Sunbury American. (Sunbury, Pa.) 1848-1879, March 30, 1867, Image 3

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    flfrcSttnbutg American,
Subscriber to U Amikica ara particularly re
quested not to allow their indebtedness to overran
on year. All nberlptlon thonJJ be paid In ad
wane; bat underno consideration should tha year
I" around with tha wbsorlptloa unpaid. A atrlot
Attention to this will tara el an ImmcoM amount of
trouble and a tary bear loaa. -. , , .
aocal Affairs.
710 eoMcaiaafta. Aa many of oar lubecri
bm will change their placet of retldeoea between
thii and tha firat of April, wa will thank then fur
notifying ui of tb change, stating their former ad
dros and present residence, In order to make tha
eorreotlon on our book.
t3f Taa Milton Car Faotory li now engaged on a
-contract for building one hundred aoal cart for the
Lehigh A Susquehanna Railroad.
17 Taa bill dividing the borough of Eonbury
Into two Ward to be oalled the North an J South
Wards hai passed the House, and will, no doubt,
pass the Senate.
13s" Men. Tbe reign of mud still continues,
though the sidewalks are greatly Improved and the
streets are becoming more solid. A few days of fair
wealhor would soon Improve our ways.
13 8. Van Buakirk, formerly proprietor of the
City Hotel, Willinmsport, has again purobasod that
property. lie sold It, a short time since, for $ 33,-
000, and now pays $43,000 for It.
GTbb people of Lewiiburg have strong asau
ranees that the Philadelphia A Erie Railroad will
soon build a branch road from their present depot,
on the opposite side of the river, to the town.
t3OoLDEX Our old friend, Wm
Forsytbo, Esq., of Northumberland, celebrated his
"golden wedding," or the fiftieth anniversary of his
marriage, on the 13th Inst. There was a social ga'
theringof relatives and old friends on the occasion,
to greet tbo happy couple.
Ax attempt was made to enter Judge Jor
dan's office on Wednesday night last, about 11 o'
olock, through the back window. The window was
hoisted and propped, but the Judge returning home
at the time, frustrated the execution of the plot.
ESThb unpleasant westher continues to be a
- subject of complaint. There was still another snow
storm on Friday last. Though very little snow fell
at this place, the fall was heavy further south. At
' Harrisburg it was over twelve inches deep. The
Baltimore afternoon train oame in covered with
c enow.
ly Oun Nortddubkbland Pack. Through
1 mismanagement on the part of some of tha Post
Office officials our pack for Northumberland, of last
week's issue, was taken to Philadelphia. The pack
age was sent to the Post Office here on Friday, as
usual. These mistakes are annoying, and we hope
will not again he repeated.
. 3 Improvements. Among the improvements
in this place we are pleased to notice that of our
. friend and neighbor, Mr. S. Faust, fashionable bat
i ter, in putting in bis storeroom a large bulk window,
glass door, Ac, besides fixing up the Interior of his
..establishment in a style and manner to accommodate
his numerous customers, both in the wholesale and
retail business.
given in the new Masonic Hall, in this place, on
Monday and Tuesday evenings of next week, by
amateur performers of Sunbury. The programme
will consist of songs, dances, negro
Ao. A largo number of prises will be distributed to
ticket holders. Price of tickets, 25 cents, for sale at
the doors. Doors open at 8 o'cloek.
m m
PLaw Partnership. Our friends, Capt. C.J
limner and L. II. Kase, Esq., having associated to
gether in the practice of the law, will open an offic
in the building formerly eccupied by Eq. Lasarusi
deceased, during next week. Captain Bruner is one
of the oldest members of the bar of this county.
Mr. Kuse is a young man of energy and ability, an
has boen, thus far, very successful In bis practice.
The new firm will, no doubt, be a prosperous one,
and receive a liberal share of patronage pertaining
to tho profession.
3" Jobblno. Our Snyder county eotemporaries
are disputing as to which has been doing the most
job printing. Tho Middloburg Tribune publishes
its receipts for jobbing, from the 1st of January to
the 20th of March, nearly three months, which foots
up $137.20, and asks, '-Can any of our cotcuipora
ries beut this?" In tbo America office this might
be considered a good week's work.
tyFuuir and Orkauektal Trees, Ac W
refer our readers, or such of tbem as are in want of
fruit and ornamental trees, Ac, to the advertisement
iu another column, of Messrs. Edward J. Evans A
Co., of York, Pa. The nurseries of this company
are located comparatively in our neighborhood, and
are among, the best end most reliable in the State.
The proprietors are men of character and standing
whom wo can recommend with confidence to those
who may want anything in their line of business.
13s Accidents at Sbamokib. On Wednesday
morning of lost week, James Brady, whilo at wor
in the mines of .May, Patterson A Bro., had his left
band so severely mashed by the falling of rock as
require amputation.
On Monday, of this week, Mr. John Campbell
who was at work at Mr. Frank Boughner's new
house on Kock street, fell through the soafibldin
from the second story, and was quite seriously hurt.
lie was Unken up invisible, and borne to bis borne
as yet it is impossible to learn the extent of his in
Juries, as thoy appear to be mostly internal. Much
sympathy is folt fur Mr. Campball, as be is an hon
est and industrious mechanic, with a large family.
t3TBE Fntsr or AraiL comes on Monday next,
and will no doubt be ushered in with the usual num
ber of "Sittings." We learn that a large number oi
persons design changing their residenoes in Ibis
place on that day. Mr. b'amuel Snyder, mine host
of the Washington House, sold the hotel furniture
on Tuesday lost, preparatory to bis removal to Dan
ville, where be will take charge of the old and pop
ular Danville Hotel. Mr. Neff, of Mlddletown, who
has purchased the Washington House, will move into
it after it is vacated by Mr. Snyder.
Mr. Peter S. Borrell. of the 6usquehanna House,
in this place, will sell the furniture of the hotel,
to-day, (Saturday.) Mr. Borrell intends engaging
in other business. Persons wanting good and eheap
furniture should not fuil to attend this sale. For
particulars see bills printed at this office.
t3"A Melascboi v Acc-idbbt. We copy the
following from the Middloburg Trilum, of last
week : " It becomes our psiuful duty to announce
the death of Joseph Weuricb, Jr., son of Joseph
Wenrich, of Belinsgrova. The particulars of bis
untimely death are heartrending. It appears that
his brother Simon bad left bis revolver lying in a
desk in bis father's shop, where they were working ;
it was loaded, and bad been so for a long time; the
deceased took tbe revolver ont of the desk with the
intention of shooting out the charges. His brother
Simon, who was present, requested bin not to at
tempt it. He remarked that 'ha waa bound to shoot
it.' Ha aimed the pistol at soma abject la the
chop . Unfortunately the revolver, er at least fear Of
tbe barrels, exploded. One of the pieces struck him
on the forehead. He exclaimed, Ob I Bial' and
than spoke no more. Ja three-quarters of aa sour
from the time of it e fatal oeoorreaee the foug ssaa
vms corpse "
13 Aft exalting arbitration wal In prosres on
Tuesday and Wednesday last, which was beld Id the
Court room., , It brought together a large number of
Our I'pper Aagusta friends.. The suit Wsi brought
in the name of I. U. Torrenee, administrator of HarJ
man Kline, deeeaaed, vs. Irani. Forrester and Nancy
Elins, defendants. Mr. Forrester is a nephew, and
was adopted la the family of tha deceased. Mrs.
