatlon of the Heart. rimldlty.TremhllnfS.Dlninecsof Siaht or Giddiness, Disease of the Head. Throat. Nose or skin. Affection) ef the Liver. Lunm, Stomach or Bowels those Terri ble Disorder arising from the Bnlltary Habits of I onto those secret and solitary practices more larai to their victims than the sons of Syrens to the Ma- tiners of Ulysses, blighting their most brilliant hopes or anticipation, rendering marriage, ao.,impvsi Die. Especially, who bare beoome the viotlms of Solitary viee. tnat dreadtut and destructive naoit wnicn annually sweeps to an untimely grave thousands of Yonnc Men of tbe most exalted talent ana orniiant Intellect, who mlirht otherwise have entranced listen Ing Senates with the thunder of eloquence or waked to eostaty tbe living lyre, may can witn iwi oon naenoe. MAnniAdiE. Married Person, or Yonnc Men contemplating marriage, being aware of physical weakness, organio debility, deformities, arc., speeittiy cured. lie who Maces nitnseu una or tne care omr.j. mav relliiouslv confide in hia honor as a gentleman, and confidently rely upon nis sain as a i-nynoian. fmmediatelv Cured, and Full Via-or Restored. This Distressing Affcotion whioh render Life miserable and marrian impossible -is the penalty paid by the victims of improper indulgence. Young Eersous are too apt to commit exoesse from not eing aware of the dreadful consequences that may ensue .Now. wno tnat understands tne lunjeci win pretend to deny that the power of procreation ia lost sooner by thoso falling into Improper habits than by the prudent 7 Besides being deprived the pleasure of healthy offspring, the most serious and destructive symptoms to Doth body and mind arise. Tbe system become veranged, tne rnysioai ana meniai 1 unc tions Weakened, Loss of Procreatlve Power, Norvoul Irritability, Dyspepasa, Palpitation of tbe Heart. Indigestion, Constitutional Debility, a Wasting of tb Frame, Cough, Consumption, Decay and Death, Office, No. 7 South Frederick Street Left band side going from Baltimore street, a few doors from the oorner. Fail not to observe name and number. Letter must be paid and contain a stamp. The Doctor's Diploma bang In hia office. A CUR: WAHHAVrEI TWO DAYS. T? ATerevry or Nauteoui Drug. 1R. .lOIISTO.. Member of the Royal College of Surgeon, London, 'Jraduate from one of the most eminent Colleges in tbe United States, and the greater part of whose life hasbeen spent in the hospitals of London, Paris, Philadelphia and elsewhere, has effected some of the most astonishing cures that were ever known ; many troubled with ringing in the head and ear when asleep, great nervousness, being alarmed at radden sounds, bashfulness, with frequent blushing, xttonded sometime) with derangement of mind, were :ured Immediately. FAKE PART1CIXAR NOTICE. Dr. J. addresses all those whe have injured them, (elves by improper indulgence and solitary habits, which ruin both body and mind, unfitting them for either business, study, society or marriage. T ii ebb are some of the sad and melancholy effects produced by early habits of youth, vis: Weakness of the Back and Limbs, Pain in the Head, Dimness of Sight, Loss of Muscular 1'owor, palpitation 01 tne Heart, Dyspepsy, Norvou Irritability, Derangement of tbe Digestive Functions, General Debility, Symp tom of Consumption, Ao. Mehtallt. The fearful effect on the mind are much to be dreaded Loss of Memory, Confusion of Ideas, Depression of Spirits, Evil-forebodinga, Aver sion to Society, Self-Distrust, Love of Solitude, Timidity, Ac are some of the evil produced. Tboi'Sahd of persons of ullages can now Judge what lithe cause of their declining health, losing tneir vigor, boooming weak, pale, nervous and e naciated, having a singular appearance about the eye), oough and symptoms of consumption. SIEN Vho