Sunbury American. (Sunbury, Pa.) 1848-1879, April 06, 1867, Image 3

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    NyLsF,' tSiallahari, ',
8ATURDAT, APRIL 0, 1807.
'.r A REQUEST? TO 8tTB80aiDJCB8.
Babeorlber to the Annie ax are particularly re
o.oted; noi totulowtsnitrtedebtednens to Overran
no year, i All sabecriptlonl $hould b paid to ad
(anoei bat under no oorurlderatlon tlionld lb year
paa around with tb nbtertptlon onpeld. A ttrtct
attention to thi Will tar ai an lmmeo inoul of
trouble and a vary heavy Iota.
Hocal affairs.
tS Tna nazt boat thing to building new boon
U tba remodeling aad beautifying of old building.
We learn tbat a great deal of tba nark will ba dona
in tbli plaoa tbli toatoa. . .
Or Ltrrma or School Hotiiai. Tba two new
tohool house, to be built in Ihtl plaoa thil rammer,
were allotted on Saturday last to Mawra. Root and
Fahncatook, for tba tun of $1,110 each, the; being
the lowest bidden. . '
f GSTOnocaaT Waqor. We observe tbat Meaan.
Mureh 4 Brown, grocers of thl plaoa, bare proonred
handsome Wagon to deliver goods at the roeldeuoee
of their oaitomere, Th wagon la got np with teste,
and will be a great oonTeotenee to purchasers.
4 ISTTna Coal Tbaoe The amount of coal
hipped from the Shaoiokin region, front January
let, 1867, to March 22d, wai 78,261 tone, a dec reuse
of 7,608 tone, aa compared with the same time laat
iy IlARnwAitn, Cutlery, Ac Messrs. Conley
A Co., MarVet street, have lately received a large
supply of goods, embracing the very beat qualities
of foreign and American hardware and eutlery. This
Srm are now able to offer to mechanics, farmers,
builders, and buyers generally, a better stock than
I'm ever been offered in our market.
t3T Tb Mammoth Btom. Prlllng Son, of
the Wnmmotli Store, baring reeeired their Spring
good, are now offering an elegant assortment, which
publio should tike advantage of In purchasing
immediately, aa their goods are going off like "hot
cuke " They are determined to sell at tba lowest
prices, and defy competition. '
OPtobb roa Sale We call attention to the
advertisement of Metsrt.C. II. nnd C. D Hammer,
who offer the extensive stock nnd good will of their
etore, looated at Fulton Station, four miles fromSha
mokin, on the Shamokio branch of; the N. 0. R. R..
for sale. It is the only establishment of the kind in
the, and will be desirable Investment for any
who wish to engage in the mercantile business.
OSiiNBiTitv Clahical IJUTiturs.-The first
quarter of the Si mmer scasion of this Institution of
learning will open on Monday, 22dintt., under tbe
direction of Mr. S.i. Miller, Principal. The Insti-
tute affords an excellent opportunity for acquiring a
thorough classical education, and should be oncou.
raged by the friends of education in this place and
vicinity. Soo advertisement in another column.
f3" New Estabuhmkt. Mr. J. W. Stevenson
has fitted up a storeroom, one door east of Friling A
Son's store, Market street, In a handsome manner,
and has just openod a Ine stock of watches, clocks,
jewelry, silverware, Ac , which be invites the public
m can ana er amine. Mr. Stevenson la a practical I
warcnrualtcr, and will give special attention to tbe
repairing of watches, clocks, A. Bis advertisement
will appear in our next issue. Oive him a call.
dtyiwronrANTToRrxATivM and Fnixxna or
Air.C'EARr.D SoLmcna. We are Informed by our
ftiond. I,, n. Ease, E-q., that persons who have re
covered the bodies of our heroee who died or were
killed while In service, during the Into rebellion,
from any of the Southern Slate, ara entitled to re.
Imbursement for the expense incurred in the reino-
(payment of these claims, and those entitled totbem
m no won to call on him.
t rwm 0 i
IjT Otn BoRoron. We learn that tbe bill divi. J
Jling the bnrongh into two wards, ha passed the t
Semite. As it has now passed both branches of the
Legislature, it will, of oourse, become a law. We
were in error last week in stating that the two wards
would be designated as North and 8outb wards. It
hould have been East and Wnt the Northern Cen.
tral and I'hila. A Erie roads, in Third street, being
he dividing line. Our oititen can congratulate
themselves on having effected a division of the mu.
nicipal limits of tho borough, which will certainly
bo advantageous to the place.
CosrERrscE. The second meeting of the Unita
rian nnd other christian churches of tbe Middle and
Southern Slates, will be held with the Church in
Northumberland, April 10th and 1 1th.
The Iter. Dr. Fume, of Philadelphia, will preach
!!,., .opening rermon on the evening of April lOiht
ommenoing at 71 o'elnck.
Interesting services will be held on the lltb of
April, throughout the day.
The public aro invited to attend. . .
Fmt.eirn Israel, Secretary.
lioisa An x n Our friend. N. F. Lightner,
the enterprising bookseller. and stationer, in Plea
t'.nts' building, Market street, has been engeged du
ring the past week In ornamenting the front of his
vtoreroom by putting in handsome bulk windows and
making other improvement Inside, which add
greatly to the opptaranoe of the establishment.
Ferree is accommodating, industrious and enterpri
sing, and well merits the large share of patronage
which be is rocciving from the publio.
CP'The Brakcb KtimoAo at Lxwisauao.
Tbe Lew if burg Chronicle, speaking of the branch
road to connect tbe Philadelphia & Erie road with
'.hat place, says tbe engineer have about finished
'ha survey for tbo branob railroad. It is to connect
itb tbe main track several hundred yards above tbe
lepot, ran through Mr. Nesbll'l farm, and strike tbe
vest bank of the river at or near tbe foot of tit. Mary 'a
treet. Tho prospect for its construction at an early
lay ajipeara. very good. ' 1
ty OrrtcEka' Fans. In the 'Legislature, tbo
till to am er tain and regulate the fee to be received
rr the several offioert of thi Commonwealth wa
aken up and pawed, after three boun' considers
ion. The hill increase tho fee of tbe following
nicer about twenty per cent, via : Sheriffs, Pro
bonotarie of tbe Court of Common Plea, Clerk
f the Court of Quarter Section, Clerk of tbo
yer and Terminer, Clerk of the Orphans' Court,
kttornrys-at-law, Aldermen aud Jnttice of tbo
Vace, except in Philadelphia. . The increase in tea
f the Register and Record eri is large.
jylcE. Munrs. ILusthA Brown, of thi place,
re preparing to commence tbo delivery of Ice to
erwns who may desire a regular eupply during the
taton. Tbey bavo laid in a large auppVy of exool
mt ice, from which they will rv tbeir easterners
very morning, at the following rate : ' .
8 pounds per day 80 cents per week, t
J2 ' 80 "
A ' " 1 "0 ' "
fl " 110 '
40 to 100 tut. " 74 cent per 100 lb.
Persons wishing to be tcrved with lo tbo ontulng
aton should leave order at their tor for thai
jrpose. ; ' !
fja- Tub Ixcoua Tax. Ily tbo now low tba as
ssmeut of thi tax will be ms4e this month instead
M.v. and a return must b aeodo before tbo Mth
at. It will b .understood tbat tbo ,Triaclpal
.angea in the law respecting the inoom tax ara
use Increasing the exemption from V tol,0o0,
d the repeal of the tax of 10 pereeut. on soja.
