Sunbury American. (Sunbury, Pa.) 1848-1879, January 19, 1867, Image 3

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    lje Simfcurg Rmcticati.
'. N.B.fcNQLH, 'jPnollriiera.
ILccal &ffata$.
Eff A MoglCAX C0TBRTIO If to b bald to th
basement of th German Reformed Chnreh, ta Mil
ton, communing on Monday next, 21it loft.
Ij?" Killbd. W learn that a child of Mr. Jot
tniah Cooper, residing on Buyers' Island, below low,
u to seriously Injured by being kloked by a bor,
one day last week, as to mum lti death In m few
daya afterward. 1
GTaB Wbtde Xho past week has been a
: very cold one , On Wednesday morning, at 8 o'elook,
the mercury slood at (bur degrees below tcro. On
Wednesday evening It moderated, when we were
visited by a fall of three or font Inches of anow.
tyHoTEl, Cbawob. Th Washington Donee,
at Northumberland, formerly kept by Samuel V.
6iokel, it now under the charge of Mr. A.J. Rhodes,
gentleman from Elmlra. The bouse if favorably
located, and has always been well patronised by the
travelling public.
t& DiKsaa. The new board of Directors of the
Tint National Bank of Northumberland, celebrated
the commencement of their administratis by a
dinner at Vankirk's Hotel, on Wednesday afternoon
of last week, got up in Mr. Vankirk's best style.
Tht institution, of which these gentlemen axe Direc
tors, is in a very flourishing condition.
Xjf Special Meetiko. A special meeting will
be held in the Unitarian Church, in Northumber
land, commencing at 7 o'clock on Friday evening,
January 25th, and continuing through the two fol
lowing days. Rot. Fielder Israel, of Baltimore,
recently a Methodist clergyman, will be present.
Liberal christians, and the publie generally, are in
vited to attend.
Cp Ronncnr . On Saturday night last the dwell
ing of Major Dcwnrt, in this place, was burglariously
entered, and silver ware, clothing, Ac, taken to the
amount of about $400. The supposed thief was pur
sued, but thus fnr has succeed od including the at
tempts to arrest him. A valuable shawl, which was
among the articles stolen, has since been recovered,
the burglar having sold it in tho neighborhood of
Trevorlon for a small sum.
t Sleighing. The fall of mow on Saturday
night last has made the sleighing excellent. Our
young folks are taking advantage of it, and nume
rous sleighing parlies, visiting neighboring towns,
have token ploco. On Wednesday evening a large
party of Indies and gentlemen went to Danville,
stopping at Henry's Union Hail Hotel. While there
they enjoyed themselves in dancing, ia. An excel
lent supper was served up by tho obliging landlord.
The party returned at a late hour, all well pleased
with tho evening's cntcrtuininont.
llEnosrr.nsBEn'a Patxxt Faux Gate.
Mr. E. L. Bergstrcsser, of this ploco, has secured
letters patent for n new farm gate recently invented
by him. Prom tho drawing and description exhibi
ted, wo think it n valuablo improvement. Mr. Berg
strosser claims for it decided advantages over every
other style of gate yet invented. Tb Invention
consists in the employment of a turning and sliding
gate, pivoted to and supported upon one end of au
overhanging sliding bearer, which is arranged to
work back and forth through a mortise in the gate
post, and in connection with said sliding bearer the
employment of friction rollers. The invontor will
be ready, in a fow days, to dispose of rights to those
who may desire to purclisso. A speoitnen if this
gate con now bo seen at tho Augusta Hotel, in Cake's
Election or Bake, Dinxcron. The follow
ing gentlemen have been elected directors of the
First National Bunk of Northumberland, fur the en
euicg year :
A. 12. Kopp, D. G. Dricsbach, Jno. Taggart, Jno.
M'Farlnnd, Wm. Leighow, Btuj. Hummel, A. H.
Stone, D. M. Brautigaui, Joseph Bird.
Atan election ou the 8th inst, the following gen
tlemen were chosen Directors of the Northumberland
County National Bank of Bhamokin, to serve for th
usuing year
F. VY. Pollock, J. W. Friling, S. Bittenbender, T.
Burogardner, J B. Douty, W. H. Marshall, W. T.
Grunt. Val. Fasely, "Wm. Montelius.
Th fnlinntinir nersons were elected Directors of
the Milton National Bank, on the 7th inst :
W. C. Lawson, Moses Chunibcrlin, V.'. P. Hull, I.
B. Davis, W. F. Nagle, Thomas Strcnk, John Roush,
John McCormiuk, aud DuvidEtbback. '
Tho following have been elooted Directors of the
First National Bank of Milton :
J. Wool' I'.u.-r. John Datcsman, William Mo
Cleery, William aavMc. Henry Frlok, W. H. Marr,
J. P. Armstrong, S. T. Brown and B. K. Hatg.
ry Black Band Ir.ox One Tb Pottsville
Journal says that tho interest in the dUcovery of this
ore in Schuylkill county ie increasing. Ho for, it baa
been discovered at se veral points in that oounty, and
very rooemly traoes of it were found near Pottsville.
As all railroads must, in course of time, on the score
oi economy, adopt steel rails, uud as this or will
make a fine article by the Bessemer process, this dis
covery is of tho greatest value. This ore will pro
bably be found in the hainokiu coal region.
We have received from Joseph S. Patterson, sq.
of Pottsville, the fallowing letter in relation to the
valuablo discovery of this oro in th Schuylkill re
gion :
Pottsville, Pa., Dee. 29th, 180(1.
I desire to call your attention to the Importance of
the late discoverv at St. Clair, of a vein of Black
Band Iron Ore. The ore is now being mined by E.
V. MoGinnee. Esq., in bis shaft, fitly feet from the
surface, and supposed to lie seventy. five feet under
the Diamond Vein. If this vein or ore should ex-
tend over our Red Ash Region, and there is every
. reason to suppose that it does, there is no telling its
value to Schuylkill County. We can erect Iron and
fcteel works here, und consume a large part of our
conl product. The ore ood tains .'IK peroent. of metal
lic iron, end 35 per cent, of eaibouooeous matter, so
that It will require less coal to make a ton of iron
than any other ore outside ol the eoal region. It will
snake an iron equal or superior to tb Scotch pig,
aud drive that metal, which we now import in Urge
quantities, out of the market. At Massillon, Ohio,
tbey make iron from Black Band ore, and th owner
of the furnace told me it bad taken the place of the
Scotch pig; In all that section of country. Mixed
with the rich magnetic ores lately found in large
veins in Berks County, it could not tail to make
Bessemer or other steel of good quality. There are
six inches of mining over the vein, and over that
-twenty-sevtn feet of conglomerate rock, under it
blue hard slate. I have before mesamplesof Welsh
and Scotch Black Band ores; ours assays richer than
either At Schuylkill Haven and along that valley,
.there is a vein of limestone fifty feet thick. Mr. B.
