( I s B.WIIiVEHT, r M j W. B. ENGIB. S n MUnillBT, PA. SATURDAY, JANUARY , 18C7. Hocal .Affairs. l3r CotB Wbaibbb. Tb thermometer, on Friday, the list ult., stood at 10 degrees belew ero In thb place i In otnt part or Lycoming Bounty at 34. On th id of January, Inst., It WM alao vty ' sold, the thermometer ranging below ro. 7 Ice. Th orop of lea, always desirable, la aa excellent one thla year. Th loe en the river la from 10 to 12 lnobea thick, and Onr ettlsen are busy In filling their loe-hontea. tyYouHO Mn'a Pbateb Mairiao. The .young men are cordially invited to eommenoe the Brat Sabbath of the New Year by attending the Young Mon'i Prayer Meeting, which will beheld -in the leoturo room of the Presbyterian Church, -very Sabbath evening, at 5 o'clock. tj AproiJCTMEliTi. The County Cemmlaiioneri tiavo made the following appolnlmenta for the preeen! jear ! Mercantile Appraiser Jacob Yerily. Janitor John Arnold. Physloian for Prison Dr J. W. Peal. Attorney for Commonwealth Sol. Malick, Esq. ryThe County Commissioner!, In their np. -pointments, have re-appointed Sol. Maliok, Esq., M Attorney for the board. Thla, we are Informed, .they considered due to Mr. Maliok for hii efforta in -watching over the Interest of the eounty ai Ita legal representative, and exaoting atrlot economy in the disbursement of the eounty funds. CP Dedication . On New Tear's day the new Odd Fellows' Hall, at ETysburg, was dodicated with the usual eeremoniea of that order. All the neigh Wing lodges were fully represented, among them the Sunbury Lodge, No. 208. CP A Donatio!! Party came off at the house of Rev: Mr. Reigart, of the Presbyterian church, on the evening of the 20th ult. Another was given to tho Rev. Mr. Cremer, of the Reformed church, on Tuesday evening, the 1st inst. t3pDKR. We understand that Henry J. Reo der, of MoEwensville, has killed no less than three deer on the Muncy hills within the last few weeks. There are certainly few, if any landlords, in this section of the State, who oan vie with Mr. Reeder in supplying their tables with vension shot by them selves. y Routs to New Yoiie. We understand that the new route from Mt. Carmel to New York Is well patronised, but the depot accommodations are poor. The train leaves Mt. Carmel for New York at T in the morning and arrives about T In the evening. There is no close connection with oar road, aa yet, but hope there soon will bo. Pi'dlic Schools. We are requested to state that the school in the Northeast school house will open on Monday next. All scholars north of the Shaniokin Valley Rruilroad will be admitted into those schools. The school in the Southwest school house will pon on Mondav week, and all scholars south of the Shamokin railroad will be admitted there. "p"Tn Paris Exposition. 8. P. Kase, Esq., of Danvillo, we are pleased to see, has been appoint ed by the Governor a commissioner to attend the World's Fair, at Paris, France, next season, for the oxhibition of the industry, skill and seienee of all nations. Mr. Kase's knowledge of mechanical sci ence and general Information will make him a valu able agent at the great Congress of nations. Zj?' Festival at Norvbcmberlakd. A fes tival was held in the Unitarian Churoh, at Northum berland, on Christmas eve. The church was taste fully decorated with evergreens, and a table, bounti fully covered, placed in front of the pulpit. After singing and remarks from the minister, the Divine blessing was asked, and the good things upon the table were distributed to tho Sunday School scholars. One of the ladies of the society then read "The Visit of Saint Nicholas," and the meeting dispersed, all feoling that a pleasant evening had been spent. The festival was gotten op by the ladies of the .society. XjP Masonic At a meeting of Northumberland Royal Arch Chapter, bold in Sunbury, on the 25th ult., the following officers were elected for the en .suing Masonic year :D. J.Lewis, II. P.; J. B. Lenker, King; C. S Wilder, Scribe; J. Haas, Treasurer ; J. Board, Secretary. The following officers of Mt. Carmel Lodge, No. .378, were duly installed on the 26th alt., by Past Master, D. J. Lewis : F. Fahrion, W. M. ; W. J. Haas, 8. W. ; W. H. Leroh, J. W. ; A. Lerch, Trea. surer ; J. B. Reed, Secretary ; B. Kissinger, Tyler. J Tin CrtAMOKLiERS for the new Court House have arrived, and were properly arranged and put into position by Messrs. Smith A Oentber, of this place, under whose superintendence they were made by the well-known firm of Mickey, Merrill A Mackara, of Philadelphia. These chandeliers are well designed, and are in keeping with the archi tectural style of the handsome building they are in .tended to adorn. Cp Fair at Watsobtowk. A fair was held, during the holidays, in the thriving village of Wat sontown, by the Methodist congregation, of that place, who contemplate erecting a new church. The .fair was well attended, and we lean that a hand some sum was realised. Among the artlolea offered for sale we noticed a miniature cottage, made of moss, by Mrs. Truckemiller, which was a very hand some affair. It was disposed of by lottery, and netted the handsome sum of 125. The congregation, particularly the ladies, deserve a great deal of credit for their labors in a good cause. p Tux Fair and Festival, held by the la dies connected with the Lutheran Church, elosed on Tuesday evening, the 1st inst., to be re-opened du ring Court week. They realised, we understand, over $400. An interesting feature of the festival .was a very handsome cross, made of wax, whloh was disposed of by ballot, at ten cents each. The con testants were the Masons and Odd Fellows, of this j!ace. Quite on intocat was manifested in the juoc.ess.os lie respective lodges. The .prise was finally awarded to the Masons. The 'following is the vote : Masons, 408 ; Odd Fellows, 254. CP Presentation. We are pleased to learn (that A. A. Shissler, Esq., Chief derk of Election in he 3d Auditor'a Office, Treasury Department, was presented on Christmas, by the clark under bts .charge, with a beautiful Maaonio emblem, accompa nied by a letter in which he was highly commended for his gentlejmyily bearing and the courtesy at tended to his associates. The emblem represents an open Bible of solid gold. Front view engraved with "Holy Bible, A. A. Shissler, Lodge No. 22, A. Y. M., Penn." On the reverse, "Presented to A. A,. Shissler, Esq., Chief of See. No. T, Quartermaster's Division, Third Auditor's Office, Dee. , 1866. A token of esteem from the clerks under bis charge." Mr. Shissler