Sunbury American. (Sunbury, Pa.) 1848-1879, February 09, 1867, Image 3
arije .unburg American. . WILVIRT, I N. B. juAiOIiE, ( ATlolIanefB. JUNIIURY, PA. SATURDAY, FEBRUARY , 1867. BEQUEST TO BUB80BIBIB8. Subscribers to the Ambbicab r particularly re quested not to allow their Indebtedness to overrun n year. All subscriptions ihould be paid In ad aae ; bat nndur no consideration should th year pan areund with tha subscription unpaid. A ttriot attention to thli will av u an Immense amount of trouble and a very henry loaa. llocal ftffatrg. 17 Court. Tha Jury and Trinl List for tha March term of court appear elsewhere la to-day'f paper. 17 Wb nnderatand that over a million of brick, for tha new round-home and ihopa of the Northern Central Railroad, at thl place, haTe been contracted for. (7 Till late thaw and ralnf hare carried off moat of the enow, and sleighing la rather indifferent. The river hat not risen ai muoh as anticipated, and the ice, though weakened, haa not broken up. Last week 58 sleds were eounted crossing the ice at one time. 17 Oil Defositb. The freight train of the 'Empire line, south, met with an accidont on Tuei-day-morning, about Are miles below this place. "One of the oil oars broke down and the tanks, contain lng 8,300 gallons of crude petroleum, annotntcd another earth. 70'BtKT NonTnnMiiEBLAMD. On Satur day night last the smoke-house of Mr. John Tag gart, in Northumberland, woe broken into and two nice hams and a "round" of beef stolen. A reward of fifty dollars is offered for the discovery of the ihioves. 17 ArroiMTMEKT. D. It. B. Brower, Esq , edi tor of tha Montour American, has been appointed Ueneral Inspeotor of the 13th District, Fa. He is alio Coal Oil Inspeotor and Assistant Asseasor of the 1st Division, 13th District. We congratulate our fortunate ooteniporary on his success. 17 Grand Ball. A grand ball will be given by the Washington Assembly, at the Augusta Hotel, in this place, on Friday evening, Fob. 22d, 1867. Tickets 2.50, supper included. We have no doubt it will be a pleasant entertainment. The gentlemen having it in cbargo will spare do efforts to mako it the best hop of tho season. 17 A Thunder Stobx is Winter. Telegraph io dispatches announce that a severe thunder storm prevailed in New York and elsewhere, on Saturday night last. In Sunbury, vivid flashes of lightning wero noticed repeatedly, and thunder was heard rery distinctly. This is an unusual occurrence for mid-winter. 7 Vendue Bills. We would again remind our friends that we are prepared t print vendue bills, in the most attractive style, at abort notice As the season for these sales is at hand, we solicit the orders of those who may have property to sell. Per sons living at a distance ean send us the Articular by mail, and we will put them in properbape. 17 Executor' Sale. We refer our readers to the advertisement in another column, and also to bills printed at this office, of Benj. Hendricks, Esq., .executor of Clarinda Grant, deceased, who will sell at pubtio sale, at the late residence of deceased in this place, on Thursday, 14th insi,., the personal pro , perty, inoluding the stock of a first-class millinery store, belonging to the estate. J7" Festival and Concert. The ladies eon nooted with the Presbyterian Church, at McEnens ville, this county, will held a festival and concert at that place the festival to be held in Academy Hall . on the 14th inst., and the concert in the Presbyte rian Church on the evening of the 15th. Adiuis- , sion to festival, free; to concert, 50 cents. 7 Si'RBAD Eagle. A handsome gilt eaglo, . designed to fill the arch above the seat of the Judges, in the new Court House, was put up on Monday lust. ' The eagle was designed and executed under the direction of Mr. Earle, of Philadelphia. It mea sures, from the tips of its extondod wings, about six : feet, resting, as it were, on our national escutcheon, . the glorious stars and stripes. This handsome ornu : ment, the cost of which is about cne hundred dol lars, was the gift of Joseph Bird, Esq., formerly of Shamokin, now of Northumberland. 17 Accident on tuk Lackawanna A Bloom s bcro Railroad. On last Tuesday evening an ac cident occurred on the Laokawanna A Bloomsburg Railroad. As near as we can ascertain, the facts are as follows : A defective rail was noticed some distance this side of Plymouth, by the impostors of the road, and reported to the engineer, with direc tions to pass slowly and carefully over that part of the road. He entirely disregarded bis Instructions, ind though the engine passed safely over, the bag rage car and two passenger ears were thrown from he track and rolled down an embankment of some wenty feet. The baggage ear rested upon its top, nd the passenger cars, after making one complete evolution, rested on tboir aides. The clothing of ime of the passengers and employees of the rail ad company took fire, and the hand of one was iverely burned. Fortunately, water was close by id the fire was immediately extinguished. No nes were broken. Cars were obtained from King on, and the train reached Northumberland at 4 clock on Wedueaday morning. Tha engineer baa ten discharged. T The Outraged Slkiohino Part. We pub bed an aocount, last week, of an outrage perpetra i upon a sleighing party, going from St. Clair to ahanoy City, In Schuylkill county, by nine despe loes. The Mahanoy City Gazette, of Saturday 4, tells the following story, which gives it quite a lerent color : "An account of a robbery said to re been perpetrated on the road between St. Clair 1 Mabanoy City, is going the rounds of tha press, r readers are, no doubt, familiar with tha story, i refer, of course, to tha party who were stripped everything hut their underclothing. Wa are in d -to jjUa it aoma credit, but, if what our in cant says is. true, do not think it so rery "out eous," after ail. The whole affair, it turns out, a joke played upon them by their friends, as a of punishment fur their imprudence In taking named ladies sleighing, and leaving their wives jme." jp-BoBOUGB OrncxBS. At a meeting of tha n League, in this place, on Wednesday evening the following persona were nominated for Bo h offices, to be supported at the Borough eleo . which takes place on Friday next, 15th inst. : tit BurgeeeS. V. Bright. toiut Burgees J. B. Packer. Assistant li ur gees ts John Bourne, John Haas, W. Bueher and Benj. Hendricks. Common Couneilmen