Pott says his father used this limostone exelusively
at his charcoal furnace in this Borough. It is not
,nsed at present in the Anthracite furnaces, but I take
it that nature would not have plaoed it so near tho
coal and iron ore. if it was not meant to be combined
with them to make iron.
In Wales tho limestone used Is found In proximity
to the eoal meosnrrs. Mr. Griffith, who visited Eng
land, Sootland aod Wales, to examine tb iron and
stcol works, SKji in a distriot of twenty miles in
South Wale (in a eoal region,) from Hermine to
Pontv Pool, thoy turoci out 25,000 tons of manufac
tured iroi. and steel per week, and consume yearly
more eoal than we produced In Schuylkill county
hi vear. Ibis iron and steel is all manufactured
from caul region ores. They hare no magnetios of
any account iu England or Wales. How much more
favorable, then, is our position. If tb furnace, th
.,.,.1 .rlit and the niliin- mills were ereoted here,
we could con bin all the profits and make iron and
steel cheaper than at other point. Before long
steal rails will be wanted in lame quantities, as rail
roads will cot use iron rails when tbey can get an
article that will last twenty time a long. Bonuyi
kill oounty is tho place to tuak them, where w
liive i lie coal, iron or and limestone. Ther are a
' cumber of other veins of ore in th Bounty. Th
f.uiiibern Coal Field, from Sharp Mountain to Mine
21 ill. will probably b round to contain the bulk of
the black B ind. It may, however, Mist in some of
the other Anthracite C-ul Fields.
bite wriifug the ibove. Gen. igfrled ha dis
covered two vein of Iron or ia tb tunnels of Potts
O.r at Minersvilla. in ta waua sua
each six feet thick, and oca In tb reds
vhrt fees thick -
fciTTaa Bhamokla ITtrmld, at the 11th Inst., In
speaking of the eoal trad In the Bhamokln region,
says : The trad la this recton, still continues dull,
taongli some of the Collieries that war stopped last
aorta expect U resam week again this week.
From Dot unhangs through out ta entire eeal re
gion, we learn that there I a general stagnation,
and la most localities there I a mnoh greater dearth
of employment than there Is In the 5aanktn basin.
It It hard to any what will h the of tb trad
tbla winter t though If tb weather ontlnue as se
vere as It ha beea tb past few weeks, the reUil
trad must antlna brisk, ans) stake a demand for
domestic purpose ; of tbla trad w are sure to get
oar altar. -,- - - -r'
Tb Enterprise R. K. it being poshed rapidly, and
is now completed within a mile and-a-balf of Big
Mountain. This will groatiy inereae and develop
tb business of tot operations. Besides, it It confi
dently anticipated that the Nio.R. W. Co. will,
during the year, form a junction with the Quekak
Road at Mt. Carmel. This will not only tend ft eight
and passengers from New York to Lake Erie through
Bhamokln, bat will give at a direct outlet to the N.
Y. market for our eoal. The competition thus
raised between those roads and the Reading must
sertainly result to our advantage.
The statistics for the year lM show an inorease of
almost 100,000 tons over that of 1865. This has been
accomplished in face of the great depression that baa
directly affeoted buiiness for more than three months
of the year. Had prices and demand remained as
good as they were in the beginning of tb year, our
Increase wonld hare reached 160,000 tons. As it is,
the improvement is such as to prove the steady growth
In tb business, wealth, and resources of the place,
and give us new hopes for the future.
a7 Butteb. Fiv or six tlodt cam to Milton
from Centre oounty, on Tuesday of last week, load
ad with eight tons of butter, all nicely packed in
barrels, ready for shipment to market.
CF" Lwissceo, Centre ako Spruce Creek
Railroad. Th stockholders of tb Lewisburg,
Centre Sprue Creek Railroad Company have
agreed to transfer their charter to th Philadelphia
A Erie, or any other eompacy that will build a road
from th Philadelphia A Erie Railroad, oppositt
that place, at least at far as Lewisburg.
For the American.)
Tna Fochdbt of Messrs. Van Allen A Co., in
Northumberland, mad it first casting on th 10th
inst., and has been in tuooessful operation ever
tinee. The foundry is only intended to supply cast
ings for th establishment of Van Allen k Co., which
is situatod upon a lot containing 67,600 sqnar feet,
and oonslsts, besides th foundry, of a rolling mill
ami nail factory.
The building for th rolling mill and factory Is
2SS feot and 4 inches in length, and 05 feet wide.
That for the foundry is 72 feet long and 32 feet wide.
There are 27,266 square feet of slat roofing upon
both buildings. The machinery for the whole estab
lishment will be driven by four upright Corlia Valve
Engine, of two hundred aud fifty horse power.
This is doubtless the best kind of engine in use. It
furnishes the mechnnioal power for the New York
TribiiNt establishment, and is spoken of by that
sheet in terms of unqualified praise.
There will bo thirty nail machines, and from one
hundred to oue hundrod and fifty operatives will be
employed. Besides th lot occupied by th build
ings mentioned, the firm has other grounds amply
sufficient for the erection of additional furnaces.
Northumberland has unequalled facilities for
traniportulion, which render it a desirable situation
for manufactories. Goods may be shipped in three
different directions by railroad and in as many by
canat. The inorease of business establishments and
of dwellings, during the past year, shows soma ap
preciation of these advantages. It only remains for
the capitalists and th people generally to second
the efforts of those desiring to enter into business
here, to restore this anoicnt town, one the competi
tor of Uarrisburg for the honor of being the Stato
capital, to something of its pristine vigor and im
portance. Editor's Table.
Tub Nortb Raman Review, for December, 18AS,
published by Leonard Scott A Co., New York, is on
our table. This number of tho Review contains eight
articles, each written with that peculiar force which
baa made British reviews th terror of authors in all
languages. The article on th Submarine Telegraph
condenses and familiarizes an Immense amount of
Tab Tribustb Almasac, for 18C7, baa been re
ceived. It would be superfluous to commend this
publication. For many years it has been recognised
as a standard reference for political information
The number for 13C7 is at valuable a any of its
predecessoi s.
Wort TnouBL You. Reader, if the wet and cold
(nfliot distress upon your body, let us give you a
Lint in that connection, which may prove of value in
averting the evils arising from these cause. Dis
orders won't trouble you if you always observe the
requisite precautions ; therefore, go to Wm. U. Mil
ler's Exoehiior Boot and Shoe Store, Market street,
Sunbury, and provide yourself with a substantial
pair of Boots or Shoes get th best and you will
find that they will add very much to your comfort.
