PEBTJYIAN GTJAHO SUBSTITUTE I BAUG1T3 I.A.'W BONE SUPERPHOSPHATE OP L1MK, , BAUGH e BONB, Sole Manufacturers A Proprietors, DELAWARE RIVER CHEMICAL WORKS, PHILADELPHIA, U. 8. A. Tor Wheat, Rye, Barley, Cord, Onts, Po Utoe, Tobacco, Buckwheat, 8org!ium, Tur nips, Hops, Garden Vegetables, ami every Crop and Plunt. Especially recommended to the grower of TRAWBERRIKfl, RASPBKRRIK3, BLACKBER RIES, AND ALL SMALL FRUITS. More than 13 years of regular use npon nil description if Crops grown in the Middle aiirl Southern rtntes, has given a nigh degree of popularity hi tbia MANuHi-;, winch placet Hi application uow, entirely beyond a mere experiment. BAUCHS'S RAW BONE Kuper-IMioNphnte of l.Imp, li eminently a euceeaa aaa Subslltnte f'W Peruvian Ounno and Stable Manure ami i r'flereil to tna Aftrirunurui in the Northern an I Kastern Statea aaa fertilizer that will cheaply reatora to the Soil, thoaa esaenlialt which have been drained from it by cniiatant cropping and light maim- I P ta VArir nfnnint in Ita action It lasting in effect to a decree unaltaineri by any commercial manure in the market and ia afforded at a much lesa coat than bought Stable Alt ...,r. nr P.r.ivinn linnno The 1-ahor involved in ita ate ia far leta than that of applying alible manure, while there la no risk from the introduction of noxiout weedt. rfFarincri are recommended to purchnae of the denier located ill their neighborhood. In sections wnare no oea i.. i ,..t.lihrf ttw, I'hnanhate mnv be procured direct' ry from the undersigned. A Priced Circular vt ill be tent to all who applv. n..r nrw pamphlet. "Hnirto Maintain the Fer- tilily of American Farms." W) pages, giving full informa tion in reirnrd to the nte of manure Ac . will be furnished gratia on application. BA.UGII & SONS, Office No. 20 8. Delmrare Avenue, PHILADELPHIA. B AUG II BROTHERS & CO, General Wholemle. Agenti, No. 181 Pearl St., corner ol Cedar. NEW YORK. GEORGE DUG DALE, Wholesale Agent for Maryland Jb Virginia No. 105 Smith's Wharf, BALTIMORE, MD. Sold by SMITH A GENIHER, Suubury. July 28, 188ft. ly o o is ' s DYSPEPSIA CURE! mH13 GREAT REMEDY FOR ALL DISEASES of X the TOM AO EI ia the ditcovery of the inventor of Cue's valuable Cough Balaam, while experimenting for hiiown health. It cured Cramii in the Stomach for him which had before yielded to nothing hut chloroform. The almoat diiily testimony from various parltof the country encourage ut to Mieve there it no disease caused by a disordered stumacn it win not apeeuuy cun. Physicians endorse and Ubo it 1 Ministers give testimony of its efficacy. And from all directions we receive tidings of cores per formed. DYSPEPSIA I It it tare to cure. HEARTBURN! One dote will cure. SICK-HEADACHE! It hat cured in hundreds of cases. HEADACHE AND DIZZINESS ! It stops in thirty minutes. ACIDITY OF THE STOMACH ! It corrects at once. RISE OF THE FOOD ! It stops Immediately. DISTRESS AFTER EATING ; One dote will remove. CHOLERA MORBUS! Rapidly yields to a few dotes. BAD BREATH ! Will be chanced with half a buttle IT IS PERFECTLY HARMLESS Its UNPRECEDENTED SUCCF.S3 ia owing to tb fact that It Cure) ly AItInsr Xalnre TO RE-ASSERT HER SWAY IN THE SYSTEM Noilly every dealer in the United States sells it a ONE DOLLAR PER BOTTLE. C -G. CLAK & CO., Proprietors, NEW HAVES, CONN. February 23, 1S67. ly. $100 REWARD - For a medicine that will cure Ct'l'GHS, INFLUENZA, TICKLING ill the THROAT, WHOOPING COUGH, oi relieve CONSUMPTIVE OOUGH8, aa quick aa COE'S COUOn BALSAM! OVER ONE MHXION BOTTLES have been sold and not single instance of lit failure ia kiiowu. We have,inoui poitettiuu, any quantity of Cer tiorates, sotue of tliein from EMINENT PHYSICIANS who have osed itm their piaci ice, and given it the pre eminence over every other compound. IT DOES NOT DRY UP A COUGH, but LOOSENS IT, . aa to enable the patient to expectorate freely. Two or three dotes. Will Ikvabiaslt Cms TicsLiKa in tiii Tusoit ! A half hot.le hat often completely cored the moat Stub born Cuugh, and yet, though H It to turetnd sjieedy in ut operation, it it perfectly harmless, being purely vegetable It it very agreeable to the taste, and iruy be administered to children ol any age. In eatee of CROUP we will guarantee s cure, if taken iu teuton. NO FAMILY SHOULD BE WITHOI T IT! It it within the reach of all, it being the cheapest and bet medicine extant. C. G. CLARK A CO., Proprietor, NEW HAVEN, CONN. February S3, 167. ly There cometh glud lidiuga of joy to all, To yuuug and to old, to grout and to small ; The beauty which once waa so piecious and taie, It free for ail, and all luay be lair. II y tlse use or CHASTELLAR'8 WHITE LIQUID T'tt Improving and Beautifying the Complexion I be most valuable an ffivint- the tkia a beau Tut most valuable and perfect preparation in use, for tuui peart-like tint, that it only fouuuin youth. It quietly removes Tan, Fiecktea, Piur pies. BUiteliet, MoU Pulcnae, eWllowneas, Eruntlons. and all impurities of the akin, kindly bealiag the tame leaving Hit akiu white and clear at alabaster, lis use can not be detected by trie cloaeat tor utiny, autl btiuK a vegetable pre , uaiatitHt la perfectly haniiltaa. It ia the only article of tne kind used by the French, and ia considered by the Pa risian aa indispeuaabUi Ia, a perfect toilet. Upwards of 30,aio bottlet were sold during the past year, a authoieiit guarantee of its tmcaoy. Price only 75 cents. Sent by mail, pott-paid, on receipt of an order, by UEHOKH, SMUT Its CO., Caemiata, 