John Markla, Andrew N. ioe, Charles Book, A.Hoover, John Youngmao, inry Haas, Henry Clement and Chat. A- Bright Taunt Clerk Jacob Sbipnaaa. Uigk Constable Benjamin Brosiou. Justices of the react P. M. Shindel and James vrd- Nonstable William Puesel. , -wig of Election Alexander Mant, Hweetor William M. Headrlok. - .i (rest .Commissioners Stmitol Clement and rge JSucber. vereeers of th Popr Charles his eh art and tan Marts, i - tsessor Edward M. Buohar. -1 ...... ; isistant Assessors Juhjt Bayers and A. H. eat. a .. ''' W Directors J. B. Love, Dr. D. W. fhia ad E. Wilvert 17 Accidents at Bbaeoein. We copy tha fol lowing from Ike Bhanokin Iforaja, at last week t Patrick Wary, while at work a few daysslnoe, in the slope of the Enterprise Colliery, was severely Injured by the tailing of a pulley, which struck him on the head, cutting it open In two plaoaa and pro ducing severe contusion of the brain. He Is slowly recovering. At tha lata work, Wn. White recently received serious cut la th loot. He wa preparing prop when the axe glanced off, making a terrible gash. On last Saturday, at th (am work, a son of Anthony Culton, aged 6 yean, was ran ever by th car on th dirt bank, and had hi arm to seriousty injured as to make amputation necessary. The ope ration wa performed by Drs. Robbin and Hollen baek. Mrs. Hill, while out sleighing last week, wa vio lently thrown out by tha upsetting of the sleigh, and had ber shoulder dislocated. On Tuesday, a man named John McEwen had his back seriously Injured by a fall of coal at Bitten bender A Co.' Colliery. It is feared that th in jury may prove fatal. On last Friday morning, Charles Haas, a brakes man on the railroad, was eaught between the ears, near Snydertown, and had three of bis rib broken. The accident, though painful, is not serious. 7Edwaro Gehberlino, the lad who was ac cidentally shot at Selinsgrove, week before last, while duck shooting on the river, is slowly recovering. Two of the shot still remain in the body of the unfortunate boy. (7 Court. The following is the Trial List for special and regular Court of March, 1867. The three causes at the head of the list are for trial on the first Tuesday of March, 1867; the next ten for trial on Thursday, first week of regular term ; and the remaining thirty oausos for trial second week of regular term: James Prioe vs. Catharine Lerch et al. Jacob M. Solida vs. James Malone etal. Henry Baylor vs. Andrew M. Eastwick. William Cooper vs. John B. Douty. Elisabeth Weiser et al vs. the Nor. Cen. R. R. Co. Com. of Penn'a. vs, James Vandyke. same rs same Robert McOauley vs. Jacob Miller. L. II. Funk v. t. Hogendoebler. Daniel Heim vs. Elias Stepp et al. F. Fahrion rs. Parion and lieaton. William L. Lance vs. Freeman Thomas. William Aunkst vs William Allen. Augustus Schnell vs. Freeman Thames. Ueorge Mowton vs. John Campbell. Peter Hagenbuch vs. the Cattawissa R. P. Co. Wm. L. Dewurt vs. Jacob II. Mosser. John B. Douty et al vs. Joseph Bird. John Ryan vs. David SterricK. C. P. Iielfenstein vs. the Black Diamond and Iron Coal Company. John Weisel vs. Harriet Marr et al. F. Dinner vs. Adams' Express Co. John Evert vs. Casper Sonall et al. John McKarland vs. Joseph Shoemaker. H. Ayers et el vs. Snmuel John. George A. Hank vs. Francis A. Carr. Win. L. Lance vs. Freeman Thomas. Coin, of Penn'a. vs. John Corew. Christian Greiner, endorsee, vs. Daniel Dressier. Andrew Deibert et al vs. Wm. Shartel. A. . Wolcott vs. Joseph Johnson, constable. Joseph 8. bilver vs. James Malone. Marion Peiper vs. E. S. Trego. E. R. Rohrbach, trustee, vs. Wm. S. Snydor. Henry B. Latshav. Jackson township. The Locust Geo Improvement Comnanv vs. John Haas et al. Young and Barber vs. J. H. Jenkins. Christian Albert vs. Richard Malone. Peter llanselman vs. Reuben Johnson. Elijah Sheerer vs. Hiram Sheerer, Adm'r. LIST OF JURORS March Term, 1U67. Grand Jury Martin Brosioui, Sunbury; Wm. B. Stem, lurbut; Josepb Ilollopeter, Delaware; Michael Kcrstetter, Coal ; David Shipman. Lower Aucusta ; Jacob E. Muonch, Sbainokin ; Levi Lynn, Xurbut ; Stephen Eiecnhart, Sbainokin Boro. : Henry Labr. Lower Mahonoy ; bamuel Uberdorf, Upper Augusta; P. S. Biokle, Lower Mahonoy ; Abraham Moore, Rush: George C. McKce, Delaware; Samuel Art man, Lewis; Jeremiah Basset, Rush; Philip Hile, Sunbury; L. 11. Funk, Milton ; Benjamin Brosious, Sunbury ; Lemuel Cbamberlin, Shamokin ; Jacob Snyder, Lower Mahonoy ; Martin Gass, Upper Au gusta; Jeremiah Cooper, do.; John Drayer, Mt. Carmel Borough. Traverse Jury Andrew Houser, Lower Au gusta ; John Kuts, Zerbe; Samuel Gulick, Upper Augusta; Jacob Harris, Lower Mahonoy; John Mo.Mniinis, Coal; John Frank, Northumberland; Joseph Martin, do.; George Follmer, Sunbury ; Na thnu lluas, Upper Mahanoy ; George Miller, Point; Andrew Hnuk, Lower Augusta ; Augustus Gurger, Cbillisqunquo ; Samuel Yost, Shamokin Borough; Lemuel &hipman, Lower Augusta ; Aaron Camp b II, Kuih ; Peter Buchner, Shamokin Borough; jonn nirt, joraan; a. r. x.uuwig, Delaware; fe tor Kniss, Jackson; Hiram R. Miller, Lower Augus ta ; Jeremiah Yorker, Zerbe ; Wm. Farrow, Shamo kin ; Thomas Galoepie, Coal; Daniel Parsing, do.; Anthony Lentxer, Sunbury ; Uabrial Adam, Jordan ; Peter eargor, Coal ; George Frederick, ChillUqua que; Valentine Diets, Sunbury; David Wilson, Deluware; William Uans, Shamokin ; Daniel Geist, l'pper Mahonoy ; Willium S. MontEomery. Lewis; William Briudle. Sunbury; Daniel Ham, Lower Mabanoy; George Hulsboe, Zerbe; Simon P. En terline, Rush; Jaoob Huffman, Jordan; Daniel Snvder, do.; William Montiromerv, MuEwensville ; Isaac 0. ilillmon, Washington , George A WykotT, Lewis ; Thomas Mervine, Milton ; Jonathan Waters, Chillicquaque ; John G. Bright, Upper Augusta ; J area Daniel, vis:ilgoa; iiobert faros, worth, Shamokin; Jobn C. Dunkelbergcr, do. Petit Jury Charles Leader, Jackson; Jacob Mauier, bhamokin borough : i homes J.btain, Point; Wm. h. Kline, Upper Augusta; Samuel Malick, Washington ; 1). M. Swarts, Jordan ; Daniel Lytic, Lower Augusta ; Petar Swarts, Coal ; John Evert, Lower Augu'ta ; John S. Lawson, Miltcn; Abra ham Geist, Upper Mahonoy ; Charles Eokman. Up per Augusta ; Joseph Dunkelberger, Little Maha noy i John B. Lender, Sunbury ; George W. Dixon, McEwensville ; Joseph Bottorf, Jackson; Jobn Martin, Northumberland ; Isaac Gunsert, iShaniO' kin ; L. P. Dietfenbach, Turbutville ; Solomon Folk, Upper Mahonoy; John Krocb, Delawre; H. F. Ruch, Northumberland ; Patrick Burk, Ooal ; Daniel uampoell, onamokin JSorougn bamuel De Aruien, Delaware; biinon Kobla, nasnington; 1 nomas M. fursel, bunbury; Samuel Reader, bhamukin Borouirh ; Isaac D. ltuker. Little Mahonoy ; Henrv Reader. Mo- Eweusville ; Hugh D. Barr, Miltou ; Peter Star, Upper Mahonoy ; Josepb Dressier, Jackson ; Thom as Gibbons, Mt. Carmel twp., Joseph Niceley, Dele. ware. Jukv ron Special Court First Mondat or Marcf. 