Sunbury American. (Sunbury, Pa.) 1848-1879, October 27, 1866, Image 3

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    E. WIIiVEBT. I pt,u.,. ,
kijuitky, pa.
id&'PkX Dr. All those Indebted to the
form of Masskh A , Wiltkbt, for Printing,
Ate requested to ptj up, as the accounts
must bo settled. Those t distance can
forward the amount by mail at oar riBk, If
enclosed in presence of post-matters where
aoral atTattg.
t Thb WcATnaa, fur several weeks put, bos
bocn dolightful. A cbaogo, however, took place on
Wednesday latt, with untnistaken Indications that
winter ii font approaching.
ty TtMPERANca LxCTuna. We hais been ra
queued to announos that Rtr. M. Rhodes will de
liver a leoturo on "Temperance," In the Lutheran
church, in this ptnon, to-morrow (Sunday) evening.
"Vhe public are respectfully invited to attend.
3"' The Pamphlet Laws. J. J. Rcimsnsny
der, Prolhonotary of tfaia county, hai received the
Pamphlet Laws of the State of Pennsylvania, and
Justices of the Peace and others wishing oopiel can
VjbUin them by culling at his office.
E3Sale of Heal Estate The heirs of Teter
Snyder, deceased, sold the mansion farm, in Lower
Augusta township, containing 200 acres, on the 16ih
inst. Jliwri. Oeorge and Benjamin Fisher were the
purchasers. The price paid was 17,995.
ftf' Festival. Tlie Sunday School of the Pres.
byterinn Church, of this plaee, intend having a din
ner on the first Monday of November Court, in the
lecture room of the church. A festival will also be
held on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday evenings
tf the tamo week.
IV'tlASE Ball at Bbamokin. A match game
of bneo ball will be ployed by an independent nine,
of Sunbury. ni.d the first nine of the Anthracito Club,
of Sbauiokin, at the latter place, to-day, (Saturday.)
commencing at 10 o'clock. The Sunbury boys are
the challenging party. The game will, no doubt, be
interesting and exciting.
Ltv ' DErAcixo akd Deitroyins Posters.
There are some young men and boys, in this place,
w ho are in the habit of defacing and tearing down
.handbills mid posters, immediately after they are
ut np. This is very wrong, and the law should be
enforced, attaching a heavy penalty for all offences
of this kind. We hope our Borough Constable will
keep a sharp lookout and arrest all who are caught
iu the act.
IV Appointment. Gen. J. Irvin Gregg, of Lew
isliurg, hns been appointed Colonel of the 8th V. S.
Ciivnlry. The regiment is to be raised in California,
and the Ocneral will repair to that State in a short
time. The General was formerly commander of the
Second Brigade, which was composed mainly of
Pennsylvania troops, and whose courage, endurance
mid fortitude wus displayed on the many hard
fought buttlo-ficldsof the Army of the Potomac, and
whs cno of the commissioners appointed by Gen.
Shcridun to investigate the cause of the riot in Now
Gjrfoon Kan baa gone where ail good darkles
go. Tba Afrloaa who figured as eonapUuousI in the
columns ofilie KonAumiorland Covnty Dtmveral,
ttdeoeued. lie l supposed to liave died from natn
ral senses, on the th lost. Ills frlendl kept him
lying In stats antll Saturday evening last, for all to
take a parting look at poor Ned. . His remains wars
followed to his last resting place by a large oonoourte ol
people. The profession was headed by a drum oorps,
playing the Dead Alaroh, followed by a tranepareney
boarlng tb following Incription i
(At top a portrait ef Ned, a negro on a cooling board .)
"We haveQearv. and the Cora have the 'lmr
'The Deinooratio Party The Nier at the lloltom.
V hi. key on Top, and big stink all around."
"Purdy turned tipper Augusta in one year.'!. ,
Torches were Carried to remind those left behind
him, that "the way of the transgressor is hard," and
that more light is required for the colored raoe than
the Democrat furnishes, or they would share the
same fate of poor Ned, and be forgotten by their
most intimate friends, the Cops.
Ned is supposed te have en-tgrated from the South
about the time the Rebellion broke out and settled in
Purdy 's office. When he arrived he was of diminu
tive site, but through excellent tare he soon grew up
to be a gigantio nigger. High hopes were enter
tained of his future usefulness to the Party, but alas !
Poor Ned was cut down in the midst ef his career,
and now ha is a dead nigger.
ty Boi,n Attempt at BtnotAnT ix Williams-
port. The Lycoming Gazette says that on Friday
evening, 12th inst., a bold effort was made to rob
the "Lumberman's National Bank,", of tbatplaoe.
The attempt would doubtless have proved success
ful, had not tho robber been driven from his nefari
ous work by Thomas Smith, Kf j., whose residence is
directly in tho rear of the Bunk building. Mr. S.
was about retiring to bed, when a noise in the neigh
borhood of the Bunk attracted his attention, and in
looking out of his window he observed a man of
small stature working industriously at tho Bank
window. . Mr. Smith, after inquiring of tho stranger
his business and receiving no response, concluded
that his mission there at thut late hour, (11 o'clock,)
was not an honest one, and after warning the man of
his intention, fired at him from bisrevolror. At the
report of the pistol the villain ran away, leaving
behiud a patent leather valise, together with a full
and complete set of burglars' instruments, consisting
of every article known to the profession, necessary
to execute a villain's work. A fuse, intended, no
doubt, to nisist in blowing open the safe in the Bank,
was found in the kit of tools.
UTTo Claisi AaaaTS. Blanks for Ilia eotleo
Hon ef Claims at Private Soldiers tot Non-Corn
snlaslonod Officers," under lbs leta Aot of Congress,
equsUtlng bounties, have koeo printed and are sow
for sale at the AtiaaiCAX offioe. "We keep on hand
a full supply of all kinds at saUitary blanks, whloh
wa sell very cheap. They are copied from blanks
prepared in the Dopartiueuts at Washington, and
aan be relied on for oorreatnesa. Orders from a die
tansa will receive prompt attention.
