, PERUVIAN GUAJ.0 SUBSTITUTE. &J!l."W bone BUPEIU?llOSPIIATE OP LIME After tnnro than twelv years of constant nso, Ibis nimbly concentrated nianuro has attained a wide spread reputation as a .SUBSTITUTE FOR PERUVIAN GUANO, Boing found activo in iff operation, and of grout ilu rabiiity. It do? not e.xhnu.'t the uil, but on tbo contrary, permanently improve it. The increasing aloi annually, abundantly proy the h'tta popular value of this manure, and establish the faot of it being relied upon by a wide eirele of agriculturists to supply all wants iu the direction uf manures for very crop. BATTQIi e B03STS, Sole Manufacturers A Proprietors, Office, No. 20 Sonth Delaware Avenue, PHILADELPHIA. BAUQH BROTHERS A CO, General Wholesale Agent, No. 181 Pearl St., corner ol Cedar. NEW YORK. GEORGE DUQDALE, WhvUtalt Agent for Martland & Virginia, No. 105 Smith's 'Wharf, BALTIMORE, HD. Price 6SO per 80OO lbs. Cash. Just Published, the 13lh edition of onr cow pam phlet, '-How to Maintain the 1'erlility of American Farms and Plantations, "furnished free upon appli cation to us or our Agents. BAUGH 4 SONS, 20 South Delaware Avenue, Philadelphia. Sold by SMITH AGENTHER, Sunbury. July 28, ls6d. ly American Artists' Vnlon! American. Artist ' aVniou! Aiuvricun Artlats' C'liion! Tl:e AMERICAN ARTISTS' UNION established 1854 1 announco that in order to extend the sale of the following well known and highly popular STEEL PLATE ENGRAVINGS The Last Supper 20x12 in. Departure of the Pilgrim Fathers for Ame rica, 27x36 Landing of tuo Pilprriin Fathers, - 27x'i0 Fakluff Mustering his Recruits, 25x.'lO Sbakspcarc uud bis Friends, S7x il Colter's ratardev Niht, 2''s2 Village Blacksmith, 27x2 Mauilcst Destiny. (Fortune Tolling) 21x28 '11)3 Massacre at "l youiiiig in 177o, 23xJt) llouut Vernon in tho olden time, or, Wash ington at 30 years ago, 20x34 The ap of A luster hiacDonald from tho Miiiunicioof Ulcncoc, 20x34 The Medonna, 20x34 They have deemed expedient to offer them to 'their frin.ds and 'he public jit one dollar and tifty cents each, thepri-c, hcrctuforo having been two dollars each, and f ir tho purpose of stimulating tho getliug up of Clubs, they have determined to a Hard premiums to tbe gutters up of the Clubs, and in addi tion thereto to distribute amongst tho subscribers the sum of $30,000 in money and paintings, as soon a the sale shall have reached 1HU.UU0 engravings. As it is our intention to advertise very extensively, and as tho engravings are well known throughout ti.o whole coui.'.iy, wckav no dsubt. that with the low price wo charge fur them, and with tho exertion Vfbi;h will be put firth by onr numerous friends, the number will bo rcajiiil in a chert linio. An soon aa it u ii-it'id, tho subscribers, through their Club AgenU, will be notified by a circular letter from us, ' Duu-ing the time and method of distribution. CLUB RATES. Single Engraving $1 50 each by mail free 15 we will send 13 Eng. & 2 to tbe Clu Club Agent 15 4 ' 20 25 30 ' 60 bO " 110 t 6 " ' 7 ii ii Silver Watch, a Silver Lover. a limiting Lever. Tbo Club packages will be very securely packed and lorwai led by Express. .i.y person may get up Clubs and forward the amount timer, by Express, tight Draft, Post OBice O.-dci or in a registered letter, und in all cases the Engravings will be immediately sent, and tbr each eugruvit!' u numbered certiCuatu and receipt will be enolosed in tlie t'ackiico. C. O. D. Okl'ERS. Persona withing to send for Enravirgn cud pay ti.o Express Co. when they are received, wm be rciiuircd to send with their order ki to $5, according to lis amount, und this will be creation on uieir b.n. LIST OF PREMIUMS. To bo dUtributud OneofS!flf00iuuiuev, f 10.000 Ftvanf l,u00 ' i,u(,fl Ten of ion t,t)U0 Fiityof lt'O ji0uo Une bunared elegant un Paintings, richly framed Landscapes, at tlOU each, 10,008 iwo uuuaieu eirgnm '-'ii rainttngs, ricniy framed, lutuiter lews, at JU each, 10,000 (50,000 He AMERICAN ARTISTS' UXIOS would add that these premiumb are to bo coLiidercd only in tbe lihl ol a free gdt to their putroua, as the Engrav. lugs are furnish.M ttt in below their market valuo, and as the oast of oncraviugs, lifter Die plates ara procured, as very trilling, tiiey can sanity aflord to tuake the disiributiou, lurge at it is. We triut thntour numeruus friends throughout the country and Canadas will use their utmost exertions, ao that if possible, the dibtiibulion may be made soon, and it can be done if they are active. Ladies have often made excellent Club Agents for us and wesohctt their kind enorta, which Mill not go unre, warded. Lot one or more euergotio persons iu every town and village in the country commence as soon as they see this, and get up an large a Club as possi ble. By so doiuic they will be the means of Intro ducing elegaut engravings into fumiiiea, and thus aid in the cultivating a tasto tor the beautiful and refined. Address Orders t-ac. American Artists' Union, 25 Pine street, JJew 1'oik Nov. 17, 1808. 