JAM vl bead rnli Da. schenck is Doiira R.j". H.SCIIKNCR",. . , tr.A Sr t I fool it duty I cm to rod, end te nil who are niflering nndor the diac known as Consumption nJ Liver Coinplnlnt. to lot tbein know what great bem fit I have received from your l'ul atonic Svrnp and Seaweed Tunis tn so hort a time. Br the blowing nf Uod It bu oured me thai fur. . Dr. Sohenck, I will now make my statement to eoa, ai ti'llow : A'oout eighteen month ago I was allocked with-a-sew eougli, nnd itsoitlort on my lungs 1 could not rotuin anything I nlc and ul frrcd wlih evening fevers and night sweat. I was tctt mnob reduced. The white uf my ye wore rerv vellow; likcwu my skin; my appetite nil gone, and unable to digest what I did eat' bowels swollen, irregular nnd costive. I I'M very low spirited, and had men violent pell of lcoui;hiug wboii 1 laid down at night and when I arose in luo morning thai they would lost one or two hour. l'lhen would be nearly exhauatel, and waseu'ue ly unable to lie m my loft side. I cannot doicribo my wretched suffering n I would with todo. livery organ iu my body w:t diseased or dBrunyed. Such vmitiy situation at this time, and I wu coiifincl to my bed from the IksI of I'cbruary, l:-!!, not abia to fit lip. Iliad tho but of medical attendance the whole of tho time. My cough was very bud that it racked uio very much. 1 at tl:i time raised a large quamiivnf thick, yllow. oitondve niuiter, sonictioie! Willi Wood, und ii war generally accompa nied by nausea and a furred and t luck cnutod toiiftuo. At the lime of coughing ao bully I would have harp, shooting pnius iruu.v li ft rid'.' and heart, nh;ht. sweat, and Eoreuiwsall through my nbulecbrst; hud mucli inward fever, pnin in iiiy buck und under my shoulder blade and in mo small oi my onca, nuu at time an aovere thut it would throw mo into pisii!S. Now lur phvsicinn g'.ve ir.e i.p to die. Other I bad. and "the bet f thtni, but Ihry oould do nothing forme, and nt thut time 1 was nothing bnt kin mid bones. I then mil in f hu wealorn pan of MiHonrl. In .tune lust we leu thcr for tho l-.ast, and in August Lift wo came to New Yoi k. nii.l I wn 10 reduced that I could only walk n little with my husband's help. .After I had boeu here o short lime the solt water breeze ro;i.lo me tool mucb better for a time mid I lion 1 had aain t call n phyaieinn lor nid. Vo had four of the best liysioiuns of New York on tho disease? "i the iyn, and dvotoi of all kinds, but of no avail. They sm I 1 was past cure, nod thut n y luns wero too far f.;oiie for noy ono to cure ino. llitt at this time X was on uiy IWt about the bouse, not able to dj much of auythin. In Noveinbor laat I prew worse, and thi" conkonplioii di:uihea lot in uud lasted about eitfht weik?. We had tried all and overyth n thut I could iap at like a dying persen lor my d sea.-ei' cwtsumpiioii and liver coin plnint i'Ut of no avuil. in Jntmi'.rv, 1 1 wns hrongiit down r.i;uin oa mv bed. and a.s not o.incelnd vi livo Ino nirht out i.'v bus-band staved ai my si ie. mid oilier friends, n ...-..:...... A, i.:-: tud thuy all give M up i0 die. At this time every cnsnb-i smv media lot think 1 would louve uiy bed a living woi.i.in. The hist idgl.t I wes attacked with spusios. n-.-.'i lrtis deranged loost of tho time. A frieid. Mra. linrris caiuo to ;,ee me tlielnst of tne I week, ana iruugiii me fuimuy jiercury. in u was an account of a peat cure performed by J'r. Hcucuck. ho read i: to me. and it was so much like my own diicisc that I naked luy husband to go and sco him fur tne. At thia titue I had given up rjl hopes of ever felling well crr.in. and made my peace vritb God, to bo ready hu Jio called tor uic. On the 27ih of Janunrv. ISM. uiy husband cslied ou Dr. Schenck, 32 iioed str.el, New York, and ttuiei to him my caso, with a rr-uc&t lor him to cail and o mo, which he (li i.nud examined mo with the rcsjjiroinotor. When ho wai niiout to t;o I atked ' hiia if he oould cureine? His rejily k "1 caul not tell, both lungs are dion.cd. auu tho brouclaal tubes are aliectcd on both si le". ' And yet 1.0 seemed to t'oink t'aere wcro luiif;'-; cno.i'ii Utt to ( t foctactire if the diarrhen could be uepped. He' Fni 1 io order to do tiiii. l.o would Lnvo lo y;ivo M;i!i- ; drske 1'iils in sir.i.i! doses at lirsi.to cany oil' Hie morbid mi.itor, and thin, witn uoti ii.t nts. he li-ipcd to check it. which he did. b.it thocoul.l!lt eouliin?. night sweats, and diarrhea Lad pio.-trated jneso timt he was afraid mv vital po'veis wore too touch pros trated ever to rally, md yet bo Svtn.ed to tlmik if 1 could live to get enough Puluionic Syrup thuough my sysioni to cause expectoration, li.eie verc luns enough loft (tr me to recover. Ho wished me to try the Pulmonic? Syrup and Seaweed Tonic nt once, saying it would do niv no ha. iu. if it did mono ?ood. Tho m-st wtck it seemed to give lr.c Krer.gtb, so that on Sntiuay nffr 1 syv up in bed und u:e ucaity for a sick woman; but the licit v. eck 1 lost all hep'o aud wished my husband Jiot to give mo uny more medicine. Cut tho doctor had warned him of I hi.", and when Iho medicii.o was cleiiiiiig out tho sy stem it made tt.ein feel souenhat rciiiis. and to inr.-e. vcrc; and be insisted on uiy taking ii; and t n w feel the beoclit, of it. For after eijiht days I began tngiin itronth, and. hi.u the c.-r.:.ii n ci a o..U fh.it put ii,o back euuie. i Lnvubecn ainrig '-trcr.ui 0.' boiiy. uiy couh is going away, and r.11 my pains are goue; nn soreness ot toe bjdy. ruy bowels uro regular, son my breath is snoot, and I thank Uod that I am now ging.'ibor.t. and tew and read as well as I ever could, i iiave taker, sixteen bottles oi tho medicine, eight of each. I now have a good appe tite and ret well at night; my coupi does not trouble mo in getting up or lying down. J would heitf f-y to 'ii' ntlited wj-h consumption or liver complaint, t'.at I'r ehrr.ck ia no hnnibug. Y'ou can rely ou wh it he a.ij-- lelay not; it is danger ous to tiiilo with theso diseases. If you would ho cured, go nt occo, nod a;.y ore wishing to know tho facts as L'srcin slaic-1 ' au rail at my re.-i li nce. 117 West Houston sircei, No'.v York ity. MKS. MAIiY P. FAKLOW. Vi'e, the undeis'r.ed. re-i.ie:,ts f f New York, um acquainted with irs pM iow. and know li-ir s' .te meut to he Iruo. v'e aUo know that she us:d l-r r.hfnch's Pulmi".!!: r?yrup Tind Seaweed Tonic, aud hws roasou to believe ilnit to this uied'cina tho owes her preJ"rvntion t'fcm a premature grave. P. FAlil.OW. Ii7 IVim ll.oi.ton ft. F.UGJCXK l. NDKH II i I.L.. ii"d tireenwieh t. Mrs. EL'Oi;.K OdUiltlind., era Un-enwich it. AVOL'sXA L'SUJJUUILI., ii',6 Ureenwich st. A.?. HAftp'sJ ill V.