But if you are satisfied to paddle about in th cold,
with insufficient covering to your feet, just go en,
and if you don't got "paint for your pay," then na
ture will play a Strang freak of merey to your
"X oat LD a tale unfold whose narrowest word
would harrow up thy soul, frccte thy young blood,"
in the words of Hamlet's ghost, and indeed in these
wintor days it would be nothing difficult to freeie
one's young or old blood either. To secure ourselves
against such a mishap we should wear a suit of the
elegsnt ready-made elothingior tai at th Conti
nental Clothing Baaaar, Market street. Everybody
should call immediately and select from th cxten-
tiv stock at that establishment.
Hob, H. J. Ratiiord has presented a petition to
Congress, signed by Philadelphia, asking for a
reduction of the tax on "drossed skins." The beet
way to reduoe that tax It to dress your skins with th
beautiful elothing manufactured at tb tailoring ea
ablishment of Jacob O. Beck, on Fourth atreet.
Judging from lit modern prices at whioh Beck sells
bis clothing, your skins will be dressed cheaply
enough, and you will sever complain of th tax in
'hat direction.
Mr. Beck offers his large and axteotiv stock if
Cloths, Caasiinerea, Vesting, Ac, at cost, prepara.
tory to closing up bis business ia th spring, (sreat
bargains may be bad by purchasing of him.
'I am too old it will cost too much."
But if the duly be on that you foci yoa ought to
perform, th only way to meet the east la to insur
for a less amount than you would il yoa were young
er. Th rat of premium Is in exact proportion to
tb incrtatt ef rui , and admonishes you to no longer
delay th performance of a duty to important to
those dependent on you.
Jacob Shiphab, Fin and Lift Imurane Agent
Sunbury, Pa.
A BtAf rirt'L Fob. W hav seldom teea a
mora beautiful sentiment than th following :
Tell me, y winged winds
That round my pathway roar.
Do you Dot know some spot
Where prices ar some lower
Some store "chuok" full of boots,
And pretty boots you know.
Where one can buy all tbes
At prices vary low 1
The gtad winds raised, and in a frightful roar,
Did thunder, Ys ! at Thacher' store.
This popular (tor I la th old Boultoa stand,
Market trt, Sunbury. Doa't forget the plao.
SrECiaBK. Th beautiful specimens of th pho
tographic art, oa exbibitioa Id bim peon's building,
Market Square, Sunbury, tell th passers by, ia an-
mistakabl language, that 8. Byerly it a flrtt -class
artist. Call ap and get a life-like pictur.
TotTBsmr Risbti, la NortbaaibarUsd oounty,
for th groat Abericab Cow Milebb, for sal at
the Baaaar. la Boabarj. Also tfct riahst for Uatoa
Ureat Rrsa at Bar kkV The' poblto art taking
advantage ol Ssaiok't raw prices, aud ar carrying
hi good! oft; (after being mad ap lot, ulu of al'
styles,) by vrngon had: H hat just replenished
hit eeUbllshmsnl with another supply Of Cloth, Cac
ejmerat, Ae.( wblob h propose ta convert Into suits
at reduced prioee. If yea desire to purchase a good
artier (ad at a iwawaabl Agar, tall on Smlck. :
Pnnylvanl AVgrioultnral Booletyi
. Saitor, Pa., Sept. 38, 186fc
On ef th principal feature of to-day't show was
th American Cow-Milker exhibited by A, C. M. M.
Co. Three cows were milked to our entire satisfac
tion, standing perfectly quiet, although milked fnr
the first time with th machine. The Cow-Milker
give sure indication of a ootnplete sueoee, and da
serve to acquire by its merit a popular a reputa
tion, as th Sewing Machine or Reaper. We glv
this a a special award and diploma.
B. Morris Ellis, Hughasvltle.
A. E. KArr, Northumberland,
ToaiAaiVARTo, Reading,
Special Committee.
I BO BEREir CBRTirr that I bat purchased and
need on of tb Ameeicab Cow Milkers, and they
ar fully what they ar represented to be, and go
far beyond say expectations.
Bkab Hoover,
Proprietor of th Sunbury Dairy.
17 To Claim Aorhts. Blanks for tb collec
tion of "Claim of Private Soldiers and Non-Com
missioned Officers," under th lata Act of Congress,
equalising bounties, bar been printed and ar now
for sale at tb American ofiioe. W keep oa hand
a full supply of all kinds of military blanks, whtoh
w tell very cheap. ' . Tbey ar eopled from blanks
prepared in th Department at Washington, and
can be relied oa for correctness. Orders from a dis
ana will reeeir prompt attention.
Corrected Weekly for the American."
Wheat Flour, extra family, per barrel,
do do do do perewt.
Rye Flour, per bbl.
do per ewt.
Wheat, prim red per bushel,
Rye, do
Corn, old ' do
Corn, new
Oats, do
Potatoes, do
Dried Peaches, pared per pound
do do unpared do
Dried AbdIcs. do
CIS to
8 00
10 00
J 60
1 00
1 10
1 00
3 00
Dried Cherries, (unstoned,) per bu.
per pound.
Beef, hind quarter,
" front "
per doten,
per pound,
per pair
Shnmokla Conl Trade.
BoAMOKiir, Jan. 16, 1887,
Ton. Ctrl.
Bent for week ending Jan. 12th,
Per last report,
3,2.17 04
l,23 IV
4.0G1 0.1
C,l02 Oi
1,441 00
To same tlm last yc&v,
Spertal Edicts.
Q rapes. Mr. Spcer having some property in
New Jersey, turned his attention to the cultivation
of the Port Qrap. It bears a grape whose superior
quality, juciness and richness in saooharine matter
is unexcelled by that of the Catawba. After nume
rous experiments in fermentation, Mr. Specr has
produced a wine which will immortalise his name
and prove a new honor to America. lioaton Trav.
This wine can be bad at tb Drug Store of W. A.
Bennett, Market street, Sunbury.
HcmrDial institute
fto. 11 ISontl Mreot ftcw VorU.
Full information, with th lilghost testimonials ;
also a Book on Special Diseases, in a scaled envelope
sent free. Leslie sure and send for them, and you
will not regret it ; for, as advertising physicians arc
generally impostors, with references no stranger
should be trusted. Enolose a stamp fur postage, and
direct to DU. LAWRENCE, No. 14 Bond street,
New York.
Nov. 17, 1880. ly
remedy for Coughs, Cotds. Croup, Catarrh, Asthma,
Jironohilis. Diphtheria ana au
Pulmonary diseases.
The Lubricator is a medionl preparation in th
form of a Loxenge, which of all mode is the most
pleasant and couvonient. Thoy contain no deleterious
ingredient, and are Warranted to be always safe
even for lac weakest and mot sensitive stomach. In
Croup tbey give immediate relief. For Coughs and
Colds they are invaluable.