3m mentor' OUlctMs. D'EPINUEIL t EVANS, Civil EMuixttai Ann Patxkt Solicitor! No. 435 Walnut street, Philadelphia. Patents solicited consultations on engineering I'rauiihtiug and Sketches, Models and Machinery ol till kinds uiada and skilfully attended to. Kpocial attention given to rejected vases and interferences. Authentic copies of all Document from J'alent Of lice procured. N. B. iiaveyourselvos useless trouble and UeVullia expense. a ther Is no actual need fur personal Interview with us. All buaineea with Uiea uibca oan be transaet4 in wriuiic. . Fur fur tb Uifurmation direct as aljv,tiii stamp eocloeed yr ctreuux taa ratwen. , ,, Ftfctnary I, UM-ly I For " M " 25 SO S5 " .0 . ' 75 ' 100 . . "19 years rMnhlistien In N. Y. City," "Only infallible remedies known." 'Free from I'oisnne," "Not uanaernua lu the Unman Family. "Rata come out of their boles to die." 'COSTAR'S'' RAtTkOACH, Ac, EXTERN Is a paste nsetl for Rate, Mice, Roaches, ' Black and Red Ants, Sic , Ac. "COSTAR'S" BED-BUQ EXTERMINATOR Is a liquid or wash used In destroy, and nlir as a preventive for Ben-Burs, Ae. "COSTAR'S ELECTRIC POWDER FOR INSECTS la for Moths, Mosquitoes, Fleas, Brd-Bugs, Insects on Plants, Fowls, Animals, Ao. rS I I 1 Rnr.ti lllftf nltTvnnbleinlmitntimis. -yteethat "CosTAa's" name is on each Box, Bottle, and Flask, before you buy. XT Address, HENRY R. COSTA R, 4SI Broadway, N. Y. prSold In SUNBURY, TA., CT By WM. A. BENNETT. And all Druggists and Retaileis everywhere. a O S T -A. I'S CELEBRATED B U . K T II O It N SALVE For Cots, Burns, Bruises, Wounds, Bnils, Coneers, Broken Ureaets, ifore Nipples, HletUn.g, Ulinil and l-ull.lul l-nrs, Scrofiilouj. Putrid and 111 conditioned Soles; t'lceis, Uluiiilular Sivclhuet, Eriiptinns, Cutaneous Affections, RinKWorm, Itch, Corns, Bunions, Clulolains, Ac ; Cliop ped lltmds, Lips, Ac; Bites of fpiden, Iiisocta, Aniuials, AC, AC. IV Boxes, 95cts., AO ets., and St sizes. bold by all PrilRgists every where Ami liy HENRY R. COSTAlt, Depot 4S4 Broadway, New York. ew i ork. And by Y. A BENNETT, Sunbury, Ta UNIVERSAL C0H1T SOLVE1TT, For Corns, Bunions, Watts, Ao. ty Boxes, 25 cts , 51) els , and tl sizes. Bold by all Dniccists everywhere. AiidliyHBNRYR. COSTAR, Depot 484 Broadway, N And by W. A. BENNETT, Buubury, Pa. COSTAR'S PREPARATION OP BITTER-SWEET & ORANGE BLOSSOMS FOR BEAUTIFYING THE COMPLEXION. Usrd tn Soften and Beauty the Skin, remove Freckles, imnles. I-iruptinns, arc. Ijidiea are now using it in preierence loauoineri. ry-Bdtiios. ssi. Sold bv nil Drncsisls evervwhere. And bv HENRY It. COSTAK, Depot 481 Broadway, Iew nrK. And by W. A. BENNETT, Buubury, ra. OOSTAB'S PECTORAL COUGH REMEDY ! For Couchs, C lds, Il iarseness, Sore Throat, Croup, WlnioMiic Ctieffli. inuiiULza, Astluna, ciaisuinuunu, uroii dual Alictlioin, and all Diseases of the TUrual aud Luiis. Unities, 95 cts., 60 ets , and aU sizes. H..UI Kv.ill DrueiiKts everywhere. And by 11UNUV It. COS'l'AK, Depot 484 Broadway, New i oi. C03TAB.,3 CELEBRATED BISHOP FILLS. 4 UNIVERSAL DINNER PILL, For Nervous and Sick Headache, Coativeuess, Indignation, Dyspepsia, Billiousness, Constipation, Diunliea, Coliea, Clulla, Kevors, aud general deiangeiueui of the Digestive Boxes, Si cts., flu eta., and tl sixes. Bold bv all Drucaists evurvwheie And by IltMlVH. COSTA U, Depot 4tH Broadway, new i uiB Aud ly XV. A. BENNETT, Sunbuiy, P. Decsmbst (, IBS,- NEW GROCERY! CALL AT FURMAN'S OLD STAND. ' ' WH0LESAL3 A RETAIL AND ' ' '. " ; . Provision Store . FOR CHEAP GOODS! Their Stock is complete, consisting tn part of SUGARS, COFFEES, TEAS, SPICES, COAL OIL, Tobaooo, Cigars, Flour, Feed, Fish, Bait, . Jiams, Shoulders, Cheese, Fruit, Glass, Lamps, Ac, Ao. Country Produce taken in exchange for Goods. Call and examine our Stock, and satisfy your solves. Sunbnry, May 12, looB. AY till I'nwr end Border in groat variety new styles just received at tno aiaiumom store ni " r i.niiiui, L CfW Sunbury, Oct. 14.180. S3. OOO IIh. assorted Charcoal Iron at H ets. lb, t J. 11. CONLEV CO. Snnbury, June 16, 1800. -ITTE n,.1,l Invltn the attention of Carpenters to YY our larsre and well selected assortment of TVii.Im. comnrisinBlChlsols of all kinds, Augurs, Plnnn. Knws. iron ana Dtcci cqunro, ami iu ivv every thin? wanted to eompleto a full outfit, at the Unrdware store ot j. ii. whlii a vu, iAArt Customers wanted to nuv iiaraware, no., J.U UU at th Cheap Hardware und Iron Store of Sunbnry, June 16, 1S8S. Tn r.roenre a family croup Photogrnpb, Co to Tt'i.n ..l. it t;': 'm Tl. .11.11., im mi nira iil.ltljl O IXOOIU 111 l?iui'au a uu""'"B f - p iioxoo RAranc. E. & H. T. ANTHONY & CO., Manufactnrera of Plint(igri,"l,ie Matcrinls, Wholesale and rtetail, ovi uhuauw ai , new iui. In addition to our main liusinrss of rhotcgrnrhic Mate rials we aielleadquuilers for tlie loiiowmg, viz. STEREOSCOPES A STERESCOHC VIEWS Of Ameriian and Foreign Citius and Landscapes, Croups, Statuary, etc. .,., ... , feTKUl-.USCUl ltJ Vinnoor Jiie. From necatives mnde in the vnrinns rnnipaians ana forming a complete I'lwtugiupliic lintory ol lite gieui con, " STEREOSCOPIC VIEWS ON GLASS, a r... .itKnr it, Muffin Ijintern nr the Stereoscopic, Oor Cataligue will be aeui to auy address ou receipt of Marop. PHOTOGRAPHIC ALULiUS. w mannfnpiitrv more lurtrtlv thnii any otner nouee. tu...t Oty. .....lilMa friun 1 i-ut lO Sr5b CUCh. Olll Al bums havinR ue reputation of being superior iu beauty and durability to any ouiers. Cxan Puotoobapus or Gksxbai.s, Statesmsx, actobs, Our Cntclogue embraces over Five Thousand different subjects, including reprouucii"ii oi n.