nr Z)t &unfmr2 American. M. WII.VEHT. .,,.,, N. 8. EIMLB,. ( Pbll8UM. , , SIIInUKV, PA. SATURDAY, fEBtlUAUY , 1807. A BEQUEBT .TO 8UBSCBIBEHS. Subscribers to the IHM f particularly re quested not to allow thvir Indebtedness to orerrun one yoar. All subscription tkonld b paid In ad vance ; but under no onsideratloB should the year pas around with the subscription nnpald. A ttriot attention to thto will tav 08 an Immenie amount of trouble and a rery hoavy loai. ' Hocal gltfa(rs ly Vendue Bills can be printod on two houri' notice, 1b the beet style and at the ohonpoet rate, at the office of the Am bbicax. Wo would also advlso farmers and others, whe Intend to sell out their personal property this Bprlng, to adverllie their vendues in the Aushicah, which, besides reaching every part of Northumberland oounty, Is extensively circulated tn several adjoining counties. The more these vonduca aro advertised the greater will be the number of porsons collected, and of conrso the re sult will be more bidders and higher prices. CP Th Su-qucbanna, at Sclinsgrovo, was frozen over lost week, for the first time this winter. Pas sengers now crow over to the N. C. B, B. station on this naturnl bridgo. j5"By the will of Mis Clarlnda Grant, of this pluco, who diod several weeks sinoe, all of her estate is left to the Presbyterian Board of Foroign Missions. Uor property is valued at about $4,000. yCocnTr Fisaxces. Tho County Auditors were in session Inst week at the Commissioners' Office, auditing the affairs of the oounty. The re ceipts and expenditures will be published after the March term of court. 13?" Saving Fumd. At a meeting of the Miners' Saving Fund Association, held at Shamokin on Mon day night, 21st ult., Messrs. W. P. Wellington, A. Caldwell and Daniel Weaver were appointed Trus tees for the ensuing year. CP Dedication The I'nion Church at Watson town, this county, erected by the Lutheran and German Reformed denominations, will be dedicated on Sunday, 10th inst. Services will be hold in the Church on Saturday previous, and on Monday after the dedication. Of Til E number of scholars attending the pub! io -schools in this place is about four hundred. The school rooms are, of courso, over-cruwded, and the teachers overtasked . The Board of Directors intend to increase the number of school houses, and also es tablish a high school. fjp" Fire. Uriah Weirick's coach shop, at Lnu relton, Union county, was destroyed by fire on Mon day evening of last week. Tho second story of the building whs occupied as a lodge room by tho Uood Templarsof Lnurclton. Total loss, $1,600, on which there is an insurnnco of $1,000. The origin of the fire is unknown. E3F Winter. Tho oontinued cold weather and abundance of snow affords unmistakable evidence that the old fnahionecl winters, frequently referred to by tho old folks, nro not yet things of the post. On Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday lost the wea ther was unusually cold. The mercury, on Wednes day morning nt 9 o'clock, stood at 4 degrees below toro. lyXsw CoLLiEiir. Tho Belinnco Colliery, near Mt. Curuiol, built by the Mt. Curmcl Locust Mountain Coal Company, Thos. Baumgardner, Pre sident, shipped its first coal on Wednesday, 10th ult. This breuker is large and woll built, capable of hold ing from 1600 to 1800 tons, and preparing 9U to 100 ears per dny. Mr. E. It. Cooke is tho general t upor iutendent. C5" Improvement at Tns Jail. Sheriff Bcck Icy has made a much needed improvement at the County Jail by erecting grating in front of the iron door, in the entry. This will prevent all per sons from coming in close proximity to the prisoners, so thut nothing can be givon theiu without the knowl edge of tho Sheriff. If this improvement bod been made years ago it would, no doubt, have saved the county and the officers considerable expense. CIi Serious Accident at Selinsoiiove. Ed . ward Geiuberling, residing on tho Iule of Que at Selinsgrove, and aged about 18 years, was seriously injured on Wednesday of last wock by the acciden tal discharge of his guu, while shooting ducks on the river at that pluce. For some reason he threw his . gun a short distance from him upon the Ice, which caused it to explode, the contents entering bis side. Mr. Silvcrwoud, living in the neighborhood, found him when almost froten stiff, and removed him to his house His recovery is doubtful. CP" The Domestic Coal Trade is unusually brisk. The good sleighing and excellent ice bridge over the Susquehanna at this place affords the farmers and others in Snyder and Union counties extraordinary facilities to supply themselves with coal, and the retail coal dealers are overwhelmed with orders. No less than sixty sleds were counted . a few days since, waiting their turn to be loaded at the wharves and along the road. Perhaps not less than two hundred sleds and sleighs cross the river . at this place, daily, on the ice. OThb special meeting at tb Unitarian . Church, in Northumberland,, which was commenced by a sermon from the pastor on Friday evening, 25th inst., closed on last Tuesday evening. A scries of six sermons, setting forth and .advocating the principles of liberal Christianity, war preached by Kev. Ficldor Israel, of Baltimore. ' The conference meeting on Saturday afternoon was earnest and in spiring. W understand that both minister and people regard these meetings us eminently success ful. Notiee was given that the Wilmington Confe rence of Unitarian and other christian cburobes will meet in Northumberland on Jho. 27th and 28th . of March next. ry A number of new and bandsom buildings are to be erected in this plaso, next summer. Mr. jlojin Hats, who hat purchased th bout and lot Dwned by Mx. Gussler, on Chestnut street, will re move th old buildings and erect a handsome resi dence. Mr. Benj. Hendricks, who told his property, be low town, to th Northern Central Bailroad Co., is already preparing to put up a bandsom dwelling on bis property in Walnut street. Other new build' ings are alto contemplated. We should like to tee brick more generally used in building than has been the custom of late years. W trust that by meant of machinery brick can be made to tuuch cheaper, erelcag, that buildort can have no excuse for putting up frame houses. CP The Ice Crop secured this season is not .only large, but xoellent. Nearly all put up bat been cut in perfectly