Z)t Sunfmtfi ftniertcan. ' IMI'- B.WILVERT,i" ... . N. B. ENQLE. PnblUhara, SATURDAY, "feEttEtoBEIl 22, 1800. ILocat affairs. t3T Tib Agrietltaral Fair for .11 a Km county U to b held Bear Lewlsbarg, n th 3d, 4th ud 6th days or Ootober. a,'-". '.' " A i - I. i C7Tbb Comoirt, glrn by the Continental!, cam off at th old Court Houm on Tuesday bight last. It wat wall attendad, oosidoring the bad state ot the weather. -- . i fjf 1b Milton Academy bai opened Itf fall and winter term, under the jurisdiction of Col. C. J, Wright, Frinoipal. Ihif Institution seems to be In a flourishing condition. , a QTRii. The rainy Season la apoa .- We bare had a nicoesslon of rainy dayi for a week past, But such weather is not unusual during the equinox. The days and nights are now equal, and the eve Dings will gradually lengthen until after the 21st of December. . . i . : ' , ;-. .. 7 Rmjoioc None. We have been requested to announoo that the second anniversary of the Mis clonary Society of the Lutheran Sabbath Sohool will take plaoo on this (Saturday) evening, commencing t 8 o'clock. The publio are respectfully invited to Attend. " ' 13s" SBcntrr'l Balks. We call attention to ano ther list of sales advertised by Sheriff Weaver in to day's paper. The proporty will be sold at the publio house of Henry J. Reeder, in MuEwensrille, on Sat urday, the 13th of October. , ' CP Col, Jobs W. Forhbt addressed the Union men of Williamsport on Monday evening of last week, and Judge Pitkin, of New Orleans, on Satur day night last. ; , . . g. i i i mm- , i . . tp Abe Voo Asss8D?It is highly important to every person who dosiros to vote, that he must not neglect to have himself assessed at least ten days before the election. ' Saturday, the 29th of Septem ber, will bo the last day when assessments can be made. This mattor should be thoroughly looked after in every olovtloo district in the county. 2FOun Fellows' 1'arad. The Selinsgrove lodge of I. 0. oi 0. F. intend having a parade at Freobure, on Saturday, 29th Inst. About a doxen other lodges have been invited to participate. Feh- rer's Cornet Hand, of Selinsgrove, will be present, nnd eminent speakers have been invited to address the assemblage. Cp Til R copperheads made great effort to get up a grand mass meeting at Lowisburg, on Thursday '"of lost week, but it did not amount to much. The Chronicle says there wcro by actual count only about 400 persons in the procession, and only 600 on tlio ground whore the speeches were delivered.- Clymer and one Col. M'Candless, who served in the Union army a short time and then threw up his commission, were the speakers. CP Tna Congressional Conference for the Brad ford, Columbia, Montour and Sullivan District, mot t Danville on Wednesday of last week, and re nominated lion. Ulysses Mereur. Judge Mercur is the present member of fortress from that district. lie is an able member, ecu has been true to the interests of the loyal meu of the nation. His re election is conceded. CP A Valuable Farm ron. Sale. We call attention to the advertisement of Mr. Simon Came ron, in another column, and also to handbills printed at this office, offering for sale bis valuable farm in Lewis township, this county, which contains over two hundred aoros. ' It is one of the best improved farms in the count', and besides the excellent dwell- leg houso, has all tbenecossary outbuildings. v CP A Complibbxt to our Neighbors. The following, in relation to our neighbors of Nortbum bcrland and the contemplated improvements at that place, we copy from the PitUburg Gazette, of the 8th inst. : " Northumberland is excollent for situa tion. It reposes on a delta at tbe forks of the Sus quehanna. The hills on either hand stand back respectfully, and the lookout in ovory direction is superb. With all these advantages Northumberland has not flourished. It wears the aspect of having gone to seed before it blossomed. ' Now, its citizens have hopes of a revival. Tbe foundations of a mam- tnoth rolling mill are being laid. Who oan tell of how many it may prove the precursor ?" CS"" Religious. The twenty-fifth annual con- , vention of the Lutheran Synod of East Pennsylvania will be held in Dunvillo, in the North Ward Lutheran Church, (Rev. O. M. Rhodes.) commencing at 8 o'clock in the evcuing of Wednesday, 20th inst. Prayer meetings will be held every morning at 8 o'clock during the eontinnance of tbo session ; also preaching every evening. Sacramental aervioe