EM)t guntmrp American. SHULB, PbllahaM. 8ATURDAY, JUNE 1, 1867. ' i Hocal affairs. W ar requested to tut that the dedication of lb M, tonic Hull in this plae, la lied fur Tuesday, ' th Id of July uit, Instead of tho 26th of Jun, u Mated Im( nk. Kteursioa tlokets will bo lssned by th difTerejf railroad companies for th oooulon. CiBcc RoBlaMii'i groat South-waatern elrous will tihlbtt in' thlt plao oo next Friday afternoon and veiling'. Tbii oiroua hat improved by making Urge addition! to their performance, and promise to be a brilliant affair. 6 advertisement in another Column. Tat Pint National Bank or Sunbury, ha declared a dlrldend of five per eent., ai lu profit for th lait IsmoLtha, Tat Re. A. D. Hewn having accepted a call from th liyeoming Presbyterian Cburob of WU liamsport, bat teodered bit resignation of th charge at 8hi.mokin, and preached bit farewell sermon op. last Sunday Tnlng. ' MorbMillixixt Goods. Mia M. L. Qusalsr saving foand it nseessary to procure another ttock f goodt, haJut returned from th oily with a large assortment of th latest atyl of 8ummer Millinery Ooodt. Th ladiet are invited tooall and them before pnrchating elsewhere. BArrmo. The rafting season of 1867 it by oddt .the longest that hat been teon In many years. . For two month! or nor th Susquehanna bat been in Splendid rafting order. Th ''Yankees" hare taken advantage of tbii favorable ttat of affaire, and nearly all th lumber ready for tbipment hat been rushed , lata lb market. A Con IT. A comet of Immenae proportion! waa visible northward about ten o'clock on Monday night. It wet very brilliant and attracted considerable no tice. No doubt the long-tailed monitor oooupied a eimllar poaitton on previooa evenings, but cloud bav to long bidden tho npper region! from view that th "tky-lightt" war InvUibl. Bona Fodhtai. The Soda Fountain in W. A. Bennett'! drug itor ii now in full blaat. Thoa de tiring to enjoy thil delioiout beverage are Invited to call. Be baa juit opened a variety of ayrupa wbioh are fresh and delightful. I. 0. or 0. F. 8. B Boyer, Esq., of thit place, waa re-elected Diitrict Deputy Grand Matter, and Jw received tb appointment of Dislriot Deputy Grand Patriarch for tbii diatriot during the enauing year, Mr. Boyer baa been Diitrict Deputy Grand Mastar for teveral yeara put, and haa been aotive in bia dutlet, which haa aecured for bun tb honor ol DUtriot Deputy Grand "striked, through tho grand officii of the Enoampment. Tb Northumberland company, commanded by -Capt. James Taggart, who waa killed in theteven day. battle in Virginia, want to Ilarriaburg on Thura. day to attend th anniversary .celebration of the Pennaylvania Reserves, to which th company be louged. Tb Northumberland band, th only Regl meLUI band of th Reaervet that hat preierved iu organisation, accompanied them. Fockd DsaD. On Weduesday laat the body of a man waa found dead on lb river road opposite thil place. When foucd bia bead waa reclining on bia carpet bag and tit boota atnnding near him. A email bottle, marked ttrychnlne, wu found in bii pocket. He bad been at Lyon't hotel, at th ferry, th day before, and had then a gold watch, which was mining when the body wat found. Paper Hahoiho. Thit it a great addition to a dwelling and when when properly don aids much to it! beauty. Mr. John Elliott hat just finished the paper hanging of th houae of James llalcne, Esq., wbioh for diaplay and beauty of finiah, we think, cannot be eieellcd any where outaide of tb citiea. PoeD. Th body of Willie Friling, who wa drowned in the river at thit place, on the evening of the 9th ult., waa found in the river near Marietta Lancastercounty. Ilia rem aim were brought bom ou Thursday, and interred in th cemetery at tbii Jilaoe. Th body waa diteovered about 10 o'clock on Tues day morning lat, by Mr. Ely, who waa working in bia preoh orchard on a bluff near Ihe river, about three mild above Marietta, on the opposite abort. II observed tometbing that looked like a human body floating quietly on a atnootb ttream, and lent bii ton out with a boat who brought it to the abore. Mr. Ely having aeen th advertisement, th information wat at once communicated to Mr. Friling. In the meantime th body had been interred by th Coro ner. Mr. Kessler, one of Mr. Friling't clerka, went down and bad th body disinterred, and at once re cognised it at that of the unfortunate boy. Wi learn that it la th intention of Messrs. Reagen A Co., who have lately become tb purobaaera of I. T. Clement' iteam aaw mill along the river, of making extensive improvement! and largely increas ing their faoilitiet for suiting lumber, as coon at Ibey take possession of the property. Tbey are alto pre paring to erect a large aaw-mill, east of Fourth ttreet above tb Sbamokin Valley branch railroad, for tb manufacture of doors, window-sash and all kinds of ernamcntal wood work for building purpose. These improvement! are much needed juit now, and we know of no better investment of eapital than in luch an enterprise. Th gentlemen oompoiing tb com pany, are men of energy and eapital, and we bav bo doubt, but that they will make tbii on of th most extensive lumbering plaoes in th Stat, if pro per encouragement it given them by our oltiisna. At th age of nineteen, Harry V shipped in a vessel oalled th Claremont and bound to Australia. Tb craft wat eommanded by Capt. B , a gruff man of middle age, who had passed the greater por tionofhii life at tea. Though disposed at timet to .order bit men about in a rough manner, yet he wa not by any meant a bard hearted person. Mr. K , the mate of the Claremeot wat a tyrant, he bad contracted a disagreeable habit, which he would indulge, in whatever craft be might chance to be, of throwing marllnetpikes and belaying-pint at the beadt of tuoh of the orew at were either too cautious or too timid to resent bad treatment. A Jong tea experience had given him great skill In read' Jng the faces of those under his command, lie could sell in a moment wbo would or would not submit to ihe fact that T. 6. Shannon's Jewelry