mtm N. B. GMULB, I Publlshera.' Ntnill Kl', PA. SATURDAY, FEBRUARY. 23, 1807. A BEQUEST TO STJBBOHIBEHS. 1 Subscribers to the AamtCAK art particularly re quested not to allow tbair Indebtedness to overrun on year. All subaoriptioni should be paid In ad ranoe ; but under no consideration ihould the year past areaod with the subscription unpaid. A ttrtot attention to this will save u an Immenie amount of trouble and a very heavy Iom. Slocal, Affairs. CP To Subscribers. Aa many of our subscri bers will ebange their placet of residence between this and the Bret of April, we will thank them for notifying us of the ohange, elating their former ad Urofs and present residenoe, In order to make the correction on our books. G?S!ow. Unexpectedly to many they found, -on rising on Wednesday, the earth eovered with a -henry fall of mow. It was about eight incboa in jdepth, and it now about 13. ly Drowned. On Tuesday erenlng of last week ITillard, eon of Col. Charles Klockner, aged about eight years, broke through the iee on Fenntoreck, .at Now Berlin, Union county, and was drowned. CS Thk Compant which is about to put up mills at this place, for the purpose of sawing and manufuo turing lumber, has been organised, and will toon commence operations in the construction of their mills. 3JjE Postpo.ikuent. The drawing of the Grand fioldiors' Monument (lift Conoert, ntMuncy, Pa., lias been postponed on aceount of the ticket not being all sold. The time of drawing will soon bo announ ced. " f j?" The ice in tbo Susquehanna, below the Sha niokin dnm, broke up last week. A Snyder county paper says that tho steam ferry boat, at Sclinsgrovo, was crushed and sunk, and so badly injured as to render it entirely useless. tyTiiE Middle Creek Railroad. There are $48,000 wanting to be subscribed to insure tho com menoemeut of the Middle Creek Valley Railroad. As soon as this additional amount is subscribed ope rations are to commence immediately. A Valuable Lessox. It is an instructive fact fur business men, IhatMr. Crosby, the oonductor of the grent Opera House Lottery, of Chicago, by which ho uindo a clear profit of $oo0,000, risked 130,000 in advance for the one item of advertising. Ce Concert. Prof. J. Warren Custer and his Jtireuilo singing class will give a concert in the Masonic Hull, in this plnco, on this (Saturday) eve ning. The perforuunocs will consist of choice vocal and instrumental music Vie huvo no doubt tho houso will be crowded on the occasion. 13 Accident os tub P. A E. Railroad. On Wednesday evening of Inst week the baggage and two passenger cars of the Erie express train, bound West, wore thrown from tho track into tho canal, by a broken rail, when about three miles above Milton. Several passengers were injured, but none seriously. Cff Tue Latest. An exchange soys that the latest style of bonnet has just mado its appearance. It is called the -Uevcnuo Cutter," and consists of a two-cent Internal Hevenuo stamp, worn on the top of tho bcud, aud tied under each ear with a shoe etring. It presents a very pretty appearance at a distance, and must be very comfortable at this sea. ton of the year. HOdd Fellows' Tu.i.nksoivino. The 2fthof April next will bo the anniversary of the institution of Odd Fellowship. The day has been, this year, se lected by tho Most Worthy Grand Sire of the Order, Hon. J. P. Sanders, of New York, as a duy of gene ral thanksgiving by Odd Fellows throughout the United Stales, for the return of peace, prosperity, and for the preservation of the Order duriug tho rebellion recently closed. fp Sale or Real Estate. Robert Finney hat sold his residence, adjoining the canal on Broadray, Milton, to S. D.Jordan, Esq., for the sum of $2,400. II. G. Sticker, Esq., Dental Surgoon, has pur chased the Derickson property, in the above place, fur the sum of $2,500. 3 The New Masonic Hall building is pro gressing to completion, and begins to make a more favorable appearance. The windows and floors arc put in and the ooriiioo and brackets put in place. Tho tin roof, put on by Mr. Benj. Zottelmoyor, of this pluce, was completed about two weekt since. Over 4,000 square foet of tin were used for thit pur pose, and the successful completion of the job re flect credit on tho mechanical skill of that gentle mail. tyOun Snydortown corrosponlent inform! ut that the progress in the boring of tUe oil well at that place is very slow. Recently, in the course of bo iling, a vein of block iron ore was struck. They aro now in an eiiht-inch vein of a different kind of iron ore. The quality of the ore hat not yet boon tested. An adjourned meeting of the stockholders wss held on Snturday lust, with a view of reorganising the company, but tho attendance not being fulL the meeting adjourned to moot at tbe well, on Monday next, 25th inst. Improvements. Among the number of sub stantial new buildups about to be erected in this plaoe, tho coiniug season, is a large three-story brick, on the south-east corner of Market square, by Mr. Sebastian llaurt. The first story is duaiirned fur two stores, with an ornamental cast-iron front, of 42 foot, on Market street. It will be a htndsome improvement, in a in oft desirable location. It is a singular fact that throe of the four valuable corner lots of Market square are unimproved, and the fourth, that of Mr. Cloment, is adorned by one o the remnants of antiquity, which Mr. C. talks of demolishing for a large building, designed for hotel, with a number of stores on the first Boor. We trust tbe other two corners will not remuin va cant much lunger, as such property is too valuable .to lie idle and unproductive. ryGoiNO into New Quarters. Mr. Harry G. Xbaober, proprietor of the popular Boat and Shoe Store, in the old Boulton stand, is at present engaged in refitting a store room iu Pleasants' building, Mar ket street, two doors east of N. F. Liyhtuer's book' ,toro, where he purposes locating himself during the wurse of next week. Harry will undoubtedly huve one of tbe finest stores in Sunbury, at it it his intcn tion to fit it up in the haniscmest stylo. A good feature of the new arrangement will be a ladies' de lartmcnt, exclusively for the accommodation of the 'air sex. He also intends re-stocking his new store with a large, handsome and cheap assortment of boots, shoes, trunks, valises, Ac, and will be happy to too hit friends and customers at bis new quaten Horry is an accommodating, clever fellow, and one in whom the uublio can rely. He deter ret to be well sustained by the public . m rir"AiCTio Salb ok Dbes Patterns, Em broideries, Notions, Ac