For Catarrh, Asthma, and Bronchitis they hare
no equal in tbe market, vide certificate accompany
ing each box.) Diphtheria, that dreaded and deso
lating disease, they control wonderfully and almost
No Public Speaker, Singer or Teacher, should be
without them, as they remove hoarseness and
strengthen and clear the voioe.
S- Always use mem in lime, ana it tue ey mptoms
ar wviri use vrv freely.
J. U. BLADES ft Co., Prop's,
Eloiira. N. Y.
Agent. Philadelphia.
For sale by all Druggist.
Jan. 1, lSOJj
lr. Nckcnclt'ii Pnltuonlc By-rap.
This great medicin cured Dr. J. U. Schcnck, th
Proprietor, of Pulmonary Consumption, when it had
assumed it most formidable aspect, and when
speedy death appeared to be inevitable. His phy
sicians pronounced his ease Incurable, when he com
menced the us ef this simple but powerful remedy.
His health was restored in a very short time, and no
return of the disease has been apprehended, for all
the symptoms quickly disappeared, and bi present
weight is more than two huudred pounds.
Since bis recovery, be has devoted bit attention
exclusively to tbe cure of Consumption, and the dis
ease which are usually complicated with it, and the
sure effected by hi medicines bav been very nu
merous and truly wonderful. Dr. Scbeock make
professional visits to several of tbe larger eitiea
weekly, where he has a large concourse of patients,
and il is truly astonishing to see poor consumptives
that hare to be lifted out of Ibeir carriages, and in a
few monthsbealihy, robust persons. Dh. Scbenck'
MANDRAKE PILLS, ar generally all required
in curing Consumption. Full directions accompany
each, so that any on oan take tbem without seeing
Dr. Schenck, but when il is convenient it is best to
see him. He give advioe free, but for a thorough
examination with hi Respirotneter hi fe is three
Pleas observe, when purchasing, that the two
likenesses of the Doctor one when ia the last slags
of Consumption, and the ether aa h now is, in per
fect health are on the Uotoroment stamp.
bold by all Druggist and Dealers. Price $1.50
per bottle, or (7.60 the half doten. Letters tor ad
vioe should always be directed to Dr. Schenck'
Principal Office, No. 16 North pth Street, Philadel
phia, Pa.
tieneral Wholesale Agents: Demas Barnes ft Co.,
N. Y. ; S. S. lfance, Baltimore, Md. I Jobn D. Park,
Cincinnati, Ohio ; Walker ft Taylor, Chicago, 111. ;
Collins Bros., St. Louis, Mo.
Oct. 29, 18o7. 3d w. a. mo. 1 yr.
To Conaumptivea.
Th advertiser, having been restored to health in
a few weeks by a very simple remedy, after having
suffered for several years with a severe lung affection
and that dread disease, Consumption it anxious to
make known to hit fellow su Surer th means of
To all who desire It, he will tend a copy of th
presoriptioa used (free ef charge), with tb dlree
lions for preparing and using the same, whloh they
will and a suaa Voaa for Vormibpvior, Asthma,
Bbomcbitie, Cotront, CoLDt, and ll Throat and
Lang ASeotloot. Tbe only object of th advertise
ia tending th prescription I to benefit tb afflicted
and spread information whioh b eonoeives to bo ia
valuable, and he hope vry eutterer will try hi
remedy, as it will cost theia aolhtng, and tnay prov
a blessing.
Parties wishing th prescription, rasa, by return
mail, pleas address
VlilUaubarfh, Knew 0 , Mew Tor. "
Jaaaary 1J, 18ao-ly.
:'r ' r- Ert-orsj "of Vofeitt.
A gentleman whe suffered for years from Nervous
Debility, Prematura Decay, and the effects of youth
ful Indiscretion, will, for th eak of tufjorlng hu
manity, tend free to all who need It, th recipe and
directions for making th simple remedy hy whloh
h was oured. Sufferers wishing to profit by th ad
vertiser' xperleooe, oexi do so by addressing
Voi 13, Chambers St., New York.
January 13, 1806 ly
A Cough, A Cold or
Sore Throat, ' "
Rxqmax imhbdiatb attbrtior,
lrrttntlott of the Ivn;,
A Portttnncnt Thront
Itlatenae, ata t'ou
ii orta TUB RESULT.
For Bronohiti, Asthma, Catarrh, Consump
tive and Throat Disease,
Troohes are ased with always good tuoceat.
will find Ttorhet useful In clearing th voice when
taken before Singing or Speaking, and relieving the
throat after an unusual exertion of the vocal organs.
Tbe Troehe are recommended and prescribed by
Physieians, and have had testimonials from eminent
men throughout the country. Being; an article of
true merit, and having proved their efficacy by a test
of many years, each year finds them In now locali
ties In vorious port of th world, and th 'troche'
ar universally pronounced better than other ar
ticles, Obtain only "Browr' BnoncniAt. TnoceEs,"
and do not take any of tb Worthies Imitations that
may be offered Sold Everywhere.
November 24, 1868. Om
Reattieaa, Hllsxdneaa and Cntttft-li,
Treated with the utmost sueoewibT Dr. J. ISAACS
Oculist and Aurist, (formerly of Leydcn, Holland.)
No. 619 Pine street. Philadelphia. Testimonials
from the most reliable sources in tbe City and Coun
try can be seon at but offioe. The medical faoulty are
invited to accompany their patients, as be has no se
crets in his practice. Artificial Eyes, inserted with
out pain. No charge mad for examination.
bopl. ittf, lHtso, ly V
itch t i run : rroi t
Will Cure the Itch In 4H Hour.
Price 60 cents. For sale bv the drus-eists. B send
ing 60 cents to WEEKS i POTTER, Sole Agonts,
170 Washington street, Boston, it will be forwarded
by mail, free of postazo, to anr Dart of the United
States. ie S'i '66-y
Strange, lsnt Trne.
Every young lady and gentleman in th United
State can bear something to their advantage by re
turn mail, (fro of charge.) by addressing tho under
signed. Those having fears of being humbugged
will oblige by not netioing this card. All others will
please address their obedient servant,
831 Broadway, New York.
January 13, 18GG. ly
The Confcsmloaa nnd Kxpcricncc
Published for the benefit and as a caution to young
men and others, who suffer from Ncrvcu Debility,
Prematura Decay of Manhood, it., rupplyini; aHbe
same timo the means of self-oure. By one who tint
cured himself aftor undergoing considerable quack
ery. By enclosing a post-paid addressed envelope,
single copies, tree of charge may be bad of tbe au
thor. NATHANIEL MAYFAIR, Esq., Brooklyn, Kings
Co. N. Y.