1867. Jaoob Metmer. Delaware: Jobn Runklo, Turbut ; Dunoan Campbell, Rush : Gilbert Deals, Hum ; John js. beculer, rolnt ; Daniel nob' bine, Point; Jobn W. Hauler, Sunbury ; William turner, Lewis; Jobn Lampber, Turbutville; Benj. dentins, Jackson ; William Sterner, Delaware : Geo. Uonraa, upper Augusta; isaao bnyder, bbamokin ; inicnaei r.merion, joraan: Joseph u. Haso, Huso William W. Dewitt, Lower Augusta ; Wm. House! uniinequaque ; minam Kyan, nuan; Jas. Uovert, Sunbury; Jobn M. Higgins, Coal; David Seller Dower Mahanoy ; H illiaui K. Maran, Turbut : W r. ilotn, bbamokin Borougb ; bamuel Kelts, Lower Augusta; Abraham Deppin, Jackson; Joseph Wil Vinson, finamoxin: unun roix. u noer Autuata Joseph Zuern, Shamokin Borougb; Henry Leiseu rini, bbamokin ; reter 11. Heaver, Uhillisquaaue John Beckley, Chillisquaque ; James Heiland, Up Ur AUVUHB irOUlBI T glEVlBT. OUI111UI n DUrOQED Jasper Sleymaker, Sunbury ; Peter McDonald, Mt. u arm el twp. ; ooiomon rageiy, enamokin. .Editor' Table. Journal or the Franklin Institute. This excellent scientific journal, published in Philadel phia, come to us improved in appearance, and will hereafter embrace matter of more general Interest to meobaruos and others, than heretofore. The present number contains an interesting aocount of tne ereeuon oi wat noDie structure, We ousquehan Tie New York Weekly Evening Post and tbi American Agriculturist. Tb enterprising publisher of th New York Evening Post have mad arrangements to furnish th Weekly Evening rosi ana uie American Agriculturist at tne low nrioa of two dollars and a half a vear. for both. Those who prefer the Bemi-YYeekly Evecing Poet can nave now u ana me Agricultural tor lour dot lars a year. Tha Agriculturist is a monthly Journal af tha nigneat cuaracier in us oranon. At is generally regarded as the beet paper of ita elass in the eoualry, and ita value la th future will be Kreatly enhanced by a liberal expenditure on the part of lb publish er in several departments that will add greatly to Us interest in the family circle. The Weekly and Semi-Weekly Evening Post are eareiuiiy inaae up lor iamuy reauing, ana eae BUUIVSI wm ! IIS. VPMHS, US S1VWS SHU WIIISCM ttUJ eusaion, full and in Ureal Ing aeaeaiuu of ,ow books, Horn and Foreign Uuesip, the our real talk . of our own and foreign capital, mad up by experienced hand bar and abroad;; a etory carefully asleeted ; trustworthy and full market report, and a great variety 01 eiuar uaweeung ipauer. . Tha twatournala, en monthly, the other weekly or semi-weekly, a the subscriber prefers, .will fur- Bias th different member of aa ipteillgeat family ia tha avaaury with a full supply of Inter eating reading-isaUer oa agricultural ana hsyuoaltural subject, aad keep them fully informed of all that oaours is th world of UleraUit. art. Mi, puli tiu, ana what is spukaa of atvd diaawsaod tha great eauUe et atvutsatiaa. Aadraaa, wa. u. xuyaat Co , 41 -taiMB St., tvr. Liarary, New Yw. . Blackwood' Maoasinb. Th January number of this able British periodical ha been re published by th Leonard Boot! Publishing Co., New York. It eoutalns an InUrawtln artiole for Amerioaa read ers, entitled, "Women and Children In Amerioa." The naval defenoes or England are carefully re viewed there I a readable biographical sketch of Sir William Parker, lata Admiral of tba British fleet ; an admirable eritiqaa on Connington' trans lation of the Aineld. Cornelius O Dowd muse on th Pope, Fenians, Mormon and notion writer. Th number alio aontaln th usual reviews, litera ry notloe, Ac. BUBIlfBSS NOTTCIB. t7Job Prlmllnm:. Having reoelved large supply of NEW JOB TYPE, af various new styles, Posters, Handbill, Circular, Cards, Letter Heads, Bill Head, Label, A,, ean b printed in th latest and best stylee, and on short notice. Order by mall promptly attended to. r iisiai Abtehui Ward says : "Lei us all be happy, and live within our means, even if w have to bor row money to do It with." Any man can be mad happy by purchasing a suit at John E. Smiok'i tai loring establishment, on Fourth street, Bunbury, for he sells his clothing so cheap that everybody I abla to buy of him, - without th necessity of resort ing to a "loan." 11 In Urn of peace, prepare for war," la an old and sound piece of advice; and In time of a freese, prepare for a thaw, 1 a xaor recent but as good a aylng. Therefor, be prepared for a broak-np, with all tha uncomfortable eoneomitant to pedes trian inoident thereto. Have your feet well pro tected with a pair of Harry Thaohrr'i superior boot or shoee, and you will be prepared to bid defiance to any kind of weather. Don't forget the place : in the old Boulton stand, Market street. 1 niOiui Another ! Mr. J. F. Bchaffer, whose tailoring establishment is on the eorner of Market square and Third street, opposite the Central Hotel, (up stairs,) as a matter of course take hi place In our buslnen notioe column. He has just reoelved an elegant assortment of Cloths, Csasimeres, Vesting, Ac, which he Is prepared to make up to order. Mr. Schaffer has the reputation of being a first-class tailor, and we advise all who may want a good and well-fitting suit to give him a call. II llir ! Ticket No. 58,600 ! This remarkable ticket is now on exhibition on many of the garments sold at the Continental Clothing Basaar, Market stroet, Sun bury. This number, it will be remembered, drew the Crosby Opera House, and the same number Indi cate that that Is th number of garment told this season at the Bacaar. Cull and see the number, and the garments, and the prices. Take Very Particular Noticb, that, to enjoy winter properly you must be well guarded against the elements When you go skating or sleighing wrap up warmly, while enjoying the exercise, and make yourself oomfortable. A pair of boots or shoes from Miller's Excelsior Boot and Shoe Store, Market street, on such occasions, ia a great luxury and safe guard against cold feet. What Doe it Mean T The following