Ji.ooil, to tbat the law now impose a uniform
tef J percent, on income in cxcean of, f J300.
ot sale o real estate purchased since V
' "I . JMi.i, ai made taxable as income
ftoavauMakitiAM Iraai.Th town Hall aad
Arsenal are te be rnteved IbU Spring." Tbli will
muoh tm prove tba appeerano of our common, and
we think tba el titans In general, and perUodlarlyth
realdenU npon ft borders, eannot bat be pleased at
this action of tba torn aataoritiea. , , . t
It Is also la contemplation to 01001 paeloul
school building fot the aoeommodatien of the boroagh
sohools, and efforta are being made to obtain a suite,
bla lot for this pvpot.
A reward of twenty dollars it offered for the
conviction of any cmoke-house or ben-roost robber,
or "olothaVline" thief.
So great la tba demand for tenements here tbat
aome famiUea have been compelled to novo out of
town. ' One toaa, obliged on the first of April to
leavo the dwelling bo had occupied,- baa moved
Into One of tba public school bootee for a temporary
residence.' We learn, also, of others whom this
soarolty ooan pels to occupy houses only partially fin
iehed. Tba prospeot are good for a busy season
tSlloviNa Cat. On Monday lastour streets
were thronged from early morning until a lata hour
with largo and small wagons, carta, aad all other
kinda of vehicle that could bo used In conveying
household goods from one point to another About
one-third of our population seemed lo be moving, and
there waa a bustle and confusion throughout the
town, Many families moved Into better houses than
tbey bad ocoupled, and others got, into worse onee.
Others (and this season there are not a few) for tbe
first time moved Into dwellings tbat tbey can cal'
their own. Moving day h never welcomed by tboec
who are compelled to "Hit," and bappy are they
who escape the trouble and vexation Ineidcut to a
change of residence. '
IjgT Flow 1 a Oardiki. Parties who intend ma
king flower beds, or garden, will find it a great ad
vantage to spade their grounds deeply at this time,
and spade and mellow them again when the time
cornea to plant seed or put out shrubbery and flow
era. In putting out rose-bushes, procure fine, rich
chip manure, or procure rich earth from the forest,
to put In tbe oavitiea wbero ynu propose to plaoe
them. Bee thut there is plenty of room to spread out
all tho roota and fibres, eo thut they will grow read
ily aud vigorously.
Fur the Suubury American.
Tba Oolden Wedding at Northumberland.
It rurely falls to the lot of a community to small
aa that of Northumberland to have oelebratcd among
them what is termed a golden wedding ; tbat is,
the fiftieth anniversary of tbe marriaga-dey of any
couple. It was our happiness to witness aud enjoy
such a aocne on tbe evening of the 20th of March
Inst, in this place.
Oufhe 20th of March, 1817, Mr. William Forsyth
and Miss Elizabeth Gasklns were united in marriage,
nnd consequently. March 20, 1887, was tba fiftieth
nniversury of their union.
At their residence, on that evening, we found' a
large nnd respectable assemblage, composed of their
children, grandchildren, relatives and friends, who
bad mot fur the purpose of congratulating the bappy
couple on tbeir prolonged union, the uniform health
and many domesiic comfort! they bad enjoyed du
ring their fifty years ol married life, and their good
health and future prospect on that happy oociuiuu.
About t o'clock in Iho evening the whole company
proceeded to one of the parlors w here Mr. nnd Mrs.
Korxylh were seated, and surrounded immediately
by their children and grandchildren ; the relatives
aud friends seouring pluoos wherever they best could.
Alter a moment's pane Mr. Martyn J. I). Withiug
ton, the husband ot the eldest daughter, rose, and
nddrewed them in a speech which had the rare merit
of being at ouce abort, pathetio and pointed, lie
sjKike ot the affectionate respect which their chil
dren and grandchildren, as also their relativea and
friends, bad ever entertained tor them, and expressed
1 the heartfelt desire end prayer that their lives wight
. yet t spared to see many mora nappy unya m mo
J boauio of their family, and. when their journey was
over Hint they might be permitted to walk together
J In the better land, along the thiwcry hunks of the
I silvery river thut flows (row the throne of tbe
'Ihni to the UUe whereon were placed
tbe beautiful gifiaol silver and gold, tbe tributes of
atteetiunate reapeet, furuifhed by the children and
friend, he presented them in detail, mentioning the
name of tho parties who had furnished each partic
ular gift.
lliw gifts, presented by the friends, would take
ti auaee lo inentlou in Jet ml ; om we can
the grnbdchildmi. on ouo
er lea-r-ctt. presented by
Kr.'ibucuiluieii, on ouc article 01 iviucu were in
soribnl tbeite words :
"Presented to our Grand parents.
'On the Fif.ieth Anniversary of ibeir Welding, '
'.Mareb 20. Ilitt7."
After Mr. Witbingtun bad finished the presenta
tion of the gifts, Mr. William T. Foityth returnod
thanks in (he name of his parents. In the donors aud
friends present, fur their gifts and congratulations.
As he oonoluded, the Kev. James Dickson ad
dressed tbe aged couple, stating thai tt.e congratu
lations ol those present were not the only ;ood lilies
expressed on that happy occasion ; that letters bad
been received from f.,r and near, frou'. friends wbo
could not poMiibly be present at tbe celebration.
Four or fit c of these letters l:e proceeded to read,
all of which were full of expressions nt estoein and
the mom oordial wielies for their comfort and happi
ness. Of these letters, one deserves our special no
ticewritten by ltev. Isaac Corneliwn, of Mo'omo
ra. Illinois, the husband of their third daughter. We
never before read a letter written on a similar occa
sion. But we could not bare supposed that our
heart could have beau stirred to its luwfut depths aa
it was, when w Hist read that lelti r. It was lull of
earnest attention, of high rrgard and esteem, ot
dwep-loncd piety, ot the must cordial wihe and
prayers for the present and future welfare of their
beloved parents : crouched nlso in language so beau
litul. so appropriate, so tender.
After the reading of the letters from absent friends,
Mr. Dioksun eonoluded with a short prayer, in which
thanksgiving was returned to Hod fur hit protection
uvcrtbeni for to many year, and the petition wai
ottered that goodness and mercy might follow ihcm
all the days of their life.
Jutt a tbe ceremony waa concluded within, the
Northumberland Band struck up and played several
appropriate airs. Then followed tbe collation, which
waa generously and magnificently got up. Such a
table we have seldom seen equalled, certainly never
Tbe w hole evening was spent by young and old in
tbe most agreeable manner, vocal niuiiu adding to
the variety of tbe enjoyment, and each individual
soeming tu vie with the other in rendering the occa
sion a pleaaant and bappy one.
There were preeent upwards of eighty person, and
it is not a little remarkable that in this oomnanv
there were aeventccn pcraonj over seventy year of
Altogether It wa on of those ooouiona to which
tbe mind lovea to advert, and wa shall ever regard
it a one of tbe pleatanteat evenings we have ever
spent in ao large a company. LOMEU.
Editor' Table.
Taa Atlartic Mostblt. We have received the
April number of tbit tuperb American magatine.