- tc.cu.cu Enirraviiiirs, Paintings, Statues, etc. Catalogues scut on ii...,A.nfa.r.'aiiJ mhfra nrderina coode C. O. D-, Will plente reinil25 per cent of the amount with their otilcr. IVThc prices and quality of our goods cannot fail to satiny. juiy xt, ijoo. rm BOWIIAN & LEONARD, Manufacturers and WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALERS BILVEB V' and SILVER PLATED GOODS. OA Ars-li Slrwt. PlsilaUHpUla Tlifinn in wnnf of Silver or Silver Plated Warn will find it much to their advantngo by visiting our Store u..r..Pn i.iu.. in,.! miri-hfiHMi. Our lone experi ence in tho manutacturo of the above kind of goods enables us to defy competition. Vt C KOCpnOgOOUS OUl Uioeo nun-u .. " , . 1 ...til LhoaI,! at mtXttn C nss. nil ol our own mauu, auu ui od prices. . July 7tb, ibob. iyc j X ATHOSE'S Hair Restorative, tho best in uso, for I 1 sale by , liiUlllxMlV, BO10jTieiii iui kiuu.j. H AND and Stand Glasses at Liobtker'i. Casli ! CaU ! ! VnsU ! ! ! 20,000 wanted in exchange for nil kinds ol liardwnro. Irons, Nails, Ac, at the new Hardware Store of J. 11. CON' LEI & CO. Sunbury. Jane 10, 1S60. Washington House. SAMUiil. SNYDER, OPPOSITE THE NEW COI'RT HOUSE, SUNBURY, PA. ."pHIS popular and comfortable Hotel has been lilted Up in Superior uruer lor um ueewuimwu. tinn nt Strnncrf. Traveller!', and the publie rener ally. No cftort will bo tparcd by the Proprietor to make it a favorite resort and a plcnant noma for every guest. His tnblo. bis bar, and ine long ex periinoe of the projirtcUir. warrant hiin in anticipa. ting a libortlsLiiroof public patronage. Extensivo stables, ana every uuuruuis couve1 nienco. Sunbury, April 7, lb03. ly J. F. SCHAFFER, Tl ESPECTFULLY informs tho eitixens of SUN Xi BURY and vicinity, that he has opened a Tailoring WIiop, the room over Farnsworth's Grocery, opposite the Cental Hotel, Sunbury, where be is ready to make ap garments of all kinds In tho latest style and best workmanlike manner. Having bad experience In the business for a num ber of years he hopes to remlor general satbfaetion vusiom wora is rcsncciiuuy no'ieneu T t? Ofll J. F. SCUAFFER. Buubury, May 13, 1SG5. ly nianliood s IIom- Low!, liow Itcbtoresl Just published, a new odttion of Dr. Culverwbi.l's Csleiirated Ess At on tho radical cure (without medicine) of Spermntor rhoea, or seminal xveakaess, involuntary oomtnoi Loues, Impotency. Mental and Physical Incapacity, ImpcdiiueuU to Murriago, etc.; alra Coniiumptiuu, Epiicp'y, aud Fits induced by Self-indulgence or sexual exiravaganco. t '-Pnee. in n scaled envclone. onlv 0 cents. luo celobrated uuthor in this admirable essay clearly deiuorutrutcs, from a tliir :y year s succcnlul pructite, thnt the alarmi ng conseij ucnecs of self- abuse inav be mdioally cured without the dangerous use of internal medicine or tbe application of the knife .pointing out a mode of care at onoo simple, eertaiu and enoctuai, ov means ol wntcn every suuerer, n matter what bis condition may be, may our himself comply, private, and radically. This lecture should be in the hands of every youth and every man in tbe land. Sent under seal, in a plain envelope, to any ad dress, on receipt of six cents, or two postage stamps, oy auareating ine pumiancri. Auaress ine ruoitsners. CHAS. J. 0. KLINE A CO., 127 Bowery, New York. Post Office box 4.6S6 Dee. 22, I bob. 3in J. K. CALDWELL & CO., JEWELERS & SILYERSMITI1S, S22 Chestnut Street, PHILADELPHIA, Are opening a very full list of the productions of Foreign Industry and Art, of their own selection in European Capitals, including a great variety of ar ticles uf Use aud Ornament, in Front, Bronte antf Gilt, Gilt and Crystal, Cut Glass Decorated Leather and Porcelain. BRIDAL, OPERA AND PARTY FAN'S, Of every variety and prio. French Mantel Clocks, Vases, Figures and Candelabrai. WATCHES. In great variety, and all warranted. DIAMONDS AND JEWELRT. A large and very choice selection. SILVER- XVAP.ni. An loereased Iin of Rich Articles for Bridal Gifts and Table use. PLATED WARES from the Best English and American Manufacture!. comprising altogether a collection attract ive in beau- iy, euuipiei ui ueiau, ana motierai la mce, November 17, IWd. 2in jOARPENTERS, Baddlcra, BU-ksrulth. Carriag V nan, rjuueuiaaera, aaercnsBlfi, AlUr, I ST mars and th oitiaeu generally. .. .. 1 Look to your inter eat and buy st th Hard- , war cure oi . hi. (I. 'jvai.ll t'O. , f unbury, JvBt la, 6tA. . , .11 .BALTIMORE' LOOK nOSPITA L. ESTABLISHED AA. A PEFUOE FROM QUAdK- THE ONLY PLACE WITERB A CWtB CAN BE OBTAINED., ! , DR. J0I1NST0N has discovered the most pertain, Speedy and only Effectual Remedy In th World for all Private Diseased, XVeakneas of th Back 5r Limbs, fctrioturee,iAflootlons of th Kidneys and Bladder. Involuntary Discharge, impouacy, uen- ml Debility, nervousness, uyppepsy, languor, aw ttilrits, Confusion of Ideas, Palpitation of the Heart, r: ijti. rr UI ln . nim-aHnr Rtirht nr (jiditineM. I L 111 J II 1 1 T . ,loaiulllln,viiii.wv ' ' T Tli..... nfth Head. Throat. None or skin, ABoctiom .r it,- T.tvnv I nn stnmuli nr Bowels tooao Terri- bl Disorder arising from tn Miliary uaoita oi Youth thou aeoret and solitary pntouee more ituas to their victims than th song of Syrens to th Ma tiners of Ulysses, blighting their most brilliant hope or anticipations, rendering marriage, Ao., impossi ble. . . , - Especially, who hav beoom th victim of Solitary vi. ,k.i drnsiirul and destructiv habit which annually sweeps to an untimely grave thousands of XTntinir Man nf the moat exalted talent and brilliant Intellect, who might otherwise have entranocd listen ing Senate witn ine tnunucrs oi eioqueuec i to ecstaty th living lyre, may call with full eon- ndonce. 