Sunbury American. (Sunbury, Pa.) 1848-1879, October 06, 1866, Image 3

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    She uni)urjL American.
rT l 1 J
sitviixky, ia.
local affairs.
tV Job IHntinrj. Having reoolTed t
Urge supply of NEW JOB TYPE, of wlous new
tjlei, Postors, Handbills, Circulars, Cards, Lottcr
Head!, Bill Hoeda, Labels, Ac, era be printed in
the latest and best styles, and on ihort notice.
Orders by mail promptly attended to.
UOi' Northumberland friend is wrong in
charging ui with havipg said they were "not wide
wake, and bad retired to their downy eouchel," on
the ocenston of the "Boyi in Blue," of Sunbury, vlai
ting their place by invitation, to attend a Union meet
ing. Our neighbor of the Gatette is responsible for
thli charge. ' '
large and enthusiasts meeting wni held at Sharao
kin on Wednesday last. Delegations from Sunbury,
Jit. Carmel, and other place", were In attendance.
Speeches were deliTcred by Prof. Leo Miller, Judge
Krause, Hon. Franklin Bound, lion. Geo. F. Mil
ler and J. li. Packer, Esq.
7Ciiios Pole Raising). A Union meeting
and pole raising was held at Forrester's School
Jlouse, in Upper Augusta township, on last Thurs
day, l.urgo delegations from adjoining townships
were present . Able and eloquent addresses were
made by lion. Frank Bound and A. R. Fiske, Esq.,
the Union candidate for Assembly.
t3pIxji'!CTio.i. At the instance of Mr. IraT.
Clement an injunction was granted to restrain the
Chief Burgess and Borough Council, of this placo,
In the further prosecution of the work in making an
embankment in Front street. The case was argued
before Judge Jordan on Monday fast. The embank
ment is nearly completed, and the question now Is,
whether it would be good policy to leave it in an
unfinished state, whatever may have been thought
of the propriety of the undertaking, originally.
tyTng I.ate Shootiko ArrAm Deati or
the Vicna. Last week we noticed the sad occur
rence of the shooting of Michael Meixell, early on
Thursday morning of last week, by Samuel Irwin,
boy about seventeen years old, indicting a serious
wound tn the breast of Meixell, who was discovered
in the act of taking some apples from the premises
of the boy's mother. We regret to say that Mr.
Meixell died in the aftornoon of the same day. The
decerned, it is said, bore the character of a peaceable
end orderly citizen. This sad affair has involved In
affliction both families. After the deuth of Mcixoll
young Irwin was committed to jail, but on Monday
last was released on a writ of habeas corpus, and
entered into bonds in the sum of f 10,000 for bis ap
pearance at the November session of Court.
Tkk Middle CnEEK IUn.noAn Compasv.
On Tuesday last a meeting was held by the Com
missioners, named in the Act incorporating a Com
pany to construct a railroad from Lewistown to
Selinsgrove, and thence to this place or Northumber
land. The Company was organised by the election
of a President and twelve Directors, as follows :
President Abner Thompson ; Directors Jos. Alex
ander, E. L. Benedict, Aaron K. Gift, John Hayes,
jr., John A. McKeo, Thomas B. Reese, John D.
Bomig, Moses Specht, Qcorgo Schnure, John B.
mith, William II. Weber, and Henry Zerbe.
The distance from LewUtewn to Selinsgroro is
bout 45 miles. The route will be through a fine
agricultural and mineral district, abounding in iron
ore, limestone, lumber, Ac. The ground is highly
favorable. At the meeting we observed a number
of the most prominent citizens of Lewistown, Selins
grovn, 4c., who informed us that the prospects of an
early completion of the road is encouraging.
We are pleased to learn that F. C. Arms, Esq., of
this place, has been appointed Chief Engineer of the
road, and will commence a preliminary survey in a
few days.
ty I Fisii-way Cumfleted. We are grati.
fed to learn, from the Wrightsville Slur, that there
is a fair prospect of a free passage of shad and other
fun us the Susquehanna, during the next season.
The Star says :
"The (chute or Mi-way In the dam, below this
place, has been comploteil by Iho Susquehnnna canal
company, and is now ready for the purpose for which
it was designed. We suppose the shnd will give it a
trial on their next annual migratory fresh water tour
up our stream ihe ensuing spring. If there wore any
young shad to decern! this lull as they were wont to
lo before dmus were built in the Susquehanna, they
rould notify their old folks when thoy arrive at home
in shad-doin, that tho track is clear.''
J5' Milton ArrAim. We take the following
items from the Miltonian, of last week : The Mil
ton Car Factory employs eighty workmen. Last
week vote was taken on the candidates for Gov
ernor. The vote stood as follows :
Oeary, 49
Clyiner, 13
Eighteen were either absent or not entitled to
vote at the coining election. The above is rather
decided majority for the General.
The fates, or perhaps the weather more particu
larly, has been against the arrangements made for
our Couuty Fair. The wsather was so unfavorable
that the Committee of Arrnngemeuts were compelled
to postpone the matter. The Fair will now be bcld
on the 17th, 18th and 19th of October. This una
voidable postponement on tho part of the Committee
will, we trust, cot detract from the interest of the
Fair. Let all still take the same interest.
John S. Peterman, the Postmaster at this place,
not willing to sacrifice bis principles for the sake of
retaining bis position, ha; been removed, and Cnrle
ton, son of Capt. I. B. Davis, appointed in bis place.