on Sunday, 30th inst. A large number of ministers are expected to be present. CP Fort Aloista Kkcami-mkst or I. O. or O. F. The following-officers of this Encampment were installed on Monday night last, to serve for the ensuing term : . C. P. C. J. BrunerJ H. P. Oeorge W. Smith 6. W. P. M. Shindel ; J. W. Levi Seesholtx; feribe E. Wilvcrt; Treasurer Sot. Stroh. -- We learn that this Encampment, which was or ganised but six months ago, Is already in a flourish ing condition. It being the highest branch of Odd Fellowship, they have added some of the best mem bers of the neighboring subordinate lodges to their fraternity, ani will soon be able to compare with any ia the State. - - 13s We regret to state that Mr. Wm. Eriegbaum, of this place, was killed at Plnegrove, Schuylkill county, on Saturday night last, by falling down the s lairs at his boarding house. . Mr. Cbas. Gehringer and the deceased were engaged in building a bridge across the Mahontongo creek, at that place. Ilia remains were brought borne for interment on Moo- day last. . ' CP" Sale or tbb Public School House. The publio school house, on 4th street, ia this place, was sU4 at public sale on Monday last, to Benj. ZotUe- meyer, for (he sum of f 3.031. We understand the purchase was made for tbe Masonio Lodge, of this place, who contemplate repairing and fitting it op for their own use- 3" Improvements. Mr. Sebastian Haupt has removed the frame building, whioh was on bis lot at the south east corner of Market Square, and is pre paring to erect a handsome three story briok build ing, with a frontage of sixty feet on Market street. We learn that the lower story will be constructed with iron fronts, and k intended for store rooms. It is a valuable eorner and desirable business location. CPA ClTIZEl Or NoBTBtlUSEBLAEB CoUETT Swibdled ib Philadelphia. Wc find the follow ing 1b the Philadelphia Inquirer, ot Wednesday last: "Joseph K. Treverton, who hails from Nor- thumberland eounty, Pa., su swindled out of 1380 yesterday by the confidence game being praetieed upon him by two sharpers. It is the same old story Mr. Treverton formed the acquaintance of an indi vidual who represented that be was well kaowa In Northumberland county, and wbo appeared to be well posted in matters and things generally going en in that section of tbe Bute. Tbe new professed friend proposed a walk, and while the two were promenading one of the thoroughfares of the city, sharper No. 1 was met by another man, whe pre sented a bill for goods purchased, and desired pay ment. No. 1 sharper had only a cheek about him, and asked the loan ef f3SC from Mr. Treverton, aad ob receipt of the money the new fur at ad aoqaalatanee aaid that he would get a cheek cashed and return the money, naming a place of meeting. At the ap pointed time tbe sharper did sot appear, and Mr Treverton eouoliided, and very proper! too, that be bad been swindled." CP Thb Boldiers' and Sailors' Contbbtiob At Nfmima. We learn from the PitUburg papers that thus far over Bin thousand individued re sponses have ben reeelfed to the eall for the Na tional Convection ef Soldiers and Bailors, to be held in that city on Tuesday next, 55th Inst. Of the above flv thousand response, over three thousand are) from private Midlers, showing the Interest which those who carried the musket feel In the present gtgantie contest between loyalty and treason. These responses com from all quarters of the Union, and represent (he state of aentimene among thoee who claim, in a pre-eminent degree, the honor of having rescued their country from dismemberment by over throwing and defeating the military combinations formed against nV In addition to these individual delegates, there will be State and eounty organisa tions present, numbering many thousands. Entire regiments of the Pennsylvania organisation known as The Boys in Blue," are to be in attendance, and the Indications are that the assemblage will be the largest representative bed yet convened in the country, not axeepting the lata grand demonstration in Philadelphia. The Resident Committee are perfecting their ar rangements as speedily as the nature of the work will admit of, nd it Is expected that an immense wigwam will be erected to accommodate the tens of thousands who will attend the Convention. CPTbb Coat Tbadr. The Sbamokln Herald, of last week, says that notwithstanding the fears to the contrary, the collieries pretty generally in that