CUUtR'a MANDRAKE PILLS . , FOR UVER COMPLAINT., i A eCBSTXTtJTK ?0 C4LOM1L - ... ana jnuft. , TIT THEM. m , TBT TI1EM. jot m tow tptfitH CI i try tnttii. f yo bare tlt-k fccfehwh, s : !' ' TRY THEM. 1 TfT taWfe-drop to mud, 'a ' . TAKE A FILL DOftft. Tiey otily t W cemt Uf i j , TRY Til EM Ulna Man, A'id other prepnratinm of Meroary, rttfilly produce mnri ftuffWmf and death thnt th diteuira winch Ihejr pruiM to cute And yet this cornitiva mineral no deuuuitced bf U allithia d.K-u.ra, i preacribrd by Winn t uuivanwily iu Livoc Cuuipittiiit, Cuiiauinjititu vfLuiigi, lie. ' ' ' THE MANDRAKE VtlAA m emnpnupt) entirHy nf wots and hrrln, oblaincJ from tlia ;rmt aNnvlniuftvof Natuie,and their wiularr rtleci rUiMptMur iia,iuii a ntrtlitiue I Otuugiit tt the lent bit fair rxpeiiiimit. SCHKNCK'CjMANoh AKK PILLS 'al'i ii"t pnxtuee any im tinea or aitkneisof ttie t(Mntcli j t'Ut when given lir Jjyaprpaia, It rtinv ltt prtiper In use thain in connection, unit BCHti.NCK'd HKAWLKl) TJ.N1C. My Una judie-Ktua trtMUneiU the digestive lucul tea are apttedtly r re tor ml to their full vigor, and the wurst 9Hrt of imttgfitloit muy be cured. When we reltrct Hint the liver ia the tnrgeft internal organ nf the Doily, that to it ia anstncd Hie inijvirtHnt duty tit' fiilermgttte Lk. and nrrpHmir tha bii-, iJmt it ia aultjrot to many ditontera, it 11 I Ihnt whuii tt in tiimrnaed r liwctrv the whole UhIv au fieri sympathetically, it is autpriaina; tfctt a meilirine which enn reatoie the healthy onerutioiia oi' the Liver ehoutal produce wonderful ctrnupo in the general iieulih, and etfrct cures which may appeal to be uliu';8t uiirnruloui. Deadjiclte of loiigcm tiitunnce, Revere paint iu the side, bremt atid Bhoutrlcra, aching of the limhi, a feeling of geneiHl weakness and Wtetcliedtieai. and other Bkuning and diatrewing iyinp toirm, iiwlir.jtivp of im;terfcut ur dieordered action the liver, nre anrrdity removed by the uae of SCHKNCK'S M AND HAKE PIMl. Coitiveneis, piles, bitter or a-mr eructions, and (hat InriepcritKidle feeling of opnreikion, mentitl anxiety, Ian guor, UMhiirgy, nnd dpresBitm of inrita which unfit a tan ii for tha maimgeiiieiit of biiaiuesa and the enjoyment of life, nre all relieved uy the uae uf SCIlEiNCK'S MAN IRAKH TILLS. Dr. 8chknck. Denr Sit : i take plrarjre in aending you vertiiicnte in ailJition to iu:uty you have ul ready re ceived from aliform humanity. I can aenrce ly rind Ian gunge miltwieiuiy Urong to fAjireiis my liP.utl-i' yittiihcii turn of the woiidaiful cures yutir MaNuR 4KK I' ILLS and SEAWEED TUNIC hnve KuYc-ted in the entile cure of one of the moit atuhhorn ensea of the alirctuiii of the livor. For three enra t auDered beyond dcctiptioi ; II myfriiKli( ua well as myself, came to the coiit-luBiou that my lime in thii tit e v ahrl. booh whs the tumble e.-iidition to vlii?h 1 wni redurnl that life t; me hud be come a burthen ; my whole aysttm was in a atate of in flamiiiiii.m ; I could n- t ent, I could not aleep; my whole body woi fi Jed with jtam; awelling would urise oi my wruti and ankles, rendering them totulty uncles Un uve f j occusioua 1 wai ulUicked with a ruih of bl'( dlo the hwvl, which would fell me to the ground, and 1 would be earned awny for dead. 1 applied to teveral eminent physicians of our city who ndmmittercd all the medicinea that they thonght would reach my cute, but of no nvuil. One of themantd ha could do no more for me, tiud ltd Tiled me, aaa Inst resort, to drink cod liver oil. N"t relishing the hoi rid trash I declined to tnke it. Accident put your ndveitiiemrut iu my hands. 1 calk J on you ; you examined me and told me the nntuie of my diaeone. You then ordered me the Pills and Tonie with im observ ance of diet, pledging voui word Uk1 in one w'k 1 would find myself anothfH man. I followed yourndvice, and. as ou predictrt, an nct'iiihin cine wn cffi-cH-d I eonuuutd your lilla und'J'- nie for Bvitne time, and now thank Gm lor hiv good dim, and your vnluuble medicine, I am once more restored to perfect health. I most enmestly reenmmend those who nre suffering from affec tion of the liver to give your Pills nnd Tonic a fuir trial, and a cure will he effected I hnve sent many pcisous to yon, a id liicy have all been cured. Any information my teituw citizens may require will bo frtely given by the subscriber, at his lesideure, No. t'edcial street, be tween 6th street aud i'aflA) unk rm 1. OHAKLi:SJ(HNl NfSm., Formerly I'rt liters' iiTlcMuuufacturer t3al Dr. PCHKVCK will le proieKsimially nt hia principal offiee, No. Id North flixWi street, comer of Commerce, PHILADELPHIA, every Saturday, from 0 a. m. until 4 p. m No. !W Bond street; New York, eveiy Tuesday, f'om 7 to 3 j No. 3t Hummer street, Jl'tftiou, Mnss , every Wednesday, from 9 to :j, and evei7 nl her Friday at 1U8 Baltimore atreet. Baltimore, Md. All nd?ice free, but lor a thorough examination of the lu'igs with his Kiapi romeier the charge is three dollars Price of the Pulmonic Syrup and Seaweed Tontr, each tl,60 per boltta, or p;,5U per haif duztn. Mandrake fills, 25 eentf per box. r .ir site by nl! DruffiHts and leIers. Match SI, lSCS. l'v. CARPEXTKRS, Saddler?, Blaeksmilhs, Carriage Makers. Shoemakers, Merchants, Miners, Far mers aud the citizens generally. Look to your interest and buy at the new Hard ware Storo of J. 11. CONLEY A CO. Suubury, Juno 10, I860. Wew Spring Styles I Mla A!I!A PAIYrEK, Two doors West of tlie Post Office, STTlSrBXT-i"5T PENN'A. RESPECTFULLY invites the attention of the public to her lurge and varied assortment of Spring & Summer Millinery Goods which she has just received andonened. Her stock mbraccs FANCY I'M ESS UOOlS, Embroideries, Cluny Lace, Lnce Cull m , Lintn Collars, Drcsa Cords, Zephyrs, Buttons, Ac. A line assortment of ladies' nnd gents' Hosiery, u loves, rans, rarasoiK, uugie J riminings, niDbons, Belt Ribbons, Velvet Kibl ous, Bruid. Ladies' Neck ties, Fancy Dress Combs, Head Dresnex, Ae. Irvin's Patent Hair Crimpers, llair Coils, Cuio:.. and a large assortuieut of other articles, too nume rous to mention. I have also just received a fine lot of Perfumery, r,.i- , ii -i. i l . 