Sunbury American. (Sunbury, Pa.) 1848-1879, March 09, 1867, Image 3

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    CTfjc Sunturs ftmcrsca...
W. B. IWOLa, ( 3PoUhri,
Subscribers to th Aaaaie.a ar pertlenlarly r
quested not to alio their lodebtedoe to overran
Oct ysar. All subscription ihouli b paid In ad
vance but aadar a oldrtlc should th yr
ptm around with th subscription onpald. A ttrlot
attention to this will ar at in Immense amount of
tronbl and a Tery heavy loaf.
iLocal 21 ffaivs.
ty Const. Tb regular term of Court will
oommeno on Monday naxt.
y Mcatra. Griffey A Brumbaob hav bcooma th
proprietors of tb Whit Dser Woollen Factory, at
While Par Willi, Union oounty.
tST CBASoa Mr. W. A. M. Orl.r, lata Caibler
of tba Firtt National Bank of Danville, baa resigned
frit position, and la about engaging in a new banking
enterprise at Uailetoo.
(PAccipirt at Lewissdbo. John Sierle, a
lawyer at Billwyer, Nogel A Co. ' law-mill, at Lew
isburg, bad all the finger! of on band eat off by a
circular aaw, on Friday morning of lait week.
17 Leased, Mr. John B. Douty baa laaied bii
new hotel building, in Shamokin, to MaJ. James L.
Jlicbl, formorly of the Montour Houae, Danvill, and
lately or the Eagle Hotol, Third etreet, Philadel
phia. The home ia to be opened on th lit of April,
and the lease to run for fir year.
1PNortbuberakd cocktt bid IB inmates
in the Eastern Penitentiary, at Philadelphia, during
1868. The expense of keeping them amounted to
$1,696.78. Their earning! were $428.6, which
leavea a balanoa, to be paid by the county, of f 1,
188.17. C7CnA!iG(0P Tim a. The property advertised
fcy Sheriff Beckley to be fold on tba 26th of Febru
ary, belonging to Wm. Atwater, baa been poetponed
until Monday, March 18th. Tb lal will take place
at the Court Houie, in tbli place.
CTo Subscribers. Ai many of our subscrl
bora will ohacge their placet of reaidenc between
.tbia and th first of April, w will thank them for
notifying ui of lb ohang, itating their former ad
dress and present residence, In order to make th
correction on our books.
tp Rejected. John R. Campbell, Esq., and
.Jacob Sallada, E-q., the former as eollector of In
ternal Rovenae of th Lyooming distriot, and tb
latter as Postmaster at Williamsport, both appoint
ed last summer during the recess of Congress, bar
been rejected by tb United States Senate.
13" Rc-ArrolNTED. W obserr that our friend
and neighbor, Mr. J. it. Bastian, bas been re-appointed
Postmaster at this place, by the President,
and confirmed by the Senate. Mr. Bustian has
performed the duties of the office for several years
past, faithfully and satisfactorily.
lylitrotiTANT to Farmers. Messrs. Torring
ton A Ilodgkins, who are at present engaged in
erecting a mill, east of the Borough line, for the
. manufacture of Super-Phosphate of Lime, will bava
a largo supply of that fertiliser on band by the 1st
of April. Farmers and others will do well to pa
itronite them, as it will be sold at a reduced rat.
ty Division or the Buaocon . Wear pleased
to learn that a movement is to be made to divide
this Borough into two election wards. This Is abso
lutely necessary. Tba number of rotors in the Bo
.rough, at this time, is estimated at about 700.
Action in Ibis matter should not be delayed. A
'orth and South ward, divided by tb Shamokin
Valley Railroad, should b established.
tr"A Special Cociit was held in this place
during the past week, commencing on Tuesday lost,
Judge Elwell, of the adjoining district, presiding.
The only case tried was that of llenry Baylor vs.
Andrew M. Eostwick. This action was for the re
covery of the meuit profit from a tract of coal land
.in Coal township. After occupying two daya in
hearing testimony on tb part of the plaintiff, the
counsel for the defendant asked the Court to non
suit the pluintiff. On Thursduy morning lb plain
tiff voluntarily suffered a non-suit, when the Court
Adjourned, the other cases not being ready.
m m
iyA SLSBcnr Bor Abroad. We are always
pleased to note the prosperity of young men who
have been raised in this neighborhood, and especially
those .who have gone abroad to gain a liveli
hood. We notice in the list of coullrmations by the
United States Senate that our young friend, James
Fetter, Esq., formerly of Sunbury, has been op.
pointed Postmaster at Peru, Inaiuua. Mr. Fetter
loft this place several years ago and settled in In
diana, and we have no doubt bis many friends her
m'M be glad to hear of bis promotion. The commu
nity in which he resides cau roly on having a good
and faithful officer.
CjT Tax Fair axu Festival beld at Northern
berland on the 22d ult., was creditable alike to those
having it in charge and to the citizens of that plao.
W are assured that our correspondent was tniiin
' formed in regard to the riotous conduct of some in
toxicated men, and that everything passed off har
moniously. The proceeds amounted to about $500.
Tb gavels voted for were awarded to Lycoming
Lodge or I. 0. of O. F., or Williamsport. Th rot
tood as follows :
Lycoming Lodge, Williamsport, 9861 rotes.
Williamsport " " TO "
Lewisburg " Lewisburg, 188 "
Seilnsgrov Seliosgror, 47 11
Sunbury Sunbury, 3
JJontour Danville, 21
gT Important. As the season for removals will
loon ba at band, th following clause of section C9,
of Aot of July 13th, 156, may be of interest to per
sons doing business requiring a revenue license or
special tax receipt, who contemplate a removal :
And in ea of th removal of any person or
persons from the houe or premises from which any
trade, business or profession was taxed, H shall be
Juwtul for the person or persons so removing to any
.other place, .to carry on the trade, iiusiuew or pro
tessioue, specified in the tax receipt, at lb place to
which sue h person or persous may remove, without
Xayinent of any additional tax.u
Sikoulae Accident at Daiville. The
American says tbst on Monday of .ast week, as
Benj. Kelly, ton of Mr. James Kelly, of that place,
was forging a horse-tbo in bis father's shop, he met
with a lingular and a serious accident. It seems
that on striking lb anvil, a piece of steel was bro
ken by tb foro or the hammer, which struck bint
Jn th region of tb stomach, and was driven with
such fore that it entered bis body and pasted be
youd lb reach of tb surgeon's probe. Tb young
xuan ia aunering much pain. Tb consequent in
Oammation and uncertainty of th precise location
of th missile renders his aa dangerous
y Tae Oil Well.i-W ar informed by our
correspondent at Snydertowa tba) titie operations at
tba oi well on tb farm of Valentin Klaae, Bear
Ibat place, bay been suspended for U present, on
account of insufficient funds to defray expenses.