Store, Simp aon't Building Market Square, is now th place of attraction, jutt opening a new and well selected stock .of watohee, jewelry, silver-plated ware, and all goods connected with bit business. Gold and silver plating don. Hair jewelry mad to order, watch repairing and engraving don at abort notice, and job reasonable terms, and warranted. Call and tcs fat yourselves. Imfbovbxixts i Cass's Additiob. W are pleated te tee tb evidence of thrift oo th part of ar neighbora in Cake't Addition to Banbury. While paying a visit to that locality a few dayt ago, we 'wart lurprised to te se many buildings in court of erection. A number of fin bouses bav sprang np, and new place of business opened, giringquiu an Importance to th plae. Awtng th Do residence we net iced on erected by our friend Samuel Stehly, E,., wbiob, for comfort and convenience, surpasses . most building! sreoted in thit riainity. Tb house stands upon ih sit of Fort Augusta, and it aurr rounded by tb wort magnificent views and Scenery along tb Susquehanna river. Mr. D. L. Brown bat Jto erectod la dwelling near th August Hotel, which It admired for Its seat appeartnoe. Mr. Rea gen it engaged Ip fitting up th north-east room of th Augusta Ho tl for ttor room. It is being fin ished with muoh taste, and w bav no doubt, but that a good tort wil b established and a fin busl. ess done a that locality . Mr. Raagoa also istandt bunding a hapdemt brick dwelling fer a residence Taa Viaeta Caa BAiutoatt.-t faotttng of tb director waa held at LewUtowa aa tatarday last, wbea It tti Ittertalned ta proceed with Its tjna struotioo aader th eotrt tatd by U lau Frtat deat, Mr. Thompson. , Th saiBorltyof th Board, including th President, It fa aadarttood, war ta fa vor of Bret making a final effort to realise th amount of fubwriptlon which had been determined apoa and then holding a publlt letting. Th latter woald probably hsv been tho wisest oonrse, and perhapt thetafeetfor thottookbolden; bat If -Itt aoUoa will uak th road th publl will not oar maoh bow or by whom. , 1 ' Fatal Accidsiit. Charles L. V. Haas, a flag man on on of the freight trains of th 8h amok in Division of th N. 0. R W., mat a tuddea and me lancholy death on 8alurday afternoon latt, near th twitch at thBuok Ridge Colliery, a abort diatano from thil plae. Ia jumping from th front bumper of sn eight wheeled oar to open thetwitoh, be slipped and fell upon th track, and two wheels of the oar patted over bit body, crashing bit breast upon th rail, and killing him instantly. Deeeasel waa In bia 26th year, and had been an em ployee of the road for, tome time. A wife and nu merous relatlvei and friend! mourn bit sad fate, ShamoltH Jleratd. Special Policb. Incompliance with the petition of the ciliicna of the coal region, Gov. Geary ap pointed a apeoial police force for this county, under th provlaioni of tb "Act for tb better protection of persona, property and life in the mining regiont of thil Commonwealth," passed at the last session of the Legislature. The foroe consist of ten, and it tinder command of Joseph Heisler, the Chief Marshal of Schuylkill county. Five of thit number, Wm. U. Moore, Jacob B. Getter, John Harris, Samuel P. Eitenbart and E B. Zimmerman, are from Sbamokin, and tbebalanoe from Mt. Carmel and Schuylkill county. Th pay of each man it $74 per month, and that of the Mar shal 500 per annum, whioh it to b paid out of tb oounty treasury. Laosb Beer. Mr. Joseph Baoher, of the Cold Spring Brewery, it now terving hit oustomert with a genuine article of Eager. Thit it the first Lager Beer manufuotured at Sunbury, and those who pro fess to bt good judgot of the article pronounce It su perior to the belt Lancaster Lager. Mr. Bacher eoinmenood brewing more than a year ago, but as Lager hot to go through a regular process and re quires age, he was unable to Introduce it until now. Saloon keeper and others should give him a tria and tupport bom Industry when it It equal, if not better, than a foreign article. Acquitted John Van Daniker, on of th con ductor on th Philadelphia and Erie railroad, who wat arrested last fall, charged with embesslement alleged to have been pommltted by him at a passen ger conductor, waa tried at Erie, and acquitted on Wednesday laat. TJrcouho-i. There it a woman living in thit vi cinity, now patt fil'ty-fouryeari of age who it the mother of teventeen children. She la now nursing the youngest, which ia only four montht old. What a happy husband she bat, and now be must rejoice when be lees a perfect grovt of "olive plant!' ga ther round about hit table. And the, too, what a pleasant thought it must be to ber, that ihe bai luch a orowd of ohildren to "rise np and oall her bias. tti." Montour American. Navigable Again. The Wyoming canal bus been placed in proper trim, and boating baa again commenced. The boatmen complain of low freight. Under the new Jury Law, passed at the latt let lion of the Legislature, the Jury Commissioners are to receive $2 60 a day for their services, and mile age at the rate of 4 cents a mile. Base Ball. A base ball match oanie off on Sat urday last, between tbe Anthrsoite club of Shanio kin and an Independent nine of thil plaoe. The game waa pleyed on the grounda of the Susquehanna club, below the N. C. R. W. engine bouse, and tbe time occupied wat three hours and thirty minute! Th following it the toor : INDEPENDENT. U. R Dvwurt, 1. 1. 