Sunbury American. (Sunbury, Pa.) 1848-1879, March 16, 1867, Image 2

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    IIIMfJv" WMT'IO Kf'irilT
frt dunburs American.
. H. B, MABSER, Xditor Proprietor.
.-.SATURDAY. MARCH 16, 1807.
139" The Rift t lottery enterprise for
tba benefit of the Xntignul Soldiers' and
Sailors' Orphan' Asylum, is snld to be a
humbug. Gen. Van W.vck, of New York,
In a card, cautions the public . against this
bogus enterprise of Krtinedy & Co. , .
37 Gen. Uurriman has just been elected
Governor of New Hampshire, lj a Republi
can majority of 8,000. The General is an able
man, who went into the war as a leading
Democrat, and came out a good Republican,
One of the best speeches of the last cam'
paign, we heard at Milton, from Gen. liar
riman. Three Republican members of Con
gress were elected. The Republican major!
ty, In the lower House, is seventy five.
PWAt inauirics are constantly made
respecting the conversion of the 7-30 Notes
in 0 20 Bonds, it is stated for the benefit of
those interested that 7 80's of August, 1864,
from which the last coupon was detached
on the 15th of February, 1807, will be eon
vertiblo August 15th next, when six months'
interest will be paid, and 5-20 Bonds dated
August 18, 1807, will be given.
gP Tub Senate on Monday last, in Ex
tcutive sesbion, took up the nomination of
cx-Senator' Cowan as Minister to Austria,
ind proceeded to a vote upon it. Messrs
Saulsbury and Johnson urted his confirms,
.ion, and Messrs. Pomeroy and Sumner op.
sosed it, and after half an hour's discussion.
ie was rejected by a vote of 30 to 17. .
This is the first case of an ex Senator ever
wing rejected fur any office to which lie was
lominated during bis term of service. Mr.
owan has been there ever Bince his term
xpired, engineering the patronage and ap
lointments of very bad men, and Los been
anguine of his own success.
The Public Debt.
The monthly statement of the public debt
i published, from which it appears that the
tal national indebtedness uti the 1st iust.
as 13,530,763,880.80, which shows a net
ecrease from the statement of last month
f $12,585,858.76. Of ihe gold bearing
snds, six per cents, of 1887 have been re
irned to the amount of $100,000, the six
it cents of 1861 have increased $150, while
e five-twenties have been increased, mainly
I conversions of seven-thirties, $44,809,500.
he net increase of the coin bearing debt is,
crctore, $44,7U9,050.
The currency-bearing debt has been re
iced $1,755,810 by the retirement of com
und interest notes, and $30,887,050 by the
sorption of seven-thirties. Tbe net ce
ase of the currency debt is $32,643,800.
ie matured debt of all descriptions, not
;senteu tor payment amounts to $14,576,
B.07, which is a decrcaso of $1,214,705.24.
The net decrease of the non-interest bear-
debt is $6,037,275.40. The volume of
itcd' States notes has been reduced $5,
1,464; fractional currency has increased
r'0, 088.00, and the issue of gold certificates
i been reduce ! 1,610,800.
There has been quite an increase of cash
tae treasury, the gold having been aug-
nted $0,916,427.43, while the currency
Increased $7,483,180.09. Frets. ,
Jbatii op "Artemtjs Ward." Charles
Browne, the humorist, better known as
tenuis Ward," Under which eobriquet he
I gnined a world-wide reputation and
dsome fortuue, died in (Southampton,
., on Wednesday, the 0th iust. About
ar ago Mr. Browne, went to England
eliver there a series of his comic lectures,
become one of tbe stuff of the London
ch. His engagements were very protit-
i. Mr. Browne's career as a humorist
an during his connection with a news
er at Clcvclund, upon which he was cm-
ed as local editor, and to which he first
xibuted his letters descriptive- of the
er and observations of "Artemus Ward,"
owman of "wax nggers." These speed-
attracted attention by their vigor and
uncy. U lie wit of "Artemus" was not
.renchant or refined as that of "Hosea
low," but it was much more palpable,
as he treated subjects ot genera! inter-
and common observation, it speedily
icted popular observation and secured
r. His early death at 83 yeara is deeply
nted. But bis disease, consumption,
h had fastened itself upon not a vigor-
institution, soon Dore uim down.
'. Kavanagh, tbe armless and legless M
ota Ireland, excited great curiosity on
rst appearance ia the House, on tbe 6th
nt. The Hon. member entered tbe
e from the directiou oi the Speaker's
.te apartments, seated in a library chair,
lccbanisiu of which is so contrived that
rt wheel himself with case to any point
:shes to reach. The large copy of the
ment nscd in administering the oaths
imlicrs waa managed one cannot use
ord handled by Mr. Kavanagh with
.he least difficulty, and be wrote his
with as much quickness and apparent
a any of his fellow members of Parlia
'"The process war as follows: The
handed to Mr. Kavanagh a pen with
e oi me icngtu to which be is accus
I. The Hon. member clasped the ban
etween what represent Ins arms, and,
,ino it by putting tbe end into bis
1, guided the pen over the parchment
lingular fluency and steadiness.
ler the heading ''Serious Difficulty.'' a
n, Miss., paper of the 0th iust., tells
a course of a few lines bow Daniel
ham, being fined for riotous conduct
i mayor of the adjoining town of Yal-
rew a pistol and attempted to shoot
erson, but his hand waa thrown up
ue ball passed into tne eye of a con-
standing behind tbe mayor, killing
tatantiy. Urantbam succeeded, bow.
a hitting and probably killing tbe
at tne next shot.
I ' ' a V M
Delivered in j the IIomh oj 'JtcpruentritireeM
March 7, m the lubject oj the intptacMtuni
of tlte Prttidtnt. j . )1 H
Mr. Mai.Ert. Mr.' Speaker, this question
of Impeachment ' a t cry grave one, and. we
ought to undertake it with great delibera
tion, l think we ought not at tins time to
allege that any evidence that we have is
sufficient to impeach tbe President., It is
time unough to decide that ! qaestion after
tua Uomtntttce on the Judiciary snail nave
given the subject a fair and impartial inves
tigation. We otiaht to consider tne matter
coolly and deliberately, and. ought not to
J Lb
1 K Kl. A H Oil (
P'entMn 4albreakl
c.H mat- -
Ii T I . l.
