jr. B. BNOLI, ( FuHher. SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 8, 1800. tSTPkl Up. All those ImloMod to the Arm of Mabisr & Wilymt, for Printing, tire revested- to pay up, the account! mint to settled. Thoie at a distance ten forward the amount by mail at our risk, if enclosed in presence of post-masters where tunileii. 3Local ftffatvs. lySprcuL 'CoitiT. In th special court, held during th put frock, dome Important oa'es were tried. The regular torm commences next Monday. Cp-Tnsj OLnCornT Ifousi hm been tnken down. Tho old brick, which sreof superior quality, will be uted tu the construction of the new Matonio Hall. Ihe remoral of the old Court House will greatly improve the appearance of Market Square. LP E.ntkhtainKknt at Northumberland-.- An entertainment, confuting of tableaux, charades nd singing, will be given in the Town Hall, in Tvorlhumborland, on Monday evening, Nor. 6th. Tickets of admission can be obtained at the store of M. B. Priestley, and of D. M. Brautigam. Price, twenty-five ocnts. 'lyBiiiiR add Fistitai.. The Sunday School "of the Presbyterian Church, In this plaae, will give H dinner tit noon, on Menday next, in the leoture room of the olniTob, for the benefit of the sobool. A festival will be held by the ladies on Mondny, Tuesday and Wednesday evenings.-. The publlo are "respectfully Invited to attend. 7 Dark Colors. Many of the new frsme buildings in this place, we observe, are painted In dark Colors. We regret this, as dark colors are always connected with sombre and gloomy associa tions. For purity of taste and neatness, the standard color is white, and the nearer wa approach this the more cheerful it will appear. y Nkw Scbool Hocsb. The School Board of Tapper Augusta township having determined on eree- ting a new school house, to be located in Cake's addition, above town, will reoeive proposals for the construction of the new building, until 2 o'clock, F. M., to-day, (Saturday.) The plans and ipeeifi Cations can be seon at the store of Friling A Son, In this place. 15?" Errata. In last week's issue, in an article on the " Boulevards of Sunbury," the types made ui say, -It has been proposed to take off about one foot from the embankment on Front street, between Market and Second, and use the earth in extending it below the railroad." It should havobeon C lies nut street, instead of Second. Our readers in this Jdace, of course, readily perceived the error. 'tJP Tax dedication of the new Masonio Hall, - which was to have taken place cn Monday last, has been postponed until next Mondny, on account of t the weather. Tho ceremonies will take place at 1 o'clock, P. M. All the neighboring lodges are invited to attend and partisipate. As the season is wull advanced, the contractors will put to work n large furce of bricklayers, and expect to run up the walla in a few weeks. IT-Wilo Fowls. Several large flocks of wild geese have passed over this place recently, moving southward. They made a great noise in their flight, and were evidtntly anxious to reach a warmer cli mate. Large numbers nf wild ducks have also made .their appearance, and some of our sportsmen have Tiad an exciting time shooting them on the Tiver, opposite this place, and below the Shamokin dam. The weuthcr-wiso consider this early movement of wild (owls a sure indication of extremely odd wea ther and a severe winter. ty Tna'new pavement around the Court-House will be a handsome improvement. Tho large sized flag-stones, in front, are well adapted for the pur- pone, but should not have been patched up with small ones to save a few square feet of stone. The curbing, which is heavy and, perhaps, substantial, is, we regret to say, badly set, but may yet be reme died. It is to be regretted that the whole matter of feneing and paving, around this new and handsomo structure, had not been placed in the hands of expe rienced and competent workmen. IjT Crime. On Saturday night, about b o'clock, a colored barber was attacked by three ruffians while on bis way to tins place from Northumberland, on the river bank, above the Augusta Hotel, in Cuke's addition. He was knocked down by the despera does, but after a severe struggle mnde his escape, leaving his bat and a box of rasnrs lying in the road. His cries attracted the attention of the neighbors, who supposed that the man bad been murdered and bis body thrown into the river, as they saw marks on the side of the bank, as if some person had been -dragged over. Next morning the barber mad bis appearance and claimed thearlicles found, and, with lie exception of a few slight bruises, was uninjured. The affair naturally created a great deal of exoite 'went In the neighborhood. Two other robberies, or attempts at robbery, occurred in tbil place oa the same evening, which epen'k very badly indoed for the police regulations of our turough. An attempt wo mad to break Into the freight warehouse of th Empire and Tel pher transportation lines, at the crossing of the Nor thern Central and Shamokin Valley roads, in Third treat, but th plans of th villains were frustra ted in time by the night watchman on the railroad. A stranger went into th Central Hotel and delib erately helped himself to a pair of boots, in a closet. He seated himself very coolly, and commenced put King on the boots, when he was asked by what author ity be took them. lie gar some evasive answer, dropped the boots, and made bis escape. The town authorities will be compelled to organise a police force. Some well known desperadoes should be taught that they are amenable to the laws, and that trespassers will not bo allowed to commit crimes with impunity. tJTBASi Ball 8uxbdbt vs. Suauokii. A -spirited gam of baseball was played at bhamokin, on Saturday last, between an "Independent nine, of Sunbury, (all of whom are members of th Sus quehanna Club,) and th Anthracite Club, of the former place. A large number of persons, inclu ding quite a number of ladies, were present to wit ness th game, and some good playing on both sides was frequently applauded. Our fcoys, while -at Shamokin, were th guests of the Anthracite Club, am they all Speak highly of th many kind tosplUlittes shown them during their visit. The victory was awarded to the Sunbury boys who beat the Anthracites by 70 runs. It is but just to say that Ihe latter club is of recent origin, some five or six months old, and with more" praotio and cxperiet.ee will, no doubt, make a good club, as they possess the material to become first-class players. - The following Is too score : astkbacitr. IKBXrlaDEST fins. O. R Machen, e. f. bchmink, I. f Jlod, p. Booth, 2d b l.atkln. e. fcbipp. 