J8G7. SPRING. 18G7. EYRE k LANDELL, FOURTH A ARCH Stroets, TIIILAD'A., FA. ui oraiNO roR srmiia of 1807. X Civet Pel cot Shades of BILKS. Fashionable PLAID SILKS llls.MARK. the New Color SILK. Boat BLACK SILKS, In Town. PLAID INDIA MLKS. Perfect. Now Spring DRESS OOODS, ' New Stylo taring CHINTZES, OROANDIKSof Nowcst Stylos. Steel -Colored poplins, for SuiU. N. 11 Staple Housekeeping Goods, Frosli Stock Clothe. Csssimercs, ami Tweeds for Youths. P. i". MERCHANTS in search ol scarce and do Mrnble Goods will Ihid it tboir intercut lo. coll and examine our Stock.. 1 March 80, 1HB7. Bw ; CONSUMPTION CAN BITCHED." THE TRUE REMEDY AT LAST DISCOVERED. rpliam'M I'VcmIi Meat dire, Prepared from the formula of Prof. Trousseau, of Tans, euro Consumption, hung Diseases, Bronchitis, Dyspepsia, Marasmus, lienoral Debility and all mor bid conditionsof thesj-ateui dependent on deficiency of vill foroe. It ia pleasant to taste, and a singlo liettlo will convince tho most skeptical of its virtuo as tho prcnt healing rouiotly of the ago. SI a bot tle, or six bottles for f 5. Sent by F'xpress. Sold by P. C. UPHAM, No. 25 South EIGHTH Street, Philadelphia. And all principal Druggist. Circulars sent froe. March 2, 1H07. .tin - iOTI E2 TO rAKMI'JIW. T0B.RINGT0N & HODGKINS- manufacturers of H A. "W" BONE SUPER PHOSPHATE OF LIME, riunbnry, In. AS tho scascn is at band, we offer to tho farmers our Supcr-l'bosphale, which its a fertiliser for Whoat, Com. Onto, Potatoes, Grass. Ac, cannot be ixeolled, and warrant it a permanent Improver ot ALL KINDS OF SOIL, (not excepting any.) It docs cot act as. a simple stimulant for one crop only, bnt is lusting in its effects, which can be proved by the farmers of Chester and adjoining counties of this State. Also of tho ad jacent oountios of Dolnware and Maryland, who nave used our mnmiitieturo tor tno last s yuars. We ask n trial this spring, confident that those w ho purcbaso, will contiuuo to patronize For Wheat 300 lbs. per aero drilled or sown broad cast. For Corn 160 to 200 lbs. per aore dropped In hill, ut planting. u. For Oats 150 His. per aero sown broadcast. For Potatoes 400 lbs. per acre scattered in row. For Gross, 200 lbs. per acre as a top drosscr. This quantity on Grass lands, will produce an in crcaso in first crop of 1 to 1 i tons per acre. O I V E IT A TRIAL. Wc know that tho result will bo satisfactory. Sold in Barrels and Bags, nl $07 por 2000 lbs., at our now llnnuiucforj', Ernst fstrkot Street Also shipped to all points on tho Phil'a. & Erie. Northern Central, Laokawnna A Blooinsburg and onamoKin t auey uauroaas. J. E. TORRINOTON, ED. 1IODUKIUS. Sunbury, March 10, 1807. . Sheet Iron and Stove Market Street, near Engul'e Store, SUNBURY, PA A N immense stock of every kind of Tin Ware XI. and cheat iron W arc of all descriptions. STOVES, COOK, OFFICE and PARLOR STOVES of tho beat Brands which ore ulsui iia.Jscd for beauty of finish simplicity of arrangement, combining cheapness and durability and each stovo warranted to perform what tuey aro representee. 4'oal Oil, Coal Oil I,mn, I.iintcriiK hados, Cbimnys. and all articles usually kept in an esTiiiiiifnmoiiioi into Kind. COPPER, 1JR ASS and IRON KETTLES, of all sues. FRUIT JARS and CANS of the latost improved styles. . lie is also prepared to do all kinds of Spouting and uoonng, wango ana furnace work-. Repairing, cheaply and neatly executed. UENJ. ZKTELMOYER Sunbury, July 7, I860. ly AdmiiiitrnlorM ."Vol !. "VJ'OTICE is hereby given that letters of adminis 1 trution having been granted to tho undersigned i.o the estate of Robert W. lirooks, luteofthe Borough of Sunbury, Northumberland county, Pa., deceased. A II persons indebted are requested to make immedi ate payment, and those having cluims to present them duly authenticated for settlement. J. B. MASKER, Adm'r. Sunbury, Mureh 9,1867. fit AGENTS WAHTED" $200 PER MONTH &BZ5, Femnlo Agents, to Introduce a New and Useful In vention, of absolute utility in every household. Agents preferring to work on Commission can earn from S'JO to 550 per day. For full particulars en close stamp, nnd address W. (J. WILSON A CO., 534 Arch St., Phila., Pa. March 30, 1807. 3m Urn co' s Celebrated Snlve ! Auekbi'RV, Mass., Oot. 13th, 18C3. Mr. Obace Dear Sir : Having been nfllictcd grievously fur sovcral weeks with u severe abscess upon my side, 1 used several romcdios for its eradi cation without receiving any relief, until 1 applied your solve, whioli effected a speedy and permanent cure. I therefore fuel happy to certify my uonliduuue in its virtues. Yours with rcspeot. JAMES BEAN. 1 certify to the truthfulness of the above statement. II. S. Dearborn, M. D. SETH W. FOWLE A RON, Boston, Proprietors. Sold by all Druggists, at 25 cent a box. JOHN BOWMAN, No. 704 ARCH STREET, PHILADELPHIA, MANUFACTURER AND DEALER IN SILVER &PLATED WARE, Our Goods artflucicUsdly the cheapest iu tlie City lor 'ritiai.i: i'lati:, a i. July 7th, 1866 lycf Are especially invited to e.ill and examine our stock of BUILDER'S HARDWARE, comprising Kails and Spike of all variolic. Butts, Screws, Strap and T Hingus, Locks and Latches, Bolts. Plas tering Trowels, Brick Trowels, Plasterer'! Sieves, Ac. so., for sale by - J. H. CONLEY CO. EL UtL IrQir J RON. A lurgo assortment of the best manufac tured Bars, Hoop, Band, Round and Square Iron, Nail Rods, Cant Stool, Blister Stool, , Drill Sleol, Horse Shoes, Horse Nails, Anvils, Bellows, Vioes, Hummers, Pledges, Rabija and Files, ut CONLEY CO S. I7IOR Soldlora, wo have Saddle Trees, BitU, Buck ' los, Oig Trees, Pad Trees, llanos, all kinds and every things pertaining to the business, for sole by J. 11. CONLEY A CO. Children.') CurriaKcu. WE would call the attention of those wanting a Child's Carriage, to our new and large assort ment comprising new and beautiful style. J.U. CONLEY CO. t.lO.Vl'N A'I i:i. tOR ORFKl.F.Y'S Hiiroar Coxn.KT. RxTiAoam At OrroanaiTT! I rAi.Lii.iD Scccau! ! Tbia History contain aeeMiitl of hout one hundred lUttlea ant f(tiaerallv found iu Uie eurhor works on the Re bellion, even ia thoM moat wHlely eucublnd. Now I hat Oxkblkv's HiaioEv ia eoinplt-tcd, ita npulAiity i reul-i titan ever betiue, and aelia with a rapidity whieli niukea it the inoat valuifchl Mfik lor f.'ativaunKre evel publiaiicd. Adcbea U. It. CAbK Co., Puliliahera, at ttailford, Conn., Ckvrhuid, Ohio, or Detroit, Micu. March lti, led;. it. Aalinlnlolrator'si Police. JP.TTKK8 of adinimairatinn on tlieeatate of Cathaiia J Hainthsrt, deceaMd, Inu ly of Delaware townahin, pwntkuouiwkiiid eouiiiy, havnm been gnrattd to the ua riemiKiiM, ly the lldfuitnr u( an id county. All peiaona litHii-l t the nine will make iminahaie payment, auad Uiiiae havioa elanna aauiM th aame, will nrearul ihem nuly aaihrutieated. i W. WKKKS, Adminiatiator lVlawaietwr , M'-h H, IW d t 'jo.. -.