Sunbury American. (Sunbury, Pa.) 1848-1879, December 01, 1866, Image 2

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gtf-iShntuti? American
Z" H aTABaliB. Sdltor ProprltoT,
Philadelphia, Not. 88, 1800. ,
Tba agcltlcg newt of tba day ta tho Fe
kiaa outbrk ia Ireland. Tko fact it, Ire
land li already in arms. The Invasion of
Canada, wss, probably, only a faint to ml
lead and distract Ibe Britlih Government
Th despatches by tbe cable, dittlnctty indi
est a determined effort to throw off the do-
nioion of England. FonUolsnt ' haa for two
jeara past been forming wherever Irishmen
were to be (bund, not only ia the United
State and ia Ireland, but in all the colonies
of Great Britain.
British troops are poariag mimi the Irish
Sea. British men-of-war, are surrounding
Ireland with cannon. The London Timet
openly announces that tbe Chief Organiser
af the Fenian movement, Stephens, either
sow is, or in a very short time will be, on
Irish soil; and it may be taken for settled
that the telegraph will soon bring m the
sews of bloody work, onee more doing
among those fair hills and those lovely
Tales which have seen so much slaughter
aid so much suffering in the dark pnst.
' Some of the Loudon papers hint that a
more serious trouble with the United States
is really at the bottom of this Fenian move
ment, and the peremptory demand of Secre
tary Seward, for immediate settlement of the
claim for depredations by the Alabama
may have something to do with it.
Business in Philadelphia is dull and un
settled. The fashionable stores on Chcsnut
street, and elsewhere, have placards in the
windows offering to sell certain fashionable
dress goods for "$3, recently sold at $3.30."
There has been a considerable fall in the
price of many fancy goods, and in imported
goods generally, but the decline in staple
articles, such as muslins, has not been great,
but the indications are that a gradual de
cline in prices is inevitable. In the provi
sion market, especially in meats, there is a
considerable decline. I saw good lamb and
mutton in one of the best city markets, this
morning, sold at 14 cts. for the hind and
10 cts. for the fore quarter. This is not
much over half of the prices demanded by
the very modest butchers at Sunbury. Trim
mod mutton chops sell at 16 to 18. sausages
at 13 cts. per lb. Pork is worth 12 to 14 cts.
Green hams about 14 cts. Grain is high,
but wheat is not as high as in Sunbury.
a a
3F"Horace Greely has reason to felicitate
himself. lie has lived down even tbe slan
ders of political opponents, and forced them
to confess both hia honesty and greatness.
The New York Netcs wants him elected to
the United States Senate. It says : "No one
doubts he will act conscientiously, and in
obedience to Lis conception of what is due
to the welfare of the Republic," that he "is
beyond suspicion of corruption ;" that he
"Is a humane, pute spirited gentleman,
whose philanthropy and patriotism ia genu,
ice and mnch more to the snme effect.
Ei7Tbe Pittsburgh Gazette says: "The
receipts of cattle were again large this week
beiug fully up to the usual average in point of
numbers, but the quality was inferior there
being but very few good cattle on the safe,
and those few were held above tho views of
buyers. The market, however, was a very
bard one, the light improvement in New
York making no percepticle impression here
aad shippers were unwilling to do anything
at an advance indeed, the majority of them
seemed disposed to bold off, unless they
could buy at a decline. With the execptioo
of one drove, which brought seven cents,
the best sales ranged at from 6J to 6J dis
posed of an inferior drove of Texas cattle,
averaging 940, at 8.
Swiss. There has been a fair business
done in Hogs this weak, the demand being
pretty well last week, price have still fur
ther declined. Last week, good to prime
heavy average told at from 7 to 1 while
this week, the same grades cannot be quoted
above 6t to 7.
Shrbp. The supply of Sheep was consi
derably larger than last week, though hard
ly up to the usual average, while prices have
undergone but little change. We quote
common at 4 to 4J and prime at S to 6.
t3f The following is a general summa
tion of Republican majorities, which have
sustained Congress and outdo treason odi
ous. Look at tbe glorious result t
At the October elections, 200,000
' Massachusetts, 70,000
New York, 20,000
New Jersey, 6,000
Illinois, 58,000
Michigan, 80,000
Wisconsin, 25,000
Missouri, 20,000
Kansas, 10,000
Minnesota, 10,000
Nevada, ; 2,000
1 Total majority, 450,000
With California, Tennessee, and other
State added, the popular majority against
tbe President is about half a million of
votes. ' ' ' . . . . ' -
Declinis. General John F. Hart-
ranft has declined tbe appointment of Col.
onei in tbe avin ucguiar jnmntry, mat was
tendered him some time since by the Wtr
Department. He will therefore retain his
present office of Auditor General at Hani
burg. ;
t3rSouN Robinson' Nov bl. Solon
Itobineon, the veteran Agricultural Editor,
ha written a novel for Tub New-York
Wxult Tmuukk. The publication will
commence on the tilth of December. '
: tW Several of the Southeia Governor
have applied to the President for instruc
tions a to what they and their States
ought to do. They ought to know by thl
. time that Congress is the "Captain's office,"
' Where settlement I to be made. . ,
tSTCoMOREs will meet In regular ae
aloa oa Monday, the third day of December.
Already some of tbe members have arrived
at Washington., .,
, UTTb Muncy Luminary appear ia aa
enlarged form and ia a liv dm. Onrcoa-
temporary 1 prospering so well that it pro-
post to discard it band pre and put la a
-TaowM. Long nay thevMMry irradiate
. (Pot tb Amrioan..
Bcnbcrt, la the county of Northumber
land, Pennsylvania,, in the valley of tbe Sus
quehanna, at the function of the North and
West branches of that broad river, has a fo
It la which leas picturesque ia Its surround
ings a it is favored in its natural and arti
ficial facilities for business and transit
vTn.KKB Brrr, on tbe North Branch hat
the advantage of a position in the great Wy
oming Coalfield. Willi amsport, on the
West Branch I the centre of a great lumber
ing manufactory. Daxtillr, has its fur
naces and rolling mills. All the transit from
these towns, and tbe trade of their extend
ed . valleys south to tide-water, and north
from tide-water must pat this important
center BCsBvRT.