1st b. tieis. 3d b. Oetter, s. S. Haas, r. f. Total, Ilower, e. f. Welke-r. 1. I. LUuobnf, p. bourne, 44 u. Faust, a. s. jHeesbolts, 2d b. Boyer, e. Weaver. 1st b. Ii-rio, r- f- 21 U Total, 21 ixntvai. 1st. 3d. td. 4th. 4'b. 6th. 7th. Independent, It I t II J2-111 Aulbraeit. t 8 T 1 1 10 4 W Home runs IndepaBdasii, It i ADtkraeiU, t. ; Umpire U. Cullia. sAoxara-iIoTr aa4 Morgas. Tint cf fvtce hours aod 11 ssiaatM. , far Off, 4 LtcowiM Co. W the, following. In relation to a Very Important discovery of oil near Ifnooy, la Lyoomleg maty, frota the i Mure luminary, . of Taaeday last I ' Several months elnoe we netlead the organisation of the Mnncy Coal OH Company, and stated the foot that I the company bad eontraeled for inking a Well on the Oortner farm, about seven Biles north of this borough. On Saturday last the following statement, in regard to the operations and tnooess of the con tractor, was furnished as by a gentleman who spent the whole of last Friday on lb ground, and doubt less knows wbereof be writes : "After the great freshet in the spring of IMS, eou.1 oil made its appearance in springs of water, Seven miles north of the borough of Mane. A Com pany was formed to develop the territory. In July last they oommenced sinking a Well. At the depth of one hundred and fifty feet a small vein of oil was struck f another small vein was struck at two hun dred and fifty feet ; both of these veins nndcr the pressure of water ceased to flow. ' After having passed through one strata of brown land stone and one of white, again passing into the brown sandstone, and whilst passing from tho seoond strata of brown sand into the second strata of white sand, at a depth of four hundred and fifty feet a largo vein of oil was struck at 4 o'clock, P. M., on Thursday, the 25th Inst., which Continues to flow, notwithstanding tho great pressure of water upon it. Should this vein of oil continue to flow for a few hours more, it will be necessary to tube the well and test Ihe vein. This is a very unexpected result, as no large vein of oil was looked fur short of six hundred and fifty feet. 11 An almost universal opinion has been prevailing that nil eould not be struck on the south-east slope of the Allegheny mountains, whioh has made it very difficult for the Muncy Company to obtain subscri bers to the stock of the Company. The great suc cess attending the sinking of well No. 1. on the Oortner furm. seven miles north of Muncy, explodos this absurd theory." t3pRTKR BoTA, tOI Wira MuttHERIR, TO SI II (JDS at Williamsport, ox thr 4tb or December. The Italinn, Peter Dots, recently convicted in the Lycoming County inurt of having murdered his re puted wife, Thoeba Ann Bota, alias Pbocba Ann Keel, at M'tlliannport, on the 4th of March last, is shortly to pay the penally of hiscrime. On Tuesday lust Uorernor Curtin issued the death warrant, di recting Bota to be hung, at Williamsport, between the hours of ten and three o'clock, on Tuesday, the 4th day of Dtcenrbor next. Peter Bota and the murderod woman resided at Ilarrisburg previous to removing to Williamsport. Phoebe's brains were cut out of ber head by Bota, who used a hatehet to accomplish hut end. nUSINESS NOTICES. U Job Pi-iiiliiis;. Having received a large supply of NKW JOB TYPE, of various new styles, Posters, Handbills, Circulars, Cards, Letter Heads, Bill Heads, Labels, 4c, can be printed in ihe latest and best styles, and on short notice. Orders by mail promptly attended to. Grxtlkmem's Goons. Call nt J. Marsh's Clo thing Store, in Simpson's building, Market square, where a lurge assortment of Reudy-Mada Clothing has just been opened. A general variety of men's and boys' clothing, overcoats of the latest styles, ta. Also, an assortment of furnishing goods. Do it Immediately. The poet si vs. 'secure the shadow ere the substance fades," and in order to do so to good advantage, go straightway to Berly's Photograph U all cry, in Simpson's building, Murket street, Sunbury. Mr. B. is prepared to furnish Pho tographs and Ambrotypes in all styles and sixes. We would advise all who desir to have a good picture to pay Mr. Byerly a visit. Frost. We have had several heavy frosts, indi cating the approach of winter, and Ibis reminds us of the large, elegant and cheap assortment of winter goods just opened at the merchant tailoring estab lishment of Jacob 0. Beck, on Fourth street, where men and boys are supplied promptly to order with any articlo in bin line, made in the best manner, aud warranted lo please. The corn crop of Pennsylvania, this fall, will reach about 30.000,000 bushels, being an average of 33 bushels to the acre. While this species of grain has flourished so well in fields, the crop on the toes of ihe citizens of Ibis community has greatly dimin ished, owing, no doubt, to ibe fact that the boots and shoes worn were purchased at Hurry Tbacbvr'a cheap Boot and Shoe Store, in the old Boulton stand, Mar ket street. His boots and shoes are so soft and comfortable that they do not produce corns. Inn Resi-lt or me Election. That the Stale election 1s now over must bo a source of satisfaction to everybody. Those who have been elevated to office are very well satisfied, of course. Tbe candi dates who were hot elected have no further cause for anxiety, and doubtless experience a very agrocable Sensation of relief. Persons who bet on the result of the election have either Ihe gratification of re ceiving money, or the lolly and magnanimous plea sure of pnying it over. Every oue now has leisure o attend to greater and more important matters. uch ns the selection of new fall suit from the onlinental Clothing Bazaar. Market at, Sunbury. 