Sunbury American. (Sunbury, Pa.) 1848-1879, September 29, 1866, Image 3

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    E!je Sunfmrg ftmcttcan.
N. 8. DKOIiE, J PublsshSrt.
SLocal Affairs.
tSJob Irlntlnr. Having receded
large supply of NEW JOB TYPE, of various new
slyles, rosters, Haudbllls, Circulars, Cards, Leltor
Heads, Will Heads, Labels, 4o., can bs printed In
tho latest and bost stylo, and on short notice
Orders by mall promptly attended to.
t" Lost. A go" oross breastpin, In gold ewe.
The finder will be rewardod by leaving It at this
offloo. ,
Cp-RiLioiocs Notici. We have been requested
to announce that services will be held in frt.
Matthew's Churcfa.'on Sunday next, both morniag
and evening.
t3? Adams ' Exr-asss The public will be pleased
to learn that Mr. Lightncr, the agent of the Adams'
Express Company at this place, baa made arrange
ments to the effect that goods will be received from
rhiladolphia by both morning and aftornoon trains.
Ooods left at the Express Office, In Philadelphia, In
tbo afternoon, will roach hero early next morning.
' Those loft later will arrive In the mail train, at 4.30'
This will be a great convenience to many of our
'business men, with whom the Express has bcoouio an
important institution.
CgTiiB rcoont rains have raised the rivor con
siderably, sufficiently, we hope, to enablolumborinen
"to got out their timber. In Ofeio and Indiana the
papers record an extraordinary froshot, or rather
' flood. A part of the city of Dayton was under water,
and millions of bushels of corn have been destroyed.
We learn that at Williamsport the WcstBruDch of
the Susquehanna roso eight feet on Friday lust.
ty'OiL i!c S.nydku Cocstv . Tho Miffiiuburg
t Telegraph learns from a gentleman who recently
visited the "oil regions' in Snyder county, that
operations are still continued there dny and nif(ht,
and that tho operators express the opinion that they
will strike oil. They are nt a depth of 597 feet, and
r uro in a very hard snnd luck. The operator?, who
are experienced men, say the geological formation is
very different from that iu Venango county, but the
gas which escaped occasionally was a fuvorable indi
cation. Tho men nro employed by the Company,
end work by tho day. They buvo orders to bore to
the depth of 800 feet.
f5" -Tub so-oallod Democracy of Union county
hare romiuated the following ticket : Congress,
A. II. Dill ; Assembly, Capt. U. D. Housb ; Axso
ciato Judge, Edward Wilson ; Conimtaioiicr, Laird
Howard ; Ilegistcr ami Recorder, Moses Voder ;
Auditor, Dauicl Lung.
t' IIoRniiiLB L)i:.vth. A sudden and nio-t hor
riblo death occurred near Shamokin, on Wednesday
morning, 1 2th iiut. As Air. Roeso Itoberts, a miner,
was uscending the plane in a drift car to tho couuter
level of tho mines of the Brndy Colliery, ho throw
his mining tools out ahead of him, and then, whilo
the car was in motion, jumped after them. The drill
it is supposod, had fastened itself between Ibo
planks, and stood with the sharp point up. Not
feeing it, he jumped directly on il, and it pierced
Lis ubdouien, inflicting such a serious wound that he
died iu fifteen minutes nflorwnrds. lie wiu a very
rcspcotuble man, unmarried, a native of Wales, and
iicd about 25 years.
t?'A Sau On Thursday uioruingi
ubout D o'clock, a sad eccurrcnce took place, which
should prove a warning to those who uso firo-arms
recklessly and without euro. About that time
Michael Moixol, a painter by trade, whilo pacing
the lot of Mrs. Frederick Lazarus, entered the en
closure and took somo apples. Mrs. Lazarus and her.
fen, Sumuel Irwin, a lad of about 17 years, had
been watching for persons who had been stonling
their fruit almost every night. Young Irwin fol
lowed Mcixel with his gun, churned with ponder
and -hot, hid mother having cautioned him to shout
bib, ur over hid head. Unfortunately, eight of the
shut he fired struck the unhappy victim in tho right
LreH3t,ono ubuvc his eye, and several in his hand
uud wrist. Dr. Awl and Dr. Mosscr dressed his
wounds, which wore a: fir.'t considered souic.vhat
This sad calamity lis," caused tho deepest distress
in the family of Mrs. Lazarus, mid also the family ot
Meixel, who has a wifo and two children depending
upon bim for support.
t5"THE Anniversary. The second anniversa
ry of tho Missionary Society of the Lutheran Sabbath
School, took place in tho church building, in this
place, on Saturday evening last. The house was
filled, and the large audienco seemed well pleased
with the entertainment. The exercises wero opened
with reading the Seriptures, and prayer by tho
pastor. A quartetto was then sung by four members
of tho choir, after which tho reception of the designs
and money followed.
First came the ' Busy Reus," or Infant Depart
ment, taught by Miss liuttio Uuus. The design a
Dee Hive. Tho contribution of this department
amounted to $15.
The classes then enmo in the following order :
"Living Branches,'1 taught by William Rohrboch.
Design The True Vine. Contribution, $9.
"Wisdom Soekers," taught by Miss Rebecca Fet
ter. Design LampDivino. Contribution, $2.75.
"Builders of Reward and Disappointment," taught
by Jacob Wilvor. Design houses on rock and
sand. Contribution, $1.
Mue'io The Better Land.
Howard Clad. Teacher, Edward Shiudle. Do
sign high rock. Contribution, 9.75.
"Tho Master's Witness." Teacher, Mrs. Bensen
bach. Design buket of grapes. Contribution,
Kurtz Clu. Teacher, Mr. John Huae. Design
portrait of Dr. Kurtz, (in mourning.) Contribu
tion, $25.91.
"Disciples of Faith." Teacher, Mies M. A. Engcl.
Design Trust, represented by a bird sleeping iu a
Lush. Contribution, $12.
Musio " Jesus Ever Near."
"Bow of Promise Class." Teacher, Miss Lou
Hendricks. Design the Ark on Mt. Arrarat.
Contribution, f 2 67.
"Cross Bearers." Teacher, MUt P. tieusy. Do
ign a crofS. Contribution, $166.
St. Paul Class. Teacher, Mr. John C. Miller.
Design the Garden of Eden, very beautiful. Con
tribution, $3.66.
"Links of Gold." Teacher, Mrs. B A Gobin.
Design Faith, Hope and Charity. Contribution, 5.
Music "Home Beyond the Tide."
"Mo,engers of Providence." Teacher, Mrs. E.
Fetter. Design Moses in the Bulrushes. Contri
bution, S3.
"The Master's Friends." Teaoher, Miss Sarah A.
Engcl. Design Asleep in Jesus; an infant sleeping
una cross. Contribution, $10.15.
"Lady Huntiugdou Class." Teacher, Mr. J. II.
Engol. Design Ruth's Uleiwings. Contribution,
"Patriots of Home and Heaven." Teaoher, Miss
Amelia G ussier. Design Our Country and our
Country's Hope, represented by the Stars and Stripes
and a Bible. Contribution, $8.
Musio "A frieud that's ever near."
