W. B.EWOLB, ( Puollaharn. V HI HY, VA. . V A SATURDAY, DECEMBER 15. 1800. JLocal Affairs. IV T" WRATrjRB.eloeo Monday, baabeenano. MUj Cold. ... ... I CF Jacat Coin. the eNiry and Trial Lists, for the lal session of eoert, appear iu litis week's iseueofthe Amirica. - -:',,, T 7 KATia. Tbe lata eoldweetler has com. pletely frni over th two basins In this place, thus affording ttoellent skatiftg. Tbe lovers of the art are (klng advantage of it, and srowdi of persons, mala and female, era be seen enjoying this grateful and healthy emuieaent. , . ' I : t7MiDDL Cmt Railroad. We ealt ntten tlon to too abla report of Mr. F.C. Ami, tbe Chief Engineer of the propoaed new railroad from Lewi town to the Susquehanna. VTe hate no room for comment at present. But lb report abowa moat onclnalTely the great itnportaaoa of tbla thorough fare to Sunbury and the Sbamokin coal region. Jj?Thi Abrricak Cow Milisr Mr. Blny. maker, who holds the patent for this Invention for Northumberland and several adjoining eountiea, tested its practicability In our presence, a few days since. It was tba first attempt, and he extracted from the cow about four quarts of milk in about two minutes, the cow standing more quietly than when milked by hand. 13 Pavbhkrts:. As winter Is rapidly approach. Ing, those who have laid down summer or soft brick paramenia bad better protect them from the frosts of winter by a cortring of sand or other non-con-ducting material. We observe that the new para menia in front of the German Reformed and Presby terian churches are already exhibiting symptoms of prematura dissolution and decay. y pmccs rALLiso. Our Milton ootemporary complains that while beef is selling for about twelve cents per pound by the quarter or side, butchers per itt in asking twenty cent! per pound for theirs. We learn that pork sells at eight cents per pound in Lewisburg cheaper than hogs can be fattened. Prices tnmt come down, and the sooner the better, to crush out extortion. 13? Fair as Ftital At Miitoh. The la dies connected with the German Reformed Church, in Milton, will bold a fnir and festival in their church, commencing on Monday evening, December 24th. (Christmas eve.) On Christinas day an excel lent dinner will be served up. The fair will be open evory night during the week. Admission free. Tickets fur dinner, $1. tp- Counterfeit Nickels. Countsrfoit five Mnt pieces, in imitation of the "nickels" recently Issued by the Government, are in circulation and are reported to be more plentiful than the genuine half dimes. The bogus coin is said to be lighter in weight and darker in appearance than the genuine, Hit the genuine is so imperfectly known that it is srobable large amounts of this stuff may be shoved ipon the too gullible public. tjp Coxceot. The Welsh Harmonic 8oclety, of thamokin, gave a concert in the new Court House, in his place, on Monday evening last. The programme insisted of duetts, trios, glees, Ac. We regret the ery slim attendance on the occasion, which was pro- ibly interfered with by the unusual cold weather, heir singing was very good, and was much appre- atcd by those present. We learn that thoy gave sveral eonccrts at Danville, recently, to crowded ousts. r- A fkiehd of ours, a few davs seo. takinz a ip OD lUfi 1 V. XV 11 ., UlgUl VI tuv ivnw, 1 good condition, and praises two gentlemen who .v in charge the Way Department. The road rticularly to Uarysville, is in complete order, and long as the company keep in their employ J. De tven, Esq., Road Master, and Mr. A. Powell. Su . visor, they will have effioient officers, and menon oui the community can rely for a safe passage, as as the Maintenance of Way is concerned. jyCnoncn Dixker and Dedication The tngelical Association will dedicate the new church Seven Points, Lower Augusta township, on Sun December 23d. A dinner will also be given at church on the same day, for the purpose of pay tho balance of the Indebtedness incurred in the traction of the church. Tickets may be bad of members. It is to be hoped that the oitisens irally will attend, and thus give their aid to a hy object. Able niinioUrs front a distance will t attendance. "Toe Oil Well at SsrnEBTown. Our cor ndent at the "Duquesne Well," at Snydertown, vcek disclosed the important fact that in boring I they bad struck a vein of coal, about eight hick, at the depth of 110 feet below the surface, d this prove true, and there need be no doubt 9 subject, it may lead lo most important re Very small seams of coal, an luch or more in less, are often found outside the coal forma but an eight foot vein is, in point of size, one i most desirable and profitable that can be i. regret to learn that operations for boring have impended for the present, for waat of su&loitnt the expense thus far having fullen en a few rising individuals. If the foots above stated reat, there should be no lack of means wanting slop resources that promise such favorable New Bteam Tahueet. Messrs. BucherBro those old tannery on Third street, Bear the of the Sbamokin Valley and N. C. R. R. royed by fire last spring, with several other ;s, have ereoted end now have in operation a on the oorner of Spruoe street and Centre The new building is of much larger dimen n the one destroyed by fire, and is furnished exoellect steam engine and all tba modern necessary te complete a first-olass establish the kind. With these improvements they uabled to do a more extended busiooss than . and the want of an establishment of this , which bas long been felt in this place, has jen supplied. They oan now furnish sole alf skins, uorooeos, linings, Ac, equal to I eity markets. They oertainly deserve a u of the