WE W AKIVAL OF FALL & WINTER GOODS . - . . t nil.?. j ( i ; 1 ; t. at X11K "'" ' "" , MAMMOTH STORE J. V. sr'HU.l.X- fc SO, Market fqoare, t doors east of the Nw Court llouao, ' KCNBUUY, VA. TTAVE reeelved a large quantity of new FALL JT1 and WINTER UOODS. which they offer to the trade si ine lowest possioie price. DXIV GOOD?. Tbeir stock of Ladies' Dress Uoods ii Urge, and Contain a greater variety than onn ke found in any eom-trv establishment. Call mid oxaiuiue. 11 luck and Fancy Silk. UrosdeUrain, Oro de Rhine. Talletus, Ac, of every width and prioe. Me rinos 'if all (hades nnd colors, alUwnol Flairls, Irish and French l'uvliua, lilsck Figured and Striped Aliipuooa.t, Empress Cloths, Silk and Wool Plaids, Muhnir Lns're. all-wool Delaines, Moussolaiue D liiw, Black and V kite Check, Ao. the mi awl" department . Deserve, particular attention. Shawls, Cloaks, Opera Flauntls, Mantillas, Hoop Skirts, Ac. THE NOTION DEPARTMENT Contains Its more (ban usual (apply of Luces, Ho siery, Uluves, Ac. - r , ' THE DOMESTIC DEPARTMENT Comprises now assortment of Gentlemen's Fur nlihing Uoods, Clutbs, Calicos, Ac carpet &oTl cloths, The large Carpet Department of the establishment Is now filled willi a ire.h and clogiuit kit of new stylos and pattern. , THE PAPER DEPARTMENT Embrace WALL PAPER of all kinds and prioe. W indow Shades, Paper, do do Oil large, new assortment. Drug), Oils, PiUnta, Coal Oil an I.nmpM. Fish. Pork, Coarse and Fine Satt, Coffee, Tea, Su gar, Mulasse Syrup, Spices, Ao., Urocerics, Tobacco, Sugars and Snuff, togelhci with a Inrge variety of miscellaneous goods ul price that eauuot mil to au.ieiy purotiascrs. J. AV.FRILIXO A SON Sunbury, October 13, lWltt. 1 r . I. e o n ' a CELEBRATED PREPARATIONS THE PERFECTION OF MEDICAL SCIENCE. Pr. Leon's Electrio Hair Henewer. It is a positive core, for Baldness It nature (Jrey Hair to its Original Color. It is a Tunic, not a Dye. and acts upon the sccrotionr it tmtneiitaieiy arrests tailing out ot me uuir It alleviates Neuralgia and Ileiidnche. It radically cures Dandruff and Humors It keens the scalp health, clean and cool. It is an elegant und exquisitely fragrant Hair Dressing. It restores, Cultivates and Beautifies the Hair. It make harsh Hair flexible and Lustrous. Ir. .eoti'it lUeetric IliiSr Itenew er has enjoyed a bigb looal reputation tor many years. Its wonderful restorative and invigorating properties nro well known tu tba Medical Faculty of Philadelphia. Being fully satisfied of the merits of Icon's Ilt-lri: IBstlr Itenewer we have pro- .iirH.l rtTnlii.tvA mt-trrliiT n(t nrn rlol.-riiiinml Ihnt every household in our lund shall have opportunity to reap it Decerns. nit. I. !: i.i'4 r m:i:v A most doligbtful and efficacious cure for tho va riooi ill to which Inl'mit and Young Children are subject. . INVALUABLE FOB TEETHIH Q CHILDREN. It soften the gums, abates infiumution, invigorates ' the etoiuach and bowels, correct acidity, and id a sure una speeay cure tor Colic, 4'miii and Wintly Pain A most excellent preparation fur children of a restless and fretful habit and in all case of looK'iirN, 4i'iiii;, Ysmiitiiig or Other inward grief, it give immediate ense. Used for more than half a century in the private iractice of one of ho most eminent physieiuus in 'liiladelpbiit. Iu now placing this article within tho reach of all our countrymen, we would remark that we know it to be a Remedy of unrivaled excellence and that it has proved in thou&nnds of cast, a wo uro resolved it shall iu millions, a piici-lus boon. For Sale by Druggists Everywhere. Addresa all orders to zii:om:r & smith, sole proprietors, 1S7 .-ortli Third HI., Pliil'u. SILVER'S WASH POWDER. SAVKS Time. Labor, Money; makes WASHING A PASTIME ANDMO.N'DAY A FESTIVAL. Sold Everywhere. TRY Novuinhcr 21, 18ti ly IT! BOOKS, STATIONERY and VARIETIES, Always on band largo and complete stock of ALBUMS, Juvenile, Wank, School, Hymn and Prayer B00K3. !ote, loiter, l.t-(;ul uud Cnp Puper. GOLD PENS AND HOLDERS. Pens, Inks, Pencil, Port-Folios, Pictures, Pioture Frame, Musical Instruments, Strings, Music, Lamps, Shade, U lobes, Ac 5? m.7 S5fi2B 0J 9 Suapa, Chains. Sleds, Cane, Guiuos, Brushes, Port- mouaies, and Fancy Article uf all kinds. Wall lucr, llordcr and Window. liadfM. Agent fur -La Rose's Hair Restorative," and ''Knamcl of America." Draft on Europe and Tickets for Steam Vessel QUICK SALES AND SMALL PROFITS-the motto at . LIGHTNEK'S Book Store and New Depot, Feb. 2, 187. Market Square, Sunbury, Pa. UAVII A MAIilCtt. Hn. A. TWEED. Market street, 3 doors East of the New Bank Build Ing, SUNBURY, PA. RESPECTFULLY inform her friends and the publio that she ha again opened a shop, in Market street. Sunbury, where she is prepared to make to order Ladies' Dresses, in an entire new stylo. Lodie' Cloaks, Ao. Also Gentlemen' shirt. Order respectfully solicited. Sunbury, Jan. 19, 1SU7. ly TOWN LOTS " f N the Borough of Sunbury, desirably situated, la L liin and oontral locations, I'OIl NAI.R, ou such eav term as will enable persons, with a limited amount of available money, to purohas home. Person having SHm-rul or TIiuImt I .and is, Farms, Dwellings, or other Real Estate, for tale or Ichsu, as well u those desiring to purchase or rent, nro invited to eonsult the aubacrioer. His connec tion with reliable tirui iu New York, Philadelphia, and eUewbere, afford unusul advantage. Conveyancing oorroetly ard neatly executed JNO. KAY CLEMENT, Attorney at Law, Third door weal of Smith A Uonlber Stove Store, Sunbury. Pa Suubury, Dee. 8, 1864. If. BOOTS. SHOES AND TRUNKS 1 II. ii. TIIACIIt.lt, MMTESHOaTO W.W.AP8LEY. "I N addition to our large took. already on band, we X are now receiving tun supply 01 roll ana win. tor good fur