"John Buuyan Class." Teacher, the Pastor. e-
sign Duuyun's Pilgrim. Contribution, $50.61.
"Devotion Class." Teaoher, Mr. Jacob Shipman.
Detigu an Altar, with IneauM burning. Contribu
tion, $2d.I0.
"Friends of Uis Heaths,,." Teacher, Miss Sarah
tiufcler. Design a golden ealf. Contribution, $8.51.
To each design was attached a scripture passage
and some versa of poet,. The, were received and
txpluincd by the Pastor. The occasion was s aieei
ifcUrosliug one. The total annual of contributions
were $225.51, an Increase over last yew of ever $60.
In addition to this the school has purchased an In
atruiaeur and a Library, at a cost c; over 1250.
ty Spirit or f Capaij. A grand rally
for the Union eause was mad at PotUgrora, In the
upper end of the county, on Saturday a week last.
The meeting was addressed by Prof. -Adams, of
Chilfsqnaqua township, tn ca atle and eloquent
manner. He drew a comparison between tha policy
of Congress and that ot "My Polloy," ahowlng oon
elnslvely to his audienoe that the true eourse for
patriots to pursue Is to ophold andustuln our noblo
representatives in the stand they bat taken against
the treachery of Androw Johnson.
A large and enthusiastic meeting was held at Sand
Hill School House, near the mouth of Chillsquaque
orook, on last Saturday evening. A delegation from
Sunbury was In attendance, loaving bora in the 6. SO
vonlng train and returning In the 11.44 train.
Prof. Adams, of Chillsquaque, and Qeorge M. Benn,
Esq., of this place, dolivered speeches.
Our Union friends of Northinberland held a spiri
ted meeting on Tuesday evoning. A large number
of persons from this place, oomposod ef "Boys tn
Blue" and oltlzcns, werepreaont, the steamer having
been engaged for the occasion, llev. Mr. Porter
addressed the meeting. His remarks were woll re
eoired, and frequently applauded. Mr. A. N. Brlee,
of this place, also made a short speooh.
A meeting was held at Dewart on Tuesday night
last, which, we learn, numbered at least eight hun
dred persons. Delegations from Sunbury, Watson
town, McEwensville, Milton, and other placos, were
In attendance. The meeting was ably addressed by
A. R. Fiske, Esq., the Union oandidate for Assembly
in this county, Geo. M. Benn, Esq., of this place,
and by Mr. MoCleery, of Milton.
Besides the Grand Mass Meeting which will as
semble in Sunbury to-day, (Friday,) mass meetings
will also be held at Milton, Shamokln, and many
other places in tho county, before the election.
Proceedings, op tub Congressional Con-
pkkencb or Tn 14tii District. The first meeting
of the oonferees of theXlVth Congressional District
was held at Sunbury, September 6th, when the Con
ference was organized by electing W. C. Duncan,
Chairman, and W. II. Patterson, Secretary.
The following are the names of the conferees from
the counties:
Dauphin eounty Daniel Kendig, F. B. Qilbert,
W. T. Hildrup.
Juniata county H. II. Bechlel, U. II. Wilson,
Win. U. Patterson.
Northumberland county Jacob Seesholts, F. S.
Haas, K. M. Frick.
Snyder county Samuel Alleman, Wm. Moycr,
Daniel Widensaul.
Union county C. C. Shorklcy, Wm. Jones, W. C.
Mr. C. C. Shorkley nominated Hon. George F.
Mr. F. S. naas nominated John B. Packer, Esq.
Capt. U. U. Wilson nominated Col. John J. Pat
terson. One hundred and thirty-six ballots were had and
no nomination mado, whon,
On motion 'of Cupt. II. II. Wilson, the Conference
udjourned to meet at Lewisburg, Union county, on
Thursday, the 13th of September.
Met at Lewisburg, according to adjournment, bal
lottcd until 2.'!Sth ballot, and adjourned to meot at
Harritburg on the 21st of September.
Tho Conference met Ht Harrisburg on the 21st
inat., and on the 313th ballot the Hon. George F.
Miller, of Union county, was nominated.
3tMr. V. S. Dokbler, of Williamsport, has
sold tho United States Hotel, in that place, to Mr.
Juoob Ballade, for $17,000. Possession is to be given
on the first of November next. It is to be occupied
by the First National Eauk, tho Post Office, and for
other business purposes.
Editor's Tublo.
I'jf' "Anecdotes and Incidents op tub Re.
hellion " is the title of a handsomo volume, just
issued by tho National Publishing Company, 507
Minor Street, Philadelphia, Pa. The author has
delved most industriously amongst tho masses of
.'utivunmuiuruis noicti iiavu luiLiftuii luu line war,
and has grouped and clussifiod them under appro
pi into heads, und in a very attractive form.
There is a certain portion of the war that will
never go into tho regular histories, nor bo embodied
in romuncoor poetry, which is a very real part of it.
and il will, if preserved, convey to the succeeding
generations a better idea of tho spirit of the conflict
than many dry reports or careful norratives of
evcnKnliU this purl may be called the gossip, th
tun, the pathos of tho war. These Illustrate the
character of the leaders, the humor of the soldiers,
tho devotion of women, tho bruvcrv of men. the
pluck of our heroes, the romance and hurdshir s of
ine service, i ruin tne Beginning ot Uio war tno au-
inor nas been cngagea in cuMcclingall tnounocautcs
connected with or illustrative to it.
'1 lie volume is profusely illustrated with over 300
engravings by tho first artists, which are r tally
liutitijttl ; worthy of examination as specimens ot
the art. Muny of them ore sot into 111 q body of the
text, alter the popular stylo of Lossing's Pictorial
i icld Book of tho Revolution. The book's coutonts
itcludo reminiscences of eauip, picket, spy, scout,
bivouac, siege and battlo-field adventures ; thrilling
fculs of bravery, wit, drollery, comical and ludi
crous adventures, etc., etc.
Amusement as well as instruction may be found
in evory page, us graphio dotail, brilliant wit, and
authentic hisniry, aro skillfully iutcrwovcr iu this
work ol literary art.
The book is compiled by Frazor Kirklaud, the
well known author of tho "Cyolopusdiu of Commer
cial and Businesi Anecdotes' who has brought largo
exi erience and great talent to the work, it is tho
product ot vast labor, in travel, correspondence and
personal observation, ami is in every tt uy complete
(Geo. W. Snyder, of Sunbury, is the authorised
agent for this work, in this county. He will call on
the citizens of this place, with a sample of the book'
Orders by mail will receive prompt attention.)
j?'Godev's Lady's Book. The October num
bcr contains a beautiful steel plate "The Rest on
the Hill." The colored fashion-plate, representing
costumes for a iuncy bull, und the numerous useful
patterns, will be appreciated by the fair readers of
tbe book. The reading matter in this number is
interesting. "Rizpah's idols" isoonoluded. Ano
ther good story "Kute Leonard's Great Mutch"
by S. Auuie Frost, appears in this number. The
Lady's Book maintains iu deservedly high reputa
tion wtih the fair sex, and justly too, for its publish
er spares no expense to rendur its varied deportments
useful and interesting.
tjjTuE Edinburgh Review. The July num
ber of this able English Review has been re-published
by tho Leonard Scott Publishing Company, No. 38
Walker street, New York. Tho oontcnts are, Ma
homet; Weather Foreoasta and Storm Warnings;
Annuls of tbe Huguenots ; Mill's Examination of Sir
Wm. Hamilton's Philosophy; Baker's Exploration
of the Albert Nyauza; The American Navy in the
late War; Precious Stoues; Tbe State of Europe.