-vj-. U.U-: lvt.!. JjjJLLY Ht.U K, l'.r West liouHou st. J L. COLK. C.:i!ae plnce. M A. l.UiirO.Y. 41.1 Uroa:l v-r. Mm. iiLNJA.VI.V CI..U-P. Vj Amity place. 1 aai welt r.equf-.in:i J v. iih .'.iis .M'jty Kar!ow, and with her hu.-band, i'r. P. Kariow. they hnvitig for a lew months p;'.-t. e'.tor.dci :;t my church, and I amieonviuced tthl av.y .siaierjent which liiey uiigti make might be relied on as troe. " JOHN DOWl.tSti, D. T)., Pastor of lic-.'.lord .St. baptist t'burch, N . Y. ! Do. Hchenok will be prot'essionniiy at his iirincinU rHee No. 1 .Vor;'i Sixth siroot, coiner ol I'oimnerco, J'hiiadclpliis. every baturdo fix in J A .M. until 4 P. M., Nn. ;t2H nd "treet. Nerf York, everv Tues day, from 3 to 3; No Hi .Sunar.'r street, "liosl jo, Mass.. -'ecery Vc-!lnesday, fit.m y ., 3, and eery othor Fridays: pis )!. Kimore s.rcet, li.ilii:jore, Md. All advice tree, bat fur a itiorouh examination of the luii-s with the KepironwUr. tae chargo is three dollars. I'riee of ibe Pulmou'icSyri-p und Seaweed Tonlo, ach f I 40 per boitle. or fji .io j..r hud' dozcu. Man drake PiiU. 2 cents per box. For a ile by all liruggra and Dctlers. jeceuiiior icoj l'y. k UiKiin,-- t:ii3ru:t(l. June ll:h. lube. ("1 P.K AT TRUNK LtN:: from the North nrd North-V.'oft fur Philadelphia. New York, Read l:ij;, Pmtsiilis. 'luuia.t;i'. A.-iilaml, Lebanon, Allttn town. tdi,tiu, JiphrcU. Litis, Luacua'.i r. Columbia, Trains 1-ave IlawialMM-g for Kerf-York, as fid. low : 3 u'). H In and J.t'j A. M. and 2.10 nd 9.15 P. M. cr.nnerting with similar Tiaius on the Penn sy'.vama l'aiiroa i, and arriving r.t New York at fi 00 and 10.10 A. M. and 4. in, o. 20 and 10.45 P. M.; fUeping Oarj accouip tnyiug the SM A. M. and VM r. M. Irakis, without change. ' llarrirburg f. . Ueuuing, Potisilile. Taiiia- riaa. Mmorsv.il,., V hu,J. I-:I10 )iriv Allemown and I'bilailelp.aa t.t hit) A.M. and 2.10 aud 4.1U I'. 11., ujpp:ig at Lebanon principal way sta. ttuna ; the 4.10 p in. Train luoking connecions for Philadelphia aud Columbia only. For Pottsvili. Fehuylkill lli.ien and Auburn, vln .Schuylkill aiid eu'ijuehoiiua Haiirca.1. leave iiarrisburg at'X.20 p. m. lii'tuintng: Leave New l ork at 7 t;0 and V .00 a 1 w.. IU nn X..n and 8. no p. in.; PhiWeh.hia at 8.1a ( a. u. i mi ...ou tn. ay IV .eug.-r Train leaves Philadelphia! 7.30 romrniug from P,.;niini; at ti. io p. m. n.-.idnj nt all tftutions ; Putuvilio at all Stations; Puita'iiie at 6.i a. m. end 2 45 p. ui. Ashiaud O.oO ami 1 l..i!) a. u. u.d l.Oi p.m.; 'Jr.ma S.4A a tn. and l.oO and S ftj p ro. lua at 9.15 a u. ana 1 no and tt.o.'i p. m. Leavo IVIU-mIU. I jj liani.l.urg wa ishuylkill aud wu-oritaiiua ita.iioni at i ro a. in. i Pr iding Aecouimodnti n Train leaves Reading at ! p'M A '"'""'a 'rom 1'hiiaueiphia at i tii! j C':!un'li Railroad Trains leave P.eadUig at CJi : A M ., 1.) (is and ri.la P. M. for Lnhroui. I.iuz. I l.aneuster t'olambia. Ao. f'n Sunday.-: Leave Now Yolk st 8 oupm.. Phila delphia S.Ou A. M., and S.l 'i P AI. the 8.00 a. m. tram running only to lien im;. Potlrville b lit) a iu., TaniH,ua 7 :o am. tor H.iriisbnrg, U da a m. and ncaiiin at 1 M tt m (, liurrisburu' 7 .''o a. m. 10.40 . lor .New iu.k k. aud 4 li la. tt.v I'hilM.lMii.liii. I tv.muiiiti.ii..,, l.iuu... wu . i i. . ' .. I i loaou.. ai rs.UMwi uito. lo ood fi om ail peduu. t.girei;ehejked ihroiifeh ; ao Pouml. Litate tl lowed e.u-ii J Mvi,s,.r. . A. NiCvLLiJ, OcDenU Supcriuteudeaf I 111 U 'osloti.eii wanted lo buy Hardwaic I v.' l. J ..l :iic l l.e ip hardware il tfn M Ac M. r. o .Vuubury, June lit, lil CONLLV 4 CO. A Ner. und tii. V llolidav. at LilllirXI.K'H. ' - ; fi.Mitv l'botoiph, go 10 ' . p PViil.'l Y a I'.j. u in : 'u,1...1.1i,,,upiu,is j SADLER "AND HARNESS MANUFACTURER. A. J, STROH, Doer Street, opposite the Central Hotel, SUNHUKY, PENN'A. INFORMS his friends aad Ibe public that bavin removed to his new establishment, sod extended bis line of bnsmew, is now prepared to manufaotare more extensively, and InvUes ail to call and examine his large aasortmentof Sadies, . Harness, Collar, W hips, Common and Fanoy Kly-NetU, Ulinkebi, llulliiloe and Fancy Hoben, Itorre Combs, Rlci?h.)!olls. Baddio, llainess and Conch Trimmings fur manufacturer. LIVERY I LIVERY I! LIVERY 111 tn eonneotion with the above lie has also 1. Ivory Stable, good and sale Horace, UuRniea. and Convey ances, which are birml at reiisoimblo ratts. AVCT10XEEU! He is also a Licensed Auctioneer, and will atloud to nil huiiness entrusted to his oaro. unbury. Jioreh a. Isf.lt lim j YiieirrsaMlsis l-rfullv eonipnun lnd of the I bcit DHl.'US at ht Mimmotb ftnre of JNO. 1-itlLlNii A SON. Sorburv. Mnr ?fl. IWi. NEW ORG CALL AT I URMAN'S 01.1) STAND. WHOLESALE & HKTA1L r iaa etB msa js.s. AND Provision Store FOR ('HEAP GOODS! Their Stock is complete, consisting in part of SCQAr.S, COFKEl'S, TEAS, SPICKS, C0A1, OIL, Tobacco, Cigars. Flour, Feel, Fish, Salt, Home, Shoulders, Cheese, Fruit, (ilasa, Lamps, Ac, do. C.inntry Produce taken in exchfinga for Goods. t-'Cull and cxauiiueour iS'tock, and satisfy vour i telvci. I .....V,. ifit-10 1B.'A CIA KPKNTF.ri.S, Saddlers. Jllncksmilbs, Carriage J .Makers. Shoemakers. Merchants, Miners, Far turs and the citizens geuerrtlly. LooMo vonr interest aud buy at the new Hard ware More of J. 11. CONLEY 4 CO. Sunbury, June 111, 13$fl. Hew Spring StyiesI Two tlnors Vtt nf the Por-t OP.jre. EsPECTlTLLY ir.vitos the attention of the R1 public to her lari.e and vmied assortment of tJpricg & Summer llilliricry Goods which sho has just rec. ived and onr-ncd. Iter stool; embraces FANCY I'liKSS llOi.U;,-;, Kinlnoiduiics. Cluuy Lace, Lr.oo Collars, Lincu Collars, Drew Cord--. Zephyrs, I'.nlton.", Ao. A fine ns.-,ui-tmi-nt of Jadifts' mid gents' Hosiery. Cloves. Fans. Parasols, liitgle T'riiiiiuiugs, Libbous, licit ltibhous, Velvet llibbons. Uraid. Ladies' Neck ties. Fancy Hross Combs, Head l)n s-es. Ac. Irvin's Patent Hair Critnpet;. liair Coils, Corsets, and a largo nssortmont of other ni tides, too nume rous to mention I havo also vast receive! a fine lot of Perfumerv, Toilot Suni s. lotth and llnir liruhcs, Ao. ANNA PArNTER. -?,iii',.iLAj,riI ;;' lsc'3' """'d invito the ntteution of Carpenters to V our largo ii.nl well selected nssortuient of Toolcs, comprising Chisels of all kinds, Augurs. Planes. Saws. Iron nud Sieel Souare. and in la. t every ttr.ng wanted to complete a foil r Hardware store ci J. ji. CONI. outfit, nt the LY A Ci. vsIj f.;t jx-i- mid Porder in great variety new styles just received at the Mammoth St ore of" . J. V.'