square blceks, averaging from 13 to IS Inches, by meant of io plows. On of th last ice bouses filled wot by Metsrt. Iiursh A Brown, grocers, of this place, wliebav stored away, In th large ice hous on th river book, at th upper end of town, torn of th fiuett io ever tetured at this place. Th ioe, when taken oat, was IA inches thick, and wat cut Into black 14 iaehe square, ' weighing about 120 pounds each. Messrs. Hurth A Brown intend supplying our eitiient with ioe every morning, during th coming summer. This is .enterprise that wat much needed In this place, and .many will be gratified to learn that they can obtain this almost indispensable luxury, delivered daily. during th summer isoutU, atatmajlcott. Messrs. Jluish A Brown ar responsible and obliging gen tleinen, and any engagements mad with them can tie relied on. . MmoLi Creek; Kailroad Meitin. Pursuant to notice a large and enthaslaetle meting MM In the Grand Jurj Boom,, in Sunbury, on Friday evening, Utb lt. t tak action la. reforenoe to building the Middle Creek Bailroad. Tha meeting was e.lled U order by eeleellng Hon. Oeo. C. Walker as President, and T. H. Puidy and I. Wllvert is Seoretv'e. ; ' " The President, on taking tha chair, stated that ha did not know tha real object of the meeting, and was not prepared to leak, a speech, hut at Mr. Thomp son, President of the road., was present, he would eall on him to state what was desired on the part of th Company to make this th Urealnut of their road. Mr. Thompson was introduced and addressed th meeting, dating that various propositions had been mad to the Company to terminal their road at other points, and as it was of vital interest to th people of the East side of th Susquehanna to have their road terminate, at this point, they desired to Ascertain what amount of stock could be obtained by making Sunbury their terminus, that th Board of Director oould give It a consideration, in connection with the propositions already mad to th Company. Col. Simpson was then called on and ably ad dressed th meeting, showing th advantages the road would afford to the business community of th coal and Iron districts of Pennsylvania. S. P. Wolverton, Esq., then followed, and pointed out all the advantages the Company would derive over any other points named for the Northern termi nus of their road by making a connection with the Shamokin Valley Railroad, at this place th amount of trade that would be obtained a( this point, which would otherwise be entirely out off; that tho vast amount of coal carried from this region alone would bo sufficient to occupy a single traok, without any other trade, and that a more direot line to th city of Now York could pot be obtained by any other route. F. C. Arms, Esq., was then called npon, who spoke favorably of the road as a good investment ; that the large amount of trade along th line would make it one of the best paying roads in the State. On motion it was Resolved, That a committee of three bo appointed to wait upon the citizens of Sun bury to solicit subscriptions to the stock of the road, on condition that the Company make this place the Northern terminus of their road. The chair then appointed F. C. Arms, Esq., Dr. Joseph Eystor and Geo. B. Younginan, Esq., suid Committee. On motion, Resolved, That a eommltteo of three be appointed to wait on the oitiiensof the Shamokin ooal region to ascertain the amount of stock they will subscribe, on condition that the road connect with the Shamokin Valley Bailroad, at this place. The chair appointed J. B. Packer, Jos. Boyd and S. P. Wolverton, Esqrs., a committee. On motion, adjourned. CPDASTAnnLV Outrage tjpom a SLEianmo PAnTr. The Pottsville' Journal, of last Saturday, says : "W are informed that on Monday evening of last week a sleighing party numbering ton five young men and fire young women left St. Clair to go to Mahnnoy City. On the mountain betweon the two plaoes they were stopped by nine men, armed with revolvers. It may seem incredi ble, but it is positively stated that the robbers strip ped the occupants of the sleigh of their clothing, lea ving nothing but tho underclothing of the women, and the buffalo robes that were in the sleigh. The robbers then compelled them to turn back and re- turn to St. Clair. This is, without exception, tho most dastardly outrago that wo were ever oallcd upon to record in connection with crime in this county." Ei?ew Hule i.i Billiards. As there nro a largo number of persons in Sunbury who delight in a social game of billiards, we give place to the fol. lowing, from the Billiard Cue. which contains an announcement by Mr. Phclan of an important change in the by-laws if the gam of billiards : Heretofore, when the cue-ball was in eontaot with another, or "froson," the striker must strike another ball before tbe one with which he was in eontaot, In order to count. Mr. Pholan announces that after the first of January, 1367, a player, if his ball be ''frozen, can count, provided he plays away from the ball with which he is in eontaot, although on the return of the eue-ball from the cushion or masse It touches that to which it was frozen first. Tha new rule will be favorably received by nil players. LV post of the Grand Army of the Republic has been organised in Danville. J. C Millhouse has been clcctod Post Commander ; E. 0. Kidgway, Senior Vice Commander ; Chat. Uinckloy, Junior Vice Commander ; I. D. Crewit, Adjutant ; Wm, Smith, Quartermaster ; Wm. Wyant, Chaplain. The organization meets in the Assembly Buildings. It is eonductod in regular military stylo, with offv cert of the day, of the guard, sentinels, Ac. The objects are to keep alive their associations, as a unit in the cause of their country, as well as to care for each other and for the maintenance and education of tho orphans of their late comrades. CP As) Old Relic Tbe Solinsgrove Times says that William Gaugler, of that place, brought to that office tbe other day an old rclio. It is an old book, containing specimen penmanship, in Gor man, French and Latin, and is dated 1748 showing it to bo 111 years old. Though the paper looks very old and soiled, as though it had been scorched by heat, the iuk looks as clear and distinct as though it had just been put on. The style of the letters seem to be as regular and exact at any made at this day. The book was originally brought to this oountry