We are pleased to be able to chronicle the fuol that
not Judas could be found in the Republican party
to accept the office by betraying his principles in
endorsing Johnson and supporting Clymer for Gov
ernor. We experience feeling of satisfaction that,
since change has been made, the office should go
over into the care of the political party it has. This
is better than to have it in the bands of renegade
Republican. The Union party will gain votes by
the change.
t76BAUOKi!i Items. Our Shamokiu coteinpo
rary says that the Street Commissioner of that place
lias ooumenoed to cut out the new channel for the
creek. It ii to bo 110 feet in width, and is to run in
the same direction as the small channel that was cut
some time ago. The work will be continued as lorg
as money can be raised from the sale of the lots that
have been donated for that purpose. It is to be
hoped that this new cut can be completed, so that
improvements can be extended over the old channel.
The ladies of the Presbyterian congregation are
preparing for fuir and festival during the coming
Christmas week. The object intended is to sooure
funds to pay off the remaining debt on their church
Thomas Wright, workman at the Cameron
Colliery, failed to make bis appearance at the usual
time of quitting on Monday, and search being made,
it waa found that fall of coul bad occurred at the
place he was working, and fears were entertained
that he was crushed beneath it. Men at once set
bout removing the fallen mass, and on Tuesday
forenoon be was found in eross-heading, safe and
sound, not having reeeived even scratch. It seems
be thought to escape through a cross-heading to an
joining breast, but waa prevented on account of
the breast being full of coal.
Enterprise Raildoab. Theoontraet for build
ing this branch from Locust tiap to this place, bat
been given to Mr. John M. .Barry, an experienced
contractor. lie is now here, end intends pushing the
work vigorously. It will be the opening of new
era for this region when the Enterprise road is com
pleted, and we are enabled to travel and ship coal to
II pje'sin the Last by the UttuXiH liijroad and its
immediate connections. We understand the road
will be continued to Trvvorton. so as to bring that
trade through tbil route. It will be the weans of
opening new operations in Bear Valley, and other
points between the two place that are 6114 with.
g i faj via
Union MAS MliKTDU J -
Clli I
Tie Boyi in Bin Tarn Out in Their
"JUfat ' i
lnpaelae; Demonstration.
The Union Mass Meeting at this place, on Friday,
38th alt., tti the largeet and most imposing de
monstration ever witnessed in this section of the
State. The number present has been variously esti
mated at from 10,000 to 15,000 persons. The day
was pleasant, and as the different delegations, with
flags, banners, and bands of musio came in, Market
Square, seemed one dense mass of people.
A special train from Shainokin brought in 1,300
persons, on twenty gondola cars, holding from 60 to
70 persons eaoh. Tho rogular train brought in seve
ral hundred more. The train from Milton brought
in about 600. Tho steamer "Ira T. Clement," of
this place, brought down from Lewishurg about 800.
The special train from Marysville came up with
about 600. All these are independent of the delega
tions on foot and in wagons, from Upper and Lower
Augusta, Shamokin township, Hush, Northumber
land, Point, rbllisquaque, and other places. The
toll keeper of the bridge, at Northumb 'rland, says
that 01 wagons, one of them with 36 persons, passed
over the bridge to the meeting.
The stand erected in Market Square was a model
structure, oorered over head, and handsomely deco
rated with evergreens and wreaths of flowers, e.
The decoration of the stand was the work of the
ladies of Sunbury, whose good taste and judgment in
these matters cannot he excelled by those of any
town or city in Pennsylvania.
About 11 o'clock the procession waa formed and
put in motion by the Chief Marshal, Gen. C. C.
McCorraiek, with the aid of his assistants, in the
following order :
Chief Marshal and Assistants,
Sunbury Cornet Band and Drum Corps,.
Sunbury Club of "Boys in Blue," with banners,
flags, Ac
Loyal League, of Sunbury,
Drum Corps,
Milton Delegation,
Lewisburg Delegation,
Dry Valley Delegation,
Georgetown and other Delegations, (coming by Nor
thern Central Railroad,)
Shamokin and Mt. Carmel Delegations,
.Upper and Lower Augusta, Bush, and other Dele
gations, in wagons, Ac,
Northumberland and Chilisquaque Delegations.
In the procession were numerous banners, Ac,
with appropriate mottoes. On one was a dosign, rep
resenting hungry men at feast, with the following
superscription : "Only give us bread and butter,
and we will swallow the nigger." Another repre
sented "My Policy" with a loaf of bread and a roll
of butter, and above it a lifted axe. Another had
live "coon" in the branches of a tree. Several live
"ducks," held aloft in cages, wero carried in the
The procession then moved over tho following
route :
Form in Market street, right resting on Seoond
street ;
Up Second to Arch J
Down Arch to Front ;
Down Front to Walnut ;
Up Walnut to Fourth ;
Up Fourth to Chesnut ;
Down Chesnut to Second ;
Up Second to Race ;
l'p Race to Fouitb ;
Down Fourth to Market ;
Down Market to the Square.
On the return of the procession to Market Squaro
the meeting was organized by the selection of the
following officers :
President Benjamin Strickler, Esq.
Vice Pretiitrutt Stephen Bittenbender, R. M.