. i'iilj.ic.ti ii iiS. .'...i.ury, Oct. 14. J.'?5. J5,OO0 Ibss. assoitcd Charcotil Iron at els. lb. ' , J. 11. CONLLY A CO. Sunbury. Juno Id. l.rG5. Isitc-sii ti iti(ti.i tliuuiidtlin i-(f"TK vTi i OS and after Nov 27th. IS05, Passenger Trains will run as lollows : SOUTHWARD A. SI. P. M. 10.05 11. IS P. M. 4 iO 6.20 8 S3 D..10 10. Lo Leave ceranlop, " Kingston, " It ii vert, " Danville. Air. Northuuibr!nr.'l. 5..'i0 a.i'j 0..'0 111 30 NoirrnwAitD Leave N'orthiiii.berir.Lj, S.flO " Danviiie, 8.40 " Pupert, 0 15 " Kingston. a.Ji Arr. nt S.'iaub.il, J.45 3.0J .1 10 4.15 6.6S A. M. K.-.O l'.?5 S.10 Irains leavi.nK Uiucston at A. M. fr-.r S ton. connect wilh Train arriving nt New York at 5.20 Leaving Northumberland a; S.dO A. M. and Kings- 'niu . JI'. 31. connect with tho Train New York nt 10 .ift P. M. arriving at ..r... .. i ;r , 5r.,n c rlom Scrtntonnt 00 A.M.v'i .s.n thuuiberl:nd reach Harrisbur' ":;0 !' M., Palliiuore 5. an P. M.. Vahingtou 10.' Co P. viaKupjrt reach FhiUdvlphi : t 7 On p. in. 11. A. FONDA. Sui.'t. I.i.-igslon, Nov. IS, 1553. Aiti.fiw i-:iMSt:iM srSirvv. liEDUCnON OF Ii ATI'S ON P110DI 1 1C, OYS XLItS, AC. THE rate nnl'resb Fish, llysturs in the Shell, and Truck of all kinds, to plaeei iu this Division, v.hei o the rate i 7S cents per loO lbs or over, hr.i been rc luced 2S cents per 100 lbs. At place where the rate is between AO and 75 cents per lt:0 P'S. the rale will be 60 Cints per 100 ibs. iiarrols of truck weighing less than 100 lbs will be charged as 1C0 Ibs iu weight. Fredi Fish will roijuire to be packed in tight bar rel i or boxrs. Prompt attention to the collection of Dills, Drafts, " N. FEltKP.E LIOIITNEU, Agent. .Sunbury, Juno HI. 18.10. tiiro I.iix'i-iy Xtliitv i.CtT. The Whitest, the most durable and the luott e 'O nomical. Try it! Mdnul'aeturei onlv bv . ZIl.ULKU A SMITH, Wholesale Drug. Paint A (jlass Dealers, No. 137 Nojth TllIKD Street, Philadelphia. January 27, Itied ly. TOILET SOAPS. Tooth-Lius'iis, Hair lirnshe .-AcJ-f'l,",1,by ANNA PAINTEli. rpUUPENTlNH, Coal Oil, Fiih Oil'," Linked Oil, X for sale low tor Cash Lv J. H. ONLEY A CO .'Norlisrs-n 'enlial s!:iilvuy. FOl'U TRAINS DAILY to and from Baltimore aud V nsI.inj.-tou city. TH itEfa' TKAlNa DAI LY to and from tho North and e.t Pruioh Snuehunna, Llmira, and all of Northern New Y'ork. ON und after MONDAY, MAY 21st. lSGfl, the 1'a.ssengcr Trnins of the Northern Central Kuilway will run as follows : sour ii w a n n Mail Trr.in, leave? Ulmira 41 Harrishtirg, arr. ut Hnliinvjie, Elmlra Express leaves Flmiin, Harrisbnrg, , . . rr at Hallimoro, test Lire, leaves Hamburg, . ,' . rr i.t ltaltimore, Harrisburg Aouom. leaves Harrisburg, . .. ," ot li.iltimcre, Lnatxpros leaves Erie aT at llarrbuuris, NOUPUWAUD. 4.4-5 p. m. 1 15 p. ni. 5.30 p. m. 5 . '10 p ui. 2.&0 a ui. 7 00 a in 8 45 p ui 1 2 HO p iu 6 05 p iu 9 27 p ui 445 p in 8 3J a in M.ii Tikin leaves li iltim ore 9 15 am 2 05 p m 10 45 p ui 9 45 p iu 2 ( 5 u ia 11 KS a u j " Hnrrisburg, ,., , Blr Bt LI'i ir.i, I L.m.ra LxiriM leaves baltii.iore, J " Haiiii'iilg, Past Line, Lrio Mail n'oii i.' on i n, leaven lialtiinore. arr at liorriaburg, arr ut Laltiuioru, " 'HlUl hiUUI , err at Ei i. leave HarrUbrj arr at Liie i. loaves York. 11 10 ii on 7 20 12 vo ti 56 i 10 9 oil 7 In p m P m p u u ui p m P io a in a in a ui Eiie I.i;.r, -s, Hiti iu-biir Ac ri r at Hurr:burg 8 40 Erie Express North und llaribd.urj Aecmuiodo- . i.,u c-ouin run uuiiy, excepi Mindavs. rltnifra l. p..- North dj!!;-. , . J;y ,'.Xl.l.,,t .vu!. K' r; t l i. c.Ni.. !i uud Itairihliurf Aecoiumodatuju v...i. . . : '." " ""'4" . ......u nnii uauj, neopi i-uuaiiv. l.llllirit J-.x. P'ees North arrive and Fa-t F.ion s,..,ili I......... j...i tartuer information aiip! to, lurrheriuforuration apply a, iLe Ticket Om'ce In II. M K..-..l . - - i ... . ior furUu-r .!.: .., n.Tav LOOK HOSPITAL. ESTABLISHED A8 A FEFllOKFTtOM QTJAC V.RX. THJi ONLY rtAVR WHERE A CURE VAN BE OBTAINED. . DH. JOnNSTON hu discovered the moat Certnln, Rpeedv and onlv KrTeotnnl Itemed y In the World for all Private lilsensoa, Weaknesn of the Dack ir Limbs. Strictures, A Boetioni of the Kidneys and Bladder. Involuntary Dischargee, Iinp"tn-y, Gene nl Debility, Nervousness, Dyspepey, Langunr, Low Spirits. Confusion of Ideas. Palpitation of t he Heart. timidity.Trembllngs. Dimness of Sigh or Uiddinesa. IHsonsc of tho Head. Throat, Nose or skin. Atfeclmns of the Liver, Lungs, SUiaiach orMowola thoso Terri bio Diordor arising from tho fcsslitary Ilnhits of Youth Iboso aooret and solitary practices mnro fatnl to their victims thnn the song nf Syrena to the Ma tinors of Ulysses, blighting their most brilliant hopes or autioipa'tions, rendering marriage, aW., impossi ble. Especially, who have become the victim" of Solitary ice, that drondlnl and destructive habit which annually sweeps to nn untimely grave thousands ol Young Men of the most exulted talents and briilinnt Intellect, who might otherwise have cnlrnnccd listen ing Senates with the thunders of eloquence or waked to eestnty tho living lyre, may call with full con fidence. Married Persons, or Young Men contemplating marriage, being aware of physical weakness, organic debility, deformities, Ac, speedily cured. lie who places himself under the care of Dr. J. mav religiously conlido in bis honor ns a getitlemuu, anJ confidently rcl.r upon his skill as a Physleiun. .t,rF.O W V.A KSIWS ImmediBtely Cured, and Full Vigor llcstored. This Distressing Affection which renders Lifo miserable and marriage impossible is tho pennlty paid by the victims oi improper indulgences. Young peisons aro t'io apt to commit excesses from not being aware or lha dreadful consequences that may ensue Now, who that understands tho subject will pretend to deny that tho power uf procreation is lost Founor by those falling into improper habits than by the prudent' Besides being dnpiivod tho pleasures of healthy offspring, the most serious and destructive symptoms to both body and mind arise. The system becomes Dernnged, tho Physicnl nnd Mental Func tion Weakened, Loss of Proerentiye Powc, Nervous Irritability, liyspepssa. Palpitation of the llcrrt. Indigestio'u, Constitutional Debility, a Wasting nf the Frnino, Cough, Consumption, Decay and Death, OfflCF(ro. 7 Wontls IVetI-ri'U Slro-l L'jft band sido going from Pnltimoie street, a few doors from the corner. Fail not to observe name and number. Latter mut be paid and contain a stamp. The Doctor ' Diplomas hang in hisoffice. X Cl'BSU IVAStEtAIVi'KO HTWO DAYS. No jSTrci'ry or Nnitsroni Drngt. IR. .KdlSS I'tW. Member nf the Ttnynl College of Surgeons, London, 'Irndnnto from ono of the most eminent Colleges in the United States, and tho greater part ur whoso lifo hnrbeen spent in tho hospitals of London, Paris, Philadelphia und leowherc, has eflected some of the most astonishing cures that wero ever known ; ninny troubled with ringing in the bend nnd ears when asleep, great nervousness, being nlai mod at Hidden sounds, bashfulness, with frequent blushing, ittor.ded sometimes with derangement of mind, wero jured immediately. 