Si tte , ,SnhbutB "iimcricaw. j n. maM(bb, i!tiiwa proprietor. TsATUEDAYrDECBMUJCK 15, 1BOU. t "BECRETAUr U'CULXOCH'S BEPOHT The opening paragraph if the Secretary' rtport givetf A pleasant promise of butter tiling.- He say, "the receipt ei tho fiscal vr ending June COth, 189ft, liave exceeded the estimates ly ahout 1)0 millions, while tho expenditure fall short f the estimate ty over two hundred millions. Mr. McCul lechlmrl tiithsilf, ft Is evident, hut a nar tiow idea of the Yaat resources of the coun try. The decrease in expenditures whs mainly lu the War Department.' The es timate made fur the war office was three hundred millions. .The actual expense were only ono hundred and nineteen mil lions. ' 'The put lie debt on jane SOth, 1903, less rash in the Treasury, was 2.881,000,000. The mount on the 81st of Oct., 1800, six teen months Inter, was 2,531,431,121,20, showing a net decrease during that time, one year and four months, of 131 millions. The total decrease since the close of the war lightly exceeds two hundred millions. The Secretary maintains the position that return to specie payments is not only de sirable, hut that its speedy attainment is of immediate importance. lie purposes four methods: 1st. He would compel the Na tional Banks to redeem their totes in New York. 2nd. Ho advises a curtailment of the enrrenev t'V Tetirlnff greenbacks. The present rate tf reduction is four millions per month. He would increase this to six millions per .month for the present fisoal year, nd to ten millions per month thereafter- 8d. He proposes to diminish the in ternal taxes and at the same time reduce the tariff on imports to harmonize with the alteration io internal revenue. He opposes tbe taxation of raw material, ns oppressive to tho laborer, and a9 adding largely to the cost of production. 4th. He asks for power to issue a new twenty year loan at five per cent, interest payable in London or on the Continent of Europe, fur the purpose of absorbing the six per cents now now held abroad. Tho Secretary ventnrcs the suggestion that specie payments may be resumed as early as the 1st of July, 1S68, while ho in dulges tho hope that it may be accomplish ed even earlier." SWSEka.SSSI lOWII IHHatJIIH ntlponr or ciiiuf1 K.ui.xuEn. I OfFICR OF TUB MlDDt.g t'RBKK j lUlL lioAI) COXI'A.NY, , , 1 Lewibtow, FA. Dec. 10th, IMO. ; ABNER THOMPSON, EsA.A J PretiJent M. O. R. R. Co.; ' Sin : The following Report oi , the ro suits of preliminary survey for lhe ' Middle Creek Kail Road; with accompitnyino; map and profile, is respectfully submitted: Field operations were commenced on the 9th of October and terminated on the tth of November, during which time 110 miles of survey were ocomplihhedi t Tho Wtrln Vine, upon which the estimate below is based, commences at a point on the Mifflin & Centre U. II. near Kline's, one half of a mile south of the Freedom Iron and 8tecl Works, ird,'trosini( Kishnonqiullas Creek with bridge and trestle work 18 feet above low water, passes along Dry Valley, anil near the Dunkard church and through Lillcysvilln to the valley of Jack's Creek. Crossing Jack' Creek with a bridge of 100 ft. span and 12 feet above low water, the line ascends, with considerable lieavv crad- Ing, to the summit of the ridge dividing the head w aters ol Jack's and Middle Creeks thence with nndulatintr grade, and light work, passing D. Stuck's, A. Middleswarth's, anfl J. u. ltomiE to Anamsmirg. r rnm Adumsburg, through Ilea vert own to Hea ver Furnace, some little heavy grading is encountered. Just east of Bc.'avt.r Furnace, the line reaehes the main valley of Middle Creek, and following the south bank passes oce quarter or a mile south of Middleliurg and crossing Middle Creek It miles east ot Jacot Smith's, with a bridge 100 feet long and 12 feet high, passes the dividing ridge to the valley of Penn' Creek and the Sus quehanna at Relinsgrove. Thenco delect ing northwardly and crossing Penn's Creek with 200 feet of bridging ltt feet high, the route follow the west bank of the Susque hanna, with light grading, to the bridge at sunbury ana JSorthumberlanu. Estimate. Total cost of Gradua tion, &c, from Lewistown to Sun bury Bridge. 8ifl,332 Superstructure and outfit, 760,840 Tho Caae of John II. S.irWlt. WASHKeTOR, Dec. 10. The President to day transmitter to the House an '-mower to Representative Ijeutwell' resolution, tail ing Tor jnrormafioi relative to tu JleoTTy and arrest of John ' 1L Burratt. 4 I Thi. ib,rnrtipii are tolumlnnM. (The rl letter is from Mr. Welding, United Bute consul at Liverpool, dated September 87th, 1803, in which, addressing secretary artf, he say that Information wa given to him the day before, that Surratt was In Liverpool or expected to be. He took the sflktuVtt bf tho person who gave hint the In formation, aud transmitted it to Minister Adums. The affidavit state that while going from Montreal to Quebec he became acquainted with a man calling himself McCarthy, who told him he had been in the Confederate service, engaged in conveying intelligence between Washington and -Richmond ; thut he had been concerned in plan for carry ing o(T President Lincoln, which was con cocted entirely by J. Wilkes Booth and himself; that he came to Canada just before the as&assinif ion of President Lincoln ; thut while in Canada he received o letter from Booth saying that it had become necessary to change their plana, and requested him to Crime to Washington immediately, and thut he did start immeUintly for that place. He did not ay whether he went there, but snid that on 'his way back to Canada, the train ho wa in was debited at St. Al bans, and while sitting at the breakfast table, a gentleman next to him spoke of the report of the assiitttination, arid that he, Mc Carthy, or as he then called himself, Harri son, replied : "the new was too good to be true;" that the gentleman took a newspaper from his pocket and read the account of tbe occurrence, and he (McCarthy) wa surprised to so his name there, end left im mediately. Tuut on Sunday morning last the accused had been talking with tbe