Sunbury American. (Sunbury, Pa.) 1848-1879, June 08, 1867, Image 3

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    C JSunluti) ftmertran.
Od I)oi.-" fair heard Mm6 rumor of mad
4ogsrunn.hyjiabout, A llttl precaution would not
kMiiUl)hlhrtnioriot.'v ) i i 'I. I !
A. Jo Van Dawum, on of th discharged
eondttotor of th Philadelphia A Erie road, who
wit reoeatly tried at Eri for eaibenlement and ac
quitted, ha tried, th company for damage, whlob
hlaystfo0,000. ' "'. '.. .', .
FnCit. Peach, eberrie and plum ar almost t
Iota) failure In this plao and vloinity. Th peaoh
tree bar been generally destroyed. The apple
crop promises well.
TaacBER bai juat rooeived. another addition to lii
Mock of Boot and Shoesi, which he will open to-day.
Th publio are Inrited to eall and see them.
W aVe pleased to learn that the prospect of erect
lug a Seminary, under the charge of Mr. Elian
Schneider, of Potlavllle, on the hill in the lower part
ofjfake'a addition, are neonraging. In lb mean
time jut. sconemer Du taken charge or the seminary
on Front itroet, lately kept by Bar. Mr. Miller. .
Brick Builbibs. Th Look Karen authorities
are about pausing an ordinance prohibiting the ereo
t'jn f frame buildings In certain street in that
place The snme U done in many other towns, and
boo Id be done here, In order to protect the commu
nity from the danger of fire, Ac, from theie tinder
Cbickbx Cholbra. This disease, which prevails
'Id sons extent in this telghborhood, las carried off
nearly th whol itock of chicken! of tome of our
farmeri. ' '
Chios House The card of Chariot Itiel, pro
prietor of tb Union House, in Cako't addition, will
be found in anothor column. Charley it a clever
foUow and 'knew how to keep a hotel."
Bctter.-" Until lost week thit article of necessity
baa maintained more than city pricea, but it was, at
drained (a y Uild to the magio effect of a heavy
grnst crop and approaching warm weather. The
accumulation of the article, brought torn of the
dealers to grief, and the result it a auddon decline
from 35 to U ctt. per pound. In many placet it it
telling at 20 eto. and leu. . ' .
Shall Pox. Thit fearful disease is raging wi:h
great violence in Danville. The stores, the schools,
and the churches have been closed the Inst ten days,
and all publio meeting ar interdicted. ;8ome fifty
or sixty cases have been reported. Among these, are
Included a number of varioloid. IVe trust the vigi
lant measures adopted by the authorities will toon
,Sieck Itifavagoi. " '
. Mxssns. Reasak A Co., who have purchased the
Steam Saw Mill property of Ira T. Clement, in this
place, have taken possession of that establishment
and are now ready to receive order at the mill for
all kinds of manufactured lumber. '
8fRAWBERRT Festival. Th ladies connected
with St. Matthew's (Episnopal) Church, of this place,
Intend holding a festival during the approaching
strawberry season. The proceeds will be added to
a fund raised by the ladies for the purposo of build
ing a parsonage for the church.
Bass Ball. t-A game of baseball came off on
Saturday last, between th 2d nine ol the Keyatone
and the 1st nine of the Athletics, two juvenile clubs
of this place, on the grounds near the Northern Cen
tral engine bouse, iu which the latter were beaten.
School Board TbenewSohool Board, of this
place, organized on Wednesday evening last, by
re-electing the old officers. Tho officers of the' Board
nr Em'l. Wilvert, President, Lloyd T. Rohrbach,
Secretary, and John B. Leuker, Treasurer.
A Festival ad Dimmer The ladies connected
with the German Reformed Church, of this place,
propose holding a festival on Tuesday, Wednesday,
Thursday and Friday, the 2d, 3d, 4th and 5th of July,
in the new Masonic Hall. The proceeds are to be
applied to purchasing a parsoonge for their pastor
A dinner will be given on Tuesday, the day of
h dedication of th Hall. Th ladies are
desirous of securing the favor and patronage of the
community in their good work, and are determined
that no effort shall be spared to secure the plooaure
ofall who may attend.
The West Branch canal it now under the control
and management of the Pennsylvania Railroad Com
pany, that corporation having quietly bought up the
canal stock until Uiey secured about two-thirds of
the stock. We learn that when this Wat done the
old officers tcudered their resignations and now offi
cers were chosen, consisting of the Preeident and
Manager of .the railroad company, and the office
removed from Jersey Shore to Philadelphia.
The statement published tome time ago, that a
law bod been potted by the last Legislature author!
aing tho recording of soldier' discharges, it appears
waa a mistake. An official statement hot been mode
from the State Department to the effect that the bill
patted the House, but failed in the Senate.
Bobooor Improvements. The improvements in
the lower part of our Borough are progressing ra
pidly. Bom twenty bouses are going up below the
. Shamokin Valley Railroad. We are pleated to tee
that teveral of them are being constructed of brick,
and will be an ornament to that part of the town.
Th mill in process of erection on Fourth street, by
J. C. Morgan, Esq., which it intended for a manufac
tory of flaxseed oil, it nearly completed, and it now
. ready tor II machinery. It it expected to be in
operation by the first of August. W will notice
more fully the improvements in this portion of the
Borough in a future Issue.
Street Railwat. We understand that the
friend nf the proposed t treat passenger railway,
from tilt place to Northumberland, have opened the
books fax the subscription of tteek at the latter place,
and that already a considerable sum has been su ti
ter tbed. There Is aoino diflarenc of opinion in re.
gard lo tho route, tome preferring th river road,
-while other think th rout up Fourth street it not
only shorter, but better, at it would run nearer the
centre of this town, at 'well as in Cake's addition,
where a number of dwellings are about being built,
titnr the line of the proposed route.
Some thirty persona from Lock Haven and vicinity
visited this plat on Wednesday last, for the purpose
,of examining our new -Court House, with view of
erecting a new on in that plao. Among them were
the three County poaumUaiooer, on of th Associ
ate Judge, and eight member of th bar, with other
prominent and leading eitiiena of Clinton oounty
. They stopped at tb Central Hotel for dinner, and
left in tb 4 o'clock train, wall pleased, with their
visit. The party occupied the Court House about an
hour, and in order to teat it acouttio qualities a
number of short, grandiloquent, ipread-eagla speech -as
wer let off, amidst roar of laughter. Tb cyo-
c Biitteo wer highly pleated, as everybody else i
with this tplcodid building, excepting tho defect
which prevent th dittinel bearing in the court room
, .of th speakers, especially when th vole la raised.