Pittsburgh at the confluence of the Alle
gheny and Monongahala rivers, is of less
importance in lumber and agriculturo than
the north and west branches ot tue ousque-
hanna. Sunbury ha extensive surrounding
. . . 1 . 1 . , .1 ' .3 IIm.h..
oi ncu agricultural uismci aim
is abundant. The Shamokin Coal fields are
bnt 18 miles distant. The fotsiliforous Iron
ores or Montour ranee out lour nines wi
the north, and the taut lumbering district of
northern Pennsylvania have a ready ana
chesi) water communication by the main
rivers to their juaeiioa at Sunbury. The
anthracite of Wyoming, and the bituminous
eoal of the West Branch, must pass Sunbury
on their wav south.
Busbar? has the advantage of being in the
vicinity ot Coal and Iron, and on the im
mediate highway of Oil and Lumber, it
therefore offers larce inducements as a local
ity for tbe manufactories of iron and lumber,
or the refining of oil. It is a center on the
nigh way irom too source ot supply to the
(lepras ot demand. It is but nineteen (1U)
miles from Coal ; four (4) miles from Iron,
and one (1) mile from limestone. Cheap and
abundant agriculture to produce cheap labor
are on every hand all on descending gradca
by river, canal or rail. Lumber from Aortn
ern Pennsylvania can be delivered here at a
total cost of but five dollars per 1000 icct in
the log ; here to be cut into the numberless
varieties demanded by the markets of the
extensive coalfields but a few hours distant,
where hemlock lumber, so abundant and
cheap, and finds a ready sale in this capa
cious market for tbe structure of Breakers,
Houses, &c, &c.
The great advantages of its location are
its facilities for transit from the Lake coun
try north and west to the cities of New
York, Philadelphia and Baltimore on tbe
Atlantic sea-board.
The immense water potter at ready com
mand is equal to the whole river Susque
hanna taken from the dam with a fall of
seven feet, to a point one mile below the bo
rough. The slack water occupied by the
dam nearly one mile in length gives all the
facilities of a lake where the logs can be
gathered in an iromenso boom to harbor
them by millions from the northern forrests.
The further this timber can be transported
by river, than by canal or rail, to point
near the great Eastern markets the greater
the advantage. Therefore Sunbury for a
lumber trade offer superior facilities to any
point further north.
Its location for furnaces and rolling-mills
is excellent if you notice it position with
reference to the several varieties of ore in
common use; Xhofoseiliferous ores of Mon
tour the Magnetic from Cornwall ; the Car
bonates from tbe Coal regions and tbe
Oolitic from New York ; or the richer ores
from Lake Superior.
Sunbury is feet above tide-water;
and is 120 miles by Canal from Havre de
164f miles by canal from Delaware city.
180f " " " Baltimore.
206, " " " Philadelphia.
541 " " " Harrisburg.
87 " " " Mouth ot the Juniata
80 " ' " ' Wyoming coalfield.
12 " M Danville Ore beds.
10 " " R. R. Shamokin Coul.
283 ' " 11 Erie.
165 " " by Reading to Philadel'a.
159 " " by Harrisburg to do
138 " " " Baltimore.
40 " " " Williamsport.
From Erie to New York via Sunbury and
tbe Lehigh is 488 miles.
From Erie to N. Y, via Cattawissa
and Lebirxh. 456
From Erie to N. Y. via Harrisburg
and Readme. 028
From Erie to N. Y. Tia New York
and Erie R. R. 608
Compared with the city of Harrisburg.
Sunbury presents no important contrast. Its
surroundings are even more pieturcsque, the
lands as fertile, the access is quite as good
from all points except tbe west which we
hope will soon be supplied by tue newly
projected Kailroad Hue Irom Lewistown.
Even now we have a western route by way
of the west branch divuraing from it at
Lock-Haven and thence by the Bald Eagle
Valley Railroad via Bellefonte to intersect
the Philadelphia Central It. R. at Tyrone.
The distance to New York from Pittsburg
by this route is 431 miles compared with
431 miles bv Ilarrislmrir and Heading.
Bv tbe Lewistown & Sunbury 11. a., the
distance will be 428 miles, and if the transit
of railway travel through a place gives it no
advantage as some erroneously contend, the
introduction ot strangers iscertaiuiv impor
tant, the practical eye of Americans are ever
ready to sec utilities auorded loraericuiiiire.
manufactories, or any other business, and
thev are sure to note and state it.
But we earnestly contend that Haiiroads
aro tbe very lire nerves or our country, and
they add to the prosperity of all places and
all persons along its line. You have the
proof in tbe contrast between tne xsortnern
and Southern States. The former has 20,604
and tbe latter 10,424 miles of rail-road.
"The Commissioner of Census of 1800,
declares, that so great are tbe benefits rail
roads have conferred on all departments of
agriculture, "that, if the entire cost of the
railroads between the AUantie and Western
States had been levied on the farmers of the
Central H'est, they could have paid it, and been
It is not our intention, however, to draw
indivtduous comparisons between the seve
ral flourishing towns on the Susquehanna.
Each one bas its peculiar advantages as the
river valleys do not all terminate at tbe same
point, but, wherever enterprise chooses to
place tbe pot at their bright rainbow ter
mini there they will be sun to be tilled with
cold. For this reason It should be under
stood that the neighboring town ot North-
umoeriaoa it inciuoea in this description.
Tbey are almost, and soon will be united by
the new addition to Sunbury. which will
soon Oil np the apace between tbe two and
divide tbe honor with them. . The im
portance of this 1 magnified by the exten
sive shop ana termini or tne several rail
road - companies. Additiunal enterprises
and life will soon And its wav here, and
eagerly seize tbe great natural advantage
uttered tor manufacturer oi iron, lumtier,
Ac, good cite for furnaces, rolling mills,
saw mills, oil refineries, oc.