allinnt, of an interview with Mr. , at Richmond, w hen the alllur.t said to him : that measures have Leen taken (o bring Sur ratt home. AcloiiiaUOoldsOorough.liaviug been thus instructed. Add for Bridge and connection with N. C. R. W. it Sunbury, $1,120,072 210.000 Total cost of Road and outfit from Lewistown to Sunbury, 1,330.67 Thaddbub Steven. That radical, but tulentetl and wonderful statesman, Thud deus Stevens, in tho recent debate on the re peal of the act of 1700, which limit the period for the punishment jot treason to three years after its commission, astonished many of hi friends, as well as opponents, by opposing the repeal of the old law. He said he wa aware that none of the traitor could bo convicted under the pre tent law. and constitution, but he would sooner let them all run, Jeff. Davis included, than pass a new law for the purpose of con victing them, by which, lie thinks, our gov ernment would endanger its future existence uuil character fur justice. He also startled Total do to Northumberland, $1,316,672 The above estimate contemplates the con struction of a first class Road, with a rail weighing 50 lbs. per yard, the same as that used on the Lehigh Valley Kail Rood, which last year sustained a traffic of nearly 2,000, 000 tons. Will tlit Road pay a fair interett upon the above cost 1 This is a question of vital im portance to those embarking in the enter prise. On this point there can be no dnnbt, if Jioad it commenced with tufficient capital, fin iilud in the shortest possible time, and ii judi ciously and economically managed. There will be no tunnels or heavy rock excavations to prevent the road from being completed and in operation within 18 months after the work is commenced, thus saving the heavy loss of interest incident to tho construction of more cost! v works. The line will -have not over 13 per cent, of curvature, and tbe maximum grade in the direction of the heavier traffic westwardly will be of (infre quent occurrence, and in no chsu over 1 miles in length. There will be no effort for a through N. Y. business In competition with existing routes, and requiring fust ex press trains at greatly incieased running nnd maintenance of way expense. Tho road can therefore be worked under mode rate paying schedules. A new and more di rect route to 1'ittsburg and the West will tie opened for Snyder. Union. Northumberland, Luzerne, the House by stating that the proclamation Montour, Columbia, Schuylkill, Luzern of the President, declaring peace, is mere ! Carbn' Wyoming, Wayne and Susquehunn . , , . , i counties. waste paper, and that tbe question of peace was yet to be decided by Congress. These opinions, uttered by the acknowledged lea der of the Republicans in Congress, created no little sensation. Mr. Stevens is a deep thinker, fearless in his opinions, and follows the lead of no man but himself. The line run, for its entire length. through a tine agricultural region, anil for two thirds ot the distance, is adjneent to extensive tim ber tracts, limestone ridges nnd continuous beds of valuable iron ores, many of which can only be reduced by Anthracite coal, but with it making iron of the tery bet quality. The western terminus of the road will be in and adjacent to abtolulelv inexhaustible jieUU oftheliett gualitie offoneiliferout, brown hem atite and carbonate ore, the combination of which will produce iron inferior to none. Mr. Henry D. Rogers, State Geologist, says. "The body of theso ore in the wide and Fierce Itutllo at .Tlalamorae. - BALTUtonE, Dec. 12. Further details of the battle of Matamoras have been received here. The commander p ,i i: e. .... - . i e ii me nnMiuii.uir jiuuta iron, in mu iiihh di ; i, . .. ii i , . , , , . . half of hi. men in the assault of Fort Mon- '"f v 7,1 'r" wL,.?h """"V terey. He say. the failure wa. owing to the 1 "" T ? - !m,t,,8,ou9., '"guson. - .. . . . B v lv alttn rnmnitiiinii rlirnntlu ut tin. term i mis of the road, has already been sub- ji-cted to tests nnd discoveries of continuous veins of losBililerous ores for six miles nnd WBnt of scaling ladders Escohedo's loss was 200 killed, 400 wounded, abd between 300 and 400 prison er. Cnnales' losses, all told, wer about 100. It is said that Escohedo lioosted that if he had succeeded, he would have crossed tho river into Texas, and wiped nnt the Yankees. Large numbers of wounded officers of Es cobedo's army had arrived at Brownsville. Cunale and Escohedo had met and em braced each other in the presence of General bedgwicK carbonute veins and brown hematite deposits (or 17 mill. The extension of the Mililin & Centre R. R. to Bellefonte, shortly to be made, will establish further connection with ore lands and with the Snow ftlioe bitumi nous coal region. Men of intelligence, ex perience and capital, interested in iron manufacturing and coal operation at the east, and the development of the ore lands iu tins region Fears of an attack upon the United States L". ?' "T.r" 7 ''" rngemeni. Wb. l l,il in r,,.r.,.,.,lw,n of XTn.n,rn.' ?UJ ."V1" '""" ",r " eCI UW Ol i.'i ! .: '. .i :l'n additional furnaces at Lewitown iinu icii ,ii cAirunitc in i ijci ni I'Jiln nir llirir und defense on the Brownsville side of the river, from whence the entiro United States mili tary force would have crossed hod it been necessary in a : " Tho evacuation of Durango by the Im perialists was confirmed. The army destroyed by the Imperial forces near San Louis IMosi is represented to have been the best in the Liberal ranks. other points, as soon a the building of the road becomes a fixed fact. These alone will involve the transportation of over 200.000 tons of anthracite coal per ani.uin, besides .1... r i gard the'Xmerican occupation of Mat.moras ! J , " J friendly light. I .:T-"T: 7 " "V V " 7.." :" . ni.v, 1'witivo win,, mi, i nir uuiiiiii nine for fertilizing over 1.000,000 acre of land along the line and as much inoro in the val ley terminating at Lewistown. But estimating the anthracite coal trade at only 100,000 tons per annum, at a charce of three cent per ton per mile, which will save the