-it.'-' ' I 9H. IIOOI HKIIITS, NEW 6PRINO 6TYLES, "Otm Own Make." , embracing every New and Desirable slae, style and Shape el Plain and Trail Hoop bklrt, 2, 2 1-4, 21, I 3-4, B, 8 1-4, 1-2, 8 8-4 and 4 Yds., round avery Length and lis Waist ; in every reaped Firat Quali ty and espeeially adapted to meet the want of First Class and moat fashionable Trade. "Oua Own Aa," of Hoop Skirt, are lighter, more elastic, more durable, and Really Cheaper than any other make of eithor Sinitle or 1)ottble Spring Skirt in the American Market. They ar Warrant ed in every respect, and wherever Introduoe give universal satisfaction. They are now being exten sively Sold by Rotailers, and evory Lady should try thorn. As for "Honkln's Own Make," and see that eaon Skirt Is Stamped "W. T. HOPKIN'S MANUFAC TURER. I2& ARCH Street, PUlLAD'A.''-No others aro Uonuine. A Catalogue containing otyle, Site and Retail Price, sent to any address, a in form and Liberal Discount allowed to Dealer, vr. dors by mail or otherwite, promptly and oarefuliy filled Wholesale nnd Retail, at Munsfaotory and Salesrooms, No. 28 ARCH Streot, PHILADELPHIA. SKIRTS made to order, realtered and repaired. TERMS. NET CASH. . ONE PRICK ONLY . WM. T. HOPKINS. MrchJ3, 1SQ7.-I0mw . .i wr. l . laza:rus. . . K FALL TRADE, 1806 ! FALL TRADE, I860! ! p S - . Sim I lAAJBABalvS ... . p 1 ITTOIJLD respectfully call the nttcntlon of K Y tho publio to hor LARGE and NKW Jj C ARSORTMRRT OF - E Fancy andSDomcBtio Dry Goodsi o . 1 a.. O v lireaa aauvuni " v S Of all kinds and styles , in great Variety, f f pnpt.ttirfaND Mliiwitoa. t- ? Blnek, Orcon. Blue, Wine, Brown, Purple, ia., ti) m In All-W ool Plaids, Detains, Calicoes, g n lie., wo have on assormcnt. o S Tho lest Black Allpaccas, nll-wool Pcluins,?; g Poplin. ? . o w EiTcvjooaa. g 0 Catulirio. Swiss, Nainsook and Jaconet Mus- Q e7 una, vimiiy, liru-tye taiuun uu Aoniui)$. a llorlin ana American cpnyri, oneiiana w JJ Wool, Cashuiero Yarns, Ao. " S Ilnlmornl ("iktrln, ? o fni Cloth. Drncs Trlmtiiilura. HoRlrrv. (fi a n ii n,.... Bii.l. .'J" g Woolen Hoods. ? B LADIES' CLOTH CLOAKS AJCOATS. ' RcdOlovos, of the best quality, and a great B variety of goods too numerous to mention, all p 5 of which will bo sold at tho very lowest for B H n.ch M. T. 1.A7.AH1TS r K,,,,lir, O..I T7 IKftH 9 j ..... S1CO REWARD Foi a medicine that will cure CIUCI18, INFLUENZA, TICKLING in the THROAT, WHOOPING COUGH, or relieve CONSUMPTIVE OOL'Gns, aa quick as COE'S COUGH BALSAM! OVER ONE MILLION BOTTLES linveliccn enld and not a single iiiBlance of ita failure ia known, we huve,iu our putisefiaioii,aiiyqu:iiiiiiyoi uer- tlbeatea, some ot Idem t rotn EMINENT PHYSICIANS who have used it in their piaeticc, and given it the pre eminence over every n'.ner cnmiiouncl. IT DOES NOT DRY UP A COUGH, but LOOSENS IT, an as to erob'.e the patient to expectorate freely. Two or mrec uoai-a. Will Isvariabu Cvhk Tiraxtxa in the TnnotT ! A half hot.lclna often completely enreil Hie moat Ptuli liorn Cnuili. and vit. tlimmh it la eo eureand aneedy in it nnertitioii.it ia perfect Iv harmless, beinff purely veeetalile It ia very ngrecuble to the tuale, and may be administered tocliildren ol any age. In caaea of CROUP we will ctiaranlee a core, if taken in Benson. NO FAMILY SHOULD HE WITHO! T IT It ia within the reueh uf all, it being the cheapest and bea medicine extant. C. C. CLARK A CO., Proprietors, NEW HAVEN, CONN February S3, IS07. ly a o e 3 s DYSPEPSIA CURE rpillS CHEAT REMEDY FOR ALL DISEASES o X the ST O MA OH 8 ia the diacovnrv of Ihe inventor of C'oe'a valuable Cotisli ljulsnm, while experimenting for liiaown health. Itemed Crump in the f lomaeh fur linn which had before yielded lo nothing hut chloroform. The almost daily testimony from vniinua parts of the country eucniiiage ua to lielieve there ia iiidineuae caused hy adiaoriicreu atoniaen it win not apeeouy euro. Physicians endorse Rnd Use it I Ministers give testimony of Us efficacy. And from all direetiona we receive tidiuga of cuie.n per formed. DYSPEPSIA I It ia sure to cure. HEARTBURN ! One doae will eure. SICK HEADACHE! It haa cured in hundred of cases. HEADACHE AND DIZZINESS! It stopa in thirty miuutca. ICIDITY OF THE STOMACH ! It coriecta at once. RISE OF THE FOOD! It stopa hnmediaiely. DISTRESS AFTER EATING ! One doae will remove. CHOLERA MORBUS! Rupidly yields to a few doats. BAD BREATH ! Will be changed with half a bottle. IT IS PERFECTLY HARMLESS Ita UNPRECEDENTED SUCCESS ia owing to the tact that t Cnri'H ly AetiiHling; !nlur TO RE-ASSERT HER SWAY IN THE SYSTEM Nearly every dealer in the United Stntca sella it u( ONE DOLLAR PER BOTTLE. C G. CLAK & CO., Proprietors, NEW HAVEK, CONK. February 23,1867. j . 4ool news fov Jlolliorn ! II TOTHERS. are you oppressed with anxiety for HI your little onosr Ate your slumbers and hearts brokjn by their cries ' Do you awake in the morning unrefroshed and npprehensive ? If so, pro cure at once a buttle of Dr. Loons' Infmit Keuiedv and you will havonomoro weary hours of watching auu anxteiy. mt. .i:o.i' isi'.wt ki:.iib:iv has stool tho test of years. Thousands of nurses and mother bear witness that it never fails to give relief it usea In season, it is a mild, yet sure and speedy valuable tor all complaints incident to Teotninz. Sold by Druggists tliroughout the United Stntcs. Address an orders to ZIEOLER SMITH, Solo Ppropriotors. 