The Scott Company bus also re-published Black
wood's Mairaziue for Aueust. The contents are
NiuaBalatka ; The Story of a Maiden of Prague
Part II ; British America; Sir Brook Forsbrouke
Part XV; Art Politics ami Proceedings; The Nile;
Cornelius O'Dowd ; Stuart Mill again : or, The Ex
aminer Examined ; A Review of tbe Continental
War; The New Ministry, Both ore excellent num
IjF Tub Ladt'i FaiENS-Tbe October number
of this charming periodical opens with a beautiful
and suggestive engraving, illustrative of the inter
esting story of "Hugh Maxwell's Heir." Tbe
double eolored steel Fashion Plate is as elegant and
refined as usual. Tbe other illustrations refer to the
fashions aud lady's work, such as tbe Work Basket
wiin rockets, iJreae witn itigu vtaist ana Immova
ble Basque, Canesou of Tulle and Lace, Riding
Habits, Siamois Bounet, Tiianon Bonnet, &o.t Ac
The Musio is the "Quoen of bummer." Among the
literary contents we uotice "Second Lovo," by Mrs.
Uosmer; "Tbe Mugioof theSuubeam ;" "The Story
of a Proud Heart," by Gabrielle Lee ; "Tbe Bache
lor Answered," by Mattie Dy or Britts ; "The Dispu
ted Patrimony," by Auber Forestier; "Winter
Time," by Florence Peroy, author of "Rook Me to
Sleep ;" editorials, receipts, fashionable intelli
gence, Ac. Price $2.50 a year ; 2 oopies, $4 ; 8 cop
ies, iuuu oue grail, s'v. Dpociujou uuwuaii wm
be sent for 15 oenls. Address Deacon & Peterson,
319 Walnut sUeet, Philadelphia.
13Tue Atlantio Monthly. This excellent
magaslne fully maintains its high reputation. In
tbe October number, Uis continuation of Charles
IUadc's "Griffith Gaunt," powerful romance, will
not fail to interest tbe reader : the trial of Mrs.
Gaunt, the heroine, for the murder of her husband,
is almost as good as the trial-sceue of Erne Deans in
the 'Heart of Midlothian." The further passages
from Nathaniel Hawthorne's Not Books, still ta
king in the time he passed iu tbe eounury, in 1813,
are very charaoter4Uo of that writer's good heart
and great genius. 1 be poetie pieces are above the
average, this month ; there ia an able and elaborate
eriliaiaui ou the Novels of Ueorge Elioltj and an iu
terestiog paper. M the hi or ui an Conquest. Tbe
other suLjeolii are the Woman Question, the Darwin
ian ibeory, Childhood, aud, under the title of
usurpation, a very eearuning eumtuallea of "My
Pulley." Among th reviews is one, at some
length, of Dana's new edition of Whealoo'a lite
uuiuj of international l, Sieknor SV J'ields,
Publishers, Boston, Mas. .
Geart and Cltmer medals and badges justro
oeoeired, and tor sale by ,
New Stock of Wall Paper and Border Just re
oelvedby N. F. LIGHTS EH.
' ' '
A Card. I return my sincere thanks to the eltl
ens of Sunbury and vlelnlty for their post patronage,
and as I have disposed of my stock of goods to Mr.
U. G. Thaoher, I would most heartily recommend
him to the confidence of the cititens, believing that
they will find in bim a good oitiien, of more than
ordinary business qualifications and strict integrity.
He has constantly on hand, and is daily receiving,
all kinds of Boots, Shoos, Trunks, Ac, which will be
sold oheap for oash.
A Card. Having just returned from the New
York and Philadelphia markots, where I selected
one of the finest stook of goods ever seen in this
place, I invito all my friends, and the publio in
general, to coma and examine for themselves. My
Fall tock oomprisesOverooats, Busineas Coats, Dross
Coats, Pants, Vests, Shirts, Undershirts, Drawers,
Jackets, Hats, Caps, Books, Suspenders, Neckties,
4c, Ac. Railroad men are invited tooome and sco
my new style of Railroad 8uils, or cuer dc lion,
imported from Paris. Now is the tiino to buy, us I
offer great inducements.
Cheap CasiI STORK.
PiioTOQRArUr. We would oull the attention of
our eilizons to tho Photograph Gallery rocently
fitted up by Mr. S. Bycrly, in Simpson's building,
Market street. Mr. B. is prepared te furnish Pho
tographs and Ambrotypes, in all styles and sizes.
We would advise all who desire to huve a good
ploturo to pay Mr. Byorly a visit.
A man out West says he moved so often during
one year thut whenever aoovored wagon slopped at
his gate his chickens would fall on their backs aua
hold up their feet to be tied and thrown in. Every
person who reads a good thing in the papors nowa
days, invariably looks at the bottom lines before
he is half through, expeoting to see a notico of
the cheap and beautiful ready-mado clothing at the
Continental Clothing Bazaar, Market street.
Preparing fob Cold Weather. In view of the
Approach of autumn, Mr. Jacob O. Beck has already
rocoived an elegant assortment of Cloths, Cassi'
meres, Vesting!, etc., embracing tho latest styles
and patterns, which ho is prepared to make up to
order on tho shortest notice, and on the most reasons
bio terms. If you want a new suit, givo Beck a
call, nt his establishment in Fourth street
Fi?"To Claim Agents. Blanks for tho colloo-
tion of "Claims of Private Soldiers and Non-Corn
missioned Officors," under the late Aot of Congress,
equalizing bounties, have been printed and aro now
for sale at the American office. We keep on band
a full supply of all kinds of military bluuks, which
we sell very cheap. They are copied from blanks
prepared in the Departments at Washington, and
can bo relied on for correctness. Orders from a dis
tance will receive prompt attention.
Life Insurance. " I can muke a bettor invest
ment for the benefit of my wifo and family," is often
tbe objection mado to lifo insurance. But there is
no way in which a small sum of money can be so
profitably and securely invested, for such a purpose,
as in a policy on your life ; becauso the payment of
a single premium secures, and at once, a very much
larger sum than the Investment of the same amount
could possibly do in the ordinary operations of trado.
Besides, securing a sum in this way does not, in the
least, interfere with your endeavors to accumulate
in any other way you may desire.
Jacob Siiipman, Fire and Life Insurance Agent,
Sunbury, Pa.
Freeuen of all shades of opinion, now-a-days,
attend political meetings, in and out of doors a
priviloge which is peculiar to independent oitizens.
Many a good man has been lost to the world by in
cautious exposure to the dampness of tbe enrth, at
tending such meotings, in consequence of wearing
thin-soled boots or shoes. All cautious persons
should avoid this unnecessary danger by buying their
boots and shoes at Wm. U. Miller's Excelsior Boot
and Shoe Store, Market square, Sunbury. They uro
water-proof and consumptive-proof.