is a graduate) ot this office, and his rapid promotion to the position he now holds, la as evidence that bis abilities and conduct aa properly appreciated. CP New Partnership, As will be seen by re ferring to the marriage notioes in another eojumn, pur old friend, ty. A- Bennett, has taken partner not in the drug business but in matrimony, We congratulate the Doctor on bis suoeess la choosing a ife partner, and heartily wish him all the sac ess and happiness that hymea eaa bestow pa himself and bride. Already we see the evidetw of law e provem.ent in business, which naturally results ia oBimenolng a new life. He he just received a large stock of Drugs and Fancy article, sad il store is well supplied with everything ia that line, j W adi-e every en to give Ihe Doctors) aall. J CPHibwat Roamar.A series ef robberies, by three blghwaysaaa, war eosamilted ea the tarn, pike, betweea Bear Oap and Mt. Carmel, on the afternoon -ot the Mta all. ' The first person robbed were Isaac Hammer aad a boy from Rush. The robbers, with revolver la hand, caught the horses end demanded tlelr money 6r their lives, and took I from Mr. H. $30 aad hi new evereoat, aad from the boy $2.(0. 8eoa after they robbed Peter Yoeam, of Bear Gap, of $50 and a (liver watch. The Beat vie tint that easae along was Simon Voaght, of Maotoar oasty, Croat whom they took $50. The fbarta victim they encountered was Abraham Haas, from aaar Lewtsbarg, from whom tbey took $18 and a revolver. The fifth was Washington Bwenk, from Bear Klysburg, whom they relieved of to, and rapped htm oa the head with a revolver because he had no mora. Thee robberies were committed in the space of an hour. The condition of affairs ia the coal region, near Mt. Carmel, I terrible. Many of the miner are out of employment, and lawless men Inflamed with liquor, threaten to rob, and shoot if accessary, all traveler that are supposed to have money. Several of the conductors oa the railroads, near Mt. Carmel, bar been assaulted, and bow carry revolver. Cp Lma. -W are pleassd to tee that arrange, ment are in progress for an extensive supply of this useful article, at this place. Messrs. Levi Beesholts Co, are engaged la putting up a number of first class 11m kiln along the P. A E. Railroad, between the borough and the machine (hops. These kilns will be la full operation In the spring, and the lime stone need will be procured from the extensive lime stone quarries of Messrs. Bright, Beesholts A Rocke feller, in Point township, whioh quarries were re cently opened, and made accessible by a branch railroad, connecting with the P. A E. road, above Northumberland. Cp For the BiNsm or All. W call atten tion to the notice, la our business notioe column, of auotion sale of boot and shoes, on this (Friday) and Saturday evenings, January 4th and 5th, In Fleas ants' building, Market square. We advise all to attend the sale, as rare bargain oan be had. Mr, Apsley's objeot In disposing of his stock by auction is to close out a large stock preparatory to leaving for Philadelphia to engage in business. tpSupDEN Death. Robert Brooks, whos family reside In this place, and who has lately been employed in the cool region, was arrested at Mt. Carmel, oa Wednesday last, for breaking Into a restaurant. The constable took him in charge and put him on the regular passenger train on the Sha mokin Valley Railroad, intending to put him in jail at this place. When the train stopped the oon. ductor, supposing him asleep, shook him, when he found that life was extinct. Various rumors are afloat as to the cause of bis death, but It is supposed that it resulted from apoplexy. M 0 For the American. The Good Templars ot Northumberland olosod their Christmas Festival on Wednesday evening, 26th ult. We dropped in upon them and found their Lodge rooms well filled by a social and pleas ant company. Ice cream, cakes, candy and other eatables were for sale. A large cake, beautifully iced, and presented to the Lodge by the enter prising proprietors of the new bakery, Messrs. Mus grove A Shafer, was on exhibition, and, as a placard announced, was to be given to the clergyman re ceiving the greatest number of votes, each oosting ten eent. At twelve o'clock the votes were counted, and It was found that the cake was awarded to Rov. Mr. Dill. As the "electioneering" for the rival candidates wss quite spirited, we think the worthy recipient must feel gratified at this new proof of public appreciation. The following is the record of votes east : Rev. Mr. Dill, 71 ' Mr. Dickson, 413 " Mr. Porter, 148 The entertainment was, on the whole, a great suo eess, and we hope will strengthen the order and advance the good cause of temperance But we think aa order which will not allow its members to take a glass of sweet cider, lest Intemperance be encouraged, should consider whether by permitting lotteries at its entertainments, it dees not foster gsmbling, a vioe which, as well as Intemperance, has done much to increase the sum of human misery. We do not refer to the ministers' ooke, but to those things which were disposed of by lottery. Editor's Table. Ta Lxnv'i Frienb, roR January. The Steel Plates In the January number of this Queen of the Magasines, are uncommonly beautiful. We seldom see a finer picture than "At Sea," and "Werter's Charlotte" looks lovely enough to justify the pas sionate admiration that all the world has heard of. The large double Fubion Plate exhibits that ele gance and brilliancy whioh is its established charac teristic in this magasine ; a stylish skating oostume will attract attention. Children's Fashions, Pale tots, Coiffures, Bonnets, Ac, also the Work-Table Department, are profusely illustrated with wood-ents. In the Literary Department, we find the names of the best writers. Price (with engravingl $2.50 a year; Four copies (with one engraving) $6.00 ; Eight copies (with extra jnagatine etui aa engraving) $12.00. Address Dea con A Peterson, 310 Walnut Street, Philadelphia. Beable's Monthly. With the January number this popular magasine enters upon its third volume. It contains "Midnight," a Poem, illustrated ; "Lab rador," illustrated ; "Who was He" ; "Autobio graphic Notes"; "Language"; "The Master of Car bon," a story ; "A Chat about Carlotta" ; "A Pe riod without Parallel" ; "Stilts of Gold," a humo rous Poem, Illustrated ; "Our New House." a story ; "Rome To-Day" ; "Greenblow In Gotham"; "Mrs. Roundabout's Trip" ; "Indifferently Honest," be. sides Notes, Notioes and Gossip. Altogether, it