IERUVIAN GUANO SUBSTITUTE I BAUGH'S :R-AW BONE BIT12UPH08PH ATE OP LIME, BATJOH Ss BON8, Bole Manufacturer A Proprietor!, DELAWARE RIVER CHEMICAL WORKS, 1'iIILAliELriIIA, U. S. A. For lieat, Hyc, Barley, Corn, OuU, Vo tatoes, Tobacco, Buckwheat, 8org!iuin, Tur- wp, lioni, Uartluu Vegetables, uiul every crop ana riant. Kspecially lecommeuueu In the growers of TRAWBERRlEri, RA8PUKRRIE3, W.ACKUER R1ES, AND ALL SMALL FK11T3. More than 13 yeara of refratar use upou all desociption ttt Crops grown in the Middle ami Southern States, has given a aigb decree of popularity to tliia MANURK, which place its application uuw, eutirely twyoud a mere experiment. DAUGIIS'8 RAW BONK tiierlboiitiute ol' I.I mo, la eminently aueceaa at a rjiihstltnte fr Peruvian Ouano nud Stable Manure and la orlereu to the Agriculturist of the Narlheinanl J-laslern Stale as fertilizer that will cheaply restore to the Soil, Unite eraent tale which have been drained from it bjr constant cropping and light mauu- (T it very prompt in ll action is lasting in effect to a degree uualtained by any commercial niunuie in the market and ia afforded at a much leffl coat limn liouiht Stable ale- nure, or Peruvian Guano. The Lalxir involved in its aae ia fur Inns than that of applying stable manure, while there Is no risk from tlie introduction of noxious weeds. trsVFarmpra ... recommended to nurehase of the dealer located in their neiehborhood. In lections where no dea ler is yet established, the Hliwiaie may be procured direct ly from the undersigned. A Piievd Circulur will be i In nil who nnnlv. Oar NEW PAMPH1.KT, "Hnvvto Mnmuin tht Fer tility nf Ain.rirM.i Forms." AO nflirea. (.Vine lull ...forma- tion in regrd t the uie of manure Ax , wit! itn furnished grutiioii application. BAUGII & SONS, Office Xo. 20 S. Delnware Avenue, PHILADELPHIA. BAUGH BROTHERS & CO, General Wiolc&ale Agents, No. 181 Pearl St., oorner ol Cedar. NEW YORK, GEORGE DUGDALE, Il7i?'fc Agent for Maryland it- Virginia No. 105 Smith Wharf, BALTIMORE, MD. .Sold by SMITH & GENT11ER, .Sunbury. July 2ti, I860. ly O O E ' S )YSPEPSIA CURE pillS GREAT RF.MKDV FOR ALL DISEASES o L trie ST OMAOHS the discovery of the inventor of Coe's valuable Couch ilsam, while experimenting for titaowu health. It cured ami iu the Ptomach for iuin whicb bad before yicuied ii'ilhing but chloroform. The almost daily leitimony from various pari of the untry encourage ua to believe there ia no diaeuse euused a disordered stomach it will not speedily cure, hyaioiana endorse and Use it ! iniatera give testimony of ita efficacy. id from all direction we receive tidings of cures per niea. rSPF.PSIA! It is sure to cure. 1ARTBIRN ! One dose will cure. ;K HEADACHE! It has cured in hundreds of case. :ADACHE AND DIZZINESS ! II stop in thirty minutes. '1DITY" OF THE STOMACH ! It corrects at once. 3E OF THE FOOD 1 It stops immeditiirly. STRESS AFTER EATING : One dose will remove. OLERA MORBUS! Rapidly yields to a few doses. D BREATH ! Will be changed with half a bottle. IS PERFECTLY HARMLESS s UNPRECEDENTED SUCCESS is owing to the llml It Cure lsy AH!atiiis 'alnre RE ASSERT HER SWA V IN THE SYSTKM liy every dealer in the United Stales sells it at ONE DOLLAR PKR BOTTLE. C 0. C1AK & CO., Proprietors, NEW HAVEN, CONN, ebruary 2VJ.8B7. ly. $100 REWARD i a medicine lliut will cure 'GHS, INFLUENZA, TICKLING iu the THROAT, WHOOPING COUGH, lievc CONSUMPTIVE OOUCHS, lick as OE'S COUGH BALSAM! OVER ON K MILLION BOTTLES been sold and not a single iuatauce of its fuilure is u. We have, in our possession, any uanuty of Cer. les, sjiue of Ihcui from EMINENT PHYSICIANS have used it m their piuclice, and giveu II the (lic ence over every other compound. IT DOES NOT DRY UP A COUGH, but LOOBKNS IT, to enable Hie palieut to expectorule fictly. Two m doaca. IxvAauBLV Cvaa Ticxliko i thk Tiiaotr ! m( tMiulchas often coinpletely cuied the most Stub Cuuih, and yal, though it la so suieand speedy in its llou, II la perfeullyhanulesa, being purely vegelutile ery areutlite to tlifi taste, and luey be aduiutislered Idreii ol siiy age. ats of CROUP we will guaranlee a cure, if takea in aeaaiill, D FAMILY SHOULD BE WITHOI T IT! vitliiu the reach of all, it being Hie ebeapeat and be in ciuuit. C. (i. CLARK It CO , Proprietors, NEW HAVEN, CONN. a-uary S3, lh7. ly 4aurdeu SeeiU hy Mail. E offer a largo aud complete aAiortuient of l resb Seeds, embracing. OVER ?itf LEADING VARIETIES, uiing all the Novelties,! atiiuil wo furuieh, ally put up in packets, BY MAIL, l'OSTAUE TAID, catalogue price. our Peoda are carefully tested before aeuding ua are WARRANTED TOUROW, icrly planted and cared for. NEW TRICED DESCRIPTIVE CATA E ia mailed to any address, on receipt of Umji 1U1KO. EDW'D. J. EVANS A CO., No. V, N. Ueorge St., York, l'a ch 23, 1867 -lm iD 1'ipe, all ixo iu (tore, and for sale by CON LEY A CO. WING FLAG STONE! ! subscriber U iirepared to deliver to theciti ns of bunbury and Northumberland, and airing town, a auporior quality of FLAG IS, for paving, at the ahortent notice. Orders ed to by addioasiuz at bunbury, to WM. CLARK mry, Feb. IS, 18(17. Sm D CAGES, 11 different kinds. If you want vu sou cueap iwu vsges, go co CON LEY A COS Palula, OiU, Ac. I slock of Oil couipi'kdng Linseed Oil, Coal h Oil and Lubricating Oil lor Engiue and icry, Vaiuubcs, tij, always on baud, at low t ' COSLfca CO a BOOKS, STATIONERY and VARIETIES, ( Alwaya on hand a larga and complete stock of , ALBUMS, Javenllo, Blank, School, Hymn and Prayer BOOKS. .'ole, letter, Ix-fcal and Cap Paper UOLP PENS AND HOLDERS. - Pent, Inks, Pencil, Port-Folioa, Fioturea, Piotur Frames, Musioal Instrument, String, Muslo, Lamp, Shades, Globe, Ao, Soap, Chains, Sleds, Cane, Games, Brushes, Port monaiea, and Fancy Articles of all kind. Wall Paper, I!orlcr and Window Shades. Agent for "La Rose' Hair Restorative," and "Enamel of America." Draft on Europe and Ticket for Steam Vessel. QUICK SALES AND SMALL PROFITS the motto at LIUHTNER'8 Book Store and News Depot, Feb. 2, 1867. Market Square, Bunbury, Pa. Great Attraction, NEW TIN -WARE, Sheet Iroa and Stove Store or SMITH & GE1TTEEB,, stxhntzb-ctifi, :p.a.