startling information has just been reoelved at our office, and wa hasten to lay it before our readers : Knocked Down ! The nriaee of the flrl-ts suits manufactured at Jaoob 6. Beck's tailoring es- laDiisnment, on rourtn street, nave been knocked down to the lowest possible figure, aa It is Beck's in tention to close out his present winter stock by next spring. He also offers for sale Cloths, Cassimeres, to., at oost. Persons in want of winter clothing will do well to call soon, as bargains oan now be hod. A Tbctb. After all the rare and costly gifts that may pass from one to another, as keepsakes, there is nothing more appropriate and lasting than a life-like photograph of the remembered one. No thing will so vividly recall that one, in after years, and nothing like this will grow in value, as year pass away. Thus impressed, go at once to Byerly't Photograph Gallery, in Simpson's building, Market street. Any sue or style that may be desired can be had at bis gallery. 17 To Claim Agents. Blanks for the collec tion of "Claim of Private Soldior and Non-Com- missionod Officers," under the late Act of Congress, equalising bounties, hare been printed and are now for sale at the Amehican office. We keep on hand a full supply of all kinds of military blanks, which we sell very cheap. They are copied from blanks prepared in the Departments at Washington, and can be relied on for correctness. Orders from a d is sue e will receive prompt attention. Lira Insurance. " The Policy may not be paid office sometimes fail." But in the case of The Mutual Life Insurance Company, of New York, you have every possible guarantee for the security of your investments. A large accumulated fund, se curely invested; an undeniably safe and large amount of assets to meet all risks; with careful and judicious management in all departments if these do not constitute security, where will you find it? Jacob Shipman. Fire and Life linuranre Athili ouuuury, rs. DEATHS. Near Elysburg, after a lineerinc Illness, on the 30th ult., ANNA, wife of Samnel Haas, aged 67 years ana lo days. MlTiUlRY UKHETN. Corrected Weekly for the "American." Wheat Flour, extra family, per barrel, IS 00 8 00 do do do do per ewt. per bbl. per cwt. per bushel, do do do do per pound Rya Flour, do Wheat, prime red Rye, Corn, new Oats, Potatoes, Dried Peaches, pared do do uo pared Dried Annies. 10 00 6 60 i 60 1 10 85 50 1 00 40 30 oo do 18 3 00 35 35 25 20 Dried Cherries, (unstoned,) per bn. Bu'ter, per pound, egg. Cheese, Lard, Hams, Shoulders, Beef, hind quarter, " front " Mutton, Chiokens, per aoxen, per pound, do do do do do do per pair 25 15 14 13 18 60 Bliunokid Coal Trade. Shamokin, Feb. , 1867. Tone. Cwt, Sent for week wding Feb. 2d, 6,634 li Per last report, 16.6U9 01 11,333 16 211,202 11 6,868 13 To same time last year, Decrease, prrial Notiug. CoBBBitnptlOsB Cmrable by TUr. Jcheack'a HI edlvineav TO CURE CONSUMPTION, th system must b prepared so that the lung will heal. To accom plish this, th liver and stomach must first be cleansed and as appetite created Cur good wholesome food. whloh, by these medicines wUl be digests properly, and good healthy blood made; thus building up the eotuUiutioa. HCHUNOK U M AND AUK PILL8 oleanee the stomach of all bilious or mucous aeeantu lationa; and, by using tb Be Weed Tofsie la eo neolinj), the appetite ia reotored. BOHENCKV PULMONIC SJRVP Is nutritious a well aa medicinal, and, 'by using the three reme dies, all impurities are expelled from the system, aid good, wboleeome blood made, whieh will reps all die. If patient will take tbeee medieine ae sordine to directions, ConsumpUoa very frequently in, it J set stag yield readily to their notion. Take th aillsiran ueutly , to cleans the liver and etouiaeh, It doe not follow that became the bowel are not ativ thsfre aot required, for oetime ia di arrhoea tbey are aeeeeaary. The temB kept healthy, and an appetite created to allow the Pulmonic Syrup to act oa the rasjlraaery erg an properly ana allay any Irritation. Then all thai i required to perform a permanent cure is, to prevent taking eeid Exerci about the aooss a laaeh a poMiOt, i all th rieheat fod fa meat, gatue, atvd, 1b fact, anything th ppetii rve j bat he parueaiar aae: aura save well. Oct. J), i860. 2nd w. a at. 1 yr. WIM-rAll'S HAfJMAltl OI WILJf ciiimiiY. ' Thl remedy ha long been cherished by the com munity for it remarkable effioacy in relieving, healing and earing th most obstinate, painful and long-standing ease of Vough,CoU,Inluenm,Sor; Thromt, BroHchiti; Whooping Cough, Croupt Asthma, iHjtammation of the Lunge', while even Consumption itself has yielded to it magic influ enoe when all other means have failed. It whole history prove that the past haajiroduced no remedy of equal value, as a cure for th numerous and dan gerous pulmonary affection whloh prevail all over th land. UnsjoUcItet". Tcatlmomy, From Andrew Arcbbb, Esq., of Fairfield, Me. "About eight year since, my son Henry A. Ar cher, now Postmaster at Fairfield, Somerset County, Me., wa attacked with spitting of blood, eoub, weakness of Lungs, and general debility, so much so that oar family physielnu declared htm to hnve a "Skated Conbumptior." He was under medical treatment for a number of months, but received no benefit from it. At length, from the solicitation of himself and others, 1 was induced to pnrchase one bottle of WISTAR'S BALSAM OF WILD C 11 Kit R Y, whloh benefited him so much I obtained another bottle, which in a short time restored him to his usual state of health. I think I oan safely recom mend this remedy to others in like condition, for t is, I think, all it purports to be the great Lung Re medy for the Times ! The above statement, sentlemon, is my voluntary offering to you, in favor of your Balsam, and is at your disposal.' Prepared by BETH W. FOWLK A SON, 18 Tre ment St., Boeton, and for sale by Druggist generally. scnoi'ii.A. Tb Rev. Geo.IStorri of Brooklyn, New York, says. In the Bible Examiner, by way of apology fur puousning a medical certincate in bis magazine, or the cure of his only son, of Scrofula, "after dissolu tion appeared inevitable." "We publish this state- meut, not tor pay, but in gratitude to Uod wbo ha" 'thus answered prayer, and in justice to Dr. Anders; wing snusuuu mi, luarv is viriua 1U IUS 1UUISS Water treatment, which the readers of this Maga- sine will thank its Editor for bringing to their no tice." Circulars free. Dr. H. Anders' Iodine Water is for sale by J. P. DINSMOKE. Proorictor. 