is a work which commends itself to the generous support of the public It is a magasine of to-day, and a perfect reflex of American talent. Terms, $3 per annum. Beadle A Co., Publishers, lib William St., New York. Wa have received from Messrs. King A Baird, 607 Bansom Street, a copy of "The Useful Almaaao" for 1867, just published by tbein. A book of refer enoe to all who desire to know how the goodly City of Philadelphia is governed ; the extent, number, and location of its various Publio Institutions, and the manner of gaining access to them; the location of all the Churches, Railroads, Banks, Places ot Amusement, Public Parks, Ferries, Foreign Consuls' offices, etc. ; the location of all elective and appoin tive ofhoes, and manner of election or appointment, with the term of office, and other useful in formation of interest to citisens aa well aa strangers. Price Twenty Cents, and mailed on receipt of price, by King A Baird, Publishers, 607 Sansem Street, Phila delphia. BUSINESS NOTICES, Here is a Business Notice worth reading, and it concern every person, both rich and poor, large and small, those with big feet and those with small ones. All have an opportunity of getting them selves shod with the very best of Boots and Shoes, at about one-half for what tbey have to pay for them, now-a-days, la any store. You will have this op portunity only for a few nlghU, as W. W. Apsley Is closing out the balance of his wholesale stock of boot and shoe at auction, in Pleasant' building, next to Llgbtaer's Book Store, Market square, Sun bury Good bargain have been secured by those who were fortunate enough to be at the sales which earn off the last few nights. The reason for telling his stock la this way ia, that h Intends going to IA city, ia a few days, to engage ia business there, aad desire to have hi (took closed out be fore leaving. Hi foods are all new and fashionable, has no unsaleable ones oa hand. Now I the time yo all need 4 be well shed ; If yea desire to be for a small sum of money then attend the sal oa this (Friday) and Saturday" evenings, January 4tk aad 5th. The ladle ara respectfully invited to attend. Those who cannot attend lath evening will have aa opportunity to boy at private sals, through the day. Remember tb pla, ia Pleasants' building, Market Square. The sign is a large Amerieaa Sag with "aaelloa" printed e it. Come and see W, W, APSLEY. tr-SEE A Wonaw, ia another column, picking Imnburg (rape for t peer's W use. It is aa admira ble article, used ia lb hospitals and by the first lam famiUot ha Paris, Uadea aad New York, ia preference to old Port Win. It is worth a trial, a it give great earlsfaeUoa. Per sal by W. A. Bea Belt, Market street Tna General Verdict. The general verdict approve the (ult for gent, the suits for boy, the ult of all grade, read at the popular tailoring e. tabllahment ef Jacob O. Seek, Foarth street. W advise all who Intend replenishing their wardrobe, during tb aow year, to call ca Beck, and examine his elegant assortment of Cloths, Caaslmeres, Ac, before purchasing elsewhere. a "MtDbab Mcrprt," said aa Irishman to hi friend, "why did you betray the secret that was told you!" "Is It betraying yo call It! Bur when I fbuad I wasn't able to keep It myself, didn't I do well to tell It to somebody that could T" Bom thing should not be kept secret, one of them I that J. B. Bmiok I manufacturing and telling clothing very fast and very cheap, at his tailoring establish ment oa 4th street, Bunbury. J iin A TaairTT You a a Mar married a rosy young Irish girl, quit to tb horror of hi mothsr and sisters, but gav this piece of logic as th reason : "If I marry aa Amerieaa girl, I must hire an Irish girl to take care of her, and I can't afford to support both." Just so, if a man buys the cloth for his olothes, h ha to take It to a tailor to make into a suit for htm. How much more sensible it Is to go at one to a ready-made olothlng bouse, Ilk th Continental Clothing Basaar, Market street, and get yeur olothes already made, which will fit any ons who may desire the artiole. MaeBMn Specimen. Th beautiful specimens of the pho tographie art, on exhibition In Simpson's building, Market Square, Bunbury, tell the passers by, in un mistakable language, that S. Byerly is a first-class artist. Call up and get a life-like picture. The Price or Lirertt. Patrick Henry truth fully observed that "Eternal Vigilance 1 th prioe of Liberty ;" be might as truthfully have said that to become wealthy is to praotioe economy by pur chasing your boots and shoos at Wm, H. Miller' Excelsior Boot A Shoe Store, Market Square, Sun bury. Money will be saved by buying of him, as he bos th cheapest and best in market. Call and sea him. No Wonoer! No more blasphemy no more stealing no more murder ao more treason no more standing upon the street oorner uttering maledictions against th defrauder No wonder that this is so, when we take into account that the masses of the people are supplying themselves with boots and shoe from the handsome assortment just reoolved at Harry Thaoher'a, ill the old Boulton stand, Market street. Harry is constantly receiving large Invoices from the cities, and is thus enabled to compete with Philadelphia or New York prices. There certainly is no need of sending to the cities for a fashionable and oheap boot or shoe, when they can be bad at his store. Everybody, particularly the ladies, should oall and see the elegant stook just opened by him, He charges nothing for showing goods. Call End examine. Pennsylvania Agricultural Society. Easton, Pa,, Sept. 23, 1866. One of the principal features of to-day's show was the American Cow-Milker exhibited by A. 0. M. M. Co. Three cows were milked to our entire satisfac tion, standing; perfectly quiet, although milked for the first time with the machine. The Cow-Milker gives sure indications of a complete success, and de ervee to acouire bv Ita merits aa rtoDular a renuta. tion, as the Sewing Machine or Reaper. We give this as a special awara ana diploma. B. Morris Ellis, Hughesville. A. E. Kapp, Northumberland, Tobias Barto, Reading, Special Committee. I do BEREar CERTirr that I have purchased and used one of the American Cow Milkers, and they are fully what they are represented to be, and go far beyond my expectations. Benjamin Hoover, Proprietor ef the Sunbury Dairy. MWIIL I Township Rights, In Northumberland eounty, for the great American Cow Milker, for sale at the Basaar, In Sunbury. Also the right for Union and Snyder counties. CP