Ladit, Uoutletaeo, Mi and Chlh dren war. Also a g'J asanrtDent of Trunk. A large lot of R. R. Bags, tieuts' ane leathor batckel. W with itdl tinctU nBdaraaao! that we intend aniline onr food at small profits, exclusively for the eah. Don t (urgut the place. Apaley'i old aland, in the well-known nous of airs, nmtlym, atarset ewtrn, Sunbury. Pa. NOTICE Root and Shoe neatly repaired at short notle. If ny Bought of us should rip they shall be fixed for nothing. II. O. TBACHFU. - onbtjry, Dec R. 1HM. tf. SHOE Finding, Hole Leather and all good be longing to ti j lukc buainwa for sal by J. II. CyNLKY CO. Great AUraclion, NEW TIN -WARE, filieet Iron nntl ft tore Alorc ot SMITE fa, GElTTHEPw, TJ3STBXJDR",Z', Where thy keen constantly on hand and manufsc- ture to order at short notice. TIN AND SHEET IRON -WARE of all doaoriptlon. The would esneeially call the attention of pur chasers to their Urge and well aeloetod stock of COOK AND PARLOR STOVES. The subscriber have made arrangement to hav all their beat atove mad to erdar, and tho who would have a-ood atove would do well to go an) examine their large and well (elected stock. First. They defy enmpetltlnn on the following tried Drand of Cvuk' Stove, vi ; Combination 4u llurnci'. Cook. Uorcrnor IVnu-t'ook. WABASH AND IKONSIDE3, and the well known Antidust Cook Stove called bPEAK'd ANTIDLST. . Alui. Parlor and office Stoves In great variety em hriusinr all tho best manufacture aud most fnshinn. able desiirns. unsurnasscd fur beauty of finieh simpli city of arrangements combining ohoapness, durability and eaen stove warranicu to perwrin woat mey are represented. Also, The eelcbrated Balliinnr Fire Plnoo Stove, fur heating first, second and third stories by Register Also, VULCAN HEATER. . . Also, the oelcbrated MORNING GLORT. Coal Oil, Coal Oil I.ainpn, t-ihadew, Clilmnirs, nnd ull article usually kept in an establishment of thi kind. They are alwi prepared to furni'h Slate and do slating in the best workmanlike manner. Also, to do Tin Routine. Snouting. Ranee and Furnace Work, Ga Fitting, Ac. Repairing neatly and cheaply executed. Also : "IlanglVa Raw Hone Siiprr-fhos-plinle." Remember the place. .Sample and Sales Room nearly opposite Conly's Hardware Store. Market street, between Third and Fourth street. Ruilding dark painted. August 25, 18BS. ' a'kew akicival or FALL & WINTER GOODS, AT THE STORE OF J II ENGEL, Market Street, SLNUURY, PA. JUST rcoeived from New York nnd Philadelphia, a large lot of FALL AND WINTER GOODS, which he will sell at small prulils, for cash or coun try produce. Ills lino of Goods for Gentlemen's and Boys' wear Is good Fine lllack and ltluo French Cloth. Fine Reaver Cloths lor Overcoat, tho very best of Rlack nnd Fancy Cassimcrcs, Good Salinett and Kentucky Jean, all at low prices. His line of Ladies' and Misses' Dress Goods can't bo beat in this little borough. It II N T O V It LACK SI I- K Plain and Figured Silk and Wool Poplin, nil-wool Poplin, Plain and Fancy French Merino, from one dollar per yard upwards, of till Shudv and Colors all-wool Plaids, Alpaca, all colors. Plain and Fancv Mohair Lustres, all-wool Delaines. Fancy and Figured English Merinos, very handsome, Dclaiucs, Calicoes and Muslins, all prices. Ladies' Cloth for Dresses, Ladies' Cloth fur Sacks, Hacking Flannel, ull shades, Ladies' Shawls, plain ind fancy. BEST WOOL BLANKETS, Whito Marseilles Quilts, Red Spreads, Balmoral Skirt. Yankee Notions in Great Variety Hosiery, of all description, Gloves, for Ladies and dents. Dress Trimmings, Fancy lit ttons, Ac. Ladies' Freuch Corsets. Ladies' Hoop Skirts, Gents' Shirt and Drawers, Ladies' Vest aud Drawers, Laities', Misses' and Children' Fancy Hoods. Wool Scarf Ladies' Fancy Scarfs, and a variety of other good O .A. IR. 3? E T S , Wove Floor Cloths, Slnir Carpets Floor Oil Cloths, nil widths, Carriage Oil Cloth, Table Oil Cloth Widow Shades, Plain Green aud Drown Oil Cloth and Fixtures fur Windows. GBOCEBIEB, Sugar. Coffee, Molasses, Rice, Crackers. Spices, Salt t it., luecee, ac. Queensware,Uhu8ware, splendid Setts of Teaware, at low prices. BOOTS A SHOES IN GREAT VABIETY. Hats and Caps, Oil, Puiut, Gloss, Putty, School Books. Paper, Slates, Ac HARD IV A R E . Shovels, Forks, Nails, Looks, Hinges and Screw A Largo assortment of WALL PAPER and Bor der, at all prices. All persons desiring to get good goods will please give him a call. J. II. ENGEL. Sunbury, October 20, 18oB. HOOTS, HiilOCwTAil TKC.MiS. H. G. THACLTEH, SCCCKSSOR TO W. W . AP8LEY, MARKET STREET, SUNBLRY, PA., A large lot of Roots and Shoes just received. A hue lot of TRUNKS on band. A gene ral assortment of Gent' Travelling Satcncls, R R. Hags. Values, Ac, Ac, Ac, Ac COME AND SEE! At the well-known bouse of Mr. Iloulton. Market Street, between Third and Fourth .Street. Bunbnry, Sept. 29, 180n. Ijuckuwannu &. Itlooinaibiirf; Ituil road. ON and after Jan. 1st, 18S7, Pouenger Train will run as follows : SOUTHWARD. A.M. A M. Leave Scranton, 6.50 10 (10 P. M. 7.10 8.20 P. M. 4.40 6.00 8 17 8.60 10.15 620 6.00 6.X5 ' Kingston, 0 55 11.20 Rupert, V 20 " Danville, tl.51 Arr. North'd., 10 .15 NORTHWARD. Leave North'.!., 7.00 Danville, 7.40 Rupert, b li A. M. Kingston, 10.60 8.30 P. M. 2 511 9 05 Arr. at Scranton, 12.00 9. Si 4.00 10.15 Trains leaving Kingston at 8..'i0 A. M. for Scran ton. connect with Train arriving at New York at i.20. Passengers taking J rain houtu from Scrintonat 6 50 A.M. via Aoi thumburland. reach Harriaburg t. OA Ik HI II. .1.! Ul 1 AM It' ...LI.. - . J.'HF J . U-. UUIllUltlTV il.'lV T. HI., liaSOlllRlOn JO.- 00 P. M. viu Rupert reach Philadelphia at 7.00 p. m. II. A. FONDA, Sup't. Kingston, Jan. 19. 18f7. NEW MUSIC STORE. Call at our New Mu.