Sunbury American. (Sunbury, Pa.) 1848-1879, April 13, 1867, Image 3

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    IX&e ,rSun&urY American.
a axQTjssx to evBaaaxan&B.
bbscribentetfcc Ajrx0A arerrtlolar1y rw.
ewested net to sJIoir tbelr Indebtedoees kmM
year. AH Mbswrfptton svWaf be paid ta ed
TUM bat aader m oosridertbo eboald the yeet
fmM ereeod with Ui subscription njUd. A strict
attention I tli U wilt lavs mi an Immense smount ef
trouble aad yery heavy loss.
Hocal Affairs.
Thi F-kd or Lut.-Good Friday, thli ;m
mm en the 19th, and Salter Bunday on the Slit
of April, ontll whioh Um Lent aoatlnaM.
AxxivsxiAar. Tuesday lut, Vth but , wm the
-eeeond anniversary of tha surrender of the rebel
Qanaral Lm to General Grant.
Orrica Rbmovbo. O. W. Baapt, Esq., has ra
snored hit law offioe to th room formerly ooonpltd
by MIm Moor ai a millinery Mora, oppoilta Bunh
A Brown 'i Mora, Market itraat.
New SraiMA Qoooi. Wa dlraot onr raadan to
tha advertisement of Dr. Xyiter, who has Just opantd
a splendid aawrtmant of Spring Goodi. Ba hai a
grtat variety rnd it aIUng at greatly roduoed rataa.
Wa learn thiit ex-Sheriff Wm. M. Weaver bu
again taken possession of bis hotel Itand at Shamo
kin, and will ra&t and refurnish it. Tha Sheriff ii
aa old and obliging landlord and "knowi how to keep
. Tax Railroad Baioaai. Workmen ara at pre
aent engaged in roofing and boarding tha lidee of
tha railroad bridge! between thil plasa and Nor
thumberland. Zh'u ia deaignad ai a protection to
tUe timber against the action of the weather.
HACrt'i Haw Bcamxo. Mr. 8ebaitlan Baapt
ii having the eellar dog, preparatory to tha ereotioa
wf a large Iron front building on the South-East
oor&er of Market Square. It will be a handsome
Improvement, and will greatly add to tha ap(ear
anoe of the Squire.
Lioislatiok. Among tha billi of a looal oharso
ter, recently passed by the Legislature and approved
by the Governor, ii one giving the Auditor! of Nor
thumberland oounty $3 a day, and tha Supervisor
and Township Auditor! of tha different towneblpi of
the oounty S 1.60 per day.
MiLtiHiRT Good. Mist L. Shinier hu Just re
eeived from Philadelphia a new and beautiful va
riety of Spring and Bummer Millinery Qoodi, em
braoing the very lateititylei. The ladiei, of ooune,
will make a note of it. Sea the advertisement in
another ooluinn.
Latest Sttlij. Mr. J. S-iMarsh, at hii dotting
atore in Simpton'i building, Market itreet, b open'
ing a large assortment of the latest New York and
Philadelphia styles of Spring and Bummer Clothing,
durable and choap, which he invitee tha pnblie to
oall and examine.
nil Bilvibwarc The publlo ara Invited to
take a look at Shannon'! Jewelry Store, if they wish
to lee fine silverware and Jewelry. There il no ne
cessity for sending to the oity tor anything belonging
to the business, as any artiole wished for oas be pro
cured at bis store, in Simpson 'I building.
Law Card. We oall attention to the card of Mr
Edwin A. Evans, who bu recently oommenoed tha
practice of law in this plaoe. and taken tha oSea
formerly occupied by L. H. Kass, Esq. Mr. Evani
ii well and favorably known in thil ticlnlty,
a having formerly resided in Northumberland.
Drowbbo. On Friday morning last rafiman
wu drowned by falling from a raft, while going
through the ibute, on the opposite lide of the river,
We were unable to learn his name, but have been
informed tbat be was from Clinton county. A re
ward of $60 is offered for the reoovery of hii body.
A Sir if all. 'The Odd Fellows of this plaoe
have purobued the vacant lot, adjoining the resi
dence of Mrs. Rachel Packer, in Market Square,
on which they intend erecting a large and handsome
Hall. The first and second stories of tha building
will ba converted Into storerooms, effioee, do. Tha
subscription books are now open.
Tax Oil Will. On Saturday last tha engine
and machinery of the oil well, at 6nydertown, ware
old by Sheriff Beck ley. Tha building! eonneoted
with the well will be sold on Monday next. After
working it for about six months tha contractors were
oompelled to suspend operation! for want of suffi
cient funds to eomplete it. Wa regret this action,
as wa would like to have teen the various indica
tions of oil, coal aud Iron, In that vioinity, thoroughly
Ton Wrightsville Star denies that lhad have
passed the Columbia dam, and says "it li well known
that no shad have ascended the Susquehanna sinoe
the fish-way was made, and as to other fish, their
abundance above the dam is not mora remarkable
ince the constructiou of tha fish-way, than before.
A few weeki will determine, however, whether the
ahad are satisfied with tha arrangements mads for
the benefit of ahad eaters above this point."
Ftna i Damviixb On Thursday night of lut
week, at about half put 8 o'clock, fire broke out
in A barn on tha fartnvif Mr. 8. P. Kase, situate in
the upper part of Qguville, and before the fire could
he extinguished, the barn, with its contents, were
consumed. Daniel Mover, who occupies the pre
mises, lost two horses and a cow, whioh were con
sumed in the burning building. The light of tha
fire wu plainly seen in Sunbury.
A Kab Cbahcb is now offered to tha business
and professional men of this place and Norfbumber
land to advertise. Three hotel registers are being
prepared, one for this place and one for Northum
berland, on the margin of which a limited number
of cards will be Inserted, costing from $2.60 up to
$10. As these books will lut over two years, it will
be the only opportunity for that period. The agent
will be in town on Saturday and the beginning of
next week. Notices can be left at this uffioe.
Sbamokm Ixoa Wouxs. Wa learn from oar
fSbamokin eotcmporary tbat these works, formerly
owned and worked by Mr. 8. Bittenbender, have
been leased by Messrs. Cruikabank, Flnober Cniik
shank, under the name of Cruikshank Co. They
are prepared to manufacture and repair all kinds of
machinery eonneoted with mining purposes, furna
ces, grist, powder, and saw-mills. They uso pro
pose to manufacture railroad and drift can.