3 11 Fauat, o. f. 1 13 btewart, 3d b. 2 12 llower, 1st b. 1 13 Seaebolla, 2d b. 3 10 Krohn. p. 4 7 McConkey, a. 6 7 Irvin. r. f. 2 8 Welker, 1. f. 6 7 Innings 1 2 Independent, 2 1 Anthracite, 3 2 ANTHRACITE. Weaver, o. lindce, p. 0. Shipp, lat b. Getter, a', t. Coder, 2d b. need, e. f. Kfith, 3d b. Haver, r, f. Burk, 1. f. 3 4 6 6 T 8 21 T U 11 14 8 6 14 4 I 1 0 0 S-B3 3-34 Umpire. J. Ziegler, Susquhanna B. B. C. Scorers. Hoover A Beard. "Dead Heads" to Snows, etc The following item on "dead heads," taken from a eotemporary, it at applicable to Sunbury at any other city or town : Tb free ticke t given to the presi for the nsei named are always paid for, and that very liberally. As a rule, those who issue not those who receive these free tickets are the "dead heads," usually giving fifty cents for that wbioh a five duller bill would not adequately pay for. So long as the news paper editor it expeoted to give liberal notioea of entertainments before they occur, and then follow these with a generous puff after the show is over, be certainly baa no place in tbe "dead bead" olossitoa lion. Indeed, in nine ease out of ten tbe editors would be glad to receive half pay for their work and pay two prioes for the free tioket. They cer tainly would make money by th operation. Thar it another cleat of "dead headt" ho are not newspaper men. The publication of advertise ment it at much In the business of a newspaper as the publication of tt news ; and an editorial notice whioh is designed to supply the plaoe of or add value to a regular advertisement bat even less claim to a gratuitous insertion than would such advertise ment. Yet there ar these wbo ark justiuoh gra tuioua notice, and thil almost a a matter of right. If these tame persons should be asked to make a present ol a dozen yardt of muslin to each porohaier of a merino dress, or a dollar's worth of sugar to whoever bought three pounds of tea, or half a doten "fire tickets" tj whoever engaged twenty teats at a eoootrt, tbey would reaent the demand at an insult Yet why should not their wage be given away as freely as should and are the product of the editor't and publisher'i labor and eapital ? The merchant makes his profit and living by telling hit goodt. The publisher of a newspaper make hit by selling bis advertising columns, not by giving them away, and when be does give them in aid of a publi library or other beneficial objeot, he deserve thanks at a pub lic benefaotor, and not Insults as a "dead head." BUBINESB NOTICUB. Lira Ihidbanc. A person owe a dobt, and h fears, should be die ia the present Mat of affairs, th, compulsory payment of it would bring hit family, or thot depending on him, Into distress ; by insuring his life tor th amoult, be secures th pament of it, at hit death, from th Company. Jacob Bbipman, Firt utU Insurant Agtnt, Sunbury, Pa. "Vbbi, Vidi, Vici." Wat tb dispatch soot back to bit country by the Great Ctsw, after be bad met and conquered the enemy. This short saying it ac cepted by tbt people aow-a-dtyt, instead of using tb latin, translate it by saying, "w earn, saw, and conquered" " our prejudioet by buying our Hats and. Cap at th fasbionabl Hat and Cap Emporium of 6. Fauat, Market ttreet, Sunbury, Pa., where tan b purchased goodt of th latest ttylt and boat quality. "Pab Fa rasa. Comb Hon !" Oh. father, dear father, do pleas hurry horn, . My oonfideuwna suae abut, , You v promised again and again from Thatcher t Vow would bring tva na pair of shoe. My big to atioktout lik lb a4 ol a olam, - And yoa of neglect doth aooua, . . , , . Because yo bav failed from Thatcher1 -' To bring boat my new pair of tho. Th poor dear creature's thrilling appaal has bee complied with. Her "dad" pur ah seed bar a pair of thaboaaslfBiga'tar hoots at Thatobtr's wlf known ttUblltbmtut fttrr'a Fat.-, Poop, voej alggev, where fw got dat new matt" "Why, at ahop, k tjoar.'' "What am da priot obtush as artiol aa at ' . "Dent knew, algger-don'l know t lothop keeper wasn't dir." Faatt, the halter, aa always b see at hit ttor, Market aqnare, wfcar h I ready and willing to throw torn light on tho atari transaction narrated above, especially as to th style, prices, A., of hit lgaat hat. ll PaoTOOBApBs. Th beautiful picture taken at Byerly's Photograph Gallery, In Bimpton't building, Markttret, art acknowledged th best ever pro. duoed ia Sunbury. Notwithstanding this, Byerly charges leea than moat any other artist. Go at one to bis gallery and be convinced at to th truth of thit assertion. ' t . . ." ; " SraiN. Th present season la devoted to grass butter, freahahad, early peat, and Dew elothet. Th first three can be procured In market, but to get th last named indispensable! it It nreesar to exorols th greatest discretion. Hence men of taste and judgment go to th establishment of J. E. Suiiok, merchant tailor, on Fourth street, wber they pro cure th most durable and elegant garment. It It really surprising to learn the amount of tho tale at Miller' Exoolsior Boot and Shoe Store, Mar ket square. The reason It that Miller keeps none but the beat of stock, and sells at a very ainall ad vanoe. U make it a study to give Satisfaction to all hit customers. Jot Lik a a Picture. A young man In th country told bit Intended that th looked just like a picture. Aooordingly the next tim she came to town she called at Byerly'a Gallery, in Simpson's building, just to see if tt was true. She wat toon Convinced of the truth of her lover's assertion, and loft perfectly tatiified, at all ar who patronise that gallery. I'l ! Lira Insurance. There can be no higher earth ly motive, nor one that gives greater elevation of character, arising from the purest impulse of the heart, than that whioh impels a parent to retrench luxuries, or even many of th necessaries of life, to secure to the loved ones the means of future support from the time they oan hav th scrvioea of a parent no longer. To Claim Agents. Blanks forth collec tion of "Claims of Private Soldiers and Non-Commission ed Officers," under the lata Act of Congress, equalising bounties, have been printed and are now for lale at the American office. We keep on hand a full supply of all kindt of military blanks, whioh wt tell very cheap They are copied from blauka prepared in the Departments at Washington, and con be relied on for correctness. Ordera from a dit ano will reeeiv prompt attention. - Beautiful. The gentlemen of thit plaoe and vicinity who desire elegant clothing, mad of th best material, in tbe latest style, and warranted to fit, should go to J. F. Shaffer, N. W. oorner of Mar ket and Third streets, and order a suit. Tbb Season. Spring bat come, and with It the necessity for Spring clothing." Tb question is where can tbe best and Cheapest be hid? Those who read thil paragraph are invited to call at J. 0. Beck 'i, Fourth street, where olothing It made up In th best ityle, and at the lowest prices. 