Sunbury American. (Sunbury, Pa.) 1848-1879, March 30, 1867, Image 2

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    Hit Smiburp.amc'riratn
B. MAftSCll, Editor ot Proprtotor.
bATUKDAY, MARCH 80, 1867.
"' I-JT A flncurrcnt resolution providing
that Congreaa sliall tjoura on tbe 28th, to
mnitrmble in May, Juno, September, end
' November, onteM the1 presiding officer! ahull
, by joint proclnjnatioo postpone iti meeting,
' m Adopted by tho IIoubo by a vote of 88
to 81. ,Thi resolution, which the Scnatg
Viill probably puss, the New York Tribune
nyi, is due to the suggestion of Gen. Grant,
who baa informed leading members of Con-
gren that he expects trouble in enforcing.
the" Reconstruction law.
tW Tlio Trustees of tho Penbody EJu-
catiorml lund liavo determined that the
promotion of Primary or Common School
Education should t the leading object,
and that normal schools should be establish
ed in the Southern mid Sotitli-Weeltrn
States. Rev. Dr. Scars was chosen the Gene
ral Agent, and intrusted with tho whole
charge of executing the plan, under the c'.i-
rection of the Trustees. An Executlvo Com
mittco of five gentlemen was appointed, and
the distribution of the fund will soon com
mence. . Messrs. A ppleton & Co., of New
York, have presented to tho board 100,000
school books.
tgPTHB Couktt Auditors' Rei'out.
We publish in our columns this week the
report of the County Auditors, on tho Ft
nance of the County, which is, of course, a
matter of interest and importance to every
citizen and tax-payer. The indebtedness of
the county is a little over fifteen thousaud
dollars, a comparatively small sum, which
will be liquidated the present year without
any additional taxation. Tho exhibit is
certainly a most gratifying one, considering
that on the new Court House alono, over
$100,000 has been expended within two
years past.
Is Earnest. Hon. Henry L. Cake, re
presentative from tho lOtli Distsict, last
Monday, offered the following bill :
llcaolced, dc, That in lieu of the duties
heretofore imposed by law upon like de
scriptions of wrought scrap iron, there shall,
Iroru and after the passage of this act, bo
levied, collected and paid on all iron bars
over six feet long, for railroads or inclined
planes, made to pattern, reudy to lay down,
or other bars of iron, round, square, or flat,
over six feet long, imported from foreign
countries, notwithstanding it may be intro
duced as old scrap iron, the same duty that
is now levied, collectd and paid upon new
bars and iron of full length of the same
The obvious necessity and justice of this
movement should ensuro the immediate
passage of this bill. It is stated, on good
authority, that at least eighty thousand tons
of this description of British iron will bo
imported into this country under the pre
sent laws before the snd of the next year
General Cuke deserves the thanks of the
whole country for his vigilant guardianship
of the cause of Home Labor.
The Iute Murder In Schuylkill
County Particular oftlieTruglc
We take the following account of the
murder of Win. H. Littlehales, in Schuylkill
county, on Friday, 10th inst., from the Potts
ville Miners' Journal, of Saturday last :
In our last we were only able in conse
quence of tho Journal being on press when
tlio news of the murder of Sir. William II.
Littlehales was received here, to give a brief
account ot the attuir. since then we tiave
obtained a circumstantial account of it, as
tar as the facts ure known to the friends of
the deceased and to the authorities.
The murdered man was a son of Mr. Wil
liam Littlehales who resides in Coal street,
'.bis liorough. At the time of his death he
nad been for upwards of two years, Super
ntendent of the colliery of the Glen Carbon
Joal Company, located at Glen Carbon, Cass
Township, this County. Mr. Littlehales
noved with his family to Glen Carbon in
ho Winter of 1805, and fixed his residence
tear the colliery. The men of the colliery
rere paid monthly, usually on Saturday,
nd Mr. Littlehales was in the habit of coni
ng into Pottsville the day before a pay was
3 bo made, getting the money, and taking
; out. During the last few months however,
ince the perpetration of so many highway
jbbcrics in the County, he generally took
loncy out in the cars, not when he drove
ut. This fact it is to be presumed, was
nknowu to his assassins, and they uudoubt
lly supposed that on the day they murder
1 him, he had the monthly pay for the
illiery with him.
Mr. Littlehales left home on Fiiday morn
g of lust week, about 0 o'clock, and drove
Pottsville in a sulky. Ho transuded
me business in town, during which he said
at he would not take the pay (about 3,
0) out with him that day, but would como
on Suturday morning in tho cars, and
ke the money out in that w ay. He started
out 1 o'clock in the afternoon, in bis sulky,
return home, having lu his possession a
olver, a silver watch, very little money,
d some articles that he had purchased in
ttsville, for the colliery and for his family,
i drovo through Miiiersvillo and Coul
ttle, on the main road to Glen Carbon,
e exact time at which he was uttacked, is
: known, but it is supposed to have been
ut 2 o'clock. He bad reached a secluded
t of the road, about half a milo from his
idence, when he was fired upon by several
a who were conceuled as is supposed, at
t side of the road among the bushes which
thick at that point. One bullet thought
lave been the first which struck him, and
a the size of the wound, to have been
1 from a carbine, entered one side of his
y, severed the aorta, and putsed out at
. other side. This wound must have
led speedy death, and he must have fal
4lu)ot immediately from his vehicle into
road. There was another wound inflicted
i smaller ball, in his hip. lioili of his
were shot out. This shut it is thought
he surgeons who examined the body,
fired after death, and that the weapon
had been held close to the head as
1 was considerable powder in the ido
ter Mr. Littlehales fell on the road, his
i lan with the sulky iuto Thomastown,
was caught there. The assassins searched
body ot the murdered man, and took
it tho revolver and watch of which we
spoken. The revolver is Cooper's
t, and is numbered 8,970. The cum
f the watch is 18,679, and the maker is
am Reed, Liverpool, Ecglaud.
oat t o'clock, or half an hour after the
ised hour of the murder, Dr. J. C. Me
tros of New Castle, who was on bis
m horseback, to the residence of Mr.
uales to atteud Mr. Littlehales' little
e vi W., who bad one of hit legs ampu
below the knee two weeks before, is
(deuce of injuries sustained by bslng
'itttij railroad cart,-reached tka spot.