.,ii .. . :
Am Oblioixu Coddctur. It U not el way that
railroad com panic are tuooeatfal m th employment
jt eondaotoff who are noted for their politeoea aid
attention to tbt traveling public, but w can aafcly
, ay that th Nerthern Central it aa exoeptioo to th
rale. Th ondwetor oan ployed en thit mad r
' generally selected with the greatest ear by th offi
cers of lha company. Aapeng them w might men
tion Mr. A. Newberry, conductor of th Buffalo Ex
' pre, who baa long been) employed en th road, is a
gentleman well qualified for ,th position be hold,
and all who travel on hi train Rsay (al pwfeetly
rr wbll under hi ebarg. He it careful, obliging
and courteous, and hat gained blgk rnaUlioa at a
tailrnal nea. .' . '-.'',.'
kit -. --i-.-..v'' sr-
Jinn Bead. "Stale m V Jon tbad". is an old
dago, . dectm bklBoodln WMMtK&(tf-i fetW
si Wednesday; Junk lHh,v1rw parbhluM to Brat J BreteriDUon bntinet,,,
uittwiinHUH, eaegnt i me ouaqeenanna,! De
le Ui dam, at thli -plaee. 'i It waa sraet ef your
overgrown, pot-bellied nth, but airmail, rittoontio
and Intelligent looking abed, trm and eleaUo a If
Just let loose from a "school" in whioh It had been
portolng th iiaual fiaeatorl! geographical studie
6f tbaibad family, in exploring lb tooroe of th
noble Susquehanna, and aaaertlng tb "rightof f y"
long enjoyed by iu ancestor before the march of
improvement had obstraoted that great highway of
the piscatorial tribe Had thit aliad the power of
tpeeeh It eould, no doubt, a "tale unfold" in regard
to its Journey no the river, and explain how It cot up
Col. Worr all's grand stair-case at the Columbia dami.
ereoted especially, .under Mi act of Aasoinbly, far lb
convenience of tb thad .family. Perhaps It was one
of the pioneers tent np. especially by oar old friend,
th gallant o1onl, t explore th rout and "repor
progress" for farther improvement. If to, we hope
the Colonel will embody the result in hit next report
lo th legislature'. ' . ,
A Srmaa The Sclintgrove Timtt, of Wednes
day lost, aayt that about forty boatmen, who'wore
engaged in transporting coal for the Trevorton Coal
Company, mad strike for higher freights on
Monday, at the' coal basin near Port Trevorton.
They insisted on the oompany paying them fifteen
eentt additional freight per ton, and leagued toge
ther and provented other boatmen from carrying at
the old rate. Their numbor being too formidable
to bo overcome by the company, the Sheriff of Snyder
county was brought Into requisition, who proceeded
to the plaoe with a posso of seventeen men. . Bat
twenty-six of the rioters wore on-tho ground whon
the Sheriff, arrived, who were arrested. Th diffi
culty waa settled by the company paying th Bheriff
$40, and the strikers agreeing to leave the premises.
Dfowsbd. We are informed by our Northumber
land' correspondent that on Thursday afternoon,
23d nit., the dead body of a man' was found in the
North Branch, near Rcnner's lock, by Mr. Charles
Jones. Decomposition wat very far advanoed. The
body wat clothed only in a shirt, pair of pantt, and
one boot. The verdict of the Coroner's jury was
"found dead." A pipo aud a tin box, murkod with
the loiters "P. M. C," were found upon tho body,
which was immediately buried.
Bl'RglaiiY at Darville. A bold and auooetsful
hnrglnry waa perpetrated at the residenoo of Mi
chael Rusensteio, in Danville, on Saturday 'night
week last. . The burglar or burglar effected an en
trance into hia bouae and carried off a box contain
ing two gold watchca, aix ailver spoons, a diamond
breastpin, and other jewelry, besides two hundred
dollars in greenbacks, teventy-tbree dollars in silver
and a two dollar and a half gold piece. The money
and Jewelry were taken from a box under the bed
whereon Mr. Rosenstein and wife were sleeping. A
reward of $50 is offered for the return of the pro
perty and conviction of the burglars.
Ren Me We learn that the Shohomokiu Tribe of
Improved Ordorof Rod Men, at this place, is rapidly
increasing. The Tribe was organized laat spring, aud
bos largoly increased in numbers since.
The order was instituted in the year 1X12, at Fort
Mifflin. At that time it wot a political institution,
and continued assuehup to 1830, when politics were
discarded, and the order waa reorganized for benevo
lent purposes. In 1849 the officers of the German
lodges met in Baltimore, and there It was argued by
tome that they were not properly treated by the
English lodge. At that time tho Metamora Tribe
declared itself independent. The order then num
bered eighteen lodges in Pennsylvania and six in
Philadelphia. In 1851 five more . lodges withdrew,
and the order wat subsequently established with the
titlo of the Independent Order of Red Men. At the
present timo there are thirty-five German lodges in
Pennsylvania, twenty-two in Philadelphia, tix on
the Pacific coast, and a numbor in other cities. The
total membership is put down at twenty-two thou
Fine Lager Beer. We are indebted to Mr.
Joseph Bacher, proprietor of the Cold Spring Brew
ery, of thit place, fur a keg of most excellent lager
beer, manufactured at hit eatablishment. Aa th
American office hat always been noted fur the tem
perate habits of iu attachcee, and never indulging
in more than one glass at a time, we thought it th
duty of a good Samaritan to advise a number of
friends of our luck. Accordingly they were soon
collected, tho keg was skilfully and graoefully
tapped, and the foaming lager drank to the health
of our liberal and enterpriziug brewer. All hands
pronounced it a number ou article, equalling, if not
excelling, the best beer mado in the eitiua, and we
do not sue why it should be otherwise, as Mr. Bacher
hot one of the finest vaults and all the material ne
cessary for making good lager, equal to any estab
lishment of the kind in thit section of the State. We
tender our sincere thanks to Mr. Bacher for hit kind
remembrance of the printers, and wish bim many
yours of happiness, plenty of lager, and an abundance
of customers.
The steam cylinder in the old taw mill of Messrs
Billinyer, Nogcl A Co., at LewUburg, exploded with
a load report on Thursday week. The head blew
out, and the cylinder waa ripped open longitudinally.