30 Dov St.. N. Y. and by all Druggists, Feb. BLADES' EUPHONIAL LI) II It 1 C A T O It N ! THE PEOPLE'S MOST SURE AND EFFECTUAL remedy for Coughs, Colds, Croup, Catarrh, Asthma, xtroncnitis. Dipntneria ana all Pulmonary diseases. The Luhrioator is a medical preparation in the form of a Losenge, whieh of all modes is the most fileasantand convenient. They contain no deleterious ngrediont, and are Warranted to be always safe even for the weakest and most sensitive stomach. In Croup tbey give immediate relief. For Coughs and Colds theywire invaluable. tor Catarrh, Asthma, and Bronchitis thev have no equal in the market. (vide sertilioatcs ooooinpany Ing each box.) Diphtheria, that dreaded and deso lating disease, they control wonderfully and almost Immediately. no i-uoiic epeaxer, eingeror Teacher, should be without them, as they remove hoarseness and strengthen and clear the voice. Wjr" Always use them in time, and if the Symptoms are severe use very freely. J. it. ui.ADta a Co., rrop s, Eluiira. N. Y. JOHNSON. HOLLOWAY A COWDEN. Wholesale Agents, Philadelphia. 1 or sale by all Druggists. Jan. IV, 1867. To Consumptive. Th advertiser, having been restored to health in a few weeks by a very simple remedy, aftor baring suffered for several years with a severe lung affection and that dread disease, Consumption is anxious to make known to bis fellow sufferer the means of cure. To all who desire it, he will send a copy of the prescription used (free of ohorfe), with the direc lions for preparing and using thceame, which they will find a idbb Cube fur Consumption, Asthma Bronchitis, Couohs, Cold, and all Throat and Lung Affection. Th ouly object of the advertises in sonding the prescription is to benofit the afflicted and spread information which he conceives to be in valuable, and he hope every sufferer will try his remedy, as it will oost them nothing, and may prove a blessing. Parties wishing the prescription, free, by return mail, please address tlEV. W11.SUN, Williamsburgh, Kings Co , New York January 13, 1866 ly. A Cough, A Cold or Sore Throat, Requires immediatb attention, and should be checked, if allowed to continue, Irritation oC Use Luags, A Permanent Tlirout IMeeake, or Cou u nipt ion 1 OVTEN TBB RESULT. II R O W tt HROrfClllAL TltOCHUl! BAVINO A DIBECT INFLUENCE TO THE FARTS, GIVE IMMEDIATB BELIEF. For Bronchitis, Asthma, Catarrh, Conaump tire and Throat Diseases, Troches are used with always good suoceas. SINGERS AND PUBLIC SPEAKERS will find Trorhee useful in olearins: the voice when taken before Singing or Speaking, and relieving the throat after an unusual exertion of the vocal organs. The Trochee are recommended and prescribed by Phvsiciana. and have had testimonials from eminent men throughout the country. Being an artiole of true merit, and having proved their efficacy by a teat of many years, each year finds them in new locali ties in vorious parts of the world, and tha Trochee are universally pronounced oetter man otner ar tides. Obtain onlv "Brown' Bronchial Troche,' and do not tali any of the Worthless imitations that may be offered Sold Everywhere. November 24, 1866. 6m Urmrtial Jnstttule TOR SPECIAL OASES, No. 14 Uond (street "tew York. . Full information, with the highest testimonials also a Book on Special Diseases, in a sealed envelope sent free. l"ir"Be sure and send for them, and you will Dot regret it ; for, as advertising physicians are eenerally impostors, with reference no stranger should be trusted. Enclose a stamp lor postage, and direct to Drl. DAYVKtaUK, Ko. It ilona street, New York. Nov. 17, 1866.-!y Strange, bat True. Every young lady and gentleman in the United States ean bear something to their advantage by re turn mail, (free of oharge,) by addressing the under signed. Those having fears of being humbugged will oblige by not noticing this card. All others will please address their obedient servant, THOS. P. CHAPMAN, 831 Broadway, New York January 13, 1866 ly mhe ConfeenlonB and Experience X Of AM INVALID. Published for the benefit and as a eaution to yonn men and other, who suffer from Nervous Debilii y Premature Decay of Manhood, Ac, supplying at the am time th mean of aelf-eur. By one wbo na surad himself after underKolnl considerable quack ery. By enoloaing a post-paid addressed envelope, single eoplee, Iree of cnarge may n uau oi tne au Uor. NATHANIEL MAYFAIR, Esq.., Brooklyn, Kings co, . x. Janjiar J7, 1866 ly. ITCH! ITCH I ITCH! SCRATCH! SCRATCH! SCRATCH! WHEATON'S OINTMENT Will Car the Itch In 48 Iloasr. Ala aares SALT RHEUM. ULCERS, CHIL BLAINS. and all ERUPTIONS OF TUK SKIN Prinst &0 anta. Vor aala h tha drurifiatj. Bv aend. in0eenl to WivtKJj A POriEU, Sol Agents, 170 Washington street, Boston, it will he forwarded by mail, tree of poetage, te aor pert ef the United Bute. j n 'ttwy ' Error of Vonth. A gentleman who suffered for years from Nervous Debility, rreiatme Decay, aad tba effects of youth Ail IndiesretioB, . will, tor-the lake of (ulWing hu taaolty, send free to all who seed It, the recipe and dirattuso for making th djupl remedy hy whio be wa eared. Sufferer wishing to profit by th ed rertiser1 aapertenee, aaa do a try addressing J0H3 B. OUDEN. , ' N. It, Chamber St., New York. Jaaaaxy .3, 1665. Jj NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. BOOKS, STATIONERY and VARIETIES, Always on band a larg and complete stock of ALBUMS, Juvenllo, Blank, School, Hymn and Prayer BOOKS. Note, letter, antral and Cap Paper. GOLD PENS AND HOLDERS. Pens, Inks, Pencil, Port-Follo, rioture, Tloture Frames, Musical Instruments, String, Music, Lamps, Bbadet, Globes, As. Soaps, Chain. Sleds, Canes, Games. Brushes, Port- monalee, and Fancy Articles of all kinds. Wall Paper, llordcr and Window Shade. Agent for "La Rose's Hair Restorative," and "Enamel of America." Drafts on Europe and Tiokets for Steam Vcnel QUICK SALES AND SMALL PROFITS th motto at LIGIITNER'S Book Store and News Depot, Fob. 2, 1867. Markot Square, Sunbury, Pa . Here they are I Another lot of thoso excellent GLOVE CALF Ekating, Walking and Riding throughout, for Ladies' Wear, at BOOTS, Lined THACIIEll'S. Sunbury, January 26, 1867. 