1 I 1,1 in Reader, buy your shoes, your boot, or anything you want In that line, at Minor s r.xoeisior uoot a Shoe Store, Market square. You gain much by doing so ; first, in price ; second, in goods well made ; third. In goods being what Ihoy are represented. Miller's roputaiion for honesty la his business ir an xiom in ibis community. For Fall ard Visiter'. Mr. John E. Smlck has just received at his establishment, on I ourth street, large stock of American and kngltsn iioms, Las- meres end Vestings, which be is prepared to make up to order on tbe thorleit notice. This is decidedly one of tbe finest slock of goods ever received by Mr. mick. and tbe publie can rely upon getting fin at is establishment. l5To Clsih Agists Blunks for the collec tion of '-Claims ol Private Soldiers and roo-Cora missioned Officers," under the late Aet of Congress, equalising bounties, have been printed and are now for sale at the Am aniCAli office. We keep on hand a full supply of all kinds of military blanks, which we sell very cheap. Tbey are copied from blanks prepared In the Departments at Washington, and ean be relied on for correctness. Orders from a dis tance will receive prompt attention. Lira Iksoiiajice. " Were Life Insurance more nniversally adopted, it would save a world of misery and smooths the thorns of many a pillow would re lieve much parental anxiety, would add to the rum of human happiueas and more than that, would nrouiuta the best intercsta ni luoramy, ami wouia even eonduoe to tho highest Interests ol roligion. Uncertain as human lite is, one ot ine surest ways uy hioh in the event ol death, a large body or aien can eeiire independence fur their families, is by joining Life Insurance society. Jliil J. inina u every man's duty, if providence has placed min in a posi tion in wbicu ue ean ao it. oecause i noiu mai ii a man can prevent it, do man is justified in so acting as lo leave tut amiiy uepenaeni, timer upon private benevolence or publio charily. I look upon insu rauee of lives as the beat means by which a man can avert these evils. Tbe highest recommendation of Life Ajsurance appears to me to be this, that 1 ean provide for my family, in a way that, least of all, exposes me io w"w'6 .. w. - . and that love of money, which is th root ot all evil. When 1 juined a Life Insurance booiety, I felt my baud was more open afterwards to every wurk of humanity and benevolence ; and I also .ult that my heart was mora open to tbe olaims of religion. I bav seen th anxiety of a father lor bis unprovided family caat a dark gloom er n a Rood man's daalu bed. I bav seon mora paiuful cas. I havaatan tho.. anitiaa enrroea Ihe attanlioD of lb 10 14 few brief days of on wbo bod lived too negligent of bis highest interests, and whose attention and tiin should have been ooneejoruied to wor important duties. I teal then, that a Life Insurance Company is not only parallel, so to speak, with tbe grand interests of morality and tligion, but even auxiliary to them." Uer. D. OuOiri.) J0O 6HirM, Fir sussf Lift Inmrtnr Afnt, Banbury, P. . 12 ill ..a--8:r neOtjr, fer sale. Apply t . . J. T0tW. . Clotbi, I Clwtbimo I Ckoraiaa t At tow Prices f ' 5 At Low Prioes! ' At Low Prices! f i, r, ,-v , 15 Per Cent. Saved ! M Per Cent, (laved ! 3 M Per Cent. Saved ! Call and Bee, early 1 Call sad Bee, ely ! Call and Soe, early Bar yonr Money, and buy of Bav your Money, and buy of Bav yoar Money, and buy of 8. KnommiRo, 8. Krorrhskro, 8. Krorbrbrro. SIJIXIUJKV BIAHKETW. Correoted Weekly for the "Amerioan." Wheat Flour, extra family, per barrel, do do do do perewt. Rye Flour, per bbl. do per owt, Wheat, prim red per bushel, Rye, do Corn, do Oats, do Potatoes, do Dried Peaches, pared per round do do unpared do Dried Annies. do $16 00 T 60 10 00 60 60 00 1 10 60 eo 26 26 16 3 oo 46 30 SO 2d 23 26 10 16 18 SO Dried Cherries, (unstoned,) per bu. IS u Her, per pound. per dosen, per pound, do do do do do ' do per pair Ctaeese, Lard, Hams. Shoulders, Beof, hind quarter, ' front " Mutton, Chickens, ' Sbamoktn Cons 'l's-ndc. 6nAroKiR,Oct. 29, 18GB. l".t. Ci Sent for week ending Oct. 27, Per last report, 11.4.IO 01 466 842 17 407.380 18 370,040 17 Vl',331 01 To lame time last year, Increase. Special Notices. Spbbr's 8ambvro Port Wise Dr. Harris, of the N. Y. Hospital, "finds an excellent tonie and gentle stimulant preferable to the commercial port and other wines, and recommends it especially, for ladies." Dr. Parish, of Philadelphia, "pronounces it to be a purely unadulterated juice of the grape, possessing much medicinal virtue, and uses it for its purity, fine flavor, medicinal properties, and non inloxicative qualities, 4o." Our limited space for bids any more extracts from letters of similar import from numerous physicians and clergymen, many of lb latter using it as a communion wine in prefer ence to foreign wines. Harper't Weelly. The above wine is sold by W. A. Bkmxktt, Drug gist, Market street, Sunbury. Saria. W have long supposed this celebrated drug had come to be an exploded humbug, but we are assured by those skilled iu tbe healing art, that not the Sarsaparilia Itself is to bo blamed for this conclusion, but the