have Injured themsclvoa by a certain practice Indulcod in when alone, a habit frequently learned from evil companions, or at school, tha effects of wutch are mgntly telt, even wnen asleep, ano 11 no enred renders marriage impossible, and destroy) both mind and body, should apply immediately. What a pity that a young man, the hope of his country, the darling of his parents, should be snatched from all prospects and enjoyments of life, by the oonseauenee of deviating from the path of nature and indulging in a oertain secret habit. Such person sun, before contemplating MAKKIAOE. reflect that a sound mind and body are the most oeee8sary requisites topromoti eonnubtal happiness Indeed without these, the Journey through life bo- somes a weary pilgrimage ; the prospect hourly darkens to the view; the wind becomes shadowed with despair aad filled with the melancholy reflec tion tnat the napptnees 01 anower neoomos nigmea with onr own IflNEANE OF I.fIPRi:iE.'CE. When the misguided and imprudent votary of pleasure finds that be has imbibed tne seeds 01 this painiui disease, 11 too onen nappens mat an in-iimea tense of shame, or dread of discovery, deter him from applying to those who, from education and respeotability, oan alone befriend him, delaying till the constitutional syuipkim of this horrid disease make their appearance, such as ulcerated sore throat, dist-ased nose, nocturnal pains in the head and limbs, dimness of sight, deafness, node on the slim bones and arms, biotcnes on in neaa, lace and extremities, progressing with frightful rapidity, till at last the palate of the mouth or the bones of the nose fall in,, and the victim of this awful disease become a horrid object of eommiseralion, till death puts a period to his dreadful sufferings, by sending him to "that Undiscovered Country from whenoe no traveller returns." It is tmctanrholv fact that thousands fall victim) to this terrible disease, owing to the unskillfulnesa of ignorant pretenders, who, by tbe use ot that Vtauly Potion, Mercury, ruin the constitution and make tne residue 01 we miseraoie. NTKA.-VUERS Trust not your lives, or health, to the care of tbe many Unlearned and Worthless Pretender, destitute 01 knowledge, name or onaraoter, wno eopy vr. lohns ton's advertisements, or style themselves, in the newspapers, regularly Educated Physicians, incapable of Curing, they Keep you trifling month after month taking their filthy and poisonu com pounds, or as long as the smallest fee oan be obtained, and in despair, leave you with ruined health to sigh over your galling disappointment. Dr Johnston is the only Physician advertising. Hia credential or diploma always hang in hi office. Hi) remidieaor treatement are unknown to all other, prepared from a life spent in tbe great hos pitals of Europe, the first in the country and a more extensive Private Practic than any other Pbysioian in the world, FVOOKMKMET OF THE PUE Tbe many thousands eured at this institution year after year, and the numerous important Surgical Operations performed by Dr. Johnston, wituessed by Die reporters of the "Sun," "Clipper," and many other papers, notice of whioh have appeared again and again before the publio, beside hi standing as a gentleman of character and responsibility, 2 a sufficient guarantee to the afflicted. HtLlX IklfeEANlSNM PsEIIL,Y ci;hki. Person writing should be particular Ih directing their letter to bin Institution, in the following manna JOII.H 91. JOII.MTO, 91. 1. 