-io Store in ETwIIST'S O-ROVE, and buy one of IUikii Brotkku'i Now Scale Piano Fortes. Every instrument la Warranted for tv yean. We also keep constantly an band a good stock nl the celebrated PELOUUETS MELODEOXS, CABI NET and CHURCH OKOAN8. and challenge other w n vynapcr una i are Helling. We also keep all kind of Mu.ical Merchandise nd rooeiv all the laieat music a soon a published A liberal discount to teacher uf School aud Semb narie IjgrSeoond hand Instrument taken in exchange fur uew one. Piano eorreotly iurned and repaired. Send for ctTGUiar. SALEM BROTHER. ScliBsgrovo, Snyder CO., Pa.. July 28, lottb. ly PislaslH, Ulasa, Putty, White Lead, Varnlshe. Ac Everything that Painter ax at unheard oi pf uie a ine xiwuwaxe euire or ... J. U. CONLEY A CO. Sunbury, June 16, 18A6. , , . 7t mfTJ.Ty rrrt rwrrnrrtf H3 (Ijkt Bucbler lioa.) HAUIUSRURQ, PENN'A. nilllS well-knowa hotel ba not only bees extend X ed but ha bonn greatly altered and newly flt up by the preent proprietor, and I now one of lb moat comfortable and convenient hotel in Uarria- urg. March 10,1856. 1 JiHeAKrAaT SUAWLH, fur aal at tb Fane. Bin.. . I l vu l ni iitvi. ' " ansa raiaiin ' "lyrai efaWisfce" In N. T-Cltr," , , . "Only Mifnllihle rfrnedle known."! (1) , ' 'Freefnnn rniw'rt." ' -.'., Not dniiarrousto tHe Human Femur." 'Rat e.mioat of their hole to die." COSTA BW HATrHOACW, Ac, EXTERM'S It a paste user! W Ml, Rtatche, " ' BMrksod Red Ante, c,e. COSTAn'8" BED UUO EXTERMINATOR 1 liquid of wash naeil to dtrny. and also a a pteveniive for Red-Hug, ttf. POf-TaR'S ELECTRIC POWDER POR INSECTS la for Moths, Mnaqniti, Fleaa. Bed-Rug, Insect son Hunts, Fowls, Animals, 4c. IfS ! ! Rswas ! ! ! of all worthless Imitation, rrre that "CosTta'a" name is on each Box, Bottle, and Flnsir. brlore yon buy. , . , FT Address, - HENRY B. COSTAR, 164 Otnadway, N. Y OrSold In SUNRURY, PA., r"By Wl. A. BENNETT. ' Andtll DrupiitsaiulRUileis everywhere COSTA. Xl'S CELEBRATED B UKTIIOKN SALVE' l'or Cuts. Hums. Bruises, Wounds, Boil, Cancers, Broken ir.lTK s..r NO,,,!,.. I'lFeilinr. Illinil and I'nh.ful Piles: fcr.vful..us, Putrid ami III coiidllioued eilei Vlceis, (iiaiutular fvvtllioxs, Eruotiiais, Cuuinejm Alleelinns, ItloKworm. Itch. Corns. Ilunions, hiliibnns, Ac; Chap pl Huaris, Lis, j Bile uf rldi In, Animals, AC JVC ftBoxe, 1ets., 60 ets i and 1 ize. M.,1.1 hw Mil llrniraiMa evrvwhere. ' Ami hy HKNKY R. CUSTAR, Depot 481 Broadway, New York. ' And by W. A BENNETT, Sunbuty, Pa szz s5; m"' k es 9 UNIVERSAL CC?.1T SOtiVSlTT," For Corns, Dnuions, Wails, Ac. rT Boxes, airts , 511 cu.nnd SI ire. .. u .1.1 1... n n.i,..ia v.ti-tt-li.rp. - AndiivllKNRY H. CliSTAK, Depot 4e Oroadmy New V.ak. And hy vv. A. UK-Vivt , cuiiuuij, v COSTAR'S PREPARATION OF LITTER-SWEET & ORANGE BLOSSOMS FOR BEAUTIFYING THE COMPLEXION. t:ed to fSoften and Beauty the Slfin, remove Freckle.' Pimples. Hruptioii. It c. l.amea are now using ll ill preierene vu.hi'hicii. ryiMitoi, i. a..u l.u .11 tmantmm evervwhere. And In HENRY R. COSTAII, Depot 491 Broadway NewNork. And hy W. A. BENNETT, Sunbury, -a. COSTAR'S PECTORAL COUGH REIVIEDIT 1 For Coughs. Colds, II mrseiies, 8or Throat, Croup, Wh'tomnir CtHisli. luttuei.xu, AlbifU, CHUftjilip.itlil Rron chinl Affections, and all Disease of the Thrual and Langs. liottlrs, 'J5 et ill els , and 1 sues. Bouthviill Druagist everywhere. Auilhy HKNKY R. COeVrj.lt, Depot 161 Broadway, New Voile. Aud by XV. A. BENNKTT, Suubury, Pa. CELEBRATED BISHOP PILLS. A UNIVERSAL DINNER PILL, For N'ervoe sod Pick Headache, Cusuvcneas, Indigestion, Dyspepsia, Uilliousueu. CiutliNliiai. Diarrlica, Colic Chills, Fiver, aud general daaiigeuwM of tb D'goMiv, UlSMII. H-xe, is ets., SO et., end tl sires, (old by all Drucgisu everywhere Aiidh II NilY H. COST U , Depot 484 Broadway, New York. Aud by XV. A. BENNETT, Saabuiy, Pa. Dtewuber H, lee Scroaaa. or King's Evil, if constitutional dintaaa, corruption ot tlx blood, by which thi Hum become vitiated, weak, and poor.- Being in, the circulation, it pervade the whol body, and may bunt out In disease on any part of it. No organ M fre from it attacks, nor ia Inert) one which it mar not Ueitroy. The crofulou tnint ia variously txinscd by mercurial disease,' low living, rti.' ortk-red or unlienltliy fond, ' Impure air, Ultl. and filthy linliits, tho dnprcs.ing vice, nnd,. above all, by tlie venereal infottion. What ever m it origin, it i hereuttnry iu tb eon atitution, descending from parent to children unto the third and fourth generation " indeed. it Mem to be the mil of Hun who say, "I will visit the iiiirjuttiot of the; futheri upon their children." ' '' : " ' 1 ' ' It cflbcta commence by deposition front the blood of corrupt or ulcerous matter, which, in tno lung, liver, and internal organ, la termed tubercles ; in the glands, welling i and on the iuiTiicp, eruptions or tores. This foul cor ruption, which gender iu the blood, dcprcsiei the cncTvies of life, so thnt icrofuloin constitu tions not .only suffer from scrofulout eom-1 plntnts, but they have fur loss power to with stand the Attack of Other diseases j con quently vast numbers jicnih by disorders which, altliouirli txit scrofulous hi their nature. re still rcndcre fatal by this taint in the system. Most of Hie consumption winch dc cimutes the human fitmily hn its origin directly in tliis scrofulous contamination t and many destructive disease -f tho liver, kidneys, brain, nil, indeed, or all the organs, oriso from or are aggravated by the same cause. One quarter of nil our peojile arc scrofulous ; tliclr persons are invaded by this lurking in fection, and their health is undermined by it. To cleanse it from the sytdein we mut renovnte the blood by an alterative medicine, and in vigorate it by healthy fond and