Frick, Wm. F. Nagle, Geo. McClces. Jonathan Hoo
ver, E. C. llanna, Wm. Deppin, Andrew Ycager,
John Bingcman, Chas. il. Boyer, Jacob F. Mucnch,
Solomon Marti, Jaracs Forrester, Benjamin Hoover,
John Sterner, Benjamin Heffuer, Joseph Sharptow,
J. W. Wright, C. B. Smilh, W II. Leighou, Jesso
Yoeurr, Norman Butler, Daniel D Lake, A. Kecber,
John McCormick, Cspt. S. Bryson, John L. Watson,
Christian Griner, David McGuire, John V. Martin,
Wm. Hood, A. J. Guffy, William Cameron, Captain
Ammons, Dr. Rooke, Copt. M. Novinger, Dr. Brew
er, and Wm. F. Wagenscller.
Secretaries . II. Funk, II. B. Masser, Owen M.
Fowler, John Ye.6agman, and Samuel John.
Gen. Joseph W. Fisher, of Lancaster county, was
then introduced. The General commenced by say
ing uini ne leu a more man ordinary Interest in
speaking to the people of his native county. Besides
he recognized among them soldiers who belonged to
two companies, (from Northumberland and Milton,)
which formed part of his regiment. The General's
speech was addressed principally to the "Boys in
Blue," and was well reeeived.
Prof. Horry W. Adams, formerly of New York,
but now a resident ot Chilisquaque township, in this
county, next addressed the meeting. II is speech was
an able one, and was well received by the audience.
During the speech of Mr. Adams, second stand was
erected, from which Judge Uelfcustein was iutro-
uucea uy j. is. i-acaer, tfq. a snort ttme alter a
third stand was organized, from which A. R. Fiske,
Esq., the Uuiou candidate for Assembly, made an
able and telling speech. He was followed at the same
stand by the Hon. George F. Miller, the Union can
didate for Congress, in a spirited speech.
After Mr. Adams bad concluded bis speech from
the main stand, Hon. Wm. Ii. Armstrong, of Wil
linmsport, made an able argument in favor of the
Congressional policy.
As it was now after 4 o'clock, many of the dele
gations left for home. About this time the mail train
arrived, ucd with it came Hon. Edward McPheison,
of Gettysburg, Dr. Doane, of the State of New York,
aud Protestor Leo Milltr, of Rochester, N. Y.
Dr. Doane immediately mounted the platform,
and in a short time had a I urge audience. He com
menced by congratulating us on the large and spiri
ted meeting assembled, and remarked that, notwith
standing moat of the delegations bad left, and the
meeiing wua dispersed, he bad assembled before him,
in less than three minutes, over thousand persons.
This, he said, was the spirit all over the Slate, and
he confidently believed Gen. Ueary would be elected
by a majority of fifty thousand.
The meeting theu adjourned to 71 o'clock in the
In the evening grand Torchlight Parade was
gotten up, under the auspioesof the Union League
and Boys in Blue. At least live hundred persons
were in the procession, and as it moved through our
principal streets with the banners, flags, transparent
oies, bands and drum corps, the appearance was
grand aud imposing. After marching through
ral of the streets, the boys, with their torches lit,
assembled in front of the Court House, where a large
crowd had already collected.
Hon. Edward Mcl'berson was then introduced, and
was listened to with marked attention for more than
an heur. He showed most conclusively that every
good eitjsen and patriot, who loved his country, was
bound to autain the Congreastoaal polioy. in oppo
sition to the one-man policy of the President.
Professor Leo Miller was then introduced, who
spoke until nearly It o'elock in a very able and
effective manner. His speech was listened to with
marked attention by the largest assemblage we ever
saw at a night mooting, outside the oi ties.
La Bill Framcb Kcursito. A letter just r.
ceivej by Phalon A Eon from an American lady in
Paris, aunwioiiif an order for two cases of their
NiKbt-Blootuiug Cere us, ooncludas with these
words, "Vvtre farurn .r It mtlleur of at eajoamV'
"uurs Is tie bast perfume in tba world." Re
member, this is iroia Paris, the capita of Its world
of (Villon. ! Pild erorywDeie.
j?"AEriOTBi and Incidents or tb .R-
rellion" is the title of a handsome volume, just
sued by the National Pibllshlng Company, 6uT
Minor Sweet, Philadelphia, P. The author bs,lwt
delved no tndustriotaal sunonist the messes of
eurioua Inoidenls wbioh bare marked the late war,
and Has grouped and alasiBed them tinaer kpprs
prlate heads, and la very ttraotlve form.
There la certain portion of the war that will
never go into the regular histories, nor be embodied
in romance or poetry, which is very real part of it,
and it will, If preserved, convey to the aucoeeding
generations better idea of the spirit of the eonOiot
than many dry reports or careful norratives of
events, and this part may be called the gossip, the
fun, the pathos of the war. These illustrate the
character of the leaders, the humor of the soldiers,
the devotion of women, the bravery of men, the
pluck of our heroes, the romance and hardehif s of
Ihe service. From the beginning of the war the au
thor ha been engaged in collecting all the anecdotes
eonneoted with or illustrative to it.
Tho volume is profusely Illustrated with over 300
engravings by the first artists, which are roy
beautiful ; worthy of examination as specimens ol
the art. Many of them are set into the body of the
text, after the popular style of Lossing's Piotoriul
Field Book of the Revolution. The book's contents
irclude reminiscences of narop, picket, spy, scout,
bivouac, siege and battle-field adventures; thrilling
fents of braver, wit, drollery, comical and ludi
crous aaveniures, etc, etc.
Amusement as well as instruction may be round
in every page, as graphio detail, brilliant wit, and
authentic history, are skillfully intorwover in Ibis
work of literary art.
The book is compiled by Fraier Kirkland, the
well known author of the "Cyclopedia of Commer
cial and Business Anecdotes," who has brought large
experience end great talent to the work. It is the
product of vast labor, in travel, correspondence and
personal observation, and is in everyway complete.