Trial by Jiry. The trial by Jury is a righ
which every uitiien of the United States has claimed
aj his prerogative. But it is of much greater impor
tance for the public to know that at John E. Smick's
tailoring establishment, 011 Fourth street, Sunbury,
suits are disposed of without cmpanncling a Jury
to pass judgment upon, as the vordict bos long since
gono forth that Smick sells the best arliolo, and at
the lowest prices, that can be obtuinod anywhere.
Ho bus just received a largo and splendid supply of
fall goods, direct from New York, to which he in
vitcs tho attention of tho public.
On tbe 2oth inst., Mrs. MARY BRUNER, of this
borough, aged 77 years aud 13 days.
Corrected Weekly for the "American."
Wheat Flour, extra family, per barrel,
515 00
uu uo uo do pur owl.
7 iU
Rye Flour,
per bbl.
10 00
Wheat, prime red
Dried Peaches, pared
do do unpared
per ewt.
per bushel ,
per round
vrica Appics,
Dried Cherries, (unstoned,) per bu.
per pound,
Beef, bind quarter,
" from "
per dosen,
per pound,
per pair
tiliuravkin Coal i'riide.
SBAHOKiM,Sept. 24, 1868.
Tout. Cwt.
Sent for week ending Sept. 22, 11,443 09
Per last report, 410. 6M U
421. 9S7 02
To same time last year,
3011,060 00
112,1137 02
Special Noticrij.
Pekcillixgs by Tim Wat. Agontlemau
who bus recently travelled through all tbe
Northern States, ttud bai amused himself by
collecting statistics xf tbe consumption of
article ot luxury, announces thut among the
appliances of tbe toilet Pbulou's "Xight
Bloomiug Cereus" enjoys by all ocids tbe
greatest popularity. Bold everywhere
Grapes. Mr.JSpcer having some property
in New Jersey, turned his altcution to the
cultivation of the Saaiburg vine imported
from Portugal. It bears a grape whose SU'
pcrior quality, juiciuess and richness iu sac
charine matter is unexcelled by that of tho
Catawba. After numerous experiments in
fermentation, Mr. Spcer bus produced a wme
which will irr.mortalize his name and provo
a Jiew honor to America. Exchange. :
The wiue can be found at W. A. Bennett
Vliikcrs X 11 hlUcr 1 1
' Dr. L. O. Mourns' CarraJia, th Kreawst stimu
laior in th world, will foroe Whiskers or Miulaohe
10 grow on the smoothest taee or chin ; never known
. .! umpl for UUtl sent IVw to uy oue desirous
of testing Its merits. Ar'pcess, Usivas Co., 7b
Naubt.,j(. 31.. jeS0 3ui
Will C;tsr the itch In 4 Honrn.
. ,?J,,,ro".PALT "HKI'M, TJT.CKRB, CHIT.
Price Aft cents. For sale by the iti-OHlstt. By send
ing 60 cents to WKEKS A POTTER, Hole Agents,
170 Weshington street, Boeton, tt will be forwarded
by mail, free of postage, to any part of the United
Bute. . j 2:1 'fcu,-
........ . -
lie OoiitVftnlona final Itxpcrlencc
Published fur the benefit and to a caution to votimt
men and others, who sudor from Nervous Debility,
Premature Docay of Manhood, Ao., supplying at tho
same timo tho moans of self-cure. Iiy one who nns
ourcd himself after undergoing considerable quack
ery. By enclosing a post-paluT addressed envelope,
ngle copies, ireo ot cuurgo may do nau 01 ine au
NATHANIEL MAYFAIR, Esq., Brooklyn, Kings
Uo, w. x.
January 271 8M ty.
ION fC mi nrcvnntion and cure for Asiatic Cholora.
t,- . . r . t I . T : I. : .1 ...... . KtnmnMi
curiiinunima m mo iitin, jjivvi. juvinvji . ............
and Bowels, and as a Blood puriller it has no equal.
Sold at tho Continental, Uirard, La Pierre, Wash
ington. St. Lawrence and Merchants. Philadelphia.
Monomtahcln und St. Charlos, Pittsburg. By the
principal Hotels nnd Druggists generally. J. ROH
REll, Sole Proprietor, Lancaster, Pa.
Scptumuoi I, IBtiO.
"DON'T UR FOonsiI." Yon run mnko
Six Dollar? from Fifty Cents. Cull ami cx
ntninc an invmtion urireutlv nocclccl by ovcl-y
body. Or a sample Bent free by mail for o0
cents thut retails easily for $0, by U. L.
WOLCOTT. 170 Cliittliam Square, N Y.
Sept. 16, 1365. ly.
Uenlnoms, ItllmliM-KM nnd Calnrrli,
Treatod with the utmost suocoss by Dr. J. ISAACS
Oculist and Aurist, (formerly of Lej den. Holland.)
No. 6 ID Pino street. Philadelphia. Testimonials
from the most reliable sources in the City nnd Coun
try can be seen nt bis office. Tho medical faculty are
invited to accompany their patient, as he has no se
crets in his practice. Artificial Eyes, inserted with
out pain. No charge made for examination.
Sept. 29, lBOtl. ly
Xo Consnmipli re.
Tho advertiser, having been restored to health in
a few weeks by a very simplo remedy, after having
suffered for sovcrnl years with a sovcre lung aQection
aud that dread disease, Consumption la anxious to
mako known to his follow sufferers the means of
To all who desire it, he will send a copy of the
prescription used (freeof charge), with the diroo
tions for preparing and using the same, which tlicy
will find a 8URJS Ccre for Cunsuui-tion, Asthma
Bronchitis, Couaua, Colds, and all Throat nnd
Lung Affections. Tho only abject oi tho advertises
in sending tho prescription Is to benefit the auiiotcd
and spread Information which ho conceives to bo in
valuable, and ho hopes every sufferor will try his
remedy, as it will cost them nothing, und may provo
a blessing.
Parties wishing the prescription, free, by return
mail, plcaso address
11EV. tIJIV AltU ItjBlPi,
Willianishurgh, Kings Co , New York.
January 13, ltll ly.
t'Ani'Ali, NlO,U0.
Iiiiiortaut to nil Owners of I.Ivc
X Insurance .Company, chartered March 12, tm.
!v tho Stulo of Pennsylvania, insures, 1I0KSE8,
MULES AND CATTLE, sgniust loss by theft, death
by tire, accident or (license.
OrftVc: 108 Soith Fourth St net, Vltihiil., I
President: Col Charles Frailey ; Vieo President. D
L. Juterlv : secretary, vr. li. .Becker; tieneriil
Acent, P. llaffa.
Reference, by permission, to the following gentle
men: lion, nimnn Cameron, ilarrisliurir, Pu.j Bur
Patterson, Esn., 1'otUvillo, Pa.: Ueu Joseph LSti
ter, Ilurdwnre Merchant, Reading, Pa ; Dr John
(iioiiiuger. President Lcbunon Bunk ; L Whitney
Bunker, t'ottsvillu.
Our rates aro lower than any other Insurance Com
pauv. while they insure against ono rt!k, wo iuoun
ugainstnll ikks. Agents wanted in every county in
Uie Male,
Assistant llcucral Ageut, Sunbury, Pa
August lb, lritirj . Cm
norKin's "own make."
icw 1'all Mylost !