from Europe, Mr. Gaugler's grandfather, Kilyon Gaugler, having been a resident of Amsterdam. (jK Measles. The Shamokin Herald says that this disease is prevailing to a considerable extent In that plaoe and vicinity. Editor's .Tall. Beadle's Monthly. We have received the Feb ruary number of this superior periodical, which con tains, as usual, a variety of interesting and Instruc tive reading matter. Tbe contents are : "The Ge- Die," a poem, (illustrated) ; Snakes, (illustrated) : Vt bo Vt us lie?" (oontinued) : The Indian Knmina umiKungs oi expression ; "uone Astray," a poeni : btruKKle. " a ttorv : utobtot-ranb it Notes : The Story of a Spy; "In a Bin," a story j Th Cry for jiuip, iiiiusirmeuj i ' isiainoua uutxiiainonu , rop ular Errors Respecting Animals, Birds, etc "Green- blow in Untbani (continued) ; Notes, Notices and ' uwip. uuiuueu vy seuuie a vompony, Hew lora. Oub Young Folks, for February, Is an excellent number. Tb eontents are : "Round-tbe-World Joe," (illustrated); "Helping Father," (illustra- ted) ; "Tbe Little Girl who Wrote a Book' (illus trated) ; "Little Pussy Willow," VI. j "Birdie' Bnow-fttorm," (illustrated) : "Tbe liistorv of a Sea- Swallow," (illustrated) ; "Good Old Timet," part II., (illustrated): "Snorts. Games and Pastimes." illlua. tratedl; "Old Gregory " "The Story of our Gera nium," (illustrated): 'The Winter Night ;" Musio by y. R. Thomas ; "Hound the Evening Lamp," (il- luiiraieajj uur l-euer-Jox, do. I'ublisiied br T : I, & L'i.) i. i . i Oliver Optic' Maoaiise Thit It a weekly publication -for boy and girls, Issued from the tablitbjaiept f .Lee A Shepvd, Boston, It It told at nve cents a oopy, ana eaon number contains a greal.quanlity of matter of interest to young fulks. Among tbe many excellent features of Ibis new pub lication we notiee "The Orator," which teaches declamations and position by illustration. We eon eouvnend this magaiine to tbe attention of parent as an ttoeliunt en to place in Uie hands of their onaareji. Tub Xiinr'i Fbibxd, for February, contains steel engraving of touching inter est and exceeding beauty, called "The Sailor Boy's Dream of Home ; a faithful and picturesque colored tteel fashion plate of tbe usual double-uage sis I and a fine and appropriate wood-out of wiuter. The illustrations of various styles. of apparel lur ladies and children. work-table patterns and directions, A., at juoh as tn laaiet win luuy appreciate, in s tunes ar excellent. "Opposite," bv Max Weir, and "A Pa. risien Child," from tbe German, by Frances A- Shaw, will attract special attention. Mist Donnelly con tributes beautiful poem, ' Unseen, Yet Seen," and Mrs. Wood oontinues her story of '-Orville College." The story of -'How a Woman Had Her Way" is alto a very attractive on. Tb publisher announc (bat a beauty ill steel engraving, fii locbe long by 20 incnes vide, called 'Ou of Life's Happy Hours' will be sent gratia to every single (11.50) subscriber, and to every cerson tending a club. Specimen num ber! of the magasine, containing tb particulars of in premium oner anu in reuuowi prices to emus, will be sent on the reeeipt of twenty cents. Addn Doacon A Peterson, 3ili Walnut St., Philadelphia. BUSINESS NOTICES. l"Jotf PHtallnaT. Having rooclvod a I lorx supply of NEW JOB TYPE, of various new styles, Posters, Handbills, Circular, Cards, Letter Heads, BUI Heads, Labels, Ao., eon be printed In th latest and best stylos, and on short node. Orders by mail promptly attended to. Arotrbb! Mr. J. T. Schaffer, whoa tailoring establishment It on th eorner of Market square and Third street, opposite th Central Hotel, (up stairs,) a a matter of course takes bit plan in our business notio oolumn. II bat just received an elegant assortment of Cloths, Cassimerca, Vesting, Ao., which he it prepared to make np to order. Mr. Schaffer hat th rtputation of being a first-class tailor, and we advise all who. may want a good and wall-filling suit to give him a oall. ... .Ticket No, 68,000 ! This remarkable ticket Is now on exhibition on many of the garments told at the Continental Clothing Beiaar, Market street, Sun bury. This number, it will be remembered, drew tha Crosby Opera House, and th turn number indi cate that that it the numbor of garments sold this season at th Bazaar, Call and tao tbe number, and th garments, and the prloo. ' iaiu Take Vert Particular Notice, that, to enjoy winter properly yon mnst b well guarded against th elements When yem go skating or sleighing wrap up warmly, while enjoying th exorcise, and make yourself comfortable A pair of boots or shoos from Miller't Excelsior Boot and Shoe Store, Market street, on such occasions, it a great luxury and safe guard against cold feet. Wbat Does it Mean T The following startling Information hat just been received at our office, and we hasten to lay it before our read or : Keockbd Down 'Tha nrioes of th first-class suits manufactured at Jacob O. Bcok's tailoring es tablishment, on Fourth stroet, have been knocked down to the lowest possible figure, as it is Beck's in tention to clou out bis present winter stock by next spring, lie also otters lor sal u loins, uassimeres, Ao., at cost. Persons in want of winter clothing will do well to eall soon, as bargains oan now bo hod. - ir -i A TncTii. After all the rare and costly gifts that may pass from on to another, at keepsakes, there is nothing more appropriate and lasting than a life-like photograph of th remembered one. No thing will so vividly recall that on, in after years, and nothing like this will grow in value, as yean pass away. Thus impressed, go at onoe to Byerly's Photograph Gallery, in Simpson's building, Market stroet. Any size or style that may be desired can be had at bis gallery. ' 3I General Butler's Extensive Suits. The two suits now in progress in the New York courts, if decided against Ben, will coat bim $273,000. How much better is it to try on your suits in this placo, at John E. Smick't fashionablo tailoring es tablishment, on Fourth street? It costs nothing to try your esse in one of them, and very little to carry the suit with you to any court. I H-tM We have all heard of asking for bread and re' ociving a stone, but the young gentleman may bo considered still worse treated when he asked fur a young lady's band and got bcr father's boot. Ho deserved it for not going to Harry Thacher's, in the old Boulton stand, Market