miserable worthless preparations of it that hare been palmed off upon the community preparations which contain about as much of its virtues astbey do of gold dutt. It Is a commercial fact that almost all of the Sarsaparilia gathered in tbe world is consumed in ihe old countries of Europe, where the science of medicine has reached its high est perfection, and where they know tho best what to employ fur the mastery of disease. Hence we are glad to find that wo are now to bav a oompound of this excellent alterative, wbieh ean b relied oa, and our community will not need be assured that any thing Doctor Aver makes is worthy of their confi dence. He has been for years engaged in elimina ting this remedy (see advertising columns,) designing to make it his "chef d' ouvre," whioh should add the crowning glory to his already enviablo reputa tion. American Celt, New York. ltr. ScliesifU'st Pulmonic Syr sip. This great medicine cured Dr. J. II. Schenck, the Proprietor, of Pulmonary Consumption, wbonit had assumed its must formidable aspect, and when speedy death appeared to be inevitable. His phy siciuns pronounced his ense incurable, when he com menced Ihe use of this simple but powerful remedy. His health was restored in a very sh'rl time, and no return of Ihe disease has been apprehended, for all the symptoms quickly disappeared, and his present weight is more than two hundred pounds. bince bis recovery, be has devoted his attention exclusively to the cure uf Consuinpl ion. and the dis eases which are usually complicated with it, and the cures eBeeted by his medicines have been very nu merous ana truly wouueriui. ur. c-cuenuK makes professional visits to aeveral of the larger cities weekly, where he has a la're concourse of patients, and it is truly astonishing Vo see poor consumptives that have to be lifted out uf iheir carriages, and in a few month heulihv. robust persons. Dit.M iiknck s PILMOMU KY Btr, 6!SAWfetil TWM1C. and MAMllUKE 1'iLLS, are generally all required in curing Consumption. Full 'directions aoeompnny each, so that any one can lake them wilbout seeing Dr. hchenck, but when it Is convenient it is best lo see him. He giies advice free, but for a thorough examination with hisitttspirouieter bis tee it thio dollars. l'lease observe, when mirchastne, that ihe two likenetses of the Doctor one when in tbe Ul stuge of Consumption, and the other as he now is, in per fect health are on ine uovernmeni siamp. Sold bv ull DruKKists and Dealers. fricefl.sO per bottle, or 17. AO the ball dozen. Letters fur ad vice should always be directed to Dr. etehenek'e Principal Offuo, No. 16 North Olh btreel, Philadel phia, i'a. Ueneral vt hotesaio Agcnis : wemu names a -o , N. Y 8 6. llance. Baltimore, Md. ; Jubn D. Paik, Jinciunali, Ubio; Walker t, Taylor, Chicago, 111. ; Collins Bros., Pit. Louis, Mo. Oat. 20, lw7. U w.eu. mo. 1 yr. i i in itch i i rem SCRATCH ! SC11ATC1I! BCRAl'CIt ! WHEATON'8 OINTMENT -IVill t'nre tbe 1 1 els 1st SH Hours. Also cures SALT KHKl'M, ULCEUS, CIIIL IlLAlN.b', and all ERUI'TIONS OF 1 lib: SKIN. Price SO ceiils. ror sale by the nruicirists. JJv send- inir AO cents to WEEKS A POX I KK, bole Airenls 170 Washington street, uoston, it will ne lorwarded by mail, Iree of postage, to any part of the United Btates. je a oo-y nlie Coul'cafcloim iissd l-lxpcrivuce 1 ur AX 1.1VAL1U. Published for tbebecefitand as a caution to young men and others, wbu sutler from Nervous leoiliiy, Premature Decay of Manhood, Ac, supplying at the aame time the means of self-cure. By one who nas cured himself a'ter undergoing considerable quack ery. Ly enclosing; a post-paid addressed envelope, single copies, tree of charge may be had of th au thor. NATHANIEL MAYFAIR, Esq., Brooklyn, Kiogs Vo. a. l. January 27, 188 ly. Deafucis. Illlssdnesta aud Cntarrh, Treated with the utmost success by Dr. J. ISAACS Oculist and Aurist. ffoi uteris of Le.den, Holland.) No. 518 Pine street. Philadelphia. Testimonials from th moat re.iable sources in th City and Coun try ean be seen at his office. The medical faculty are invited to accompany tbeir patients, as be bas oa se crets in bis practice. Artificial Kyes, inserted wita out pain. No charge mad far examination. bept. 29, looo.-ly To CoHBuiuptive. The advertiser, having been restored to health in a few weeks by a very sitnpl remedy, after baring suffered for several years with a sever lung affection and that dread disease, Consumption is anxious to maV knowu to" bis fellow sufferers th means of cure.' To all who desir it, h will send a aopy of th prescription used (free of chars ), with th diree lions for preparing and using th same, whioh they will find a Iriia sjowa for Cosnprioi, Attsmat Bnoncnins, Colons, Colds, aud all Throat aud Lung AfTcotlons. Th only objeot ol th advertises in tending the proscription is to benefit th aQliottd and spread information which b conceives to be la valuable, and b hopes every sufferer will try fall remedy, as U will coot thaw nothing, and muy pror a blessing. Partis wishing th prescription, ran, by rtura pie add:.- nwi,a.r,s stV ww mssa n4lV WilllasBaboraBj lioga do , Jfaw Tork. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. ,. A MEW AKRITAI. OF FALL' & W1NTEU GOODS, " AT TDK STORK OF Market Btre.t, BUNWJRT. PAv Jrgettof ."ry ;rodu.W.m " Uis line of Goods for Gentlemen's and n good Fin. Black and Blu rencT, j ?? Beaver Cloths lor OVerooat. h very be.! j f nf J?i and Fancy CftsrtmereS, Cloud Satlnelt and K-in"il,Tw . Jean, all at low prices. UI'K' His l)nu of Ladies' and Misses' Dress Goods can't be beat m this Mule borough. 