Geo. W. Snyder, of Sunbury, is the authorized
agent for this work, in tblsoounty. He will call on
the citizens of this place, with a sample of tbe book
Orders by mail will receive prompt attention. J
Etri A Landell, 4th end Arch streets, Phila
delphia, have completed their improvement, and
are now offering their usual display of Dry Goods to
purchasers. Read advertisement.
Ladies' and Children's Fancy Furs, at John
Fareiras, 718 Arch street, Philadelphia. His stock
is very large. Read his advertisement. Olre him
a call.
Oeart and Cltmek medals and badges just re
eeceived, and lor sale by
New Stock of Wall Paper and Border just re
eeived by N. F. LIGHTNER.
In Business ton Himself. By referring to our
advertising columns it will be seen that Wm. W.
Apsley has sold out his Wholesale A Retail Boot and
Shoe Store to II. O. Thacher, who will carry on the
business as before. Mr. Thaeher is well known as
the obliging cltrk In Mr. Apslry's establishment,
and it give us pleasure to announce his promotion.
Mr. T. is a young man who understands the business
Ihoroughly, and all who may favor bim with their
patronage will find him honorable and agreeable,
and be will, no doubt, make bis establishment equal
to any in the State for tbe sale of Boots, Shoes,
Trunks, Valises, Ac.
A Cad. I return my sincere thanks to the eili
tens of Sunbury and vicinity for their past patronage,
and as I have disposed of my stock of goods to Mr.
H. G. Thacher, I would most heartily recommend
him to the confidence of the citiiens, believing that
they will find in bim a good oitizen, of more than
ordinary business qualifications and strict integrity.
He has constantly on hand, and is daily receiving,
all kinds of Boots, Shoes, Trunks, Ac, which will be
told cheap for cash.
A Card. Having just returned from the New
York and Philadelphia markets, where I selected
one of the finest stonk of goods ever seen in this
place, I invite all my friends, and tbe public in
general, to come and examine for themselves. My
Fall Stock comprises Overcoats. Business Coats, Dress
Coats, Pants, Vests, Shirts, Undershirts, Drawers,
Jackets, lints, Caps, Socks, Suspenders, Neckties,
Ac, Ac Railroad men are Invited to come and see
niy new style of Railroad Suits, or totr dt lion,
imported from Paris. Now is the time to buy, as I
offer great inducements. !
Cheap Casu Store.
PnoTOORAi-nr. We would call the attention ef
our citizens to the Photograph Gallery reoently
fitted up by Mr. S. Byerly, in Simpson's building,
Market street. Mr. B. is prepared te furnish Pho
tographs nnd Ambrotypes, in all styles and sizes.
We would advise all who desire to have a good
picture to pay Mr. Byerly a viiit.
A man out West says he moved so often during
one year that whenever covered wagon stopped at
bis gale his chickens would full on tbeir backs and
bold up their feet to be tied and thrown in. Every
person who reads a good thing in the papers now-a-days,
invariably looks at the bottom lines before
he is half through, expecting to see notice of
Ihe cheap and beautiful ready-made clothing at tbe
Continental Clothing Bazaar, Market street.
Frier ARiKQ roa Cold WEAvnan. In view of the
approach of autumn, Mr. Jacob O. Beck has already
received an elegant assortment of Cloths, Caasi-
meres, Vesting!, etc., embracing tbe latest styles
anil patterns, srhleh be is prepared to make up to
ordor on tbe shortest notice, and on the most reasona
ble terms. If you want a new suit, give Beck a
oall, at bis establishment in Fourth street.
ly To Claim Asirts. Blanks for tba collec
tion of "Claims ot Private Soldiers and Non-Com-miasioned
Officers," under the late Act of Congress,
equalising bounties, have been printed and are now
for sale at tbe AuaniCAK office. We keep on band
a full supply of all kinds of military blanks, which
we sell very cheap. They are copied from blanks
prepared in tbe Departments at Washington, and
oan bo relied on for correctness. Orders from a (lis
lance will receive prompt attention.
Lira Inspraxci. " I ean make a better invest
ment for Ihe benefit of my wife and family," is often
the objection made to life insurance. But there is
no way in wbioh a small sua of money ean be so
profitably and socurely invested, fur such a purpose,
as in a polioy on your life ; because tbe payment of
a tingle prtmium secure!, and at once, a very much
larger sum than the investment of tbe same amount
could possibly do in the ordinary operations of trade,
Besides, securing a sum in this way does not, in the
least, interfere with your endeavors to aecumulate
in smv other way you may desire.
Jcoi Suim an, Fir t and Lift Jmuranee Agent,
Sunbury, Pa.
Fnraura of all shades of opinion, now-s-dsys,
ttend political meetings, in and out of doors a
privilege which Is peculiar to indopendont eltiiens.
Many a good man baa been lost to tbe world by in
cautious eiposure to tbe dampness of the earth, at
tending such meetings, in consequence of wearing
thin-soled boots or .shoes. All cautious persons
should avoid this unnecessary danger by buying tbeir
boots and shoes at Wm. II, Miller's xoelsior Boot
and Shoe Store, Market square, Sunbury. They are
water-proof and eonsumptire-proof.