A. J. Stroh, auctioneer, will tell at auction, coinnienoing to-day, (Saturday,) in the afternoon, in tbe store-room of Ira T. Clem' cut, Market street, a splendid assortment of Dress i'aUorus, Embroideries, Notions, Ac, Ac, cotnprl V ing every variety. The goods have just been re isived from Philadelphia, and purchasers can rely n their being of tbe best quality. The auction wil1 c continued during next week. This rare oppor mlty will afford tho public a splendid ebanoe to urohasr, below city prioes, and which they should Jie advantage of, aa another chance of the kind ill probably not occur In a great while. Rsmem st the plaoe, in Ira T. Clement's building, Market cet, near tbe Court lions. fyfaa Boboooh. Blbctioh, The ansual Bo rough 'elsotlou took'ptao o Friday bf lut week. A Union and, apposition ticket Were In the Held, the latter being oomposed of both Republicans and Democrats. It wat not a ttrlet party oonteet, looal lanes, principally, being involved. Aa unusual In terest wat manifested, however, over four hundred votes being polled,- the largest number cvoreast at a Borough election In (hit place. The entire Union tiokotwot carried by a handsome majority. The following are the persona voted for, and the number of votes received by each : ' Chief Burgess E. Y. Bright, 213; George M. Renn, 170. Second Burgees J. B. Packer, 884. (Mo oppo sition.) ' Wi .,..!. Assistant Burgesses Johm Bourne, 377 1 John Ilaat, J17; S. W. Buoher,H78!' BcnJ. llondrloks, 217 ; Thomas D. Grant, 169 ; Jas. Boyd, 107. Common CottHctlmen John U. Markle, 874; A. N. Brioe, 230 ; Chariot Beck, 243 ; Andrew Hoo vor, 871 ; John Yonngman, 221 ; Henry Haas, 217 ; Henry Clement, 233 ; Charlea A. Bright, 841 ; B. P. Wolverton, 108 ; Jacob O. Beck, 161 ; Levi Sea sholti, lil ; John A.Buohor, 150; Wm. Fotter, 1.19. Town Cleri Jacob Ehipman, 231; II. T. Fri ling, 153. High Constable BonjamlaBrosious, 2.12 W. H. Bright, 142. Juetiot of the Peart V: M. Shindel, 823 ; Jamet Board, 209 ; Joseph Eiicly, 157. Constable Wm. Pursel, 272; A.J Stroh, 120. Judge of Election Alex. Mantt, 385. (No opposi tion.) Inspector William M. Hendricks, 237; Robert Farnsworth, 165. , , Street Commissioners StmucX Clement, 213; George Bucbor, 402; Samuel Manti, 161. Overseen of the Poor Charles Khinchart, 2H9; Nathan Marts, 233; Sebastian Boughner, 159; George Follmer, 153. . Assessor Ed. M. Buchar, 402. (No opposition.) Assistant Asseseore John Buyers, 403; A. II. Clement, 402. School Directors 3 . H. Lovo, 396 ; Dr. D. W. Shindle, 250 ; K. Wilvert, 385 ; M. C. Georhart, 152. Scattering 3. Opposition. ty Election in Upper Acoi.-sta Towssmr. The regular spring election took place in Upper Au gusta township on Friday of last week. Tho follow ing arc tho offices voted for and the number of votes received by each candidate : Coiutable-0 , W. Stroh, 79 ; Philip Frank, 18. Supervisors II. Lawrenco, 134 ; Williuin Kra mer, 133. Overseers of the Poor Georgo Zimmerman, 73 ; Charles Eekman, 09 ; Geo. M. Forrester, 67. School Directors J. Eckman, 71 ; Isaac Shipo, 75 ; John Sassainan, 64 ; William Reed, 57. Judge of Election It. Garingor,' 70; Charles Eckman, 66. Inspector Charles Etiel, 69 ; Henry llaupt, I ; Henry Fry, 0?. Assessor John Farnsworth, 123. Assistant Assessors J auies Itoilaud, 70 ; Robert Campbell, 57; H. G. Kline, 119. Auditor Samuel K. Hilo, 82; Samuel Obeidorf, 51. tr The general jury bill, now before tho Lcgis' lature, provides for tho election of two Jury Com. missioncrs in each county in the State, whoso duty it shall be to meet at the county scat thirty dayt before each term of Court, in order to draw jurors for such term. Those Jury Commissioners are to bo chosen at tbe election next full, each qualified voter casting a ballot for one person for the office, and the two receiving the highest number of votes to bo elected. They are to serve three years, and bo paid out of the county treasury at the same rate por day as County Commissioners are paid in tho sam county. K?" Record Yorn Deeds. Muny persons are doubtless ignorant of the law, requiring Deeds of Land, mado within the State, to bo recorded within six months, or they will be declared void against subsequent purchasers or mortgages for value. Ig. Dormice of tho law excuseth no man, and therefore owners of property would do well to notice the requirements of the present statute. t3T Justices op the Pkace. Persons who are elected to the oOice of Justice of the Peace, aro required by law to file a written notice of their aoceptanco of tho office within thirty days after their election, or no commission will be issued to them from tbe State Department. The sooner the notico is given after tbo election the beter. ty Rev. T. T. Titus, former pastor of tho Lu 'herun church, in Milton, has accepted the pastorate of the Lutheran church, at Hagcrstown, Md. tJTiiE late cold-blooded murder, in the neigh borbood of Shoinokin, and the recent robberies in the coal region, show a most deplorable state of uioruls in that part of the country. The following alarming facts we take from the Sbamokin Herald, of Thursday : Last Sutnrdav. Mr. S. A. Borestresser. of Elvs- burg. was returning homo from Mt. Cnrmel in his buggy, with fccvcral hundred dullurs of luonrv. As he was asceudiug the sauio mountain, be saw three villuinous looking tellotva imeud ut him in the woods, and near where there was a turn iu the road, signal ling cauh oilier us ho neared tbcin. At oncu he took his revolver iu one hand, and putting the whip to a good strong horse with the other, he passed tho turn just in time to save himself from the scoundrels. They gave chose through the woods, but came iu loo lato." Robbery. On Tuesday nicht. 