1 HUNT UI' lllA-Is: Nil, IC, Plain and Figured Silk and Wool Poplin, all-wool Poplin, Plain and Fanov French Mcrirm. from one dollar per yard upwards, of all Shales and Colors, all-wool Plaids, Alpaca, all colors. I'luin and Fancy Mohair Lustres, all-wool Dolainus, Fancy and Figured Knglish Merinos, very biiudaouc, Dulaiucs, Calicoes and Muslins, all prioes. Ladit-a' Cloth for Dresses, Ladies' Cloih for Sacks, Sacking Flannel, all shades, Ladies' Shawls, pluin and fancy. BE8T WOOL BLANKETS, White Marseilles Quilts, Bed Spreads, Balmoral Skirts. Yankee Notion in Great Variety Hosiery, of all description, Ulnres, for Ladies and Oentx, Dress Trimmings, Fancy Bittoits, Ac, Ladies' Frenali Corsets, Ladles' Hoop Skirts, Ocnts' aliirts and Drawers, Liiilies VusU an I Dr itver.-i, Lnnliu.-t , Misses' and Children's Fancy Hoods, Wool 6'cn is, Ladies Fancy Scarfs, and a variety of other goods. C .A. n IP E T S , Wov Floor Cloths, Stair Carpets Floor Oil Cloths, all widths, Carriage Oil Cloth, Table Oil Clothj Widow Shades, Plain Orecn and Bruwu Oil Cloth and Fixtures for Windows. GHOCBRIE S, Sugar. Coffee, Molasses, Rioe, Crackors, Spices, Salt Fish, Cheese, Ao. Queensware,U)assware, splendid Setts of Tcanare, at low prices. BOOTS A SHOES IN GREAT VAIUETY. Hats and Caps, Oil, Paint, U lass, Putty, School Books. Paper, Slates, Ac HARD WARE. Shovels, Forks, Nails, Locks, Hinges and Screws A Large assortment of WALL TAPER and Dor" der. at all prices. All persons desiring to get good goods will please give him a call. J. II. EXCEL. Sunbury, October 20, 1866. WK. HiLNCKE & rmOTHEBi No. 804 A IICJI Street, PHILADELPHIA, Wholesale and Retait Dealers in behlin ZBm-vns, EMBROIDERIES, Fine Knit Goods, etc person ally selected in Europe. Domestic Zephyrs, Oerinautown- Wools, Cashmere Yurns, etc , latest stylus in Ladies Dress sud Cloak TPwIMiaiTGS. Buttons. Drop Fringes, Lnces, Shawl Borders, Ac. White Embroidered Bands, eto. The goods being carefully selectod. Our Wholesale Department offers great inducements to Ibe trade. Scjtcuiber 8, 1866. 3mw Greal Attraction, NEW TIN -WARE, Slic-t Iron nntl Sioti- Store of SMITH & GEITTFTTI5:. Where they keep constantly on hand and manufac ture to order at short notice. TIN AND SHEET IRON-WARE of nil descriptions. They would especially call the attention of pur chasers ta their large and well selected slock of COOK AND PARLOR ST0VS. The subscribers have made arrangements to Ln vo all Iheir best stoves made to order, and tlio.su who would have a good stove would do well to go and examine their large and well selected stock. First. They defy competition on the fulloninl irieu urunus ui v.oua oiuruj, vis : CvissMiiiitioii 4jjiM ltciraicr, Cook, 4tiov-i-sior IViin-CooIi. WABASH AND IRONSIDES, and the wull known Antidust Cook Slovo called SPEAK'S ANTIDUST. Also. Parlor and offico Stores in great variety em bracing all the befet manufactures and mupt tii-binn. able designs, unsurpassed for beauty of finish simpli city of orrauigeuieiit combining cheapness, durability and each stove warranted to perform what they mo represented. Alio, Tbe celebrated Baltimore Fire Tlaee Move, for heating first, second and third ttoricsby KcgUun Also, VULCAN HEATER. Also, tbe celebrated MORNING) GLORY. Conl Oil, Coal Oil Laiinp, (shades Chlnintcit, aud all arlicli-tf usually kept in an establishment of this kind. Tbey are also prepared lo furnish Slate and do slating in the best workmanlike manner. Also, lo do Tin Hoofing, Spouting. Rnngo and Furnace Work, Gas Fitting, ie. Repairing ncutly and cheaply executed. Also: "JBaiigH'si Ituiv Hone SuTci-.IuIiioi. pliuli-." Remember the pine. Sample and Sales Room neatly opposite Conly's Hardware Store. M.-trket street, between Third and Fourth streets. Building dark puiatcd. AUgust 2b, IS6S. iutvited Sin y 3l, lHi(t. This Is an article for washing without running, exeept in very dirty places, which will require a veryslighlrub, and unlike other preparation-offered for a like purpose, will not not Til a ci.onits, but will leav litem mucn wiiitkr man orainary muiu- ods, without the usual wear and tear. It removes urease spots as if by mazic, and snliens tbe dirt by soaking, so (bat rinsing will in ordinary earns entirely remove it Ibis powder is prepared in accordance wr.ti chemi cal soience, and upon a prreess peculiar lo itself, wbicb is secured by Letters Putcut. It hasbei-n iu u-o tor more than a rear, and has Droved iiscll an univer sal favorite wherever it has been used. Among the ad vantages olaimed ar tbe following, vis : It saves all the expense of soap usually nscu on cotton and linen goods. It saves most of tn labor of rubbing, and wear and tear. Also, for oleanhnc windows it is unsurpassed. Wilbone quarter tbe time and labor usually re quired it imparts a beautiful gloss and lustre, much superior to any other mode No water required ex cept to moisten the powder. uireoton wuu eaou packag And oan be readilv appreciated by a single trial. Theenetof washing for a family of five or six per sona will not exneed thru ckXts. Tba manufaclarcrs of this powder aro aware that many useless compounds have been introduced to Ihe nub io wnicn nave rottea tne ciotn, or luneu in removing the dirt, but knowing tbe intrinsic excel lence of this artiole, they confidently proclaim it as being adapted to meet a demand which has long existed, and baa oeroioior icinainea unsuppucu. KAXl-rACTURKD iV IlOtVi: k KiUVIS, 800 llrondnuy, Itowion. ALSO, MANUFACTURERS Olf FAMILY DYE For sal by Oroaer and Dealers every where. Ootober 13, 1868 3mp. rALLANDWIKTEE Millinery Goods, Julopning at the Millinery Store of MlBS M. L- QUSSLEH. Fawa Btreet. below tbe Railroad, SUNBURY, PA., Such as ib d a o a Ji a 9 !ii ii 5i a 9 Dress-Trimmings, llead-Dreseus, 0 loves, Hosiery! Ribbons, Flowers, Collars, Uandker chiefs, Ac-, Ac, hloh bav been earefullv seleoted. Miss M. L. Uusaler bos just opened a large assort ment of Millinery Goods. Ladies should uol fail lo go aad e lb iateet styles as it will pay to not delay In visiting her store. Cll and axamine tor yOursirs so iroueie ahow goodsi E00T8. SHOES AND TRUNKS t IkVv THACIIIin,. 