(W Baa a Woaaa, In another column, picking
8amburg grapes for Speer's Wine. It is an admira
ble arliele, need In the hospitals and by the Drat
slass families In Paris, London and New York, In
preference to old Port Wins. It is worth a trial, as
it gives groat satisfaction. For sale by W. A, Ben
nett, Market street
Allen's -Maoic Cement, for mending Glass,
China, Earthen and Mono Ware, Marble, Ac, for
sale by Miss M. L. Laxari's.
fJob Is-Int Itsff. Having received a
large supply of NEW JOB TYPE, of various new
stylos, Potters, Handbills, Ciroulars, Cards, Letter
Heads, Bill Heads, Labels, Ac, can be printed in
the latest and best stylos, and on abort notice.
Orders by mail promptly attended to.
Clotbixo !
Clotuixo !
At Low Prices!
At Low Prices!
At Lew Prices!
25 Per Cent. Saved !
2i Per Cent. Saved '.
25 Per Cent. Saved !
Catl and See, early !
Call and See, early !
: Call and See, early !
Save your Money, and buy of
Save your Money, and buy of
Save your Money, aud buy of
S. Kroneneero,
8. Kromenbkro,
S. Kroxexbkro.
Xj5"TnE Boulevards. Napoleon, the present
Etnperorof tho Trench, has greatly beautified Paris
by the extension and improvementof the Boulevards,
which are thronged with carriages and persons on
horseback. Tho Boulevards of this place, though
net completed, afford a he.nttif.'.l drive as fur as
they go, but we are fearful thoy will not be very
attractive in wet weather. It has been proposed to
take off about one foot fro.m the embankment on
Front street, between Market and Second, and use
the earth iu extending it below the railroad.
A Risii or Steam. On Wednesday morn
in;;, about 9 o'clock, one of tlie locomotives, with I
strong head of steam, wh'.le standing at the depot in
tbiit place, caused a general skedaddle and conside
rablo iiliiiin in the nighborhood by a sudden escnpo
of steam, with a rushing and rattling roar that was
heurd in every houso lor three or four squares. It
appears that the connecting-rod with the steam valve
broke, and the accumulated steam rushed out with
a, most terriffic and powerful roar. Tho engineer i
having no power to prevent the escape of tlie steam,
ran down tho road to the shops, but there wus no
ccssutiou to the roar until all the steam had passed
Uf IloitntDLE Accident at Milton. The Mil
Ionian, ol last week, publishes the following account
of a most horrible accid"it at that place: "On
Thursday morning lust, about three o'clock in the
morning, Juhn Fox, a young man of this borough,
while aiding in making up a freight train at the
Cutawissa depot, at this place, was run over by tho
cars and most terribly mangled. It appears that
while in tho not of signaling the truin to back, and
he walking backwards iu tho rear of the truin, his
foot bccauio fast between two rails, when he fell, aud
a portion of the train run over him, stripping the
flesh clean off the boues from the thigh down to his
feet uu both legs, in a manner too horrible to witness.
He lived until evening, and was sensible to 'the
Lost. A thrce-blnded penknife with solid black
handle, was lost some days since. Tho finder will
be rewarded, and confer a favor, by restoring the
same to the editor of the American.
New Fall Millinery Goods. Miss M. L, Lai-
arus, iu Dewan'e building, on the north side of the
public square, is now opening a largo and varied
stock ul' Full Millinery Uoods. She selects hvr goods
with a great deal of taste, and we can assure our
reuders that she sells on terms to suit her cuilumers.
Cull and examine her goods.
BoAitnisa IIovse. Persons who intend visiting
Sunbury during the session of Court, will do well to
read the curd of Mrs. M. Thompson, iu another col
umn. She is prepared to keep regular aud transient
boarders at reasonable terms, und lis she is known to
keep au excellent table, aud has superior rooms, it
will bo advantageous to give her a call.
Removal Our old friend, Geo. W. Zicglcr. Esq.,
bus removed his law office to tho building adjoining
tho residence uf Mr. Geo. llili, nearly opposite the
new Court House, where ho may be found at all
hours, reudy and willing to administer to the wunis
of his clients.
The New Buewkry. We call attention to tho
advertisement of Mr. Joseph Buchvr, who has re
oently erected a new Brewery, in Cuke's addition,
in tho locality foruioily known as the cold
spring woods. Tho Brewery bas been completed at
treat expense, und when the vault now in course of
erection is finished, it w ill be one of the most com
plctu estuliliehnituls of tho kind in this section uf the
Stule. lie hus lutely engaged thu services of a first
class biewer, and is now ublu to manufacture beer
cquul to thut made at lteuding. Lancaster, or I'hilu.
delphiu. The uiterprixe exhibited by Mr. Bachcr
is commendable, and he deserves tho patronage of
the public. Give him a cull.
Corrected Weekly for the "American."
Wheat Flour, extra fumily, per barrel,
do do do do perewt.
Ryo Flour, per bbl.
do per ewt.
Wheat, prims red per bushel,
Rye, do
Corn, do
Oats, do
Potatoes, do
Iiricd Peaches, pared per round
do do unpured do
Dried Annies. do
1'ricd Cherries, (unstoned.) per bu.
$15 00
T 60
10 00
Beof. hind quarter,
" front "
per pound,
per dusen,
per pound,
per pair
Mlinmokiti 4'oisl 'I'mslc.
SHAMOKlN.Oct. 22, 18GB.
'Von. Uwt.
Sont for week ending Oct. 20, B.TilU 07
Per lust report, 447 212 10
To same time last yoar,
461.1)42 17
3js 272 OS
07.070 03
By virtus Of certain write Of Venditioni Exponas,
issued out of ihe oourt of Common Pleas ol' Nor
Uiuuiberlend ooumy, aud to me directed, will be ex
posed to Publio Male, at the Court House, In the bor
ough of Sunbury, on MONliAV, the 6th day ef NO
VbMUKlt lHOti, at 1 o'clock, p. m., the following
property, to wit :
All thatoertain tractor plecoof land, lituato In
Chillisquaqua township, Northumberland county,
Pennsylvania, bounded by lands of William Win
chester, Adam Kox, Hiram Teinttene, William Par
doe, and Raohol Dehart, containing three acres, snore
or less, wboreon or erected a two story rr .tue uwell.
ing house, fruit trees, Ac, belted, taken in execu
tion, and to ba sold as Ihe property of Sarah Hunt
Defendant's Interest In a certain lot or piece of
ground, situate In the borough of Northumberland,
ouuuly of Northumberland, aud Suite of 1'ennnylva
nia, lot No. 174, bounded aud described as follows,
to wit: fronting norib-vast on (jueen street, south
west on Duke street, south-west lot. No. 173, con
taining in width B0 feet, and in depth 220 feel,
whereon is created a small log house, Ac Seised,
taken in exeoution, and to be sold as Ilia property of
Philip Phillips.