'HClil ii On tht Fourth of July nest the bird of freedom will scream from the Gulf of Mexico clear up to th North Pol, and will doubtless proclaim to lb world and all th "rest of mankind" that at th Continen tal Baxaar, Market street, ready-made olothing and olothing made to order is turned out wbioh, for beauty, -durability and oheapneat, exoela any that hat ever graced any establishment of tb kind out side of th large cities DEATHS. At Jersey Shore, on the 16th ult.. Mr. PETER EPLEY, Kd 84 years and 8 montht. Corrected Weekly for tho "American." Wheat Flour, extra family, per barrel, do do do do porowt. Rye Flour, per bbl. do per owt. Wheat, prim red per bushel, Rye, do Corn, new do Oat, do Potatoes, do Dried Peaches, pared per round de do uupared do Dried Apulet, do 816 00 8 00 10 00 4 60 3 00 1 HO 1 10 70 00 40 24 14 3 00 30 18 24 20 20 18 14 13 18 60 Dried Cherries, (unetoned,) per bu Butter, per pound, tgg. Cheese, Lard, Hums, Shouldera, Beef, hind quarter, " from " Mutton, Chiokena, per dosen, per pound, do do do do do do per pair hlulluukiu Coal Xi-uUs. Sbamokin, May 20, 1867. Tarn. Cut. Sent for week ending May 24, 13.12.117 Per last report, 14fl,tM 01 160.092 18 182.842 18 To aame time latt year, Decrease. 22.749 1 8 Special Notices. Do not Nkqlict tbat Cough, to wear and tear tbe constitution through the Summer months. No thing is more emaciating than a cough in hot wea ther. Coe's Cuugb Balsam ia a cheap and speedy cur. Dtspkpsia. W know of no remedy equal to Coe's Dyspepsia Cure for this trouble. It eiiiblee the patient to take any wholesome food stop, distress after eating as soon as you tak it, and is a perfect regulator of tbe Stomach. " Attempt the end, and never stand to doubt ; Nothing so hard, but search will find it out." This was the motto of Mr. Burrett. wbea seeking to discover a Hnir Restorativ which would not only resture irrev hair to it natural oolor. but would also prevent it from falling out and serve the purpose of a splendid dressing as well. Procure a bottle of "Barrett's Vegetable Hair Restorative," and sue how compiet.lv his efl'oris have been rewarded. Mast ludicrou scene occurred in Cbitago last summer when very body wu suffering great appre hension from danger of chelera. A gentleman was having bis bair dressed by an English barber, wbo, with the all-important topio upon bis mind, re marked, as be was vigorously removing the dandruff from hit eustemer'a scalp, "They say, air, that the cholera ia in the hair." Tbe gentleman sprang up in great eonstornalion from four of oontagiun in the brush. "Oh. sir." said the barber, "I doesn't mean, sir, th 'air of the 'cad, but the hair of the balmos phore." "Barrett's Vegetable Hair Restorative" would probably be powerless against cholera, ev an in tb " 'air of Ih 'ead," bat it is a sure preventa tive to those fatal destroyer of youthful beauty, baldnoss and greyness, and those who would pre serve their capillary adornment (hould at onoe provide their toilet with the Restorative. LA Youno Ladt returning to her country bom after a sojourn of a few months in the City, was bard ly recognised by hr frieods. . In plaoe of a coarse rattle, lushed face, abe bad a soft ruby complexion of almost; marble smoothness, and Instead of twenty, three ah really appeared but aightee. Upon in quiry aa to tbe eeiue of so great a ebangs.sh plain lv told them that she used th Circsaataiisat, Ussiest, and considered it su Invaluable acquisition to any Lady' toilet. By U use ay Lady or U.utle mn can improve their personal am earano aa hun dred told. It is simple iu it combination, a Nature herself I tiuiplt, yet unsurpassed in it etficaoy ia drawing Impurities from, also healing, cleansing and beauttfying th skin and complexion. By its direct aotioo en da eutiele tt draws rrosa it all it impuri ties, kindly healing tbe sasss, and leaving the our fao a Nature intended it should be, clear, colt, smooth and beaatiful. Pric 91, nt by Mail or Express, oa receipt of an order by ' ' W L, CLAHK A CO., Chemist. No. I West Payette tit., Syracuse, N . 7. The only American Agent fur the sale of th tun. February 16, 167. ly ' - ' - 'hELMBOLDTS EXTRACT BIICHU end Improved oet Wash cures secret ud delicate diaorde' iu all their Mas, at kUM easene. buie Of sw csmuia ui diet, ro in- eitliVOUieaC sua IW espuwi. . im w vmm mm oaur, immediate In lie seuue, aiM iieo irocn an i, nous prapwiu. aalraW ly TAK8NO MORR UNPLEASANT AND UNSAFE REMEDIES far aiipJeeaanl end daufSkeu diseeae. Us HasHu'i Exraaot Bocae s a isuraovaa Roea Was. Marek J, 7 -Jy ' . qui paica C IX) THING. JONX2S' ' OLD ESTABLISHED ori PK1CB CLOTHING HOUSE, 0M Market Street, On door above Sixth, Philadelphia. For many years this Establishment has don busi ness on th One Price Hyt.em, and w believe we are the only Clothing Houae in the elty that ttriotly adheree to thil principle. W hav earned a repu tation wbioh we ar proud of, for good taste In seleot good itylet and substantial materials, and not Its important, for having all our gooda, EXTKA KLL. MA DR. W employ th beat talent, for Cutters, and our Ooodt ar of both kind Fasbionabl and plain an tbat all taste aaa be suited. Th prioes ar th very lowest, as any on by a moment I thought must tee, or otherwise w could not meet the competition of our neighbor, for a no deductions ar ever made, we must put our prioee down to the advantage w promts. Th people may depend, thit la th true plan upon which to do businets, and many a dollar can b avd to Clothing buyers by keeping in mind JONE8 ONE PRICE CLOTHING H0DSE, 604 Market Strreet, Philadelphia, Not on th Corner, but one door above Sixth. Maroh 23, 1867. ly Dr. gcttcmck'ft fflamdrtiko Pills. A Nubtliut for Calomel. These Pill are oompoeed of various roots, having th powsr to relax the secretions fit tho liver aa promptly and effectually as blue pill or merenry, and without