1MKB IMIMICIXtll TICH. Dr. J. addresses all thos who have injured thm, tclvcs by improper indulgence nnd solitary habits, which ruin both body and mind, unfitting them lor either business, study, society or marringo. Tiir.sn aro some of the sad and melancholy elect produced by early habits of youth, viz: M'cnknoss of lie isack amJ l.nulis. t'nius in ino iieuu. iimuees oi Sight, Los of Muscular Power, Palpitation of the ;hai't. Dyspcpsy. Nervom Irritnbilitv. Derangement of ibe Di'gestivo' Functions, General Debility, Syrrp toins rif Conaumption. Ac. j MkxialCv. The fearful effects on the inin 1 aro much to be dreaded Loss of Memory, Contusion of Ideas, Depreusiou of Spirits. l'-vil-Forebodiiigs. Aver sion to Society, Self-Distrust, Love of Solitude, Timidity, Ao are soineof the evils produced. I'lioiSASns nf pernis of all ages can now judgo what is the cause of their declining health, losing I'leir vigor, becoming weak, pale, ucrvoiM and e undated, having a singular appearance about the eyes, cough aud symptoms of consumption. A lio have injured themselves by a certa-n practice j indulged in when alone, a habit frequently learned ! from evil Companions, or at fcehcol, the tat.ots of r' ; i. a:t i.ini.uyn.ii, tvn w inn asleep, and if ro r-i'.red renders marriage impossible, and destroys both mind nnd body, bbould apply immediately. What a pity that a young man. Pie bnpa of his . country, the darling of his parents, should t snatched j fioiu till prospect and enjoyments uflifo, by the consequence of ucviattng from the path of nature ! uu iiiuuiinin a certain secrci uno.L. cucu .i-i ri'in ULST. btfor contemplating MAtSUI.t:.!?. reBoct that a round mind nnd body are the most necessary requisites to proiooU connubial hapnine-g. Indred without these, tho journey through liie be comes a weary pilgrimage ; tho prospect shourly darkens to tho view; the mind becomes shadowed w ith despair and filled with the melancholy ref.ee- I tion that the hnppincss of another becomes blghtcd j wilh our owu Vt'heu tiie misguided und imprudent voiary of j pleasure finds that he has imbibed the seeds of this . painful disease, it too often h..ppcns llintan ill-timed sense of shumo, or dread ol discovery, deters hitu j frt'tn sp)'lying to those who, from education and I respectability, can nlono befriend biin, ticirty in lit the constitutional symptoms ol tins Iioi rto: niseaso niake their njpcaiancc. such as ulcerated soro throat, diseased nose, nocturnal pair1? in the hnd and limbs, dimness of sight, deafness, nodes on the shin bones and arms, blotches ou the heal, face and extremities, progressing w ilh frightful rapidity, tid at lust t he palate of the mouth or Iho bones of the nose 1 -.11 in, nnd tho victim uf this awful disease becomes a horrid object of commiseration, till death puta a period to his dreadful sutterings, by tending liiin to "that Undiscovered Country from vihencc no traveller returns. " It is nmvlamliolif fact that thousands full victims to this terrible disease, owing to the unsk'llfulncss of hrnornut pretenders, who, by the use of that ilradhf Vvt.io7i, Mercury, ruin tho constitution aud make tho rcttducof life miserable. Trust not your lives, or health, to the careoftha many Unlearned and Worthless Protcnders, diMtittita ot Uuonlejge. name or character, who copy Dr. ) 'huston's advertisements, or stylo themselves, iu the newspapers, regularly Lducatod Physicians, incapable ot Curing, they keep you trilling mouth slier month taking their filthy and 'pois-oiius com pounds, or aa long ns the sural lest fuoenn lie obtnined, and in despair, leave you with ruiued health to sigh over your galiingdisappoiuluienl. iir doliubtou is the only Pbysiuian advertising. His credential or diplomas al way a hang in luaottice. His remiciits or treateiuout are unknown to all olhers, prepared froiu a life spent iu the great hos pitals of Europe, the first iu the countr y and a mora extensive J'rtt att J'ractite than uny other Physician in the world, iiHstsi:Tii:vror'r'!i: iki:sn The many thousands cured at this institution year after year, nud the numerous iuiiairtimt Surgical Operations performed by Dr. Johnston, witnttsed by lao reporters oi the 'Sun,'' 'Clipper,1' and many other pHjicrs, notices of which have appeared again nnd ugaiu before the public, betides his standing as a gentlemau of character and responsibility, ia a sufficient jruarnntec lotht oSlioted. fcSil A UlSILlMl. KPLI-DILY ( I lllilb Persons wrltingshould be particular io directing their letters to hi in.tituliou, iu the folluwing mauno Hll IU. .MMIKTOA, 31. I. Ol the DaltliuoroLock Uospitul, Baltimore, Md. Juno 30 lood ly. PATENT ILtlR CIUMPKUS FOR Crimping and Wavingr Ladies H&ir. NO HEAT REQUIRED IN USING THEM. Ask your storekeeper for ihem ii'ho does not keep ilieui, write to the manufacturer, HI. lVaVN. fcUihSl. aud Columbia Av., PhiUdelphiu. September 2i, 18o0. Oura. MURK" Lubiu Litruc U and Lubiu Soap, at X LIollTNEIt'o, Moikut tyuaro. JF you vant good Tin-M'are, go tiL.SI ILK'a .New Shop. to SMITH dr 3. ICE CKEAM P1IEEZEH.S and . Clo'.he Wringers, for sale bv Haley's Putont B. ZETELMOYEB. Sunbury, July 7, 1BG3. T)isiniM. Jla. Putt,, Hhite Lead, Yurnlshn, Sunbury, June J' C-X"Y 4 C0' LLo. Nail, r, j: .!ll.,C. 1.1 O. 2.1 It.O' ttheuew liurdHuic iStore of hunbury, June It), loud. T . Troi-nrn onoof HYEIU.Y'S pine Photograph Pic tures tt his Rooms in Siiupu' Luild.ii. "' ell ao.i Hanniut; ButVets, I Ayer's SaYSapXrilla A compound remedy, rlesrignerl to be the most cITccttial .Alciatiu tlmt ran ba mads. It ia concantratrd extract ot Tura BnrsApnrilln, ao combined with etlior smlmtancea of atill greater alterative powor ns to afTord an effoc tive nntidote for tlio disenws fjaraaparilla ia Teputod to cure. It ia kidirvcd thai anch v-emetly isj wnntrd by tlioo who MifTer C om StrinnoiM cninplnints, nnd tlmt ene vilifcl! will accomplish