Tax Dodtt Hoiiia. Thii new and wall arranged
hotel, at Sbamokin, wu recently opened for the as
eommodailoo of tha traveling publia by our old
friend, J. 8. Ball, formerly of Danville. An entire
saw outfit bu been purchased and placed in the
house, and all tha rooms furnished with good and
substantial furniture. Persons visiting Shamokia
will find it both pleasant and convenient to atop at
the Douty House. Sea card la another oolomn
I. O. or O. F. Tha installation of the officer! of
Stona Valley Lodge, No. See, of Georgetown, who
were elected for the ensuing tarn, took plaaa ea last
Saturday evening, u follows : . O., W. L. Shaf
fer ; V. O , Emanuel Wilv art; Secretary, Toblu
Long; Assistant Beorelary, Adam Lacker; Treasur
er, J. U. Bingeinan,
Wa learn tbat thii lodge if at praaoat cue of tha
most nourishing ia tha county, and ia sow posed of
tome f tha best oitiiens ia that vicinity. A
Ball is talked at, which ii necessary te accommodate
he Urge Increase ia their number.
The following parsons, elected odooere of fcaaewy
!ode No. 303, for tha ensuing terse, vet tnsUUed
utrUiordava'iht: N.O..HnrTCleeeot: V. O
Moti Keen ; Secret. Jobe W, Bather; Assistant
eoiturv, Psmuel 8. Uccctrtrks; ireesnrer, wn
-rat bulls,
Biwemsr fteavwnt A CVrrrnw" V ftanrrv
aura Oaarrf. Ve Pottst me XRmnJ
tud, ef Setarday test, nays I Oa Tbwreder aeoraing
last, fcctweea t aad II Cdoex, mt. mobob v. -lot,
a resident ef NerUaaikcrlawd eeenty, Mailed (a
go te Bhamokla, ft the perpeee ef making pay-
M. fit mkwed the ears at Loeaet Qa WM
itad la walk la BbanoUa. aUlbra atertlnf ha
plaaad H top of hb boots for aafety, il,Tlagraao
backa. Wbea beyard Locast Oap,aad a point
known as tha "Red Bridge," ba wu approached by
foar Irishmen, la a manner to disarm eusplolon.
One uked him whether they could obtain employ
meet. Without waiting fur aa answer they seised
and threw him dowa oa tba ground. They then
searched him, taking bit revolver, which ha had no
opportunity to use, tha attack being eo inddea and
unexpected. They eat bis Vest and pantaloons ia
earsh of atoney. Finally they ripped ap the boot
containing tha $1,474, aad took the money. They
then released him aad he eame to Ashland, where
ba narrated tha occurrence.
We understand that Mr. Bixler wu formerly a
resident of Hegini township, this oounty, a carpenter
by trade, aad always bora tha reputation of being a
sober, industrious and worthy eilisen. During the
rebellion he wu in the larvioe for about a year.
Lately ha hu kept a boarding-house at a mine
above Ashland. We understand that the money, of
which he wu robbed, ha bad received from the
Company whose workmen he boarded.
Oca neighbor of the Dimoerat, commenting on aa
article that recently appeared in tha Ahbrica
relative to the miscarriage of our Northumberland
peek to Philadelphia, vary kindly advisee us to
"endeavor to inorease the sise of our paok lent to
tbat Poet Offloe,", and thinks that at present our
pack Is so small that be doubts "whether either the
Post Muter or Mall Agent ee it at all." Wa are
greatly indebted to our neighbor for the interest
manifested in the circulation of our paper, and hope
aa opportunity may soon occur by which we can
reciprocate It. We shall molt certainly take advan
tage of tba suggestion, and endeavor to increase the
pack to a sin that even the most blind "my polioy"
offioial oan "see It," and tben trust our neighbor will
no longer have ocoaslon te doubt whether the Post
Muter or Mail Agent "seen It at all." The Demo
crat may, probably, lend a few more ooplee to Nor
thumberland than ourselves, aa it has, until within
a few years back, been considered one of the strong
holds of modern democracy In this county, but we
are quite sure, pecuniarily, that we would not ex
change ouri for two of the ilse of tha Dtmoeral't.
We do not send the Auiricax to any who are not
tona fidt subscribers, having long since discovered
the fact that publishing a paper ' for the fun or the
thing" don't pay.
Thb Middlicrikk Railroad. Our cotempora
ry of the Sellnxgrovo Timtt, speaking of the pros
pects of the construction of this road, says : "At
preient there seems to be no prospeot of the Lacka
wanna A Bloomsburg Railroad Company engaging
to oonttruot and work the Middleoreek Valley Rail
road. We understand it is the Intention of the Pre
sident of the company to interest other parlies, and
we think better ones. The Shamokin Valley, the
Quskake, the Lehigh Valley and the New Jersey
Central Railroads form a continuous and pretty di
reel route to New York, and the Middleoreek Valley
road would ba a continuation of tha same route
westward and a connecting link with the Pennsyl
vania road at Lewistown thus forming a direct
through route to New Tork. It Is proposed to Inter
est the above companies In behalf of our road and
induoe them to assist us."
BohbAoai!!. Brevet Colonel I. R. Dunkle
berger, of the 1st V. S. Cavalry, arrived borne in
this plsoe on Saturday last, and wu warmly wel
corned by his numerous friendi here. The Colonel
wu the first man that volunteered and entered tbe
service of bis country from this place, on the break
tng ont of tha lata slaveholders' rebellion, and par
ticipated in soma of the hardest fought and bloodiest
battles of tha war. Be wu promoted to bis present
position for meritorious services in the field. After
the rebellion wu crashed, ho, with hii regiment,
wu ordered to tbe new territory of Arliona, where
his command Is now stationed.
By referring to our hymeneal record It will be oh
served that the gallant Colonel has at last been taken
prisoner he having been married in California
shortly before sailing East. On Tuesday evening
lut a number of the Colonel's friends called upon
him and his accomplished lady, at the Central Ho
tel, to pay their respects, and were most hospitably
enterta'ned. We learn that tha Colonel will make
but a short visit.
Oon Fxllowc' Thabksqiyiro. The Grand Lodge
of the United States, I. O. of 0. F., through the
M. W. Grand Sire, having issued a proclamation ap
pointing tha 26tb Inst, a day of thanksgiving and
prayer, it will be observed by the fraternity through
out tbe country, as a "grateful recognition of the
unerring hand of God in rescuing tbe genius of Odd
Fellowship from the ruin whioh desolated so many
of tho benevolent and charitable institutions of our
common country, u the indispensable effects of oivil
Nbarlt three thousand tons of Black Band Iron
Ore have been shipped over the Mill Creek Railroad,
since its discovery in Schuylkill county.
r7Job aPrlsstlniJ. Having received a
large mpply of NEW JOB TYPE, of various new
tylee, Posters, BandbilU, Ciroulars, Cards, Letter
Beads, Bill Beads, Labels, Ac, can be printed in
tbe latest and best styles, and on short notios.
Orders by mail promptly attended to.
Taa Cobtihbrtal Ahbab ! The enterprising
proprietor of the Continental Clothing Baiaar, Mar-
ket Square, bu introduced anew feature ia that
establishment in the way of a manufacturing de
partment, by whioh be is enabled to make to order
the very latut stylu of men's and boys' slothing.