The momentum of the fly-wheel kept matters moving
for a few momenta in a very satisfactory manner-
Proviileutiully, the engineer bad gone out, or ho
would have been either killed by the fragments or
scalded to death. Beyond the destruction of the
cylinder, and delay and exptnso iu repluciug it, no
damage was done.
Ellinger A Foote's Combination, Thit troupe
of wonderful little people, with a first-clasa musical
troupe, will appear at the new Mosonio Hall, iu this
plaoe, to-day, (Saturday,) in the afternoon and eve
ning. The Bridgeport (Conn.) Standard, published
at the home of the celebrated Tom Thumb, tayt :
'Com. Foote is 500 per cent, smarter than Ocn.
Tom Thumb, and is, In our estimation, the greatest
curiosity of the kind ever brought betore tbe publio,
nut only at being the smallest man ever exhibited,
but being thoroughly educated he is a perfect mas
ter ol ibe Uermun and buglish languages also a
oomodian and aotor of Uie first order. Tbe Commo
dore's sister, (the Fairy of the West,) it a well ma
tured little lady, perfect in form, not bull'the size of
uen. join thumb t wife, with a tweet and beautiful
face. Her feet are to tiny that No. 1 shoe, children'!
lite, are over large for her; tbe it fur superior to any
curiosity ever yet brought before tbe publio. She
speaks Uerman and English, and it the ttar of admi
ration among the ladies. Tbe little comical renins,
Col. buiall, all things considered, is deculedlv oue of
the finest duncers we ever saw, both in male and fe
male character.- They are assisted in Ibe perform-
uiooauj ih enarining vocalist, Anns rjnnger."
The little people are accompanied by Wn. B. Hur
rison, Lb extemporaneous poet, Prof. Brooks, the
blind violinist, Matter Zaok, tha lautioal wonder, and
other comic and musical talent. "
Editor Tble. .
The Atlantic Monthly The Juno number of
thit magazine contains, among other contributions,
articles oo St. Loeia, Shakspeare,- Negro Spirituals,
Russian America, Tbe Comedians, The Early Dayt
of Montreal, AO., from the pent of Prof. O. W.
Holmes. John U. Whitlier. E. P. Whinole. Jmiu
Parton and others. This is deoidedlyou of the boat
magazine puousnea in inn eouau-y, iicknor A
Fielda, Publisher, Boatou, Mass. .
The North Bbitish Review, for March, hat been
republished by tbe i.eonard boot! fuhh.hing- Com
puny, 140 Fulton atreet, New York. The article, in
tbi number are, Tbe Policy of Trades-Unions:
George Buchanan ; Tb Political Writinca ol Richard
Cobdeo; On th Character of the Old Northern Hoe
try ; Viator Cousin ; The Oytter-Fisbehet; Oxford
Uuiversity fcxtention ; The Ileugal f amine or 1BOO
An exoelient number of thit able English Review. -
The Edikbubub Review. We have rooeivad the
April number of I his superior English Review, which
bat been republished by loa Lieojiaril tsaott rublisb
iug Co., 140 Fulton street, New Vark. It eoa
ttula are at fullowt: Couut Buugsot' Memoirs;
ArcbsBolojry ef North Auiariua; Tb Prussian Cam
paign of I riot : Pasteur on Spoutaneoua Ueneraiioo ;
Life ana Works of Han Holbein; ftitaalisiai Th
Heign of Louis At . ; Correspondence of n illiaos V.
with xvari Urey; ratal Aoeiueuia la tyoaa Mine
Todd on Parliamentary Government. . .
Blackwood' Maoaiinb. The May namber of
thit able fcogltsh tnagatin hat already been repub
lished bv tbe Leonard Scott Publutinai Co., 140 Ful
ton ttreet, Nr York.' 'Th following it th Ubl of
oonienia : urowniowa par . , oooiat aaaoiuoiu
A Modern Metrieiaat Cornelias O'Dowd; Traatat-
laatt Fenianitml How to Make a Catalogue of
Pooka; An Early Peep at the Show Tb Hsfora
Bill . . .. .
rjaa jtej . jearn'tn amg tana
lion need, apply wJUkQat
iatiafaetory reeouoiendtiona
' W'. A. BxTf ..
' Cuba Qoona. W hav xamlnd bi trm
goods Juat opened by J, E. Smlok, Merobant Tailor,
Uthlaplae, th goad quajltie and low prioaabf
wbloh forcibly remind n ef the good time previoon
tothtwar. 'With an elegant assortment On band,
which ha now offer at greatly rednoed prieea, be I
able to tell much cheaper than any ether establish
mobt.r Call and exAulti the goods; I j -
Tna Warm Weather is aaweloome to all just
now' fa p haadsoma and keaaonabi clothing mad
at lha rionular lailorini establishment of J. F. Shaf-
f for l).'.W. oo'rner of Market .and Third atreet. .
Uentlatsea are especially invited to-eall and aee the
new stock of Sumsitr Caatimarea, and learn the pri
cea, oefor ordering elsewhere.
... .; iiie ' i i : I
"Alwat aim at what become yon," although
an old saying, Is most ridioaloul advioe. 1 Just Ima
gine a man letting p bis beat eoat for a target and
biasing away at it ! Ridiculous, Indeed, If It should
happen t be one of those becoming, fashionable,
cheap and durable eoat turned out at tho Continen
tal Bataar, Market Square. 1 ...
i- "" 1 trite I
'.'There's two ways of doing it," aaid Pat to him
self, at he stood muting and wailing for a job. ' If
I tave tne four thoutand dollar, must lay np two
hundred dollars a year for twenty years, or I oan
put away twopty dollart a year for two hundred
years.". Pat or anybody else oan easily tave twenty
dollars a year by purchasing his Boots and Ehoet at
Miller's Exoeltior Store, Markot Square.
"Veri, Vioi, Vim," was th dispatch sent back
to his country by the great Cicsar, after ho had met
and conquered the enemy. This short aaying It ac
cepted by tho people now-a-dayt, instead of using
the latin, translate it by saying, "we camo, saw, and
conquered" all our prejudices by .buying our Hats
and Capa at the fashionable Hat and Cap Emporium
of S. Faust, Market street, Suubory, Pa., whora oan
be purchased goods, of the latent style and boat
quality. . "
Life Insurance A person owes a debt, and he
fears, should be die in the present state of affairs, the
compulsory payment of it would bring bis family, or
tbose depending on bim, into distress ; by insuring
bis life for the amount, he secures the payment of it,
at bis death, from the Company.