consumer over $1.50 per ton on the present coat, and assuming only that an equal amouut of profit will accrue from all other transportation, viz : from littuunnnus coal etu.twari.lly, iron ore, limestone, timiier, agri cultural products, manufactured iron and other merchandise, and passenger, end Iihkis is safely estahluhed for a net income of over 1100,000 pei annum, or 8 per ct. up on the entire cost of the road. The farmers and proprietor of mineral lands as well as tue merchants and manufacturers, can then make paying intettment in the stock or bonds of the Comuanv. whiUt In an ih.intr they will secure the completion of an enter- jjimio nuicu wmaciu jrom one hundred t t value , Not one-half the country within one hun dred miles of Memphis is cultivated. . General Kilpatriek, United States Minister to Chili, was married on the 2d of Novem ber to the Senorita Lou'u Yohlcrana. A mnntf, seven feet in length, and weigh ing over 800 pounds, was recently killed in Polk county, Wis. It cost Patrick Kelly or.e thnnsand dol lars for biting nfT the 'end of Michael Cos tcllo' nose In New York. , The Grand Jury of Toronto has recom mended the revival of the antiquated prac tice of Hugging as puuisheneut f.r ciimc. i A Xapa (Culifornia) firmer publishes that he found in the crop of a chicken six bit worth of cklo gold. The Znvil1e Courier ays Hudson C. Ward, of Putnam. Iii fallen bt-ir to f 150, 000 In England. ' He hi gone for it. At a council held by Queen Victoria, t Windsor, on the Tilth of November, it was or lered that tho prarcr1 for relief from the cattle plague should bo discontinued. The ironworkers' etrike on the Tyne, in England, which hue been protracted fur Ktxlutw wka. rapid It collapsing, and the men are going in at the ten per cent, reduc tion. ' Gec.rge Damon, of Chicago, is a Ulght and smart lad of only twelve year, and bo is already the chief engineer of largo team mill ia that rity. . - Mis Anna E. Dickinson, the strong minded, it lying dangerously ill of pneutno oi, at iWkford, Wis, whither ho bod robo to Uxluro. :... i i K nmpay of Teniae full -ormod ond eqoii.ptd. a tho Brotherhood direct, will start from TltusviUe on tho 13th Instant IVttinatic.ii It uckaown. feotays tho Titus !' JItruU. ...... one thousand per cent, to the present of their property and interest. My obligation are due to George II, Arms, Prin. Ast. Eng.. ami the entire Corns, lortlie skill, zeal and energy l.y which an unusually large amount of work was accom- jnuvi4 turn uoi i lime, - - Very Respectfully, Your Ob't Servant, F. C. Akmb, Chief Eogiueer. Join Nickerson. of Chambersburg, Pa., ran a nail into hi foot and died from lock jaw. On the 10th lost., the Dauphin County Torhur.1 TrtfatWitl.. I,l.l . .. ... t Uarrisuurg. A hog in Mansfield, Ohio, tare lady go uauiy mai ncr me w as despaired or. Reading, Pa., it to have o pott of tbe orson Army oi in Jlepuoiic. 80 A Wosm, la aootbtr oolomn, ploklnf ouibori (rapt fat 6pMr't Wins. It it aa admira ble artieU. m4 a th kosplul tsd by the tut lass bailitt ia FarU, Lendeo s4 Kw Terk, U prsftraao to aii Fort Wm. It it worth a trial, ot tt I ITM (TMt tatittlkoUssj lot Mia bj W. A ottt, MtrkvtHrtM- - You have told me a great deal what most I call yon t what is your name!'' and he Hnswered : ''My name "is Surratt." This was jnt before their arrival at Londonderry. Wlien McCarthy or surratt landed ne was disguised. Mr. Welding writes to Mr. Seward under date of Septe uber SOth, 1805, thut Surratt had arrived at Liverpool ; and ngin on the 10th of Octob r, that Minister Adams had instructed him thai he did not consider it desirable with their present evidence of identity and complicity, to apply for a war rant for the arre t of the supposed Surratt. It is further stated thut in his conversation with the affiant. Surratt declared his belief that he would live long enough to give a good account of Mr. Johnson. Acting Secretary of State Hunter, under date of October 13, 1805, says : In consulta tion with the Secretary of War and Judge Holt it was thought advisable that no action should be t iken in regard to the arrest of the supposed John H. Surratt at present. Consul General Potter, at Canada, on Oc tober 25, 1801, informs Secretary Sewurd that Surratt left Three Rivers some time in September, for Liverpool, and adds : He was secreted at Three Rivers by u Catholic priest with whom he lived. Minister King, at Rome, writes to Secre tary Seward, April 23, 180(1, that Surratt re cently enlisted in that Pupal Zouaves nt Sezzse. Mr. King's informant recognized him, nnd Surrutt admitted be was right in his coi j -cture. Surratt acknowledged his participation in the plot against President Lincoln's life, and declared that Jeff. Davis hud incited or was privy to it. Tho infor mant further said that Surrutt seemed to be well supplied w ith money, and appealed to him not to betray his secret. The informant expressed an earnest desire thut if any steps were tuk -n towards reclaiming Surratt as a criminal he should not be known in tho matter. " Secretary Stanton, May 19, I860, say : The report was referred to Judge Advocate General Holt, who recommeuded not to prosecute without due concession, vciitied by oath. ! "Secreta-y Seward, May 28, 1800. suggests, that as wc have no treaty with 'the Pupal Government a special agent be sent to Rome to demand the surrender of Surratt. Minister King to Secretary Seward, June 23, 1800, s iy he communicated with his in formant the day before, and received from him the accompanying document. He had at the same time a long conversation witli him, w hich tended to confirm his belief in tho truth of his statements. Ho repeated to him Surratt's confessing complicity in the murder of President Lincoln and tho ad mission of bis mother's guilty purticipuliou in the plot. The informant was formerly engaged as a schoolmaster in a small village in Maryland, called Tex is, and proposes to return to the United btatea nnd give evidence, lie w isbes his name concealed, because he believes tbe publication of it wonld endanger his life. It is said, in his