N. B. ENOUD. 'Jfubltaher. 8ATCRDAT. 0 VEMBER 84. 1806 fl.org 1 Affaire. , L fTu Lawlsburg National Bank has declared .dividend of t pront., out of lac profitl of the last six months. lyOcn cotetoporsry oi th Lewlsburg CaWwt tit recommends Ex-Gov. Pollock for V. 8. Senator, la plac of tb renegade, Edgar Cowan. IjT A LAitoa new bell, from ihe Troy works, for the new Lutheran Church, at Bbamoktn, arrival at tbe company wsrohome, in tbii place, a few day! lnee. y Tbi Niw Maioxtc Hall ii progressing, Dot--withstanding tbe lata unfavorable weather. The workmen are now putting up tbe third story, tbe Mjriok work of which will be completed in a few days. ty Koubcrt at Milto.t. The (hoe ibop of "Win. P. Welker, (formerly of Sunbury,) inMillon, -itb entered by mean! of falae keys on Saturday vilght of last week, and six pairs of boots, including other article, to the amount of $125, were stolen. p" Baviko Fc.id. At the annual meeting of ;th Shamokin Saving Fuud Association, on Monday eight, the following, officers were elected to icrve 'the ensuing year : rrcsi jent, R. B. Douty; Vloe President, P. Bird; Treasurer, Wm. H. Douty; "Director!. John Shipp, K. A. Ammerman, Wm. M. .-Bickel, M. Ernes, Owen M. Fowler. tyTac MtLTO!f First is again in successful operation after a delay of several days, to the grati fication of all wbo have occasion to use the same. Ihe proprietor, W. II. Bogle, Esq., has determined not to ferry after night. Therefore all those who do not come between early in the morning and late in the evening, will not be able to make a crossing. (dp The Rkmoval or tub old Cocrt IIoosi will grently improve the appearance of Market square, when tbe rubbish is removed and things put inordor. "The view through Market street, from the river to the hill, is now unobstructed. Very little labor aud expense will make the square appear much more attructive than it ever appeared be fore. tjVTnOVDLE amo.io Kailroad Coxdcctori. We understand that the fourteen conductors who run the different passenger trains between this place and Erie, ou tbe Philadelphia A Eric Railroad, have been suspenaed. Some of these conductors, wbo reside in this place, have hitherto sustained a good character, and we trust that the charges against thsm will prove unfounded. Nine conductors on the Pennsylvania road have been discharged recently. A number, also, on the Baltimore A Philadelphia road have been dis charged. tJ-SHAiioKi.H Affairs. The Herald, of last week, says that the members of St. Edward's Catho lic Cburcb, of that place, intend giving a dinner at their cburch building ou Thanksgiving day, from 1 to 3 o'clock, P. SI. Iu the evening there will be a fesiiral in tbe same room, at which every variety of refreshments will be served up. The proceeds to assist in paying for the removal and enlargement of Ibeir church. A greut deal of real estate in Shamokin has been changing bunds during the past lew weeks. Ihe pricea obtained lire grently in excess of all for mer deuiuuds, and show the confidence people have in tbe future pros; erity of tbe town. Tbe desire for bouses md lots in eligible portions of tbe town is greater than ever bus been known. Though tbe number of buildings put up the past summer has fur exceeded tbnt vf uny former seuson, still the number of bouses is insufficient to supply the demand. Mr. Joseph Bird has sold bis valuable lots on the corner of Shauiokiu and Commerce streets, to Mr. S. Bittcnbcuder, for $10,000. Ij- Collision and Narrow Escai-i at Dak till. The Intelligencer says that on Monday night, 12;h ir.st., about 12 o'olock, a two horse carriage containing four young men. Wm. JIullihen, Hichard Eggert, John Hummer aid Christopher Woods, residents of that plaoe, were coming down Mill street to the crossing of the Lackawanna Rail road, just as a train of freight cars was approaching. They pulled up their horses suddenly, but not in sufficient time to avoid a collision. Tbe locomotive struck the horses, killing one and wounding the otber. Tbe front of tlio carriage and fore wheels were completely demolished. The collision threw Woods and Hullihen out, the latter on the cow catcher, which be held firmly to aud escaped with his life; Woods got off with a sprained ankle. Tbe wagon was hurled over some three or four times, but the balance of lha party escaped. The horses and carriage belonged to Mr. Kiobard Hullihen, iwbose lots must be in tbe neighborhood of $3U0. ly Convention or Good Templars. The lodges of Good Templars located in the counties of Union, Snyder, Northumberland, Montour and Co lunibia, met in convention at tlloouisburgon WedneS' day evening, Nor. 7th. Tbo convention was called to order by the W. C. T., Rev. N W. Colburn, of Mifflinburg, when Rev. M. Rhodes, of Suubury, opened it with prayer. Delegates from the ten lodges in the District pre sented their credentials, aud were duly received as members of the convention. Tbe attendance of visitors was large, and on motien all tbe members of the order were admitted as advisory members. An election for officers of tbe convention resulted ju follows: W.C. T., Rev. M. Rhodes, of Sunbury; W. V. T., Miss Maggie Af pieman, of Bloomt.burg; W. S ., Geo. . llackett, of Lewisburg. The oon vention adjourned to. meet in Sulinsgrov on tbe evening of the 1st of May,.lbS7. 