Trial T Jiar. The trial by Jury Is a right
which every eititcn of the l ulled Slates has olaimed
as bit prerogative. But it is ef much greater Impor
tance for tbe publio to know that at John E. Sunick's
tailoring establishment, on Fourth street, Sunbury,
suits are disposed of without eiupanneling a Jury
to pass judgment upon, as the verdist has long sine
gone forth that Suilok sells tbe best arluile, and at
tbe lowest prioes, thateaii bo obtained anywhere.
lie has just received a large and splendid supply
fall goods, direct from New Turk, to wbioh he in
vites the attention of the publio.
At Northumberland, on Ibe 1st Inst , at the resi
dence of Col. David Taggart, Col. JOHN II. COW.
DEN, aged 6 years.
In this place, on Monday morning last, JACOB
T. ROliRBACU, formerly Treasurer ef NottiuiuUr
Utid County, aged about M yven
Disrlng our visit tj Lowoll we were shown through
the Lnboralnty'af our Celebrated countryman, Dn.
J. Ci Aran. Scarcely oould we havefcolieved with.
proofehitUum there bevond disnutioc
Tb snake a bari r ua rm. ahnt !.
doses, and three barrels of Cherry Peeroral, HM.HOO
doses, per diem Te what an Inconceivable amount
of haroaa snffermc dooa till point I 170,000 doses a
day 1 1 fifty millions ot dose per year! ! ! What
ores and thousands of acres of slek, beds does this
spread before the Imagination ! And what sympa.
tbieeand woe True, not all of this is taken by the
very sick, but alas, much of it is. This Cherry Drop
and this sugared Pill are to be the companion of paiu
and anguish and sinking sorrow the tiiherttanee our
mother Eve beqaeathed to the whole family of man.
Here the infant darling has been touched too early
by the blight that withers half our race. . Its little
lungs are affected, and only watching and waiting
shall tell which way its breath shall turn. This red
dron on its table is the talisman on which its life
shall hang. There the blossom of the world just
bursting into womanhood is stricken also. A flee
lion's most assiduous care avails not. she id still fa
ding away. The wan messenger eomes nearer and
nearer every woek. This little medicament shall go
there, their last, perhaps their only hope, ihe
strong man has, planted in his vitals, this same dis
ease. This red drop by his side Is helping him
wreit',e with the inexorable enemy ; the wifo of his
bosom and the cherubs of his heart are waiting in
sick sorrow and fear leil the rod on which thoy lean,
In this world, is broken.
O, Dootor! Spare no skill, nor eost, nor toil to
give the perishing sick the beat that human art can
give. GalvistoH, Txat, Artrs,
Signs o tee Times. In recent issue of the
London Timet, we find an interesting article on
wine and its consumption in past years in England.
We make the following oxtraet : America now pro
duces wine excellent in quality and exquisite in
flavor, as all testify who have tasted the Samburg
wine of Mr. A. Speer, of New Jersey, U. S. A. In
our perambulations through Spain, France and Por
tugal we acquired some experience in wine, and have
tasted none to excel the Sambucl vintage of America.
In our opinion, this wine cannot fail of success. It
is already attracting considerable attention in Lon
don and Paris, and with the ladies will became I
general favorite on account of it non-intoxicating
properties. Louden Timet.
For sale by W. A. BENNETT, Sunbury, Pa.
IT 'II ! ITCH ! I I t'll t
Will Care Ibn Iieh In H Hour.
Priee 60 cents. For sale by the druggists. By send.
inc 60 cents to WEEKS A POTTER, Sole Agents
170 Washington street, Boston, it will be forwarded
by mail, free ef postage, to any part of tbe United
Btaics. jo -a oo-y
rpiie ConfeaiNloua) sized l'.xpcrlctice
Published for the benefit and as a caution to young
men and others, who suiter Irora nervous uenutty
Premature Decay of Manhood, Ac, supplying at the
same time Ihe means of self-cure. By one who nas
oured himself after undergoing considerable quack
ery, uy enclosing a post-paid addressed envelope,
single copies, tree or charge may dc naa oi tne au
NATHANIEL MAYFAIR, Esq., Brooklyn, Kings
10, Si. X .
January 27, 1866 1y.
Ieafnt-fiis, l!liiiln-k iizkI Catarrh,
Treated with the utmost success by Dr. J. ISAACS
Oculist and Aurist, (foimerlv of Lesden, Holland.)
No. 610 Pine street. Philadelphia. Testimonials
from the most reliable sources in tbe City and Conn'
try can be seen at his office. Tbe medical faculty are
invited to nccotnpauy their patients, as be nas no se
crets in his practice. Artificial Eyes, Inserted with
out pain. No charge made for examination.
.Sept. 29, lt66. ly
Xo Cunwiiniplivcai.
Tbe advertiser, having been restored to health in
a few weeks by a very simple remedy, after having
suffered for several years with a severe lung affection
and that dread disease, Consump'ion 's anxious to
make known to his follow sufferers tbe means of
To all who desire it, be will send a copy of the
prescription used (free of charge), with the diree
tions for preparinr and using the same, which they
will find a sure Cube for Consumption, Asthma
Bhonciiitik, Cut oils, Colds, and all Throat and
Lung Affections. The only object of the advertises
in sending the prescription is to benefit tbe afflicted
and spread information which he conceives to be in
valuable, and he hopes every sufferer will try hi)
remedy, as it will ccs. them nolhUig, and may prove
a blessing.
Parties wishiug the prescription, frke, by roturn
mail, please address
Willinmshurgb, Kings Co , New York.
January 13, 1960 ly.
.Tlllllucry tUovtlat aud itrvua Trim-
iniriffK, Head Ir'sfc-,
South aide of Market Square SUSBCRY, Penu'a
Ilnsjust returned Iroin tbe cities with a ehoice
selection of seasonable goods to which the attention
ot the Ladies is respectfully S'lllcito.l.