1 aoocassoav .- , W . W . A P8LE TV IN addition to our large stock, already an hand, w are now receiving a lull supply of Fall and Win ter goods for Ladios, Gentlemen, Misses and Chil dren's wear. Also a good assortment of Trunks. A larjre lot of H. it Bags, Gents' Una leather Sntchole. We wish it distinctly understood that we intend selling our goods at small profits, exclusively for the o.ish. Don't forget the ptaon. Apsliiy's old stand. In lb well-known house of Mrs. Boult-en, Market Street, SunhiirT. I'a. NOTlCK Boots and Shoe noatly repaired at short noiloe. If any bought of us should rip they shall be fixed fur nothing. It. 0. TIIACI1ER. Bunbury, Sept. 20, 1303. i:viti: v ii vli F O U 11 T II nn.1 A It C 11 Streeti, PHILADELPHIA, Hare now completed their Improvement and ar ottering on tho Bust of Terms Full FtocV of FT,T. D&Y GOODS. FineStnck of SHAWLS, FlneHiock of SILKS, in siock of DKKSS HOOD;-?, tine block of WOOLLENe). F me .Su,k of ST A Pl.K GOODS, tineHtoekof FANCY GOODS, etc. tjr- New and desirable yont), (,wiy re0(!iT0(ii an(1 Sold at Small advance Wholesale! September 29, IS09 6tw A fetrzaf' -Art &t'itta4S Sept. 1, ISSn. 2mq MiMM l.OI IS.t NBIIl.t.ki:, Millinery Uoodn ami Ii-'ns Trim in lli-nil lir-i', GLOVES, PAKA.SOL.8, &c, &c, South sTtlo of Market Square SUNBURY, Penn'o. Has just rcturnod from tho cities with a choice Selection of seasonable jroods to win'oh the attention of the Lndies is respectfully solicited. MILLINERY 00005 AND DRESS TR1MMINOS With Hoad-Dresscs, Gloves, Hosiery, Ribbons, has been onrefully selected and will give satisfaction. Mi$d Shinier lias had an experience in tho busi ncs that enables her to select goodj with nn eye to the taste and wishes of her customers, and she bug" n continuance of fiivors in the future whii'h she takes iilensura in acknowledging during tho past year. .adU's will lind u chuico stuck of every thing iu bur lino of business. Sunbury, April 14, 1S06. LADIES' FANCY FUR Si AT JOHN FAUEIRA'S Old Established FUR Manufactory, No. TI8 AKlMI Street, above 7th. PHIL'A. Have now in Storo of mvown Importation and - .Mniiulacturo onu of the largt-st and most beauli. 2 f-l elections of HjSA FANCY FURS. Swfor Ladies' and Chil- SW-S-dren's Wear in Ihe Oitv. "--gT5u. -t-S" A Iso, a fine assortment of Gent's Fur Gloves and Collars. I mn enabled to dispose of my zood at very rca--ti:.! i- o'. , ;..:d T wouM lli.-rt't'o: swi-'it a cull I'nu niy fricKiis of ;.-!t!.i-r:.bi-i:.n.l c-u:.'y imd vi-inily. ltcincubor the Nam, Number and Street! .lOll-N I'AB!'B!5., No. riS ARCH St., above "th. south sido, PHILADELPHIA. Octnhet fi, ISfiB. 4mw. cimnn e vooi Vs' s. m t'.VPI I AL, SIOf,Oif!-. Cinisoriuiat to till Owiici-a of B.Svo Sl-!.'. rIIE"GTtEAT FiASTEKM DETECT VE HORSE X liisiiriiiiuo Cenipitiiy, cliui lrrti'J Muri-h 12. i.rt, Lv ibe iStttto of l'fiinsvt Viiiiint inmirc?, J 10 Ml'I.ES AND CATTLE ng.mist loss by tht-ft, deuth by Cio, acctdent or disense. Cfire: 10S South F.nrth Stmt. Phiht'L P-t l'l i-.-i'lfnt : (Jul ClinrUa Frnilfy ; View Prcsi It nt. ) E. Estorly I feecrclary, JJr. JJ. L'ucker; iiencrnl Aj;fiii. P. lliifiii, iU'tVrencu, by ptTDii??Uti, to tli ftillnwin genltc int'H ; lion. tStuioii Cuuiituii, ltiirii.-bur. . ; ltur i l'rttlorii'in, Eit... PutUvillu. I'.l.; liuu .1 iticpb LMiuh. tt-r, llnriiviiiy Meicbniit, llciulin. lSi ; 'r John (JloninKvr. l'rcstttt'iil Eebanuu Btiuk ; L Whitney, liaiiU.!. I'ottviHo. Our raia ore lower t)tn any other Insurance Com. p:uty, wbSte they insuro auitit one vik. wo inuro iiumstull risks. Audits wanted in every county in tlib Muto. ISAIAH S, (lOaSSLER. Assistant (itnerul Agent, Sunbury, I'a. August 18, 16-30. 'im 1HQG. Iiiil:iil-!(hin A r.rio Iliiil t'oa 1. rjlUS jrrat line traverses the Northern and North Jt west counties oi cnntylvuniii to tho city ot Enu on Luke Eric. It has hotn lensed and opemted by tho rcm.svl vuniii Haitroud Cuiiip.-in. Tine of Passenger Trains at Sunbnvy. Leave Eastward. Erie Mail Train, 11.45 p. m. Erie Express Train, &.. a in. fcliuira Mail Train. 10. J5 a iu. Leave Wentward. Eiie Mail Train, 4.50 a m. Erie Express Tiain, C.45 p m. Eluiira Mail Truiu. A Ah p. tn. PuhHuntzor cutBrun through on the Erie M.iii and Exprpps Traii:s nithout change both way between Philadelphia und Erie. rciv YorU Connection. Leave Kcw York nt 9 00 a in, arrive at Trie 9.30 e. m. Lcavo Erie at 4.45 p. in., urrive at New Vork 4.10 p. m. ELKUAX'f PLEKPINU CARS on all Nibt Trains. For inl'oruialion respecting Passenger husiness apply nt Cor. outh aud Market St., Pbiliuiolphia. And for Freight buaiuesa of ihe Company's Agents, H. II. Kingston, Jr., Cor. 13th end Market tit., Philadelphia. .1. W. lleynolds, Lrte. William Brown, Agent N. C. R. II., Baltimore. II. 11. IIoi-ktox, tlcn'l Freight Agt. Philada. II. W. ( l-INKK Uen'l Ticket Ag't., Philuda. A. L. TV LEU. Oeu'l Manager, Williamsport. October 13, 18nS. Fully I.tet-nat-tl. KtrhMfva wrrllnrv I Pr fiom Sj-J Iu DfMfTuta. Sur lei n.i ir:-w.i w.irsturi. ax-4aartnwuB .lautp. UDr pii-vlinATiirnu 11 Cneainut SI., Phila fcSI banailtM.,Talall. Sept. 8, 1 Sil. iiuu EQUALIZATION OV BOUNTIK3. Attorm-y i l.uw, Nssiilssn-y, I S duly authorised and l.iucnsed by the Guvern- ment lo oolleut ull Military Claims aguinrt the Uniied ritales. Bounty money due soldiers under the hue Equulii ition Aet of Congress, and all mill lary oluims ugaitt ihe Slate, due soldiers of loll, for Penion and tJratuity. Claims due snldims ol the Penuevlvania KcseiveCorps iruui euitu;eut to the dateo'l muster, promptly collected. buubury, August 4. indo. . ALL and those beautiful Bir-l C:igcs at tho J new Hardware ttoie of J. II. CON LLY it CO. ALL geoda bought for Cash and sold at lowost prices lor cash at the Hardware Store of J, 11. CON LEY