13T Swindling in Union County. Tbe Mifflin burg Tttigravh mentions a number of caaes of swindling effectel by bogus agents traveling through that. region. Among others, it says: A party came along, pretending to be agents for a New Y'ork dry goods firm that wosoom pelted to raise a large amount ef money in a short time, and in order to do this tbey were selling goods at a very low figure, beaver cloth fur $1.00 per yard, Brussels caipet at 50 cents, muslin and calico at 8 aud 10 oenls, Ac. A good oi any persons purchased of them, but were oonside rably taken down when, on taking some of tbem o th tailors they were told that tbe goods were not forth makiug up. Tbe boldest rascals of all were a couple of men f bo were selling tbe right of a patent hay-fork 'bey succeeded iu persuading several of our cltisens purchase tbe right oi Union and Snyder oeunttes, oiMled up one tbousaud dollars, and then left, no oubt to try their game at some other place. Tbe apers tbey gave iu regard to tbe right ore said to s forgeries. lyTsi New Bane Building. Th new bank g nous and residence of tbe First National Bank Ibis plaoe, is last approaching completion. la its itign, appcarauuo and construction, it is not sur ssvd by any building w know of i Northern Misylvauia. Tb .Fault iu the banking house, ibi ul security aud durability, is equalled by few ai.y, iu the Sum. Ib lb Am plac it is com e4 of thrs sections of chilled iron, hoitd to- iiitr, toriuing an immense iiun saf. weighing ;hieco luiis, and over and around this is built .feWs wall of stone and briok masonry, about fiv t thick. The approach to th inner aanatum icb will ooulaia h taoacy and niost valuable uritiee, ts through tuuy waMU chilled iron doors, b secured with on of tlobb s eslebrated eombioa I lucka. W should sot fear risking all v had 1b i vault, and giv th most xprt burglars la to Id twenty-four hours start. Th First Natiooal ik of Suubury, formerly th old ''Bank of Nor- nibcrlaod," has alwayi been rw kad as oa of th Oonduoted bank iu Pennsylvania, and Bow witb additional safeguard it will rank as fesof bwt sad sofsm loth Stat. ,. . , - , fFot the tfunbary American. ;.1'b ShnmoliiH Creek OU Co. r . Smtdirtowm. Nov. 21. Ma. Kniroa i Itav lag not seed en account In your last week's issue of tbe Shamokin Creek OU Com pany, I thought, wbile visiting the well to-day, that perhaps a few ltms In regard to Iheoparatlous would be Interesting to your many readers. They uomtueneed boring oa solid rook 14 feet from the surface, aud have new bored some 60 feet in the same rock. It is of the same uniform hard nature, with but slight variation. There is, apparently, a alight mixture of limestone with it. ibeir prospect! are very encouraging. At the depth of thirty feet small portions of oil was raised by mean! of the sand pump. To-day I witnessed tbe operation of sand pumping. The drillings of rock that cams from the bottom of the well were saturated with oil, wbioh seemed to exoite the spec tators who were standing by. It was also very sur prising to Messrs. Thursby and Jaekaon, the experi enced operators, wbo are sanguine of success. Having visited many of the oil produoing counties in the western part ol Ibis State, it was a strange peculiarity that I never before witnessed. On Thursday of last week they were enabled to pat on their eomplete outfit of boring apparatus, weighing some BOO pounds, and being down n depth of About 40 feat, they now cxpeet to drill much faster. Although the oil business, In some esses, has here tofore proven a humbug to many of our citizens, (and wenotloe by a lata issue of the Eunbury Gas-errs that tbe editor of that paper estimates it iu that light, and has turned tbe oold shoulder to the enterprise,) yet we feel it Is tbe duty ef every oili sen to encourage the operations ot Uaugbawout A Co., now in progress. It has been erroneously supposed by many that Jietroleum only exists where bituminous coal is ound, but that theory has long since been exploded, and we do not know of any reasons why oil may not be found in this section of country. TETROLIA. Editor'! Table. Til Axebicar Agriculturist. The December number of this excellent agricultural journal con tains its usual amount of matter, valuable not only to tbe farmer, but Interesting to all classes of read ers. Published by Orange Judd, Park Row, New York. GoDir't Ladt'i Book. The December number of this incomparable Lady's Magatine is already on our table. It is tbe lost for the year, but not the leaat In importance. The steel plates, fashion plates and wood outs, of whioh there are a goodiy number, as usual, have not been excelled by any previous number, and tbe literary matter is all that could be desired. Marion liarland will commence a now story in the January number. Terms for the new year are as follows : Ono eopy, $3,00 ; two copies, $5 50 ; three copies, $7.40; four copies, $lti,00, Ac. The New Yore Mi sical Gaxette. This is the title of a new monthly journal just commenced by Mason Brothers, 496 Broadway, New York. Each nunibor will contain at least twelve quarto pages, four of which will be Music The publishers design enlisting tbe beet musical talent in tbe country iu the preparation of its page. The Music will be new, easy, and of a popular oharacter, inoludiug vocal and instrumental, sacred and secular. Terms, One Dollar, in advanco. Tbe Atlantic Monthly, for Deoember, has been received. This is a solid number, tbe bast articles in which are "The Fall of Austria," by C. C. Haiewell, a fine historical study ; further por tions of "Hawthorne's Note Books;" 'Through Broadway," by II. T. Tuckermau. and "John Pier punt," a series of personal recollections by John Neu I, of Portland. The best poutrv here is 11. W. Emerson 'a "My Garden." "Tbe Sword of Bolivar.'1 by J. T. Trowbridge, has some fine slantus. Other apers are by u. Reynolds, the author of-'lior- an." J. rt.i'aliner. C. i t. ranch, and Forcette Wilson. Bbadlb's Monthly. The contents of the De cember number aro: "Tbe Valley of the Amnion," (illustrated) ; "The Hunter and the Doe," a poem by Phoebe Cary ; continuation of "Who Was lie V "Measurement ol tue Mental Telegraph, "The Burleigh Legacy," a story ; "Possibilities," chapter 11; "Anionic the Hoirirartva." an Irish storv : "The Story of Love," a poem, (illustrated); "One More nlortunate, astorv: "CouteOui Coute." a Dceni : Ihe Source of Labor:" "Charon." a noein : "The Romance of the Ureen Seal," conclude,! ; "The Ed ucation of our Boys;" "American Quail and rouse;" "Fashion as it was." illustrated : Current Notes, on Books, etc. Published by Bvadlo A Co., 116 William street, New York. The Lady's Friend, ron December. The De cember number of this beautiful Magazine reminds us by its profuse display of attractions that the Hol idays are approaching. Tbe charming steel engra ving. "Under