H. M. MASBEK, Editor Fropriilor. MI AIIt UV. IM, SATURDAY, FEDHUAKY 23, 1807. 137" Sunday Schools, now so numerous, throughout the civilized world, arc, com parativoiy, of recent origin. The first Sun day School wm established In 1701, at Gloucester, England, by Mr. Rtiikea, an editor or a newspaper at that place. The wretched condition of tome children whom lie saw playing the streets, on Sunday, In duced ur.n to make the experiment. lie tbereford' engaged the services of several woman who taught school during the week to receive, and instruct such children as hu should send them, in reading and in the Catechism, lor which he paid them one shilling (22 cts.) per day. 31r. Iluikcs ex periment proved a great success. Ic 1780, five years alter, 250,000 children were receiv ing instruction in Sunday School, in Eng land. At the present time they are num bered by millions. These Schools at first, were taught by hired teachers. It in a singu lar fsct, that Sunday schools were not intro duced iuto this country until thirty years after their general introduction in England. If we have been fast in adopting the vices of our truiis-Atlantic brethren, we have been slow in following their example, in this great moral and religious enterprise. The first Sunday School was opened in New York in 1816. The introduction of Sunday Schools in this pluco, a few years after, must be well remembered by a number of our citizens. !2Countv Finances. No county in the Stute is financially in a belter condition than our own. Notwithstanding the heavy expenditure in erecting the finest Court II uso in Northern Pennsylvania, just com pleted at a cost of over $ 100,000, the county is in debt, only, about $18,000. which will be wiped out the present year, from the re ceipts of the six mills tax. The debt of Dauphin county is wo believe about $300, 000 and that of Schuylkill is also very lurge. Our people may congratulate themselves on the administration of our county affairs. CSPSunday Fuseuai.s. It is said one of the clergy in Lewisburg has been preach ing against Sunday funerals. Why not ? He is no doubt ambitious to make his mark. And if he cannot, like Luther, the great lie. former, rise to the pinnacle of fame, Le can at least raise his foot to the lowermost rung of the ladder, and take position with the re nowncd clerical reformers in Philadelphia, who have discovered that to ride on Sun day, in a street car, the poor man's carriage, is an abomination in the sight of the Lord whilst the rich mau(evcn if a clergy iuan,)who can afford to ride iu a carriage with a span of horses, is guiltless, in the eyes of his di. vine master. Middle Cheek Kail Koao. Tho Presi dent of this road, Abner Thompson, Esq., lias been in town this week, and it is now a fixed fact, that if $100,000 of stock sub. sciiption is obtained here and in the Sbarao kiu region, Suuhtry will become the Unnlnut cf thin important lload. This can certainly be accomplished if every person, whether man or woman, Democrat or Republican, real estate owner, or engaged in whatever profession or business, will "walk up to the Captain's (E. Y. Cright's) office," and sub. scribe to the extent of his ability. Middle Creek Rail Road. If the east ern terminus of this Road is secured to Sun bury, the Lackawana Bloomslurg Railroad vill alio terminate here, making this the focus of five Rail Roads. Let all iuterested in ac complishing this important result, and in making Sunbury something moro than a one hone town, call at once at E. Y. Bright's office and subscribe to the stock. Mr. Nhrr-inan'a Auieudment to the IteroMBtriu'tlon lllll of Jlr. The following It Mr. Shcrmnn't amend ment to tho Military Reconstruction bill as passed by tho Senate on th 17th lost : j Whereas,' no legal State government! or adequate protection for life or property now exist in tho rebel States of Virginia, North Carolina, South Carolina, Georgia, Alabama. Louisiana, Florida, Texas and Arkansas; and Whereas, it is necessary thtjt.peuoo and good order should be enforced in said States, until loyal and republican State governments can be legally established. Therefore, Be it enacted, That the said rebel States shall be divided into military districts and mtido subject to the military autlionty oi the United States, as hereinafter prescribed, and for that purpose Virgiuia shall consti- tute tlio first district, JNorlli Carolina aim South Carolina the second district, Georgia, Alabama and Florida the third district, Mis sissippi ami Arkansas the fourth district, ana Louisiana and Texas tnu umi district. Section 2. That it shall be tho duty of the President to assign to the command of each of said districts an oflicer of the army not below the rank of brigadier general, and to detail a sufficient military force to enable such officer to perform his duties and enforce his authority within the district to which he is assigned. Section 3. That it shall be tho duty of each officer assigned as aforesaid to protect nil persons in their rights of person and pro perty j to suppress insurrection, disorder and violence, and to punish, or cause to be pun ished all disturbers of the public peace aud criminals ; and to that end he may allow local nnd civil tribunals to take jurisdiction ot and try olleuuers ; or when, in his judg ment, it limy be necessary for tho trial of offenders, hu shall have poxvpr to organize military commissions or tribunals for that purpose ; and all interference, under color of State authority, with the exercise of military authority under this act shall be null and void. Section 4. Thot nil persons nut under military an est by virtue of this act shall be tried without unnecessary delay, and no cruel or unusual puuishinent shall be inflicted; and no sentence of any military commission or tribunal hereby authorized, atlecting the lifo or liberty of any person, shall be execu ted until it is approved by tho officer in command of the district ; and the laws and regulations for the government of the army shall not be affected by this act, except iu so far as they may conllict with its provisions. Section 5. That when tho people of any one of the said rebel States shall have formed a constitution for their government in con formity with the Constitution of the United States in all resnccts. framed by a convention of delegutes elected