01 the Baltimore Lock Hospital, Baltimore, Md. June 80 1866 ly. Eeparator Capilli. Throw away your false frixzea, your switches, your wig Desti uctive of comfort, end not worth a fig Com sged, eoms youthful, come ugly and fair, And reioice in your own luxuriant hair. Separator CapIlU, Fur restoring hair upon bald heads (from whatever cause it may have falleu out) aud foicing a growth o( hair upon tbe face, it aaa uo equal. It will force toe beard to grow upou tbe amuotbeet faoe lo fnan five to eight weeks, or hail upon bald Scada 111 front two to three months. A few ignorant practitioners have asserted thai there ia nothing that will fore or hasten the growth of the hair w beurd. Their aaaeruoua are falsa, aa thousands of living witnes ses (from tbeir own experience) can bear witneas. But many will aay. how are we to diaiinguiah the genuine trues the spurious I It certainly is difficult, aa nine-ujuiha of the different Preparations advertised for the hair ami beard are entirely worthless, and yua may have already thrown away large amounts lu their purchase. To suck we would say, try tbe Kenarslor Cappilli ) it will coal you nothing auiese H fully emnes opto our representation a. If your Druggiat dues nut keep it, send us oae dollar and we will forward U, pnetpaid, together with a reeelpt foe tha money, which will be returaed you oa application, provi ding entire aalialaciioa ia uo giveu. Addreas, W. L. CLARK ft CO., rbesniats, No. I West Fayette Street, Biaaessa. nTV. February 16, 1867 ly SILVER'S WASH POWDER SAVES Time, Labor, Money. Make) WASHING A PASTIME AND MONDAY A FESTIVAL. Sold Everywhere. TRY IT. Address ail order to the Manufacturer riEOLER A SMITH, Cham lata and Wholeealo Druggists, IS? ftorib Thlrtl ktreet, PaVi.'a. Novemher 24, 186 , ly - 1CB CREAM FREEZERS and HsJsy. PaUat Clothe Wrisgars, for oJ by ' ' fuobttry, July T, IS6e. IJET7 HAHELE YAHD! Third t reel, Nor of tho ttopot, ,- v BUNBUIW, riNN'A., " v " VTli. BTJBH, Proprietor. ' MONUMENTS, Toash-eteaee, aaA OraaneaUl and Plain Work la Marbi promptly exaeatod at the lowest prleea. The aabeerlW baying had experience In the best eetabliabsasnte of Philadelphia, facie confidant ef being able totura out the best styles of work. . A. A. RUSH. Agent, April W.1S67, ' Great Attraction. at the - NEW TIN-WARE, sheet Iroa and Stove Store ofa SMITH GSITTEEH, Where they keep constantly on hand and manufac ture to order at snort notion. TIN AND 6UBET IRON-WARE of all description). They would especially oall tbe attention of pur' chasers to their large and well selected stock of COOK AND PARLOR 8T0VE3. The subscribers have mad arrangement to have all their beat stove) made to order, and those who would have a good stove would do well to go and examine their large and well selected clock. "First. They defy competition on the following inea man as 01 vook oioves, vis : Combination Oast llurner. Cook. Uoremor Penn Cook. WABASH AND IRONSIDES. and the well known Antlduit Cook Stov called SPEAK S ANTIDUST. Also. Parlor and office Stoves In great variety em bracing alt the best manufacture and most fashion able designs, unsurpassed for beauty of finish simpli city of arrangement combining cheapness, durability and each stove warranted to perform what they are represented. Also, The oelebrated Baltimore Fire Place Stove, lor Dealing nrat, second, ana intra none by itegtster Also, VULCAN HEATER. Also, tbe celebrated MORNING GLORY. Coal OH, Coal Oil I.antpo, Shadea, CklmnlcM, nnd nil article" usually kept In an establishment of this kind. They are also prepared to furnish Slate and do slating in tne neat workmanlike manner. Also, to do Tin Roofing, Spouting. Ranee and Furnace Work, Gaa Fitting, Ao. Repairing neatly ana cneapiy exeoutea. Alto: "Daugh's Raw Hone BaperPhos phate." Remember the Dlace. 