patronage of the public, not only trgy and enterprise displayed in the eree ir new steam tannery, but fur the superior leather, so necessary to the health and every individual, which tbeyoan produoe licution of the latest and most improved etti or a Flat-Boat with $4,000 Goods o Boaeb. We learn from the Timtt, of the tb Inst., the following the upsetting of flat-boat Bear that i valuable cargo of goods on board : ai Mr. Rails was engaged in towing a merchandise from Fisber s Ferry Slanoo re with the steamer, the flat was npset of the current and all the goods either er sank lo the bottom, in fifteen feet of ivxr being high in oonsequenae of the J he flat contained probably (4,000 much of which will, of course, if not Ml, be damaged more or lues. The aied were, we believe, mostly picked f the accident, but the more weighty e4tem, among wbioe were portions of a lg prcae valaed at about H Sua. We lurlunate circumstance, as it will tend the owner of the ferry, who baa labored ial year. What bis loss will be is yet tell, hut H msf ranee from one te twi srs rmr is ino sweosra ooiuva i he nast five or six Bioothe. a Die esse II with thenat laabea te ibe tipper i eg. lirrSiT. W wl .. . . . . i . j a oitld ana SB0SU9 cave ewtaa iwmmbi .L- ,, . . .. . ... . ..... 1 m w. ,w.uw.ng isroperuoe, inn se win ecu as we , t 77, I . P,,0f """n MJl"J"l xf eiooawir. ib, I Eight lots of Piece ot round, situated fn the borough cf . MoEwensVille, this Bounty. Abe the undivided ene-balf of a .valuable ateam grist will properly r! in ' the above piece, including the lot of lead Ith b tenant he thereon, the steam engine nd fix-tore, the water-power enlll dasa and privile ges, o. To be sold s the property of Wn. Hood. A tract of land In Lower Augusts, township, con taining B aero, snore or less. Also anelher tract of land in the same township, containing about I acres. The improvements are a brick dwelling bouse, frame barn and other outbuildings, sVo. To be sold as the property ot rTm. Homing, f r 7 '' " "Traotor piece of land, with the rolling mill build ing thereon oreoted, la Coal township, containing I sores of land. To be sold as the property of F. A. RelstelB, trustee of i! uteri Loogenecker wife of David Longonecker David LongeBeoker and Susan bis wife. . .... .. One and a half aeros of land, with the buildings, Ac, In Jackson township. 1 The Improvements eon slst of a frame dwelling house, barn, tan house, bark bouse, 23 vats and a bark mill. Also another pleoe of land in Lower Mabanof township, containing one half of an aore, with the improvements. To be sold as the property of Daniel Seal. The Undivided ohe-elerenlh of a tract of land In Lewis township, containing about 100 aores. Tba improvements are a two-story frame dwelling houto, bank barn and other outbuildings, an apple orchard, Ao. To be sold as the property of Mary Rclger. A largo number of town lots in Trerortoo, with the improvements. To be sold as the property of Chas. P. Helfenstoin, administrator of Edward iiul fenstein, deoeased. f37"Foc!iD Dead. The Ebamokin lie raid, of last week, says : On last Saturday forenoon the body of Patrick Flannegnn was fuund in the creek near the Curve R. R. bridge, between Iho ISrady and Excelsior collieries. His right leg was out off near the thigh, and his right arm near tba shoulder. An inquest was hold by D. Luke, Esq., whon the fallowing was ascertained as tho supposed circum stances ounnccted with tho ease, and a verdict ren dered accordingly. He was an employee of the ExocTslor colliery, and left bis place or work after dark to go to the house of John Clear, near the Brady eollisry, where he boarded, it is then sup posed that he attempted to cross the above bridge, which is some 1G0 foot long. It is crossed by strad dling tbs rails, there being no plonks or ties near enough to stop on, and working the body along with the hands. While nearly over this bridge he was overtaken by a coal train, which, owing to tba dark ness and the roaring of the water, be neither saw nor heard till it was too late to esoape. Thus he had his limbs cut off, was thrown into the surging waters and perished. He was an Irishman, about 40 years old, and without family. On Monday noon a young man named Daniel Messie, aged some 22 years, was engaged at Locust Unp in taking coal out of an old drill, when the top suddenly fell in upon him, crushing him to death. His remains were fouui about 3 o'clock in tho afiernoon. LB"-Tub Coal Tradb in the Scuctlkilt Rb oioh. The Pottsrille Journal, of Saturday lust, gives the following exhibit of the state of tho coal trade in that region : The quantity sent by railroad this week is 33,073 15 by canal, 10,201 10-for the week, 52.280 05 tons, against 01,143 for the corres ponding week last year. "The trade is very dull, and the practice of send ing coal to market unsold only tend to depress the prices to a lower point. Our correspondent at Now York, who we know is well booked up in the trade, gives rather a gloomy exhibit of the trade at that point. The supplies are, however, rapidly fulling off from all pouts, which we hope will soon regulate the markets again. "The fiscal year of the Philadelphia A Reading Railroad elosed on the 30th of November. The total quantity of Anthracite coal transported over tho 8abeylkUl county branch, was l.a J01 ? 