TLvrwA. 1T.vkutia. DiHPatchcs
received -daring the- day tom""Dubiiii "and
Cork, Rive the following particulars ot the
the last out-breaa in ireianu ;
Sainton I One f the latter was killed and
five were wounded.
Tim twiHre can ,ured eiabty prisoners and
" 1 . . 1 !.! 3 ... ,1....!.
loads 01 ammunition, muujiiioiii,
last out-break in Ireland ! .
liuht took place about 8 miles south or
,lin,:oa Tu'KUy Bight at Taljcgli.i be
en tha armoti police and a largd lndy 6t
prejudge the case.! ;Tho Committee on 1 the l0-day, over two hundred prisoners had been
Judiciary are to be appointed by the honor- brought Dublin.
.1.1. Unu. i .it ihti iif.nA I am HnLiaueii I i-i.a imtiv ni ldi reniH ii ei uuirmi iu
he will select jnen of legal ability, and gen- tu0 tight posted to the hills north oi Dublin,"
Memen who will give tho euojec careiui with Lata mrainnevin, iub commanuer oi
niiil thnrouuh considcratiot. It is proper the British forces in Ireland, In pursuit.
that the matter ahould first be considered The police station at Kilmallock, 19 miles
by men of eminent legal ability and report- louth of Limerick, in the county of Munster,
ed upon to the House. If the evidence is wnS atlacked by 200 Fenians, who were re-
sufficient to put tbe President of tho United pulsed, leaving three of tbeir number dead
States upon his trial, let him have a fair on the field and losing fourteen prisoners.
and impartial hearing. Ho should not bo Tho barracks of tho police at Dramore,
screened because beholds the highest of- county Down, in tho North, bad been fired
Gee in tho nation, but ahould be treated like bv an incendiarv and totally destroyed.
any other citizen of this Government, how- Tbe manager of the Union bank and a
ever bumble. mounted police messenger uaa ocen suoi in
Jiut, sir, l am opposeu 10 prrjuogmg, hub i Drumore.
or any other case. 1 am not in tavnr oi pro
A toet speaks of tha waves as "idlo
reakers at their play." And a Washington
correspondent, speaking oi KepreseotHtive
. .. . . .1 . 1. 1 1 U l , . I
Asnley, says nmv ua ii iuui irrt-niver,
ho always ptays trumps; JLOng may uo
avel ; ' .
A gentleman Id Iowa advertises for a wife
who wears her own hair, her own teeth,
her own cheeks, her Own' "buzzum," and
her own calves, without having went and
gone and paid for them." He'll dot
fleariro TVtilioilv baa fprpivprl' aincelie lias
becti in tbis frtuntry, '4,000 bftggin tetters,
which have been burned. Ho has no time
to read .them.
Thcv work the Parliament f Finland -in
five different laAgungesi 1 Tbo.Flntibh cotnbs
in last, and it is only used by the peasant
There are 147 graadces in Spain1, of which
nouncing upon this floor that he is guilty
before we havo an investigation and the evi
dence laid before the House. If when the
committee in charge have given the subject a
fair and full investigation they shall find
that ho has been cuilty of high crimes and
misdemeanors, I for one would be ready to
The O'rnlanM.
Dublin. March 8 Evening. A dispatch
from Watcrford reports that the Fenians
had appeared in force on the Devil's Bit
Mountains, in county Tipperary. Troops
with artillery have been sent to dislodge
them. The result ot the battle is not Known
sav. impeach him. and remove him from the The insurgents muster in strong force, par
nresidential chair with as little delay as I ticularlv in countv Tipperarv. No bands
practicable, and not prolong the trial in imi- have as yet appeared in county of Wicklow
tation to the cleat Hastings case before and the town of Wicklow is cuict.
parliament. But until that committee shall Reports from Drogberla state that there
report, it is improper for us to pass on his has been no further disturbance in that city,
suilt or innocence. Ud to tbia hour, twelve of tho foremost rebel
I admit that the creat Republican party leaders lave been captured. The Fenians
which promoted Andrew Johnson to his havo captured and now hold possession of
. :.: . l .... .1 l. 1.. ij-!ii1I Tfil.
-c" - - ' -
ed. We elected him to that position, and
he has turned his back against us and has
joined hand in band with those who op
posed tbe war to put down the rcDellion ;
and this in a great measure, I have the
charity to believe, waa owing to bad ad
visers, ot which any man will get plenty
Dcblik, March 0. A dispatch from Wa
tcrford stated that the Ualtee Mountnius, on
the borders of Tipperary and Cork counties
are swarming with Fenians, and it is feared
an attack will be made upon tuo town 01
when bo deserts his Iriends and partakes of Tipperary, the inhabitants oi which are dis-
flia rr.r.AAn fruit mill, .11 lliof ItfH I rf r. j j , J! W !., .1...
the forbidden fruit. But with all that we,
as the representatives of tbe people, must
try him aa we would try any other man.
Give him an impartial trial ; wait for the
evidence and report ot your committee, and
then, if evidence sustains tbe charges as to
his guilt, do not hesitate to impeach bim ;
and, on the other hand, if insufficient, dis
miss the subject, and let tbe country under
stand that lie escapes lor want ot
aflectcd and strongly disposed to help the
London, March 0 Noon. It is reported
from Ireland to-day that tranquility has
been restored throughout tbe province o
Leinster, and that there has been no recent
disturbance in tbe county Kerry, the scene
ot the abortive attempt of last month,
London. March 0 p. m. An official dis-
he escapes lor want ot proper nnteh trom Tretnj saTS that loads of arms
evidence. But, I repeat, until tbe com- fmv(, hon discovered and seized bv the mil-
mittee shall report let us forbear making
any allegations aa to bis guilt or innocence.
But aa the people of the country seem to
demand investigation it is the duty of this
Congress to proceed with as little delay as
possible, aud lot there be no shrinking from
duty, investigate it thoroughly, and if neces
sary probe it to the core.
row, air, it baa been said that our action
here upon tbis question may effect tbe finan
cial condition of the country. We are told
that if we impeach the President the Gov
ernment securities will depreciate in the
market, and tbat it will bring upon us
bankruptcy. I have co such fears, and
Congress ought not to be intimidated by
uny suggestions of the kind. But even if it
would have that eliect, it is no reason tor
shrinking from duty. Let us go on and in
vestigate this matter tairly, and if tbe evi
dence bears out the charges made against
the President, or such ot them as in our
opinion can justify his removal from office,
let us prepare articles of impeachment and
put him upon his trial, and if, on tbe con
trary, alter a lull investigation by the judi
ciary Committee the evidence is found in
sufficient, then, as I have already said, dis
miss the subject, and beur with nun as well
as wo can, until the expiration of his term,
when wo cau select a man that will not turn
against those who place bim in power.