We can only bop that the proper energy
and enterprise will centra at Sunbury, and
develop iU ereat natural aavauiage bci
thn fuHU all our bright anticipations of Its
future history. . i . . o
The aattl dieeaat b raging with great
fatality ta alt tnoo counties or Kentucky
where the Texa cattle have beea Imported
during tba tammar. Thousand of cattle
bave died, aad taa citizene arc petitioning
the Legislature to pas a law preventing tbe
tmpertauoa r Tea cattle Into tba Slat.
be Blue Ridga saoaatelae la Virgin!
Inm tbsBUimorBon.l
The wholesale prices of the psst week or
two, in all the leading market of the coun
try, anow a considerable decline, i oare is
a decline In cottonand cotton fabrics, a de
cline in cattle and la provisions, a dwcline
ia auger, a decline la wool, tallow, leather,
oavalstores, metals, bonds, stock, A., Ac
In tbe necessaries of life it Is inevitable that
men in tbe retail trade must speedily recog
nize tbe declensions in price, and give con
turner mm or the benefit. It 1 foend
that there hat been over production in many
things, especially la manufactures; that is,
production beyond the ability and disposi
tion of the people to consume at the high
prices sskid, and in many cases the protec
tionist have tbu overreached themselves.
Tbe failure of a market in tbe South has its
effect, too, on all dry good, and thu thrift
iu that lection is shown to be a need for tbe
whole countrv. It is found, also, that bread
tuffs and provisions ar plentiful io the
country, and dealer must realize that they
are to be satisfied with less than the exorbi
tant profits ot the period of war. The large
stocks held in tbe West on borrowings at
high rates of mocey cannot be held mucu
I oncer, as the rate of interest are rising in
the East also. No one will regret to see
the soeculators bitten.
According to tbe N. York World, the
heavy decline in the price of beef, mutton
and uork which has taken place during the
oast four week ha no Parallel since tbe
year 1837. We quote:
Now western men are losing in the neigh
borhood ol 1300 on each car-Toad of cattle,
and a much aa 800 per car-load was lost
on bogs sold on Monday and Tuesday last.
Beeves that one month ago sold readily at
$130 per head could not be sold to-day for
more than $100 ; and bogs that cost 2 cents
fier lb. in Chicago were sold at Ot cents per
b. here. And lots ot sheep that sold to
average $0 per head thirty days sgo are
thought to be well sold now if they averago
$5. The following comparison of prices on
tbe 15th of October and on the 15th of the
present month will show more clearly the
heavy decline in cattle, sheep and hog ;
Oct. 15 Nov. 15,
Prime beeves, 17c a17ic 14o al4tc
Prime hogs, 11c allc 8c a Bc
Prime sheep, CJca 7c 5ca 6o
This falling off is attributed solely to tbe
large supply of stock io tbe country, and
while there may be a slight reaction in tne
latter part or December, tbe general opinion
is that lor the next six months the average
of prices canuot be higher thsn we quote
to-dav. Large operators, with plenty of
mcaus to hold cattle, have no fniih in pro
)hecies of better prices ; and one urtn, at a
oss of nearly $20,000 per week, cuntinuo to
send forward in even larger numbers than
when prices were better.
fatTiEPOiiTANT Oil Strikes. Tbe peo
pie of Tarr Farm, near Titusville, are rejoic
ing over a 800 barrel well, tbe property of
Clark & Sumner. It was struck about
fortnight since, and had been pumping
about twenty-five barrels per day until Sa'
turday lust, when it commenced flowing!
and in the course of forty-eight hours had
produced 600 barrel of oil actually barrel
Mr. Doubleday is Superintendent. The
well is 591 feet deep. - It is located on bluff
territory, on a parallel line with the Baker;
well, which suspended operations as soon us
tho new well commenced flowing. Tbe Ba
kery well was producing ninety barrels per
Tbe new well is named Keystone No. 2
It is the largest producer in Pennsylvania
and is tbe best strike made on Tarr Farm
for several year past. The famous Philips
well, which was the largest flowing well on
record, was on larrf arm, as also the Wood
Messrs. Sumner & Pratt have operated
very largely in that locality, and with im
mense success. Tbe bluff territory of Oil
Creek, only until recently tested, is now uni
versally aougbt by oil miners, and seldom
fails to reward expectations,
Tbb Life op a Railroad Corddctor.
Joseph S. M. Gibson, a conductor on the
Penusylvunia Central Railroad, was arrested
last week by Detective Joshua Taggart, of
the Mayors Police, charged with embezzle
ment, in having retained in his pesscssion
certain fares which he had collected on the
road. Mr. Gibson had a hearing before At
derinan Ogle, before whom one of the rait
road officers had made the necessary aftidavit
charging him with peculating to a la ret
amount through several months. Upon tbe
ircliminary hearing the alderman fixed the
mil at $10,000, in default of which the de
fendant was committed to prison. Mr. Kun
aga, of the Uirard House, entered tbe requi
red security, and Mr. Gibson was released
Aitlioui;li but one arrest was uiailo as
above indicated, the Company bas Inien con
vinced that for months past it had been the
vn tlin or a systematic and gigantic rraud,
by means of which the treasury has been
robbed to the extent of thousands of dollars,
Tbe Pennsylvania Central Railroad and its
various branches have been the scene of these
robberies, until at last the officers could no
longer close their eyes to wliut was so plain
to an tne rest oi the community.
10 rinkerton Chicago detective was
entrusted the duty of discovering the frauds,
their nature, extent, and the guilty parties,
It is understood that for months they have
been engaged in the labor. Day after day,
night after night, tbe conductors on the
Pennsylvania Central and its branches, par
ticnlerlv the PhiladelDhia and Eire road
have been closely watched, and their every
movement noted. Their haunts bave been
discovered, their habits and expenditures
reported, and other means taken to tlx upon
the right parties the crime. All the expe
dients resorted to it would not be proper to
give to the public. Suffice it to say that
every train carried one or more of the defec
tives, male or female, until at lost everything
was reduced, in police parlance, to "very fine
points." Every fare paid, and the amount,
the station, the distance traveled were all
accurately marked and prepared.