by the male citizens of said State twenty-one years old and upwards, of whatever ruce, color or previous condition, who liuve been resident in said State lor one veur urcvious to the day of such election, except such as may be disfranchised for participation in the rebellion or for felony ut common law : and when such constitution shall provide that the elective franchise shall be enioved bv all such persons as have the qualifications herein stated for electors of delegates, unci when such constitution shall bo ratified by a minority ot the persons vot ing on the question of ratification who nro Qualified as electors for delegates, and when such constitution shall have been submitted to Congress for examination and approval, and Congress shall have approved the same, aud when said State, by a vole of its Legis lature, elected under said constitution, shall have nooplcd the amendment to the Const! tutiou of the United Stutes, proposed by the Thirty-ninth Congress, and known as article 14, and when said article shall have become a part of the Constitution of the United States, said State shall be declared entitled to representation in Congress, aud Senators and Representatives shall be admitted there from on their taking the oath prescribed by law; and then and thereafter tho preceding section of this act shall bo imperative iu said State. The Middle Ciieek. Rail Road, if ter minated nt Sunbury will connect with the bhamokui and Lehigh V alley Rail Roads, opening a new and improved short line to JNew ork. subscription book at J. i Bright's Office. (Jo and tulacribe. 14M UlttHtt. Senate. Tho Senate, on Thursday took hp tut bill: to purcutso League Island ft a naval station, mid alter some discussion it was '"piiBRtd by vote of jeas 87, nayt 17. The Louisiana reconstruction bill then came up, and after some debate was laid over un til to dnv. i The bill to nrotidt for the moro efficient government of the Southern Stater was then taken up and read a second time. On motion of Mr. Sherman the bill to provide for the payment of compound interest notes was nailed urn and that gentleman offered ta amendment providing that the amount of temporary certificates at any time ouistami Inn shall not exceed $100,000,000, which was agreed to, and tne uiu pbrscu. j no out to incorporate the Niagara Ship Cannl Com- j pany w bs then taken up, and pending its 1 consideration, the Senate took a recess uutil 7 P.M. House, The IIouso on Thursday insisted upon its amendments to the bill regulating the tenure of office disagreed to by the Sonate which required tho assent of the Senate to tho removal as well as the appoint ment of Cabinet officers, and ordered a Com mittee of Conference. The bill to reimburse the loyal States for troops furnished during tho war was then taken up, and after an auimated debate it was referred to the Com mittco on Ways and Means. The bill to provide for organizing, ai ming and disci plining tho militia of the United Stales then came up in order, aud several amendments were offered and agreed to, when tho morn ins hour exuired. and the llouso resumed tho consideration of the internal revenue bill, and a lively debate in regard to tho tux on distilleries was indulged in uy several mem bers, when at 4J o'clock tho House adjourn ed until 71 P. M. Feu. 10th Senate. In the Senato yes terdav the first bill taken up was to facili tate the payment of claims of loyal citizens lor quartermaster s stores nna suusisieiice sunulics furnished the army j but the Sen ate was not disposed to consider it, ana it went over.- The Dili to prevent smuggling was Massed. The Senate passed the bill to reissue to Over, Anson & Co., merchants of New York, f 00,000 compound interest notes, lost on the steamer Great Itepublic. Mr. Sumner presented a petition Irom citizens of Winchester. Va.. askinir for a territorial government for that State. Mr. Williams then moved to taKe up the mil 10 proviue a more efficient government for the Southern States, which was ngreed to, and tue mea sure was discussed at length. Several amendments were offered to the bill but they were not acted upon up to tho hour of taking a recess. Hol'sk. 1 ho Committee on Claims re ported favorably upon tho bill to pay Jo seph II. J. Ruttcr, of Baltimore, $.300 for se cret service rendered the Government in 1801. nnd unfavorably upon the petition ot George W. Graves and George Creamer, also of Baltimore. Tho bill to equttlizo tho bounties of soldiers was theu taken up, aud after considerable discusssion it was passed. The bill provides for a bounty of $100 per annum to each soldier lor tho time for which he served, and deducts the amouut of bounty which soldiers have heretofore re ceived tioin States or from voluntary asso ciations. The House then took up the Sen ate's amendments to the internal revenue bill, aud pending cousideration thereon, took a recess until 71 P. M. Feu. 18th Senate. Tho Senate insisted on its amendments to tue oaiiKrupt imi, which were disagreed to by the House. The Committee on Claims reported adverse ly on several oills to relieve disbursing otn cers who had lost their vouchers for Gov ernment money expended by them. The bill for the allotment of the members of the Supreme Court among tho circuits, and for tho apointment of a Marshal fur the Su preme Court, was passed, ar.d now goes to the House. Mr. Harris introduced a bill ullowing duties on foreign merchandise im ported iuto the port of Albany to be secured and paid at that place. The bill declares said city to bo a port of delivery, and au- tuoiizcs mo appointment oi u, puiujui vi customs. &c. The bill was referred to the The Senate then KsT"Mu. Peabody's Last and Giieatest Gift. Georgo lVabody has addressed a let ter to Robert C. Winthrop, Hamilton Fish Bishop M'llwaino, General Grant and others' tendering as a gift the sum of one million of dollars, to be held in trust, and the interest thereof applied for the promotion of intellec- ti.nl ... ...... 