3UaIB. XUUIU OJ1U 1AMT lirUfrUOS. ANNA PAINTER. B unbury, April 2i, 1SC9. BOWMAN & LEONARD, Manufacturer! and WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALERS ID SILVER tod 3 1 L V E It PLATED GOODS. Oi An-U Mr-e, IMiilndelpliia. Those in waut of Silver or Silver Plated Ware will find it uiuuh to their advantage Ly vUitiug our Store before waking their purchases. Our long experi ence in the manufacture of the ahove kind of goods enables ns to defy competition. We keep no goods but those which are of the First Vlaw. all of our own make, and will beaold at rcjuo d price July 7th, I860. lye, GREATEST INVENTION SINCE THE . . SEWTNG JT 4 CHINE. TAX u.Mti:i;ci4 BABH STOPPER AND LOCK. Cimplioity, Durability, Convenience, Comfort exd Seeuiily, eombined with anouiy THE STOPPER AND LOCK supports either sash at any point. It can be applied to any wluduw in a few minutes. It does not iuicloru Iu taking out a null. It is not affected by tuy janing aoliou, and pre rent the rattling of.a-b. it ii self-acting in all iu work, aud makes it Im possible to forget to lock the window. It allows proper vectilation without leaving the window uulooked. It acts by gravity has to spring and can never get out of order. U does not wear but. but will last while the house elands Windows that Lave only cue ttuth moveable, may is changed, so as to move both, at a trilling cxpecke. Stopprr find Mah-U, Oh Uollur Complete. It mutt come into general nt for iu radical ad vantage), as a Sell-Acting, Burglar-Proof Lock and Ventilator. kur Railway Cars, 6t(ianibota, etc., it li perfuot, a 'id, in foot, the thing long sought. It is empbaiioally just w-liat everybody wants, and everybody can have. The demand izutt be uuliu-i. ttl I'aptnliits, Uaiiufuturers, Builders, and men Inokuig for buioes, are iavititd to call oa the tub eeribcr and exanuna it. JACOB WILVKK, Jr., Juty HI, ht . 4 Sunbury, Pa. 8U"SBU&YCLAS8ICAL INSTITUTE. Iaatruclora. . . Rr. 8. t. iliLtaa, Ri. W. C. Caaaaa,' . , ; j kSr. Juaa J.Btaaaa, . . - Aiiat a. it. Powtaa, j-i . Jdisa Jait) A. Fi.Kroia.i r. 1 1 j Kvery fuil.ty a (forded for tboroagb UalalngU the Eagitth, Matbiituttieal and Cleetieal Brauebe. Untie, Irawing and Book-keeping, extra. " v 2tid Uuarter of ummr Peerim oin Uosdav, fieiubcr iM 1rV. r-'KSIi FOR t CIRCFLAil ' Lbiir. rj 1, 104 Mr NEW GROCERY! CALL AT FCRMAX'S OLD STAND. ..' ,xt1Vll0tEiAi;ll RETAIL lC2 AND ' 'I JA Provision Store , , , ,FOR C1IEAP GOODSI , ! . . i : -0 , v ) - . Thtlr Stock U sompltt, oootlitlng In Irt of EL'UARS, COFFEES, TEAS, 5PICES, COAL OIL, . .. , Tolnoco, Cljfon, Flour, Feed, Fish, Suit, . .. liaoit. Shoulderi, Cbeoie, Fruit, - - . GIom, Lmnipi,., Ao CouLtnr Produce Wken ia exoktBge for Ooode. - UF"CU nd znmtiie our Stock, end alify your eelves. i ( f : Sunbnry, Mey 12. 1368. v IVitll l'aipcrend Border in great variety new itylcsJmtreoeiTed t Ihn Mammoth Siore nf J. W.l'llILINQ A SON. Sunbury, Pot. 14. 180S. 35,000 lbs. aorted Cbercoal Iron nt of cti. Ib. ai J. H.COKLEY A CO. Runbury, June 10, 1806. Luvkun ouua At ltloviibur ICuil rond. ON and after Kur 27th, 1S65, Fauenger Traini will ran aa follows : SOUTHWARD. A. M. P. M. 10.05 11.14 .M. 4.50 a. 20 8.63 0.30 10.14 Lear Scrantun, . ' KiiKfKlon, l'.u(crt, Danville, Arr. Northumberlnnd 6.50 0.65 0 14 8.50 10 SO NORTUWAKD. Lcnve Korthnmborland, 6.00 J 05 " Uanvillo, 8.40 3.40 Kuport, 9 15 A. M. 4.15 Kingston, 2.35 8. 30 0.55 Arr. at Scrunton. S.45 9.35 8.10 Troin. lenviT; Kingston nt 8.30 A. M. for Srrun ton. connect with Triin arriTingnt New York t5.20 Loavinir Northumborland n 8.00 A. M. and Kings ton 2 "0 V. M. connect with the Train arriving at :ew lorK at IU.03 f. M. l'ossenirers taKinc Irani South from Fcrsnton at 5.50 A. M. via Northumberland, reneh llnrrisburg 12.30 P. M.. Baltimoro 5.30 P. M., Wnshincton 10.. 00 P. M. via Hupevt roach Philadelphia at 7.00 p. m. ti. A. oup i. Kingston, Nov. 25, 1SC5. irtlirn t'onlrnl ISnllwny. FOl' 11 TRAINS DAILY to and from Baltimore and Washington city. THREE TliAlXrt DAILY to and from the North ftnd t" llrimch Su-ouolinnna. nnd Northern and Western PennsylvanU and Now York. ON and after MONDAY, NOV. 19th, 1SC8, the Trains of the Northern Central Railway will run as follows : NORTHWARD. Mail Train leaves Baltimore " HarrisburK, 9.15 am 1.20 p m A. 25 p m 10.10 p m 2.05 a m 11 35 am 3.00 p m 12.10 p m 4.10 p m 1.15 am 4.00 a m 7.20 p m 2 05 a m 7 00 a m 7.10 a m 8.40 a iu nrr ct V illinmsport, Buffalo Express lenves Ilaltimora " Jlarrisburg, " Klmira. arr. CRnandaigua, Fast Line, loaves Baltimore, " Jlarrisburg, " Kluiiro, arr. CunHndnigua, trio Express leaves Kalliiuorv, " llarrisburg, arr at trio, York and Harris. ) leaves York, burg Accom. ) arr. HarrUburg; SOUTHWARD. Mail Train, leaves Williamsport, 8.40 a m " llnrrisburg, 1 .35 p m arr. at Baltimore, 6.00 p m Buffalo Express leaves Canandaigua, 2 00 p m " LI mini, 6.30 p Li " llarrisburg, 2.50 a m arr. at Baltimore, 7 00 a ni Fast Line leaves Canandaigua, 10.20 pm Fluiira, 1 05 n m " llarrisburg, 0.20 a m arr at Bultimore, 1.00 p m York and Harris- I leaves llarrisburg, 6 05 p m burg Accom. j arr. York, 8.35 p m Cincinnati! Exp. leaves llarrisburg, 8.40 p m arr. Baltimoro, 12.20 am Mail Train and llarrisburg Accommodation North and bouth will run daily, except Sunday. Elmira Express North daily, and South daily, except Won duy. Cincinnati Express south will run daily except Sunday. Fast Line North arrives daily except Sundays. Elmira Express North leaves daily, and Erie Ex press North leaves daily except Saturday. For further information apply at the Ticket Office In the Pennsylvania Railroad Depot. I. N. DcBAKKY Gen. Supt. K-uliiiif ICailroiMl. ' SUMMER ARRANGEMENT. June llth, I860. GREAT TRUNK LINE from the North and North-Wc.t for Philadelphia, New York, Read ing, Pottsviile, Taiuacjua. Asblund. Lebanon, Allen ton n, Euston, Lpbratu, Lilix, Lancaster, Columbia, Ac., ta. Trains leave llarrisburg for New-York, aa fol lows : 3.00, 8 10 and O.U.i A. M. and 2.10 and 9.15 P. M, connecting with similar Truint on the Penn sylvania Railroad, and arriving at New York nt 6 00 and 10.10 A. M. and 4.10, 6.2(1 and 10.45 P. M.; Sleeping Cars accompanying the 3.00 A. M. and 9.15 P. M. Trains, without change. . Lw.i , u iiu.Uburg lor Reading, Pottsviile, Tama, qua, Mincrsville, Axhlund. Fiue Grove, Allentown and Philadelphia at S. 10 A.M. and 2.10 and 4.10 P. M., stopping at Lebanon and principal way sla. tiont ; the 1.10 p m. Train making connections for Philadelphia and Columbia only. For Pottsviile. Schuylkill Haven and Auburn, via .Schuylkill and Susquehanna Railroad, leave liarriaburg at 3.20 p. m. Returning : Leave New York nt 7.00 aud 9.00 a. m., 12:00 Noon and 8.00 p. m.; Philadelphia at 8.16 a. m. and 3.30 p. m. Way Passenger Train leaves Philadelphia at 7.30 a. ui., returning from Reading at 8.30 p. m. stopping at all Htaliont ; Pottsviile at all Stations ; Pottsviile at 8.45 a. in. and 2.45 p. m. Ashland 6.00 aud 11.30 a. in. and 1.05 p.m.; Tuiua 9.45 a.m. and 1.00 and 8 55 p. in. 031 nt i.'