Be bu engaged the services of one of tbe most ex.
pcrienoed cutters, and patrons can rely on being
well "suited." Call at tha Basaar and see tbe huge
pile of spring and summer eassimeres, Ac., and
learn tbe prices.
Thb man who "don't take tbe papers," but whe
observed one of Petroleum V. Nuby'i letters in a
borrowed paper, expressed surprise that Naaby wu
not turned out of "orfis" for writing the way he
does. Everybody should take tbe papers and learn
tha faot tbat Jaoob O. Beck, at his eelabliahnieot
on Fourth street, makes the oheapest and but fitting
Spring suits that can be had in Sunbury.
A Miitaxb. A oolemporary, in a late Issue, says
"there is a man in our town who is too lasy to catch
a oold." Tbe man hu sinoe bean beard from and
Informs tbe editor that be succeeded in catohing a
bad cold probably on acoonnt of not having one of
tha durable suits of ololhing whioh ara made te order
at J. F. Sbaeffer'i, N. W. corner of Third and Mar'
set streets, Sunbury.
Pobcb says : "We do not believe ia spiritualism
or magic, but the ether day a veracious witness ac
tually saw a young man turn into a public kotut."
Tbat la nothing strange. Every day hundreds of
people tarn lute Wm. B. Miller'i Excelsior Boot A
Shoe Store, Market street, and they always come
out safely, notwithstanding the heavy loads of goods
they earry away.
Foa Kbit. A room, suitable for a shop or offloe,
Bear the corner of Mar ket square aad Market street,
Sunbury, lately occupied u a tobacco atore. It c
tains shelving, counter, Ac., aad will be rented
cheap. Inquire at thii office.
BvBiir SalTss laid that a eertaia person eras aa
load ef eon (radiating that be weald throw ap the
window ia the middle of the Bight aad eoatradlst
the watebmea whe wu calling tbe hoars. If that
fellow lived ia Sunbury he would not aoairadiat the
assertiip that Joha I. Smlck, merohaat tailor,
Foertb Itreet, bu the largest stock ef spring goods,
for gentleiaea'l aad boys' wear, aver brought to this
plaoe. Persons la wsnt of a cheap and good cult,
for spring or luuioier. should call oa Smlck.
Vaaimo W. eofeged" or af
gtog, who emtteat la prwmre fklthral aad ai.
gmi ilkewaas, at the em alt est ovtl ay of money, woald
e wen M eeil at Bywrtyf Fbotogrspi u-aiiery, n
Simpson baftdlag, Market street. DU pioteres
are araaeaaoed ay competent Judges to be equal to
any prod need Iff tba baa) operators he aar large
Lira ImrbBABoa. Hoa. Wm. Barnes, Bop, at
the Insurance Department ef the Stateor New York,
says t Tba foundations have been laid broad and
deep ia this State for several of the best aad safest
Life Insurance Companies la the world, and one
grand e4l6ee -the MutoaL Lira has already be
eoma so solid and substantial aa to attract general
admiration, both hero aad in Europe," Vide Be
port of 18fll, p. J4.
Jacob SmrnAX, Finmnd Lift lnturnr Agtt,
Sunbury, Pa,
y To Claim Aqxnts. Blanks for tba collec
tion of "Claims of Private Soldiers and Non-Corn-missioned
OfBoers," under the lets Act of Congress,
equalising bounties, have been printed and are now
for sale at tha Ambricam offioe. We keep on hand
a full supply of all kinds of military blanks, whioh
we loll very oheap. They ara copied from blanks
prepared in the Departments at Washington, and
can be relied on for oorreotneas. Orders from a die
anoe will receive prompt attention.
PoxTRr Ann Fact. A poet, who had Just pur
obued a pair of boots, which lotted him very aiuoh,
broke out in the following lines :
Should sorrow o'er tby brow
Its doleful shadows flitif.
Tour boon and shoes at Tuaoher'e buy,
You'll find them just the thing.
All who have purchased their boots, shoes, gaiters,
Ac. of Harry Tbacher, io Pleasants building, two
doors eut of Adams' Exprera OflSoe, Market street,
will endorse the poet 'i rhapsody.
On tha 2Athof Fabrnarv lost. In Los Anceloa. Cali
fornia, at tho residence of the bride's lather, by tbe
Rev. H. 11. Messenger, Uapt. I. K. Duisklbbkrqxr:
1st U. 8. Cavalry and Brevet Col. U. 8 Array, and
Miss Mart, daughter of Judge Mallard, of Los An
Correoted Weekly for tha "Amerloan."
Wheat Flour, extra family, per barrel,
Sid 00
8 00
10 00
do do
do do
per owt.
per bbl.
per cwt.
per bushel ,
per jround
Rye Flour,
Wheat, prime red
Corn, new
Dried Peaohes, pared
do do unpared
Dried Apples,
1 20
I 00
Dried Cherries, (unstoned,) per bu
per pound,
per dosen,
per pound,
per pair
Beef, bind quarter,
" front "
Sbsamoklts Coal Trade.
Sbamokir, April 8, 1867.
Ton. Crnl.
Sent for week ending April 6, 1 1 ,2i 0b
Per lut report, 88,044 10
9,8n8 04
101,725 02
1.866 18
Te same time lut year,
Special Notices.
Mart Pxrioks are to-day suffering from Dyi
pepsia who do not know it ; they feel a heaviness
after eating, a sort of languor or lack of energy, and
attribute It to tbe Spring weather. It is nothing but
Indigestion, and one dose of Cox'i DriPEPliA
Curb will confirm Ibis fact.
A Missionary to the South Sea Inlands wu so
unfortunate u to lose a fine head of hair by sicknoss,
and being unprovided with proper restoratives re
turned to Englend to recruit his health. "Barrett's
Vegetable Hair Restorative" had not then been dis
covered, and on regaining bis health the missionary
provided himself with a wig. and returned to the
scene of his labors. The natives with natural sim
plicity supposed he had obtained some hair seed
whioh he bod planted on his poll and produced I
luxuriant oroDof the canillarv substance. Tbe mis
sionary humored this idea for a while and promised
to get mem some nair seen, out nnaiiy iiomsoeu
them bv liflinx his wis-. Thev all shouted with one
acoord, "He bu como from England with his head
There are too many grey and thatched beads at
the present day, and these would be fewer were the
nse of "Barrett's Vegetable Hair Restorative" more
universal in tbe country. While it la not exactly a
"hair seed," it will prevent premature baldness ana
greyness, and is a oeiignuui aruoie lor ine wnst
UrnutJial institute
lJo. 14 llOBd I reel Sew York.