41 ICnIhIv of John I'u)S'ly, dea'enned. NOTICE is hereby given that lettors of adminis tration hiivine been granted to the undendun- ei on the estate of John Fagely, late of Shamokin township, Northumberland oounty, Pa., decensed. All persons indebted to said estate are requested to make immediate payment, and thoso having claims to present them for settlement. UllltlSilAIN U. i AULI, Adm'r. Shamoklntown, Jan. 12, 1867. 6t The (jircatcait Story ot the Arc. In keeping with the promise which we made some time back, to keep THE NEW YORK WEEKLY in the front rank of literary journalism, and to main tain its claim to the position which it undoubtedly Holds that ol being tbe leading story and skotob paper of the United States, if not of the world we are now RTatifled to be able to announce that we have oommeneed the publication of ANOTHER GREAT STORY. It is from the pen of that world ronowned romancer LEON.LEWIS, Authorof "The Silver Ship," "Syria the Jewess," Ibo step-Daughter s l'ortion," etc., etc. It is entitled THE 'WATER WOLF, Or the Deuon or the Bermudas. The mere announcement of a story hy a writer so extensively and favorably known as Leon Lewis, would perhaps be enough to causa everybody to read it, but "THE WATER WOLF" has especial olainis to public approval, in that it is somewhat ditlerent from anything olse which it gilted 'author has thus far given to the world. As its titlo implies, it is a story of the Bermudas, and partakes largely of the wild, the weird, and tho grand. The hcroiuo is a most glorious creation a creature all beauty and sunshine, tender, impulsive, generous and courageous who is cast away upon one of the Bermuda Islands, and falls into the hands of a desperate villain, who is a deadly enemy to ber fiitber. Vt bile here, she enoounters the dread scourgo of the islands, tb frightful WATER, WOLF the simple description of which fearful monster cau ses the flesh to creep with horror. The story is full of cation at the very start, and th reader finds his attention enchained before he has read a dozen sen tences. It is full of the most thrilling situations, and possesses a plot of the greatest intricaoy and of the most Ingenious character. THE WATER WOLF will unquestionably add greatly to tbe already great reputation of Leon Lewi and will undoubtedly bo extensively read. Recollect that Till': WATER WOLF, Or, The Demon of the Burmudas, BV LEON LEWIS, Is now ready, and for sale everywhere. OTJR. TERMS. The New York Weekly is sold hv all News Agents throughout the United States. The price is ! Six Cents, hut in cases where Agents have to pay extra freight, a higher price is charged. When there is a News Agent in the town, we desire our friends to get the Weekly through him. We do not wish to mail tbe paper except in places where there is no other means of getting it. When sent by mail, single copies, $3 per annum ; four copies, $10, which is ti 01) a copy; eight copies 0. ihe parly wbo sends us 2U for a club of eight copies, (all sentat one time.) will be entitled to a copy free. Postmas ters and others who get up clubs, In their respective towns, can afterward add single oopies at SO. Tha New York Weekly and the Illustrated Lite rary Album will both be sent for Ji! per annum. . i; : . : . c alf 7iuv;iuieii viipn'3 seiii. r rro. STREET 4 SMITH, Proprietors, 11 Fraukfort st., Now York. February 2, 1867. .It ELEVENTH A MARKET ST3., PHILADEL'A. rpiIIS new and elegant House is now open for the L roception of guests. It ha been fitted up in a manner equal to any in th country. The location being central make it a very desirable stopping place, both for Merchants and parties visiting the city. The parlors are spneious. and elegantly furn ished. The tubloe will be supplied with all the doli oocics the markot will afford, and it is tbe intention of the Proprietor to keep in every respect a First Class Hotel. Terms S3 00 per day. CURLIS DAVIS, Proprietor. February 2, 1867 6m Mount Carmel Hotel. MT. CARMEL, Northumberland Co., Fa., THUS. HUKKET, Proprietor. This large com I odious Hotol is located near tbe depots of the Shamokin Valley and the Quakake A New York Railruads. Trains arrive and depart daily. This bouse is located in tha centre of tbe Coal Ro- gion and affords the best accommodations to traveler and permanent oustomen. jay o VALENTINES ! A LL kinds, Comic and Sentimental. Perfume . Satchels and Love Cards, FANCY ENVELOPES. A fine line of Uoods for th season, now open and rapidly selling at LIQHTNER'S Book Store. January M. 1867. St Writ ol'l'oreieu Attachments J. B. Mower, ) vs. No. 29, March Term, 1667. Joseph S. Silver, jr. ) NORTHUMBERLAND COUNTY, S3. , , To tbb SuEuirr or said Cotisrr, Is. M. UBEETiaa : W command you, that you attach Joseph S. Sil ver, jr., late of your County by all and singular, his gooas ana cnatue, moneys, right, credit ana enoct, land ana tenement ol the aelundants, in tne bands and possession of any person er persons whatsoever, the same may be, so that he be and appear before our Court of Common Pleas, to be holden at Sunbury In and for said County, on the second Monduy of Huron next, there to answer J. u. massor, in a plea ot debt in one hundred and eleven dollar and sixty cents. And also that yon summon any person or persons Whatsoever, id wbuse nanus or possession said goous, ohattlos, Ac. mav be, and also summon said person or any said persons, or other persons whatsoever, a Uarnlihee, that tbey be and appear betbr court on the aeooud Mundav of March next to answer what shall bo objected against and abide the Judgment of the Court therein, ana nave you men toeir wis writ. . . WITNE3 ihe Hon. Albxabdeb Fifty eeot Revenue Stamp. Jobdab. President Judge of our said Court at Sunbury, this lbth day of January, A. U. IttOI. JOHN J. REIMEN5NYDER, Proth'y. Prothonotary'a Office,. Bunbury, Jan. t, lb7 J 6w MAiVTVA MAKEbT" Mr. A. TWEED. Market street, S door East of th New Bank Build ing, SUNBURY, PA. RESPECTFULLY inform her friend and the public that she ha again opened a shop, in Market eves, ftunbury, where (he is prepared to make to order Ladies' Dreeaes, in an entire new style, Ladies' Cloak, Ac Ala Gentlemen' shirt. Order rospeotfully solicited. Kunfcitrjr, Jaa. IV, 1667.