exercise, Such medicine we rply In AYER'S Compound Extract of Sarsnpnrilln, the most eflcctuftl remedy which the medical kill of our times can deviso for this every, where prevailing and fatal tnnludy. It is com bined from the most active rcmedinls thnt have been discovered for the expurgntion of this foul disorder from the blood, nnd the rescue of the svetem from its destructive consequences. lienee it should be employed for the cure of not only ncrofuln, but also Uiusa other ullec tions which nvise from it, such ns Khii'tivm and Skim Piskasks, St. Anthony's 1'iuk, ltosn. or r.nvsti'F.t., riMfi.y.s, l'l'sTtii.Es. lli.oTritr.s, lti.AtNs nnd Uoii.s.Tt'Mons, Tr.rrru and Salt Hhrum, ScAt.n Hkah, Hinowohm, IlllKltMATISM. Svl'HII.ITIC Slid M KltCf I1IAI. UlS- ' if asks. Duoi-sr. Dvsi'r.rsiA. l)Kiui.rrr, wid. illdeeil. At.!. CclMl t.AlNTS AltlHlNO r'ltllM 1TIA- tkii oil Ixi't HK Jli.ooii. Tho popular belief iu impuritu of the llnoil " is founded in truth, for scrofula is a degeneration of the blood. The particular nurnnse aud virtue of this Sarsnpa- xilln is to purify and regenerate this vital fluid, without which sound health is imosible in contaminated constitutions. ACER'S Ague Cure, FOR TUB sr-EEDV CUKE Ct Intermittent Fever, or Fever sail Acne, Itt-mli tent Kevcr, t lilll Fever, Diunb Ague, Perlo'llcnl lleailarlie, or Dillon Heartache, and Billons Fevers, Indeeit far the wholt) rlas oCd leva see orlctnst- tng In biliary rteranfrrinent, ratiard bjr sue iiiaiaria or Miasmatic loimirics. AVe are enabled here to olTcr the commmiity a remedy which, while it cures the alwve coninlaiuU with certainty, ia tat ill perfectly liaiinles in any quantity. Such a remedy is imaluahlo in districts where these afllieting disorders prevail. Thi "CunK" expel the miasmatic poison of Fever AM) AOl'K 11 om the system, aim prevent the de velopment of the disease, if taken on the first ap proach cf its premonitory Aymptnms. It is not only the beat remedy ever yet discovered for this clou hut also the cheapest. The large quantity w supply for a dollar brings it wilbiu the reach of every body ; nnd in bilious districts, where Fever and Ach'f. prevails, every body should have it and use it freely both for cure and protec tion. A great iieriority or this remedy over any other aser discovered for the speedy and certain cure uf Intermittent ia that it coot niu no Cluiniu or mineral, consequently it produce no quinism or other injuriou client whatever upon the constitu- o. I i... , . r. . . i ... unn. Slioso curvu uy arc icit ae iivaiiuy urn ii thev had never had the disease. Fever and Ague i not alone the consequence of .v : A . J- ine runumiuiio auson. A pit'Bl nrii-ij 01 uiur- dcrs ariae from it irritation, among which are Aiumlaia. Ilieumutiim. Gout. Jlrattitche. lSUud- lies, 'I'uoihache, Enrnehe, Vutmvh, Atthma, l'al pitutinn. Painful Ajf'ection nftie .", yrr . Pain in the Vowel; i'oVc. Varalunt and De ranqement of the Stomach, all of which, when originating in thi cause, put on the iutrrntitteut type, or become periodical. This " Cl'iiB " expels the poison from the blood, and consequently cures them all alike. It i an invaluable protection to immigrants and person travelling or temporarily residing in the malarious district". If taken occa sionally or daily while cxnntrd to the infection. til lit will be excreted from the system, and cannot accumulate in sufficient quantity to ripen into dis ease. If ence it ia even more vaiuaine lor protec tion than cure, aud few will ever suffer from Inter mittent if they avail themselves of the protection thi remedy anora. Prepared by Sr. J. C. AYES & CO., Lowell, Hue. FRILINQ A SON, Sunbury, Pa. R. B. McCay, Xorihnmbsrland, and all Druggist ann acaiera everywhere. At wuoiesaie oy o. oi. MORRIS A CO., Philadelphia. 35.000 lb), assorted Cbarenid Iron at M et. lb. J. U. CON LEV A CO. atSunbury, June 16, 1866. NEW GROCERY! CALL AT FVRMAN'S OLD 6TAND. WHOLESALE A RETAIL . AND Provision Store FOR CHEAP GOODS I 0 Their Stock i complete, eontiating in part of SUGARS, COFFEES, TEAS, SPICES, COAL 0IL( looacco, uigars, riour, reed, risn, cait, Hams, Shoulder, Cheese, Fruit, Glow, Lamps, Ac, Ac Country Produo taken in exchange for Goods. (jCall and examine our Stock, and satisfy your solve. Sunbury, May 12, 1868, , MUSGR0VE & 6HAFER, . Wholeaale Dealer In FLO Tilt & FEET) X AJJ J 11 W X XJXJXS saanfaetuier of CANDIES, BREAD, CAKES, 4c, Three Door East of P. A E. R. R. Dpot, Front St., XUUlUUUUtMtAIMi, i-ill'A. Th Baker Wagon will run daily to Sunbary and oeun urove, 10 aerve euaiomer. uraors Boiioitea. Northumberland, Nov. 17, 1b6. ly FANCY DRY GOODS STORE MISS KATE BLAOB, Market (treet, four door west ' of Wm. H. Miller's Dootand Shoe stor, bUiNBCKi , Fa. TJ ESPECTFULLY Informs ber friends In Sunbury Xti ana vicinity, uiai sne na just openeo. ner AVINTEU- GOODS. oi Notion and Fancy Dry Uoods, 1 .. Ber stock ooauiti of All-Wool Delalnts, Imbroide rie. Lao Collar. Bleached and unbleached Mualia. Sheeting, Drilling. Garibaldi klusJins, , Bird-Eye Linen, Alapaea, Foplui, Crap aad Lee Vails. Ladies' Winter UATA, Lad lea' Weolea Caps, Break . fast ouawit, Boo tag. Children's Woolea Cireulan, .. Caildren Woolen Skirt. Mm. Demorest's Hair Curler, Hair Colls and Curl. Glove, Stockings. Collar, Corset, Ac Gents' Collar, tteokti, half II use, Uandker chiefs aad Suspender. Bradley's new Patent Duplex Elliptic (or double ...J i.Ul'D TO k epnisj BAiaio HOPKINS Klliptle Skirt. Perfussery, Toilet Soap, Hair Bruh Coal, uls), Tere, and genual varietjof MUtlonn. . . . HATH BUCS BeBbury, Her. K, loo ioax,n o sp i t A x ESTABLISHED AS A REFUOI FROM QUACK ERY. Tub tNLY Place miens A cvbb , ;iAn:-rC-Alr BB OBTAINED. DR. JOHNSTON ha discovered! the meet Certain, Sr-sody and only Effeetwal Remedy In the Woelil Aw all Private IflseMee. Weakness of th Rack lt Limbs, Strlotar, Alleetlon f the Kidneys and ladder. Involuntary Ilehrge, Impotency, tiene- r Debility, ervoueness, 1'yspepsy, l.anruoT, iow jplriu, uoniunow ot taeas, raipiisiion ui in, awn. Timidity. Tr4mblta. Dlmnes of flight or Uiddlneas, INHeaae of the Head. Throat, Nos or skin. Affection or tha I.lvta. Lsnri. Rtnmank or Bowel those Terri Mr Disorder arising irons me ooutary iiaoiu oi Vonth those sea rot ana solitary pmeuo more isiai to their vietims than the mg of Syren to the Ma tiners f Ulysns, blighting their moat brilliant hope or anticipation, rendering marriage, Ac, impoafi kla (- ..