street, and getting a pair, that would have set much easier, mado before ho put tho question. Cir"To Claim Aqents. Blanks for the collec tion of "Claims of Private Soldiers and Non-Corn- missioned Officer!," under the late Aot of Congress, equalizing bounties, have boon printed and are now fur sale at the American office. We keop on hand a full supply of all kinds of military blanks, which we sell very cheap. Thay are copied from blanks prepared in the Departments at Washington, and can be reliod on fur correctness. Orders from a dis- anoe will receive prompt attention. Life Insurance." The Policy may not be paid offices sometimes fail." But in the ease of The Mutual Life Insurance Company, of New York, you have every possible guarantee for tho security of your investments. A large accumulated fund, se curely invested ; an undeniably safe and large amount of assets to meet all risks ; with careful and judicious management in all deportments if these do not constitute tecurity, where will you find it? Jacob Shipman. Fire and Life Insuraure Areut. ounoury, ra. DEATHS. In this nloce. on Thursda lust. Mr. KEVIN U. FISCHER, aged about 24 years. In this idoce. on Thursdav lust. Mr. THOMAS ROBlil.Na, aged about 00 years. uju nv itiAiciairi N. Corrector! Weekly for the "American." Wheat Flour, extra family, per barrel, do do do do perewt. $15 00 8 00 Bye Flour, per bbl. 10 00 6 60 2 (0 1 10 85 60 1 00 40 ao per cwi. Wheat, prime red perbusbol, nye, ao Corn, new do Oats, do Potatoes, do Dried Peaches, pared per pound do do unpared do Dried Apples, do 80 let 3 00 35 Dried Cherries, (pnstoncd,) par bu. Butter, per pound. Eggs, Cheese, Lard, Hams, Shoulders, Beof, hind quarter, front " Mutton, Chickens, per doten, per pouud, do do do do do do per pair 85 25 20 25 15 14 1.1 18 60 Sltniuokln. Coal Trade. Sbabokin, Jan. 28,. 1867. Tons. Ctct. Sept for week ending Jan. 26th, Pariaot report, 6,476 1 11,222 02 16.6UB oi To ume time last year, Deereate, 17,140 00 410 19 Special Notices. Mtlienck't Neanerd Tonic. This medicine, Invented by Dr. J. H. Scuemck of Philadelphia, is intended to dissolve the food and make it into chyme, tbe first process of digestion. By cleansing the stomach with Scbonck't Mandrake Pills, the Tonio toon restore! the appetite, and food that could not be eaten before using it, will be easily digested. Consumption cannot be cured Jv Schenok't Pul monic fiyrup unless the stomach and liver it made healthy and the appetite restored ; hence the Tonio and Pilla are required in nearly every oase of con sumption. A ialf doten boUlee of tbe SEAWEED TONIC and three or four boxet of the MANDRAKE rililus will cure anr ordinorr ease of dvanenei.. Dr. Schonok makes professional visits in New York, Boston, and at his prinoipal Office in Philadelphia, w; ! pbs oai 17 papers 01 eaon place, or bu pamphlet on consumption, fur his days ior visitation. floate observe, when purchasing, that tbe two likenesses of the Doctor, one when in tbe lost. stags of Ctinsumptioa, and lb other at he now is, in perfect UCVM, MV u(j uig uuvsruuiuML Hunan. Sold by all Druggists and Dealers, price II 50 per bottle, or $1.00 tbe beirdoMo. All letter for ad vine should be addressed to Dr. be Bench's Principal Office No. 15 North 6ii Street, Philadelphia, Pa. General Wholesale Agents: Dumas Barnes A Co., N Y.; 8.8. ILuce, Baltimore. Mi,; Juhn.D. Parke, vineinnati, vuio; vr aixer A ay lor, linloago, All.; yuiiiua prw., en. uouis, ran. Get. -HO, 1866.-ltt n. ..nio. 1 jr. liriurbial Justitute POB SPECIAL OASES, Ho. 14 Bend Mrvt New York. full information, with th highest testimonials j also a Book on Special Diseases, in a sealed envelops tent bee. erile sure tud send for them, and you will not regrot it ; fur, at advertising physicians arc generally imnotiort. (file) refetetieat no stranger should be trusteJ. Enoloae a stamp for postage, and direet to DR. LAWRENCE, No. 14 Bond street, 4KOW JOTS. I Nov. 17, 1868.-1T BLADES' EUPHONIAL litlllRlVATORRI THE PEOPLE'S MOST SURK AND1 EFFECTUAL nsnedy tVr Covgbt, Colds, Croup, Oalairk, Asthma, uropohllls. Diphtheria and ail Vulmniurr H immune. Th Lubrloatar is a merlinal nranaratton In lha form of a Lotonge, which of all modes Is tbe most feasant and convenient. They contain no deleterious ngredient, and ar Warranted to be always safe even for the weakest and moat sensltiv stomach. In Croup they give immediate relief. For Coughs and Colds they ar invaluable. for Catarrh, Asthma, and Bronchitis they have no equal in the market, (vide eertifloatos accompany ing each box.) Diphtheria, that dreaded and deso lating disease, they control wonderfully and almost immediate!. vi. ,i. i .i' n l m M, , ,jt- rto ruDiio opeaaer, Dinger or soaouer, snouia oo without them, at the remove hoarseness and ttrengthen and dear the voice. CiT" Always use them In tiwo,and if tho Symptoms ar sever us very freely. J. u. liLAULS a vo., rrop a, Klinira, N. Y. JOnNSON. HOLLOW AT A COWDKN. Wholesale Agents, Philadelphia. For tale by all Druggist, Jan. iv, low. To Consumptive). Th advertiser, having beon rostorod to hoalth tn a few weeks by a very simple remedy, after having suffered for several years with a severe lung nffoctlon and that dread disease, Consumption-Is anxious to make known to bit follow lufTorert th means of cur. To all who desir It, he will send a copy of tho prescription used (fre of charge), with th.p diree Hons for preparing and using the tame, which thoy will find a ttiRB Curb for Consumption. Asthmai BnoSL'iiiTis, Coiiohs, Colds, and all Throat and Lung Affections. The only ohjoot of the advertises in sending the prescription is to benefit the afflicted and sproad information which he conceives to bo in valuable, and he hope every sufforor will try bis remedy, at It will cost tbem nothing, and may prove a blessing. Parties wishing th prescription, free, by return mail, ploose address KEV. HIMVAIUJ niLeurt, Wlllinmsburirh, Kines Co , New York. January 13, 186 ly. A Cough, A Cold or Sore Throat, Requires immediate attention, a kb should be checked, if allowed to continue, lrrltaliou of lite I.uiixf, A Permanent Tlir-ont IHmoiiwc, or Con Kiiuipliuu It OFTEN TBB RESULT. II It O W BRONCHIAL TBOCIIKS HAVING A DIRECT INFLUENCE TO TBB TARTS, GIVE IMMEDIATE RELIES. For Bronchitis, Asthma, Catarrh, Consump tive and Throat Diseoses, Troches are used with always good success. SINGERS