To Claim Agent. Blanks for the collec tion of "Claims of Private Soldiers and Non-Corn missioned Offioers," under the late Act of Congress, equalising bounties, have been printed and are now for sale at the American office. We keep on hand a full supply of all kinds of military blanks, which we soil very cheap. Tbey are copied from blanks prepared in the Departments at Washington, and oan be relied on for correctness. Orders from a dis- anee will reoelve prompt attention. - ? Lira Insurance "I am at present a single man, but intend to insure when I marry." But the es sential condition for insurance is good htallk, and of the oontinuance of this you have no guarantee ; therefore Insure while you enjoy It. It will also cost less at a younger age. Jacob Siiipman, Fin and Life Insurant Agent, eunoury, ia. MARRIAGES. In this place, on the 23d ult., by Rev. S. W. Rei gart, at tba residence of the bride's father, Lloyo T. Kohrbacb, Esq., and Miss Jane C. Haas, all ot luis piaee. At Northumberland, on the 1st Inst.. bv Rev. Mr. Dickson, Dr. Wm. A. Bennett, of this place, and Alias mART a. iatlor, ot ttie former place. The American office was kindly remembered on this oooasion, and all banda join in wishing the happy couple a prosperous voysge through life. On Dee. 25, 1866, by the Rev. James Dickson. Mr' Charles V. Gulic to Miss Victoria Nesbit, of Northumberland. MUnitXIaV MAllttirrN. Corrected Weekly for the "American." Wheat Flour, extra family, per barrel, $16 00 8 00 do dn An Aa per owi. per bbl. per ewt. per bushel , Bye Flour, da Wheat, prime red 10 00 6 50 2 (0 Rye, do 1 00 1 10 80 60 85 25 80 16 3 00 45 Corn, old do Corn, new Oats, do Potatoes, do Dried Peeehes, pared par pound do do uopared do Dried Apples, do Dried Cherries, (unstoned,) per bu. Butter, per pound, Eggs, per dosen, Cheese, per pound, Lard, do Hams. do Shoulders, do Beef, bind quarter, do " front " do Mutton, do Chickens, per pair 35 25 25 28 20 14 13 18 60 ALMANAC FOR 1867. ,1 mi lit in N r-iri s if 1-1 1 2' S. 4' 5 61 . ....... 1 . B 1U 11 11 71 81 0 1011 1213 15 1617 18 10 22 21 24 26 26 14 15116 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 Si M n 28 SO 31 28.29,30 311 -11 3 1' 3 9 10 S ov T 8 0 4' 5 r t 8 12 1314 16 16 10 26 21 .22 23 11 IS U 141 17 18 19 20 21 22 i-1 11 26 2728 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 1-1 1 21 SI 4i ai A v 12 8 0 $ i 1011 .! 4 7 81 9 10 II It IX 11 12 1314 15 16 la'18 IT 1819 M ti 1718 24 Si 10 20 21 22 23 16 17 28 29 SO to 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 39,30 31 -1 1' -1 2 ; 4 61 tun 12 u l 10 11 1! T 14 8 IS 14 14 1 IT :u to IS 1617 18 10 Mi 20 21 12 23 24 24 36 17.28 30 811 ( 21 22 28,2 13 2425 26 ,17 Ml III ru! i! i 4 71 ft f 10 11 . H-l 1 S 4' 6! Ti R, a 6 4 1213 jie II 13 11 14 16 IA 14 16116 1718 21 1213 24 24 17.18 19 u II 1 t 10 20 2627, ! l 10 16.17 14.26 24 27 2819 30 28 236.81 I I -1 J J l sl 4! ' a ! ! t 11 121314 15 1818 20 21 22 26 16 27 28 20; i l! 9 1 11 12 IS II 16 16 17 18 1 9 20 21 22 23 24 24 26 27 2K 2424 29 30 31 3 J I' r a ! .iM I .1 . !20 2l i27,28 i i .1 i a a 10 11 "18 1 24 55 , 0ptual hotter. tT Samborb Port Wine. The Samburg gropo of Portugal I Bow cultivated m this country for tb preparation of a win anexpelled by the vintage of th eholcert port, to which It strongly assimilates in Its mellow Juiciness, richness of Asverand brilliancy of color. The fruit ha bee brought to a perfeatlon never attained In Portugal, by Mr. A. Bpeer, la hi vlnepard, New Jersey. Pbysloians say It is supe rior to port for Invalids. Clergymen use It for Ita purity a a communion wine, while the most fash lenable families drink it aa a dinner wine. (TV. Y. Tribttn: Thi win can b had at tb Drug Stor of W. A. Bennett, Market street, Sunbury. ClchcmcU) Seaweed Tonic. This medioine, invented by Dr. J. H. Screnck, of Philadelphia, Is Intended to dissolve the food and mak It Into chyme, the first process of digestion. By cleansing the stomach with Bohenck's Mandrake Pills, the Tonic soon restore th appetite, and food that eould not b eaten before using It, will be easily digested. Consumption oannot be cured by Schenok's Pul monic Syrup unless the stomaoh and liver is made healthy and the appetite restored ; henoe the Tonic and Pills are required in nearly every case nf con sumption. A half dosen bottles of the SEAWEED TONIC and three or four boxes of the MANDRAKE PILLS will cure any ordinary ease of dyspepola. Dr. Schenck makes professional visits In New York, Boston, and at his principal Office in Philadelphia, every week. See daily papers of eaoh plaoe, or his pamphlet on consumption, for his days tor visitation. Pleas observe, when purchasing, that the two likenesses of the Doctor, one when in the last stage of Consumption, and the other aa he now is, in perfect health, are on the Government stamp. Sold by all Druggists and Dealers, price $1.50 per bottle, or $7.60 the bslf dosen. All letters for advice should be addressed to Dr. Sohenck's Principal Office, No. 16 North 6th Street, Philadelphia, Pa. General Wholesale Agents: Demas Barnes A Co., N. T. ; S. 8. Hanoe, Baltimore, Md. ; John D. Parke, Cincinnati, Ohio ; Walker A Taylor, Chicago, 111. ; Collins Hres.. St. Louis, Mo. Oct. 20, I860. 1st w. ea. mo. 1 yr. Errors of Youth. A genlloman who suffered for years from Nervous Debility, Premature Deoay, and the effects of youth ful indisoretion, will, for the sake of sufforlng hu manity, send free to all who peed It, the recipe and directions for making the simple remedy by which he was cured. Sufferers wishing to profit by the ad vertiser's experience, can do so by addressing JOHN B. OQDEN, No. 13, Chambers St., New York. January 13, 1866. ly Xo ConaitniptlTca. Th advertiser, having been rostored to health in a fow weeks by a very simple remedy, after having suffered for several year with a severe lung affection and that dread disease, Consumption tl anxious to mak known to hi fellow sufferers tb mean Of cure. To all who deslr It, h will lend a copy of tho prescription used (free of charge), with the direo Lions for preparing and using the same, which they will find a sure Curb for Consumption, Astuma, Bronchitis, Coughs, Colds, and all Throat and Lung Affections. The only objeot of the advertises in sending the prescription is to benefit the afHicted and spread information which he conceives to be in valuable, and he hopes every sufferer will try hi remedy, as it will cost them nothing, and may prove a blessing. Parties wishing the