-, Whore they keep constantly on hand and maculae turo to order at short notioe. TIN AND SHEET IRON-WARE of all descriptions. They would especially call the attention of pur chasers to their lnrge and well selected stock of COOS AND PARLOR STOVES. The sulworibcrs buve mado arrangement to have all their beat stove made to order, and those who would have a good stovo would do well to go and examine ineir large nnu won selected itook. First. Thcv defv cnmnctltion nn thA r.,llnwinir tried Brands of Cook Stoves, vit : t'oinliiitalion tn llurner, Cook. Ciorcruor Peiin (,'ook. WABASH AND IRONSIDES, and the well known Antldust Cook Stove called SPEAR'S ANTIDUST. Also. Parlor and offioo Btovcs In ercat variety em bracing all the beBt manufactures and most fashion able designs, unsurpassed tor beauty of hnish simpli city of arrangements combining cheapness, durability and each stove warranted to perforin what they are represented. Also, ine celcoratou i5alttmore r ire Place Move, for heating first, second and third stories by Register Also, VULCAN HEATER. Also, the celebrated MORNING GLORY. Coal Oil, Coal OH Lamp, Shades, Ostomies, nud all article usually kept in an establishment of this kind. They are also prepared to furnish Slate and do slating in tuo Dest wormnaniiKo manner. Also, to do Tin Roofing, (-pouting. Range and Furnace Work, Go Fitting, Ac. Repairing ncutly and cheaply executed. Also: "Haus'li'M Raw ltone SSnpcr-Phos-pliate." Remember the place. vample and Sules Room nearly opposite Oonly'a Hardware Store, Mnrket Btrcet, betwocn Third and Fourth streets. Building Unrk painted. August 25, 1M6U. There cometh glad tulinga of joy to all, To young mid to old, to great ami lo small ; The beauty which once was so precious and laie, Is free for all, and all may be fair. It .V t lie ne ol CHASTELLAK'S WSITE LXQTTXD For Improving and Beautifying the Complexion. The most vuluublc and jperfeel preparation in use, for triving the ekiu n beautiful pearl-like tint, that ia only found in youth. It quickly removea Tan, Fiecklea, Piin plea, Hlolchea, Molli Patches, SallowueiMl, Eruptions, ami all impuritiea of the aktn, kindly healing the same leaving the k:n white and clear as alabasier. It use nan not be detected by tne closest scrutiny, and being a vegetable pre natation is perfectly harinleaa. It ia the only article of the kind used by the French, and is considered by ilie Pn riaiaues Jnuispeusuble to a peifect toilet. Upwarda of 30,0ou bottles were sold during the past year, a aufneieut guarantee of it trHcacy. l'rioe only 75 cent. Sent by mail, poet-paid, on receipt of an order, by UERGER, SHUT TS A CO., Chemist. 2S4 River St., Tiny, N. Y February 16, 1P07. ly diood nvis Tor "flotlsvrN! MOTHERS, arc you oppressed with anxiety for your little ones? Are your Blumbors and hearts broken by their cries ' Do you awnko in the morning unrefrcsbed and apprehensive ? If so, pro cure at once a bottle of Dr. Leons' Infant Remedy and you will have no mure weary hours of watching and acxicty. mi. i.i:os- nPAvr ki:.-if.iy liar stool the tot of years. Thousands of nurse and mothors bear witness that it never fails tu give relief if used in season. It is a mild, yet euro and apcedy cure lor Colic, Crumps and Windy Pnins. and is in valuable for all complaiubi incident to Teething. Sold by Druggists throughout the L'nited Suites. Address ull orders to ZIEULER & SMITH, Soie proprietor. 137 JVorlla 'I'ltis-A Slrocl, lbil'a. Novembor24, I860. ly. FINE Myrtlo Pomatum, at the Fancy Storo of ANNA PAINTER. EXPEXEITUBES AND RECEIPTS OF Northumberland Co., FROM The Firat Day of January, A. D. 1800, to the Last Pay of December of the same year, both daya inclusive. Orders. DR. cts, 1 order Eastern Pcnitcutiart', CO C9 45 do for building aud mmh'um bridges 4J93 38 459 75 23 93 1093 31 509 08 294 30 117 00 15 00 06 00 205 50 lo fuel 13 do Fox Scalps Klt'Ctitms ConBtabU'g pay Hefuuding County Auditor J, Funiswortb, Audilicg Cuuuty Officers,' 57 do 0 do 7 do 1 do 1 do 10 do Court Crier 7 do 8 do 3 do 4 do 4 do Printing load damage's Prison Exil-hbcs Mieritrg Peeg District Attorney Jurors I'ny Couiuiouwcaltli costs Attorney lor County Koud and liiicigo Yiewa Stationery Seated and unseated lands Public Buildings Insane Asylum Inquisitions, Assessor's Pay Merchandize Win. K. Martz, buck jay Incidental expenses E. T, Drurr.hellcr for hoard- 1081 23 44 07 3128 90 196 00 3080 73 1397 27 150 00 245 00 235 73 181 50 5126 24 135 05 03 20 495 00 41 14 140 00 26 do 78 do 2 do 43 do 19 do 1 do 00 do 4 do 0 do 41 do do do do do 646 50 ing jurors in the P.boads lrial Iu tercet ixaus to County Jos. Class, Coiumis'ra pay 280 0 20 do 13 do 804 4o 8150 00 850 00 895 00 400 Or do do do do do 11. aiartiu, tio