4 River St., Troy, N.Y February IS, ' EXCELSIOR ! EXCELSIOR ! ! " CHASTELLAU'S Hair Exterminator J FOR RtMOVINO BL'PKRFLl'OUS HAIB. ' T.i tht adiet eapeciully, this invaluable depilatory re. emumaida iiaelf at being an almoat indispensable article to female beauty, ia eatily applied, duet not burn or injure tht tklu, bat sets diiectly ou the loots. It it warranted to eiaova superfluous hair from low foreheads, or from any part of tka budy, completely, totally and radwally aaur aiiutj the turns leaving the akia tuft, tanuoiu aud uaturaL 1 hit is the uiy ar-.ieJ. uaad by tka Fiauca, and it tht only real effectual dilatory in xiauuui Frios 71 ctntt per package, scut poat-pald to any addraat, ou receipt of as inter, by BERGI'R, RIIUTTw A CO., Ceeruitu, t- River W , Troy, N . y. Tcuruar) IS, le7ly ' " ' 321 BOOKS, STATIONERY : VARIETIES, Always on hand 4 large and eomplets stock of ALBUMS, Juvenile, Blank, Sobool, Hymn and i 'i i : Prayer BOOKS, . Ntle, Letter, 1r-fcnl and Cap Paper. GOLD FENS AND HOLDERS. Pent, Inks, Pencils, Port-Folios, Pictures, Ploturt Frames, Musioal Instruments, Strings, Mutio, Lamps, Bhades, Globes, As. , 3P3BE1PUM3SS9 Soaps, Chains. Bleds, Canes, Games, Brashes, Port- monnics, and Fancy Articles of all kinds. Walt Paper, Horsier and Window- fchndc. Agent for "La Rote's Hair Restorative," and "Enainol of America." Drafts on Europe and Tickett for Steam Vessels QUICK SALES AND SMALL PROFITS-tbe motto at LIGHTNER'S Book Store and News Depot, Feb. 2, 1867. Market Square, Bnnhury, Pa. PHOTOGRAPH ALBUMS BOOKS AKD STATIONERY, Monthly Tims Books Drawing Books and Slates. Bocks, Hymn Books. Bhnk Bookt, Memorandum J503KI, UlflneS. rWKOi IHWH, ink dwuhs, rcug, Pencils, a fine assortment of Paper, Ink, Ae. For tale by ANNA PAINTER. Phllndelplitn A I"rle Rnilrond. rnniS irreat line traverses the Northern and Norlh- I west counties of Pennsylvania to the city of Erie on Lttko Erie. It hns been lonsed wis U operated by tho Pcnnsyl Tania Railroad Cuuipany. Time of FatMtigtr Trains at Siinbury. Leave Eastward. Erie Mail Train, Erie Express Train, Elintra Mail Train, Loavo Westward. Erie Mail Train, Erie Express Train, Klmira Mail Train. 11.63 p. m. 6.35 a m. 10.25 am. S.1C a m. 6.35 n m. 4.35 p. m. Passer gor ears run thruuch on tho Erie Mail and Express Trains without change both ways between I'miuucipnia ana r.rie. rew York Conned ion. Leavo New York at 9 00 a m, arrive at Frio 10.00 a m. Leave New Vork at 5.00 p. m., arrive at Erie T.15 r. m. Leave Erie at 6.30 p. m., arrive at New York 4.40 p. m. Leavo Krio at 10. 2j a. m., arrive at New York 10.10 a. m. ELEGANT SLEEPING CARS on all Nirht Trains. For Information respecting Pajfenger business apply at Cor. 30th and Market St., Philadelphia And for Freight business of the Company's Agents, S. B. Kingston, Jr., Cor. 13th and Muxket St., Philadelphia. J. W. UevnolJe. Erie. William lirown, Agent N. C. R. R., Baltimore. 11. H. Hot'RTO.I, Gen'l Freight Agt. Philada. U. W. Gwismer, Gen'l Ticket Ag't., Philada. A. L. TYLER, Ucc'l Muoagcr, Williomsport January 28, 1W7. Great Attraction, at the NEW TIN -WARE, Khoot Iron and Store Store of SMITH & GE1TTEEP., STJISTEXJ-E?.-, IP-A... Where they keep constantly on hand and nionufoc ture to order ut snort notice. UN AND SHEET IRON-WARE of ull descriptions They would especially call the attention of pur. cuasers to ineir large ana wen seiucicu i-iucn oi C00E AND PARLOR STOVES. The subscribers have made arrangements to have all their best stoves made to order, and tboae who would have a good stove would do well to go and examine their large and well selected slock. First. They defy competition on the following tried iSrondt of took Moves, vis : Combination ni Iturner, Cook. Governor I'enn-Cook. WABASH AND IHONSIDE3. and tho well known Antidust Cook Stuve called SPEAR'S ANTIDl'ST. Also. Parlor and oflicc Stoves in ercnt rarictv em bracing all the best manufactures aud most fushioti able deshrns, unsurpassed fur beauty of finish siuil'li city of arrangemenU combining cheapness, durubtiity and each stove warranted to perform what they are represented. Also, The celebrated Baltimore Fire Place Stove, for heating iirst, second and third stories by Registers Also, VULCAN HEATER. Also, the celebrated MORNING GLORY. Coal Oil, Coal Oil I.nmpn, Shades, CliiinuirM, and all article usually kept In an establishment of this kind They ore also prepared to furnihh Slate and do slating in me nest workmanlike mauner. Alto, to do Tin Hoofing, Snouting. Range and Furnace Work, Gas Fitting, Ac. Repairing neatly ana cuenpiy executea. Also: "Iluusli' Ituw Hone Snpcr-PliotM pbate." Remember the place. .Sain pie and Sales Room nearly opposite Conly't Hardware Store, Market street, betweeu Third and Fourth ttreett. Building dark painted. August 25, 1868. EXPENDITURES AND RECEIPTS OF Northumberland Co., FROM The First Day of January, A. D. I860, to the Last Day of December of the same year, both days inclusive. Orders. DR. $ cts 1 order Eastern Penitentiary, 45 do for building and repairing bridges 2 do Fuel 60 09 4292 88 450 75 22 03 1093 81 500 03 294 30 117 00 15 00 96 00 13 do 57 do 50 do 7 do 1 do 1 do Fox Scalps Elections Constables pay Refunding County Auditors J. FuriiBwortb, Auditing County Officers, 10 do Court Crier Printing Hnad damages Prison Expenses Sheriffs Fees District Attorney Jurors Puy Commonwealth costs Attorney for County Koad and liriuge Views Btutiouery Seated aud unseated lands