Jacob Shii-man, Firtantl Lift Inturanrt Agent,
Sunbury, Pa.
"Dear Father. Comb iloua ! '
Oh. father, dear father, do ploase hurry home,
My con(itleiiceno more abuse,
You've promised again and again from Thatcher's
You would bring me anew pair of shoes.
My big toe sticks out like the lioad ot a clam,
Anil you of neglect duth accuse,
Ik-ciuito'you huve failed from Thatcher'
To bring home my new puir of shoes.
The poor dear oreature's thrilling appeal has been
complied with. Her "dud" purchased her a pair of
the beautiful gaiter bouts ut Thatcher's well known
establishment. i -. . v v
PaoToonAPiir. The bouutiful pictures taken at
Byerly'a Photograph Gallery, In Simpson's building,
Market street, are acknowledged the best ever pro.
duced in Sunbury. Notwithstanding this, Byerly
charges loss than moat any other artist. Go at once
to hit gallery and be( convinced at to the truth o
this assertion. . . J ,
The Season. Spring boa oorae, and with it the
necessity ' for -Spring clothing. The question is
where cat) the. best and cheapest be had ? Those
who rend this paragraph are'invttcd to call at J. O.
Bock't, Fourth ttreet, whore clothing it made up in
the best style, and at the lowest prices.
On Wednesday, May 29ih. by Rev. S. W. Reigart,
Mr. William Shafkr, of Milton, and Miss HtDtccA
A. Biundle, of Sunbury.
flli.UUtV nARKETN,
Corrected Weekly for the "American."
Wheat Flour, extra family, per barrel,
do do do do perewt.
Rye Flour, per bbl.
do perewt.
Wheat, prim red ' per bushel,
Rye, do
Corn, new do
Oata, do
Potatoes, do
Dried Peaches, pared per round
de . do unpared . - do
Dried Apples, do
fin oo
8 Oil
10 00
6 60
2 75
.. 1 SO
1 10
3 00
Dried Cherries, (unttoned,) per bu.
-But tor,
per pound,
per dozen,
per pound,
per pair
Beef, hind quarter,
" fronc "
Mutton, '
Fliiaitok.iu 4'oul Trade,
Sramokin, June S, 18n7.
'Van. Cwi
. Sent for weok ending June 1, 12.3MI i:
Per last report, 1G0.0W IS
17?.4H2 II
1U7.7A) 01
25.24:1 13
To same time lost year,
Special Notius.
Instantly. Any trouble occasioned by eating
cucumbers or unripe fruit will disappear iustanterif
the sufferer will take one twtllow of Coe'a Dyspep
sia Cure. It it perfectly harmless.
"Shine out, little head, running over with curls,
To the flowers, aud be their sun."
There is nothing more intrinsically beautiful In
the natural adornment of the human form than a
fine head of hair. Without it eveu the most comely
creatures are almost repulsive, and the plain be
come positively ugly. Urey hairs, although ac
counted an honor to the old, have never been to con
sidered with respect to tbe middle aged and ibe
young. Too often it ia looked upon aa a result of
dissipation; yet many of tbe latter are innocently
aiuicted ty mate inisroriuoea. wnmn tney oouni easi
ly remedy by a use of the proper means. '-Barron's
Vegetable lfnir Restorative, oue of tbe uiimt arti
cles for toilet use, will effectually prevent and oura
baldneaa, grey hair, and almost all d if eases of the
V ..U....I.I k. ;!..... !
And House of Meroy. .
Men, on the sriuie of Solitude, and the Errors. Abu-
tat and Disease which destroy th manly powers,
ana create i muetl i men la to Marriage, witn sure meant
of relief. Sent iu sealed letter envelopes, free of
charge. Add rone DR. J. 8K1LLIN UOt'UUTON,
Howard Aaaoeiation, fniladelpbia, ra.
rfune 8, io(. ly
O.M2 1K1.'K
. 604 Mar Wet Nlrent,
On door abov Sixth, Philadelphia, j f
For tuanv year this aubliahmnt ha don buai-
neatontbaOn Price Syam, and we believe we
are tbe only Clothing Ho use in the eity that atrietly
adhere to ihia priuoiple. We have earned a refu
tation which we are proud of, tor good tuate is Mlect-
geud stylet end SjutMiuiitial material, and pot lea
r. . , i Uu - i.
, liX'l'UA U LI.L NAUK, .
W aanpioy the beat talent, - for Cutter, and eur
doed are of both kinds Fashionable and plain
so that all taste eon be tutted. - Tbe price ars the
vary lowest, at any one by a moment t thought mutt
tea, or otherwise w eould Mot meet tbe competition
of our ueignoon, lor aa neaenuetioot are ever made.
we meat put eur prioet down to Ui advantages w
Dmeiiae.i . ' ' ' - 1,1
Tb people may depend, thit it th tree plan npon
wnicQ to oo Dutineaa, ana .many a .eoiiar can oe
tared te Ciouiiog buyer by keeping fm mind
' JONES' ;
404 Market Strreet, PbUadelphU,
Ket ea the Corner, bat one door above Sixth.
March 23, 187-i J " -' ,
iTO'CCRB CONBOSPTTOir, the ryatem matt I
prepared to that tb tung will heal. , To ssjom
plish Uila, th liver and ttomaoh matt flret be oleanted
and an appetite created for good wboleaotxa food,
whlob, by them mediolhe will b digested properly,
and good healthy blood med thus building op tb
oleana the atomaoh of all bilioue nr tnuoou accumu
lations; and, by using th Sna Weed Tonl in con
nection, the appetite it restorod.
BC11ENCR d PULMONIC 8TRUP hi nutritious
as well aa medicinal, and, by using the three reme
dies, all impuritiee are expelled from tbe system, acd
good, wholesome blood made, whioh will repel all
diaeaa. If patient will take these medioinee ac
cording to directions, Consumption very frequently
in ita Inst stage yields readily to their action. Take
tbe pills frequently, to oleanaethe liver and atomach.
It doe not follow that because tha bowels are not
ooetivo they are not required, for aometimes in di
arrhoea they are necessary. The atomach must be
kept healthy, and an appetite oreated to allow th
Pulmonic Syrup to act on tb respiratory orgsajs
properly and allay any irritation. Then all that ia
required to perform a permanent our it, to prevent
taking oold Exorcise about the room as much a
possible, eat all tbe richost food fat moat, game,
nnd, in foot, anvthimr tha annatita eravea: but be
particular and mastiaate well. ..