produolng any of those disagreeable or dangaroui effoott whioh often follow th use of the latter. In all bilious disorders these Pill mav b uted with confidence, as they promote the discbarge of vitiated Due, ana remove loose oDStruotiona irom tne liver and biliary ducts, whioh ar tb cause of bilious affections in general. SCHKNCK'8 MANDRAKE PILLS cur sick headache, and all disorders of the Liver, Indicated by sallow skin, coated tongue, costiveneaa, drowai ness, and a general feeling- of weariness and laaei- tudo, ahowing that tb liver is in a torpid or ob tsruotcd oondition. In short, thes Pills may be used With advantage in all oases when a purgative or alterative medioine is required. Please ask for "Dr. Schenok's Mandrake Pills," and observe that the two likenesses of the Doctor are on th Government stamp one when in the last stage of Consumption, and the other In his prosenl health. Sold by all Druggists and dealers. Piioe, 24 cents per box. Prinoipal Office, No. 14 North 6th Street, Philadelphia, Pa. General Wholesale Agents : Demas Barnes A Co., 21 Park Row, New York; S. S. Hanee, 108 Balti more St., Baltimore, Md. ; John D. Park, N. E. cor. of Fourth and W alnut St., Cincinnati, Ohio : Walker A Taylor, 134 and 136 Wabash Avenue, Chicago, III. ; Collins Brothers, southwest oorner of 2d and Vine St., St. Louis, Mo. Oct. 2ft, 1806. 4lhA4lhw.ea.mo.ly. " iSYSPEPBIA- ! " There it no disease whioh experienoe hat so amply proved to be remediable by tbe PERUVIAN SYR UP, (a protected solution of tb Protoxide of Iron.) as Dyspepsia. Th most Inveterate form of thil disease hav been completely cured by thit medi oine, at ample testimony of tome of our first citizens prove. rnos tbe tenebable archdeacon icott, d. d. Dunham, Canada East. I am an Inveterate Dyspeplio of more than 24 years' standing." I "1 hav been sn wonderfully benefitted in the three short weekt during whioh I have used the Peruvian Syrup, tbat I can scaroely persuade myself of tbe reality. People who have known me are astonished at the change. I am widely known, and can but reoommend to others that whioh has dons so muoh fur me." ANOTUEB CLEHOrMAN WHITES AS rOLLOWS I "My voyage to Europe is indefinitely postponed. I have discovered the "Fountain of Health" on this lido of the Atlantic. Throe bottle of Peruvian Syrup have rescued me from the fangs of the fiend, Dvip.psia." A pamphlet of 32 pages, containing a history of this remarkable remedy, with a treatise on "Iron as a medicine," will be sent free to any address. Tb genuine has "Peruvian Syrup" blown In ths gloss. J. P. DINriMOKK, Proprietor, 36 Dey Street, New York. Sold by all Druggist. ACROSTIC. Q ently it penetrate through every pore, R elieving sufferers from each angry tore ; A II wounds it heals with oertninty and speed ; C uts, Burns, from Infiammatioo soon are freed; E ruptioni, at it't presence disappear ; Skim lose each stain, and the complexion ' clear ! S alve, inch as Obace's, every one should buy , A 11 to its wondrous merits testify, L at those wbo doubt, a single box but try, V erily, then iu true desuru 'twould have ; E van unbelievers would luud U back's Salve ! May 4lh 4t. HELMBOLD'S FLUID EXTRACT UtUeXKa'CJ la a certain cure foi diseases of the BLADDER, KIDNEY, GRAVEL, DROPSY, OR GANIC WEAKNESS, FEMALE COMPLAINT, GENERAL DEBILITY, and all disease of the URINARY ORGANS, whetaej existing ia MLE OR FEMALE, from whatever cause originating and no matter of HOW LUNG STANDING. Diseases of Iheae organ require ihe use nf a ditiratic. If an treHtineut is submitted in, Consumption or Insan ity may ensue. Our Flesh end Blood ar .unpolled from these source, and ihe HEALTH AND IlAPPINESS, aud . that of Posterity, depend upon prompt as of a rsliabl remedy. HEI.MBOCD'S EXTRACT BUCHU, Established upwards of 19 years, prepared by ii. t. iii;liuoi.i, DRUGGIST, SM Broadway, New York, and in Mouth loth Street, Phiauuipuia, Pa. March t, It;. ly COLGATE fc CO.'H GERMAN ERASIVE SOAP Els manufactured from PURE I MATERIALS, and may be I considered the STANDARD OF 'EXCELLENCE. Por sal by all Qrootrs. May 18, 1887. ly. To 4;natimptlve. Tb advertiser, having been restored to health In few weeka by a very simple remedy, after having suffered for teveral years with a sever lung sfleo tian, and tbat dread disease. Consumption la anx ious to make known to bi fellow-sufferer lb mean of cur. ' . Te all who desire It, he will send a eepy of th prescription used (free of charge.) with the direc tions lor preparing and uaiug the tame, which they will find a sure oure for Consumption. Astuua, BuoNCRtTis, Consns, Colds, and all Throat and Lung Affections. The only objest of the advertiser in sonding the piesfriplioti i to bemfil ibe afHicted, and apread Information which he conceive to be invaluable, and be hope every sufferer will try bis remedy, a it will cost them nothing, and may prove a blessing. Parties wishing the prescription, rata, by rotura mail, will pleea address ' REV. EDWARD A. WIL80N, my lS-'fiT.ly Williamsburg, King Co., N. Y. KaaO-t Thy PcsHlsiy. Mabamb E. y. TaoaBToa tb great English As- trologlst, Clairvoyant and Payonometrleian, wbo bat astonished tb ointi6o claaaea of the Old World, ha now located herself at Hudson, N. Y. Madam Tboratoa poses such wonderful powers of Mooed sight, a to enable her ta impart knowledge of the greatest importance to th sing! or married of either ex. While in a state of trauue, she delineate th vary feature of In person you ar to marry, and by th aid or aa luauument of Intense power, known as lb Pnycuoujolrop, cuarrantees to product a life likeaioture of Us future husband or wife of the applioant, together with dat of marriage, position in life, seeding traits of character, Ac- XuU Is ao humbug, as thousand of testimonial aa assert, bb will seixl, when desired, a certified certificate, or written guarantee, tbat th piotur U what it pur port to be. By euclosiog a small lock of bair, and tiaung piao or sirta, age, a is position aaa com' plexiua, and aaelosinc Ally Cent and stamped n velop addressed to