Upon the reports of Mr.Pinkerton's agent,
the Company acted. Tbe majority of the
conductor on tbe Pennsylvania Central have
been relieved from duty pendiog tbe inves
tigation, while every conductor on the Phil
aaeluhia and Erie road, now under the con
trol of tbe Pennsylvania Railroad Company,
hat been placed in the tame position. As
a earnest of the Company's intention to
deal rigidly with the offender, Mr. Gibson
wss arrested, tbe prosecution designing to
bring all tbe parties in turn to justice. Mr.
Gibson wss engaged on tbe main road, and
tbe exteut to which be is supposed to have
been guilty may be inferred Irom the amount
of bail demanded upon a primary bearing.
It is suspected that the conductors who are
implicated in these peculation have a secure
anchor to windward.
Every conductor, before entering upon the
discharge of hi duties, is now required to
give a bond la $3000, conditioned for the
lauurui mtcberge or the trust imposed upon
him. This will nrov soma nrotacLinn
the company, as la every case the bond wit)
be seed oat, ia arder to make good, as far
a possible, the ejaculation of the parties.
Ia view of tbe vkoliaxW suspensions, tba
Company bas selected front among its em
ployee tba moat reliable to take tbe place
of thoe who meat bow enuiit to aa kvestl
gatloo. Conductor aa freight trains, good
wen, have beea put ia cbanra of iMuaenuer
J train, and ia this way tba orpomloe i
I endeavoring to reward those- who have beea
, i autaraLAiin.WpAh VtM SltmOameXU.1
London, Not. 27 Noon. The Fenian
trouble in Ireland have assnmed consider
able proportion, and there is no doubt that
serious ouioreaa na occurreu.
Two regiment of national troop were
urgently otttcred to Ireland yesterday after
noon, and t una ports were being prepared
ii last nignt at rortsmouth.
A large detachment of marine wss also
sent over to Queenstowa on the war steamer
Plymouth, and a gunboat at Chatham haa
been ordered t sail for Queoaatowa imme
diately. Much alarm Is felt at Cork and
througbnut Ireland generally.
The London Times of this morning be
lieve that Chief Organiser Stephens would
smm arrive on the scene ; if, indeed, be bat
not already.
HEW Yor. Not. 87th. IbttUrald ha
tbe following special dispatch by the cable :
London, Nov. 27. A marked sensation by
is manifested here t the prospect or an im'
mediate outbreak in Ireland. All the Lon
doa papers of to-day except tbe Post, simul
taneoualy use strong and bitter language
againat tne Fenians, and warn them tbey
will receive no mercy.
Tbe limes says tbe rebellion must le
stamped out as w stamped out tbe cattle
plague. The Jnews says England must put
down relentlessly tbe seditious movement
which her misrule ha stirred up. The Tele
graph declares that measures must be taken
i : -- in i ! . . ... . i .
wuiui win rvmicr u curiam iuat me Terr
first symptoms of revolt shall be stamped
out witn an iron ueei.
The Star says Englishmen dread the
odious necessity of Crushing any rebel
The Standard ssvs the captured robbers
should certainly be left to the just rigor of
tne law, ana there stiouia be no hope lor
them from the United States.
The Morning Herald, referring to the con
demned Fenians in Canada, says that there
should be no loop-hole of escape for future
Troops are being sent to Ireland, and gun
boats are sailing tor Irish ports.
Sugar making in Louisiana bat already
A great revival is going on in the Metho
dist cnurcu, at Savannah, Ua.
The Presbyterian Synod of Virginia is
Doming its sessions at rtortoik.
Of three million children in England over
one million do not attend school.
Kossuth is now at Turin, where, it istaid
be intends to fix his permanent residcucc,
The first American Sunday School v
formed in Pittsburgh in August, 1809.
The Siamese twin are traveling together
in Aficuigun.
It is a beauty's privilege to kill time, and
ii in u kiiis oeauiy.
t tii i .
Gen. Van Valkenborg, our minister to Ja
pan, lias arrived at l eddo.
"Letters from flell" is actually the title of
a Lionaon publication.
V . ... . "
They talk of introducing cloroform into
tue xnew xork slaughter-houses.
A new novel by Bulwer is published. Its
title is, "Welcome, Little Stranger."
Tbe freedmen in Middle Tennessee are re
tusuig to make contracts tor the coming
The New lork Central has its entire road
between Albany and Buffalo laid with dou
ble track and ready for trains.
It is proposed to build a railroad from
Warren, Pa., to Dunkirk, N. Y. Tbe esti
mated cost is $800,000.
Why should there he no free seats in
church? Because you ought not to be made
good tor nothing.
Gen. Hcnningsen, a well known flllibuater
and rebel, is engaged in distilling forty-rod
Whiskey at Kicuinond.
Fred. Douglass and his son bave purchas
ed a bouse at Alexandria, Va., and will soon
take up their residence in that city.
At the election in Frederick county, Md
on the Gth inst., there were 145 rejected
There are 114 Baptist churches in tli
State of Connecticut, with a total member
hip or 18,800.
A man has been arrested in Albany fur
collecting money for the benefit of a church
nuu requiring ui uoiibo wiiu li.
TbeMoosic Powder Mill, near Carbondule
t'a., blew up on the evening ol tbe 5lh lost
the loss is estimated at $20,000.
Nearly twenty thousand boxes of eggs,
containing one hundred dozen each, have
been sent from Maine to Boston this year.
Tennyson, the poet laureate, ha become
a subscriber to the English fund for Gov,
Eyre, the woman whipper of Jamaica.
Gen. Slocum ha taken up bi permanent
residence in Brooklyn. A correspondent
say : "i saw mm and uen. uoward in ilr,
Beechcr church last Suuday.
The ground on which the battle of Bull
Run was fought, and the site of Lee' sur
render at Apponiatnx, were both owned by
one man sir. William McLean, who now
offers tbem for sale.
A law exists in Germsny to prevent drink
ing on the Sabbath during Divine service.
It runs tbu : "Any person drinking in n
le house during service on Sunday, or othe
noiyauy, may legally depart without pay
General Naglee answers the gentle Scbell
who has sued him in San Francisco for
$100,000 for breach of promise, by setting
up, first that he never promised to mairy
her; and, secondly, that be has discovered
her to be of a loose character.