the Mistletoe," and tha more elabo rate design of t lint which is appropriately termed viu rums ar. Home ann joung Uncs Abroad, nave atreci reicrenc-e to the nappy and Itetive Ubnst- mas season. Ihese engravings are executed on steel, and in the finest style of the art, as a compa rison with those in other tnagasinea will prove. ext there is a beautiful colored enirravine. de- cned as a pattern for Berlin Wool Work and Beads. Then a splendid double-paced colored fashion plute. Next, we hare a wood engraving o! "The Tourna- moot a Chris:miis ainuscuicut ; a pieoc of u.usic, and a boat of ether wood engravings, devoted to the iiisnions. ueraie-worK, e me literary matter is, usunl, of the best quality. Tbe publishers an nounce, in addition to the heeler A Vt ilson Sewing Machiucs, asplendid list of new premiums, iucludiug nver ana goiu watches, guus and riiles, dollies wringers, mehulrons and organs. Appletou's Cyclo paedia. Ac. A beautiful steel engraving. 20 inches lie liy 20 wide, colled "One of Life a HanDV Hours," will be sent gratis to every single ($2.aU) subscriber, and to every person sending a club. Specimen uumbers of the uiagntine, containing tbe particulars ol tne premium oners and the reduced prices to olubs, will be sent on the receipt of 20 cts. Price (with engraving) $2.50 a year ; four copies witn ono ens-raviiicl xn uu : elirlit copies (witb extra magatine aud au engraving) $12.00. Address, Deacon A Peterson, 31V Walnut streot, Philadel phia. BUSINESS JMOTICES. Fob Winter. J. 11. Engel has just received the second supply of Ladies' Fubs at greatly reduced prices. ictorinea and Muffs at $1U and upwards. Handsome setts for children. A Yaxkeb doctob has recently got up a remedy for bard times. It consists of ten hours' hard labor, well worked in. Tbe best remedy we know of is to invest a small sum of money in one of tbe eheap and handsome suite of winter clothing manufactured at J. . Smick's tailoring establishment, on Fourth street. NoBTiiuMBERLAxn. We call attention to the advertisement tf Mr. W. W. Apsley, in another column, wbo will sell at auction at the Town Hall, In Northumberland, this (Saturday) afternoon and evening, a large and splendid assortment of Boot and Shoes. It will be to the Interest of ererv ona to attend this sale, as his goods are of the very best quality. More New Goods. Mr. Samuel Faust announ ces in another column that he has just received from the citv a hanrlimmn uuirlmpnl nl Iful. f A . of the latest styles, for men and boys, which he will en cucaji lor vasu A stnvANT, newly engaged, presented to his aiaster, one. morning, a pair of boots, tbe leg of one of Wliieb wss much longer than the other. "How comes it, you rascal, that thee boots are not of the sam length ?" "I really don't know sir ; but what bothers me moat is tbat th pair down stairs is In tbe same fix." Miller, of th Exoelsior Boot and She Store, Market street, sails boot and shoe of all styles and stses, eheap for cash. IMI .SlSSJW A Few Reasohs why everybody should buy at S. Kronenberg s Cheap Clothing Store : 1st. U sells cheaper than anybody sis in this plac. Sd. He has better good! than anybody else in this plac. 3d, IT sell mor than anybody .! in this plac, and consequently can sell cheaper. Any Baa wbo is in need of clothing ean sav TWENTY-FIVE FXE CEBT. !J by buying a th Cheap Clothing Store of . 8. Kbomeebebo, Next to Geo. Bright' Drug Store. TEE mam who couldn't "trust bis feelings" is supposed to do business ntisly on th cash basis. Speaking of a "casb basis" reminds ns of the larg Bud suoeessrul tusiaes Uarry.Thacher Is doing, ''on that Una," at bis store la tbtord Boulloaalaai, Mar ket street, lb eeeretof bis success is that be giv a better and hapr arlUla, far cash, thaa ean b bad ouUid of th large allies. DO IT IUMBBIATBLY. lb faMt, u MS UTS th shadow r tb substano fade," and In ardor to d so to good advantag, g straightway to Byrl'i Photograph Ball cry, in bimpsoa'i bunding, Market atraet, Suubury. Mr. B. is prepared to furnish Pko tograpb and AmWretype ia all style tad sites. W would advis all who desire to bar a good rietsr fj Ms yrly a visit. - - - - - Tre Empress Carlotta look out of Mexico, when ihe left for Europe, all of Maximilian's jewels and spare speoie. Wa should also judge that she rook his best suit of olothes, as report! say bis pre sent salt, whir a it appear Is tbe only ana he bu, "Is almost threadbare, and disgrace to lha Mexl oaa throne.' Wa shall be happy to recommend him to Book's fashionable tailoring establishment, on Fourth street, If he should happen to go through Bunbury on his way home. ALL Aobbed. A good deaoon, making an offioisl visit to a dying neighbor, who wss a very unpopu lar man, put the usual question : "Are yoa willing to go, my friend T" "O yes," said the dying man. I am glad of that," said the deaoon, "for all th neighbors are willing." They are alto willing that every one should go to the Continental Clothing Bataar, Market street, aad get suit of the eheap and fashionable ready-mad olothlng at that estab lishment, beoause they well know that everybody gets tuiuj wbo goes there. ' . CP To Claim Aoents. Blanks for th collec tion of "Claim! ot Private Soldiers aad Non-Corn missioned Officers," tinder the late Aet of Congress, equalising bounties, have boen printed and are now for sale at the American office. We keep on hand a full supply of all kinds of military blanks, which we sell very cheap. They are copied from blanks prepared in the Departments at Washington, and ean be relied on for correctness. Orders from a dis tance will reoeive prompt attention. s riw Life Insurance. " I do not need It, having neither wife, family, or dependent relations." But you may need it for yourntlf. Tbe Mutual Lifb Insurance Company, of New Tork, will issue yon a Policy, payable to yourself at the age of 50, 50, SO, or 84, or to your heirs, in ease you die before attaining that age. Ihe rum thus secured, invested in an annuity, will afford vou a comfortable support in your old age. Sucb a Policy combines the advan tages of a