Public Buildings Insane Asylum Inquisitions, Assessor's Puy Merchandize Win. K. Martz, back pay Incidental expenses E. T. Drumhellcr for board do do do do do 205 50 1081 25 44 97 8123 00 196 00 8080 73 1397 27 150 00 245 00 235 73 181 50 6126 24 135 05 62 20 495 00 41 14 140 00 640 60 20 do 78 t-'o 2 do U do 19 do 1 do 60 do 4 do 5 do 44 do 4 do 1 do 81 do 1 do ing jurors in the IMioads tutu 280 5 804 46 8150 00 850 00 395 00 20 do 13 do Interest Loses to County Jos. (J ass, Conimla'ri pay II. Martin, do do J. Ft km an do do S. billman do do T. M. Purscl, Janitor do ' Charles Weaver, Clerk do do do do do do 400 00 51 25 210 83 15 do 1 do 8 do 33 do 740 00 261 85 80,000 00 28,683 45 Protnonotary s fees Heal Estate Court House $60,804 40 To Treasurer's commission on 159,003 30 To amonnt of outstanding orders for 1805, and previous yeart To amount of outstanding Boun ty Orders To Depreciated Moneys 1475 08 16193 48 725 00 97 00 $87,884 01 ' CR. By cash received from Collectors' for 18U6, and previous years $17,430 04 By cash reoeited from collector for uonntT Tx " ' 7 93 By cash received from Lower Augniu township ror Keep Inrr HaDBah Bsyldfft 108 15 10 1550 00 2800 00 29 28 TO 00 8 05 1000 00 794 00 0 21 8 84 75 00 By Redemption money from Wm. J. McWilliams -By cash reoetred from II. Martin as loau to county By cah rec'cS from E. T. Drum kr llnr. as loan to County By CAsh ree'd for Rent for publlo .bniUiinga By casb received for materials aola By eioneration tax received, By cash received from Benjamin llenuricKt, as loan iu vuuuvy By cash received from Masonic Lodge for old Court House By redemption money from R. Moses By redemption money from Simon Koble By cash received from J. Haugh- awout as loan to County By cash received from Daniel lleim, as loan to County 1500 00 000 00 By cnh received from Mrs. D. Wolverton, tit loan to County By cash received from Peter II. buy tier, as loan to Couuty 400 00 By Court Tines By ensh received from J. B. Master 25 00 for Deed 4 88 68 11 207 01 8.j0 08 2003 80 By cash received from U. II. Aw 1, former Treasurer By cash received for Militia Tax By cash received fr Seated Lnnds '! " " Unseated " By excess of Expenditures above tue lieceipts 27,780 CO 187,884 91 Treasurer in account with R. II. AWL Km., former Northumberland County t DR. To balance due Cncnty on 9tate Tax at per Auditor's rtepnri ol l poo. To balance due County fol Militia Flues at per Auditor's Report of 1865, To Imlnnce due County for Bounty Tax as per 913S 00 619 00 2137 18 Auditori tteport ol leoa, CR. By biltnce due fiom County on County tax ftc,, as per Auditor's Report of I86S, By cash paid Jobu Faiuswonh, Treasurer j,385 78 S.3I7 07 68 It S,3SS 78 JOHN FARNSWORTH, F.sq , Treasurer in account with the County of Northumberland from the 1st day of January, A I). IKK), tnthe last day nf December of the wine year, both days inclusive, respecting county Tax, Ao. DR. To amnuntnf outstanding County Tax for 1865. end previous years 33,527 07 To amount of outstanding County Duplicates for 166, 3$V!71 81 To amount overpaid by Wm Cooner, Collector 10 To cash received from Lower Augusta Town ship for keeping Hannah Savklge 103 15 To redemption money 16 65 To cash received from sundry persons at loan to County "I'M 00 To ensh received for rent nf public buildings, tt9 tt3 To ensh received for materialssold 76 110 To cash received on Exonerated taxes, S 05 To ensh received from Masonic Lodge for old Court House 704 Ofl To cash received for Court Sort K5 To cash received from J. B. Master, for Deed 4 38 To cash received from R. H. Awl, funner Trea surer 68 II To amount received on unseated lands for 1864 and tetiS, 1,024 00 To amount received on seated lands for 1964 and 131 3o To amount due Treasurer 9M5 87 64,44 31 CR. By amount of County Tales outstanding on the 1st dav of Januarv, lr67 8I5.W5 36 By amount of Kxoneiations allowed eollectnit 604 19 By amount of percentage allowed collector! 3'iOI 76 By errora in Duplicates it 61 By depreciated money 07 00 Bv amount nf County orders paid 60,0(13 30 By Treasurer's commission ou (50,003 30, I47S 08 (84,0(4 33 JOHN FARNSWORTH, Esn,,Treasurer, ofNorthum berland County hi tccount with the sainn for Bute Tax t DR. To amount of outstanding State Taxes for 1805, and previoiu yenre S7F5 70 To amount of Suite Tax Duplicate for 1866, S3I7 To amount of State Tax overpaid by J. Seller 3 18 To amount received on Unseated Lands foi 1861 und 1HU 1041 SO To amount received on Seated Lands for 1E64 aud 1865 S18 78 (6,306 17 CR. By amount nf State Taxes outstanding on the 1st day of January, 1867 for 1866, and previous years By amount nf Exonerations allowed collectors lly amount nf percentage allowed collectors Bv errors on Duplieatea By State Treasurer's Receipt ol February Stb, IS67 By balance due County (fl.1 99 (HI7 It 745 76 16 06 1033 S5 MIS 45 (0,306 17 JOHN FARNSWORTH, Esq., Treasurer. In account with the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, for Licence OUTSTANDING TAXES FOR Yeart. Collector? Kantet. Dutrict. StaU. County. Militia, 1855 A. J. Conrad Zcrbe 19 42 1858 J. B. Masser Mt. Carmel Tp. 18 77 29 65 " George Zimmerman Upper Augusta 90 ' Jacob Miller 1'oiot 1 00 1859 Jnmet Ouks Delaware 99 18U0 Solomon Ebiudel Suubury 2100 1801 Joseph Snyder Coal 70 00 " 8. Blair Milton 61 50 1803 M. Header Turbutville 13 00 " Joseph Sujdcr Coal 13 00 1803 H. Wagoner Cameron 10 " Joseph Snyder Coul 16 50 " M. Shade Lewis 1 00 1804 William Uoo?er Sunburj 60 00 " John O. Bright Upper Augusta 87 13 122 80 " F. McCarty Mt. Carmel Tp. 43 81 20 28 40 75 " D. Main Lower Mahonoy 14 00 1805 William Hoover Suobury 44 54 723 13 " W. Lake Sharaokin Borough 41 55 " II. Reader McEwensville 27 75 372 09 " E. Artman Turbutville 60 21 " J. Kissel Chillisquaque 180 01 " Isaac Sober Shamokin Tp. 200 78 " P. Hester Mt. Carmel Tp. 212 81 208 39 " C. H. Weikel Cameron 84 50 E. Shaffer Jordan 41 21 " E. Uowarter Upper Mshanoy 298 71 1806 Charles F. Martin Sunbury 99 91 1435 03 " II. Reader McEweosville 40 59 213 03 " II. Morgan Point 509 97 " J. O. Ritter Turbut 472 86 " J. Rissel Chilisquaque 1373 16 " E. Artman Turbutville 17 80 809 05 " 8. Laotz Delaware . 