The body was lying on the north aid ot lbs
rnad.- 'l ha Doctor looked at without recog
nising It, and without dismounting rode to
urennan s tavern to give Information ot tbe
fact that a dene body was Wing in the road,
and to obtain assistance to have It removed.
Several men returned with the Doctor to the
spot, and recognized the body as that of
Sir. Littlehales. ,
The hod was then removed to tha lata
residence ot tbe murdered roan, and in the
evening about 8 o'clock an inquest was held
uy aepuiy -coroner Jseugarilt or .Minersviile,
and a pott mortem examination made by Dr.
McWilliams and Dr. Kobbins of Minersviile.
Nothing beyond tho facts we state, were
elicited ry tlie Jury, and the perpetrators or
mis most bloody crime remain undiscovered.
J ho scene at the bouse or Mr. Littlehales
on tho evening of that fatal day, was most
distressing. On ont bed lay the mutilated
child, on another Mrs. Littlehales in a hvs
tcrical condition from the terrible shock of
the murder, and on a third the disfigured
corpse of the murdered husband and lather
It was a sight to touch the hardest nature,
and to bring tears to eyes albeit unused to
the lueltinir mood.
The deceased leaves a wife and three chil
dren. Ha was born at East Mines, tins
Counlv. in Aueust. 1830. and was at the
time of his death in the 81st year of his age.
He had spent nearly his entire life in this
The funeral took pi ace on Sunday last
from Mr. Littlehales' lato residence, Glen
Carbon. The remains were brought to
Pottsville for interment in Mount Laurel
Cemetery. They were attended to the grave
by Authracite Lodge, A. Y. M., and Mineral
Lodge, I. O. of O. i, of St. Clair, of which
ho was a member, and by a large concourse
of friends and relatives. The religious ser
vices were conducted by tho Rev. Mr. Allen
of Minersviile, and the Masonic by District
Deputy-Grand Master C. Little.
The CSeucrnl Law.
One of the acts of the Congress which
closed on the Fourth of March, was the pat
sage of a general bankrupt law. This mea
sure has been agitated fur several years past,
but has always failed to secure sufficient
support until this winter. It became a law
during the closing hours of Congress.
J. lie new law is intended lor the relief or
honest debtors. Under its provisions, any
person whose debts exceed the sura of three
hundred dollars, may become a voluntary
bankrupt, and be relieved from tho claims
of creditors by tbo delivery for distribution
of nil his assets.
Tbe proceedings for the discharge of
bankrupts by this law art p aced under the
supervision of the United States Circuit
Courts, with a subordinate supervisory officer
to be appointed in each Congressional Dis
trict to be appointed by the Chief Justice of
the Supreme Court to be called a Register.
To the Register tbe purty desiring to avail
himself of the relief of the bankrupt law
makes application, and by the creditors an
assignee is appointed into whose hands the
bankrupt turns all his property lor distribu
tion. The bankrupt can reserve to himself
household and kitchen furniture and such
other articles as he may choose, not exceed
ing five hundred dollars, also the weariug
apparel of himself and family, and military
equipments if he had any, and such other
property as may be exempted from attach
ment and seizure under the laws of Iub State.
Distribution of the assets of the bankrupt
is made iu the following order : oil costs of
tho proceedings in bankruptcy; all debts
due the United States; all debts due the
State ; wages due to any employee of the
bankrupt for a period not exceeding six
months immediately preceding the com
mencement of proceedings in bankruptcy,
and to an amount not exceeding $50,000.
The balance to other croditors according to
the amount of their claims, and without
preference on account of date or any other
The bankrupt then receives from the Court
a certificate ot discharge and can commence
the world anew in business relations without
fear of old and unsatisfied judgements. No
bankrupt can avail himself a second time of
the provisions of the law, unless his assets
will reach seventy per cent, of his debts. All
debtors whose claims have been credited by
failure in a fiduciary capacity are precluded
from relief under this act.
The law is only intended for the relief of
honest debtors. Hence, in order to avail
himself of its benefits, the party must make
a fair, full and bona fde delivery to the as
signee for the benefit of his creditors, of all
liu effects, otherwiso he is debarred from
the benefit of the law, and made liable to
heavy penalties beside. All fraudulent pro
ceedings designed to defraud creditors, and
all acts intended to prefer or secure one
creditor at the expense of any other, will not
entitle debtors to the relief extended by tbe
law, but are positively forbidden.
The law is of course very lengthy, and
embraces many details, but the above are
its leading provisions. It will be well for
the public to become fumiliar with and re
member them, for they closely concern every
business man.
Ananias William James Audrew Jackson
Jones is a registered colored voter in Wash
ington. The cattle plague has entirely disappeared
from Great Britain, no case having been re
ported for tho week ending March 2.
The hotel at White Sulphur Springs, Vo.,
a favorite watering place before the war, are
to be re-opeued tbe coming season.
During the recent floods, the people o
Cairo indulged in several masquerades, al
though but one foot and a half of levee stood
between their city and destruction.
The Amercan side of Niagara Falls has
gone back about 150 feet w ithin two weeks.
in consequence of the full of huge masses of
The Detroit manufacturers, on Wednes
day evening, adopted resolutions sharply
denouncing the insurance companies lor ad
vancing their rates.
The contractors and builders iu Chicago
have resolved to circumvent the eight-hour
arrangement by hiring their men by the hour,
paying the samo price for ten hours' labor as
they formerly paid for a day's work.