locality oontlnuo in operation. Tbe ery of an over- 1 stocked market was but partially true. The only reason for a want of the usual aotlvlty in tbo sale seems to be the hope of lower prices. The inoreased supply Is not, as compared with previous years, In excess of an increased demand, as we might reason ably expect. The scaroity of wood, growth of busi ness and population, and the low prices, all tend to greatly enlarge the demand for eoal this year over former years, so that we have but little fear of any thing like a perfect stagnation of business. . The low prices will have the effoet of opening up new ave nues for the nse and sale of coal. The Pottsvillo Journal, of the 15th Inst., gives the following report of the eoal trade In tbe Bchuylkill region : " The quantity sent by railroad this week Is 48,838 OS by canal, 50,840 10 for the week, 89,080 18 tons, against 120,848 tons for the corres ponding week last year. . " This reduced production for the week shows that ihe'trndo is still in a prostrated condition. ' Quite a number of collieries have stopped, and we presume will remain so until consumers, satisfied that prioes can go no lower, tend forward their orders, and pri ces bocomerumerative to the operator, which is far from being tbe easo now. If attention is paid by the mass of our operators to the suggestions we have made In reference to careful preparation of their coal, whatever temporary curtailment of supply may be experienced by this region, it will, we are confi dent, hold its own with the other regions, and during the remainder of the season obtain its full shore of trade." : Nkw Hotel at Shamokih. We learn from the Herald that Mr. John B. Douty intends remo delling his present residence, and getting It up in good stylo for a first class hotel. The rear part has already been taken down and a large dining room and kitchen commenoed. The roof of the fiont building is to be taken off and another story added, whioh, with the present story, will give some thirty- five sleeping apartments. The lower story will also be re-arranged. It Is expected that it will be in readiness to receive travelers and transient boarders by the 1st of March, 1867. This will be a much needed improvement in that town, especially as Sheriff Weaver intends chaaging his hotel Into stores, offices, and a dwelling, by next spring. t3" Convention or School Superimtenrbnts Tho County Superintendents of the State will moot In convention at Iintrieburg, on Tuesday, the 4th of December next, and remain in session until Friday, at twelve o'clock, noon, unless otherwlso ordored by the convention. The following subjeots, among others, have been suggested by the different Superintendents for con sideration : 1. Form and erode of teachers' certificates, both provisional and proteasional. x. iUeiDoda oi eonaucuni examinations, 8. Uow can the Superintendents' visits be made most userul to too pupils, icanners ana patrons : 4. The oroDrietv of extending? the minimum school term to six months, and increasing proportionably tbe State appropriations. . liow can greater regularity oi auenannce oe securer! r 6. What is the Broner relation that County (super intendents should sustain to Stale Normal Sobools in their districts : and tbe teachers and officers of said Schools to the County Superintendents? 7. What school legislation is required at tho ap proaching session of the Legislature ? Cp" Change in the Manner or Votino. The following Act, passed at the late session of the Pennsylvania Legislature, changes the manner of voting in this Commonwealth. ; Particular care should be taken to cut and fold the tickets according to the provisions of this act Sac. 1. Be it enacted, ire.. That the qualified voters of the several counties of this Commonwealth, at all general, township, borough, and special elec tions, are hereby, hereafter, authorised and required to vote, bv ticket nrintea, or written, or corny printed and partly written, severally classified as follows : One ticket shall embrace tne names oi an iudires of courts voted for. and to be labeled, outside, judiciary, oneueaoi suau iraunun uim uiw w II eountv offioers voted for, -including the office of senator, member and memoers oi ossetuniy, h voteu for, and members of oongress, If voted for, and be labeled "county:" one ticket shall embraoe tbe names of all township officers voted for, and be la beled "township;" one ticket shall embrace the names