There is no denying, Mr. Speaker, that it is
galling to have a man promoted to a high
position turn lus back against those to
whom he is indebted for elevation, and use
the mighty patronage he wields against
them. tSuch a course will be condemned by
the civilized world, but still that alone is
not sufficient to sustain an impeachment.
Mad Andrew Johnson been true to his
friends he had . an opportunity of making
himself popular, and been an honor to him
self and his country. . After the assassina
tion of the much lamented Lincoln, the
mantle ot that great and good man, at whose
death the nation still mourns, was thrown
on the shoulders of Mr. Johnson ; but, alas 1
in an evil hour be waa induced to partake
of the forbidden fruit in the form of modern
Democracy, which seemed pleasant for bim
to look upon, hence his great fall. Hi
course will be a warning to all those in fu
ture tbat may occupy the presidential chair
not to torsake the party that elected mm.
And now, Mr, Speaker, at the time allotted
to me has expired, permit ue to say in con
clusion thut 1 lor ono will shrink from no
duty ; that I am willing to enter upon tbis
great absorbing question without fear or
lavor, with a determination of deciding tbe
case, so far as this House is concerned, ac
cording to the evidence, and I feel assured
that is the determination ol tbe other taion
MOTHtltS. joa pprrefctd with ailty . ,1 ' .I, I
oar littl. ,;.; An Ttoot tlamrs kad PflWlfcslal AffrlHi
h tntr ern o job'wik-j
rik- the
? If ",
heart broken
fnnrtitn Unf.nak anil n nnr f ,1 i '
our at no. a bottle of ir. LSont' qfnni lln-.
and you 111 hay no mort' weuiy hosftof katohiag
and anxiety. 1 1
hiu itnol tha teat of Yeara. Thousands of annas and
mother bear witnea. thai it never rails to (It relief
ir uned in aoaaon. It is a mild, yet sore and apeedj
care lor Oolte.'Oramfa r.d M'idr PsinS, aflUln
ralunblerfhr U eomplaihUinoidcattoTeelulnaj- '
Sold by Druggielt throughout the United States.
Addren all order to
Sole Ppronrletori. .
1ST North Third Street, Mill'SU
. 'November 24, 1866. ly. ' J
79 are first Chop or duke. About ohe-half QA V E8 Time, Labor, Money. Makes WASHING
the whole number wash themselves decently, b A UWgJ A FESTIVAL,
'It s proposed to take away the privilege Address all order, to the Manafaoturers ' 1 1 m i
of votinc from every man who has-ollervd , .. .... inrni.rn smitii t S .
or taken a bribe at elections,
An Iowa lady has just recovered $10,000
damages for defamation of her character by
a man who told scandalous stories about
her. . . , ' - ' ! .
Nineteen pastors in narnsburg, belong
ing to the Methodist, Lutheran, Baptist and
Presbyterian Churches, have signed a letter
to Gov. Geary professing confidence in that
officer, and approving his moral attitude in
tbe temperance cause.
A young lady in the New Orleans Museum,
who cues into the lion's den, put too much
pomatum on her hair. The unctuous odor
excited the lion's appetite, and when she
stooped to let bim jump over her, according
; Chemist' and Wholesale' Druaglata,
' tat North Third tltreet, IhU.
November U, 18B ly ., '
A AffrlItfaratl litsaid
Jj Her ty !-K nie. r" '
Tfce Board if CnfcitaltAnner. kiow offer fof site
tM,UU0reotA(rtoaltu(iil College Sorip, beinctM
balanoeef the Scrip ((ranted to ts CommowealUt af
Pnnylrania forbe endowment of Agricultural
Colleges in tbia State. I "
Proposal) for the pnrcheee of this Land Bevlp, ad-:
treated to "The Board of Commiatloner of Agricul
tural Land Borip," will be reeeived at the Surveyor
Ueeerel-soBee, at IUfiberg, until 11 b'ojock, M ,
oa Wedueadayi April 10, Hot .1 ; i j T
TbU land mar be looated in any Btate or Terri
tory, by the holders of tbeeorin, noon aov of tbe un
appropriated landa (except mineral landi) of tha
United Stale, which may bejuhjectto tale at pri
vate entry, Each pleoa tf scrip represents a quar
tet aeotioii or one hundred1 Sad lixty neiwi, it baited
In blank, and will be transferable, without endone.
ment or formal assignment. The blank need not be
filled nntil the tcrip ,ii pmented fer location and
entry, when tho party . holding it esq fill the blank
and nter it la' nil owi' nam. Bids nraat bo made
as r acres and no Uds will be received for leu than
one quarter lection.
Tha Scrip will be lamed Immediately oa the pay-
menroi ine money to tne surveyor u antral, un all
bidaior leae quientity thaa 40,M Seres, one-third
of tho purchase money mutt be paid within tea
davs. and tha remaminr two-third within thirtv
days after notification of tha aoceptance of the bid
or omi oy ine uoara or uonimiHitoncrs.
JACOB M. CAMPBELL, Survewor General
For Ihe Board of CommisiiontrM
uarruourg, jnaroa n, icoi. liu. , I
r. "'ii 1 1
dhexe& co.,
..,.,ii,(aTM,Aaaat caaairnT,) -
B:A N K. E R S t
tl f V :. .: '
, v , 7-30Sj
American Artlna' Union (
American Artlnta' Union t
18MJ announoo'that in order to extend the tale of
the following well known and highly popular
Our Goods are decidedly the cheapest in the
City tor . :
July Tth, 1S66 lycl
A o. 1.
other and sister who had not met for
e years, lately had a reunion dinner
ew Louunn, llutler countv, Ohio,
lives and forks used on the occasion
orty-ciuht yeara old. tha chairs fifty
f age, tha tea cups and saucers, plates,
tjrty yeara old. Tha turkeys were
with a knife forty-eight yeara, but
Is themselves, we believe, were not
onaingiy venerable. ,
uindon Enginetr does not think the
cable will be serviceable much
It says: "How long tbe Atlantic
rill last before an accident occurs, is
r of some speculation. We shall be
ed if two yeara past without an in-
pn. , , ,
idon surgeon baa invented aa article
Hiigoiine " trotn petroleum, which
aa me oenenciai letuiis or clilorc-
tbout its attendant dangers. It is
externally, aud renders the Dart in
to pain. About ten barrais of cruda
tr.ry t.-TiHa mauufactura of on
New Orleans, March 11. Matamoras
dates to the 4th inst., have been received.