A certain tract or piece of laud, situate in VTpper
Augusta township, Northumberland county, Pennsyl
vania, bouuded and described at follows, to wit : on
Ihe north by land of sioloiuon liartzel, on the east
and north by laud of Solomon HnrUel and John Fry,
on the south by lund of Johu Myers, and on lha west
by lund of Mr. Smith and Joseph Savidgo, containing
fortyfire acres, about thirty acres whereof are clear
ed, whereon are erected a iwo story ftamo dwelling
bouse, log barn, Ac. Seised, taken iu excution, and
to be sold as the property of Joseph Fasold.
A certain lot of ground, situate in the tows of Ti e
vorlon, Zerbe township, Northumberland oounty,
Pennsylvania, bounded and described as follows, to
wit : on the west, Jacob Omler, on the south by Tre
vorlon town lots, on the east by A. A. Uaii'n and
James It. Lane, and on the north by Farnswnith
Reed, containing two and a half acres, more or less,
whereon nro ereoted a Iwo story log house, Ac.
Seised, taken in execution, aud to be sold as tho
property of Theoholcl t tinier,
WM. M. WEAVER, Sheriff.
Sheriff's Office, Sunbury, October 16th, lSliO.
Millinery Goods,
Just opening at the Millinery .Store of
Fawn Street, below the Railroad, SUNBURY, PA.,
Such as
T t Vr N ill 'N !!t i ITU
DrcEi-Trimmings, Head-Dresses, Gloves, Hosiery,
Ribbons, Flowers, Collars, Handker
chiefs, Ac, Ac,
which have been carefully selected.
Miss M. L. Ci ussier has just opened a largo assort
ment of Millinery Goods. Ladies should not fail to
go and see the latest styles as it will pay to not delay
in visiting her storo.
Call and examine for yourselves. No troublo to
show goods
Sunbury, Oct. 13, 13i36.
Great Attraction,
II. w. Iilt:nt;ic,
IN addition to our large stock, already nn hand, wa
are now reoeiving a full supply of Fall and Win
ter goods fur Ladies, Gentlemen, Misses and Chil
dren a wear.
Also a good assortment of Trunks. A large lot of
It. R. Bags, Gents' line leather Satchels. We wish
ildistinutiy understood that we intend selling our
goods at suiall profits, exclusively for the oath.
Don't forget the place. Apsley's old eland, in tho
well-known house of Mrs. Uoulun, Market street,
Sunbury. Pa.
NOTlCK Hoots and Shoes neatly repalrod at
short notice. If any bought of us should rip they
shall bo fixed for nothing.
Sunbury, Sept. 29, 1808.
k1: &i.A..iir.i.i
FOURTH nml ARCH Streets,
Have now completed their Improvement and are
offering on the Best of lerms-r
Full Stock of FALL DRY GOODS.
Fine Stock of SHAWLS,
Fine Stock of SILKS,
Fino stock of DKKSS OOODrt,
Fine Stock of WOOLLKSS.
Fine Stock of STAPLE QOOD3,
FineStockof FANCY UOODS, ets.
tjF Now and desirable Goods daily received, and
Sold at Small advnnoa Wholesale !
September IB. ISC0. tftw ;
IN piirsuanoo of an order of tho Orphans' Court of
Northumberland county, will be exposed to pun
lie sulo, on tho premises, on SATURDAY, THIS
27TH DAY OF OCTOBER, A. D. !SH0, tho
following described real estate, to wll. All that cer
tain lot of ground situate in the borough of Sunbury,
bounded as follows, viz: ontho North by Blackberry
or Chcsnut street, on the Wost by Centre nlley, on
the South by an alley on which tho Slmuiokin Val
ley Railroad Is located, and fn tho East by lot num
bered two hundred and thirty-one, and said lot
hoing numbered two hundred and thirty-two, in
said borough, containing sixty feel in width and two
hundred and thirty foot in length, on which is
erected a TWO-STORY
1'ie iii: i i:a.i.i iioi si:,
with Kitchen attached, ."moke-Houso, Well of water
all tho necessary outbuildings.
Late the property of Frederick Lazarus, dcoeased.
Sale locomiucnco ut 10 o'clock, A. M.,of said day,
when the terms and conditions will be tnado known
By order of Ihe Court,
J. A. J. CUMMtNGS, Cl'k O. C.
Sunbury, October 0, 1660. '
In the store room lately ooonplod by Weaver A Fa-
gely, opposite the Old Court House.
REMEMBER that Ihcso Goods have just been
purchased ut reduced prices, aud are sold according,
ly, comprising of
of every style and variety, suoh as
Dress Uoods, Prints, Muslins Domestic
uoods, notions, 4c, ac.
IIoiiMckeeplstg Uootlx.
The attention of the publio Is respectfully liivUoil
to the advantages offered at mis eitablishmeut.
Call and examine for yourselves.
Suubury, July 21, 1806.
P"n"' '"U8"ibcr having opened in SUNBURY,
J. Pa., nni-w larp". and well assorted stock of ail
Ac, laid in at lowest New York and Eastern prices
which they will bo pleased to sell for Cash at the
lowest Eastern prices.
Intending to do business in tho honest principles
of fcmall prolitsnnd quick salo for Cn-h.
5unbnry. Juno 16, 1SG0.
'iiii ! sI'simIs ! ! CuhIi ! !
$20,000 wanted in exchango for nil kinds of
Hardware, Irons, Nails, ,1c, at the now Hardware
Storo of J.H. CONLEY A CO.
Sunbury, Juno 10, 1806.
Fept. 1. ISflfi. 2mi
J7 X
Special iot'ui'3.
Readkii, buy your shoes, your boots, or anything
you want in thut lino, at Miller's Excelsior Boot A
Shoe Store, Market square. You gain much by
dutrg so ; first, in price ; second, in goods well made ;
third, in goods being what thoy are represented.
Miller's rcputaiiou for boDstty in his business it un
axiom in this community.