12th inst.. a nartv of ruffians, variously estimated at from five to eight, eniereu mo house oi rraiiK uetier, a butcher tiring about four utiles above this place, oo tbe road to Ml. Cnrmel. They demanded his money upon which Getlcr offered resistance. One of tbe party tten fired a revolver at him, when bis wife rushing be tween them received tbe contents in her shoulder. She was severely but not fatally wounded. Getler at length broke away from tbe scoundrels and ran uut to obtain aid. The party then overpowered Get- lor s hired man and proceeded to rifle tbe bouse. They found only about $20 in the be use, as Getler naa qoposuea auout luu in bank day before. Thia latter amount was doubtless what the robbers were after, as they apprared to be parties weH ac quainted with the premises. They are still at large and unrecognised. They stole a gun and some other articles in addition to the money, Murueji. On Thursduy evening, 14th inst., along the railroad at Fulton Station, Charles Dolan de liberately shot John O'Donnell. Three shots were fired, all of which entered the body of O'Donnell. He lingered until Friday morning, when he died lrom bis wounds. No immediate cause was given for this cold-blooded murder. Dolan is represented as a desperate man, whom O'Donnell some time ago offended, and he took this method of revenge. Dolan lingered around the Station all Thursday night, and Friday and Friday night, but was not arrested. On Saturday morning he was reported to huve made good his escape. Though a warrant was issued for his apprehension on Friday morning, still throuuh some culpable neeleot or mismanairement on the part of the officers ot justice, it was not exe cuted, and tbe murderer is now at large, prepared to do hit bloody work over again in tome other part of the country. Sheriff's Sales. Sheriff Beokley will offer for sule, at the Court House, in thit place, on Mon day, Marsh 11th, at 1 o'clock, P, M., the following real estate, to wit : Two lots or pieces of ground In Mt. Carmel, on which is erected a two-story frame dwelling bouse, with one-story stone basement. To be sold as tbe property of Benjamin Thomas. Tract of land: in J aekson towoship, containing It acres. Tbe improvements are a frame dwelling house, barn, tan house, bark mill. As. Also, tract of land in Lower Mahanoy township, containing It acrea) with frame dwelling house, Ac Property of uaniui eeai. Lot of land ia Lewis township, containing 7 acres, whereon is creeled a log house, stable, Ac Pro perty of James F. Kemery. Lot of ground in Northumberland, No. 69, con taining 60 feet in front and 240 in depth ; also four other lots in said borough, Nos. 65. 66, 67 aad 68, each containing 60 feet in front and 240 in depth. Property of Peter lianselnian. The property of tbe Sunbury Canal and Water Power Company, situated in and adjoiniug Sunbury, together with the corporate rights aud franchises of tbe company. Lot of ground In Vera Crut, Lower Mahanoy town ship, containing 50 feet in width and J14 in depth. The improvements arc a two-story frame dwelling houso, shop, Ac. Property of High A Snyder. Lot of ground In Watsontowa, h: 122, containing i feet la frost and 140 in depth- Property pi Wm. Hood. r . . .. , Xditor'a ,Tabl. r HarprrV Maoaxi:. The March number of thit exoollent magatine it on oar table.' The fol lowing It the tablo of content "The Dodge Club ; or. Italy In MDCCCMX," (Illustrated) ; "Personal Keoolleotione of tho War," sixth paper. (Illustrated) ; 'If I were Rich," a poem; "Two nunarea inou laud Spiders,"(llluitratodJ ; ''OurExpeoted Guosta;" "A Brace of Boys;" "Rum-Crcetert It Women;" "The Vlrginiant in Texas;" "Laura't Lovert;" "How we tlet our News :" "Alexnndor T. Stewart ," Editor's Easy Chair; Monthly Record of Current Events; Editor'! Drawer. Published by Harper Brothers, Franklin Square, New York. UoDtr'i Last's Book, for Maroh, bat been re ceived. The present number la a superior one, and fully maintains itt reputation of being the best lady 'i magatine published in this country . "Watch ing Baby' a steel engraving, it aa exoellont de sign. The colored fashion-plate it superb. Chest table in bead-work, and ewallow in Berlin wool, is beautiful. "The Robins," it another exoellont wood-cut. The latest wood-cut fashions and novel ties in the Mnrch number are two spring costumes, tix new tty let of dresses, wraps, and paletots, several of whioh are of the peplum order ; a breakfast jack et, spring costume tor a boy, As., Ac The literary department is filled with interesting reading matter. Marion Harland contributes an oxoollont story, Published by L. A. Godey, Philadelphia. Beadle's Montiilt. We have received "the March number of thit erer-wclcome periodical, with the following table of contenti : "The Iceberg," a poem, (illustrated) ; "Our National Capitol," (illus trated) ; "AMan'tArt," attory; "My Pioture," a poem; "Autobiographic Notes;" "Wonderful Bal loon Excursion," I. ( "Who Wat Ho ?" XI., XII. ; "A Soldier'! Retrospect;" "Movements In Plants ;" " 'Long Shore," a story ; "Art in Rome ;" "Green blow in Gotham," V., VI. ; "Venison;" "Muggins, Artist His Diary;" "Poe'a Death and Burial;'' Notos, Notices and Gossip. Published by Boadlo A Company, New York. BUSINESS NOTICES. What are you sitting that child on that quarto dictionary for?" laid Mrs. D., as the pater arranged his little boy at tho breakfast table. "I am," re plied he, "fixing tho basis of a sound English educa tion." "Yes," said she, "but you are beginning at the wrong end." The right way to commonce yonr education it to boy your boots and shoes at Harry Thacher's, in the old Boulton stand, Market street. The sudden changes of weather to which we aro liable at this season of the year will cause many of our readers to be afflicted with coughs and colds. All such aro ud vised to uso Blades' Eiiphottial Lu bricators. There Is no doubt but what they arc tho most pleasant, convenient and effectual remedy for Throat and Lung difficulties before the public Messrs. Blades A Co. have multitudes of certificates from Clergymen, Singers, Lawyers and others, somo of which will be published in this paper. The Lu bricators are for sale by all Druggists. 2t Among the patents recently issued by the Patent Commissioner at Washington, it one for "dressing grindstones." We know of an excellent plan for dressing tho commissioners, and that is to tend their ordcrt and measurement to John E. Smick, mer chant tailor, on Fourth atrect. Persons may think by this notico that wo "havo an axe to grind," our selves. An exohangc says thut times aro so hard it is sug gested that pantaloons may at well be made without pockets. Mr. J. F. Schaffor, merchant tailor, cor ner of Market and Third streets, opposite tho Cen tral Hotel, (up stairs,) makes pantaloons, at well as all other garments, with "pockets," in tho very la tost styles, and at the very lowest rates. Ho keeps on hand, constantly, a full assortment of Cloths, Cassimcres, Vesting', Ac "Oo away!" said Muggins; "you can't stuff sich nonsense in mo. Six feet in his stockings ! No man us lives stands more nor two feet in Lis stock ings ; no uso tnlkiu' 'bout it. Might as well tell mo tho man had six heads in his hat." There aro many other thiugs that pcrhnps Muggins can't com prehendone is, how such fine rcady-mado clothing can be sold at the price it is at the Continental Clo thing Butaar, Market street, Sunbury. An interesting and amusing article in a late num ber of Harper's Magasino, on newspaper advertise ments, oloses with tho folloniog advice : "To mer chants. 