tiu J. Eckui80 do do S. Billinan do do T. M. Purscl, Jacitor do Cliarlot Weaver, Clerk do 01 za 210 80 740 0 261 85 80,000 00 28,083 43 13 do 1 do 8 do 33 do Protuonotary'a fce Iteal Estate Court House $60,694 40 To Treasurers commission on $50,003 80 To amount ot outstanding orders for 1805, and previous years To amount of outstanding Boun ty Orders To Depreciated Moneys 1475 08 18103 43 725 00 .07 00 $87,884 01 CH. Uy caah received from Colloctoia for I860, and previous years f 17,130 04 By caah received from collectors , lor Bounty Tax -By caah received from Lower 87 9S : 163 15 fi 10. i 1S50 00 2300 00 SO 23 f6 00 2 03 Augusta townsQip lor neep inir IlanDah Bavidxe ' . By llodemption - money from wo, i. Aic William By cash received from H. Martin ' as loan to County By caah rec'cS from E. T. Drum- hellor, at loan to County By caah ree'd for Kent for public buildings ' ' By caah received for material told By exoneration tax received, " , By cash received from Benjamin llcndriekt, at loan to County "By cash received from Masonic Lodge for old Court llouao By redemption money from R. Mntct By redemption money from Simon Koblo . By cosh received from J. llnugu awout at loan to County By cash received from Daniel ' Ileim, at loan to County By cash received from Mrs. D. 1000 00 794 00 5 21 2 81 75 00 1500 00 600 00 400 00 25 00 Wolverton, as loan to County By cash rcccivetl from Peter II. Snyder, as loan to County By Court Fines By cash received from J. B. Musscr for Deed By cash received from R. II. Awl, former Treasurer By cash received for Militia Tax By cash received for Seated Lands , '.' " " Unseated 4 88 08 11 207 01 350 08 2905 89 By excess of Expenditures above the llcceiptt 27,789 CO $87,384 01 Treasurer in account with R. 11. AWl,, Kw., former ortnumberiaiia uuunty : DR. To balance due Cotnty on Ntaie Tux as per Auditors Report of 1H0S, To babincn due Comity foi Militia Fines a per Auditor' Report of leirJS, To balance due County for Bounty Tax as per Auditor Report of 1606, CR. By balance due from County on County tax Ac., as per Auditor's Heport of 1M03, By cash paid Johu Farnsworlb, Treasurer 213-2 00 816 60 8137 18 S5,aW T6 8,317 87 b 11 5,303 78 JOHN FARNSWORTH, Esq., Trensurer in account with the County of Northumberland from the 1st day of January, A l IHotl, to the last day nl UecerrHirr ol Uie same year, both days inclusive, respecting county Tuz, Ac. DR. To amount of outstanding County Tax for 1885, and previous year 33,527 07 To amount of outstanding County Duplicate for lHfiO. 3P,S71 61 To amount overpaid by Wm Cooner, Collector III To cash received from Lower Augusta Towa- ship lor keepnYg Haiuuih Savidge tt3 15 To redemption money 16 as Tocush received from sundry persons as loan to Conwy 7125 00 To caBh received for rent of public buildings, Si) 23 To cash received for materials sold 70 (XI To ensh received on Exonerated tnxes, 2 05 To cash receiveil frtan Masonic Ixidge Aa old Couit H'uise 7!V 00 To cash received for Court finea 25 IK, To cash received frmn J B. Masser, for Deed 4 38 To cash received from R. 11. Awl, toimer Trea surer 68 11 To amount received on unseated lauds for 161 and 1865, 1,024 60 To amount received on seated land for 18C4 and led.'., 131 30 To amount due Treasurer S545 H7 let .Ml 32 CR. By amount of Comity Tnxe outstanding on the 1st day of Jauuarv, lt-07 CI5,n6S 30 By ninjuut of Exonerations allowed collector 10 Hy amount of percentage allowed collector 32ll 76 Hy errors iu llupllcale 127 6:1 Hy depreciutwl money t'7 00 Hy nniount of County orders paid 5t),ntl3 30 Hy Treasurer's commission ou $50,003 30, 1175 08 JW,9t M JOHN FARNSWORTH. Kan., Treasurer, of Northein- berland County in account with tie same for State Tax : DR. To amount of outstanding State Taxes for 1805, ami previnnn years To uinounl ofState Tax Duplicate for 1M0, To amount of State Tax overpaid by J. !eilcr To amount received on Unseated Lands foi IHJI and Irttf To amount received on Seated Laud for 1804 and leCS 87KS 70 8347 ii 3 lb 1041 ao 218 78 88,390 17 CR. By amount of State Taxe outstanding on the 1st day of January, 1607 for IboO, and previoua year Ry amount of Kxouerutions nllowed collector Hy amount of percentage allowed colleetoi Hy errors on Duplicates HyFtnte Treasurer's Receipt ot February Stli, tun By balance due County f'ttH 09 S07 II 74 S 7 10 08 1033 9J SMI 5 45 tOfl'M 17 JOHN KARNSWORTll, Ks,.,Trcamier, in aeeouo Willi the Coimnonwealtli of Pemityk'ania, for Licence OUTSTANDING TAXES FOR Yean. Collector1 Name. 1835 A. J. Conrad 1858 J. 11. MuBser " George Zimmerman " Jhco'j Miller 1859 James Oaks 18G0 Solomon Shiudel 1801 Jose-u Snyder " & Blair 1803 II. Reader " Joseph Snyder 1803 II. Wagoner Joseph Snyder " M. Sliade 1804 William Hoover '" John O. Bright " F. McCarty 1). llaiu 1803 William Hoover W. Lake " II. Header " E. Artmiui " J. Kissel " Isaac Sober P. Hester " V. U. Weikel E. Snuffer " E. Ilowarter 18C0 Charles F. Marliii II. Header " II. Morgan " J. O. Hitter " J. Kissel " E. Ai tuiuu " S. Luutz J. Snyder " Joint lluugliawaut " Williaoi Johnson M. McDonald " William Ewiug " E Long " D. Wagoner " 8. Bohner " John West " I. Sober " J Johnson " J. OitcUlkld " J. Ditchfield " William Kaker " John Seilcr " C. Creamer OUTSTANDING. BOUNTY TAX, 1803 James Beard McKwensvillo " Joseph Snyder Coal " Jonas Stino Mt, Cariuc) Those marked with a since paid, We, the uudcrgigncd Auditors of North