President Juarez was at San Louis Potoei
February 21. Maximilian was at Queretaro,
w ith an army or 10,000 men, comprising the
three divisions of Miramoa, Caatella and
Mejia. Marquese is chief of staff to the Em
peror. Escabado waa at Ban Miguel, 18
leagues dibtant, awaiting reinforcements.
Kcgules, witu 4,000, and Corona with 0,000
meu, were expected soon to arrive, when
they will give Maximilian battle.
1 Ue City of Mexico is garrisoned with
2,000 men. Porifirio Diaz is at Huamantla
with 8,000 men, and expected to receive a
reinlorcement or 4,000 beloro attacking the
City of Mexico. ,
In taking tne command in peison, Maxi
milian said : "This day I desired long since.
but obstacles were tn the way. 1 am now
free Irom all ooupromisea, and can follow
my own sentiments."
Iu tbe expected oattte Maximilian win
command in person.
Fertility op Tkxas. A correspondent
of tbe Galveston New baa recently traveled
through the central countiot of Texaa. Ue
. t. . . I.. . .u. . . I n ta m tliA IKtli rt
month, "Qelds ot bunurecu or acre on tue i present generation.
nave i
itary. and this fact seems to confirm the re
ports tbat the rising of the Irish has failed
to be cenerai
Lokuon. March 0 Evening Dispatch
from Dublin state that small bands of Fc
ninns are patrolling the counties of Cork,
Waterford, Tipperary, and Limerick, press
ing the people into their ranks, atd com
mitting other offenses everywhere. The
taverns in the city of Cork are to bo cloted
every evening at dusk.
James Stephens is reported to be still in
. There are twenty tannncries in Milwau
kee, which together produce nearly two
millions of dollars worth of leather.
Faro is tbe popular game in Detroit. It
costs as much to learc it there as in Xew
The testimonial in honor of 'William
Lloyd Garrison has reached thirty thousand
dollars, and it is designed to make it up to
fifty thousand. The subscribers are from all
parts of the country, and all classes of
society; and twenty-seven are'Britisb, includ
ing John Bright.
One of the fathers in tbe family of West
Pittstkld, Mass., Shakers, came to the con
clusion, recently, that it is not good for man
to bo alone, and acting upon the new reve
lation, he deserted the brotherhood in com
pany with a blooming Shakeress, young
enough to be his grauddaughter.
The Jesuits proclaim that they are con
stantly increasing in number.
Dickeus is an object of hatred on the part
of printers, bis copy 13 so bad.
The editor of tbeLouisville(Miss.) Dulliton
lives and prints bis paper in juil.
In the forty years from 1820 to 18G0, we
took from Europe 4,512,171 emigrants.
Portbmoutb, Va., is delighted with a cat
having six legs and a dog with two beads.
Rev. C. II. Spurgeon, tbe celebrated Bap
tist pulpit orator, of London, is expected to
be in attendance at the meeting of the
American Baptist Union, in Chicago, iu
May next.
The prohibitory liquor law lias been killed
by tbe Minnesota Legislature,
A man named Frank Burns, confined in
tbe Richmond (Va.) jail for a petty crime,
banged bimseit recently,
The city of Petersburg, Virginia,has built
two dredging scowr, and called one General
Grant and tuo otber General Lee.
P. T. Barnum, the showman, has recently
invented a wonderful elastic band which is
to work a wonderful revolution in tailoring,
The Louisville (Ky.) Democrat say thut
tbe current tobacco year began in November.
1,040 hogsheads were sold in January, and
last month 2,323, at an estimated value of
A Boston jury has decided that Mary Ford
cannot recover damages agaiust John Turner
for shooting bur nose off with a rocket last
July. Boston does not place much value on
Julius n. II. Hasbrouck, a youth about
18 yeara of age, has been arrested in New
lork on a Cliurge ot robbing his employer
John H. Cannon & Co., of about f 4,000 in
gold checks. A portion of the money was
recovered. .
Abraham Liucoln't ton ha opened a law
omca in unicago.
Tbe Treasury Department has decided
that goods in bond are not liable to duties
levied under the new tariff approved on
Monday last,
A case of courtship, of forty-five yeara
standing, is reported iu East Lynne, Man.
Tbe gentlemuu baa paid hi visit on each
alternate tsunuay.
Tbe Pennsylvania Legislature baa appoin
ted a special committee to inquire into the
lottery and "policy" business carried on in
. i , i i , i
me city or runaueipuia..
Tbe Virgioia and Tennessee valley, from
Lyucbburp- to Chattanooga, is suffering from
tbe heaviest freshet know there curing the
Unoer Brazoa. a white a snow-banks, with
the cotton hanging ia the bolls." Some of
. ... .
these fields bad been picked twice or tnree
times, yet gentlemen from Georgia and
northern Alabama who were in bi party
aid that tbe showing of cotton waa better
than tbat of their beat field at borne on
the first picking. Unfortunately, many of
tae planter arc unable to gather muoo
mora than half of their crops. Tb rest U
lett in the Held.
A Wis cousin woman lately tried to collect
$8,900 insurance money oa a log of wood
w hich aba bad placed in a coffin and buried
a bar husband, but tb trick was discover- companied it with a protest agaiust it ceo
ta. - i sututionanty i
Statistic show tbat during tbe past year
nearly two hundred persons have been burn
ed to death by the explosion of kerosene
lamps, aLd tbat the destruction oi property
amounts to more than f,
'A puttier, with Ler two cub, attracted
by tb crying of ao infant, suddenly made
her entrance into the house of a Mr. Burnett,
living near Black Mountain, N. C, abort
w hile since.
Virginia I tuVlna tb back track at lost
both bouse of the Legislator have voted
bill to call a convention in auoordanc with
,b Reconstruction law, but tb bout no-
Notice to Aantftftora Tor 1807.