20 83 1037 51 " J. Snyder - Milton 1259 68 . " John ttaughawaut Upper Augusta 11 13 601 06 " William Johnson Rush 21 16 . " M. McDonald Mt. Carmel Tp. 466 28 " William Ewing Mt. Carmel Borough 400 05 " E Long Cameron 48 52 " D. Wagoner Little Mahaboy 150 93 " 8. Bohner Jackson 169 66 " John West Jordan 884 44 " I. Sober Shamokin Tp. 88 57 971 87 " J Johnson Northumberland 600 83 " J. Ditchfield Shamokin Borough 434 74 J. Ditcfcfield Coal , 419 83 41 William Raker Lower Augusts, 500 61 u John Seller Lower Mahanoy 85 56 688 20 " C. Creamer Zcrbe 10 87 459 53 OUTSTANDING 1883 James Beard Joseph Snyder Jonas Stiue McEwensvillo Coal Mt. Carmel Those marked with a since paid. We. tbe undersitroed Auditors of Northumberland county, State of Pennsylvania, do certify, that in oorsuance of tbe 4th Section of an Act. regulation; Counties and Town ships, the 6th day of April, 1834, we met at BUQDury, on tne a 1st day or January, a. did audit and settle the several accounts judgments and abilities j and we do further certify, that opon due examination of tbe Kx penes Book of the County, the indebtedness of the County In unpaid County Orders is $30,831 68. Also, that tbe amount of outstanding Bounty Orders is $725 00. Ia wltnesa whereof, we have hereunto Mt id day oi reoruary. a. v., ioot. . . " ' ' ' rnntjM let say as yats.tsHHlys MtWtvt. s ; j-t A DR. 0 Tt tmoant received for Lteeoeee fot Tavtnw for its T amount icsetvtd fot Lhpm mnrea for M SM SO 1i OS To amount testivM lot nestanrantt for 'as, To amoan! received Un Retailers of Merehan diae, Tati-pls) Allays, ratent Madielawa, Coal and Lumber Yards, Breweiiee and Billiard-roomtaa par Merchant lie Appraltera L4at lof leva S,34 SO J. I tS,7S4 SO CR. Ry S Her cent Commission on (1,000 and 1 per cent on B38U. S3 80 Br S net cent Commission on Ifll 00 II St Rv S ner cent Commiaaiou on S7S5- 34 SS By exonerations at per eertlnVatrt, S3 00 Rvl nff eent enntmUstnn on atUUO and 1 Veff Ct on W.SPl SO W Of By Plate Treaeurera receipt of April 18th, IMA, 07S 00 By T. H. Pnrdy'a receipt for publishing Mel- eantile appraiser's List la English aud Oet . man, 354 names 70 80 Ry State Treaturei's Receipt of Feb. Sth, 16fl7, 4.44S 3S 3,704 60 JOHN PARNSWORTH, Esq., Treaimrer, In account with the County of Northumberland, respecting Militia Finos for 1B64, and previous years. DR. , To amount of outstanding Militia Fines. $6t2 48 CR. By amount of outstanding Militia Fines on tha 1st day of January. 1887. $3bi 72 By ain't of percentage allowed collectors, 12 Do Hy am'nt of Exonerations allowed " S 00 tsy errors in uupiicaiee, iu By order paid llarrifon Wagoner 1 42 By amount due County 266 49 $652 48 JOHN FARN8W0RTH, Esq., Treasurer, in account will) the Treasurer of Hcnooi uoaras, supervisors of Koads, Overseers of the Poor, and with Town ships respecting Bounty, for Taxes on seated and unseated lands for 1664 and 1885. DR. To amount received for Road Tax $2661 84 To amount received for School Tax olm 70 To amount reoeived for Bounty Tax 8613 78 To amount received for Poor Tax 1124 45 $16,126 37 CR. By amount paid Supervisors of Roads, ireasurers oi Donooi xtoaras, e., na per receipts $14,675 46 By Treasurers' commission on $16,126 27. 806 31 By balance in hands of Treasurer 644 49 $16,126 27 JOHN FARNSWORTH, Esq., Treasurer, in account with the County of Northumberland, from the first day of January, 1866, to tht last day of Deaember of tbe lame year, both dayi inclusive, respecting Bounty Tax. DR. To amount of outstanding Bounty Tax, $511 94 CR. By amount of Bounty tax outstanding on tbe 1st day of January, 1867, By amount paid by E. Shaffer, due Coun ty from Treasurer, 474 02 87 92 $511 94 JOI1N FARNSWORTH, Esq., Treasurer in account with Northumberland County : SR. To balance due County on Militia Tax To balance due County on Bounty Tax To bal. due State Tax and for State Taxes on seated and unseated lunds for lb64 and 1865, To balance due Treasurer $267 49 37 92 2,215 45 26 01 $2,545 87 CR. By bal. due Treasurer on County Tax, Ae. $2545 87 Statement of the Finances of Northumberland Coun ty, on the first day of January A D. 1867. DR. To amnnnt nf ontatandini Countv Orders for 1868, and previous years, $30,334 3 To amount of outalandiuz Bounty Orders 725 00 $31,059 53 CR. By amonnt of nutttanding County Tax lor 1866, and previous years, $15,065 36 By amount of outstanding Bounty tax By amount of outstanding Militia tax for 1864 and previous yeart. By amount due from Wm. E. Irwin, for- mer Treasurer, as per last Auditor's report By amount due from Francis Bucher, for mer Treasurer, as per Auditor's re port of 1862, By excess of Ctunty indebtedness above aatettx 474 02 355 72 80 66 50 00 15,033 67 $31,059 53 County of Northumberland in account with