- Especially, who have become the vietims of Solitary Vice, that dreadful and deetrectiVe bablt which annually sweep to an antimely grave thousand of Youni Hen of the most exalted talents ana brilliant Intellect, who might otherwise have entranced listen ine Ssnatr with the thunder of eloooenoe or waked to eoataty the living lyre, may call with full ooa- udence. IvIARRIAUK. Married Persons, or Vonng Men enntemplatlng marriage, being aware or physical weakness, organic ilebillty, delormitie, cc, peauy enrra. 11 who nlaaes himself under tb ear ofDr.J ma reliirlonsl aoufide in hi honor a a gentleman, and OoodUenUy rely apOD u.: a ruyaisiau r .. . . - . , , .,1 ii i Immediately Cured, and Full Viiror Restored. Thi Distressing ASection whioh renders Life miserable and marriage impossible Is the penalty paid by tne victim 01 improper indulgences, x jung person are too apt to commit excesses from not being aware of tb dreadful consequences that may ensue Now, who that understands the subjoot will pretend to deny that the power of procreation is lost sooner by those falling into improper habit than by ttie prudent ' Reside being deprived the pleasure of healthy offspring, tb most serious and destructive symptoms to bom ooay ana nnna arise, xne syi'era become Deranged, the Physical and Mental Func tions Weakened, Los of Prooreativ Power, Nervous Irritability, Dyspcpssa, 1'alpitatlon ot the Heart. Indirestion. Constitutional Debility, a Watting of the Frame, Cough, Consumption, Decay and Death, Office, .o. 7 South IVctlrrlrk street Left hand aida going from Baltimore street, a few doors from the oorner. Fail not to observe name and number. Letter must be paid and contain a itamD. The Dimtor 'a Diploma bang In hiaofiiee. A 1 1 III IVAItllAVlxn 1 TWO IkAYS. If Merevry or Natt.ifoui Drttgt. iit. joiikto:. Member of the Royal College of Surgeons, London, Graduate from one of the most eminent Colleges in the United State, and the greater part of whose life has been snent in the hospitals of London, Paris, fhiladeipnia and etsewnere, nas enecteu some oi the most astonishing curea that were ever known ; many troubled with Tinting In the head and ear when asleep, great nervousness, being alarmed at luddon sound, basbfulness, with frequent blushing, ittcndcd sometimes with derangement el mind, were. ;ured immediately. lAHIiiPARTICI LAR NOTICE. Dr. J. adilros.es all those whe hav injured them, wives by improper indulgence and solitary habit, wincn ruin txita body ana minu, unniting mem lor either business, study, society or marriage. Ihesr are , some ot tne and ana meiancnoiy enoota produced by dnrly habits of youth, vis: VVeaKnos of ,ho Rack aud Limb. Pain in the Head, Dimneta of Sight, Los of Muscular Power, Palpitation of the Heart. Dyspepsy. Norvou Irritability. Derangement of the Digestive Functions, General Debility, Symp toms of Consumption, Ao. Mentally. 1 lie fearful enectson the mind are much to be dreaded Loss of Memory, Confusion of Idea, Depression of Spirit, Evil-forebodings, Aver linn to Society, Self-Distrust, Lor of Solitude, Timidity, Ao are soineol the evils produced. THOt sAsns of persons ol all ages can now juuge what is the cause of their declining health, losing tuoir vigor, boooming weak, pale, nervous and e naciated, having a singular appesranco about the eyes, cough and symptoms of consumption. yoi u "it:; A'bo have Ininred themselves by a certain practice Indulged in when alone, a habit frequently learned from evil companions, or at school, the effects of which are nightly felt, even when asleep, and if no cured render marriage impossihie, and destroys bulb mind and body, should apply immediately. What a pity that a young man, the hop of hi country, the darling of his parents, should be snatched from all prospects and enjoyment of life, by the oonscquenco of deviating from the path of nature and indulging in a certain secret nauu. oucn persons must, befure contcmnlaiing it A it it a m .. reflect thnt a sound mind and body are the most neoewary requisites to promotf eonnubial hnpptnes. T i . . : . 1 . . 1 . 1 - - . 1. - I. I : . - L- J.nuecu WllUOUV vuesa, Ul. JW.IUOJ iuiuuii IltV U-J- jonies a weary pilgrimage ; the prospect hourly darkens to the view; the mind becomes shadowed with despair and filled with the melancholy reflec tion that the bappineaa of another become blgbted with our own mr.4Mr. of iPRi:i)Fn:. When the misiruidod and imprudent votary of ploasure find that bo ha imbibed the seeds of thi painful disease, it too often happen that an ill-timed cne of shame, or dread of discovery, dotort him from applying to those wbo, from education and rexpeolaiulitv, can alone buiriend nun, ueiaying tin the constitutional symptoms of this horrid disease niak their appearance, such as ulucrated sore throat, diseased nose, nocturnal pains in the head and limh, dimness of sight, deafness, nodes on the bin bone and arms, blotches on the head, face and extremities, progressing with frightful rapidity, till at