The last number fully inaiuUin it reputation of
being on of tbe beet periodicals published in thi
country. The contents of tbe April number are:
Tbo liuardian Angel, part IV.; Tbe Restless, a
poem.; Pioneering ; Tbe United State Sanitary
Commitelun ; Tbe Haunted Window; Katharine
Morne, J?art V 1 ; Tiuuin't Soliloquy, a poem ; Con
siderations on University Relnria Tbo Clandian
Emissary t Travel in the United State, by Bayard
Taylor; Chester Harding a sketch of the artist's
career; A ramiluur r-pulle to a rriend, a poem ;
Adelaide Riatori.; A H inter Adventure on the Prai
rie ; Review and LiLarary Kotioea. Published by
Tick nor A Fields, Boston, Mae.
Tan Edixicro Review Tho" Januvy number
of tbit able British niagatino ha been re-published
by tbo "Leonard -flcoU Publishing Company, New
York. The content are: Foreign Policy of fiir
Joha Lawrence; Adam t'ergueon; Tbe Private Bo
tineseof Parliament'; Rawlinaon' Anoient Monar
chies: Modern Glaat Painting: Tenant Compensa
tion in Ireland; Early English Text; MoUprio
bbowert; foaiuon ana fraspeou or faruet.
' Deiouut' Vutautr Maoaiin 1 uniieraally
acknowledged tbo Model Parlor Magaiine of Ame-
rioa. Jt it devoted lootigioal ttoriea, poems, sketch'
ea, architecture and model eolUget. household mat
ters, gems of tbeugbt, personal and literary gossip,
(tnciuaing speeiai uewuiienia on uanions,! lusiruo
lion on health, guunatlle, euaealriaa exercite
music, araaueineBla, etc., all by tbo beat author,
and profusely and arliatically Ulualrated with aoally
engravings, 41U11 bisv,j awiui im rviiaoie paiuwaa.
euinroiaeriea, jeweirj, auis ouubmuii auuevaaion oti
artiMic novelUeo, wills other lawful aud entertaining
"Trr'l.- .inMD-t -,rn,l.l b-lf. ,
ladv uftuto oan a Surd to do without tbe model
montblv. Binirl eopiot, JO cent ; back numbers, as
specimen, 10 eenU ; ertber wailed free. Yearly,
a t. with a valuable nreniiuu ; tw copies, (3.50 ;
three oopiea, (7.50; five oopiea, f 12, and splendid
nremiuiu Ibrelub at 3 ooan, with tbe Aral prenti-
Airnito eaob ubaoribr. Addren, W. Jennings Do -
Barest. No. 473 Bcoodway, Nw Tork. ,
syesworcet 1 snonimv aa invii nm.iu.,
thiT, f4, wltb4b premiums for tacit
SJ ft j ,
V 'BTTHtrtlDRBl WftTimtll. , '.I 1
t3Js lPrlntlnrr.--neviOf received
largo supply f NKW JOB TIPK, of vorioai new
(tyloa, Poster, Handbills, Otrwolara, Qarda, Letter
Heads, Bill Beads, Labola, Ac, ooa bo printed rn
tho late tad boat Itylea, and oa abort notice
Orders by mall promptly attended to. '
i 4 i g i
Foa Raat. A POO IB eulteble (or a tbop o offloe.
near tba corner of Market, square aad Market street,
Bunbury, lately oooupled a a tobacoo atoro. Itoon
taitia shelving, ooaaterr Ao.( and -gill bo -ranted
cheap. Inquire at this offloe. w, t . .
SrnKir HMtra aald tbat a oortala person waa so
fond of oontradictlng that ho would throw np tho
window In tho middle of tbo nigbt and oontradlot
tho watchman who wa calling tbo hour. If that
fellow lived In Bunbury bo Would not oontradlot tho
assertion tbat John E. Bmlok, merohant tailor, on
Fourth street, has tbo largest sloek of spring goods,
for gentlemen' and boys' wear, over brought to thi
place. Persona in want of a cheap and good lult,
for spring or summer, should call on Satiok.
an i '
Poiritr AUD Fact. A poet, who bad just pur
chased a pair of boots, which suited him very much,
broke out In the following llnee : t . :
Should sorrow o'er thy brow ' - J
Its doleful shadows fling.
Tour boots and shoes at Tnaoher t buy,
You'll find tbem just tbe thing.
All who bava purchased their boot, shoe, gaiters,
Ac . of Harry Thacher, In Pleasant' building, two
doors east of Adams' Express Oflloe, Market street,
will endorse tbe poet' rhapsody.
Marmed or Biftota, the engaged'' 'or enga
ging, wbofare anxious to procure a faithful and elo
gant likeness, at the smallest outlay of money , would
do well to oall at Byerly's Photograph Gallery, in
Simpson' building, Market atreet. Hi pioture
aro pronounced by competent judges to be equal to
any produced by (be beat .operator in onr large
Lire I.iscraxce. lion. Wm. Barnes, Supt. of
the lusuranoe Department of tbo State of New York,
lays : "The foundations bar been laid broad and
deep lu this State for several of the best and safest
Life Inruranoe Cumpanlca in the world, and one
grand edifice the Mutual Lira has already be
come so solid and substantial a to attract general
admiration, both bere and la Europe." Vide Re
port of 1802, p. 34.
J acob SniFMAtr, Fin ami Lift Imuranrt Agent,
Sunbury, Pa.
W K talk of tpr tiding our time as if it were ao
much interest of a perpetual annuity ; but money
expended in the purchase of good clothing at the
Continental Clothing Bataor will be interest tared.
We advise everyone to go to the Continental and in
vest a small sum In one of the new, cheap and fash
ionable spring suit.
It is said that everything In nature has it equiv
alent ; but we know of nothing that I equal to wo
man's curioeity. If our readers are curiously In
clined, wo recommend them to drop into J. 0.
Beck's tailoring establishment, on Fourth ttrect,
and examine his stock of Cloth, Cansimeres, Ao.
For beauty and quality tbey cannot be excelled, to
any nothing of the extremely low prices. Beok has
just received a splendid assortment of goods, for
spring and summer, to which he calls the attention
of the public. Call and examine his stock.
A oenti.emas in Iowa adrertlsea for a wife "who
wears her own hair, her own teeth, her own cheeks,
ber own "buitum," and her own calve, without
bavingjwent and gone and paid for them." A sen
sible man, truly. If be resided in this part or the
oountry be would undoubtedly purohase'hi suit of
J. F. Schaeffer, merchant tailor, N. W. corner of
Market streets, (second ttory.) There I no decep
tion whatever in the suit made by Schaeffer. He
has just received hi stock of beautiful spring goods,
and everybody should call immediately and exam
ine them. .
Sumk young men who were traveling rinong li e
White Mountaint.Jlast aummur, slopped at a farm
bouse and called or .milk. After they had drank a
large quantity, the woman of the house brought them
a large bowlf j' , ,"vith the touching remark, "One
would think, ftentleuien. you . bad never been
weaned." Persons never become "weaned" of pa
troniiing Miller Excelsior Boot and Shoe Store,
Mnrket street, when tbey once purchase at that
plaoe. The reason is that ho sella a cheapor and
hotter article than anybody else in thi vicinity.