5am Die and Sale Room nearly opposite Conly'a Hardware Store, Market street, between intra ana courln street. ASuildtng dark painien. August 26, 1866. PERUVIAN GUANO SUBSTITUTE I BAUGH'S RAW 302Sr3 SUPER-PnOSPHATE OP LIME, MARK A BAXJGH Ss SONS, Sole Manufacturers A Proprietor), DELAWARE RIVER CHEMICAL WORKS, PHILADELPHIA, U. B. A. For Wheat, Rye, Barley, Corn, Onts, Po tatoes, Tobacco, Buckwheat, Sorghum, Tur nips, Hops, Garden Vegetables, and every iTop ana runt. Especially recommended to the growers of TRAWBEKRIES, RASPBERRIES, BLACK UER KIES, AND ALL SMALL FRUITS. More than 13 years of lerutar use uaon all deaerintion of Crops growu 111 the MuMIe and Southern Suites, given a bigh decree of popularity to this MANUKK, which places its application now, entirely beyond a mere VAfJCf 1IUC1U. BAUGHS'9 RAW BONE Hupvrl'ho.phute I IJiuc, It eminently a lucceai tful-ititntc fr Peruvian Guano and ltahlo Manure aitd ia iffcfed U the Agriculturist of the Nfi'theiuaul tasLeni t la tea aaa fertilizer that will cheaply reatore to the Poll, thoae esaentnla which hava tweu diainnl iroin it by couauiit cropping nud light inaim riiikt. 1 r ia very prompt in iU action i laating tn effect to decree uuatlaiiied by any cummerctal nwiiut m the nwrket and ia afforded at a much leaa coat than laourht Stable Ma nure, or Heruvian (Jiiano The Labor involved in ita uae ia far leaa thau that of applying atahle manure, wjfile there la no tik frtmi the intrnductum of noxioua weeda. tFurmera are recommended to purchaae of the dealer locaieu in tneir neiptiborntMid. in tectiont wnere no dea ler ia veteatabhahed.tha PhtkanhHtenwv be Drocured direct ly from theuuderaigueU. A Priced Circular will be aent to all who apply. Our N EW PAMPHLET, "How to Maintain tha Fer tility of American Far ma." 90 pagee, giving full informa tion in regard to the uae of manure Jtc , will be furnished gratia gu application. B AUG II & 60N8, OJHte No. 20 S. Dehwart Avenue, PHILADELPHIA. B AUG II BROTHERS & CO, General WhoUsaU Agent, No. 181 Pearl St., oorner ol Cedar. NEW YORE. GEORGE DTJGDALE, Wholaale Agent for Maryland Virginia, No. 106 Smith' Wharf, BALTIMORE, MD. Sold by b-MITlI AQENTIIER, Sunbury. July iU, I860 ly There oometh glad tidings of joy to all, To young and to old, to great and lo small ; The beauty which once was a precious and rare, Is free for all, and all may be fair, II y the uae of CHASTE-LAB'S WHITE LIQTTID For Improving and Beautifying th Complexion. The most valuable and perfect preparation in uae, for giving the skin a beautiful pearl-like tint, that is only fouiufiii youth. It quiekly removes Tan, Fieeaiee, Pirn plea, Hkachee, Moia Patchea, laallowneaa, KruptMais and ail impurities of the akin, kindly healing the same leaving the akin while and clear aa alabaster. Ita ase can nut b detected by the ckieeat scrutiny, and being a vegetable pre. paiation is perfectly harmless. It ia the only article of the kind need by the French, and is considered by the Pa risian as iiidiapeusabie to a perfect toilet. Upward cm 30.000 bottlea were aold during tbe past year, a auateient guarantee of its Acaey. Pries) only 7S oralis. Sent by msil, post-paid, on receipt nf an order, by UKKUF.H, 8HUTTS A CO., Chemists, StiS River Bt., Tioy, N. Y. February 16, 1867. If FINK Myrtle Pomatum, at tha Fancy Store of ANNA PAINTER. Uoosl news fofr Mothera I OTHERS, are yon oppressed with anxiety for Tour little one? Ara vour slumbers and hearts broken by their arias Do yon awake tn the morning unrefreaned aad apprehensive T If so, pro cure at one a bottle as Dr. Loons' Infant Remedy and you will havs ao mora weary bourses' watobing and anxiety. UK. l.KOiKS' IH FA NX REMEDY has stood the teat of years. Thousands of nurses and, mothers boar witness that it never fails to giv relief if used ia season . It Is a mild, yet sura and speedy eur for Golio, Cramp and Windy Paina, aad U in valuable for all oomplaiiit incident to Teething. Sold by Druggists throughout th United Stats. Address all order ut ZIKULER A SMITH, ' Sole Pproprietor. 