A CO. Funbury, June 11 1SCC. USE Mvrtlo Pomatum, at tho Fam-v Store of ' ANNA HA INTER. (LJ mr t 1 r i mn vol Adi:iiuialrulosat Aoilif. "VTOTICE is hereby given, that letters of ailminia 1 nil ion having been grained tothu undai signed, on the estate of Jacob F. Uohrbaeh, late oi the bo rough of Sunbury, Northuniborlani county, deceased. All perxina knowing ibeuiaelvee indebted arc re quette 1 lo make iniuie liate payment, aud those hav iug claims to present them duly authenticated for settlement. LLOYD T. ROHRBACII. Administrator. Bunbury, October 18, 1904. to NEW AND CHEAP. GOODS - ,. f ( JTJSX OPENED. KN(EBEL & ItOBBINS. RESPECTFULLY Inform theeltl.ensnf Sunbury stock'of T'C",lly ,h" lh ha J"t opened a largo SAMMIES )DID39 In th store room lately ooonpled by Weaver & Fa gely. npposito th Old Court House. REMEMBEH that these Ooods have Just been mirohased at reduced prioes, and are sold accordine ly, ocni prising of iDitvsr GOODS of overy style and Variety, such as CLOTHS, CASS1MEKES, VESTIKOS, AC Dress Goods, Priu, Muslins Domestio Goods, Notions, Ac, 4. GROCERIES, TEA, COFFEE. SUGAR MOLASSES, &C. lloiiirlkvfiii; Uoortist Tho attention of Ihe public Is respectfully invited to the advantages offered at this eilablithiuunt. THE HIGHEST PRICES PAID FOR COUNTRY PRODUCE. Call and exumine for yourselves. A. J. KNCEMEL, H. P. UOBBINS. Sunbury, July 21, 1908. NEW HARDV7AUB IRON STOEE. fnilE suhscriher having opened in SUNBURY. JL I'a.. anew Inrze. and well assorted pio,-k of nil kimisof HAKDWARK. CUTLERY, COAClltVARK DALIKIiblil, ,miiii-,ii.uim.s lRijx, XAILS. c, laid in at lowest New York and Eiodorti prices which they will ha pleased tu sell tor Uush at tho lowest Eastern prices. Intending to do business in thr. honest principles of small profits and ijuiuk s.ilc for Cash . , , J. II. CON LEY A CO. Sunbury, Juno 16, lsfifl. " Ciixls ! CiimIi ! ! i'usli ! ! HtiO.ftHO wanted in exchange fur all kinds ol llarilwiiro, Irons, Nails, .to., at tho new Hardware Storo of J. II. CONLEY A CO. Sunbury, Juno 16, 1B06. GREATEST INVENTION SINCE THE SEWING MACHINE. vax ja ask i:i:ii.'s SASH STOPPER AND LOCK. Simplicity, Durability, Convenience, Comfort and Sccuiity, combined with Economy THE STOPPER AND LOCK supports oithcr sath at any point. It can be applied to any window in a fow minutes. It docs not interfere iu taking out a sush. It is not uffuctud by any jarring action, and pro vents the rattling of sash. It is self-acting in all its work, and rr.nkes it iui possiblu to forget to lock tho window. It allows proper ventilation without leaving tho window unlocked. It acts Ly gravity has no spring nnl can novcr gel out of ordor. It does not wear out, but will last while tho houso slanJd t indows ihat have only ono sash moveable, may be changed, so as to move both, at a trilling expense. fitoppcr uml Lock, One Dollar Com !clc. It must come into ceueial use for Its radical ad vnutugej, as a ScU'-Aotiiig, Burglur-Proof Lock and Ycntilntor. Fi.r hail way Ci!-.':. Steamboats, etc., it is perfect, ur.il, i:i l'..j,, tac tiiii.; lui, suu(iiit. It is empliationlly just what everybody wants, and everybody inn have. Tho demand must bo unlimi ted. Capitalists. Manufacturers. Builders, and rcen looking for business, are invited to call on tho sub scriiiur and examine it. JACOB WILVEIt, Jr., July 21, 1SGG. Cut Sunbury, I'a. E. & II. T. AWTHCNV & CO , MaiiufucLtnera nt Pli"t'cninlii'! Materia!, AVloieaite and Uetail, &tU liKOAUWAY, New York. In ntUl.u in t'i iMir inntn luiEinesn (if IMn't7,i' pli io .NJcte 1 rials we ate IlciiiUinailtTs for Hit? following, v;z. STi:ii:u?COlM'.9 k STERLCOIMC VIEWS Of American 'iiiil Fyteign Cities and L.itiilbeapen, OroUpi tlalu;irv, t-U: fTli'.ii-.OSCOPIC VIEWS OF Till-; WA!!, Fnin iifpalivs trmle in the vnrinui c:unp;unn and f'Ttiiiiig u uoiuplute Ph'JtnKipiiic hinU'ry of ii;e reat cn srrjiKoscopic vikws on gi.as-, A:pteil f'r ei lir ihe MiiRir Lantern r the Ste rmM-fipie. Our Ciit'ilotitt will be et nt to any oJiiitiiB on roceit of FIIOTOGRAPdIC AUJCMS We mntii'.frt'.'ture m-ire lrirgcly thin nn other hf?i?, uli'int imi vim it tun, I'ri-iii fiti eriiTs tn f-7j e;ieh. Our Al-uii-KB Ini'ina tlie reput;iti'in o( bei.ig ftupcri-jr in licauty uml ilunib !ity to anv otltera. Card PiiotoRAritt or fiRNKnAL, Statemen( Actors, Ktc, Kic. Oar CntaSiCio! tm!jru('enivri Five Thou stint! iliirerert ffn.,j(H'!(i. lueltt'lH'ff rttnrfthicti.ii ol ine iiiont celetnaled !vTiirfivnii, Piiintings, Matnn, etc. Catalogues sent on ree' ipl of s'ri'nt. ii.tti'irr;iiih.rs ami others ortlfrin; ; finds C. O. I) , will p!e'iw rrunt'ij per cent ( me iini'-uiit wiih their nrricr. tV"Tht pnets and quality if i.ur gi;.cts cainn-t full ta satirfv. Ju! fit, Cia KEW MUSIC SinSE. Cull lit trar New Music Store in .GELIN'S GBOVE, nnj buy one of IUikes Bhotiicii's New Scsle Piano Fortes. m, - L-" Every instrument is Warranted for five years. We nlso keen constantly on hand a good stock ot the .1 c.-lel.ratcl PELOUHET'S MKLOUEONs, CABI NET and CHURCH lIKUAisM. ana cliallenge ottiers io sail cheaper than we arc selling. Wealso ltorp all kiinls of Musical Merchandise, and receive all the latest music as socn as published. A libcrul discount to teachers uf Schools and Semi naries I -Second hur.d instruments taken in exebauge for new ones. 1'ianos correctly turned and repaired. Send for Circular. SALEM A BROTHER. Selinsgrove, fnydcrco., Pa . July 2S, Ibdb ly C"3. HOOP SKIRTS 028, IIOFKIK'B "OWN MAKE." icw Tall rtj l' J Are In every respect First Class, and embrace a .i..i .M-.riment I'nr Ladies. Misses and child ren, ol ihe Newest styles, every Length aud Siles of Waist. OUR iKIRT5. wherever known, are more univer sally popular than any others betore the publio They relain their shape belter, arc lighter, more eluslic, more durable, and realy Cheaper, than any ,!... il...n Skirt ill the market. Tlie ttuiuirs and c, .ii,i-rs i' re warranted perfect. Every Lady should Try Tluui ! They are now beiug extensively soli by Muruh.iuts. throughout tne t.ou!iir.r, aua at n uoie sale A Retail, ut Manuiactory and Sales Room. No. 62A ARCH Street, below 7lb., Philadelphia. Ask for MOHKIN'S "own make." buy no other! C'AI'TID.N. None genuine unless stamped each Fid I'ao "llopkiu's Hoop Skirt Manuiactory No. UJS Arch street, rnilaautpuia. Alio, Constantly on band full liu of New York made skirts, at very low prices. Terms Net Cash. Ono Trice Ouly. 8ipt. I, laW. 4.n S 3 1 TBL3 3BkI rH."" SLT m nIIF. followins: persons are entitled to receive an X iiK-reaee of bounty under tho Aot of Congress passed July Hurl, to equalise Bounties. 