1 Married Persons, or Youug Men contemplating inarrinire. heins awor ot nnvsicnl wenKness, organic debility, deformities, Ao., speedily cured. , ne wno maces ntmscii unaor me cnr wiwr.w. may religiously confide in his honor a gentleman, and confidently rely upon his skill as a Physician. Immediately Cured, and Full Vigor Restored. . This Distressing Affection which renders Life miserable and marring impossible is th penalty paid by th victims of improper indulgence. Young persons are too apt u commit eiunin iruin iiufc being aware ot tn ureaaiui consequences nisi may ensue, fiow, wnotnai understands ine suojeoi win pretend to deny tbat the power of procreation is lost sooner by those falling into Impropor habit than by the prudent ? Besides being deprived th pleasures of healthy offspring, tho most serious and destructive symptoms to Both body and mind ariso. Th system becomes Deranged, the Physical and Mental Func tions XX'caltened, iioss oi l-rocrcattve rower, .nervous Irritability, Dyspcpssa, Palpitation of th Iloart, Indigestion, Constitutional Debility, a Wasting of tho Frame, Cough, Consumption, Decay and Death, Office, IN'. V Hontli I'redcrlclt Street Left hand sido goiug from Baltimore street, a few doors from the oorner. Fail not to observe name and number. Loiters must be paid and contain a stamp, xne Doctor's Diploma bong in his office. . x cVrk IVARUATCD I TWO DAVK. Ac ATcrevry or Nattsroni Dnigt. I)R.JOinTO. Member of the Royal College of Surgeons, London, 'Jraduato from one of the most eminent Colleges in the United 6tates, and the greater port of whose life hasbeen spent in tho nocpital of London, Paris, Philadelphia and olsewnere, naa eneciwi suma ui the most astonishing cure that were ever known ; many troubled with ringing in the head and ears when asleep, great ncrvousnefei, being alarmed at iuduon sounds, basiuuincss, witn ireouciu uiusiiiuk, attended sometimes with derangement of mind, were jured immediately. rAIili 1URT1CLXAU INOXIti:. 1)r J. adilreiwea all those who bay injured them, selves by improper indulgence and solitary habits, which ruin both body and mind, unfitting them for either business, stndy, society or marriage. These are some ot tne sau ana meiaiicnoiy cueei produced by enrlv habits of youth, vix: Weakness of Mm Hiu-W and Limbs. Pains in tho Head, Dilutions of Sight, Loss of Muscular Power, Palpitation ofth Heart, Dyspepsy, Nervous Irritability, Derangement of the Digostive Functions, General Debility, fcyuip- Irtm, nrrnnlilinTltlon. &C Mejitallv. The fearful effect on the mind are much to be dreaded Loss of Memory, Confusion of Ideas, Depression of Spirits, Evil-Forebodings, Aver sion to Socioty, Sclf-Diftrust, Lov of Solitude, Timidity, Ao. are some of the evils produced. Thousands of persons of nil age can now Judg what is the cause Of their declining health, losing tnoir vigor, becoming weak, pale, nervous and e undated, having a singular appearance about th eyes, cough and symptoms of consumption. .X'Vin v.t. a Ininrnd themselves bv a certain practice Indulged in when alone, a habit frequently learned from evil companions, or ut school, tuo cucem ot which are nigutiy ton, even wnen niee,. mm u uu ftnrofl rf.nrii.rs marrinrre imnossible, and destroys both mind and body, should apply immodiatcly. What a pity thtita young mun, tuc nope oi uis country, the darling ot his parents, snouut no unaicneii ftom nil prospects end enjoyments of life by the consequence of dovialtng from the path of nature and indulging in a eeru&iu suctvb unu... .w. 1u uusi. before contempliiting .MAKUIAIill. reflect thnt a sound mind and body are the most necessary requisites to promote connubial happiness. indeed witnout tnese, tuo jourim somes a weary pilgrimage ; the prospect hourly darkens to tbe view; the mind bcoomcs snauowcu with ilofpnlr and filled with tho melancholy rcflec- tion tnat tbe nappincus ot auuiuei gtuwo 'bull with our own. KIMRASn OI-' IMPIlIlsl'CK. Whan 1 1, misiruided and iiunrudoot votary of pleasure finds thul he has imbibed the seeds of this painful disease, it too often happens that an ill-timed sense of shame, or dread of discovery, deters him from applying to those who, from education and respectability, can alone befriend him, delaying till tho constitutional symptoms of this horrid disease make their appearance, such as uleoratcd aore throat, diseased noeo, nocturnal pains in th head n.i limk. riimiiMt nf sicht. deafness, nodes on tlie shin bono and arms, blotches on th head, faoe and extremities, progressing with frlgnttui rapmiiy, uu t lart the palate of the mouth or th bone of the nnso fall in, and tho victim of this awful disease becomes a horrid oljeotof commiseration, till death . . 