prescription, preb, by return mall, picas address Rev. EDWARD WILSON, Williamsburgh, Kings Co , New York. January 13, 1866 ly. A Cough, A Ppld or Sore Throat, Requires immediate attention, and suocld bb checked. ip allowed to continue, Irritation or the Lanes, A Permanent Throat Dluense, or Con ansnption IS OFTEN THE RESULT. It It O W ' N BRONCHIAL X It O C II EM BAVINO A DIRECT INPI.CENCE TO TUB PARTS, GIVE IHMEDIATB RRLICP. For Bronchitis, Asthma, Catarrh, Consump tive and. Throat Diseases, - Troche are used with always good suoeess. SINGERS AXD PUBLIC SPEAKERS will find Troches useful in clearing the voioe when taken before Singing or Speaking, and relieving the throat after an unusual exertion of the vocal oraus. The Troches are recommended and prescribed by Physicians, and have had testimonials from eminent men throughout the country. Being an article of true merit, and having proved their efficacy by a test of many years, each year finds them in new locali ties in voriojus ports of the world, and the Trochcn are universally pronounced better than other ar ticles. Obtain only "Brown's Bronchial Taocnrs," and do not take any of tho Worthloss Imitations thut may be offered Sold Everywhere. November 21, I860. 6m Deafness), IIIIndneMs and Catarrh, Treated with th utmost success by Dr. J. ISAACS Ooulist and Aurist, (formerly of Leyden, Holland. J No. 619 Pine street. Philadelphia. Testimonials from the most reliable souroes iu the City and Coun try can be seen at his office. The medieal faculty are invited to accompany their patients, as he has no se crets in his practice. Artificial Eyes, inserted with out pain. No charge made for examination. Sept. 29, 1866. ly ITCH! ITCH! ITCH! SCRATCH! SCRATCH! SCRATCH! VH EATON'S OINTMENT Will Cure, the Itch In iM Hourx. Also cures SALT RHEUM, ULCERS, CHIL BLAIN.S, and all ERUPTIONS OF THE SKIN. Prioe 60 cents. For sale by the druggists. By send ing 60 eenU to WEEivti A POTTER, Sole Agents, 170 Washington street, Boston, it will be forwarded by mail, free of postage, to any put of the United Slate. Ja 23 '66-y lemrtial Jnslitufe FOB BPECIAi OASES, No. IA Uond htreet New York. Full information, with th highest testimonials ; also a Book on Special Diseases, in a sealed envolope sent free. rj""lie sure and send for them, and you will not regret it ; for, as advertising physicians are generally impostors, with references no stranger should be trusted. Fnolose a stamp for postage, and direct to DR. LAWRENCE, No. U Bond street, Now York. Nov. 17, 1866. ly Strange, half Trsse. Every young lady and 'gentleman in th United State can hear something to their advantage by re turn mail, (free of charge,) by addressing the under signed. Those having fear of being humbugged will oblige by not neticing this card. All other will please address their obedient servant, TUOS. P. CHAPMAN, - . $31 Broadway, New York, f January II, 1866. ly rru Comresustoaa and I'xperleace J. Or AN INVALID. - Published for the benefit and as a eantioa to vouni men and others, who suffer from Nervous Debility, Premature Deony of Manhood, Ac, supplying at the same time the sieaae ef self-cure. Bv one who aa cured himself after undergoing considerable quack ery. By enclosing a post-paid addressed envelope, single copies, free of charge may be had of the aa- uor. NATHANIEL MAYFAIE. Esa.. Brooklyn. Klnes Co.N. Y. January 77, 186"; ly. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. arri AVERY desirable HOUSE and LOT, situate on Walnut street, ia the Baroueh of Sunburv. is offered at private aale. The house Is almost new and well finished. Persons desiring to buy, will do well to examine thi desirable residence. fat particulars apply at the Boot A Sboe Store of W. II. MILLER. Bunbury, Nov. It, 1866. It BUILDERS and those contemplating building, would do welt to call aad see the large assort ment of Lecka, Latches, Boll, Bull and Screws, Straps aad T. Hinges, Window Springs, aad every thing wanted to complete a heme, et the ae Hard ware store of - i. H. OO.NLtV A 10. Vodnnintlon In IHTorce. To CHARLES II. LEADER : NoRTnBMDBItLAND Cot NT V, s : I . The Commonwealth of Pennsylvania to Seal. J the Sheriff of Northumberland eounty, . 1 Orrktino: WHKKEAS. Hannah Loa der by her next friend, Michael Latsba, did on th 24th day of February, 1866, profer her petition to our Judges of our Court of Common Pleas of the eounty of Northumberland, praying forth cause therein set forth, that she might be divorced from the bonds of matrimony entered into with Charles H. Leader. We do thereferc oommand you as often times be fore we did; the said Charles H. Leader, that setting aside all othor business and exouses whatsoever, you be and appear In your proper person, before our Judges at Sunbury, at a Court of Common Pleas, there to be held on the firstMonday of January next, (A. D. 1867,) In and for the County of Northumber land, to answer a petition or libol of the said Hannah Leader, by her next friend Michael Latsha, and show cause if any you have, why the said Hannah Load or, your wile, should not be divorced from the bonds of matrimony, agreeably to tho Aot of Assem bly in such easo made and provided, Witness tho Honorabla Alexander Jordan, Presi dent Judge of our said Court at Sunbury, this 4th day of December, A. D. IK.ifl. JOHN J. REIMENSNYDER, Troth 'y. Sheriff's Offico, Sunbury. Dec. 1ft, 18C6. I D. BECKLEY, Sheriff. noiici:. REGISTER'S Aocounts for Confirmation Nisi, the 8th of January, A.D., 18B7, at 10 o'clock A. M. 1 The account ntllonry Haunt, Uuardion of Peter V. llower, filod Oct. 12, 1SG0. 2 The aoooontof Ilirain Rockefeller, administra tor of Elisabeth Wilower, dco'd. filed Oct. 18, 1866. 8 The final account of Solomon Billman, guardian of Sarah L. Uonsort, minor child of Jacob Uonsort, deceased, filed Oct. 10,1866. 4 The account of James 11. Wagner, administrator of John M. Wagner, dec d.. filed Oct. 20, 1806. 6 The account of John Porter, administrator of Abraham Lunger, deceased, filed Nov. 15, 1866. 6 The aocount of Samuel Keedor, guardian of Ca tharine Eliiaboth Vastino, filed Nov. 27, 1866. 7 The account of D. M. Brautigam, Administrator of Uri fToth Jones, deccosod. filed Nov. SO, 1866. 8 The final account of William Weidcnhatnmer and Thomas S. Kuts, Administrators of Ueorgc Kuts, deceased, filod Nov. 30, 1806. 0 The final ecoount of Ueorge Boyer and Joseph Mourer, Executors of Felix Alourcr, dee d., filed Deo. 8. 1866. 10 The account of Charles L. Recdor, Executor of Sarah Jane Reeder, dee d., filed Deo. 8, I860. J. A. J. CUMM1NGS, Rcgistor. Sunbury, Deo. 8, 1866. 