umberland county, State of Pennsylvania, do certify, that in pursuance of the 4th Hection of an Act. regulation Counties and Town. shipB, the 5th day of April, 1834, we met Duuoury, on uie si si uay oi January, a. did audit and settle the several accounts judgments and abilities ; and we do further certify, that upon due examination of tbe Expense Book of the County, the indebtedness of the County in unpaid County Orders is $30,334 53. Abo. that the amount of outstanding Bountv Orders ia .725 00. In witness whereof, we have hereunto set ,iu uuy u ttomarj, . JJ., 100 fro 1st aV f January, 1AM, to ike last day of t mm year, both day kwhjslv. DR. 1 To imomit reeclved for Licence foe Tsveraa lor leeo To amount leeelved for Liquor Store fol HW xv no 70S Ott Jo amoual rceervw lor Kesuurant ror 'M, To ainoiint received for Retailer of Merrtisn disc. Tro pin Alley, Patent Medicines, Coal and Larnber Vsidi. Brewwie ana Uilhard-rooms a per Mercaautil Aponnsets ' ' LM for ItrtM) V8 w CR. By t ner cent Commieslon oa tl,000 aad I per cent on 3HI. M 60 By 8 per cent Commission nn i'NS 00 II 8 Hy t per cent Commies ion on tJtrt, 3d U By exoneration as per certificates, 03 OO Uvt percent eoraraiaaioii on BiauO and I ner et. on t1M 54 TJ M Hy Plate Treaaarera receipt of April IPth, ISM, D8 (10 liy T. H. I'urdy's receipt for publishing Mer cantile Anniaiaer'a Lux in Eaalish and Oer mail. 354 iiainca 70 HO By State Treasorei' Receipt of Feb. tth, 1847, 4,448 38 5,76 JOUN FARN8W0RTH, Esq., Treasurer, In aoeoanl with the County of Northumberland, respecting JUilitla t ines lor lbo4, and previous years. SR. To awonnt of outstanding Militia Fine. CR. By amount of outstanding Militia Fine on the 1st day of January, 1847, Ry ain't of percentage allowed collectors, By am'nt of Exoneration allowod " By error in Duplioatea, By order paid Harrison Wagoner liy amount due County $653 48 (355 73 12 3a 6 00 10 60 1 42 2CS 49 $652 4d JOHN FARNSWOKTH, Esq., Treasurer, in account wiln the .treasurer ot ticnool Hoards, eupervisors of Roads. Overseers of the Foor. and with town ship respecting Bounty, for Taxes oa seated and unseated tanas tor lbt ana J cue DR. To amount reccivod for Hoad Tax To amount rooeived for School Tax To amount received for Bounty Tax To amount received for Poor Tax $2fifll 34 3728 70 Ml 3 7a 1124 45 H6.12S 37 CR. By amount paid Supervisors of Roads, Treasurers of School Boards. Ac a porrocclpts $14.(175 48 By Treasurers' commission on (16,128 27. 800 31 liy balance in hand of Treasurer 644 40 910,120 27 JOHN FARNSWORTH, Esq., Treasurer, In account with the County of Northumberland, from the first day of January, 186(1, to the last day of Doceniber of the am year, b.'th day inclusive, respecting Bounty Tax. DR. To amount of outstanding Bounty Tax, CR. $511 94 By amount of Bounty tax outstanding on the 1st day of January, 1867, By amount paid by E. Shaffer, due Coun ty from Treasurer, 474 02 37 92 Soli 94 JOHN FARNSWORTH, Esq., Treasurer in account with Northumberland County : DR. To bnlanco due County on Militia Tux To balance due County on Bounty Tax To bal. duo State Tax and for State Taxes on seated and unseated lands for 1SC4 and 18B5, To balance duo Treasurer $267 49 o7 92 2,215 45 2S 01 $2,545 87 CR. By bal. duo Treasurer on County Tax, Ac. $2545 B7 Statement of the Finances of Northumberland Coun ty, on the first day of January A D. 1807. DR. To amount of outstanding County Orders for 1S66, and previous years, :,3.'I4 5)1 To amount of outstanding Bounty Orders 725 00 $31,059 53 CR. By amount of outstanding County Tax lor 1866. and previous year. 15.065 36 By amount of outstanding Bounty tax 474 02 By amount of outstanding Militia tax tor 1864 and previous years, S55 72 By amount duo from Wm. E. Irwin, for mer Treasurer, as por last Auditor's report SO 58 By amount due from Francis Buchcr. for mer Treasurer, as por Auditor' re wrt of 18(12, 51 00 By excess of Ccuuty induhtcdncas above aasetU 15,033 M $31, 05V 53 County of Northumberland in account with the Com monwealth of Pennsylvania for 18(16, DR. To amount of State tax duplicate for 1866, $2,347 2! CR. By am't of exonerations allowed collectors $53 42 By percentage allowed collector 73 02 By State Treasurer's receipt of Feb. 6th, '67, 1933 25 By County Treasurer's commiiuioD uu $1052 77, 19 52 By balance due Common wealth 267 11 $2,347 22 I860 AND PREVIOUS YEARS District. Zerbe Mt. Curmel Tj. Upper Augusta Point Delaware Sunbury Coal Miltuu Turbutville Coal Cameron Coal Lewis Sunbury Upper Augusta Mt. Caruicl T). Lower Muhonoy Sunbury Shamokin Borough McKwensvillo Turbutville Cliillisquoquc Shamokia Tp. Mt. Curmel Tp. Cameron Jordun Upper Mahanoy Sunbury MtEwcusvillo Point Turbut Chilisquaquo Turbutville Delaware Milton Upper Augusta Hush Mt. Caruicl Tp. Mt. Carniel Borough Cameron Little Muh uli oy Jackson Jordan Shamokin Tp. Northumberland tabaraokin Borough Coal Tjower Augusta Lower Mahanoy Zcrbo State. County. miitia 19 43 29 05 00 18 77 00 99 21 00 70 00 01 50 13 00 18 00 10 50 1 00 50 00 40 75 14 00 10 87 12 42 81 44 54 41 55 27 75 180 01 213 81 34 50 123 86 20 28 723 13 372 00 00 21 200 78 208 39 41 21 298 71 1435 03 213 03 509 07 472 80 1373 10 809 05 1037 51 1259 63 501 00 21 10 400 28 400 05 48 52 150 08 109 60 384 44 071 87 000 83 434 74 419 33 000 51 088 20 453 53 00 01 40 59 17 80 20 33 11 18 38 57 33 50 16 87 958 09 $13085 36 $353 73 15 00 04 458 08 f 174 03 t the