A model engino is to be exhibited at the
Paris exhibition, which was constructed in
1804, in the workshops of the Orleans Com
pany in France. It is remarkable for having
run 03,750 miles in three years, without re
pairs. A firm in Boston havo put up and shipped
to Crosse & Blackwell, of London, during
the present season, 240,000 cans of lobBter
for John Bull's consumption.
Acocunts of lawless outrages in North
Carolina are still reported, a band of out
laws having been organized since tbe esta
blishment of martial law. A party of citizens
recently attacked them and captured several.
All the French troops have left Mexico.
The attempt to attach that country to
France was a dear bought experiment for
Chicago papers are calling for the organ
ization of a vigilance committee for protec
tion against theives, gamblers and robbers.
A Frenchman named Charles de Villicrs
was arrected in New York on Tuesoay,
charged with swindling a comber of persons
by purchasing goods and giving in payment
therefor valueless checks.
An Indianapolis lawyer has been sued for
breach of promise, by a maiden lady of forty
years, who lays bar damages at 40,000.
The lawyer is ten years her seuior, of Fal
ta ffiaa propurttons.
A church la Colombo., Ohio, has posted
t its entrance! "Gentlemen will leave their
tobacco at the door."
An exchange publishes a list of confirma
tions and rejections by the Senate under the
caption, ''Many are called but lew - are
chosen.": ' t i, , . ' : j r i
The arrest of Fenians in Ireland stillr con
tinue. Head Centra Dennis Donovan and
General Burke, one of tha leaders, are among
those Captured. '" "
A linen wedding" took place at the house
of George Benedict, Eeq., Rome, on tho
evening of tbe 18th ult., the 20th wedding
anniversary of the parties most concerned.
Linen presents,' Irom "unmentionables"
down to night caps, abounded in great profusion.
lMint, Otln, Ac.
A full stock of Oils comprising Linseed Oil, Conl
Oil, Fish Oil. and Lubricating Oil tor Engines and
Machinery, Yarn lent, Glass, always on baud, at low
pricos at uoaiiEX a UU 9
T)IRD CAGRS, 11 different kinds. If you whuI
jf goou ana cueap uiru wages, go to
TIIE best qualities of Sole Leather, Frenob Calf
skin!, Morrooeos, Lining, Laatt, Nails, Pegs'
Tools of all kiudi, and ever thing used by tho trade,
for sale low by
WILL find in our establishment a superior flock
OI rianes, saws, Augers, llatcaeu, Hammers, rues
Chisels, 4c, Ac, for sale by
TTOR Saddler, we hare Saddle Trees, Bills, Buck
J? lea- Gig Tree. Pad Trees, Hanes, all kinds and
every thing pertaining to the busines". for sale by
Something New !
Nothing New
Tbe splondid assortment of GOODS at the
JT. Y. I KII.I At hOX,
13 NEW,
but it is Nothing New for tUem as they are alwny
geuwg up J.n uuuuo.
to the people of SUNBURY, for they have purchas
eu lueui goout low ana are selling tbeoi at very
;V are determined to sell our Goods at Low
Prices and defy competition.
We keen the IWfct siimlll v at' tinnrt and
sell them as low as tbe sceoud qualities) are
wiu vj uiur uuairr?.
Couie aud cxauiiue our Stock and Leara our
No charge for showiDg Goods. That
is our business and we take pleasure
in doing it.
Feeling very thankfal to the public for their very
liberal patronage beretoforo bestowed upon us. we
feci confident of retaining their custom, by a strict
auuerence to me rules we nave auopteti.
The Mammoth Store.
Market Square, 2 doors east of tbe New Court House,
Sunlury, March 30, 1R67.
Northumberland Co.,
The First Day of January, A. D. 1806, to the
Last Day of December of the same year,
both days inclusive.
$ cts.
CO 00
4202 38
450 75
22 03
1003 31
SO0 08
204 30
117 00
15 00
06 00
205 SO
1081 25
44 07
8128 00
100 0U
8080 72
1397 27
150 00
245 00
235 73
181 60
612S 24
135 05
03 20
405 00
41 14
140 00
64S 58
1 order Eastern Penitentiary,
45 do for building and repairing
2 do Fuel
13 do Fox Scalps
57 do Elections
50 do Constables pa
7 do Refunding
1 do Couuty Auditors
1 do J. Furnswortb, Auditing
County Officers,
10 do Court Crier
7 do Printing
8 do Koad damages
2 do Prison Expenses
4 do Sheriff's Fees
4 do District Attorney
20 do Jurors Puy
78 do Commonwealth costs
2 do Attorney for County
43 do Koad and Bridge Views
10 do Stationery
1 do Seated aud unseated lauds
00 do Public Buildings
4 do Insane Asylum
5 do Inquisitions,
44 do Assessor's I'ay
4 do Merchandize
1 Co Win. K. 31 art i, back pay
31 do Incidental expenses
1 do E. T. Druichcller for board'
inff jurors in tho Itboads
Trial 280 50
Interest 801 40
Louts to County 8150 00
Jos. Gass, Comniik'rs pay 850 00
II. Martin, do do 305 00
J. Eckuian do do 400 00
S. Billinan do do 51 25
T. M. Pursel, Janitor do 210 32
Charles Weaver, Clerk do 740 00
Prothonotary'i fees 201 85
Real Estate 80,000 00
Court House 28,083 45
20 do
13 do
4 do
0 do
4 do
1 do
0 do
15 do
1 do
8 do
33 do
160,804 40
To Treasurer's commission on
$39,003 30
To amonnt ot outstanding orders
for 1805, and previous years
To amount of outstanding Boun
ty Orders
To Depreciated Moneys
1475 08
18103 43
725 00
07 00
187,884 01
OR. s
By cash received from Collectors
for 1S0, and previous years $47,480 04
By cash received from collectors
lor Bounty J ax
fash received from Lower
Augusta township for keep
ing Hannah Savidga
Redeinption money ' from
Win, J. McWilliams
87 03
103 15
9 10
1550 00
2300 00
SO 23
TO 00
2 03
By cash received from II. Martin
as loan to County
By cash recV. Irom E. T. Drum-
heller, as loan to County
By casn ree'd for Rent for public
By cash received for materials sold
By exoneration tax received.