AND TUBLIC SPEAKERS will find Trorhet useful in oloaring the voice when taken before Ringing or Speakiug, and relieving the throat nrtor an unusual exertion oi ine vooai organs. The Troche are recommendod and proscribed by Physicians, and have had testimonials from eminent men throughout the oountry. Buing an article of true morit, and having proved their efficacy by a test of many years, each yoar finds Ihem in new locali ties in vorious parts of the w orld, and the Troches are universally pronounced better than other ar ticles. Obtain onlv "Brown's Bronchial iRocnEt," and do not take any of the Worthless Imitations thut may be offered Ji'uld E ery where. November it, loot). om Mtt-atitKC, ut Trite. Every young lady and gentleman in the United States can hear something to their advantage by re turn mail, (free of charge.) by addressing the undcr- signed. Those having fear of being humbugged will oblige by not notioing this card. All others will plcaso address their obedient servant, THOS. P. CHAPMAN, 831 Broadway, New York. January 13, 1866. ly rpilie Conti'MMlouai and I'.xpcrlcnoc 1 or AN INVALID. Published for the benefit and as a caution to young men and others, who suffer from Nervous Debility, Premature Decay of Manhood, Ac, supplying nt tbe same timo the means of self-cure. By one who nns curod himself after undergoing considerable quack- erv. Aly enclosing a post-paid ndJrestiod envelope, single oopioe, free of charge may be bod of tbe au thor. NATHANIEL MAYFAIR, Esq., Brooklyn, Kings Co. N. Y. January 27, 1866 ly. XCII I ITCH t ITCH ! SCRATCH ! SCRATCH ! SCRATCH ! WIIEATON'S OINTMENT Will Cure Use Itch In Itt HonrH. Also euros SALT RHEL'M, ULCERS, C1IIL BLAINS, and all ERUPTIONS OF THE SKIN. Price 50 cents. For sale by the druggists. Bv send ing 60 cents to WEEKS A POTTER, Sole Agents, 170 Vt ashington street, lioeton, it will be forwarded by mail, lree of postage, to any part of the United Stole. j 23 '60-y Urrortt of Vonlli. A gcBtloman who suffered for years from Nervous Debility, Premature Decay, and the effoctsof youth ful indiscretion, will, for the sake of suffering hu manity, send fro to all who need it, th rocipo and directions for making th simple remedy by which be was cured, SufTcrera wishing to profit by the ad- vcrlper j experience, can do so by .addressing JOHN li. OUDEX. Ko. 13, Chambers St., Now York. January .13, 18Q6. y NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Jl'LlvN J A K : IICruull de PariM' THE NEW BEAUTLFLEH OF THE SKIN. TESTIMONIALS FROM CELEBRATED LADIES. Thit tocretof beautifying the skin bcinir known only to Metsrt. Jared A Rene, thoy Ihuiiorsbly ft He luftt lb uiuDn uvui ui viuer prciaumiuus. it gives to tbe most barsn and irecKled skin bulb tho texture and color of polished ivory, remov ins all discolora- turns, wuetner appearing as tiockiue, tan, morpiiew. moth or blackwurm specks, and is especially suo- cesatui in smootning out me uiarK mil ny uie smalt-pontile agents of "L'EMAIL de PARIS" most conn desUy itubuiit to the publio tbe earnest endorse ments or such distinguubed ladies at Signora RISTORI, M UUlef kblLllA V J5STVAA.IA, Mist MAGGIE MITCHELL, Mrs. D. P. BOWERS, LUCILLE WESTERN. Madame PONIST, Mrs. EMMA WALLER. LUCY RUSHTON, NOEMIE Ds MAllUl fclUTTKS, Mist A. PERRY, and many others whose high standing in the profes sion gives the stamp of trulhfulpots 10 their mteili aent and Kouaine approval. riieJboauliluJ Auioiue w estern BSi-i: "I find that the ''Email" produoos all the brillian cy of rouge and lily-while, with the great and pecu. liar advantage of total hacnileteoess. Jt really adds to tue soilness ana.oeauty 01 tne sain." IboniuKUitioent Vcstvalia says : 'I have suffered so much rum. the various while lotions, Ae.,. which my theatrical profession obliges me to use, that I oontiaer 11 a penaoi Deneiootion to find a preparation which givee the necessary white ness 10 the auin,ena leaves tne sain cool and smooth M iss MaiCKi Miluhell says ; "I have tried the skin betutifer, L'Eniail de Paris," and found instantly impart a natural bloom and freshness to (he eomplexion." "Jared 'a Email da Paris" it used as a delicate beautiuer of the skin for Theatre, Saloon or Ball Rpow, by the most refined and scrupulous ladies, rtroduclnff all tha beautifvlue effuclji of rouri and lily-while, without their .vulgar glare or Injury to the skin. Sold by all Aret-elats .Druggist-., J'erfumer and Ladies' 11 air Dressers. L. Isabeau, b22 Broad war t Dam as Barnes A Co and f. .U, .Wells A Co,, Nsr Yurk; and Eugene Jouid, f l Bouib. lanto street, and Johnson, AluUo- way a t;owaen, rnuaaiitpnia, Agentt. JARED A HENS, J antral Agentt and Importart, Ntw York. Jan. KM, ltt67.r-ein uoAKmrw, ' A FEW BOARDERS will be taken, by applying I doors east of tb new Bank building, Market street, Suubury. Jsnuarj lih, 1&67.-JI Writ ori'oi-elftn. Attachment. i. U. Master, , vs. S No, it, Marob Term, 1887. Joseph S. Silver, Jr. i , ,.. NORTHUMBERLAND COUNTY, 83. . . . To tub FHEnirr or said Cocntt, j I.. H. j Ghebtino i W command you, that you attach Joseph 8. Sil ver, jr., late of your County by all and singular, his f;oods and chatties, moneys, right, credit and effects, unds and tenements of the defendants, in the hands and possession of any person er persons whatsoovor, the same may be, to that he be and appear before our Court of Common Pleas, to be holdun at Sunbury in and for said County, on the second Monday of March nuxt, there to answer J. B. Masser, in a plea of dobt in one hundred tpd eleven dollars and tixty cents. ' ' And also that you summon any porson or persons whatsoever, in whoso bands or possession said goods, chatties, 4c, may be, and also summon said person or any said persons, or othor porsons whatsoever, as Garnishees, that they be and appear before onurl on the second Monday of March next to answer what shall beobjootod against and abide the Judgment of the Court therein, and have you then their this writ. . . WITNES tho Hon. Alexander Fifty oonts I Jordan, President Judgo of our said Revenue I Court at Sunbury this 18lh day of Stamp. 1 January, A. D. 1BD7. x. . JO!IJJ J. RE1MENSNYDEU, Prolh'y. Prnthonntary't Office,. I Suubury, Jan. 28, 1867 j w fSA lXA M Ki:iS. Mr. A. TWEED, Market street, 3 doors East of the New Bank Build Ing, SUNBURY, PA. ESPECTFULLY informs her friends and tbe IV nnMin Hint shfl has strain ononcd a shop. In s again oponcc ' whore she is Market street, Stintniry,' whore she is prepared to tniikn lii nnlor Ladies' Dresses. In an entire new style, Ladies' Clonks, Ao. Also Oentlemon's shirts. Orders respectfully solicited. Sunbury, Jan. 1, lS67.