Kline is the widow. The action was "Trover and
Conversion," ' for tbe recovery of $3,800 la T-S0
8. bonds, and $1,000 to compound Interest notes,
Whloh the defendants allege was given to them, to be
equally divided, by tha deceased, during the last
days of his Illness. The widow, who was called as a
witness by the plaintiff, testified to that effect.
The heirs oontendod that tbe money belonged to tbe
estate, and was Improperly converted to the use of
the defendant. Tha ease wss not oonoludod until
nearly midnight of the seooad day.' The arbitrators
war Sol. Mallck, O. W. Hanpt and Philip Clark,
Esqrs. , the first two member of the bar. Wm. M.
Rookeifeller and 8. P, Wolvcrton, Esqrs., were coun
sel for plaintiff; for defendants, J. B. Packer and
O. W. Ziegler, Esqrs. The award Is not yet made. .
(3s A New Licixsb Law. The following bill,
regulating the granting of licenses, has passed both
houses finally, and will become the law on which
future lloenses wilt hare to be granted :
A further ivpptciraKt to aa act further to regu
late tbe granting or licenses to hotels ana eating
bouses, approved March 31st, 1856.
Sei-tioX 1. Be it enacted bv the Senate and
lloust of Kepresentatires of the Commonwealth
of Pennsylvania, in General Assembly met, and
it it hereby enacted by the authority of the tame,
Tbst when an appliuation is made to any court of
quarter sessions of this Commonwealth, tor license
to sell intoxicating urinxs, snail oe iswiui lor sniu
court to bear petitions, lu addition to that of the
applicant, in favor of, nnd remonstrances against
the application for such license, and in all oases to
refuse tha same whenever, in tha opinion of said
court, having due regard to the number and charac
ter of tbe petitioners tor ana against sucb applica
tion, such lioense is not nceessary for ihe accommo
dation of tbe publio and entertainment of strangers
and travelers, and upon sufficient oause being sbown,
tbe said oourts shall bare power to revoke any li
cense granted by them, and all laws Inconsistent
with Ibis section are hereby repealed : Ptovided,
That tbe sureties in the bond, required of the appli
cant for license, shall be signed to his petition.
6KC. i. mat applications lor license to keep an
eating bonse. beer house or restaurant, authorising
the sale of doineslia wines, malt and brewed Honors,
shall hereafter be made in Ihe same manner and to
the same authority as application for license to keep
a hotel : Provided, That the regulation in rulniion
to bed rooms and beds sball not apply to applicants
for an eating-house, beer-bouse and restaurant li
cense, and the tenth section of tbe aet of twentieth
April, one thousand eiiibt bundrea and ufty-oight,
authorizing county treasurers to grant an eating-
nouse or retail brewery license, is nereoy repeal eu .
Sac. 8. No license to keep an eating-bouse, beer-
nouse or rcstsurant, under tbe provisions oi tne so
oond seotion of this act, shall be eranted in any ic
corporated city for a less sum than fitly dollars, nor
elsewhere for a less sum than twenty dollars.
bxo. . it any person, alter tne passage oi tins
act, shall sell spirituous and vinous liquors, domestic
wines, malt or brewed liquors, without having ob
tained a license authorising him so to do, such person
shall, on conviction in the court of quarter sessions,
be unco, lor tbe nrst uBcnce. in any sum not less
than nity, nor more man two hundred dollars; and
for tbe second, or any subsequent ollcnce, such per
son shall be fined not less than one hundred dollars.
and, in the discretion of the said court, be impri
soned in tbe county jail not loss than thirty days, nor
more tnan muety days : I'rovidea, ibat nothing in
this aot shall be construed to repeal tbe provisions of
tbe act or Assembly passed Alurcn thirty-nrst, one
thousnnd eight buudred and fifty-six, relating to
sales bv druggists and apothecaries.
cue. a. a bat the provisions ot the brut section or
this act sball not apply to the city ot rbilauelphiu
or to the county ol Allegheny: 1'rovnleii. mat no
thing in tbia set sball authorise tbe granting ot li
censes to hotel and inn keepers, to vend vinous,
spirituous and malt liquors, and to license beer
houses, eating bouses and restaurants in any locality
wbere licensing ol botels, Inns, beerhouses, eating
houses or rcstaurauts is now piobibited by law.
CP East Baltimore Conference. The East
Baltimore Annual Conference of the M. E. Church
met at Frederick, Md., on the 13th Inst., and ad
journed on tbe 19th. The following appointments
wore made for tbe circuits lu the Northumberland
District :
John Ouyer, P. E.
Williainsport T. M. Reese, B. B. Hamlin and
W. W.Evans.
Montoursvillo N. W. Colburn.
Muncy M. M. Ash, W. 11. Norcross.
Lsporie J. P. Long.
Milton S. W. 8nrs.
Wataontown 11. Wilson. One to be supplied.
Wssbingtonvilie B. V. King, Wesley Ely.
Lewisburg-W. It. Mills.
Mifflinburg J. T. Wilson.
Northumberland W. li. Dill.
Sunbury J. Anderson, Wilson Frits.
Kelinsgrove J. W. Olewine.
New Berlin Mission To be supplied.
Danville J. M. lleilcy, J. 11. McCord.
Klysburg J. Forrest. One to be supplied.
Shitmokin F. B. Kiddle.
Mt. Carmel J. A. Dixon. One to be supplied.
Ashland A. M. Creighton.
Catawissa S. C. Swallow.
Bloouisburg J . A. Price.
Kspy and Ligbtstreet A. M. Barnits.
Berwick J. A. Oero.
Berwick Circuit P. F. Eyer.
Orangevillo W. C. Ilesser.
Itloouiingdale M. P. Croelhwaite. E. L. Chilcoat.
Jeansvillu ii. A. Day, li. S. Mendeuhall.
llasleton E. T. Swans.
Bearer Meadow U. T. Gray.
Whitehaven II. U. Dill.
T. Mitchell, President, and J. F. Davis, Professor,
Williuiusport, Dickinson Seminary ; I. II. Torrenue,
Secretary of the American Bible Society.
Fur the Sunbury American.
Nortocuberlano. The one hundred and thirty
fourth anniversary of the birth of Rev. Dr. Priestley
occurred on last Sunday, and was observed in tbe
Unitarian Church by sermons, illustrative of the
life, character and principles of that eminent divine
and philosopher.
The Unitarian society here was founded by him in
1704, through bis preaching, first in bis own bouse,
and afterward in a sctool house which stood on or
near tbe site of the present High School building.
He contiuued preaching until within about a month
of bis death, which occurred Feb. 6th, 1804. )
13s John Uofla, of Turbut township, who had a
horse stolen iroin bis stable last May, bos just re
covered tbe animal is Lancaster county. One of the
Lanoaster papers gives the following particulars :
"Lewis Suter, of Lancaster, was on Monday taken
before Alderman n uey and held to bail In tne sum
of oiuuu, to answer the charge ot buying a mare
from John Clark, knowing ber to have been stolen.