safe and profitable investment for your own benefit, payable at a time when it will proba bly be most acceptable, with a certain provision for your family in oase of your previous death. Jacob Shipman, Iurt ana Lift Imuranrt Agtnt, Suubury, Pa. DEATHS. In this place, on Monday last, PETER B . MAS- SEH, aged 51 years, 7 months aud 8 days. The funeral, wbicb was conduoted by and under the charge of his Mosonio brethren, took plaoe on Wednesday afternoon, from the residence of his brother, II. B. Masser. In Upper Augusta township, on Wednesday last, ISAAC K., son ofUco. W. and Sarah Stroh, aged about A years. In this place, on Thursday last, Mr. SAMUEL ADAMS, aged about 30 yenrs. Kl'.IiritV MAItltUTN. Corrected Weekly for the "American." Wheat Floar, extra fumily, per barrel, $1 00 8 00 10 00 & 50 8 00 1 00 1 10 80 50 85 25 30 15 3 DO 45 30 25 25 28 do do do do per cwt. per bbl. per cwt. per bushel, do d Rye Flour, do Wheat, prim red Rye, Corn, old t-orn, new Oats. do Potatoes, do Dried Peaches, pared per round do do unpared do Dried Apples. do Dried Cherries, (unstoned.) per bu. Butter, per pound, Eggs, per dozen, Cheese, per pound, Lurd, do . Hums, do NhiAinoklii 4,'oal Trade. Ssamoein, Nov. 20, 1888. Tout. Ctrl. Sent for week ending Nov. 17, 14.511 02 Per last report, 489,002 01 50H.57S 03 400,0 08 To same time last year, Incrense. U4.473 15 Special Notices. Cough. A Cold, or A Sore Throat, Requires immediate attextio, and should be checked. If allowed to coxtixce, Irritation of tbe Iuiikm, A Perinnnent Xlsroat IMaeiaHe, or Con Kiint pilots ia orrEN TUE RESULT. II R O W H II It O V II I A I- V II O C II G s HA Vl.ia A DIRECT INFLUENCE TO THE FARTS, GIVE IMMEDIATE BELIEF. For Bronchitis, Asthma, Catarrh, Consump tive and Throat Diseases, Troches ar used with always good success. SINGERS AND PUBLIC SPEAKERS will find Trorkr useful in clearing 111 voice when taken before Kinging or Speaking, and relieving the throat after an unusual exertion of th vocal organ. The TWAm are recommended and prescribed by Phvsicians. and have bad testimonials Irom eminent men throughout the eountry. Being an article of true merit, and having proved their efficacy by a test of many years, each year finds them in new locali ties in rorioua parts of th world, and th Troche arc universally pronounced Better man omer ar' Holes. OaTAixonlv "Browk Bronchial Troches," and do not lake any of the Worthless Imitations that may be offered iSold Everywhere. November 24, 18(18. Cm Tna Vali'E of Pcrb Wine im Sicemess. Few people are aware of the benefit of wiue in sickness, consequently we publish the following extract from Hooper's Medioal Dictionary : "The olnef difficulty with reliable wines has been their scarcity and ex nrbiiant price, but this has been removed by the introduction of a nure native wine, extensively cul tivated hv Mr. A. Sneer, of New Jersey. We understand be h-eubmitled his wine to the test of many of our celebrated physicians, and all concur in iia nuritv. niedieinal nroDerties. and superiority to tbe best Port. wine. Most of them prescribe it m a. -f .1.- I.f.l .nj in oases oi ueniiity, eneouona oi me amuvjr, ehronio compluiuts. I hxamuitr. This wine ean be bad at the Drug Store of W. A Bennett, Market street, Sunbury. ITCH! ITCH! ITCH! SCRATCH ! SCRATCH! SCRATCH! W II EATON'S OINTMENT Mill Cure lite 1 1 Hi 1st 4 Hours. Also cure SALT RHEUM. ULCERS, CIIIL I1I.A1X.S. and all ERUPTIONS OF THE SKIN Prin.. .Ml Vnr lie ihe druriMsts. rW send inir All cents to WEEKS A POTTER, Sole Agents 170 Waabinaton atreeL Boston, it will be forwarded by mail, free of postage, to any part of the United 1 r i art 'flft,v je 23 '66y Ixrmrotal Jnstitutc FOR. SPECIAL OASES, .o. 14 llosid --irert Sew Tork. Full information, with tb biehest testimonials also a Book on Speoial Disease, iu a sealod envelop sent free. v-Us sur and send for tbem, and you will not regret it ; fur, as advertiaiug physicians are eenerally impostor with refereucea no stranger should b trusted. Enclose a (tamp tor postage, and direol 101 Dll. LAn flfcAlt,, M, 1 Aloud street New York. Nov. IT, I88. ly To Cansnmpllvts Tb advertiser, having been restored to health ia a few weeks by a very simpl remedy, after having suffered for several years with a severe lung aneotioa and that dread disease, Consumption is anxious to make knowa to bis fallow sufferer th means of eur. To all who desir it, h will Mod a copy of th prescription ussd (free of char(e), with th dire lions for preparing and asing tb sams, whioh they wlUJndaiuBB Ccbb for Cofsdmftiom, Aitbmai Bocblti, Census, Cams, o H Throat ana Lang Affection. Tb only object ot the advertises la sending Lbs prescription is to Decent id amieveo and spread information wbicb b oouseuves issr ia valuable, aad b tape vry uffrr trill try bl rmdy, as it wtll ecet theia nothing, and may prove a blessing. - - Parties wishing th prescrlpMoo, raEB, by rtara tall, pl addi ' Wnilassaara.Kia0.Ha)Isk. i JaaylMv-T jsttTX. A Conanmptlon Ciarnble by Dr. : Rchenck's fflsMltVltiei. TO CURB CONSUMPTION, the system mutt bo prepared so that th lungs will heal. To accom plish this, tbe liver aad stomach must first be oleansed and an appetite created for good wholcson food, whioh, by these medloinei will be digested properly, and good healthy blood made; thus builillnif un the constitution. BCUKNCK'8 MANDRAKli PILLS cleanse tbe stomaoh of all bilious or mucous accumu lations ; anoVJby using the Sea Weed Tonio in con nection, the appetite ts restored. SCHKNCK'S PULMONIC 6TRUP is nutritious as well as medioinal, and, by using the three reme dies, all impurities ore expelled from tbesyslem.ard ood, wholesome blood made, which will repel all isease. If patients will take these medicines ac cording to directions, Consumatioa vsry frequently la its last stage yield! readily to their notion. Take the pills frequently, to oleaneethe liver and stomach. It does not follow that beoause the bowels are not eostive they are not required, for sometimes in dl arrhesa they are necessary. Tbe stomach must be Kept neaitny, ana an appetite