3.420.3.10 05 toes. Increase in 1889, 622,937 15 " "This table decs not embrteo the Bituminous coal transported over the Lebanon branch, nor tho An thracite over the Schuylkill an'J Susquehanna Rail road, West, which is but a small quautity." tp"CoL'BT. The following is the Trial List far the next sessiou of Court, which commences in this place on Monday, January 7tt, 180?. The first ten causes are for trial the first week, to be ready on Thursday. The remainder of the list is for the second week : Jnmcs Price vs. Catharine Lereh et al. Klisabeth Weiseret al vs. NCR. W. Com. of Penu'a. vs. James Vandyke. Same vs. Same Andre Klinger vs. Reuben Fagcly. Lewis II. Funk vs. Z. Hogeudoebler. Win. F. Nagle vs Cuttawissa H. R. Eume vs. Same Cbaries Hoy vs. Dsniel W. Smith. Bonneville Shafer vs. David Kshbsch. Wai h. Lnnis vs. Freeman Thomas. M m. Aunkst vs. Wm. Allen. Augustus Scbneli vs. Freeman Thomas. ' J nines Bras Vs. Amos T. iieUtol. Wm. L. Dewarl vs. Jacob B. Masser. John B. Douty et al vs Joseph Bird. ' John Ryan vs. David Sterrick." C. P. Helfanstein vs. The Blade Diamond and Iron Coal Company. John Wcisel vs. Harriet Marret al. John Evert vs. Casper Schall et al. John McFurland vs. Joseph bboeinaker. Rnchael MeCarty vs. George W. Gritr. Pbineas M. Barber vs. Cyrus Brown. II. Ayrcs et al vs. Samuel John. W. L. Lance vs. Freeman Thomas. Theodore Weil vs. Isaac Furman. Com. of Pennsylvania vs John Curew. Christian Greiner, ex'r, vs. Daniel Dressier. Andrew Deibert et al vs. Wm. Shadel. A. E. Woloutt vs. Joseph Johnson, oonstable. Jacob M. holiday vs. Jumps Malone et al. Henry Saylur vs. Andrew M. Kastwick. Michael Flagherty vs. Trevortou Coat t R. R. Co. Tobias Long vs. Kebeoca Barrel. Juscph S. Silver vs. James Malone. BUSINESS NOTICES. EvxRTBonr should run to the Baiaar and see the Americas! Cow Milxeb! Milks four teats at once ! ! Cbberfi'L Facti Not the least among the cheering news is the report of the Secretary of the Treasury, showing such a healthful state of the finances, wbiob must plaoe our financial reputation on a par abroad with our pbytloal fame. Not less oheerful is it to see brisk trade at Jacob O. Beck's fashionable tailoring establishment, on Fourth st. He has the finest stock or Cloths, Caesitneros, Ac, CTer bronght to this section of oountry. Am editor compliments a brother editor thus: "Mr. Brown Is a clear thinker, a ready and vigor ous writer, and a first-rate fellow to boot." The grealeat fellow to boot or shoe is onr good natured friend, Harry Thacber, at the old Boullon stand, Market street. He "boots" everybody who goes into bis store, and charges very little for the opera lion. As a natural eooaequenoe be hse any quantity of custom. We advise everybody te call oa Harry and try bis "booting" qualities. - 'A Clerk in a mercantile establishment writes to a friend at borne " I have a nice time of it nowa days very little work to do our firm don't adver tise." But Ibis is not the ease with Mr. John . Emick, whose merchant tailoring establishment is on Fourth street. There is not a newspaper published in Sunbury (bat docs not contain a weekly notloe of tbe splendid suite turned out at bis stand. John thoroughly understands the power of the press, and is reaping tbe benefits of Judicious and liberal ad vertising. . , . , A stA wkoee band wee eaugbt is a steel trap la bis neighbor's corn erib is Tennessee, was dismissed by tbe msgistrate oa tbe ground that ao stoles pro perty was found upon blu, and a maa bad a r! jht to put bis band into a steel trap if so disposed. We are bo magistrate, buleur advise U go to tbe Cos tinea1! CUtbie Baaaar, Market street, put teur band into your potiket, take oat money and pay for ibase splosjdui jwerooeuj lust received at that wwm Jb, are Ue a4 obeafe i air auuk T. - --. ' . " I Miiti it nli Bookstore, Pleasants' building . Mar- ket street, a lug. and fine lot of Prayer and Hymn Books DikrlesJ Toy- pdj Tuts,' pissectir.tr Tic Urea, Ac., Ao"L fh largeA'a'slil flnestwver' brought lo this place, , .,,-g i7, ,,iA ii . ao., . . " Ftrt'if lWw.A.We have had the first snow of tbe season, and It free welcomed, with all the tost that bsw things give us, but like most ether things it loses Its attraououa hea We get loo uiuuh. of it. The only new thing that we know of at present that baa not lost Its attractiveness is Miller's Excelsior Boot and Shoe Store, Market street. It hat the continual frosbneas of novelty always about it Labor a Lira." Large as life and twice as natural," Is an old saying. It Is not a mere fonotful expression, or a figure of rhetorio, for we know, from observation, that the llfe-slse likenesses tnked at Byerly'a Gallery, in Simpson's building, Market street, will show ccrtsin lineaments and expres sions more aocuratety than they oan be detected In tbe living suhjeot. This is true, and if you doubt it, go and tee them. . For Wiktrr. J. H. Engel has just received the sooond supply of Ladies' Furs at greatly reduced prises. Vietorlnes and Muffs at f i0 and upwards. Handsome setts for children. 1ST To Claim Aoehti. Bluuks for the collec tion of "Claims of Private Soldiers and Non-Corn missioned COicets,'' under the late Aot of Congress, equalising bounties, have been printed and are now for sale at the AuEiiicAS ofice. We keep on band a full supply of nil kinds of military Blrtrtluf, w4ich we sell Very cheap. Toey are copied from blanks prepared in the Departments at Washington, and can bo relied on for correctness. Ordors from a dia auce will roceive prompt attention. Lira iNgt'RARCE. " I shall lose all' t have paid, If unable to continue my payments." But yon will not lose all. The Mutual Life Insurance Company of Now York will grant a new Policy, which, with out further payment, will assure lo your representa tives, at your death, a reversionary sum, equivalent to the presont value of the Pulley on surrender ; or they will purcbaso your Policy and pay you the value of it on surrendor. Jacos SniPM ak, Fir and Lift Inturanrt Agtnt, Sunbury, Pa. A Few Reasoxe why everybody should buy at S. Kronenborg s Cheap Clothing Store : 1st. He sells chesper than anybody else in this place. 