The animal belonged to Jobn Hods, of Northumber
land county, from whom she was stolen on the 15th
of last May. She was recovered by Mr. lloflu near
yuarry vine, baring changed owucrs several times
since Suter sold ber'
Several stolen buggies were also recovered, which
are awaiting ownership. The rascal, Clark, was
convicted iu the Moutour county court, some time
since, and sentenced to the Eastern Penitentiary fur
six years and six months, for horse stealing. He is
the same Individual who stole a valuable borse and
buggy from Jacob Beasholls, Esq., of Lower Augusta
township, this county, lust spring.
Notice. The second meeting ot the conference of
Unitarian and other christian churches, of tbe Mid
dle and Southern Slates, will be beld with tbe
church in Northumberland, April 10th and 11th.
The Rev. Dr. Furness, of Philadelphia, will preach
the opening sermon on April 10th, at T o'clock, P.
M. Interesting services will be held on the llthof
April, throughout the day. Tbe publio are invited
to attend. Fieloeb Israel,
Secretary of the Conference.
t3SBBRirf Sale or Real Estate. Sheriff
Beckley sold tbe following real estate, at the Court
House, In this place, oa Monday, 11th Inst. :
One aore of land, with house, Ac, in Lower Ma-
banoy township, property of Daniel D. Seal. Sold
to Nathaniel Marl for $1000.
On and a half acres of land, frame boose, barn
and tannery, in Jackson township, properly ol Daniel
D. Seal, bold to John H. Seal for $2,700.
Let of ground, dwelling and shop, la Vara Cms,
Lower Mahanoy township, property of Samuel B.
High. Bold to John A. Snyder for $2.
Lot of ground la Wataontown, property of Wm.
Hood. Bold to J. P. Irwin fur $80.
Lot of ground and house, la Northumberland, pro
perty of Fetor Hansel maa. Bold to Too. Rulledge
lor io.
The apparteaaaee, corporate rights and franchise
of tha old Banbury Water Fewer Company were
MM to Jr I- Clement, of tali Ue, for $S,oo.
..... .Bttitot .U'ti. ;
Blackwood' Maoaxth The Fobrusrj num
ber nf this sterling magasine has boen republished
by the Leotard Peotl Publishing Company, 18 Walk
r street. New Tork. ' The contents af a: The Army j
Ayrshire Curling Pong; .The UaySolenoe; Colonel
ftnrdon'a Chinese Force ; Eavesdropping at Worrits ;
The Turret-Ship of England and Amerloaj The
woraing uiasxMi uiacaie ana Jones uimrwi;
In America i Tbe Union Realised, or. Tbe Trne Re
gimen for Irish Evils ; Brownlowi part II. Note.
This is an able number.
aUariVa MAtssma. We bsve reoetved the
April number of this excellent and popular maga
sine. The following Is the table of contents : The
Dodge Club, or, Italy In MDCCCLIX. (continued ;)
Heroio Deeds of Heroic Men, (continued ;) The Chil
dren In the Moon ; Tbe Shaded Stream ; A Christian
Neighborhood A Forced March Easter Hnlidsys;
In the Smoke; strayed ana stolen a vaiuornian
Caravansary ; Davy Crockett's Electioneering Tour ;
Chauoer's Urislldis ; A Money Article The Virgin
ians In Texas, (oontinued ;) My Fiithnrs-in-Law ;
The Romance of Sleep ; Mrs. Pullet's Perversion ;
HoW I Happened to Marry; Bushy and jacK ; fct-
itor's Easy Chair; Monthly Record of Current
Events ; Editor's Drawer, Ac Published by Har
per A Brothers, Franklin Bquare, New York.
Beadle's Montiilt. Tbe April number of this
superior magasine is already on our table, with tbe
following table of oon touts : Our National Capitol,
seoond paper. (Illnstratod ;) From Poet to Pillar,
(oontinued :) nyxnon Jones, a poem, (illustrated ;j
Natural Foroes; Autobiographlo Notes; Three
Nights at Coast Cedars; Wonderful Balloon Excur
sion. II. : Who Was lie? XIII. XIV: Skirmishing
in the Shenandoah; Greenblow in Gotham, VII-
IX; The Ship of the Desert ! In Duress; Words
from the People; Notes, Notlciw and Gossip.
1'ubltshed by lieadle A Company, New lora.
UoDsr's LaDt'i Book. The April number of
this msgasino, for beauty and variety of embellish
ment, has no superior. The following are the eon
tents : In tbe Woods, a steel engraving ; a col
ored Fashion-plate, that for beauty of engraving,
coloring, and correctness of fashions, cannot be ex
celled ; colored plnte of fancy work ; The Hoop
mania, a nannsnine wooo-cut; spring aresse lor
ladies and children; the Rivoli Sack, A'paslne
Mantle, spring bonnets and hats, Ao., Ac The lite
rary matter is furnished by such writers as Marion
llarland, (whose lost work "Sunnybank" stamps
ber as tbe best living American writer,) Mary Jan-
vnn,3. Annie t rosl, r lorence tiartland. ami oiuers
Published by L. A. Godey, N. E. oorner Sixth and
Chesnut Streets, Philadelphia.
Tne Lady' Frienp, for April, 1867. Thero
is something a little out of the usual way in the
finely executed steel ongraving which leads off tho
April number of this charming magntine. Tbe ool
nred fashion plate is, as usual, elegant and refined.
The other illustrations are of Children's Fssbions,
Promonade Dress, White Cbamberry Gaute and Silk
Dresses, Marie Stuart Bonnet, Spring Paletot, Ac.
As to the literary contents, we have continuations of
the attractive stories of '-Orville Collage," by the
author of '-East Lynne," and "How a Woman Had
Her Way," by Elisabeth Proscott, with the begin
ningof a new story, "No Longer Young," by Aman
da M. Douglas, and shorter stories and pootry by
Florence Percy, Dice Preston, Cora Leigh, Ac
Published by Deacon A Peterson, 310 Waiuut Street,
UPJob ls-isillsij. Having received a
large supply of NEW JOB TYPE, of various new
styles, Posters, Handbills, Circulars, Cards, Letter
Heads, Bill Heads, Labels, Ac, oon be printed In
the latest and host styles, and on short notice
Orders by mail promptly attended to.
ii Ti, '
Ei re A Lakdell, 4th and Arch Streets, Phila
delphia, are now offering a large stock of Spring
Dry Goods to purchasers. This is an old established
and reliable dry goods bouse ! Read advertisement.
We talk of tftending our time as if it were so
much interest of a perpetual annuity ; but money
expended In the purchase of good clothing at tbe
Continental Clothing Busaar will bo intcrcst saved.
We advise every one to go to the Continental nnd in
vest a small sum in one of tbe now, cheap and fash
ionable spring suits.
It Is said that everything in naturo bos Its equiv
alent ; but we know of nothing that is equal to wo
man's curiosity. If our readers are curiously in
clined, we recommend theni to drop into J. O.