tho Com monwealth of Pennsylvania for 1866, DR. Tv amount ol State tax duplicate fur 1S66, $2,347 22 CU. By am't of exonerations allowed collectors $53 42 By percentage allowed collectors 73 62 By State Treasurer's receipt of Feb. Sth, '67, 1923 25 By County Treasurer's commission on $1652 77, 19 52 By balance due Commonwealth 267 11 $2,347 22 18G6 AND PREVIOUS YEARS. , $058 99 $15003 86 BOUNTY TAX. ,$o53 72 15 00 04 438 98 $474 02 ' " the Commissioners' OtBce, in the Borough of v., too., aaa aujournea irora time to time, and as required of us agreeably to the best of our our hands and seals at tha office aforesaid, this r, iv.ukai; ud. v U.K. CULP, ) L.B. Auditor$. C. F. LITTLE, ) L. 8. ) UE17 GnOCERYl 1 CALL AT rURMArl-B OU BTAND. I Kr,itiH - v , f; r.ii s- . w. , I WH0LKSAL3 RETAIL ' AND Provision Store FOR CHEAP GOODS I " - o Their Stock la oomplete, eontittlng in part of 6VOAR8, COFFEES, TEAS, SPICES, COAL OIL Tobaoeo, Cigars, Flour, Feed, Fish, Salt, Hams, Shoulders, Chests, Fruit, Gltss, Lamps, As., Ac. Country Produce taken in exohanga for Goods. iy Call and examine our Stock, and satisfy your selves. Sunbnry, May 12, 1866. -' MUSGR0VE & BHAFER, - Wholesale Dealers in FLOUR & FEED, Manfaotnrert of CANDIES, BREAD, CAKES, &c, Three Doors East of P. A E. R. R. Depot, Front St., NORTHUMBERLAND, PENN'A. The Baiter Wagon will run daily to Eunbury and Selins'Urove, to serve customers. Orders solicited. Northumberland, Nov. 17, !t66. ly FANCY DRY GOODS STOKE MISS KATE BLACK, Market street, four doors west ofWm. II . Miller's Boot and Shoe store, SUNBURY, Pa. T ESPECTFULLY informs her friends in Sunbury Xv end Ticinity, mat tne not just opened ner WINTER GOODS. oi Notions and Fancy Dry Uoods, Her stock consits of All-Wool Delaines, Bmbroide. riot, Lace Collars, Bleached and unbleached Muslins, Hbeetings, Drillings, Uaribaldt Muslins, uira-tye Linens, Alapaoas, ropttns, irape ana taoe v ens. Ladies' Winter HATS, Ladies' Woolen Caps, Break. fast iShawls, Sontags. Children's Woolen Circulars, Children'! Woolen Skirts. Mtne. Dcmorest't Hair Curlori, Hair Coils and Curls. Gloves. Blockings. Collars, Corset, Ao. Dents' Collars, Neckties, halfHoto, Handker chiefs and Suspenders. Bradley's new Patent Duplex Elliptic (or double Dpring DAiniaj HOPKINS Elliptic Skirts. Porfumery, Toilet Soaps, Hair Brushes, Combs, loys, ana a general Turieiyui nviww KATE BLACK. Sunbury, Nov. 24, I860. TCE CRKAM FREEZERS and Haley's Patent 1 Clothe i ringers, for sale by B. ZETELMOYER Sunbury, July T, 1866. A SEW AHUIVAL OF FALL & WINTER GOODS, AT THE STORE OF J H ENGEL, Market Street, SUNBURY, PA. JUST received from New York and Philadelphia, a large lot of FALL AND WINTER UOODS, wnicn be win tun at small pronts, tor casn or coun trv nroduce. Hit line of Goods for Gentlemen's and Boys' wear is good fine lilac and lilue trencn liutn, cine Beaver Cloths lor Overcoats, the very best of Block and Fancy Cassimeres, Good Satinett and Kentucky Jean, all at low prices. Hit lino of Ladies' and Misses' Dress Goods can't be beat in this little borough. HUNT OF II L A C U SILK Plain and Figured Silk and Wool Poplin, all-wool Poplin, Plain and Fancy French Merino, from one dollar per vard upwards, of all bhadet and Colors, all-wool Plaids, Alpaca, all colors, Plain and Fancy Mohair Lustres, all-wool Delaines, Fancy and f igured Engllsb Merinos, very nanusouie, uciainet Calicoes and Muslim, all prices. Ladies' Cloth for Drosses, Ladies' Cloth for Sacks Sacking Flaunol, all shades, Ladies' Shawls, plain and tancy. BEST WOOL BLANKETS, White Marseilles Quilts, Bed fpreads, Balmoral Skirts. Yankee Notions In Great Variety Hosiery, of alt description, Gloves, fur Ladies and uente. Dress trimmings, fancy Heltons, Ao., Ladies French Corsets, Ladies' Hoop Skirts, Gents' Miirts and Drawers, Ladies' Vests and Drawers, Ladies Misses' and Children's Fancy Hoods, Wool Scarfs Ladies' Faucy Scarfs, and a variety of other goods CARPETS, Wove Floor Cloths, Stair Carpets Floor Oil Cloths, all widths, Carriage Oil Cloth, Tablo Oil Cloth Widuw Shades, Plain Green and Brown OU Cloth and fixtures for Windows. aROCEBIE S, Sugar, Coffee, Molasses, Rice, Crackers, Spicet, Salt ibd, ineese, so. Queensware, Glassware, splendid Setts of Tea ware, at low prices. BOOTS tt SHOES IN QBEAT VARIETY Uatt and Cape, Oil, Paint, Glass, Putty, School Bookt, Paper, Slates, Ac. HARD WARE. Shovels, Forks, Nails, Locks, Hinges and Sorewt A Large assortment of WALL PAPER and Bor der, at all prtcea. All persons desiring to get good goods will please give mm a can. J. II. ENGEL. Banbury, October 20, 1666. Lackawanna fc IIIooiubui'e Hall roud. OX and after Jan. 1st, 1867, Passenger Trains win run as ioiiowi : SOUTHWARD. A. M. A. M. P.M. 7.10 8.20 P. M. 4.40 6 00 8 17 8.50 10 15 5 20 6.00 . 6.35 Leave Scranton, 5.60 10 00 " Kingston, 6.55 11.20 11 Rupert, 9 20 " Danville, 8 64 Arr. North 'd., 10 35 NUKTliWAKD. Leave North 'd., 7.00 " Danville, 7.40 Rupert, 8.15 A.M. ' Kingston. 