Fon Fall axd Wixtbii. Mr. John E. Sinick hns
ust received at his establishment, on Fourth street,
a largo stoek of American and English Cloths, Cus
simeres nnd Vestings, which he is prepared to make
up to order on the shortest notice. This it decidedly
one of tlie finest ttock of goods ever received by Mr.
Siuick. and the public cun rely upon getting tits at
hit establishment.
It A.'inodeiii should unroof all tho houses in New
Y'ork. as tho story says ho unroofed those of MudriJ,
in the dressing-rooms of nine-tenths of the hean
monilc would bo seen Phulon't "Night-Bloomlug
Ccrous." Sold everywhere.
Sr-KEit's SAMoiiia Pout Wish. Parties from
London and Paris order it, appreciating it above
French wines. It is said to be unsurpassed for sum
mer complaints, and for weakly persons. Our drug
gists have obtained some direct from Mr. Speer. The
price is low fur to excellent a wine, aud every family
should have a bottle in the house. Phila. Press .
W. A. Bennett, Muikct street, has it.
rylioME Acai.v We are pleased to tee that
our yuung fiieud, Richard F. Buchor, son of Francis
Buchtr, Esq., of ihi place, has arrived home, after
an absence of nearly three yeurs. Dick enlisted and
-served in the I lib Pennsylvania -Cavalry, and in
one ol the battles near Petersburg, Va., was taken
prisoner, and confined .in the horrible prison-pen at
Auderf on illc, where he suffered the tortures of
hunger and want uf shelter for a number of months,
but wus dually released. He afterwards eulisted in
a volunteer regiment in Illinois, which was recruited
for the puriKM of campaigning against Ihe Indians
.along the wesieru frontier, and participated in tcve
rul engagements with the savages. He was warmly
welcomed by his numerous friends in Suubury
jf Thu Countt AoRiouiruAL Faut ulias
thuiwi race whioh recently came off at Milton, was
luigelv uiu-ntled, and in that respect, at least, could
xiut ho o-nsidveed a .failure. The Miloniau, of
Just Friduy, noliues the programme of tbe Commit
lee, for thut day, as follows : "Half-past 10 o'clock, '
J'ucing Match. Two o'olock, Trot for Citisens' Purse
of$lou. Four o'clock, Running Matob."
We inquired of a friend who was present, what
other agricultural, horticultural, or mechanical pro
ducts were exhibited. He said ho had not seen any
himself but those above mentioned, but be had buen
credibly iulurmed that lhare wore tome tpecimens of
potatoes, applet, pumpkins, and other eulgar pro
ducts of the kind, somewhere on the ground, which
be thought wero eutirely out of place at a horss
I -Soiiuiilh Molasses. Tha manufacture of
molatxe from sorghum, or tha sugar cane, now
eenorallv oultivated iu tha Wett, doetoot receive
a 1 1 .. . 1. . 1
as much attention as w uescrvce. um m
mcnt umde in this neighborhood, for several years
past, hut afforded anoouragement. Mr. A. J. Stroh,
of this place, who bas put p a mill and boiling
apparatus for the purpose of snaking sorghum mo
lasoes. furnished us wUh the following list of persons
for whom be mauufuoturad molasses from tha aana,
raised by them, amounting In all to iOo gallous.
The 74 gallons or Mr. Horning were male from
cane raised on a quarter of an acre of ground, and
the at gallons of Mr. Stroh from about tho sauu
uuaR'ity of soil.
Isaac Eokman, 4 gal, Daniel ZarUnan, 41 ; Kanes
Kerr, i i Geo. Fasbold, 81 ', - ! BUoJj, 64 ; Jno.
S. Snvder. 70; Michael Ships, 4T ; Henry Fa
tk..i.l .M: lUrman Campbell, i i w- 's5i
tj u,. Umi 11 : tieo. Marts, 84
O. Kline, 6;
WeiKT, 8
riiurofiRArur. Wo would cull the attention of
our citixeus to tho Photograph Gallery recently
fitted up by Mr. S. Byerly, in Simpxoii's building,
Market street. Mr. B. is prepared te furninh Pho
tographs aud Ambrotypes, in all styles and sizes.
We would advise all who desire to have a good
picture to pay Mr. Byerly a viit.
I'oitrtiiiiiitllou C'urnhlc ly Iir.
fM-ln'iiclt'ss !Iitlifltict.
TO CURE CONSUMPTION, tho system must ba
prepared so that tho lungs will heal. To accom
plish this, the liver and stomach must first be cleansed
and an appctito created for good wholeson e food
which, by these medicines will bo digested properly,
and good healthy blood made; thus building up Ihe
cleanse the stomach of all bilious or mucous accumu
lations; and, by using the Sea Weed T'onie iu con
nection, tho appetite is restored.
as well as medicinal, and, by using the three reme
dies, all impurities are expelled from the system, ard
good, wholesome blood made, which will repel all
disease. If patients will take these medicines ac
cording to dirootions, Consumption very frequently
in its lat stage yields readily lu their action. Take
the pills frequently, to cleanse tho liver and stomach.
It (toes not follow that because the bowels are not
costive they are not required, for sometimes in di
arrhoea thev aro necessary. The stomach must be
kept bealihy. and an appotite croated to allow the
I Uiuion o oyrup iu su, uu u j
properly and allay any irritation. Then all that is
required to perform a permanent cure is, to prevent
taking ctdd Exercise about the rooms as much as
possible, eat all tlie ricnoai 100a ibi mem, gnui,
and, in fact, anything the appetite craves; out ue
particular and musttcato well.
Sltet'f Iron nnd Slovo Slwrc ol
Where they keep constantly on hand nnd manufac
ture to order at short notice.
TIN AND SHEET IRON-WARE of all description!,
Tbey would especially call the attention of pur
chasers to their large and well selected slock of
The subscriber! have made arrangements to have
all their best atoves made to order, aud those, who
would have a good etuvo would do well tu go aud
examine their lurgeaud well selected stuck.
First. They defy competition uu the following
tried Brands uf Cook &tuves, vis :
Combination 4a Btiii-iM-r, Cook,
Uoveruor I'ean-Cook,
and the well known Antidust Cook Stove called
Also. Parlor and oflice Stoves in great variety em
bracing all the'best manufactures and most fashion.
ablo designs, unsurpassed for beauty of finish simpli
city of arrangements combining cheapness, durability
and each stovo wurruutcd to pctl'urui whut they urn
Also, J no celebrated linliiiiiore fire I lace Move,
for hcuting first, second and third stuiics by Registers
Also, tho celebrated MORNING GLORY.