sworn statement, that Sur ratt remarked, in New York, that be propo sed to fly when the deed was done. Minister King to Secretary Sewnnl, Au gust 8th, 180(1. Says hu communicated to Cardinal Antonelli the information which was sent to him. His eminence wns greatly interested by it, and intimated that if our Government desired the surrender of the criminal, there would probably be no ditli-culty. Secretary Seward to Minister King, Octo ber 16th, 1800. Directs him to employ a confidential person to compare the photo graph with the original, nnd to visit Velle. tor that purpose, and to pay tho informant a sum of money, amount not named, for in formation given upon the subject. Secretary bewurd further instructs Mr. Kingtb'seek an interview with Cardinal Antonelli, and to ask his Holiness whether. in the aWnce of nn extradition treaty, he would give Surratt up, or whether. In the event of the re arrest being denied, he would enter into nn extradition treaty und also re questing that Surratt be not discharged un til further advised. MiniMer King to Secretarr 8eword. doted Rome, November 23, says he has had an in terview with Cardinal Antonelli, who frank ly replied he would give up Surratt. on pro per indictment and proof, at the request of tne wepurtment or Mate. Mr. King, under dute of November 10, tars the Cardinal informed hi in that Surrutt or Watson had been arrested by his order, but wlille on the way to Kome escaped from the guard ot six men. The Cardinal exprce set great regret at the escape. All tbe order of the Papal Government for the arrest are enclosed with the corres pondence. Minister King and Captain Fox at Lisbon, November 7, telegraphed Minister Harvey to direct Admiral Goldsbbrough to send one of In ship to civito Veccbla. Minister Marsh to Secretary Seward, from Florence, November 18, sav he had seen the minister of foreign affair and asked him if he thought the Italian Government would surrender Surratt to the United State if tho accused wa found on Italian territory. The minister thought the accused would I surrendered on proper demand and proof, nut proba'iiy only under a stipulation on our part that the punishment of death should not bo inflicted. Burratt, under the name of Water wi, after hi escape from the guard, hunted for in Naples, but ho bad gone there to Alex andria. December I, 1848. Consul General Dale communicate th fact that bo had obeyed instruction tort arretted Burratt. Secretary Seward, tho next day telegraphed hint that bUctneU approved, and informing him Ut of JnrofawJnat. Term, 1807. flttAKD jroRona Defawan Valentino Welter, John Oyster, James P. Armstrong. Samuel Lowery. " LewiM David H. Rnup, Jordan Peter Coble. Northumberland Jacob Letsenring. Waehington Mi'ton Drumheller. ! Lower AvguitaQeorgie Woisef, John Foy, Henry Fasold. ' ' ' ' Hhamolin JSoro Willfem Fagely. 1'oint nenry Morgan. Upper tlaltanoy Eliut Hetrick. Lower Mahanvy Aaron Seller, J. D. Blss- cr. - CW Eliiah nammer. - .. Little Mahunoy Willian Raker. Chillitquaqve William Blair, Joseph Frederick. ill. Uarmel Boro Michael Graham. Milton Chnrle Hoy, Isaac Brown. Tvrbvt William Follmer. THAVKR8B JtRORS. Wnver Auauttn Henrv Gas.Hcnry Malick. Northumberland William T. Forsyth, Jacob Ulp. Vwi Levi Glace. Turbvt Jacnb Iloffa, D. D. Shannon, Charles T. Follmer. Miltnnlfrt(. Stotan, Hugh Stevenson, John Miller. Fred. Wilhelm. Joseph Ansted. Sunbury William I). Haupt.John Arnold, J. M. Simpson, T. H. Purdy. Delaware John H. Shafer, Jamc Cath cart. Coal George Holbaker, Cyrus Ramsey. Lower AvguttaE. P Lylle, Wm. C. Seig fried, George Raker. Shamolin Boro Edward Wilkerson, Fred. Dinner. Withington Lake. Upper SfahanoyHeBTj Malick, Charlc Hovater. Hhamol'inO. S. Campbell, Samuel Epler, G. Miller, Benjamin Lerch, Charles Leisen ring, J. Ltiseuring, Samuel Campbell. Jordan Tobias Mill. Point James Beachor. Jnclcton Daniel Holshoe, Simon Bower, Jno. Otto. Chillirquaqve Benjamin Ryan, Frederick Bumgardner, Isaac tretlcrick. Jluth Isaac Ilile, Luther B:sietr, Joseph Pegg. Zcrbe William Deppcn. PKTIT JURORS. Lower iTahanoy Michael Wilvert. Coal William Mowery.- Nothumberland George Evert. Lewit Andrew Karchner, John Tigast. Ujer Auguttn Jacob KeiiTcr, David R. Malick, James Bachelor, Charles E. Gulick, Wm. Cole. Sunbury John Hopper, Peter Wilvert, Sol. Stroh. Shamokin Boro Daniel Weaver. Ch illinquaque Hugh Caul. Vf. Carmel Boro Simon Light. Cameron Elijah Long. Lower Augusta Ileury II. Mulick, Peter Snyder, George Seiler. ilneh Joseph Sharpless, Juspcr Huugh- nwout. ililtm. Michael Lamb. John Divel. Ml. Carmel tp David Weaver. Alidnol-tjJnincs Yanhurn, Samuel Cruul, tiofth by lands of bttrl of Jonathan TBowc'r I ana KemplK.ll. fcOntainin 80 acre more or less, whereon are ct-hclbd a two story brick dwelling house, !d ftniLe'tioU, and a largo frame barn, &0. I'd J I. Also. UDon certain tract or piece of mna altuato in came township, County and State. bounded on th east and west by lanas oi John B. Horning, on the north and aouth by land of Samuel Uaringer, containing about 9ve acre more or less, whereon are erected a brick dwelling bouse, frame barn and other out buildings, Ac. - Seized, taken in execution ana to oo oiu as tho property of William Horning. '.').' I ALSO : All that certain tract or parcel ol Land, with the Rolling Mill Building thereon erec ted situate In Coal township in the county of Northumberland and State of Pennsylva nia, beginning at a peg in the centre line of the Branch Rail Road to Big Mountain ; thence south 82 degrees 17 minute west one hundred aud seventy-nine and one half feet to a post t thence by land surveyed in the name of Samuel Clark, north one degree 0 minute cast seven hundred feet and one' tenth of a foot to a post ; thence north eighty-two degree 17 minutes east seventy-two feet and four-tenths of a foot to a peg in the said centre line of the Brancli Ruiiroud to Big Mountain ; thence along the same south 7 degree and 42 minutes and a half east six hundred and ninety-one feet and eight tenths of a foot to the first mentioned peg in the centre line of the