their euro mnt prove of immense service to thia forgo cltttsnf our nlllictcil follon-. citiirciia. How conipUdcly tins lonipoiind will Uo it litis been proven Ivy cxperiinont on many of the worst cuscs to Ut Pjund of tho following complnintR : k r , t SuHom.A AMD ScltOFUT.Ol'S CoMPLMNTS, I'laiTIONS AMI Klllll llVK FJiskases, UnCKIta, l'lUft.Ks, llt.orctina, Tiimoiisj, Salt IIiif.um, IScai.i) 1Ihm, .Svi'iiii.ta and .Svi-itit.tr to Ap. fBci'ioNB, Mitnc'L'ntAt, Dismsn, Duoimy, Nuc TtAT.otA on Tn: Uot'i.ouiii:t:x, UuuiLiTr, D- ri'.l'HIA ANIl lSDIOKSTlnst, ICllVHtl'RT.Asj, Hos on Sr. Antiion x'k l'ltttt, und tmluctl llie whole class of complaints uiUing fiotn Impuuitx or Till! lil.onll. This cnniiionmt will lis found tx grent po motor of lif:tl;h, when taken in the spring, to expel tho foul linmori which fester ill llis blood nt that season of tho yenr. !y the time ly expitlsitm of them ninny rankling disorder lire nipped in tin btttl. JlttltltttdiK can, bjr tho niil of this remedy, spare, theniielves from tin! endurnnee of fottl eruptions and nlccrom sores, tliioiigh wliich tho aj stetn will strive to rid itself of corruptions, if not assisted to do this through the natural channels of tho body bjr nn alterative medicine. Clcnno out the vitiated blond whenever you lltnl its impurities bursting through the akin in pimples, eruptions, or sores j tlcatisu it when you find t is oh f tructcd and sluggish in tho veins j cleanse it whenever it is foul, littd your feelings will tell you when. Even whore no particular disorder is felt, people enjoy better licnlth, nnd live longer, f()r demising the blond. Keep tho blood healthy, nnd nil is well ; but with tills pabulum of lifo disordered, there can bo no lasting health. Sooner or later something must g wrong, and the great machinery of life is disordered or overthrown. , Sarsapatilla Las, nud deserves much, the reputation of accomplishing theso ends. Hut tho world has been egiegiously deceived by preparations of it, partly beeaitso the drug nlono lias not nil the virtue that is claimed fur it, but more Leonine ninny preparation1!, pretending to bo concentrated extracts of it, contain hut little of the virtue of Sursapaiillu, or any thing dsn. Dining Into years tho public have been mis led by largo bottles prctendinj; to give n nuart of Kxlract of Suraupai illa lor one dollar. Most of these havo been fritiuU upon the sick, for they not only cimtuiii little, if tiny, 8arsnpa rilla, but often no curative properties whatev er. 1L nee, bitter and painful disappointment lias followed the ue of the: various extracts of Sarsnparilhi which Hood tho niuilict, until tho name itself is justly despised, nud has becomo synonymous with imposition nud client. Still we mil this compound Sursaparilla, nnd intend to Mipply Mich n remedy ns shall iesc.uo tho name from the load of ohloipty which vests upon it. And wo think we have ground for believing it has virtues which nro irrertistililo by tho ouliiiury run of the di-c;i.-.C4 it is intend ed to cure. In oril r to secure their complete eradication from the system, tho remedy bhould bu judiciously taken according to directions OU the bottle. - .. . ri-.ci'Ancn nv DI. J. '. AVlb'IC & CO. i.owhm,, mass. Price, 3 1 per ItottTe Slxllottlea for $3. Ayer's Cherry Pectoral has won for itself such n renown for the pure of eery variety of T hro it uud Lung Conipl dnt, (hat it is entirely unnecessary for us to recount the evidence of its virtues, wherever it ha boon nn ployed. As it lias long been in constant ii.-e throughout this acrtui!!, wenced not do marc than nssiite tho people its quality is kept up Pi the licst it ever ln's been, nnd that it may I. a relied on to do for their relief all it has ever been found to do. Ayer's Cathartic Pills, Toil THE CITSD OF Costiranest, Jnuntice, JlyjMiyiviVi, TnttilfsHon, Di.unfrrii, J'vul Stum u .'i, .'risiyicrrj, Headache, i'r'.Vt, KteuruatisiH, lintptitnti mij S'.in Diseases, I.htf Complaint, Ihvpsy, Tc'M-t; Tumors and Halt Iiieum, IIonii.?, Gout, Xeir'alta, at t Jjiinur I'ill, and for I'toii'iiii, tin Jttwxl. They nro stignr-rnalcd, no that the most tonti tive can take them pleasantly, and they aro the best apeiicut in the world for all the purpo.es of n family physic. Trioa 25 conta per Eos ; Fivo boxes for &1.C5. Great numbers of Clergymen, Physicians, States men, and eminent personages, have lent their names to cei ti fy the unparalleled usefulness of these remedies, but our spare here will not permit tho insertion of them. T he Aiicnta below named fur nish grulisnitr Amisuican Ai.manaimii w liich they .. . .-..ii .1- ..e .1 i.. ... atci.rii, mill aiu inn uenci ipfciuu ui mv uoo,v complaints, and the treatment that should be fol lowed lor their cure. Do not be pot, olf bv unprincipled dealers with other preparations they make moie profit on. Demand A V mi's, and take no others, l lie tick want the best aid there i for them, aud they akoulil have it. All our remedies arc for sale by FRILIXU k BON, Sunbury, Pa. P.. B. JlcOay, Northumberland, and all Druggists and dealers everywhere. At wholesale ly J. M. MOUKIS A CO., Philadelphia. December 21, lbii:. lv Iurc Llix-rly: YVblto Iudr : Will do more and better work at a give Cost, than any other ! Try it! : Jlunnfacrured only by ZIEiiLKHlslJITHr ' Wholeialo Drug, Paint k Ulass Dealers, . No. North T1HKD Street, Pbtladelnljitt. , January 27, I8611 ly. A. .MO.Ij'l'II AGENTS wanted for six entirely new artioles, juat out. Ad 01-esB v. i. uAiitv, vuy lluilding, Bidd Biddeford Muiue. dec23 ly fliOTOOSAPH ALBUMS HOOKS AN?) OTATIONEB Y, Monthly Time Books Trawing Books and Slates. Borks. Hymn Books Bljnk Books, MemornnUuro lilJCJ. Diurieii, Poekoi JJuuks. Ink Stuuds, Pens, len.ds.a fiua ttMoruueut of Paper. Ink. Ac. l ANNA PA1NTEII. Washington House. BAMUKL BNYDER, orrosn'E the kkw coubt uouse, SrjNUL'RY, PA. ."ITIirS popular and comfortable Hofel has been L fitted up in superior order Tor the accommoda tion 0! Mrnnecr, Traveller, and the public goner ally. No eliort will be spared by tho Proprietor to make it a favorite resort and a pleasant bom for every guest His table, his bar. and the lomr ex perience of the proprietor, warrant him In anticipa. tins a liberal share of public r.atronno. nieiuivo staotei, uience. and every desirable eouva- Sunbury, April 7, 1555. ly TAILORING. . " J. F. 6CHAFFER. RESPI'.MTT'LLY informs the citiior.s of BUN BL'KY and vicinity, tbut he has opened a Xailoi-issj; Hiiop, the room over Fe-nswurtk's Grooerf, opposite the Cental Hotel, Sui.vur, wheio