137 Korlli Third Slre-I, IMtil'u. November 24, I860. ly. 1ALL and soe those beautiful Bird Cage at the v uuw auiuware awre oi J. II. CONLEY & CO. B IRD CAQES.11 different kinds. If you want ...... si i i n i i , CONLEY ACQ'S FL0U11 & FEED STORE WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. THE subscriber reepoctfully informs the publio that he keops constantly on hand at his new WAREHOUSE, near the Bhamokln Vallov Railroad Depot, in SUNBURY, Flour by tho borrol and sucks ui an luiiuaoi ceeu oy tne ton The above i all manufactured at bis own Mills and will be sold at the lowest cash price. J M. CADWALLADER. Sunbury, April I, I8ft8. SUNBURY BUILDEia LOTS IS J. W. CAKE'S Addition to th Borough 0 X Duunury, lor cuie on reasonaoio terms. Apply to Dr. R. H. AWL and, 60L. BROSIOUS, Sunbury, Pa. Or P. W. SUEAFER, Potlsyille, Pa. Not. 84, ItuM. PAVING FLAG STONE ! nillE subscriber is prepared to deliver to theoit J tens of Sunbury and Northumberland, and neighboring towns, superior quality ol' FLAU STONal, for paving, at tho shortest notioe. Orders attended to by addressing at Sunbury, to WM. CLARK. Sunbury, Feb. 1(1, 1BOT. 3m 1'uiulkl, Oitat, Vc A full stock of Oil eomprUing Linseed Oil, Coal Oil, Fish Oil, and Lubricating Oil for Engine and Machinery, Varnishes, (tlasa, always on baud, at low price at '.'ON LEY A CO'S , , , . '.M9QN k IAlVIPliB AlC ; , 4new yooaic. WHOLESALE DEALERS BHIFFEKB of all kinds of . . FRB9 H FISWs Alt erdorf phnetually alrented to. February S3, 1807. tta. Ao tnor Said T " Head I . Ai more Oray Lock. I liU.' aL.KO.ll S , ELECTRIC HAIR RENEWER, Is pronounood by all who bav used It the very best preparation for tb Hair. It Is a positive oura for Baldness, eradicates Dandruff and Uumora, stops the Hair from foiling out, and speedily restore Gray Locks to their original hue and luxurinno It operate on the seorotion and fills the glands with now life and coloring matter. Thin, dead, fadod or grn hair will always be brought baok by a fow applications, to it youthful abundance, vitality and oolor. - ' ' , It makes the hair soft, glossy, fragrant, pleasant to the touch and easy to arrange. Dry, wiry and intractable locks become moist, pliant and disposod to remain in any desired position. As a Hair Dress ing it has no equal. The sales are enormous and it Is a universal favorite with old and young of both sexes. '..,'..., Sold by Druggists throughout the Unitod State. Address all orders to , ZIEOLER & SMITH. . . l ', . Sole Proprietors, 137 ;oriH Third St., lMiilTia. Novembor 21, 1S68. ly.' ' WHISKERS AND UEOTJSTACEES ! 1 FORCED t grow upon the smoothest face in from 4 three tn fire vwkahy uaina Dr. SEVlONEti RES TAURATEUR CAI'ILLAIRE, the moat wonderful dis covery in mmlcrn acience, acting upon the Beard and Hnir in an alinoat mirn?uloue manner. It haa been uaed by the elite nf Paris and London with the moat flattering success. Names of all nurchaaer will be reaiateied, anil if entire aatial'ariion ia not given In every inatauce, the money will be clieeiluiiy reiuiaieu. rnc oy man, acniea and poalpiiid, ffil. Deacriptive circulara and teatiinoniala mulled tree. Adureas bhnr.K. Bnu I 19 ca t.A ChcmiatB, No. 2-5 Hiver Street, Troy,N. V.,f?le agonU for the limten Maiea. icoioxiy. Government PROPERTY AT PRIVATE SALE 5,000 New and Seoond-Hand TEAM HARNESS. 10,000 BRIDLES and COLLARS. K.UOO SADDLES, all Styles 21 to 8 00. 300 Fonr tlorso Governmont WAGONS. 2,000 WAOON COVERS, all Siios, new & worn. O.U03 BLANKETS, and HORSE COVERS. Also, a largo Stock of Reins, Lead Lines, Whips, Buggy and Ambulance Harness. Portable Forgo, (Junius, awingictrecs, iioad liars, etc., cto. Wheel Team Harness, little worn all Ouk tann cd Leather nnd servicoablo, cleaned and Oiled & dol lars pcrhoreo or mule, includinc Brldlo Lead do.. 4 dollars. Wngon Bridles, 1 dollar. Collars 1 to 2 dols. Extra Hair lined Artillery Caso do., 2 and is dollars. Dnublo Reins, 1 75 to $2 25. Lead 'Lines, 1 dot Halters, 6 to 12 dols. per Dos. Officers' New Sad dies Id dols., with plated Bit Bridle. 21 dols.; good as new, 12 dols., with bridlo, 14 dols ; valise Saddles lor lioys, o dots. Wagon Covors, mado to fit any Wagon, heavy linen, a to b dots., suspenor cotton Duck, Ii too dols 12 or , Duck, 0 to 12 dols. 1.000 Hospital Tents, new and good as now, 12 ot duck 14 tccl square 6u to 40 dols. Officers' A. Tent, 7 foot square., from 6 to 8 dols. 10.VU0 LAOS, from 12 ox. Duck, 1st. quality, 2 buphcls 9 dols.; 21 bus. 10 dols.; 3 bus 11 dols. per jjoj.; znrt. quality, 7 do, 00 and J on. SMALL ORDERS SENT BY EXPRESS, C. 0. D pi run Ai CO.. No. 337 4 339 North FRONT St.. PUILAD'A, Pa, XMo. D Park Plaoo, ivEvv VOKK. No. 4S3, 9th Street, WASHINGTON, D. C rricc-iist sunt on apnucation. March , 187. 2m." niorllivrn Central Railwn'. FOUR TRAINS 1AILY to and from Baltimore Rnd ahincton city. THREE TRAINS DAILY to and from tho North Rnd Wc-t Briuich Susquehanna, and Northern and vtcsiern I'cnnsyivanin and Mew XorK. siN and after MONDAY. MARCH 11th, 1807, J tho Trains of the Northern Central Railway win run nsiuiiows : NORTHWARD. Mail Train leaves Baltimore " Harrisburg, arr at Williamsport, BnfTulo Express leaves Baltimore " Harrisburg, " Elmira. arr. Cauandaigua, Fast Line, leaves Baltimore, " Harrisbnrg, " Elmira, arr. Canandalgua, Erie Express leaves Baltimore, " Harrisburg. nrr at Erie, York and IIarris ) leaves York, burg Accoui. j nrr. Harrisburg; SOUTHWARD. Mail Train, leaves Williamsiort, 44 Harrisburg, arr. at Baltimore, Buffalo Express loaves Cananduigua, " Elmira, " Harrisburg, arr. at Baltimore, Fast Line leaves Cananduigua, Elmira, " Harrisburg, arr at Baltimore, York and Harris- j leave Harrisburg, R 30 am 1.20 p m A. 25 p m iti.lU p m 2.05 a m 11 85 a m :t iHt p m 12.10 p m 4 in p m 1.15 am 4.00 a m 7.20 p m z.lia a in 7.00 a m 7.10 am 8 40 a m 8.40 m 1.35 pa 0.00 p in 2 00 p m 5.30 p m 2.50 a m 7.00 a m 10.20 p m 1.05 am 0.20 a m 1.00 p m fi.U5 p m 0.35 p m ourg Aocotn. i arr. lorK. ura Mini Train and Jlarrisbure Accommodation North and South will run daily, exuept Sunday. Elmira Express ftorth daily, and South daily, cxeopt Mon day. Cincinnati Express south will run daily except ounutiy. Fuat Lino North arrives daily except Sundays. Eiuiira Express North leaves daily, and Erie Ex piuss North leaves daily exeunt Saturday. For further information apply at the Ticket OHloe in mo runnsyivania ttnitroad Depot. I. N. DuBARRY Gen. Supt. Iint'kuwunua Ac llloomsilmi-g; Bail road ON and after Jan. 1st, 1B67, Pasjongcr Trains win run aa luiiows : SOUTHWARD. A.M. A.M. P.M. P.M. Leave Scranton, 6.50 10 00 7.10 4.40 " Kingston, 0.55 11.20 8 20 0.00 " Rui t, 20 8.17 " Danville, 9.54 8.50 Arr. North'd., 10 85 10.15 NORTHWARD. Leave North'd., 7.00 5.20 " Danville, 7.40 6.00 " Rupert, 8.15 A. M. P. M. 35 " Kingalon, 10.50 8.30 2 60 9.05 Arr. ut Sorunton. 12.00 9. 