.j a m. and I 00 and 8.55 p. m. Leave Pottrville for llarrisburg via Schuylkill and Susquehanna Railroad at 7 00 a. m. Reading Accommodation Train leaves Reading at A. 00 A. II. returning from Philadelphia at 5.00 P.M. Columbia Railroad Trains leave Beading at 0 45 A. M., 12.05 noon and 6. lit P. M. fur Ephrala, Litis, Lancaster Columbia, Ao. On Suuduys: Leave New York at 8 00 pm., Phila delphia H.OO A. M., and 3.15 P M. the b. 00 a. in. train running only to Ree ling, Pottsviile 8 00 a rn., Tamaqua 7 30 am, for llarrisburg, 9 05 a m. and Reading at 1 2.1 a in, for llarrisburg 7.30 u. m. 10 ill a. in. lor ew xoik, aud Zj p ui. lor i bilaueipiiiu. Commutation, Mileage, Season, and Excursion Ticket, at reduced rates to and from all point. I'aggage checked through : 80 Pounds Brggaga al to ed each Pattener. O. A. NICOLLS, Ccneral Supuiinteudeut' "X7E would invite the attention of Carpenters to T our large and well selected auortment of loules, comprising Chisels of all kinds, Augurs, p;e. S'.wi and Steel Square, aud in fact eery thinit wantod tocomnleUi a lull outfit, ui tLo Uurdwar store of J. II. CONLEY A CO. 1 AAA ustolnl,r8 wanted to buy Hardware, Ac, IvUU at the Cheap Hardware and Iron Store of J. CONLEY A CO. fiuulury, Jon 10, 13CS. To procure a family group Photograph, go to BYBRLY'8 Room in Simpson Building up Hairs TUI3 .iii:at caini: Of 'HTJMAN MISERS'. J oat Publuhtd, in a Sealed Envelop. Prlo 6 cent. A Lecture on th Nature, Treatment, and Radio' Cur of ?uiinl Weakness, or Spermatorrhoea, in (laced by Self-Abuse ; involuntary Emiationt, Impo tency, Nervous Debility, and InipdimenUto Mar riage generally ; Consumption, Epilepsy, and Fit Mental and Pbytisal Incapacity, Ao. By MOB. J. CI LVERWELL, M. D., Author or th "Uretn Book," A. Tb world-renowned author, ia this idmirabl Leotur, oltarly prove from hit own experiene that th awful eontaquwio of iS'tlf-Abuta may b Seetutlly removed without niedioina, and wiibout dangerous surgical operation, bougie, instrument, ring, or cordials, "pointing out a mode of our at mm etrtain and efleetual, by which avary sufferer, no matter what bit condition may be, may our bisuwlf cheaply, privately, and radically. Tbia Laotar will prov a boon to Thouandt and Thousandt. ' Satit andar aal, in a plain ntlope, to any ad drte, aa receipt of til eentt, or Mo pottag lantpi, by addrewng tbe publisher. -Alw, Dr. tlLVEKW,LL'8 'Marriag Oaid," ariM(6Ha. - - - --- - j Addrta th Publithr. V , ' -v.- CHAH. t. 0. KLINE CO.. 1J7 Bowery, New York, Pot iiflle box 4,584. ftptembw Ib4 ly BALTIMORE LOOK HOBFITAL. tSTABLISHED AS A KEFUOl FROM QUACK RY T1IS ONLY PLACE WJIBRE A CURB CAN BE OBTAINED. , tSA. JOnNSTON liiui discovered fnemoit Oettaltl, XJ Bpeedf and ohlr- KfTeotttaJ 1 Bemedf h World for aH Private Dlseaaea, Weakneeeofthe Back W Limbs, Stricture, ArTection of th KMnyi and Bladder. Involuntary Ditcharge, Impoteaoy, 0 :al Debility, Nervoutnesa, Dyspepty, Langnor. Low Spirits, Conrution of Idea. Palpitation of th Heart, rienldity, Tremblings, Dlmnetaof Sight of Olddlnett, Disease of the Head, Throat, Not or skin. Afleetiont r th.T.lvar. Lnnn. Stomach er Bowel tboa Terri- J bl Diaordera arising from th Solitary Ilablt tf t outh tnoae teorei anu nmirj iirnc.ivv. uiurv to their victims than th eon g of Syrens to tb Ma tin of Ulysa, blighting their most brilliant hope or anticipations, rtndoring marriaga, o.,lmpotsi bl. ' ' i oiramc- " -1 Especially, who hav become th victims of 8oHtary Viee, that dreadful and destructive habit which annually sweeps to an untimely gTtv thousands of Young Men of tha most exalted talent and brilliant InUelloct, who might otherwltebar ntraned listen ing Senates with th thunder of 1oqune or waked toecslaty th living lyre, may tall with full on lideno. itiAnniAor. Married Persons, or Young Mqn eontomplitlng marriage, being aware of physical Weakness, organic ueouiiy, acioTmiuea, ao , tpeeuuy ourcu. He who nlaoes himself under th ear of Dr. J may rellgionsly confide in hia honor as a gentleman, and confidently rely upon nis sain aa roytioiaa- rn,n.js.i.i nnnul. anil Full Virnr Restored. Thin Distretsin Affection which render Life miserable and marriage impossible It th penalty paid by th victim of improper indulgence. Young Cersont ar too apt to commit xoeee from not eing aware of th dreadful eonsequenee that may who that understands th tuliieot will pretond to deny that the power of procreation t lost sooner by those falling Into improper habit than by the prudent' Beside being deprived th pleasures of healthy offspring, the most aeriout and destructive vmntoms to ooth body and mind arise. The system i. Trncri..l the Phvsioal and Mental Funo tlons Weakened, Lot. of Procreative Power, Njrvout iii.i.iii,ii Tintuinata. Palnitation of the Heart. Indigestion, Constitutional Debility, a Wasting of the Framo, Cough, Consumption, ieoay ana uam, Ofllce, Tio. 7 SoutU I'rctlerlcU Street l.oft hand sida loltig from Baltimore street, a few doors from th oorner. Fail not to observ nam and number. Letters muBl be paid and contain a stamp. Tb Doctor's Diplomas bong In nitotnc. X HUE WAttllAWED I."J TWO DAVS. Nt Mtrevry or Nanseoui Drvgt. IR. aoiisTo.