Are In every respect First Class, and embrace a
a compluto assortment lor Ladies. Misses nnd child
ren, of the Newest styles, otory Length and Siics of
OL'K SKIRTS, wherever known, arc nioro univer
sally popular than any others before the public.
iney retain tneir snape better, nre Ittiter, uioru
elastio, more durublo, and realy Cheaper, than any
other Hoop Skirl in the market. The springs uu'l
lnsIcniriKS pro warranted perlcct. Every Ladv should
Try Them 1 They aro now being oxtcuively sold by
Merchants, throughout tho Country, and ut Whole
saled Ketail, at .Manufactory and Stiles llootn.
No. 62S AKCU 6'trect, below 7th., Philadelphia.
Ask for MOPKIN'S "own make," buy no other !
CAL'TI'IX, None senuino unless slumped on
each Fid Pud "llopkin's Hoop Skirt Manufactory,
No. 628 Arch street, Philadelphia."
Also, Coustautly on baud full lino of New York
mude Skirts, at very low prices.
leruiiAoi loan. vno l'rieo uuiy.
Sept. 1, iSOO. 1m
fTlHE following persons oro entitled to receive an
a increase ot liounty under tho Act ot Congress
pussedJuly lhbti, to etiuulizo Bounties.
1st All soldiers who enlisted ufler the 19th day of
April, ISril, lor U yours, and served their lime of
enlistment uud have been honorably discharged, and
have received or are entitled lo receive a Bounty of
Slut), are entitled an additional Bounty of tslOO.
2d All such soldiers who enlisted for 3 years, uud
have been honorubly discharged ou uccount of
wounds received iu the line of duty, aro entitled to
an additional Bounty of SilOO.
3d The WiJow, Minor Children, or Pareuls of such
soldiers wbo died iu the serviee ot wounds or disease,
are entitled to an additional Bounty of li I OO.
By application to S. P. WOLVERTON, Esq., of
r-usisuur, Pennsylvania, who is an authorised Claim
Agent, all such uluiuis can be speedily collected.
Sunbury, August i, 1U0. tf
I HAVE made arrangements in Washington City,
for tho prompt collection of Bounty under the
iulo Act of Congress. 1 have also received tho pro
per blanks to prepare the claims. Soldiers entitled
to this Bouuty should apply immediately, as it is es
timated that it will rcciuiru three years to adjust all
tho claims.
All soldiers wbo culisted for three years aud who
bavo not received moro than flOO bouuty are entitled
to the benefits of this Act, as well as soldiers who
have enlisted for three years and discharged after a
service of two years, by reason of wouuds received,
disease contracted iu lino of duty, or re-enlistment.
Sunbury, August 18, ItSCti.
Attoriify ut I.nvv, Kills bury, I'ji.
1 S duly authorised and Licensed by tbe tiovern
I muni to eolleet all Military Claims against tho
United States. Bouuty money due soldiers under
tbe late Equalisation Act of Congress, and all mili
tary eluims aguiust tbe Male, due soldiers of ln!2,
for Pensions und Uraluity. Claims due solilins of
the Pennsylvania Itesorve Corps from enlistment to
the date of muster, promptly collected.
Sunbury, August 4, lrillrt.
new oinrNiiur
Ol' Clulhiiit;, iivnt'm I'uriiihhin
Ciool, IIooim V Slio-.
rpHE undersigned lakes pluusure in uunouueing to
X the publio of Sunbury, aud vicinity, that he bus
opened his
wita a well selected stock of
I will sell at astonishing low prices.
I have also still on bund a I urge slock of
Boots & Shoes,
for Ladies, Uenu and Children's wear, which I am
selling od, as 1 intend to give up that branch f bust
It will be to tho advantage to Cisu Buykus to
give me a eall.
S. Onoss' old stand, Market So us re.
Bunbury, April 7,1861). n
PUKE Xubia ExtraoU and Lubin Soup, at -
( - VJWUTNLA 6, Market Square
, -K
Call at onr Now Musie Store In
and buy one of II a inns UnoTHtn's New Scale
Piano Fortes.
Everv Instrument Im WnrrmiUI fitr fW-A venrs. Wo
also koop constantly on bond a good stock ot tho
celobruted PELOL'llKT'S MKi.ODKONS. CABI
NET and CUCUCII OKUAN.S. nnd challcngo others
to sell ehenpor than wo are selling
Wo also koop all kinds of Muaicot Mcrohnndijo,
and receive all the latest musio as soon as published.
A l-.ncruiuiscountlu tuaohcrs of Schools and Semi
I if Second hand instruments taken In cv.bnm-
for new ones.
Pmnos correctly tnrnod nnd repaired. Send for
SAl.EM ft rmoTIIEIl.
Soliiicgrovc, Snyder co., Pa., July 2H, IsOfl. ly
t3l!OTO : li .1 I'll !'.
E. & II. T. ANTHONY & CO.,
Muniiliieltircrs nf Pliotocnii.hie Materials, Wl olesite anj
U etui I, 501 UHOAUWA , New 1 om.
Ill nrl.lition ifionr nimn l-nsiness of Pli'tlnttriiiili ic Mate
nnls we are liend(juiirliTS f"r Hie following, viz.
Of American nnd l'oieijtil Cities and Landscapes, Oro lips
Slatunrv, He.
From nf in lives made 111 the viirinus rninimiirrit and
forming a complete 1'hotngiapliic history of the great con
Ailnnlcd fur eilher the Mimic ljmtern or the Stereosconic.
Our Catalogue will be sent to any addiess on receipt of
We mnnnfnetiirc more Inrprly than any other house,
nlsmt Sim vniielies, frrin SU cents In S-'Hl eReh. Our At
liiimt Imving the reputation of being superior in beauty
and ilurnbility to any others.
Cabu PuorooBArui or i)ENsnl.s, Staiesmks, Actobs,
Etc., Etc.
Our Cntalosne f mhrares over Five Thousand different
sntijects, mclliitlng leprodiielious of the most ccleblnted
Enicrevincs, Pninlings, f uuues, etc. Catalogues sent on
receipt of stamp.
IMiolorapprrs nnd others orileiine simnIs C. O. p., will
pknsR remit 2S per cent of ine amount with their order.
ryThc prices and quuluy of our goods cannot full to
July lit, l!-0 Hin
Miss I.OI DM lla.!l.t:iC,
.IlillliM-ry ioo3s find Ii-'s 'l'rlm-
South side of Markot Squaro. SUNBURY, Penn'a
litis just returned from tho cities with n choice
selection of seasonable goods to which the alleiiliou
of tho Ladies is respectfully solicited.
With Hend-Diu'scs, Uloves,
Hosiery, Ribbons,
bus been carefully selected and will give satisfaction.
Mi's Shisslcr bus had an experience in tho busi
ncss lhat enables her lo select goods with nn eye to
Ihe tutc ami wishes of her customers, and .-hobogs a
continuance of favors in the future which she takes
pleasure in nrkiiowlcdgiug during tho past year.
Ladi.-s will find n choice stock of every thins iu her
line nf business.
.'uubury, April 14, 186d.