10 50 8 30 P. M. 250 9.05 Arr. at Scranton, 12.00 o5 4 00 10.15 Trains leaving Kingston at 8.30 A. M. for Scran ton.oonneol with Train arriving at Net," York at 5.20 fawengers taking train boutn troin cortnton at 0 60 A.M. via Northumberland, reach llarruburg li w r. m., naiuruore s.ou r. a., nasnington 1U. 00 P. M. via Rupert reach Philadelphia at 7.00 p. m u. A. up't Kingston, Jan. 19, 1887. NEW MUSIC STORE. Call at onr New Mutio Store in EIiIN'8 GROVE, buy one of Haimbs Brother's New Piano Fortes. and Scale Every Instrument is Warranted for fire years. We alto keep constantly on hand a good stock of tha celebrated PKLOUBET'S MELODEONS, CAB1. NET and CllUUCii OHtlAKd. and ehaileoga others w ui, vuwper uian we are tailing. We alto keen all kinds of Musical Merchandise ana receive ail tne latest mutio at toon at published A liberal ditoount to teachers of Schools and Bern! naries tjTBeoond hand InstrnmanU taken In ezchance for uew ones. Pianos correctly turned sad repaired. Send for vueuiar. EALKM A BROTHER. Sellnigrove, Snyder eo., Pa., July 28, 1866 ly MAHTU maker. " Mrs. A. TWEED. Market street, I doors Zest of Iks New Bank Build : ing, SUNBURY, PA. ; RE8PECTFULLY infortas kt friends and the publio that she hat again opened a shop, ia Market street, Sunbury, where she is prepared te 1 ' " - r'""") aiuwra umw siyie, i.aaiea- vioaas, tt. Alto UenUemen ' shiils uraers respecuuuy souoiled. Sunbury, Jan. 19, 1867. ly ' " " ' FINE Myrtle foaitvua , at tbe Ptoey Stesre ef ANNA PAINTER BREAD & FANCY CAKES: , 3D-A.-Vir PBYr , Two doers west of the Pott Offloe, 8UNBURY, Pa. T) ESPBCTFULLY informs tka eitlsens of Sun J.V bury and yioinity. that be will bake to order silklndtef Ci.kotjfbr nalfn, lartli Ac. J Families are supplied with FRESU BREAD, Twist Rolls, Rusks, Tea Buns, As., and alto kept on hand manafastured out of tha best materials. . . All orders will meet with prompt attention. Having had larce experience I hope to give general satisfaction to all who may favor me with tnalr patronage. , 1AVID IfR. Buntmry, Deo. , ISOBj m. c. uiiARiiAnm lonfectionery, Toy and FRUIT STORE Market Street, (KiiBbury, Pa. CONFECTIONERY OF AIL KINDS, TOYS OF EVERY DESCRIPTION FRUIT, &c, &c, "CONSTANTLY on hand and for sale at the above V J establishment atwnolesale and retail, at reasen able prices. He it manufacturing all kinds of Confeellonarles to Keep np a lull assortment wnicn are sola at low rates. Tobacco, Beears, Stationery, Nuts of all kinds, and a variety of other a:tiolos, all of whioh are offered wnolesale and retail. LtrRemeniber the name and plaoe.r1 M. C. OEARI1ART. Market street, 3 doors west ef. X. Bright A Bon's tore. Sunbury, Sept. 19. 1863. tf THE VERY LATEST ARRIVAL I! Fall and Winter Goods! JOSEPH EYSTEK, (Succetscuwr to John Bowen.) Corner of Market and Fawn Street, SUNBURY, PENN'A. Invites the publio to call and examine his elegant aattoruncatui WINTER GOODS, which he will tell at greatly reduoed oricea. Ilia stock oonsistt in part of CASSIMEEES CLOTHS, 8cC , Bilks, Delaines. Lawn?, Ginghams, Cnlicoes, Muslins, tjuvuiiiig, iiuriiib, .cans, nuu s mil Mwr.luniOI l'l...!.' TUI.i I i r.. it . . . e Cotton end Woolen goods generally. Hosiorv, Gloves, Uoop Skirts. Also Handkerchiefs. Brushes, Combs. Ilatx and Cnpn, Ilootn and fSlioes Hit assortment of goods will not, lie it are sure fail to please the fancy and suit the wants of any da sirous oi purcnnsing. juis stocK oi HARDWARE AND QUEENSWARE, and Groceries ia large in quantity and choice in quality, comprising generally everything needed in tbe household either for use or ornament. Ho is always ready and glad to see his friends ana tASet pleasure in snowing tnem nit gooas even though no tales are made. He only asks a call, and is sure that the stock will compare favorably in price ana quality wit a tne encapest. Sunbury, Nov. 3, 166 TO "WIST LOTS IN tho Borough of Sunbury, desirably situated, in high and central locations, I'OK SALE, on tuch easy terms as wilt enable persons, with limited amount of available money, to purchase noines. rersont navtng Mineral or Timber Ijintls, Farms, Dwellings, or other Real Estate, for sale or lease, as well as tnose desiring to purchase or rent, aro invited to consult the subscriber. His oonnee. tion with reliable firms in New York, Philadelphia, ana eisewnere, anora unusui aavaotagei. tonveyanoing correctly ana neatly executed. JNO. KAY CLEMENT, Attorney at Law, Third door west of Smith A Gcnther's Store Store Sunbury, Pa. Sunbury, Dec. 15, 1886. tf. I F you rant good Tin-Wore, go to SMITH I PENT dER'S New Shop. drS. AFFLICTED ! SUFFER NO MORE! When by the use of DR. JOIN VII, I.E'3 EL1X1K vou can ue eureu permanently, aHU at a inning cost. Tlie astonishing success which lius attemled this invalu able medielue for Physical and Nervoue Weukness, Gene ral ueuillty unu rroatratlou. lias ol Muscular J-.neifry, ininoteucy, or any ol lliecuiifceuneiKea or yHillitul uiOia- creiion, reuileit it the luott valuulur prejuiratioii ever ilia covered It will remove all nervous affections, depression, excite- mem, uieapeciiy to stuuy or Dusltiess, kisa or ineiuory eiMifusiott, thouitlits of aelf-deBtrucli.,ii. fears of intHintv tic. It will restore tbe appetite, renew tbe health of lh--ie wno oave destroyed it oy aensuai excess nr evil practices, Youna Men, be huinhuxsed mi more by 'Quack Doc- toit" and ignorant practitioners, but send without delay1 lor tne r.uxir, ana ue at once resioreu to liealtli and happi- ncaa. a i-eriecK .ure ia ui'aniniecu 111 every IntUtlice. I'nee, 81, or (our h. .tiles to one address, S3. One bottle is sufficient to effect a cure in all ordinary ALSO. DR. JOINVILLK'S SPECIFIC PIMA for tne speedy and peimaneiitcure nf uouoirhea, tileet, Ure thral Discharges. Uravel, Stricture, and all affections of the Kidneys and Bladder. Curea effected in from una to five (Uya They are prepared from vegetable extracta that are harmlesa on the a stein, and never nauseate