1. Advertise. 2. Advertise liberally. 3. Advertise courageously. To the publio at Inrgo : 1. Read the advertisements. 2. Study them, aud verily they shall be for your profit." Everybody should cull at Jacob 0. Beck's tailoring establish ment, on Fourth street, and study his prices. Per sons in want of a cheap suit should call on Beck immediately, as be now offers great bargains. To Keep the Feet Dry. The following recipe for keeping the feet dry and preserving the leather, is highly recommended by those who use it : It oonsists of fuur articles tallow, soap, rosin and water. These ingredients are propared as follows: Twenty-one parts of tallow are melted ill a vessel, three parts of rosin added, and the two, when melt ed, mix well together. In another vessel, seven parts if puro rain water. After it is dissolved, and tbe muss heated to a boiling point, wo add the part prep.-ired before ; let it boil ouee more gently, and tbe preparation is ready for uso. It is specially adapted to boots and shoes of all kinds. But iu order to obtain full value out of this recipe, it is ue oessnry to buy your Boots and Shoes at Wui. II. Mil ler's Excelsior Boot aud Shoe Store, Market St. . . - A Tkltu. After all tbe rare and costly gifts that may pass from one to another, as keepsakes, thcro is nothing more appropriate and lasting than a life-like photograph of Die remembered one. No thing will so vividly recall that one, iu after years, and nothing like this will grow in valuo, as years pus away. Thus impressed, go at once to Byerly't Pbotogruph Gallery, in Simpson's building, Market street. Any site or style thut may be desired can be had at his gallery. Lin In8ubance. What greater obligation can there exist than for a husband or parent to make provision for the comfortable support of a wifo or .children who are dependent upon his earnings for subsistence, tnut provision to tuae etiect at we very time they may most need such assistance, namely, at tbo period of bis death ? We will suppose a man, thirty years of ago, whoso income enables him to support bis family iu comfort, but is so limited as not to allow him to save more Lb on $23.00 a year. It would be a long time before thut sum, luid up yearly, would accumulate to any thing like a moderate support for his fuuiily at his death; and should be die prematurely, ho must icuve inuiu in waul ; by adopting tne prudent courso of insuring bis life, and paying that sum yearly to the office, be secures, from the moment of tbo first payment, $1000 to his family whenever he dies. In this same proportion smaller or larger sums may be secured; a man, aged thirty, may, for $1.72 a year, insure $00; or fur $118 a year, he may insure SaOOO. Jacob Suipm an, Ftre and Life Insurance Agent, Sunbury, Pa. MARRIAGES. On the 12tb inst., by the Rev. D. J. Real, C. K. Ykaoer, M. D., of Georgetown, Nortb'd. county, and Miss Libbie M. Kennedy, of East Waterford, Pa. SVU.MIL ItV MAltKi:XN. Corrected Weekly for the "American." Wheat Flour, extra family, per barrel, do do do do perewt. Bye Flour, per bbl. do par cwt. Wheat, prime red per bushel. Rye, do Corn, new de Outs, do Potatoes, de Dried Peaches, pared per pound do do unpared do Dried Apples, do fit 00 00 10 00 6 60 3 80 I 15 85 50 1 00 40 30 18 3 00 35 ) 35 i 25 20 25 15 14 13 18 60 fried Berries, (unstonea,) per bu. Butter, per pound. per dosen, per pound, do do do do do do por pair Cheese, Lard, Hams. Shoulders, Beef, bind quarter, from " Mutton, Chickens, " Khtaniokla Coal Trad. Bmamoein, Feb. 19, 1867. leas. VtPt. Bent tor week ending Feb. ltib. 9,010 02 Per last report, . 29,406 08 38,410 10 ' 42,414 09 ifiOt It To same time last year,' Decrease, ' K.r Spcndl .Notices. .. ,v ,' j 1 '. n -... ..The advortiaeri having been restored to health in a few weekt by a very simple romedy, aftor having suffered lor several years with a severe lung a flection and that dread disease, Consumption la anxious to make known to bis follow tuffurera the meant of cure. " To all who desire it, he will tend a copy of the prescription used (free of charge), with the direc tions for proparinr and using the same, which they witlfind a suna Cuna for Consumption, Abtbai Bronchitis, Colons, Colds, and all Throat and Lung Affections. The only objeot oi the advertises In tonding the prescription is to benefit the afflicted and sproad information whioh he conceivot to be in valuable, And he hopct every sufferer will try his remedy, as it will ooet them nothing, and may prove a blessing. . ' Parties wishing the proscription, mas), by return mail, please address Rev. EDWARD WILSON, Willlamsburgh, Kings Co , New York. Janunry 13, 18tift ly. GTA Yoono Ladt roturning to her country home aftor a sojourn of a few months in the City, was bard' ly recogniicd by her friends. In plnco of a ooarsei rustlo, flushed fuoo, sho had a soft ruby complexion of almost marblo smoothness, aud instead of twenty three she really appeared but eighteen. Upon in quiry as to the cause of so great n change, she plain ly told them she used the Ciri'iiMwiuu Itulm.nnrl considered it an invaluablo acquisition to any Lady's toilet, liyitsuso any Lady or Gentle man can iinprovo their personal ap cnrniioe an hun dred lold. It issiiuplo in ita combination, as Nature horself is simple, yet unsurpassed in its efficacy in drawing impurities from, also healing, cleansing and beautilying the skin aud complexion. By its direct action on thoculiclo it draws Ironi it oil its impuri ties, kindly healing the samo, and leaving the sur i'uco ns Nature intended it should bo, clear, soft, smooth and beautiful.' Price 91, rent by Mail or Express, on receipt of an order by W L. CLAUK A CO., ChcmiRts, No. 3 West Fuyotte Mt., Syracuse, N. Y. Tho only American Agents for the sale of tho sumo. February lti, lati7. ly 1Yonlt'ri"iil lnt True. Madame Reiiinqtun, the world-roturnod Astrolo gist and Somnambulistic Clnirvovnnt, while in a clairvoyant state, delineates tho very features of the person you aro to mnrry, and by the aid of nn instrument of intense power, knowu at tbo Psyuho mnlropo, guarantees to pro luoo a perfect and life like picture of tho fuluro husband or wife of the applicant, with dnto of marriage, occupation, lead ing traits of chancier, Ac This is no imposition, us testimonials without number can assert, lly stating place of birth, ago, disposition, color of ryes and hair, and enclosing fifty cents, and stamped envelope addressed to yourself, you will receive '.he picture by return mail, together with desired information. Iif-Address in confidence. Madame Gkiituudb RkMiNuro.v, P. O. Box 297, West Troy, N. Y. Consumption the result of a neglected cough, which, if treated with Cop: 8 Cot'uii Ualsam in sea "on, might be cured with very little trouble and ex pense. Tho proprietors do not claim that it will euro Consumption, but a ill greatly relievo any Cough. They huvo a ocrlilhalo from a gentleman whom physicians pronounced incurable with Con. sumption, stating Coe's Cuti!;li BuUam cured him. Dr. -Eii-it.