Beck's tailoring establishment, on Fourth street,
and examine his stuck of Cloths, Cnssiuierea, Ac
Fur beauty and quality tbey cannot be excelled, to
say nothing of tbe extremely low prices.
A oektleuam in Iowa udvortises for a wife "who
wears her own bair, her owu teeth, ber own cheeks,
ber own "buiium," and her own calves, without
having weut and gone and paid for tbem." A sen
sible man, truly. If be resided in this part of the
country be would undoubtedly purohose his suits of
J. F. Schucffcr, merchant tailor, N.W. corner of
Market streets, (second story.) There is no decep
lion whatever in the suits made by Suhacfiur. He
has just received his stock of beautiful spring goods,
and everybody should call immediately and exam'
ine them.
Some young men who were traveling among tbe
Whito Mountains, lust summer, stopped at a farm
house and called for milk. After they had drank a
large quantity, the woman of the bouse brought tbem
a large bowlful, with the touching remark, "One
would think, gentlemen, you bad never been
weaned." Persons never become "weaned" of pa
tronising Miller's Excelsior Boot and Shoe Store,
Market street, when tbey once purchase at that
place. The reason is that ha sells a oheapcr and
better article than anybody else in this vicinity.
a " ne stood a spell on one fut fust,
Then stood a spell on 'tolber.
An' on which one he felt the wust,
He couldn't ha' told ye, nutber ;"
For bis boots were perfect fits, purchased at Harry
Thachcr's new boot and shoe store, in Pleasants
building, Market stroct, next door to Adums' Ex
press office.
SrniNa. Tbe weather has been very unsettled
of late, aud it would punle anybody to tell where
winter leaves off and spring begin. If lb weather
should open during thi gloomy spell, it would be
well to call at tbe fashionable and cheap tailoring
establishment of John E. Buiick, on Fourth street,
and have your mea-ure taken for a beautiful spring
suit, and also examine tbe splendid assortment of
goods for gentlemen's and boys' wear.
Lire Issuhasice. Rev. Henry Ward Beecber
says: "Once tbe question was, can a Christian man
rightfully seek sucb Assurauce? That day is
passed. Now tbe question is, can a Christian justify
himself in neglecting sucb a duty ?"
Jacob Shipm am, tre and Life Inturanre Agent,
Sunbury, Pa.
Blaoes' Eitoosial Lubuicatob. It Is uni
versally admitted that Blades' Lubricstor are tbe
most pleasant, effectual and convenient remedy be
fore the publio, for Coughs, Colds, Hoarseness,
Croup, Catarrh, Asthma, and all other affections of
the Throat and Lungs. Rev. Dr. Lindsay, I'resi
dent of Uenesee College, Lima, N. Y., says: "I
have tested Blades' Lubricators, and deem tbem
superior to any other medicine fur tbe voice and
throat 1 bare ever tried."
A Lahqb abd New Stock or Wall Patxr
Oilt, Column, Satin, White, Bun: and Brown,
Blank with border to match cheaper than ever-
just received at Lioutheb's.
Puotoqbapbs. If you would posses yourself of
a faithful and life-like portraiture of a friend and
who has not a friend? if you would secure the
shadow are the substance fade, go at one lo Bysr-
ly's Photograph Gallery, in Simpson' building,
Market street, Sunbury, and procure one before it
is too late.
E5 To Claim Aobktb. Blank forth collec
tion of "Claim of Private Soldier and Non-Corn-
missioned Offioers," under the let Aet of Congress,
equalising bounties, have boen printed and ar now
for sale at lb Ahbbicab orSoe. We keep 00 band
a full supply of all kinds of military blank, whiob
wa tell very oheap. They ar copied from blanks
prepared la tha Department at Washington, and
eaa be relied on for orraetooa. Order from a die
aao will roeelva prompt attention.
.J,-"'"-n" iassaslfl
Corrected Weekly for tho "American."
Wheat Flour, extra family, per barrel,
do do do do per owt.
Rye Flour, . per bbl. r
do per owt.
Wheat, prime red per bushel,
Rye, . do
Corn, new .do
0U, . de i
PotAloao, do '
Dried Peaohes, pared - per rnand
, do do uopared do
Pried Apple, do
$1(1 M
8 00
10 00
' 1 B
t 00
3 00
liriM uaemes, (ubstooed,) per bu.
per pound.
per do ten,
per pound,
de .
per pair
Beof, hind quarter
" front "
Blttimolf It djoal Trnde.
Bbamokim, Maroh 20, 1887.
Tom. I'M.
Bent for week ending Maroh 23, 9.007 1&
Per last report, 67,254 00
T9.2M 15
83,068 03
7.B9H 0
To same time tut year,
Special Not'ttf0.
Mor Trouble. Thousands of our ueoplo are
weekly dying from the ravages of Indigestion, Dys
pepsia, and various diseases of the stomach and
bowels. The valuo of Coe'i Dtspepsia Curb
should be known to the World. It has saved thou
sands from an early grave.
I"r-c to Everybody.
A Large 6 pp. Circular, giving information of the
greatest importance to the young of both sexes.
It tescbes how the homely may become beautiful
the despised respected, nnd the forsakon loved.
No young lady or gentleman should fail to send
their address, snd receive a copy, post-paid, by re
turn mail.
Address P. 0. Drawer, 21, Troy, N. Y.
0.U lltl 12
VOI .11 a l- k c t Ntrect,
One door cibovo Sixth, Philadelphia.
For many years this Establishment has done busi
ness on the One Price Ny.i.ein, nnd we bcliovo we
aro the only Clothing House in tho city that strictly
adheres to this principle. We have earned a repu
tation which we are proud of, for good taste in select-
good styles and substantial materials, and uot less
important, fur having all our goods,
e: i ica yi:i.i. .n aif.
We employ the best talent, fur Cutters, and our
Goods are of both kinds Fashionable and plain
so that all tastes can be suited. Tho prices nre the
very lowest, as any one by a moment s thought must
see, or otherwiso we could not meet Ihe competition
of our neighbors, lor osnodeductionsarecvermade,
wo must put our prious dowu to tne advuntuges we
The people may depend, this is the true plan upon
which to do business, and many a dollar can be
saved to Clothing buyers by keeping in mind
604 Market iStrrcet, Philadelphia,
Not on Ihe Coruer, but one door above Sixth.
March 23, 1807. ly
To sjoiiHiiinptisfH.
Tbe advertiser, having been restored to health In
a few weeks by a very simple remedy, after having
suffered for several years with a severe lung affection
and that dread disease, Consuinp'ion Is anxious to
make known to bis fellow sufferers the means of
To all who desiro it, he will send a copy of the
prescription used (free of chnre), with the direcs
tions fur preparing and using tbe siiiue, which they
will find a sure Clue fur Cuxbuhptio, Asthma,
Biioncuiti8, Colons, Colds, and all Throat and
Lung Affections. The only object of the advertises
in sending the prescription is to benefit tbe afflicted
and spread information which he conceives to be in
valuable, and he hopes every sufferer will try bl
remedy, as it will cdst them nothing, aud may prove
a blessing.
Parties wishing tbo prescription, free, by return
mull, pleaso address
Willinmsburgb, Kings Co , New York.