5 4 on In is Trains leaving Kineston at 8.30 A. M. for Scran ton. connect with Train arrivincnt New York at 5 20 Passengers ttikinc Train South from Scranton at 5.50 A.M. via Northumberland, reach Harrisburg 12.30 P. M Baltimore 6.30 P. M., Washington 10 vv r. m. vianupcrt reacn rniiadulphta at 7 00 p. m XI. A. I!UJiA, tsup't. Kingston, Jan. 19, 1807. IMiIlndelpIaia & llrle Itnllr-oad. THIS great line traverses the Northern and North west counties of Pennsylvania to the city of Erie vu unng ... , in. It basJbeen leased and U operated by the Pennsyl Time of 2'anniger Train at Suniury Leave Eastward. , Erie Mail Train, Erie Express Train, Elmira Mail Train, - Leave Westward. Erie Mail Train, Erie Expro Train, 11.58 p. m. 0:35 a m. 10.25 am. 6.1C a m. 0.85 pm. Elmira Juoil lr&in, - a aa n. tn. Passenger cars run through on the Kria Mail anil Express Trains without change both ways between uu:i..i,i.L:.. i T.-: a uiiouvipuia auu Mia. , New York Connection. Leave New York "at 9 00 a m. arrive at Kria 10 00 a m. Leave Now York at 5 00 p. m., arrive at Erie 715 p. m. Leave Erie at 6.30p.m., arriv at New York 4.40 p. m - Leave Erie at 10.25 a. m., arrive at New York 10.10 a. m. ELEGANT SLEEPING CARS on all NLrht Trains. For information respecting Passenger business apply at Cor. Kuth and Market Bt., Philadelphia. Aud for Freight busine of th Company's Agents, S. B. Kingston, Jr., Cor. 18th and Market St., Philadelphia. J. W. Reynolds, Erie. WlUittin Brown, Agent N. 0. R. R., Baltimore. . if. H. Houstoa, . Gen'l Freight Agt. I'hllada. H. W. Gwianxa, Genl Ticket Ai'., Philada. A. L. TYLER, Gec'l Manager, WUliamipori. January 20, 1807. ; ' LEAD Pipe, all Us ii More, and fur sale by . CON Lit Y A ; Prooure oneof BYERLY'S Fine Photograph Pic ture at his Rooms in Simpson's Building. LOOK HOSPI TAL, i EBTARLfSIIEb AS' A llEFCUE FROM QUACK- TIIS ONLY PLACE WtttiRB A CURE CAN BE OBTAINED. DR. JOHNSTON has diacorered the most Certain, Speedy and only KtTeotnal Remedy in th World for all Private Diseases, Weakness of th Baok r Limbs, Strictures, Affections of the Kidneys and Bladder, Involuntary Discharges, Impotency, Gene- :ni insulin, 11 vrvouHnesa, i.'yspensy, ianauor, low jpirits, Confusion of Ideas, Palpitation of the Heart, rimiditY. Tremblinro. Dimness of Slirht or Giddiness. Disease of the Head. Throat. Nose or skin. Affections of the Liver. Lunm. Stomach or Bowels those Tend- Die uisoracrs arising from tne solitary jinuits 01 l onin tnose secret and solitary practices more miai to their victims than th sons or Bvrcns to th Ma- tlnors of Ulysses, blighting their most brilliant hopes or anticipations, rendering marriage, e., impossi ble.. YOirNMlvlItfl Especially, who have beoome the victims of Solitary vioe. tn at droadiui and destructive naoir, winon annually sweeps to en untimely grave thousands of roung Jtten ot tne moat exalted tiiioms ana nriiiinni intelleot. who misht otherwise have entranced listen ing Sonates with the thunders of eloquence or wakod to eostaty the living lyre, may can witu iuu eon naenee. Married Persons, or Your I Men eontomnlatlni mnrrineo, being aware of physical weaknoss, organio debility, de ronnllles, o.( speentiy cured. jto who titaces nimseir under tne care ot nr. J may religiously confide In his honor as a gentleman and eonndentiy reiy upon ins ssui as a rnysician. Immediately Cured, and Full Vigor Restored. This Distressing Affection which render Life tdtserable and marriage impossible -I the penalty naid by 4 he viotlius of improper Indulicnoos. Younu persons' are too apt to commit exoesses from not being awnre ot tne aroaaiui consequence that mny ensue Now, who that understands the subject will pretend to deny that the power of procreation Is lost sooner by Uioso falling into improper habits than by the prudent ' itemies oemg deprived tne pleasures of healthy offspring, the most serious and destructive symptoms to both body and mind ariso. The system becomes lioranged, tno rnysical and Mental tuno Hons Weakened, Loss of Procrcntiv Power, Nervous Irritability, Dyspepasn, Palpitation of the Heart. Indigestion, Constitutional llobility, a Wasting of the i ranic, Cough, consumption, JJooay and ioath (Ifflce, No. 7 Month l'rcdcrlck Ntlrpct Left hand side going from Baltimore street, a few doors from the corner. ' Fail not to observe name and number. Letters must bo paid and contain a stnmn. The Doctor's Diplomas hang in his office X CMii: WAIIKA.HTLII '1'fl'O IAYH. No Mercvry or Nauteoni Drugs. 1IE. JOICNSTO. Member of the Royal College of Surgeons, London 'iraduato from one of the most eminent Colleges in tho United States, nnd the greater part of whose life has been spent in the hospitals of London, Paris, Philadelphia and elsewhere, has effected some of tne most astonishing eures tnntwore ever Known ; mnny troubled with ringing in the head nnd ears when asleep, great nervousness, being alarmed at ludden sounds, bashfulnoss, with frequent blushing, attended sometimes with derangement of mind, wore jnrcd immediately, rAIfl! l'AltliCILAK INOTlCi: Dr. J. addresses all thoso wbe have injured them ielves by Improper indulccnco and solitary habits, which ruin both body and mind, unfitting them for either business, study, society or marriage. Tiiekb are some of the sari and melancholy effects produced by early habits of youth, vis: Weaknoss of the Back and Limbs, Pains in the Head, Dimness of Sight, Loss of Muscular Powor, Palpitation of the Heart, Dyspcpsy. Nervous Irritability. Derangement Ol lue jigcauvB runoutum, vicucrui xrcuuuy, oyuip' tonis of Consumption, Ao. Mentally. The fearful effect on the mind are much to be dreaded Loss of Memory, Confusion ol Ideas, Depression of Spirits, Evil-Foroboding. Aver sion to Society, Self-Distrust, Love of Solitude Timidity. Aa. are somoof the evils produced. TuousAJtns of persons of nil ages can now judge what is the oause of thoir declining health, losing tueir vicor. becoming weak, iiale, nervous an e naciotcd, having a singular appcaranco about the eyes, oouga and symptoms ot consumption VOI .XJ SIVZi A'ho havo injured themselves by a certain practice Indulged in when alone, a habit frequently learned from evil companions, or at school, the effects of which aro nightly lelt, even wnen asieop, and it no oured renders marriage impossible, and destroys both mind and body, should apply immediately. What a pity that a young man, the hop of his country, tho darling of his parents, should bo snatched from all prospects and enjoyments of life, by the eonseauence of deviating from the path of nature and indulging in a certain secret habit. Such porsons must, betore contemplating H1.1HKIAUK. reflect that a sound mind and body nro tho most noccssary requisites to promote cnnnuDtat happiness, Indeed without these, tho journey through hfo be- somes a wenry pilgrimage ; the prospect hourly darkens lo tne view; tne mind nccemes snodowed with despair and filled with