By csbIi received from Benjamin '
Hendricks, ns loan to County
By cash received from Masonic
1000 00
704 00
3 21
3 34
75 00
1500 00
COO 00
400 00
25 00
4 33
f. 11
207 01
850 08
21)03 80
Lodge for old Court House
By redemption money from R.
Moses '
By redemption money from Simon
By cash received from J. Ilaugh-
awout as loan to County
By rah received from Daniel
Heitu, as loan to County
By cash received from Mrs. D.
Wolverton, as loan to County
By cash received from Peter II.
Snyder, as loan to Comity
By Court Fines
liy cash received from J. 13. Manser
for Deed
By cash received from It. II. Awl,
former Treasurer
By cash received for Militia Tax
liy cash received f'r Seated Lands
'! " " Unseated "
By excels of Expenditures above
the Receipts
27,780 CO
$87,884 01
Tt. II. AW!,, Esq., former Treasurer in account with
Northumberland County :
To bnlanre due County on rotate Tax as per
Aurlitni's Hep rt nf I"fi5.
To btilnnee clue Comity fin Militia Fines as
per Auditor's Report of 63,
To bitlnnee due County f'r noouty Tax as per
Auditors Heport lif lfcSJ,
SI3-2 UO
816 00
SI37 18
3,3eS ;S
By balance due from County on Comity tax
tie., as per Auditor's Henort i( IhM,
lly cash paid Johu Farnswonh, Treasurer
1,31? 67
ea ii
f3,3S3 ?9
JOHN FAHNSWORTH. Ksq . Treasurer in account
with the Countv of Norlliumherland from Ihe Istdnynf
January, A D l8Sd. tmha lust Hay of Deeemln-r of the
same year, both days inclusive, respecting county Tax, ho.
To amonnt nfootslandint Countv Tax for 1P65.
and previous yenrs 33,537 07
To amount of outstandiuff County Duplicates
for IW6. 3?,971 H
To amount overpaid by Win Cooner. Collector 1(1
To canh received from lnver Auitusta Town
ship lor keepini Hannah Savidge 101 IS
To redemption money 16 65
To ensh received from sundry persons as loan
to Cciou'y 712'! on
To ensh received f'ir rent of public buildings, so 13
To cash rereivid for materials sold 76 1)0
Tocnuh received on Exonerated taxes, a 03
To push received (rom Musonic Lodge for oM
Comt limine 704 00
To cish received for Court Bnes lis tr.
To cah received fn.m 1 II. Mwwer, for Peed 4 39
To cash received fiom II. II. Awl, former Trea.
sorer 68 11
To nmnnnt received on unseated lands for 1S64
and IS6S. 1,M1 60
To amonnt received on seated lands for 1601
ml 115, 111 SO
To amount due Treasurer 8M3 e7
8il,0ll 31
By einonnt nf Countv Taxes outstanding on
the 1st dav of Jannarv, IH67
Hv atrntunt of Kxunerntinns allowed collectors
Ry amount of prceninge allowed collectors
Ry errors in Implicates
Hy depreciated money
Rv nmouut of C -unty orders paid
By Treasurer's commission on 50,000 CO,
M5.nM M
fi'iM 19
3201 76
97 (! )
(17 IK"
Stl.OOl 30
1175 18
S4,ft44 3-1
JOHN FAUNSWORTH Esq., Treasurer, of Norihmn.
berland County iu account with the same for State Tux :
To mount of outstinding tate Taxes for 180.1,
and prcvnMK yen's 2?3 Til
To nwunt of tnte Tux Dnplicnte nr 1HW1. 2347 9-J
To amount of State Tux overpaid hv J. Seller 3 18
Tonmount received on Unseated 1-andsfoi HOI
and lnj ion 21)
To amonii received on 8eated Lands for 1P6I
and 103 - SIS 78
86,390 17
By amount of State Taxes nntsfm'linf on
the 1st day nf January, 18-07 for 1906, and
previous venrs
By amonnt of Exonerations allowed collectors
Ry amonnt nf percentage ollowed collectors
Rv errors on Duplirntes
By Prat Treasurer's Receipt ol February 5th,
By bulnuce due County
W 00
fl07 II
745 76
18 IJ0
S'213 43
e0,:0 17
JOHN FARNSWORTH. Esq , Treanrer. ill neenunt
with the Commonwealih of Pennsylvania, for Licences
Yean. CuUeclurf 2amt. District. State. County. Militia
1835 A. J. Conrad . Zorbe 10 43
18S8 J. 11. Musser Mt. Carmcl Tp. 18 77 29 05
" George Zimmerman Upper Augusta 80
" Jacob Miller Point 1 00
18.19 James Oaks Delawure 09
1800 Solomon Sliindcl Sunbury 21 00
1801 Joseph Snyder Coul 70 00
" B. Blair Milton 61 50
1803 M. Header Turbutville 13 00
" Josepli Snyder Coal 18 00
1803 II. Wairt.ncr Cameron 10
" Josepli Snyder Coal 16 50
" M. Shade Lewis 1 00
1864 William Hoover Sunbury 60 00
" John O. Uright Upper Augusta 87 12 122 80
" F. McCarty Mt. Carmel Tp. 43 81 20 28 40 75
" D. Haiti Lower Mahonoy 14 00
1805 William Hoover Sunbury 44 54 723 12
" W. Lake Sliamokin Borough 41 55
" H. Reader McKwensvillo 27 73 872 09