Eladkh' ErrnnsiAt. Lcrricators. It is uni
versally admitted that Blades' Lubricators aro the
most pleasant, effectual and convenient romedy be
fore the public, for Coughs, Colds, Hoarseness,
Croup, Catarrh. Asthma, and all other affection of
the Throat and Lungs. Rev. Dr. Lindsay, Presi
dent of Oenesce College. Lima, N. Y tays: "I
have tested Blade' Lubricators, and deem them
superior to any other medicine fur tho voice aud
throat I have ever tried."
y lo Claim Agents. Blenkt for the collec
tion of '-Claims of Private Soldiers and ron-Com-missioned
Officers," under the late Act of Congress,
equaliting bounties, have been printed and are now
for sale at the American office, We keep en hand
a full supply ol all kinds of military blanks, which
we tell very cheap. Tbey are copied from blanks
prepared in the Department at Washington, aud
oau be relied on fur correctness. Orders from a dis
ance will reoelve prompt attention.
On Tuesdav ivenine. April SI. bv
Rev. W. C
Cremcr, ti. W. Haopv, Esq., and Mias H. Lot'lRA
Clehenv, daughter of Ira T. Clement, Esq
all of
this place.
In this nlaee, on the 27th ult., Mn. ELIZA
YOUNU, wifeof Jacob Young, Esq., aged 63 yean
and 7 months.
In this nlaee. on Wedneadnv last, Mis ANNA
WATSON, aged about 80 yean.
Correotad Weekly for tho "American.'
Wheat Flour, extra family, par barrel,
$10 00
8 00
10 00
6 00
2 85
1 Ii
1 00
3 I'O
do do do do perewtt.
Rye Flour,
per bbl.
per ewt.
Wheal, prima red
Rye, i '
Corn, new
Dried Peaches, pared
do do unpared
per bushel "
do . -do"
Dried Apple,
Dried Cherries, (unstooed.) per ba.
per pound,'
per uoien,
per pound,
do , -de
' de .. .
per pair
Cheese, '
Lard, ' ', 1
Hams. .
Beef, bind quarter,
from "
MuUon, . f. I
Chicken, .
Shamokin Cool Trade.
6iAstoii, April I, 1887.
To: Cmt.
Sent for week ending March 30,
Por laat report,
11,783 04
76,261 15
88.044 19
VJ2.013 09
4,817 10
To tame Urn laat year,
- Deer ease.
Spatol. Jffotwts.
v.'flm , . .
, iflUfUlill JjUSUlUIC
1: tA Hemd street Kewv York.f I
vnii Informatloa. with tbo hlrhect testimonials '
also a Book en Special tMseam, In a sealed envelope
1 gnt free. rrB ear and send for them, and von
I wm not regret it for, at advertising physieian ar
guiorally Impuiior, without reference no stranger
' ; should be truaied. Enclose a ttawp tor poatage, and
direct to DR. LAWiU.JiCE, ,o. 14 Boad ctreeb,
,tn acre.
I Nov. If. 18.-iy
mci cL0fnrxt.
i 1
. 0K Pit ICC :
0O1 Mai-kefi Ntreet, .
On door above Sixth, Philadelphia.
For many year this Establishment hat don busi
ness on the One frloo rjya.ero, and wa believe wo
aro tho only Clothing House in the olty that strlotly
adhere to thi principle. Wo have earned a repu
tation which we are proud of, for good taste in select
good style and aubetantial material, and not lee
important, for having all our goods,
W employ tho beat talent, for Cutter, aud our
Goodt are of both kind Faablupabl and plain
oo that all tute can be suited, lb. priae are tho
very lowest, a any one by a moment thought must
ee, or otherwise w oould not meet the competition
of our neighbor, for a no deductions are ever made,
wo mast put our price down to the advawtagee we
The people may depend, thlt lithe true plan upon
which to do business, and many a dollar eau bo
tared to Clothing buyerr by keeping In mind
604 Market Strreot, Philadelphia,
Not on the Corner, but one door above Sixth.
Maroh 2.1, 1807. ly
I'rw to KvcryboU y.
A Large 8 pp. Circular, giving information of the
greatest importance to tho young of both sexot.
It teaohes how the homoly may become beautiful,
the despised respeoted, and the forsaken loved.
No young lady or gentleman should fail to send
their address, and receive a copy, post-paid, by re
turn mail.
Address P. 0. Drawor, 21, froy.N. Y.
Xo ConMtisnplivcM.
The advertiser, having been restored to health in
a few weeks by a very simple remedy, after having
suffered for teveral years with a tevero lung affection
and that dread disease, Consumption la anxious to
make known to hi fellow aufferon tbe mean of
To all who desire it, he will send a copy of tbe
prescription used (free of charge), with tho direc
tions for preparing and nsing the same, which they
will find a siirr Cure for CorsCmftioX, Asthma,
Bronchitis, Col'ohs, Colds, and all Throat and
Lung Affeotions. The only object ol tho advertise
in tending tho prescription is to benefit the afflicted
and spread Information which be conoeivel to bo In
valuable, and he hopes every sufferer will try hit
remedy, a it will cost them nothing, and may prove
a blessing.
Partie wishing the preemption, free, by return
mail, please address
Williamsburgh, Kings Co , New York.
January 13, 1868 ly.
tjfA Yocwo Lady reluming to her eoontry borne
after a sojourn of a few months In the City, wa hard
ly rccogniied by her friend. In place of a coarse
rustio, flushed faco, she had a loft ruby oomplcxion
of almost marble smoothness, and instead of twenty
three she really appeared but eighteen. Upon in
quiry aa to tbo cause of so great a obange, the plain
ly told tbem that she used the CircUNwinu
tlnlm.and considered it an invaluable acquisition
to any Lady't toilet. By Itsnte any Lady or Gentle
man can improve their personal ap earanoe an hun
dred fold, It is simple in itsooinbiniitinn, as Nature
herself r simple, yot unsurpassed in itt efficacy in
drawing Impurities from, also healing, clnansing and
beautifying the skin and complexion. By its direct
action on tho cuticle it draws from it all it impuri
ties, kindly healing tbe tame, and leaving the sur
face a Nature intendod it should be, oiear. soft,
smooth and beautiful. Price $1, sent by Mail or
Express, on rcoeipt of an order by
W L. CLARK A CO., Chemists.
No. 3 West Fayette St., Syracuse, N. Y.
The only American Air,enta fur tbe tale of the sa mo.
February 16, l07. ly
WIfnrrt Balaam ol Wild C'lterrjr.
Conghi, Colde, Bronciiti, Asthma, Croup,
Wlionping Coughs, Quinsy, and the numerout aa
well aa dungerous dieeaaes of the Throat, Chut and
Lung', prevail in our changeable olimate at all
sea-ona of the year ; few are fortunate enough to es
cape their baneful influence. Uuw important than
to have at hard a certain antidote lo nil theae com
plaints. Experience pr.ivea that this exista in Wis-
tar's Balsam to an extent not found In any other
remedy ; however severe tbe suffering, tbo applica
tion of this soothing, healing aud wonderful Balsam
at onoe vanquishes the disease and restores the suf
furer to wonted health.