Commissioners' Offlco, in the Borough of jj., j buy, ana adjourned iroui time to time, and as reouired of us atrrecablv to the beat of our pur hands and seals at the office aforesaid, this 1 . W. ulUl, ) Li. D. I U.K. CUM', ) L. . Auditor. V.V. UTILE, )L. B.) NEW GROCERY! CALt AT yURMAN Il OJ.D fiTAHt. , r . - - WH0LESAL2 RETAIL Ga .jrjjr3 Mmnmrmr AND Provision Store FOR CHEAP GOODS 1 Their Stock la complete, consisting in part of Et'OARS, COFFEES, TEAS, SPICES, COAL OIL, Tobacco, Cigar, Flour, Feed, Fish, Salt, llama, Shoulders, Cheese, Fruit, Glass, Lamp, Ac, Ao. Country Produce taken In exchange for Goods. t3rCa!I and examine our Stock, and satisfy your "Isunbury, May 12, 18o. MUSGR0VE & SHAFEIt, Wholesale Dealers in FLOUR & FEED, Manfaoturer or CANDIES, BREAD, CAKES, &c. Three Doors East of P. A E. R. R. Depot, Front St., NURTliUMlSKKbAlMD, ftjNJN 'A. The Belter Wagon will run daily to Sunbury and senns urove, to serve customers, vruora buiiuimhi Northumberland, Nov. 17, l6t. ly FANCY DRY GOODS STORE MISS KATE BLACK, Market street, four door west ofWm. H. Miller ' Hoot and Shoe store, KUiMJUKI, r. T ESPECTFULLY Inform her friends in Hunbury XV and vioinity, mat uo nas just opened oer WINTER GOODS. oi Notions and Fancy Dry Goods, Her stock oonsits of AIL Wool Delaine. P.mbroldc ries, Lace Collars, Bleached and unbleached Muslins, Sheetings, Drillings, Ouribaiui muslins, mra-ty Linens, Alapaca, Poplin, Crupe and Lane Veils. Ladies' Winter HATS, Ladies' Woolen Cap, Brcuk last Shawls, bonlags. Children' Woolon Circular, Children' Woolen Skirts. Mine. Domorest's Hair Curlers, Hair Ceils and Curls, Ulovea. Stockings. Collars, CorsuU, to. dents' Collars, Neckties, half Hose, JIaudkcr ehief and Suspenders. Bradley' new Patent Duplex Elliptio (or dvubl t!. : L l! I DTl! V HOPKINS Elliptio Skirts. Perfumery, Toilet Soaps, Hair Brushes, Combs Toys, and a general variety of NOTION. Sunbury, Nov. 24, 1866. fCE CREAM FREEZERS and Haley's Patent L Clothe n ringer, for sal bjr Sunbury, July 7, 1RS6. ZETELJIOYER. A NUW AKRlTAIi OI' FALL & WINTER GOODS, AT THE STORE OF J II EN GEL, Market Street, Sl'XBL'RY, l'A. JUST received from Now York and Philadelphia, a largo lot of FALL AND WINTEll UOODS, which he will tell at email profits, for curb or coun try produce. lit line of Uoods for Gentlemen's and Boy' wear is good Fine lilacs; and Blue French Cloth, Fine Boaver Cloths lor Overcoats, the very best of Black and Fancy Caseiincrec, Uood Satinctt and Kentucky Jenn, all at low prices. His liuo of Ladies' and Misses' Dross Uoods can't bo bent in this little borough. Hi: NT OF II LACK N I I. U Plain and Figured Silk and Wool Poplin, all-wool Poplin, Plain and Fancy French Merino, from one dollar per yard upwards, of all Shades and Color, all-wool Plaid, Alpaca, all oolors. Plain and Fancy Mohair Lustres, all-wool Delaines, Fancy and Figured English Merino, very handsome, Delaine, Calicoes and Muslins, ull prices. Ladies' Cloth for Dresses, Ladies' Cloth for Sucks, Sacking Flannel, all shades, Ladies' Shawls, plain and tnncy. BEST WOOL BLANKETS, White Marseilles Quilta, Bed Sproad, Balmoral Skirt. Yankee Notions in Great Variety Hosiery, of all description, U loves, forLadto and UenU, Dress Trimmings, Fancy Buttons, Ac, Ladies' French Corsets, Ladies' lloop Skirts, UenU' Shirts and Drawors, Ladies' Vests and Drawers, Ladies', Mixcs' and Children' Fancy Hoods. Wool &curfa Ladies' Fanoj Scarfs, and a variety of other goods G .A. R P E T S , Wove Floor Cloths. Stair Carpets Floor Oil Cloths, all widths, Carriage Oil Cloth, Table Oil Cloth Widow Shades, Plain Ureen and Brown Oil Cloth and Fixture for Window. aAOCERI s. .S'uRur, Coffee, Molasses, Hico, Crackers, Spices, Salt Fish, Cheese, io. Ojueensware,Ulassware. splendid Setts of Tcawarc, at low prices. BOOTS & SHOES IN GREAT VARIETY. Hats and Caps, Oil, Paint, Gloss, Putty, School Book. Paper, Slates. Ac HARD WARE. Shovels, Fork, Nails, Lock, Hinge and Screws A Large assortment of WALL PAPEll and Bor der, at all prices. All persona desiring to get good goods will pieaae give him a call. Sunbury, October M, 1866. Lackawanna V Mlooisilurg (ul rond. ON aad after Jan. 1st, 1807, Passenger Train will run as follows : SOUTHWARD. A.M. AM P. M. 7.10 8.20 P. M. 4.40 00 8 17 8.&0 10 li 5.20 COO 6 35 Leave Rcranlon, 60 10.00 " Kingston, ooo 11. iO Kupwt, V 20 Danville, 0.M Arr. North'd., 10 .15 NORTHWARD. Leave North'd., T OO " Danville, T.4U Rupert, 8 15 A.M. " Kingston, 10. M 8 30 P. If V.Ob Arr. at Scranton, 12.00 .i5 4.00 10. 14 Train leaving Kingston at 8.30 A. M. for Scran- ten, connect with Train arriving at New York at 5.20. Passenger taking Train South frciu Serenton at 5 50 A.M. via Northumberland, reach llarrisburg 12.30 P. M., Baltimore 6.30 P. M., Washington Id DO P. M. via Rupert reach Philadelphia at 7.00 p. m. II a LSwrti B..n Kingston. Jan. 19, 1807. ltsar. lMO?. Ilrle Ruilroud. Plilladelplila V rpiIJS great line traveraoa the Nortliorn anil North I went oountio of Pennsylvania to tbe eity of Erie on Lake Erie. It has been leased and U operated by the Pennsjl- rania Railroad Company. Tims of Faltttiger Traint et Sunbury. Leava Eaatsrvd. Erie MaU Train, 1 1 .S3 p. tu. Erie Express Train, 35 a in. Eluiira Mail Train, 10.25 a ai. lasvt Westward. Erie Halt Train, 6.1C a in. Erie Express Train, 6 35 p ui. Elmira ilail Train, 4 Si p. m. Paasenger oars run through on the Erie Mail and Express Train