1 !J - . . . iuoi, mum. or luuustriui education amonc the young of the more destitute portions of me southwestern States, without other dis tinction thau their needs aud opportunities of usefulness. He also gives permission to uso from tho principal within tho next two years not exceediug forty per cent. He also gives Planters' Buuk bonds of the State of idississippi, amounting, with interest, to $1,100,000 on which no interest has been paid since 1840, but tho validity of which was never questioned. vxr u. uives i'oiiard writes from a sick ueu mat ne is determined to carry out his project of establishing his proposed uncon ditinntll liunninn .1 .. u.uu.u utnpupur, mo Southern I'pvmn. air. Follard is a leading editor anci politician in Virginia, and a fair spot, men or a large class in the South, who in uenri are as disloyal and rebellious as they were uuring me war. JIow could loyal Union men live under a government in the hands of such rebels, without tho strong arm or tne military to proteet them t Yet oma well meaning democrats are willing to surrender the government of the States into the hands of these openly avowed and unrepentant traitors. IIocsb. In the House on Monday, Mr.Lllot, introduced a bill to establish civil govern ment in the State of Louisiana. This it a very important measure, and It it designed by its supporters to cover the whole question of reconstruction of the Southern States.. The provisiont of the bill are very radical in their character, and at we cannot embrace in this brici summary even tho main points of the measure. - Senate. In the Senate on Wednesday, Mr. Poland asked leave to offer a resolution that the Committee on the .Judiciary be in ttructed to inauiro into the expediency of to amending the Constitution as. first, to restrict the otllce ot president to one term, and ex tend tho term to six years; second, to abolish the i offloo of Vico President j and third, to provide for the election; of the President directly by the people, without the interven tion ot electoral colleges ; tho resolution was luid over. Mr, Wilsou reported, wiiu amendments, the bill to provide for the tem porary increase in tho pay of officers of the army and other purposes. The bill provides lor an increase ot Bdj per cent, to uii oiuccrs below the rank of Major General on their pay for two years from July 1, 18C7 ; strikes the word white from all militia laws; au thorizes the Secretary of War to sell the Government property at Harper's Ferry; prevents the whipping or maiming of any persons convicted of crime in the Southern States, and abolishes the system of peonage in New Mexico. This bill was also laid over. Mr. Wilson introduced a joint resolution to facilitate the settlement ot claims for Quar termaster's stores and subsistence supplies furnished by loyal persons to the armies of tho United Stutes during the lute rebellion. It provides for a commission, consisting of army officers, for each ol tho Southern States, tho commission for Maryland and West Vir L'iuia to consist of Gen. Francis Fessenden, Lieut. Col. Jus. A. Ekin, Lieut. Col. Charles II. Tompkins, and Mai. Gen. Jas. S. Neglcy, The payment of any claim is prohibited until Congress shall have authorized it, and all claims must be presented within six mouths, aud the claimant must establish his loyalty to the Government during the war. Without action the bill weut over. The bankrupt bill was then taken up, and alter n short but rather sharp passage at arms be tween Messrs. Sumner, Dixon and other Sen ators, tho bill was passed by ayes 22, nays 20. The bill to purchase League Island lor a naval depot then came up, aud pending its consideration the benate took a recess until 7 P. M. House. The House on Wednesday resum ed tho consideration of the bill offered ou the previous day by Mr. Eliot, to provide a government for the State ot Louisiana. After some discussion Mr. Eliot demanded the previous question, and the bill was passed ayes 113, nays 48. The House then took a recess uutil 7 P. M. IT.O MEXICO. New Oulkans, Feb. 13. Advices from Orizaba to the 11th state that the final evac uation of tho capital by the French army occurred on the 5th inst. The whole Expe ditionary Corps is now on '.bo road to Vera Cruz. General Margucz, at the head of 10,000 troops, is entrusted with the defense of the capitul, Tho Impciialists claim tint they have an army of 30,000 well armed men. The Imperial Government has levied a tax of one pur cent, on nil capital. Maximilian puts on tho Mexican uniform, reviews the troops in the streets, aud is re ceived with enthusiasm by the inhabitants. BrownsviUi' dates to the 13th state that General LevValluce had arrived from Gal veston, and left immediately for Cincinnati, The Liberals are reported every where as victorious. Escobcde Trevino had fought two buttles with Miramon, and utterly touted him. Mirumon was shot iu both legs. The only force opposing Juares to inter cept his upproach to the City of Mexico, is 2,000 ineu, under Cnstelln, The French transports Gauos, Luona and Vara were at Vera Cruz, und before the llHUVlTIi:! Professor Agsssiz It sixty and sick. Prussia lost 841 ofllccrt In the late wtr Chicago talks of bridging Lake Michigan Boston is providing nine more batha for the coming ummer . j , At Penn Yan, N. Y. a woman dropped her child into a well and lost her reason. Some logical prophet hat predicted that the empire of the Sultan will tumble to piccce In the year 1807. It is reported that the President but Issued a pardon to tho pestiferous rebel Governor Letcher, of Virginia. Stupid people may eat. but shouldn't talk. ; Their mouths may do very well at banks of deposit, but not ot issue. A man in Fredericksburg, Va., was knock ed clown by lightning, and cured ot rheu matisin. lie uon t recommend the remedy John .Morrissey, ex-pugilist, prospective Congressman, and professional tiger-fighter, sayt he has not lost any money as reported A gentleman in Chicago, who drew a picture of "Mount Blank" has commenced a suit to deveiope l no modus operandi ot the Lee-Crosby transfer. A candidate for Congress ill a Southern State in one of his speeches, said: Come up here every one of you, confound yon. and vote for me, and I vill do anything you Kant, and after I am elected, you may all go to the d 17" But those who go to Bkioht's and subscribe to the stock of the Middle Creek Rail Road, will be treated well both before and after their subscription. The largest contribution ever given by nn individual, while living, to the American Baptist Home Mission Society, has just been paid by a member in Vermont. The sum was four hundred thousand dollars. The Middle Creek Rail Rond w ill be a paying