1ST North Third Blreel, Mail's. Novaiahav 14, IBM. ly. SUSBU&T BUILDLHO LOTS IN J. W. CAKE'S Addition tit tha Borough gunbury, for Sal as reasonable term. . . Apply to Dr. R. H. AWL and, SOL. BKOoIOUS, ' Suahoiy, Pa. Or P. W. BHE1FER, PovtsviUt, Pa, ' Nv. H, 1M a BREAD fit FANCY CAKES. DAVID IFIV-T . , . Tare tW west of the Poet Office, iUNBURTv Pa. RESPECTFULLY Inform the kitliettf of Sua bar aad vicinity, that he will bake to order ail kindief . , ; Cake rr alalia. Parties, Ac. Famllle are supplied with FRESH BREAD, Twist Moll. Rusk. Tea Buna. A., and alsotept en hand manafaetured cut of tbe beat material. All order will meet with prompt attention. ' staving had large experience I hope to give ;eneral satisfaction to all who may favor me with heir patronage. DAVID FRY. Bunbury, Dec. 9, 1864. ! IH. C. UFAItllART'S Confectionery, Toy and FRUIT STORE Market Btroet, 4nniburr, ! CONFECTIONERY OF ALL KINDS, TOYS OF EVERY DESCRIPTION FRUIT, Ac., &c, "CONSTANTLY on hand and for sale at th abov VJ establishment atwbolesal and retau, at reason. able prioea. II 1 manufacturing all kind) of Confeetlonarlea to Keep np a lull assortment wmcn are sold at low rales. Tobacco, Better. Stationery, Nut of all kind, and a variety of other aitlelea, all of whioh ara oSated wnoieaaia ana retail. Ur-Remember th nam and plans. .ri M. 0. UEARHAllT. Market street, 3 doors west efE. Y. Bright A Son') store. Sunbury, Sept. 19. 1863. tf TOWN LOTS TN the Borough of Sunbury, desirably situated, in mgu sou ueuirai looauuna, I'OIl HALE, on suoh easy term a will enable persons, with a limited amount ol available money, to purensM nome. rersons naving Trilateral or Timber Iianda, Farms, Dwellings, or other Real Estate, for sale or lease, as well as tbose desiring to purchase or rent, are invited to consult the subscriber. His connec tion with reliable Arms in New York, Philadelphia, and elsewhere, afford nnusul advantage. Conveyancing oorreclly and neatly executed. JNO. KAY CLEMENT, Attorney at Law, Third door west of Smith A Q anther s Stove Store, Sunbury, Pa Bunbury, Deo. 8, 1SC0. tf. IF you f-nt guod Tin-Ware, go to bMTi'H A I UENllKR'S New Shop. dr 3. AFFLICTED! 8UFFEB NO MORE! When by ihe use of DR. JOINVILLE'9 KMXIR yoa coil be cured permanently, mid at triliing cutt. The artonuhiiig tuccrti whirh hat attended thil invala. able medicine for Phyiical end Nervuua WcakiieM, Gene rat Debility and FruttratKiti. LM of MuMiular lineigy, ImrMitency, iw any of the cnniteqnriicea uf ymuhful Mxha ereii'ui. reudera u tha itmai valuable preparation ever die covered It will remove all nervnui alTectione, depteMinn, excite ment, incapecity tt atudy or busineH, Iota (if memory, confuiioii, thought of aelf-deat ruction, fenrt of innnitv, fce. It will reatorethe appetite, renew the health of th'e who hve destroyed it by Mutual exceu or evil practicea. Young Men, be humbugged imi more by "Quack Doc tors" and ignorant practitioners, but send without delny for the Klixir, and be at once restored to health and huppi neu. A Perfect Cure is Guaranteed in every imtance. Price, 81, or (our bottles to one address, S3. One bottle is sufficient to' effect a cure in all ordinary cases. ALSO, DR. JOINVILLE'S SPECIFIC PILLS, for the speedy aud permanent cure of Gonorrhea, Gleet. Ure thral Discharges, Gravel, Stricture, and all affections of the Kidneys and Bladder. Cures effected in fmm one to five days Tbuysre prepared from vegetable extracts that are hartnlera on the syttem, snd never nauseate tliestom ach or impregnate the breath. No change ol diet is neces sary .vhile using them, nor does their action in any manner interfere with business pursuits. Price, 81 per box. Either of the above mentioned articles will be sent to any address, closely sealed, and post-paid, by mail or ex press, on receipt of price. Adcfrt-n alloiders to