created to allow the Pulmoni Syrup to act on th respiratory organs properly and: allay any irritation. Then all that is required to perform a permanent oure is, to prevent taking oold Exercise about the rooms as much as possible, eat all tbe richest food fat meat, game, and, in fact, anything the appetite eraves ; but be particular and mastioate well. vet. zu, looo. inu w. ea. mo. I yr. Denfktcatai, Ullntlneaa and Cutnrrta, Treated with the utmost suoeess by Dr. J. ISAAC8 Oculist and Aurist, (formerly of Leyden, Holland.) no. oiv s ine street, rntiaaeipnia. Aesumontais from the most reliable sources in the City and Coun try can be seen at his office. Tbe medical faculty are invited to accompany their patients, as be hss no se crets in his practice. Artificial Eyes, Inserted with out pain. No charge made for examination. bout, zy, lBoo. ly The Confeamloua and Kxpcricnre or am invalid. Published for the benefit and as a caution to young men aud others, who suffer from Nervous Debility, 1'rcmature Decay of JUiinuood, as., supplying nttne same titno the means of self-cure. By one who nus ured himself after undergoing considerable quack ery, liy enclosing a post-paid addressed envelope, single copies, free of okarge may be bad of tbe au- uor. NATHANIEL MATFAIR, Esq.. Brooklyn. Kings Co, N. Y. January 2T, 1886 ly. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Police to Creditor. NOTICE is hereby given, that all persons indebted to tbe undersigned; on note or book account, are requested to make immediate settlement and payment, as tbeacrouuts will be placed in the hands of a Justice of the Peace, for collection, after the 1st ay of J aouary next. JOHN W1LVER. Sunbury, November 10, 1888. St. THE VERY LATEST ARRIVAL ! 1 Fall and Winter Goods! JOSEPH EYSTER, Succtmettor to John Boirtn.) Corner of Market and Fawn Street, SUNBUUY, P E N N ' A . Invites th publio to call and sxainin his elegsnt assortment of WINTER GOODS, which he will sell at greatly reduced prtoes. His stock consists in part of CASSIMERES CLOTHS. &C . Silks. Delaines, Lawns. Ginghams, Calicoes, Muslins, .Sheeting. Tickings, Jeans, and a full assortment of Cotton and Woolen goods generally. Hosiery, Qloves, Hoop Skirts. Alro Handkerchiefs, Brushes, Combs. IIiiIm and Casta, Hoota and Shoes, His assortment of arooils will not, lie is aro sure fail to please the fancy and suit tbe wants of auy do, sirous of purchasing. His stock of HARDWARE AND QUEENSWARE, and Groceries is large in quantity and choice In quality, comprising generally everything needed in the household either fur use or ornament. He is alwavs rcadv and elad to see his friends and takes pleasure in showing them bis goods even though no sales are mode. He only asks a call, and is sure tuat tne stoca: win compare xavoruoijr iu prioe and quality with the cheapest. Sunbury, Nev. 3, 188. M. L. LAZARUS. B FALL TRADE, IBfift ! FALL TRADE, 1SC6 ! ! p 211. I.. IiAXARI'N 1T0ULD respectfully call the attention of g YY the public to bcr LARGE and NEW S ASSORTMENT of g Fancy and Domestic Dry Goods, Ir- sLSoodei, p Q Of all kinds and style in great Variety. POPLINS AND MERINOS. h 9 Black, Ureen, Blue, Wiue, Brown, Purple. Ac, hj S, In All-Wool Plaids, Detains, Calicoes, g Ac. we have an assorment. a STh best Block Allpaocas, all-wool Delains, C Ponlina. 9 "White Goods. 0 Cambric, Swiss, Nainsook and Jaconet Mus- Q lins, uiiniiy, uiro-iiye r,iucu auu jwnuug. jr a Berlin and. American Zephyrs, Shetland g T Wool, Cashmere Yarns, A. Ilalinornl Nklrtai, ? Gum Clnlb. DriHsi Trimmings. Hosiery. Q n , ii ci.:-.- n Ij : 1.1 , viv,n, iiwu-oairiv, vumii, viuwvua, iuu - n oolen Uoous. LADIES' CLOTH CLOAKS A COATS. g' RedUloves. of thebest oualitv. and a ureat E j variety of goods too numerous to mention, all 5' ui wuiuu win ui euiu ai iuv ,r inwm lur .1 cash. M. L. LAZARUS. Sunbury Oct. 17, 1S08. A .HLW. AUKITAL Ol' FALL & WINTER GOODS, AT THE STORE OF J II ENGEL, Market Street, SUNBURY, PA. JUST received from New Y'ork and Philadelphia, a large lot of FALL AND WINTER OOODS, which be will sell at small pronts, tor cosh or coun try produc. , : , , . n i n , Xll line ui uouua lor uunusuiru ftiiu ixiya wear is good Fin Black and Blue i reucb Cloth. Fin Beaver Cloths lor Overooal. th very best of Black and Fancy Cassiineres, Good Salioett and Kentucky Jean, all at low prices. Ills liuu or Lalies and Alias Kress Uoods cuu t be beat in Uiis little borough. II i N 'V I-' II I. A C It N 1 1. Ii , Plain end Figured Silk and Wool Poplin, all-wool Purlin, Plaiu and Fanev French Merino, from one dollar per yard upwards, of all Shade and Colors, all-wool Plaids, Alpaca, all colors. Plain and Fancy Mohair Lustres, all-wool Delaioea, ram y aud Figured Engliah Merinos, very handsome, Dtljiiiis, Calicoes and Muslins, all prioes. Ladies' Cloth fur Dresses, Ladies' Cloth for Sucks, Sacking Flannel, all shade, Ladies' Ahawla, plaiu aud fancy. : BEST WOOL BLANKETS, j Whit Marseilles Quills, Bed Spreads, Balmoral : Skirts. Yankee Notions in Great Variety Hosiery, of all description, Gloves, forLadiea and Oents, Dress Trimmings, Fancy Billons, Ac. Ladies' Froncb Corsets, Ladies' Hoop Skirts, Oenls' .