2d. He bos better goods than anybody else in Ibis place. Si. He sells more than anybody else in Ibis place, and consequently csn sell cheaper. Any man who Is in need of clothing oan save TWERTT-riTB FEU CERT. ! ! by buying at the Cheap Clothing Store of .6. Krokenbebo, Next to Geo. Bright 'a Drug Store. SlJrVltL'RY IMAllttsUTNs Corrected Weekly for the "American." Wheat Flour, extra family, per barrel, do da do do per cwt. Rye Flour, per bbl. do per cwt. Wheat, prima red per bushel, Rye, do Corn, old do Corn, ntw Onts, do Potatoes, do ' Dried Peaches, pared per pound do do unparcd do Dried Apples, do $16 00 8 00 1U tiu 1 60 (0 ! 00 10 ' M i 40 85 25 SO . 11 t0 1 45 85! 2 ! 25 j 23 1 20 IS 16 IS 60 unoa merries, (uustanea),-) per La. Butter, per pound. per djsen, per pound, do do do do do do per pair Ciioess, Lard, Hams. Shoulders, Beef, bind quarter, ' front " Mutton, Chickens, KliamoLiit C'oiil Trudv, JSuamoicis.IKc. 11. 18(18. Tons. C'tw. ' 8.7 W 02 ' 529,14 01 6.17, S53 03 Sent for week ending Dee. 8, Per last report, To sumo time lost year, Increase. 1i7,V2i 14 Special io:iifi fcrstk f SAtot'lie) Port Wirk. Wu have been too long palled by the villa'uous trash sold as pure wins. Our lout x ivautt will be pleased with the rich taste, agreeable flavor, and fragrant bouquet of the Sau.herg Wine. It is especially rvcommended j to weak and sickly ladies, by physicians, for its 1 purity, non-intoiiouling qualities and tenia and ' restorative properties. A wine glassful of this wine, with a fresh raw egg or new milk, tuken rst thing in the morning, is said to prove highly benefi- cial in coses of pulmonary consumption. j This wine can bo bad at the Drug Store of W. A. I Bennett, Market street, bunbury. To 4'oukinupti veis. The advertiser, having beau restored to health in a few weeks by a very simple remedy, after having tu Sored for several years with a severe lung affection and that dread disease, Consump'ion Is anxious to make known to bis fellow sufferers tbe means of cure. To all wbe desire It, be will tend a copy of the prescription ased (free of oharjc), with tbe diroo lions for preparing and using the same, which thuy will find a suhk Curb for 1'onni'uftios, Astuua, Bhokcuitis, Cot'uns, Colds, and all Throul aud Lung AOootiutis. The only object ol tbe advertises In sending the prescription is to benefit tbe afflicted and spread information which be eonoeives to b? iu valuable, and be hopes every sufferer V, ill try hi remedy, as it will cost them Bulbing, and may provo a blessing. Parlies wishing tbe prescription, ran, by return mil, please address RT. EDWARD WILSOX, Williamsburgb, Kings Co , Nee York. January 13, 1466 ly. A Cough, A Cold or Sore Throat. RlQUlRIt' lUKEBrATR ATTBXTIOK, akd saoiao RI CH ECKKO. ' Ip ALiowsn tocoktixcr, Ii-rltntiosi of the Lung, A l'rriuunent Throut llut-nw', or Cons autnplioa it orran trr biiclt. I) II O V A H BRONCHIAL TIIOCII11N ATIRS A BIRSCT IRrLCIRCt TO ICR fABTI, OIVI IBXIOIATB BBLIBF. Fo Bronohltij, Asthma, Catarrh, Consump tive and Throat Diaeaaea, troches are used with alwtyl good success. SINGERS AKD PUBLIC SPEAKERS will find Trorhtt useful la clearing Ike voice when taken before Singing or Speaking, ud relieving Ibe threat after an unusual eaertion of the vocal organs. Tbe T'trJuu are reoowmended and prescribed hy Physicians, and have bad teslimonials from err.iuent men throughout the country. Being an article of true merit, and having proved their efficacy by a test of many years, each year lads them in new locali ties iu vorious parts of tbe world, and tbe Trocktt are universally pronounced belter laan other ar liolee. OirAiRooly "Brows 't RrokCbial Trocbei," and do not take any of the Worthless Imitations that any be offered Sold Everywhere, . jCovesBber 24, lo6. oj Ikeafsteaa, IlHailsiea sand Ctit'arrh, Treated with tba almost snoeess by Dr. J. ISAACS Oculist and Aurict, (formerly of Leydea. Holland.) Ko. 619 Pine street. Philadelphia. Teslimonials frets Ibe most reliable eoareee In tbe City aad Coun try can be seen at bis ortoe ' The medical faculty are invited lo aooesDpeay their patients, as be has ae se ereAs (a bit araetiee. ArtiaeUi byes, inserted wills at peia. No obaxgc toadt fBt aiswiuaucB. . .rt. W,liid.-1 . . ... . .J,. V1 .. I ' ; : i r .;"". ' ". ' itch! "i-ruii I irvn t f BCRATCni BCRATCIt! SCRATCH it 'tTtll fare h ltd! In tloiir-A. . Also curve HALT RIIFXM. ULCER, I'lHL III.A1N, mi l all KRUPTION3 OF 1 UK SKIN, l'line 60 cents. Fur mile by tlie drnxitis's. By send lni lift cents to VBIiK's A I'OlTF.rt, Kola Agents. 170 Washington street, linMon. It will be forwarded by mutt, Iroe r postngu, to any part of the I'ntted Slates. ' )e 3 'etVy . ftrmriital Jnstituttf 1 POR'SPECIAL CA8E8,' I No. 11 Itond n-ort Nriv York. Full Information, with the Highest testimonials! also a Book on Pnocial Dl!enta. in a enaled onvelope s.-nt free. jTce sure and send for them, and you will not regret it j foTj as advertiing physicians are generally impostors, with reference no stranger should be trnted. Knoloie a stamp lor postage, and direct to i DR. LAWRENCE, No, H Bond street, Siow York. Nov. 17, 13(ja.-ly . ... K I range, but. 'l't-ssc. Every young lady and gentleman in the United States can bear something to their advantage by re turn mail, (free of charge.) by addressing the under signed. Those having fears of being humbegjed will oblige hy not noticing this oord. All others will please address their obedient servant, TlH'S. P. CHAFJiAS, 811 Broadway, New York. January 13, 1868. ly Tho 1'oulVNHtoiiai nnsi I2tps.