Tbe Chicago Hepullican learns that Messrs.
Scott, Thompson, Terry ami other parties
associated in the construction of the Kansas
branch ot the Union Pacific Railroad, have
just paid George Francis Train $50,000 of
the $350,000 aue nira a commissions I
earlier negotiation of that enterprise.
Tbe Dyspeptic and Rheumatic are the
title ot two base ball clubs, composed of
artist and engraver in New York. In a
late match game Dispepsia got ahead of
Henry Bergh has written a letter calling
tor mercuui mean ot transportation ot cat-
tie from the West to New York. Similar
demanda might be madu on behalf of "hu
mans" transported on certain line.
Tbe Artesian Well at tbe stock ysrds
IJllieao-ft IIMe rMf-lliul w- t.,p an1 tlm miM
crystal liquid is flowing at the rate of sixty
thousand irallona everv twentv-four hours.
This Is not enough, and tbey are going to
aeep uonng mi luey get one hundred and
luuneen tnousand gallons per day.
France support, by voluntary cootribu
tions, 84,000 eveuioir schools, emplovimr
80,000 teachers, and attended by 000,000
pupu, moatiy aauits. , , ..
Last vear 4119,000 vessel cleared and en
tered the port of Great Britain, and oalv
one per cent, of thi great multitude were
Hon. John Morrisey I "in training'
Williard' Hotel, Washington. Somebody
call bim the great tx pounder.
A movement ba beea inaugurated by the
Jew of Baltimore ta repeal or change the
present ouoaay law.
ga laa A Wea&a, la another eolnam, picking
BMharg grape fer Bpser' Vine. It a aa ed In
kle art-el, wed ia U hospitals sad j the tret
elaaj (tallies la Paris, Lead on and He York, la
M give gTentseUstaedoa. fer sal by W. A.
It pnnaus of aa erdsr ef tits Orphans' Court
si Kortbamtoland eeenty, will b sold at pa Wis
le, ob to pmnlMa, oa WEDNESDAY, Till Mta
DAY 07 DKUKMBKR, 1M, lbs IbllowlogawerUMd
rad estate) wit r All that ewtala -
Trati !( IjSibi4
sltaaU la J&wekla township, ITortiiaaBertaad
osnty, Pa., adjoining lands of Pstar Prion ea the
North, Boath bj lands of Bagh Tost sod eUrar.
km ot lanosM roue rnsn, ana wast mj uuxu u
John Wray aad oUms, evnUlniog about sovnttwe
aoros, nor or esh about e aens of which are
loarod and in a good slat of ultivaUoa, whereon
are (rooted a small PRAMS DWELLING H0U8B,
aad a LOU BARN, and other ontbuUdlnge. An Or
ohard, wUh, well selected trait, and aa ex silent
Spring of water at the deer. -
Late the property ot Barbara Ana Alexander, de
eued. Bale to ooUBeno at IS e'sloek A.M., of
1 B. M., '
ed knew.
Mia aj, wuia tne oeadiUoas will be
JACOB K. UCXMCB, Ksesutor.
Br order of tbe Coart.
Deoember 1, IBM.
TN pursusnoe of an order of the Orphans' Court of
1 tfortbumberland eounty, will be sold st nubile
ale, at the roiideooe of the subeoriber, oa .FRIDAY
1 tie. iiKUAi vr, isoe, tho follow
ing aeesrioea rest esiaie, M wit : Ail mat serum
-. we- k-bbw we unnu,
ituatein Lower Aueuita township, Northumberland
eounty, re., adjoining isnas or tne nelr of Ut
Bergitreeier, deceased, on the North, East and South,
and by lands of heirs of John Seers, deceased, on
the Weil, containing Twelve Anree, more or leu, nn
wDica ia ereciea n liVU vntiLinu nuunc,
(weather boarded.) aad a smell FKAMB BARN.
aid land being all eleared and under a good state
of oultivetion.
Also, all that eertata Piee or Treet of Land.
Itunte in the townnhin end eountr. aforentd. ad
joining lands of William V. Silverwood on the South,
inrutian Alinler on tho weet, and Peter Snyder on
the North and Kaet. oontaininc about tweaty-four
aerea, more or lets, about tweWe acres of which are
steered, and tbe balance timber lend.
L.te the property of Mary fit. Clair, deceesed
Beie to commence at 10 o clock A. M., of said de;
wnn in terms ana condition of sale will be m
known by
JUHN SXTDKH, Administrator,
By order of tbe Court,
A. J. CL'MMXNUS, Cl'k 0. 0.
Suubury, Dec. 1, 186e.
And best selling Subscription Book Pub'
TITE sre the moct eztensiv publishers in the
It United State. (haTinoiz houm.) and there-
tore can afford to sell book cheeper and pay agent
n more liberal eommimion than any other oompany.
Our Books do not pee through the hand of
(loners! Arent,(a nearly all other aubterintion
wurka do.) therefore we are enabled to live our con
vener Ih eiu-a per cent, whioh ia uiuelly allowed
to Ueneral Aleut. Experienced canranera will
aoe the advantages of dealing directly with the pub-
Our aerie embrace the moat nonular work on ell
ubjcouof importance, and is selling rapidly both
,vrtu PUU C7UUVU.
via ezeui. ana an oilier, wno want tbe beat dt
ing attendee, will clean lend for circular end see
our term and oompare them and tbe charaoter of
our wurka with thoee of other publiaher. Addresa.
Philadelphia. Pa., Boston, Met., Cincinnati, Ohio.
unioago, in., M. Lome, Mo., or Kioninond, Va.
veoenioen, 1800. tt.
Deo. 1, IBM. 3m
isot. iser.
ProNpeclsse of the Ilarrlnbnrs;
Telegraph Air lt07.