-ly iorllit'rn Central Kuilvsuy. FOUR TRAINS DAILY to and from Baltiuioro and Washington city. THREE TRAINS DAILY' to nnd from tho North and West Brauch Susquehanna, and Northern and Western Pennsylvania and Now York. ON and after MONDAY, NOV. 19th, I860, tho Trains of the Northern Central Railway w ill run as follows : NORTHWARD. Mail Train loaves Baltimore 9.15 am " llarrislmrg, 1.2U p in nrr at Villiamsport, 6.25 p m Bnffalo Express leaves Baltiuioro 10.10 pm " Harrisburg, 2.05 a ni Klmirn. 1I.M5 a m arr. Cnnandaigua, 3.00 p ui Fast Line, leaves Baltimoro, 12.10 pm " Harrisburg, 4.10 p ui " Elmir.1, 115 am trr. Cannndaiguii, 4.00 am Erlo Express leaves Baltimore, 7. 20 p in " Harrisburg, 2.05 a ni nrr at Erie, 7. 00 a m York and Harris j loaves York, 710 a m burg Accoin. j arr. Harrishurg; 8.40 a m SOUTHWARD. Mall Train, leaves Willinmsport, 8.40 am " Harrifburg, I .IS p m rr. at Baltimore, 0 00 p in Buffalo Express leaves Cananduigua, 2 00 p m " Ehuira, 6. .'10 p la " Harrisburg, 2.50 a ra nrr. at Baltimoro, 7 00 a in Fast Line leaves Cnnandaigua, 10.20 pm " Flmirn, 1 05 a ui " Harrisburg, 0.20 a m arr at Baltimoro, 1.00 p m Y'ork and Harris- I loaves Ilurrisburr;, 5.05 p in burg Acomu. ) arr. York, 6.35 p m Cincihualti Exp. leaves Harrisburg, 8 40 p m arr. Baltimuro, 12.20 nm Mail Train and Harrisburg Accommodation North and S"uth will run daily, except Sunday. Elmira Express North daily, aud South daily, except Mon day. Cincinnati Express south will run daily excopt Sunday. f ast l.lno .aorta arrives aauy except eunuays. Klmirn Express North leaves daily, nud Erie Ex press North loaves daily except Saturday. For further iiifnriuntiua apply at the Tickot Oflico in the Pennsylvania Railroad Ilopot. " r t i. ! . ,. n o i 1. I. DU1SAU11X UCII. cupt. Philadelphia V Krio Uiiilroad. rpHIS great line trovcrsos tho Northern nnd North I west counties of Pennsylvania to the city of Erie on Lake Erie, It has boon len-cd nnd is oporated by the Pennsyl vania Railroad Company. Tints of l'asstnger Trains at Sunbury. Leave Eastward. Erie Mail Train, 11.58 p.m. Erie Express Train, 6.:ta a in. Elmira Muil Train, ' 10.;jouui. l.cavo Westward. Erie Mail Train, S 10 am, Erie Express Train, ft .topui. Elmira Mail Train, 4 i)5p.ln. Passenger care run through on tbe Erie Muil and Express Trains without change both way: between Philadelphia and Erie. .civ York Connection. Leave New Y'ork at 9.00 a in, arrive nt Eric 10.00 a. Leave Now York ut 5.00 p. ui., arrive at I'.rio 7 15 p 111. Leave Erie nt 5.30 p. ni., ttrrivo at New lorn 4.40 p. m. L.cuve.rie aiv ju a. ni., arrive at Lew York 10.10 a. in. ELEGANT SLEEPING CARS on all Niht Trains. lor information rosiioctinu Passenger business apply at Cur. 30ih and Market St., Philadelphia. And lor rreignt nusinees or tne company s Agonis, S. B. Kinitou, Jr., Cor. Ulli and Murkut St., Philadelphia. j . n. lteynouis, William Brown, Agent N. C. R. R., Baltimore. 11. li. Hoi'HTON, Gen'l Freight Agt. Thilada. II. W. GwiNNKK, Gen'l Ticket Ag't., Philuda. A. L. TY LEU. ticc'l Munugcr, Williameport. January 20, 18o7. Itoailitix lailronl. WINTER ARRANGEMENT. December 1st, 1866. Ci HEAT TRUNK LINE from tho North and T Xorth-Wcft fur Philadelphia, Now York, Head ing, Pottsville, Tauiuqun, Ashland, Lebanon, Allvu Uiwn, Easton, Ephrata, Litis, Loueaeter, Columbia, Ac, ao. Trains leave Harrisburg for Netv-lork, OS fol. lows : At 3.00, 8,10 end J). 35 A. M. and 2.10 and 9.00 P. M. conncetinir with similar Trains on the Penn sylvania Railroad, and arriving at New York at 5. CO and 10.10 A. M. and 4.40, 5.20 and 10.25 P. M. Sleeping Cars accompanying tu A Mi) A, Ju. and V.00 V. M. 1 rains, without cnange Leave Harrisburz for Reading, Pottsville, Tama- qua, Minersvillo, Anhlund, Pine Grove, Alleutown anu 1 uiinuoipuiu at o.iu e.. m. anu. .iv auu e.iu P. M., stopping ut Lebanon and principal way stations ; the 1.10 p m. making connections lur Philadelphia and Columbia uuly. ior Pottsville, Schuylkill Haven and Auburn, via Schuylkill and Susquuhasna Railroad, leave Harrisburg at 3.20 p. m. Ruturuiug : Leave New York at 0.00 a. 111., 12.00 Noon anu O.IHI aim s.imi p. in.; i-nuaaeipniu ui 0.10 a. m. and 3.30 p. 111. Way Pusseuger Train leaves Philadelphia at 7.30 a. m., returning from Reading nt 0.30 p. ui. stoppiug ut all Stations ; Pottsville at 8.45 a. in. and 2 15 p. m ; Ashland 6.00 and 11.30 a. in. audi. 05 p.m.; Tamaqua at 9-11 a.m. and 1.00 and 8 55 p. m. Leave Pottsville for Harrisburg via Schuylkill and Susquehanna Railroad at 7 00 a. Hi. Reading Aoeuuiuiodation Train leaves Reading at 0.30 A. M. returning irotu 4 ouuucipnia at s ou P. M. . . . .. ... Columbia Railroad Trains leave r.eailing at T OO A. M., and t.lii P. M. Six JKpJuMa, Litis, Lancas ter, Colombia, Ac On Sundays: Leave New York at 8 00 pm., Phila delphia tj.00 A. M., and 3.15 P M. the 8.00 a. m. train running only to Reading, Poltsvillo 8 00 a 111., Uurritburg, U.35 a ui, and Reading at 1.20 and 7.30 a. 111, for llurrUburg, and 11.22 a. in. fur New York, and 4.25 p m. for Philadelphia . .Commutation, Mileage, oeaauu, ouuihh nuu eursion Tickets, at reduced rates to and fvoin all points. Baggage chucked through : 80 Pounds Br figage al lowed each Passenger. . . VTnM u. A. aiiiOLiio, General Superintendent' Beading, Pa., January 10, 1807. Lackawanna fc llloouisibtire Hull- road. ON and after Jan. 1st, 187, Passenger Trains will run at follows : SOUTHWARD. A. M. A M. P. M. P. M. Leave Bcr an ton, 6 50 10 00 T 10 4 40 .Kingston, & H 2i) 8 .20 0 00 Rupert, K 20 8 17 Dauvill, t.H 8.60 Arr. Nurth'd., 10 10.14 NORTHWARD. Leave North'd., 7 00 JO " Danville, T.40 6 00 Rupert, 8.15 A.M. P.M. 6 .85 Kingston, 10.50 8.30 2 50 9.06 A,. . huiiu. 