thestoin ach or impregnate the breath. No rhange ofdiet ia neces sary hile using them, nor doea their action in any manner r,c win, uuvntea. pur.uua. r rice, al per IKtx. Elthel of the above mentioned articles will be aent tn any addreaa. closely scaled, and postpaid, by mail or ex preaa, on receipt of price. Address alloidera to liEKUKK, rHIJTTts .V Co., Chemiatl. No. SS4 River (Street, Troy, N. Y. February IS, 1887. ly .STKOLOGT. THE WORLD ASTONISHED AT THE WOXDEIIFCL BEVELATIONS MADE BY THE GREAT ASTROLOGIST, .tluduine II. A. PCIIK1UO. She reveals secrets no mortal ever knaw. Bha mumm to happiness those who. from doleful events, enuiuiuiha crosses in love, l, of relations and fnrnds. loss of mouev. Ac , have become despondent, bhe brings tiether tbe long seiairated. gives information corcerning absent friend. i i-.,.i.,,ouHtiKi oran Hen property, tells you thebusi nets you are best qualified to pursue and in what you wilt be moat aucceasful. causes aneadv mamav,. a,ui iiia .,.. the very day you will marry, gives you tbe .aune, likrueaa aiHlchaiactenstiea of the per ton. elite reads vour verv thoughts, and by her almoat auperjialural powera unveils the dark .iiu hidden myMeiie. of the future. From the start weae. in the firmament the malefic stars that over. come or predominate in tha eoiifiuuiatio,, from aspects and poaitious nf the planets and the fixed Mart in the heavens at the time of luth, the deduces the future destiny of man. Fail not ui consult the greatest Astrolo gist oil earth. It costs you but a trifle, end you may never again have ao favorable an opportunity. Consultation fee, with likeness and all deaiied information, St Parlies living at a distance can consult the Madame by mail with equaUafety and satisfaction to themselves, as if in person. A fall and eaplirit chart, written out, with all inquiries answered and likeaeat encloaed, sent by mail on receipt of price above mentioned. The strictest aecieay will be maintained, and all correspondence returned or dettroved. Ke-.reiioes of the highest order furnished thoaa desiring them. Write plainly the day of the month and yeai iu which you were bom, enduing a small lock of hair. Addreaa, Madams H. A. PRURIGO. P. O. DuAw.a tm Burr alo, N. Y. February 16, 1 607 I y ' CRISPER COIYEA. Oh ! she wtt beautiful and fair, With starry eyes, and radiant hair ' Wb.we cutting tendrils soft, entwined, ' Eucbaiiied the very heart and mmd. ' CBI8PEH COMA, For Curling the Hair of either Sex into Wavy ana Glossy Ringlets or Heavy Massive Curls. By using this article latdiee and Gwitlemea aaa beeatify themselves a thousand fukl. It at th. uuly ailiele m the world that willeuil airtight hair, end at lh. same time give it a beautiful, gluaay appeal and. Th. Coiua uot only curls tha hair, but invigorates beauufies and cleanaea it ; i. highly and delightfully perfumed, and it the moat e xnplcte article of the kind ever offered to the Ameri can poUie. Tka Crisper Coma wiH be Mil to any addiaat, scaled and poMpaid for $1. Addrw. all orders to W. I,. CLARK A CO , Chemists. No. I Watt Fayette aWt, Siaacuaa, N.Y. F.b. IS, 1B67. ly BEAUTY1 AUBURN, GOLDEN, FLAXEN BILK EN CURLS PRODUCED by th. aae of Prof. DEBREUX' FR1 SKH LE CHBVKUX. One eppliealwa warranwd to cert the sanel auaight and at.ueorn kail at eittar sea into wavy ling leu, or heavy wire eaisi. Hat baii used by the faahionabUuj ul" Pane and Loodon, wub Ike taoat (raufymc reaulta. Doae e injury to ike hair. Price by saail, aaalctlaiui post-paid, SI. Descriptive l'ireulais mailed free. Addita. BEKGER, 6HTrns A CO., Che mist., No. SBS River St., Troy, N. Y-, Bo I. AgauU for Ike Uiilled Stales. rebreary IS, 167. ly ! BREAKFAST SHAWLS, tor tale at the Faaey Store ef ANNA PAINTER. To procure a family group Photograph, go to BYERLY'S Room laSlupMa't Buildipgap stairs N E Wj'G R0 C E R Y bive opda ?nBb"' "f talnU'' y NEW OliOCEIlir. Tuodoori teett of J. B. EngU'i Btori, fsj " ' 1 ' Marlei Smtare. ' ' where they are prepared to furnish every variety ef gToeeriee, and will keep constantly on hand ths choioeet varieties ef - t . FLOUR & FEED, Fish. Coffee, Teas, Sugar, Molastes, Cheese, 8Ji Bplcet of all disoription, Soaps of every varietv Hams. Shoulders, Baoon, BnUer, and Eggs Alaa Dried fruit, of all kinds, Caned Peaches and Ton," toes,, ketchup, Pepper Sauce, Raisins, Lemons, Ao., of beetquality, and in fact every style pm" v kpt i" W,U tUKl"a Orocory: Also - um oi eountry produce taken in exchange. The patronage of the public is re tpectfully solicited. - GEOROB E. BEARD A CO Snnbnry, Nov. 11, lBfl. STORE. W. A. BENNET. HAVING recently porchssed the Drug Store formerly oonduoted bv R. A Fisher I hn. leave to inform the eltliens of Sunbury and vi cinity, that I have entirely replenished my stock, of "wCJ" Ann t 37ANCY ARTICLES ! suoh as Combt, Brashes, Pocket-Bookt, Soaps, Per fumety, Hair-Oil, Knives, Soitson, Coal-Oil Lampt, Tobacoo and Cigars, Paint, Oilfs, Cilno, Glauct. Putir. Tariiitilietj, Patent KledlcIneM, Ac. All my Tinctures. Syruos. Ointments. Cimi other preparations ate manufactured by myself, and uuui ui uoti uiaveriui x can procure in Alarket. Having had quite a number ef years' experience in the Drug and Preeriiition Satinets, both in Philadelphia and the eountry, Bnd also h advantage of the College of Pharmacy, I feel com- .. . . ... nAunnMurT . . .......... . ,etaui. w wjiruuau ALiLi l"BKSUilll'TI03 that the Physicians and publio may favor me with. All my preparations as