January 13, I0T16 ly.
lA Youxu Lauy returning to her couuiry homo
after a sojourn of a few mouths iu the City, was bard
ly rccognucd by her friends. In place of a ooarso.
rustic, Uu.lied fucc, she had a soft ruby complexion
of almost marble smoothness, aud instead ol twenty-
three she really appeared but eighteen. Upon in
quiry as to tbe cause of so great a change, she plum
ly told Ibem that she used the 4'il-'llillll
tsslssi.and considered it an inruluahle acquisition
to any Lady's toilet. By its use any Lady 01 Gentle
mun can improve their personal up earuueu an hun
dred lold. It is simple iu its combination, us Nature
herself is simple, yet unsurpsssed iu lis ehioacy in
drawing impurities from, also healing, cleansing aud
beautifying tho skin and complexion. By its direct
action uu the cuticle il draws troui it all iu impuri
ties, kindly healing the same, and leaving the sur
face as Nature intended it should be, clear, suit,
smooth aud beautiful. Price $1, seut by Mail or
Express, on receipt of an order by
W L. CLAUK A CO., Chemists,
No. 3 West Fayette St.. Syracuse, N. Y.
Tho only American AgouU tor tho sale ol the same
February Id, lo67. ly
OF IRON, supplies tbe Ulood with its LIFE ELE
MENT, IRON, giving strength, vigor and new life
to the whole system.
If tbe thousands who ore suffering from Dyspepsia,
Debility, Female Weakness.Ac , would but test tbe
virtues of the Peruvian Syrup, Ihe effect would not
only astonish themselves but would please all their
rienda ; for instead of feeling eruss, "all gone" and
miserable, tbey would be cheerful, vigorous and ac
"I have tried the Peruvian Syrup, and the result
fully sustains your prediction. It bus made a new
mau 01 me, iutused into my system new vigor and
energy; I am no longer tremulous and debilitated,
as wben you last saw me, but stronger, heartier, aud
with larger capacity for labor, menial and physical,
than any lime during the last five years."
Thousands have been changed by tbe use of this
remedy from weak, sickly, suffering oreatures, to
strong healthy, and happy men and women ; aud in
valids caooot rcasouubly hesitate to give it a trial.
The genuine baa '-Peruvian Syrup" blown in tbe
A o page l-ampiliet win oe sen, ireo.
J. P. DIXSMORE, Proprietor,
No. 30 Dey St., New York.
Sold by all Druggists.
jiajc2 xm-tr
Is a certain cure foi diseases of the
end ell diseases of the
whethej existing iu
from whatever cause originating and uo mailer of
Diseases nf thrse organs requite Ihe use of a dturotio.
lr uu tmtment is submitted to, Consumatiou us luaan
ity may ensue. Our Flesh and Ulood we supported from
these euoices, eiKJ Ine
ih.iof Pootaiiiv. dcrjeuds enou orompt ase of a reliable
Established epwerda ot 19 yeare, prspsied by
IV. T. UEI-MU1H.1),
6M Broadway, New Ym, eod
let Bouia tut Btreet, Paissucipaia, Pa.
Marsh I, lb ty
These Pills are eomnoeed of various roots, having
tbe pew' to relax the secretion, of tbe liver a.
promptly and efioeldnliy as blue pill or moroury, j
ana WIUIOUI prouuailig nnj oi luwf uimgrwunio ur
j - -ni- bu.L ArtM r..u.. tu. ..u ..r ,l. a
" . . I
In all blllou disorders thcae Pills may be ojed 1
with confidence, as they promote the disohargs of
vitiated bile, and remove those omtruotions noin tne
liver and biliary ducts, which aro the cause of
bilious affootions in general. .
SCHKNCK a MA ftDKAHK ri 1.1.3 cure sick
headache, end ell disorders of the Liver, Indicated
by sallow skin, ooated tongue, oostivenoss, drowsi
noss, end a general feeling of woariness and lassi
tude, showing that the livur is lu a torpid or ob-
isruoica uonuuiuu.
In short, those Pills may he used with advantage
In all cases when a purgative or altorative mudioiue
is required.
Please ask for "Dr. Sohonok's Mandrnke rills,"
and observe that tbe two likenessos of tho Doctor are
on tho Govornmont stamp one whon In tho last
stage of Consumption, and the other in his presonl
Sold by all Druggists nnd dealers. Frio, 25 cents
per box. Prinoipal Olliue, No. 1 North (till street,
Philadelphia, Pa.
General Wholesale Agents : Demai Barnes A Co.,
21 Park Row, New York; S. 8. llnnoe, 108 Balti
more St.. Baltimore, Md. ; John D. Park, N li. cor.
of Fourth and Walnut St.. Cincinnati, Ohio ; Walker
A Taylor, 134 end 130 Walin-b Avenne, Chicago,
111.; Collins Brothers, southwest corner of 2d aud
Vine Sts., St. Louis, Mo.
Oct. 20, lSiiO. tibiith
K I ni , but Trsic.
Every young lady and gentleman In the United
States can bear something to their advantage by re
turn mail, (free of charge.) by addressing the under
signed. Those having fears of being huuibuggod
will obliga by not noticing this card. All othors will
please address their obedient servant,
831 Broadway, New York.
January 13. ISO'S, ly
he) CoufY-sMioun mid lxpwie nee
or an in va lip.
Published fur tho benefit snd as a caution to young
men and others, who suffer from Nervous Debility,
Promature Decay of Manhood, Ac, supplying at the
same timo the means of self-euro. By one who mis
cured himself a'ter undergoing considerable quack
ery. By enclosing a post-paid addressed envelope,
single Copies, tree of charge may bo bad of tbe au
thor. NATHANIEL MAYFAIR, Esq., Brooklyn, Kings
Co. N. t.
January 27, 1S08 ly.
Hrmrtital "jnstitutc
Mo. li Uosssl Mrrrl Sew York.
Full information, with the highest testimonials
also a Book on Special Disoascs, iu a sealed envelope
sent free. V lit suro and send for them, nnd you
will not rogrct it ; for, its advertising physicians are
goncrally impostors, with references no strnnger
should be trusted. Euclose a stamp fur postage, and
direct to DR. LAWKENC12, No. 11 Buud street,
New York.
Nov. IT, 1368. ly
1 1'Ct I ! ITCH !
Will l in e the Itch lis IS lloiirn.
Price 50 conts. For sale by the druggists. By rend
ing 60 cents to WEEKS A POTTER, Sole Agents.
170 Washington street, Boston, it will be forwarded
by mail, free of postage, to any part of the United
States. o i J oo-y
Know 'I liy Ikt'Miiiy.