-bins and Drawers, Ladies' Vest aud Drawers, Ladies', MUaes' and Children's Fancy Hoods, Wool orfa. Ladies' Fancy Scarfs, and a variety of other goods. O -A. IR, S E T S , Wov Floar Cloth, Stair Carpets Floor Oil Cloth, all widths, Carriage Oil Cloth, Tablo Oil Cloth Widow Sbadea, Plain Or sen and Brown Oil Cioib and Fixture tur Windows. OHOCEBIEB, Sugar. Coffos, Molasses, Rio, Crockwrs, Spie, Bait Fib, Cheese, Aa. Queeoswar,Ulaswar, splendid Sett of Teaware, as low prices. BOOTB 8HOX8 XV OBXAT 7A.BIET7. Hat and Caps, Oil, Point, Glass, Putty, School Book, Paper, Slate, A. HARDWARE. Bkovels, Forks, Kails, Locks, Hinge and Screws, A Larrs aasorbnaat of WALL PAPER and Bor der, at all prioes. All persons desiring to gt good goods will pi Ms giv turn a ! J. n. EN3UL. Bunbury, 0toar JO, Mt I, or KtalcBV. Abaat th lath of CwtVt a black and whit spotted ELUT, bound, tSM4 Bd'a ears, aad answer of Bos. A rrd of Fiv Dollar will b v4bjta.d.,.lg..4 a. -'"kN B . absrry,K. J,lM --4t Great Distribulion nr tiir American .lewrlern ocinilon. Dei-oti : 37 A C9 Nafsad. SI, 50 A 58 Lid rrty Street, NEW YORK CITY. Of Rosewood riunos and Molodcons, Fine Oil Paint ings, Engravings, Silver Wore, tio'd and Silver Watches, and elegant Jewolry, consisting of Dia mond Pins, Diamond Rings, Oold Bracelets, Coral, Florentine, Mosaic, Jet, Lara, and Cameo Ladies' Sets. Oold Pens, with Oold and Silver Extension Holders. Sleeve Buttons, .Sets of Studs, Vest and Neck Chains. Plaiu aud Chased Uuld Chains, Ac, A., valued at II 000,000, FOR ONE DOLLAR, which thy nwd not pay un'.ll It is knowa what Is drawn and its value. THE AMERICAN JEWELERS' ASSOCIATION oallsyoor attention to the fact of its being the lar gest and most popular Jewelry Association in the United Btato. The business is and always has boen conducted in the mort candid and honorable man ner. Our rapidly increasing trade is a sure guaran tee of the appreciation of our patrons for this method of obtaining rich, elegant and costly goods. The sudden stagnation of trade in Europe, owing to the late tierman War and recent disastrous fiiianoial crisis in England, has caused Ihe failure of a large number of Jewelry Houses in London and Paris, obliging them to sell their goods at a great sacrifice, in some instances less than one-third tbe cont of manufacturing. We have lately purchased very largely of these Bankrupt Goods, at such extremely low prices, that we can afford to send awny Finer Uoous and give better chances to draw the most valuable prises than any other establishment doing a similar business. OUR AIM IS TO PLEASE, and we respectfully solicit your patronage, as we are confident of giving the utmost satisfaction. During th past year we have forwarded a number of the most valuable prises to all parts of tbe country. Those who patronise us wilt receive tho full value of their money, as no article on our list is worth loss than One Dollar, retail, aud there are no blanks. Parties dealing with us may depend on having prompt returns, and the article drawn will be im mediately sent to any address by return mail or express. The following parties have recently drawn valua ble prizes from tbo American J welers' Association, and hare kindly allowed the use of their names : Charles J. Hunter, Esq., Treasury Department, Washington, D. C, Piano, value $ Iu0 ; Miss Anna O. Yates. 52 $t. Murk's Place, N. Y.. Sewing Ma chine, value 75 ; Brig. Gen. L. L. Hanson. V. S. Vols.. Nashville, Tcnn., Silver Tea Set, value $150 ; Miss Emma Hunter, 63 Front St., Ilarrisburg. Pa., Pevting Machine value $i0 ; Lieut. -Col. Waiter Chittenden, Quartermaster, Louisville Kentuckv, Oold Watch, value $l;0; Wm. 8. Haines, 247 Kiiig bl., Charleston, S. C, Silver Watch, value $50 ; Alexander Johnson, Esq., Editor Miulateur Pio neer, Muskatcur. Minn.. Ladies' Enameled Watch, value SI5U; Samuel Lee, Esq.. President Colorado and Red Bank Mining Company, San Francisco, Cn., Melodcnn. value 200 ; Aaron S. Long, Esq., Principal Eikhnrt Collgiate Institute, Eikhart, N. J., Diamond Pin, value $200; R. M. Longstreet, Montgomery, Ala., Mueio Lux, value $76; Rev. Isaac Van Uunr. Albany, N. Y.. Oold Linod Di ning Set, value $.100 ; Miss Clara Lucuguer, Dayton, Ohio, l'innoforte, value $100, and Diamond Piu, value $170. Many names could be placed on the List but we ptilihab no mimes without erniiissiun. Our patrons are ilisirvd to send United States Curreucy when it is couveuieut. PAKTIAL LIST OF ARTICLES TO BE Sold for Oue Hollar Kacli, Without regard to value, and not to be paid for until you know what you are to receive : 15 Elegant KukwihhI lia:ms, worth from 8W) to 8150 15 Kleaimt Mel KJeona, Itosewoetl Caaes, 175 to V50 50 Fital Ciesa Sewing Maeloiiee, 411 to 3i0 75 Fine till 1'aiiitinc.e, 30 to It'll 150 Kmc flee! Kngiuvings, framed, 90 to 3u 5l .Music H-ue, 35 to 40 150 hVvnlvinir Patent Cnatiire, Silver, 20 to 4(1 on Silver Fruit and riike IliialcHa, So to 35 4nn Seta of Tea and Tnhle Siie, no to 40 ISO Gold Hunting C Wau-hre, worranted, 10 to !0 Intl UliiiniMid Rings, cluster and single atone, 75 to !2tt I7.i G.. Id Wul.-riea, 65 to 150 300 lilira' Winches, 0(1 to I HI ion Silver Wan-hes, SO to 75 Diamond Pins, Brooches and Ear Drops, Ladies' Sets of Oold and Coral, Jet and Gold, Florentine, Mosaic. Lava and Cameo; Sets of Studs, Vet awd Neck Chains, Plain and Chased Oold Rings, OoU Thimbles, Lockets, New Style Beit Buckles, Gold Pens and Pencils, Fancy Work Boxes, Gold Pens witb Gold and Silver Extension Holders, and a largo assortment of Fine Silver Ware and Jewelry of every description, of tbe best make and latest stylus. ISP" A chanc to obtain any one of tin above Article for OXE DOLLAR, ly purchasing a traled tnvtlope for 25 cts. ty Five Scaled Envelopes will be sent for $1 J Eleven for $2; Thirty for $5; Sixty-five lor $10; Olc Hundred for $1. Agents wanted evorywhere. Unequalled inducements offered to Ladies and Gents who act as suuh. Our descriptive circulars will be sett on application. Distributions are made in the following manner : Certificates naming each article and its value are placod in sealed envelopos, which are well mixed. One of these envelopes containing the Certificate or Order for some article, will be delivered at our office, or sent by mail to any address, without regard io cuoiue. ou reeeii.ii oi ocnia. On receiving the Certificate the purchrser will see what articlo it draws and its value, and can then send One Dollar, and reoeive Die article named, or can cboote any other article on our list of the same value. Purchasers of our Sealed Envelope may, in this manner, obtain an article worth from oue to five hundred dollar. Long Letters are unnecessary, nave the kind ness to write plain directions, and in chosing differ ent articles frein those drawn, mention the style de sired. Orders for SEALED ENVELOPES must in every case be oconipauied with the cash, with tbe name of the person sending, and Town, County and State plainly written. Letters should be addressed to th managers, as follows : hiUKIOlA, WATSON &. CO., 9t fc S0 hsmiu St., !4ew York City. October 20, 1888. 