Pot. 20, 180n. 2nd w. ea. mo. 1 yr. '
Ir. M IsttirS Hals-ana of Wild
' Cherry. - " 1
In th whole history of medical discoveries, no
remedy hat performed so many or aucb remarkable
cure of tb numerous affections of tb Throat,
Lonob and Chest, as thia long-tried and justly oelo-
brated Balsam. So generally acknowledged is the
superior excellence of this remedy that but few of
tb many who hav tostod it virtue by experience
fail to keep it at hand aa a speedy and oertuin cur
for audden attacks of Cold fully believing that it
remedial power are comprehensive enough to em
brace every form of disease, from the slightest cold
to the most dangerous symptom of pulmonary com
From Rev. Francis Lobdcll, Pastor of the South Con
gregational Church, Bridgeport, Conn.
"I oonsidar it a duty which I owe to suffering hu
manity to bear teatiuionv to the virtues of Dr. Wis-
tnr's Balsam of Wild Cberry. I have used it when
1 liavo bud orcosion for auy remedy for Coughs,
Colds or Sore Throat. for many years, and never in
a single instance has It failed to reliove and cure me.
1 have frequently been very hoarse on Saturday,
and looked forward to the delivery of two sermons
on the following day with sad misgivings, but by a
liberal use of the Balaam my hoarseness has invaria
bly been removed, and 1 have preached without
"I recommend It tn my brethren in the ministry,
and to publio speakers generally, aa a certain reme
dy tor the bronchial troubles to whioh we are peculi
arly exposed."
Prepared by SETII W. FOWLE A SON, 18 Tre
mont St., Boston, and for tale by Druggists generally.
For all the Protean forms of Disease originating In
there is nothing that can equal tbe purifying effects
of Iodine when administered in a pure suae.
Is a pure solution nf Iodine dissolved in water, with
out a solvent, and is tho best remedy for Scrofula
and kindred diseases ever discovered. Circulars
free. J. P. DINSMOKE,
US Dcy Street, New York.
Sold by Druggists generally. je8,-3t
HI EXjrC2 JtmfitLT vx,--. -
Is a certain cure fui diseases of the . jr? .
and all disease of the
whethej existing in
from whatever cause originating and uo matter of
Ptsenaea of these organs require the use nf a diuretic.
If no treatment is submitted to. Consumption nr Insan
ity muy ensue. Our Flesh and Ulood are supported Iroiu
tuese sources, and the . -
that of Posterity, depends open prompt use of a reliable
Established upwards of IS years, prepared by
II. 1". llUI,.MIIOI..I,
694 Brnadwav, New York, mid
i'4 uih lutii Street, i'lniadriphia, Pa.
March t, tetl.r-lf .
Rose Wash cures secret nod delicate disorders in all their
stuses, at little eapense, Utile Ol no r-hsnge in diet, ro in-c-Hiveiiieitceaiid
no exposure. II ia pleaaatit in taste and
(trior, iiriineilnite in ita action, and f;ee frorft ell inju
rious properties. mim'67 ly
RK.VI KDI KS for unpleasant eird de,iee,iua diseusra. L'ae
Marco ii, 1907. ly
I'OI.rLiA'l'i: &. VO.'H
It manufactured from PURE
MATERIALS, ard may be
considered the STANDARD OF
EXCELLENCE. For sale by
all Orocers.
May 18, 1867 ly.
'I'o CoitKiimptlTe.
The advertiser, having been restored to health in
a few weekt by a very tiniple remedy, after having
suffered for several years with a tevere lung affec-
tian, and that dread disease, Consumption it anx
ious to make kuowu to bit foliow-tuScrert the means
of cure.
To all who desire It, be will tend a cepy of the
prescriptiuu used (free of charge.) with the direc
tions lor prcpariug and using the tame, which they
will find a sure cure for CoxsrnrTio. Asthma,
DiioSciiiti8, Cut on a, Coliis, and all'Tbrnat and
Lung Affections. The only objeot of Ihe advertiser
iu teudiug the prescription is to benefit the afflicted,
and sprcud information" which be conceives to be
iuvuluuble, and bo hope every tulfcrer will try
hit remedy, as it will cost them nothing, and may
prove a blessing. Parties wishing Ihe prescription,
ruKE, by return mail, will pleuee address
my 13-'67.Iy Williamsburg, Kings Co., N. Y.
liuotv 'I'liy Dentlny.
Madami E. F. Tuoubtom th groat English As
trologist, Clairvoyant and Psyonometrieian, who bus
astonished the acientifio elaase of the Old World,
haa now located herself at Hudson, N. Y. Madame
Thornton posettettuch wonderful power of aeoond
light, at to enable her to impart knowledge of the
greatest importance to Ihe tingle or married of either
sex. - While in a state of trauee, sac delineates tbe
very features of the peraon you are to marry, and
by th aid of an instrument of intense power, known
at the Poychoiuolrupe, guarranteea te produce a life
like picture of the future bssband or wile of tbo
applicant, together with date of marriage, position
in lite, leading trait of character, Ac This it no
humbug, at thousand of tostiuinnialt ean assert.
bbe will tend, when desired, a oeritued certificate, or
written Kuarantee. that the Picture It what it nur-
ports to be. ' liy enclosing a email luck of bair, and
atating place of birth, age, disposition and com
plexion, ana enclosing hlty eentt and stamped en
velope addreaaed to yourself, yon will receive tbe
picture and desired iuforuiatiou by return mail. All
communication sacrudly confidential. Addreaa in
eon&dence, madakb iu. t. juouarori, r. u. Box
ii.i, Hudson, N. Y. feb 16-'67.1y.
, 11111 ITCH I lit lit
lYtll Cure tbe licit la 4t Hour.
Also cure SALT RHEl'M, L'LCKRS, CU1L
Prioe M cents. For sale by the riruggitte. By Bend
ing 60 cent to WEEKS A POri'ER, Sole Agents,
170 Washington street, Boston, it will be forwarded
by mail, tree of pottage, to any part of the United
Bute j 23 '60-y
Wonderful but Trite.