GEO. BEBQNEB, . Proprietor,
As the anproechinc session of the Legislature will
oeooooi unueuai interest to tne people ot fennayl-
vanie owing to the faot that a United States Sena.
tor is to be elected, and other matters of a-reet im
portnnoe will be acted on by the legislate bodies
of tbe Commonwealth and a ebanee will tike pleoe
in the Executive Department of the State, by tbe
inauguration or ueneral ueery aa uorernor tbe et
tention of the public is invited to tbe tollowing
rruspeciua oi in iiABBiasL'ae xaLEGBAra lor
ibor :
Now the largest dailr Datr in Central or Southern
Pennsylvania, besides containing a full report of Ibe
prooeedinga of the Legislature, and a truthful ac
count of attain at tbe Capital, will give copious
telegraiihio report of all important events that
irauapire throughout Ibe country, a snynopai of
Conicraaeioral uroocedinira and other matter
Washington, end will be furnihd by mail oa th
One year In advance, $7 00
8ii month in advance, 3 to
Three " ' I 74
tor tbe Seamen, J 00
Io subscription taken for leas thsa three months,
Will contain a resume of the important buainess
Iransioted in Congress and the Legislature, Tele
graphic report which appear in tbe Daily, Commer
cial and Financial Intelligence, and other important
nmuera neeesaary to make up a om-claas felitlcai
literary ana family in wipe per.
One year, in advance,
tt 00
4 ftO
Three oopie to on address, in advance,
Five copiea to one addreae, and an extra eonv
to the person sending tbeolub, 7 SO
No name will be placed oa our books unlets the
oasn aoooinpantet lb order
Harrisburg, Pa.
"IN J. W. CAKE'S Addition to tho Borough of
JL DunDury, tor oeie on reaaonaDie terma.
Apply to Dr. K. II. AWL and,
Sunbury, Pa.
Or P. W. SnEAFER, PottsvUle, Pa.
Nov. it, lbOS.
AVERY desirabl HOUSE and LOT, situate on
Walnut street, in the Borough of Sunbury, ia
ottered at private aale. The houae ia almoat new and
well Inlshed. Persona deairing to buy, will do well
to examine this desirable residence.
Fur particular apply at th Boot A Shoe Store of
w. it. MlLLfctt
Sunbury, Nov. 24, ISM. 4t
"VJOW la th time to buy your Winter Boots and
1 Shoe. Th eitisena of Northumberland and
vicinity, will have an opportunity to buy Shoe cheap
on thi SATURDAY Aiieruoou and Evening, Nov.
Br visitln the Old Town Hell, where O.
SMITH, Auctioneer, will sell a general assortment,
uitable lor
Most every person knows that they are Tory high,
mw Miaiwiw w miwms vuMr mm pweioie.
Now If yon eaa aav from seventy-five to one bun
area per eeoi, is u not to your advantage to do so
Cans susd ace for Yasaraalrca.
Nov. 14, I&M.
Market street, four doors weet ofWm. U. Miller
Boot aad Shoe More, SUNBURY, Pa.
T ESPECTFULXY in forms her friends In Sunbury
I a a it.i v - I . a.
jl v -ewiuiij, iam Haw mmm jus opai mm
ot Notions aad Fancy Dry floods,
Her stock oonsits of All-Wool Detain, b broide
ries, Lac Collars, HI cashed aad unbleached Mwlins,
Sheetings, Drillings, Oaribaldi Muslins, Bird Kv
Linens, Alapaea, Po;
puna, urap ana aao Veus.
Ladia' Winter HATS, Ladles' Wools Caps, Break
wi onawis, aeatage.
Children's Woolen Circular, .
. Children's Woolea BkirK.
Mm. Demorest'a Hair Curler. Hair Coil aad
Cures, elov, Bteestags, Collar, Corset. Ac.
licet' Collar, Neoktlsa, ball He, Haadkor
bten end Hesiiender.
Btadley' a Patent Duptea Xllipti (at doubt
BpincSAUa , ,
HOPKINS Elllpti Bkares. .
Perfaaary, Toilet Boeps, Heir Brush, Oembs,
1 iaabary,
geaarat vartoii of AWT1UN3.
in I y !HHM.U sg&. Tot mm him. I ui
ift V fjylWTHEBsran igeata, X
B SSI SeH St, TetoSe, O. )el
jlcs-bmtto wirracD.
Support Home Industry !
Bat rEvry Deserlptlsat
A FULL A880RTMIFT Jsst oraaaa ky
fw door west ofBenaett'l Dreg Slot, Market St.
CALL andkexamh tb large assortment of tho
latest Hew .York aad Philadelphia styles of
niaaaatrk, Warwick, Tartar,
Halr-Dre, Resort, PI eater, Half-Planter, Driving,
Silk, Quaker and Brash
BOY'S ATS aad CAPS of every style and variety.
These stvles of Hat which for beauty aad du
rability eannot he axoelled. Being n praetieal Hat
ter, he flatters himself that bis stock has beea sleet
ed with more sere uaa any ever before brought to
Ui plan. . ' t ' . '
lie also esanunaiarc to eraer nil auras oi eon
Pur Hats, all of will eh will be sold at waeiosel aad
rslail, atraasonabl rates.
Dyeing done el short not lee nndattao lowest rate.
Bunhory, Jtov. M. 18M, ' ;
Bl-ana Baatd lsintracnraWn Par Sale.
mHX Liberty Cornet Band, of MUlersburg, offers
X 'or sal a eampleto set of Brass Horns, eonaiit-
iageftnree jbd Dorset, two ao vornet, uree ad
Alto, three Lb Tenor,, one lb Baritone, aad two
Eb Be. The instrument aro all in good order
and can be bad cheap, by applying to
Nov. U, 18M.-K MUlersburg, Penn'a.
1 r . E.aat'a
Sr. Leon's Electrie Hair Benewer.
It ia a positive cure for Baldness
It restores Urey iJair to its Original Color.
It is a Tonic, not a i)y, aad act upon th aeoretioas.
It immediately arrest railing out of the Hair.
It alleviate Neuralgia and Heedaohe. .
It radically cures Dandruff and Humors.
It keeps th asalp healthy, clean and cool.
It is an elegant and exquisitely frezraut Hair
Dress ins-. -
It restores, Cultivate and Beautifies the Hair.
It makes harsh Hair flexible and Lustrous.