Mapamb E. F. Tuorton, the grent English As
(rologist, Clairvoyant nnd Psychometrician, who has
ustonisbed tbo scLotific clashes of the Old World,
bss now located herself at Hudson, N. Y. Mndmuo
Thornton poscsaca such wonderful powers of second
sight, as to enable her to Impart knowledge of the
groatest iinportanco to Ihe single or married of either
sex. While in a state of trance, she delineates the
very features of tha person you are to marry, and
by tho aid of an instiumont of intense power, known
as the Psycbomolrope, guarrunteoa to produce a life
like picture of the future husband or wife of the
applicant, togetber witn date of marriago, position
in lite, leading traits of character. Ac. i'Uis is no
humbug, as thousand of testimonials can itbbert
hho will solid, wbcu desired, a certified certilicute, or
written guarantee, that the picture is what it pur
ports to bo. By enclosing a small lock of hair, and
staling place 01 uirtn, age, disposition and com
plcxion, and enclosing fillv cents und stamped en
velopo addressed to yourself, you will reeeivo the
pioture aud desired information by return mail All
communications sacredly confidential. Address
confidence, Mapaub E. F. Tiiohmox, P. O. Box
2it, Hudson, N. Y. feb ld- li7.1y
Is the Gieat Diuretic.
IldmlolX Conei-ntrated Extract Sarstparilla
Is Ihe Gieat IlliK'd Purifier.
Both are prepared orr ordinfr to rules of Ph.mnnpy and
tiiemisirt , aito aie Hie inosiuctive liiatcuu be niuoe.
March i, IMP.- ly
A Cough A Cold
Sore Throat,
Requires immediate attkmios
and should bk cueckbd.
If allowed to continue,
Iri-ilutioii oT (lie l.iisix-
A. I'eriiiiiueul Throat
HrteiitfP, or Con
11 ic o w y
II It O Oil 1 A I X Ii O V II K
ForlBronchitia, Aethma, Cntnrrh, Consump
tive and Throat Diseases,
Troche are used with ulways good success.
will find Troches useful in clearing the voice when
taken before Singing or Speaking, ami rulieving Ihe
throat after an unusual exertion of Iho vocal organs.
The Troches are recommended and prescribed by
Physicians, and have had toAUiuonials fioin eminent
man throughout the country. Being an article of
true merit, and proved their efficacy by a test
of many years, each ycur finds them in pew locali
ties in vorious ports (if tbe w orld, and the Troches
are universally prunouueed butler thou other ar
ticles. Outai.i only "Brown' Buosouial Troches.
and do not take any of tbe Worthless Imitations that
may be offered Sold E cry whore.
November 24, 1868. tm
Wonderful but Trite.
Madaue Remington, the w orld-returnod Astrolo
gist and Somnambulistic Clairvoyant, whilo in a
oluirvoyant state, delineates the very foutuies of
the person you are to marry, and by Ihe aid of au
Instrument of intense power, known ns the Psycho
motrope, guarantee to produce a perfect and life
like picture of the future hiubaud or wife of the
applicant, with date of marriage, occupation, lead
ing traits of character, Ao. This is no imposition, ss
testimonials without number oan assert, liy statin?
place of birth, age, disposition, eolor of eyes and
hair, and enclosing fifty cents, and stamped envelope
addressed to yourself, you will reoeive the picture
bv return mail, toiretber with desired information.
ja Address in eonnaence, aiaiiaub ueiithlue
RtmiiStuB, P. O. Box 27, West Troy. X. Y.
Ieoio- o.iy.
KKMKDIKS) for MiintaiBUltt and da.iae.ous diseases- Use
Hklus'jld's Kxrascr Uucuu sau laraova-j Huaa Wasu.
March 4, lt7. ly
Rim Wash cures soerol and delicate disorders III uU their
slasea, at liltie expense, lulls w no ehunse III diet, ru in
convenience and no esiHisure. 11 is pleasant in taste and
udor, immediate iu its action, aud f:ee from sit inju
rious properties mhD'UT ly
Our Good are decidedly the choaet in tlio
City lor
TUiPLK pi.ati:, A o. 1.
July Tth, 1866 -lye
VWHl IN 1,111,11 X I I 1 1 . It. I ! .
K . . . .. . . iublcrib(,
f,.r Ihe rooovery of Ihe above money, or the ar- i
rw? t Ul aUM '7 vhjhii.k.1 iio hiuwbi j.
or such.
luiorinnooa mm win iwt iu lu nrruni mm
Ann win, , in nr aunh rtnrgnn ,,r tlGrMinS Thil mnnM
Was in gold coin. Via night $20 gold pleoes onn of
thorn marked V. K., one $10 gold pleeo, marked M
R, The rrmaindnr was In gold pieces of I0, ,
$2. Ml and f I, making in alt fire hundred dollars in
gold. The roliliery was committed on the premhw
nf the sub-oriber, Valentine Klae, residing near
Anydertown, in Shamokin township, Northumber
land county, somotime since August 18i',S. hut the
supposition Is that It was done on the night of the
SHih of February, when Mr. and Mrs Kla supposed
thry were drugged by eome narootlo aa they slept
without waking until late the following morning.
Rnydertown, March 16, IHGt).
Admlnlnlrutor'ai Sotlco.
JKTTKttS of aitiniiusiratinn on theestnte of Cmhailne
j HnnRliiirl, rierraseri, lately nf Delaware township,
Ni'lllnlmhrrllorf eounly, having been grunted to Ikn tin
ilenugiid, by the Kf-siaier of shkI ooaniy. All peiarvis
indebted to Clio sime will mutte imnnlliite pnymeut, and
those hnviiiff elinms against the same, will present thorn
duly autlfiiucuted.
i. W. Wni'RS, Administrates
DelaVi-nietwp., M.ircli IC, lr-07 lit
."'. !- to AMSK-HHorH for IHC7.
NOTICE is hereby given to tho Assessors of the
ditTorent townships and boroughs in Northum
berland County, to call rt the Commissioners' OCrieo,
at Himhury, 011 the 1st day of April, 1H0.7, to receive
their Hooks nnd instruction onncerning Ihe Assess
ments. All mujt appear in person, and none should
fuil to bo present on thntday.
Ill li II HI Alt 1 1., 1
JKO. ECKM AN. iCommlss'rs.
Chas. Wkaveh. Clerk.
Commissioners' Offioe. 1
Sunbury, March 18, 1867.
4ooI news lui- Molhr-r-n !
MOTHERS, nre you oppressed with anxiety for
your lit'lo ones? Are vnnr slumbers and
heart broken by their ciics ' i)u you awako in tha
morning nnrclre.be1 and apprehensive 7 II so, pro
oureat'onee a bottle of Dr. Leons' Infant Remedy
and you will bavouomoro weary hours of watching
mm iii.Aiciy.
int. i. :: i.WAivr
has stood the test of yenrs. Thousands nf nurses snd
mothers bear wituess that it never fails to give relief
il used in seaon. It is a mild, yet sure and Fpeody
cure tor Colic, Cramps and Wiinly l'nins, and is in
valuublo for all complaints incident to Teething.
Sold by Druggists throughout ihe I'nitud States.
Address all orders to
Sole Ppropiietors.
137 ftorlli I'liirtl ft I ret-1, Bk(l'u.
November 24, 8ii0. ly.
IVnnslva n in A K'rirnl I n ral
Script lor Waif.