.Madam RtmsaTox, Ihe world-returned Astrolo
gist and Somnambullstlo Clairvoyant, while in a
clairvoyant Mate, delineate! .tbe very feature of
th peraon yon, are to aaarry, and by the aid of an
instrument of intense power, known at the Psycho
snetrepe, guarantee to produce a purfect and life
like picture nf the future husband or wife of tbe
applioant, with data of marriage, eoeurastion, lead
ing trait of eharaater, Ao. Ihi ia no imposition, at
testimonial! without number ean assert. Oy atating
plaoe ef birth, age, disposition, color sf eye anil
bair, and eaoloalng fifty cents, and tumped envelop
addreaaed to yourself, you will reeetv the pVolure
by return mail, together with desired information.
ty Addles Inoontdeno. MiPABB XiiBTBCBI
Kxatuteron, r. O. Box 3W7, Wt Troy, V. Y.
' wv - . -reblw-'eT ly.
Coneamptlon Cartablt) by
T i JiAehtjstck'ti MAetlclftea.
,;JA5! J) JlV bvcuv a,
K r . .IttbaOreatDlureUo. ,( f '
UUmioUTl CtncmtraUi Extract BartctpariUa
H j I th Oierrt Blood Pariler. . . .
Both art prepared eeorwdinf In rule of Pharmacy and
Chemise-), end are the tuosiaeuvo that oan be made.
MrhJ, lt'jlT :
Fro let KTerytaoejjr.
A Large pp. Circular, giving Information of th
greatest Importance to the young of both eexe.
It teaches bow th homoly may booom beautiful,
the despised reepeoted, and tbe forsaken loved.
No yodng lady or gentleman should fall to send
their addr, and rcoeiv a oopy, post-paid, by re
turn mail.
Addres P. O. Drawer, 71, Tmy.H. T.
aUrrort of Vottlh.
A gentleman wbo suflored for year from Nervous
Debility, Promatur Decay, and all the effects of
youthful indiaeretion, will, for tb ak of suffering
humanity, send free to all who need It, tha recipe
and direction for making the simple remedy by
which he was oured. SuSurert wishing to profit by
tb advertiser')- exparlence, can do so by addressing,
in perfect oonfldenoe, JOHN H. OtJDEN,
my 18 -07. ly 43 Cedar Street, N. Y.
Music I Music 1 1
MISS MARION DUVALL respectfully Informs
the oiliaens of Sunbury, that she will give
Musio Lessons on Piano or Mulodcon, either at bcr
own residenoo or at that of the pupil.
Sunbury, May 25, 1867.
' 1 In Simpson's Building, Market Square,
FINE Oold and Silver American and Swiss
Watcbea, Jloeka. Jewelry and Silver ware, con
stantly on band. Aiair Jewelry and Masonic Marks
made to ordor. . .
Oold and Silver Plating done In the best manner
and warranted to give entire satisfaction.
Fine Watclie, Clock, Mutio Roxet and Jowelry
Repaired and warranted.
All order promptly Ailed.
Sunbury, June 1, 1867.
AtlmlnlMtrcitor'rt Notice.
NOTICE ia hereby given that letters of adminis
tration nave been granted to the undersigned,
on the estate of Anna Mliria Myers, late of the Bo
rough of Sunbury, Northumberland county, Peun'n.,
deceased. All parsons indebted io laid estato are
requested to make immediate payment, and those
having claims against tbe estate are requested to
present them for settlement.
Lower Augusta twp., Juno 1, 1867.
Jfotice to Merchants and Shippers.
flllE undersigned, proprietors of Welter A Frick't
X Line, give notice to raorohaot and thippere
that their Depot it still at 811 Market ttreet, Phila
delphia, and all tloods directed to Sunbury and Dun
villa will be promptly delivered.
lt- Cars leave 811 Market street, Philadelphia,
tri-weekly Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays.
May2i, '67. J. R. RICHARDSON.
1IERD1C 110 USE,
a. i i'sox, tiup't,
Moy 25, 1867. 6m -.
Auditor' Sltitvmcnt ol" the Mount j
Account of Jordan township.
WE, the undersigned, having carefully audited
tha liounty Account of tbe Supervisor'! and
the Committeemen, appointed to recruit fur ssid
township of Jordan, county of Northumberland, nnd
tbe same to be as follows :
April Bib, 1404. Amount paid for
10 men and expenses for recruiting
by Llias Shaffer, committeeman, (2,336 30
Amount raised by taxatiou and
subscription, $2,326 30
Augutt, 1861. Amount paid 18
men furnished for the military ser
vice by Joseph Sebwartt, commit
teeman, Expeuaet,
7.M0 00
271 07
17,811 67
6,013 80
Amount by taxation and lubiorlptlon,
Amount yet due,
Janurry 2ith, 1865. Amount paid
10 men lor the niilitay service by D.
M. bchwarli and Eliot Hooker t, ooiu-
SS97 87
$5,060 00
108 15
Total indebtedness of the township, (6,066 02
V ituets our hands the 2 id day of May, 1867.
GEO. W. TKALTMAN, Auditor.
Juno 1. St.
Tbe best and cheapott for th consumer tr thoss
inauuiaoturea by
Shingling, Lathing, Claw and Broad, made of the
bust oust-sleel and warranted at soul or better tliun
any olbert made in the United States, and sold ut
much lower price than auy other really first-clas
naicncis. iuey are tempered oy one 01 tne nrtu,
S.J. Tongue, who poaeeate a peculiar faculty that
might be vailed
Whioh gives bis tools a grant celebrity iu these parts.
Not. 33 and 35 Richmond Street: the red cart up
Xiiird Street cross Richmond, near the work.
Philadelphia, May 25, 1867 lm
All kinds of SCHOOL BOOKS,
Slates, Punt, Ink, Paper, Ao. j
Miscellaneous Books, a good assor'"
tnout. All tbe new books received
aasnon aa nubliahed. axd for aale at
: I
Publisher' price.
BIBLES, Prayer Book and Hymn
Books, iu every alyle of binding.
Catholio Prayer Books.
FAMILY BIBLES io various ttylet-
DICT10N ARIES of all sites.
Juveniles and Toy Book, a large
Itlunk Hooka and Blank
Forme of ail kinds.
Foolscap, Legal Cap, Letter and
Ante Papers.
Pen Racks, Filet, Paper, Cutters and
Counting Home Stationery generally.
and dear.
ALBUMS cheap
' Uold Pent and Holder.
Pocket Book and Bill Wallet..
Picture Framea.
btereoaoupet and Views, American,
French, A e.
Drawing Paper,' all aitet, Bristol
Board, Ac,.
Diaries, Memorandum Books, Ao.
Backgammon Boards, Garnet, Cheat
men, Ae.