January 27, 1806 ly.
ArER't America Almarac is now ready for
delivery, gratis, at the Drug Storo of W. A. Bennott,
Market Street, Sunbury, who will be happy to sup
ply all that may eall for them. Every family
should have and keep this book. It is worth hav
ing comprising much general Information of great
value. It gives the best instruction for the cure of
prevalent complaints that we can got any where.
Its anecdotes alone are worth a bushel of wheat, and
its medical advioe is sometimes worth to the sick the
wheat's weight in gold. Many of the medical alma
nacs ar trash, but this it solid metal. Its calcula
tions are made purposely for this latitude and are
therefor correct. Call and get an Ayer't Almanac,
and when got, keep It.
W would call attention to the opinion of one of
the leading papers of Canada on this subject :
Most of our readers huvo, no doubt, read some of
the numerous advertisements of Uift Eutorprbt'S,
Uift Concerts, Ac, which appear from time to time
in the publio prints, offering most tempting bargains
to those who will patroniie them. In most cases
these are genuine humbugs. But thore are a tow
respectable firms who do business iu this manner,
and they do it as a means of increasing their whole
sale business, and not to make money. From suoh
firms, it is true, handsome and valuable articles aro
procured fur a very small sum, and what is more
important, no one is ever cheated. Every person
gets good value for hisdollar; bocause, as we have
stated, il is intended to not as an advertisement to
increase their ordinary business.
We hav seen numbers of prise tent out in this
way by Sukbbak, Watsob ft CuapAkr, of Nas.-nu
Street, N. Y., astd there is no doubt that some of the
articles are worth eight or ten lime tho money paid
for them, while we have not seen or heard of asinglo
articlo which was net fully worth the dollar which it
cost. But Ibis is only oue of the exoeptiou of this
rule, for as a general thing the parties engaged in
this business are nothing but clover twin tiers.
(Saturday Header, Montreal, C. E., Jon. 13, lblit).)
Oct. 20. eow-flt
CsTSbe a Wokab, In another column, picking
Samburg grapes for Specr 's Wine. It is an admira
ble article, used in th hospitals and by th first
olasa families in Paris, London and New York, in
preference to old Port Win. It is worth a trial, as
it give great satisfaction. For sale by W. A. Ben
nett. Market street
Thej will do it !
Tbey will do it!!
Thoy will do it ! ! !
They will do it !
Tbey will doit!!
' They will do it ! !
They will do it !
They will do it ! !
Tbev will do it ! ! !
Sunbury, Jan. 12, 1867.
Why will they do it !
Why will they do it t !
Why will they doit Ml
Why will they doitt
"Why will tbey do it ! t
Why will tbey do itttl
Why will they doit!
Why w ill tbey do it 1 1
Why will they do it 1 1 1
Sunbury, Jan. 19, ISo7.
BUILDERS and those oattaplting building,
would do well to eall and ace tbe larve asaoit.
inent of Leeks. Latcboe, Bolt. Butt and Screw,
Strap and T. Hinges, Window Springs, and every
thing wanted toaotaplet a bom, at the new Hard
ware store or 4. a. iUtiiti aw
Procure one of BYERLY'S Fin Photograph Pi'
tuxes at bi Rooms in Simpson's Building.
JpiNE Feather Brash, at
T ADIE9 aall and tb Hanging Boskets,
praoa ana ia tvora iwiee. i
fff yoa 'font
traed Tia-Wara. a aa
OENlihiVS New Step.
.,:. . , DEALER IS . r . i.
Frail, and Ornamental Trees,
MirultVvry, Tinea, Ac
TnE tub."nribcr teepeotl'ulty announcos to th oitl
tensof Northumberland and adjoining Bounties,
that he Is prepared to furnish all varieties of Fruit,
and ornamental trees, Shrnbberry, Vines, Ac., of
th very best quality, which he will warrant to be
healthy, and vigorous, Irom the mot responsible nur-i
eerie in the country. All trees, Ao.,orilereti during
tbe winter, will b delivered at the nearest railroad
stations free of charges, in the spring of 1867.
The oelobratcd SilEKRY WINE PLANT, a Kost
xecllont variety, is offered Tor sale by him.
Purchasers will find it t their advantage to patro
nise bim, aa beau had a great deal of experience
in th business, and sells on the most reasonable
PaxinosP. O.,
Northumberland County, Ta.
January fi, 1867. Sin.
Katnte of Henry Ilerkcrt, Iccl.
NOTICE is hereby given, that letters of adminis
tration having beon granted to the undersigned,
on tbe estate of Henry Ueckort, Into of Lower
Mahanoy township, Northumberland county, Pa.,
deceased All persons knowing themselves indebt
ed aro requested to meke l.nniediato payment, nnd
those having elaims will present them duly autheur
tioated lort-cttlotncnt.
WILLIAM DEPPIN. Administrator.
Lower Mahanoy, January, 5, 1807. flt.
NOTICE is hereby given to ail creditors that I
have placed my accounts in tb bauds of L.
II. Ksse, Attorney for collection. Punon owing
me will save costs by eonilni forward and paying
their indebtcduets immediately.
Sunbury, January S, 1S07 St.
II, J. 'llaACllICK,
IN addition to our large stoclc, already on hand, we
are now receiving a full supply of Fall and Win
ter couds for Ladiut, ilentloinen, Misses and Chil
dren's wear.
Also a good assortment cf Trunks. A laro lot of
R. R. Bags, Gents' fino leather Satchels. We wish
it distinctly understood that we intend selling our
goods at small profits, exclusively for the cash.
Don't forgot the plara, Apsley's old stand, in the
well-known house of JfrJ. Boulien, Market street,
Sunbury, Pa.
NOTICE Boots and Shoes neatly repaired at
short notice. If any bought of us should rip they
shall be fixed for nothing.
Sunbury, Deo. 8, 1856. -tf.
AttnilniNtr(orM iolivc. r
NOTICE le hereby given that letters of adminis
tration having been granted tothe undersigned
oil the estate of Peter 1! Mnscer, late of tho Borough
of Stiulmry, Northumberland county, Pa., deceased.
All porfons indebted uio requested to make immedi
ate payment, aud thoso having olaims to present
them duly authenticated for settlement.
GEO. W. SMITH, Adm'r.
Sunbury, Dec. S, I860. lit
"The I'irat Rational ttnuk offcuu
btiry, lVtin'u."
IS hereby given that, the regular annual election
of Directors of 'Tho First National Bank of Sun
bury, Fa ," will bo h'-ld on TUESDAY th22d day
of JANUARY, A. D., 18117, at tho Banking House
in tho Borough of Sunbury, Pa., between tho hours
of 10 o'clock A. M. nnd 3 o'clock P. M., of said day,
In accordance with the provisions of tho Aot of Con
gress. S. J. PACKER, Cornier.