-x. Momberof theBoyal College of Surgeon. London, '.Irodnnte from one of th most eminent College in the United States, and the greater part of whose life i,., .v,., ..,n in il,n hoKnitals of London. Paris, Philadelphia and elsewhere, ha effected tome of the most astonishing oures that wore ever known ; many troubled with ringing in the head and ear when asleep, great nervoutnes, being alarmed at mdden sounds, bashfulness, with frequent blushing, ittcndcd sometimes with derangement of mind, were ;urcd immediately. mil! PAKTICIXAR NOTICE Tir .T iiMnuM,! all those wh have inlured them inciulvence and BoliUrr habits. which ruin both body and mind, unfitting them for .itii.v Hn.inM. .tnrl v. tneietv or marriaee. Tuma urn ini of the sad and melancholy effects produced by early habits of youth, vii: Weakness of 11 e Back and Limbs, Pains in the Head, Dimnees of Sight, Loss of Muscular rower, rnipuauon oi uie Iheart, Dyspepty. Nervout Irritability, Derangement of the Uigestive r unotiont, ueneroi kiuiuij, ojuiy tiimu nf (!oTiiiinnlinn. Ao. Mkioit Tha fearful effects on th mind are mnnh to ha dreaded Loss of Memory, Confusion of Ideas, Depression of Spirit, Evil-rorebodlngs, Aver sion to Society, Belf-Distrutt, Lov of Solitude, i imiiiitv An nre tomeoi ine eviit nrouuucu. i llot'HANDS oi persons oi an ages eu what is the cause of 'their dcolining health, losing lueir vigor, Dccoming weaa, pi, uniw. " e naciatcd. having a singular appearance about th eyes, cough and symptoms oi eonsumpuou. A'ho have Injured themselves by a certain practice l,n1iilD.nH In when alone, a habit frequently learned fioin evil companions, or at school, th effect of . . ! ' . ... I ..I . J It a.. winch aro nightly leu, even wneo aeieep, aim u cured render marriage impossible, and destroy both mind and body, ehould pply lmmeiuaieiy. llW i niiv that a vounff man. th hope of hi ennntrv il, n riurlincr of hit narentt. tbould be snatched 1 , -rill. 1.. .L . Irom all prospects ana enioymenia ui mo, "j m consequence of deviating from the path of nature and indulging in a certain secret habit. Such persons nt'ST, before contemplating ru a it it ia . r. reflect that a sound mind and body ar th most necessary requisite to promou oonnuoiai nappiness Tnrieml without these, the iournev through life be. 3omes a weary pilgrimage ; the prospect hourly darkens to the view: the mind become! tbadowed miih iin.nnir I fi led with the me ancbotv reuec tion that tbe happiness of another becomes blghted witn our own When tbe misguided and imprudent votary of .... ( i,t ..i-- i iL:. pleasure nndt mat ne naa lmoioea mo hiui ui iui. painful disea, it too oiien nappens iuai u wumu sense of shame, or dread of discovery, deters him from applying to thote who, from duoation and rnnneoLnhilitv. can alone befriend him. delaying till the constitutional symptom of this horrid duett make their annonrance. such at ulcerated tor throat, diseased noso, nocturnal pains in the head and limbs, dimness of sight, deafness, nodes on the shin bones and armt, blotches on th head, face and ertrrmiliM. timm-ess'ini: with frightful rapidity, till ailoitthe palate of the mouth or th bone oftb nose full in, and the victim of this awful disaas becomes a horrid object of commiseration, till death puts a period to hit dreadful sufferings, by (ending niin to "that Undiscovered Country from whence no traveller returns." It la imrlnnrholv fact that thousands fall victims to this terrible disease, owing to the unskillfulnesa of ignorant pretenders, who, by me use oi mai uiaaiy 1'uison, Mercury, ruin th constitution and mak tiie residue of life miserable. MiitA4.r:itf Trust not your live, or health, to th oar oftb many Unlearned and Worthleas Pretender, destituU 01 Knowledge, nam or cnaraeier, won eupj lobnston'a advertiaements, or ttyl themselves, in the newspaper, regularly Educated Physiciant, incapable of Curing, tbey keep yon trifling month after mouth taking tneir nuny ana pcuuuui sow noumlt. nr at Ions at the tmallett fee can be obtained and in despair, leav you with ruined health to igb o er your galling disappointment. I)r Johnston is th only Physician advertising, Hit oredential or diDloma always hang in bit offio Hit rsmidiet or treatement ar unknown to all others, nreoared from a life tpent in the great hot' pitalt of Europe, th first in tb oountry and a mor extensive r rivalt jrramct uioa auy vuiu r wjtiuiau in th world. MMiltltXHI HT OF TIIE PRKSN Tb many thousand eared at this inttitution year after year, and the numerou important Surgical Operations performed by Dr. Johnston, witnessed by tbe renortara ol tha "Sun." "Clipper," and many other papers, notice of which hav appeared again and again before th publie, beside bis Handing at a gentleman ot character ana reeponuuiuiy, it tuflicient ruarante to tb afflicted. Mtl. IISi: AKI N SI'EKWILV I'liii'.n. Persona writing should b particular In directing tneir letters io nit institution, in ine lonowuig mum aun.x 91. JUII.KTO, M. 1 Ol the Baltimore Lock Hospital, Ballimor, Md. June 30 1866 ly. PUKE Lubio Extracta and Labia Soap, at LIUUTNEK'S, Market Square. FALL AND WIN? KB Millinerv Goods Ju.t opening at th Millinery Store of Miss M. L. OU8SLER, Fawn 6tret, blow tb Railroad, BL'NBVRY, PA Suob a D D I ' 3 , U 5 Drees-Trimmings, Uad-Drte, Ulove, Hotitry ; Kibbont, Flow en, Collar, Uandktr chlefa, A., Ao., which hav been earefully aelaoted. ' - . f Miat M. L. U ussier baa Juat opened a large meat of Millinery Uoodt. Ladies tbould Dot fail to go and at tbe latett itlet at it will pay to not delay in visiting heritor. Call and examin for yourttlvt. No troubl how good , . ( Bunbury, Oot. 13, 1864. J I i 1 ' . i . ' Proaur on of BYBRLY'8 Flo Photograph Pie. tlirM ml ki. Hiw.m. in MlmMM1. I) i I 1 , MINE Feather Bruxbes, at . LIOHTNIB'S. T A DIES eall and M th Daaging Bukttl i vmammmmtMwm nB jtesee, at . , , LiUHTNER i JFyoa -an good Tin. Wart), go t lUITB 0N11KA' Now bhop. - Ar . "KT wl fmll rpor ! Itrder, JMt 11 rivd by Scrofula, or Kingfs Evil, ! I it conttltutionar iIUmm, a etrmlptlon of th blood, by which tliia fluid become vitiated, weak, And poor, lieinv in th circulation, it prvadM um wtnoi Doxiy, ana may cum out in diMte on any part of it, , . No organ ii fret) from it attacks, nor U there on vvlucb. it roy pot detroyJL'h tcrofulou taint.! variously caused by mtrcurial ,liaeae, low livingr-d'4 oraerca or. untienltliy food, impure ir, ruta and filthy liabitt, the) depressing vice,' nndj Above all, bythe venereal Infectiorl.' "What, ever be it origin, it I hereditary (it the eon. (tltution, descenrtltif Mrom paretittto chliuren unto tlx third and fourth generation " indeed. , it em to b the rod f Jiun who eaye, i will visit jtUe iiiiquiti of the. tVlkeri upon their children." .... .,' ;. . '. 