BERGKK,8HUTTs. Co., Chemists, No. 8ttf River Street, Troy. N. V. February 18. .867 ly ASTPwOLOGT. THE WORLD ASTONISHED AT THE WONDERFUL REVELATIONS MADE BY THE GREAT ASTROLOGIST, Madame II. A. PlJtltlUO. She reveals secrets no mortal ever knew. She restores to happineits those who, from doleful events, catastrophes, crosses in love, l-ss of rebttions and fi iends, loss of money, Ac , have heooine despondent. She brings together 1 1 tone long sei-tnutd gives tntommtitiii oorcerning absent friends ot lovers, restores lost or stolen property, tells you the busi ness you are best tied to pursue and in what you will be roost success! ul, causes sjee1y marriages and tells you the very dny yuu will miirry, gives you the .tame, likeness andfhniacieristics of the person, tthe reads your very thoughts, and by her almost supernatural powers unveils the durk aim hidden mysteries of the future. From the stars we see in the firmament the malefic stars thnt over come or predominate in the 0'ii6(tuiation from tne aspects and positions of the planets and the fixed stars in the heavens at the time of birth, she deduces the future desiinyisf man. Fail not lo consult the greatest A Urolo gist on earth. It costs you but a trtlie, and you may never ag'tiii have so favorable an opportunity. Consultation fee, with likeness and all desired information, 81 Parties living at a distance can consult the Madame by mail with equnisafety and satisfaction to themselves, as if in person. A full and explicit chart, written out, with all inquiries answered and Ukeaess enclosed, sent by mail on receipt of price above mentioned. The strictest secret y will be maintained, and all correspondence returned or destroyed. Re-erenrrs of tbe highest order furnished those desiring them. Writs plainly the day of the month and year in which you were bom, enclosing a imall lock nf hair. Address, Madams H. A. PF.KRIGO, P. O. Drawee 233, Bctfalo, N. V. February 16, 1607. ly CRISPER COIYIA. Oh ! she was beautiful and fair, With starry eyes, and radiant hair Whose curling tendrils soft, entwined, Enchained the very heart and mind. CRISPER COMA. Fur Curling the Hair of either Sex into Wavy and Glossy Kinglets or Heavy Massive Curls. By using Uiissrtirle Ladies and Gentlemen can beautify themselves s thuussnd fold It is tbe wily aitiele its the world that will cull straight hair, and at the same time give it a beaanful, gloeev appeaiance. The Criaper Coma not only curls the hairt hut invigorates, beautifies and eleanaeait; ia highly and delightfully perfumed, and is the most c Hnplete article of the kind ever offered to the A men can public. The Cnsper Coins Will be sent to any address, sealed and postpaid for 61. Addreas sli orders to W. 1.. CLARK A CO., Chemists. No. 3 West Fsyetts Sire. I, tvacuia, N. V. Feb. H, lfatt, ly BEAUTYI AUBURN, GOLDEN, FLAXEN A SILKEN CL'Ul.S PRODUCED by the nae of Pna. DKBKEL'X' PRI 8ER LK CIIKVEUX. One application warranted toeurl the moat atraighi and atubborn stair of either aea iuto wavy lingleta, or heavy massive em Is. Hue oeeii used by the faehionablea of Paris and Umdiai, with the moat gratifying results. Does no injury to the buir. Price by mail, aealeaaud poat'uaid, St. Prwriptive Circulate mailed free. Addieas BEROER, OHTTT ft CO., Che mists, No. IMS River St., Troy, N. Y., Kile Agentsfor the t inted States. February , IB7. ly BREAKFAST SHAWLS, for sale at the Fanor Store cf ANNA PAINTER. To procure a family group Photograph, go to BYEKLY'S Room in Simpsop a Building up stair) NEW MUSIC STORE. Call at our New Musio Store in SELUST'S GROVE, and buy one of Hsiiru Bbotibb'i Maw Soale Piano Forles. Every loatrumeot is Warranted for lire years. Ws also keep eonstautly on hand a good stoek of tha eelebrated PELOUBET'S MEL01EONS, CABI NET and CHURCH