Toys a large and complete assortment!
hare-Ualle and Data, jtuning float
and Tackle. I
Perfume, Brphemian and Parisian
Mamies, ao.
Uold Pens re-pointed..
Lamps, Shade, Ulobot, Chimney,
Wall Paper and Border, all kind.
Window Curtaine, Paner Uilt and
Mutio and Musical Instrument.
I3r All kind of Books and Stationery not on hand
promptly ordered. -All
the Lailv and Weekly Papers and MagaVwea.
Aseut forth ''American Orgao " Auto tor "La
Rote't Hair Restorative," Enamel of America, and
'National Steam Navigation Company
Suupury, May la, U6J.. , .
- - , V.I .1 Si. , 1.1 .
Monthly Time Book Drawing Bookt and Slate
Bock, Hymn Book Blink Bookt, Memorandum
Books, Diariet, Poekc Book. Ink Stand, Pont,
feteils, a tn aaeor isitmt of Paper, Ink, Ao.
jpULL end tee the beautlul Bird Cagae it th
j new sairawareetorvTM
Market Street, three door east of the Railroad,
north aide, SUNBURY, PA.
Provision Store
Their Stock la complete, coniisting In part of
Tobaooo, Cigar, Flour, Feed, Fish, Salt,
Hams, iS'hoiilcliirs, Cheese, Fruit,
Ulast, Lamps, Ac, Ao.
Country Produce taken in exchange for Goods,
tjf Coll and exnmineour .Stock, and satisfy your
fc'unhu ry, April 27, 167.
rPHAT all tbose wbo are Indebted to Doctor J. W.
JL PEAL, on Note or Book Account, are invited
to settle tho anme within thirty days, as after tbat
they will be placed in the hands of U. W. Ziegler.,
Esq., for collection without respect to persons,
Sunbury, May 25, 1867. 2tn
RESPECTFULLY Inform their friends and cus
tomers, that they have removed Iheir Store Into
tbe aouth end room of the'Mnsonio Building.on Third
street, opposite the Depot. Sunbury, where they will
be happy to wait upon tbein.
Their largo assortment of
Groceries. Provisions,
AC, are all fresh and of the best quality, consisting
of Teas, Coffees, Sugars, and Spices.
Dried and Canned Fruits, 'Prunes, Raisins, Cheese,
and Crackers, and in fact everything usually
kept in the Urocery lino.
They would nlio call attention to their lorRo and
cheap lot of Oood Family Flour, Oroen Tea, Hams,
Shoulders, Ac, which are constantly kept on baud.
FRESH FISH and Vegetables, every Tuesday and
Friday evcuingt.
Oive them a call and tee for yourselves.
Sunbury, April 27, 1B67.
'i'o the Clticn ol' Nuubury nnd
THE undersigned have bought tbe Brick-Yard
and improvements, formerly leased nnd worked
by A. B. Slcvcus. and buvo muuo additional im
provements, and arc now prepared to make oontractt
lo manufacture and deliver BK1CK in large quan
titles , tor building and other purposes.
By the mnnulacturo of a good article, and prompt
attention to business, we hopo 10 receive a sharo of
public patronage. Orders left at the Brick-Yard,
or Box 14, t'unbury Post Office, will be promptly
attended to.
Sunbury, May IS, 1S07 Sin
Market Street, adjoining Gourhnrt'a Confectionery
Store, SUNBURY, Pa.
rilHF undorsigned respectfully informs the citijen
X of Sunbury and vicinity, that he baa opened a
NEW MIOL STOKE, fur the aulo as well as fur the
manufacture of the nuest and best quality of Ladies'
Shoes, viz :
lalovolaitl, llorrucco, (.'silt-aiktn nnd
I.KKtin 4piil-rr, Ac.
Children's Shoes of nil kinds. Hit stock is entirely
new and well selected.
He also mnniifncturcs fine French and other Calf
akin Hoota nnd Shoea for tieritlcmen.
Ordora for ladies and gentlcinen'a custom work
will be promptly attended to and got up in the best
style by skilful mechanics.
Shoe limlings Ac, constantly kept on hand and
for tale to the trade.
Sunbury, April 20, 1537.
Market Squara, n-nr tho Court
SUNBURY, Northumberland Count", Pa.
HE bas just opened an assort incnt of Hold
and Plain Patent Watches. CLOCKS
for Railroads. Bunks and Dwollirgs. Fine
Uold Rings, Fingor Rings, Bracelet, Minia
ture Ciucs, Medallions, Lockets. Pencils,
Tbimhlet, .Spectacles, Silver Table, Dessert, Tea Suit
and Mustard Spoons, Sugar Spoous. Cups, Napkin
Kings, Fruit and Butter Knives, Shields, Combs,
Diamond Pointed Pous. Casters, Pitchers. Butter
Dishes, Fruit Dishes, Cuke Boskets, Syrup Pitchers,
Ac. Ac,
He invites the citiiens of Sunbnry nnd vicinity to
cull at the above place, where he -will be happy to
wait upon them.
t srPartieularattention paid to REPAIRING.
April 13, IKo7,
J. H. Conley & Co.,
Jlni-ltd Street, I'ut ot'llie Itnilroad
roiii:ic; & aiikkica:,
Hardware & Cutlery.
tfpiiK attention of Mcchnnios, Fanners, Builder,
I X and Buyers generally it invited to the tact that
wo uie now offering a bettor selected assortment of
than ever was offered in this marked nt prices much
telow those heretotore ftemnmlen ny aenlers. Our
slock comprises all articles in this lino of business,
embracing a general assortment of tools and mate
riuls used by
toffctber w ith a lnrice stock of Iron, Steel, Nails,
Spikes. Rope, Chains, Urindstoiie", Mill and X Cut
buws, ao., oc
Suubury, March 30, 1867.
1, S3, 23 & 27 Broadway, N. 7.
Opposite Bowling (ireen,
THE STEVENS HOUSE la well and widely known
to lha traveling publiu. Tbe location ia espe
cially suitable to merchants and business men ; it it
Iu close proximity to tne tiu-nii ss part of tne city
is on the highway of Southern and Western travel
and adjacent lo all the principal Railroad and
S'teamhont depots.
the albt t.Na JIUI fcl-. bos liberal aecomuiodn-
tion for over ;t(iO guests it is well tiirui.-hcd, and
possesses every mudurii improvement for the com
fort aud entertainment of iis inmates. Ihe rouis
are spacious and well reulil.iled provided with gas
and water tlio attendance is prompt and respectlul
and the table is generously pruvided with every
delicacy of the season at moderate rates.
irt'j. a. viiAOi, a. rrop trt.