Full Information, with tbe highest testimonials
also a Book on Special Diseases, in a sealed envelope
sent free. LirBe sure end send for them, and you
will not regret it ; for, u advertising physicians are
generally impostors, without references no stranger
should be trusted, enclose a stamp for poetage, and
direct to UH. L A W ttbi; t, Hio. t Bond street.
New York.
Nov. IT, 1866. ly
OA market Street,
One door above Sixth, Philadelphia.
For many years thii Establishment hu dona bust
ness on the One Price Syaein. and wa believe we
are the only Clothing House in tho city that striotly
adheres to this priuoiple. we nave earned a repu
tation wbiob we are proud of, for food teste in select
good styles and substantial materials, and not leu
important, I or naving an our guuus,
KXTUA Wl?l..sL. 91 AD I?.
Wa employ the but talent, for Cutters, and our
Qoods are of both kinds Fuhionable and plain
so tbat all testes oan be lulled. The prioes are the
very lowest, m any one by a moment e thought must
see, or otherwise we could not meet Ibc competition
of our neighbors, for u no deductions ara ever made,
we must put our priou down to the advantages we
The people may depend, this is the true plan upon
which to do business, and many a dollar can bo
saved to Clothing buyers by keeping In mind
604 Market Strreet, Philadelphia,
Not on the Corner, but one door above Sixth
MurobU, 186T. ly
ty A Yooao Lady returning to her country home
after a sojourn of a few months ia the City, wu bud
ly recognised by her friends. Ia place of a coarse,
ruitio, flushed face, she had a soft ruby complexion
of almost marble smoothness, and instead of twenty
three aba really appeared but eighteen. I' Don
ouirv as to the cause of so treat a ebanco, she plain.
ly told them that she used the lrtisaratsasB
Halm, and considered it an invaluable acquisition
to any Lady's toilet. By it use any Ladyortaeetle
man can improve tbelr personal apt ear anoe aa hun
dred iold. It is simple in its combination, as Nature
berseiUs simple, ye unsurpassed ta its esaoeey to
drawing impurities from, also healing, cleansing end
beautifying the ekin and aomplaxjoa. By its direct
action on the cuticle it draws Iron it all its imparl,
ties, kindly healmx the uma, and leavinx the sur.
face u Natare intended it should be, clear, soft.
smooth and ooaatstui. rrtae at, asat by Mail
Express, on receipt ofaa order by
W L. CLARK A CO., Chemists.
No. I Wut Fayette St.. Biraoase. V. 7.
The only American Agents for the aaleef the same.
February 19, iwj-ty
and leapruvi
Buee Wash eurea eeevet end delicate disorders
la all Um
Biases, al Uule espeaee, liule bo saunas la aset, no uv
coavenieuee one no eauueure. st ia uicaaani ui sasu bim
advar, immediate in its action, a nil fee from all Inw
I ri ms pr'i'crties. mil S? ly
Wlatait-. tflaeiaai evT IVUct Cheery.
Ceeyai, CUi, aMdttf, SMkm,'Vffp,
PFlrinfOtmg, ftiasst aM the ameroatea
WM at dengeroM tflaaaaaj of the 7Vvew, Case and
prevail la awr abaareabla OtlsaeM at ell
Beacons ef the fear few are fertanste enoag te e
ape their baeeful tsBaeaee. Haw imparts, thea
tobareat hand a aertata antidote te all these ooea
plaints. Ksperiewoe proree that this exists la ITas
larV Batmm to aa extent act (baud la any aiker
remedy however severe the in Bering, the applica
tion of thb soothing;, healing aad wonderful Balsam
at enoe vanquishes the disease and t sates u the eaf
forer to wonted health.
Or Balbwib, Caaaotta Oooirrr, N. Y. writes :
"I wu nrged by a neighbor to get one bottle of the
Balsam for my wife, being assured by him tbat ia
ease it did not produoa good effects, be would pay
for the bottle himsel f. On the strength of luoh prac
tical evidence of its merits, I procured a bottle. My
wife at this Urns wu so low with what the Physiciane
termed Sbatbo Corsuuftioh u to be unable to raise
herself from the bed, conghing constantly and rais
ing mora or less blood. I oommenoed giving the
Balaam as directed, and wu so much pleued wilb
Its operation that I obtained another bottle, and con
tinued Kivinx it. Before this bottle wu entirely
need, she censed ooughing and wu strong enough to
lit up. The fifth bottle entirely aasTonan a euro
BBALTlt, doing that whlon several pnyiioiana nau
tried to do but had failed."
Prepared bv 8KT11 W. FOWLS a SON, 18 Tre-
moot St., Boston, and for sale by Druggists generally.
Dr. LUGOL, of Paris, ona of the most eminent
Chemists of Europe, said :
'lne most utoaading results may be anticipated
when Iodine can be dissolved ia pare water."
Dr. B. Anders, after fifteen vears of scientific re-
eearoh and experiment, has suooeeded in dissolving
one aud one quarter grains of Iodine to eeoh fluid
ounoeoi water, ana me roost astounding results nave
followed its use, particularly In borofulaand ditouoi
therefrom. Olroulara free
Dr. II. Anders' Iodine Water is for sale bv J. P.
Dinsmnre. 38 Dev Street. New York, and by all
Is e certain cure foi diseases of tha
id ell diseases of the
whethei existing in
from whatever cause originating and uo matter of
Diseases of these organs renuiie the use of a diuretic.
If no irnilmrul t submitted t", Consumption or Inean
itv mat ensue. Our Flesh and iilood are supported from
these sources, end the
that of Posterity, depends upon prompt use of a reliable
Established upwards of IS years, prepared by
604 Broadway, New York, end
104 South loth Street, Philadelphia, Pa.
March 1, mi. ly
Consumption Curable by lr.
Hchrncb'i lUedidnca.
TO CURE CONSUMPTION, ths system must be
prepared so that tha lungs will heal. To aooom
plish this, the liver and stomaob must first be ol sensed
and an appetite created for good wholesome food,
which, by these medicines will be digested proporly.
and good healthy blood made; thus building up the
cleanse the stomaob of all bilious or muoous accumu
lations; and, by using the Sea Weed Tonio in con
nection, the appetite is restored.