without change U,Ui najc betweej) Philadelphia and Erie. Kew York Connection. Leave Kew York at 8 00 a m, arrive at Erie 10.06 a m. Leava New i'ork at i.00 p. m., arrive at Erie i itf.m. i.eave ne p.m., arrive at Mew ork 4 0 p. m. Leave Erie at 10.25 a. m., arrive at New York 10 10 a. m. ELEGANT BLEIPINO CARS on all Niirht Trains For informatioa reapeoUpg Passenger businena apply at Uor. Wlh and Market Bt., Philadelphia. And for kreight business of the Company's Agents, B. B. Kingston, Jr., Cor. 1U and Market St., miiBUBipmft. J. W. Reynold, Erie. William Brown, Agent N. C. B. B , Baltimore. U. H. UouaToa, Uen'l Freight Act. Philada. fl.W. GwianaaV Gen'l Tieket Ac't, PbUada. A L. TI LER, . Uac'l Manager, Williajnaport. January ai, iney. SILVER'S WASH POWDER SAVES Time, Labor, Money. Makes WASHINA A PAST'IUK AND MOKPAY A JrESTlVAL. Addresi all order to the Manufacturers SlEUMItt EMITU, Oheniiats and Wholesale Druggiata, 7 Ilorlh Third rM-, PUM'u. Koveaibcr 21, im -ly BREAD & FANCY CAKES. Two door west of the foat Office, BtlNBURt, Pa. T) K8PKCTFULLY Inform the itien of Sun XV bury and vicinity, that ke will bake to order all kind of ' Csk-Jftr Ilnll, Pttrtls), Jkr, Families r npplled with FRE8H BREAD, Twist Holla, Hacks, Tea Buna, e., and also aept on Dana tnanafaotnred eut 6f the best material. All orders will moot with prompt attention. Uavlnc had lane experience I hope to alve Seneral satisfaction to all who may favor me with idr patronage. DAVID FRY. Bunbury, JJeo. 8, moo, 7 mTc. wuAuiiAirr's Confectionery, Toy and PBTJIT STOBE Market Ntreel, Sunburjr, Pa. CONFECTIONERY OF ALL KINDS, TOYS OF EVERY DESCRIPTION FRUIT, &c., &c, CONSTANTLY on hand and for tale at the abova V esuiniienmeni atwnoiesaie anu reuui, at riinu able price. He it manufacturing all kind of Confeetionarie to kcop up a full assortment whioh are sold at low rates. Tobacco, Began, Bta'lonory, Nut of all kind, and a variety of other atlolea, allot wbiah art oSerod wholesale and retail. IjaRcmembor the name and piano. ."1 M. 0. GEARIIART. Market street, 3 door west of E. Y. Bright A Son' bioto. Bunbury, Sept. 19. 1863. If TOWN LOTS TN the Borough of Sunbury, dosirably situated, in a uigo nnu oenwai locaiion, i'K HAir:, on such easy terms as will enable cenon. with limited amount of available money, to purchase homo. Persons having Misscrn.1 or Timber Landau Farm, Dwellings, or other Real Estate, for sale or leaso, as well a those desiring to purchase or ront, aro invited to consult the subscriber. His connec tion with reliable firms in New York, Philadelphia, and elsewhere, afford uiiusul advantage. Conveyancing correctly and neatly executed. JNO. KAY CLEMENT, Attorney at Law, Third door west of Smith A Gcpthor &tove Storo, Sunbury, Pa Sunbury, Deo. 8, lSflfl. tf. JF you vnnt good Tin-Ware, go to SMITH A KN1 ItR'S New Shop. dr S AFFLICTED ! SUFFER NO MORE! When byU'euieof Dlt. JOlV!!i!.KS KUXItt you can lie cured penimneiitly, mid at a trilling cmt. I lie iiMuiiifiiinj? Bucceii wince nai aueitnea ihii iitva u- alle medicine tor I'hysitai and Nervuui WcakneH, Uene n Uehilily and rrnatratitm. Iaa ot Muxcular Enerpy, Iwpoteiicy, or any of the cttnkcqnences uf Toiilhful iiiJm- creiton, renUeia a the inuti valuable preperatiou ever dia It will remove nil nervoui oiTectiona, depieuinn, excite ment, nienpeity to atudy or buiuieM, Itwa of nieinory, Confusion, liimighta of aelf-drBLruetiniif frara of inninCv. ttc. It will restore the B,ipetie, renew the bealth of thoie who have destroyed it by aenaual exueaa if evil prncticea. Young Men. be humbugged no more by "ijuaek I)oe t'Ki" and ignorant practitioners, hut tend without delny for tbe Klixir, and he at once restored to health and happi ness. A Perfect Cure is Graranteul in every instance. 1'nce, 91. or four Imttlestonne address, 93. One bottle is sufficient to tflect a cure in all ordinary cases. ALSO, DR. JOIWIM.K'S SPKC1FIC PIL!9, for the speedy and permanent cure of iionoirhen, i leel. Ure thral Dischargee, Gravel, Stricture, end ull atTections of the Kidneys aud llludder. Cures effected in from one to five ttnys Thuyare preptired from vegetable exlrncts that re hnrmless nn the svsiem, and never nauseate thestoin aeh or impregnate the breath Nnehange of diet is neces sary tvhile usins: them, nor does their action in any manlier interfere with business pursmta I 'rice, per btx. Kithei of the above mentioned article will he sent to anv aildress, closely sealedand post-paid, by mail or ex press, oa receipt of price. Address all oider to JJi.UUKK, lH ITTs A Co., Chemista, No. 'iS5 River Street. Troy, N. V. Fehruury 10,j8fi7. 1 y J A3TKCLOG7. THE WOULD ASTONISHED AT THE WONDEIlKt'L JtEVKLATlOSS MADE BV THK GltKAT A8TROLOG1ST, Muduiuc II. A. PUtltlUO. t'he reveals secrets no mortal ever knew. She restores to happiness lliose who, Iroui doleful events, eatastioplies, crosses in love, loss of relations and fliemls, loss of money, Ac , have(M.coiiieilesMindent She brings tigelher those long sewrated, elves lliiotinatioa eorceralns; absenl frieiukt oi lovers, restores lust or stolen raM;i1y .tells you the bunt, liens you are best qiulifed to pursue- aud iu u-auc you will tie most succesatul, muses ajteetty mainairea aiat lells you the very day you will marry, gives you the .Dime, likeness and ehiii acleristics of the person, bhe reatta yout very lh up lits, ami by her almost supernatural poweta unveils the daik aim liiditeu uiysteiiea of the future. From the atHta we see in the firmunieiit the inn lefcc atara that over come or prettmiitiate in the confiKUtatiou from the uapects and position of the planet and tlie fixed atara in the heavens at the time of birth, site deduce the future ilestinyof inun. Fail not to consult the greatest Aslrolo. KiKt on earth. Iteoal you but a mile, and you may never aeaill have sofavorable an opportunity. Consultation fee, xvith llkeneea and all desiied information, 91 Parties living at a distance can consult the Madauie by mail with cqunigiueiy ano sninMa'.