4t. 3000 ACRES OF TIMBER I AND pOR SALE. On the Line Mountain just J south of the Mahonoy Creek in Cameron Town ship, Northumberland county, Pa., and near the bhamokip and Mahonoy Cool Fields. Apply to P. W. SHEAFER, Engineer .of SJincs, rottsville, Pa. December 22d, 1866. 3iu jirantl Soldiei'H Monument GIFT CONCERT, At UNION HALL, MUNCY, PA., on Fridny Even ing, Feb. 22d, 1S67. 10.COO Ticket at fl each. 344 Present, worth $8,002,50. $2,000 to be appropria ted towards a suitable MONUMENT, to be orccted in the Muncy Coinotcry in memory of our Noble Soldiers who fell while defending tho Republic. No cheap Jewelry or trifling Presents. The lowojt $5. All are rated at their tbeir true valuo, and consists of superior Pianos, Organs and Melodoons, Green, backs, Florenoo Sewing Machines, first ulosa Spy Glasses, Microscopes, Stereoscopes, Music Boxes, Photograph Albums, aro rare and costly Bonks, Ac, Ao. ce the descriptive Scheme, and the satisfactory Testimonial appended. Plan of drawing same as that adopted by tuo t.roshy Opera House Association. Scheme sent to any address on application and recoipt oi two ceni stamp. Address, J. M. M. GERNERD, Manager. Munev, Lycoming Co., Pa. Tickets for sale by J. SUIPMAN, Agont, Sunbury Dooemlier 22, 18ti0. Manhood t Hew I.ont, how ICcfstorcd Just published, a new edition of Dr. Cdlverwell's Celebrated Essay on the radical euro (without mcdicino) of Spermator rhoea, or seminal Weakness, Irvoluntary Sominal Losses, Impotency, Alontal and l'hvsical Incapacity, Impediments to Marriage, etc.; also Consumption, Epilepsy, and Fits induced by scll'-Iudulgeuco or sexual extravagance. r"ePrice, in a scaled envelope, onlv 6 cents, Tho celebrated author in this admirable eesav dourly demonstrates, from a thirty year 's successful practice, that the alarming consequences of self-abuse may ue rauioauy curej witnout tne aangoroun ue of internal medicine or the application of the knife pointing out a inodo of cure at onoo simple, certain and effectual, by means of which every sufferer, no matter what bis condition may be, may oure himself oueaniy, private, ana raaicauy. This Icoture should be in tho hands of every youth and every man in the land. Sent under seal, in a plain envelope, to any ad dress, on receipt of six cuuls, or two postage stamps, by addressing the publishers. Address the Publishers. CUAS. J. C. KLINE A CO., 127 Bowery, New York, Post Offico box 4,586. Deo. 22, 18C6. Sin AO-E1TT3 WANTED, i A. lfflji-l TT 'SEinXG MAC! Fnllr 1. l-wt.u iniHiliitMibH .i... rr rt.in (jo u $jm gXjT.iuh. wr., niut- PAOKHKOTIIKKS. U4 Cheetnut St.. Phlla SSI Saaaill Hk, TolU,u. A.QE2STT3 WANXED. Deo. 1,868. 3m new opInTnIT" Of Clothing', & (iicstt'sJ I'urullilnsr 4aOOflN. THE undersigned takes pleasure In announcing to the public ol iutbury, apd viuinity, that he hoi opened his CLOTHING STORE, with a well selected stock of UE.HT'ri CI ItMlNIII.tS (jOOl)S, which he ispruparcd to sell ut astonishing low prices. As I am determined to bring down prices as much as possible, and as I am doing no credit business and sustain no limncs. it will be to the advantugu ofCAsn Buyers to give mo a call. S. KhONEXBERO. Next door to Geo. Bright's Drugstore. Sunbury, October 20, lSiid. MISS KATE BLACK, Market street, four doors west ofWm. 11. Miller's Boot and Shoe store, SUNBURY, Pa. RESPECTFULLY Informs hor friends in Sunbury and viciuity, that she has just opened her WINTER GOODS. of Notions and Fancy Dry Goods, Her slock eonsits of All-Wool Delaines, Embroidc rins. Lace Collars, Bleached and unbleached Muslins, Sheetings, Drillings, Garibaldi Muslins, Bird-Eye uinens, Aiapaeus, ropnns, irupe ana iaoe v ens. Ladles' Winter HATS, Ladies' Woolen Caps, Break. fast Shawls, Hontags, Children' Woolen Circulars, Children's Woolen Skirts, line. Demorest's Hair Curler. Ilkir Coils and Curls, Gloves, Stocking. Collars, Corsets, .to. Gents' Collars, Neckties, half Hose, Handker chiefs and Suspenders. Bradley' new Patent Duplex Elliptio (or double Spriug SKIRTS ) HOPKINS Elliptio Skirts. Perfumery. Toilet Soaps, Hair Brashes, Combs, Toys, and a general variety of NOTION'S. - . - . mi tit i rii.- Sunbury, Nov. 21, 18ot. TOWN LOTS IN th Borough of Sunbury, desirably situated, in high and central locations, 1'OU ISA I.I', oa such easy terms as will enable persons, with limited amount of available money, to purchase homes. Persona haviug mineral or Tlsnbrr Lands, Farm, Dwelllpga, or other Real Estate, for sale or lease, as well as those desiring to purchase or rent, are invited to consult the wuacriber. His connec tion with reliable firms in New York, Philadelphia, and elsewhere, afford unusul advantages. Conveyancing correctly and neatly executed. JNO, KAY CLEMENT, Attorney at Law, Third door west ef Smith A Genther s Stove Store, Bunbury, Pa. Bunbury, Dee. 8, 188fl tf. Adnalaiatrator'M Notice. NOTICE is hereby gives that letter of admlnis, tratioa having been granted to the undersigned on the estate of Peter R. Masaer, late of the Borough of Sunbury, Northumberland county, Pa., deceased. All peraooa indebted are requested to make immedi ate payment, and those having olaims to present theas duly authenticated for settlement. GEO. W. SMITH, Adm'r. Bunbury, Dee. 8L 18j6. 6t f I TUNE Albums, Hymn A Prsyer Books at -' y LluillM.Il o BB ,W ITHL1 A rents. M r NEW AREIVAL OP FALL & WINTER GOODS ' " AT TUB MAMMOTH STORE or J. W. l'KILlXCl Sc. HO. Market Square, 2 doors east of the New Court House, BUNBURY, PA. TTAVE received a laree Quantity of new FALL XI and WINTER GOODS, whioh thoy offer to the trauo at tne lowost possible pricos. mvsr goods. Their stuck of Ladies' Dress Goods is large, and contains a greater vnriety than can be found in any country establishment. Call and examine. Black and Fancy Silks, Grosde Grain, Oros de Rhine, Taffetas, Ac, of every width and prioe. Mo rinosof all shades and colors, all-wool Fluids, Irish and French Poplins, Black-Figured and Striped Alapoccas, Empress Cloths, Silk and Wool Plaids, Monatr L,usircs, an-woni l'eiaincs, juousseiaine ie laines, Black and Whito Checks, Ac. THE SHAWL DEPARTMENT Deserves particular attention. Shawls, Cloaks, Opera Flannels, Mantillas, Hoop Skirts, Ao. THE NOTION DEPARTMENT Contains its more than usual supply of Laoes, Ho siery, Gloves, Aa. THE DOMESTIC DEPARTMENT Comprises a now assortment of Gentlemen's Fur nishing Goods, Cloths, Calicos, Ac. CARPET & OIL CLOTHS, The large Carpet Department