Colli Oil, Coul Oil iniiiN, KEsutli-H,
Cliiiimit'K, ntstl sill n t-i it-lvst
usually kent in an establishment of this hind. I Our rales are lower than any other Insurance Com-
They are also m-eparedto furnish Slate and do slating i nuiiv, while they insure against one risk, wo insuro
itiiMN 1,01.1s. siiBfsi.i:at,
.IliiiisM'i-y 4moo(!ss nnd Ir'sn Trim-
iniss;', ll-nl Irrcmsicg,
South side of Market Square SUNBURY, Pcnn 'a.
Has just returned from the cities with n clioico
selection of sensonablo goods to which tho attcutiou
of the Ladies is respectfully solicited.
With Head-Dresses, Gloves,
Hosiery, Ribbons,
hns been carefully sclectel nnd will givo satisfaction.
Miss Shissler has had nn experience in the busi
ness that enables her to select goods with nn eye to
the tasto and wishes of her customers, and she begs a
Continuance of favors iu the future which she takes
pleasure i acknowledging during the past year.
l.iul lest will find a choice stock of every thing iu her
line of business.
Sunbury, April 14, 1866.
CAIMi'AI., 100,000.
Important to all Owner or Live
Simplicity, Durability, Convenience, Comfort and
Security, combined with Economy
THE STOPPER AND LOCK supports cither sash
at nny point.
It can be applied to any window in a few minutes.
It does not interfere in taking out it sash.
It is not aficcled by any jarring action, and pre
vent? the rattling ul'sasb.
It is self-acting in all in work, and makes it im
pn.-siblc to forgot to lock tho window.
It allows proper vcctilution without leaving tho
window unlocked.
It nets by gravity hns co spring and can never
getotit of order.
It doc? not wear out, hut will In3t whUo tho
houso stands
Windows that hnvo only oie sash moveable, may
ba changed, so as to move both, at n trifling expense.
Slonjier aud I.oeli, One Iroliur
It must come into general ue for its radical ad
vantage, ns a Self-Acting, Burglar-Proof Lock and
For Railway Cars, Steamboats, etc, it is perfect,
and. in tact. Ihe thing long 'ought.
It is emphatically just what everybody wants, and
everybody cun have. The demand must bo unlimi
ted. Capitalists. Manufacturers, builders, and n:cn
looking fur business, are iutited to cult on tho sub
scriber and examine it.
Suubury, Pa.
rilllE subscriber begs loavo to enll Ihe attention of
X hit customers, and tbo ooininunity in general, to,
the fact that he has now reoeived his second lot ef
consisting, in part, of a oorapleto line of
Blank, School and Juvenile Books, Fancy Toi'et
hoapt. rerl'umos, Picture Frames, Lava and Willow,
Hanging Baskets, ilird Cages,
II und nnd Mtnnd,
Fine Vaset Handsome Ulove Joweiry and Work,
Moxet i, Irnveling and other Portfolio. Onrf ed
brackets, Feather Dust Brushes,
Balls. Bats.
Fishing Tackle
Toyt of all detoriptions, a lame stocV P
Fixers AcnThaI'aJ,,Cr,rh','le"' C0R,0il Lamp, and
E. .1.1!?' V. T.hl,nRll pn?t patronnire, and bono,
by strict attention to business, ticoniinue the Am.
Suubury, June 9. l.scfl, K" P'
Manufacturers nnd
70S Areli Street. Itiili1e1lii.
Thnso in want of Silver rr Silver Plntcd Ware will
find It milch to their advantage by visiting our Storo
before making their purchases. Our long experi
ence in the manufactured the above kind of goods
enables us to defy competition.
We keep no goods but those which arc of tho First
Class, ell of our own mnko, and will be sold at reduo
ed prices.
.1 7ih. IMA lvcl
a.M and tftHiid Ulnasosat LianT.NF.n's,
Rev. R. S. Mn.Ltn,
Rev. W. C. Cdemkr,
Mr. Joss J. Bcrgrr,
.Miss S. E. Powers,
Miss Jennie A. Fletcher.
livery facility afforded for a thorough training lu
tho Knglish, Mathematical und Classical Branches.
Music, Drawing and Book-koeping, extra.
2nd (Quarter of Summer Session openj Monday,
Soptomber 8d, lHdC.
Sunbury, Sept. 1, Itjfid.
IF vn,t wnnt n good Likeness for your friends, go
to 8. BY HRLY'H Unllery in tjinipsou's Building.
Leather and all goods be-
CI HOE Findinirs. Solo
it lcnt;ine to shoe makers business for sole by
LATROSK'S Htiir ltastorutivo. the best in use, for
sale by
LI'jrIITNUR, sulo Ajent at Sunbury.
July 21, I860. Gm
Tin Cuomba. A timid gentleman meeting a
doctor, in Suubury, the other day, tho following
colloquy took place: "Doctor, what shall 1 tuko for
Ihe cholera'" "The cholera? Huvo you got tho
cholera?" "No." "Well, talc the cholera first."
We would much rather tuke a pair uf those splendid
Boots or Shoes which Harry Thacher bus for sale at
his store, in Market street, Suubury. He hus the
largest stock ever offered for sale iu Northumberland
Toe Lats Elections. It was thought and hoped
that the election would quiet lb politicians and
give ut torn, peace. But they are like old Boreus,
who, not content with giving ut the "equinoctial,"
hut, at the broken say, "resumed operations," and
commenced blowing again for nothing, fur all we
can see. If any blowiug is wanted just now, it is
about the spleudU Fall and Winter Suits selling at
.., . . ... V,t-n .. I
me lonuueniai vioiuiug uazaar, corner ui xuiru sun
Market, Sunbury. W. would further add that the
Continental him just been supplied with the greatest
stock of Fall and Winter Clothing that bus ever beon
brought to this place.1
, i
ProtkctixG th. toes of children's Shoes from
wear by Metal Tips, has proved a most important
and useful invention. Bui yutil lately a great mis
tuke bas been made in applying them ctiefly to the
eoarser grades of shoes. Fur the higher Ihe cost of
the tho. lb. more I here is saved by protecting the to.
from wear, which cun ouly be done by a Metal-Tip.