-i-Ivu4.-e OP A!f INVALID. Published for the benefit and as a caution to young men and other, ho suffer from Nervous Debility, Premature Dvony of Manhood, Ac, supplying at the same timo tho means of self-cure. Bvone who nas eurod himself o't'ir undergoing considerable quack ery. By euClosiog a post-pnid addressed envelope single cupios, free of charge may bo had of tbe au thor. NATITAXIEL MAVFAIR, Es., Brooklyn, Kings lo. . I . January 27, I860 ly. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. iioV Voit i hi: Vjui.is VIEW ARRIVAL OF USE FULL AND' FANCY emotes. A very largo assortment of Prayor and Hymn Bsokr.nnd Bibles, School, Juvenile-. T-y and ninnlc Fook. The largest stock of Tors ever brought to this plane, consisting in part rrf Dolls, Doll Heads, Dull Bodies, every si so, style aim Kinl. Sled". Watons, China Tea Sets, all sIsm, Rattles, Whistles, llnrmomcss. tin and vtoouon Toys of all kinds, Ac, Ao. A fine line of fancy articles. Jet Pins, Horn, 9u4i and other Champ. Minwl 11 n nnd Milrt Sul, Flceve Buttons. Pocket Books. Fino Purses for ladios. Perfumes. .Soaps, Brushes, (.oubs, Ao. A large stock of DP 1 1ST E -A.UL.33TT 3VT S, Dissecting Pictures. Ms, Ao , Pave Pnrtnuts, Pic ture Frames Portlolim, Ink J-t mils, Lamps and Fixtures Bird Cages, Canes, Pipes and Stems. Ciar Cases and Tubes, X III'. It M O H llTEltS, Ac, dec. Call and see our stock. Evcrtbing kept in a Book Stationery and lotion, In be had by calling at N. FERKEE MOflTXER, Murket Square. ' ' Sunbury, Ta. Bunfcory, Dec. T5, 18fiS. INE Albums, Hymn A Prayer Rooks at . DIARIES for lo67 cheap, nt All kiuds an 1 qiiantiliea LMHT.VER'3 tlTATCU Chaius, Sleeve Bulto:is. Stu-ls A(t.. Co., V t LIGHTNER'S. HOUDAY PRESENTS AT 2 M. L. LAZARUS. K FALLTRADE, lftf.fi ! FALL TRADE, 1S8S! ! p ! Jf ,11.1.. I.iZAiK N pi S ttTOt'LD resprotfully c dl Hie Ritention of fj j g Y tbe publio luhi-rLARUliatdNtW j ASSOnTUEXT OP Fancy and Douicstic Dry Gooda. "e Dress Uootl, g p Of all kinds and stylos in grant Variety. 3 POPLINB AMI MEIUNOS. g Black, Green. Blue, Wine, Krown. Purple, Ao. q In A 1 1-Wool Plaids, Detains, Calicovu, An., wo buve an aSsoriuunt. The best Black Allpaceas, all-wool Delains, ' p Poplins. i i Wliiio Ooods- I n Cambric, Sxiss. Naisisook and Jaconet Mua- - tins, funny. ino-iie i.ina aim iowiwg. A Berlin and American Zephyrs, Wool, Cashmere Yuins, Ae. ii Ititinsoinl MkirlN, Shetland P- S Gum Clotb, Drtss Trimmings. Hosierv. " C: r?i....... n..,..,.Li,.t. r......it. i:ii.i.nn. ...., i M Woolen Ooods. t? E LADIES' CLOTH CLOAKS A COATS. c Rod Gloves, of Ihvbrst quality, and a great H j vnriety of goods too iiiiiiieinus lo Oiention, nil a' of vibich ill be soli at tie vory lowest for 5j i In the store room lately ocoupied hy Weaver A Fa " li. M. L. LAHARL'i. I gely. opposite tho Old Court House. g eiuubury Oct. IT, 1868. NEW OPENING Of (lo III lug;, & tir 1'iiriiUIilii" amls-. f IMIE under-igued takes pleasure inannoimaing lo JL the publio of buuLury, ur.4 vicinity, thai be has opeutd his CLOTHING STORE, wit a a well selected stock of .i:l-tS I't llll!!!" (;HMt, which he is propared tosell at atbiniiiiut; low pi ices. As am determined to bringdown prices as niUi'h as possible, and us I am doin' no credit bu-incrs an.l susiaiii no looses, it w ill hu lo Ibe advantage of Cash BcraRs to give me a eall. 8. KKO.KKNBFltO. Next door to Geo. Blight's Drugstore. Bunbury, October 20. ISM. CALL and sec those beautiful Bird Cages at the new Hsrdwiue store ol J. H OOXLEY A CO. THE VERY LATEST ARRIVAL ! I Fall and Winter Goods! JOSEPH KYSTEK, (Succetefior to John Batten.) Corner of Market and Fawn Street, 8 U N B U It Y , PEN.N'A, Invites the public (o call and examine bis elegant assortment of WINTER GOODS, which be wrl! sctl al greatly reduced prices, nis Stuck Ounsitts in part of CASSIMERE3 CLOTHS. &C . Bilks. Delaines, Lawns, Ginghams, Calicoes, Muslins. Sheeting, Tickings, Jeans, aud a full assortment of Coltoa and Woolen goods generally. Hosiery, Oloves, Hoop bkirle. Also Handkerchiefs, Brushes, Combs. IIut uikI Caps, Itoola nasi thoea. His assortment of goods will not, be is are sure fail to please the fancy and suit the wants of any de, tirous of purchasing. His stock of HARDWARE AND Ql'EENSWARE, and Groceries is large in quantity and ohooe in quality, eemprieing generally everything needed in the housekeM either tor use or ornament. He I always ready and glad to see bis friends and takes pleasure In siieatng Ihvsa his goods even though no sales are maale. He only aska a call, and ie aura that tbe stoek will eempare favorably in prioe and quality with tbeobeapeet. JOSEPH ETSTIR. gd'nbury, Ifov. I, U6U. XUSGKOVE & SHAFER, . Wholesale Denial s in FLOUR & FEED, Manfooluiers of CANDIES. . RUE AD. CAKES, Tore Doors East of P. E. R. R. Depot, Front St., - hOUTUUMBEULAND, PEN.VA. Tbe Bekor Wagon will run dally to Punbnry and IpesiM'Grove. to car customers. Orders tullotlud. yoriliiubbcrlti,!, Vet- 17, loifl.