1-1 if I a : . . k-Mnilini puts a penoa 10 ins anunui uubmh, wj ..b him to "that Undiscovered Country from whence no traveller returns." It is mmraur,o!v fart that thousands fall victims to this terrible disease, t wing to th unskillfulnoss of ignorant pretenders, who, by th us of that Deadly Poison. Merrnry, ruin the constitution and make tlie residue of life miserable. KTICAIMiiF.ItR Trust not yonr lives, or health, to th ear ofth atony Unlearned and Worthies Pretenders, destitute ot knowledge, name or charaotcr, who copy Dr. Lihnston' advertisements, or styl themselves, in ihn nitwinaners. recrularlv Educated Physicians, incapable of Curing, they keep you trifling month. after month taking tneir nuny ana pouonui uou pounds, or as long as the smallest fee can be obtained, and in despair, leave you with ruined health to sigh ever your galling disappointment. Dr Johnston is the ouly Physician advertising. His credential or diploma always hang in hi offioe. His remidiusor treatcinent are unknown to all ol hers, prepared from a life spent in the great hos pitals of Europo, the first in the country and a mora extensive Privati Practic than any other Physician In the world, iousEnr.T or thepress The mauv thousands cured at this institution year after year," aud the numerous important Surgical Operations performed by Dr. Johnston, witnessed by the reporters of the '-Sun," "Clipper," and many uibernnncra. notices of which have appeared again and again before the public, besides bis standing as a ecntlenian of oharactcr and responsibility, is a ulLciont guarantee to the afflicted. uA ms,i: tsi: cirUEUlLY i iti:i. Persons writing should be particular In directing their letters to hi Institution, in in louowmg swum joii.'v si. joiistox, m. i. Ot the Baltimore Lock Hospital, Baltimore, Md. June 30 ltJWJ ly. il'RE Lublu Extract and Lubia Soap, it LIGHTNER 'S, Market Squaro. FAXIi ASB W1NT EH Millinery Goods, Just opening at theWillinery Stor of Miss M. I. GUSSLEE, Fawa Street, below the Railroad, SUNBURY, PA.f Such as TO 1. flft T9 ill 3 TR A ID ?v Dress-Trimmings, nead-Dresses, Glove, Dosiory Ribbon, Flower, Collar, Handker chiefs, Ao., Ac, which bay been carefully selected. Miss M. L. Gustier ha just opened a large assort ment of Millinery Goods. Ladies should not fail to go and lee th latest style as it will pay to not delay in vinitin her (tor Call and xainin fur yourselves No troaUl to (bow good i buubury, Oot. IS, 186S. Froeur on of BYERLY'S Fin Photograph Pio- tares at hi Koomj in Simpson'! ituuatng. F ING Feather Brushe. at LIQIITNER'S. T ADIES call and ie th Banging BatkcU, JLJ Bracket and Fin Work Boxes, at LIGBTNER'S JF oa -van I good Tin-War, OlLslllJiii'8 NwShop. SMITH dr . I.VTww.WsUl rav U1 Uordar.fcst jkt riv 7 t - B1 PEER'S SAMBURO PORT GRAPE WINE. Pare and Four Yeara , Old. 1 FOR THS C0MMUSI0 TABLE A FAMItT Tja ...... i. r n i I iii ,r,-n 1, i Prorib4 by Physloians for ' t v Fomalos, wcpkly persons and INVALIDS ! '" "7 EXCELLENT "WINE FOR FEMALES Every family at this season, should us SPEER'S WINE, celebrated in Europe for it medicinal and beneficial qualities, nigbly esteemed oy eminent pnisieinns, incri in Enronean and Amcricnn Hospitals, and by som of the first families in fcurope ana America. . . AS ATONIC . il'has no eaual, causing an appetite and building np th syntom, being entirely a pur wine of a most valuable grape. , AS A DIURETIC it Imparts a healthy action of tho Glands, Kidneys, nnd Urinnry Organs, very beneficial in Dropsy, Gout, and Rheumatic Anuctions. SPEER'S WINE is a cur article from thn Juico of the Port Grape, possessing medicinal propcrtio superior to any other wine in use, and an cxcllent nrticlo for all weak and debilitated nersons. and the need and infirm, im proving the appetite, and benefitting ladies undl children. Try it once, and yon will not be dferiwd. jeBe sure tho signature of Alfred SrEXR is over the cork ofench bottle. Sold by XV. A. Bennett. Sunbury, nnd all first clns dcnlcrs, who also sell the OAWTII.LA OUT IIII A.MlV.a choice old nrticlo, im ported only by Mr. Spccr, direct from th valley of Oporto. L-Trado supplied by Wholesale DrnggMs. tjBy A. fcl'ElCR. at his vineyard in New Jerspy. PRINCIPAL OFFICE, 208 BROADWAY, N. V. Sunbury, Jan. 16, 1800. ly. BREAD & FANCY CAKES. D-AJVIID FBY, Two doors west of tho Post Office, SUNBURY, Pa. RESPECTFULLY informs tho citisens of Snn bury and vicinity, that he will bake to order all kinds of C kc for Ualls, Inrts(, Ac. Families are supplied with FRESH BREAD, Twist Rolls, Rusks, Tea Buns, to., and also kept on hand manafactured out oi tne best materials. All orders will meet with prompt attention. HiiA-incr hail lurifo extierienco I hopo to give general satisfaction to all who nioy favor me with Uieir patronage. iiaimrni. sunbury, Deo. V, loos. iu. r.AiiAit r' Confectionery, Toy and raTJIT STORE, Market Strct, Wunlmry, Pa. CONFECTIONERY OF AIL KINDS, TOYS OF EVETtY DESCRIPTION FRUIT, &c, &c, CONSTANTLY on hand and for sale at the abov establishment at wholesale and retail, at reason able prices. He is manufacturing all kinds of Confcetionarics to keep up a full a&aorlinont which are sold at low rates. Tobacco, Scgars, Stn'ionery, Nuts of all kinds, and a variety of other a. tlobs, allot whijh art oflered wholesale and retail. I3r-Reuieiuber