Those who should be uiost interested fail to giv tb
enterprise th proper support, Tb bard rook that
consumed so much tim in boring, waa eueeesrfully
drilled through, Tb last six inch of it being of
a much softer natur thaa tb upper part,
leas damag to th tools. Th rin pf iron or,
which waa struck tots tim sine, iu 1$ iftobe in
A mooting of tb stockholders will be bld al tb
Court IIous, In Sunbury, on Monday next, for th
purpose of r-orgauiing tb ompany, and It is to
b hoped that lb enter priae win roeair sew sao-
sUntial encouragement (rem thaw wb will h ascat
totBtted rboaid la rtJ wsor a
QT iroaraiBw Cmtbal IUii.WAr.Th an
aval meeting of th stockholders of tb North era
Central Railway waa beld at Baltimore oa Thurs
day of last week. Tb following gentlemen were
elected dlreeton for tb ensuing year: J. D. Cam
eron, Wlster Morris, William Colder, A. I. Kapp,
B. f. Newoomer, Oeorge Small, Jacob P. Jonas,
Thomas A. Beott, Joba H. Kennedy, S. O. Blddl.
Henry Walsh and John A. Wright. These gentle
men eosn posed tke Ward last year. Th xeoutlv
fflon of th company fbr th eosulnn year torn
prist th following gentlemen t J. D. Cameron,
President C.O.Miller, Vis President; Robert
B. llollios, 8eeretary; John S. Lelb, Treasurer
Stephen Llttl, Auditor) J. N. DuBarry, Qeneral
tAaoTBER Moir Outrageous Roiiirt t
Sceutliill CouktT. We learn from tb Potts
rill Mintrt' Journal Ibat on night last Week th
resldenee of an old aoopl, Thomas Edwards and
wife, three miles from that place, was visited by a
band of highwaymen and robbed. Tb Journal
girt th following account of it, as narrated by tb
persons robbed t
Tber bad Just (on to bed. (about S o'clock,)
when they beard a tap at th front door. Mr. Ed
wards aroK and asked, "wbo is mere r" A man re
plied, "A friend of your. I want to come in. Uiv
ui a driuk of water " Mr. Edwards told blin to
go to the well. The man replied, "I know nothing
about it. Open th door. I want to oom in."
lb door was then opened, and the man asked if
they had nothing betier to drink. Then the whole
crowd (ten Irishmen) rushed in. Some went up
stairs, and som want into a bed-room where Mr.
Edwards was in bed. On of th men held two
revolvers al her head, and told her that she bad ' to
go and see tiod to-night ;" that "she had to have
six or those loads down her throat." Then they cov
ered her over witb a sheet. Wbil this was aoinc
on, three of th brutes tried to put Mr. Ed wants on
a nre ro roast mm. urave ecu, truly, towards a
man 77 years of age, and a woman 04 years old ! At
this time a man pas-ed on the outside of the bouse.
Th robbers beard bim and extinguished the litfht.
After he bod passed tbey lit it again. Four of the
men searched Mrs. Edwards and found nearly $1U0
in her bosom. They told her that tbey would have
every feather out of the bed, ami that she had eitfht
hundred dollars in the house which she got from her
three sons who were in th war. Mrs. Edwards re
plied that sh bad not bad three sons in the war.
The men said tbey wanted the bank-book. Kb re
plied that she had noua. Tber then searched the
Louse and finally decamped with $100 in money, a
silver watoh, all the oloihlng they could find, ma
king It all a loss of $260. Among the articles sto
len was a pair of boots whivh belonged to and were
worn by a ton of Mr. Edwards at the time be full in
battle during the rebellion. One of the robbers sat
down and pulling off his old boots, put on those of
Mr. Edwards' son. On the leg of the robbers' Old
boots left behind were the letters "P. 11." They
also took a clock, which being heavy, they carried
only a short distance. It was found next morning
near the house. The poor couple were stripped of
almost everything, leaving them in a destitute con
dition." For the American.
Ma. Editor : Allow me to refer your olerical
correspondent upon the Sunday Car question, to the
words of Jesus, recorded in Malt, xu. 1 to 13;
particularly to the lost clause of tba 12ih verse.
Editor's Table.
Tube Tears in the Field Hospitals or the
A rut or tbk Potomac. By Mrs. W. II. liol
siein. Philadelphia : J. B. Lippincott A Co.
The author of this neat little volume, interesting,
though unpretending in its character, is an accom
plished lady, not unknown in this section of country.
Mrs. Ilolstein is the daughter of the venerable Wm.
Cox Ellis, Esq .j of Muucy, Lycoming county, for
merly member or Congress, and long adUtinguiibed
member or the bar. She heroically devoted three
years or her life to tb relief of thesiokand wounded
in tb field hospitals of tb Army of th Potomac.
Th book is full of incidents characteristic of the
American soldier. We quote one or these episodes,
which occurred at th Whit House, on lb Pa
munkey river, in Virginia, then under the command
or Ocn. Butler :
"The 6th or June, Mr. Schall came, bringing the
body of his brother, Col. Edwin Schull, to be em
balmed, lie fell lit Cold Harbour on the 3d ot
June, shot through the neck. Connected with this
gallant officer's death is an Incident so singular that
it is worthy of record : Sunday, the 7th of Juue, in
the Officers' Hospital in Uoorgutown, my niece was
sitting by ber husband's bedsiuo, walchiug the pass
ing away of a life now near its close. As the things
or eartn needed, and Knottier world dawned upon
bis ease, lb lamp of life flickered and flushed in
this its closing seen. Suddenly routing up, bis
vuioe, which hud previously been faint and leeblu,
rang out in a clear, loud tone : ''Lieutenant, lieu
tenant!" A wounded lieutenant lying near him,
answered: "What is it, captain?" lis replied:
"I'm not oallinir you. it it Lieut. Col. Schall ; I saw
him fall, and thought the way be was lying porbups
be was dead." His wile soothed him, telling biui
'the ooloncl was all riKbt : and be sank extiuusted
on bis pillow. Bat in a few momeuls culled iu the
same tone: "Lieutenant, lieuleuunt !" repeating
again the same words, that "h had seen him full,'
etc. Attain be was soothed to quietness, fully coo
sc-ious that death was near, tba brave soldier, in a
few earnest, never-to-be forgotten words, sent bouie
the message, that be "gave bis lite freely tor bis
country." Then commenlinz bis soul to tiod, and
committing wife and children to the same loving
care, in two bour peacefully passed to mat land
"where there Is no more sorrow, or sickness, or pain. ' '
In Captain Urubiui; s death, two nomas were made
desolate; be was on only cbild ; to tne bouie circle
of wife and children an Irreparable loss, whose sor
rows we do not presume to dwell .upon. When
Mrs. B. returned with ber husband's body to their
home, aba then first learned that the oolunol bad
falleu as the captain dencnbad two daya previ
ously. His body also was brought borne fur burial
and interred In day preceding ttie captum a luce
Th book is for sale by Mr. N. F. Lightner, book
seller, of tbis place, through whom w acknowledge
th receipt of a copy, with the compliment or the
author ss.