I have above asserted, are ' made from the best material, and npon honor I assert, they are of officinal strength. For medicinal purposes, I keep on band the very best WINES, BRANDIES AND LIQUORS, that I can procure. Bofore purchasing elsewhere, call and convince your own mind. t W. A. BENNETT. Sunbury, Nov 18,1865. NEW LiaiORfOKET WM. HOOVEB ICallroad Street, above Market, KEAR TBI CENTRAL HOTEL, SUNBURY, PA. RESPECTFULLY Invites his friends and the publio generally, to call and examine his large assortments of liq J before purchasing elsewhere. Hi Block ton Uts of Ilrnndiea, Wliitikey, Holland tain, Vrii . koe Itiiin, lotionenltelu nnd Ilourlson of the best! iinll t y. Ineis, tJIder, Vine gar, Ac, Ac. Farmers, Hotel Keepers, and others are invited to call, as hit stock it genuine, and will render gtnoral satisfaction. Sunbury, February S, 1864. RESTAURANT & BOARDING HOUSE. CIIAS. ITZEL, Proprietor. In Cake's Addititnto SUXBL'RY, near the Penn'a. Baiiroad Company's Shops. LAQER BEER, Porter and Ale of the very best brands, excellent German Wines, Schweiticr Cheese, Tripe, Ae., always on hand. PERMANENT AND TRANSIENT BOARDERS, kept who will find ample accommodations. Go 'J cooks and waiters, boarders con enjoy the quiet com forts of home with fare equal to the best hotels. Sunbury, May 26. 1866. "SWOUKY FOUNDRY i:0. ROIIK1IA111 A XO, ARE now carrying on business at this old estab lishment with renewed vigor. Curlings of every description, promptly furnished to order. The Stoves manufactured at this Foundry have acquired tbe highest reputation. funicular attention paid to MILL CASTINGS Farmers should not forget that the I'LOWj made at the Sunbury Foundry Tiave never been equalled. Agricultural implements repaired at short notice. Small castings, including Cooking utensils, of tho most improved and most useful patterns. Tbe business will be conducted on an enlarged cale. Old customers will be accommodated xt usual, and new ones are respectfully solicited. Sunbury, May 12, 1606 i lA1t KXPItKNN COMIAvT REDUCTION OF RATES OX PRODUCE, 0Y3 TERS, AC. mil E rates OB Fresh Fish. Ovstersin the Shell, and X Truok of all kinds, to placet in this Division, where the rate is 7ioontt per 100 lbs or over, bus been reduced 25 oentt per 100 lbs. At plnccs where the rate is between 50 and 75 oentt per 100 lbs, the rate will be 60 eents per 1th) lbs. Barrels of truck weighing less IkaB 100 lbs will he oharged at 100 lbs in weight. Fresh Fish will reqnire to bo packed in tight bar rels or boxes. Prompt attention to the collection of Bills, Drafts, Ao. N. FERREE LIQHTXER, Agent. Sunbury, Jane 16, 1866. J ILEN JARGD'I) "t,'Kmall de Iarl," THE NEW BEAUTIFIER OF THE SKIN. TESTIMONIALS FROM CELEBRATED LADIF-. This teoretof beautifying the skin being known only to Messrs. Jared A Rene, tbey honorably state that it differs from all other preparations. It gives to the most harsh and freckled skin both the texture and color of polished ivory, removing all ducolora. tions, whether appearing as fteckles, tan. tnorphew, moth or hlackworu specks, and is especially suc cessful in smoothing out the marks left by the small, pox. The agents of "L'EMAIL de PARIS" most conS dently submit to the publio the eoxecat endorse ments of such distinguished ladies as Signora RISTORI, M'ddleFELICITA VESTVALIA, . Mist MAUUIE MITCHELL, Mrs. D. P. BOWERS, LUCILLE WESTERN. Madame POM SI, Mis. EMMA WALLER, LUCY RUSnTON, NOEM1E Da MARGUERITTES, Miss A. PERRY, and many others whose high standing in tho profes sion gives tbe stamp of trutbfuluett to their wtelli gent and genuine approval. Tbe beautiful Luotlle Western says : "I find that the '-Email" produoea all tbe brillian cy of rouge and lily-white, with the great and pecu liar advantage of total harmlessness. It really adds to the aoflnoes and beauty ol tbe skin." The magnificent Vettvalia says : ' I have fullered to much from the variout whits lotions, Ao., which my theatrical profession obliges me to ate, that I consider it a perfect benefaction to find a preparation which gives the ncoeesary white ness to tbe skin, aud leaves tbe tkin oool and smooth.' Mist Maggie Mitchell lays : "I have tried tbe tkin beautifier, "L'Email de Paxil," and found that it instantly imparts a natural bloom and freshness to the complexion." "Jared'i Email de Paris" is used as a delicate beautifier of the tkin for Theatre, Saloon or Btll Room, by the most refined and scrupulous ladies, firoducing all the beautifying eflcotsof rouireand ily-white, without their vulgar glare or injury to the skin. Sold bv all flrst-elaat Druggists, Perfumers and Ladies' Hair Drawers. L. Itabeau, 822 Broadway r Demaa Barnes A Co. and F. C. Wells A Co., New York ; and Eugene Jouin, 111 South Tenth street, and Johnson, Hullo way A Vowden, Philadelphia, Agenti. JAKED A RENE, Oeneral Agents and Importer!, New York. Jan. 2, IboT m CHA.1UE OF WEl'Ol . rilHX undersigned retpeotfully informs his friends X and the publio that be hat changed his place ol loading Freight in Philadelphia from Freed, Ward A Freed, Mo. till Market Street, to Jk.m D- AOHESON Coaamitsioa Merchant, dealer in Flour, Grain, Seeds 11S Market St., Philadelphia, where all freight will be loaded on oars of the un dereignetl, for Dauphin, Sunbury, Uhaasokln, and al Intervening point.. AU freight will be carried as low as on any ethe line. Orders to earry freight retpeotfully tolioited which will reoeive prompt attention. J B WEI5ER Sunbury, Ja. 13, Ibis. 3a.