" E. Artmaa Turbutville 00 21
" J. Kissel Cliillisquuquo 180 01
" Isaac Sober Sliamokin Tp. 200 78
" P. Heater Mt. Curmcl Tp. 212 31 208 39
" C. R Weikel Cameron 34 50
' E. Shaffer Jordan 41 21
" E. Howartcr Upper Malianoy 298 71
1806 Charles F. Martin Sunbury 09 01 1435 03
" II. Header McEwcnsville 40 59 212 03
" H. Morgan Point 509 07
" J. G. Hitter Turbut 472 80
" J. Kissel Chilisquaquo 1373 16
" E. Artman Turbutville 17 80 809 05
" 8. Lantz . Delaware 20 83 1037 51
" J. Snyder Milton 1259 08
" John llaughawaut Upper Augusta 11 18 501 06
" William Johngon Kusb 21 10
" M. McDonald Mt. Carmel Tp. 400 28
" William Ewing Mt. Carmel Borough 400 05
" E Long Cameron 48 53
" D. Wagoner Little Mahalioy 150 08
" a Bohner Jackson 109 50
" John West Jordan 884 44
" I. Sober Sliamokin Tp. 88 57 071 87
" J Johnson Northumberland 600 33
" J. Ditch field Shamokln Borough 434 74
" J. Ditchfleld Coal 419 33
" William Hakcr Lower Augusta 500 51
" John Seller Lower Malianoy 85 56 088 20
" C. Creamer Zei be 10 87 452 63
' $958 09 $15005 80 $355 73
1803 James Beard McEwensville 15 00
" Joseph 8nyJer Coal 04
" Jonas Stine Mt. Carmel 458 88
$474 03
Those marked with a since paid.
We, the undersigned Auditors of Northumberland county. State of Pcnnsylrania, do
certify, that in pursuance of the 4th Section of an Act, regulation Counties and Town
ships, the 5th day of April, 1834, we met at the Commissioners' Ottice, in the Borough of
Sunbury, on the 21st day of January, A. D., 1887, and adjourned from time to time, and
did audit and settle the several accounts as required of us aareeahlv to the beat ot nnr
judgments and abilities; and we do further
fcxpense Book of (be County, the Indebtedness nf the County in unpaid County Order ia
$80,834 63. Also, that tbe amount of outstanding Bounty Orders is $735 00.
Tn witness whereof, we have hereunto set our hands and seals at tha office aforesaid this
7th day of February, A. D., 1867. P. W. GRAY, ) L. 8. 1 '
U.K. CULP. ) L. 8. V Auditor.
from the tst oYitr tammy, W tha tut vf of (
warn J rmi , oum anye UHlMTl.
To amount received fof Licences for Taverns
for iw.t BIJWO 00
T'i amount leceivirf fur Liquor M"fes for '00 swl Ml
I'd anviuiil frroriVftl fin He.lniuliH f" 'SB, -' 71 OV
To aiintum received for Heuniers nf MrrchanV ,
llise, TeH-nln Alley, I'Menl Medicines, 'i
(.'mil anil lumber Ynnl, Brewenes and
Unimril timins us pel Mercliaatil Appraisers
Imi lor ea i
s,iat so
,7H oe
fty t ner tent Coram rM OB lrW0 and I par
ma on aim. S3 m
Ry 6 per cent tiflnMsetnn on 9VB Ot II 99
lly S per cent Uonimisaioa nn 71, 3" U
Uyex Sierationaasper eerti Rotes, f , t M Ml
By6 piceiii enmnuaalOB ot iuuonrt 1 Perot. I
on i K'l m ' ' 79 01
Nv Plate Trci.irers receipt nf April IPth, IPSO, 178 00
lly T. II. I'urdy'i receipt for pnhliahing Mer
cnnttie ppiniaer's u in bugntn aim uer
man, names 70 Wl
By Blate Treasurers Iteceiptof Feb. 6th, 1867, 4,446 96
3,704 Ml
JOHN FAUNSWORTH. Krq., Treasurer, in aeeoont
i . u !.. ' . r V i I 1
nu no vuuiiij in nunuuinuviiNBU, respvvbiiig
Militia Fines for Ibdi, and previous years.
To amonnt of outstanding Militia Fines. $663 48
By amount of outstanding Militia Fines on
the 1st (lay of January, 1867,
Byam't of percentage allowed collectors,
Uy aiu'nl of txuncrntions allowed
$365 71
12 86
6 00
liy errors in Duplicates,
10 60
1 42
206 40
Hy order paid liairinin Wagoner
iiy amount due Couuty
$662 4S
JOHN FAKNSW011TII. Esq., Tressnror, In aooount
with the Treasurer of hcbool Boards, Supervisors
of Kouds, Overseers of '.he l'oor, and with Town,
ship respecting Bounty, for Taxes on seated aud
uuscated lands lor 101 and 1SC5.
To amount received for Koad Tax $2f6l .14
To amount received for School Tax S72S 70
To amount received for Bounty Tax 8613 73
To amount received for Poor Tax 1124 4i
$16,126 37
By amount paid Supervisors of Roads,
Treasurers of School Boards, As., as
per receipts $14,675 46
By Trcaurers' commission on $16,126 27. cM'6 SI
By balance in hands of Treasurer 644 41
$16,126 27
JOHN FARNSWORTH, Esq.. Treasurer, Inaocount
with the County of Northumberland, from tho first
dny of January, lHiiil, to tho last day of Deoember
of the some year, b?th days inclusive, respecting
Bounty Tax.