be is ready lo make upKsruentsol a.lkii.diiu the luteal sty 1 and bast workmanlike manner. Haying had experience In the businoss for a sum ber of years ha bope to render general sati.'faoiion Custom work is rospcctiully toiicited. t . - J. J'. SCilAFFER. . rjutibur', May 13, 1R.15. Ij , ; , iivriitor' mf-rj. D'EPINVEIL KVANS, Civil Enuim-bu 4hU I'atcmt fioLK-rroBs. No. 43a Walout street, Philadelphia. '' Palonls solicited emuiultHtious on engineering Dniughtiug aud tail. !,.. Moril ad Machinery ui all kinds iuud snd .ilfully alleuded to. Spooiul attention given to rejected vases and interferences. Authentic cnple of uii Document from Ju unl Of fice prucured. S. B. Savayourwilvts u.clc i rouble and travelling eipeuet, aa there is no -lu noed i't persimal lulcivinw wuU us., All busiutwa with I llitoe uuicui oun nt triuiMicLed m wnliui. Jt'or lur ."VI"" I v" " "aa VJ " " . w. i...t, raai:-j I llILDEKS aud tW vulTsMu.tJni' iofldingV J would do well to call und see the laTge assurU liieutof Locks. Latcbe. EdIu, Butts aud Screws, 'o aud f Uiri-. Wlr.riow ' ' PELR'fi JAMBDBO PORT'RAPE WINE. l'saroasitl l'sar tears Old.. FOR TUB COMMUNION TABLE A FAMILY CEE X --'- . . : Prescslbed y Physicians for Females, weekly persons and INVALIDS! V f,' n Jys) ft if p$mm: I ,-;r; ,,-.o FOU FEMALES EXCELLENT AVINE Every family at this season, should use SPEER'S WINE, celebrated in Europe for its medicinal and beneficial qualities, highly esteemed by eminent phisicians, used in Lurojienn nnd American Hospitals, and by some of tba first families in Kurope and America. ' AU A TONIC it has no equal, causing an appetite and building up the system, being entirely a pure wlus of a most Valuable grape. A3 A DIURETIC it imparts a healthy action of the Ulnnds, Kidneys, aud Urinary Organs, very beneficial in Dropsy, Uout, and llheuniatie Affection. SPEEIVS WINS . is a pure article from tho Juice of the Port Orape, possessing medicinal properties superior to any oilier winn in use, and nn cxcPent article for all weak and debilitated persons, and the niied and Infirm, iui proving the appetite, aud beneCuing ladies aud children. Try it once, nnd yon will vol he deceived. Lc Ue sure the sifrnature of Alfred Speed is over tho cork ofeach bottle. Sold by W. A. lioonett. Sunbury, and all first clos dealers, who also sell the .!,I'H.I.A I'Oti r lilt , a choioo old article, im- ported only by Jlr. Speer, direct from the valley of Oporto. .--Trado (applied bv Wholesale Druggist, t. aPy A. SPEKll. at his vineyard in Now Jersey. PRINCIPAL OFF1CK, 2(18 BK0ADWAV, N. t. Suubury, Jan. It), lttflS. ly. BREAD & FANCY CAKES. : vo doors west of the Post Office, SUNBCRY, Pa. KSPECTFULLY Informs the eltiiens of Sun bury aud vicinity, that ha will bake to order all k ds of i, kc lot Uulls, lnrtir. &ri Families ire supplied with FRESH Br.EAP, Twist l'olls. l'.ikj. Tea Duns. Ao., and nlso kept on band ruuirafite'urcd otit of the best materials. All orders will meet with prompt attention. Having had large experience I hope to give general sutiefuction to all who uiav favor me with their patronage. DAVID KKY. Sunbury, Deo. 9, 18ui. 71. C. Gi: VEtU.l B'"S Confectionery, Toy and . ZFJEtTTIT GTOIE, ?I:trlfCt Street, Kunbiu-y, Cu. CONFECTIONF-nY OF All KINDS, TOYS OF EVEllY DLfcCmPTIOX FRUIT, &c, &c, CONSTANTLY on hand and for sole at tbe above V j establishment at wholes. ue and ictail, at reason able prices. He it manufacturing all kinds of Coufeblionarirs to Keep up a lull assortment which are sold at lew rates. Tobacco, Petrars, Btationerv, Nut of oil kind. a a variety of other articles, all of whth art one4 wnolosaio ana retail. 15 llomember the name and place ,JT SI. C. OEAH11ART, Markel street, 3 doors west oft. Y. Bright Jt Sou's more. Sunbury. Sept. 19. 1803. tf NEW ESTABLISHMENT A. E. SAVAGE, W atchmaker AND Iu Simpson's Buildiug, Market Square, STJ1TBUP.T. FSITIT'A- T 1 AS constantly on hand a flu assortment a of JTL U AltilES, CLOCKS and JEWELIt Y, Spec taolce, Silver aud Plated Spoons aud Forks, Ac. 'at cIicm, C'locksi nud letrc-Iry, rc I:iIi-ciI nnd IV A ItSr.V.VrilBr. Suubury, Sept. 30, lSGi. 1 .FARMERS call and look nt the stock of Q ran an ; Wraiu Scythes, Manure, IUy and Straw Forks, lirain Cradles, Cradle Fingers, Trace, Log.Fifib.. Tongue and llalter Chains ; Scythe Stones, Orindt stones aud fixtures, aud everything to make harvesa iug pleasant and agreeable at the new Hardwar store of J. II. CONLEY A CO lure Liberty lVltllo Lend. Preferred by all practical Painters ! Try it ! and you wm riuve uo ouicr. jianutacrureri ouly by E1EULEU A SMITH, Whrlesalo Drug, Paiut A Ulass Dealers, No. 137 North THIRD Street, Philadelphia. January 27, 1S8 ly. RKMEMBKft THIiDKAD. MLSSKS. D. C. Dissinger and John A. Taylor, would respectfully announce to the citizens of Sunbury, and surrounding oouutry, that having formed a co-partnerbhin, they are bow propared to furnish ornamented and pluiu Urnvetilons-N, Toml Jk lonunirnts, of the best Italian and American marble, at prices u. vMiiuui ,au io kivo enure satibtaciioo, aua re spoctfully solicit the public patronage. c v I'ISSINUEH A TAYLOR. Sunbury, March 31, lbOO. ly . ClIA.'VUi: OF DEPOT. fTlIlE undersigned reapectfullv inform his Mend. X and the publio thut he bus changed his place of loudiuir Freiirhfc in Pkiliiil nli.l.ia r...... tf. f ur..j treed, No. Oil Mar ket street, lo A. 3D- ACHESON (Cuioinision Merchant, dealer In Flour, Grain, Seeds, Ac.) lOlft.Mnrket (., fbilndelphln. wnere an ireignt win rj loaded OB ears or the un dersigned, for Dauphin, Sunbury, bkamokin, and all intervening points. All freight will beoarried as low as on any ether line. Orders to carry freight reapeotfully aolioited, which will receive prompt attention. 'B . J B- REISER. Suubury, Jan. 13, lttfiS. 3m. (Late Luoblor House.) HARIUSRUKO, PENN'A. THIS well-known hotel ha net only been extend, ed but has boon greatly altered and newly fit up by tba present proprietor, and is now one of the most comfortable and convenient hotels in Harris burg. March 10, 1888. ly yALUABLETfoWN iOTS I'Oll S.4LI'. " . TMiJIIT (8) valuable town lots are offered for l i sate cneap, oa uswnerry street, opnotite sri. Unit's addition. In the Itoroua-h uf Muuburv. In burr. quire oi J.fi. MAeSEB. Auuoury, rceruary i, ibub $1,050 W!lt IRAU! We wa Hi est I Ik MVMrvaukur t.x ull - ... raevtn 3r bewu. Maoliiue.. Three a,w kiuds Ippor and upter feed. . Warrootod five year Alwv. orLgBurnitiauinf paid. The uKLT macbine ld in trnit.i.t Kiai.. r..r i. ,i... t, sAlen are Culle llaiuaaj by Mows, Wheeler Wil son, U rover A liaker. Shiiref Ce , atnt Maoheldel. All other cheap machiuo. are iufriugatnenu aad tr. " """ 1 -eat. - s s .1- r- "iy.vA, bennet;:; Market Hgnnre, St'.Mlt'UYt !. HAVING reoently 'purchased the Drug Store formerly conducted by R. A Fisher, I be leave to inform the ettisens of fonbury and vi einity, that X have entirely replenished soy stock '; . 