SCliKNCK'a PULMONIC SYRUP is nutritious
as well as medicinal, and, by using the three reme
dies, all impurities are expelled from tbe system, aid
good, wholesome blood made, whioh will repel all
disease. If patients will take these medioines ac
cording to directions, Consumption very frequently
in lis last stage yields readily to ineir aouon. laxe
tba pills frequently, to oleansethe liver and stomach
It does not follow that because tbe bowels are not
oostive tbey are not required, for sometimes in di
arrboca they are ncoessary. The stomach must be
Kept neaituy, ana an appetite created to aiiow me
Pulmonic Syrup to act on tbe respiratory organs
properly and allay any irritation. Then all that is
required to perform a permanent cure is, to prevent
tekini; cold Exercise about the rooms as much as
possible, eat all the richest food fat meat, same
and, iu fuot, anything the appetite craves; but be
particular ann mastioate well.
uct. xv, iBon. .na w. ea. mo. i yr.
bitrautye, but Xrue. j
Every young lady and gentleman In the United
States can hear something to their advantage by re
turn mail, (free of charge.) by addressing tho under
signed. Those having fears of being humbugged
will oblige by not netioing this oard. All others will
pleue address tbelr obedient servant,
831 Broadway, New York.
January 13, 1866. ly
e sjonlcBBiouN ana i:xperlemce
Published for the benefit and as a caution to young
men and others, who suffer from Nervous Debility,
rremature JJecay ot Mannood, do., supplying at the
same timo the means of self-cure. By ouo who nas
cured himself a'lcr undergoing considerable quack
ery, cy enclosing a poei-paiu auureesen envelope,
single copies, free of charge may ba had of tbe au-
NATHANIEL MATFAIR. Esq.. Brooklyn. Kines
Co, N. Y.
January 27, 1866 ly.
Will Cure tbe Itch In 48 Hoar.
Price 60 cents. For sale by the druggists. By send
ing 60 cents to WEEKS A POITEK, Sole Agents,
170 Washington street, Boston, it will be forwarded
by mail, tree of postage, to any part of tbe United
States. is 23 '66-y
Islnotr Tby Deatlny.
Madams E. F. Tbobbtom, ths great English As
rologist, Clairvoyant and Psychometrician, who hu
utonisbed the scientific classes of the Old World.
hss now located herself at Hudson, N. T. Madame
Thornton poseuuiuch wonderful powers of second
sight, aa to enable her to impart knowledge of the
greatest importance to tbe single or married of cither
sex. Vt bile in a state of trance, she delineatu the
very teaturce or the person you are to marry, and
by the aid or an Instrument of intense nower. known
as ine rsyooomoirope, guarranteee to produce s life
like pioture or toe future husband or wife of tbe
applicant, together witb date of marriage, position
in lite, leading traits or character, do. This is no
humbug, as thousand of testiuionisls ean iua
She will send, when desired, a certified certificate, or
written guarantee, that the picture is what It pur
ports to be. Bv enolosinc a small lock of hair, and
stating piece 01 oirin, age, disposition and com
nieziou, ana enclosing nity cents and stamned an
veiope eauressea io younoii, you will reoeive the
picture ana ueeirea iniormauoo by return mail All
oommuuioatiiins sacredly confidential. Address in
confidence, Mababb K. F. Tiiobxtom, P. O. Box
Hi, Hudson, . X . febl6-'67.1y
A Cough A Cold 4r
8 ore Throat,
Biqoiaxs immboiatb attbmioh
Irritation of the E.nnara,
A Permanent Throat
Ihlaeuae, or Con
li ortBB ran bssult.
BAvisa a niKBcy isvlcxscb to raa babts,
oivb immboiatb bkuxp.
ForBronchiUa, Asthma, Catarrh, Conaump
tive and Throat Dlseaaee,
Trochu are ased with always good aacoen.
will Ind Trorkti useful la during tbe voloe wbea
taken before Singing or Speaking, aad relieving tbe
threat after aa anuual exertion of the yoeel organs.
Tbe JVeaAM are recommended and prescribed by
Pbyeieiaos, aad have had testinoniais iron eminent
nea throughout the country. Being aa artiole of
erne merit, and having proved their emoaoy by a teat
of many yssrs, each year finds them in new locali.
ties in various parts of tbe world, and tbe Track
are anlveraally pronounced batter lb a ether ar
ticles. Obtaib only "Baows's Bbobcbiai. Tbocbxi."
and do not teas any of tba Worthless Initiations that
may be offered Nld Everywhere
November If l, le6. ni
Usbe Dksrewa,
aimMfi Gmmmntti Brw Bm-nmarOU
If the Of eat gttaeg fexltet.
R-sJ ere foererW emnriiuHr tf rwAes f Iturva f aad
Chrrmaoy , ewt ai e tne isais rti va sbal a be ewde.
Merak , lesrr-ty
wTeaiet?rfeil mmt Trsao.
MABAsta Rbbtbotob, tbe vertd-retataed Astrete
rtat and RooinanballitKl Clainrorant. while ta
lairvonaa saaaua. ddleaatea tba very features ef
ths person yoa are to merry, and by tbe aid of aa
roslraaent ef Intense power, baewa U the Psyche
snntsnna. araaeantaM to ejfmnae a wcrfsct end life
like picture of the latere husband or wife of the
applicant, with date or marriage, eaoapauoej, ieau
inc traits of abaraotar. Aa. This is no Imposition, ai
testimonials without number eaa assert. By stating
plaoe of birth, age, disposition, color of eyes and
hair, and enoloslnB fifty cents, and stamped envelope
addressed to yourself, yoa will receive the picture
oy return matt, together with desired information.
lr Address In eonndenoe, Maoamb ubbtbodb
Rbmihqtob. P. O. Box 297. Weet Trnv. N. T.
RF.MK.niK9 tor unpleasant end danceinus diseases. Uee
HtMssotn's F.xTaaor Bocae eaa Ibvbovbb Rosa Wash.
March, I87. ly
Free to Kyerybody.
A Large 6 pp. Circular, giving Information of the
greatest importance to the young of both sexee.
It teaohoe how the homely may become beautiful,
the dupitsd respected, and the forsaken loved.
No young lady or gentleman should fall to send
their .address, and reoelve a copy, post-paid, by re
turn mail.
Address P. O. Drawer, 21, Troy, N. T.
WnovooLONOT BB BxACTircL T All may pos
ts a olear. unblemished skin, of alabaster whiteness,
bv the nse of Chaatellar'a White Llauld Enamel, it
is the most perfeot article in use, for removing all
impurities of the skin, and unlike all other cosme
tioe, contains nothing tbat will injure the cutlole )
being vegetable. It is perfectly Harmless, rnr saie,
wholesale ana rteian, oy bkroxr, dbi'vts as vo.,
Chemists. Trnv. N. Y. See their advertisements ta
another oolumn in thii paper.
Saa tha Advertisement of Madame E. F. Thorn
ton, the great Aitrologist, Clairvoyant and Psyobo-
Something New
Nothing Nov
The splendid assortmsnt of QOODS at the
JT. XV. FRlsLI.ta fc BO.
13 NEW,
but It ia Nothing New for them u they are always
gelling Dpanw uuuvs.
0-003D NEWS,
to tbe people of SUNBURT, for they have purchu
ed them goods low and arc selling them at very
Ws are determined to sell onr Goods at Low
Prices and defy competition.