To amount of outstanding Bounty Tax, $511 91
By amount of Bounty tax outstanding on
the 1st day or January, 1867, 474 02
By amount paid by E. Shaffer, due Coun
ty from Treasurer, 37 92
$51 t 94
JOHN FARNSWORTH, Esq.. Treasurer in account
with Northumberland County :
To balance due County on Militia Tax $267 49
To bnlancn due County on Bounty Tax 37 92
To bal. due Slate Tax and for 6'tute Taxes
on seated and unteuted lands for 16U4
nd l8tlo, 2,215 45
To balance duo Treueurcr 26 01
$2,545 87
By bal. due Treasurer on County Tax, Ao. $2545 87
Statement of the Finances of Northumberland Coun
ty, on the first day of January A D. 17.
To amount of outstanding County Orders
for lht'(3. and previous years, $30 334 !i3
To amount of outstanding Bounty Orders 725 00
$31,059 53
By amount of outstanding County Tax
lor I a06, and previous yours, $15,065 36
By amount of outstanding Bounty tax 474 02
By amount nf outstanding Militia tax for
1S64 and previous years, 355 72
By amount due from Win. E. Irwin, for
inor Treasurer, us per lust Auditor's
report 80 56
By amount due from Francis Bucher. for
mer Treasurer, ns per Auditor's re
port of 1862, SO 00
By excess of County indebtedness above
auctts 15,033 87
$31,069 53
County of Northumberland in account with the Com
uiumvcnlih of fennsylvuniu for 1866,
To amount of Stale tax duplicate for 1366, $2,347 22
iiv iwn't of exonerations ullowed collectors $53 43
By percentage allowed collectors 73 92
By Sliilo Treasurer's receipt ot l''b. 5lh, '67, 1933 25
By County Treasurer s couiuiiiuiou on
$1952 77, 19 52
By balance due Commonwealth 267 1 1
$2,347 22
certify, that upon due examination of the
C. r. LITTLE, ) L. 8. )
J. H. Conley a Co..
Market Mtrwt,r:atualhc ltotlrui(
-j ruKKiun St, A m I . n II A , ;
' Hardware ;& Cutlery.
fTWB attention of Moaanls, Farmers, Builder,
X od Buyers generally it Invited to the faat that
We aienow offering a fcattar saraetad assortment of
then erer was offend la this marked at prions ainch
below those heretofore demanded by dealers. Our
stock comprises all artiolea In this line of bustaeas,
embracing a general assortment of tools and mate
rials used by i . t .,-. . t
together with a large stock of Iron, Sesel. Kalis,
Spikes. Rope, Chains, Urindstones, Mill and X Cut
Baws, Ao., Ao. -Sunbury,
March 30, 1867.
WE are selling Rims, Bpokes, Hubs, Springs,
Canvass, Bolbs, Clip, Axles, in., very low
a Large Stock at
. . CONLEY 4 CO.
Sunbury, March 30, lb67.
Art especially Invited to call and examine our stock
01 jiUlbUtnB HaKUWAM. eomnr sin
Naili and Bnikea of all varieties. Butts. Screws.
Strap and T Hinges, Locks and Latohas, Bolts. Pins-
win Irowcls, Unck Xrowels, Plasterer's Sieves,
o 1 ao., for sale by
Atrrlcnllairal lmnlrmeals.
Tl OE'S Grain Rakes, 81 eel and Iron Oarden Rakes,
XX ing and u Handle briades, Shovels. Manure
Blld llaV Knrka iirmmm an,) 11..;. . , 1 :
Cradles, Cradle Fingers, Trace, Breast, Tongue and
Log Chains, Grind-stones, fanning Mill Seiresof
all sites and kinds, a large assortment of Red Wagon
uBiun, iw rmwiDK, ISTB) Bens, uuuivatOT xeetb,
"1.1 1.1 ... s-
"IITE would call the attention of those wanting a
ii vuiiu s vnrnuge, to our new ana large aJaort
tnont ootnnrisinir new and beautiful rln
1867. SPRING. 18G7.
3 Cases Select Shades of SILKS.
Fashionable PLAID SILKS
BISM AUK, the New Color SILK.
BestllLACK SILKS, in Town.
New Style Spring CHINTZES,
ORGANDIES of Newest Styles.
Steel-Colored poplins, lor Suits.
N. B Staple Housekeeping Goods. Fresh Stock
i.iotns, uassitncres, ana 1 weeds tor xoutns.
P. S. MERCHANTS in search of scarce and de
sirable Goods will find It their interest to cull and
examine our stock.
March 30, 1867. 6w
Female Agents, to introduce a New and Usoful In
ventioD, of absolute utility iu every household.
Agents preierring to work on uotnuiisston oan earn
from S20 to Su per day. For full particulars eu-
oioscsiamp, ana auaress
vr . u. n iM a uu., Ui Arcb St., 1'bila., Pa
March 30, 1807. 3u
IRON. A large assortment of the best manufac
Bars, Hoop. Rand, Round and Square
Iron, Nail Hods. Cast hue1, Blister
Steel, Drill bteel, liorse Ruoes, Horse Kails,
Anvus, uonows, ices, llumuicrs
Sledus, Rasps and Files, at
PERSONS having unrecorded Deeds are remind
ed that they must be recorded, according to the Act
ot Assembly wnicn requires luai
"All deeds and conveyances for real estate in this
Commonwealih, shall bo recordod in tbe office for
Recording Deeds iu the County where the lands lie
within tix mouths after the execution of such deeds
and conveyance: and every such deed and convey.
ance not recorded as aforesaid, shall bo judged
FRAUDULENT AND VOID against any subsequent
purchaser for a valuable consideration unless such
deeds be recorded before the recording of the deed
or conveyance under wbtcb suob subsequent purcbaa
er or mortitane shall claim."
Those having old Deeds will profit by paying
strict attention to tu anova.
Murch 23, 1867.
5 Bridges to be Let.
i tlt-Ufc win no a getting ot isriages as ioiiows :
One over Sbauiokin Creek, in tho borough of Sha
One over Shamokin Creek near Paxinos.