-f Mantti-sitVe Isll. A faiiibxliliitc for Calomel. Thcso Tills aro composed of various roots, having the power to relax tho secretions of tho ivt as promptly and effectually as blue pill or mercury, and without producing any of those disagreeable or dangerous ciTecis which often follow the use of tho latter. In nil bilious disorders these Fills may he used with confidence, us they promote the discharge of vitiated bile, and remove thine obstructions from tho liver and biliary duets, which uro tho cause of bilious affections in general. SCIIKNCKS MANDRAKE PILLS cure sick headache, and all disorders of tbe Liver, indicated by sallow skin, coated tongue, costiveness, drowsi ness, and u general feeling of wcurincis and lassi tude, showing that the liver is in a torpid or cb- j tmictcd condition. In short, these Pills mny bo used with advantage j in ull cases when a purgative or alterative medicine : is required. Please a-k for ''Dr. Schenck's Mnudrnke Pills." and observe that the two likcucs?'cs of the Doctor are on the Government stamp ono when in tho lust stupe of Consumption, end the other iu his present health. Sold by all Dnirists mid dealers. Price. 25 cents por box. Principal Office, No. li North 0th 'Street, Philadelphia, Pa. Genorul Wholesale Agents : Demas Barnes A Co., 21 Park Row. New York ; S. S. llunco, ins Italti moroSt., Baltimore, Md. ; John D. Park, N K. cor. of Fourth and Walnut St.. Cincinnati, Ohio ; Walker A Taylor. J.'il and l.'t'j Wabash Avenue, Chicago, III.; Collins ISrethcrs southwest corner of 2d ui.d Vino Six., ht. Louis, Mo. Oct. 2d, lsotl. 4lhiith aVVco lu l.vorj lo!y. A Large 6 pp. Circular, giving information of the groatest importance to tho young of bjth sexes. It teaches how the homely may beooiuo beautiful, the despised respected, and the forsaken loved. No young ludy or gentleman should fail to send their address, and reccivo a copy, post paid, by re turn mail. Address P. O. Drawer, 21, Troy, N. Y. KcnifjDtal institute rOIl SPECIAL OASES, .o. It iSitiitl Mrcrt .ov Vws'K. Full information, with tho highest testimonials ! also a Book on pcciul Diseases, in a sealed envetopu sent froe. t-J"l!c sure and send for them, mid you will not regret it ; for, as advertising physicians are generally impostors, with relerencp.". no stranger should bo trusted. Kn'!o n stump for postage, aud direct to DR. LAWRENCE, No. '.4 Boud struct, New York. Nov. 17, 1303. ly Nlrnngr, but True. Every young lady and gentlemun in the United Stutes can hear something to their advantage by re turn mail, (free of charge,) by addressing tho under signed. Those having fears of being humbugged will oblige by not noticing this card. All others sill please address their obedient servant, THOS. P. CHAPMAN, 831 Broadway, New York. January 13.J8G6. ly The Rev. Gko.JStoiihs of Brooklyn, Now York says, in the Bible Examiner, by way of apology for publishing a medical certilicate in his Magazine, of the cure of his only son, of Scrofula, "after dissolu tion appeared inevitable" "We publish this state "meut, not for pay, but in gratitude ta God who ha "thus answered prayer, and in justice to Dr. Anders 'being satisfied thut there is virtue in the Iodine "Water treatment, which the readers of this Maga zine will thank iu Editor for bringing ta their no "tioo." - j Ciroulars free. Dr. II. Andrs' Iodine Water is for sale by J. P. DINSMOKE, Proprietor, 36 Doy St., N. Y. and by all Druggists, Feb. rjui Ike CouiVasiioiiM uiul BZiperieut'e OF AN INVALIO. Published for the benefit and as a caution to young men and others, whoeufler from Nervous Debility, Premature Decay of Manhood, Ac, supplying at the same tiino the means of self-cure, lly one who nils cured himself afUr undergoing considerable quack ery. By enclosing a post-paid addressed envelope, single copies, tree of charge may be had of tbe au thor. NATHANIEL MAYFAIR, Esq., Brooklyn, Kings Co, N. Y. January 27, 1866 ly. IK II! I It'll! IK II! SCRATCH! SCRATCH ! SCRATCH! WHEATON'S OINTMENT M ill Cure tUe lu ll In SH Ilourts. Also cures SALT RHEUM, ULCERS, CIIIL BLAIN3, and all ERUPTIONS OF 1US SKIN. Price 50 eeuts. For sale by the druggists. By send ing 80 oenta to WEEKS A POTTER, Sole Agents, 170 Washington street, Boston, it will be lor warded by mail, free of postage, to any part of the United States. Je 23 '6tS-y I'rror of Youth. A genttemwn who suffered fur years from Nerve us Debility, Premature Dcoay, and the effects of youth ful Indiscretion, will, or liie sake of suffering bu snanity, send free to all who need it, the recipe and directions for making the simple remedy Ly which be was cured. Sufferers wishing to profit by the ad vertiser's experience, can do to by addressing JOHN B. OGDEN, ; . ' ' Ko. IS, Chamber Bt, New Tork. January II, ",666. ly WIST.tK' It ,t I .MA 31 r UII.I iu:ititv. Thit remedy bat long been oborlshed by the com munity far its remarkable effuacy in relieving, heuling and ourlng tho most obstinate, painful and long-standing eases of Vough,ColJ,IJluenta,8ore Throat, Bronchitis. Whooping Cough, Ciiwpt Asthma, Inflammation of the Lungs , while even Consumption tleolf hat yielded to lls.inagio In flu. enee when all other meant have failed. Its whole history proves that the past has produoed no remedy of equal value, aa a euro for the numerous and dan gerous pulmonary affestions whioh prevail all ovor tho land. Innollrltcil Tr-Ktlmonr. From Andrew Archer, Est)., of Fuirfiold, Mo. "About eight years since, my son Henry A. Ar cher, now Postmaster at tairlield, Somerset County, Mu., was attacked with spitting of blood, oough, weakness of Luugs, and genornl debility, so much po that our family physician declared him to havo a "Skatbii Consi;mi'tion." Uowasuudor medical treatment lor a number of months, but received no benefit from It. At length, from tho solicitation of himself and others, I wa induced to purehaso nno boitle of WISTAR'd BALSAM OK WILD CUER R Y, which benefited him so much I obtained another bottle, which In