the melancholy reflec tion that the happiness of another becomes blghted with our own iiineakf, or impiU i)i:.a When the misguided and imprudent votary of pleasure finds that he has imbibed the seeds of this painiui disease, it loo oitcn nappons thai an ui-timca sense of shame, or dread of discovery, deters him from applying to those who, from eduoatlon and respectability, can alone befriend him, delaying till the constitutional symptoms of this horrid disease ma'e their appearance, such as ulcerated sore Hire diseased nose, nocturnal pains in the bead and liu Ss, dimness of sight, deafness, nodes on the shin bom. nnd arms, blotches on the head, faco and extremities, progressing with frightful rapidity, till at lust tho pulatu of thu mouth or the boues of the nose full in, and the victim of this awful disease becomes a horrid objectof commiseration, till death puts a period to his dreadful sufferings, by sending him to "that Undiscovered Country from whence no traveller returns." It is imctaucholy fact that thousands full victims to this terrible diseate, owing to the unskillfulncss of Ignorant pretenders, who, by tne use ol that liecutly Pouoh, Mercury, ruin the constitution and make the residue of life miserable. 'I KA.A4JF.1IM Trust not your lives, or health, to the care of the many Unlearned and Worthless Pretenders, destitute ol knowledge, name or oharuoter, who oopy Dr. Johnston's advertisements, or style themselves, in tho newspapors, regularly Educated Pbyaioiuns, incapable of Curing, they keep you trifling month after month taking their filthy and poisonus com pounds, or as long aa tho smallest fee oan be obtained, and in despair, leave you with ruined health to sigh over your gulliugdisuppuinttnont. Dr Johnston is the only Physician advertising. His credential or diplomas always nunc; in his office. His remidies or treatemcnt are unknown to all others, prepared from a life spent in tho great hos pitals of Europe, the first in tho oountry and a more extensive Private J'raclict than any other Physician in the world. !-i4itMi::fii:vr or xm: I'm: The many thousands eured at this institution year after year, and the numerous important Surgical Operations performed by Dr. Johnston, witnessed by the reporters of the "Sun," "Clipper," and many other papers, notices of which have appeared again and again before the publio, besides bis standing as a gentleman of character and responsibility, is a sufficient guarantee to tho afflicted. HIil 1 1 v I ft ECiHI.Y Ct'Ki:. Persons writingshould be particular In directing thoir letters to his Institution, in the following nianne JOII.X HI. JOII.lsTO., Sl.lK Ol the Baltimore Lock Hospital, Baltimore, Md. June 80 I860 ly. Separator Capilli. Throw away your false frizzes,' your switches, your wig Deatructive of comfort, and not worth a fig ; Come aged, ram youthful, come ugly and fair, And rejoice in your own Itixuiiant hair. ltcparator Capilli, Por reatoring hair upon bald heada (from whatever cause it may have falleu out) and foiciug a growth of hair upou the face, it Hue no equal. It willforee tl'e beard to grow upon the emootheat face in from five to eight weeka, or hau upon bald heada in from two to three months. A few ignorant prartitiouere have aliened tiiut there'ia nothing that will force or haateu the gruwth of the hair or beard. Their saaertiou ar bias, aa ihaiaanda of living witnea aea (fioin their own experience) on a bear wituca. . liut many will aay, how ar we to distiuguiab the genuine from th apuriona t It eeruunly ia difficult, aa niiie-teutha of Uie dideraiit Preparation adveriiasd for th hair and beard are entirely woithleaa, and you may have already thrown awav large amounts in their purchaae. To euch w would euy, toy Ue Kepantuc Cappiiii it will coat you aoUniif unleaa it fully coiuea up lo oar repreaantatiuus. If your Druggial does not keep it, aend us oae dollar aud w will forward it, poatpaid, together with a receipt for the money, whiek will be returned yoa on applwatiou, provi ding auur aalialacliou is not given. AdilraH, . , . W. L. ULAHK CO., Cbemiat, i ' No.3 WPayeUBtrel18tAciiaBlN7V; Fela-uary l, 17 ly . ', SILVER'S WASH POWDER SAVE8 Time, Labor, Money. - Make WASHING A PASTiMK AND MONDAY A FESTIVAL. Sold Everywhere. TRY IT. , Address all orders to the Manufacturers ZIEOLER A SMITH, Ch em lata and Wholeaalo Dnitrgista,. 1S7 North Third Street, Wtir. November 14, 186V ly fCB CREAM FREEZERS and Haley rateot L Clothe Wringers, for sale by ... B ZETELMOYEH Sunbury, July 7, 18AA. ; mtjsgiiove' silmfc; :.,, ! , . .-, , . Wbolesal Sealers In - -. : . , F LOU It k FEED, ' ' ' Manfaoiurers of , CANDIES, "' BREAD, ' CAfcES, ' Ac. ' Three Floors East of P. A E. R. R. Depot, Front St., NORTHUMBERLAND, FENN'A. Th Baker Wagon will run dally to Sunbury and" Benns urove, ro serve customers, uruera aoiicitBu. Northumberland! Nov. 17, lsoO. ly SO 0 1TS7STATI0SERY oi . . ' and ' " ' VARIETIES, , Always on hand a large and oomplote stock of ALBUMS, Juvenile, Blank, School, Hymn and : Prayer BOOKS. ' Note, Letter, Ii?(r:nl and Cap lnpcr. : GOLD FENS AND HOLDERS. : ; Pen, Inks, Penolis, Port-Folios, Pictures, Picture Frames, Musical Instruments, Strings, Musie, Lamps, Shades, Globes, Ad. . Bonps, Chains. Sleds, Canes, Games, Brusbos, Port- m on ales, and Fancy Arttoles of all kinds. ' Wall Paper, Itorder nnd Window- iliiades). Agent for "La Rose's Hair Restorative and "Enamel of America." Drafts on Europe and Tickets for Steam Vessels. QUICK BALES AND SMALL PROFITS the motto at LIGUTNER'S Book Store nnd News Depot, Feb. 2, 1807. Markot Square, Sunbury, Pa Great Attraction, . . at the NEW TIN-WARE, Sheet Iron anal Ntove Ntore of SMITH 'fcGElTTEER, STJITBURY, PA., Where they keep constantly on band and manufao ture to order at short notice. TIN AND SHEET IRON-WARE of all descriptions. They would especially call the attention of pur- cnasers to uiair largo auu well selected s toe It of C00E AND PARLOR STOVES. The subscribers havo made nrrangoments to havo all their best stoves made to ordur, and thoso who would have a good stove would do well to go and examine lueir large ana well selected stock. First. They defy competition on the following tried uranos oi uook stoves, vis : Combination Uax llnrncr. Cook, ejioveruor Venn Cook. WABASH AND IRONSIDES. and the well known Autidust Cook Stove called SPEAR'S ANTIDUST. Also. Parlor and office Stoves in great variety cm bracing all the best manufactures and most fashion able designs, unsurpassed