May 25, J?W. m
THE best qualities of Sole Leather, French Calf
skins, Mnrroucui, Linings, Lustt, Nails, Pegs-
Tools of ail kinds, and every thing used by tho trade,
for jue lowby J. 11. COM.EY A CO.
A3 urn I liitleiii'utai,
HOE'S ttroin Hakes. Steel and Iron Oarden Rakes,
Ijuug and D lluiidle Spades, 'bovels, Manure
aud Hay Forks, Urase and Urain beythea, Urain
Cradles, Cradle Finger, Trace, Breaai. Tongue and
Log Chains. Urind-slouea, Fanning Mill Keivea of
all sites and kinds, a large assortment of Red H'agon
llamet, liir Plowing, Farm Bulls. Cultivator Teeth,
fur aalu by J. H. CONLEY A CO.
IE AD Pipe, all siica in store, and for tale by
niti: Al ivati:u 1UUUF
noorzKa :
m 11IMEH A CO., are the Agents in th Counties
X a nf Northumberland, Snyder and Mumuur,
for WARREN'S Improved Fir and Water-Proof
Roof. Tbi ia the cheapest aud beat Roof that can
bv put on a building. Has been used in lb eity of
Philadelphia, ainoe 1851, where it b-as superseded
almost every other kind of Roof. It is recuuimend
ed by the builders, and it used on all of lha finest
buildings iatbat eity. PartLeoontemplaling build
ing, will do well to examine into the merits ef Ihi
aud all ether kinds of Roof', aid giv th but tb
Tb ''ountaln Hotel, of Sunbury, will, in a few
dayt. be covered wieh tbit Roof, and part lot desiring
to do to, may cull there acd axauia it
For further information addres Box H, Sunbury
Pott Office, or eall at th Brick Yard of 1
Sunbury, 18, 187 -3ra
Something lSTcw
Notlung New J
Th splendid assortment ol Q00D3 at the
J. U'. rini.i.o A. BOX.
13 NEW,
but it la Nothing Now for them as they are elwayt
gutting np NEW UOOD3.
to th people of SUNBURY, for they have purchase
ed them goods low and are selling thoai at very
We are determined to acll our Gooda at Low
Prioet and defy competition.
Wekeipthe b't quality ol j1ooIpi and
sell them as low aa the arttvoaisl uulitie are
sold by othor dealer.
Come nnd examine our Stock and Learn eur
: c a err: Kfs 9
No charge for showing Goods. That
is our business and we take pleaauro
in doing it.
Feeling very thankful to the public for tbelr vor
liberal patronago heretofore bestowed npon us. w
feol contidunt of retaining tbeir custom, by a atria
adherence to the rules we have adopted.
The Mammoth Store.
Market Square, I doort eaatof the New Court Hoaae,
Sunbury, Maroh 30, 1R6".
Fashionable Dress
Millinery Goods,
Just opening at the Millinery Store of
Miss 1. L. GUSSLEIJ,
Fourth Street, two doort below the Railroad, Weak
tide, BUNBURY, PA.
IB -d 0 9 2 'J m ii 9 3 tt
Drcsa-Triminiugtt, Ilead-Dresscs, Gloves, Hosiery
Ribbons, Flowers, Collar?, Uandker
chief;, Ac, Ac,
which have been carefully selected.
Miss M. L. li ussier bus just opened a lurge assort
ment of Millinery Uoods. Ladies should nut fail to
go and reo the latest styles as it will puy to not delay
in visiting herstore.
Cull and examine for yourselves. No trouble to.
show goods
Sunbury, April 20, 1SC7.
VA 3. PTJ3.1fiAlT & CO.,
Market Stroct, Six doors East of Third atreet, north
aido, SUNBURY, PA.,
RESPECTFULLY inform their frienda and lb
public, that they have opened a
and will be happy to have them cull and exumine
(heir stock, which has just been opened, embrac
iugverything in tbe (iruc-cry line, aucb nt
Coffee, Te, Paar, Syrups, Spices, Canned and Dried
Fruits, Bouns. lloiniuy. Cheese, Urackor,
Buoon, Ham, Fish, Salt. Potutoea,
etc, together with Soaps,
Caudlee, fc'oda, Ao.,
and in fact everything in tho Urocuryond Provision.
FLOI'R AND FEED, Quocmware, Willow-ware,
Glassware, Coal Oil Lumps, Coal Oil Ao.
Call and tee before purchasing elsewhere.
Sunbury. April 27, 13C.7.
A.Vu XA K K I V A Is O B-
Corner of Fourth and Market Streets, SUNBURY.
JUST received from New York and Philadelphia,
a largo supply of hPRINU AND SI MMER
HOODS, which be will acll ut small profits, for cosh
or country produce.
Hia Dry Goods department is full of every descrip
tion. A splendid line of LADIES' DUESS GOODS,
and White Goods at all prices.. -Fancy
Sacking tor Ladies, and Shetland Wool
Yankee Notions in Great Variety
Also, Ladies' French Corsets and Hoop Skirts.
Wove Floor Cloths, Stair Carpets Floor Oil Clotbt,
all widths, Carriage Oil Cloth, Table Oil Cloth
Widow Shades. I'laiu Green and Brown Oil Clolu,
aud Fixtures for Windows.
Kugar, Coffee, Molasses, Rice, Crackers, Spices, Salt
Fish, Cheese, Ac.
Queenswtire,Glasaware, splendid Setts of Teaware,
at low prices.
Ihi is and Cups, Oil, Point, Glot, Putty, School
Books. Paper, Slate, Ao.
H'jAJhD .W Ann.
Shovels, Forks, Nails, Locks, Hinges and Screw .
A Large usortiittiit of WALL PAPER and Bor
der, at all price; .
All persons dustrlng to get good good will pleas
give Inm a cill.
J. 11. ENuLL.
Sunbury, April If), IS07.
) IRD CAGES, It different kiuda. If you want
J good and cheap Bird Cages, iro to
H. O. THACHEU. Proprietor
New Goodu, New Styles, New Prico
Tbo largest Stock of Bouts and Shoe in tbi Mark
Gents' Traveling Satchel Hand. Bags, Valise, io.
An elegant assortment of Ladies' Fine Leather Sat
ehei Caba't, A., A.
Meaeunrai Itullding;,
it s re Fj t sq u a n x,
April , 1M7