last the pulute of the mouth or the bone of the nose rail In, and tne victim oi tnis awiui disease become a horrid object of commiseration, till death put a period to his dreadful sufferings, by sending him to "that Undiscovered Country from whenoe no traveller returns." It is imrlairiov fart that thousands fall victims to this terrible disease, owing to the unskillfulness of ignorant pretender, who, by the use of that Deadly VottoH. Mereum, ruin the constitution and make the residue of life miserable. Trust not your lives, or health, to the care of the tuany Unlearned and Worthies Pretender, dtituto ol knowledge, aaine or ehsraoter. who copy Dr. Johnston' advertisements, or atyla themselves, m the newspapers, regularly Educated Physicians, iucanable of Curing, they keep yon trilling month after month taking their filthy and poison us com pounds, or a long a theamallest fee can be obtaiued, and in despair, leave you with ruined health to sigh over your galling disappointment. DT Jonnston is tne oniy rnyiieian advertising. Hi credential or diploma always bang in hi office. 11 is reuiidiesor treatement are unknown to all other, prepared from a life spent In the great hos pital of Europe, tne nrsi in ine country anm a more txttaikY Private Pracric than any other Physician in th world. lIMtKJal.TIKVr OF TIIEI'UliNN Tb many thousand cured at thi institution year after year, and the numerous important Surgical Operation performed by Dr. Johnston, witnessed by the reporters of the '-Sun," Clipper," and many other paper, nouoes of which have appeared again and again before tb public, beside hi standing a a gentleman of character and responsibility, is a sufficient guarantee to the afflicted. Sta.11 vis ;. KM rst-mii.i ss-w . CMII.I. Persons writing should be particular In directing their letters to hi Institution, iu the following tuanne JOII.X 91. JOIIf-iTO, SI. 1. 01 th Baltimore Look Hospital, Baltimore, Md. June 30 lt'6 ly. ' Eupprt Home Industry Ul. erBfery Deierl-lleal A FULL ASSORTMENT Jen ufiskp by , SAMUEL FAUST, . Two door wt of Beunttt' Drug Store, Market it. SUNBURY, PENN'A. CALL and examine the large assortment of th laieat New York and Philadelphia (tyles of lllftmark, Wnrvi lek, Tudor, Ilalf-Dreaa, Resort, Planter, Half. Planter, Driving, Silk, Quaker and Brush M m. m. tt em 9 BOY'S 1IAT9 and CAPS of every sty 1 and variety. Thea style of list which for beauty and du rability cannot be excelled. Being a practical Hat ter, h flatter hinwelf that hi (took ha bean select ed with uior ear than any ever before brought to thi plaee. lie also msnufacture to order all kind ef soft Fur Uau, all of which will b told at wholesale and retail, at reasonable rata. Dyiag doe at abort notice and at the lowest rates. . Sunbury. Nov. U, I06A. IF you taut good Tin-Ware, go to bMITU A J OINT 1KRJS New Shop. ' "-r dr P H 0 IT 0 OR AP H i ALBUMS BOOJC8 AH9 BTA.TIONKHY, Monthly Xtae Books Drawing BoU and Slates. Bocks, HressV Book. Blank Books, Mtmorandara Kks, Bran' Book. Blank Books, Memoranda Bokt, Dxerto eekei Books, Ink Stead, Pan, Partite. aji aasurUuetit at Paper, ink, A. For sal by ANNA FAINTER. B would lavit the aUeotioti of Carpenters to ear large aad well selected aaortueal of I Tool, . eomn-unng Cniaela of all kind. Aucur. Plan, Saws, Iron and Stool Square, and ia not every thing wanted to eesoplete a full outfit, t the Hardwares ef - . - J. II. CODLEY I CU. " BREAD & FANCY CAKES, Twe dooM ,wt of the Pest OB, 6UHBV&Y, Pet RE8PK0TFU1.LT inform tb eitlna ttf Sun bury and vicinity, that he will bake, to erdef all kinds of ' , j,.,- t. C .ke tor tlnlla, Jnrtl. Ac. Famille sr topplled with FRESH BREAD, Twkit Boll, Rnsks, Tea Buna, Ac, and also kept on hand nanafaetared eat of lb beat material. All order will meet Willi prompt rtteatleav llavlms bad larae exier;enae I hone to live general satisfaction to all whe may favor m with their patranagos is-m t DAVID FRY, eunbury, xee. , inoe. - n --- ' a - Confectionery, Toy and ,: market Stroet, Stlary, Pa. CONFECTIONERY OF AIL KINDS, " ' TOVSOF EVERY DLfeCRIPTION , FRUIT, &o., &c, CONSTANTLY on hand and for sale at th above establishment at wholesale and retail, at raM.a able price. II Is manufacturing all kind of ConfoeUnnarie to keep np a full assortment which are told at low Tobacco, Segars, Sts'lonery, Nnts of all kinds, and a vsriety of other a CsIjs, all of whioh art offtitd Wholesale and retail. I Remember th nam and plaee JJ - M. C.OEARHART, !-W.lri..t .InorawMrtafK. Y. Briffht A Son' store. ' ' ; ' Bunbnry. Sept. 1. lSSJ.tr J THE VERY LATEST ARRIVAL! t Fall and Winter Goods! ' JOSEPH EYSTER, (SuccauKJwor to Juhn Dvcen.) Corner of Market and Fawn Street, . SUNBURY,' PENN'A. Invite th publio to oall and txamino hi elegant assortment of WINTER GOODS, which he will sell at greatly reduced prioes. Hi took oonsist in part of CASSIMEBES CLOTHS. &c. Silk. Delaines, Lawns, Ginghams, Calieoes, Muslins, .Sheeting, Tickings, Jean, and a full assortment of Cotton and Woolen goods generally. Hosiery, Gloves, Hoop Skirt. Also Handkerchiefs, Brushes, Comb. Intel antl Cnp, Hoof nntl Kltoea, Hi assortment of good will not, he is are sure fait to please the fancy and suit the wants of any de, tirou of purchasing. Ilia stock of HARDWARE AND QUEENSWARE, and Groceries ia large in quantity and ehoioe in quality, comprising generally everything needed In the household either for nse or ornament. Ho is always ready and glad to see his friends and takes pleasure in showing them his goods even though no sales are made. He only ask a call, and ia sure that the atock will compare favorably in prioe and quality with thechenpest. . JOafcPH EYSTER. Suubury, Nov. S, lSSfl. Manliootl 1 Ilotv I aim!, Iiow Itextoretl