-unu to ineiuseivea, as u in peisoa. A full and explicit chart, whiten out. with all inquiries answered and hkeaeas enclosed, sent by mail on receipt of price alfcive mentioned. The strictest secieay will be. maintained, and all correspondence returned or destroyed. Ke "erencesof die hiRhest order furnished those desiring them. Write plainly the day wf the month anil yeal in which you were born, enclosing a small lock ufhair. Address, Madams II. A. PHKRIGO, P. O. DaAwaa ii'.a, ltDrrALo, N Y. Felirllaiv 16, IPH7 ly CRISPER COIVEA. Oh! she was beautiful and fair. With starry eves, and rudidiit hair Whose culling tendrils soli, entwined. Kucbained tbe very heart bud nuiul. CRISPER CQT4A. For CurliiiR tlie Hnir of either Sex into Wavy unci Glossy Itingluts or Heavy Massive Curls. By using; this article Ladies and Gentlemen can beautify themselves a thousand fold It is the ouly ailicle ill the world that, will cuil straight hair, aud at the same time give it a beautiful, glosav appeaiance. The Crisper Coma not only curia the hair, but invigorates, beautifies and cleanses it; is highly and delightfully perfumed, and is the moat c implete article of the kind ever offered to the Amen can public. The Crisper Coma will be sent to any address, suaieu ana postpaid lor ai. Address all omers to V. 1.. CLARK k CO., Chemist. No. 3 West Fayette rJtre.t, Sveacusi, N. Y. Feb. it, lr7. ly BEAUTY1 AUBURN, GOLDEN, FLAXEN t SILKEN Cl'RLS IJRODUCKD by the aae of Prof. UtBREUX' FRI . SKK LF. CHEVKUX. One annliuation wariaiited to curl ike most straight and stubborn liaii of either sex Into wavy ling lets, or neavy massive cutis, nua oeeu used by the fashionable of Paris and London, with the most gratifying result. Does no injury to the hair. Price by mail, sealed and post-paid, 1. le-riptive Cireulai mailed free. Addles BE11GEK, SIJTTTa 4 CO., Che mista, No. tt Kivei St., Tioy, N. Y., Bole Agents for the l iiiteo States. February lo, 117. ly BREAKFAST SHAWLS, for sale at the Faney Store cf ANNA PAINTER. To procure a family group Photograph, go to BVERLY'S Room USiiupauajiRuildujgup stairs NEW MUSIC STORE. Call at our Kew Musio Store in ELIIST'S OROVB, and buy on of Haikk Brothbr'b New ca Piano Fortes. Every Instrument la Warranted for ore years. We also keep constantly on hand a good gtook oi the celebrated PKLOUBET'8 MELODEONrj, CABI NET and CHURCH ORtlANS, and chalhmg oUiar to sell eneaper man wa are soiling. Waalao keep all kind of Musical Morchaodii and receive all the latest music a soon as published, A liberal discount to teacher of Bchaol and Semi: nariea. U-Second hand Uutruijiahl taken in. exchange for new one. Piano correctly turned tad repaired, fiend t vtrouiar. EALEM BROTHER. SelUugrove, Bpy4er CO., P , July Jbqq.-tIj PHOTOGRAPH ALBUMS BOOKS AMD KTATIOliKAr. Monthly Tim Book, Drawing Baokt and Slate. Bookj, Uyuin Book. Blink Book, Mcuioratulma Eok, Uiarics, Pocket Dm k.', Ink bland', l eu, - renal, a sue aaoruuuui oi rapur. ink. e. Por sal by AiA PAUl'LR NEW GR0CEHY rTUIB aatawftMHa. kegi leave to announce to the JL eiUien af Sanbury and it vicinity, that tfaey vp eiaa vial m NEW OROCERV, Tietioor vett of J. H. Xngle'i Store, in Market Square, where I bey are prepared to furnish every variety of croeerte, and will keep constantly on haad the choicest varieties of FLOUR & FEED, Fish, Coffee, Teen, Sugar, Molasses, Cheese, Bait Spice of all disoription, Soap af every variety is.naiee, nmoaing ana ioewing lODaceo, oegarfl. Hams, Shoulders, Baeoo, Batter, and Eggs. Also Dried frnlta of all kind, Caned Peaches and Toma toes, Piokels, Ketchup, Pepper 6'auoe, Raisin, Lemons, Ao., of best quality, and in fact every itvla of artialea kept in a well stocked Grocery. Also uiuer v inegar. aii kious oi eouniry produce taken In exchange. - The patrons ze of the oublio la re spectfully nllei tod. Ur.UB.UJt JS. UfcAKD A CO. Sunbnry, Not. 11, 1Mb. ST ORE. W. A. EENNET, Market Nqnnrr, MII.MIL'IC V, Pa. HAVINO recently purchased the Drug Store formerly eonduoted by K. A. Fisher, I beg leave to Inform the ojtisen of finnhury and vi cinity, that I have entirely replenished my slock of Asm FANCY ARTICLES I such as Combs, Brushes, Pocket-Books, Soaps, Per fumery, Hair-Oil, Knives, Scissor, Coal-Oil Lamp, Tobacoe and Cigar, laint. Oil), Ulue, tilnHa,' Putty, YnrnlNlicM, Patent ledirinca, Ac. All my Tinclurca, Syrups, Ointments, Ceratns, and other preparations ato manufactured by myself, and from the best material I can procure in Market. Having had quito a Dumber of years' experience Iu the Drug and Preemption Bit si nest, both In Philadelphia and the country, and also the advantage of the College of Pharmacy. I feel com petent to COMPOUND ALL PRESCRIPTIONS that the Physicians and pablio may favor me with. All my preparations as I have above asserted, are mado from the best material, and upon honor I