7 Job lrlutissgr. Having received
large supply of NEW JOB TYPE, of various new
stylet, Posters, Handbills, Circulars, Cards, Letter
Heads, Bill Heads, Labels, Ac, can be printed In
tb latest and best styles, and on short notiue.
Orders by mail promptly attended to.
A Lab ao New Stock or Wall Paper
Gilt, Column, Satin, White, Buff and Brown.
Blauk with border to match cheaper than ever-
just received at LioniKxa'
IIarrt TuAcniR's 'ir Salesroom, in Pie
ants' building, Market street, having been comple
ted, was taken possession ef by that gentleman on
Wednesday lost. It is decidedly on of tb finest
storerooms in tbis place, and bas been fitted up
with exoellent arrangement and last. W would
advise th eitisens of Sunbury and vicinity to sail
and lak a look at the new establishment, as it is
really on of th institutions of th town. Harry
intends shortly r-stocking it with a handsome and
cheap assortment of Boots, Shoes, Trunks, Ac
Remember the pis in Pleasants' building, Market
street, two doors east ef Llghtner't bookstore.
A cotempouart very properly remarks that to
reader of a newspaper is fully posted ia regard to
the news of th day unlet he has read th adver
tisemont. Tba idea that the advertising columns
ot a newspaper ar devoid of interest to all tav
buyers and sellers, it a grossly mistaken notion
On tb oontrary, tbey ar a history, and. as such.
Interesting to (vary on especially th advertise
ment of Mr. J . E. Smiok, merchant tailor, Fourth
itreet, who is celebrated for lb splendid garments
turned out at jiia establishment.
Svoppt, Wusby walking Is now th order of th
day and it is very ssntll to health to keep tb
fet 4rr and worm. Thar ar mor dsaUis caused
by cold, damp feet, than perhaps moat peopl are
awax oi. uuar against sut ruk or tb kind br
i , .
am book or tboee from Wm. 11
Miller's Exoclsiur Boot and Bbo Btor. Market St.
wbr a larg assortment it kept oa band
A tvoar is told of a young man ia a neighboring
town wno was crossed m lov, and attempted ui
id, recently, by taking a doe of yeast pwdr.
II Immediately roe sbov his troubles, and m
to Sunbury, where b purchased a head soma suit of
lotting at 1. g. bbaeffara merchant tailoring
tabllabaiant, aorarr af Therd and Market (tracts,
and left fbr parts mkoowa
PaoToaaaraa.- If yoa would poasess yen reel f af
faithful and life-Ilk portraiture at friend ad
wb bee aot a friend f-tf yea would awura th
hadow r th ubstan fade, go at on to Byr
ly'a Photograph Gallery, In Simpson's building,
Market street, Bunbury, and procure an bibra It
is to lata.
IitquiBiTiTB. An old fellow, of th ultra rnqulsl-
Mr order, asked a llttl girl oa board a train, who
waa sitting by ber mother, as to her nam, destina
tion, eto. After learning that sh Waa going to.
Philadelphia, b asked, "What motlv Is taking you
thither, my dearT" "I believ they call It a looo
motive, sir," was th Innoeent reply. Bom may
wonder what. motive It is that takes so many peo
ple to Jacob 0. Beck's tailoring establishment, on
Fourth street, Sunbury. We answer, tb merit' to
buy oheap and faahlonabl suits of clothing.
"Meet m by moonlight alone," tang th happy
Charles, at h wends his way homeward at the witch
ing hour of 12, night, after tendering th compli
ments of th evening to th future Mrs. Charles.
Charles' request is instantly complied with. A burly
rnfnan springs from bis concealment, turns tb
minstrel upside down and secures a lock of hair, a
tooth-piok, V cents and a dead latoh key by the
operation. Charles rooalitee no more in the streets
at night, lie tt no longer paitial to "ibat air,' w
tuspeot. He had belter fight it out on a new line,
ny tinging tb praises ot the splendid reaay-maa
clothing, at th Continental Clothing Basoar, Mar
ket street.
y To Claim Aoehte. Blanks for tb collec
tion or "Claim of Private Soldiers and Non-Corn-
missioned Officers," under tb late Aot or Congress,
equalising bounties, hare boen printed and ar now
for sal at tb American office. W keep on band
full supply of all kinds of military blanks, wbloh
w sell very obeap. Tbey ar eopieJ from blanks
prepared ia the Departments at Washington, and
ean be relied on for correctness. Orders from a dit
ana will reoeiv prompt attention.
Lire Iniuranci a Dutt. Life insuranoe is now
considered one or th most christian, human and
benevolent institutions in tb world. .In England,
where Life Assurance Is mora generally practloed
than in any other country, the late Lord Lyndhurst,
Chancellor, deolared that "no man witb a depend
ant family it freo from reproach if hit life it not al
lured." Even the Oovernment or England, to
encourage Llf Assurance, bos exempted from in
aom tax all sums paid for Life Assurauc not
exceeding o.iE-aixra of the whole iuooine.
Jacob Shiphan, Fin and Lift Jmuranr Azent.
Sunbury, Pa.
On the 12th February, 1S67, by the Rev. J. Ander
son, Mr. fcowARD j. Israel, of liultimore, did.,
and Miss Jx.inix Irwin, of this place.
In Shamokin, on th 19th ult., by Ker. F. B.
Riddle, Mr. John P. Zimmermab, of Lower Augusta
township, to Mist Rebecca Kimmel, of Jackson
township, Northumberland county.
Corrected Weekly for the "American.1
Wheat Flour, extra family, per barrel,
do do do do perowt.
Rye Flour, per bbl.
do per cwt.
Wheat, prime red per bushel,
Rye, do
Corn, new do
Oats, do
Potatoes, do
Dried Peaches, pared per pound
do do unpared do
Dried Apples, do
$16 00
8 00
10 00
6 60
I 7s
1 IS
1 00
3 00
lined Uberries, (unstoned,) per bu.
per pound.
per doxen,
per pound, .
per pair
Beef, hind quarter,
" front "
febamokin ConI Trade.
SnAMOKiB, March 4, 1S67.
Tom. Ctet.
Sent for week ending March 2, 4.6:12 14
Per last report, 44,093 14
43.625 08
ib357 07
9,730 19
To same time last year,
Special Natters.