One over Little Shamokin Creek, near the farm
of Solomon Malick.
One over Little Shamokin Creek, near tha farm
of Geo. C. Welkvr.
One over tha Stream near the residence of John
Markle. in the borouirh of Sunburv.
The two first will be let at the house of Win. Roth,
in Shamokin Borough, on the 10th of April, the
three other Bridges will bo lot at tbe Commissioners'
Office, on the 12lh of April, 1867. Plans and speci
fications will be exhibited on the days of Letting.
Chas. Weater, Clerk.
Comtnipsioner's Office.
Sunbury, March 23, 1667. j
VT". 77". AFSLEY.
Boots Shoes & Trunks,
No. !, North 4th St.,
March 23, 1867.
IN pursuance of an order of tbe Orphans' Court of
Northumberland eounty, will be exposed to pub
lic sale, on the premises in tba Borough of SUN BU
RY, on SATURDAY the 13th day of APRIL, A. D.
1867 : A certain Lot of Ground, situate ia tbe Bo
rough of Sunbury, in the county ot Northumberland
and State ol Pennsylvania, numbered and designated
in the general plan or draft nf Mid Borough as lot
number one hundred and twenty eight (128) ; Bouud
ed on tbe north by an Alley ; on tbe east by lot num
ber one hundred and twenty-seven (127) ; on the
south by Dewberry or Arch street ; and on the west
by an Alley, oontaining in width or front, on said
Dewberry or Arch street, sixty feet, and in depth
two hundred and thirty leei with the appurtenanoes.
Late Ihe property of Clarinda Grant, deceased.
Sale to oommenoe at 10 o'clock A. M., of said day,
when the terms and conditions ef sals will be made
known by
By order of the Court, )
J. A. J. CUMMINGS. CI k 0 C.
Sunbury, March 22, 1867. )
Executor's Notice.
NOTICE is hereby given that letters testamenta
ry having been granted to tha undersigned, on
the estate of Clarinda Grant, late of Ihe borough of
Sunbury, Northumberland eounty, Pa., deceased.
All persons indobtoi to said estaU are requested to
make immediate payment, and those having elaiws
to preaent them lor settlement.
Sunbury, Marob 23, 1867. 6t
INTRODUCED by the eelebrated Traveler, Bayard
Taylor, from Mt. Lebanon. Tha finest Smoking
Tobacoo known it is described by Mr. Taylor as
"soft, aromatic, and of delicious odor, resembling
that of dried rotes ;" maturing very early, teed town
aa lata as Juna will mtrfAAt a enn W ntta - v. : - -
-- - f ' ' vuu KUUlui
seed of this valuable variety, from teed f Mr. lay-
tw m wwu rsuius. .
Price (by mad, postagt paid,) 25o per packags.
No. 9 N. George Street, York. Pa.
March 13, 1687.lni . .
FOR GREELEY'S Hi.ToarCoMn.ars. ExTBaetm
aaav Orruareaitvl liNraaaixsLiD cU'CCsm! !
This Hianwy eontaiiaj accounts of about om hundred
Battlaa not f anerallv found ia the earliar works on Um Re
bellion, avail ia Ihnaa bum wuUIv m...lj k: ...
(BSBLST't Uiaroav ia aoaaDlatad. it. mwiI.iiim u
U hminam mnA uil. - J . . .. : A
w wH..niiwi, wuica aaaaea it
taoet valuable work fur Canvassers cvei ixinhehed
A""'" O.D. CAW CO., p,, at naitfd,
i March IS, 41.
' f ' . s ' , , ,t
Sonata Th
f ,
T .r. t , . , , . "
v (acTWEia ttaaciT a tREirvt,, . -
A n k Fs ti s
7-QO ,
JUE, .1X71. Y, A.t AL'OIL'ST
Without oharge, and at present with a PROFIT
. - a. . . n .
ArnfimHoM h tu 1- . ..
Hon, andH information cheerfully furnished.
... u.TOugui ana sold on eoinmiss on
tore or lo Now York. Ordert tolioited. a""
February 23, 18T7. 9m
Uarvlea Moedit Mail
WE offer a large and oom plots assortment of
rresh Seeds, embracing.
(Including all tha Novoltlet.l whioa we furnlth,
oarefully put up in packets,
at our catalogue prices.
All our Seeds aro oarefully tested before tendlor
out, and are
if properly planted and cared for. '
LOG UK is mailed to ... .,t.i .7 " L"
for postage. "
xv v ., .o.. No' 9' N' aerge at., York, Pa.
March 23, 1867. Im
LEAD Pipe, all titet in store, mm t,,r .., , "
embracing overy New and Desirable sice, style and
Shape of Plnin and Trail Hoop Skirts, 2, 2 l-i. 2i
Q 'I J (I Q 1 A U .k n a A 1 . .. . ' . '
- , i nu ius , round every
lengtb and site Waist ; in every respect First Quali
ty and especially adapted to meet the wants of First
Class and most fashionable Trade.
"Ota Owa hake," of Hoop Skirts, aro lighter,
more elastic, more durable, and Really Cheaper than
any other make of either Single or Double Spring
Skirt in Ihe Alnerinan Mnrlinl Tl,.,., ...... II'.........
. ...... - UJ .1. " HI I (.11.-
ed In every respect, and wherever introduced give
universal ax r i uf .,r Tk i .
. i " i , t V. '.' ""'"K exten
sively Sold by Retailers, and every Lady should try
them. '
As for "Ilonkln'a Own M..V. .,,1 ... .v.. 1.
, - i - . - u , ava biinv vault
f!r,'.bU,nPe1 "W' T' "OPKIN S MANUFAC
TIMllril atu .rjfMr u. . ......
.v-.u.v, nivu oiruei, rilllirtil A. ISO
Others are Genuine. A Catuloeue containing Stvla.