With Ilead-Drcsses, Gloves,
llosiery, Ribbons,
has been carefully selected and will jtive satisfaction.
Miss Shisslcr has had an experience in tbe busl
ness that enables her to seleot goods with an eye to
the taste and wishes of bcr customers, and she begs a
continuance of favors in tbe future which she takes
pleasure lu acknowledging during the past year.
Ladies will find a choice stook of every thing in her
line of business.
Sunbury, April It, 186U.
Consisting of Ii-mm Moods, in great variety,
such as Delaines, mallies, uiugnams, trapes,
Lawns, Brilliants, Ac.
Hoop Skirts, Fine White Goodi,
in variety.
Dress Trimmings. Laeesand Embroideries. VEILS
of all descriptions, Uioves. Hosiery, Corsets. Zephyrs,
faieui llair crimpers, xseca-iies, ana motions oi
all kinds usually kept in a Fancy More.
Iockwood s Taper uoiiars ami uuus.
Stamping and machine stitching done to order.
Two doors west of Wm. 11. UiUer's Shoe Store
Sunbury, April 2S, 1800.
Of Clothing:, iii-at'u rursilliin
UooiU, Hoot is . hlioai.
rpllE undersigned takes pleasure in announcing to
J. Ibe publio of Sunbury, aud vicinity, that be has
opentd his
witu a well selected stock of
I will sell at astonishing low prices.
I have also slill on band a large stock of
Boots & Shoes,
for Ladies, Gents and Children's wear, which 1 am
selling off, as I intend to give up that branch el bust
It will be to the advantage to Cash Biters to
give me a call.
6. Gross' old stand, Market Square.
Sunbury, April 7. 1808.
I HAVE made arrangements in Washington City,
for tbe prompt collodion of Bounty under tbe
lale Aot of Congress. I have aUo received tbe pro
per blanks to prepare the claims. Soldiers eutitled
to this Bounty should apply immediately, as it is e
tiifcated that it will require three years to adjust all
Ahe claims.
All soldiers who enlisted for three years and who
have not received more than 100 bounty are entitled
to the benefits of this Aot. as well aa soldiers who
have culiated for three years and discharged altera
service ol two years, ny reason ol wouuaa reeeirea.
disease ooutracled in line ofilnty, or re-enlistment.
Buubury, August 18, lbo6.
Braokets and Fine Work Boxes, at
Procure oueof BYERLY S Fine Photograph Pic
tares et nis noums in Simpson s, nunuuig.
)IKE Lucia Zxtrsets ami Lubin Soap, at
tuui.-r.R a, aaiaei reare
After more than twelve vmm nrnminnt ma. this
uiguiy suuecuiraiau manure nas attained a wide
spread reputation as a
Being found active in its operation, and of irreat dn
rahility. It does not exhaust the soil, but on tho
contrary, permanently improves it. Tbe increasing
sales annually, abundantly prove the biiih nonulnr
value of this manure, and establish tho fact of its
being relied upon by a wide circle of agriculturists
to supply an wants lu tue direction ot manures for
every crop.
Sole Manufacturers A Proprietors,
Office, No. 20 South Delaware Avenue,
General Wholaalt Agentt,
Ne. 131 Pearl St., corner ol Cedar.
WtwlaaU Agent for Maryland 4 Virginia,
No. 106 Smith's Wharf,
rrloe 80 per SOOO Ibej. Cneh.
Just Published, the 13tb edition of our new pam-
iililet, "How to Maintain the Fertility of American
'arms and Plantations," furnished free upon appli
cation to us or our Agents.
10 South Delaware Avenue, Philadelphia.
Sold by
July 2S, lStia. ly
RESPECTFULLY inform the citisens of Sunbury
and vicinity, that they have just opened a lar ije
stock of
In the store room lately occupied by Woavor A Fa
gely, opposite the Old Court House.
REMEMULll that these Goods have just been
f'urehasod at reduced pricos, aud are sold according
y, comprising of
iDisrsr goods
of every style and variety, such as
Dress Goods, Print?, Muslins Domestic
Goods, Motions, Ac, Ac.
Ilouaic'kc'vpliig (goods).
The attention of the publio is reeneolfully invited
to the advantages ofiered at this establishment.
Call aud examine for yourselves.
A. J. KN03BEL,
II. P. 110BBINS.
Sunbury, July 21,1555.
THE subscriber having opened in SUNBURY,
Pa., anew large, and well assorted stock of all
Ac, laid in at lowest New York and Eastorn prices
which they will be pleused to sell for Caah at tbe
lowest Eustern prices.
Intending to do business in tbe honest principles
of small profits and quick sale for-iJiuih.
J. li. iujlh a. iir.
Sunbury, June 13, 1S63. ! C'usjls ! ! 1'csfrli ! ! !
840,000 wantel in exchange for all kiuJs ol
Hardware, Irons, Nails, ta., at the new Hardware
Store of J. II. CONLKV A CO.
riunlury, June IS, ItSSr,
vas uaaui:i:i:'m
Simplicity, Durability, Convenience, Comfort and
Security, combined with Eoouomy
THE STOPPER AND LOCK supports either sash
at any point.
It ean be applied to any window in a few minutes.
It does not interior e in taking out a sash.
Jt is ngt floated by any jarriug action, and pre
vents tbe rattling of sash.
It is self-acting in all its work, and (uakes It W
possible to foreet to lock tbe window.