Just published, a new edition of ' 1 Dr. Cclvebwkll's Celebrated Essay on tho radical cure (without medicine) of Spermator rhoea, or seminal Xveakness, Irvoluntary .Seminal Losses, fniputency. Mental snd Physical inenpscity, Itupedimeut to Marriage, etc.; also Consumption, Epilepsy, and Fits induced by selLIndulgcuce vr sexual extravagance. ijf Prioe, in a scaled envelope, only A cent. Qbo celebrated author in thi admirable essay clearly demunstrates, frum a thirty year a successful praotice. tbnt theoluruiiug eonsequenccs ofsulf-abuse may be radically cured without the dangerous use of internal medicine or the application of the knife pointing out s modo of cure at onoo simple, certain ! ami effectual, hy meant of which every sufferer, n j matter what hi condition may be, may cure himself cheaply, private, and radically. tins lecture snouid no in lUe nanus ol every youtn and every man in Ihe land. Sent under seal, in a plain envelope, to any ad dress, on receipt of six emu, or two postage stamps, by addressing the publisher. Address the Publishers. CHAS. J. C KLIE A CO., 127 Bowery, New York, Poet Office box ,5oo. Deo. 22. last,. 3iu I7IARMERS oall and look at the stock of Grass an . Grain Scythes, Manure, liny and Struw Fork Grain Cradle. Cradle Fingers, Trace, Lug.Fifih,. Tongue and Halter Chains ; Scythe Stones, Grindt stones and fixtures, and everything to make harvese ing pleasant and agreeable at the new llardwur tor of ' J. II. CON LEY A CO- RKMEMBKll THE DKAD. MESSRS. D. C. Dissinger and John A. Taylor, would respectfully announce to the citizen of Sunbury, and aurrounding country, that having formed a co-partnership, they ire now prepared to furnish ornamented and plain tirn vetnei, ToiiiIsk Sc lenuinenls of tbe bi4 Italian and American marble, at prioe that cannut fail to giv entire satisfaction, aud re spectfully solicit the publio pntronnge. DISS1NGER A TAYLOR. Sunbury, March 31. ISM. ly. niHE undersigned respectfully informs his friends X and the publio that he ha changed his place of loading Freight in Philadelphia from Freed, Ward A Freed, No. oil Market Street, to A. D.AOHESON (Commission Merchant, dealer in Flour Gruin, Seeds, Ac.) .. 1013 MarUet !., Ilsiltlelln, where all freight will be loaded on ears of the un dersigned, for Dauphin, Sunbury, Sbauiokin, and all intervening point. All freight will be eerried a low a on any ether line. Order to carry freight respectfully solicited, which will receive prompt atteutiun. J.B. WEISKR. Sunbury, Jan. 13, 1 808 3m. J IT li:n j a it 1: 1 N 'L.'Fiuuil d Pnriis," THE NEW BEAUTIF1ER OF THE SKIX. TESTIMONIALS FROM CELEBRATED LADIES. Thi teoretof beautifying the skill being known only to Messrs. Jarad A Rene, they bouornhly state mat It diner from all other preparation. It give to th moat harsh and freckled skin both the texture and color of polished Ivory, removing all discolors tions, whether appearing aa heckles, tan, morpbew, sooih or blaokworu speck, and I especially suc cessful ia smoothing out th marks left by the small. pox. The agents of 'L'EMATL de PARIS" most oond denily submit to the publio the earnest endorse- nts orsuoh distinguished ladle a ' Signora KISTOHI. U aUlltlUCi IA 1 bSIVALDl, Mia MAliUIK MITCHELL, Mrs. D. P. BOWERS, LUCILLE WESTERN. Madam PON 1ST, Mr. EMMA WALLER, LUCY RTJSITTOy. N0EM1E Di MARGl'ERITTES, Mia A. PERRY, and many other whose high landing in th profes sion giv. th stamp of truibfuluet to their uitelli geoi and genuin approval. Th boautii'ul Lucille XV cetera syt: "I find that tb -Email" prod uoo all th brillian cy of rouge and lily-white, with the great and pecu liar advantage ef total karmleaaoea. It really add to th softneai and beauty 01 the skin." Tbe magnifioeut Yeatvalia say. : '1 bav tuflered so much from tb various white lotions, Ac, which uiy theatrical profession oblige me to use, that I consider it a perfect benaiaotioa to find a preparation which gives the iieeeteary white ns to lb kio,nd leave lb skin cool aud twootb,' Mis Maggie Mituball says : I hav triad the skin beutifier, "L'Etnail d Pari,'' and found that it instantly impart a statural bloom sod friwuti to tb complexion." "Jrd' Email d Pari" it used a delicate tveautifier of lbs skin foe Thutr.. K-yIaar np HmII flloom, by the most refined and aoranukiu ladie. produoiug all th beautifying f eoUuf rouge aad lily-white, without their vulgar glat or injury to th skin. Sold by all Irl-els Druggist, Perfumer and Ladie' Hair Dreeser. . , L. Isabeau, 822 Broadwsy Dsn Bams A Co. and V. O. Well Co., Nw York ; and Eugan Jouin, 111 South Tenth ttreei, aad Jobneun, Hollo way A Cowdea, Philadelphia, A geat. JA&EU A HKNB, , , ' General Agents and luisorteM, NW kork. . Jan. SIX, loA7.-a ,. , , . ,. 1 AAA Carriage Maker Wanted to hay PeUees, lUUxJ Spokes, Hubs, Aal, fringe. Bands, Bolt and everytauig pertaining to the baaia at tb Cacaa Hardware aad isea Store of ... fw" " J. 4. CONLEY CO. tlaaa srefully eomaouaded ef tax ;(iM hi Mamuotk Store cf uktM7,MyS0, ISA... ,, K .: .1,T,ORE.! i j . ll ... t ' I W. A. I3ENNKT. MerM UqBare, HeJ.tatUKV. Pa, TTAVXKel rehssed the Den XJ. formerly eondaol b R. A vi.r. t i . leave to inform tb Itlten, ef Snnbwry 'and vl oinlty, tht. J have antirely replenished my Stock of ... ..,.. -mLT. ,.: FANCV AXITICLPS raoh a Comb, Brushe, Pookt-Books, Poepe, Per fumery, Hair-Oil, Kiuives, Soiswrs, Coal-Oil Lamp, Tobaeee and Cigar, 1 ' Paint-, Oil, dine, ' C.Iaaa, Pntty, Varnlwheti, Patent t Medlclaea, Jtc. " All tny tinclur;, Syrnps, Oinlmsviu, Cerate, and other preparations ale masufaclored by myseir, and from th best material I csn procur In Market Having had quit a number of yeaa' egperienc in ... Drug and Preeription Durinm, ', both In Philadelphia and lb oopntry, and alto th advantog of the College of Pharmacy, I fce com. petent to COMPOUND ALL PRESCRIPTIONS that th Physician and publio may favnr m with All my pronarathin a I have above asserted, are made from the best material, and upon honor C assert, they are of officinal strength. For medieinal purposes, I keep on hand, the r.ry ' best WINE9, BRANDIES AND LIQUORS, that I can procure. Rofore purchasing elsewhere, call and conxine. your own mind. XV . A. BENNETT Sunbury. Nov IB, IftCS. ' ' NEW G R 0 G E R Y 11HE subscribers beg leave to snnnunee to the . citisens of Sunbury and Ha vicinity, that tbey have opened a NEW GROCERY. 