Or Baldwin, Cukmuxc. Couktt, N. Y. writes :
"I was urged by a neighbor to get one bottle of the
Balsam for my wile. bcin assured by bim that in
case it did not produco good effects, he would pay
for the bottle himself. On the strength of such prac
tical evidence of its merits, I procured a bottle. My
wife at this time was so low with what the Pbysieiuns
termed Seated CoitaiMFTioR as to be unable to raise
hersolf from the bed, coughing constantly and rais
ing more or leas blond. I commenced giving the
Balaam as direoted, aud was so much pleased with
its operation that I obtained another bottle, aud con
tinued Kivinir it. Before this bottle waa entirelv
used, she ceased coughiug and was strong enough to
ait up. The fifth bottle ent rely EtsroRitn bkh to ! of many years, each year rinds tbeui in new'locali
health, doing that which several physician! had : tie in vorious porta (if tbe World, and the Troche
tried to do but had failed." I are unlvertallv pronounced better than other ar-
Prepared by SETII W. POWLE A SON, 18 Tre- tide,
mont St., Boston, and fortale by Druggists generally. OBTAitsonly ''Bkown's Hboxchial Tkocres,"
I nd do not take nny of the Worthies Imitations that
BCROFUTjA. I lnnv fc0 oUercd .Sold Everywhere.
Dr. Ll'OOL, of Paris, one of the most eminent i November 24, lstirt. oni .
Chemists of Europe, said : j , "V . ""
The mottastoiinding result! may be anticipated M 0nderl.1l bnt 1 rue.
when lodineean be dissolved in pure water." .. . t, ... .,
Dr. II. Anders, after fifteen vears of scientific re-
search and experiment, bai succeeded in dissolving
ono and one quarter grains of Iodine to each fluid
ounce of water, and the mont aetnunding results hare
followed it use, particularly in bcrofulaand diteaie
therefrom. Circular free
Dr. 11. Anders' Iodine Water ts for sale by J. P.
Dinstnnre, 36 Dey Street, New York, and' by all
Is a certain tare for diseases of the
and all diseases of the
whetbrj existing itt
from whatever eanae originating and uo matter of
Diaeaaea of theae organs require tbe uae of diuretic
If no treatment it submitted tn, Cituraplion w Insan
ity may ensue. Our r"kb and lllouu are supported from
Uieac aourcea, and the
Uliat of Posterity, depends upou prompt us of a reliable
Established upward of IS yeare, prepared by
1K Broadway, New York, and
U4 South link Btreet, Philaoetpbla, Pa.
March t, IfcOJ. ly
Ma. J. It. Baxvt, tbe well known Cbeaaisl of
Manchester, N. II., ha conferred a prioolea benefit
upon aoeiety by th invention of a liquid vegetable
compound for toilet uae, wbieh ba the effect of re
storing grey hair to it original color, preventing Itt
falling out, eradicating dandruff, and keeping tbo
toalp in a healthy condition. Tbo who bar not
been threatened with premature grey hair and bald
ness, oan hardly appreoiat th advantage of tuh
a discovery ; yet w all know bow unsightly and
distressing such uiiaCortune are, and aro equally lia
ble to tbem. No ono should be without "Barrett'
Vegetable Hair Restorative." An ounca of pre
vention 1 worth a pound of oure. . '
'Tan OaASOAL0 WATna I very trying to
health, particularly for tuoh a ar troubled with
any pulmonary weakness. Even a little hoarsen M
may ao Irritate tbo lung at to prpduc tho moat
direful eonqunoi. Coi't Cocoa Bali A 11 cure
hoarseness every tin. , ' , : ,, . ' 1 1 ,
"UELMBOLDW EXTRACT atUCHt' and lotpreaid
Rom W.rti eurea taoret end dalirate Oieordei In eU their
ugreet!ruieetia, but ea uovhaoga m !, ro
eoivettMuea an nn ru'. H p"" tet. an
ik, imniedwu la 11 -action, aud flee Irm all lorn
ri"ue propertiee. Hi'rJt'OJ ly
r AoHtMRtrU'a rteuwer-d Tonic.
Thh odioino, invented, by Dr. i. U.BcaBEOB,
of Philadelphia, It Intended to dlatolvo the food and
ajiak it into chyme, tbo tret proceaa of digestion.
By oleaoring tbo (tomaoh with Bohoaok'l Mandrake
fillf, tbe Tonic oonn restore tbo appetite, and food
that could not ba eaten befero using It, will bo
easily digested.
Consumption eannot be eured by Sobenok' Pul
monio Syrup unlea the etotnaoh and liver t made
healthy and tbe appetite restored; faeno tbe Tonic
and Piila are required In nearly every ease of cm
sumption. A half doteo bottle of the HKAWEED
TONIC and three or four boxes of the MANDRAKE
PIL).S will oure any ordinary eat of dyspepsia.
Dr.Sohvnok makes profossional visit in New York,
Boston, and at his prinoipal Office in Philadelphia,
every week. Boo daily papers of each place, or bis
parophlot on oonsnmption, for his day lor visitation.
Please observe, when purchasing, tbat the two
llkenesse of tbe Pootor, one when In the last stage
of Consumption, and the other aa he now in, in porl'eot
hvallh, are on the Government stamp.
Sold by all Druggists and Dealers, price tl .80 per
bottle, or $7 60 the half doien. All letter! for advice
should he addressed to Dr. Sobenok's Principal Office,
No. 16 North Ath Street, Philadelphia, Pa.
uonorai wholesale Agent: nemos JiarneS Lo ,
V . U Q II 11-1.: tl I . T . V T 1 Tl . I.
Cincinnati, Ohio; Walker A Taylor, Chicago,
I'nin... u, r u "
Oat. 20, ldiiA. lit w. ea. mo. 1 yr.
Klrangc, but True.
Every young lady and gentleman in tbe Culled
State can hear something to tholr advantage by re
turn uinll, rfrto of charge.) by addressing the under
signed. Those having fear of being humbugged
will oblige by not noticing this card. All others will
pleat address tbeir obedient sorvant,
831 Broadway, New York.
January 1", 1866. ly
The CouIVmhIwu nnd Experience
Published for the benefit and aa a caution to young
men and other, who suffer from Nervous Debility,
Promnturo Decay of Manhood, Ac, supplying at the
eamo tiino tho meant of telf-cure. By on who nat
ourod himself after undergoing considerable quack
ery. By onolosiug a post-paid addressed envelope,
single copies, tree of charge may be bad of tbe au
thor. NATHANIEL MAYFAIR. Esq.. Brooklyn. Kings
Co, N. Y.
January 27, 1806 ly.
Will Cure tlie Itrli In 49 Hour.
Prioe 50 cent. For tale by the druggists. By send
ing 60 cents to WEEKS & POTTER, Sole Agents,
1J0 Washington street, Boston, it will be forwarded
by mail, (reeof ponlugo, to any part of the United
Slatc' Jo 23 '64-y
linovr Tli.v IkeMiny.
Madame E. V. Tbob.nton, the great English As
trologist, Clairvoyant and Psychometrician, wbo has
astonished the scientific olasee of the Old World,
hat now located hersolf at Hudson, N. Y. Madame
Thornton posessoa tucb wonderful power of second
light, as to enable her to Impart knowledge of the
greatest importance to the single or married of either
sex. While in a ttate of trance, she delineates the
very features of the person you are to marry, nnd
by the aid of an instrument ot' intense power, known
aa tho P-yohomolrope, gnarranteo to produce a life
like picture of the future husband or wifo of tho
applicant, together with date of marriage, position
in lite, leading traiu of character, Ao. This is no
humbug, at thousand of testimonials cun uwort.
She will send, when desired, a certified certificate, or
written guarantee, that the picture is what it pur
puric to be. By enclosing a mini I lock of hair, and
staling place of birth, age, disposition and com
plexion, and enclosing titty cents aud stamped en
velope addressed to yourself, you will receiYo the
picture and desired information ny return mail All
communications sacredly confidential. Address in
confidence, Madame E. F. Tuokntos, P. U. Box
S23, Hudson, N. Y. feb 16-'
Is the Great Dmictic.