Consisting of tiM-NK olsi, in uroiit variety,
such as Delaines, Cbiillics, Oiughums, Crapes,
Lawns, Brilliants, Ac.
Hoop Skirts, Fine White Goods,
in variety.
Dress Trimmiii. Laccsand Embroideries, VEILS
of all descriptions, tiloves. Hosiery, Corsets, Zephyrs.
Patent Hair Crimpers, Ne'k-Ties, and Notions of
ull kinds usually kept in a Fancy Stove.
Lockwood'a Paper Collars and Cutis.
Clamping and niacin no stitching dono lo ord- r.
Two doors west of Win. H. Miller s Shoe iloro.
Sunbury, April :M, ldfid.
Great AUraciion,
nt tho
Msool Si-oii tiiicl fITC Store ot
M'hero tlu-y keep cniifdintly ou baud and luunuf.ic
luio o order ht short uuticu.
TIX AND SHEET IUOX-WAUE uf till ilcwriptior.".
They would i-.-'jK'cially cull the nttention of pur
uUuscu lo thuir hiry ur.d i 1 11 fecleolcd ntuck ni'
The subscribers liui o made ttrran;5onients to have
all their best stoves inadu to ur.ler, and those who
would have a grood stove would do well to o uud
cxamino their laro and well selected stock.
First. They defy competition ou the following
tried Dtiuids of Cook Ntovos, vis :
('oiiiiiiiMitioM sitf Itiiriici-, 4'ouls.
ii t VS'S'SIOS- Sv'St CI ( 'ol .
and the well known Autidust Cook Stovo called
Also. Purlor and office Stoves iu great vnriety oni
brtioinu; all tho best manufactures and most fashion
utile designs, unsurpassed for beauty of tiuisb simpli
city uf urranu;eiuentscombiuin ch.mpiicss. durability
und each stove warranted Ur perloriu wliat they lire
Also, The celebrated Ilaliiinore Fire Place Stovo,
for heating tirst, second and third stories by Registers
Also, tho celebrated MOllNINU GLORY.
CoulOil, -Tout Oil l.!iiii--, SltridfK,
4'hiiunU'H, :tul nil nsli'l-M
usually kept ill an establishment of this kind.
Tbey nre also prupared to furnish Slate and do slating
iu the best workmanlike miintier.
Also, to do Tin Roofing, Spouting, Range and
Furnace Work, (las Fitting, ic. Repairing neatly
and cheaply executed.
Also :
"Huuj;ls.'a) lCuv Hone !4utcv-lhoM-pliule."
Remember the place. iS'aniple nnd Sales lloom
nearly upposito Coniy's llardwaro Store, Market
street, between Third and Fourth streets. Building
dark painted.
August Z3, 1HU0.
tt a nrrs n.i .... k
Hanging Boskets,
Lj lirackoU) sud Fine Work"
Prooure onoof BYERLY'S Fine Photograph Pic
tures at bis llooius in Simpson's Building.
To procure a family group Photograph, go to
BVEKLY'S Room iuSimpsou s Building up stairs
At tho solicitation of many of my friends, I have
consented to ho a VOLUNTEER CANDIDATE for
the oilice or Proiboiiotury Jo. Should I be dented, 1
promise to fulfill the duties of the otGoe impartially,
and to tbe best of my ubility.
Stinturv, June Hli.lnCG.
INE I'uulhur Druubcs, at
FINK ilyrtlu 1'uiuatum, at tho Fnucy Store of
ANNA 1' A 1 XT Kit.
rvnmt i:.
NOTICK is boreby given lo i)urtios aguiust whom
the late tinu of Kiiling A. tiiaut, huve J u. la
ment on tbo Ducket of 1. M. fcbiiidul, Tbiit
uulottf they do within a roditiiimble time iroin diite t
hereof, umke payuiunt, exooutiou will buuu lor tbe j
Pur U. 11. Kakk, Aitoruey.
Euabury, Sept. 1, ldtirt. It
CALL and sea those boautiful lJird Cages at the
oew lluidwure store of
WANTED AUENTS $75 to 2l)0 Per Month
for tieutlouien, aud $.15 to 76 for Ladies,
everywhere, to iutroduee the Common Sense Family
Sewing-.Muehine, improved and perfected. It will
hem, fell, stileb, nuill, bind braid, and eiukroMier
beuulifully price only till making the eUn Iocs;
stitch, aud fully warranted for throe years. py
the above wages, or oommisri.m, Irou. whicn lww
lhat ainouut can. bo made. Addreas or call on O.
UOWEKS A CO., OBIoeNo. N bo"" V''h f '
Philadelphia, Pa! All letters answered i-roinp ly,
wilhciroulursauo terois scpti-im
rUiOE Findings, Sole Leather and all goods be
O Uas - "kB CO.
a u v k h p it o s r ii a t e oi i, i m i;
Afinf uinre lli iii twelve vears of oonstnnl use. this
hiirhlv eoneentrntod mnii'uro has attained a wide- i
spread reputation lis n
Ilelns; found active in its operation, and nf groat du
rability. It docs not exhaust tho soil, but on the
contrary, permanently improves it. Tho increasins;
sales annually, abundantly prove tho lii(h popular
value of this umnnru. and establish the fact of its
bcin relied upon by a wide circle of aifrioulluiists
to supply all wants in tho direction of iiiuimrcs for
every orop.
BAUOII St bons,
Sole Manufacturers i Troririetors,
Oilice, No. 'M South Delaware Aveiiue,
(Jenerid W'huliiala A'jriiU,
Nj. IS1 l'eurl fi'l., eurnor oi Cedar.
W'hoksalu Jijuiit j'nr Marihind if' Yirjinhi,
No. lu.i Smith's Wharf,
per tiUOO lI-. 4.u!i.
Jnt Publishe I. the l.'ilh ediriou of our new pam
phlet, "How to .Maintain tho Fertility of American
Furnis und Plunlatious," furnished free upon appli
cation to us or our Agents.
2d South Delaware Avenue, Philadelphia.
.Sol I by
SMITH AtlE.NTllElt, Sunbury.
July 2S, ls.i'l. lv
I lSl'ECTKUliEV infnrin tliuclliMiir Sunbuiy
XV tiu-1 viciutty, lliui Iticy Unw
Uu just openud u liti o
i slocb uf
In tho store rtuu lutely Oi-euji
1 l.y Weaver ti Fa- !
gcly, oi'psito tliu Old Cnurl llutisu.
UIMIiltKli lluit liontls havo jut hcen
puielm-el at icioccJ n,-ice?. ai;iureJold iivCuranii;
yt cciii'iiMii of I
uf every rtyle ami vui iety, such us
c lotus, UAi.Miiui:;?, vi-tinu.s, .u:.
lU't Good?, Plinth, Musi i ui lVmealio
(iouds, NuiiutJ, Ac, ti;. !
The iitti'iitiim of tho mblio is n spc -t fully inv'lr.t
to tbe udvunlagis ottci-od at tliis ektublislimt'iit.
111K UhilllT l'ltlCi: I'Ali) FOH COCXTilV
Cull aud oxauiine fur youre'clvcs.