Branch Railroud to Big Mountain aforesaid and place of begin ning, containing two acres of land, strict measure being part o! a certain tract or par cel of land, contaiuiug six and one-half acre. Seized, taken In execution and to be sold as the property of Frederick Albert Keistein, trustee of Susan Longenecker, wife of David Longenccker, David Longnecker and Susan his wife. ALSO: One and one-half acres of land, w ith the buildings, &c. thereunto belonging, situate in Jackson township, Northumberland coun ty, Pa., bounded and described as follows, to wit: containing one and a half acres more or less, bounded on the north, east and west by Innds of Henry Pif'er, nnd south by Bull Run, whereon is erected a two-story frame Dwelling House, Born, Tan House, Bark House, twenty-three Vat and a Bark Mill. Also, at the same time and place, by vir tue of tho above writ, levy many made on another lot of land, containing one half acre more or less, with the buildings, &c. there unto belonging, situate in Lower Mahnnoy township, Northumberland county, Pa., bounded and described as follows, to wit : Bounded on 4Jie north by Bull Run, south by bind of Henry Peifer, east by land of Abraham Klock, and nu the West said lot runs to a point, whereon is erected a two story frame Dwelling Hnufcc, Shoe Shop, or Summer House, nnd a Barn. Seized, taken in execution and to be sold as the property Daniel Seal. ALSO : The defendant's iuttrest, supposed to be the undivided one eleventh part of a certuin tract or piece ol land, situate in Lewi town ship, Northumberland coun'y, Pennsylvania, bounded and described us follow, to w it : on tho west by S. D. Ball, on the north by land of Thomas M. Waits and Lewis K. Haus. on the east by the Montour county Adminlfttrnlor'oiXolice. NOTICE It htrtbjr givmihat Utttnvf admlolt tralioa htln bn tranud totht anderlKad n ttie Mtatt ef PvtarsV-Maaer, latter the BorouKh f Sunbury, NorUioiherln4 entnrtjr, Pa,, deottMil. All peraoM inoooita art rrqawtto io max imaieoi UitaiJuly tulhtnUasfed fnr tvtlleintnt. - ' utu.- v. tmuu, Aia r, Sbnbar; Dee, 8, 186. ftt; I j f AtidUorti rVotic. ' TAB anderilgned. appointed by Hi Court of Com mon Plata of Kortbumhrrland eounty. auditor U diatributt tbt Btoo Bald Into Court on tbttnlt of tbt real MtAtt of 8. It. litrptranar, at the tnit of Vampbali Tbunton vt. saM Ifergxtretsrr A J. W. Dllldian, aartby uoiiBm all 'ptrtnbt interttd (bat ba will attend to tbt dutict of bia appointment on Friday tbt Mb day of January, 1867, at 10 o'olnck A.M., at the offiot of 8. B. Boyer. Eaq., In the Bo- rouga oi sunourv. i i i C.J. ERUNER, Actdltor Buoburjrt Deo; 4, '1868. 3t '. : i . - no iici:. REGISTER'S- AtosunK for Confirmation Nisi, tht 6th of January. A. U.. 1807, at 10 o'clock A. M. 1 Tht toeoodt of Henry Ifaopt, Guardian of Petor F. iiower, uita uct. iz, ioo. 3 The account of Hiram Rockefeller, admtniitra' tor ef Elizabeth Wilower, deo'd. filod Oot. 18, 1866, 8 Tbe final acoouutof Solomon Uillman, guurdiun of Sarah L. Onnrert, minor child ef Jacob Oontert, deceated, filed Oct. 19.1B68. 4 The atcountof Jtmet R. Wagner, adminlitrator of John M. Wanner, dee d., filed Oct. 20. 1SG6. 6 Tht account of John Porter, administrator of Abraham Lunger, deoeaatd. filed Nov. IS. imo. 6 The account of Seinml Header, guardian of Ct' tharine Elitabetb VaHine. filed Nov. 27. lbT.6. 7 The aoeouut of D. M. Braatieam, Adminlitrator ol unnein Jones, deceased, tiled iNor. 30. lsuo. 8 lhe final account of William W eidenbummer and Thomas 9. kot, Administrators of Ueorgt Kuti droeased. (Vied Nov. 30. 1866. 9 Tbt final tooount of Ueorfra Boyer and Joseph Mourer, Kieoutors of Felix Mourer. dea d., filed Utt 8,1866. 10 The account of Cbartca L. Iteedcr, Executor of Surah Jaot Keeder, doo d.. filed Dee. 8. 1866. J. A. J. CUMM1NGS, Reguter. Bunbury, Dto. 8, 1868. it. Suppcrtr Uvny Ixiixztty nTsry ueieripiieatS i vu AJKWitr hknt ta tmi ky n SAMDKI rAtfBT. 1 " ' Two doors wts of Bennett lruf Start, Market at. SUNBURY, f EISTIST'.. CALL and etamfna tht large aaaortmtnt of ta latest Kw tork anl 'hildlphi tivlttof. lilaimarkt Warwicli-, 1'ctdor. naif-!, Rttort, Pliutter, nalf-Plaottr. TMvtiie 611b, Quaker and Brash - 'arm-' a. ntt. " tm K 9 VOX'S HATS and CAfSsf every itylt tad variety. Tbnt stvle ef Oats whlrh for beaat rability cannot bt excelled. Beine a practical Jlat ... 1. - a - , . 1. 1 1 r . I. -. 1 ' . V , r . . tut , nu uaiiDia uuiiacii ,um uu SIOCK n U DCCU aejeot- ed with more cart than any iter before brought to tbis plaoa. lit alra manufacturet to order all kinds of toft Far lists, nil of wbiob will bt told at wholesale and rttail, at reasonable ratet. Dyeing done at short notice and at tbt lowest rate Sunbury, Nov. IBfifl. - 1011 sai.i-:. THE undenipned oSers for sale, tbe Rating and Drinking Sa'oon, in SIMPSON'S BVILDINO, Sunbury, Pa. The fixtures art almost new, tnd tht saloon hat a run of good custom. Tht whole will bt sold on reasouablt ternt. ' Ap ply to - ' . JOHN BOWEN, ,, Sunbury, Doo. 8, 186. FANCY DRY GOODS ST0HE MISS ATE BLACK, llarket street, four avmt west ofWm. II. Miller's Boot tod Shoe store, SUNBURY, Pa. RESPECTFULLY Informs her friends in Sunbury and vicinity, that she ha! just op'lied her 'WIN TEH GOODS. ol Notions and Fancy Dry Goods, Her stock oonsits of All-Wool Delaines, Embroide ries, Lace Collars, Bleaohed and unbleached Muslins, Sheetings, Drillings, Uaribaldi Muslins, Bird-Eje Liuons, AUpaoas, Poplins, Crape and Lact Veils. Ladies' WintorllATS, Ladies' Woolen Caps, Break-' fast ib'bawlf, Sontags. Children's Woolen Circulars, . Children's Woolen Skirts. Mine. Dtmorest'l Uair Curlers. Hair Culla and Curls, Gloves, Stouking. Collars, CorseU. Ao. UenU' Collars, Neckties, half Host, Handker chiefs and Suspenders. . Bradley's new Patent Duplex Elliptic) (or double cpnng otvuiia ; HOPKINS Elliptit Skirta. Perfumerv. Toilet Soars. Uair Brnhee. Combs. Tojri, aada general variety of NOTIONS. h.AJ.t 1JJLAUK. Sunbury, Nov. 14, 1868. JNO. EAT CLEMENT, Business in Ibis and adjoining counties carefully and worn pt It atttended to. Office in Market Street, Third door west of Smith k Oenther t Stovt and Tinware Store, NUIMtl KY 1I4.VVA. Sunbury, Deo. 8, 1866. tf. John Cn.