3mp. I'ultruteU .siy AW, lauii. This is an artiele for washing without rubbing, except in very dirty places, which will require a very slight rub, and unlike other preparations offered for a like purpose, will xot hot tiik clothes, but will leave tbem much wuitkr than ordinary meth ods, without tbe usual wear aud tear. It removes groas spots as if by uiugic, and softens tbe dirt by soaking, so that rinsing will in ordinary cam entirely remove It This powder is prepared in accordance with chemi cal science, and upnu a process peculiar to itself, whiub is secured by jitters Patent. It basbeen in use tor more than a year, and bos proved itself an univer sal favurile nberever it basbeen used. Among tne od vantages claimed ore tbe following, vis : It auves all tb expens of Soap usually used on cottun and linen good. It saves most of lb labor of rubbing, and wear aud tear. Also, for cleaning windows it is unsurpiased. With one quarter the tiaie and labor u-ually re quired it imparl a beautiful gloe and lustre, much superior to any other mode. No water required ex cept In moisten the powder. Diiectous with each package And onu be readily appreciated by a single trial. Tbe ot ef wasltiug for a family of five er six per- will mil ,i,M.T THBBK CLHrS. The maniifaolurers of tbU Kwder are aware tbat many useless compounds have been introduced to ih. .'.,,1.1. hu:h have rolled the cloth, or failed iu removing ihe dirt, but knowing tbe Intrinsic exeel lenc ul this article, ihey confidently proclaim it as being adapted to meet a deuiind whioh has long existed, and lias nerctoior letuaiueu uuuj'mu. suxrrACTtHKD r iioui: v '1'i:ti:.s. ItUO llrssisdvvny, Iloaton. ALSO. MANUFACTURERS OF FAMILY DYE COLORS. For sal by Grocers and Dealers everywhere. October 13, 1861 3inp. WM- MENCKB A BROTHER, No. 804 A HCII Street, PHILADELPHIA, Whole! and Retail Dealers in BERLIN EMBROIDERIES, Fine Kuit Goods, ele. peiaon ally (elected in Europe. Domestio Zephyr, Uoj itianlowu Wools, Cashmere Yarns, tc , latest style in Ladies Dreas and Cloak Taii:i::xTG3, Buttons, Drop Fringes, Laces, Shawl Border, A. WbitEairuidrd Bands, ele. Tb good being carefully selected, our Wholes! Deparuueut offers great iuduteweBts to th trad. cw Umber a, lotto. 3ow LL good biMigbt far Cash aad old a lowest prioe tor b at tb iiarUear bior ef .. J. 11. COMLET CO. PvaVarw. H NEW AND CHEAP GOODS JTJST OPENED. KNOEL & R0BUINS. RESPECTFULLY inform theoitisensof fiunbnry and vicinity, that they have just opened a large stock of In the store room lately ocotipkd by Woevor A Fa gcly. opposite th Old Court House. REMEMBER that those Goods have just been fmrubased at rcduoad price, and arcsold according y, comprising of DR"5T GOODS of every style and variety, such a CLOTHS, CASSIMERES, VE5TINQS, AC. Dress Goods, Print, Muslin Domestio Goods, Notions, Ac, Ac. GROCERIES, TEA, COFFEE, SUGAR MOLASSES, &C. IIoiiaelceeplnK (Jooda. Th attention of the publio is respectfully invited to the advantages offered at this establishment. THE HIGHEST PRICES PAID FOR COUNTRY PRODUCE. Call and examine for yourselves. A. J. KN(EBF.L, H. P. BOBBINS. Suubury, July 21,lSoO. NEW HARDWARE AND IRON STORE. THE subscriber having opened In SUNBURY, Pa., anew large, and well assorted stock of all kinds or HARDWARE. CUTLERY, COACH WARE SADDLERY, SHOE FINDINGS, IRON, NAILS, Ac, luiri in at lowest New York and Eastern prices which they will be pleased to sell lor Cash at the lowcjt Eastern prices. Intending to do business In the honest principles of small profits and quick sale for Cash. J.U. CON LEY A CO. bunbury, June 16, 1S66. ChnIs ! Cash ! ! Cants. ! ! ! 40.000 wanted in exchange for all kinds ol Hardware, Irons, Nails, Ac, ot the new Hardware Store of J.H. CONLKY A CO. Sunbury, June 10, 1806. NEW MUSIC STORE. Call at our New Music Store in SELIN'S GROVE, and buy one of Haines Brother's Now Scale Piano Fortes. Every instrument is Warranted for fire years. We also keep constantly on hand a good stock of tbe celebrated PELOlllETS MELODEOXS, CABI NET and CHURCH ORGANS, and challenge others to sell cheaper than we arc selling. We also keep all kinds of Musical Merchandise, and receive all tbe latest music as soon as published. A liberal discount to teachers of Schools and Semi naries Ls' Second hand Instruments taken In exchange for uew ones. Pianos correctly turned and repaired. Send for Circular. SALEM A BROTHER. Solinsgrove, Snyder co., Pa., July 23, 1866. ly LADIES' FANCY FURS AT JOHN FAREIRA S Old Established FUR Manufactory, No. 71 ARCH Street, above 7th, PHIL'A. Have now in Store of my own Importation and '.Manufacture one of the 'fZ largest and most beauti- I A selections ot FANCY FURS, for Ladies and I-nil dreu's Wear in tbe City. Also, a fiiiu aasortBientof Gent's Fur loves and Collars. I am enabled to dispose of my goods at very rea sonable prices, and I would therefore solicit a call from my friends of Northumberland county and vicinity. Remember tho Name. Number and Street ! JOII.-i I'ARIilKA, No. 718 ARCH St., above 7th. south side, PHILADELPHIA. October 6, 1866. 