The Board Of Commissioner now otter f.w nt
62U.0C0 ncrcsof Agricultural College Scrip, boingtho
balance of the Scrip granted to the Comiuoweallh of
Pennsylvania lor the endovrmcut of Agricultural
Cullcgus in this. Statu.
l'rnKaIs for Ihe purchase of this Laud Scrip, ad
dressed lo "The Board of Cominirsioners of Agricul
tural Land Scrip," will lie received at the Survuvor
(iencriil'soflioe, at llarrieburg, until 12 o'clock, M.,
on Wednesday, April 10. IS'17.
inis land may be located in any Stute or Terri-
tory, by tho holders of thoscrip, Upon any of tho un.
appropriated lands (exoept mineral lands) of the
United States, which may besuhjectto solo ut pri-
vato entry. Each piece of sciiu represents a ounr.
ter section of one hundred and sixty acres, is issued
in blank, and will be transferable without endorse
ment or formal assignment. Tho blank need not bo
filled until (he scrip is presented for location nnd
entry, when Ihe party holding it can fill tho blank
und enter il iu bis own name. Bids must he made
as per acre, and no bids will bo received for less than
ouo quarter section.
luo oonp will be issued immediately on tbe pay
ment of tho inony to the Survevor Uuiicral. On nil
bids (or a less quantity tbuu 40.UU0 acres, one-third
of the purchase monoy must be paid within ten
nays, sun me remninmit two-thirds with 11 thirty
dnjs alter notification of ihe acceptance of tho bid
or bids liy tho Hoard of Conitiiissioircr.
JACOIJ M. CAMPBELL, Swru-yor Oenrral
J-'ur the Board if Cammisatoueit
Harrisburg, March 1, lat7. lm.
xb ffxs sasarM jmTOk sx
AT the above named place will bo sold from this
dale all tha GOODS at Wholesale prices. We
invite Families to supply themselves with CLOTH.
INU, etc.. and also call on Country Stores lo come
and buy of us as we will sell strictly ut City Wholo-
sale Market Prices.
All our Goods must bo sold up to the 1st of Arril.
when our Store will be removed.
For tho suke of yourself. enme and secure bargains.
Sunbury, March , 1867.
In Simpson's Building, Market Square,
HA IXO become the successor of Mr, A. E. Sa
vaok, bo would respectfully solicit the custom
of tho citizens in general. Hoping by strict ntti n.
lion to business that tbey will 1'i.vor him wiib their
Mr. S bus been conuected for tho past ten yonrs
with some of tho best houses in the city, in the
Watchmaking trade, und all work entrusted to his
euro will bo done with promptness and dispuicu,, and
U , $ A, ne , lean Swiss Watches. Clocks.
Jewelry und Silverware, mil bo sold as low as cau
be purchased in tbo city, and of tbe first quality.
Particular utteution paid to tho repairing ot Fine
Watches. Clocks und Jewelry.
I o AU orders promptly filled. Masonio Murks
uittdu to order.
Sunbury, March 2, IS67.
Admii:If ruloi-' .ut !-.
"VTOTICE is hereby given that loiters of adminis.
tuition having been i-runtcd to the undersigned
011 tbo estate nf ltoborl W. Brooks, lute of mo Uoroutrh
or Sunbury. Northumberland county, Pa., deceased.
All persons indebtH are requested to make immedi
ate paymeut, aud those having oluiius to present
tbcuiduly authenticated for settlement.
J. B. MASSER, Adiu'r
Sunbury, Murch 9, 1S07. tit
TTANDSOME, fino-toned, uew, and price low.-
AA ln
Inquire at this OHiee.
I'phntu'x IVcisIa .virsit Cure,
Prepared from the formula of Prof. Trousseau, of
Paris, cures Consumption, Lung Diseaeus, BronehiiU,
Dyspciwiu. Marasmus, lienerul Debility aud all mor
bid conditions of thesyiUem dependent un iletieieuey
of vital force. It is pleasant to late. aud a single
bottle will convince tho most skeptical of its virtue
as tho great healing remedy of the ae. 1 a hot.
lie, or six bottles for S.'i Sent hv Express. Sold by
S. C. ITU AM, No. 2i South EIOI1TH Street,
And all principal Druggists. Circulars sent free.
March It. leW. 3m .
nmBo. btxi -Co.
THE STOCK aud FIXTURES of an established
Confectionery, with au Oyster department, aud
good ruu ul custom.
Apply sooa to ,
vv ' iSO. C. MILLEK,
Jan. 12, 1867. Sunbury, Pa.
CALL und see those beautiful Bird Cages at the
new Hardware store of
rililE undersigned offers at private sale tbe follow.
1 ing valuable real estate, situate iu the Borough
Sunbury. late the property of Thomas Kobins, dee d:
The Hotel Property on Front street, with all tbe
outbuildings, Ao., lutely occupied by Frederick
A valuable House and Lot on Market Street, to
gether with all the outbuildings.
For further particulars apply to
J011NU. MAUKLE, Executor.
Feb. 16, 1SC7 3m tiunbury. Pa.
" Urat'c's C'vlebrulcil rSul'e !
AuKsat'BY, Mass., Oct. loib, 1S6J.
Mr.GBACB Dbar Sib -.Having been afflicted
grievously for several weeks with a severe absos
upon my side, 1 used several remedies fur it eradi
cation without reeeiviux any relief, uotil I applied
yuur solve, whiub edeoiud a speedy aud permanent
eare. I therefore feel happy toeertifv my eoufidenee
lu it virtue. Your with respect.
1 Certify to the truthfulness of Ihe above statement.
-' H. 6. Dbaubobx, M.D.
6old bv all Druggist, at roots a lx.
Marnb i, IStT lm
ton test sind L'sieossted Lsnlo.
NOTICK Is hereby given that the following trsers
nf Unseated Lands an 1 Lois of tfround will be
i sold at publio sile ut tbe offion of tbe County Com
I missionurs, in the borough of iiunliury. Northumbor
I land oonniy, on MONDAY, the 'b d'iy of Ai'HIL.
A. D. lHOi, which said traflts of land and lots of
ground have heretofore bem purohasrH at Tren
suror's sale, for tho uso of tho onntyof Northern
berlsnd In pursuunov of an Aot of Oonoral Assembly,
panted Ihe l.iih ol March, J HI 5. entitled an Aot t
amend ao Aot directing the mode of selling unseaUd
lands for taxes nnd tor oilier purposes, the said treeie
haviag boon purchased as aforesaid by the County
Commissioners and liavo reiuninrd mirVduemed for
fire years and upwards, I Ills sila to bn in purruaroo
of. end in acunrdunoe airhths powers given in tbe
nets of General Assembly, pa.'strd the iilth day of
Maroh, 121, section 1.
2 lots, blocs) 135, 8 and 8, In Zo-.lo, as tbe pro
perty ot Widow Miller.
2 lots, block l.JD, in Zarhc, as tho property of John
1 lot. block M. No. 12. iu Zoibo, as the property tf
uoiincir erapey.
2 acros of Innd in Lo
owur MaLonoy, ns the properly
nf 11. Ilerold.
2071 acres ot land In Coal, Warrantuo, Alexander
13fi acres irl lnrd, Warrantee, Jsmos Kee'cy.
100 acres of land in Shamokiu Ws-raLteo, Alexan
der Hunter.
60 acres of land In Coal, Wartntitee, Peter Oosiona.
bit acres oflnnd iu Cameron, Warrantee, Alexander
One-third of 101 acres) of land ifa Coal, Warrastoo,
Thomas Rucsc.