Wckeepthe h-t taianlllT of Goods and
sell them as low as the second qnulttlea ara
eoiu oy ouier aeaicrs.
iouio and examine our Stock and Learn our
No charge for showing Good?. That
is our business arid we take pleasure
in doing it.
Feelinc very thankful to tha public for their very
liberal patronage heretofore bestowed upon us, we
reel eonnaent ot retaining tneir custom, by a strict
adherence to the rules we bare adopted.
The Mammoth Store.
Market Square, 2 doors autof the New Court House,
Snnbury, March 36, 1867.
Vvu A JiliillUitlll raid.Alale
Female Agents, to introduce a New and Useful In
vention, of absolute utility in every household.
Agents preferring to work on Commission oan earn
iruin 4V to -u per day. ror lull particular! en
close stamp, and addrese
W. ii. WILSON A CO., 634 Arch. St., Phila., Pa
Executor's Notice,
"VT0T1CE is hereby given that letters testaments.
XN ry having been grunted to the undersigned, on
ine estate oi narinqa uraui, lata or tne burougb o
Sunbury, Northumberland oounty, Pa., deceased
All persons indebted to said estate are requested t
make iiuuied ate payment, and those having olaims
to preeeut mem lor seitieweni.
lifcNJ. HbNDRlCKS, Executor.
Sunbury, March 23, 1BS7, 9t
1867. SPRING. 1867
abb orsKisa roe sraixa of 1867.
I Cases Select Shades or SILKS.
Fashionable PLAID SILKS
BISMAHK, the New Color SILK.
Bust BLACK SILKS, in Town.
New Style Spring CHINTZES,
ORGANDIES of Newest Stylu.
Steel-Colored poplins, lor Suits.
N. B Staple Housekeeping (sands, Fresh Stock
uoins, vsssimeres, and l weeds tor xoutna.
P. S MERCHANTS in search of scarce and da.
sirabla Goods will find it thsir interest to call and
examine our 6tock.
March 30, 1867 6w
PERSONS having unrecorded Deede are remind
ed that tbey must be recorded, according to the Act
of Assembly whioh requiru that
"All deeds and eonveyanou fur real estate la this
Commonwealth, shall be reeerded In the office lor
KeeordinB Deeds in tbe (Jaunty where the lands li
enrAsat nx mouth after the execution of such deeds
and eonvevance: and every sueb deed and convey
anoe not recorded as aforesaid, shall be judged
FRAUDULENT AND VOID against any subsequent
ntirehassr for a valuable oonaiderelioa unless eneh
deeds be recorded before the recording of the deed
or conveyance under wbieheuchsubseouent pure has
er or mortcaxe shall alalia."
Those having old Deeds will profit by paying
atrioi susdusb sue auewe.
March 3, HUT
T70B OREKLEVS Hisvoav CostvuryB. Fitatotm
A aiav OrroareBiwI vsvaaaixsLaa aoccawa
This Histisr eoaiains aecouuie of asuut one buudri
BatUae out xeoerallv found la Uie earlier works oa the It
belliuo, even is lanae oat widely oiieeeMee. Nans that
tsBssuiv'a Hiatoav ie eosnpletcd, lie purxilanly ss f real
taaa ever belnta, ana setai wua a repiaii j weieu nusee
the Nmet valuable wvk for Canvaaaara avei auhlialud
AoMires O. P, CAfE A CO., Publishers, el Hanfnd
Coiia., (levelend. Ohio, M pvinut, Mira
Man h . ter tl.
Merabarr, Pav,
A i
h at band, we otor to the farmers
J. our Soper-Pboepbate, wbioh as a fertiliser for
Wheat, Corn, Oats, Potatoes, Orass, Ac. oaanot be
excelled, aad warrant it a permanent improver of
fiint amantlne an.) It dnel not act u a llmnli
stimulant ror one oraponiy. vui ie laming m iva vuwu,,
whioh can be proved bv tbe farmers of Chester and
adjoining counties of this State. Also of the ad-
1 scent oountiu of Delaware and Maryland, who
lave used our manufacture for the last 8 yean.
Wc ask a trial this spring, conn Jen t tbat tnoee
who purobase. win oonunue to patronise.
For WhestSOOlbi. per acre drilled or sown broad.
For Corn liO to 200 lbs. nor acre dropped in hill, at
For Oats 160 lbs. per acre sown broadcast.
For Potatoes 400 lbs. per acre soattered la row.
For Grass, 200 lbs. par sore u a top dresser.
This quantity on Or ass lands, will produce aa In
orease in first crop of 1 to It tons per acre.
We know that the ruult will be satisfactory.
Sold ia Barrels and Bags, at 1ST per 2000 lbc, at
our new
nn tin factory, Eaat Market Street,
Also shipped to sll points on the Phtl'a. A Erie.
Northern Central, Lackawana A Bloouubura and
nnamoKin v alley xiaiiroads.
tl . IS. 1UKKIKI11U0,
Sunbury, Marah 16, 186T.
TN pursuance of en order of tbe Orphans' Court of
X oortnumberiand county, will be exposed tn pub
lic ule. on the premises in the Borouirh of SUN BU.
RY. on SATURDAY the I3tb day of APRIL, A D. I
1S67 : A oertain Lot of Oround. situate in the Bo
rough of Sunbury, In the oounty ol Northumberland
and State oi Pennsylvania, numbered and designated
in the general plan or draft nf said Borough as lot
number one hundred and twenty eight (Izb); l.uund
ed on the north by an Allrv : on the cast hv lot num
ber one hundred and twenty-seven (127) ; on the
outh by Dewberry or Aroh street ; and on the west
yen Alley, containing in width or front, on mm
ewberry or Arch itreet. sixty feet, and in deplh I
two bundred and thirty test with tbe appurtenances.
Late the property of Clarinda Urunt. deceased.
Sale to eommeuoe at 16 o'clock A.M.. of said day.
when the terms and conditions ef sale will bs mads
known by
ti&.j. jJt,iMJniun.p, uerutor.
By order of the Court.
Banbury, March 22, 18C7. )
77 77". AySLE7,
Boots Shoes & Trunks,
No. 16, North 4th St.,
March 23,1867.
T. S.
amn i iSf aa .TRWr.T.'P.'R.
In Simpson 'l Building, Market Square,
TTAVING become the luccpssor of Mr. A. . i
XI vaob, he would respectfully solloit the oustam
ot tbe oiusens In general. Hoping by strict atten
tion to Business tbat loey wut tavir bim with their
Mr. S. has been eonneoted for the put ten years
witn some oi tne rjest nouses in tne city, in the
Watchmaking trade, and all work entrusted to his
ears will be done with promptness and dispatch, and
Hi stock of Amerioan, Swiss Watches, Clocks,
Jewelry end Silverware, will be sold u low as can
be ourobased in the oitv. and of the first analitv.
rarucuiar attention paid io us repauuig ot fine
Welches, Clocks and Jewelry,
t-e-All orders promptly filled. Muonlo Marks
made to order.