Ir. liTon'a Klertrlo Hair Rssewa
tr has enjoyed a bigb local reputation for menv
years. Its wonderful restorative and Invigorating
propertie ere well known to the Medioal Faculty
of PhiladelDhia. -
Peine fully ealisfled of tbe merit of Ieosa'e
Klectrie Ilnlr KetaeMrer wo have nro-
eured exclusive ownership nnd aro determined that
every nousenoid in our lend snail nave opportunity
io reep it nenents.
A most delightfnl nad effleaoious cure for the va
rious ill to which Infanta and Young Children are
It softens th gums, abates inflamation, Invigorates
the stomach and bowels, correct acidity, and is a
sure and speedy cure for
Colic, Crtsmpa and Windy Palate.
A most excellent preparation for children of a
restless end fretful habit and in all cues of
lioejencwM. Urlnlfitr. Votnitlmsr or
other inward grief, it give immediate eeae.
used tor more than naif a century in tbe private
prectice of one of iha most eminent physician in
In now placing this article within tbe reach of all
our countrymen, we would remerk that we know it
to be a Remedy of unrivaled excellence end that it
ba proved in thousands of case, as we are resolved
it shall in millions, a prioele boon.
For Sale by Druggists Everywhere. Address all
orders to
137 Nortls Third tit., PhM'a.
OAVES Tim. Labor. Money; make WASHING
Sold Everywhere. TRY IT!
November 24, 1800. ly
UOOTBt, SUOU!, A.U Tltl.U!l
W. "W. A. P8LE TT ,
A Urt lot of Boots and Shoes juat received. A
fine let of TRUNKS on hand. A gene
ral assortment of Oent's Travelling
Satcbela, R R. Bags, Valises,
Ac, Ac, Ac, Ac
At the well-known houae of Mr. Coulton, Market
Street, between Third and Fourth streets.
Sunbury, Sept. 29, 1888.
or ,
Market Square, I doors east of th Nw Court House,
HATE received a large quantity of new FALL
aad WINTER OOODS, whiob they offer to the
iraao et ine lowest possini prio.
Their stock of Ladies' Drees Goods is large, and
aontains a greater variety then cen be found in any
country establishment. Call and examine.
Black and Fancy Silk, Gro d Grain, Oro de
Rhine, Taffetas, Ac. of every width nnd price. Me.
rino of all shades and colore, all-wool Plaids, Irish
and French Poplins, Black Figured and Striped
li . x- n.iL. o:ii i ui..i tii ? i -
niRpww, j-.uiprvm viutne, diik end Vf 001 neias,
Mobair Lustr es, ail-wool lelaines, Mouuelaine De
laioes, Black and Whit Checks, Ao.
Deserves particular attention. Shawls, Cloaks,
Opera Flannels, Mantillas, Hoop Skirls, A.
Contains it more than usaal supply of Laoes, Ho
siery, uievea, eto.
Comprise a new aesortmaat of Gntlmn's Fur
nishing Uoods, Cloths, Calicos, As.
Th larr Carpet Department of th establishment
now filled with a fresh and elegant lot of new styles
and pet teres.
Embraces WALL PAPER of all kinds and price.
Window Shades, Paper,
do, , do Oil large, new assortment.
OII, Palata, Coal
Fish, Pork, Coarse and Fin Salt, Coffee, Tea,
gar, molasses etyrap. npiees, ao.,
Groceries, Tobacco, Sogers aad Snuff, togethet with
a large variety of miscellaneous goods at prices that
eeanot tail to satisfi pareaasere.
Banbury, October 13, 186. -
Valuable Farm for Sale.
rTUJE -eKkecriber. 'desiring to move West, offer lor
X sal hi FARM, situate in Lewis township, Nor
thumberleud eounty, near McEwensville, on the
rood leading to Turbutville, (two miles weet of that
SI aoe. aad about three miles from Waesontown su
nn, ea th Phila. A Eri Kailroad. Th farm
oatalna -
Tw llaaelrast Acroa af tha Flrat
' tgmalliT af Farastasg Laad,
twaty acre of which I woodland, aad eh balance
ta th high not of cultivation.
Th land t well irrigated by a stream of runaiag
end two aever-teiling prlng. - Th improve
meeta are a lam lwor Brkk Dwelling Uoua,
large Vak Bora, ( by 104 leeij two double
Wagoa Sheds, Spriag House, aad ether eutboese.
Also, a good Tenant Heuee, Stabling, aad all no
San as i euthwUdieg TWO API Lb ORCHARDS,
aad a large aumberef Peeek aad esher fruit trees.
Th Set sill be feaenaebl. For farther lnr
neilen tewwiMe' tkaiubsenbsr, Bee MeKwensville,
NrtkamberU4 eeeusly, Pa
m : - WMOJT CAMM0Jt.
9w)w4sew9 aw lB0 '"wwaa
and aeecr
Ouvtaa Maker Wanted bay Felloe.
Snake, Make, Aataa MnrtafS, Raads, Heiaj
aeervseuaa aartaiaiaa to the teslaaan (A aba
ataWsMlMlmaJerjef .
' Ta Sell
"The Horte end ether Live Stock."
Th beat subscription book In tH market, contain.
Ing over 1JO0 peges with more tbaaXWlluea-etiona,
ieer. ii give a complete ilia,
wy of Hones, Cattle, Sheep, Swine end Poultry,
ith their veriou disease uJ MaarfiM. fil . j
reliable agent wanted In every neighborhood.. For
vwsue, bo., aa areas,
, ll Cheaaut street, Philadelphia, Pa.
November IT, ISM lm r
321 CheeUBt8Ureet, PHILADELPHIA.
Are opening a very Salt list of th production of
Foreign Induatry aad Art, of their own selection In
European Capital, including a great variety of ar
ticle of Use and Ornament, ia
Bronx, Bronte tod Qllt, Qilt and Crystal, Cat Ola
Decorated Leather aad Porcelain.
' . Of every variety sad pru.
French Mantel Clocks, -
Vaes, Figure and Candelabra,
Ia great variety, aad all warranted.
A large and very ehoioo selection.
silver, ware.