yoarself, yoa will receive th piotur and desired icforauaUoaby return mail. , All oommunioation sacredly confidential. Address ta eoaadeooe, Madam E. . Tuobnton, P.O.Bob 213, UudJon.K. y. rebla-ST Iy IIKfT5t3l or U-Borp Throat. RsMjVIBB immidiatb attention, If ALLOWBD TO CONTINUE, f Wi Irritation f the I.tsns:, em rtsK- x Permanent Throat tVlacaae, or ajon tnmptlea tl OTTEN TBB BEtVLT. BBOWN'H DROIsCniAL TROCHES BATINO A DlBEOt IBrLCBNCB TO TUB TAKTS, OITB IMMEDIATE BELItr. FortBronohltia, Asthma, Catarrh, Consump tive and Throat Diseases, Troche ar used with always good tnooeas. SINGERS AND PUBLIC SPEAKERS will find Troehti nssful In clearing th voloe when taken be for Singing or Speaking, and relieving th throat after an unusual exertion of the vocal organs. Th Tnehn ar recommended and prescribed by Physician!, and hav had testimonials from eminent men throughout the country. Being an article of true merit, and having proved their efnenoy by a test of many yeara, each year finds them in new locali ties in vorlous parts of th world, and th Troches re universally pronounoed better than other ar ticle. Obtain only "Brown's Bronchial Troches," and do not tak any of the Worthless Imitations that may be offered Sold Etery where. November 24, 1866. 6m HELMBOLD'S CONCENTRATED EXTRACT BUCHU la the Great Diuretic HUmboliTt Conoentrated Extract Sartaparilla I the Otent Blood Purifier. Roth are prepared according to rules nf Ph.irmacy and Chemistry, end aie the moeiactlve thai can be made. March 8, IEQ7.- ly ITCH! ITCH! ITCH! 8CRATCU ! SCRATCH I 6CRATCH! WHEATON'S OINTMENT Will Cure the Itch In 44 Hour). Also oure SALT RHEUM, ULCERS, CHIL. BLAIXS, and all ERUPTIONS OF THE SKIN Price 60 cents. For sale by Ihe drurgists. By tend ing 60 cents to WEEKS A POTTER, Sole Agent. 170 Washington street, Boston, it will be forwarded by mail, free of postage, to any part of the United Slate. I 23 '66-y Wonderful but True. Madams Remington, th world-returned Astrolo- gist snd Somnambulistic Clairvoyant, while in a clairvoyant state, delineate! tbe very feature of th person you ar to marry, and by th aid of an Instrument of intense power, known as th Psycho motrope, guarantee to produce a pvrfect and life like pioture of the future husband or wife of the applicant, with date of marriage, ooouiatiun, lead ing trait of character, As. This is no Imposition, as testimonials without number oan aaaert. By stating ilao of birth, age, disposition, oolor of rye snd air, and enclosing fifty cents, and stamped envelope addressed to yoursolf, you will reoeivo the picture by return mail, together with desired Information. yjf Address in oonnnenoe, oiadame ukrtbudb Remington, P. 0. Box 2VT, West Troy, N. Y. teoin- t7. iy. aVree to Krerybody. A Large 6 pp. Circular, giving Information of the greatest importance to the young of both lexet. It teaohes bow ths homoly may bcoome beautiful, tbe despised respected, and the forsaken loved. No young lady or gentleman should fail to tend their address, and receive a copy, post-paid, by re turn mail. Address P. O. Drawer, 21, Troy, N. Y. ' Errors of Youth. A gentleman who suffered for years from Nervous Debility, Premature Decay, and all tbe effects of youthful indiscretion, will, for tbe sake of suffering humanity, send free to all wbo need it, the recipe and directions for making tbs simple remedy by which be was oured. Sufferer wisbiug to profit by th advertiser's experience, can do so bv addressing, in perfect confidence, JOHN B. OUDEN. my IB -07. ly i uodar street, K. x. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. ORPHANS' COURT SALE. IN pursuance of an order of the Orphans' Court of Northumberland county, will be exposed to pub lic sale, at tbe Central Hotel, in the Borough nf Sun bury, on Saturday, June 1st, A. D. 10(17. The fol lowing described real estate to wit : A curtain bit of of ground, situate in John W. Fryliug's Addition to the Borough of Sunbury. aforesaid, nunibervd bounded on the Itortb by and Alley : on tne bouth by lot No 11 ; on the East by sn Alley, and oil the West by Broadway, containing .S3 foot more or less in fronton Broadway, and 230 feet mora or less in depth, to an Alley, whereon is erected a two story frame dwelling House, and frame kitchen attnul.ed. Late tbe property of Robert V. Brooks, decease. I. Sale to commence at 2 o'clock .P. M. of said dav. when the terms tnd oonditloni of st-le will be made known by J. B. MAS3ER, Adm'r. By order nf the Court, 1 J. A. J. Cumminos. Cl'k 0. C. Sunbury. April 22. 167. ) BOOTS, SHOES AND TRUNKS! ii. . tiiac-iil:h, successor to W. W. A PS LEY. IN addition to our large stock, already on hand, we erenow receiving a full supply of Spring an I summer goods for Ladies, Oentlemen, Miaaos ana unuareu s woar. Also a eood assortment of Trunks. A laree lot of R. R. Bags, Gents' fins leather Satchels. Wo wish it distinctly understood that we intend soiling our goods at small profits, exclusively for the oash. Don't forget Ihe place. Pleasant's Building, Mur kel Square, Sunbury, Pa. NOTICE Boota and Sheet neatly repaired at hort notice. If any bought of ut should rip they hall be fixed for nothing. a. u. iuAtui.it. Sunbury, April 1867. tf. J. H. Conley & Co., tliark4?tHtreet,KaMturihe Itallroud SUNBURY, PENrT'.A.. DEALERS IN FORICIU.X fc AMIKICA, Hardware & Cutlery. THE attention of Mechanics, Farmers, Builder, and Buyer, generally 1 invited to the fact that we bio now offering a better sclaoted assortment of HARDWARE, CUTLERY. AC, than aver was offered in this marked at prices muoh below those heretofore demanded by dealer. Our stock comprise all articles in this line ofbuslneaa, embraeing a general assortment of tools and mate rials used by CARPENTERS, BLACKSMITHS, CARRIAGE AND WAOONMAKERS, JOISERS, AC, AO., . i together with a large stock of Iron, Steel, Kails, Spikes, Rope, Chains, Grindstones, Mill aod X Cut Saws, do., do. Sunbury, March 30, 1867. REMEMBER THE DEAD. MESSRS. D. C. Dissinger and John A. Taylor, would respectfully announce to the eitiwu of ouuoury, and surrounding