-eiiiun. lhlcware Andrew Armstrong, J. 8ibert, ' jne Hn ou the south by lands of Henry ... . . , , . r, ,,:... I . . . . , . . j, liouier, Jacou luauuamer, x uinii u iuicr stcin. David Dicffonbacher. ' Point Thomai Johnson, Samuel Timelier. I c.i..,r ...ntuininf? ulimit nne hiindrvd acres 3 ol'lund laying in ISortliuinDcrlanil county, NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. I SHERIFFS SALES. By virtue of certain Alias write of Yen. Exponas, Vcu..Exponus, Pluriut Levari Facias, fieri Facias, and alius Fieri Facial, irsued out of tbt Court of Cuuiuum Picas of Northumberland county, to ins directed, will be exposed to public tale, at the Court IiouFo, in the Borough of Sunbury, ou Monday, bt 7iu clay ol junuury, ibo,hi i o olo. ir. M. int lui luiiii property, to v. it : A certain lot or piece ot uroiin.l, situ ctu in the Lloroitgli of .McEvvt-nsville, Nortliuni- i - i, i ;.. I , ..l I nc n aim euuiuy, 1 i-uusvivatiiu, uuuii iuii iiiiu ; . - . - - , .,.. described a follows, to wit: on the north "''s pieces or ijurtciB ,i "" """ ii lrevoriiou, uuiuwivu .-, nearlv all cleared, whereon are erected a two story frame dwelling house, bank barn und other outbuildings, an apple orennra, etc. Seized taken in execution ana to ue oia a the property of Mary Ue-njir. ALSO: All those certain messuage, bouses, lot, nii-ni-t f trroiind. situate and described as follows, to wit : Oue house and three two acre lots in tho town of Trevortou in the county of Northumberland. Two lots of ground in said town of Trevorton numbered in the general plan of said town a lots, numbers eight and nine (No. 8 & 0.) in block one hundred and four (104) on which ia erected a two story frame house. Five TO"W2ST LOTS TN the Borough of Sunbury, desirably situated, in X niga ana oeuirni locations, I OK KA',K, on such easy terms tt will enable persons, with limited aninuot of available money, to purchase uuiues. i erauua uaving Ulisierul or Timber Lands, Farms, Dwelling., or other Real Estate, for sale or lease, at well as those desiring to purchase or rent aro invited to oonsult tht subscriber. His ronnec. tion with reliable firms ia New York, Philadelphia, ton eisewnere, anora unusui auramaget. Conveyancing correctly ai d neatly txeculed . jNO. KAY CLEMENT. Altornev at Law. Third door west of Smith A Oenther s Siovt Store, Sunbury, Pa. Sunbury, Deo. 8, 1868. tf. bv lc:l of D.ivid Eekeit, cast by an Alley, south by Mechanic street, end on the weet by Maui btreet. containui" uu leet in Iront and 100 feet deep, whereon are erected a two and a half story btick dwelling house, frame pig stable and outbuildings. Also, a certulu other lot or piece oi ground, situate in said Dorough, Couuty .ma Malt as above stated, bounded north by an Alley, east by Main street, south by lot of Louisa Hill aud Hunnab Hood, and on the west by an Alley, containing 60 feet in frout aud 1GU leet deep, w hereon are creeled the w uoU car riage shops, Lumber shops, &c. Also, a certuin other lot or piece ol ground, situate in the above named Borough, County and Stutc, bounded north by Mechanic street, cast by nn Alley, south by lot of K. V. Mc Carty, and west by Main street, containing in trout UU leet, and in cleptli lull leet, wbeieon are erected tho Lrick Blacksmith shops, carriage house, Irsnie stable, well of water, with pumps, &c. Also, a certain other lot or piece of ground, sitme in said Borough, County and State as above stated, bounded norm oy oiecnanic street, east by Church street, south by lot of John MeUinney'a heirs, and west by an Al ley, containing about oue acre, whereon are erected a double two aud a half story brick dwelling House, and other outbuildings, &c. Also an orchard ot fine growing Iruit trees. Also, a certain other lot or piece of ground in said Borough, County and State, hounded north by lot of David Stublnecker, east of Main street, south by au A' ley and west by an Alley, containing in width fifty live (55) feet and in depth ISO feet. Also, the undivided one hulf of the steam grist mill property, situate partly in Dela ware township and partly in said Borough of McEwensville, including the lot of land with the tenant house thereon, the steam engine and fixtures, the water-power, mill duin and privileges, now occupied by Wm. Hood & Jacob M. Fry, under tbe name and tii-iii of Hood & Fry. The whole being bounded on the west and north by lands of David Gold' east by an Allev, and south by an Alley and street of said David Uold, &c. Also, a certaiH other lot or piece of land, situate partly in tuid Borough ot McEwens villu and partly In Delaware township, bounded rorth by the Tresbyteiian Parson age lot, the next hereinafter described and lot of John Buush, east by lot of said John Biiut-h, south by the Turbutville Road, and west by Church street, containing about seven acres. Also, a certaic other lot or ploce of ground, four and five (1, 2, 3, 4. and 5.) in blocK numbered one hundred and five (105), on which is erected three frume houses. Two lots numbers eleven and twelve (No. 11 & 12.) in block number fifty-one (No. 01) ou which is erected a double frame house. One bouse and lot, also situate in suid town, numbered two in block one hundred and sixteen (116) two house and lots in said town numbered eight and nine (Nos. 89) . . . . 