the name ana place. jr M. C. GEARHART, Market street, 3 doors west of E. Y. Bright A Son's storo. Sunbury, Sopt. 19, 1SG3. tf NEW ESTABLISHMENT ! A. E. SAVAGE, Watchmaker AND JEWELEB. In Simpson' Building, Market Square, STJ1T3TJE.7. FElTlT'jA.. I AS constantly on band a fine assortment of I WATCHES. CLOCKS and JEWELRY, Speo- Uclos, Silver and Plated Spoons and Forks, Ao. Watcbe, Clock) ami Jewelry, re- paired nnd UAllUtTKU. Sunbury, Sept. 30, 1865 IARMERS oall and look at th stock of Grass an ; Uruin Scythes, Manure, Hay and Straw Fork (.rain Cradles. Cradle Fingers. Trace. Log.l ifih,. Tongue and Halter Chains ; Scythe Stones, Grindt stones and fixtures, and everything to make barvese ing pleasant and agreeable at the new. Hardwar store of J. II. CON LEY A CO- lurc Liberty White I-ad. Preferred by all practical Painters ! Try it ! and you will have no other. Manufactured only oy z,ir.ii..iv a o.nixn, Wholesale Drug, Paint A Ulass Dealers, No. 137 North THIRD Street, Philadelphia. January 27, 1666 ly. REMEMBER THE DEAD. MESSRS. D. C. Dissinger and John A. Taylor, would respectfully announce to the citizens of Sunbury, end surrounding country, thut having formed a co-partnership, they ar now prepared to furnish ornamented and plain rUruvoMtouek, Xoiuba X Monumental of th best Italian and American marble, at prioet that cannot fail to give entire satisfaction, and re spewtiully colicit the public patronage. iiaci.MiaA lAiLvn. Sunbury, March 31, lbt6. ly. . CIIA.4iSU Or DEPOT, rTUIE undersigned respectfully informs but friends X and tbe publie that he ha changed his place of loading freight in fbilauelpliia from freed, naru A Freed, No. 811 Market Street, to .A.. D.ACHESOH (Commission Merchant, dealer in Flour. Grain, Seed, Ao.) .lo. I013 -llarket t., I'tsiiuui-ipisia, where all freight will be loaded on oar of th un dersigned, tor Dauphin, Sunbury, Shamokin, and all Intervening points. All freiglil will b carried as low a on any other iin. Order to carry freight respectfully solicited, which will rcceiv prompt attention. J.B. WEISER. Sunbury, Jan. 13, 1866. 3m. (Late Buohler House.) IIARRISRUHG, PENN'A. rtTIIIS wall-known hotel ha not ouly been extead X. ed but has been greatly altered and newly lit up by the present proprietor, and is now one of th moat oomfortabl aud convenient hotels in Harri burg. ifaroh 10, 186S.-ly PHOTOGRAPH ALBUMS BOOKS AND STATIONERY, Monthly Tim Books, Drawing Books and Slate. Bocks, Hrmn Books, Blink Books, Memorandum Books, iHariea, rocket Hooks, Ink etlands, fens, Penrils, fine ajeortment of Paper, Ink. A. Formiby , . ANNA PAINTER. QHOB Findings, Sol Leather ana all good be- kj longing w uiot makers business lor sale py . J. 11. CON LEY 4 CO. A LL goods bought for Cash and told at lowest XX price lor easa at th Hardware Stor of i. U. CONLIY CO. Sunbury, Junt IS, ISM. tALL and m the kaauUful Bird Ca(s at th t aw iiarawcnsr w J H. CCNLIY A CO. i bum WMM STORE. -r- t I'll' Klni-ket SquAre'fltrltltCltY.' Ia. HAVITJO ' receatly fparoaAM the Drug Store formerly oonrtuoted bv B. A. Fisher," I beg leave to inform th oititens of Snnkury and vi cinity, that l nay entirety replenished niy stooK t . r, I -i.J i..;l a . a .1 - vvr FANCY ARTICLES ! uch a Combs, Brvtxhes, Pocket-Books, Poaps, Per fumery, Hair-Oil, Untae, &'uisaors, Coal-Oil Lamp, Tobacco and Cigars, ... t lnlnts, Oils, Glue, Olnaa, Pnttj, Vornlsbc, Patent .Mllclnci, Ac- All mv Tinctures. SvruDJ. Ointment. Cerates, and other preparation aid manufactured by myself, and rrora tn but material I aan procure in marmot. Having had a,uit a number of years' expeiieno tn tn Drug and Prccription Bimneu, both in Philadelphia and the country, and also the advantage or the college oi rnarmacy, i icei com petent to COMPOUND ALL PRESCRIPTIONS that the Physician and nublio may favor m with All my preparations as 1 hav above asserted, are made from the best material, and upon honor I assert, they ar of officinal strength. - For medicinal purpose, I keep on band th very nest . - WISES, BRANDIES AND LIQUORS, that I can nrocure. . Before purchasing elsewhere, call and eonvinoe your own mind. W. A. BENNETT Sunbury, Nov 18, 1865. NEW 610 C E R Y milE subscriber ben leave to announce to th X citisens of Sunbury and it vicinity, that they hav opened a NEW GROCERY, Two door west of J. II. Engle't Stoic, in iTarlet Square, whoro they are prepared to furnish every varioty of groceries, ami will Keep constantly on nanu mo choicest varieties oi FLOUR & FEED Fish, Coffee, Tens, Sugar, Molasses, Cheese, Salt, Snicos of nil discrintinn. Soaps of every vnrioty, Candles, Smoking nnd Chewing tobacco, iS'egiir?, linms. iShoulders, Bacon, Butler, and Eggs. Also Dried fruits of all kinds, Caned Peaches and Toma toes. Pickets, Kctchnp, Pepper .Sauce, Raisins, Lemons. Ao., of bet quality, and in fnat every styl of articles kept in a well stocked Urocery. Also Cider Vinegar. All kinds of country produce taken In exchange. 