Phot. Jabe Q. Clabk, the vocalist and compo
ser, says : "I have used -lades' tupaouial Lubrica
tors with admirable effect, and would recommend
them in preference to any ''Troche," "Wafer," or
Loicnge," now before the American people, not
only for their immediate healing and strengthening
effect upon tba vocal organs, but also because tbey
produced no irritttion of the stomach." For sale by
all Druggists. ,
Crouf. A lady in New Haven, speaking of Cos's
Cough Balsam, says the lost two darling children
with Croup, and was in despair when the third and
last waa attacked, but bis life was spared through
Coe's Cough Balsam. She advises alt mothers to
keep it on bund in case cf emergency.
To CoimiiniptiVfH.
The advertiser, having been restored to health in
a few weeki by a very simple remedy, after having
suffered for several years with a severe lung affection
and Ibat dread disease, Consump'ion is anxious to
make known to his fellow sufferers the uieuus of
To all who desire it, he will send a copy of th
prescription used (free of charge), with th direo
lions for preparing' and using the same, which they
will find a sube Cube for Coebcmptio, Astuba
Buoncuitis, Coughs, Colds, and all Throat and
Lung Affections. Th only object of tb advertise
in tending the prescription is to benefit th afflicted
and spread information which he conceives to be in
valuablo, and ha hopes every sufferer will try bl,
remedy, as it will cost them nothing, and may prove
a blessing.
Parties wishing th prescription, rxEE, by return
mail, pleas address
Willlamsburgh, Kings Co , New York,
January 13, 1308 ly.
U9"A Yopho Ladt returning to her country horn
after a sojourn of a few months in th City, was hard'
ly reeognited by ber friends. In p!ac of a coarse
rustic, flushed face, sh bad a soft ruby complexion
or almost marble smoothness, and instead of twenty
three she really appeared but eighteen. Upon in
quiry as to the cause or so great a cbanite, she dain
ty told them that ah used (he 4'ls-ciiai-in.u
Mitlisi.and considered it an invaluable acquisition
man ean improve their personal ani earanca an hun
dred told. It is simple in lis combination, as Nature
herself is simple, yet unsurpassed ia its effioaey in
drawing impurities from, also healing, cleansing and
beautifying the skin and complexion. By it direct
aotion on lb cuticle It draws trow it all its impuri
ties, kindly healing th same, and leaving thesur.
face as Natur iutended it should ba, clear, soft,
smooth and beautiful. Prioe (I, sent by Mail or
express, on receipt oi an order uy
W L. CLARK A CO., Chemists,
No. 3 West Fayetta St., Syracuse, N. Y.
Th only American Agents for lb sal of the same.
February 18, SB7. ly
las-ixce'a Celebrated Halve !
AuESsuar, Mass., Oct. 13tb, 1863,
Mr. Qeace Deab Six, 'Having bean afflicted
grievously for several weeks with a sever abscess
upon my side, I used several remedies for it eradi
cation without reoeivina any relief until 1 aoDlied
your salve, which effeo ed a speedy and permanent
cur, a wereiore isei nappy to eeruis my ooundenue
tu virtues. soure wun res peer.
I certify U tb truthfulness of th above statement.
11. 8. Dbabbobb, M, D.
BETH W. FOWLS A RON, Boston, Proprietors.
Sold by all Druggists, at 2 eeau a bos.
March I, lSof.-lm
Is lb Oiaat DiaietM. .
JltlmboW$ Concentrated Eztrac) SartapariUa
1 Ik Oiaat Skied Faneac. , .
Both are pepared aecostfcnf to rale af rharaiaey and
Cherassuv , and ai list eseai aaaiva i oa be saaaev
Marat a, I -
Is a omnia cere rot diseases of (be
nd (V disease s th
whether (listing at
from vrhetavd eaaee originating and no matter of
Diseases of theas organs requite the as of dinretle.
If mi treatment I eubmitted tn, Consumption or Insan
ity may ensue. Our Flesh and Blood ar supported from
the sources, end the
thetof Posterity, depends upon prompt as of a reliable
Established apwards of IS years, prepared by
II. X. HUL.nilOL,I,
(!H Broadway, New York, and
tnt Skiulh luili Street, Philadelphia, Pa.
March (, lb?. ly
"hEI.MBOI.D'9 EXTRACT BUCHU and Improved
Rose Wast, cures tecrel end delicate disorders in all their
stages, at lulls expense, Utile 01 no change in diet, ro in
eifiivetneiiceand iw exposure. It ia pleasant in taste and
(aim, linineduit iu ite action, and fiee from all inju
rious properties. , nih'7 ly
RKMKDIK3 for unpleasant end luu.ceimis diseases. Use
March a, Isu7. ly
OF IRON, supplies th 1)1 ood with its LIFE ELE
MENT, IRON, giving strength, rigor and new life
to th whole aystom.
If th thousands wbo ar suffering from Dyspepsia,
Dobility, Female Weaknesses., would but test th
virtues of th Peruvian Syrup, th effect would not
only astonish theinsetvea but would pleat all their
rlends ; for Instead or feeling cross, "all gone" and
miserable, tbey would be cheerful, vigorous and ao
"I have tried the Peruvian Syrup, and the result
fully sustains your prediction. It has made a new
man ol mc, infused into my system new vigor and
energy; lam no longer tremulous and debilitated,
as when yuu last taw me, but stronger, heartier, and
witb larger capacity for labor, mental and pbyeioal,
than any time during the lust five years."
Thousands have been changed by the uie of thit
remedy from wenk, eickly, suffering creatures, to
strong healthy, and happy men and women ; and in
valids cannot reasonably hesitate to give it a trial.
The genuine has ' Peruvian Syrup" blown in tho
A S3 page Pamphlet will be lant free.
J. P. DINSMORE, Proprietor,
No. 36 Dey St., New York.
Sold by all Druggists.
Conaumptiou Cnrultlo by Dr.
iclaenck'sj Slediclnce.
TO CURE CONSUMPTION, th system must be
prepared so that th lungs will heal. To accom
plish this, the liver and stomach must first be cleansed
and an appetit created for good wholesome food,
which, bv these medicines will be digested properly,
and good healthy blood made; thus building up the
cleanse the stomach of all bilious or mucous accumu
lations; and, by using the Sea Weed Tonic in con
nectinn, the nnuetite is restored.
as well as medicinal, and, by using the three reme
dies, all impurities nre expelled from the system, ard
good, wholesome blood made, which will repel all
disease. If patients will take these medicines ac
cording to directions. Consumption very frequently
in its Inst staire yields readily to their action. Take
the sills frequently, to cleanse the liver and stomach
It does not follow that bocuuse the bowels are not
costive they are not required, for sometimes in di
arrhcea they are necessary. The stomach must be
kept healthy, and an appetito created to allow the
Pulmonic Svrun to act on the respiratory organs
properly and allay any irritation. Then all that is
required to ncrforui a permanent cur ia, to prevent
taking eold Exercise about the rooms a much as
possible, eat all the richest food fat meat, game,
and, in foot, anything the appetite craves ; but be
particular and masticate well.