NOTICE it hereby given to the Aieaori of the
different townihipe and borough! in Northum
berland County, to eall at the Oomininlonera' Office,
at Hunbury, on tha Itt day of April, 1S467, to reeeive
their books and instruction oonoerning the Assess
ments. All must appear in person, and none should
fail to be present on that day.
, , JNO. ECKMAN. Commissrt.
Cbas. VTaAvia, Clerk.
Commissioner!' Offioe, )
Hunburj, March 18, 1867.
FOR GRKKLKV'3 History Complkt. F.xtr.ordi
kak7 Opportunity! Success: I
This History contains aecomus of about one hundred
Dilutee not geiirnillv found in tlie eurlier works on the Re
brltion, even in those tnoat widely circulated. Now t tint
Grrklet'b Riptort is onmpU-teri, its nonularity it ereatei
thnn ever before, and sella with a rapidity which mukes it
the most valuable work for Cmivassersevei published.
Adiliees O. D. CASE CO., Publishers, at Hartford,
Conn., Cleveland, Ohio, or Detroit, Mich.
March 16, l67 t.
TUB above reward will be paid by the subscriber
for the recovery of the above money, or the ar
rest of the guilty person who committed the robbery,
or tuch information aa will lead to tbe arrest and
conviction of snob person or persons. Tbe money
was in gold coin, vii : tight 920 gold pieces one of
them marked V. K., one $10 gold piece, marked M.
R. The remainder was in gold piooetef f 10, ti,
$2.50 and $1, making in all fire hundred dollar in
gold. The robbery wat committed pa tbe promise
of the subscriber, Valentine Klase, residing near
SnydeTtown, In Shamokin township, Northumber
land aounty, sometime tinee August 1865, but tbt
supposition it that it wat done on the night of tbe
23tb of February, when Mr. and Mrs Klase supposed
they were drugged by tome nareotio aa they tlept
without waking until late the following morning.
Enydertown, March It, 1866.
Nunbnry, Ia.
WE are now prepared to f urnUh to the farmers of
Northumberland, and adjoining couuties, a.
pure article of Super- Phosphate, which, as a fcrtiliter
tor Wheat, Corn. Oats, Urate, 4c, cannot be excelled.
Ilodgkins, the senior partner, having had tome eight
years experience in manufaq) uring l'nosphate, which
wns extensively told in the southern counties of Penn
sylvania, at also in Maryland and Delaware, flutters
uimsell tbat ee tt able to produce an article union
wilt reoommend itself to all whoffivo it a trial. We
now offer it at a reduced prioe, confident tbat those
who purchase once will become permanent customers.
Sold in Ilarrelt and Bogs, at $57 per 2000 lbs., at
onr new
InuulUctory, ICattt Klurkel (4tiet.
Alto shipped to all points on tbe Phil 'a. A Erie,
Northern Central. Lackawana 4 Rloomsbarg and
Shamokin Valley Railroads.
Sunbury, March 10, 1867.
No mora Bald Head!
Vi more . Gray Locke !
it pronounoed by all who have nted it the very beat
preparation for the Hair. It it a positive euro for
Baldness, eradicates Dandruff and ll union, ttopa tho
Hair from falling out, and speedily restores Gray
Locks to their original hue and luxuriance
It operatea oa tho teoretioaa and fills tbe gltndt
with new life and coloring natter. Thin, dead,
faded or gray hair will alwavt be brought baok by a
j- i: .T i.. Lr.., .. , : . -il .
lew appuoauoua, iu its yuuuuu avunueuov, vitality
and eolor. - - . - -
It makes tha hair soft, glossy, fragrant, pleasant
to the touoh and esjy to arrange. Dry, wiry and
intractable locks become moist, pliant and disposed
to remain in any desired position. As a Hair Dress
ing it hat no equal. The tales are enormous and it
it a universal lavor ilea tin old ana young oi doiu
sexes, t . . ' -
Sold by Druggists throughout the United States.
Address all orders to
Sole Proprietors,
1ST North Third St., Phil'ts.
Koveuibor 24, 1866. ly.
5,000 Now and Second-Hand TEAM HARNESS.
8.000 SADDLES, all Styles 2 to 8 00.
300 Four Horse Government WAGONS.
8,000 WAGON COVERS, all Sites, new k norm.
AUo, a large Stock of Reins, Lead Line, Whips,
Buggy and Amhulanc Harnett. Portable Forget,
Chains, bwiaglelreea, Lead Bart, etc, etc.
Wheel Team Harness, little worn all Oak tann
ed Leather and serviceable, cleaned and Oiled 4 dol
lars per horse or mule, Including Bridle Lead do..
dollars. H agon Uriait, l dollar, uoiiart i to a
dolt.' Extra Hair lined Artillery Cat do., i and
t dollars.
Double Reins, 1 75 to $3 23. Lead Lines, 1 dot.
Halters, 6 to 11 dolt, per Dos. OfboerV New Bad
diet Id dolt-., with plated Bit Bridle, 21 dolt.; good
at new, 12 dolt., with bridle, id dolt ; valise Saddles
for Boys, 6 dolt. . ...
w tgoo Covert, made ta Ot any wagon, heavy
linen, S to 6 dolt., tupperior cotton Duck. to 8 dolt.
'12 ot , Dock, to 12 dole.
1,000 Hospital Tenia, new aad goad as aaw, II oa.
duck 14 feet square jo te 40 dolt.
Officers' A. Tent, T feat square, from to dolt.
10,000 BAGS, from 12 oa. Duck, ltt. quality, I
buahelt dult.; tt bat. 1 dolt.; but II dolt, per
Dae. 2nd. qutlitv, T U, I M and M.
26x42 ia
Village Blacksmith, 27x32
Manifesto Destiny. (Fortune Telling) 21x28
The Massacre at Wyoming in 1776, 26x30
Mount Vernon to the old time, or, Wasb
i r :iazton at 30 yean age, ' ' 26x31
The escape of Alaster MacDoneld from the
jnaesacro oi uiencoe,
TheMedonna, 26x34
They Cave deeaed expedient to offur them to their
friendt and the nublie at one dollar and fifty eentt
each, tne price, noretoiore naving oeen iwq uoiiara
eaob, and for tha purpose of stimulating the getting
un of Clubs, thev have determined to award premi
urns to tbe setters un oi tne tiuos, ana in muuiuon
thereto to distribute amongst the subscribers the
sums of 50,000 in money .and paintings, as toon at
the sale shall have reached 10,008 engravings.' As
it It onr intention to advertise) very extensively, and
as tha engravings are well known throughout the
whole country, we have no doubt, that with tha low
prioe we charge for them, and with the exertion
whioh will be put forth by our nomeroui friendt, the
number willjbe reached in a abort time. At toon as
it ia reached, the subscribers, through their Club
Agents, will be notified by a oiroular letter from ns,
naming the time and method of distribution.