'i It effect commence by denottuon from th blood of corrupt or ulccrou matter, Which, in the lunir. nrer, and internal ortrans, is termed tubercle nv the' gland, Iwellin $ and on th Mir bice, eruption or sore. 1 in foul eor-, ruption, which pendcra in the blood, dcprcaiei the energie of life, 10 thnt tcrofuloua constitu tions not only muter trom tcrotuiout com plaint, but they have fur lens power to with stand the attack of other disease cons. qucntly vast -numbers perish by disorders which, although not scrofulous iu their nature, ar still rendered futal by this taint iu th system. Most of tho consumption tviucii de cimates the human family hn its origin directly in this acromions contamination; and many destructive dlwnsea of the liver, kidney, brain, and, indeed, of all the organ, arise from or are aggravated ly tlie sum cauae. One quarter of nil our people are scrofulous their persons are invnded by this lurking in fection, and their hcnlth is undermined by it.- To cleanse it from the system we muat renovate' the blood by an alterative medicine, and in vigorate it by healthy food and exercise. Such a medicine w supply in AYER'S Compound Extract of Snrsnparilla, th moat effectual remedy which the medical skill of our times can devise for this every where prevailing and fntul mnlntlr. It is com bined from the most active remedial thnt have been disrovered for the expurgation of this foul disorder from th blood, and the rescue of th system from it destructive consequences. Iience it should he employed for the cure of not only Scrofula, hut nlso those other affec tions which arise from it, such ns F.uui'Tivi and Skin DisRAsr., Sr. Anthony's Finn, Itoan, or riKYsirnt.A, riMi'i.tts, ', Bi.otciirs, llr.atxsnml lluii.a,TuMoKa,TrTTr.n and Salt Rhruk, Sci.i Hkad, Kinowohsi, UllKUMATlHM, STI'lllI.ITICUllllMliUCt'lllAl. l)ia- basks, Duin'nr, Dvai-Kvau, Dr.iui.irr, find, indeed, ai.i. Comitaints ahinino fuuh VntA IKI ou iMi't iii! lit.min. Tho popular belief In " impurity of Hit Wood " is founded in truth, for scrofula is a dcgviicrntiun of the blood. The particular purpose and virtu of this Saraspa tills is to purify and regencrato this vital fluid, without which sound health is impossible in contaminated constitutions. A"YER'S Ague Onre, roR tiic sresDV cvac r 1 ntermtttent Paver, or Fever and Agn, Remittent Fever, Cltlll Fever, Dumb Attue, Periodical lleadarlie, or Billon Headache, and Illllona Fever, ludted for tha whol elate of d Urate nrla;lnat ittar In lflllory Ucrangcmcnt, catiaeit b tha Malaria of Bllatuiatle Countrie. , We are enabled here to ofler the community a ' rtmedy which, while it cure the above complaints with certainty, is still perfectly harmless in any quantity. Such a remedy is invaluable in districts where these afflicting disorders prevail. This "Curb" expels the miasmatic poison of Ffivra and Aoub from the system, and prevents the de velopment of th disease, if taken on th first ap proach of its prtinonitory symptoms. It is not only the bett remedy ever'yct discovered for tint elan of complaints, but also the cheapett. The large quantity w tupply for a dollar lumps it within In reach of every body ; and in bilious districts, where Fbvrr and Aoub prevails, every body should have it and use it freely both fur cure and protec tion. A great aupcrinrity of tliit remedy over any other ever discovered for the speedy and certain cure uf Intevmittentt it that it contains no Quinine or mineral, consequently it produces no quinism or other injurious ellects whatever upon the constitu tion. Those cured by it are left as healthy as if they btd never had the disease. Fever and Ague is not alone the consequence of the miasmatic poison. A great variety of disor ders arise from its irritation, among which are Ji'turatiia, Itheumathm, Gmit, lleailachi, Wind rim, I'ottthactifi, Earache, Catarrh, Asthma, VaU pitatimt. Painful Affection of the Spleen, fiifcr ift, fain in the llotcclt, Colic, Paralytie and Z rangement of the Stomach, all of which, when originating in this cause, put on the inteitnittent tape, or become periodical. This " Curb " expels the poison from the blood, and consequently cures them all alike. It is an invaluable protection 10 immigrants and persons travelling or temporarily residing in the malarious districts. If taken occa sionally or daily while exposed to the infection, that will be excreted from the system, snd cannot accumulate in tuflicient quantity to ripen into dit eate. Henco it ia even more valuable for protec tion than cure, and few will ever tuffcr from Inter mittent if they avail themselves of the protection this remedy affords. Frspared by Sr. J. C. ATZB & CO., Lowell, Hat. FRILING A SON, Suubury, Pa. K. B. MeCay, Northumberland, tnd all Druggists and dealer everywhere. At whole! by J. M. MORRIS A CO., Philadelphia. December 23, 18S. ly Pure Liberty White Lead, Will do mor and better work at a given Cost, than any other! Try it! Manufacrured only by ZIEtiLER A SMITH, Wholesale Drug. Paint A ttlass Dealer, No. 137 North THIRD Street, Philadelphia. . January 27, IBM ly, CtO MO.Vril 1 AGENTS wanted for us entirely new articles, jutt out. Ad' dres 0. T. OAREY, City Building, Biddeford. Main aeoz.1 ly Washington House. SAMUEL BNYDEH, OPPOSITE TTIIt NFVT COURT HOUSE, BUNBURY, PA ,"piIIS popular and comfortable Hotel has been L fitted up in tepenor order for the accommoda tion of Strangers, Travellers, and the public gener ally. No effort will be tpared by Ihe Proprietor ta make it a favorlt resort and a pleasant boms for very guest Hi tabl, his bar, snd th long ex perience of the proprietor, warrant him In antioip. ting a liberal thereof publio patronage. Extentiv (tableau and every desirable conve nience. 