Oct. 20, 1S66. 2nd w. ea. mo. 1 yr.
Woiitlcriul but True.
Madawe Rebikoton, the world-returned Aitrolo
gist and Somnambulistic Clairvoyant, while in a
clairvoyant state, delineates the very features of
the person you are to marry, and by the aid or an
instrument of intense power, known as the Psycho
motrope, guarantees to produce a purfect and life
like picture of the future husband or wife of the
applicant, with date of marriage, occuj ation, lead
ing traits of character, Ao. This is no imposition, as
testimonials without number can aaert. isy suiting
place of birth, age, disposition, color of eyes and
hair, and enclosing fifty cents, and stamped envelope
addressed to yourself, you will receive the picture
by return mail, together with de-ired information.
e Address in ennnaence. otAnABE ukhtucds
R-ikhto.i, P. O. Box 2U7, West Troy. N. Y.
too id oi. ly.
Free to Kverybotly.
A Large 6 pp. Circular, giving information of the
greatest importune to the young of both soxct.
It teaches bow th homely may become beautiful,
the despised respected, and tho forsaken loved.
No young lady or gentleman should fail to send
their address, and receive a copy, post-paid, by re
turn mail.
Address P. 0. Drawer, 21, Troy.N. Y.
Urnutotal institute
o. 14 Houtl Mrcet Hew York.
Full information, with th highest testimonials ;
also a Book on Special Diseases, iu a sealed envelope
sent free. I tfBe sure and send for them, and you
will not regret it ; for, as advertising physicians are
generally impostors, with referencea no stranger
should be trusted. Enclose a stamp for postage, and
direct to DR. LAWRENCE, ii. U Bond street,
Now York.
Nov. 17, 1S06. ly
fetirnnge, but True.
Every young lady and gentleman in th United
States can hear something to their advantage by re
turn mail, (free of charge.) by addreasingthe under
signed. Those having rears of being humbugged
will oblig by not neticing thit card. All others will
pleas address their obedient servant,
831 Broadway, New York.
January 13, 1868. ly
rpiie Coureaaioua ntsd Experience
Published for the benefit and aa a caution to young
men and others, wbo suffer from nervous Uebility,
Premature Decay of Manhood, Ac, supplying at the
same tiuio the means or self-cure. By oo who nas
cured himself after unueriroin considerable quack
ery. By enolosing a post-paid addressed envelope,
single copies, Ire of charge may be naa oi in au
NATHANIEL MAYFAIR, Esq., Brooklyn, Kings
wo. a. x.
January 27, 1868 ly.
Will Cure tUe lu-b In 48 Heart,
Prio 60 eenls. For sal by the druggists. By send
ing 80 cent to WEEKS A POTTER, Sole Agents,
170 Washington street, Boston, it will be forwarded
by mail, free of postage, to any part or tb United
Slates. ja2 '68-y
Unovv Thy Dcatlny.
Madabb E. V. Tbobxtob, th great English As-
(rologist, Clairvoyant and Psychometrioian, wbo bu
astonished tb scientific classes or tb Old Wrld,
baa aow located herself at Hudaoa, N. Y. Madam
Thornton pos esses suob wonderful power of second
light, as to enable ber to Impart knowledge of th
greatest tmporuue to the single or married of either
ex. vt oil ia a (tat of trauo, an aauneai in
very feature of lb person yoa ar to marry, and
b th aid of aa inatruintnt of miens power, known
aa iha PavohomotroDe. auarrantaa to produce a life
like picture of th future husband or wit of th
applicant, together with date of marriage, position
iu life, leading trait of character, Ac. Tbia is no
kumhuir. aa thousand of testimonials ean aswrt.
bbewill send, wha desired, a certified certificate, or
wriMaa auarantM. Ibat lb Dlcture ts what It our
porta to be. By enclosing a small lock of balr, and
Mating place ar airia, aga, aupotiuoa aaa eoov
nltxioa. and eaelosuix fllte ntt and stamped n
velop addressed to youreell, yea will reoeiv. th
piclur and desired information by ratura mail AU
eoaamanloation sacredly confidential. Address tn
toaldcae, Maia K. t. Tbowbtob, f, O. Box
?0S, Hudaoa, N.T fblt-'7 ly
Error of fossils.
A gentleman who suffered for years from Nervous
Debility, Premature Decay, and the effects of youth
ful lndlsoreton, will, for the sake of suffering hu
manity, send fro to all wbo need It, lb reelp and
direction for making tb simpls remedy by wbloh
h was tared. Sufferer wishing la profit by th ad
Vcrtiser'i experience, ean do e by addressing
No. IS, Chamber St., Nw York.
January 13, IBM. ly
A Cough A Cold or
6 ore Throat,
Requires tMNsnt atb attention,
Irrllnlion of I lie Itint;,
A Permanent 'I'lsroat
IHncHnc, or Corn
11 It W N M
DROiKCIIlAli T It O C II 13 ft
For" Bronchitis, Asthma, Catarrh, Consump
tive snd Throat Diseases,
Troches ar used with always good success.
will find Trnrie) useful In olcnrlng lh voice when
taken before Singing or Upenking. end relieving the
throat after an unusual exertion of the vocal organs.
Tba T'oriei are recommended and prescribed by
Physicians, and have bad testimonials from eminent
men throughout the country, licing an artiolo of
true merit, and having proved their effioney by a teat
of many years, each year finds them in new locali
ties in vorions parts of the world, and the Troche
nre universally pronounced better than other ar
ticles. OnTAiNonly "BnowVs UroHciual Tnocnra,"
and do not take any or the Worthless Imitations that
may to ofiercd "'"Id Everywhere
November 24, 1866. 6in
PROPOSALS will be received nt the office of L.
T. Kohrbiieh, K?q., in Sunbury, tor tbo erection
of TWO NEW SCHOOL HOUSES, one in the North
west District and one in the Southeast District, in
the Unrongh of Sunbury, l'a , until 12 M., on Satur
day the Ittth day of .Viarch, lt67. Plans nnd speci
fications of the buildings can be seen at tho Law oflico
of Mr. Rohrcnch.
L. T. KOIIlt ItACir,
J. 11. LOVE.
Sunbury, March 2, IHR7. It
ANDSOME, flno-toncd, now, and price low.
Inquire at this Office.