-4 mUK BTOetl and FIXTURES ef an established X Coofeotionery, with aa Oyster eparuaout, aad good run of custom. Apply-cto JNO. C MILLER, Jaa. J J, 1667. Sutbury, Pa. J VA, KM JARED'S IsKmnll de Iari,n THE NEW BBAUTIFIER OF THE SKIN. TESTIMONIALS FROM CELEBRATED LADIES. This secret of beautifying th skin being known only to Messrs. Jared A Rene, they 'honorably state that it differs from all other preparaliona. It give to the most barsh and freckled skin both the texture and color of polished Ivory, removing all disoolora tions, whether appearing as freckles, tan, morphew, moth or blaokworm specks, and ia especially sua. oessfut in smoothing out tb marks left by the small, pox. The agents of "L'EMAIL de PARIS" most confi dently submit to the publio the earnest endorse, mcnts of such distinguished Indies as Signors RISTORI, M'ddie FELICITA VESTVALIA, Him MAUUIE MITCHELL, Mrs. D. IV BOWERS, LUCILLE WESTERN, Madame POMISI, Mrs. EMMA WALLER, LUCY RUSHTON. NOEMIE Db MARQUERITTES, Miss A. PERRY, and many other whos high (landing in the profe. sion gives tha stamp of trutbfulnct to their intelli gent and genuine approval. Tbe beautiful Luoille Western says: "I find that the "Email" produces all tbe brillian cy of rouge and lily-wbito, with the great and pecu. liar advantage of total haruilcwnoaa. It really add to the softness and beauty of the skin." The magnificent Vestvalia says : "I have suflered so much from the various white lotions, Ac, which my theatrical profession oblige me to use, that I consider it a perfeot benefaction to find a preparation which gives the necessary white ness to the skin.and leaves Ihe skin cool and smooth Miss Maggie Mitchell says : "I have tried the skin bcautifier, "L'Email do Paris,'1 and found Hint it instantly Imparts a natural bloom and freshness to the complexion." "Jared's Email do Paris" is used a a delicate beautifierof tbe skin for Theatre, Saloon or Ball Room, by tbe most refined and scrupulous ladies, f producing all the beautifying effects of rouge and ily-white, without their vulgar glare or injury to tbe skin. Sold by all first-class Druggists, Perfumers and Ladies' ilair Drcsors. L. Isabcaif, 822 Broadway Demos Barnes A Co. and F. C. Wells A Co., New York ; and Eugene Jouin, 111 South Tenth stroet, and Johnson, Hollo way A Cowden, Philadelphia, Agents. JARED A RENE, General Agents and Importers, New York. Jan. 26, 1867. 6m BENJAMIN BAHNER, DEALER IN I'l'ult, and Ornamrnlnl Trees, Shrubbery. Vlnew, Ar. THE subscriber respectfully announces to the citi svns of Northumberland and ad joining counties, that bo is prepared to furnioh all varieties of Fruit, and ornamental trees, Shrubberry, Vines, Ac, of tbe very best quality, which he will warrant to be healthy and vigorous, from the most responsible nur series in the country. All trees, Ac, ordered during the winter, will be delivered ut the nearest railroad stations free ct charges, in tho "pring of lHf7, Tbe celebrated SUKKKY W INE PLANT, a rrost excellent variety, is offered for sale by him. Purchasers will find it to their advantage to patro nize him, as ho has had a great deal of experience in the business, and sells on the most reasonablo terms. Address BENJAMIN BAHNER. Paxinos 1. O., Northumberland County, Pa. January S, 1867. 3m. 12ffate ot" Henry lleckert, Dec'd. NOTICE is hereby given, that letters of adminis tration having been granted to the undersigned, on the estate of llonry Heckert, late of Lower Mahanoy township, Northumberland county, Pa., deceased. All persons knowing themselves indebt ed aro requested to make immediate payment, and those having claims will present thorn duly authen ticated tor settlement. WILLIAM DEPPIN. Administrator. Lower Mahuuoy, January, 5, 1867. 6t. """boots, shoes and TRUNKS 1 II. 4j., SUCCESSOR TO W . W . A P S L E Y . IN addition to our largo stock, already on hand, we are now receiving a full supply of Fall and Win ter goods fur Ladies, Ucntlemen, Misses and Chil dren i s wear. Also a good assortment of Trunks. A large lot of R. R. Bags, Ucnts' fine leather Satchels. We wish it distinctly understood that we intend selling our gods at small profits, exclusively for the cash. Don't forget the place. Alley's old etund, in the well-known house of Mrs. Boulten, Market street, bunbury, Pa. NOTICE Boots and Shoes neatly repaired at ' short notice. If any bought of us should rip they i shall be fixed for nothing. ( H. O. THACHER. I Sunbury, Dec 8, 1S88 tf. JNO. KAY CLEMENT, Business In this and adjoining counties carefully and promptly atttended to. OUico in Market Street, Third door west of Smith A Uenthcr's Stove and Tinware Store, NIMII KV mVA. T 0-WlT LOTS IN tbe Borough of Sunbury, desirably situated, iu high and central locatiuns, 1'OK sai.i:, on snch easy terms as will enable persons, with a limited amount of available money, to purohase homes. Person having mineral or '1'linlx'r Ijinds, Forms, Dwellings, or other Real Estate, for sale or Ieae, as well aa those desiring to purchase or rent, aro invited to consult the subscriber. His connec. tion with roliuble firms iu New York, Philadelphia, and elsewhere, ufford unusul advantage,. Convcyanouig oorreotly and neatly executed. JNO. KAY CLEMENT, Attorney at Law, Third door west of Smith A Genthur .Move Store, Sunbury, Pa Sunbury, Dec. 8, 1866. tf. Pmulis, tiiofs, Putty, VhitoXeud, Varnishes, Aa. Everything that Painter use at unheard of prices at tbo Hardware Store of J. li. COX LEY A CO. Sunbury, June 16, 1866. L. EASHOLTI, O. B WOLVEBTOB, C. P. BKASUOLTS. COAL! COAL! COAL! rililK subscriber respectfully inform tbocitixens of 1 eunoury and viciuity, that tney nave opened COAZi YARD at J. Haas A Co's Lower Wharf, fiinlury, IH. where they are prepared to supply all kinds of Sha mokin Coal, at eheup rates. Families and others promptly supplied. Country custom respectfully solicited. SEAS110LTZ A CO. Sunbury, Jan. 12, 1867. FANCY DRY GOODS STOKE lVEISS KATE BLACK. Market street, four doors west of Wis. 11. Miller' Boot and Shoe store, SUNBURY, Pa. RESPECTFULLY informs her friends in Sunbury and viciuity, that she bos just opened her 'WINTER GOODS. ol Notions and Fanoy Dry Goods, Her stuck oonsiU of All-Wool Delaines, Embroide ries, Lace Collars, Bleached and unbloaohed Muslins, Sheetings, Drilllugs, Garibaldi Muslin, Bird-Ey Linens, Alapauas, Poplins, Crape and Lao Veils. Ladies' Winter HATS, Ladies' Woolen Cap, Break fast bawlf, Sontags. Children' Woolen Ciroulan, Children's Woolen Skirt. Mine. Deinorost's Hair Curlers, Hair Coll and Curls, Gloves, Stacking. Collars, Corset", As. Gents' Collars, Neckties, half Hose, llundker chiefs and Suspenders. Bradley's now Patent Duplex Ellipti (or douhh) Spring SklltTS ) HOPKINS