OKUAN8. and challenge other U sell ahaapsr than we ara sailing. We also keep all kind) ef Musioal Merchandise and receive all tha latest musio aa soon as published. A liberal discount to teaehars of Sehoola and Bemi ariaa l jr8eoood hand inatzutnatits taken in zehancs; br aesr ansa. Ptano) (Msraatly turned and repaired. Sand for Circular. SALEM BROTHER, gallpsgrova, Bnydar oo., Pa., July , lo64 ly Coachmakers. . WE Ml,Dr &iou B pokes,, Sprino. IV Canvass. Boris, Clips, Axle, As., aery low a Large Biook a CON LET 4 CO. SsBbury, March SO, lhtr. N-E-W-G R'O C E R1 TH."lW''.l'' WK I eaasttm to elUsens ef aunbury sa4 tat vleiaaty, that havaopaaeda ..!.). ,. IMETir fin nnTTTir Ttet doer cttt of s n. RrU ri - . . Market Bmiarf whsr thy ar t, famish weary verl grooarte, and will keep atoaUT tn nd choicest varieties of . 7 FLOUR & FEE Fish, Coffee, Teas, Sugar, Molasses, Ckksa, Spices of all disoriptiou, Soap of vary var Candle, Smoking and Chewing tobacco, Seg Hams. aShnMaaai H-wi Ii ..- . . 1 B Himi. obonldtxuni. Hnnnn. NmiUp a.. Driod fruit of ll kind., Caned PMhi To toes. Piokel), Ketchup, Pepper Ssuoe, Kali Lemons, As., of beatquallty, and In faot ererv of article) kept in a well stocked Grocery. , Cider Vinegar. All kind) of oountry prodaoe U " ."' paagB oi me puoue I) speotfullysolioited. QEORQBE. BEARD 4 C Sunbury, Not. 11, 1865. Dai 'US (BIQllUlKfiii STORE. W. A. BENNET, Market Square, SUftllUKY, Jn HAVING recently purchased tha Drug Si formerly eonduoted by R. A Fisher, I leave to inform tha sitisena of Sunbury and einity, that I bar sntirely replenished, my )t of AND FANCY ARTICLES: such aa Combs, Brushes, rocket-Books, Roaps, ; fumery, Hair-Oil, Knives, Scissors, Coal-Oil Lao. Tobacco and Cigars, Paint, Oiln, Clue, CllaN, Puti VnruUlioM, Patent, aicdlclnen, Ac All my Tinctures, Syrups, Ointments, Cerates, s other preparations ate manufactured by myself, s from the nest material I oan procure in Market. Having had quite a number of yean' experience tha Drug and Precription Bmnm,t both in Philadelphia and tha country, and also I advantage of the College of Pharmacy, I feel co patent to COMPOUND ALL PRESCRIPTS that the Physicians and publio may favor me wi All my preparations as I have above asserted made from the best material, and upon Jtw. assert, they are of officinal strength. For medicinal purposes, I keep on hand tha ve best WINES, BRANDIES AND LIQUORS, that I can procure. Before purchasing elsewhere, call and convis your own mind . W. A. BENXETT. Sunbary.Nov 18,1885. NEW LIQUOR STORE! WM. HOOVEB Itailroad Street, above flarketr BKAR THE CENTRAL HOTEL, ) SUNBURY, PA. RESPECTFULLY invites his friend) and tb public generally, to oall and examine his I are assortments of liquora before purchasing Ilia mock eon lNt ot ltranuiet WhiMkey. llollund dilss. Van-kv- Hum, tlononeraliclu nud llonrlion of the. bent qualU I J . W i nos, Cider, Vine. Rnr, dec, Ate. Farmers, lintel Keepers, and others are invited t call, as his stock is genuine, and will render gsnera I satisfaction, bunbury, February 3, 1866. " SUNBURY FOUNDRY OliO. KOIIKIIACII At HOX. ARE now carrying on business at this old eatab lishmont with renewed vigor. Castings of every description, promptly furnisbec to order. j The Stores manufactured at this Foundry nav acquired tbe highest reputation. Particular attention paid to MILL CASTINGS Farmers should not forget that tbe PLOWS marl, at tha Sunbury Foundry have nover been squalled Agricultural implements repaired at short Small castings, including Cooking utensils, of tbi most improved and most useful patterns. The business will be eonduoted on an enlarged scale. Did customers will beaccommodated as usual and new ones are respectfully solicited. Sunbury, May 12, 1869 FLOUR & FEED STORE WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. THE subscriber respectfully Informs the public that he keeps constantly on hand at his new WAREHOUSE, noar tha Shetnokin Valley Railroad Depot, in SUNBURY, Flour by the barrel and sack; of all kinds of Feed by the ton The above is all manufactured at his own Mi.'',, and will bo sold at tbe lowest oash prioea. 