Isiiiiim'M I ! Slent l ure,
Prepared from the formula of Prof. Trousseau, of
Paris, cures Consumption, Lung Diseases. Brotichiiisi
Dyspepsia, Mnriuinus, Uencrtil Debility and nil mor
bid conditions of Ihesystetn dependent on deficiency
of vital force. It is plcujant to taftc. and a single
bottle will convince the most skeptical of its virtue
as the great healing remedy of tho nge. (I a bot
tle, or six liotiles for ?5. Sent by Express. Sold by
S. C. ITilAM, No. 25 South E1U11TH Street,
And all principal Druggists. Circulurs sent free
March 2, ldi7. :iui
Commissioners' Sale
Seated nnl IfaKratcsl Lunds,
"VfOTICE is hereby given that tho following tracts
.1 of Unseated Lands and Lots ot Ground will be
sold at public salo nt the offico of the County Otu
missioners, in tho buruuph of pur.hury. Northumber
land county, on MONDAY, tho bth day of APRIL.
A. D. lSili, which said tracts of land nnd lots of
ground have heretofore been purchased nt trea
surer's sale, for the uso of the county of Northum
berland in pursuance of an Act of ticiicrnl A&cmbly,
passed the I -si ts ot March, entitlcn an aci to
amend an Act directing the mode of selling unseated
lands for taxes and for other purposes, the said tracts
having been purchased as aforesaid by the County
Uouituiasioncrs nnd liavo remained unredeemed lor
0veye.irs and upwnrds, this sale to be in pursuanoe
of, uud in accordance with the powers given in the
acts or tioneral Assembly, pulsed tho 2'Jtli day or
."Unroll, section 1.
2 lots, block 2'j, Nos. 8 and 9, in Zerbo, as the pro
perty of Widow Miller.
2 loti block L'i'J, in Zct be, as the property of John
1 lot, block S3. No. 12, in Zerbe, as the property of
Uottlieb Oupey.
2 acres of land in Lower Mahonoy, as the property
ot 11. llero d.
2071 acres ot laud ia Coal, Warrantee, Alexander
1.V1J norcs ol'lnnd, Warrantee, James Sce'cy.
100 acres of land in Shamokin Warrantee, Alexan
der Hunter.
60 acres of land in Coal, Warrantee, Peter Brosious.
60 acres of laud in Cameron. Wurrantee, Alexander
One-third of 101 acres of land in Coal, Warrantee,
Thomas Reese.
07 acres of land iu Little Mahonoy, Warrantee, Alex
ander Hof::i.
28 acres of land in Little Mahonoy, Warrantee, John
42 acres of land in Lower Augusta, Warrantee, John
23 acres of land in Lower Augusta, Warrantee, John
77 acres of land in Lower Augusta, Warrantee, John
Five-sixths of 100 acres of land in Jackson, Warrao
tee, Thoi. Ucuso.
1 A acres of land in Coal, Warrantee. Philip Hursh
77 acres of land in Liitlu Mahonoy, Wurruutee, Dr.
John Smiih.
Five-sixths of 239 acres of land in Little Mubonoy,
Warrantee, Thix. Reese.
28S1 acres of land in Little Mubonoy, Warrantee,
John Smith.
42 acres of land in Little Mahonoy, Warrantee, John
300 acres or land in Upper Mahonoy, Warrantee,
John Smith.
103 acres of land in Shamokin township, Warrantee,
James Lewis.
1! I'll II MARTIN,- )
JO UN ECK.MAN. JCommis'rs.
Ciias. We A v Kit, Clork.
Murch 2, 1307. t
Carriage for Sale.
ONE CARRIAGE, may be used with on or tiro
Horses. Inquire at Ibis office.
March 2, 1867.
To Jurymen & Others,
ATTENDING next term ol Court, are hereby
inluriaed that UOARllINO can be had at
yiv. Tiio.nptfo.vN
Near th Northern Central Railroad Depot, SUN.
1UKY, 1'A.. at the iwmi reasonable rates.
will find tbis a first c!u-s house.
Thankful lor past patronage, and by strict atten
tion iu Lh future 1 hope to continue the same.
Buubury, March 2, lfi7.
pavingTlag STONE !
riMlE subscriber is prepared to deliver to the citl
X tuns or Bunbury and Northumberland, and
neighboring towns, a superior quality of 1'LAtl
MONK, for paving, at the sbnrtmt nolic. Orders
attended to by addressinc at Sunbury, to
Buubury.Feb. 18, 1867. 3oi
1 1 1: it i '!" i.ti.i:.
BY virtue of a certain or Venditioni Exponas, is
sued outer the Court of Common Pleas of North
umberland county, and to me directed, will ! ex
posed to public sale, at the Court House, in the
borough of bunbury, on Monday, March ISth 1 867,
at I o'clock P. M., lb following properly, to wil :
Five (&) certain lots of gmuud, ritual in tk Ho
rough of bhamukin, Northumberland county, l'a ,
described aa follow Lot No. 1, bounded oa th
norib by lot No. 2, lh properly of I'aviJ N.Lake;
lot No. 4, bounded by lot No. ,1; lot No 5. bounded
by lot Nu. i ; lot No. B, bounded by lot No. 4 ; lot
No. T, by lot No. Son the north, aud Waluut street
oa tbe south, all fwnlinc oo oih street, in width
about 25 feet, and in depth about I !J feci to a 2j feet
alley, lu block No. IV la lue plan oi aaia lown.s.
rieised, taken into xeoution. and to be sold as lh
property of William Atwater with notice to tenants.
DANIEL DECK LE Y, bheriff.
Sheriff's Offio, (
Bunbury, Keb. V, 1U67. j
milE STOCK and FIXTURES t aa established
J. Confectionery, with aa Oyster department, ao4
good run ol custom.
Apply soo to
Jan. U 1HA7. ftaatary, I'e,'
81 Aamh Third,
JDn, July, An Ai;cn;.tr.
With. at charge, and at present with a PROFIT
to lb HOLDER,
Application! by mail will receive prompt atten
tion, and all information cheerfully furnished.
blocks and Bonds bought and sold on commission
here or in New V'ork. Orders solicited.
February 23. 1 .3117 .Dm
Iteuiter'si iotlce.
NOTICE is hereby given to all legatoes, creditors
and other persons interested in the following
estates, that the Administrators, Executors and Uuar
dians of the within named, have filed their accounts
with the Register of Northumberland eounty, and
that said aeonunts will be presented to the Orphans'
Court for confirmation ami allowance, on Tuesday,
March 12, 1367, at 10 A. M.
1. The account of Snrnb J. Oondlandcr, adminis
tratrix of John V. Uoodlandcr, dco'd., filed Deo. 10,
2. The aecount or Dr. Wm. McCleery, guardian
of Ursula D. Uoodliinder, minor ehild of John V.
Uoodlandcr. dco'd., Sled Deo. 10, I3"t.
S The account of Patrick O'Uara, administrator
of Doininick O'Uara. deo'd , filed Deo 10, IHrtlt.
4 The account of 1) L. Irland, guardian of Savilla
B. Follmer, Gled January 3, 1307.
i Tho partial account of Jacob Evert, exenutor cf
Berj imin K.iUerinon. dco'd., filed January i, 1867.