Single Engraving $1 SO each by mail free.
For 1 5 we will tend 13 Eng. A 2 to the Club Agent.
" 30 .
' 60
" 74
' 100
" 50
! 80
" 110
u a
I j "
a Silver Watch.
" a Silver Lever.
a Hunting Lever.
The Last Supper ' "-v "
Departure oUbe Pilgrim Fathers fof Amer
rloa, Landing of the Pilgrim Fathers,
Bimrpvu ,v. imi,.u,Iv ira, iw.nnuij TITT P TIT Jl fT P T Itf 1 Tl T" 1 Rlun Jnuttering nis Hecruitt,
of her wtffi B v mx LtA 1 U AftIj cWn.rwT
Ocr Navy. The whole number of vessels
dow in the United States navy is 274. Of
the iron-emus, 21 are at League Island, 10
at New Orleans, 8 at Mound City, 6 at
Washington, 2 at Boston and 2 at San Fran
cisco, xa vessels were soiu during lust yenr.
: A switch tender, named O'Brien, whose
negligence caused tho death of two passen
gers on the Mew .Jersey Railroad last sum
mer, has been convicted of manslaughter, at
Newark, and sentenced to $000 tine and
three months' imprisonment.
A Chinaman having drank too much
liquor, said: "Rum' not proper, make China
man number one fool.",
Last week a piece of coal, weighing
?,C70 pounds, from the mines of the Lehigh
Coal and Navigation Company, at Summit
Hill, passed over tho Lehigh Valley Railroad
to New York, where it is to be shipped to
the Paris Exposition as a sample of one of
the products of the Lehigh Valley.
A man in Philadelphia put his Motheri
aged 70, out in the street to be taken care
of by Ihe police. The mother's days have
been long in the land. The son's are not
very likely to be if wo except tho negative
implied in the constructive promise of the
fifth commandment.
The Cincinnati Commercial says: There
are thousands of people in Alabama starving.
The destitution is more grDcrul than our
people suppose. In a single couuty (Chero
kee) with u population of not over 17,000
persons, white and black, there arc over 5,
000 without food to cat, and nine-tenths of
those able to work have no supplies of corn
or grain to plant for the coming year.
A correspondent says there is not more
than grain enough in Georgia to last until
the end ot March.
A little girl named Walker, died at Al
bany from the poisonous effect of the green
coloring on candy which she ate.
Nino hundred and eiuhty-nine love let
ters were produced in evidence in a breuch-of-promise
caso in Liverpool recently.
Large shipments of corn are coming over
the Virginia Central railroad, destined for
south Carolina.
Connecticut Milleritcs are getting their
ascension robes ready for June 10th next,
when they expect to "go up."
(jcn. D. II. Hill s "Land we Love is soul
to have a subscription list of 12,000.
Save Youk Doctor's Bills. When Dr.
Wistar'a Balsam of Wild Cherry will core
coughs, colds, bleeding at the lungs, and ar
rest the fell destroyer, Consumption, it tines
more than most physicians can do. 1 he
use of a-rngle bottle, costing one dollar,
will satisfy the incredulous thut they need
look no further for the required aid.
The Supreme Court cf Pennsvlvania him
decided that the shares in National Banks
are subject to State taxation in the hands of
the shareholders.
Hon. Robert C. Wiothrop, of Boston, has
contributed $300 to the Southern Relief
Fund. In a letter accompanying the dona
tion, be aays : "I fear that our people are
not sulliciently alive to danger or starva
tion which is impending over many parts of
the South."
Trrc most Ushatpt Person In the world
is the Dyspeptic. Everything looks dark
and gloomy; lie feels "out of sorts" with
Iiimseir and everybody else. Llie is a bur
den to him. This can all be changed by
taking Peruvian Syrup (a protoxide of Iron.)
Cases of 27 yeara atanding have been cured
by it.
Our consul at Montreal cave a ball at the
Lawrence Hall on the 23d to live hundred
London is 1860 bad an estimated popu
lation of 8,037,i01, as compared with 2,003,-
513 in 18GS. In 1800 there were in London
107,008 births, and 80,120 deaths. .
An old woman in Michiean. a few davs
ago, on her death bed, confessed her guilty
complicity in a murder committed twenty-
six yeara ago at V atertown, New York.
Boston has subscribed more for the desti
tute of the South, rebels and all, than New
York. What a text this ought to be for the
South to pieach from I Will they take it I
Governor Fenton, of New York, has re
fused to commute the sentence ot Hiram
Coon, convicted of the murder of Mary
Baker, and be will be hang on the 22d
inst. "
A correspondent of the Lewistown Jour
nal call attention to the fact that where
oak -forests have existed ever since the first
settlement of this country, if the trees are
cut down there at ciice spring up on the
spot pine sapling, covering ail the ground.
It in turn the pine trees are cut uown, oa
trees in turn succeed them,
A Valuable Mousk-Nebt. Mr. Charles
Prcacott, of tbe town of Cortlandt, N. Y.,
about the middle cf la.t bcpteuiber, lost
from his vest pocket at night after going to
bed, about eight hundred and forty dollars,
rolled together. . How he lost tbe mnuey be
did not know ; no burglars had been in the
bouse through the night. - Ue suspected a
aervant who bad lived for a long time in
the family, and who waa believed to be
strictly honest ! bat lie did uot tell any per
son of the loss except his wife, and they
determined to wait and watch. Latt Tues
day, the 6th inst., M:t. Prescott waa look
ing for some pieces of old muslin in a closet.
On the floor was an old bag, and in the
folds of it mouse bad made her pest ; she
bad liued it with tbe missing greenbacks,
which were well preserved. .
Without charge, and at present with a PROFIT
r. o i ...... the HOLDER, -
I lu - ' - '
. -. OOLD, 8ILVEH,
' .' ' V , ' A i' '
Annlieatloni by mail will reeeive vrotnnt atten
tlon, and all information oheerfully furnished.