1st All soldiers who enlited after Ihe 19th day ot April, IS'il, lor S years, and served Iheir lima o anlMuieiil aud have beeu honorably discharged, an. I i ..r , vniiilH .o receive a Iiouniy oi $100. are eulilled an udditioual Bounty of 2d All such soldier, who enlisted for S yean . ..id have been honorably tWfas..ol o ) mt o, wounds received iu the line of duty, r entitled to un addi'.ioual llouutv oi sssuw. Vh. Widow. Minor Children, or TarcnU of such ... , died . Ihe service ol wounus or u..e., a'tledU an additional Bounty c I sIOO. . . - u'Ol V KHTOW. TV,., nl are eu AVeut, H such oUim. can be speedily ooll.d. Sunbury, Augu4, laoo.-tf k-.''S-'iSI JfJJkt Fl BOOKS! BOOKS!! THE subscriber bcgi leav to oall tho attention of his customers, and the community in' general, to th fact that be has now received bis second lot of constating, in part, of a complete tin of PAPER AND ENVELOPES. Blank, School and Juvenll Books. Fancy Tol'St Soaps. Perfumes, Plctnr Frames, Lava and Willow Hanging Baskets, Bird Cages, Hand itstd H I uml d 1 ta n mnn. Fin Vases. Handsome Olov Jewelry and Work Boxes. Traveling and other Portfolios, Carved Brackets, Feather Dust Brushes, Balls, Bats. Fishing Tackle, -toys oi an descriptions, a large stock of WALL-PAPEIl AND BORDER. Wlndow-nilnrl, Paper Shades, Coal Oil Lamps and rixturcs, Ac. Tiinnklul for past patronago, and hopo, by strmt attention to business, lo eoutinuo the Sam. N. F. LIG11TNER. Funbury, Juno 9. 18(16. BOWMAN & LEONARD, Manufacturers and WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALERS SILVER and SILVER TLATED GOODS. tot Arris Sired, lliilnttclph!n. Those in want orSiivor or Silver Plated Waro will find it much to their advantage by viaitiug our titoro beforo making their purchases. Our long experi ence in the manufacture of the above kind of goods enable us to defy competition. We keep no goods but those which ore of the First Class, all of our own make, and will bo sold at reduo ed prices. July 7th. 1368 Ivc II AND and itauJ tllusscs at Liuiitser'j. SVNEUHY CLASSICAL INSTITUTE. Inatruotora. Rbv. S. S. MiLLtn, Rev. W. C. Cremeh, Mr. Jonx J. Bi'Roer, Miss S. E. Powers, Miss Jessie A. FUTcnErt. Every facility afforded for a thorough training In the English, Mathematical and Classical Branches. Music. Drawing and Book-keeping, extra. 2nd Quarter of Summer Sossion opens Monday, September M. ISfltl. SEND FOR A CIRCULAR. Eunbury, Sept. 1, 1866. IF vou want a good Likeness for your friends, go to S. IlVERLY'S liullcr)' in Simpson's Building. Icuziug to uhoe malt cits budinpf t'ur s.tlti by J.H. COXLEY A CO. T ATROSE'6 Huir Kestontlivo, tho beat luuse, for i sulo by LIGI1TNER, Bole Agent for Sunbury. PERUVIAN GUANO SUBSTITUTE t SUPER-P II08PH ATT. OF LIME After more thnn twelve years of constant use, this highly concentrated manure has etluined a iridc spread reputation nd n 6CUSTI1LTK FOR PERUVIAN OtAXO, Bcinx found active in its oporation, and of grcnt du rability. It docs uol exhaust the soil, but on the contrary, permanently improves it. Tbo increasing sales annually, abundantly prove the high popular value of this manure, and establish ihe fact of iu being relied upon by s ilo cirule of agriculturists to supply nil wauls iu the direction uf manures tor every crop. BATJOII Ac SONS, Sole Manufacturers A Proprietors, OiBco, Nn. 20 Somh Pelawsr Avenue, PHILADELPHIA. BAUOH BROTnERS & CO, General Wholesale Age-ntt, Ho. IS1 Pearl St., corner ol Cedar. NEW YORE. GEORGE DUGDA.LE, Wholaale Agent fur Maryland & Virgin No. 10S Smith's Wharf, BALTIMORE, MD. Prlco v56 per 9000 tbs, Cah. Jnst Published, the lo.u edition of our new pam phlet, -How to Maintain the Fertility of American Farms aud Plantations," furnichod free upon appli cation lo us or our Agents. BATJOII 4 SONS, M South Delaware Avenue, Philadelphia. Sold by SMITH AGESTIIER, Sunbury. July 28, IstftJ. ly THE CHEAT CAfSE OF TT TT T.T A isr miser ?. Just Published, in a Sealed Envelope. Trice Cents- A Leoture on the Nature, Treutnienl, ami nauiou Curo of Seminal Weakness, or Fpermatorrhus.i, in- l.i.M.l 1,V BCil-AOUSUi 4llVIUM. , - l ilUMJ l'y s"' .... ,,iniiiutila . ar" tentv. iservoue -" r r . iruiy. .-........nli..,,. Knllouav. and F Its I affi WyLwri inca'pacity, io.lty ROIt. J tTLVrJKNlELL, M l., Author of tb -Jren UThe world-renowned author, in this admirabl Leoture, clearly proves from his own experience that the artful consequences of Self-Abuao miiv bu ettectually removed wilhuul medicine, aud without dangerous surgical operations, bougius, iusirumeut. riugs or cordials, pointing out amodeot cure at uno eeitoin nnd etlectual, by which every sufl'erer, no matter what his condition may be. nia.v cure himseit , cheaply, privately, and radically. This l eoture will prove a boon to Thousands and Thousands. bent under soul, in a plain envulope, lo any ad dress, on receipt of six cents, or two postage stamps by addrcaains: ths publishers. Also. l'r. CULVEltWELL 8 "Marrioj Ouide,' prie 25 eeuts. Addiett tb Publisher. 127 row", New York, I'ost (tffioe box 4,i rwpwuber 29,