7V iloort weti, of J. 11. Emjh't Store, in, Marlet Square, where they ere prepared to furnish every variety of groceries, and wi'l keep constantly on hand the choicest varieties of FLOUR & FEED, Fish, Coffee, Tea, Sugar, .Molasses, Chcoe, Bait Spice of all discriptinn, Soap." of every variety Candles, .mokinr nnd Chewiur iibacco, Segsr. Ham. Shoulders. Racon, Butter, and K8g- Dried fruit of all kinds, Caned Peaches an" Toma toes. Pickels, Ketchup, Pepper Sauoe, Rai'dn, Lemons, Ao., of best quality, and in foot every ttyi'-? ?.iJ"MV. ke in weU ,,o0d Grocery. Also Uder X inegar. All kind ot oounlry produoe taken In exohange. The patronage of th publio i r speotfully solicited. GEORGE E. BEARD A CO, Sunbury, Nov. 11, 188i. NEW LIQUOR STOKE! WM. IIOOVEB Itnllrond Mtreet, ultore Market, KEAB HI CE.NTSAL ROTJtti, SUNBURY, PA. RESPECTFULLY invite, his friend, and the pubho goner ally, to sail and examine his largo assortment of liq 1 . "before paicfeiwing elsewhere. "ii.V?'U T.n A"1 ol" Ilruadls,, MltUkf.v, Holland tltn, Vnn. It mn, illotiouariiliela nntl Jtotti-lxsn Of III iM'Kt f, uu II. J' Wines, Cider, Vine jtnr, Ve., At-, Farmers, Hotel Keepers, and oihors are Invited to call, as hit stock is genuine, and will render cm oral (atisfactioa. Sojjbury iEebruary S, 186d. RESTAUJRANT &"B0ARDINO HOUSE. CJ1I.IN. IT3!KI Proprietor. In Cake' Additii n to SUNBURY, near the Penn'a. Railroad Company' Shops. IAGER BEER, Porleraud Ale or the very best J brands, excellent German Wines. Schwcit.er Cheese, Tripe, Ac., always on hand. PERMANENT AND TRANSIENT BOARDERS kept who will find ample accommodations. Good cooks and waiters, boarder can enjoy the quiet com fori of home with fare equal to the best hotels. Sunbury, May 2t, Itti8. SUNBURY FOUiNDRV" " ' UO. ICOIIKIIA4 II A KO., AP.E now carrying on buslncs at thi old estab lishment with rcnowed vigor. to order d,"criPtio" promptly furni.-lied The . gloves manufactured at this Foundry have acquired tho highest reputatiou. ' t reputation ion t.ni.l In S 1 arucuiar attention i.ni.l in mrr r r uthwo rariuers Bbou d not ,h., ,h. ii,.i,-. at the sunbury iuundry have never been equalled. Agricultural implement repaired at short notice. Small costings, including Cooking utensils, of tb most improved and most useful patterns. i k1l!f',";,,wi" b' eondoeted on an enlarged wale. Old customer will bescoominoiUtod x usual, Arm npxr line & 1'. . 1 -.. ' r "I'cuuuiiy soncitiHl. Sunbury, May 12, 1H68 WashingtonHouse. SAMUEL SNYDEB. OPPOSITE TIIK Xr-.XV CtrBT UOVSK, SUNBURY, PA. .TUII3 popular and eomfbrtable Hotel bs been X fltleitupin .nponor order lor the accommwla. tionof Hranger. travellers, and tho publio gener ally. No effort will be spared by the Proprietor to make it a favorite resort and a pleasant bom fur every guest Hi. table, his bar. and the long ex perienoe or th pmprictor. warrant him in anticipa. ting a liberal share of publio patronage. nieneen',V ,tMet' ,nJ ver' desiruble eonve, Suubury, April 7, I860. ly ALL kinds of Hardware, Iro will be sent fur and deli' on, Ac, not in dor vered at the lowa.1 price oy Sunbury, Jun 18, 186fl, U. CONLEY A CO. ANYILS, Vioes, Bellow Stock, and Die. n all g.Kj.1 belonging to th BlackmiUiing busi noss for nule low for Cah by J- H. CONLEY A CO. busi- CONLEY A CO. J fashionable style at the Cheap Hardware stor J- H C0NLEV A CO. AIM MS EXPRKgs COMPAQ REDUCTION OF RATES ON PRODUCE, OYS TERS, AC. T"? I,i"h' y,te"-n th Shell, snd -h:T of,1' kinds, taplaoe in Ibis Division, wherelherati.T4oenl. per 100 lbs or over, has been Lm K W.etn4?aoJ " per 100 IU,th. rate i7ighgt. "1UibrwiU ""hargeda.lOO lb rel bo.es lUir t0 be 3"ckea 10 bar' Prompt attention to the eolleetion of Bill, Draft. 0. o . , N. FERREE LIUIiTXER, Sunbury, Jun IS, l8nA. TOILET SOAPS, Tooth-B,u.he, II c, Ao. For sale by . ANNA Pi air K'r.Pht PAINTER. rpURPENTINE, Coal OU, Fish Oil, Linseed Oil, X forsal. lowforCsshly J. V.' OX LEY A d "u " good Likeness fur your friends, ga g. BYERLY'SUallery In Siinpw.'irs Building. Procure one of BYERLY'S Fine Photogrph Pio ture at his Room in Simpson' Building. To procure a family group Photograph, go to BtERLY'S Room inSimpsua Building up stair t CARPENTERS, Saddler, Blacksmiths, Csrrlage J Makers, Shumakr, Mcrcbanu, Miners, Far insrs snd th eitlsen generally. Look to your Interest and buy si lbs new Hard wars Store of J. U. CONLEY A CO. Suubury.Juoc U, 1866; , FINK Myrtle Pomstum, at the Fsney Store of ANNA PAIXTER. ICE CREAM FREEZERS and Haley' Paten Cloth Wringer, fur al by ,B. ZETELM0YER Bunbory, July T, W. ALL good bought tor Cash aud (old at low prioes for oasb at th Hardware Stor of J. U. CONLEY CO, Sunbury, June 18, IMS. BUILDERS and th. contemplating buildia would de well to call and aa tb large assur luentof Looks, Latches, Bolt, Butt and 6urw Strap and T. Hinges, Window Spriaga, and era thing wanted loeouiuUt home, at lb new Han wae7toreof r J. U. CONLEYCth 1 AAA Caatouiart wanted m buy Hardware, A 1UUU at the Cheap Hardwar and Iron Stor J. CONLEY CO, 5snbury,JuaelA,l. L,V'-Sil '. M . I . ! ., . - I .1 I . H Ul i