1 x- . o ...... in block numiier iwenry-turee v--. " bouse and lot numbe four (4.) iu block until ber one hundred and thirty-six (No. 18(1), one steam saw mill anr. ground adjacent containing one acre more or less. Two lots of ground number one and two in block eighty eight (No. H8 ) One lot or piece of ground marked number ix in block eighty seven (87), all situate in the town of Trevor ton, and county of Northumberland. Seized taken in execution and to be old as the property of Chorlcs P. Helfenstein, adminibtrator of Edw ard Hellenslein, dee'd. with notice to John Foy & Charles P. Hel fenstein, assignee of Ednard HelfensteiD, deceased. DANIEL BECK LEY, Sheriff. Sheriffs Office, Euubary, Dec. 14, 1868. ORPHANS' COURT SALE. TN pursuance of an order of the Orphans' Court 1 ot luiriljuiiibtriaud conhly. will be sold at puhno sale, on the premises, nn WEDNESDAY. T11K 20 1 h DAY OF DECEMBER, 1868, the followiug described real estate to wit : aii tout certain Tract or I loco of Land situate in Shamokin township, Northumberland county. Pa., adjoining lands of Peter Phot en tht North, South by land of Hutch Teats and others, East by lands of Peter Prioe, and West by lands of John uray ana otuert, containing uboutsoventytwo acres, more or li-w. about 60 acres of which art cleared and Io a food slate of cultivation, whrreon are erected a small FRAME DWELLING HOIPE, and a LOU BARN, and other outbuildings. An Or obard, with well selected fruit, and au excellent Syrian of water at the door. Late the property of Barbara Ann Alexander, de eeased. Salt to ooinnienct at III o'clock A. M., of said day, when tbe conditions will be mudt know by JACOB E. MUENC1I, Executor. By order of tht Court, J. A. J. CUMMINUS, Cl'kO. C. December 1, 1866. Prorliimullon lit Ilvorce. To CHARLES II. LXADER '. NoBTBuaataLxsn Cocsrr, ss: ,,. Tbe Commonwealth of Pennsylvania to Seal, j lhe Sheriff of Northumberland county, , , I cIheetino : WHEREAS. Hunnab Lea der by ber next friend, Michael Lattha, did oo tbt J4lb day of February, land, profer her petition to our Judges of our Court of Common Pleat of the county of Northumberland, praying fur tbt causes therein tet forth, that tht might be divorood from tbt bonds of matrimony tnlered into with Chariot 11. Leader. We do therefore command you at often timet be fore wt did ; tbt said Charles H. Leader, that setting aside all other butiuest and tacuset whatsoever, you be and appear in your proper person, before our Judges at Sunbury, at a Court of Common Fleas, there to be held on tbt first Monday of January next, (A D. 1867.) in and for tht County of Norlhumber. land, to answer a petition or libel of tbt said Hannah Leader, by ber next Irieod Michael Latsha, and show cause if any ynu bavt, why tht said Hunnab Leader, your wile, should not bt divoroed from tht bonds of matrimony, tgrctably to tht Aot of Astern blv In tueh ease made and provided. Wit ait tht Honorable Alexander Jordan, Presi dent Judge of our taid Court at Sunbury, Ibis lib day of Dtoember, A. D I86A. JOHN J. BEI MENSSVDER, Proth'y. Sheriff's Offiot, Sunbury, Deo. ii. 18S4. I D. BfcCklLtY, bbtriff. altuute ami ailloloine tne laslauove uameu atooahoidere or earn jcseooiaooo win titoi a lot l..iiwl.,il ,w,,-tl, lm t.,t r f ai A,..l "aavaa aaanattrt. on Monday. Dtoember Slst. I.. ir... r ' i :.r.. ,i.m for tht tntuing year. Election to beheld at), "unci, KOI liciciuiltl i Mr I u lllll a W.I...,.. I. .k. II. I VI WHII,. ,1 HI . .1 WU . M .WW u ed, east and aonth by the lot last above de perilled and wett by the Presbyterian Par sonage lot aforesaid, containing abouk three 1 acres. ' ' Also, a rertain other lot or piece of ground situate tnd adjoining the last aforesaid lot, bounded north by land of Henry Werner, east by lot ot John Baush, south by the lot last above described and th aaid Presbyte risn Parsonage and west by Church street, I'ontuinint! about three acres. Seized, taken in execution and to be said a the property of William Hood. AL80: ' A certain tract or piece of land, situate in Lower Augusta township, NorthnnilierUnd county, Pennsylvania, bounded and describ ed a follow t, to wit i on the east by land of Joel Wolf, on the south by lands of Pan iclTtrtonaa and Batauet Gariager, on fhf wett by land of Qoa Kcefer, and tm tbe AO-TICK. TN accordance with the provisions of tht Charter of tbt "sunbury Matouio Hall Asuooiation," tbt aoara oi 1666. ht Law rough of Banbury, btlwtta tht boars of 1 and I e'elook, P. M. or said day. By order of JKO. BAAS, Pret't. L.T- Roaatica, Sae'y. Sunbary, Dm. 14, loM. ORPHANS' COURT SALE. IN pursuance of an order of tht Orphans' Court of Northumberland county, will bt told at public suit, at tbe residence of the subscriber, un FRIHAV TliE 21st DAY OF DhCL.MUKR, )oiM, tbt follow, ing described real estate, to wit: All that certain I' r u c t o r - I 1 c c c o f I. u ii l , iiualtin Lower Auguttt township, Northumberland county. Pa., adjoining lands f tbt beirt of Lot Bergntressor, deceaaed. on tbe North, Euttund Soulb. and by lands of beira of John Seers, deoeased, on me est, oouiaunng i ivfns A'irea, mure or lebs, on which it trotted a LOO DWELI.l.V HOUSE, (weather boarded.) and a small FRAME BARN. said Innd being all cleured und under a good state ui uuuivaiiuu. Also, all that certain Piece or Tract of Land, situate in the tnwnxhin and oounty. aforesaid, ad joining lands of William V. Silvvrwood on the South, utiriAiinn annier ou tne went, and reter ouyder on the North and Eut, containing about twontv-four acres, more or less, about twelve aoret of which art cleared, and the balance timber land. Latt tbt property of Mary St. Clair, deoeased. Sale to commence at 10 o'clock A. M , of said day. when the terms tnd oonUitiont of tale will be made known by ' jrll N SN IDER, Adminiatrator. Br order of the Court. J. A. J. Cl'MMINOS, Cl'k 0. C. Sunbury, Deo. 1, lttfta. Itr. Leon's CELEBRATED PREPARATIONS. THE PERFECTION OF MEDICAL SCIENCE. Dr. Leon'i Electrio Hair Renewer. It is a positive curt for Bal lnet It rtntorix Urey Huir to iu Original Color. it Is a ionic, not a Vye, and acuupon thesecretionf. It immediately arrcsta falling out of the llair. It alleviates Neuralgiu and Headache. it radically cures Uundrun and Humors It keeps the scalp healthy, clean and cool. It is ii u elegant tnd exquisitely fragrant Hair Dressing. It restores, Cultivates and Boautifles tbe Hair. It makes barb Hair flexible and Lustrous. Ir. 1-oh'm lileorlc Hair lOneir or baa enjoyed a high local reputation lor many years, ltt wonderful restorative nnd invigorating properties art well known to tho Medical Fuculty of Philadelphia. lieing luiiy sansnod or lhe menu or lion's I'.Icc irif llair llenrwrr wt have pro cured exclusive ownership and are determined that