1 j am. 'Ibcj mts- em ' AMD F ANCIT ARTICLES I sueh aa Combs, Bro-hes, Pocket-Books, Sosps, Per ininery, nair-uu, ivuires, Scissors, l'oal-Vil Lauips, Tobaooo and Cigars, luiul, Oilts, jilue, 01111111, Pull-, iii'iii.Klios, I'll Ion t .iIi-dlclnfH, Ac. AH my Tinctures. Svrur. Ointments. Corat.. and other preparation aio manufactured by myself, and from the host material I can procure In Market. Having had quite a number of years' experience in Drug ami Precrivlion Butinetn, both In Philadelphia and the country, nud also the advantage of the CoMeje of Pharmacy, I feel com petent to COMPOUND ALL PRESCRIPTIONS that the Physioians and publio may favor me with. All my propagations as 1 have above asserted, are uiauo iroui iuo uesi material, ana upon honor I assert, they are of officinal strength. t or medicinal purposes, I keen oil hand the very best WINES, BhANDIES AMD LIQUORS, that I can procure. Before purchating elsewhere, eall and convince your own mind. . W. A. BENNETT. Suubury, Nov 13,1885. N EW GROCERY rpiIE subscribers bega leave to annouuoe to the JL oitir.ens of Suubury aud its vicinity, that they have opened a NUV7 GROCERY, Ttcif door vett of J. II. Eaglet Store, in Market Square, where they are prepared to furnish every variety of groceries, and will keep constantly ou hand the choicest variolic of FLOUR & FEED, Fish, Coflee, Teas, Sugar, Molasses, Cheese, Suit. Spices of all inscription, fc'oaps of every variety, Caudle, Smoking aud Chewing tobacco, Sugars, Ham. Shoulders, Bacon, Butter, and Eggs. Also Dried fruits of all kinds, Caned Peaches and Toma toes. Pickets, Ketchup, Pepper Sauce, Ruieins, Lemons, Ao., of best quality, aud in fact every style of articles kept in a well stocked Urocery. Also Cider Vinegur. All kinds of country produce taken in exchange. The patronage of the publio is re spectfully solioited. . GEORUEE. BEARD A CO. Sunbury, Nov. 11, 1835. JEWELRY! JEWELRY! JOSEPH KESSLEE, WnUiuuukcr nssd Jeweler, Market Street, Sunbury, Pa. RESPECTFULLY informs his friends and th public, that be has just received a large assort ment uf Watches, Clock and Juwolry, Sptotaclcs, Silver and plated spoons. Eurks. Ac. Watches, Clocks aud Jewelry repaired and war ranted Sunbury, Jan. 13, looO. ly JOHN "WILVEU, ' BOOT 5c SHOE MANUFACTURE H,: One door East of I'riling's Store, Market Square SUNBURY, PENN'A. RESPECTFULLY informs the citixensof Sunbury and vicinity, that he ia prepared to manufac ture to order all kinds of BCOls i SHOhS, at the shnrtost notice and in the beit workmanlike manner, of the best material and at the luweet t'ush pricos. lie hopes to receive a full ihure of patronago. Suubury, June 2, lo'iO. SUNBURY F0UNDRV i:o. etiai:tj A4T.E a soy, ARE now carrying on business at this old esUb lishuicul Willi renewed vigor. Cuflinga of every description, promptly furnished to order. The Stoves manufactured at this Foundry havo acquired the highest reputation. Particular attention paid lo MILL CASTINGS Partners should not l'or,et that tho PLOWS made at the Suubury Foundry have never been equalled. Agricultural Implement repaired at short notice. Small castings, including Cooking utensils, of the mot improved and most useful puUcrus. Th hu;iuesa will bo conducted on an enlarged scalo. Oid customers will bonccoininodated :. utual, and new one are respectfully solicited. Suubury, May 12, l.iud "Y 1 1 NOR'.VPatent Pocket Lanterns for sale at th J.YX Book and Stationery store of N. F. LIG11TNFU LI. kinds ..f Hardware, Irou. it., not In store I'X. will b sent fur and dilivcrud at tho lowest prices by J. II. CONLEY A CO. Suubury, June IS, 1833 Support Homo Industry! Hills of Evrrj Dexcrlptlon! A FULL ASSORTMENT Jist oi c.ved by i'AtlUEL FAUST, Two doors west of Domett's Drug Storo, Market st. SUNBURT, FEKTTST'A.. CALL and ejiamir.o the large assortment of the J latest New York and Philadelphia Hvle of Silk. Cassimere. Petto Derby. Wire Drim, Soft Fur, Straw an I Roy's Hats which for beauty and du rability cannot be excelled. Reing a practical Hat. ter, he aulteiadjiuitelf that his stock ha been elect ed with more care than any ever before brought to tbi place. Uo also manufactures to order all kinds of soft Fur Hat, nil of which will be sold at wholesale and retail, at reasonable rate. Dyeing done at short notioe and at the lowest rates. Suubury, Way 12. lSiiit. ANWLs, ices, Rellows Stocks, and Dies, and all goods belonging to the Dlucksmitbing busi ness for sale lew for Cash bv i U. CONLEY A CO. NEW LIQl'Ott STORE! WM. nOOVEB ttalli oad Street, above .Um-kcf, BAB TllB CENTRAL HOTEL, BUN BURY, PA. Rr.srrXTrLLl.k invites bis friends and the public generally, to cull and examine hi largo whuiu4vuwviii - unioro purcuasiug eisewnere. II U Mock t-ii ihtM ot Ilrunsiiftt, li liioUc.r, Ilollnuil Wiis. a n u uru isiiiii, .'loitotitviiiK'lit null llourlsuu ol'tlssi I:, tsuli ty, iues, t iller, Ti iuc fcur, Ac, Farmers, Hotel Keener, and other are invitd la eall. as bis stock is genuine, and will render giueral satisfaction. Suubury, February 3, IStjo. FANCY DRY GOODS STORE MISS KATE BLACK. Market street, four doors west ofWm. II. Miller's Root aud Shoe store, SUNBURY', Pa. RESPECTFULLY inform her fiioiidsin Suubury and vicinity, tbut she ba just opened her ttntinu AND BUMMER GOODS, ol Notion and Fancy Dry Goods, Uer dock consit of All. YV,u,l DeUin rh.n,v.. Qinghaui. Embruidcric, Lace Collar. Fun. HATS, Mmiiiis, Drillings, Oaribaldi Mu.lins, Bird-Eve wneus, Linen Lawns. Crape uud Lace Veils, Ao. Miss. Deinorenl's liair Curler. Hair ("nit. ami Curls, (Jloves, Stockings, Collars, Corsets, Ao. Uents' Collar. Necktie. hlf II,u irnrolV.r. chief and Suspsuders, Bradley's now Patent Daplex Ellipti (or double opring naiitu Perfumery. Toilet Soon. Hair Braahes. Csmlu. Tor, and a general variety of NOTIONS. , UACrrLlllNU eone bandaomelv aad at horl notioe. klATK l.t.vru' Dunnury. apni vs l one KESTAUKANT & BOARDING HOUSfi! CHAN. ITZIll lrorl'tor. In Cuke's Addiiwe to SUiiUURY, noi lh Peon's. , Railroad Company's Shops, t T AGER BEER, Porter aad Ale of the very best brands, noelleut Ueruian Wines, 6chwitw vwvew, tit mway.on nane. - . . J PERMANENT AND TRANSIENT BOARDERS, kept wbo will nnd ample aoooinmedetiotis. UuoJ eookl and wsiterr. onrderi era enjoy the quiet olhu firts of hone with fare eaaal tn the beat hirlais Buahury, May 'ja, iBtid. "r'TlrltN'Israrrl,., .k. ,.w tuti B1 .