Sunbury, March 2, 1867.
HANDSOMS, fine-toned, new, and prioc low.
Inquiro at this Offioe.
Uphaiu'a I'Veah Rleiit l ure,
Prepared from the formula of Prof. Trousseau, of
Paris, ouru Consumption, Lung Diseases, Bronchitis,
Dyspepsia, Marasmus, General Debility and all mor
bid conditions of the system dependent on deficiency
of vital force. It is pleasant to tarte. an n, rmizle
bottle will convince tbe moat skeptioal of its virtno
as tho great healing remedy nf the nee. $1 a bnt.
tle,or six bolllea for $.". Bent bv Etitom. hold by
S. C. UPUAM, No. 2i Souib KfHHTfl Stroet,
And all principal Druggists. Circulars sent free
March 3, 1B87. 3m
THE undersigned offers at private sale tbe follow
ing valuable real eslate, situate in the Eoruugh
Sunbury, late tbe property of Thomas Robins, duo d;
The Hotel Prof erly on Front street, with all the
outbuildings, Ac, lately ocoupied by h'rederiuk
A valuable House and Lot on Market Street, to
gether with all tha outbuildings.
For further particulars apply to
JOHN G. MARKLE, Executor.
Feb. 16, 18a7m Sunbury, Pa.
Our Goodi are decidedly tha cheapest in the
City lor
TRIPE. 12 PL.ATIC. A .fo, 1.
Jnly 7th, 1806 -lysi
lirnce'i Celebraxetl Mnlve !
Akesbcry, Mash , Oct 1'ilb, 1Si;3.
Mr. Oracb Dxak Sib : Uaviug been afflicted
grievously tor several weeks with a severe abscess
upon my side, I used several remedies for its eradi
cation without reoeiving any relief, uutil 1 applied
your salve, which effeoied a speedy and permanent
cure. I therefore feel happy to certify my confidence
iu its virtues. fours with respect.
I certify to tbe truthfulness of the above statement.
11. 8. DBAKtOBM, M. D.
6ETH W FOWLE A RON, Boston, Proprietors.
Sold by all Druggists, at 25 cents a box.
March 3, IBM. In
SPRING STYLES, -Oca Owa Makb."
embracing evejy New and Desirable sise, style end
Shape ef Plain and Trail Hoop bkirta, 2, 2 1-, 2,
i 3-4, 3, 8 1-4, 12, 8 8-4 and 4 Yds., round every
length aad site Waist ; ia every respect First Quail.
ty and especially adapted to meet the wants of First
visas ana moat ashionable t rade.
Oub Owb hakb," of Hoop Skirts, are lighter,
more elastic, more durable, and Really Cheaper thai)
any other make of either Single or IKiuble Spring
Skirt in the American Market. They are Warrant
ed in every respect, and wherever introduced give
universal satisfaction. They are now being exten
sively Sold by Retailers, and every Lady should try
As for "Uopkln'l Own Make,'' and esc that each
Skirt Is Stamped 'W. J. HOPKIN S MaNCFAC.
TURKft. tii ARCH b'treot, PUILAD'A." No
others are Genuine. A Catalogue containing Style,
Bute and Retail Prices, seat to any addrees. A Cni
Soros and Liberal Discount alloeed to Dealers. Or,
den by ajtail or otherwise, promptly and carefully
ailed Wholesale and Retail, at Manufactory and
SKIRTS made te order, realtered and repaired.
March 33, 1&67.-O0m
BIKD0A1ES,U different kinds. If you want
good snd rbesn Bird (area, goto
PatejaaylrauBrlsa Asll leesAtaraJ Iamet
as-tms: g-ar Bm:
The Board of Oosnsnbatoocrs aeer effer tW aeJe
!0,naoruef Agrioalteral College Scrip, Bin ehe
balanoe of the Sorlp cracli Mie CoeaaaeweaJth of
Peeasylvaala for tbe endewmeat of Agrvealtewal
Colleges In this Stale.
Proposals for the purchase of ttM Land Sortp, ad
dressed to "The Board ot OeAuxtlestonere of Agriow!-
toral Land Sorlp," will be swesived et the Borveyer
General's offlue, at Harrtsliarr, nnlll II e'aiook, M .
oa Wednesday, April 10. 196T. '
1 bis land may be looatea ta any mate or j em -tory,
by the holdeve of thesorip. npan eny of the on-
approprlntea lants (iloept mtnesau lanas) or ue
United States, whioh may be subject so sole at pri
vate entry. Booh piece of eorip represents a qear
ter seotion of one hundred and sixty acres, is issued
io Manx, and will be transferable, without enaoree.
ment or formal assignment. The blank need not be
Ailed until thesorip is presented for looation and
entry, when the party holding U Can fill the blank
and enter it in nil own name. Bids must be made
as per lore, and no bids will be received for lees the
one quarter seotion.
ine scrip win oe usuco lmtnedia'tiy en tne pay
ment of the money to the Surveyor General. On ail
bids for a leas quantity than 4U,U00 aorea. one-third
of the purohue money most be paid within test
days, snd the remaining two-thirds within thirty
days after notification of the aooeptanqe of th.e bid
or bids by the Board of Oommisffontoe.
JACOB M. CAMPBELL, Sttrtwyer unnirw
For the Board of Commit$tonT
Harcisburg, March 16, 1847. lm.
AdminlMtriigvr,a Kottce.
ETTEI18 of edmiiiisiratln on the estate of Catharine
j Uangbart, deereeed, Mi:ly of Delaware snwrishlf,
rthnmlrrlaiid county, having been gtaiiled tn the oi-
deraixned. by the Reffieier of said county. All peisotis
indebted to the as ine wiU make immeritiite pavmeiit, and
th'ise havinc claims sgainst the some, alb present thees
duly authrntieated.
j. it. n 1.(19, Awmnwanr
Delaware tvrp.. Mareb 16. Ifl7 i
9 m. Is. li Aid Att U B
(AbL lUAVfl, inuo . nun A 1A1B .uvu .
w sm w s sftnlu
XTrorLD reapeotfully eall the aHentloaorj
IT tbe pubtio to nor LiAnuaanu nan
3 Ftno7 andQDomestiq Dry Qoocls
j asrcua uoous. p
P Of all kindl and stylu la great Variety. E
uiacK, uraen, tiiue, n ine, crown, rurpio, cs.,
In All-Wool Plaids, Dolsiin, Caliooes,
dc, wc have an usorment.