A.J. KX'KI'.i:i.,
11. P. lWJllJiX..
8niibuiy, July il, IsM.
rjllIC SdlMkiriker hnviu; opened In Sl'XHUKY,
X l'a , a ni'W iMiye. and wtill asu'ivtcd stik iifail
A'o., lsid iu nt Inwcst New York and Kostorn priuea
whkh tbey will be plumed to sell for Cash at thu
lowest Kasti'ni prictg.
Intending to do Immess in the honest pi inuiplus
of small protits aud quick sale for Cash.
J. 11. CCXI.EY A CO.
.Sunbury, June 10, 1S68.
4.'ula f Ciir!' ! "ciifciiY ! ! '
K'jO,0(K wniited in vxchango for all kinds ol
JlardwarOi Irons, Nulls, Ao., ut thu now llnrdwure
Btoroof J. II. CONLliY 4 CO.
Sunbury, Juno IS, 1SI10.
VAU 4ji.lAMm:i:B4'!i
Simplicity, Durability, Convenience, Cum full aud
Security, combined with LVononiy
THE SID PI Jilt AND LOCK supports either cutU
at any point.
It can be applied to any window in a few minutes.
il does not iutertero in tuking out a snsb.
It is nut sJleoted by auy jarring action, and pre
vents tbo rutiliug of saib.
It is si'lf-uoting in all its work, and oiukos it iui
possible to firgut to look the nindow.
il alloMi proper venliluliou without leaving tbe
window uulooked.
It acts by gravity has co spring and can uvtvr
gil out of orde:.
Il docs not wear out, but will lust wh'lo t!io
houi'e stuuds
W'induwd tbut have only one sa.-h moveable, may
bo chunked, so us to move lioth,at a trilling expense.
'Stoppc'i uud I.ovU, Ouv Ij!lar
Com iilt-tc
It inuft Come Into gcutiul use for its radical ad
vantage!, as a Self-Acting, llurgljr-Proof Lock and
For Kailwny Curs, Steamboats, etc., it is perfect,
uu 1, in fact, the thing bmrf wught.
it is emphatically just what everybody wants, and
everybody cau bavo. Tho dtmuud unit be unlimi
ted. ., , .
Capitalists. Maiiufactureis. Iluilders, an I men
looking for bu.iueu, areiuvilud to eall ou the sub
scriber and examme it.
July 31, ltiOO. Out Sunbury, Pa.
' 4ullco Iu 4'--Utork.
ALL persons iudvbled to the lato Crui of itourbacb
A Cooper, ou uole, book uccount or otherwise,
are hereby uolitied to make immediate payment if
tbey with to save coils, u they will be pluced in the
bauds of ail officer for collection.
t'uubury, Juue lit, Isoii.
LATKOSE'S Hair I'.eeturu'.iv, the beet iu utc, for
LIi'LIlCn-t, so, Afr.t (jf oui.iiu..
our bowels aio coatlve,
ynu have worms,
Til Y Til EM.
your breath is u:l,
I you feci diowsy,
If you uru low unilrd,
If you have a sick licmliielio,
If you have lukcn ti drop too much,
They only cost 2.1 cents fl Ims,
It'll-' HkI nlh'T vr',lrii,iK of M:
iio.iiit'.' tiiitif HiltiliHg nun ucullt tti;m ti- dicai-fi wiucti
ility pitiii'M to cut? And Jit tin ft c-jnufrtvn hunt-. at
di n miitttl dy lb nlltmtliic tl-vloifl, is prtet iilrcrl b
ihitti aluiLisI niiiVLTMutly iu Liver Ctifiipljiiil, (Joiisuniiioii
Of IsHjlgf, .c.
Tin; MAXPKAKK Pll(l.a
nr Of'fiipol fiitir-ty if ruotntiii') Iht( tiJ, it!iLit f-uri
Hie (ireat stuitlmuft of Nutute. tniil thr-u anitiiniy t-tli'i'tn
will itpitfiir ha h h mi an t lie UK dicnii? m htouji'ii i t idr irt'
of n fnir en priiuiisiii. ht;iM Ai K'r M A N utt AK K PI ! ,l.s
do ii"t prod nre any n:iuu5ii tir mikiinH f the ntunm-v .
tut when given lr Jypcpsin, it inuy I prups-r t i ut
thfin in roiuirclion "wilh PCIIKNcK'S M.AW
TUNIC. Hv Ht' jintK-ioim trmtineni th(MlitritiVb (nnn
iivn nrt: nprcdilv rri'retl to tin ir lull V(oi und Ibti WKiL
cu' of niiliijt inn inuy Im cnretl.
Wlitn wo irf1"rt tlint tlte liver is tin InrpeM intar.uJ
nrtnii of the tnniy, thut lo t is nrtBiiMtd tin' mtp.n.,i.t.
ilka y of filterwir Hi IiUknI uiul nrrp inng the hile, ihut it
it ttuhject to iinny tlisonlt-rn, nun ihttt vvht-ti it ib Jijl':i.-J
ot luuctiv) t lie whole limlv mifAirn tiipiithtflifnliy, il 11
not iufpriiinjf tint u timlirirtp which t-nn Ti.'nton! th
healthy opemtionn f thu Liitr ftioulil pnuliKe w 'inltifiil
chiuiges hi the nmrru hp.iltli, nnd pltVct curci winch tuny
nppcui Uiito ilitioBt mirwulous. llifmluclie f lontf"U
tiMiiiinct', etivere pmiifi in the nidi?, t 'renal unci vhouliJer,
ucltiMK of tliu liiiilm, iL'tUim ol gencnil wejkitt'.ia hii1
wielclieditens, mm J ulhcr h In r in nig and do-trcsRtu iyiiip
loini", hulicutiveof i'nperfcct or tlieoidercd nctniii nf tlm
liwr, tiTf. upcMilv KMiiuVed by thcuso of POIJIiNCK'S
A I ANPltAKK I'll.I.r.
;ngiiveii'a, piles, liillcr or tnr erui tioiM, and Itoit
liiIc(xnlal.le leeiinK of npi-rcuM-Mi, mrntul iiK',y,
4 n. ir, li'thuruy, nnd Ut prt:iiinM of fpirita which until tt
iiiiiii i lie MHiMeiin'Mt of hum ncss mid the cm vinpiit
1 of hi". nre:i!l r. IuvlJ oy the ueuf SCliC.NCK'S MA.
Or SemtxrK IVjrSii : I takepleaauie in enJinc yi t
eertiiictite in ndtlittoti tn umiiy you havo nkly f
ceived from nuVrinr humanity. I can ncircply find lni
pntteiiith'.ML'nti' atrnuit to express tuy heiilielt grniifi.n
tioti .f the wuiHeif'il Vuips your MA.NUIl AKfc I'lULH
uud S1;aV;i;) TONIC have etlected in (he entite cure
"f one nf the uvui BiulilNiru e-ioei f the ntreptniii of the
liver. Fur thrrr ve ira ulleied heyciid dcerijtiii -t
ail ni frit-nd, hb well nmnvft-II, came tith? c.UM-htrifii
thut my time iu tlim life nlmrt. iuh w;i the ternhH
pomtitiiiii tn wln.'h I win redueeil tint life m me had lie
come a tinrilien ; my wlmle. system ws in astute of tn
(Innuiitiiiun ; . .Mild u t e it, I nnikl nut lep j my whot
btxly wis tilted with pnin; swelhiui would arise in my
wrists and nnkics, teu.U-ring thetnt luHv usrietts n ev
rnl ncpnruiK 1 vH uttuokfii with a r iVh of lilmUtn thu
head, whieli v !ild fell me to tlt c round, and 1 would h
cnrned nwuy f'-r leud. 1 nppitfd to svimhI chnnenl
phyrocniiot'ii)reitv, whn mlmiiutftered ull the ineiticini-s
lti:it they i nought would reach uiy time, but uf no avail.