assert, they are of officinal strength. For medicinal purposes, I keop on hand the very best WINES, BRANDIES AND LIQUORS, that I can procure. Bufore purchasing clscuhero, call and cunvinco your own uiud. W. A. BESXETT. Sunbury, Nov 18, 185. N E W LIQUOR ST0UK ! WM. HOOVER ICailroad Street, above JIarkel, HEAR THK CENTRAL HOTEL, BUNBURY, PA. RESPECTFULLY Invites his friends and the publio generally, to call and examine his largo assurtiuenta of liql - before purchasing elsewhere. Ilia Klork con latai oi IlrniKlleM, Whisker, Holland in. Van lire It aim, Jlonon;fnlielit and Jloui-lxni ot'tlie Isewt tinli lj'. Ulnea, t'ider, "I iuc gar, iVc, At:. Farmers, Hotel Keeper, and others aro invited to call, as hi stock is genuine, and will render general satisfaction. Sunbury, February 3, 186d. RESTAURANT & B0ARDINQH0USK ( IIAN. H'Zi:i.. Proprietor. In Cake's Additicnto SCNBUUY, near the Peun'a. Railroad Company's Shops. IAGER BEER. Porter and Ale of the very best J brands, excellent Uorinun Wiues, Schweitzer Cheese, Tripe, Ac, alwayson hand. PERMANENT AND TRANSIENT BOARDERS, kept who will find ample accouitnodntions. (lood cooks and waiters, boarders ean enjoy the quiet com forts of home with fare equal to thu bust hotels. JSunbury, May 28, lotit SUNBURY FOUNDRY UKO. ItOllltllAt'II A SO, ARE now carrying on bufines at this old citnb lishuient with renewed vigor. Castings of every description, promptly furnifhed to order. The Stove manufactured at this Foundry have acquired the highest roputntion. Particular attention paid lo MILL CASTINGS Farmers should not forgot that tlio PLOWS made at the Sunbury Foundry have never becu equalled. Agricultural implements repaired at thort notice. Suiall casting, including Cookitig utensils, of the most improved and most useful patterns. Tbe business w ill be conducted on an enlarged scale. Old customer will beaccoriiinodtited &a usual, und new ones aro rospeotfully solicited. Sunbury, May 12, 18o8 ai.tim i:iittM coiiivni. REDUCTION OF RATES ON PRODUCE, OVS TERS, AC. TIIE rates on Fresh Fish, Oysters in the Shell, and Truck of all kinds, to places in thia Division, w hero tbe rate is 7b cents per lull lbs or over, has been reduced 2i cents per 100 lbs. At places where the rale is between 60 and lb cents per 100 lbs, the rate will be SO cents per 10U lbs. Barrel of truck weighing less than 100 lb will bo charged as 100 lb in weight. Fresh FUh will require to be packed in tight bar rels or boxes. Prompt attention to the collection of Bills, Draft, 4 c. St. FERREE LIGUTNER, Agent. Sunbury, June IB, IStltS. J I'L I! rS J A It i; l ' 54 "IICiuuil do Pari," THE NEW BEAUTIF1ER OF THE SKIN. TESTIMONIALS FROM CELEBRATED LADIES This aocretof beautifying the akin being known only to Messrs. Jared A Rene, they honorably state that it differ from all other preparation. It give to the most harsh and freckled skin both tbe texture and color of polished ivory, removing all discolora tions, whether appearing as fiecklcs, tan, niorphew, moth or blackworm specks, and ia especially sue. eessful in unoothing out the mark left by the small, pox. ineagonu ot "JjCMAJLi ue ranis most conn- dently submit to the publio the earnest endorse. menu ot suon disiineuuned ladies as Signora RISTORI, en aaierr.L.iui JA bar v alia, Mia MAGGIE MITCHELL, fr. D. P. BOWERS, LUUJliLri. niSIr.K.H, Madame PONISI, Mrs. EMMA WALU:R. LUCY RUSHTON. N0EM1E Da UARUUEUITTES, Mia A. PERRY and many others whose high s landing in tho profes sion givw the stauui qf truthfuluota to their mtelli gent and genuine approval. i'h. k....;r..i r..:ii. Wut.n. ..... . 'I find that tb '-Email" produce all thebrillian cy of rouga and lily-white, with the great and pecu liar advantage of total harmlewnes. It really adda to the softness and beauty of the kiu." Joe magnifloent Vestvalia say : 'I have suffered so much from the various white lotion, &e., which my theatrical profession oblige me to use, that I oonsider it a perfect benefaction to, find a preparation whioh gives the nooetitry white ness io tbe akin,and leaves the akin cool and sinoulh.' Mia Maggie Mitohall says : '1 have tried the skin beautifier, 'L'Email de Pari," and found that it instantly imparts a natural bloom and freahnea to th complexion." "Jared' Email da Paris" U used as a delicate beautifier of the skin for Theatre, Saloon or Ball Room, by th most refined and scrupulous ladies, producing all the beautifying effects of rouge and lily-white, without their vulgar alar or injury to the akin. Sold by alt first -c)a Druggist, Perfumer and flies' II air Dresser. L. Jsabeau, 823 Broadway: Denial Barnes A Co. and F. C. Well A Co., New York ; and Eugene Jouin, 111 South Tenth street, and Johusun, Hollo-, way A Cowden, Philadelphia, Agents. r JARED A RENE, General Agents and Iinpej-ter, New York. Jan. 2o, l67.4tm CIUUE Of DEPOT. 1"tfLE undersigned respectfully Inform bis friend . aad th publio that he bus changed his plan of loading jTreight in Philadelphia from Freed, Ward Freed, Uu.. ail Market aUrset. to .A.. D.AOHEBON i Commission Merchant, dnalur in Hour, Grain, Seeds, io ) .Ho. ISIS Market tit., Pbltadelphiu, where all freight will be loaded on ear of tha un denigaea, for Dauphin, Sunbary, Shamokin, and all Intervening pujuts. All freiilt will be carried as low a on any otht line. Order to carry rrcight respeotfully aoliuilud, wlitek) Will reir prompt atUntwo ..... J JJ- JJoLtt Sunbary, Jan. 14. lbCJ 3m-