6unbury, April T, 1806. ly TAILORING- J. F. SCHAFFER, RESPECTFULLY Informs tbs eitltens ef BUN BURY and vicinity, tbat be ba opened . Tailoring tilsop, ' th room over Farnsworth' Grocery, oppotiU tb Ceutal Hotel, Sunbury, wher b it ready to make ap garment of all kinds in th latest Uyle and bett workmanlike manner. Having had experience la th basinets for a nam ber of yean be hope to render general eatufaoiloa Custom work is respectfully solicited. J. F. SCHAFFER. Bunbury, Msy 13, 1865. ly ... lttveatora' OOIcea. ' D'KPINUEIL A EVANS, : Civil EaaiNtxas add Patibt Solicitors. ' No. 43 Walnut strut, Philadelphia. - Patent olicited consultations on angineering Draughting and Sketoke, Model and Machinery of all kinds uad and tkilfully atMaded to. 6poial attention given to rejected oatet and interference. Authentic eopie of ill DooumenU from Patent Of to prweursd. N. B Save yeunelva iselea troubl and travailing xpac, a tbr it ae actual need for personal interview with ui. All butinee with these Offices can b transacted in writing. For far ther information dtreet as abov, with (tamp nolo4, for Circular with reference. February 1, IHo6)y . . I 1 ft AAA LBa- WJI and Spike at t7 Xj par lv.vUU ' ag, attkaw Hardware .Store of , ' J. 11. CONLEY A CO. ' Bunbury, Jun It, lS6t. i BREA&IAil SUAWL8, for tal at tb. Fay Store f r ANNA PAINTER. TCB CREAM FREE2ERS a4 ihtly'a PaUot j, vkuii n riugere, lor ai oj - tUaktwyj Jaly t, l66. , tKTELMOYIK. i TresMTlptloaii Vflly eottpoaadtd of tb IT ba DRUOS as sa aaaito cnar of JMO. raiLiwa a anw PORT-GRAPE WINE." Pare and Kenr Tears it ii I T FOR TUB COMMUNION TABLB A FAMILY TJ8I IT rf 1 1 Pretorlbed by Physicians fer-U' - Females, wl kly person snd INVALIDS ! EXCELLENT WINE FOR FEMALES , Every family at thlt season, should nt " SPEERS WINE, celebrated In Europ for It medicinal and beneficial qualities, highly esteemed by eminent pbinoitnt, used in European and American Hospitals, and by lorn of th first families in Europ and Amerioa. AS A TONIC It ha no equal, causing an appettt and building op thetystem, being entirely a par win of a most valuabl grap. AS A DIURETIC It Impart a healthy lotion of th Ulandt, Kidneys, and Urinary Organs, very beneficial in Dropsy, Qout, and Rheumatio Afiectiona. SPEER'S WINK Is a pur article from the Juice of tb Port Grape, j possessing medicinal propertiet superior to any other i wine in use, and an exellent article for all weak and I debilitated persons, and the aged and infirm, im proving in appetite, ana Deuenning laaiet ana children. Try it once, and yon teill vet lie deceivta. L""Be sure the signature of ALraco Srna I over th cork ofeach bottle. Sold by W. A. Bennett. Sunbury, and all first claw dealers, who also sell the t'AfsTII.I.A. i OUT IIRAKDV.t choice old artiole. im- I ported only by Mr. Speer, direct from th valley of upono. ljs-Trads supplied by Wholesale Druggists. Idt'-By A. SPEEIl.athitvinevardin New Jersey. PRINCIPAL OFFICE, 208 BROADWAY, K. Y. Sunbury, Jan. 16, 1866. ly. BREAD & FANCY CAKES. 3D-7"I3D FRY, '' To door wett of th Pott Office, SUNBURY, Pa. "a ESPECTFCLLY Informs tbe eltirent of Sun- X bury and vicinity, that he will bak to order all k tit or C kea for Italia, Pnrtico, Ac. Families ire supplied with FRESH BREAD, Twist Rolls, Ruekf, Tea Buns, Ao., and also kept on hand nianataotured out ot the best materials. All order will meet with prompt attention. Having bad large experianc I hope to give general satisfaction to all who may favor me with their patronage. DAVID FRY Sunbury, Deo. 9, 13Si. KI. C. GKARIIAItT'H Confectionery, Toy and FEtTIT STORE. Jflarket Street, Sunbury, Pa. . CONFECTIONERY OF AIL KINDS, TOYS OF EVERY DESCRIPTION FRUIT, &c, &c, CONSTANTLY on hand and for sal tt th abov establishment at wholesale and retail, at reason able prices. He it manufactnring all kind of Confectioneries to keep up a full assortment which ar told at low rates. Tobacco, Segars, Stuonry, Nuts of all kinds, and a variety of other tiol , all of whiah ar ofltttd wholesale and retail. 1 - Ie-llemember th nam and placa.trt M. C. OEARHART, Market street, 3 doors west ef E. Y. Bright A Sen's store. Sunbury, Sept. It. 1863. tf i NEW ESTABLISHMENT ! A. E. SAVAGE, Watchmaker ggrkgra JEWELER. In Simpton's Building, Market Squar, STJlTBTJPaT. PSlTlTiL. T 1 AS constantly on band a fin assortment ef II WATCHES, CLOCKS and JEWELRY, Spec tacles, Silver and Plated Spoon aud Fork, Ae. Wat cue. Clocks uad Jewelry, re Iialred and W AIIKA.Vrt:!. Sunbury, Sept. 30, 1865 IARMERS call and look at th stock of Grass an 1 Grain Scythes, Manure, Hay and Straw Fork Grain Cradles, Cradle Fingers. Tree. Lof. Fifth. Tongue and Halter Chain ; Scythe Stone, Grindt stone and fixtures, and everything to make harvest ing pleaaaat and agreeable at the new Hardwar (tor of J. U. CONLEY A CO- Pure Liberty White I.eud. . Preferred by all practical Painters ! Try it ! snd you will bay no other.. Manufactured only by Z1EGLER A SMITH, ' Wht letale Drug, Paint A Giant Dealers, No. 137 North THIRD Street, Philadelphia. January 27, 1U66 ly. RKMEMBKR TIIE DEAD. fi TESSRS. D. C. Distinger and John A. Taylor. lfX would respectfully announce to the citiseot of bunbury, and (urrouading country, tbat baring formed a co-partnership, they ar now prepared to lurnun ornameniea ana piaia (IrnveoloBeit, Tombs V IIontinieBts of tbs best Italian and American marble, at prices that cannot tall to glv anlir satisfaction, and r speelfully tolioit th publio patronage. DISSINUER A TAYLOR. Sunbury, March 31. 1U66. ly. CIIA.taU OF VEPUT, milE undtrtlrned reepMtfully informs bit friendl X and tb publio that he baa okanged hit place of loading r reign t in rniiaueipaut irom treed, nard A Fraud, No. 811 Market Street, to A. X. AOHEBON j iCommittion Merchant, dealer in Flour, Grain, Seed, to.) ,o. 1018 Market dt., Philadelphia, where all freight will be loaded on ear of tb on- darsigncd, lor jJaupnin, bunbury, bbamokia, snd all intervening points. All freight will b carried at low as oa any other uae. uruert u carry ireigni rwpeotlully tolioited, which will receive prompt attention. J B. WEISER. Sunbury, Jan. 13, 1866. 3m. BITOT'S lEKDITISiLo !. 1 ' (Lat Buehlar House.) . -J HARIUSRURO, PENN'A.. -, i r BIS well-known hotal kts not only beta rt.nd X. ed but ha bn greatly altered and newly fit np by the present proprietor, and it now on of th most comfortable and convenient hotels in Harm- archie, 186 ly ffil.OBO -" YKAH! W. waa ageiiLs everywhere to tell oar m raovBD tJC 8wiua Machine. Thre new kinds Upper-and upper teed. Warranted tve year AboaUryar)argoonimlsioa paid. . l'h hlt soaohiaeetold ia United State for leta than tM, which are fully liewuwd b Howe, Wheeler A WU son, Urover A Baker. Binirer A Oo '. and Baoh.Id.l. 1 1 ''f' All Mhtr ekeapmaohiDwar kanriagwant aad tr. teller at weer arwiiaU to arrwt, turn, aad imprun. ok . Oirasdar stm. Adds, aU po Shaw 4 Clark, tiidaefurd. AUia. r Chjoage, jo, dec 31 fHOT 0 OB AP H'"A IBTJ MS V " BOOKS ' AlTO 8TATTOHIBT, HoBthly Time Bosks'; Drawing Books sad Slate. -Bocks, BfmiBooks, J fin BooKt;fsboraadaB BtokA, Dtariaa, Pvke twek,; Ink Mac, pen, Pttxils, a to ateorttatarl of Pap. Ink. A. For rale by Ah A FAIFTXtX & (Biaini a (nan S T O R D1r Market SjqaRro, SURBl'BY, Pa. '. I S I.I.I i-.i i ... . , ., , HATINO recently 'rircbated tk Drag 5tdr formerly eondutted by. R. A Flthtr, I beg leav to fnfoTfn tb' eititent of Sufibury snd vf ainity, that I hay ntfrly nplecithed my Stock f'i- KiW;l 2a' ' ' ' ''' 1 ? ; , a -,xm MM. C7.a-. 