every household ia our land shall hava opportunity to reap iu benefits. iu. i.i:o:v ii .i.'s i' tti:.Tir.iv. A most delightful tnd efBcacions curi fur tht va rious ills to which Inlault and Young Children ori subject. INVALUABLE J?0R TEETHIHC CHILDREN. It softens tbt gums, abates infl.imatlon, invigoratc the stomach and bowels, oorrects acidity, and is urt and speedy cure for 4'olic, Crump ami Windy Pain- A most excellent preparation fur children of restless aud fiotful habit and in all cusu IooMFtit-HM. ripia, Votitiliujj; other inward grief, it gives im:nediate en-'o. Used fur mort than half a century in tbe prim practice of out of ht most eminent physicians Philadelphia. la row pliicing tbit article within tho rnch of a our countrymen, wt would remark ibat we know to be a Remedy of unrivaled excellence ami ilmt has proved in thousands of enses. as wt are resolv it shall in millions, a priceluss boon. Tor Salt by Druggistt Everywhere. Address order to Zllltil.r.II Ac SMI TH, SOLE PROPRIETOR 137 .'North Third !!., I'Iiii-:i. tSlLVEK'SWASIIPOWDE SAVES Time. Labor. Monev; muket WAJI : A PASTIME AND MONDAY A FEaTIV Sold Evtrywbtre. TRY IT! November 21, lSiS. ly Valuable Farm for Sa flMJE subscriber, dofii ing to move West, ofle X. sale bit FARM, situate in LewiMownlii).. thumherluud county, near McEwensvillv, or road loading to Turbutvillo, (two miles west ot place.; ami annut three miles Horn H atsuiitow tion, on tht Pbiia. A Erie Kuilrooi. The eontains 1'vto Eliinslred Arret of the E - uulify of I'arniinj; liuil x twenty acres of whioh it woodland, and tht b in tht highest state of oultivation. I be land I' well irrigated by a stream or ri water and two never-failing springs. The im men's are a large two aiory Brick Dwelling a Urga Ram. (fit) by lull feel,) two VYagou i-heds. Spring House, and other outho Also, a good tenant House, Muliling, and oesary outbuildinga. TWO APPLE ORCll antl a large number of Peach and other fruit ' lha terms will be reasonable, tor luriht mat ion inquire of ihc subscriber, near McEwt Northumberland county, Pa. September 22. U66 3m AGI'STti lV l.XTUD FOR THE MOST POPULAR And best selling Subscription Book Fub liahed. WE art tht most taUntiv publishers in tht United States, (having six bouses.) tud tbtrt iort can afford to sell books cheaper and pay ageutt a more liberal oommisaion than any other company Our Books do aot past tbroueh tbt bandt of General Agents. (as nearly all other tvbeoription works ao.) inereiort wt art enabled to girt our can. vastert tht extra per cent, whioh it usually allowed to Uenerut Agents. Experienced oanvaaeeri will tet tbe advantages of dealing directly with tbt pub- tuners. , Our series tmbraoat tbt most popular works on all suhjeotsof importance, and it telling rapidly both North tnd South. Old agents, and til others, who want tht best pay. ing agenciet, will please send Ibr circulars ana tee our terms and compart them tud tbt obaraoter of our works with those or other publishers Address, NATIONAL PUBLISHING CO. Philadelphia, Pa., Boston, Mast., Cincinnati. Ohio. Chicago, lilt , St. Louis, Mo , or Richmond, Vt. December 1, 1868. it. O ySEiniCG MACUINESri K . rf'l"5-'-r''M- 1 Ut n I a u r- him- I y r& Cflc fer.MM ytSitvjict aut, etoxs f X IWrB(rTBrBtel litetta, X J. tsi -ii tu. tu,o, Jsl V Ja-O-JslilTa WAHCXS, Deo. 1, Jo66.3m AMEHIOAW ABTIBTB UNION. Portent who trt getting ap tlubt for ear Steel Plat Cngravlngs, and those wht intend doing to, are raquetttd to notify tbt eSot ia New Tork, wkta a circular describing tack Engraving, (fourttea ia till together with all atottaary I apart, looludiog rtfertsott, 4., will Vt ttot Uitat. aVroo So KverybtMly, A large pp. Ctlalogat, ttaobing bow tt retaov fmu, Frtoklet, Piasplat, Blotcbee, Moth Patents, tallowatat, Cruptlout and all iiapurlUet or tbt tkia. How to fortt Wniakara, reaUirt, tuii and beautify th hair I renew tht tgt, turt Draakeaaeti.Ntrvout De. kility, tad ethtr attful and valuable tnformtiion. Everybody teed tor it. Ad areas BEROfcK, feHLTJj Af., OMSyasU, JKi ivt butt, Troy, . V. 6TJNBURY BTJILLINO I.0TS IK J. vT." CAKE'S Additioa to tbt Boiouga tf X ouuoury, lor oie oo roasonanit terms. Apply la Dr. H. II. AWL tnd. - SOL. BKOSIOUd, , Sunbury, Pt. OrP.W. BIIBArER.PotUvlllt.Pt. . Nov. 21, loss. AVERT dttlrabl nOUBE and LOT, aituate cm Walnut ttrtet, is the Borough of Sunbury, it offered at private talt. Tht hoatt it almost new tnd wtll SoUhed. Tersona desiring to boy, will do wall to aiawina Ibla daairahla raaideoot. ?or partloultrt apply at tht Boot 1 Shot Stort of . '' ' . w it si lilt' R $aabery, Vov. tt, 18fl.-t II' ' ' M " ' ' '- ' "' ALL gtadt Vaah lot Cask aad told at lott prteet tnt ea.hU th (,! - liard wart awr f - l- ' ' , , ...... . i. U- CvffLST at VO, PatAary, Jo4 it, UM- NEW ARRIVAL 0J FALL & WINTER GO AT THE MAMMOTH ST( or j. y. rnii.i.G a. so- Market Equare, Jdnort east of the New Co SUNBURV, PA. HAVE received a Urge quantity of ti and WINTER OOODS. which they trtdt tl tht lowest puuiblt priovt. DUTT GOODS Their ttock of Ladies' Dross Uoods is contains a greater variety thu can be Io Country estiiblUhment. Call and exaiuii Black and Fancy filks, UroscUtirai Rhine. Taffetas, Ao., of every width ami ricnt of all sbadel and colors, all-wool 1 tnd French Poplins, Black Figured a Alupacoas. Euipios Cloilm. Silk and 1 Mohair Lustres, all-wool Delaines, Mou Itiuet, Black tnd White Checks, lo. THE fell AWL DEPARTM Dettrve particular attention. Sbav Optra Flauuelt, MaaUllat, Hoop Skirts, TI1E NOTION DEPART Contains lit more than usual supply e siery, Uloiea, Ao. TUB DOMESTIC DEPAR Comprises a new attortment ef Oto Bishiug GooJt.Cluibs, C'alioxit. Ao. CARPET AoTlC L Tht large Carpal Dapvtnieot of ibe tc Ht Bllad with freak and tlogaat lo tud ntlttrnt. THE PAPER lEPART Embracet WALL PAPER of til kirn Window fchados, Paper, do . do j Oil largt, new t Draft's OHs, laima, Co lsiupw. FUh, Pork, Coarse tod riot Satf.C gar, Nelaatct Syrop, bpiaa, Ac, Onrlaa,Tobaooo, Sogart tnd So a largt variety of atUorllantoo got aawt fail to ar-ify ""j" j jj ra&Ury, OvWaer 13, looe. '