6 The account of nm C. Dcutler. dee'd., wbo
was one of the executorsor John F. Denller, dee'd.,
settled by William R. and Jonn P. Dentler, adminis
trators of Wm. C. Denller, dee'd., filed Jan. 8, 18ii7.
7 Ihe account of Peter J. Obordorf, one of the
administrators of Oeorge Oberdorf, dee'd., who was
guardian of John Stanley Stroh, a minor cbild of
John Stroh. dco'd.. filed January 13, 13i7.
8 The account of Jacob E. Mucnch, executor of
Barbara Ann Alexander, doo'd., filed Jan. 2, 1807.
9 The account of Jacob SenholtE, administrator of
Daniel Arnold, dee'd., filed February 5, 1807.
10 Tho account of C. A. Conrad, executor of Dan
iel D. Conrad, deo'd., filed February . 1367.
11 The account of Wm. M. RocKefullor, txecutor
of Philip Brymire, dee'd., filed February 7. 1307.
li too account or ivm. 1. rorsyth. administrator
of Hrbeeoa Wells, dec d., filed FihruaryS, 1337.
13 The account of Samuel Klinirer, cuardian of
Rouhcn Klinger, filed February 8, Isf7.
14 Ihe account of suran lilooin. administratrix of
Ueore Martin. Sr., doo'd., filo I Jan. 8, 1807.
15 The account of John P. Klinuer, guardinn of
John Carl, minor cbild of John Carl, dee'd., filed
lehruary 9, lbw.
16 Tho accoent of Daniel Znrtmnn, guardian of
Edward F. Bartholomew, minor of William Bar
tholomew, dee'd , filed February 9, 1367.
17 The ac-ount of llarinan Campbell, dee'd.,
guardian of Mary, Alice. Levi, and Joseph T. Nei-
dig. minors of Susaniih Noidig. dee'd., settled by
llachael tampbell.ailiiiintetrati'ix ot llurman lamp
bell, dee'd., filed February 9. 1367.
J. A. J. CUMMINQS, Registor.
Sunbury, February 16, 1307.
3 uenl 4 Fulton Murltefi
or all kinds or
All orders punctually attented to.
February 23, 1867. 6m.
Two and three-quarter hours' ride by railroad
from New York, and one and a quarter from Phila
For Catalogues, containing terms, etc., address
Rev. JOHN 11. BRAKELEY, A. M., Prest.,
BordcDtown. N. J.
February 2.1, 1SG7 lin.
kCli-i'Sitoi-'M .toiir'c.
Ktate nf THOMAS I20BMS, dtetnted.
"VJOTICE is hereby given that letters testamentary
having been granted to the undersigned, on
the estate of Thomas Robbins, late of tbe Borough
of Sunbury, Northumberland county, Pa., deceased,
all porsotis indebted nre requested to make imme
diate payment, und thuee bavin; claims to present
them, duly authenticated, for settlement.
JOHN U. MARK.LE, Executor.
Sunbury. Feb. Ill, lnH7.
rilllE undersigned oilers at private sale the follow
X ing valuable real estate, situate in tho Borough
Sunbury, lute the property of Thomas Robins, dee'd:
The Hotel Prof crty on Front street, with all tho.
outbuildings, Ac, lately occupied by Fredorick
A valuablo House and Lot on Market Street, to
gether wiih all the outbuildings.
For further particulars npply tn
JOHN U. MARKLE, Executor.
Feb. 16, 1S07 2m Sunbury, Pa.
OY virtue of certain writs of Yen. Erponat,
- Lecan paena ana Aim Jvari luteins,
issued out ot the court of Common Pleas of
Northumberland county, and to me directed,
will be exposed to public sale, ut the Court
House, in the Borough of Sunbury. on Mon
thly, March 11, 1SG7, at 1 o'clock P. M., tho
folloninor property, to wit :
All that certain building, located on two
lots or pieces of ground in tho Borough cf
Mount Curtnel, county ol Northumberland,
Pennsylvania, and marked and designated
in the general plun of said Borough, as lots
numbered live und six(5and(3), in block No.
thirty-niue (30), and the lots or pieces of
p ron ml and curtilupe nppurtent to tuid
building. Said building is erected on the
east side of Market street and between Third
and Fourth streets on said lots, and is a two
story framu dwelling house with one story
stone basement, 1'rouling on said Market
street thirty feet.
Seized, taken into execution, nnd to be
sold as the property of Benjamin Thomas
and Martha hia wile, owner or reputed
ALSO All those two certain mcsjuages
and tracts of land, situated and bounded as
follows, viz: 0:i one und oiie-half acre of
land with the buildings thereunto belonging,
situated in Jackson township, Northumber
land county, Pa., containing ono and one
half ucres of land, more or less, bounded ou
the north, east ami west by lands of lleury
Peil'er, and south by Bull Hun, whereon is
erected a two story frame dwelling house,
barn, tan house, twenty-three vats, and a
bark mill. Also, another lot of land, con
taining one and one-half acre, more or less,
with tho building, fcc, thereunto belonging,
situated in Lower Mahanoy township, Nor
thumberland county, Pa., bounded and
dcscrilied as follows, to wit : On the north
by Bull Ktin ; south by land of Henry Peif'er,
east by land of Abraham Klork, and on the
west said lot runs to a point, whereon is
erected a two-story tranie dwelling house,
shoe shop or summer house and a barn.
Seized, taken into execution, and to be
told as tilts property of Daniel Seal.
ALSO 'All those two certain messuage
and tracts of land situated and bounded at
follow a. vie: On one and one half acres ot
land, with buildiugt thereunto belonging,
situated in Jackson township, Northumber
land county, Pa., containing one and one
half acret of land, wore or less, bounded on
the north, east and west, by lands of llenry
Peifer, and oo Ihe south by Bull Run,
whereon it erected a two-story frame dwell
ing house, barn, tan Loose, twenty-three
ars and and a bark mill. Also, another
lot of land contulnlnej one-lmlf f5. -or
or lee, with the building Ac., Iliorennto
Iwlnn.injr, aitnat la Luster Malinnrty town
liiii, Northumbeiland county. Pa., Imondod
and d8erllx;d follow, to wil I Bounded
tin tho mirth hy Bull Hun j outh by land of
Henry 1'cifcrj east liy land nf Abraham
Klouk, and on Ilia treat said lot run to a
point, whereon is erected a two atory frama
dwelling house, ihoe ahop, or uminor house
and a barn.
Seized, taken into execution, and to
old m the property of Daniel Seal.