Sunbury, Pa , Dec. 18lb, 18(16.
Business in this and adjoining counties carefully
and promptly ntttended t..
ViUcc in Market Street, Third ('."or Trot of Smith
ft Comber's Stove and Tinware Store,
IN tho Borough of Sunbury, desirably situated, in
high aud central locations,
on such easy terms ns will enable penons, with a
limited amount of nvnilublo money, to purchase
Homes, l'crsons having
Sllncml or Tiinurr Lands,
Farms, Dwelling?, or other Real Estate for sale or
easo, as well ss these desiring to i)urctino or rent.
aro invited to consult the subscriocr. Ills connec
tion with rcliablo firms in Now York, Philadelphia,
aod elsewhere, nllbrd unusul advantage.
conveyancing oorrcctlv and nen'ly execulod.
Attorney at Law,
Third door west of Smith ft Qenthcr's i'tovo btoro,
Sunbury, pa.
tuuiury, ilec. K, lRiin. tr.
)uinlK, UlawT "Pulty7"Wl.ilo Lead, Varnishes,
Ao. Everything that Paiutera use at unheurd
of prices at tho Hardware Storo of
J. 11. t,u. l,c 1 a iir.
Sunbury, June IS, 1NV
Market street, four doors west of Win. 11. Miller's
Boutiind bhoe storo, bUMltilY, Pa.
RESPECTFULLY informs her friends in Sunbury
and vicinity, that she has just opened her
of Notions and Fancy Dry (Joods,
ner stock consits of All-Wool Delaine", Embroide
ries, Lace Collars, Uleachoi! ana unbleached -Muslins,
Sheetings, Drillings, tiarihaldi Muslins, Bird-Eye
Mucus, Alupacos, I'uplius, Lrapo ana l.ace veils.
Ladies' Winter HATS, Ladies' Woolen Cup.?, Break-
lust nnw!s, eonuigi.
Children's Woolen Circulars,
Children's Woolen Skirts.
Mme. Demorest's Hair Curlers, Hair Coilt nnd
Curls, Glovos, Stockings. Collars, Comctf, Ac
ucuts co:uviv, jNuckiiea, nun iiosc, jiunuKcr-
chiefs and Suspenders.
Bradley's new Patent Duplex Elliptic (or double
rprin oiviino )
HOPKINS Elliptic Mtirts.
Perfumcrv, Toilet Soaps, Hair Brushes, Combs,
Tots, and a general vmioty of NOTION''.
1.' 1 TL' TT k nir
Sunbury. Nov. SI. 186(1.
I AND rOR WALE. On tbe Line Mountain just
J south of the Mahonoy Creek in Cumeron Town.
(bin, Northumberland ccunty. Pa., and near the
Shauiokin and Jialioouy Coal Fluids.
Apply to
Engineer of Mines, Pottsville, Pa.
December 22d, iai!0. 3m
Gruml Soldier nZouuiut-ul
At UNION HALL, MUXCY. PA., on Friday Even
ing.l'eb. 22d. Isii7. 10.100 Tickets at $1 each. 3U
Presents, worth f-.fiOa.SO. SJ.t.iM to bo anrronria-
Uxl toMr It a S'thUbl MONUMENT, to be erected
in the Muuey Cemetery 111 memory of our Noble
Soldiers bo fell nbilo defending: the Hui.uolic. o
bean Jewelry or tnuinic Presents. The lowe.-t 95.
All are rated at ineir incur true value, ana ennsikui
of superior Pianos, Orpars and Melodoons, Green
backs, Florence Sewiug Machines, first claw Spy
(i lassos, Microscopes, Stereoscopes, Musio Boxes,
Photograph Albums, are rare and costly Books, Ac,
Ac See the descriptive Subeme, aud liicsatUfactory
Testimonial appended. Plan of drawing same as
that adopted by tbe Crosby Opera Uuuse Association.
Scheme scut to aoy address ou application and receipt
01 two tent stamp.
Address, J. M. M. GERNERD, Manager.
Money, Lycoming Co., Pa.
Tickets for sale by J. SUIPMAN, Ageut, Sunbury
December ii, IBtSfl.
Old EsUblUbed FUR
No. 718 Altl'U rttreet,
above 7th. PHIL'A.
Have now In Storo of
m y o w n I m portation and
1 ITT 5 . .' . fj tulwtioL of
,, w - . n .--
V,.. ,... ..... A
Vir - .,-JL&. STi tV-ifrv ! ren 'a Wear in the Citv
tzS? Also, a hue assortment uf
Oent't Fur Gloves and Collars.
I am enabled to dispose of my goods at very rea
sonable prices, and I would therefor solicit a eall
from my friends of NorthumberluLi oounty and
Remember the Nam, Number and Street t
No. riS ARCH St., abov 7th, south tide,
October , lHaH. law,
Worr - rmin
.1. V. lit I Li t O sfc KOf,
Market Square, 2 door east of the Kw Court House,
HAVE rcoetved a large quantity of new FALL
and WINTKK (j(M)DS, whioh they offer to th
trad t th lowest possible prioes.
. Their stock of Ladies' Dress Uoods is large, and
contains a greater variety than oan be found in any
country establishment. Call and examine.
Black and Fancy Silks, Uros de Urain, Gro d
Rhine, Taffetas, ta., of every width and price. Me
rino of all shades and eolors, all-wool Plaids, Irish
and French Poplins, Black Figured and Striped
Alapaccas, Empress Cloths, Sil and Wool Plaids,
Mohair Lustres, all-wool Delaines, Mousselaine De
luines, Black and Whito Chock, fts.
Deserve particular attention. Shawls, Cloaks,
Opera Flannels, Mantillas, Hoop Skirts, Ac.
Contains its more than usual supply of Laoci, Ho
siery, Gloves, Ac.
a new assortment or uonttcmcu 1 ur-
niskiug Goods, Cloths, Culicos, fto
The large Carpot Department of the establishment Is
now filled witV a fresh, and elegant lot of new stylet
and pattornt.
TnE paperTpartment
Embraces WALL PAPER of all kinds and price.
Window Shades, Paper,
do do Oil largo, new assortment.
Drugs, Oila, Paints), Coal Oil an
Fish. Pork, Cnnrse and Fino Salt, Cufee, Tea, Su
gar, Molussej Syrup, Spices, Ac,
Groceries, Tobacco, Scgars and mi(T. togcthet with
a largo vricty of miscellaneous goods at prices that
cannot fail to satisfy purchasers.
Sunbury, October 13, lHfifl.