-ly , .' :ATTIl!ET ATIiAW. East end of Pleasaul's Building, tp Btairs, , bu Nnuny , pI-inn'a. Aft profession! business In this and adjoining Conn tie prom nil y attended lo. BubbUry, November IT, MM. ! A "BVT AslKIVAI. OP FALL & WINTER GOODS, AT TUK BTORK OF J . H - IS N CS-13 Ii , " V Market Street, SUNBURY, PA. JUST received from New York and Philadelphia, a lorxelotcf FALL AND WINTER GOODS, which he will sell at small profits, fur caeh or coun try produoe. His line of Goods for Uentlemeti s and Hoys wear Is good Fine Blank and Blue French Cloth, Fine Beaver Cloths lor Overcoats, the very best of Blank and Fancy Casshnercs, Oood Satinelt and Kentucky Jean, all at low prices. His lino of Ladies' and Mioses' tlrcst Goods can't bo beat in this little borough. II i: N T o r II li A V, It HI I, It Ptnio Rhd Figured Silk and Wool Peplin, all-wool l'ofilin, Flriln and Fancy French Merino, from one dollar per yard upwards, of all Shades nnd Colors, nll-Knol Plaids. Alcaoa. all colors. I'lnln and Fancy Mohair Lustres, all-wool Delaines. Fnney and figured r.ngitsn merinos, very unmisoine, jjolames Calicoes and Muslins, all prices. Ladies' Cloth for Dresses. LadieV Cloth for Hacks, Sacking Flannel, ail shades, Ladles' bhawis, plain anu rajicj. DEBT WOOL BLANKETS, White Marseilles Quilts, Bed Sproeds, Balmoral Skirts. Yarjkea Kotiona in Great Variety Hosiery, of nil description, Gloves, for Ladles and Gents. 1'ress Trimmings, Fancy Bt ttons. Ac, Ladies' French Corsets. Ladies' Hoop Skirts, Gents' bhirts and Drawers, Ladies' Vests and Drawers, Ladies', Mistes' and Children's Fancy Hoods, Wool Sank, Ladies' Fancy Scarfs, and a variety of olhcr good.!. C AIIPETS, Wove Floor Cloths, Stair Carpets Floor Oil Cloths, all widths, Cnrriago Oil Cloth. Tablo Oil Clotb Widow Shades, Plain Green and Bronu Oil Cloth and Fixtures for Windows. OHOCERIE S, f'ugar. Coffee, Moluaus, Rico, Crackers. Spices, Salt Fi'f . Cheese. Ao (jueensware, Glassware, splendid Setts of Teoware, at low prices. BOOTS & SHOES IN GREAT VARIETY. Hats and Cap, Oil, Taint, Gla-s, Putty, School Books. Paper, .Slates, Ao. HARD W A It E . Fh ovals, Forks, Nails, Locks, Hugos and Screws. A Larco assortment of WALL PAPER and Bur. dcr. at all prices. .All poisons desfriog f6 gel good good's v, ill please g;te him a cull. J. II. ENGEL. Bunbnry. October 20, ISdrt. LADIES' fancy ftjes AT J0I1.N FAREIRA S Old Lttablished FUR Manufactory, Ko. 713 ARCH Street, afiovo 7lh, PlIIL'A. Have now In Store of mvown linnortationand Munulucture one of the '.T'iil-' 1..P mvl unit tttoit l.:i,l't. ful suleolions of FANCY FI RS, ttL-rSR? for Ladies' nnd Cbil- ' - PtS-1 Hren's Wear in the Oil v. ''L;S'zr?z?yrJ Also, a Hire assortment of Gent's Fur Gloves nnd Collar. I am enabled to dispose of my goods at very rea sonable priors, audi would therefore solicit a cull from my fiiunds of Northumberland county and vicinity. ( Remombcr tho Name, Number and Street t join i'aki:iiea. No. r 18 ARCH St., above 7th, south side, PHILADELPHIA. October 6, ISRB. 4mw. "wo1TauaryTT HOOT., SIlOi:, AM TRIAKS. H. G. TitACnEB, scccESson to W. "W. A P B LEY. MARKET STREET, SIX BURY, PA A largo lot of Roots and Shoes just received. A tine lot of 1KLNKS on hand. A gene ral assortment of (icnt's 'J'raveltiug Satcnels, R R. lings. Vuliscs, Ac. Ac, Ac, Ac COME AND BEE! At tho well-known house of Mrs. Bool ton. Market Street, between Third and Fourth Streets. 5 ii nbu r v, Se p! . 9 ,J SCM . NEW AND CHEAP GOODS JUST OPENED. ENCEBKL & BOBBINS. RESPECTFULLY inform thecltiiensof Sunbury and vicinity, ihut they hare just opened Ii large stock of n.r.vrrfVT? D9 RKME.MUER ihat tlioso Gouls have just been ruicTi:t'. ai retluccJ jiriccs, uud tire su Id acooi Jicfa'- E)H1r GOODS of every stylo end variety, such as CLOTHS, CAS1.MEKES, VESTINGS, AC. Dross Goods; Prints, Muslii.s Domentio Goods, Notions, te., Ac. GltOCEUIES, TEA. COKPEE, SUGAK MOLASSES. AC. Iloasteke-iIstsjr sUtsed. The attention of llio public Is respectfully Invited to the .idvantagei otleied ut Uiii eilablUliuieut. THE HIGUEsT PRICES PAID FOR COUNTRY PRODUCE. Cult and examine for yoursl es. A.J . KNfEBEL, U. P. ROBBlNa Sunbury. July 21, 1851. "newTiakdwahli AND IRON STORE. fTVIE subcriher having oprneJ In PUNIU'RY. 1 Pa , a new lurire. and well assorleil stoek of all kinds o( HARDWARE. CUTLERY. COACH WAKE OADDLKKY, SHOE FINDINGS, IRON, NAILS. Ac, laid in at lowest New York and Eastern prices which they will be pleased tu soli fur Cash at Ibe lowe-st Eastern prices. Inlendins lo do husinees in the honest principles of small profits and quick sale for Cish. J. II. CON LEY A CO. Sunbury. June 18, ISM. HEW MUSfC STrtRE. Cull at our New Music Store in tELIiNT'S QHOVE, and buy one of Haines Brothbh'b New Scale Every Instrument k Warranted for five years. We also keep oiinslanily on hand a good slock t the' eelebrate.1 PtLOUBtr S MELODKO.XS. CABI NET aud Clll ItCIl ORGAN'S, and challenge ethers lo sell cheaper than we are selling. We also keep all kinds of Musical Merchandise, and receive ail the laleat uiuslo as soon as published. A liberal disoouut lo teachers of Schools and beaji 0 Olios I r r-econd band instruaicnts taken In exchange for uew ones. Pianos correctly turned and repaired, fend for Ciroular. ' SALEM A BROTHER, felinsgrova, Snyder co.. Pa . July 28, lo6o.-ly SI10E Findings. Bole Leather and all goods be koging to shoe msAsrs businses for sale by ' . J H CONLKT C: m mm Piand Fortes. 7; Great ; Attraction , 7 NEW TIN-WaUE, Mlioet I rots nsstl Move Store of OlvTXTS & GEITTZEE, STJIsTBTJI-, 3?-fV., Where they keep constantly ok band and mannfao. lure to ordor at abort notice. UN AND SHEET IRON-WARE of all description. They would especially cull the attention or pur chasers to their large and well selected stock of COOK AND PAEL0E STOVES. The subscribers hate made arrangements to have all their beJt stove made to order, nd thoso whu would hnve a good slore would do well to go and examine Iheif large and well solecled sUwk. First. They defy competition on tbe following tried Brands of Cook Stoves, vis I foruMunt'ltiii inOH linrncr, 4'ooii. sUovrrncsr l-ut t'oy.