12.UQ 9 i5 4.00 10.15 Trains leaving Kingston at 8.30 A. M. fur Sursn i iwnn.iL with Train at New Y'ork at 6.20. p'ajtengert taking Train South from Sursnton at 6 60 A. M. via Northumberland, reauh Harrisburg It 30 V. 61., Baltimore 6 M r. M . vte-Jiinguin iu. 00 P. M. via Rupert reaoo Philadelphia el 1 I W p tu 11. A. JtONDA, oup I. Kingston, Jan. 1, W- BENJAMIN BAIINER, DEALER IN I'ruU, nnd O run mental Troon, Nlirtibtsery, Vinow, .' riIHE subscriber respectfully announces to tbe citl J tons of Northumberland and adjoining counties, that he Is prepared to furnish all varieties of Fruit, and ornamental Hcs, Shrubberry, Vines, Ao., of th very best quality, which he will warrant to be healthy and vigorous frnrii the most responsible nur series in tb oountry. All trees, Ac, ordered during th winter, will be delivered at the nearest railroad stations free of ebargns, In tbe spring of 1H67. The eelebrated SHERRY WINK PLANT, a lost excellent varioty, is offered for sale by him.- Purchasers will find it to their advantnge to patro nise him, as he has bad a groat deal of experience in tho business, and sells ou tb most reasonable terms. ' i Address BENJAMIN BAUNEU, Pnxinos P.'')., Northumberland County', Ps. January 6, 1807. 3m. IOnIiiiu of llonry Ilookort, Ioo"l. AT OTH'E Is hereby liven, that letters of adminis- tnition having been granted to the undersigned, on the estato of Henry Heckurt, lato of Lower Mahnnoy township, Northumberland county, Pa., deceased. All persons knowing themselves indebt ed are rcquosicu to mnko immodiato payment, and those having claims will present them duly authen ticated lur settlement. WILLIAM IiEPPIN, Administrator. Lower Mahanoy, January, 5, lr!07. (It. BOOTS, SH0E3 AND TRUNKS ! II. ii. TIIACUUlt, successor to W . W . A P S L E Y . IN addition to our large stock, alroady on hand, we are now rcocivina a full supply of Fall and Win ter goods fur Ladies, Guutluincii, Misses and Chil dren's wear. Also a good assortment of Trunks. A larpn lot of R. R. Bags, dents' tine leather Satchels. Wo wish it distinctly understood that wo intend selling our goods at small profits, exclusively for the cash. Don't forget tho place, Apsley's old stand, in the well-known bouse of Mrs. Buullon, Market street, Sunbury. Pa. NOTICE Boots and Shoes neatly repaired at short notice. If eny bought of us should rip they shall be fixed for nothing. II. G. THACHER, Sunbury, Doc. 8, 1806. tf. ' JNO. KAY CLEMENT, Business In this nnd adjoining counties carefully and promptly ntttciuled to. Office in Market Street, Third door west of Smith A Ocnliior s Stove nnd Tinware Store, KC.MII ItY IMI.VVA. " TOWN LOTS IN tho Borough of Sunbury, desirably situated, in high nnd cvutrul locations, 'ok mam:, on such ensy terms as will cuaMo porinns, vlth a limited amount of available money, to purchno homes. Persons haying .TI iii oral or Tlmlior I.anslsi, Farms, Dwellings, or other Real Estato, for sale or lease, as well as those desiring to purchase or rent, nro invited to consult the subscriber. His connec tion with reliable firms in New York, Philadelphia, and elsewhere, afford unusul advantneu?. Conveyancing correctly and neatly executed. JNO. KAY CLEMENT, Attornev nt Law, Third door west of Smith & Gonther's Stove Store, Sunbury, Pa Sunbiiry, Doc. 8, ISiW. tf. 1J;liii4, Ula.-s, Putty, Whitehead, Vuilii-lies, X c. l-.verytmng thut Painters use at unheard of prions at tho ilurdwnro Store of J. H. CONLEY CO. Sunbury, June lfl, lSdft FANCY DRY HOODS STOKE 3VIISS KATE BLACK, Market street, four doors west ofWm. II. Miller's Boot and Shoe store, SUNUURY, Pa. T) ESPECTKl'LLY informs her friends in Sunbury nod vicinity, that she has just opened her WINTER GOODS. of Notions and Fancy Dry Goods, Ilcrstoek consits of All-Wool Delaines, Embroide ries, Collars, Bleached nnd unbleached Muslins, Sheetings, Drilling.', Unribabli Muslins, Bird-Eye Linens, Ainpiicus, i upiins, ornpo aim iuco 1 ens. Ladies' Wiuter HATS, Lndics' Woolen Caps, Break- lust .Miuwis, buntags. Children's Woolen Circulars, Children's Woolon Skirts. M1110. Dcuiorest's Hair Curlers, Hair Coils and Curls, Gloves. Stuckiiijis. Collars, Corsets, Ac. Gents' Cullars, Neckties, half Huso, Huudkcr-L-hicfs and Suspenders. Bradley's new Putcnt Duplex Klliptia (or double rirui nivttvxo j HOPKINS Elliptic Skirts. Perfumery, Toilet Soaps, llnir Brushes, Combs, Toys, and a geuorul variety of r01 1..V KATE BLACK. Sunbury. Nov. 21. lSfift. (jiruiil Soliliors .11 wiiuiuoiii, GIFT CONCERT, At L.N'ION HALL, Ml'XCY, PA., on Friday Even inu.lf'cb. 221. 1HH7. ill.COO Tickets ut$l eju-h. S41 Presents, worth $.-.IHl2.W. 2.O0O to bo nppropria ted towards a suitable MONUMENT, to bo erected in the Muncy Cemetery in memory of our Nohlo Soldiers who fell whilo defending tho Republic. No clietiD Jcwelrv or trillinir Presents. Tho lowest $3 All aro rated at their tlicir true value, and consists of superior Pianos, Organs and Meloduons, Green backs, Florence Sewing Machines, first class Spy tilasses, Microscopes, btcreoscopes, Music Uoxe. Photograph Albums, are rare and costly lluoks, Ac Ac. See tlicdcscriplivo Scheme, and the satisfactory Tcstininntiil appended. Plan of drawing snmo us that adopted by the Crosby Opera Uoiiko Association Sebeme scut tu any address un application and rcceip of two ceutstauip. Address, J. M. M. tlEI'.NERD, Manager. Munev. Lyi'uming Co., Pa. Tickets fur sale by J. SHIPMAN, Agent, Sunbury Jieeeuiber 22. I Mitt. u a AT JOHN FARKIRA'S Old Established FUR Manufactory, No. Tld ARCH Street fc -Umtf6r Ladies' and Chil ." " 3 drcn's Wear in the City Aid.. . fiiiA ii4nrt 1,1(1, it 111 Gent's Fur Gluves and Collars. I am enabled to dispose uf niv coods at very rca sunabla nriiM-s. and I wuuld theret'ure solicit a call Irom my Iricnus ot fiurtuuniocnana cuuuiy vicinity. Remember the Name, umber and street . ,IOEa imi:i:K.i. No. 7 IN ARCH &'t., above 7th. south sido, PHILADELPHIA. Ootober fl. lxM. 4inw. HOOT, ISIlOIi, A.M 'I ltl.MiS U. G. TUACUEU, SI'Ct'EKSOU TO W. W. APBLBY, MARKET STREET, SUNBURY, A lurgo lotuf Hoots and Shoes just roouivod. (j no lot of TRUN KS on hand. A genu rul assortment of Gent's Travelling Sutclii'ls, R R. Bugs, Values, Ao. Ac, Ac, Ac COME AND SEEI f A A At the well-known house of Mrs. Boulton, Market Street, betiteen Turd and I' our lb MieeU. Sunbury, Sept. 29, 1S6A. X. SSAKHOLTl, O.U WOLVERTON, C. P. IBSSnoLTt COAL! COAL! COAL! fllUE subscribers respectfully inform thecititeis of X buubury aiid viuiuily, tnal invy nave opeuei COAL YARD at J. Haas A t'u'a Lower Wharf. PissnliurT. 