SixO and Retail Prions, sent lmnviJ,l.M a I'..:
form and Liberal Discount allowed to Dealers. Or
ders by mail or otherwbo, promptly and carefully
""" " uuioaaia auu i.euiu. at iuuuuluctory and
SKIRTS made to order, renltercd and renairad.
r ,o, . WM T "Oi'KI.NS. '
March 23, 1807. lOmw
Viuott, Ninall IViiitH, KlirsibM,
OF 1867.
We offer for the present soason, a lnrge and com
plete assortment of NURSERY STOCK, embracing
a largo variety of thrifty, well-grown Tree, which
we are prepared to furui.tb at tbe annexed prices,
and to which we invite tho attention of FruilGrow
ersand Plantort.
Fri-it Tkkks, Vines, fto
Standard apples, 4 years old.
Pr dor. Pr 100
$3 25 $25 00
leading kinds, f.JO
Dwarf ' 2voarsolJ.
(on Parndise.) 50 6 So
Crab Apples, 2 and 3 years old 50 5 50
Standard Pears, 2 and 3 years
W . 60 6 50
Dwarf Poars, 2 years old 60 6 00
Staudurd Cherries, 2 years old 60 6 00
Dwarf Cherries, 2 years old 0 6 00
Standurd Peaches, I year old 30 3 2J
do do Ualo't Eurly,
1 year old 40 4 00
do do on Plum 75 8 00
Dwarf do do 75 8 00
Apricots, do 75 8 00
Apricots, on Peach 50 5 00
Van Buren's Gulden D'f Peach 1 00 10 00
Nectarines and Almonds 60 5 00
Standard Plums, on Plum 75 8 00
Dwarf dn i,n Hn et u nn
0 00
40 U3
54 00
45 06
25 00
36 00
60 00
40 00
55 00
N.B. Extra sited trees of many of above can b
furnishod at extra prices.
Curraiils unu tKMisrliernes 95 9 so
Raspberries and Blaeklieiries iU 4 do
15 00-
Dii.wuuiin-n. Aiuiny, iriouiph de
band, c. M 1 CO
Rustell's TroliGc, Gtilu'en
Seedeil, I
Leimig's White, Culter
. c '. .. i
jucunua (hnox's 700)
La Constaiiie, Mead's
r-erdhiia N. J, Seailet, J t 00
'. IWclaM, jj J60 15-00
Concoid, 1 year, l.l class, 40 s 00 30 00
Diana, ilartfnid Prolific, fte., 1 year, .
n,1"'"., , TJ TOO
Deluwaie Rebecca, fte-, 1 yr 1st chits IMI Im
Allen it Koaer's Hybrids, lyr Istelas. I 50 1 00
loiia, Israella ft Adirondac, 1 y, lit class 3 00 Is 1 0
Foreign varieties, leadi.ia kiials 75 00
t oreiau vuntiea, new kinds li 00 to 3 00
'1L.U' P?PM uv d"1 M t'"1 Stinwberrita by doa.
or lot) mailed Postage Free, at above puces.
ftl"d"T,eM; Leading kinds, 8 to 10 feet 81 each 810 per
V'5 per bundled. r
Deciiluimt Ornamental Treet, a fine assortment .10 to I 0O
00 t.. 10 UO per dux., 40 00 to 74 00 per 100.
Deciduous Uriiameiital bl.rul a5 to 50 eta each. S 50 to
5t0 per dot. -X) 00 10 40 00 per hundred
Climbing Ornamental Uhruhs, S4 to SO each. 50 to 5 DO
per dox, no 00 to 40 00 psr huudied.
MISCELLANEOUS, Each Perrlox Par 100
English Walnuts ft Siianish Chesn't 50 5 00
Dowoiiur's Everhearnic Mulbarrv
and Dwarf Proline Walnut il 00
Asparagus Rooia
Rhuliarli, Myall's Lmnaet 85
Amev. Arbocvltas, fi hedging
Osage Orange, fin bedtiiia. S3 ner l.oro
10 00
9 OA
(00 15 no
SO O0 to 30 uo
1 50
raeaiiigutaiein t tie best manner, in baleaor bntfs, for
which a moderate charge is made. Goods are promptly
lt.rir.rdrd by fcxpress, or Railroad, to all poiuls. DrscriD
iive Cataluguet mailed to applicants, em-kiting tiamnt.
Mtreh K, 197 -1m YRK' Fmm
I A. "W 23 O XT E
Hanlarj( Ia.
AS the teattn it at hand, we offer to the farmeri
our Super-Phoephate, which at a farliliter tor
Wheat, Corn, Oatt, Potatoet, Grata, c, oaanot be
axoelled, and warrant it a permanent improver of
(not exoeptlng any.) It doea not act at a simple
stimulant for one crop only, but it luting in iu effects,
which can b proved by tbe tanners 01 Chester and
adjoining countios of this tta. Aim ,.r .1.. -j
iauent euunUea of Delaware aud Maryland, who
have used oar manufacture for the la 8 yean.
uiu spring, oonndent that those
who purchase, will continue to patrouiie.
For Wheat 300 lbs. per tore drilled or town broad
cut 1
For Corn 150 to 200 IU. per aore dropped In bill, at
For Gate 150 lb, per acre town broadoatt.
For Potatoet too lot. per acre Matured ia row.
tor Grata, 200 lot. per acre at a top dretter.
This ouantiiv on ilr.M tH,..ia .in 1 .
ereat ta first crop of 1 to 1 tons per acrt.
Ua II i IKIil.
W know that tba result will be satisfactory.
Sold in Barrels and Bagt, at 5T per JO00 IU., at
MauajfUctory, Kul Market Ktreot.
Alto thlpned to all pninta ea tba Phil'a. ft Erie,
MarLhnrB fMira I a i :
Sauhury, Mareh l. lb7.