-. WABASH AND IRONSIDES, nnd tbe well known Antidust Cook btove called riPKAR d ANTIDLr-T. Also. Parlor and office Stoves in great variety em bracing all the best manufactures and most fashion able designs, unsurpassed fur bouuly of liuisb simpli city olarraiitsenieuut combining olieupness, durability and each stovu warranted to perform what they are represented. Also, The celebrated Bnltiuioro Fire Pisco Stove, for heating first, second and third stories by Registers Also, VLLCAN HEATER. Also, the celebrated JIOUXI.VG Ol.OItV. Coal Oil, Coal Oil iAinps, Sliadca, Clilmnien, and ail arltolrt) usnalty kept In an establishment of this kind. They are also prepared to furnixh Slate and do sialing in toe best workmanlike manner. Also, to da Tiu Roofing, Spouting, Rangn and Furnace Work, Oos Fitting, Ag. RKpairiug neatly and uhtaply flisotft d; Also ; "!Jant.h a llnvr Hone .Supix-Phos ltut." Remember the place. Sample and Seles P.o es nearly opposite Oonly's Hardware Store, Market street, but ween 'lhird aud Fourth streets. Building dark painted. Auiul liJ, 1K03. This is an article for washing wittiont rubbing, except in very dirty places, which will rtquire a very slight rub, and unlike other preparations offered for a liko purpose, n ill not rot tub clotjif.s, bul will lenve Ihern much whiter thon ordinary meth ods, without the usual wear and tear. Il ruinnves grease spots as if by magtc, and softens the dirt cy soaking, so mat rinsing will in ordinary C's entirely remove it This powder is prepared III accordance with chemi cal science, nnd upin a procets peculiar to itself, which is secured by Letters Patent. It has been in use for more than a year, and has proved itself an univer sal favorite wherever it has boen used. Aruonglbead' vantages claimed are the folUmin;. vis : ItBuvcsnll tho expense of soup nsirully orat or cotton and I inen goods. it saves most of tuc Iaoor or rubbing, nnd wear aud toar. Also, for cleanin; window It is iinsnrpns?e.l. With ouo quarter the timo and labor usually re quired it imparts a bcnuiifnl gloss and lusir;, much, superior to any other modo. No Water required ex Cert to moisten the powdor. Directors with en'.-h package And cm be readily appreciated by a single trial. Tho cost of washing' for a family of five or six per sons will not exceed rnr.RK cents. The manufacturers of this powder ure awarx that many useless compounds have been introduced to the public which hnvo rotted the cloth, or failed in removing the dirt, but knowing the iutrinsic excel lence of this article, they cunii leully proclaim it us being adapted to meet a demand w'hkh has long existed, and has heretofore lemuined uusupplied. MARl'rACTl'RRD PIT hom e: &. !ti:vi:.s, 2 Ut ISi-oudwny, Ilostoi. ALSO, MAMTACTIT.EES OF FAillLY ETB COLORS. For sa'.u by Grocers and Dealers CTcy where October tS, 1S03. ouip. BOOKS! BOOKS!! riIIE vulwriber L.vs lftvo to call tho attention of .1. hi (ustoiucr. nnj the coniir.unity io gcnorol, to iuc luvi iuu. uu uiia uutt recciveu uia eccuuu iv vi 1STE"W GOODS, consisting, in part, of a complete line of P.Vl'EU AND ENVELOPES, Blank. School and Juvenile Books, Faney ToiUV rna,s. Perfumes, Picture Frames, Lava and Willow Hunting Baskets, Bird Cages, 11 ii st (1 ii nd fit a ml (jilusses, Fine Vuse". Handsome (Hove Jeweiry and Work Boxes. Iruveling and otber Portlolnis. Carved Bruckcts, Feather Dust Brushes, ilulU, Bats, Fishing Tackle, Toys of all descriptions, a large stock of WALL-PAPER AND P.ORDBft, W indow-Blinds. Paper Shades, Coul Oil Lamps and Fixtures. Ac. Thanktul fur past patronage, aud hope, by strict attention to bu.iueu, lo continue fl.e s.io.ie. N. F. LlGlliNRR. f?ucburr, June 9. 13." 3. 1):iiutK, Glass, Putty, White Lead, Varnishes, Ao. Everything thai I'aiuters use at unheard of prices al Ibe Hurdwai e Store of J. II. CONLEY A CO. Suubury, Juno 10, ISM. JEWELERS & SILVERSMITHS, SI2 Chcstnat Street, PHILADELPHIA, Arc ooening a very full li-t c.r i lie ),ro lucilors of Fureigu lixiiiMrv An, of their own si ii-ction in Luropuhu Ci pitals. inciuuing a great vruiely of ar lU'l.Svf L He and Oi i.cuieiit, in Bronxo, llrnnxe nnd Gilt, Gilt and Crystal. Cut Glass Decorated I.ea:hr and Porrelniii. BRIDAL, OPERA AND PARTY FANS, Of every variety and priee. French Mantel Clocks, Vases, Figures and Candelabras. watches. In grrat VRTiety, and all warranted. :i'j; 'a and jew tint. A large and very choice selec'ion. SILVER-WARE. An increased line of Rich Articles for Bridal Gifv and Table utei- PLATED WARES from the Brsl English sud American Manufacturers, Ouui prising alloguiber aoollecaou attractive iu beau ty, oomplele in detail, ami moderate iu price. Novin-Ur 17, loud. 2m lSUIi. IiO IMsiluaelpltta & Trie Railruael. fllHIS great line Irnvefscs'the Northern and Nurfi J west counties of Pennsylvania 10 the city oi Erie on Luke Erie. it hm been leased and U operated by tbe Pennsyl vania Railroad Company. Tims of J'aitenger Train at Suriiury. Loui s Eastward. Erie Mail Train, 1145 p.m. Erie Express Train, 6. .14 a m. b'luiira Mail Train. ltt.l'j a m. Leave Wostwa; J. Erie Mail Train, i QC a m. Erie Express Train, A.XS p u. Elmira Mail Train, 4. Si p. m. l'atatiUKer caisrun through on tbe Eue Mail and Express Iraius without change bulb wayt between Philadelphia aud Erie. iVrw York t'unatt-li6n. Leave New York at 9 00 a m, arrire at Frie 1 0 a. m. Leave New York at 6 In) p. tu., arrive at Erie T.lipim. Leave Erie at S.SU p. m , arrive at New York 4 40 p m. Leave Erie at 9 in a. to., arrive at Lew York 10 10 a. m. ELEGANT SLEEPING CARS on all Nisht Trains. For information respecting Passenger business aprlv at Cor. Stub and Market St., Philadelphia. An 1 for Freight business of Ibe Company 'sAgenU, 8. B. Kingsluu, Jr., Cor. Uih and Market St , Philadelphia. J. W. Reynolds, Erie. , William Brown, As;enl If. O. R. R., Biltiaore II. li. KorsTOR, Gen I Freight Agt. rhilsc'a. H. W. ttw tax, . Oen'l Tk-ket Ag't.', PUIaJa. A.L. TYLEa, fsej'l Maaajcf, WinUuwpf.rt reeeokbs 1, lt v.frc-: ; v.