a short tiino restorod him to bis usual state of heallh. I think I can safely recom mend this remedy to others in like condition, for it is, I think, all It purports to bo tho great Lung Re medy for tho Times ! The nbovo statement, gentlemen, is my voluntary offering to you. in favor of your Balsum, and is at your disposal.' Prepared by SETII W. FOWLE A SON. lSTro mcnt St., Boston, and for sulo by Druggist generally. A Cough, A Cold or Sore Throat, Requires immebiatb attention, AM) MlOUl.n BE CIIU-KKIl. If ALLOWED TO CONTINUE, Irritation of t!i B.iiiik IVi-iiKirtont '1'lii-oiit IMx-Uht-, or Coil Ktiraiilion IS OFTEN THE RESULT. It 15 O W N H 1 EC O . V II 1 A I- T BI O C EI K UAVlNa A DinECT INFLUENCE TO TUB PAMTS, GIVE IMMEDIATE RIILIEF. Fcr'Bronchitis, Asthma, Catarrh, Connump- tlvo and Throat Disoases, Troches nro used with always good success. SINGERS AND PUBLIC SPEAKERS will find Trnrhrs useful In clearing Hie voice when taken heforo Mnging or SpouBbg, and relieving the throat after an unusual exertion ot tiie vocal organs. The Troches nro recommended nnd prescribed by Physicians, aud havo had testimonials from eminent men throughout tbo country. Being nn articlo of truo merit, and having proved ineir euicaey oy a icsi of many years, each year finds Iheni in new locali ties ill various parts of tho world, and tho Troches are universally pronounced ociier man ouier ur tides. Obtain onlv "Brown's P.noNrniAL TnncnES." and do not take any of the Worthless Imitations that may to offered Mold Kcrywhcro. November 21, lhuli. Cm Kiuow Thy B'tinj. Maoasik E. F. Titou.vroN, tho great EnlUi As trolngitt, Clairvoyant nnd l'sychouietricinn, who has astouiidicd tho scientific classes of tho Old World, hns now located herself ut Hudson, N. V. Jladauio Thornton poscssos such wonderful powers of second sight, as to enable her to impart knowledge nf the greutci! importance to tho sin:;lo or married of either sex. While in a stato of trunco, she delineates the very features of the person yu aro to marry, and by the aid of an instrument of iutetiso power, known n5 the l'.iychuinotrnpe, gunrr.intces to produce a life like picturu of tho future liuband or wil'e of Iho applicant, together with date of marriage, position in lite, lending traits of character. Ac. This is no liiuubu'. lis thousand nf testiinoniuls can assert. She wilt scud, when desired, a certified ceriifi.'ute, or written guarantee, that the picture is what it pur ports to be. By enclosing a small lm'k of hair, and slitting place of bir'.h, age, disposition nnd coui plcxiou, and enclosing fitly cents and stamped en velope addressed to yourself, you will reccivo the picture and desired iiilorinntioti"hy return mail All communication sacredly eoi.lidenliiil. Address iu confidence, .MaiiasieE. 1'. Tuoiinton, P.O.Box 223, Hudson, N. Y. feb 16- 07. ly. T H E W ORL1) AS T O N I S II II D at Tin: voNDi:niais i;kvklationh madk uy Tin: uKUAT Ayntoi.ouisr, iUaduiuc E3. A. aaZ,tti:fiC0. She rcveulsBecreti nn m rtiil ever knew She r-urs to iKipimii'r lln ey win, Irtini (iuiciul events, cut;iKUiii'lit, criiKoi'D) in luve, l 'Bt nl rrUiuuib mn it iriitlfc, loss ui money, ic , have bei'mnr ilcsjiniitifht. b.ic biinu ti.'lhf( tlne I 'ti! ft;tr;iieti. givcmiiloiiiMiidii ciTcermni; at'Neiit tnt'iit'ii tic livcr.t,rt!tiiiulial or otok-n rt pT ty. tejliu yvu iheluti iiosk wuure tarsi '.i'iiilieti ut .uitnie uutl ut wliai iu will lit lll'itfl BUCCt'ijsflUI, L'ltlltfsl fcpriil) MllimUCB Uiul ti:lnj ) t U tit very day you u ill marry, gtvc ) u Hie .lUiiir. LUt-ams and ehaiuiMei uticn nl the pencil. Niu rendu your vuty tlnnjiilit, uiul by liei aUnuat miperntitunil towuii unveil Hit Uhik una liaideii inysieiicS l tUe luture. Kit -in I lie niais in the Itruruueiit lite uuilciie tUurti ihut over come ur pred anmijie ht the cmiliuiunnn--tnm tiie acpuctB uml puhiuniis if the pluneis una the lixrd ktara in the lieavenn at (ht lime nl' birth, the ih-duL-eii the intuie dcfeiii.y ufniaii. I'uii iiit Ut consult the gicilct Aitiriii gikt un t-it ill. It (Mats you but u in tie, and you may uevrr URtiiu iiiiv so luvorahle un opportunity. CoiiFiiUuti- n tee, Willi likenrm a tul Ml (Ickiied ititoriicillui,, l r.iriiea living ut a dial tuce can imih.ii It the Alutlame by mill Willi eIu:itfiMtiy unit satiflactton to Un-iiiM-lves, mt it' in peis.tii. A full ai.d explicit chart, wnitm mil, with all impnrit-a utuwrteJ and lifitaifa eiirloat-J, Bent by mini on iec-ipt of price h(j ve nifiiiiont.'d, Tiie atnetebt aiciesy will be maintained, und all conexpontlein e returned or Crtiovet. lie ereiiffsni the Inhebt ordt r furmalicd thoke delimit; thf-in. Write plainly the day ti tti iiinth yuai 1.1 whu'M v-u were burn, encl"imr mull luck of I air. Adiir'esi, MahaMs II. A. IM.kKU.O. 1. O. UltAWt-R -J.J, ULVfALO, N V. Febru tiv 10, IUT. ly Thete nmielh ijtacl talingK u( joy b a!l, To youii and l old, to ureal and to tmall ; Tiie l.iuiy wlnclt oneu was go precious und tare, la nee for alt, und ull may le lan. stiy tlkAi ' t CHASTELLAIt'S VSITE LIQUID Ftir linpiovinii and Ueauiifying tiie Oomplrxion The mott vuUahle und pt it'uct prepuiatiou m use, fur giving the skill a lieauiiiul peaii-nWe tint, that is mdy ftiuud in youilt. It tpiu-kly reumves Tan, I'tcckks. l'mi plea, lilulches, Mtu I'dieiiea, SuiIjwiil-m, lruplioiis. and KlV impurities of tho sknt, kindly healing the same Icavmy the Uin while and flt-ar ua iiUiiuter. Its use ran not be detectfd by tue claeil acrutiny, dial bciiijf a vegetable prr panitmu is perfectly hurmlesa. It is Ihn only ailicle of the kind used by the French, and is considered by th l'a risiun as mdiaiM'iiKible hi a peifect l ua-t. (ipwaitls (if 3U,0nu Utilllra wore sold duiin the iiH yeur, a suUicifnt puarEiitt-eof iis tilicuiy. Hnee only 75 cents but by UiuiK poat-pt'id. ou rweipt n an older, by a i: it u i-: h , ih l' r rsco.,c hem i us, It-Kivcr fit, Tiny, N. V Fehrunty 16, 1867 ly Eeparator Capilli. Tarow awn)' your false fuzzes, your switches, your wig Besuuetiveof coiulori, and nH vvorili a fiji; Come aged, collie youtlifut, come uglyaii'l fun, And rejoice in your own luxuiiant tia.r licparalor ('ai' illl, For restoriafi hair upon hutj heads (from whatever cause it inn) have luiieu out) and loichiK a growth 'if tiuir ujiou Hie I'aee, it ns no equal. It will force tle tteunt to prow uoun the siuotillieht laee ill from live to eilit weeks, or hall Uhiii luld heuds ill from Iw.i to three months. A lew Ignorant irai'tiliouers have asserted there' is liolluiir tiiut will force or hasten the growth of the lutir of lurd. Tilcir asserlloiia