Oue of (Item him. I lie eouM do n- mnrn tr me, mid ud
visfd me, una Iuml resort, to dntik e -d liver oil. N u
relishiu; Ihe Inn rid iniHli I tlccl: m-il iu lukc it. Aceidcti.
put your tidvetticemctit in my hiiiuU. I rul'-.-rt mi ymi ,
y-'u esniiiliii'il iiieuiul lId mm; lh unlufe nf my ! i t ;!ft"
Vi'U then ordered me llm I'iIIh uud T"titc with tt nli-civ
nin e oi difi, pledt'itif; vur wont iit:t m in- week I
Would find ni) felt nn ''lift m i!i. I followed y mk uuvnx,
ami, aK yiu prei!.-( d, an ucltMisaliit.g puic was cliccu d I
rniit limed y ur I'il'a uud Toiu: M some tiuie. mnl umv
!hauk Und fur hi' roin!infj, a id yut vaii'MMe ini-ili.-ni. ,
I am idn'i ui'Mo le-ittireil in pftfw-t henliii. 1 mei
e.'irneKtly reenmm-nd ilmte U i ;ne Hiu!-itua imm !!
i inn ni the Ii v r tn a've your Hdla uiul T mr u tmr li i ,
Uud a 'Mile wi'i le e.I - elcd I Imve trill many prisnnn I
V"ti, nijfl liiry luve all lieen etirnl. Any inf-uni iti-t'( toy
lV!ln' i ititu in ty rnuii will I'r freely niv-u ov I'f
Ml!iSCril'M-t Ut ll'B li'Mildirf, No. I'tiitial s'ie.l.
twecn Mli afreet anJ I'ivmA roe. I
0(l.MiJ.i.)IIS N.Siu.
L'.' '!' I: liiici Ink Mimi!la:l::er
Pu x'ilKNCK w II Is r-uVijni.itUy at his prin 'ipil
fine, i l t(Ii Sixth mreet, corner ! C innnsree.
I'llll.AlJll.IMM . every f iiuid;r fmni i a. i Uutit
p. m ; :Vi li uid btrtet; New V-r!, eviv Tiifwluv.
fmiii 7 to - ; Nn. Suuuiiir street. lln.-enM, .M;is , i'V"y
Weitt!!-drty, fi i mi !l to :t, mid evti J other Fridnv alius
liiltntr p si i ret, t'.dtiinre. Mil. All advice fie. ht
I I ir a tlintmli e.:iuiiiMii cm) of tfe hrts with it is li b.pi
roiueler II. e eh. true is ihrra (t.ilhtru
Piiee of Ihe I'ijIuc'iiic Svrup and Sesweed 'I'-mir, rati
HtStti pel Uut'-f, or , 5U per hail d--'ti .HaiidtuUi
I'll1?, tir cenls per Ivs.
I'nr unit liv Ih iiiriaU and Ucu'cim.
New Arrival of
. hfir tiie Nw t'nuil 1 1 u-
JL'.S'T OrKNJiDa litres ai. d new rM-rmieul -Ji-NTI,I.Mi;.N
Clulhs, I'.-iineres, CoUoiiule-, Linen .'.tii'iL,
LAHIilS' UUKi.iJitLt-
I'-d.-'iiiv.-', Alupairu-, Uiiiiiith uud .So-jtch
1 1 inliiiu.s. Clitillit'S, L:ih its, Aruiureb, 1 t illiuiitr,
Whilo liimd... Ciilieors, Mu."liu.i, nn. I every olb -T
(iitlele belwiiin t the uHuvc luun-jh of busiuc..
Wheeling.-, Skirls Hosiery uud gKvc-.
Clii'rtWure, Quceii&ttiire. rrockcrv, IIhiJiwuu a i
Ui'iiii, Oil, fiitiuMa WI Oil uu
Fish. Pork, Coai.o uiul Fine Suit I'cfioe, Ten, tu-
fcur, A! u lueses iSytup. r:piet-, .Vc.,
(roevi'ie. Toluieeu. S irs mil StuilT. to?ethei
a liiro variety nf ini-eelt:tiieni.3 aj Is at ruei tin'.
cannot tail liia'.i?ly uir. lia--ij!.
.1. W. FRIL1XU X
Sunbury, June 2. 1 Si):.
rpliE subscriber bogs leave to call Ilia uttfut:ouol
.1. bi eu.loiuiTS. and tbo eoniuiuidly in gMMicrul, to
lile fact tbut he has now received his second lot of
coiiMsting. iu part, of a complete line of
lilauk, School and Juvenile llouks, Fancy Toilet
Siaps. Perfumes, IVturo i'rauies, Luvaauu Willon
Hanging lbinkeu., liud Cugcs,
II ta sill (listl Nluuil lnsc,
Fine Yai'os. HiukIrouio (ilovc Jeweiry and M'o:k
Uoxes. Traveling and other Portfolio. Curved
ili'Uokets, Feather Dut Uruahos,
Fishing Tackle,
Toys of ull descriptions, a large stock of AND LOUDKU,
I V in Jow-lllind". Paper Shadin, Coal Oil Lamps nnd
Fixtures. Ac. Thaukiul for past patrouage, uud huu,
by strict utlcuiK.u to Uu.iuc, to eoutmuo ni' ci'ite.
N. F. LIiiUTXEl!
Sui.bury. June V. lsiitl.
Miuiufactmcrs and
a, . tn
V- 'Jt
'.J, T 1 ' 1- 1 III 1 '1 I.1 I
!3 l l. r. IV I 1 J'.L
90s Avelt Stvvct, SlsUj.lels'iii.
Those iu wuui of Silver ur Silver Plated Wurn will
find it much Ij their udv intake by initing our Stoic
beiore uuikiii.; their Our lon. exp.-n-euce
iu tho ui.inuiucluicof thoaoovo kiud ol gooos
vu'ibles in lo defy competition.
V e keep no goods but tlioeo which are of tbe i uH
tliu. all ui our owu make, uud will Uj1U at rouu
bd prieiv..
Jul 7th, ImVI lyci
AND aud ;Sland lldi at Llo.irN tk's.
4 LL kiudsof Hardware, Iron. Ac, not iu store
2.X. will be sent lor and
puces by
Sunbury, June 18, ISdil.
delivered ut the lowc.,1
IF you wunt a good Likeniws lor your frieudt, jo
lo S II EllLV 'S tiallcry iu aimpaou's iiuildiug
ni'UPENTlNE, t:..ul Oil, Fi.h Oil, Liiuoed O.I,
low lor i mti ny
J It i NLLi' t CO