1 no patronage ot tuo puotio is re spectfully solicited. GEORGE E. BEARD A CO Sunbury, Nov. 11, 1805. JOHN WILVER, BOOT Sc STrlOE MANUFACTUIl EH, One door East of Friling's Storo, Market Square SUNBURY, P E N N ' A . RESPECTFULLY informs tbeoititeusof Sunbury and vicinity, that be is prepared to manufac ture to order all kinds of BOOTS A SHOES, nt tho shortest notice and in the best workmanlike manner, of tho best uiaturinl uud at the lowest Cash prices, He hopes to receive a full share of putronuge. Sunbury, June 'J, 1S6U. SUNBUM FOUNDRY' OICU. ItOIIRESAC'Il A WW, ARE now carrying on buines at this old cstab lishment with renewed vigor. Castings of every description, promptly furnished to order. Tho Stoves manufactured nt this Foundry havo acquired ine ntgncst reputation. Particular attontion nnid to MILL CASTINGS Farmers should not lurget that tho PLOWd mad at tho Sunbury Foundry have never been equalled Agricultural implements repaired at short notice. Small castings, including Cooking utensils, of the uio-t improved and most useful patterns. The business will bo conducted on nn enlarged scale. Old customers will be accommodated u usual, and new ones arc respectfully solicited. Sunbury, May 12, ls06 ATI NOR'SPatent Pooket an terns for sal at th XtX Book and otationury store of N. F. LIOUTNFR ALL kinds of Hardware, Iron, Ac, not lu stor will be scut fur and deliverod at the lowest prices by J. H. CON LEY A CO. Sunbury, June 16, 1866. A NVILS, Vices, Bellows Stocks, and Dies, and XI all goods belonging to the Blacksmitblng busi ness for sulu low for Cosh by J. n. CON LEY A CO. NEW LiaUOR STORE! WM. HOOVEB Ruilrond Street, above Market, MAR THE CENTRAL HOTEL, SUNBURY, PA. RESPECTFULLY invites bis friends and the public Eonernlly, to call and examine his lari'e assortments ol litj a. "before purchasing elsewhero. II it hlock eon Imm ol llrandien, liiokey. Ilollnisd JIn, Van. li.ee Itniii, .vionusiKUlielii nsid itourlniii ot'llie Iteait qiiuli ty. 'inet, 4'lder, Ylue , gftir, Ac, A.'. Farmers. Hotel Keepers, and others ar invited to call, as his slock is gouuino, and will rend or general satisfaction. Sunbury, February 3, 1S66. RESTAURANT & BOARDING HOUSE. CHAN. I TXi:i., Hi-oprietor. In Cuke's Additimto SUNBURY, near the Penn'a. Railroad Company's Shops. LAGER BEER, Porter and Ale of the very beat brands, excellent German Wine. Schweitzer Cheese, Tripe, Ac, alwayson band. - PERMANENT AND TRANSIENT BOARDERS. kept who will find ample accommodations. Good cooks and waiters, boarders can enjoy the quiet com ibrt of horn with faro enual to the best hotels. U....I M.. O.t .lUl'J CHILDREN'S Carriages of the newest and most fashionable styles aijthe Cheap Hardware stor J. it. IA.LX.X JC UU. irviiixr's PATENT HAIR CRIMPERS FOR Crimping1 and Waving Ladies Hair. NO HEAT REQUIRED IN USING THEM. Ask your storekeeper for them if he docs not keep them, write to the manufacturer, II. lVI.Vi, bin h St. and Columbia A., Philadelphia. September 2'J, ltiod. tint. ADPIM i:.IMti:SS (4HIPASY. REDUCTION OF RATES ON PRODUCE, OYS TERS, AC. TnErateton Freeh Fish, Oysters In the Shell, and Truck of all kiuda, to plaoee in thia Division, where tbe rate is laoesit per too lbsor over, ha been rcdueed 2jeents per 100 lbs. At place where th rale is between 50 and 75 cents per lot) lbs, (he rate will b 60 cent per 100 lbs. Barrels of truck weighing lea than 100 lbs will b charged a 100 lb in weight. Freeh Fish will require to be packed in tight bar rel or boxes. Prompt attention to tbe collection of Bill, Drafts, o. N. FERREE UGUTNEU, Agent. Sunbury, June 16, 1806. Pure Liberty White I .end. Th Whitest, th most durable and th mast ece Domical. Try it ! Manufactured only by ZIEGLER A SMITH, Wholesale Drug, Paint A Ulass Dealer, No. 137 Nojth THIRD Street, Philadelphia. January 7, 18o6 ly. TOILET SOAPS, Tooth-Biushcs, Hair Brushes Ao., Ao. For sale by ANNA PAINTER. TURPENTINE, Coal Oil, Fish Oil, Linud Oil, for sal low for Cash by J. II. ONLEY A CO. IP you want a good Likeness for your friends, go p. ctr.ni.i ii uauery in oimpson cunuing. lttr Uberty Whit Iiiad, Will do nor and batter work at a given Cost, than ajn other I )y it! AUnufaoi-ured only by IlbGLER A SMITH, ' Wholesale Drog, Paint A Glass Dealer, No. 17 North THIRD titrMt, Philadelphia, January XI, ltio ly. lrSMrlsstlOB arsfully oi pounded of th X bl DRUGS at at aninaiotn otora ot JNO Fill LINO A COM, Saabvy, May 10, ISM. " . j .tin PERUVIAN . 4 IS. A PROTECTED SOLUTION OF THO ' Protoxide ol Iron, . a new disoovery in medicine whloh BTBIKE8 AT THE HOOT Off DISEASE!. by supplying th Blood with it vital rni.tctPLi, vs uirm .ax-'anvil. This is Uaa secret of th wonderful suocess of thl ' remedy iu ouiing Dyspepsia, Liver Complaint, Dropsy, Cbronlo Diar rhoea. Boll, Nervous Affections, Chills and Fe vers, iiumorat ifosvor constitutional Vigor, Disease of the Kidneys and Bladder, Femal Complaint, 1 ' and all disease originating In a '' BAD STATE OF THE BLOOD or accompanied by BiitMTT or a low (tit or ' tna (ttm. Being free from Alcohol in any form, it energl- ling eSeets ar not followed by corresponding reac tion, .but ar permanent, infusing (treroth, vioor-. nd rucw lifk into all parts of tho system, and build- -ing np an IRON CONSTITUTION. DYSPEPSIA AND DEBILITY. From th Vtntrail Arelultaeon SCOTT, D. D Dunham, Canada East, March 21, 1365. "I am an inveterate Dyspeptic of morv than 25yersstanding." "I hav been so wonderfully benefitted in the three short weeks during which 1 bare used th Peruvian Syrup, thnt 1 can scarcely persuauSM myself