for beauty of finish simnli city of arrangements combining cheapness, durability and each stove warranted to perform what they are rcprcsontca. Also, The eelebrnted Baltimore Fire Place Stove, for heating first, second and third stories by Registers Also, VULCAN HEATER. Also, the celebrated MORNING GLORY. Coal Oil, Coal Oil L,amp, Shades ChiiuniCH, and nil articles! usually kept in an establishment of this kind They are also prepared to furnish Slato and do slating in tho best workmanlike manner. Also, to do Tin Rooting, Spouting, Range and Furnace Work, Gas Fitting, do. Repairing neatly ana cneapiy executed. Also: "laugh's) Rnvr Itonc Kuper-IMion- phatc. Remember tho place Samplo and Sales Room nearly opposite Conly's Hurdtvaro Store, Market Btreet, between Third nnd Fourth streets. Building dnrk painted. August 25, 18G5. PERUVIAN GUANO SUBSTITUTE ! BAUGH'S BONE SUPElt-PIIOSPII ATE OF LIME, . BAUOK &c SONS, Sole Manufacturers A Proprietors, DELAWARE RIVER CHEMICAL WORKS, PHILADELPHIA, U. S. A. For Wbcat, Rye, Barley, Corn, Oats, Po tatoes, Tobacco, Buckwheat, Sorghum, Tur nips, llojis, Garden Vegetables, nnd every Crop and Plant. Especially recommended to the growera of TRAWUKUItIK?, RASl'BKRRIKS, BI.ACKBKR RIKS, AND ALL SMALL FUC1T8. More than 13 yeara of tegular use upon all description of Crops grown iu the Miiliile and Isouilierii Pwtea. Ima given a lugh deirre of Mipularity to thta M AN I RK, which plnceB ita application now, entirely beyond a mere experiment. BAUGHS'8 RAW BONE SuperPhopliate of Uine, la eminently a aucceas aa a Biihatitete for Peruvian flnano and Stable Manure and is oderou to the AaTiculturiat of the No'lheiuaiii Kaatern H la lea aaa I'erlilizer tliat will cheaply reatore to the 8oil, llioae eaaeutiula which have been diuincd from it by constant cropping and light uiunu rina;. I T is very prompt in its action is laaiing in effect to a degree unaitamed by any commetcial inanute in the market and a atiorded at a much leaa coat tliau bought Cubic itlu nure, or Peruvian linuno. The Ijilior involved in it one ia far leaa ihau tliat of applying atahle manure, while there la no riak from the inlrouuclKin of noxioua weeda. irFannera are recommended to pureluiae of the dealer located in their neighborhood. In aeetiona where no dea ler ia yet eatubliahed, the I'boapliale may be prorured direct ly from the uiuieiaigned. A Priced Circular will be sent to ail who apply. . Our NKW PAMPHLET, "How to Maintain the Fer tihtyof American Farnia." 00 agea, giving lull informa tion in regard to the uaeof mauure Ac , will be Airmailed gratia on application. B AUG II & SONS, Office Xo. 20 8. DeUtrare Avenue, PHILADELPHIA. BAUGII BROTHERS & CO, General Wholesale Agentt, No. 181 Pearl St., oerner ol Cedar. NEW YORK. GEORGE DUG DALE, Whuletale Agent for Maryland ot Virginia, No. 105 Smith's Wharf, . - BALTIMORE, MD. Sold by ' SMITH A GENTHER, Sunbury. July 28, lBtSt). ly There eometh glad lldinga of joy to all, To young and to old, to grout and Ui ainall ; The beauty which once waa ao preeioua aad laie, 1 fie for all, and all may b fair. Uy the uste or CHASTELLAKS WHITE LIQUID. ; au:iwJm.ijc3CJsC-, . , For Improving and Beautifying the Ctwapkaioa Th must vuuiuul iid uorfeut preparalkw in ua, for living the akia a beautitul pearl-lilt tint, that is outy fiaind in youth. It quickly remove Tan, Fmkle, Pim ples, Blotches, Moth Fatehea, Hallowneaa, Eruptions, and aU irapuritiea of the akin, kiadly healiag the aaina leaving tee akia white and eiaar aa alauaater. 1 It use can not be detected by threioeeM acralmy, aad beiug a yegetabl pre paialiini ia perfectly aaralea. II ia the only artiel f Um kind eaed by la F reach, end i eanaalsred by th Pa naiaaas uuhapeuaable to a penuot Unlet. Upwarda of 3u,uuu boule were auld during the put year, a aBateuwt guarantee of its tntooy. Price atuy T4 eaut, beis by mail, post-paid, on receipt of an order, by UtuRtiKK, 8Ht) rw CO., Chemist, . ' - tW Rivet Bt.Tioy, N.Y February It, le7. ly ' " FINK Myrtle Pomatuia, at th Fancy Store of ANNA FAINTER. .: . - w t ' )i.( j 1 u 1 11 ' 1 I t ' ' i BREAD & FANCY CAKES. Twodenrs waHef tb Post Office, BUNBURT, Pa. RESPECTFULLY Informs the; eitisenf of Sun bury and vicinity, that he will bak to order all kinds of (Litkeaffbr Units, Parties, Ac. amilies are turpi led with FRESIT BREAD, Twist Rolls, Rusks, Tea Bum), Ao., and also kept on hand manafaoiured Ont of tb best material. I : All orders will meet with prompt attention. Having had large experience I hone to sire general satisfaction to all who may favor me with the"? patronage DAVID FHX. bunuury, woo. w, itsn. SI. C. UKAHIIART'N Confectionery, ,: Toy and FETJIT STORE Market Stroet, Sunbury, Pa. CONFECTIONERY OF AIL KINDS, TOYS OF EVERY DESCRIPTION FRUIT, &c, &c, CONSTANTLY on hnnd and for sale al th above j establishment atwnolcsaie ana retail, at reason. able prices. He is manufacturing all kinds of Conffcelionnrlo to keep up a full assortment which ar sola at low rntcs. ' Tobacco, Begars, Stationery, Nuts of all kinds, and a variety of other s.tlo'ea, all of whish ar offered wholesale and retail. I-Rcmembcr the name and place. A1 M. C. OEARI1ART, Market streot, 3 doors west of E. Y. Bright A Son's store. Sunbury, Sept. 19. 18B3. If Towisr LOTS N the Borough of Sunbury, desirably situated, In nign ana central locations, FOR f AIM?, on such easy terms as will enable Denote!, with limited amount of available money, to purchase nomos. i-ersons naving Sllnrrnl or Timber IjinI, Farms, Dwellings, or other Real Estato, for sale or lease, as well as tnose desiring to purohase or rent, aro invited to consult the subscriber. His connec. tion with reliable firms in Now York, Philadelphia, nun visewueru. iinoru unusui advantages. vonveyancing correctly ana neatly executed NO. KAY CLEMENT, Attorney at Law. Third door west of Smith A Uenther a A'tove store Banbury, Pa. Sunbury, Deo, , 1H0, tf. TF von vant good Tin-Ware, go to SMITH J UENIIER'S New Shop, AFFLICTED ! SUl'FEU NO M O 11 E ! When by the use of DR. JOINVILLK'S K1.IXIR von vki iictBpcn jQiuniimiii), mm ni a irilllllg coat. tne BiuHuaniiiK aucceaawnicn naa attent ed ihis ittv. ii able medicine for Pliyaienl and Nervoue WcakuesB, Gene ml Debility and Prostration. I-o of Muscular Knergy, Impotency, or any of the eonaeqnencea of ynuthfal iinlis- cretion, reiniera it tne moat valuable preparation ever dia covered It will remove all nervntia affeetiona, denteaamn. excite. meat, ineii.rcity Pi atudy or buaineas, kiaa of memory, mnfiiBion. ihonffhtB nf Melf.Heiilriieliitii . Un i.f !........ Ac. It will reatore the appetite, renew the health of those who nave ileal royeu it liy aensual exceaa or evil prnetirca, Young Men, be liuinliueired no more bv "(Inuelr . tora" anil ignorant prnptitloiiera, but aend wilhout delay iftr me r.nxii, nnu ne ar once reaiitreo ro lieAlin and n'ippi neaa. A i-erieci uure la uoaraiitecd in every nistaiice. Price, SI, or four bottleatooue aildreaa, 93. One bottle la aulficienl to edect a cure in all ordinary Alio, DR. JOINVII.I.K'3 SPECIFIC PII.1.S. r. the apeedy and peiinaiientcure of Gonorrhea, lileet. Ure thral Dischargee, bmvel, ftrietuie, and all affections of the Kidneys and Bladder. Curea effected in from one to hve day. They are prepared from vegetable extinct that are hartnleaa on the Bystcm, and never nauseate thratoin ach or impregnate the breath. No chnnce of diet ia Kiry A'hile uamg them, nor iloei their action in any manner iiiiriiria won iiunoieHB pursuits. -riee, VI per IRIX. Either of Ihe nliove iiintiiieil aniclea will be aellt any addreaa. closely aeilted, unit pnal-paid. by mail or c preas, on receipt nf price. Adtlri-as nil Hitlers to BK.RGKR, fH UTTs Co., Ctieiiiie'. No. ai River Street, Troy, N. Y. February 10, I8G7 ly ASTR0LCG7T7 THE WORLD ASTONISIIE AT THE WOXDEKFl'L' REVELATIONS MADE BY THK GKKAT ASTROI.OGIST, Madame II. A. PUIIltlUO. She reveala secrets no mortal ever knew. She restorrs to happineaa thoae who, from doleful even Is, cutnsliopliea, croasesin love, haa of relatione and friends, li of money, Ac, have become despondent. She brings together llmae long aeparated. givea lufniiiKitimi coreerning abaent frienila oi lovera, reaiorea loat or stolen prnperty.tella you tliebnai iicbs you are best qualified to pursue and in what you will lie moat anceeaaful, eauaea apeedy matringea and tella you the very day you willnrarrv, aivea you the name, likeneaa and eliniaeteriaties of the person, fhe reads your very tlioujtlita, iinil by her alinoat aupenuiturnl powera uuveila the dark unci hidden myateliea of the future. From the auua we aee in the firmament the miilefic atnra Hint over ciane or preil aninate in the eonngurntiim from tne aewctsaiiJpoai!ioiiaof the plnneta ami the fixed stars in the heavens iillim time of birth, she deilucea the future destiny of inmi. Fail not to consult Uie greatest Aatrolo giat on earth. It cnjta you but a I rifle, and you may never again have aofavonilile an opportunity. Consultation fee. With llkenesa and Nil deniri-il inrt.riniiri.tit al P..-,. living at n diatance can ciaiault the Mudanie by mail with equolgnfety and a-itialaetlou to thernselvea, aa if in peiaon. A full and explicit chart, written nut, with all iuquiriea anawered and hkeaeaa cncloaeri, sent by mail on receipt of price above mentioned. TlieairictwiaMteay will be manitnined, and all correapondenre reuirued or deatroved. He'ereneea of the highest order fcriiished thoae desiring them. Write plainly the day of the month and yeai in which you were born, eucliimr a small lock nfhnir. Aiklreaa, Madams H. A. PFRKIOO, P. O. D&awib '.I3, Hdffalo, N. Y. February 111, 1SI7 1 y CRISPER COMA. Oh ! ahe wna liennliful and fair, With Blurry eyea. and radiant hail Whose curling tendrils Boll, entwined, Kiicliained the very heart and mind. CKISPEB COMA. For Curling tlio Hnir of either Sex into Wavy and Glossy Ringlets or Ileuvy Massive Curls. By using this indole I-uilies and Genlleinen can beautify theinaelveau tliouauud fold It is the only article in the world that willcml airaight hair, aud at the same time give it a la-nutiful, glossv appeaiaiice. The Criater Coma not only curia the hair, lait iuvigoratea, lieautihea and cleunaeait; ia highly and delightfully perfumed, iiikI ia the moat c implete article of the kind ever offered pi the Ameri can public. The Cnaper Coma will be sent loony addieaa, scaled and pnaipuid for St. Address all orders to W. I,. CLARK A CO., Chemiats. No. 3 West Fayette Stre.t, Sva.coes, N. Y. Feb.tLlM)7. ly BEATJTY1 AUBURN, COLDKN, FLAXEN SII.KF.N CURLS PRODUCED by the use of Piof. DEHIt El'X' FH1 SER I.E CHEVF.UX. One application warranted to curl the most atraight and stuhlmrn hnir of either aex inbi wavv i uigleta, or heavy maaaive cutis. Has beeu uaed hy the laahlulinbleB of Pane and Loiuloll, with the moat gratifying reinlta. Does no injury to the hair. Price by mail, aealed and post-paid, Sjt . Deaeriptive Cireulare mailed free. Addieaa UEKGElt, SHTT l'd A CO., Che miaia, No. i Rivei St, Troy, N. Y., Sole Agents for the United ftnlea. February Id, Ib07. ly BREAKFAST SHAWLS, for sale at the Fancy Store cf ANNA PAINTER. To procure a family group Photograph, go to BYERLY'S Room in BimpsoB a Huilding up stairs NEW MUSIC STOEE. Call at our New Musio Store in OROVE, and buy one of Haines Bhothkh's New Scale Piano ortes. Every instrument is Warranted fur fly veara. We also keep constantly on band a good stock of the eeUbrated PELOUIIET'S MEL0DK0N8. CABI NET and CHURCH ORGANS, and challenge others to sell cheaper than we are selling. Walo keep all kind of Muaioal Merehandlsa and receive atl the latest musio as soon aa published. A liberal discount to teacher of Schools and Semi naries l'9'Seeond baud Instruments taken In eiahanr for new oae. . . , . Piano correctly turned and renalrad. Seai for Circular. 8ALEM BROTHER. Selinsgroy, Bnydor eo., Pa., J uly 18, lb6o, ly PHOTOGRAPH ALBUMS BOOCtl AK9 BTATIONIBY, Monthly liiaa Books, Drawing Books aad Slaiaa. Books, Hysan Books. Blank Books, Memorandum neon, uianos, rocket Books, Ink Stands, Pens, Pencils, a fine assortment of Paper, Ink. Ao. For sale by ANNA PAINTER a jKt hTTTI'' rpHB tubsorlben beg leay to announce) lo th A citliena of 6unbury and it vioinity, that they NEW GROCERV. Two doom rett of- J. It. EniWt Store, in .... mVurixt tcjr,,r. where they rw prepared td tufrrfsh every variety of groceries, and will keep constantly on band the chotosst varieties of i ! .. - I .