It allows propor vcctilatiou without leaviuc the
window unlocked.
It aots by gravity Las co spring and can nercr
get out of order.
It dues not wear Qut, tut will last while the
bouse stands
Windows that have only one sash moveable, may
be changed, so as to move both, at a trilling expense.
Stopper and Ioi-L, One ltollar
It must come into general use for its radical ad
vantages, as a Self-Acting, Uurglar-Proof Look and
For Huilway Cars, Steamboats, etc., it is perfect,
and, in fact, the thing long sought.
It is emphatically just what everybody wants, and
everybody ean have. The demand must be unlimi
ted. Capitalists, Manufacturers, Builders, and men
looking for business, are invited to call ua the sub
scriber aud etamine It.
July 21, IbfirJ. 8b, Sunbury, Pa.
At tbe solicitation of many of my friends, I hare
consented to be a YOLl'.VitfcH CANDIDATE for
tbe office of Proibonotary to. bhould 1 be elected, I
promise to fulfill ihe duties of tbe office impartially,
and to the beat of uy ability.
huubury, June 30th, 1M. -
CALL and see thoee beautiful Bird Cages at Iks
new Uard-a'areiicreot
j. h onir co
er bowels tie eoattve,
foe hare worms,
rout breath Is bad,
TRY THtltf.
f you feel droway,
If yon are low apii iied,
If yon save, t euik heeAnebe,
tf yea bare taken a drop too much,
Tliey only cost SJ cents a box,
Blae Mass, and other preparations of Mercury, aetustly
priNluce mote auifenug and death than the diseases which
thev nrofeaa i erne. And Vet this eorroaive mineral so
denounced hy the alUiputliie Uocuxa, la presciihed Ly 1
them almost uim-orsuiry m uver uoii-jhuui;, ;uiiauiu,iiou
of Lungs, te.
are composed entirety of rtwts and herl, oMnineit from
the great storehouse of Naluie, and their aa! itnry elTscts
will unpenr as eoon as the medicine 11 biuugiil to the test
ufa fair experiment. SCHK.NCK'SM I.
do in produce auv nnuaea or sicsiieaa of the stomach;
hut when given for Dyspepsia, it mny he proper to use
them in connection with BCHENCK'S SKAWKF.D
TONIC. By this judicious treatment the digestive Ineul
ties are speedily restored to their full vijjor, u::d the worst
casea of indigestion may lie cured.
wnenwe iciiecllliat the liver is tne raru-cat internal
organ of the body, that to it is assigned liie important
doty of filtering the blood and preparole; the hile, that il
ia euliject to many disorders, and Unit when it is diseased
r iiuH-uvi me wnuie nonv Du.iers aympntiietien.iy, it is
,i Muiprisniix tu'it a metncine which can restoie tna
healthy operations of ihe Liver should produce wonderful
changes in the eenerul health, end effect cures which may
appaul to La aimst liitracuious. Headache of long con
linuaiice, severe pains in the aide, breast and shoulders,
achiiorof the hinhi, a fcrlini; nf rcnernl weakness anrl
wietehcclness, anJ other ainnnmp ami distressing aymp
toms, indicative of imperfect or disordered action of the
liver, are apeedilv removed hy the use of SCHKNCK'S
Cosln-eiiesa, pilca, bitter or e-ur, and that
Indescribable fcchri of oppression, men-:, I amieiy, lan
guor, lethargy, and dcpressi.'ii of iptrirs wiiich unfit a
man for the management of Lusine?s mM il,e eniovnie.-il
of life, ere all n-hj-.ed L'j- the use of SlliKNrhVS SlAN'
D.iAivr. ri 1.15.
Dn. Sdtrvci. DenrSii : I tulcnleastite ii. sending y.-il
a certii'ieotc in nddition to uiHiiy'you have alreiuly re
ceived fmm Buttering humanity. 1 can scarcely hud Ian
gunge aiiriicienl!y strong to express my hentlfeit gratiura
lion of the wonderful cures your MANDKtKK Pi 1, 1.3
and BEAWKKD TONIC have cfleeted in the entire cure
of one of the most eluhhoni cases of the nUectiou of the
liver. Kor three yeurs I sufleied heyoud description ;
all my friends, as well as myscif, came to the conclusion
that my time ill tins iile was snort. Such was the terrihie
condition to wiii;hl was rrtiu-cd C.t life to me hd La
come a burthen; my whnle system wits in a st-:te of iu
flarmnalion ; I could uil eat, I could not sleep; my whole
body waa filled w itll pain ; aweUiiiR would arise in my
wrists and ankles, rendering Ihem totally useless On seve
ral occasions I was attacked with a noli of hlnrd to the
head, which would fell ins to the ground, and I would ha
earned away for dead. I applied to several eminent
physicians of our city, who administered all tlte medicines
that they thought would reach my case, hut of no avail.
One of them said he could do no moic for rr.e, nod ad
vised me, as a last resort, to drink cod liver oil. Not
relishing the hoi rid trash I declined to take it. Accident
put your iidveitiaeiuent m my liuutis. I callc 1 on ym ;
V'u rxrunineil me and told mo the inluie of n.y i.iieunt.