of th reality. People wbo have known m i are astonienea at tne cnange. a am wiuciy immn, , and can but recommend to other that which' haai done ao much for m " Ono of tlie most Distinguished Jurists irx New England Writes to a Friend as follows: 'I havo tried the PERUVIAN SYRUP, and tho result fully sustains yonr prediction. It has mndo a new man of me ; infused into my system new vigor and energy ; 1 am no longer tremulous and debilita ted, as when you last saw mo, but stronger, heartier, and with linger capacity for labor, mental nnd physical, than at any tiuio during tho last five years." An Eminent Divine ofBonton, says: I have been using th PERUVIAN SYRUP for soma time pust; it gives mo mkw viuob, ulutaxct or snniTS, elastictt of iiiscle." Thousands havo been changed by the use of thl remedy; from weak, sickly, suffering creatures, to strong, healthy, and happy men and women ; and invalids cannot reasonably bcsltata to givo it a trial. A pamphlet of 32 pages, containing certificates of cures and recommendations from some of the most eminent physician, clergymen, and oihcrs, will bo sent free to any address. lirSce tbat each bottl has PERUVIAN Si' it L P blown in the glass. For sale by J. P. DINSMORE, Proprietor, 35 Dey Street, New Yerk. AND BT ALL DnCOOlSTS. S C R 0 F UL A . All Medical Men agr.te that IODINE is tbo Be Remedy for Scrofula n.,id all kindred disease ever discovered. The Uiffoilty has been to obtain a Pur Solution of it. Dr. H. ANDERS' IODINE WATER, Is a Pure Solution of Iodino. Without a Solvent'.! Containing a full grain to each ounce of wuter. A most Powerful Vitalizing Agent and Restorative. It has cured and will cure SCROFULA in all its uicU fold forms. Vlecrs, Chun'n, Kyivljillti, Salt Kheitm and it has been used with astonishing success in case of Rheumatism, Dyspepsia, Consumption, Femala Complaints Heart, Liver, and Kidney Diseases, Ao. Circulars will be sent free to any ono sending their address. Price $1.00 a bottle, orforS5 00. Prepared by Dr. II. ANDER3, Physician and Che mist. For sale by J. P. DINSMORE, 30 Dey Street, New Tork. And by all Draggiatt. Wistar's Balsam WILD CH2HY. has been used for nearly HALF A CENTURY, with the most astonishing success in caring Coughs, C.'lds, Hoarseness, Sore Throat Influeua Whooping Cough, Croup, Liver Complaint, Brochitis, Difficulty of Breathing, Asth ma and every aficotiou of Tbe Yhroat, Lungs, und Cheat. CONSUMPTION, which carries off" mora victims shan other disease, and which baffles tbe skill of the Physicians to a greater extent than any other malady, often T1ELPS to vma niiiinr ! when all others prove ineffectual. AS A MEDICINE, rapid in relief, soothing in effect, safe in its opera tion, it is unsurpassed ! and is entitled merits, and reoeives the general confidence of the publio. SEYMOUR THATCHER, M. D., of Herman, N. Y., writes as follows: WUtar's Balsam of M'ild Cherry gives universal satisfaction. It seems to euro a Cough by loosoning and cleansing the lungs, nnd allaying irritation, tbu removing the cause, instead of drying up the cough und leaving the cause behind. I consider the Bal aam as good as any, if not the best Cough medicine with which I am acquainted. " From Hon. Judge SPRAKER, of Cannjohnrio, N. T. ticntlcmen. This is to certify thnt myself and family have used Dr. Wistar's Balsam of Wild Cbery, for several years, and that I tuko great pleasure in reonmmonding it in preference to unytlun l of the kind for the purposes fur which it is intended. In cases of Asthma, Phthisic, or affections of tho.Throat, I havo sever met with anything equal to it, Very respectfully, DAVID SPRAKER. The Rev. JACOB SECHLER, of Hanover, Pa., Well knows and much reepeoted among the German population in this country. niakc tho following statement for the benefit of tbe afflicted. Dear Sirs: Having realized in my family impor tant benefits from the nso of your valuable repara tion Wistar's Balsam of Wild Cherry it ahord me pleasure to recommend it to the publio. Soma eight years ago one of my daughters seemed to be ia a decline, and little hopes of her recovery were enter tained. I then procured a bottle of your excellent Balsnm, and before she had taken the whole of the, contents of the bottle there was a great improvement in ber health. I have, in my individual oae uiada frequent us of your valuable medicine, aud hav always been benefitted by it. JACOB SECHLER. PRICE ONE DOLLAR A BOIILS. For sale by J. P. DINSMORE, 36 Dey Street, New York. BETH. W FOWLE A SON, Proprietor, Bosun. And by all Druggists. GRACE'S CELEBRATED SALVE Cures Cuts, Burns, Scalds. GRACE'S CELEBRATED SALVE Cures Wounds, Bruises Sprains GRACE'S CELEBRATED SALVE Cures Boils, Ulcers, Cancan. GRACE'S CELEBRATED SALVE Cure Salt Rheum, Erysipelas. GRACE'S CELEBRATED SALVE Cures Chapped Bonds, Chilblains. GRACE'S CELEAUATED SALVE HeaU Old Sore, Flesh Wounds, Ao. It Is prompt in action, remcve pain at one, and reduoes th moat angry-looking smellings and intta motions, as if by luagio, thus auoidiog relief and a complete cur. Only II cent t boa! (Sent by mail for J5 cents.) FrSl by J. P. DI.NfeMuRb', ii Dey Sueet, New York. 8. W. FOWLE A SON, Proprietors, BoaJua, aod.lby H Dracgi, Grooen, s4 sjwssas January IT, lMt ly. ' , j; tui.