ALSO A lot of land, situate In Le-ta
township, Northumberland county. Pa.,
bounded and dvscril.ed as fnllowa to wit :
North by lands of Eli.sbeth Ellis ; eaat by
the same ; west by binds of David Kooni ;
south by D. Smith's, contniniou; teven acre,
more or lets, whereon is erected a small log
hoiiao, log (table and other outbuildings.
Seized, taken into execution, and to ba
sold as the property of Janus F. Kemery.
ALSO All that certain lot of ground,
situate in the Borough of Northumberland,
bounded and described as follows, viz: On
the south-east by Water street ; on the south
west by Derk street; on tliu north-west by
an Alley, and on the north erns by lot now
or lately belonging to James G. PielTrn
bachiT, vt hereon urn erected ft small frama
shop nnd a burn, nnd numbered in I lie pcue
ral plan of said Borouph as number sisty
nine (G9), containing sixty 1'eut front and
two hundred and forty feet in depth. Also,
nil thopo four certain lots of ground, situate
in the Borough of Northumberland, being
contigious and numbered in the general
plnn of :iid Borough, as numbers sixty-five,
aixty-lix, Bixty-scvcn and sixty-eiuht, bound
ed together, sonth-westernly by King street;
soutti-eHstertily by Fourth street; north east
by an Alley, and north-west by an Alley,
each thereof containing sixty feet front, and
two hundred anil forty feet in depth.
Seized, taken into execution, und to be
sold as the property of Peter Hanselman.
ALSO-The Sunbury Canal and Water
Power, situate in nnd ndjoining the Borough
of Suubury, in the county of Northumber
land ami Stttte of Pennsylvania, with the
appurtenances loi'cthcr with the corporate
rtgliU and Inmelii.-es ot the sum company.
seized, taken into execution, and to ba
sold ns the property of the Sunbury Canal
and Water Power Company.
ALoU A certain lot or piece or ground,
situate in Vera Cruz, Lower Muhanoy town
ship, Northumberland county, Pa., bounded
and described ns followed, viz: On the
north by an Allcv ; on tho south bv Main
street ; on the east by lot of John A. Snyder,
and on the wist by lut of Jncob Grimm,
containing in width 50 feet, in depth 214
leet, whereon aro erected a two-story Irauio
dwelling house, small shop, &c.
Soized, taken into execution, and to be
sold as the property of Samuel B. High nnd
Jacob Snyder, lately trading uuder tho firm
name of Hiu;h & Snyder.
ALSO One hit of ground, situate ia
Wtitsontown, Northumberland county, num
ber one hundred and twenty-two, bounded
on the north by lot number twenty-three,
adjoining Conk, Bly & Co. ; on tho south by
J. P. Irvin, fronting on Ounal street S3 fee:,
and in depth 140 feet to an Alley.
Seized, taken into execution, nnd to ba
sold as the property of William Hood.
Sheriffs Office, Sunbury, Feb. 15th, 18U7.
rt-JIE subscriber having opened in SUXBCRT.
I Pa., anew large, and well assorted stock or all
Ac, luid ia at lowest New York and Eastern price
which they will ba pleased to sell for Cash at th
lowest Eastern prices.
Intending to do business in the honest principle
of small prolitsaud quick sale for Cash.
J. 11. CON LEY A GO.
Sunbury. June 10, 1SG6.
I'rnit, nnd Ornninental Trees,
fihi-iibbi-ry. Viuea, Ate.
fPIlE subscriber respectfully announoes to the citl-
X sens of Northumberland und adjoining counties,
tlint he is prepared to furnish all varieties of Fruit,
and ornanicutiil trees, Phrubberry, Vines, Ac, of
the very best quality, which ho will warrant to be
healthy and vigorous, lrnni the uinsl responsible nur
series in the country. All trees, Ac, ordered during
tho winter, will be delivered at the nearest railroad
stations free ol cluirires. in the spring of lSt7.
Tlie celebrated SHERRY WINE PLANT, a not I
excellent variety, is offered for eule by biin.
Purchasers will find it to their advantage to patro
nize him, as he has had a great deal of experience
in tbo business, and sells on the most reasonable
Paxinna P. O .
Northumberland County, Pa.
January 5. 1S67. 1m.
Always on hand a large and complete stock ef
ALBUMS, Juvenile, Blank, School, Hymn and
Prayer BOOKS.
."Vote, Letter, B. ual uutl Cap Paper.
Pcus, luks, Pencils, Port-Folios, Pictures, Picture
Frames, Musical Instruments, Strings, Music, Lamps,
Shades, Ulubcs, Ac.
Soaps, Chains, Sleds, Canes, Games, Brushes, Port
luonaies, and Fancy Articles of all kinds.
Wull I4i per, Horsier n nd Window
Mliadeat. Agent for "La Ross's Hair Restorative,"
and "Enamel of America."
Drafts on Europe aud Tickets for Steam Vsel
motto at
LIUIITNER'S Book Store and News Depot,
Feb. 21S07. Murket Square, Suubury, Vm.
MA.VIXA ?i ki:.
Market street, S doors East or the New Batk Bcild
RESPECTFULLY iuforuia tcr friends and tba
i publio that she bas again opened a shop, in
Murket street, Sunbury, where sh is prepared to
make to order Ladies' Dreasoa, in an entire new
style. Ladies' Cloaks, Ac Also Geutleiaeo's shirt.
Orders respectfully solicited.
Suubury, Jan. l'J, lbrtT. ly
IN the Borough of Sunbury, desirably situs ted, ta
bigb aud ceutral locations,
ion sAi.r,
oa such aiv term as will enable persons, with a.
limited amount or avai.uble money, to purchase
homes. Persous having '
Mlsterul or Timber I.antlsj,
Farms, Dwellings, or other Real Estate, for sal ar
leuse, aa well a those desiring to purchase or rent,
arc invited to consult the subsaribor. His eonneo,
tion with reliable firms lu New York, Philadelphia,
aud elsewhere, afford unusul advantages.
CouveyaooiDg corrcutlv and neatly executed
Attorney at Law, .
Third door west ef Smith A Geuiher s &tv twrt,
Sunbury, Pa
Suubury, Dm. 8, ISCd. If.
II. U. 1 1I ACUEK,
IN addition to our large stock, already aa hand, ws
re bow receiving a full supply of Fall and Wia
ter goods tut Ladies, Ueullcinen, Missus and Vhtl
dren's wear.
Also a good assortment of Trunks. A Isrf lot
K. R. Bag, Gen is' tin leather batohcl. Wwul
It distinctly understood that we intend sell sag oa.
goods at small prut is, exclusively fur tb ah.
Don't forget lh place. Apsley'l old stand, ia lh
well-known nous of Mrs. Roultoa, Market sweet,
bunbury, Pa.
NOllCK Boots snd Shoe aatl repaired at
short aotio. If any bought of as should rip the;
shall ba lied for nothing.
R. Q TRACllfK.
Punburv, TVe. ."lS66if