You Oieu ordered me tl.e Pilii aiut ToiitL' with (n (i( e:v
nee of diet, plct'giiift vut wurU in one week 1
would find mysrlf another man. 1 followed ynurarivice.
and, as you predicted, an .'tfttoniai.tiig cine was t riveted. J
co:itmutM your mid Tonic for inine time, and now
thank God for hii goodness, and your valuable medicine,
I am ouca mora restored to perfa'f health. I rr.oat
eanieitly recninmend those who are an (Ten n from affec
tion of the liver to sive your Pills and Tonic m fuir trta!t
and a rura will be elTccti d I tuive irut many peis int to
you, and they have ail been cured. An inforiiiution n.y
fellow citizens inny require will he freely piven by th, nt his lesidt-nce, No. Hid Tedural street, be
tween b;U tlictt aud PiiMYUtilt rt tad
Formerly printers' Ink MunaUciarer
PCHFA'CK Wilt be professionally nt his principwl
ofTie, No. 15 North lix'.i street, c rntr of Commerce,
Pl.ll-AOKt.l'HI A. every ftiturdnv, from 9a.m. until 4
p.m.; No. '.li li'Mid street; New York, eveiy Tuesday,
ftom 7 to 3 ; No. 3s Summer street, lioston, Mnns , every
Wednesday, from 0 to and evei7 other Friday at Ufi
Baltimore street, Bdltimore, Ml. A 11 advice fret-, but
for a thotouKh examination nf the lungs with his Kespi
fometer the etwee is three doutra
Puce of the PUinnnie Svrup and Seaweed Tonic, eneh I
fM,50 per Ut'.l, or f 7,5J per huif (.oet;. Mamltuke
Pi lis, 25 cents pf lox. ;
For sale hy nil Drucgisls and Dealers. I
Mau-h -21, IbCO ly. j
New Arrival of j
of I
jr. v', I'mi.iAu a, so.x, i
Market Square, near tie Near Court House. i
JUST OPENED a large ani new assortment of I
Cloths, Casninieres, Cottonndcs, Linen Panllcg,
Silk, Delaines, Alapacas, English aul Scotch
Oingbauis. Cballies, Lawns, Aruiuros, lirilliants,
Wlnle Goods, Calicoes, Mualius, and every otter
article belonging to the above branch of busiuess.
Sheetings, Hoop Skirts Hosiery and gloves.
Gloss ware,, Crookcry, Hardware au
i uiiery.
Drugs, Oila, Paint., Coal Oil an
Fish, Pork, Coarse and Fii.e Salt, Coffee, Tea, Su
gar, Molasses gyrup. Spies, 4c.,
Groceries, Tobaeeo, Segars and Snuff, togethei with
a large variety of miscellaneous goods at prices that
cannot fail to satisfy purchasers.
J. IV. (1L1.U avx.
Sunbury, June 2, 1SC6.
THE subscriber begs leave to call the attention of
his customers, and tbe oomuiunity in general, to
the fact that be baa now received his second lot of
coUMstiag, in part, of a complete line of
Blank, School and Juveullo Cooks, Fancy Toiet
Soaps. Perfumes, Picture 1 rames, Lava aud Willow
Hanging Buekeu, Bird Cages,
II nasi and HI and Ulnasjva,
Fine Vases, Handsome move Jeweiry and Work
Boxes, Traveling and other Portfolios, Carved
Brackets, l eather Dust Brushes,
'Balls, Bats,
Fishing Tackle,
Toys of all descriptions, larne stock of
Window-Blinds, Pnper Shades, Coal Oil Lamps and
Fixtures, Ac. Thanklul for past patronage, and hope,
by strict attention to business, to continue the same.
Sunbury, June 9, 1366.
Manufacturers and
TO Art-Is fttreet, Ihiladl!ssi1.
Those ia waut of Silver or Silver Plated Ware will
Bnd it much to their advantage by vuitmg our btore
before making tbeir purchases. Our long experi
caoeuiibemaiiutactureor tbe above kind of goods
eunbiee us to defy eompetition.
We keep no goods but those which are of toe First
Claas, all of our owu suake, aud will be sold at redue
ed prioes
July Tin, 18 lyej
AND and Stand Glasses at LiauTHta's.
It you want a good Likeuese for your friends, go
to H. Ill KKLY'bUaJlery in ei in peon's Building.
SIIOK findings. Bole Leather and all goods be
leafing to shoe makers business for sal by
LATKOSB'H Hair Restorative, the best is ese, for
sale by
HOST?!. ! A put fl Eacear?
Tho tleclion officers tud vulcra cf
Not tLumbcrland count; tlcwld r erne tu
tor that they can no linger tote for
all officers on one Blip at licrctoforo.
By laat winter's General State Law,
there are to be throe slips
J st, headod "State" having only ono
name for Governor.
2J, hca.k-d "Judiciary," having only
a name for Associate Judge.
2d, headed "County" havinc onW
one name for Congress, three for As
sembly, and one each for IU-gistcr &
Recorder, CoraiaUsioncr and Auditor.
JuLn W, Geary,
Ocorgo F. Miller,
Alexander J, Frick.
Alfred H. Fiske,
Samuel II. Rotbcrmol.
Frothonotary, Clerk of tbe Court
of General Quarter Sessions,
aud Oyer aud Terminer,
Claries J. Bruner.
John W. Geary.
George F. Miller.
Alexander J. Frick,
Alfred It. Fibke.
Samuel H. Rothevmel.
Frothonotary, Clerk of the Cqurti
of General Quarter Sessions,
and Oyer and Terminer,
Charles J. Bruner.
John W. Geary.
George F. Miller.
Alexander J. Frick.
Alfred R. Fisko.
Samuel II. Itotheruicl.
Frothonotary, Clerk of the CourU,
of General Quartos Sessions,
and Oyer and Terminer,
i Ciirlei J. Praasr.