-FALL TRADE, I860 ! FALL TRADE, 1S06! ! p
8 TTOVLD respcctfullv call the attention of g
8 VV tho public to her LARGE and NEW f
e Fanpy and Domestic Dry Goods, "a
g IJrosn Oootlm, p
P Of ail kinds and styles in great Variety. 3
g DlaeR, tlrocn. Julue, ine, Urown, I'urplc, &
jj In All-Wool Plaids, Detains, Calicoes,
so., M
kc, wo uuve an UMoruient.
S The best Bluck Allpncng, all-wool Dolain;.
Poplins. o
"Whito Goods. 8
5 Cambric, Rwi:, NainEOok and Jaconet Mus-
lins, Dimity, Livd-Lyc Linen and Towling
d Ucrlin and American Zophyrs,
Shetland C
ool, Cashmere i nrns, Ac -
. . . . M
-jj jen.u.Morni rtittrrs, 7
o Gum Cloth, Dress Trimmings, Hoeierv, S
H Gloves, lloop-Skirts, CorselU. Ribbons, and
g Woolen Goods. (J
Red Gloves, of the best aualitv. nnd a creat S
variety of goods top numerous to mention, all 5'
z of which will bo sold at the vcrv lowest for"
" cash. M. L. LAZARUS.
Sunbury Oct. 17, 13C8. g
Call at our Now Music Store In
aod buy one of Haines BnoTOER't Now Seal
Piano Fortes.
Every instrument Is Warranted for fivo vcars. W
also keep constantly on hand a good stock of the
celebrated PELOl IlET S MEL0DEONS, CABI.
NET nnd CUIjKCll ORGANS, and ohallengc others
to sen cueapor ttian we arcscinng.
We also keep all kinds of Musical Merchandise,
and receive all the latest musio as soou as published.
A liberal discount to teachers of Schools and Semi
naries f 'Second hand instruments taken In czchanro
for now ones.
Pianos oorrcctlv turned and renaired. Send for
Setinsgrovc, Snyder co., Pa., July 2S, 1S6S. ly
A KtUV AttlltYAI, or
Market Street, SUNBURY, PA.
TUST rocoived from Now York ami Philadelphia
O a largo lot nf FALL AND WINTER UOODS,
which ho will soil at small profits, for cash or coun
try produce
His lino of Goods for Gentlemen's and Boys' wear
I j-ood Fine Black and Blue French Clo'th, Fine
Denver Cloths tor Overcoats, the very best of Block
and Fancy Cossimerrs, Good Satinett and Kentucky
Jean, all ut low price.
His line of Ladies' and Mioses' Dross Goods oan't
be beat in this little borough.
Plain and Figured Silk and Wool Poplin, all-wool
Poplin, Pluin and Faucv French Merino, from one
dollar per yard upwards, of nil Shairs nnd Colors,
all-wool Plaids, Alpaca, all colors. Plain and
t'nncy Mohair Lustres, ull-woul Dcl.itnes. Fancy and
Figured Ku;li.-b Meriuns, very handsome, Delaines,
Calicoes and Muslins, all prioes.
Ladies' Clolb for Dresses, LudicV Cloth for Sacks,
Sackiug Flauncl, all shades, Ladies' Shawls, plain
tud tV.ucy.
V.'b'to Marseilles QuilLs, Bed f preads, Balmoral
Yankee ITctfccB In Great Variety
Hosiery, of all description, Gloves, forLadies and
Genu. DrtwsTiiuimins, Fancy Unions. Ac, Ladies'
French Corsets. Hoop Skirts, Genu' Shirts
and Drawers. Ladies' Vests aud Drawers, Ladies',
Misses' and Children's Faney Hoods, Wool .Suarfs
Ladies' Fancy Scarfs, and a variety of other goods'
Wove Floor Cloths, Stair Carpets Floor Oil Cloths,
all widths, Carriage Oil Cloth, Table Oil Cloth
Widow Shades, Plain Green and Brown Oil Cloth
aud Fixtures for Windows.
Sugar. CofTee, Molasses, Rise, Crackers, Spioet, Bait
Fish, Cheese, Ac
V!ueensware,Ulaajiware, splendid bctttof Toawar'V
at low prices'.
Hats and Cups, Oil, Paiut, Glass, Putty. School
Books, Paper, latea, Aa.
Shovels, Forks, Nails, Loeg, Hinges and Earaws.
A Largo assortment of ffALL PAPER and Bor
der, at all prioes.
All persons desiring to get rood goods will pleas
give huu a eall.
Eunbury, October 23, 1868,
l'ree lo livrrjbotl y.
A large S pp. Catalogue, toachlng bow to remove
Tan, Freoklcs, Pimples, Blotches, Moth Patches,
Sallowness, Eruptions and all impurities of tbe skin.
How to force Wnukers, restore, curl and beautify the
hair renew the age, cure Drunkenness, Nervous De
bility, and other useful and valuable information.
Everybody seed fnr it. Address BEKGER. SHU ITS
A CO., C'homisU, 24 River Direct, Troy, N. Y.
December li, 16. t
1 AAA Carriage Maker Wanted to buy Fellow,
1UUU Spokes, Hubs, Ailes, Springs, Bands, Bolt
end everything pertainuig to the baauiaa at th
kta Hardves- and Iraa 6tor of
j. u. oorrt a co
Great Distribution
American ff rltr rlotlon.
DaroTi :t A NAoaAtt, SI, 60 A B8 Lia-
Of Rosewood Piano an Molodtonf. Fto Oil Paint'
tnms, Engravings, silver war, rnj snn envar
W atehes, and olegant Jewelry, consisting of Dia
tiiond Pin, Diamond Ring, Gold Bracelets, Coral ,
Florentine, Mosaic, Jot, Lava, aud Cameo Ladif'
Bets. Gold Pens, with Gold and Silver Extension
Holders, Sleeve Buttons, iets of Studs, Vest and
hi eak Chains, Plain and Chased Gold Chains, Ac,
Ao., valued at i
!,ooo,ooo, for One collar,
which the need not pay until it is known what I
drawn and its value.
oallsyour attention to the fact of its being the lar
gest and most popular Jewelry Association in tbe
United States. The business is and always has been
conducted in the most candid and honorable man
ner." Our rapidly increasing trnde is a sure guaran
tee of the appreciation of our patrons for this method
of obtaining rich, elegant and Oostly goods. Th
sudden stagnation of trade in Europe, owing to the
lata German. War and recent disastrous ntianoial
crisis in Enfant), has caused tbe failure of a large
numbor of Jewelry Houses in London and Paris,
obliging them to sell their goods at a great sacrillce.