4mw. Great AUraction, NEW TIN -WARE, Mien Iron and Stove Store ot SMITH & GE1TTEER, STJ3STBXJ-Y, PA., Where tbey keep constantly on hand aud manufac ture to order at short notice. TIN AND SHEET IRON-WARE of all descriptions. They would especially cull the attention of pur chasers to tbeir large aud well selected slock of COOK AND PARLOR ST0VE8. The subscribers have made arrangements to have all their best stoves made to order, and thoo wbo would have a good stovo would do well to go and examine their largo and well selected stock. First. They defy competition on tha following tried Brands of Cook 6'tuvcs, vir: 4'osiibtiiallon CatiM Itisrncr, Cook, liovrrnor renn-l'ook, WABASH AND IRONSIDES, and tho well known Antiduat Cook Stov colled SPEAR'S ANTiDUoT. Also. Parlor and office Stoves jn great variety em bracing all the best manufactures aud most fashion able designs, unsurpassed for beauty of fiuish simpli city of arrangements combining cheapness, durability and each stov warranted to perform what they ar represented. Also, The celebrated Baltimore Fir Place Stove, for heating first, second and third stories by Registers Also, VULCAN HEATER. Also, tbe celebrated MORNING GLORY. foul Oil, t.'oul Oil Ininpis, Suudca, Cliisuniois, uud nil art(t-lea usually kept in au establishment of this kind. Tbey are also prepared to furnish Slat and do slating in the best wurkiuuulik manner. Also, to do Tiu Roohui:, Scouting, Bang and Furnace Work, Gas Fitting, Ae. Repairing neatly and cheaply executed. Also: "Dnagh's Itavr Hone SuieraPIxoss ptiute." Remember th rilace. Sample and Bale Room nearly opposite Couly's Hardware Store, Market street, between tuirtt ana rounu streets, jiuuaiug dark painted. August 21, 1S3S. FALL AND WINTBB Millinery Goods, Ju.l opening at th Millinery Stor of Misa M.L. GUSsJLEH. Fawa Bhrt. below tb Railroad, SUN BURT, PA , Sueh a ffl ft W W 71 ill !! k U !M 0 V U &J Ja J W 9 " 9 Dres-Trimmlngs, Usad-Drease, Olov, Hosiery Ribbons, Flower, Collars, Handker chiefs, Aa., Ac, which hv bea earafully Mleoud. u,. m I,. Uuaaler has iust opened a large aasort- Dent of Millinery Uoods. Ladies should but fail to go and see tbe latest style a It will pay to BOt delay a visiting heritor. Call aud examine for yourselves, show goods Sunbury, Oot. IS, ISM. No troubl to 1 GUILDERS and the oentamplating building, J) would do wall to call and th larg aaaort Bieatof Lbcks. Latohea. blu, Butt ud Bcrcw, Straps and T Hinge Window Spring. od vwy tbiiix wanMd ioojpli a bom, at tb new Hard- BOOKS! BOOKS!! milK subscriber begs leave to call Ihe attention of X his customers, and tho community in general, to lb fact tbat b has now rooived his second lot of NEW GOODS, consisting, In part, of a oomplol lin of I'Al'Klt AND KKVKLOpr.8, Blank. School and Jurmil Books. Toacy Toilet Soojis. Perrutne, Picture Frame, Lev ni V nlow Hanging Buskeu, Bird Cages, II it iid una St una Glnssc. Fine Vases. Handsome Olov Joweiry and Work Boxes. Traveliogand otber Portfolios, Carved Brackets, Feather Dust Brushes, Balls, Bat, Fishing Tackle, Toy of all descriptions, a lorg stock of WALL-PAPEH AND BORDER, Window-Blinds, Paper Shade, Coal Oil Lamiw ?. Fixture, Ae. Thankful fur past patronage, an-i hope, by strict attention to business, to continue tne snue. N. F. LWHTNER. Bunbury, Jane. I860. IF you want a good Likeness for your friends, go to S. BYERLY'S Oxllery in Simpson's Building. SHOE Finding. Sol Leather and all goods be longing to shoe makers business for sule by J.H. CONLEY A CO. LATROSE 8 Hair Restorative, tbe best in use, fer sal by LIQHTNER, sol Agant for Sunbury. PERUVIAN GUANO SUBSTITUTE ! BAUGH'S 3R. A."W BONE SUPERPHOSPHATE OF LIME MARK A After more than twelve years of oonstanf use, this highly concentrated manure has attaiucd. a wide spread reputation as a SUBSTITUTE FOR PERUVIAN GUANO, Being found active in its operation, and of great du rability. It does not exhaust the soil, but on tbe contrary, permanently improves it. The increasing sales annually, abundantly prove the high popular value of this manure, and establish tbe rict of its being relied upon Ijy a wide circle of agriculturists to supply all wants in tbe direction of manures for overy crop. BAUQH e OUTS, Sole Manufacturers A Proprietors, Office, No. 20 South Delaware Arcane, PHILADELPHIA, BAUGH BROTHERS & CO, General Wholesale Agenlt, No. IS1 Pearl .St., corner ol Cedar. NEW YORK. GEORGE DUG DALE, Wholtthle Agent for Maryland A Virginia, No. IDS Smith's Wharf, BALTIMORE, MD. I'rlco ff pear 900O 11. CaaJa, Just Published, th l iin edition of onr new pam phlet, "How to Maintain th Fertility of American Farms and Plantations," furnished free upon appli cation to us or our Agents. BAUGH A SONS, 20 South Delaware Avenue, Philadelphia. Sold by SMITH A QENTHER, Sunbury. July 2S, li)6. ly -v . , i r.. . . n v :.. 1 1 I'.mI.Vu Ac. Everything that Painters use at unbear I ol trices at the Hardware Store of J.H. CONLEY A CO. Sunbury, June 1HA5. AGZ2TTS "WANTED. 1 1 AUTLIiTT' r HI V LWMHBV E.ZC I raj - " ir-ttee Vlreuun. s. rAwrCitoTiiERs ll Chntnutst., Hill m feiaallsl.,Tla,u, Sept. 8, 1S06. 2aia GREATEST INVENTION SINCE THE SEWING MACHINE. v.. Asni:r. K's SASH STOPPER AND LOCK. Simplicity, Durability, Convenience, Comfort ati Sccuiity, eonibined with Economy THE STOPPER AND LOCK support either sash at auy point. It can be applied to any window in few niiuutes. It does not tuterlere in taking out sash. It U not affected by any jarring action, and pre vent the rattling of siuh. It is self-acting in all it work, and makes it iin possible to forget to lock the window. It aliens proper vcutilation without leaving the window unlocked. It acts by gravity has r.o spring and ean never gel out of order. it dous not wear cut. but will last whtf tha house stands Windosr that have only one sash moveable, my b changed, so as to move both, at a trilling expeus. Stopper and Iock, One Dollar Complete. It must come Into genersl us for its radical ad vantages, as a Seir-Actiug, Burglar-Proof Lock and Ventilator. ... For Railway Cars, Fleauihoats. ste., it is perfect, and, iu fact, tb thing long sought. It is emphatically jut ahal everybody wants, and everybody ean have. Tbe demand must b unlimi ted.' Capitalists. Manufacturers. HuHders, and men looking for business, ar invited to sail oa th sub scriber and cxamtn it. JACOB WILVER, Jr.. July 21, 1S. out Sunbury, P. AUnsiniatrutor'a .olice. NOTICE 1 hereby given, that Utter of adjutal tratiuu having been granted to tbe uuderstgned, ou th estate of Jacob F. Robrbacb, lat of tb bo rough of Suubury, Northumberland county, doasd. All parsuu knowing themselves iudebted ar re quested to tuek immediate pymnt, and tho bav. ing slaiuu to prnt thaai duly aathenticated for setU anient , LLOTD T. B0URBACH, Admioistratos. Kttsbury, October U.lBot. LADIES call and tb Baoglng Baakn. BvcttodriM Work Boe e .NX Q Vsi O i ana wrnvtrf f itciu m fjj Milrelia luiih htr W 'f !l7r.M Arenta. M a..?iii. JhA y