stock. Goto Bright's and subscribo beore the Book are eloted. A clerk in a western grocery store broke a customer's jaw bone with tho adze, where upon tho said custom6r tomahawked him with the hatchet. Mercantile life has its pleasant peculiarities in the west. Several of the Mexican Bishops nre taking measures to leave the country. It is report ed that a majority will go to Rome, in ac cordance with the invitation of tho Pope, to be present at the canonization of tho Japan martyrs on the 2Gth of Juuc next. The Middle Crkek Rail Road will con nect Sunbury, nnd the non producing coal regions, with the splendid valley ot Middle Creek, and reduce the prirc of every agricul tural product Go to Bright's and subscribe. The man who held ticket 58,001 in tho Crosby lottery, and who, according to tho Lommercuu liulutin, drew a "long breath, was Ossian E. Dodge, tho musician. There are a good many people who think that ticket 58,000 was also drawn by one of tho dodges. There is a Schuylkill county colony established in South Carolina, nine miles from Charleston, composed of Mr. J. M. Fegcr, Ex-Sheriff John Raush, and Joshua S. Keller, Esq., with their families. They are engaged in-working cotton plantations, aud like their new location nnd business. A slcicli riding party visited Kcnvon.Ohio, one day hist week, when the young men be came so much intoxicated that the Indies paid the bill, took the teams and drove home without them. Fresh shad are selling in the Norfolk markets at $1.50 per pair. DREXEL & CO., 4 South Third Street, B S i (sutwies ainisT a'eaisnvT,) :. PHILADELPHIA, , A N K E R AND DEALERS IN GOVERNMENT SECURITIES. " 1 7-Q08,v Jtll, JULY, aai ai;i;st. COH VEIITKD ' INTO B-20a Without ohargo, and at preaant with a PROFIT to the HOLDER, OOLD, SILVEB, COMPOUND INTEREST NOTES WANTED. Application by mail will receive prompt atten tion, and all information cheerfully furnished. Stocks and Honda bought and mid on commission here or in New York. Orders solicited. February 23, 18M. 3 in F-ine Lulled States Sennto was in ses Hon from Saturday noon until Sunday morn. ing at six o'clock, when Mr. Stcveu's Recoil ttruction bill from the House, with Senator Sherman's amendment, was finally agreed upon by a large number of volet. Mr. Ste vens, and other extreme radicals, refuse to concur in this ameudtnent, which gives the President the power to assign the command ing generals in the districts, instead of Gen Grant, and the vote will be a close one. m m f-? Some of tho President's frieuds have been trying to effect a compromise between him aud the Republicans in Congress. But the Republicans refuse to surrender a tingle princtpla of their platform. If Andy wantt to coiue in it mutt be in termt ol "uncon ditional Surrender." Tht people of Chicago w ant to vote on the Sunday law. . John II. Nurrult. Washington, Feb. 10, 1807. Was removed this evening, from tho navy yurd to tho city prison, in charge of the united States Marshal and ten policemen upon a writ from the Criminal Court. TlicJ arrived at tho jail at five o'clock, when the prisoner was placed in an iron cell on the iloor of the building, lie looked healthy and cheerful, but somewhat weak from the effects of a long voyajre. He was very taci turn, having littlu or nothing to say while being conveyed to prison. JIo was hand culled, and dressed in the full uniform o the Papal service, grey cloth, short iacket loose trowsers, with canvas leggins, red sash ami cap. 1 be cell in which he is confined is about twelve by ten feet square, and about eight feet high, with no window light, and air heiug admitted through iron gratings, the door of which fronts upon the corridor, where the watchman looks in every CI teen minutes to see how the prisoner is coming on. rio one except his keeper is allowed to speak or hold any communication with him on any pretext whatever. A short tune alter his arrival he complain ed of being hungry and asked for his supper, wtnen was given him, and ho ate very heart ily, and soon after laid upon his bed and slept soundly. His hands are handcuffed, but no other irons have been placed on him in the cell. His cell is comfortably furnish ed and his wants are promptly attended to, a watch being kept upon him day and night. The stories that he will setup the plea of mistaken identity are absurd, tor ot Ins be ing John II. Surrutt there it no reasonable doubt. Tub Middle Cisekk Rail Road will con nect the coal regions with inexhaustible and invaluable ore beds. Go to liriirht's and subscribe. A London letter sayt : "Strange things do get into men's brains sometimes, but the strangest of all were taken from the brain of a man who died suddenly this week. The doctor's olHcial report, after ijost mortem examination, statesthat, to his astonishment, he found two pieces of ire inside the skull, upon the substance of the brain. The faculty are discussing und theoriziug upon the mar vellous fact." The Middle Creek Ru'.l Road will open a new market for 200,000 tons of Anthracite coal per auuuni. Go to Urijiht'e aud sub scribe. Those who watch Napoleon most narrow ly, pretend to see tigus of another grand Blroke on his part to recover kit prestige, lost by hit fuilura in Mexico aud hit supine nest iu the recent German war. In thit view the followiug from the Augsburg Oa$ette, becomct significant ; ''It is a matter of public notoriety that the territorial compensation! claimed by France have not been withdrawn, and that the day when Fiance will deem proper to prest tbein it perhaps not far distant. The Middle Creek Rail Road will make Sunbury the best point for farmers and all kinds of Iron and other manufacturing in tut mate, uo to Ungui s and subscribe. The Middle Creek Rail Road, if brought to Sunbury will be one of tbe cheapest and bast paying stocks in tht State, Go to Bright't and tubscribe,. committee on commerce, i lie penate uieu c,()se of le niolth n tU(J FreuuU trunBports resumed the consideration of the -nil'llliry ' wi!l have left Mexico. reconstruction bin, anu Jir. uoonuic, oi Wisconsin, being entitled to the floor, de livered a powerful speech in opposition to the measure. Mr. Saulsbury then obtained the floor, but gave way to a motion for a recess until 7 1. M., when the Senate re-assembled, and Mr. Saulsbury spoke against the passage of tho bill. Mr. Shermau then