IIdmbolt Conctnt rated Extract Sitrtapurilla
Is the Gieal 0! od Purifier,
n.nh are prepared nctmiliiig to rules of Phirmaey and
Ctieniistrt. and tie Iheinohutrtive that can be made
March i, IM57.- ly
Cough A Cold or
Sore Throat,
A mi liiiot'i.n br tiiKrar-p.
Ir allowed tucostime,
Irritation of tiie I.iinrj;,
A fcrniutirnt Xlirout
lHwcuac, or Con
' is ottem tub nrsfi.t.
tl It 4 XV ' H
V II O . 4' 11 A I. T It CUES
BAVirro a mrkct iwrt.rascF to mi parts,
For'Bronohitis, Asthma, Catiirrh, Consump
tive and Throat Diaoases, are used with alwnyt good tnccem.
will find Trorui useful in clearing the voice when
taken before Ringing or Speaking, and relieving the
thrnnt after an unusual exertion of the vocal organ.
The Troches are reeomtneudod and prescribed by
Physicians, nnd have bad toetiuioniuls from eminent
uiu'n throughout tbe oountry, Ileing an article of
trM mttrit nn.l hiLvhur tiruveil their emcaev bv a tet
I .,
1 ! Bomnauibulistio Clairvoyant, while In
clairvoyant state, delineate the verv feature ol
the person you are to marry, and by the aid of an
instrument of intense power, known at tbe Psycho
motrope, guarantees to produce a porfeut and life
like picture of the future husband or wife of the
applicant, with date of marriage, oeoti) ation, load
ing trait of character, Ao, Tbit it no imposition, a
testimonials without number ran aesert. By stating
place of birth, age, disposition, color of eye and
hair, and enclosing fifty .cents, and stamped envelope
addreeted to yourself, you will receive tbe picture
by return mail, together with desired information,
IcT" Address in confidence. Maoame (irnTRi DE
Rxuikotok, P. O. Box m, West Troy. N. Y.
REM EDI E8 for unpleasant and danceoua dlneaara. L'ae
ftsXMBoLn's Exraacr Been" tan luraovtu Rosa Wash.
March J, 1867. ly
'A. IIOOl MKlUTti. 69a.
embracing every New aud Desirable die, style and
Shape of Pluiu and Trail Hoop bkirbv-2, 2 l-, 21,
2 3-4. 3. 3 1-4. 3 1-2, 3 3-4 and 4 Yds., round every
length and site Waitt ; in every respect Firnt Quali
ty and etpeoially adapted to meet the wauls ot First
Claaa and in net fashionable Trade.
"Ooa Own make," of ILwp sikirt, ar lighter,
more elattio, more durable, and Really Cheaper than
any other make of either Single or Double Spring
Skirt in tbe American Market. Tbey are Warrant
ed In every reepeot, and wherever introduced give
universal aaliafaotion. Tbey are Bow being enen.
lively Sold by Retailers, and every Lady should try
Ai for "Hopkln't Own Make." and tee that each
Skirt it Stamped -W. T. HOPKIN'S MANLFAC.
TCKER. 6ii ARCH Street, PUILAD A." No
others ar Uenuino- A Catalogue containing Style,
Bite and Retail Price, sent to any addruea. A I'ni.
form atvd Liberal Diaoount allowed to Dealert. Or.
dera by mail or otherwise, promptly and carefully
filled Wboleaale aud Retail, at Manufactory and
Salesroom, - '
SKIRTS mad to order, r altered and repaired.
March 28, IfeoT.-lOmw ' ,r . ,'
vr. alpslSt ; : "
,: ' -' ' WITH - - ' ' '
T H A C H E R'& CO.,
, , . j W HOLESALE DEALTJI ljrf - ' -
Boots Shoes & Trunks,
No. 16. North 4tb 84 ,
M.reh I", lT.-
-e5vTtv A
01V AMINTikTV TkEK3, '
Vine, NreaU l-'raltn. fthrntsK.
. , ' . ,, , . ,0F 187., ,
W offer for the preeent aaon, a largo and com
plete assortment of NUUr-KKY feTOCK, eoubraoing
a large variety of tbrilty, wall-erowa Trees, whtoh
we are prepared to furnish at tn annexed prtoea,
and to which we Invite tbe ottontloo of. Fruit ti row
ers and Planters.
Furrrt Teres, Vihe, Ao
Friroo.Fr 100
$3 it t2a 00.
Standard apple, 4 yoara old,
leading kiudt,
Dwarf S yean old,
(on Paradise,)
Crab Applet, 2 and 3 yean old
Standard Peart, 1 and 3 yean
Dwarf roars, t year old
Standard Cherries, 3 yean old
Dwarf Cherries, 3 yean old
Standard Peaohee, I year old
40 00
40 00
64 00
4a 06
i 60
6 80
0 00
6 00
1 a
4 00
8 00
8 00
8 00
6 00
10 00
8 00
8 00
Ji 00
30 00
ao do Alale's Juuiy,
lyoarold 40
do do on Plum 7S
Dwnrf do do 75
Aprioots, do 76
Apricots, on Peach 60
Van Buron't Gulden D'f Peach 1 00
Necturinet aud Almundt 60
Standard Plums, on Plum 78
Dwarf do on do 75
60 00
40 00
ti 00
8 00
N. B. Extra sited treet of many of above oan be
lurnialiod at extra prtoea.
Currants and tiiioaelierrieo M
Itaapbernra and Blaekberrlea uu
Strawberries W. AlUmy, Triumph rte
Uaad, Ate.
RuireiPs roJific, Golden
feeded, I
lining's White, Culler f
t (0
6 UO
11 00
to a on
Jucuuda (Mini's 700)
I .a Consrante, 'Mead't
Svrrilme N.J. Hemlel.
I 00
Grapes Catawba. Isabella aial C'lliitiai,
I yeai, 1st cinae, ti
C-mcoid, I year, 1st claaa, 6Q
t uu
IS 00
aa 00
uiane, unriioiu 'rol,lic, Ac . year,
latclxia, ' 73
Delaware, Keberea. e-. I vr tat elasa I oo
7 no
0 UO
Allen's Jc Roeri's ti.liriila. I vr Iupmhm I AO III nil
lona, liritellii At Adiionri.ic, I y, Itt claw 8 nn lit i 0
Foreign vanelies, leailint; kinds 7S ( OQ
Foreieu viriiiee, new kinds II 00 to S UO
N. II. Grapes by d 'loi less, and ftiawberrles by doa.
or lo0 mailed l'usfae Free, at above prices.
Shade Tiees, Leading kinds, 8 to 10 feet tl each SI0 por
P75 per huialred.
Deciduous Ornnnieiital Trees, a fine assortment 60 to 1 00
4 110 lo Ml 110 per dor , 411 00 t.i ?S OH per JIHJ.
Deciduous Ornmoi nUI tf.'irnln, M to 50 em encli, 2 SO to
6IIU per d l (Kl to 40 OO per hundred
Cllmliiu; Onniimiitnl Sbruhs, tM lo 50 each, S 50 tn 3 CO
per doz, vo UO to 411 00 per handled.