country, that having formed a co-partnership, tbey are now prepared to furnish ornamented and plaiu iaVitveaitoneai, Tosuus) V Slonuineri tai of th beat Italian and American marble, at price that cannot fail to giv entire sutudaetion, and re spectfully aolioit tb publio patronage. DlSSINtlER A TAYLOR. Sunbury, March 11.1866. ly. To tb Citizen- of the Itoroujth or ftJuaburjr. YOU ars hereby notified that is I tb Intention of tb Burgees and Town Council to compel tbe paving and guttering of the several streets mentioned in the borough ordinance passed Jun 4th, ,: aod. That or. dinanoe required lu pavement Ao., to be laid by the first day of August, IbAd. If preparations are not made to lay aae pavements by tbs owners of lots fronting a any of said streets immediately, Ibe sains will be done by the town council snd an extra charge of twenty per centum will be added to ths oust la aoeordano with tbe Act of Assembly and the ordi naooe aforesaid. It is th determination to earrv out Ihe direction of th Town Couucil, aud oitisuu may rely apoa lb work being deue sot them tl tbey neuleot it themselves. E. Y. BRIGHT, Chief Surges. Busbery, May , left?. - Childress's) Carriage, 7 WK would call th atttntiua of tho wanting a Child's Carri iga, to oar new and large assort, mailt comprising asw and eeauU.'ul tyl. J.H. CONLEY AGO. SHOEMAKERS. TBS best qualitl ef Sol Leather. French Calf skins, asarrotMos, Lining, Letts, Nail,. Peg Tool of all kioda, aad every thins ased bv the trade, for sal low by f. CONLRY A CO. "N. . Coagh. A Cold NEW GROCERY! Market Street, three doors east of th Railroad, north Bids, BUNBVRY, PA. vVn0LE5AL3 A RETAIL wMwtwtX33w33JBwW AND Provision Store FOR CHEAP OOODSt Their Stock it complete, consisting In part of SUGARS, COFFEES, TEAS, SPICES, COAL OIL. Tobaooo, Cigars, Flour, Feed, Fish, Salt, Hams, .Shoulders, Choeso, Fruit, Glass, Lamps, Ac, Ao. Country Produce taken in exchange fur Goods, tjf- Cull and examine our Stock, and satiafy your selves. Sunbury, April 27, 1867. Mj-iM-W A. H-. M .A SONIC HALL BUILDLNO. DHEI3BACH BROTHERS, RESPECTFULLY inform their friends and cus tomers, tbat thuy have removed their Store Into the south end rnomol IheVMssouic Buildinz, on Third street, opposite the Depot, Sunbury, where thoy will w nappy io wsit upon uicm. Their large assortment of Groceries. Provisions, AC, are all freehand of the beat aualitv. oonsiatinir ol Teas, Coffees, Sugars, snd Spices. Dried and Canned Fruits, 'Prunes, Raisins, Cheese, and Crackers, and in fact everything usually kept in the Grocery line. Thev would also call attention to their larffa and cheap lot of Good Family Flour, Green Tea, Hams, Shoulders, As., which are eonetantly kept on hand. FRESH FISH and Vegetables, every Tuesday and Friday evenings. Give them a oall and see for Touraelroa. Sonbury, April 27, 1S67. MILLINERY GOODS -r-VISJ 3D 3STOTI03-SXS. Mis ANNA PAINTER, Market Square, two doors west of the Poet Office, SUNBURY, PENN'A, RESPECTFULLY Informs her friends and the public that she ha just returned from the city, where sho has spent some tiiue in uiiiking selections and purchases, and baa just opened a Inrge stock ol MILLINERY GOODS AND NOTIONS, Ribbons, Laces, Dress-Linings. Crinoline and AVi- gnus Skirling Lining. Holp .Skine, Bugle Trim mings, Irape Trimmings, llut Crape, Cloak Buttons, Corsets. Zophyra. A large assortment of Ladies and Genllemon't Hosiery. A variety of BOOKS A STATIONERY. DOLLS of all sites, Alphabet Blocks, Aa. She flatten herself in beinz able to mukea dianlav that will give entire satisfaction to visitors, and goods will be exhibited with plnasure. ounoury, may , imx. FANCY DKY (iUODS STOKE MISS KATE BLACK, llarket street, four doors west ofWru. II. Miller's Boot aud Shoe store, SUNBURY, Pa. RESPECTFULLY informs her friendsin Sunbury and vicinity, tbat she has just opened her SPIilSG SUMMEIi DRESS GOODS, of every description. iiMiisouuuie JircMM Trinuiilugs, Head Dresses, Gloves, Hosiery, Embroideries, Laoe Cellars, Bleached and unbleached Muslins. bheetinzs. Drillings, Alapaeas, Poplins, Crape and Laoe Veils. L.udi;' IfatM, Children's! llutst nud L'ilM, of every variety. Mme. Demurest' Iluir Curlers, Hnir Coils and Curls, Glovo. Stocking. Collars, Corset. Ac. Gents' Collars. Neckties, half Hose. Handker chief and Suspenders. Bradley's now P-.int Duplex Elliptio (or double i ..ug SKIRTS ) HOPKINS Elliptio Skirts. Perfumery, Toilet Soups, Hair Brushes. Combs. Tors, and a general variott of NOTIONS. SA1& J)ljAIn.. Sunbury, April 27. 1867. sfiUM; AND SUMMER MILLINERY AUD FANCY GOOD3. Just openiug at tbe Store of Miss LOUISA eniSSLER, South side of Market Square, SL'XEl'RY, Pa. yilSS SHJSSLEH has just returned from the iL oiliw with a choice apd faabiouablo soltctiun tf BONNETS, HATS. SHAKERS. SUNDOWNS. RISTORI, COMET, 40., of the latest style and patterns, to whioh the Invites tne attention ot may purchasers. Also, Missv and Children Hats ef different varieties. A flue assortment of Ladies' Hosiery, Gloves, Fans Parasols, Buglo Trimmiuirs, Flowers. Ribbons, Belt Ribbons, Velvet Riblains, Braid. Ladies' Neck Tics, Dreas Comb!. Head Dresses. FANCY GO'IDS, Lace. Handkorchiefi. Lace Collars. Zephyrs. Buttons, and all goods found in a lady's furnishing Store. Also, received an excellent assortment of Perfu mery, Toilet Soaps. Tooth and Hair Brushes, with ft dill irent variety of oolUr (paper and linen,) and Neck-Tics, Unlf.Hose, Suspenders, Ac, for Ueutle mcn. A good atsortmentot Stationery. Thankful for past favors she hopes by a further desire to pleiue the public, the continuance of their patronage. LOUISA SII1SSLER. April 13, 1867. j. w. stkve:so:j, WATCHMAKER A JEWELER, Market Square, near the Court House, SUNBURY, Northumberland Countv.Pa. Ht nas just opened an assortment or uota and Plain Patont Watches. CLOCKS for Railroads, Banks and Dwellings, Fine Gold Rings, Finger Hinga, Bracelet, Minia ture Chios, Medallions. Lm'krt. Pencils. Thimble, i prelacies. Silver Tuble, Dessert, Tea Salt and Mustard Spoons, Sugar Spoons. Cups, Napkin