An lees eased line of Rich Articles for Bridal Uifbm
and Table as.
from the Beet English aad Americas Maufaetaneu-
oompriaing altogether a collection attractive ia beau-
.complete In detail, and moderate in price.
November IT, I860. 2m
Aaaerlaait Artlate Union I
A amc r I can Artlete' Ijaloa t
American Atlt, Union!
18M I announce that in order to extend the elir
the following well known aad highly popular
The Last Supper - 26x42 in.
iepervuro oi me riignm atnar for Am-
Landing of th Pilgrim Fathers,
Falstaff Mustering his Recruits,
Sbakapeare and his Friends,
vww a ceturuey nignt,
Village Blacksmith,
manitest uestlny, (Fortune Telling)
The Massacre at Wvominv In 1T7S
Mount Vernon in the olden time, or, Wash-
ingunatwyeenege, 26x34
The esoap of Alaster MecDonald from the
massacre of Gleneoe, 28x34
The Medonna, 26x34
They have deemed expedient to offer them to their
irienuaanauopoDiioatone dollar and fifty cent
eech, tbe price, heretofore having been two dollar
each, and for tho purpose of stimulating tbe
getting up of Clubs, they have determined to sward
premiums to th getter up of the Clubs, and In addi
tion thereto to distribute amongst the subscriber
tbe sum ofSiu.OOO in money and paintings, as soon
aa th sale shall have reached 100,000 engravings
As it is oar intention to advertise very extensively,
and as the engravings are well known throughout
the whole country, we have no doubt, that with the
low price we cnarge lor tnem, and with Ibe exertion
which will be put forth bv onr numerous friends, ih.
number will be reached in a short time. As soon as
it is reached, the subscribers, through tbeir Club
A genu, will be notified by a circular letter from us,
Miv.iuiv buv uieuioa oi aisiriDutlon.
Single Engraving f I 50 each by mail free.
ir we win sena li tnr. a J to tne Club A rent
" 20 ' " 14 i. 4
' 30 24 " 8 "
" 3 " " 3C " T " "
JO ii M .. a Silver Wateh.
" ,Ii " " 80 " Silver Lever.
" 100 " Ho ' a Hunting Lever.
The Clnb packages will be verv nVrf
end forwarded by Express.
ny person may get up Clubs and forward the
amount either by Expreaa, Sight Draft. Post Office
Order or in a registered letter, and in all eases tbe
Engravings will be immediately sent, and for each
engraving a numbered certificate aad receipt will be
enclosed in the package. .
C. O. D. ORDERS. Persons wishing to send for
Engravings and pay th Express Co. when they are
received, will be required to (end with tbeir order
$2 to A, according to it amount, and this will be
credited on their bill.
Tc be distributed
One of $10,000 in money,
4,000 '
Five of 1.004 "
Ten of ion
Fifty of 100
One hundred elegant Oil Paintings, richly
framed Landscapes, at I0 each,
Two hundred elegant Oil Paiatinga, richly
framed, Interior View, at S&v each,
10,004 10,000
that these premiums art to b considered only in the
light of a free gift to their patrons, as th Engrav
ings are furniahed them below tbeir market value,
and as th eot of engraving, after the plates are
procured. vary trifling, they can easily afiord to
make the distribution, large as it is.
W trnst that our numerous friends throughout the
country and Canada will us their utmost exertions,
so that if possible, the distribution may be made
soon, and it can be done if they are active. Ladies
have often made excellent Club Agent for us and
wesolioit their kind effort, which will not go unre
warded. Let one or more energetic person in everv
town and village in tho country commence soor
a they ae thi, and get up a large a Club a posei
ble. By ao doing they will be the means of Intro
ducing elegant engraving into families, and thu
aid in the cultivating a Uste for the beautiful an
refined. Address Orders
Bac. Ausaicxa Autists' Csioa,
Ji Pins street, New York.
Nov. IT, 1866. 3m
OrClothlaa;, V Oent'a Fssralahla
THE undersigned takes pleasure in announcing
lb public of Sunbury, aad vicinity, that he 1
opened hu
with a well
seiectwdl stock of
whish hoi
I pro pared to sell at astontshinr low nr-'
As I am determined to brine down pricee aa n
as possible, and as I am doing no credit bus
end sustain no losses, it will be to the advsx
of Casa Bstibs to give me a call.
Next door to Geo. Bright' Drug Sto
Sunbury, October 20, 1S68.
CALL and tee those beautiful Bird Cage a
new Hardware store of
Wholesale Dealers ia
hi aa lecturers of
Three Doors East of P. A E. R. R. Depot, Fr
Tbe Baker Wagoa will run daily to Sunb
Selins'Urove, to serve customers. Order a
Northumberland, Nor, 17, !M Iv
lhlladlpiaa Ac Eria Rallr.
rrUlIS great line traTotsoa th Northern am
X weet counties ol Penasylvaaia to th eit
oa Leke Eria.
It hea beea leased and U operated by the
vaaia kailroad Compaay. .
Time of fmesengsr Trains mi Sumi'
Lea Eastwatd.
Erie Mail Train, li t
Erie Expreaa Train, 8.)
, Klmlr Mail Train, 10.:
Lear Westward.
Erie Mall Train, I t
trie kx press Ttaia - .
Elaira Mail Train, 4 4!
Paaaeagereenrea tkreagb tbe Eric
Expreaa Train witaeoA ehaeg betb we
FhUadelphia and Erie.
iiew l'ark Caaaaotloi
Lsv Now York et t.N a a, arvrve at I
a. Leev Nea York et At p. as,, err
T.ltp. a. Leave krieett 0 p.m., err
York 4.44 n. a. Loav Erie at i a.
Lew York V 10 a. m. - 1
For moraatioa rapeeimg Peeeena
apply s Car. Hh aad ktari.el St., Phil
Aad tor Freight beunaem f tb Ooapa
."?" J, aad
Philadelphia. .
i. W. Reynolds, Era.
, WUUaa Brwa, A seat W. 0. . .. '
!-.", JK. Honaeoa,
W. Swiaeaa,
V.' Goal Ticket Ac'
, A. L. TY LEA,
Paf I, W.