In some instances less than one-third the cost of
manufacturing. Wo bav lately purchased very
largely of these Bankrupt Goads, at such extremely
low prioes, that we can afford to send away Finer
Goods and give better chances to draw the most
valuable prizes than any other f iteblibment doing
a similar Winess. OUR AIM IS XO PLEASE, and
we respectfully solicit your patronage as we are
confident of Riving the utmost satisfaction. During
tho post year wo Lave forwarded a number of tho
most valuablo prises to all parts of tho country.
Those who patronir.o us will receive tho full valuo
of their money, 03 no articlo on cur list is worth less
than Ono Dollar, retail, and tbovo aro no blanks.
Parties dealing with us may depend on having
prompt returns, and tho article drawn will be Im
mediately sent to any address by returu mail or
Tho iollowinff nartics bavo recently drawn valua
ble prises from tho Amoriean Jwclors' Association,
and have kindly allowed tho use of their names :
Chnrle J. Jlunter, Esq., Treasury Department,
Washington, D. O., Prino. vnluo jviiO ; Miss Anna,
O. Yates. 2 6't. Murk s Hove, N. Y.. Cowing Ma
chine, value fTo ; Brig. Gen. L. L. Hansen. V. iT.
Vols.. Nashville, Tcnn., Silver Toa Pet, value f 150 ;
Miss Emma Hunter, 63 front St., Harrisburir. Pa.,
Sowing Machine, valuo Jill)) Lieut. -Col. Waitor
Chittenden, Quartermaster. Louisville Kentucky,
Gold Watch, value Jl.'-t) : Wm. 8. Haines, 217 King
St., Charleston, S. C, Silver Watch, valuo $U ;
Alexander Johnson, Esq., Editor Miutatenr Pio
neer, Musknteur, Minn., Ladies' Euuniulcd Wntch,
Value tilol) ; Samuel Luc, Esq., President Colorado
and Red Bunk Mining Company, San Francisco,
Cal., Woloitcon, value JZUU J Aaron O., I'.sq.,
Principal Eikhtirt Collegiate Institute Eikbart, N.
.1., Diumond Pin, value 200: R. M. Lonestreet,
Montgomery, Ala., Musio Box, valuo $75; Rev.
Isaac Van Duser, Albany. N. Y., Gold Lined Di
ning Set, value $300 j Miss Clara Lucniruer, Dayton,
Ohio, Pianoforte, value $100, and Diamond Piu,
value If 175.
Many names could be placed on tho List, but w
publish no names without permission. Our putrons
are desired to send United Mates Currency when it
is convenient.
Mold for One ElolSnr BOncIi,
Without regard to valuo, and not to be paid for
until you Know wuut you arc to rccoivo :
15 Elegant Ilnsewnoil Pin:mt, worth from find lo 8 ISO
1J F-leiianlMel-jde-ma. Knseivoad Cases, US to mo
61) First Cms Sewing Machines, in to 3u0
pi, ii. rin r'l.jiitiiii. is t. i.o
150 Fine Steel Eu,avings, fiamed, Soto ao
.1(1 Music Roxcs, Sit" 40
ISO FlevolviMK Patent Castors, Silver, 20 to 40
51) Silver Fruit end Cake Baskets, S to 35
4MU Sets of Tea ami Table Spoons, 20 to 40
ISO tiolil Hunting we watenrs. warranteu, auto iu
100 piami'ml Uiiifct, clutter uud single stone, 73 to SKI
173 Hold tViitehca, 6 to ISO
Still Ladies' Watches, 60 to l
SOtJ Silver Watches, SO to 71
Diamond 1'ins. Kroocnes ana ircp, i.aiies
Sets of Gold and (Jural, Jet and Gold, Florentine,
Mosaic. Lava and Cameo ; Sets of Studs. Vest and
Neck Chains, Plaip nnd Ghased Gold Rings, Gold
Thimbles, Lockets, Now L;tyle Belt Buckles, Gold
Pens and Pencils, Fancy Work Boxes, Gold Pens
with Gold and Silver Extension Holders, and a larg
assortment pf Fine Silvei Ware apd Jewelry of every
description, of the best niako and la(ct stylus.
IS) A chance to obtain any am of the abov
Articles for OIVE DOLLAR, by yurchatmg a
seated envelope for 25 cts.
Pive Sealed Envelope will ho lent for SI ;
Eleven for $2 ; Thirty for $5; Sixty-fiyp tor $10;
One Hundred for (15.
Agcrjts wanted pveryyyherg.
I'noqiiallcd Inducements offered to Ladies and
Gents who act at such. Our dosoriptira oirculart
will be sect on application.
Distributions are made in the following manner :
Certificates naming each articlo and its value are
placed in scaled envelopes, which ar well mixed.
One of thes envelopes containing the Certificate or
Order for eomo articlo, will be delivered at our
ofiieo, or sent by mail to any address, without regard
to choice, on receipt of 25 cents.
On receiving the Certificate the purchrsor r.ill see
wbatnrliulo it draws and its valuo, and can then
seud One Dollar, and rcceivo the article named, or
can chouse any other article on our lUt of the tarn
value 1
Purchasers of our SeaTiJ Enrrlanet may, in this
manner, obtain an article worth from one to fiv
hundred dollars.
Long Letters aro unnecessary. Have the kind
ness to write pluin directions, and in choking differ
ent articles from tboie drawn, mention the stylo de
sired. Orders for SEALED ENVELOPES must in
every case be acompanicd with the cash, with the
name of theporson tending, and Town, County and
State plaiuly written.
Letters should be addressed to th managers, a
follows :
37 & S i nsMiu Kt., Sew York City
October 20, 1S68. 3mp.
FullV I.! 9wo
rv. , lir.U
Dee. I, J?53. ."!iU
Br. Leon's
Dr. Leon" Electric Hair Reuewer.
It is a positive cure for Ualducss
It rtlart Grey Hair lo iia Original Color.
It is a Tonic, not a J)ye. ad acts upon the secretion.
i. iii'.meliatc!y arrests falling out ol toe liuir.
It alleviates Neuralgia und Headache.
It radically oures Dandrull'sndliumors.
It keeps the scalp healLhy, clean and cool.
It is an clegaut and exquuidely fragrant Hair
It restores. Cultivates ard Ccaulifies the Hair.
It makes harsh Hair flexible and Lustrous.
lr. Leon's CJfirlrlc Hair ltenfr
cr ha enjoyed a hib local reputation for many
year. Its wonderful restorative and invigorating
properties are, we'.l known to the Medical Faculty
uf Philadelphia.
Being fully tatisSed of the merits of I .eon"
Elmrlc lluir Itrarwcr w hava pro
cured exclusive ownership and are determined that
every household in our land sball have opportunity
to reap, iu benefits.
A most delightful nd efficacious eure for the va
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