offered a substitute for tho entire proposi tion, which, after being amended by Mr. Doolittle, viz : "that no sentence of death shall be carried into effect without the ap proval of the President," was passed. It embraces the principles of the Blaine amend ment, and iu efl'ect provides that when the Southern States shall have adopted the con stitutional amendment they shall be entitled to representation in Congress, and to all other rights appertaining to States now represented in that body. The Seuate then adjourned. llocsK. In the House Mr. estworth submitted as a question of privileges, which he said involved the purity and indepen dence of the House, a long preamble and resolution, reciting that "certain members of the House have been holding private meetings with a view to a corrupt bargain, pledgiug themselves to act adversely to the repoitol the Judiciary Committee' on the question of impeachment, if unfavorable to the President, and also to net adversely to certain other meusures pending before tho House, to which they had been hitherto favorable, provided that the President do certain things to which he has hitherto de clared himself hostile, and refrain from do ing certain other things to which he has hitherto declared himself favorable, and in structing the Judiciury Committee to in quire whether such meetings have taken place, and such corrupt bargains have been made, what persons have cairied communi cations from such members to the President, and from the President to them, the uature of the communications, ice, and report such resolutions for tho action of the JIouso as the committee may deem it necessary for the preservation of its power and indepen dence." The matter created a rather amu sing scene in the House, but the resolution was finally amended so as to refer it to a select coinmitteo of three, and passed, the committee to consist of Messrs. Wentworth, urd and Glossbrenner. 1 he bill to amend the act declaring the oflicer who shall uct as President of the United States in case of vacancies iu tho office of both President and Vice President was takcu up and passed without a division. The bill to change cer tain collection districts in the Slate of Marylnnd, was, after amendment, also pass ed. The river and harbor appropriation bill then came up, and without amendment, under the operation of the previous ques tion, was passed. It appropriates $1,800, 000 for river aud harbor improvements. The House then took a recess until 7 P. M., the evening session being devoted to de bate upon the reconstruction question. Senate. The most important matter considered in the Senate on Monday was the resoluton offered by Mr. Chandler, directing the Committee on the Judiciary to inquire whether "the President bad any power to appoint Provisional Governors for the Statet lately in rebellion." Mr. Chandler supported tbe resolution in a long and earnest speech, in which be charged the President with hav ing usurped the powers of Congress, do. Alter tome runner debate, However, JUr. Grimet moved that the resolution be laid on the table, which wat agreed to. Mr. Chan dler not being satisfied, called for a division, when twenty-eight benatort declared m tbt NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. affirmative, and he then taid, "I give it up." .ew Ow.uans, Feb. 18. Mexican cor respondence says tho French army, with Hanine evacuated Mexico on the Uth inst. Maximiliun remained at Vera Cruz, with Marque in military command. The cap ture ut z,:ica!ccns and Aquas Carlientns, by Mirumon, is continued. Juarez narrowly escaped. I.AXBJST i'UO.U Iltr.l.AAO. 1.OHD0N, r ub. IS rioon. Ireland is per fectly tranquil. Small parties of rebels am concealed in the woods, endeuvonug to make their way to the coast, but the national t loops have been so disposed that escape is thought to be impossible. Troops have been si ut to Maluhide, in the hope of overhauling Stephens, who is reported and believed to be in that neighborhood. London-, Feb. 18 Evening. The cause of the Fenian outbreak in the South ot Ireland, is yet buried in obscurity, though the tele graph lines which run through the disaffec ted districts aro again working and commu nication restored. Some say that it was caused by the arrest ot the American oflicer, Captain Moriarty, whilo others say that his prompt arrest prevented a general rising of the Irish. The British Government had news of the affair early on the 12th iust. An upper servant iu the household of the Earl of Keninarc, had received two anony mous notes, stating thut a rising was planned in Killarney, and that the leader would reach Killarney from Cahircivcen that night. Con stables were immediately sent to intercept him, and they met a wagon, in which they found Moriarty, whom they took iuto custo dy, and upon searching his person found loiters confirming the assertions in tbe auony nious notes. A courier, named Duggan, was sent to Cahircivcen to warn the police. A purty of reueis caught mm w hite on bit way and de manded his despatches, which he refused to give up, and attempted to escnpe. They tired upon him nnd he was badly wounded. As far as is known at present he is the only person who has been hurt. The police oi caiiirciveen L'ot newt ot the trouble bv other messengers and from several spies sent among the Fenians. They were strengthened by a detachment from tbe man of-war (Jladtator, which was lying off Valeutia, and saved this station from attack. One band of Feuians, ninety in number. took a horse at Kclls, for their leader, O'Con nor, and another band stopped the mail on the road from Killarney to Cahirciveen, but they did no violence to any one. The fact is, nowhere hat life been taken or property destroyed. The Fenian plan wat to attack Killarney, capture the place, then march to Cork ; but the immediate despatch of troops from Cork to Killarney by General Batet, and the celerity of Colonel Uorsford't movements, defeated the whole plot and caused the insurgent band to disperse. The horse of a Fenian courier wat caught by the troops, and a couple of twordt were picked up, but no men have been captured. O'Couuer and hit staff are said to have reached the Fenian vessel off Diogle Bay. Thirty-four tutpected persons were ar rested in Dublin yesterday, and after an ex amination, five of them were retained in