Stookt and Bonds bought and told on commission,
here or in New York. Orden solicited.
February 23, 1H67. m
THE subscriber It prepared to deliver to the citl'
tent of Sunbury and Northumberland, atic
neighboring towns, a tuperior quality of FLAO
6 TONE, for paving, at the shortest notice. Orders
attended to by addressing at Eunbury, to
Sunbury, Feb. 18, 187 aa
.mi:Hii'i-'M nam;.
BY virtue of a certain of Venditioni Exponas, it
sued out of tha Court of Common Pleat of North
umberland county, and to ma directed, will be ex.
posed to public sale, at the Court House, in the
Borough of Sunbury, on Monday, March 18th 1867,
at 1 o'clock P. M., the following property, to wit:
Five (a oertain lott of (round, situate in the Bo
rough of Shamokin, Northumberland county, Pa.,
described as follows : Lot No. S, bounded on the
north by lot No. 2, the property of David N. Lake ;
lot No. 4, bounded by lot No. 3 ; lot No. 6, bounded
by lot No. 4; lot No. A, bounded by lot No. 6; lot
No. 7, by lot No. 6 on the north, and Walnut street
on the south, all fronting on 6th street, in width
about 20 teet, and in depth about 160 feet to a 25 feet
alley, in block No. ly in the plan of said lown.f
Sciied, taken into elocution, and to be told at the
property of William Atwater with notice to tenants.
Sheriff's Office, I
Eunbury, Feb. 9, 1867.
Carriage for Sale.
ONE CARRIAUB, may be nted with one or two,
Horses. Inquire at this offioe.
March 2, 1867.
Tbe Club packages will be very securely packed
and forwarded by Express.
Any person may Ret up Clubs and forward tha
amount either by Expross, Sight Draft, Post Office
Order or in a registered letter, and in all eases the
Engravings will be immediately sent, and for each
engraving a numbered eertifieato and receipt will
be enclosed in the oackazo.
CO D. ORDEKS. Person! wishing to tend for
Engraving! and pay tbe Express Co., when they are
received, will be required to tend with their order
$2 to $5, aooording to its amount, and this will bo
credited on their bill.
To be distributed
One of $10,000 in money, $10,000
" ,000 "
Five of l.W'O " a.Oi'O
Ten of '500 .4 000
Fifty of 100 " 4,000
One hundred elegant Oil Painting, richly
framed Landscapes, at $100 each, 10,000
Two hundred elegant Oil Paintings, richly
iramed, Interior Views, at $60 eaoh, 10,000
- tSO.000
that thoso premiums are to be considered only in the
light of a free gift to their patrons, as the Engrav
ings are furnished them below their market value.
and at the eost of engravings, after tbe plates are
procured, at very trifling, they can easily afford to
make tbe distribution, large at it it.
. Wa trutt that our numoreut friendt throughout
the eountry and Canadat will use their utmost exer
tions, to that if possible, the distribution may be made
toon, and it can be done if they are active. Ladies
have often made excellent Club Agents for us and
we solicit their kind efforts, which will not go unre
warded. Let one or more encrgetio persons in every
town and village in the country oommence at toon
at the tee this, and get up at Urge a Club at possi
ble. By to doing they will be the meant of Intro,
duoing elegant engravings into families, and thus
aid iu tbe cultivating a tatto far the beautiful and
refined. Address Orders
Sic. Amkbicah Artists' Uxiox.
25 Pine ttrect, New York.
March 1. '6T.-M , '
AT the above named place will be told from this
date all tho GOODS at Wholesale prices. We
invite Families to supply themselves with CLOTH
INO, etc., and alto cull on Country Storet to come
and buy of us at we will loll ttriotly at City Whole
sale Market Prices.
All our Uoods must be told np to tha ltt of April,
when our Store will be removed.
For the take of yourself, come and secure bargains.
Sunbury, March , 1867 .
In Simpson's Building, Market Square,
HAVING become the successor of Mr. A. E. Sa
vaob, be would respectfully solicit the custeni
of the eititent in general. Hoping by ttrioi atten
tion to badness that they will furor bim with their
pttronage. '-
Mr. H. hat been connected for tha past ten yean
with some of the best bouses in the city, in the
Watchmaking trade, and all work entrusted to bit
care will be done with promptness and dispatch, and
warranted to give entire satisfaction.
Hit stock of American, Swiss Watches, Clocks,
Jewelrv and Silverware, will be told at low at can
Um n,irlil In the nitv. and of the Artt oualitv.
Particular attention paia to tna repairing oi c me
Watches, Clocks and Jewelry. --.., .
l3r4U orders promptly ailed.. Matoaie Marks
made to order.
Banbury, March 2, 1867. ,
Adtmlalatrator'a Nolle.
-a-rnTICRUhareb rives that letter! of admlntt-
trait on having been granted to the undersigned
on the estate of Robert W , Brooks, lata of the Borough
of Knnknrv. Northumberland eonntV. Pa., deceased.
All persons indebted are requested to make immedi
ate paysaeot, and (hot having claims to present
inem amy autaenucatea ior seuicmeui.
r v .... 7 v w uiwtn AmV
To Jurymen & Others,
ATTENDING next term ol Court, are hereby
informed that BOARDING can be bad at
Near the Northern Central Railroad Depot, SUN-
uuni, r a , at ine most reasonable rates.
will Dud this a first class house.
Thankful for past patronago, and by strict atten
tion in the future I hope to continue the same.
Sunbury, March 2, 1867.
Commissioners' Sale
Nontoal and l.'nisontod Lnnds.
fiTOTlCE it hcruby given that the following treats.
X of Unseated Lands and Lott of Grouod will be
told at public tale at tbe office of the County Com
missioners, in the borough of Sunbury. Northumber
land county, on MONDAY, the 8th day of APRIL,.
A. D. lt07, which laid tracts of land and lott of
ground have heretofore been purchased at Trea-.
surer s sale, for tho use of the county of Nortbum--borland
in pursuance of an Aotot'tienernl Assembly,
passed the 1 :ilh ot March, 1815, entitled an Act to
nuiend an Act directing the mode of telling unseated
lands for taxes and for other purposos, the said tract,
having been purchased at aforesaid by tbe County
Commissioners and have remained unredeemed fur
five years and upwards, this sale to be in purtuance
of. and in aooordanoe with the powers given in too
acts of Ueneral Assembly, passed the 2Dlh day of,'
March, 1824, lection 1.