MISCELLANEOUS, Each Per do Ter 100
F.ngliah Walnuts .V Siaiiish Chesn't 60 8 U0
Dnwniim't Kei riienriiia .tu!ljrn v
and llwiuf Proline Walnut J I
1 00 to on
Asparagus Rivte
Kliuliurb, Myali'a Llnnsea 9.5
Amer. Arhorvitre. for hetleme
, 0
1 00 1.1 no
to OO to so 00
1 to
OsogeOrange, lot hedging, 64 per 1,00
Packing done in Ihe beet manner,
whieli a moderate charge ia madu
in Imtea or boxes, for
Go ds aie promptly
forwarded by I'.jpreas, or Kailroad. to nil pniata. Detcrip-
live iatuioguea mailed mappiicania. enniosing siamiia.
YORK, Peanaylvania.
March SI, lCT-lm
Onrden Sieedsi Ity 71all.
WE offer a largo nnd complete assortment of
Fresh Seeds, embracing.
(including all tho Novelties,) wbicn w furnbh,
carefully put up in packets,
at our catalogue prices.
All our Seeds arc oarofully tested before tending
out, and are
if properly planted end oared for.
LOGUE ia mailed to any address, on reoeipt of stamp
for pnatago.
No. 9, N. George St., York, Pa.
March 21, IW.-lts
IEAD Pipe, all sizt in mu, , mm ou m. ...
m a x 1." r a CTrn nn and pn.i.r.R in
Our Gnoris ar rlfoiiUtlly the cbenpvat in llie
City lur
TRin.i; ri.T:, a no. 1.
July 7tb, I3tj-lycl
ooI uewst Tor Moiiiern!
MOTHERS, are ynu oppressed with anxiety for
your litilo ones? Are your slumber and
heart broken by their cries ' Do you awuko in the
nioruing uurefreshed and approhenive ? If so. pro
cure at onee e bottle of Dr. Leons' Infant Remedy
and you will have no more wcury hours ol wutohing
and anxiety.
I. I,E:osi' I.'M'AAT nin:ir.iT
has stool the test of vears. Thousands of nurses and
mothers bear witness that it never fails to give relief
it used 111 season. It is a mild, yot sure and speedy
cure lor C'olio. Cramps and Windy Pains, and is in
valuable for all complaints incident to Teething.
Sold by Druggists tbroujuout the United kUatc.
Add reus nil orders to
tfole I'proprietom.
1.17 ."orlii Third Street, fltil'n.
November 24, ISO. ly.
Frorn yniLADELPIlH
In Simpson's Building, Market Square,
f AVIXtl become (he successor of Mr. A. E
I I VACK, he would respectfully solicit tbe oustuin
of the oititen. in general. Hoping by strict alien,
tion to business that they will ftivur him witt) their
Mr. ai. hat been connected fur the past ten yean
with tome of the but houses in the city, in the
Watchmaking trade, and all work entrusted to hit
core will be done with promptness und dispaicb, end
warranted to give entire satisfaction.
ilia stock of American, Swis Watches, Clocks,
JajveJry and Silverware, will be told a low at oan
be purchased in the oily, and of tbo first quality.
Particular attention paid to the repairing of fine
Watches, Clocks and Jewelry
1 1-AII orders promptly filled. Masonic Mark!
made to order.
trunbury, March 2, 180
I'l.i.xo run kale. j
HANDSOME, fine-toned, now, and prioe low.
Inquire at this Jlrhee. I
I'tiliissn'a lwlt Tllt'iit 4 tire.
Prepared from Ihe formula of I'ruf. Trousseau, of
Paris, eures Consumption, Lung Diseiwei. Bronchitis.
Dyspepsia, Marasmus, tieneral Debility and all mor
bid oondili'Muiof thesystein depeudent on deficiency
of vital force. It is pleaaant lo taeta, aad a tinglu
bottle will oonviliue tba most skoptieal of its ti luu
as lha great healing remedy of the age. $1 a hot.
lie, or six bottles fw f!. fent bv Expreas. Sold by
B. f. I I'll A.M. No 2i South EIOIiTH Street,
And all principal Druggitl. Circulars eui tree.
Mejrch 2, ISB7- ni ,
rrillE undersigned oBen at piuraie aale the follow
J. ing valuable real aaiate, siljuaLt in th Borough
Sunbury, late tbe property of Tbeuwu Robins, dec d:
The Hotel Prof erty on Front alreet, with all tbe
outbuildings, Ac, lately occupied by Frederick
A valuable House and Lot at Market Street, to
go'ber witb all the outbuildings.
Eur further particulars apply to
JOHN U. MARKLE, Executor,
fob. 1, leoT 2m hunbury, Pa.
Untrt't OUItTtel Kttlve
AMBiavar, Mass ,Oet. 13th,
Mr. OeAta Da Bin; Havlug been aBioted
grievously for several weeks with a severe absoeat
upon my aide, I uaed teveral remedies fur it eradl
amiiun without receiving anv relief, until 1 applied
your salve, which etTuoied a speedy and permanent j
euro. I therefore feel bappy lu cor lily my confidence 1
ia it virtue. Yuure with reepec,!.
A k4 L-J ue IV I
1 certify to thetrulhfulneeeof the above ttate in eut
H r. l'aa.ia. M. 11
FF.TH W POWLE A StM, Button. Proprietors
fold by all Druggihs, ft " eeuts a Imx
Man h . IMV - Ira
raaTlT.l Ac-rleviltnral
Kertpt lor Hale.
Tbe Board of Cranlaswsreat oeer offer for as I a
JHI.OVO acre of Agrleultara) CoHat; riorip, being IM
balanoeof tbe horip granted to the Ceaaenoweeiih of
Pennsylvania for the endowment f Acrieultarat
College tn tbloHtnte. '
Proposal for the purchase of this Ltni fterip, ad
dressed to "The Hoard of Commissioner of Agricwi
tnral Land torip," win be received at tbe Kurvevor
Ueneral'tnfflie, at llarriaburg, eatil 12 e'olook, M ,
oa Wednesday, April 10. IWI7.
This land may be looated In any State of Terrt
tory, by the holders of tbescrip, upon any of the en
appropriated lands (except nifneral lauds) of tt.e
Lulled Statee, whlob may be tubjuot to sale at pri
vate entry. Each piece of aorip repreaents a quar
ter section of one hundred and sixty acre, ii Issued
in blank, and will be transferable, without endorw.
nient or formal assignment. The blank need not be
filled until tbeeviu Is presented tor looation and
entry, when the paty holding it oan fill the blank
and enter it in hie vwn name. Lids must ba made
as per acre, and no brdt will be reoeived for lee than
one quarter section.
Tbe Sorip will be lned immediately on the pay.
ment of tbe money lo the Surveyor General. On all
bids for a lese quantity than 4.0,000 acre, one-third
of the purchase money must be paid within ten
days, aud the remaining two-third within thirty
days after noli filiation of the acceptance of the bid
or bida by the Board of Cnnimieeionen.
JACOB M. CAMPflKLL, Surveyor QeneroJ
For the Board of Commissioner t
Horrisburg, March 10, 1807. lm.
S'otlcc to AaweMnorai Tor 1807.
NOTICE Is hereby given to the Aaaeasnri of the
different townships and borough in Northum
berland County, to call at the Comrniaslonoia' Ofioe,
at r-unbury, on tbe 1st day of April, leo7, to receive
their Books and Instructions aonoernlng tho Assess
ments. All mutt appear in person, aad nose should
fail to be present on that day.