custody. Head Centre Murphy and Colonelt Law ley, Ifealy and Johnson, have been arrested at Limerick, and important papers have been found upon their person! and in their lodgings. The alarm caused by the events, it now about over, and tbe excitement it rapidly tubsiding. t FEMALE COLLEGE. ititii:vrw., m. a. PLEASANTLY LOCATED ON THE DELAWARE KIVEtl. Two nnd tliree-quartor hours' rido ly railroad from New York, and one and a quarter trom Phila delphia. SUMMER SESSION COMMENCES MARCH 6th. For CnlHlugues. containing terms, etc, address Rev. JOHN H. BRAKELEV, A. II., Prest., Cordcnlown, N. J. February 23, 18GT. lm. VALUABLE REAL ESTATE FORSALE nillE undersigned often at private siilo tbe follow. L iug valuable real estate, oiluato in the Borough Sunbury, lute tbe property of Thoioaj ltobina, dec 1: Tbe lintel Property ou Front struct, with nil the outbuildings, Ac, lately occupied by Frederick Spacht. A valuable House and Lot on Market Stroet, to gc'her with all tho outbuildings. For further particulars apply to AlAKliLr., executor. JOHN U Feb. 10, 1887-ioi Sunbury, Pa. rt:if- gHEftlPF'8 SAIES. v u 3 r BY virtue of oertain writt of Ven. Ktponai, . Letari Facia and Alia Levari FucUt. issued out of the conrt of Common I'lcns of Northumberland county, and to me directed, will be exposed to public sale, at the Court House, in tbe Borough of Sunbury, on Mon day, March 11, 1807, at I o'clock I M.f tlo following property, to wit :. ,- . ,,. All that certain building, located on two loll or piccct of ground in the Borough of Mount Carmel, county o( Northumberland, Pennsylvania, and marked and designated in the genera! plan of said Borough, as lots numbered five and tix(SandO), in block No. thirty-nine (39), and the lots or piecct of ground and curtilago appurteut to . said building. Said building is erected nn tho east side of Market street and between Third and Fourth streets on taid lots, and it a two- story framo dwelling house with one story tone basement, fronting on said Market street thirty feet. Seized, taken into execution, and to be sold as the property of Benjamin Thomas and Martha his wife, owners or reputed owners. ALSO All those two- certain messuages and tracts of land, situated and bounded as follows, viz: On ono and one-half acre of land with the buildings thereunto lielonging, situated in Jackson township, Northumber land county, Pa., containing one and one half acres of land, more or less, bounded oiv the north, cast nnd wct by lands of Henry Peifer, and south by Bull Hun, whereon is erected a two-story frame dwelling house, barn, tan house, twenty-three vats, and a bark mill. Also, another lot of land, con taining one and one-half acre, more or less, with the building, &c, thereunto belonging,. situated in Ltower Mahr.noy township, jNor thumbcrland county, Pa., bounded and described as follows, to wit: On the north by Bull Run ; south by land of lleury Peifer; cast by land of Abraham Klock, and on tho west said lot runs to a point, whereon is erected a two-story frame dwelling house, shoe shop or summer house and a burn. ' Seized, taken into execution, and to bo sol I as the property of Daniel Seal. Aijsu All tnoso two certain messuages and tracts of laud situated and hounded as follows, viz : On ono and one-half acres ot land, with buildings thereunto belonging, situated in Jackson township, Northumber land county, Pa., containing one and one half acres of laud, more or less, bounded on the north, east ami west, by Innds of Henry Peifer, nnd on the south by Bull Itun, whereon is erected a two-story frame dwell ing house, barn, tan house, tweuty-threo vats and and a bark mill. Also, another lot of land containing one-half acra, moro or less, with the buildings, &c., thereunto belonging, situate in Lower Muhanoy town ship, Northumbetland county, Pa., bounded anil described as follows, to wit: Bounded on thu north by Bull Bun ; south by land ot Henry Peifer; cntt by land of Abruhuni Klock, and on the west said lots run to a point, whereon is erected a two-btory frame dwelling house, shoe shop, or summer house and a barn. Seized, taken into execution, and to be sold as tho property of Daniel Seal. ALSO A lot of land, situate in Lewis township, Northumberland county. Pa., bounded and described as follows to wit : North by lands of Elizabeth Kllis ; east bj the same ; west by lands of David Knons. south by D. Smith's, containing seven ceres more or less, whereon is erected a small loj i house, log stable and other outbuildings. I Seized, taken into execution, and to b i sold as the property of James F. Kcmery. j ALSO All thut certain lot of groum' j situate in the Borough of Northumberland bounded and described bs follows, viz: O I the soutii-east by Water street ; on the souti j west by Dcrk street; on the northwest l I mi Alley, and on the north eiirt by lot no1 ! or llltf.'lv limitip-inr In .Tiimiu I. TliplTef & The partial account of Jacob Evert, executor cf ,ucl.r wl., eoif ul e t.rPCted a small Iran hop and a burn, nnd numbered in the gen O O 33 ' G DYSPEPSIA CURE! THIS GREAT RK.MI.D " FOR ALL DISEASES of the B T O M A O II , is the discovery of the inventor of Coe's valuable Coutih Hulmm, while t-xnprimentinir for hisown health. Itcurt-il Cramp iu Hie Pt'untu-h for him which had before yielded lo iinthinft hut chloroform. The almoMdnily tmimony from various parts of the country encnutujre us to believe there is no disease caused by a disordered stomach it will not speedily cure. Physicians endorse and Use it I Ministers give testimony of its efficacy. And from all direetious we receive tidings of cares performed. DYSPEPSIA I It is sure lo eure. HEARTBURN ! Oae dose will cure. SICK HGADACIir.! It hns currd in hundreds of eases. IIP.ADACHK AND DIZZINESS! It stops in thirty minutes. 1CIDITY OF THK STOMACH ! It corrects at once. RISK OP THE FOOD ! It stops immcdiuie!y. DISTRESS AFTER EATING ! One dose will remove. CIIOLF.RA MORBI'S! Rapidly yields to a few doses. DAD BREATH ! Will be chaneeil with half a liottle. IT 18 PERFECTLY HARMLESS! lis UNPRECEDENTED SL'CCESS is owing to the fact that It CurcM by A-wiliiisr Mature TO RE ASSERT HER SWAY IN THE SYSTEM ! Ni-arlv every dealer hi the I'nited Slates sells it at ONE DOLLAR PER BOTTLE. C. O. CLARK & CO., Proprietors, HEW HAVEN, CONS. February 23, 18fl7. ly. Iti'KiMtt'r'H iolicen. NOTICE is hereby given toull legatees, creditors and othor persons interested in tho following estates, that the Administrators. Executors amlUunr dians of tho within named, have liled their accounts with tbo Register of Northumberland county, aud that said accounts will be presented to tho Orphans' Court for con6ruiation and allowance on Tuesday, March 12, loti7, at 11) A. M. 1. The account of Sarah J. (loodlander, adminis tratrix of John V. Uuodlandcr, dee d., filed Deo. 10, lb6. 