1 AD i. ;)! : ' FANCY ARTICLES ! task a Combs, Bruth, Pocket-Books, Soap, Pr futatry, Jialr-OH, KnirM, ooittort, Uoal-UU Lamp, Tobacco and Cigar t, . , . , Palais, Oils, GIae, Glao, Patty, Vnrnltibeo, latcait nediclmea, c. All my Tl not ore, Syrups, Ointment. Cerate, and tbr preparation aio manuJaotured by myself, and from tbe best material lean Droour in Market. Having had quit a number of years' xperint in we '!' Dtvg and Prterivtion Biitinm, both In Philadelphia and the country, and alto th advantag of the College of Pharmacy, I feel com petent, to COMPOUND ALL PRESCRIPTIONS mat the i'byiioiani and publio may favor m with. All my preparation a 1 hav abov attrtd,ar mad from the bett material, and opon honor I attert, they are of officinal strength. For medioiaal parpote, I keep on band the vtry pett WINES, BRANDIES AND LIQUORS. that I can croeur. Before purchasing Ittwhere, call and convince vur own imna. .... W. A. BENNETT. Bunbury, Nov 18, 1865. NEW GROCERY alllE subscriber begi leav to announce to tb . eitismt of Sunbury and its vioiuity, that they hav opened a NEW GROCERY, Two doort ic$t 6 J. U.' Engle't Store, in . , Market Square, where they art prertrtd to furnish every variety of groceries, and will keep constantly on band lb eboioest varieties of FLOUR & FEED Fish, Coffee, Teas, Sugar, Molasses, Cheeso, Ealt. Spices of all ditcription, Soaps of every variety, Candles, Smoking and Chewing tobacco, Segars, liains. Shoulders, Bacon, nutter, nnd tugs. Also Dried fruits of all kinds, Caned Peaches aud Toma toes. Pickets, Ketchup, Pepper Sauce, Raisins, Lemons, Ac, of bestquality, and in fact every style of articles kept In a well stocked Urocery. Also Cider Vinegar. All kinds of oountry produce taken in exchange. The patronage of tb publio is re spectfully solicited. GEORGE E. BEARD A CO. Sunbury, Nov. 11, 1S65. JEWELRY L JEWELRY! JOSEPH KESSLER, Watchmaker and Jeweler, Market Street, Sunbury, Pa. RESPECTFULLY informs bis friendl and the publio, that be has just received a large assort ment of Watches, Clocks and Jewelry, Sptctaelet, Silver and plated spoons. Forkt, Ae. Watches, Cloeki and Jewelry repaired and war ranted. Sunbury, Jan. 13, 1666. ly JOHN WILVEK, BOOT cSc SUOE MANUFACTURER, One door East of Failing's Store, Market Squsre SUNBURY, PENN'A. RESPECTFULLY inform! thscitiient of Sunbury and vicinity, that ba it prepartd to manufac ture to order all kindt of BOOTS A SHOES, at th hortest notice end in the best workmanlike manner, of the best material and at th lowest Cosh prices. lie nopes to receive a lull sntr or patronage. Sunbury, June 2, 18H6. SUNBURY FOUNDRY .i:0. KOIIKIIACll At, tox. ARE now carrying on business at this old ettab lishment with renewed vigor. Costings of every description, promptly furnished to order. The Stoves manufactured at this Foundry have acquired th highest reputation. Particular attention raid to MILL CASTINGS Farmers should not forget tbat tbe PLOW j made bi iae ounoury foundry nave never oeen equalled. Agricultural impiementi repaired at snort none. Small castings, iucluding Cooking utensils, of the most improved and most useful patterni. The business will b conduoted on an enlarged wale. Old cuttomert will b accommodated u usutl, and new ones are respectfully solicited. Sunbury, May 12, lSbt 1 1 NOR'SPatent Pocket anterni for sal at tk X'J- Book aud Stationery ttor of N. F. LIGHTNFR. A LL kindtnf Hardware, Iron. Ae., not in store Xa. will b sent for and delivered at tb lowest price by J. H. CONLEY A CO. Suubury, Jun 16, 1866. A NVILS, Vioos, Bollowi Stocks, and Diet, and X all goodt belonging to the Blacksmitbing buti neat for tale low for Cash by J. II. CONLEY A CO. NEW LIQUOR STORE! WM. HOOVER Ilailroad Street, above Market, KIAB TMX C1XTRAL HOTEL, SUNBURY, PA. RESPECTFULLY Invites hit friend and th publie generally, to call and examine his large artment at tin 4 belor purcbating Itewhero llisi ttock res tatts ot llru nd lets. t isiBkfy, isoiiustu lst, ina ke It urn, MoBonsrabela aud Jtosii'lM.u of (lit Isewl qunli ly. WlaeM, Cider, Tlae. tar, Ac., Ae. Farmer, not el Keeper, snd others ire invited to call, at hit Mock it genuine, and will render general satisfaction. Sunbury, February 8, 1866. ' RESTAURANT & BOARDING HOUSE- CHAN. ITZi:i, Proprietor. In Cake's Addittt n to SUNBURY, near th Penn'a. ' Railroad Company's Shops. I' AGER BEER. Porter and Ale or th v.rbest J brands, excellent German Wine, Sohweitser Cheese, Tripe, Ao., always on hand, PERMANENT AND TRANSIENT BOARDERS, kept wbo will find empl accom uiodaliont. Good cooks snd waiters, boarders can enjoy the quiet cum. fort of home with far equal to tb beat hotel. - Sunbury, May 26, 1866. CHILDREN'S Carriage of tb newest tnd most fatbiouabl ttyle atath Cheap Hardware stor J. H. CONLEY A CO. x--iisr's PATENT HAIR CRIMPERS : FOR , ., Crimping' and Waving Ladiet Hair. NO HEAT REQUIRED IN USING THEM. Atk your store keeper fur them if b doe not keep them, writ to tb manufacturer, Ii. 1 !., Sixth St. and Columbia Ay., Philadelphia. September 39, loot. aia. - Alkl .UH KXPUKMH COMPACT. REDUCTION OF RATES ON PRODUCE, OYS , . TERS, AC. , mHE rate on Fresh Fith, Oytt.rt in thsSh.11.aBd I Truck of all kinds, to place la tbi Dlvitioa, where iberato it Teitt per ltW Inter ever, ka keea redoel 15 nt per 1V0 lb. At place wber tb rat ia between 50 and 75 eeot per 100 lbs, tb rat will b 60 oenta per 100 lbs. Barrels ef truek weighing leta than 100 lot will b charged a 100 lbs Froth Fish will rqatr U b packed ta light bar rels or boxes. Prompt attention to th o11otioa of Bills, Draft, N. FEItltEB LIGHTNER, Agent. fionbury, Jun 16. Htttt. . . - ' Pare Liberty