JNO. ECKM AN. J Comrtiai'n
Cbar. Weaver, Clerk.
Coromiesiiinen' Office, I
Hunbury, March It), 1867. )
AdmlniKtriilor'si rtollt-.e.
IETTE R S of adminisiralinii on the estate of Catharine
j Itanghart, deceased, lately of Delaware tuwnehip,
ioithnniOerla,id eoutity, having been grained to the en
dersirned. by the Kegisier of said county All peiantHi
iiidebled to the aaine will make irameilinte payment, atvj
thiae havin ciaima egainat the aaaie, will prieeni them
duly autre nliretcd.
J W. WEEKS, Admliiietnitne
PeNwaretwp.. Mreh 111. He7 01
FALL TRADE, lMfl ! PALLTRAPE, 1830! ' ft
g JI, 1 li(lAKIH M
fJ.l,v respectfully call tbe arientton 01 c
ine public to ber LAttuii ana .'.tn e
Fancy and Domestio Cry Goods- y
g lire. Good,
P Of all bind and styles in great Variety.
g Black. Green, Blue, Wine, Brown, Purple, Ac, 14
q In AH-Wool Plaids, Detains, Callooea, g
Ac, we have an aranrtnent X
S The best Black Allpaceat, all-wool Pelaln,,
q Poplim. S
w White Goods- g
P Cambrle, Pwias. Nainsook and Jaeonct Mut. p
line, Dimity, Bird-Eye Linen and Towling. 9
0 Berlin and American Zephyrs, Ehe land -'
Wool, Cashmere Yarns, Ao.
Kiilmoral Kklrfsi, ?
0 Oum Cloth, Drew Trimmings, TTnsiery,
W r loves, Hoop-Skirts, Corsotts, Ribbons, aud T,
Woolen Goods. t?
g lied Gloves, of the best finality, and a groat p
variety of gnoJt too nuniereut to mention, all J
1 of which will be sold at the verv lowest for 2
0'b. M. L. LAZARUS. '
Sutibury Oct. IT, 15I8.
siWek's wash powder
SAVES Time. Labor, Money. Make WASHING
told Every where. TRY IT.
Addresj all orders to the Manufacturers
Chemists aurl Wholeaa'o Drugg'.ete,
137 rtortli 'l'lilrd tetreet, I'bil'u.
November 2. 18B lv
THE Fuh"rlker I? rirepared t d!;rrr t" the olll
ens of Sunbury and Northumberland, ard
reiijhtK-.ring towns, a viperior quality of FLAO
STONE, for pavinr. at the shortest notice Order
attended to by addressing at Sunbury, to
Sunbury Feb. 1SC7. 3m
5.00U Ne aud Souund-iiand IrJA.M llAHNKcvi
3.0U0 SADDLES, all Stvloe 2t to H 00.
300 Four Horse Onveriiinont WAGONS.
2.000 WAWIN COVERS, all Sites, new A worn.
Also, a large Stock of items. Lead Lines, Whips,
Buggy and Ainbulucoe Uurncst. Portable Forge,
Chmut, Swingletroua, Load Bart, etc., eto.
Wheel Team Harness, little worn all Oak tann
ed Leather and serviceable, cleaned and Oi.ed i dol
lars per horse or mule, including Bridle Lead do ,
4 dollars. Wagon Bridles. 1 dollar. Collar I lo I
dols. Extra Hair lined Artillery Case do., 3 and
3 dollnrs.
Double Rcinr. 1 "5 tn S2 25. Lead Lines, 1 dnl
Halters, 0 to 12 dnls. per Dot. Ofiicon' New Sad
dles 18 dols., with plated Bit Bridle. 21 dols ; good
an new, 12 dols., with bridle, i t duls ; valise Saddle
for Boys, 6 dolt.
Wagon Covers, made to fit any Wagon, heavy
linen, 3 to 5 dols , sttpperiur eottou Duck. S to 8 duls
12ot , Duok, V to 12 dolt.
1.000 Hospital Tent, new and good at new, 1J 01
duck 14 feet square ."tl to 40 dols.
Officers' A. Teut. 7 feet square, from S to 8 dols.
10,000 BAOS. from 12 ot Duck, 1st. quality. J
bushels 9 dull ; 21 bus. 10 dols ; 3 bus 11 doll, per
Dot ; 2nd. quality, 7 5p. 8 60 and 9 60.
I I'li'l A V '..
No. Mf A339 North FRONT M.. P1IILAD A, P.
No. & Park Place. NEW YORK.
No. 483, 9th Street. WASHINGTON, D. C.
Price-list sent on api luation.
March 9, 1807. 2iu.'
.'Nprllicrtt 1'entrul ISitIway.
FOl'R TRAIN'S DAILY to and from Baltimore
and Washington city.
Til K I K TRAIN'S DAILY to and from the North
and VVeat Braui'h Susquehanna, and liortberu and
Western Pennaylvaiiia and New York.
ON and after MONDAY, MARCH lltb, 1807,
tho Trains ot the Northern Central llailaay
will run as follows :
Mail Train leaves Baltimore
" Harruburg,
arr at WilliamFpnrt,
RnfTalo Express leaves Baltimore
" Hurritburg,
" Klmira.
arr CaunnJaigua,
Fatt J.ine, leave Baltiiuore,
arr. Canandaigqa,
Erie EaprcM leaves Baltimore,
arr at Erie,
York and Harris, j leave York,
bug .Iccoui. j arr. Uarritburg;
8 30 a m
120 p m
0 26 p m
in. 10 p m
2.l6 a in
1 1 34 a tn
3 00
p m
p m
a m
a ni
p tn
a m
a m
0 at
12 10
4 10
I 16
4 00
7 00
Mail Traiu,
loaves Wllliausporl, 8 40
a m
" Harruburg, 136 p nt
arr. at Baltimore, 0 on p m
Buffalo Express leaves ('auaudaigua. 2 (IU p u
'- Eluiira. 6 30 p m
" HarrUburg, 2 40 a n
art. at Baltimore, T 00 a oa
Fail Lin leavea Canandaigua, 10 20 p m
Klmira, I 06 a m
' Harruburg, f .20 a at
arr at Baltimore. 1.00 pta
York and HarrU. j leaves liarruiburg, 6 06 p m
hnrg Aeenm. arr. Vmk 0.3a p m
Mail Traiu and Harritburg Accommodation Nona
and Mi'ulh will run doily, except Sunday. Elmira
Exprvat North daily, and South deify, exoept Mon
day. Cincinnati Expreaa south wiH run daily except
Sunday. 1
Fast Lin North arrive daily except Sundays
Eluiira Express NortA leavea daily, and Erie tx
pre North leave daily except Saturday.
For further informal ioa apply at th Ticket OSiae
in th Pennsylvania Railroad Detxit.
J. N. DtBARKY (sea. Sept.
.(tlsuIitUirulor'st .olir.
NOTICE ia hereby gives that letter of ad mini.,
tralion bavwa been rranleat In Ihe under,,; nl
I n the eautonf Robert W. Brwiks. late of tba Biu-ough
; of Suubury. Northumberland county, Pa , dueated
1 All pereoosinaehled are requeeted to make imtnedi
1 ' l-eyuienl, and the having elaims to piawnr
, iheui duly authenticated lor triitemrnl
J. R Adru r.
runhury. Man-k 0. IM;.-nr