Uemeel Metal-Tipped shues arauow being madeend
are worn by the best fuuiiliea in th eily. Manu
facturers oould not have conferred a greater publio
favor than by supplying this great want liatton
cei.. i '
A Mistake is a Bambkh's Shop A laughablo
mistake occurred In a Baltimore barber's shop, re
cently. Two geutlem.n bung up coats and sat
down to be shaved at about th. same time. On. of
them, for about the operation was completed first,
.rose, ami ity uiisiusie aunneq uie oiuer una wm,
ITCH! 11(11 ! ITCH!
Will Cure tue. Ileli iu AH Hours.
Pri.ia u Rants. Fur sule bv Ihe drueitisls. 13 v send
ing 0(1 cents to WEEKS A POTTER, Sole Agenta
I7ii Washington street. Boston, it will be forwarded
hv mail, free of Dostute. to uuy part of the United
States. jo " 'OS-r
j x. liisuranco Company, charlered March 1, I'tl,
I by lint Stale of Pennsylvania, insures, HORSES,
; Ml'I.ES AXD CATTLE, ugiinst loss by theft, death
by hie, accident ur uisuuse.
OjFr-e: UH So it'i Ftrt'i. Strert. Philnd., .(
President: Col Charles Frailey ; Vice President. I)
L. Lstcrly; Secretary, Dr. B. flecker; Uenoral
Agent. P.'llafla.
Reference, by permission, to the following gentle
men : lion. Simon Cameron. Ilarrisluirg. Pa.; Hard
Patterson. Esq.. Poitsvlllo. Pa ; lien Josi ph L.Siieh
ter, Hardware .Merchant, Banding. Pa ; Ur John
tsloninger. President Lebanon Bank; L Whitney,
DankM. i'otlsville.
in the best workmanlike manner.
Also, to do Tin Roofluif. Snoutinc, Ranco nnd
Furnace Work, Gas Fitting, Ac. Rviiuiriug neutly
and cheaply executed.
Also :
"Iluuli'a Itiiw Hone Sitpei-.VIio-..
pltule. "
Remember the nlaoe. Namplo and Bales Room
nearly oonosite Couly't Hardware Store. Market
ttreet, between Third aud Fourth streets. Building
dark painted.
,Attgut29, lbOO.
luteutel lty stu, lo.
rpise Conl'etiBlouis nnd Hxperlenc
X. or as invalid.
P, ,1,11.1, .a for lite benefit and at a caution to young
men and others, whosutfer from Nervous Debility,
Premature Decay of Mauhuod, 4o., supplying ut Uie
sumo timo tbo means of self-cure. By one who nat
cured himself after undergoing considerable quack
ery. By enclosing a post-paiu addressed envelope,
tingle copius, troe of charge may ba bad of th. uu-
NATHANIEL MAYFA1R, Esq , Brooklyn, Kiuge
Co, N. Y.
January ft. 1860 ly. '
Svnint'Mtt, Illlutlnetiti nul Ciitarrli,
Treated with the utmost suocese by Dr. J. ISAACS
Oculist aud Aurist, (foimerly of Lejden. Holluud.)
No. 6l Pino ttreet. Philadelphia. Testimonials
from the most rc.iable sources in the City and Couu
trv can be seen at hit office The medical faoulty ar.
iuvited toaeoompany their patients, as he has no so
crctt in bis praotioe. Artificial Eyes, inserted witu
out pain. No charge mud. for eauminalion.
Sept. !r, Wtio. ly
To Couautitlivc.
Th. advertiser, having been restored to health in
a few weekt by a very Simple remedy, after having
I suffered for several years with a severe lung affection
and that dread disease, Consump'ion is anxious to
make known to hit fellow sufferers th. means of
To all who desire it, be will sand a aupy of tha
prescription ased .freeof .harj.), with th. direo
tions for preparing and using the saute, which they
.ill Bud a suns CtiBB tor UuaatiMPTioa, Astuua,
BaoacaiTis, Covoua, CoLUf, and all Throat and
Lung Affections. Tba only objeot of the advertise,
in sending the prescription is to benefit th. afflicted
.nt .oread iulorsnatioa which be oooooives to b. in
in tlui iKjckutol wbieb wueawa let conlaiuiug SW iOO. . ,.,i.i- and ha hones everv sufferer will try bis
Off he walked, but a polioomas) soon ovwtook hiui. . ... nothina. and may prora
ued n. i oiuv i - - -
This is an article for wa.hing without rubbing,
pt(..hi iii verv dirtv i. laces, which will reouire a
very slight rub, nad unlike other preparations ottered
for a like purpose, will hot hot tiik clothes, but
will leave tbciu much wiiitsr than ordinary meth
ods, without the usual wear und tear.
It removes greusc spots as if by magic, and softens
the dirt by soaking, to that rinsing will in ordinary
ca'es entirely remove it
This powder is prepared in accordance with chemi
cal science, and upon a prnoess peculiur to itself,
which is secured by Letters Patent. It has been in use
lor ninro than a Year, anil has nruvca usen an univer
sal fuvorite wherever it hus been used. Among the ad
vantages claimed are tho following, vil :
It saves all the expenso of soap usually used on
cotton aud linen goods.
It saves most of the labor of rubbing, and wear
and lear.
Also, for cleaning windows it is unsurpassed.
With on nmrtfir the time and lubor usually re
quired it imparts a beautiful gloss and lustre, much
superior 10 any oiner suoua. w v
eept to moisten the powder.
Directum with euob package
Andean be readily appreciated by a single trial.
The cost uf washing for a fumily of five or six per
ona will not exceed Til HSU CENTS.
The manufacturers of this powder aro aware that
many useless eoiuouuds have been introduced to
Ihe puhlio which have rotted Ihe cloth, or failed iu
removing the dirt, but knowing Die intriusio excel
lenc. of this article, Ibry confidently proclaim it
at being adapted to meet a demand which bus lung
existed, and bus neroloiore icmuiueu unsuppucu.
MANrrAcTi'RKO ar
nutvs: &. kti:'!':!,
30U lrltl n J' llontou.
' 1,1,1 1 1 II u
For sal. by Oroeert and Dealers every whcio.
October 13, 18CS. 3mp. - .
against all risks. Agents wanted iu every county in
the fetate,
Assistant (icnurul Agent, Suubury, Pa.
August 18, lo 3d .'iui
ia.n. 1M.