Ellipti Skirt. Perfumery, Toilet Soaps, Hair Brushes, Comb, Toys, and a general variety of NOTIONS. KATE BLACK. Sunbury. Nov. 24, 1866. HOOTS, KIIOKN, AI THl'.U. n. a. t u a o n e h , I'CCESSOU TO W. W. AP8LEY, MARKET STREET, 8UNBURY, PA. A large lot of Boot and Shoe just rewired, A - nue lot of TRUNKS oa band. A gene ral aaeortment of Gent' Tseialiiug Satetiela, H B. Bog, Value, Ac. Ac, Ac, Aa. COMB AND Bll! At th well-kaeea hues .of Mra. Boulton, Market Street, between Tbicd and Hearth street. Sunbury, fjaft- J8, 1846. Cash Uuh 1 1 tVnmm 1 1 1 f tO,)tM wanted ia exchange for all kind el Hard, Iroaa, Moid, A., at tb new Hardware blur or y. u. tAuxitBiX e vv. Sunbury, June 16, lb66. wj you vaai rooa Tin-were, go u SMITH A it t. J UEW ARRIVAL OP FALL & WINTER GOODS AT THE MAMIXOTH STORE of Is U . t'RIMfa A SO. Market Square, J doors east of Ihe New Court House, BUNBURY, PA. HAVE received a large quantity of sew PALL and WINTER UOODS, which tbey offer to the trade at tbe lowest possible prioe. DRY GOODS. Their Mock of Ladles' Dress Uoods is large, and contains a greater variety than can be found in any country establishment. Cull and examine. Black and Fanoy Silks, UrosdeUrain, Gro de Rhine, Taffetas, Ao., of every width and price. Me rinos of all shades and colors, all-wool Plaids. Irish nd French Poplins, Black Figured and Striped Alapacca, Empress Cloths, Silk and Wool Pluids, Mohulr Lustres, all-wool Delaines, Moussclaiu De laines, bMaok and White Checks, Ac THE BIIAWL DEPARTMENT Deserve particular attention. Shawls, Cloak, Opora Flannels, Mantillas, Hoop Skirt, Ao. THE NOTION DEPARTMENT Contains Its more than usual supply of Laces, Ho. sicry, U loves, Ac THE DOMESTIC DEPARTMENT Comprises a new assortment of Gentlemen' Fur Dishing Uoods, Cloths, Calicos, Ao. CARPET &oTl CLOTHS, Tho large Carpet Department of the establishment la now filled with a fresh and elegant lot of new stylus and pattorn. THE PAPER DEPARTMENT Embraces WALL PAPER of all kind and price. Window Shades, Paper, do do Oil large, new assortment. Strugs, Olln, Painta, Coal Oil an Lamp. Fish, Pork, Coarse and Fine Salt, Coffee, Tea, Su gar, Molasses Syrup, Spices, Ao Groceries. Tobacco, Segars and Snuff, tngcthoi wilh a lnrge variety of miscellaneous goods at prioe that oannot fail to satisfy purchasers. J. W. FRILING A SON. Sunbury, October 13, 1S60. K. L. LAZARUS. S FALL TRADE, I860 FALL TRADE, 1S06! ! m VyOULD respectfully call the attention of g a If tne pumio to ncr iiAuvix, anu ASSUnTMEXT Ot g Fancy and Domestics Dry Goods, q g l)reM 4jiool, j! Q Of all kinds and styles in grcnt Variety. " POPLIN 3 AND MERINOS, o Black, Green. Blue, Wine, Brown, Purple, Ao., q In All- Wool Plaids, Detains, Calicoes, g Ac, we have an assorment. V, S Th best Black Allpaaca, all-wool Dolains, Poplins. O "WWte Goods. a Cambric, Swiss. Nainsook and Jaconet Mus- Q lins, Dimity, Bird-Eye Linen and Towling. g O Berlin and American Zephyrs, Shetland B Wool, Cashmere Yarns, Ao. 2 Ilalmoriil feklrtt), 9 o Gum Cloth, llrpl Triimnlnir.. TTiisiprv O Gloves, Hoop-Skirts, CorectU, Ribbons, and f Woolen Goods. LADIES' CLOTH CLOAKS A COATS. g g Red Gloves, of the best quality, and a great S variety of goods too numerous to mention, all a of which will be sold at the very lowest for 2 w enfh. M. L. LAZARUS. g Sunbury Oct. 17, 186. J 1866.3m lr. Leon's CELEBRATED PREPARATIONS, THE PERFECTION OF MEDICAL SCIENCE. Ut. Leon's Electrio Hair Renewer. It Is a positivo cure for Bnldnes It tenures Gruy Huir to iu Original Color. it is a luino, not a Uye. and aota upon tnosccretionr. It immediately arrests lulling out of the Hair It alleviates Neuralgia and Headuche. It radically cures Dandrufl'and Humors It keeps the sculp healthy, clean and cool. It is an elegant and exquisitely fragrant Hair Drvssinir, It rentoren. Cultivates and Beautifies the Hair. It make harsh Hair flcxibla end Lustrous. I)r. Iossn Fleet ric Ilair ltssw. er bos enjoyed a high local reputation for many years, lis wonderful restorative and invigorating properties are well known to the Medical Faculty of Philadelphia. jseing lutty satunaa or me merus oi B.eon IHcelric Ilair llrnrvtcr we have pro cured exclusive ownership an J are determined that every household in our land shall have opportunity to reap iu benefits. ii:. 1.1:0. m ni'A.M' iii:.m:iv A most delightful and efficacious eure for the va rious ills to which Infant and Young Children are subject. INVALUABLE FOR TEETHING CHILDREN. It softens the gums, abates inBamation, invigorate the stomach and bowels, corruu acidity, aud is a sure and speedy eure for Colic, Cramps and lYfndy Paiws, A most excellent preparation for children of a restless and fretful habit and in all ease of liovsrurss, j!rliui;, Yoiuillnff or other inward grief, it gives immediate ease. Used fur more than naif a century in the private Jraetiae of one of he must eminent physician iu 'biladelphia. In now pinning this article within the reoeh of all our oountryiui'D, we would remark that we know it to be a Remedy of unrivaled excellence and that it haa proved in thousands of eases, as we are resolved it ahull in millions, a priceless boon. For ball) by Drugguu Everywhere. Address sll orders to ZIKCalsKK V SMITH, SOLE PROPBIETORS, 1ST IVortli Third Mt., lbira. SILVER'S WASH POWDER. SAVES Time. Labor. Money; makes WASHINO A PASTIME AND MONDAY A FESTIVAL. Sold Everywhere. TRY IT! November 24, 18ft ly HEW MUSIC STORE. Call at our New Musis Store in HC.X N'SOROVE, and buy rne of Uaime Budtbeb' New So I Piano Fortes. Every instrument ia Warranted Jur five yean. We also keep constantly on hand a good stuck oi ah celebrated PELOl BST'S MELODKON8, CABL KEV and CHURCH ORGANS, and challenge other to sell cheaper than we are selling. We also keen all kind of Musical Meaeheailiae. and receive all the latest mtiaie aa aooe a published A liberal discount 10 teacher of Meboelt aad Bemir Baric pTBeeond hand UstruanU take ia eaofaacg for new ene. Piano correctly tawed aad repaired. nt for Circular f 1LEM A BROTHER. ellngrove, Eaeder Co., Pa., July li, loot. ly flALL and see tho beautiful Bird Cage at the 1 V sew xiareware sure es I J. H CONLXr A CO. I Felly LtrnwhvETrpsnslerrhgrr (Tni. B fn If! 0 '""J t00 w M)sMilb. s'or teruii. lllss- V' II 1 UWd Clroulsrm. Ajr1uiar6svylUl Sltujp. cilhof B f PAfJivTnFllSiA Y V7 Aw Cli Chestnut Bt., Phils-, Pfcsin. gt J- A-SKC Ml MUaT.ls4, !Pfck. Deo. 1.