2 lots, block 125, Not. 8 and 9, in Zorbe, as the fro-.
porty of Widow Miller.
2 lots, block 139, in Zerbe, at the property of John.
1 lot. block 08, No. 12, in Zerbe, as the property, qf
Oottlieb Oapcy.
2 acres of land in Lower Mahonoy, at the property.
oi it. ncrota.
2071 aorei oi land in Coal, Warrantee, Alexander,-
uuntcr. '
136 acres of land. Warrantee James Seeley.
100 aores of land in Shamokin Warrantee, Alexan-.
der Hunter.
60 acres of land in Coal, Warrantee, Peter Brotious.,
oO acres or land in Cameron, Warrantee, Alexander,
One-third of 101 acres of land in Coat, Warrantee,
1 nomas Keete. -67
aores of land in Little Mahonoy, Warrantee, Alex-
anaer itona.
28 acres of land In Little Mnbonoy, Warrantee, John.
42 acres of land in Lower Augusta, Warrantee, John
28 acres of land in Lower Augusta, Warrantee, John,
77 acres of land in Lower Augusta, Warrantee, John,
Smith. ,
Five-sixths of 100 acres of land in Jackson, Warran-
tee, Ihos. Keete.
16 acret of land In Coal. Warrantee. PbiliD Hursh.
77 acres of land In Little Mahonoy, Warrnnteo, Dr.
John Smith.
Flve-slxlhs or 239 ecree of land in Little Mahonoy,
Warrantee, That. Reese.
2881 aores of land in Little Mahonoy, Warranto,
John Smith.
42 acres of land in Little Mahonoy, Warrantee, John.
300 aores of land ia Upper Mahonoy, Warrantee,
John Smith.
103 acret of land la Shamokin township, Warrantee,
james iewis.
JOHN LCKMAN, ICommii'rt.
Can. Wsavsa, Clerk.
March 2, 1867. 6t
Eunbury, March , 1887. 61
- piA."eO ron sale:,
TTANDSOMS, fine-toaed, new, and price lew.
XX Inquire at thit Othoe.
rAdssUailatf rotor police,
IRTTKR8 of aiiniiilkii alios on the estate of Cateeiiut
j Hanghurt, dar sated, lately es Detatraro township,
ti.HUumherlaua eoeiuy, aaensf beta f ranted to the au
Sertifiuxl, by the ttegittar of aai4 mmukf. All neteuut
bidetiied to Ue tame will staki tin mad lata paymeuu aud
thuae aaviof etaiaae asaitift tbe as tae, will prateat uesa
duly authenticated. .
i. W WEEKS, Administrate
Dfiawan twpv, Marat It, 18S7.-4I.
Ho. ?ST 539 North FRONT St.. PUILAD'A, Pa.
to. rara i'i.,&an iukk.
No. 483. Hth Street. WASHINGTON. D. a
Priee-liit tent oa application.
March u, laof 2. c -
Offioe. Market Street. EUNBURY.
Risks takea la First Clan Stock aad Mutual Oatana
Bias. Capital Represented $1 l,4t.e.
eunbary, May 1J, l66.-y
Jpkauaa'tt tFreaila Meatt Care,
Prepared front the formula of Prof. Trouateaa, of
Dyspepsia, Maratmaa, Ueaerai Debility and all mo,
bid conditions )f the system dependant oa deficiency
of vital furoe. It it pleaaant to taate, and a tiagla
bottle will convince tha stoat skeptical ( it value
at tha great healing remedy of the age. $1 a bot
Ua,t tia kettles ft fi. Bent by Express. Sold by
8. C, LPHAM, No. 24 Sputa EIGHTH Street,
'- ' Philadelphia.
And all principal Drug-Una. Circulars seat free.
atarea l, icoi .am '
No. S araa 4 Fail tot Market.
I" i I 1 1 of all' kinds of j '
All orders ponctnally attented to. -
February 23, 1867 6m. -
Kxecutor'tt Notice.
EUuie of TnOMAS JiOBfNS, A-fevitW,
NOTICE h hereby given that letters testamentary
having been granted to tba undersigned, on
the estate of Tbouiat Rubbins, lata of the Borough,
of Sunbury, Northumberland eounty, Pa., deceased,
all persons indebted are requested to make imme
diate payment, and those having elalmt to present
them, duly authenticated, tor settlement
. juhh ., tsxeeutor.
Sunbury, Feb. 16, 1867.
THE underaigned oCars at ptivaU tale the follow
ing valuable real etia,t. tituata In tha Borough
Sunbury, lata tua property of Thomas H,Qbipa, dee d:
The Hotel Proferty on Fropt street, with all tha
outbuildings, Ac, lately' occupied by Frederick
bpaobt.t .
A valaabts Bousa and' Lot aa Marital Street, to
gether with ail tha outbuildings.
For further Darticulart annlv to
Feb. 16, 1867 2m
Sunbury, Pa.
TIB STOCK and FIXTURES af a established
Confectionery, ;itfc a Oyster department, aad
gpoa ran o enawta. . : , ' T v .1 , o ' "
app!i w
,aa.' -.WOCILLXR, t .t
Jaa. II 186T. . , , . Baabary , Pav .
ttALL aad see rbete Weeailful Bird t ages at tks
aew Hard are store of
J. a.
I HAVE stajla atTaaganoatt in Waahingtoa City,',
(or the prompt eolloouon of Bounty under tba
lata Act of Congiete. I have also received the pre- ,
per blanks to prepare tbe claims. Soldiers entiUod
to tbia Bounty Mould apply Immediately, u it Is es
timated that U will require three years to adjust al'
tha elaimt.
All aoldiers who enlitte for threa yean and who
have not received more tbap St)D bounty arc entitled
to tha bensila of this Aot, at weii aa soldiers who
bar anlartad for three years and discharged after
serviee of two years, by reason of woaods reeeived,
disease eeotraoled in lino of duty, or re-enluUnent.
Sunbury, Aagust la, I860.
I ' - - Caala 1 Cssah ! Cava la ! ! t
. ...j r. ,.n. fer all kindt el
U.rd'.are, Iro, Ns.U, ;h
ISu.reef J. U. CO.VLE. CO.
j (uabury, Jaae 16, 166.