2. The account of Pr. Wm. McClcery, guardian of Ursula 1). Uuodlandcr. minor child of John V. Uoodlandcr. dce'd., filed Dec. 10. ltSllfi. 3 Tbe account of Patrick O'lJara, administrator of Domiuick O'Uura, dio'd , tiled Deo IU, lStiti. 4 Tbo account of D L. Irlnnd, guardianof Snvilla B. Fullmer, filed January J, lsl( POLAND'S Magic Bilious Powders, rpMS PREPARATION is the discovery of the Rev. X J W. Poland, formerly the Pastor of the Baptist Church in Golfstown, N. II , and a mm dearly hi-loved by that denomination throuf;luiut New Eoi;luiid He was obliged to leave the pulpit and study medicine to save his own life, and his Mnpic Powdeis roe one of the most wuiidrout discoveries ol modern times. It is THE GEEAT LIVER AND EILI0US REMEDY ! which completely throws in the shade all other discoveries In medicine ; and it eflorda him much gratification that they receive the unanimous approlmtion of all who have tested them. The Mugic Bilious Powders aiau loalliTeCur lor l.tvor Complulnt ! in its moat agravated form, and an immediate corrector ofall uu.iors i:rac3iu.tm : Excellent for HEADACHE, OON8TIPATION, PIMPLES, BLOTCHES. A SALLOW SKIN. DROWSINESS. DIZZINESS. HEARTBURN , PALPITATION, A nd a most wonderful CURE k PREVENTIVE OF FEVER A AGUE ! (Weadvise all who are troubled with this feaiful ma'a dy to alwuys keep the Powders nn hand ready for imme diate use ) Here are a few important paitioularai 1st They are the Great Specilie for all Bilious Affec tions. 4J They art the only known remedy thut will cure Liver Compluint. 3d The) are the only knowu remedy tluit will eure Constipation. 4th. Tbe Powders are so thorouch in their operation that one package will be all Urn I tbe maj any of those using them will require to ellect a cure. alii Theyaie mild and peuiant yet the most effec tual ealhartic known. ih They aie the cheapest and best medicine extant, as they can be sent by man o any pai I of the globe fur the price. 50 cents. Circulars, containing certificates, information, lie., lent to any part of the woild free of eharge. SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS, or by mail on applica tive to C. G. CLARK CO., 1INSL OST, New Haveu, Conn. Price, 40 Cents per Box, February fl, 1887. ly. MOORE k LAMPI1IAR, fVo. 3 and 4 I'ultoii .llurkel, NEW YORK, WHOLESALE DEALERS et SHIPPERS of all kinds of F B E S Irl. FISH. All orders punctually attented to. February 23, 1887. m. Kxecuior'ai Notice. Eetate of TUOMAS XOBIXS, deeeated. "VJOTICE is hereby glvea that letters testamentary l having been granted to the undersigned, on the estate of Thomas Kobbina, late of the Borough of Sunbury, Northumberland oouuly, Fa., deceased, all poisons indebted aro requested to make imme diate payment, and those having claims to present them, duly authenticated, for settlement. JOHN Q. MAKKLE, Executor. Sunbury, eb. 18, 1867. PAVING FLAG STONE ! fTUIK subscriber is prepared to deliver to theoUl" X sens of Bun bury and Northumberland, aud neighboring towns. superior quality of FLAO STONK. for paring, at tho shortest aotieo. Orders attended lo by addressing at Sunbury, to ' WM. CLARK - Puabury, Feb. 1, ll7.Sr ' Ucrinmin Katlerinon. dce'd., filed January 6, 18o7. 6 Tbe account of Wm C. Dcntlcr, dce'd., who was one of the exueutorsof John F. Dcntler, dce'd., settled hy William 11. nni John P. Dentlcr, adminis trators of Wm. O. Dcntlcr, deo'd.. filed Jan. 8, 1807. 7 Tho account of Peter J. Obcrdorf, one of tho aduiinbtrators of Georgo Obcrdorf, dce'd., who was gnardiiin of John btunlcy Stroll, a minor child of John Stroll, dee d., filed Junuary 18, 18t7. 8 Tbe account of J:icob E. Muencb, executor of Rurbara Ann Alexander, deo'd., liled Jan. 21. 1807 . U The account of Jacob Suabollz, administrator of Daniel Arnold, dee'd.. filed Fobrunry S, 18o7. 10 Tho uccountof 0. A. Conrad, executor of Dan iel D. Conrad, deo'd., filed February fl, ISU7. 11 The account of Wm. M. Rockefeller, txeeutor of Philip llryinire, dce'd., filed February 7, 1SU7. 12 The account of Wm. T. Foitylh. administrator of ltohecca Wells, dec d., filed Februarys, ltvi7. l.'l Thn ncoount of Samuel Kliugcr, guurdiun of Reuben Klingcr. filed February 8, lsii7. 14 Tbe account of Sarah Dlooni, administratrix of Ueorge Martin, Sr., dce'd., filed Jan. 8, 1867. 14 The account of John P. Klingcr, guardian of John Carl, minor child of John Curl, deo'd., tiled February 9. 18117. lo Tbe accoent of Daniel Zartmnn, guardian of Edward F. Unrtholomew, minor of Williuui liar thotomew, deo'd , tiled February 9, 18i7. 17 The account of Uitrtnnu Campbell, dee'd., guardian of Slary, Alice, Levi, nnd Joseph T. Xci- dig. minors of Susanah Neidig. dce'd.. settled by j llncbael Uunipheil.udiuimsiratrix ot iiuriuan iauip bell, deo'd., filed Februury 9. 18117. j. A. J. ULAUiiAus, uegistcr. Sunbury, F'ebruary 18, 1807. CRISPCR T COMA. Oh! itie wu beautiful and fuir, With it wry eyei, and radiant hair Wlvuw: curling tendrils kV'tt, entwined, Euchuined the very hear, and nuiid. CHISPEE COMA. For Curling the llnir of either Sex into Wavy tiiitl Glossy Kinglets or Heavy Mussive Curia. By using this article Ladies and Gentlemen can beautify tbeinselvesa thousand fold It is Uie only ailicle la the world that willcuil slraiglit hair, aud ut the same tune give it a beautiful, glossy uppeaiauee. The Crisper Coma not only eurls the hair, but invigorates, beautifies aud cleanses it; is hijiily and deliglufully peiiumed, and is the most c imnteteailicle of the kind ever ottered to the Ameri can public. The Crisper Coma will be sent to uuy addiess, seuk-u anu posipaiu lor at. A duress all oiders to W. 1 1. CI. ARK & CO., Chemists. No. 3 West Fayette rare I, bv siccus, N . Y. Feb. 10, 1-07. ly AFFLICTED ! SUFFER N O M O 11 E ! When by the use of PR. JOIXVII.I.F.'S EIJX1R you can be cured permanently, nd at a lulling cost. The aituiiishing success