White Lad. -1 tfn J ... ... ... me noiteei, in mow auram ana tb most oauoai. ATvm taaaamowrM otuv b .i i, ,.i x , UfcAtLKR A fiat I TIT mi tvBoieai wiu. rami Ulat dealers, . No. 137 Noath THIRD Street, Philadelphia. Jaaaary n, 1866 ly. - - - r i TOILET AO A PS, Taotb-AiBihu, Hair Brushes M'. .Fer salt by ANNA PAINTER. fTVCRPtNTINl, Octal OU, titst Uimt "fjiil. Jlfwtalftitf CtakVy j ... S-u, OKL8T fcfX o AK'D tnd fliaat le i at Lrsarvia't THB '. PERUVIAN s-tivcti V -s-s ' ' TIB A PROTECTED BOLtJTIOS OF TUB i ' . V Ptotskta l.lroa,l, t oi ,ratditeovry lamdioi whUtt ., , 8TBIKES AT THB BOOT OF DISEASE, by supplying th Blood with Its vital ralitcirLi, - oa Lira i.skskt IRON. ' , , Thtsls th went of tb tronderful lucceu of tliia . rtmedy ia earing , Dyppti, Llvr Complaint, Dropty, Chronl Diar rbota. Boil, Nervout Affections, Chills and Fi vers, Humor. Lots of Constitutional Vigor, DitetMS of th Kidneys nd Blsddsr, , , Fmale Complaints, and all diseases originating In a BAD STATE OF TIIE BLOOD r accompanied by DciiLirr r a low stat r , raa ststkh. Btlng frt from Alcohol In any form, Its energi ting effect ar not followed by eorretponding reao tin, bat ar permanent, Infusing stkbdotm. vtooa snd HEW Lira into sll parti of tho system, aud build lag up an IRON CONSTITUTION. DYSPEPSIA AND DEBILITY. From the Venerahle Archdeacon SCOTT, D. D DcKBAif , Canada East, March 24, 1865. ' ) I am an invsterats Dytptptio of mor than 25 y tars Handing." "I hav been to wonderfully benefitted In th three thort weekt during which 1 hv uted , th Peruvian Syrup, that I con scarcely persuade myself of th reality. People who have known me ar astonished at the ohanire. I am widely known, and can but recommend to other that which hot done so much for me ,: One of tbe most Distinguished Jurists in New England Writes to a Friend aa , follows: "I hav tried th PERUVIAN SYRUP, and th result fully sustains yonr prediction. It has mad a new man of m ; infused into my system new vigor tnd energy ; I am no longer tremulous and debilita ted, aa when you lost taw me, but ttronger, heartier, and wilh larger capacity for labor, mental and physical, than at any time during the lost fir years." An Eminent Divine of Boston, eaye: I hav betn using th PERUVIAN SYRUP for tome tima pott ; it gives me nkw vigor, suoVAHcr or IFIK1TS, ILAST1CTT OF UUSCLE." Thousands hav been changed by tho use of this remedy; from weak, sickly, suffering creatures, to strong, healthy, and happy men and women ; and invalids cannot reasonably hesitate to givu it a trial. A pamphlet of 32 pages, containing certificates of cure tnd recommendations from some of tb most eminent physician, clergymen, snd others, will b lent free to any address. Lr&ea tbat etob bottle ba FfiKUViAM Si KUP blown in tha glass. For sale by J. P. DINSMORE, Proprietor, tt Day Street, New Ytrk. aaa ar all dbcsoiiti. SCROFULA. All Medical Men aeree tbat IODINE Is lb Bi Remedy fur Scrofula and all kindred direate ev discovered. The difficulty ba been to obtain a Pu Solution of it. Dr. H. ANDERS' IODINE WATER. It a Pure Solution of Iodine. Without a Solvent Containing a full grain to each ounce of water. A most Powerful Vitalizing Agent and Reitoritir It has cured and will cure SCROFULA in all its nia fold forms. TL'lcera, Canren, ftypliili, Saltj Ittiettiii snd it bat been used with tttonishlng sucoett in omi of Rheumatism, Dyspepsia, Consumption, Feint lonspiainu iieart, L,iver, ana Kidney IMscases, a Circular! will be tent free to any one aending tbi addreei. Prioe tl 00 a bottle, or 6 for $5 00. Prepared by Dr. U. ANDERS, Phytieian and C! mitt. For tale by J. P. DINSMORE, 36 Dey Street, New York And by sll Druggists. Wistar's Balsam WILD CH &R32 hit betn used for nearly HALF A CENTURY, with th most astonishing success inturin) Cought, C?ldt, Hoarseness, Sor Throat Ind Whooping Cough, Croup. Liver C'ouiplait Broehitis, Diujoulty of Breathing, Asth ma and every afiection of Tbe lltroat, I.ungt, aud Cue CONSUMPTION, which strri off mor viotimi shin other i and which baffle th skill of tb Physioi.' greater xtnt thin any other malady, often TIBLDS TO THIS RS11XDT ! when all ethers prors ineffectual. AS A MEDICINE, rspld in roller, soothing in effect, safe lo It' tion. it it unsurpassed ! and it entitled met receives the general confidence of th publie SEYMOUR THATCHER, M. D., of Herman, N. Y., write a follows . " Wistar's Balsam of Wild Cherry gives satisfaction. Itteeint to cure a Cough by ' and cleansing the lungs, and allaying irrita rimoviogtb cause, instead of drying up t nd leaving th cause behind. I ooLtidei stm t good it any, if not tb best Cough with which I am acquainted." From Hon. Judge SPRAKER.of Canajohe Gentltinen Tbi it to eertify that m family have uted Dr. Wistor s Balsam of W for several years, snd that I take great p recommending it in preference to anythi kind forth purposes for which it it inte eaeof Asthma, Phtbitio, or affoctiont of tl I hav never met with anything equal to i Very respectfully, DAVID SPI Tb Rtv. JACOB SECIILER, of llano Well knowa and much retpeoted among t population in tbit country, makes th' itatement for tb benefit of the afflioted Dear Sin : Having realised In my fan tent benefit from Ihe uie of your valual tion Wittar'i Balsam of Wild Cherry a pleasure to reoommend it to th pu eight yeart ago on of my daughtor si a decline, and little hope, of ber recover) tained. 1 then procured a bottle of yo Balsam, and before the had taken th content of th bottle there wh a great i in ber health. I bar, in my individur frequent use of your valuabl msdioii always been bentfiued by it. JACOB S PRICK ONE DOLLAR A BOr For tale by J. P. DIN5M0RB. S6 D.y 8trt. N SITU W row LB A 80N. Propri.u Aad by all DrurjUu. GRACE'S CELEBRATED Cure Cut, Burns, Scald GRACE'S CELEBRATED SALVE Cor Wounds, Bruise Spr BRACE'S CELEBRATED SALVE Cart Boils, Ulcers, Cane GRACE'S CELEBRATED SALVE ' 1 Cur Salt Rheum, Erysir GRACE'S CELEBRATED 8ALVE Caret Chapped Handl, Chil GRACE'S CELEA RATED SALVE Heal Old Bore, Flesh Wo It is prompt Ib action, rtmcvet pi rduo to moat tng ry-loolting tw aationa, at if by mai, uiut aifor, sou put ur. , Only 15 Mot ko ! (Sent by m ' For Sal by J. P. BINSMORE Ketr fork.'. W. FOWLS A t aMJBfai frrnggMV, Gro tVctmry, May tt, li. H Jiaary ff,It-ly