-! FLOUR & FEED, Fish, Coffee, Teasy Bstgar, Molasses, Cheese, Salt Spices of all dimrlption, Hoept of every -variety vanaiea, omoairuj ana knowing tonacoo, oegars. Hams, Shoulders. Bacon. Butter, and Eggs. Also Dried fruits of all kinds, Caned Ponchos and Toma toes. Pickets, Ketchnfl, Pepper 'aueo, Raisins, Lemons, Ac, of best quality , and in fact every stylo of articles kept in a well .stocked Grocery. Also Cider Vinegar. All kinds of eeuntry produce taken tn exchange. The patronage of the publio is ro speotfully solicited. ' aKOKUK K. 4CO. Sunbury, Nov. 11, lSdSV I - '" S T ORE. W. A. RENNET, Iflarket ftqnnrr, NlJ.'MUilt V, ln. HAVINU recently purchased tho Drug Ktoro formerly conducted by R. A FIher. I bcrr leave to Inform the errise'ns of innl.nry and vi cinity, that I bay entirely replenished my stock of KB. -VCJ.mXS- S FANCY ARTICLES ! such as Combs, Brushes, Pocket-Bonks. Bonps, Per turnery, Hair-Oil, Knives) tfcissors, Conl-Oil Lamps, Tubaooo and Cigars, l'ulnta. Oil, Crllisc, sUlnmsi, 1'ntly, VnriiiKhrn, l'nlent Medicine, Atf. All my Tinoluroe, yrups, Ointmonts. Cerates, and other preparations am ninuufacturod by myself, and irom rue Dest material i can procure tn Market. Having had quite a number of years' experience in the m Drug and I'reerijition Dimness, both in Philadelphia and the country, nnd also tho advantage of the College of Pharmacy, I feol com petent to UUiUrUUflU ALL, I'KfcbCKll'liONS that the Physicians nnd publio may fitter uc with. All my preparations ns X have above nssertod, aro ' made from the best material, and upon honor I assert, they are of officinal strength. For medicinal Durnoses. I keen on hand the vnrv best WINES, BRANDIES AND LIQUORS, that I can procure. Before purchasing elBewhero, call nnd convinco your own mind. W. A. BENNETT. 8unbury, Nov 18, 18B5. NWTiaroOTffRET"' WM. HOOVEB Itallrond Street, above JIarKot. , HEAR TUB CENTRAL UOTEL, SUNBURY', PA. RESPECTFULLY invites his fiionds nnd the public gonornlly, to cn-Il and examine his largo assortments of liq ajr bofor purchasing elsewhere. II Im tork ran lls of llrnssslit-M, t liisUcy, Jlollniitl iiin, Vun ! ICuni, .tluiwiiKli'lis itutl Jloili lxril l"li Im-nI ii:ali I". Wlni's, C'ltlfr, !' far mKv., Ac. Farmers, Hotol Keepers, and others ere invited to call, as his stock is genuine, and will render general satisfaction. Sunbury, February 3, ISM. RSTAXLRANTi BOARDING E0USE. CHAN. ITHI, Iroprilor. In Cake's Addititn to SUNBURY', nbnr the Pemi'a. Railroad Company's Shops. LAUER BEER, Porter and Alo of the vary best brunds, excellent Oeruiun Wines, SclnvciUer Chccso, Tripe, Ac, alwuyson hand. PERMANENT AND TRANSIENT BOARDERS, kept who will find ample iiooommodntion. Hood cooks and waitors, boarders can onjoy the quiet com forts of home with faro equal to the btat hotels. Sunbury, May 26, 18(i((. SlJNfiUUV FOUNDiiV i:o. noiiiciiAcis a: s-o.y, ARE now carrying on business at this old cstiib lishment with renewed vigor. Castings of every description, promptly furnished to order. The Stoves manufactured nt this Foundry havo ttoquirod the highest reputution. Particular attention paid to .MILL CASTINGS Farmers should not forget that the I'LOWi uiado at tho Sunbury Foundry havo never been equalled. Agricultural implements repaired at short notice. Small castings, including Cooking utensils, of the uiont improved and most useful patterns. The business will bo conducted ou an enlarged nle. Old customers will be accommodated is usual, and new ones are respectfully solicited. Sunbury, May 12, lt-.6ti AIMJIsi KXlMtKKN tXMiat.Vv. REDUCTION OF RATES ON PRODUCE, OYS TERS, AC. rrWE rates on Frosh Fii-u, Oyster in tho Shell, and X Truck of all kinds, to places in this Division, whore the rate is 75 cents per lull llwor over, has been reduced 25 cents per Inn lbs. At place where tho rato is between 50 und 75 cents per lilb lbs, tho rato will lie 60 cent per lutl lbs. Barrels of truck weighing less than 10U lbs will bu charged as 100 lbs in weight. Fresh Fhh will reqniro to bo packed in tight bur rels or boxus. Prompt attention to tho collection of Bills, Drafts, Ae, N. FER REE LIOHTNER, Agent. Sunbury, June Id, lHtJH. a i; i it h jar Kti'H "lKiiinil do Iiirl," THE NEW BEAl T1FIER OF THE SKIN. TESTIMONIALS FROM CELEBRATED LADIES. This secret of beautifying tho skin boing known only to Messrs. Jared A Rene, they honorably state that it di tiers from all other preparations. It gives to the most harsh and freckled skin both the texturo and color of polished ivory, removing all disuolora tions, whether appearing as freckles, tan, morphow, moth or blaokworm specks, and is especially suc cessful in smoothing out thu marks left by Uie small pox. The agents of "L'EMAIL do PARIS" most confi dently submit to the publio the earnest endorse ments of such distinguished ladies as Signora RISTORI, M'ddleFELICITA YESTYALIA, Miss MAGGIE MITCHELL, Mrs. D. P. BOWERS, LUCILLE WESTERN. Madame PONISI, Mrs. EMMA WALLER, LUCY RUSHTON. NOEM1E Da MARGUERITTES, MUs A. PERRY and many others whose high standing in tho profes sion givea the stamp of truthluluets to their intelli gent and genuine approval. The beautiful Lucille Western rays : ''I find that the "Email" produces all th brillian cy of rouge and lily-whito. with the great and pecu liar advantage of total barmlossness. It really add to the softness and beauty of the skin." The magniiioent Yeslvalia says : "I have suffered so much from the various whito lotions, Ao., which my theatrical profession oblige me to use, that I consider It a perfect benefaction to. find a preparation whioh gives the necessary white fleas to the skin, and leaves the skin oool and smooth.'' Miss Maggie Mitchell says : "I have tried the skin beautificr, "L'Emall do Paris," and found that it instantly Imparts a natural bloom and freshness to th complexion." "Jared'a Email de Paris" is used as a dolicato boautifierof the skiu for Theatre, Saloon or Ball Room, by the most refined and scrupulous ladies produoing all tb beautifying etfeoUof rouge and lily-white, without their vulgar glare or injury to the skin. J Sold bv all flrst-olan Druggists, Perfumer and Ladies' Hair Dresser. - - L. Isabeau. Hii Broadway: Dcioas Barnes 4 Co y1.,?. , Cu" " 'urk: se Jouin, 111 South Tenth streot, and Johnson. II Jlo- way Cowdon, Philadelphia, Agents. , JAREli RENE, t Gneral Agauts and Importer! New York. Jan. 2d, 1807 dm ClIANUli OF IIKPOT, rpHE undersigned respectfully Informs his friundj A ejd the public that he bas changed uij place ef toadlng Freight in Philadelphia from FreJ, Ward A i reed, No. 811 Market Street, le A. D. AOHESON (Camsaisaioa Merebaut, dealer is Flour, Grain, Seeds, fte. 1013 Market St., Philadelphia, where all freight will be loaded oa cars of th un dersigned, for Daupbiu, Sunbury, bhamokin, and all laterveaiast points. . AU freight will Uearried as low a on any ether line. Orders to carry freight resiieelfully a-mcilod, which will saceive prompt attention. ... JB WEISER. Sunbury, Jan. 11 l6s 3ra