Il:itilelltlit & lOi ie ICailrousl.
rpHIS great lino traverses the Northern and North
X west counties of Peuusylvunia to tho city of Erio
ou Lake Eric.
It lias been leased and is operated by the Pennsyl
vania Railroiid Company.
7Vi! of Passenger Trains at Suubury.
Louve Eastward.
Erie Mail Train, 11.45 p.m.
Erie Express Train, b.&i a m.
Elmiia Mail Train, 10.45 am.
Leave Westward.
Erio Mail Train, 4 60 am.
Erio Express Train, 6Ai p m.
kliniru Mail Tram. 4.45 . Ul.
Passenger cars run through o the Erie Mail and
Express Trains without ehaugo both way: bctctein ,
Philadelphia and Erio.
Xcw York Connection.
Leave New Y'ork at 9 CO a iu, arrive at Frio 9.30 a. j
ni. Louve Erie at 4.40 p. m., urrive at Now Yurk j
4.10 ii. m. 1
ELEU ANT SLEEPIXU CARS on all Niht Trains. I
For inl'oruiutiiin resiiccting Passeugcr Uusincss
apply at Cor. 30lh and Market St., Philadelphia
Aud for rroighl business ot tlicLuiupan
b. a. Kingstuu, Jr., .or. loin ana
J. W. Reynolds, Erie.
William Brown, Agent N. C. R. R , Baltimore.
11. 11. HllL'aTON,
Uen'l Freight Agt. Philada.
1L W. Uwinnbr,
Uon'l Ticket Ag't., Philada.
Oeu'l Manager, Williumsport
Ootober 13. ltil.
E. & H- T. ANTIIONV & CO.,
. Manufacturers of IMioto.jrailiif; .M.uetiat, Wt olesale tnd
Itetail, 501 DItOADWAV, New Yurie.
' lu nditiliim tolMir lii-un 1-asitiess nf Pliotoir.-iili ic Mute
null we ure Mradijli'iTiers t'or the followii.u, vi.
i rTi-:iti-:oscopi steihwcopic views
' Of Ameriitia and Foicigu Cities and Lanilscupes, tiro ups
Stato'iM'. tie.
I Fpoii iiesj.iiivi's u.n.le III tlie various eaniiiuiein niu)
f-irtliliig u complete riiotiiiuiinc history of llic uu-at Con
! Ad'ipieil f.w ei ii.T Hie M.ijiie Lantern or the !lfreoeo.iir.
' liar t'alal.ieue will lie sent In uuy uiUlress oil receipt uf
. taiit)
,r.i.,i,l!ii.tiirH in ,ri, lurirnlv llian ll'ivnllier house.
i aliiait -jotl ionlis. from -Vi vr ills In s.'iti earli. Oar Al- 1
t,u ..s having Ihe lepaliition tl" heiag .superior ill betiuty
uial ilufilolny to any "thei'a.
CsKD I'llilUlbRAniS III' r.xr.KttiLs, MrE1ME.1, Acrcxi,
l-'.TC, KTC
Our Catatncne puihraectovei Five Thousand different
siilnrela, inclinliin repri'dnclanis of the most eeletiiaied
Kuravuii'.s, I'aiulings, Matucs, etc. Cataloguct teuton
k ci ipl of slump.
PliotoL'rapiifis and others unlet uu poocs C. U. 1) , wl.l
j pleope roiil-Ji per cent ot lite amount wan ir.eir oiuer.
fe-TlH prices and quality of our goudt cuiui' t full to
I July it, Ii65. fim
After more than twelve yonrsof constant use, this
highly copeentra'.cd manure hus attained a wide
spread reputation as a
Being found active in its operation, and of groat du
rability. It docs not exhaust tho soil, but on thu
contrary, permanently improves it. Tho increasing
stiles annually, abundantly prove tho high popular
valuuof this manure, and establish the fact of its
being relied upon by u wido circle of agriculturists
to suioilv all wants in tho direction uf manures fur
every crop.
Call at our New .Music Store in
and buy ono of Hainxs Brothkr's New Scale j
Piano Fortes.
- .-.'i
Sole Manufacturers A Proprietors,
OSco, No. 20 South Delaware Avunuo,
General Wftuksnlc Agents,
No. 131 Pearl St., oorncr ol Cedar.
O Tally IJet-meitrN. Ki4nrffMn1wry (Wen. (n
J P.y from IU w S.s) pAiih. Fur um.t, lllu. ,
If B tntea stftwp. JF Q
$ V PAiWfllKOTIIKttsMJHCI kami. i C
V7 L Chealnut St., Phlllk., PlmD- jf& ,
JPj Ml Uai.U l-U. T.ll, O. jS
lulvlphia. i J7v0ry instrument is Warranted for five years. We
my's Agents, ! c0lstnilv nn hand n good stock ut the
Market St., , pfcrmeTl PE LOU BET'S MELOOEONS, CAUl-
NET aud Clll'RCH ORtiA.N.s. and cuullenge oiucm
to sell cheaper than we nreselling.
Wealso keep nil kinds of Musical Mcrchnndue, .
and ruceive ail tha latest music as soon as published i
A liberal discount to touchers of Schools and henu
Daries , . i
jy-Second hand Instruments txken in enchsuga
for new ones. , , -
Piiiiiot correctly turned and repaired. end lor
Selinsgrove, Snyder Co., Pa., July 2H, lt)b. ly
TV7iotV.i(r Agent Jar Maryland tk Virginia,
No. 105 Smith's Wharf,
UUh ilia oharira u ir mint him was oxplai vraatlv alarmud about the safely of bit own
coat, iu ihe puukel uf which was the sum of 5 eou.
Exulauaiuat followed, ousts wars exchanged, and
u ..,.n.i LI. inimhv uf.. It it utnitMieiiaiir to mAA
f iwumv t. j .. - r
xlarman h,h r ,kaa valuable coats were luanufaolarea
Reese 13. ( Btidletptca, la ; at wbeaelebratad UUoiin wtaoiisaautai ai atr.aooo
Total, weaa, outii eveee, mwj-.
a blessing.
Parties wishing tha prescription, rase, by seturn
wail, pleats addrea. --.-,
Wllliamsburgh, Klnp Co , Haw York.