of tba establishment Is now filled with a fresh and elegant lot of new stylos and patterns. THE PAPER DEPARTMENT Embrocos WALL PAPER of all kinds and prices. n inaow ensues, i npcr. do do Oil large, now assortment. Drugs, Oil, Pulnta, Coul OH an Lamp. Fish, Pork, Coarso and Fine Salt, Coffee, Tea, Su gar, Molasses Syrup, Spices, Ao., Groceries. Tobacco, Scgars and Snuff, togothoi with a lnrge variety of miscellaneous goods at prioos that cannot fail to satisfy purchasers. J. W. iKU.l.Vjl X Sunbury, October 13, lHfifl. Iff. L. LAZARUS. S FALL TRADE, 1806 ! FALL TRADE, 1806 ! ! p .11. I.. I.tZAKI w OULD respectfully call tho nt.tention of g ine puunc ui ncr ijAivuXi anu r,ciT w ASSORTMENT pr g Fancy find Domestio Dry Goods, "tj IrcNN 4ools, Ol all kinds nd styles in great Variety, a POPLINS AND MERINOS, g Black, Green, Blue, Wine, Brown, Purple, Ac, In All-Wool Plaids, Delains, Calivous, g Ao., we have an luuorment. The best Blaok Allpoccas, all-wool Dclainj, Poplins. J Whito GooJs. Cambric, Swiss. Nninsook and Jaconet Mus- Q I ins, Dimity, Bird-Eye Linen and Towling. g Berlin and American Zephyrs, Shetland g, Wool, Cashmero Yarns, Ac. Ilulinorul Pikirtw, 5 (urn Cloth, Dress Trimmings. Hosiery, S Gloves, 1 loop-Skirls, Corsetts, Ribbons, and " Woolen Goods. LADIES' CLOTH CLOAKS A COATS. g Red Gloves, nf the best quality, and a great, B variety of goods too numerous to mention, all 3' of which will bo sold at the very lowest for " cash. M. L. LAZARUS. Sunbury Out. 17, 1S08. NEW MUSIC STORE. Call at our New Music Store in BLI IT'S GROVE, and buy one of Haines Brother's Now Scale Piano Fortes. Every instrument is Wan-anted for five years. Wo also keep constantly on hand a good stock ot tho celebrated PELOUBET'S MELODEONS, CABI NET and CHURCH ORGANS, and challenge others to sell cheaper than we are selling. We also keep all kinds of Musical Merchandise, and receive all the latest music as soon as published. A liberal discount ta teachers of Schools and Semi naries (.-'Second hand instruments taken in exchango for new ones. Pianos correctly turned and repaired. (Send, for Circular. SALEM A BROTHER. Sulinsgrore, Snyder Co., Pa., July 28, 1866. ly Itr. Leon's CELEBRATED PREPARATIONS. THE PERFECTION OF MEDICAL SCIENCE. Er. Leon's Electric Hair Renewer. It is positive cure for Iinldncu It restores Grey Hair to its Original Color. It is aTonic, not a Vye and acts upon the secrotions. It immediately arrests falling out of the Hair. It alleviates Neuralgia and lioadache. It radically cures Dandruff and Humors It keeps the scalp healthy, clean and cool. It is sn elegant and exquisitely fragrant Hair Dressing. It restores, Cultivate and Beautifies the Hair. It makes harsh Hair flcxibloand Lustrous. III. I.oois'a i:iootrlc Hair Itenw fr has enjoyed a high local reputation fpr many years. Its wonderful restorative and invigorating properties aro well known to the Medical 'acuity of Philadelphia. Being fully satisfied of the merits of Lron's i:iei-ric llitlr Krnewrr we have pro cured exclusive ownership and are determined that every household in our land shall have opportunity to reap its benefits. IK. I,F.O.H l.l'A.Vr RIMICIsV. A most delightful and efficacious cure for the va rious ills to which Infants and Vcung Children are subject. INVALUABLE FOR TEETHING CHILDREN. It softens the gums, abate lnflamation, Invigorate thesU)inach aud bowels, oorreot aoidity, and is a sure and speedy cur for Colir, Crasupst and Windy I'alua. A most excellent preparation for ohildren of a restlese and fretful hot.it aud lu all eases of Loeaeness, t.rlpiiig;, Yoniltiiiff or other iuward grief, it gives immediate ease. Used for more than half a eeutury iu the private Iiraetioeof one of ihe most eminent physicians in 'hiladelphia. In now plaoing this article within the reroh of all cur countrymen, e would remark that we know it to be a Remedy of unrivaled excellence and ttuit it nas proved in thousands of eases, a w are resolved it shall iu millions, a prioeleas boon. For Sale by Druggists Everywhere. Address all orders to ZIEULEK A JUT II, SOLE PROPRIETORS, 1ST :rtsi Third Me., I'hil'a. SILVER'S WASH POWDER, SAVES Time. Labor, Mouev; makes WASHING A PASTIME AND MONDAY A FESTIVAL. Sold Everywhere. TRY IT I November !4, 18 ly I'ree to livery body, A large pp. Catalogue, teaohinc how to remove Tan, Freckle, Pimples, Blotches, Moth Patches, Kallowness, Eruptions aad all impurities of tba akin. How te fbxoe Whisker, restore, curl and beautify the hair; renew the age, aura Drunkenneet, Nervous De bility, aad other uaefut and valuable information. Everybody seed for it. Addrea BEKGKR, SHL'TTS A CO., Cuemlau, fio River bus I, Troy, N. Y. Deoeutbef la, lttet 4 1000 Carriage Makers Wanted to buy Felloe, u l. . -1 u . a 1 - 11 I . - and everything pertaining to the business at th Cbp Hard war and Irea f tore of j at. wui a tu THE VERY LATEST ARRIVAL ! t Fall and Winter Goods! JOSEm EYSTEK, (SuocetMMor to John liotrtn.) Corner of Market and Fawa Street, SUNBURY, PKNN'A. Invite the publio to call and examine his etegsnt assortment of WINTER GOODS. which be will sell at greatly reduoed prices. His stock consists !n part of OAS3IMERES CLOTHS. &lC Silks, Delaines, Lawns, Ginghams, Calicoes. Muslins. Wheeling. Tickings, Jeans, and a lull assortment of Cotton and Woolun goods generally. Hosiery, Gloves, Uoop Skirts. Also Handkerchiefs, Brushes, Combs. IlatM and Cup, Hoot pi and Shoes, His assortment of goods will not, he is are sure fail to please tho fancy and suit Hie wants of any de, siruus of purchasing. His stock of HARDWARE AND QUEEN5WARE, and Groceries Is large in quantity and choice In quality, comprising generally ecrything needed iu tli household either lor use or ornament. Ins is always ready and glad to see his friends and takes pleasure in showing them his goods even though no sulus are made. He only asks a cull . and is sure that the sUiek will compare favorably iu priao and quality w it U the cheapext. JOSEPH EYSTER. Sunbury, Nov. S, 1866. Great Distribution BY TUB Amerieaa Jewelers' n aocintlon. Depots : 57 SO Nausau, a 1, SO A 58 Lin riTV Stiiekt, NEW YORK CITY. Of Ro3owood Piaoos and Melodoons. Fine Oil Paint - Ings, Engravings, Silver Wore, Gold and Silver Watches, and elegant Jewelry, consisting of Dia mond Pins, DiamuDd Rings, Gold Bracelets, Coral, Florentine, Mosaic, Jet, Lua, and Cameo Ladies' Sets. Gold Pens, with Gold and Silver Extension Holders, Sleeve Buttons, S'ets of Studs, Vest and Neck Chains, Plain and Chased Gold