are fulse, as thousands of living witnes ses (lioiii their own excellence) can hear witness But tnuiiy will say. how aie we to dixiiiiguisli the genuine fritiii llie kpunoust It certainly IS diUiuult, as nlue-teiillia of the dillcrent PreMiautaia sdvefliacS tor Itie bair and beard are entirely worthless, and you may have already thrown away (urge amounts in their purchase. To such we would say, tiy tbe ttniwrator Ca;uoili; it will cost you uothiug uulens ll Volt)' comes up to our representation. If youi lliuseist does ift keep it, send us one dollar sod we willforwaid it, postpaid, together with a receipt for the inouey which will t- returned you on application, piovi dlug eutlie satislucliou is no! given. Address, W, L. CLAltK Ac CO., Chemists, No 3 West Payette Street, 8 hacks., N. Y. Februaiyia, l!7. ly ' , lIOKOL'II Ai uri'. To the liuryw and Council of the Uurowjh of Sunbury, Utate oj Pennsyhania : Tiie underisigDt'U Committee on Fitiaucts, rcspectlully report, 111 at lliey uuJited the uo count if tho Horough of SuuUury with liun jainiu Hendricks, Treasurer, from JIurih 27th, 1803, to January Ulst, 18U7. And tho account of Georgo Weioer, Collector lor the year 1804 rul 18(13. Also the accounts of John Diemer, Collector for 1S03, am) that of Solomon Hiindel, Collector tor 1859 and 1800, and nod a followt : A balance in the huuds of Benjumin Hen dricks as r receipt and clikbur&ementi, amounting to the sum of fourteen dollars and tHenty thrce cents, (U.S3 ) A tmlnocuin fjivor Jof George Wbiscr aa per receipts and disbursements for tbe ycnri 1804 and 1809, amounting to tliosnm oi' two htinilred nnd twenty five, dollars and twenty- seven cents (f 233.27.) A balance in tbo liunda of John Dicmer amounting to una liuudrud nnd fifty two dollars and ninety-nine cents (f 152.SJD.) A balance duo tho liorougli from Solomon Shindel amounting to six hundred and nine-ty-toven dollars and twenty. eight and ono half cents, ($G'J7.2Hi.) IJenjiimin Hendricks, Treasurer, of tho Borough of StmUiry in account with the same from March 27th, 1803 to January 81st, 18C7, inclusive. mi. Mny 11, '65, To cash rco'd. from .Tohn W. Biicher. former Treasurer (in full) $1107 Hi Mny 0, '65, Toca'h reo'd. of John Dio- mor, Collector. SA9 62 ii 2(1, " " ' " 3li4 0U Junc2rt," " " " l-'ti (10 March II, 'M. ' " " " 100 00 April 14, '65, To cash reo'd. from Geo. Weiior Collector, 307 00 4110 00 400 00 401 43 130 ) 148 M S0o7 33 3125 OA 1SS1 06 2.i! 83 2176 84 72'J 75 201 72 6115 50 June 21, '63. July 29, 'OS. u ii Sept. 12, '65. Oct. 2, '05. Nov. 23, Feb. 17, '60. -May 2, '66. July fi, 'fill. Oct. 13, '66. 1070 70 148 50 752 42 14.10 58 8(1(1 (10 03 77 TO no (0 Oil 50 00 Dec. 22, '00. " " " It l 14 II Jan. 14, '67. " " " it it it April 23, '66. To cash reo'd of Jnmm Boyd Wharf Rents. 1MII5, " 6, '06. To cash roe'd Grant A Uro. Jan. SO, '07. " J. Huns it Co. " Geo. Ilright. Overseer of Poor, 1865, 70 00 $23,919 33 Ey on.h paid on Toor Orders " " on Horough and Road Orders ' " on Doiintv Ry Peroentnge on S23430 37 Balance due liorough, $1723 89 0R17 15 11. WIS 33 4'i8 72 14 24-523,919 33 Goorgo Wciser. Collector of fluroiich, Road, Tour nnd Bounty tuxes for 18(15. DU. To balance dtio Borough on Bounty, Ro- rough, Road nnd Poor taxes tor 18(1 1. $135 19 Toauiountof Duplicate, Bounty. Borough, Road and Poor tuxes fur 1865. 18,696 SO fI8,b31 im CR. Sept. 12, '05. Ey cash pd. Treas'r iluudricks, (i.i7 31 3 1 2d 0.1 " l'Jit 8'i 23S4 R.'t 24711 84 " 7'.'a 7i 2ol 72 " U0 (II) Oct. 20. -6S. Nov. 22, '6b. " " Feb. 17, "6(1. " May 2. 'tifl. " Jul'v 5. ' " " Oct". 13. " " dan. 1 1, 'C7. " " lly F.xouerutiou Uy Peicsntao on $15.3(19 61 (ut 5 per cent) 3127 13 TriS 51 Jl'J,0i7 25 Amount overpaid by Collector 22S 27 ?l9.0i7 2d Oeorno Weiscr, Collector of Horough, Road, liounty und l'oi.r taxes for tho year IbO-l, in account Willi Uorougb of Sunbury. DR. To uneollceted Doiintv Tax as per ra- port of Auditors filed May 4. 'fi.'i. ?3(i3 49 To ciij-Ii in Collector" hr.nd.s oi' Itounty a.' per report of Auditors of lsii , 217 7tl To UDcolleoled lloro. iload tuid l'oor taxes as piir stated report, 3SI 77 To cnh in Collect's bands of liorougli. Road aud Poor taxes as per ab. rep't, II fi 17 Total, 51073 U'J CM. Jan. 24, 'CI. Uv ca.h pd. Treas'r Jfcndricks, S1O0 00 July 23, '65. " i;:o CO ' 41 lly Exonerations on liounty, 372 19 l'v Pernentii'ie on $S0? 07 (at 2 (5. ct.) 10 13 Juno 24. 'Ci. lly eash pd Treas'r Jleudrieks. 401 l.t Julv 2!i,'Gj 1-JS 39 lly Exonerations on Borough, Road timl l'oor taxes, Ry l'ereciitngo on $117 it) (at i per cents.) Ealuueo duo Rorouli SO 24 22 37 i;is 19 $1,67S 9.j John Diemer, Collector of Borough, Road nnd l'oor Taxes l'ir the year 1SU8, in ac count with the Borough of Sunbury. DR. To nmottiit of uncollected tax as per report of Auditors filed May 4, lSlij, $1030 74 To amount in hand of Collector ns per stilted report and neglected to be charged in report of Audi tor's for '01, 1C9 34 Total, CR. Match 0, 'C.", By cash pd Treas'r Hendricks Mny 0, 'G5. " 15:01) 03 100 Oi) una a-i 'Ml 00 135 00 Juno 2li, 'C5 " . " By Exonerations S3 71 By iereeutn,'e on Jf 1 ,117 1)7 ut 3 per cent.) n.'i 8(1 Baluuce duo Borough, 13J 1'0-$1200 OS Solomon Shindel, Collector of Borouph, Road und l'oor Taxes for the yenrs lrJoU and lcOO, in account with U.u Borough of Sunbury. DR. To anioutit due on Duplicate of 18"i9, ns per report of Auditors of Feb. 14, 02. To amount duo on Duplicate, of 1800, ns per stated report Total, fb04 0(1 J CR. March SO, 02, Bv cash pd Treas'r 1'. V. Univ. f 107 SI By Percentage on $1U7 31 "(at 5 per celit) 0 87 Balance duo Borouyh CU7 2SJ $004 CCJ Your Auditors have carefully examined the reports of former Auditors and the min utes ot Council, und find nothing further in relation to the account of Solomon Shindel, with tho Boroiioli, than the above. The, payment of $107 51, wus mado Murch 20, 18ii'i, us will bu seeu ly report of Auditors (Messrs. (Jrecuough, I'lfiisuiils aud Bourne,) dated June 8, ISOil, Council Minutes, page 40. David lluupt and Benjamin Zettlemoycr, Overseen" of the 7'oor for 1G2, in ue ouut with the Borougii of Runbury. DR. To balance in hands of David llaupt as per report of Auditors tiled Juno 8, 18051, $53 82 To uncollected tax as per stated report 410 10 Total, t4Gl! 51 Un the above amount (f 109 31) said Over seers are entitled to u credit of percentage, Exonerations and Compensations for services. Statement of outstanding and unpuid Orders against tho Borough of Suubury. Poor Orders. $107 50 Borough aud ltoad Orders 5443 88 Total, - (3549 t8 The accouut or statement of indebtedness of Borough upon Bonds issued to Volunteers accredited to the Borough, and Monies paid to recruits by Committees authorized to that cud, ia not, as will le observed, contained in this report, but will receive the immedi ate attention of your Committee. All of w hich is respectfully submitted. A.N. BRICE, ) J. WEISER BUCIIER, Aud'rs. LLOYD T KOI1RBAUI, ) $010 54 002 15J PSEUVIAN G?AH0 SUBSTITUTE I rsAucar BONE ; . 