-t-,,. ......... P E R EYTA N I 1 1 IS A PtlOTEctED SOLUTION OF TllB rroloxlde ol Iron, a new discovery in medicine which STRIKES AT THE HOOT OF DISEASE, by supplying the Blood with ltsTfrt rniTciftt, - ... P . . oa uri: rtEur.nr IRON. This is the secret of the wonderful sucoees of this remedy in curiug Pypopsl, Liver Complaint, Dropv. Chronlo Diar rhoes. Boils, Nervosa Affection, Chill and Fe vers, Humors. Lose of Constitutional Vigor, Disoascs of the Kidneys and Bladder, Female Complaint, and all diseases originating in a BAD STATE OF THE BLOOD or accompanied by dkbilitt or a low stats or . tUSBTSTKM. Being freo from Alcohol In any form, Its energi sing eflect are not followed by corresponding reac tion, but are permanent, Infusing PTIiK.iOTil. vtooR and sw Lira Into all pari ol the system, and build ing up an IRON CONSTITUTION. DYSPEPSIA AND DEBILITY. From tfn Venerable Archdeacon SCOTT, D. D Dlsiiam, Canada East, March 21, ISfiS. "I am an inveterate Dyspeptic of more than 23 years standing." ! have been so wonderfully benefitted in the three tburt week during which I havo used the Peruvian Syrup, that I can curculy persuade' myself uf the reality. People who have kuown me ' are aatonithed at the chvngo. I am widely known, and can but recommend to others that wliich hue 1 done so much fur mo ,; One of tba must DistitiuUhetl Jurisis tr New Kaglund Writes to a Frieud us lollows: . "I have tried the PERUVIAN SYRUP, and th ' result fully sustains your prediction. It has made ' a new muu uf uie ; intuscd into uiy system new vt( and energy ; I am no longer tremuluud and debilita ted, as when you lust saw ino, but stronger, heartier, and with larger capacity tor labor, uientul and physical, than at any time during the lut live years." Ait Eminent Divine of Huston, sayt: I have been using the PERUVIAN SYRCPfor soma timo past; it give tne new riiun, Bi'onjct or SPIRITS, kLASIICIV UP llt'SCLE." Thousand have been changed by the uso of this remedy ; from wenk, sickly, suffering creatures, to strung, healthy, and happy men ouu women ; and invalids cauiiut reasonably ucitituta to give it a trial. A pamphlet of 32 pages, containing certificates uf cures and recommendations from some uf the most eminent pbysiuian, clorgyuieu, and others, will be sout Ire to any address, lf-Soa thai each bottle Las PERUVIAN SYRUP blown in the glags. For sale by J. P. DIN3M0RE. Proprietor, 31 Dey Street, New York. ktt tv all tmcaaisri. SCROFULA. All Medical Men sgree that IODINE is the Bet Remedy for Scrofula and all kindred disoaso ever discovered. The difficulty has been toobtaiu a Pure Solution of it. Dr. H. ANDEES' IODINE WATER. Isa Pure Solution of Iodine. Without a Solvent'.! Coiilainiuga full grain to each ounce of water. A Uudt Powerful Vitaliiing Agaut and Restorative. It has cured and will cure SCROFULA in all its maul Tj'ii foiU.8. VIccr, trrtiuMTM, Svptilllx, Salt kilacsiui ; and it has been need wilh astonishing success in case of Kbeumatims, Dyspepsia, f onicmption, Female Complaints Heart, Liver, and Khioey Disrates, Ao. Circulars will be sent freu to any one sending their address. Price$l.C0abottlc,or6for ?5 1'0. Prepared by Dr. U. ANDERS', Phydclan and Che mist. For sale by J. P. D1NSMORE, :ii Dey Street, New York And by all Drugs''-. Wistar's Ealsam WILD CHBRY. has been utcd for nearly HALF A CENTURY, with the most astonishing success iu curing Coughs, C . Ids, IIoarooos, Sore Throat Influcr.js V hooping Cnue-h, Croup. Liver Complaint, Brochuu, Didieultyuf Breathimc. Asth ma and every uOcetiou of Tii Tlii'oai, I.iiiim, uud C'Zicct. coxsuMn-ioy, wbleh carries o IT more victims shsn other disease, and which b.ftlc the skill of the Pbvsician to a greater extent than auy other malady, often YIELDS TO THIS ttKUKlir ! when all others prove ineft'totual. AS A MEDICINE, rapid in relief, soothing in effeol, in It orera tion. it l nnsurpoued ! and is entitled merit., and receive the general confluence of the public SEYMOUR THATCHER, M. D., ' of Herman, K. Y., writes as follows: yutnr's Balsam of Wild Cherry gives universal Mtisfaat on. 1 1 nioi n ,-.. . i'. I. .Z i... ,. i , , : . wm v.iUilM ,v looseuinir and cleaning the lung., and allaying irritation, thus , romovinglh cause, instead of drving up the couch -, m vue oeii.ua. i coiiai lor the lial earn as good as any, if not the best Cough meaiciua with which lam acquainted." From Hon. Jude-e SPRAKER.of Cantnhrie. V Y Uoutlenien This is to oertily thai mvsclf and Tamily have used Dr. Wistar's Ralsiim of Wild cherv furseyeral years, and that I take great pleasure ia recommending it in preference to onrthing nf the kind lor the purposes tor which it is intended. In ca.esof Asthma, Phthisic, or uffeetions of the Xbjout, I have never met with any thing eual to it, Vory respectfully, DAVID SPRAKER. The Rev. JACOB SECHLER, of Hanover. Pa., Well known and much respected among tho Oennsc population iu tin country, make iue following latemenl for the benefit of the afflicted. Dear Sir: Having roalijed iumv family impor tant beneSu from the use of your valuable prepara tion Wbtar'a Bulsuui of Wild Cherrv it iillord' me pleaur to recommend it to the publio. Somo eight years ago one of my daughters seemed to bo ii a docliue.and little hopea of her recovery were enter tained. I then procured a LotUo of your exeellen Balsaia, and bef. re she hud taken the whole of th contents of the boule there was a great improven en in bar health. I bare, in my individual ear, madi frroiuiit use of your valuable n.cdiciuc, uud bavt always been benefitted by it. JACOB SECHLER PRICE ONE DOLLAR A BOTTLE. For sale by J. P. DIN.SMORE, 34 DeySireet, New York SETU W FOWLEk A Son" Propriaot l,oc. And by all Drujgiits. GRACE'S CELEBRATED SALVE Cure Cnt. Barn. SeaKLi 0 RACE'S CELEBRATED SALVE Cure WoncsV Uruiae Spralts wnAV.e s CELEBRATED SALVE Cures Boils, Vleer, t ner GRACE'S CELEBRATED SALVE Cures Suit Rheum, Erysipelas CftACE S celebrated: salve Cures Chapp4 Hand, ChilUaina. GRACE'S CELU4.IUTED SALVE ' ' UteJs Ohi So.-c, EUsU Wouud. Ao. -It is prosupd fn aetiott, removes psln at 6nee, aL reduces ue most soKre-l.ie4iu w.tn,.. .i ". lt4gat. Uiua SJiwdiua ruii.t and l . i Ouly 8S cents U ffVrnt-.- wraip wr 8 cents iur eaVs, by J. t, DINSMOrtE, M Dey Mr : . .' W. i'OWLt A son, Pi-.Tpnetoi