-r: : J"" EAUGH'S SUrKUrilOSlMI ATE OP LIME After rr)or than twelve years of curWint nse, this Ligbfy concentrated manure has alUinel a wide spread reputation as a .SUBSTITUTE FOR rEKL'VIAN Ot"A. Being fuund notivc in if Cf eraliou. and cf er-iat du rability. It dors not eilinu.-t the , .", but on thti oontrury. permanent'y improve? it. lue iai-r-osing sulos annually, abundantly prove il.o bi(;h .-i'.'n-value of this manure, and (crnblitu tho f ict of iu being relied upon by a wide circle of agriculturists, to supply oil wants iu fit direction of u.untu w lor f ery crop. h AT7CH: So SDNS, Solo Manufacturers A Pr.iprittuia, (Mice, No. 81 South. telaMro Aveaa'e, riilLADELPHIA. I.AVGH BflOTHETi? & CO. Ko. 181 Poarl St., corner ol Cdu. 5KW TORK. GEOItGE DUG WALK, irw.'u-i A'jent fur Mirylxnl & Virginia, No. lUi Smith s Wharf, BALTIMORE,-UD. i'eiiit isa per X Cash. Just Published, the 13th edition of our new psm phlet, "How to Maintain tho Fertility of Aaiericnn Farms and Plantations," furnished free upou appli cation to us or our Agents. BAt'GII A SONS, 20 South Delunero Avenue, Pbiladn'.phis. 6'oli i y SMITH AtiEJTTilER, SuLhury. July 2, lsJo. ly Aisit.'1-lcnn ArttsttH' t'nion t ' Aittc-ricsin Arllsita1 InlonT .titit-i U-uu .trlisit k iifou! Hid AMERICAN ARTI.'-'IS' UNION fcstuhtibt4 lSi4 onu ,ui;c t!.nt in irder lo extend llm siilo r.f ibe loil'jv'iin v,oii kntiiviiin d highlv poj.ular STEEL PLATE ENGRAVINGS The Lr.st Simper Lskuitorc ol ti e l'ilgri 2Jxi2L- grim fathers fur Ame- ra-a. ITi:M Landing of the Pilgrim Fathers. 2Tx '.' FalstaD' MusterinK bis Recruits, S!ix.'!? Sliukspearc uni his Fnci.d, 27x.''l Cotter's Saturday Niht, I'tj-'S Village Blai-ksuiilb. Vtx'ii Manifest Destiny, (fortune Ti-I'lng) HI121 Tlio Mswncre at W yoming in 177ii, JSaJ Mount r:o.n in tho o'.deu lia.s, or, TTtsh- inteu at. 3tl year.-1 age. 20x4 The escape of Alusr MjcDonald from the Mfesaere of Uleitc.ie, i'.x''.i The Mtd'jnno, 2rix 't They hive deemed expr.ltent to nffcr Wttr. to th. "r friends aud the public at one dollar end hfiy o. rii each, the price, iiereto!oi having teen two doMa.a eaeh, and for tbe purpojo of slii.-iululi;:g t:.u getting up of Clubs, 'hoy have determined to siwaro. premiiiins to tho getters up of the Clubs at 0 in 1 1 I!, lion thereto lo distribute amongst the subscribers the turn ut J50.C0J ia money anj paintings, as so vn as the sule sliall have reached 10i.9?1 etiriu iu n As it is our intentku tu advertise vmy ex'-coivcr-, and as the cngrr.vip4i-.re well ki.jnn tlirousl.Cu' Iho whole country, we have no doubt, tin with ilie low price wo charge for them, end with tho exertion which will bo pat f irth bv on.- namerous. t.i i-. n'Jmbor will be riajhe.1 ii a tliort timo. At to u ft is reached, the sulwribers, through tiidir C'lau Agents, will be uutilied by u circulur Uiter friui us, namii2 thetiuie and method of diitrlbulion. . . CI.t'B RAiE.-s. Single Enijraving f I OU eacbby mail fr-e For Sl wo will sen.l llrEfjg. A i to tho Club rart it) -i- !4 4 2 no 7 .- .. a Si'.rer Wa:ch.. a Silver Lever. 1 a lljuticg Lever. The Club psekniies vriTl ha very scourely paoked and forwarded b rxru.-s. Any person may up Cl'tos aal ffrwi I ite sji.oii.,1. eiil.er by i;.-.it. j, fight l'ralr, 1'ost Offi.e Ci der or iu a r-se.Mtrre.1 kfcr. u.I iu ail vsss mo Literal iik '-'.ill be .iui .ei :;! -.t. and l-.r o ngravir;r a runiiirr.j -srtiuca'c an j ructii ciii be CLvlcsed i u ibe pnek.-.e. C. U. D. OftL'KR?. IVrr?rj wi-iiii to Send .or Engrarii.os an t ) :iy the Expns; Co. when ihey ure reccire-l. will be recuircd lo seui ':th their rdtr ti to . accordin w HI au.oual, and tcu will be credited on luuir biil. Ll-T OF PREMIUMS. To be distributed Oae of $10 003 in money, tlO.tJO - 4,000 " i.tiuo Five of l,uu0 " I U0J Ten of 4J1 i.liuO Fitly of 1U9 t.in, Oi.e hundred elegant 0:1 raintiegs, richly framed Lan i.-f.i", at fino e.tch. 10,00 Two bundled elegant Oil Painiings, richly framed, lolenor Views, at $jo eacb, 1D.0M The AFRICAN ARtlSTS UNION wouii 4.1a that these premiums are to be coLsidercd oiny in tbe Llit oi a tree gift to their patrons, as tho Enrav. lugs are furuisned them beljw tbeir market mu, and as Ihe cost of eiravincs. ai'itr the plates are procured, as very trilling. ih,-y ouu easily atloid tu make the distribution, large as it is. . We U nl that our numerous friends tbrougbeut the country aid Canudos will use their utmost exarlicns, so that il possible, lb distribution may be made soou, and it can be done if ihcy aro eeiive. La ii have ottco made excellent Club AgtLts for u ui.d wesoln-it their kind ctiorls, which will not go unre warded. Let oue of. uure eAiergeiic puraoi.s tu every town and village in the oountry eom m on 00 asaiaia as Ihsy se Ibis, and get up as Uihe a Club as po.j bic. By so doing they will be Ilia uieans ot lutro during elegant engravings into fauilius, and lb us aid iu lira cultivating a taslu l-.r th beautiful an4 rjunJ. A Idrcas Oiders Skc. AaiiK x Aarisrs' L'rior. ii I'm street, New Yoik. Kov.lT, lK81-3ui wu. MEcrn ft BnoTEtEit, So. 04 AKCU Strett, tIilL.OELrVU, Wholesafe and Retail Dealers In 13 B n L I N ZEPHVR8, EMBROIDERIES, Fine Knit Goods, etc , pen. a ally seleoted iu Europe, libmeslu Zephyrs, buoisutuvn Wools, Caslimer Yaius, etc., L.,u style 141 1 Julie Dress tad Cloak Bettors, Drop Fringes, Lar! Bbasil Borders, Aw White Embroidered Bonus, eta. Ti too ls Uini ea.-cfr'.lv selected, our Wh;d DeVeituivai udissral iud'jeir.Mts tc ihe trl sl Utdtre, 1j0 ja:w MS) . 1