Chains, Ac, Ac, valued at 11,000,000, FOR ONE DOLLAR. which they need not pay until It is known what Is drawn and its value THE AMERICAN JEWELERS' ASSOCIATION calls your attention to the lnct of its being the lar gest and most popular Jewelry Association in tho United States. The business is and always has been conducted in the mott candid and honorable man nor. Our rapidly increasing trade is a sure guaran tee of the appreciation of our patrons for this method of obtaining rich, elegant and costly goods. The sudden stagnation of trade in Europe, owing to the late Gormun War aud recent disastrous financial crisis in England, has caused the fuiluro of a large number of Jewelry Houses in London and Paris, obliging them to sell their goods at a great saoritlce, iu somo instances less than one-third the com of mauut'aoturing. We have lutoly purchased very largely of these Bankrupt Goods, at such extremely low prices, that wo oan afford to send away Finer Goods and givo better chances to draw the most valuable prizes than any other et:iblihment doing a similar business. OCR AIM IS TO PLEASE, and we respectfully solicit your patrouajro, as we aro confident of giving the utmost satisfaction. During tho post year we have forwarded a number of tho most valuable prims to all parts of the country. Thoso who patronise us ill receive tho full value of their money, as no article on our list is worth loss than One Dollur, retail, nud thero are no blanks. Parties dealing with us may depend on having prompt returns, and the article drawn will be im mediately sent to any address by return mail or express. The following parties have recently drawn valua ble prises from the American Jwelnrs' Association, and nave kindly allowed the use ot their names : Charles J. Hunter, E?q., Treusury Department, Washington, D. C, Piano, value $.'.00 ; Miss Anna (1. Yates. 52 St. Mark's Placo, N. Y.. Sowing Ma chino, value $75 ; Brig. Gen. 1.. L.Hanson. I'. '. Vols.. Nurhvillo, Tcuu.. Silver Tea Set, value $150 ; Miss Emma Hunter, C3 Front St.. Horrisburg, Pa , Sewing Machine, value HO; Lieut. -Col. Waiter Chittenden, Quartermaster. Louisville, Kentucky, Gold Watch, value $150; Wm. S. Haines, 217 King St., Charleston, S. C, Silver Watch, value $o0 ; Alexander Johnson, Esq., Editor Miisiatcur I'm neer, Muskatcur. Minn., Ladies' Enameled Watch, value $150 : Samuel Lee, Esq., President Colorado and Red Bunk Mining Company, San Francisco, Cal., Mclodeon, value $200 ; Aaron S. Long, Esq., Principal Eikhart Collegiate Institute, Eikhart, J. J., Diamond Pin, value $200 ; R. M. Longstroet, Montgomery, Ala., Musio Box, value $75; Rev. Isaac Van Duter, Albany, N. Y., Gold Lined Di ning Set, value $300 ; Miss Clara Lucuguer, Dayton, Ohio, Pianoforte, valuo 100, and Diamond Piu, vulue $175. Many names couU be placed on the I.i't, but we publish no names without 1 crmission. Our patrons ore desired to lend United Mates Currency ohen it is convenient. PARTIAL LIST OF ARTICLES TO OB Sold Tor One Iollnr rucli. Without regard to valuo, and not to be paid for until you know what you are to receive : IS Elesrant Rnsewiaid l'iuuos, worth from fJOO to f 150 15 F.leuut Met Kteoiil, KiMRWiMfcl Cases, 174 to U3U 5u 1'iist Clans Sewing Machines, 40 to 3t'i i Fine Oil Puiiitiia, 30 to llii 154) Knte Steel Kngmvines, framed, 20 tu 30 50 M usic Holes, lii io 40 150 Revolving t'ateut Castor. Hiivr, 20 tn 40 5(1 Silver Kruit and Cuke Huslfejs, 2n tj 3.1 400 Pets nf Ten and Tiilile Spiis, '.'II t 411 150 Hold Hunting Case Watches, warranted, 50 to 150 I11O llinmnnd Kings, cluster aiut single stone, 73 ti 261 175 Uolil Wnlrliea, to 150 duo tallies' Watches, on to 100 40U Silver Wait-lies, ill to 7 1 Diamond Pins, Brooches and Ear Drops, Ladies' Sets of Gold and Uorul, Jet and Gold, Florentine. Mosaic. Lava and Cameo; Set 14 Studs. Vest and Neck Chains, Plain aud Chased Uold Rings, fli.lj Thimbles, Lockets, New Style Belt Buckles, Gold Pens and Pencils, Fancy Work Boxes. Gold Pens with Gold and Silver Extension Holders, and a largo assortment of Fine Silver Wore andJowelry of every description, of the best make uud latest styles. if"" A citanct to obtain any one of the abort Articles for OXE DOLLAR, purchasing a sealed taveopc for 25 ots. CjfFive Sealed Envelopes will bo sent for 1 1 ; Eleven for $3; Thirty for $5; ixty-Sre tor $10; Obo Hundred for $1 j. Agent wanted everywhere. Unequalled inducements offered to Ladies and Gents who aot as such. Our descriptive oirculais will be sett on application. Distributions are uado in the following manner : Certificates naming each articlo and its valuo are placed in scaled envelopes, ahich are well mixed. One of these envelopes containing tho Certificate or Ordor for some article, will bo delivered at our ofbeo, or sent by umil to any address, without regard 10 cnoioe, on receipt 01 zo cents. On receiving the Certificate the purchrser will ace What article it draws and its valuo, and can then send Ono Dollar, and roeeivo the artielo named, or eon cboote any other article on our lit I of tho same value. Purchasers of our Sencd J?r-rfjs may, In this manner, obtain an article worth troui ons to five hundred dollars. Long Letters ara unnecessary. Have the kind ness to write plain directions, and in uhoaiog differ ent artioles from those drawn, mention the style de sired. Orders for SEALED ENVELOPES must in every case be acompanicd with the easb, with tl.a name of the person sending, and Town, County and State plainly written. Letters should be addressed to tb managers, a follow : feUCmiA.-N, W.ITSO Jk CO., Sr At 3 ftnaMau tit., f York City October M, 1668. Smp, J. E CALD WFsLL & CO., JKWELEUS & SILVERSMITHS, S22 Chestnut Street, PHILADELPHIA, AreApouiss; a very full list of the produutlons of Foreign Industry and Arl, of their owe selection in European Capitals, iuoluding a great variety of ar ticles of Use and Ornament, m Bronsc, Bronse aud Gilt, Gilt and Crystal, Cut Glass Decorated Leather and Porcelain. BRIDAL, OPERA AND PARTY FANS, Of every variety aad prioe. French Mantel Clocks, Yasos, Figures and Candelabra. WATCHES. In great variety, and all warranted. DIAMONDS AND JEWELRY. A large aad very choice selection. SILVER-WARE. An increased line of Rich Articles for Bridal Uifts and Tabl us. PLATED WARES from the Best English and Amerieaa Manufacturers, euaaprising altogether aoolleotioa attractive in beau ty, complete in detail, and moderate in prke. November 17, leeo. 2ia FINE Myrtle Fcumium at the Fancy Store of ANNA PAINILR