67 aores of land in Littlo Malionoy, Wnrrantso, Alex
ander Ihiffa.
23 acres of laud in Little Muhonoy, Warrantee, John
42 ocresof InnJ in Lower Angustn, Warrantee, Jobn
28 acres of land in Lower Augueta, Warrantee, Jobs
77 acres of land in Lower Augusta, Warrantee, John
Five-sixths of 100 seres of land in Jocksoh, Vi arres
tee, Thos. Reese.
16 acres of land in Coal, Warrantee Philip Hursh
77 acres of land in Little Muhonoy, Warrantee, Dr.
John Smith.
Fire-sixtbsof 210 acres of land In Little Muhonoy,
Warrunteo, 'Ihos. Keeso.
28h seres nf land in Little Muhonoy, Warrantoo,
John Km 11 1).
42 acros oflaud lu Little Mahonoy, Warrant, John
300 acres of land in I'j-pcr Mahonr.y, Warrantee,
Jjhn Smith.
103 acres of land in Shamokin township, Warranto,
Juuios Lewi.
JOHN EC KM AX. iCnmmts'ni
Chas. WrAvnn, Clerk.
Mnrch 2, I3ti7. fit
Mo. 3 u it 1 t r 11 1 1 ii .tlarktl,
or Sll kinds of
All orders punctually attcnted to.
February 2't, 1807. Cm.
j OAVES Time. 1.
I iold Evciywhoro
Labor, Money. Makes WASHINfs
ore. THY IT.
Addresj all orders lo tbe Manufacturers
Chemist nnd Wholeeile Drussriala,
137 .orlh Third SMrcel, l'iUi'n.
November 21, lSo ly
No moro JlctUl Hewlt .'
No more Gray Lock .'
mi. 1. r. o s
is pronounced by all who have used it the very be:
prcparuliou for ihe Hair. It is a positive cuio for
JiiUdness, eradicalos Dandruff i.nd Humors, slops thi
lluir from falling out, and s eeilily restores Gray
Locks to their original hue und luxuriance
I', operates cn the secretions and tills the ghndt
witn uey me ana cotniing matieri jinn, aea'i,
faded or gray hair will always ho brought hack by
fuw npplicutions, to its youthful abundance, M'.uli j
ftnd color.
Il makes tho hair soft, glossy, fragrant, plcasm
to tho touch and easy to arrargu. Diy, wiry an.
intractablo locks become moist, pliant and dis-posot
i f rm."ln ln 11V "5alr!i:? Position. As a ilair urc-
I !"S " no equal, iho sales are enormous ana 1
is u universal tuvorite with old and young ot boti
' ,cl.e?'. . - ... , .......
1 tx.t.l by Druggists tlirouaboul tne Limoj B'.auM
Auurc&ft an orucrs 10
Sole Proprietors,
tar Mortis Third Jit., IMiU'ii.
November 21, ItSGO ly.
j H. L. LAZARUS. t
Jl. I.. 1 .tZAUI'N
OULD rcspeul fully call tho attention of
tbo public to her LAitur. ana
AssonnirNT or
Fancy and Domestic Dry Goods-'
u EreN tioodM,
A Ot all kinds und sMes in great Variety.
I'OfLiaS AUU illltUNUS,
j o Black, (iroen. Blue. Wine. Brown. Purple, io.,
I ln All-Wool Plaids, Dvlaius, Calicoes,
I &c, e huvo 11 u asfui inei.t.
! S Tbo bust Black AUpacens, all-wool DelAli'i.
Vfhite Goods.
C Cambrio, Swiss. Nainsook nnd Jaconet MuE-
& '" W. ' Towling
C liurnii and American luinyrs, snutiniiu
Yioul, tvUi-bmero tarns, Ac.
ICalsiiiMiil KMrtM,
o Cum Cloth, Dreui Ti'imiuiiijrs. Hosiery.
H Oloves, Hoop-Skirts, Corselts, Ribbons, and
k Woolen Goods.
g Bed llloves. of the best quality, and a great
variety of goods loo numerous to mention, all
of which will be sold at ihe very lowest for
cash. M. L. LAZARUS,
y Suuhury Oct. 17, 1S6S.
Ilxvrtitor'ai .olli-t-.
AViife- of THOMAS nOIUNS, djc.n
"VTOTICE is hereby Riven that loiters tcslamrnti
X having been grunted to the undersigned,
1 lie em at o of Thomas Bobbins, lite ot Ihe llarou
of Sunbury, Northumberland couuty. Pa., deeeas v
all persons indebted are requested lo make iuu
diale payment, and those having olaims to pros
Ihvm. duly authenticated, for Soitlcmcnt.
JOHN It. MAUKLE. Executor
Sunbury, Feb. Id. ISii".
rl IHE subscriber is prepared tu deliver to the 1
sens of Sunbury slid Northumberland. 1
rt.ii;tibrin towns, a superior quality of PL
STONE, for puvimr. at Ihe shortest notice On
attended to by addressing at Suulmrv, to
Pnnbiirv. Feb. lo. S!7. Sin
6.000 Now and Second-Hand TEAM UAKXESvS
10.000 lilt Uil. ICS and COLLAKS.
S.IIOO SADDLES, ull Styles 2i to tj W.
Sou Four l(oio tii.veruiuent WAUONS.
2,001) WAUN COVEUS, ll Sises, new A worn
I a,nuj iiLA.Mvr.ia, auii in'ii.r, loi tin.
A1m, a largo Stock of Items. Lead Lines, W
! Buggy aud Auibulauce Harness. Portable Fo
i Chains, Swingletrees, Lead Hars. etc, etc.
j Wheel Team Harness, little worn all Oak t
ed Leather and serviceable, cleaned aud Oi.ed 5
lara per borse or mule, including Urialo Lead
I 4 dollars. Wagou Bridle. 1 dollar, Cullers I
j dols. Extra lluir lined Artillery Case do., 2t
I S dollars.
j Double Reins, 1 75 to it 2.V Lead Lines.
1 HuKers, A to 12 dols. per lui. Otfloers' New
I dies 14 dols.. wilh plated Bit Bridle. 21 dols :
as new, 12 duls., w 11b bridle, li duls ; valLe A
I lur Boys, 6 dols.
Wagou Covers, made to It any Wagon. 1
' linen, i) lo ii dole., supperiur cultou Du.a. 6 lo r
I 12 os , Duck, V ts 12 d.ds.
I l.oOO Uotpiiul Teuu, new and gid as new,
! dm-k M fjet squaie 3o lo id dols.
UtDevrs' A. Toi.l. 7 feet square, from & to 8 J
lU.ViHJ bAUS. from 12 01. Duck, 1st. qua
, busbrts S dls.; 2 bus. 10 dols ; 3 bus lldui
; 1k, ; !nd. quality, 1 W. S Ml and 50.
I'i ruix .v ..
No. ixaiN.nh ritoM't.. piulad
. No. il'uik Pi-ire, NEW Y"KK
No. 4S3, fi,h btreet. W A.-HI NVITt N
j Price-list rent on apnMcnliuu
1 J!rh . 1B7 Hie"