1" whera Ihev ara nrenarud to sunplv all kinuf hba uiokin Ciu.V at ohuuD rales. Families and others promptly supplied. Country eusloiu respectfully tuliuited. btiAMiULlA vu. Suubury, Jan. 12, 1S07. rtiliKKTOt.'K aud F1XTURE.S of an established X Confectionery, with an Oyster departMaP'i and guod run of custom. Apply soon to -. JNO. C. MILLER, Suubury, Pa. Jan. 12,1867. PreM-rlistiouM trefully compounded of tb bettDRLUSat at Mammoth Suire of JNO, FRILING SON. Surbury, May 20, 1S6J. I F you rant good Tin-Ware, i OtNl ittt fc Nw Shop. go to SMI1H dr 4. LADIES' FANCY F fttem-M above Tth. I'HIL'A. l'i i' BlSr Have now. in Storo of I r "f i' i'-' V niv "u ' luloriution and "i f ti 'J-ti?- Munu,ui!lur 0,10 f ,no A I ll ijiitV) "Vvk largest and most bcauti Li ' WWSZfi.:k fat sclocticns of NEW ARRIVAL OF FALL & WINTER (iGOI)S AT TUB MAMMOTH STORE or .1. XV. I Itll.lXJ A- , Market Squnre, 2 doors cast of (bo New Court House, SUNBVRY, VA. HAVE received a large quantity nf new FALL nnd WINTER GOODS, whloh thuy olUr to the trade nt tlie lowest possible pricoS. DRV GOOD?. Their stock of Ladles' Dress Uonds is larffo, and contains a greater variety than oan be found in any oountry establishment. Call and examine. iiiuck ana rnncy eilKs, lros do Urnin, rns ie hine, Tulletas, Ao., of ovcry width and price. Me nus ol all shades and colors, nil-wool 1'laids. lnli nd French l .opliiu, Rluek Figured and Si ripe, i Inpacoos, J-.uipress Ulotlis, bilk ana vt ool l'liuns, Inhair Lustres, nll-wool Ilulaincs, Mou'teluinc L'e- uiues. Black and White Checks. Ac. THE MI AWL DEPARTMENT Dosorvcs pnrliculnr nttention. Shawls, Cloaks, Opera Flannels. Muutillss, Hoop Skirts, Ac. THE NOTION DEPARTMENT niitniiit its mure than usual supply of Laces, Ho siery, Gloves, Ao. THE DOMESTIC DEPARTMENT 0111 nrises a new assortment ot uenticuicn 1 ur isliing Goods, Clutbs, Calicos, Ac. CARPET OIL CLOTHS, Tim Inroe Carpet Department of tho establishment is now filled with a fresh and elegant lot 6f new styles nd patterns. THE PAPER DEPARTMENT nibrnces WALL PAPER of all kiuds and prices. mduw Shades, l'npcr. do do Oil large, now assortment. Iru3, Oil, I'u im, Coal Oil an S .11111 IM. Fish, Pork, Courso and Fine Bull, Cuffce, Tea, bu- ur, Molasses Syrup. Spices, Ac, roocries. Tobacco, Segars and Snuff, with largo variety of miscellaneous goods nt prices that annul fail to satisfy purchasers. J. W. FRILING K02i. SimbmyM Mubcr 13, IHfitl M. L. LAZARUS. B FALLTRADE, ISCli J FALL TRADE, 1600! ! p .Tl. I,. I. tZAECI N m B TXTOrLD respectfully call tho altrntinn of g g tho public to her LARGE and NEW p . awjitmkxt or m Fancy and Domestic Dry Goods, o itrs'MH ooIn, f P Of ull kinds and styles in great Variety, g POPLINS AMD MEKINOb, g- S Black, Green, Blue, Wine. Brnwn, Purple, Ac, m In All-Wuol Plaids, Delaiiis, Calicuos, g Ac, wo havo un nssormrnt. S Tho best Black Allpaccns, ull-wuol Dcliiins.jj. l'nplins. White Goods. H Cnmbric. Swifts. Nainsook and Jaconet Mils- Q lins, Dimity, Bird-Eye Linen nndluwlmg. o Berlin and American Zephyrs, Shetland Wool, Cii.bsutro Yarns, Ac. tuliiioriil SKirljs, ? Gum (Mnlli. Drcus Triniiiiincs. llosierv. a Gloves, Hoop-Skirts, Cursutts, Ribbons, and Woolcp Goods. ? LADIES' CLOTH CLOAK.S A COATS. g' Bed Gloves, of the best quality, and a grent B variety of goods too numerous to, nil 5' nf wh'inh twill l,n Bnlil nt. thn Tprv Ifiurrat fnp H cash. M. L. LAZAIU'S Suubury Oct. 17, 1SG0. AGENTS WANTED. llA.irA'J.XlT'A'' SKIFUfG MAV1HNES. Ulll I.lfM.nM.jl Vai-liMfV. IM1tjiPV lrn- P.J rroin ..) to t.liO T.i,Ui. Fur Icrnn. lllu ti-Mdu t-irouurii, AiiaariMwlth alaiup, aiLhor " PAfROTIirUMJHi:! ArcntK.i 4 Ctieetnut St., Ftiita., m iMiBallbt.,,o. WANTED, Den. 1. 18nH. 3m lr. Letiu's CELEBRATED PREPAKATIOKS. THE PERFECTION OF MEDICAL SCIENCE. Dr- Leon's Electric Hair Eenewer. It is a positive cure for Baldnes? It tenures urey llair lo Its original color. It is a Tonio, not a Dye. aud acts upon thrsccretiuiis. It immediately arrests fulling out of tho Hair. It alleviutcs Neuralgia and Headache. It radically cures Dandruff nud Humors It keeps the scalp ueiillny, clean ana cool. It is an elegant and exquisitely fragrant Hair Drcsciiix. It restores, Cultivates and Beautifies the Hair. It makes harsh llair flexible and Lustrous. Itr. IjOoii'm ICIectric llnir IEii'v- rr bos enjoyed a high local reputation for many yiarj. 1 1 3 wonderful restorative and invigorating properties are well known to tho Medical Faculty of Philadelphia. iicing luuy tiausuca oj 1 11a merits 01 B.f-oii m l'.l' lri- lEnir lt'U-vss-r we have pro cured exclusive ownership an J are determined that every household m our laud snail Have opportunity to reap its bunefits. inc. i.i:os lM'.ivr ua:.Mi:iv A uio,it delightful and efficacious cure for tho va rious ills to which Infants and Young Children are subject. INVALUABLE FOR TEETHING CHILDREN. It softens the gums, abates iutiumution. invigorates the stomach uud bowels, corrects acidity, aud is a suro and speedy cure for i.'olic, CrumpN and Windy IuIum. A most excellent preparation for children of a restless Mid fretful habit and in all cases of I,o-im-., a'ritiiis', VsMiilliuijV or other inward grief, it gives ini-nejiiitu ease. Used for more thiiu half century in tbe privato practice nf uno of ,he mo$t eminent phvsiciuns iu Philadelphia. Iq now placing this article within the reach of all our countrymen, we would remark Ihut we know it to be a Remedy uf unrivaled excellence and that it has proved in thousands of cues, at wo aro resolved it shall in million, a pr'culem boon. For Sato by Druggists' Everywhere Addros all orders to y. u:; M'.ft .v s-UTH, SOLE PROPRIETORS, 1S7 TVoriU Third St., I'hll'a. SILVER'S VASH POWDER. SAVES Time. Labor, Mnnev; makes WASHING A PASTIME AND MONDAY A FESTIVAL. .Sold Everywhere. TRY Nuvrrqber ?l, 1SH ly IT! NEW MUSIC STORE. Call at our New Music Store in 3t N'S GROVE, buy 011a of lliists BuuTiiKit k New it-ale Piano Fortes. kud - J;'-Fif-JT. Ml fMibiaMii Every instrument is Warranted fur five year. We also keep constantly on hand a guod stuck ot the eolobraled PICLOl IIET'S MELODEONS, CABI NET aud CUlUt'li ORtlANS. and challenge oihor to sell cheaper tbae we are telling. W also keep all kinds of Musioal Merchandise end receive all th latest niusi as soon as published. A liberal discount to teachers uf Schools aud Semi naries Le1 Second band UutrumenU taken tn exchange for new ones. Pianos correctly turned and repaired. Send for Circular. 6ALEM A BROTHER. Solinsgrove, Snyder 00., Pa., July &, I860. ly CALL and see those beautiful Bird Cage at tLe new Hardware loiu ( J. li. CON ICY A CO 4