Janaary W lSM-ly
Old Eiiuldished F U R
No. 71c) AltOII Street,
above 7tb. PIIII.'A.
lluve now in Sioru of
sir own luiiKirtatioiiMud
Mauufauiure one of the
fc. largest and mo.M beautl-
I..l tttU'Ullllll Ol
..... I ..ll..j- sis Chil.
3- 4" 5 dren's Wear iuibe City.
'yS Alsu. aUiie awirtmeutof
Ijeat'a fur Ulosws and Cull its.
I am tnahled to dispose of my goods at very rea-
ui. i... .ji r anuld l her. fore tuln-it a call
from my frieude of Norlbumberlaud oounty sod
Vicinity. , , t
Remember tha Name, Number and Street!
J. 7IS AEC1I St., above Tlh, south side,
Ostokatf l,lifl -4iaw.
Sept. 8, 18tiiL 2ma
iiQUiTjaAWoir "dp boun riiis.
Attorney ill - w, Nunbtirj-, lis.
1 S duly authorized nnd Licensed by the Govern
I mebl to collect all Military Claims ogainst the
Uuited Slates. Bounty money duo soldiers under
the late Eoualu'itlon Act of Congress, and all mili
tary claims against the Mate, due soldiers of lota,
r..r' l'..,,.i.o.. nnd liratuitv. Cluiuis due soldics ol
the Pennsylvania Reserve Corps lioiu enlistment to
tno oalooi, priiinjuiy wii..
Igut4. s
Suwburv. Aui;ut4. M-.i.
ALL uiid see ihose beautiful Bird Cages at the
new iJuruwaro tuiru ui
VLL goods bought for Cu.-h aud sold at lowest
prices lor uurli at the
Hardware Store of
Suubury. Juno IS, 186.1.
Sew rstll Hljicttl
Are in every respect First Class, aud embrace a
a complete assortment fw Ladies. Misses aud ohild
.,. Niauut stvles. every Length aud Sues of
OUR SKIRTS, wherever known, are more umver
' tallv popular than nnv otbeit before the public.
Thev retain their shape butter, aro lighter, more
I elasiic, more liuiahlo. and realy Chonper. than any
I other Hoop Skirt in the uiaikot. The springs and
I fiutvniugs ei e warranted perfect. Every Lady should
i Try Them ! They arc now being extensively sold by
' Mi'reli. mts, throughout tho Cuuntry. and at Whole
1 sale A Retail, ut Manufactory and Sales Ruoiu.
I No. OJtt ARCH fctreet, below 7th., Philadelphia.
I Ak for MOPKIN'b '-own umke," buy no other!
CAUTION. None genuine uule.s stamped ou
each Fid Pud "Hopkiu's il.H.p Skirt Munulaetory,
I .So. tijti Arch snout, Philadelphia." .. .
I au,. Coiistanllv on bund full lino of New xora
' uiudo Skirls, at very low prices
i Terms Not Cash.
Sept. 1, loots. lin
Oue Price Only.
I'rioe tjSO per 9000 lbs. Caeh,
Just Published, the l'ith edition of our new pans-
Jiblet, '-How tu Maiutuiu the Fertility of American
:'arms uud Plautatious,'' luiuished free upou uppli
cutiun to us or uur Agents.
2') South Delaware Avenue, Philadelphia.
6"old by
July 2H, istitl. ly
I VIE following persons , ars ,ati
FIXE Mvrtle Pomatum, at the Fancy Slnre of
Aliuiiillrulor' Notice, ;
XTOT1CE is luarehy given, thut letters or ad minis,
i Iraiiuu having been grunted to the uudwsigned.
uu Ihe wtateof J enb F. Hobrbach. lute of lite bo
rough lit Nunbury. Nurthumberlaud county. deceased.
All perMint knowing ihemsclves iudi0iiei are re
quest .1 l.i make iumiediirte payment. Ibote Uav
?ug oliuuis to pront them duly aulnoulioaled for
WW ,
I ..... u .nntv under ibo
-a- ....!,... .7. i. I llouuties.
"Hl All soldieni wboenlisled uflor lb. 19th day of
a isit lor 3 years, and served their lime ol
SrStW additional Bouuiy of
"i, All such toUiers who enlisted tor 3 snd
I LmltlV Of BtSUtS.
"" ti. W idow Minw Children, or Parents of such . t, addressing the publlsjiert.
m -I-h.. didii Tt "escrviw of wounds ordtseuse, 'Al. Ur. CLLVfcRWELL'S "MarrL
,Ji?,hihS t. an add Uoual Bounty of IO. price iS cents,
are entitled " "u ...., .r r ..i.i.. - p.,v,i:.i,r.
H l. ltULII.nw.i, c.t,.,u.
By sppm- ".-.,. ho i, ,n .mhonied CI
;iti:A T mki;
Just Published, in a Sealed Envelope. Price 6 eent.
A Lecture u Ihe Nature, Treatment, and Radical
Cure of Seminal W eakness, or r-pcriuatorrha'H, iu
ducud by Self-Abuse; Involuntary Emissions, Inipo
teucy, Neivsws ilobiitty, and luipedimeuttto Mar
riago generally ; Coiisumptiun, Epilosv, and Fits;
Ue-.itul uud I'tiyaioul luoapacity, Ao. By ROB. J.
CCLVEKUELL, M 1)., Author of tbe "Ureen
Rook," Ac.
tbo a oi ld-renowned author, In this a'lro'rab's)
Lecture, clearly provet from bit own experieoea
that tho awful oiueiiienecs of Self-Abuse may ba
eticetuully removed without medicine, snd wunout
dangerous surgical uporatiuns, bougies, iuslruu-tuts,
rings, or oordiuls. pointing out a moueoi cure at ouoo
ceruio aud etteeiual, by which every sutturer, no
muttur what his uuuditiou luu.v Iw. may cure hiu.sulf
cheaply, privately, aud rudicully. This Lecture
will prove a boou to Thuusanus aud Tbousoudt.
Soul under eoal, in a pluiu cuvulopo, to any ad-
diesa, on rwcipt of ix cents, or iwo pjetuge tumps,
arriago Quids,'
fcMMBuav, ru..y -- v - -.d.w lMted.
Aeut. all suoo oi'
v. , j ...... 4 !MtU
Aihlmu lha Publishers.
137 Bowery, New York, Poet tinea boa .
gar-eetBbar 'ji. ItaW ly