winch has attended Ibis invalu able medicine lor 1'liysieul and Nervous Weakness, Gene ral Delnluy and I'rosirutiou. Iaiss ol Muscular Kueigy, linnolency, or any of lliecoiiteuneocea of youthful indis cretion, reodeis it the most valuable preparation ever dis covered It will remove all nervous affections, depiessin.i, rxcile meut, meuprciiy to study or business, kiss of memory, confusion, thoughts of self-desirueliou, feurs of insnuitv, Ac. It will leslore the appetite, renew the health oflh .se who have destroyed It by sensual excess or evil practices. Young Men. be humbugged uu more by '-quack Doc tins" and ignoiaut practitioners, but send without delay for the Klixir, and be alouce lestored to health and happi ness. A Pel feet Cure is (Jt'arunlecd in every msuuice. Price, SI, ortuur buttles to one uddiess, .l. One bottle is sufficient to ellect a eure iu all ordinary ""aWO, DR. JOINVIIXK'S 8PF.C1FIC PII.L8, for the speedy and peunaueul cure of Oouuirhta, Uleel, Ure tlnnl Discharges, Gravel, rjtricluie, and all affections of the Kidneys and Bidder. Curea effected in from one lo Ive days. They are prepared from vegetable eiuacla that are harmless ou the ststem, and never nauseate the stom ach or impregnate the breath. No change ol diet la necea suiy hile using them, nor does their action in any manner interfere wilh business pursuits. Price, SI per box. Eilhei of the above mentioned articles will be seat to any address, closely sealed, and post-paid, by mail or ex Dresa. on receipt of price. Address ailutders to ' UKKUKH.PHUTTSei Co., Chemists, No. KtoJ stiver 811 set, Troy, IS. . February Iff, IWJ7 ly , rul plan or (.mil linrouli ns nunilier Mxt nino (U'J), contiiiniiijj sixty feet front ar two humlrutl nnd forty feet iu depth. Ai.t all those four certain lots of ground, situu iu the Borough ot Kiinhiiiiilx'iliinil, dtii fontigious nnd liiiiiiheiTd in the pent-i plan of mid I.nroiigh, us niuuK'rs Mxty -fix sixty-six, sixty-seven and sixty -tiaht, houn ed together, south western!)' ly Kingstret south eastt-rnly hy Fourth street; north ei hy 1111 Alley, nnd north -west hy nn Alli ench thereof containing sixty feet front, a txvo hundred anil forty feet in depth. (Seized, taken into execution, and to sold as the property of l'eter llansclmun. ALSO Tlio Suuliiuy Can:d nnd Wit Power, aituuto in niitl adjoining tbe lioron of Sunliury, in the county of Northunil land and State of Pennsylvania, with 1 Hppurtenanceg together xxith the corpor ri-jliU and franchises of the suid company Seized, taken iuto execution, and to sold ns the property of tho Suubuiy Ca aud Water Power Conipacv. ALSO A certaiu lot or piece of prou situate in Vera Cruz, Lower Mahanoy to ship, Northumberland county, Pa., bourn ami described as followed, viz : On north by an Alley ; on tho south by M street ; on the east by lot of John A. Snyi anil on the west by lot of Jacob Cirii containing in width 50 feet, in depth feet, whereon are erected a two-story fr dxvelling house, small shop, iSc. Seized, taken into execution, and to sold as the property of Samuel B. lliph Jacob Snvder, lately trading under the name of Hih &, Snyder. ALSO One lot of ground, situati Watsontown, Norlhunibeiland county, r ber one hundred and twenty-two, bom on the north by lot number twenty-'.'' adjoining Cook, Illy & Co. on tho sout J. I'. Irvin, fronting on Canal street 05 and in depth 140 feet to an Alley. Seized, taken into execution, aud t. sold as the property of William Hood. DANIEL B1XKLEY, S.'ieri ShnlTOflice, Sunbury, Feb. 15th,JS0 Jill i;H'8'S(iA l.i:." BV virtu of a certain of Venditioni Kxpnn sued out of the Court of Common Picas of ? umbcrland county, and to Ina directed, will 1 fused to public sule, at the Publie House of lowury, in the Ilorough of Sbutnokiu, ou Ml February 26th, 18b7, at 1 o'clock P. Al.. the f EXCELSI0E! EXCELSI0E1! CHA9TELLAIV8 Hair Kxlrrmlnulor ! t FOR KKMOVINO SUPERFLUOUS HAIR. To tho Mies espeeially, this inyaluabl depilatory rs eommeuds itself aa being aa almost wdiapensable article to fwoale beauty, is easd applied, does not burn or hours the earn, but ecu duecUy 00 the Mole. It is warianted to remove super anoas ban fiosa low foreheads, or from any pan of the body, eeeapkiely, totally aud radically extir pal ina the saase leaving the sklu soft, siuiNHa and natural. Vina is tho mly article used by tbe French, and la the only real effectual depilatory in existence Prico 1 cents per package, sent poet-paid, lo auy address, on receipt of au b" BERGER, SnOTT CO., CeeaisM, ft- Rim St, Tioy.N. V. Fsbiuary Iff, ln.-ty - inK property, to wit : - r.i -...:,. -r .1 ;...-: r ivs io) eeriuiu luis oi ktouuu, suuuiu iu tl rough of Sbamokin, rtorlhutuberland count; described as lulluws : Lot o. 0, bounded t north by lot No. 3, the property of David X. lot No. 4, bouuded by lot No. 3; lot No. i, b by lot No. 4 ; lot No. 6, bounded by lot No. No. 7, by lot No. 6 on the north, and Walnut on the sooth, all fronting; on 6lb street, in about 21 loet, and in depth about 16U feet lo a alley, in block No. IV iu the piau of said towu ISeixed, taken into execution, and to be sold property of William Atwatcr with notice to I' UANltL HECKLE l.lsh. Sheriff's Office, I Suubury, Feb. , 1867. ' WHISKERS ANU 10UST-CE3 ! I FORCED te grow upon the smoothest fuee Ihiee lo five weeks by DSing Dr. SKVIONK"!! TAUHA TKliK CAPII.LAlKfc:, the most wondeif eovery la modern science, acting Ukjii the Ilea Hair 111 an almt mua-ulous manner. It bus been by tbe elite of Peris aud loudou with the most Unit aueoeaa. Names of all purchasers wilt bo registeiet if entire satisfaction is not given in every insisiu loosiey will lie eheei fully refunded, frice by insil. and postpaid, $1. Iescitive cirnulais and teatin mailed fire Address UKKGI'.H, Mil T IS A Chemists, No t5Kiver Btreet, Tr. y.N. Y.,t le for the lulled tita'ae fro I a BUAUTY1 Al'DURM, GOLDKN, FLAXKN SILK EX C 1)ROIHCF.D by the use of Piuf. DEBREl'X' . 8KH l.K CHEVKliX. One application we to carl the sajust straight and stabhom bait of mita into wavy unglcia, of beery massive eurls. llr need by tho laafcioiiabiM H Pane and Lonaoa, p moat gtatifving results. Does no injury to the hal. by anil, aoaltd sod post-paid, l lrs,-rii4rva C asailid free. Addieaa BLKGfcH, 611 T TT Ct mists. No i Hiven St , Tio, N Y , evs Ag (he United atones. Fthruaiy Iff, IP