S Tbe best Black AUpaecas, all-wool Dplslns,
L. n i :
a Cambria, Swlf.. X.iiuoo!e snd Jaeosat Mue Q
lies, Dimity, lln j-tye Linen and lowling. &
0 riernn and Amerioan zepnyri, Bhousna g
Wool. Cashmere Yarna.
s, - '
s.iiisuvrui Ess.aaiB.
a Gum Clotb, Dress Trimmings, lTostery,
a ni ir c'.i. r ... rj:Lv. . j 1
Woolen Goods. if
' 1 , AuwiF-.jaii we. vureeMa. avtuuoua. uu..
Ked Gloves, of the best Quality, and i areas
J variety of roods too numerous to mention, all M
i of which will be sold at the very lowest for 5
H oeh. M X. LAZA&vS.
g bunbury Oot. 17, 1966. V
Vlxtc, Hniall Frnlta, Shrnbsi,
OF 1867.
Ta nffmr tar Iba n.aa.nt. aaaasin . I,..,. .w4 w.
plete assortment ol NL'RbltX STOCK, embracing
a large variety of thrifty, wellrown Trees, wbiob
we ere prepared to furnish, at the annexed prioes,
snd to whioh ws invite the attention of Fruit (iron
era and Planters.
Fruit Treks, Vifji, o Eaob. Pr dot. Pr 106
Standard apples, 4 years old,
leadinz kinds.
30 S3 X4 t2 M
Dwarf " 3 yean old,
fan Paradise,)
60 6 50
60 4 59
40 00
40 00
64 00
46 06
Crab Apples, 2 and 3 years old
Standard Pears, 2 and 3 J pars
Dwarf Pears, 1 years old
Standard Charries, 2 years old
Dwarf Cborribs, 2 years old
Standard Peaches, 1 year old
6 60
6 00
d 00
6 00
i ii
4 00
8 00
8 00
8 00
& tin
16 00
do do Hale's Early,
1 year old 46
do do on Plum 76
Dwarf do do 75
Apricots. do 75
Aurioots, on Peach io
60 69
40 OA
bi 60
Von Buren'i Gulden P'f Peaob 1 00
Nectarines and Almonds fiO
Standard Plums, on Plum lb
Dwarf do on do 75
10 00
6 00
B 00
8 00
N. B. Extra sized trees of many of above can be
furnished at extra prioes.
Currauta aud GMseberrii-:i 25
Kaspberrira and Ului'kbeiries to
Straw berries W. Albany, Trinmrti ie
Oaod, Jtc.
Russell's I'n'lific, Golden 1
Seeded, , !
!imig's White, Cutter I
Jucuuda fKims's 700) 1
Agricultorlsl, I
La Coiisuute, Mmit's f
beedhug, N.J, lcailn, 1
Grapca Citawbu. Isabella and Clitit,ni
I yeai, 1st clas. 05
a so
15 flfl
M I 0
1 0
t SO
M rv
jo on
onncoid, I year, 1st class, to
Du.ia, Hartfoid l'rolifio, Ac , 1 year,
( 00
in class, 75
r on
unaware, Kelerra. a c-, t yr 1st class 1 CO
s oo
Alien's x If 'igvr s Myui ins, l yr 1st class I AO l i 00
wna, isrnena A.lir..i.(l.;c, I y, 1st class X 00 In i u
Foreign vitnclits, lendn a kiida s ( an
Fiirewn vurilia, new kimls U 00 In 3 II)
N U. Grapes ly dr oi kss, and Snawlrrirs br dca.
or 100 ma.ieil r.ngc 'rte, at l ve prices.
ShaJe Tires, Leadiiig kimla, 8 to 10 feel 81 each 810 pee
B73 per hundinj. .
Deeidunus Unmmuutal Trers, a fine assortment SO to I 00
8 UO to III (10 .cr d..s., til (HI to 78 OU per flW Uriuiinenial tlhrulis, ii loaflria each, 1 SO to
600 per d..a. VO 0U Io 40 00 per hundred.
Clirubmit OriMiiirninl r"hrul,, is u 50 eaiti. t 50 to 1 BO
per dx, tu 00 to 40 00 per bundled.
MISCELLANKOVS, Each Per dor Per 100
English Walnuts It Pnnnisd Cliesn't SO 6 00
Uownina's Krrrhen'ins; MulOarry )
and Dwarf 'rino Waluut J 00 u 00
Asparagus Roots a ot)
Rnulanii, M yen's Linnaea aj (no no
Amer . Arbnrvilss, f'-r hmlsins; so CO toqb 00
Osage Oral, je. fur hedsing, SO per l,0"0 I jo
Packinj d.Miein the best manner, in bales or boxes, for
which a moderate charge ie made Goods are promptly
forwarded by Usirrss, or Railroad, to nil points. Deaerip
tive Catalogues moiled to aopliranu. enehvinir siamne
KDVV'lt J F.YANtf A CO.,
Mareh M, IH)7 - tm VORK P''"''vau.a.
dartl?xi geeda by Mall.
WE offer a large and complete assortment of
Freeh Seeds, embracing.
(inoluding all the Novelties.l wbioa wc furnish,
carefully put up in packets,
at our catalogue prices.
All our Seeds are carefully tested before ssndlBB
out, snd are
if property planted and oared for.
LOG L L isuiuiled to any address, on receipt of stamp
for postage.
' N-George St., York, Te.
March 23, lW.-lin
LEAD Pipe, all sises iu stoie, aud lor aai oy "
daood nrvi s fbr -lloths-rat
A T0THERS. are you oppressed with anxiety fur
11 L your little ones? Are your slumbers and
hearts broken by their cries ' Do you awake in tbe
morning uurefreshed and apprehensive ? If so, pro
cure at once e buttle of Dr. Leuns' Infant Remedy
and you will have no more weary hours of wati-liing
and axiaty.
has stool tbe test of years. Thousands of nurses and
mother bear witneas that it neyer fails to give relief
it used in season. It is a mild, yet sure and speedy
oure lor Colic, Cramps and VVipdy Paini, and is in
yslunble for all complaints incident to Teething
Sold by Druggists throughout the lulled Stales
Address si orders to
. Sols Pproprietois.
1S7 ssrlam I ssJrsI Street, Mall
November 34, 18dJ. Jy.
TaySwgTlag stoneT
rpUB subscriber is prepared to deliver to thecltl
X sens of bunbury and Northumberlsnd. aad
vrS kk tOW frio, ,.aiit, of FLAti
i TON k. for paving, at ths sberteat notion. Orders
attended to by addressing at Sunbury, to
Sunbury. Feb. J8. mrJ" WM' CUag
NOTICE is hereby giyen that letters of adminis
traUon having been xranted to tbe undersisned
on the estate of Robert W. Brooks, let. ef the BorJugU
of Sunbury, Northumberland ooanty, Pa , deceaseJ
All pertvns indebted are requeued to aiake immedt
BlepaymeBt, and thoM havms elsims to present
them duly auibcnticsimi for seitlemsut
. , ... J h. MA--M.K. A1m'r.
unburv. Man h 9. IM7 -t