3 M. CADW ALLADER. Sunbury, April 1, 18S. H. HOOP SKIKTS. 62. NEW SPRINO STYLES, "Ocb Own Makb." embracing every New and DesiraVIe size, style and Shape at Plain and Trail Hoop bkirts, J, 2 1-4, 21, 2 3-4, 3, 3 1-4, 3 1-2, 3 3-4 snd 4 Yds., round every longth and site Waist ; in every respect First Quali ty and especially adapted to meet the wants of First Class and most fashionable Trade. 'Oob Own makb," of Hoop Skirts, are lighter, more elastio, more durable, and Really Cheaper than any other make of either Single or Double Spring Skirt in the Amerioan Market. They are Warrant, ad in every respect, and wherever introduced give universal satisfaction. Tbey ara now being eiten. sively Sold by Retailers, and every Lady should try them. ' As for "Hopkin's Own Make," and aea that each Skirt is Stamped "W. T. HOPKIN S MANUFAC. TL'RER. 62d ARCH Street, PHILA1VA." No others are Genuine. A Catalogue containing Slyly, Sue and Retail Prices, aent to any addreas. A Uni form and Liberal Disoount allowed to Dealers. Or. ders by mail or otherwise, promptly and carefully filled Wholesale and Retail, at Manufactory and Salesroom), No. 28 ARCH Street, PHILADELPHIA. SKIRTS made to order, realtered and repaired. TERMS, NET CASH. ONE PRICE ONLY WM. T. HOPKINS. March 23, 1867. lOmw JI'Lim JAUKU'g "IEmail da Paris," THE NEW BEAUTIFIER OF THE SKIX. TESTIMONIALS FROM CELEBRATED LADIES. This secret of beautifying ths skin being known only to Messrs. Jared A Rene, they honorably slate that it differs from all other preparations. It gives to ths most harsh and freckled skin both the tenure and eolor of polished ivory, removing all discolora tion), whether appearing as freckles, tan, morphsw,. moth or blackworm specks, aad is especially sue oessful in smoothing out ths marks left by the small, pox. Ths agents or XL-EMAIL da PAULS" uostoonn. denlly submit to ths publio ths earnest endorse ments of such distinguished ladies as Signora RISTORI, M'ddla FELICITA VE8TVALIA, Miss MAtiULK MITCHELL, Mr). D. P. BOWERS, LUCILLE WESTER!, Madams PONISI, Mrs. EMMA WALLER, LUCY RI SHTON, NOEMIK Db MARUUERITTE3, Miss A. PERRY and many others whose high standing In tha profes sion give, the stamp of teuthfulnasa to their intelli. geni and genuine approval. The besutiful Lucille Western urs: '1 and that tha "Email" produces all thebrillian. K of rouge and lUy.whita, with tha great and paou. i advantage or total barmlesanees. It really adds to the softness and beauty of ths skin." Tha magniAoent Veatvalia says : -'! Mflered ao amok from tha various whits lotions, ., which my theauioal Hofasaion obliges me to ue, that I consider it a perfect benefaction to nnd a preparation which girea th necessary white. "" o the akinjod leaves ths skin eool and smooth.' Misa MaggidBHtohaU says t "I hava tried tha skin beautifiar, ''L'EiBall da Pari)," and found that it instantly Imparls a natural blooa and freshness to ths omplMio;. " "Ja-d'i Email do Parts" Is assd as a delicate baauuner of th skin for Thaatra, Saloon or Bsll Koom, by ths most retned and eorapulous ladies, produsing all tha beautifying sfeoU of rouge and '"bito, without their vulgar glare or injury to Sold by all (.rat-oles) Druggiats, Perfumers and Ladies' liair iressera. ' '"!!";; M Broadway Dema Barnes Ca. and I. C . WaJto Co, . York; and Joain, 111 Sou Tenth atraat, and Johnson. Hullo. way Cowdan, Philadelphia, Agents. ' JAREU A KENE, Ben oral Agaolt and Importers, Kew York Jan. , UST -ra