Rings, Fruit aud Buttor Knives, Shields, Combs, Diamond Pointed Pens, Casters, Pitchers, Butter Dishes, Fruit DUhea, Cake Baskets, Syrup Pilchors, da . Ao. He invites the cilisens of Sunbury and vicinity to enii at ibe alaive place; where he will be happy to Wait upon tbem. Lst Purtioular attention paid to REPAIRING. April 14, 1K7. Ajjrrifiiltural tiiiH-iii-nti, HOE'S Grain Rukes.Steol and Iron Garden Rakes, Loug and I) Handle Spades, Shovels, Manure and Hay Forks. Grass and Grain Scythes, Grain Cradles. Cradle Fiuzurs, Trace, Ureas', Tongue and Log Chains. Grind-stones, Fanning Mill Selves of all s'ses and kinds, a large assortment nf Red Wagon Haines, for Plowing, Farm Bulls, Cultivator Teeth, lor sale by J. it. CONLEV A CO. AUl-.Vl'fi iVA.Vl JJ1 I'OH GENERAL L. C. UAKXK 8 niSTORY OP THE SECRET SERVICE. This work was announced more than a year ago billowing to tbe attempt of the Government to tup pre it, II publication was delayed. It will now be iwued, Unaltered aud Unabridged, under Ihe Supervision uf General Bnkor. Those tuarveloua narratives ar all attested by th highest ofhoiul authority. Tb Morals of lb National Capital ar thoroughly ventilated, and there ar some Stiange Revelations concerning Heads of Departments, Member! of Con gress, FEMALE PARDON BROKERS, and distin guished military characters, Seud lor a Circular and te our terms, and a full description of the work. Address P. GARRETT A CO., TO Cbesuut St., Philadelphia, Pa. April 27,18o7.lm NEW MARBLE YARD! TUlrtl afreet. North of Ihe Itepot, SUNBURY, PENN'A., WM. BUSH, Proprietor. MONUMENTS. Tomb-sUine. and Ornamental, aud Plaiu Work iu Uarbl promptly executed at ibe lowest price. sheauOMViiwr having had esperiene ia th best establishment pf Philadelphia, teel ouofideut of being able to turn out th boat dyles of work. A. 11. RUSH, Agent. April tf.ldof. , Coachniakers. TT7E ar wiling Rims, Spokes, Hubs, Springs, V Canvass, Bolts, Clips, Axis, o very lew a Large bluclt at Sunbury, March 80, lbT. CONLEY A CO. T EAD Pipe, all siie ia iters, nd for 1 by l CONLEY A 00. Something Now JSotbing New AX GOOD NEWSI Th splendid assortment ef Q00DS at th MAMMOTH STORE jr. iv. miLi.ta sl Bo, IS NEW, but It Is Nothing Now for them as lisy ars always getting np NEW GOODS. GOOD NEWS, to ths people of SUNBURY, for they hav purch a ed them goods low and are soiling them at Very Mm mnm, We ar determined to aell our Gooda at Low Prioes and defy competition. Wekeepth bent qssnllty of Good a and tell them as low aa th second qiiaisliea ar sold by other dealers. Com and examine our Stock and Learn our No cbargo for showing Gooda. That is our business and wa take p'easuro in doing it. Feeling very thankful to ths public for their very liberal patronage heretofore bestowed upon us, we feel confident of retaining their oustou,by aatrlot adberepce to tbe rule! we have adopted. REMEMBER THE PLACE, The Mammoth S t d r e, Market Square, 2 doors east of the New Court House, SUNBURY, PA. J. W. FRILING A SON. Sunbury, March 30, 1807. Fashionable Dress TRIMMINGSl AND Millinery Goods, Juat opening at the Millinery Store of Miss JUL L. GUSSLYBR. Fourth Street, two doors below tbe Railroad, West 4 side, SUNBURY, PA. Such at Dress-Trimmings, Uesd-Dressaa, Gloves, Hosiery Ribbons, Flower?, Collars, Handker chiefs, Ao., io., which have been carefully selected. Miss M L. 0 ussier has just opened a large assort, inent of Millinery Uoods. Ladies should not fail to go and see the latest styles at it will pay to not delay in visiting ber ttor. Cull and examine for yourselves. No trouble to show goods Sunbury, April 20, 1S67. NEW GE0CERT ST0SS, w. s. ftjei:ait & cc , Market Streot, Six doors East of Third street, north tido, SUNBURY, PA., RESPECTFULLY inform their friends aod lb public, that they have opcuod a C3-HOCEl:i-,5tr AND PROVISION STORE, and will be happy to have tbetn call an I cx:uniiio their atock, which has jm,t been opened, embrac ing everything in tbeCirocery line, such as CufXee. Tea, Suar, Syrups, Spices, Canned and Dried Fruits, heuiis. Hominy, Cheese, C'ruckera, Bucon, Ham, Fili, Suit, Pututoes, etc, togother with Soapa, Candles, Soda. Ac. ami in fact everything in the Uroceryand Provision. Line FLOUR AND FEED, Queonrware, Willow-ware, Olaasware, Coal Oil Lamps. Conl Oil io. Cull and lee beforo purchasing elsewhere. W. h FURMAN A CO 6unbury . April 27, 1SA7. a nv.w Ait it i va i. or SPRING AND SUMMER Ona3Dtts9 AT THE STORE OF J. II. E N G- X3 ! , Corner of Fourth snd Markr.t Streets, SUNBURY. JUST received from New York and Philsf'.el- Ma, a large supply of Sl'RlNO AND SUMMER UOODS, which bo will tell at small profits, for oash or country produce. His Dry Uoodt department is full of every descrip tion. A splendid line of LADIES' DRESS UOODS, and White Hoods at all pri.-ee. Fancy Sacking for Ladies, and Shetland Wool Shawla Yankee Notioas in Great Variety Also, Ladies' French Corsets and Hoop Skirts. G .A. JR. 2? E T S , Wove Floor Cloths, Stair Carpet Floor Oil Cloth, all width, drriage Oil Cloth, Table Oil Cloth Widow Shades, Plain Ureen and Brown Oil Cloth and Fialures tor Windows. Nugar, Coffee, Midasses, Rioe, Crackers, Spices, Salt Fish, Choose, Ao. tjueeusware, Olaaswar. splendid Sett of Teaware, at low prices. BOOTS & SnOC3 IW GEE AT VABIETT. Hats and Caps, Oil, Paiut, Ulaat, Putty, School Books, Paper, Slates, Ac. HARD W AR E . Shovels, Forks, Nails, Looks, Hinges and Serew A Lame assortment of WALL PAPER and Bor der, at all price. All persons desiring io get good goout win picate giv him a tail. i. H. F.NQEL. Sunbury, April 20, 1P6T- BIRD CAUES, 11 different kind. If you want good and cheap Bird Cage, go to C0NLETAC0 FIRST" NATIONAL -TCqt 1T. MSZ9 H. O. THACXZCB, Proprietor. MARKET SQUARE, SUNBURY, PA New Goods, New Styles, New Trice. Th largest Stock of Bo '4 aod Shoe in thit Mtrket TRUNKS OF EVERY GRADE & TRICE Heats' Traveling Satchel, Haud-Bega, Valises, Ac. An elegant assortment of Ladies' Fin Leather Sat ehsl Caba's, Ac, A. COMB AND SILK, COME AND BEE. Ileskjat' UallslliiK, . MARKET QOCAIiK. April 1. mi