8 UP J5 U P II O S P II A T E OF LIME. DAUOH Ss BCXNB, ' Bolo Munufuoturers A, Proprietors, UliLAWAllK RIVEIl CHEMICAL WOItKiH, I'lIILADELl'IIIA, U. 8. A. Pur Wheat, live, Hurley, Corn, Outs, Po tatoes, Tobacco, Buckwheat, Sorgliuin, Tur nips, IIiip, tlnrdcu Vegeuhies, aud every Crop Hnd 1'lutit. Kspeeioily recommended to the growers of 6TitA ni:itrtii:s, UAiri:itKii:s, blackdeh- KlliS, AND ALL SMALL Fit CITS. More than 13 years of regular use upon all description of Crops grown lu the Minute and tiulliern Stutes. Ima given a tiic.h dtgrer o! popntiuity to this MANl'RK, whieli pluees its application now, entirely utyoud a mors eiteriiiieiii. UAIGUS'3 RAW !!iiiltot-iiosilialc ol" Lime, Is eniinentlv a success asa Siilulilnte for Peruvisa Uuann ami r'mlile Mmiuie and is olb red to the Aaneulliintt of Hie No'theln nn I Knslera (tales lis a lerlililer that will cheaply rrstore to the Soil, those esseut lals widen httva been diauied from it by constant cropping and light manu ries. IT is very prompt in its action is lasting ill eflVrt to a degree uiiattiiilicit It,' any coinini-icittl milium- ill lh llmrkel and is ulloriled at a much lets cost than lioughl Stable Ala mire, or Peruvian tittiiiin i'lie lihor involved in its use is far less l hun Unit of applying stable manure, whim theta Is no rik lrom the iutroiiuelion of noxious weeds. tV fanners are recommended t.i puiehnse of the denier located in their MciEjih'Thood. Ill teetions where no dea ler is yet tttaUtikllril.lhe Phosphate mny be procured direct, ly froiii Uieiiudstsijjoed,. A i'liced Cileulur will be sent to all who npplv. Our NKWVAMPIII.KT, "Howto Maintain the Fer. tilltvof Ameriemi Knrtiia." PO Kices. eivins I'lltl iiiloflns- Uoil ill regard lo the use of inimuie Ac , will be funiiahbd grutls ou application. UALGII fc SOXS, OrJ'ce Yt. 2D .S. IMmrare Avenue, PilllDKt.PlllA. BAUGH UnOTnERS & CO, General Wholesale Agents, Ko. 181 Pearl .St., corner ol Cedar. NEW YORK. GEORGB DUG DALE, Wholesale) A'ent for Maryland & Xiramid, No. 105 Smith s Wharf, BALTIMORE. JID. Sold by SMITH A OENTIIEIl, Sunbury. July 2, liio. ly H0 0KSr"STAT10NERY uiul VARIETIES, Always on hand a large aiul complete stock of ALBUMS, Juvenile, blank, School, Ilvinu and Prayer BOOKS. Aoto, E.cticr, H 1 mitl t'sip Paper, GOLD PL'XS AND UOI.DLlt.S. Pens, Inks, Pencils, Port-Folios, Pictures, Ticturo Frames, Musical Instruments. iStrings, Music, Lamps, Shades, Globes, tie. Soaps, Chains. Sleds, Canes, Games, llruhes, Port- luomues, and Fancy Articles of all kinds. Wall liiir, IIorIT nsisl Viulor h!aal-i. Agent Tor ' La Hose's Hair Hestorative," red 'Fnamcl of America." Xlrnfls 011 Duropo and Tickets for Etearn Vessels. QUICK BALLS AXD SMALL PltOFITS the uiotto lit I.IGIITNKR S IJookSlorc nnd News Depot, Feb. 2, 1SC7. Market Square, Sunbury, Pa. BOOTS, SHOES AND TE.UNKS 11. . nn arccEssonTo vr . W . A P S L E Y . IN addition to our large stock, already nti hand, wo are now receiving a full supply of Fall aud Win ter goods for Ludieb, Gentlemen, Misses and Chil dren's wear. Also a giufl assortment of Trunks. A largo lot of K. II. lini?i, Gents' lino leather iSalohelj. Vo wish it distinctly understood that wo intend selling our goods at small profits, exclusively for tbo cash. Don't forget tbo pluoe. Apsley's old stand, in tbo well-known house of Mrs. iiuulion, Market street, Sunbury. Pa. NOTICE Coots and Mioes neatly repaired at short noti.-e. If any bought of us should rip thoy Minn Lo tixcd tor notuing. II. U. TIIACIIER. Sunbury. Dec. 8, 18fiil. tf. Well oCl'oi-'i'it Atlucltitieul. J. L. Master, ) vs. SNo. 29, March Term, 1507. Joseph 8. Silver jr. ) NOllTUl'MUEHLAND COl'XTV, SS. . , TO THB SltKIllFI or said Cocstr, I I.. M. J : Wo command you, that you attach Joseph S. Sil ver, jr., late ot' your County by all and sinulur. his floods und chatties, moneys, ri'ht, credit and effects, auds and tenements of the defendants, in tbo hands aud possession of any person or pervoiis whatsoever, tho same mny bu, so that ho bo and appear beforo our Court of Common Pleas, to be bold on at Sunbury in and for suid County, on the seeroid Monday of March next, there lo answer J. B. Massor, in a plou, ot debt in one huudrcd aud eleven dollars aud sixty oenta. Aud also that you summon any person or persons whatsoever, in whose bauds or possession said goods, chatties, ,to., may be, and also suuiuiou said person or any suid peisous, or otbur persons whatsoever, as Garnishees, that they be ana appear beforo court on tbo second Monday of March next to answer a bat shall be objected agaiiist and abide tho Judgment of tho Court therein, und have you then their Ibis writ. , WITNES the Hon. Alkxakdeu Fifty cents Hevenuo Stamp. Johdan, President Judge of our sai l Court at Sunbury, thia loth day ut Jauuary, A. D. Isu7. JOUX J. r.EIMEXSN'TDER, Proth'r. Prolhonolary s Office,. I Sunbury, Jan. 2d, lbu7 G .IIAVITA MAUKR. Mrs. A. TWEED, Market street, 3 doors East of the Kew Bunk Build lug.SlXCUUV, PA. r ESVECTFC1.LY informs hor friends and tho public that she has again opened a shop, u .Market streol. Sunbury, where iho is prepmed lo muko to order Ladic' Dreses, in an entire new style, Ladies' Cloaks, ha. Also Gentlemen's shirts. Orders respectfully solicited. Sunbury, Jan. lt, Iid7. ly IX tbo liorough of Sunbury, desirably situated, in tiigb and central loeatious, 1'OU tV.I.I', ou such eur tern s as will cnablo persons, with a limited amount uf available money, to purchase houius. l'ursous having Miuerul or 'I'lnibrr l4iad, Faruig, Dwellings, or other Ueul Estate, for sulo or lease, as well as those dusiriug to purchase or rent, aro invited U euusult tho subscriber. Hit connec tion with reliable firms in New Yolk, Philadelphia, aud eloewbere, afford unusul advaniagri. CoaveyauoiiiK ooiroollv ard neatly executed JXO. KAV CLEMENT, Atloruey at Law. Third door west of Smith ft G ember iov .Stoie, Sunbury, Pa Sunbury, Deo. 8, IHafl. tf. Kroid fsvsv.3Tax:0 milK STOCK aud FIXTl KE.S of an estsbh.hed X Cunieeiionery, with ait Oyster deparimcut, and good run of eustoiu. Apply sooa to rr. JXO. C. MILLER, Jan. 13, 17. fcuubury, -A-