of all borough officers voted for, and be labeled "borouch:" and each class shall bo deposited in separate ballot-box- BUSINESS NOTICES, Lira Insurance. " I oan make a better invest mont for the benefit of my wife and family," is often the objection made to life insurance. . But there is no way in which a small sum of money can be so profitably and securely invested, for such a purpose. as in a policy on your life; because the payment of a tingle premium secures, and at once, a very much larger sum than the investment of the same amount could possibly do in the ordinary operations of trade. Besides, securing a sum in this way does not, in the least, interfere with your endeavors to accumulate in any other way you may desire. ' 1 Jacob Shipmab, Lift Insurant Agent, Sun- bury, Pa. ' ' ". Freemen of all shades of opinion, now-a-days, Uend political meetings, in and out of doors a privilege which is peculiar to independent eilisens. Many a good man has been lost to the world by in cautious exposure to tbe dampness of the earth, at tending such meetings, in eonaoquenee of wearing thin-solcd boots or shoes. AU cautious persons should avoid this unnecessary danger by buying their boots and shoes at Wm. H. Miller's Bxoeliior Boot and Shoe Store, Market square, Sunbury. They are water-proof and consumptive-proof. I Trial t Jcar.Tbe trial by Jury is a right which every eikhten of the United States has claimed as bis prerogative. But U is of much greater impor tance for the public to know that at John E. Smiok's tailoring establishment, on Fourth street, Sunbury, suits ere disposed of without empanneling a Jury to pass Judgment upon, as the verdict has long since gone forth that Bmick sells the best article, and at the lowest prioes, that oan be obtained any where.- He has just received a large and splendid supply of fall goods, direct from New York, to whioh he in vites the attention of the public. in CF A M.A1B spokbb western preacher delivered the following from bis desk : t'l would aaoounee to tbe congregation that, probably by mistake, there was left at this meeting bouse, this asorning, a small eottoB umbrella, much damaged by time and wear, and of aa exceedingly pale blue color, ia the place whereof was taken a very large black silk umbrella of great beauty, . Blunders ef this sort, brethren and sisters ore getting a little toe 00 al oe. " Speaking of "umbrellas of great beauty," reminds us ef the large stock of that article tor sale at Slaymakat'i Continental Clothing Baaaar, Market street, Sunbury. CP To Claim Aoehti. Blanks for tbe eolleo tloa of "Claims of Private Soldiers and N on-Commissioned Omooi," under the lata Aet of Congress, equalising bounties, 1mve been printed and are bow for salt at the Abcbicar one. Wt keep on band a full supply of all kinds of military blank, which we sell very cheap. They are copied from blanks prepared in the Department at Washington, and oak be railed oa for eorreetaeat, ) Order! from a dis tance will receive prompt attention. CP Too Then. The appreciation by the publio of the new and beautiful stock of goods for fall wear, just received at the fashionable tailoring es tablishment of Jacob O. Beck, on Fourth street, is but using another word to Indicate the great rush of customers that may b seen dally selecting their suits at Beck's. He has on band an extensive as sortment of fall goods, which he will make up into suits at reduoed prioes. Call and examine. ., f ' mm at CP Bteblt'i Photooraphs. If any ' of our readers should desire to see a splendid collection of pictures,' they' should go to Byeriy's Gallery,' in Simpson's building, Market street. His specimens are all taken by hlmsolf, and he Is ready at any time to produce their equal for all who may desire an excollent likeness. DEATHS. In Pottsvillo, on the 18th 'inst, WILLIE, inn of William entl Sallio Rcnnyaon,-. aged 0 months and 28 days. ' In Pincrrovo. Bchuvlkill cnuniv. on tlio 1 Oth inst., Mr. WILLIAM KKIEUBAUM, ot Sunbury, aged 61 years, 10 mos. and 29 clays. MU.lli;RV MAIIKIiTN. , , Correoted Weekly for the "American." Wheat Flour, extra family, per barrel, lit 00 do do do do per ewt. per bbl. per owt. per bushel , : i do do 'do '' por round 7 60 ' 10 00 6 60 2 60 1 00 00 ' 60 I 00 Si 25 20 3 00 40 2S 25 ' 28 28 25 IS - 15 18 CO Rye Flour, ' . do Wheat, prime red Rye, Corn, , OaU, Potatoes, Dried Peaches, pared ' do do unparcd uu - do Dried Cherries, (unstoncd,) per bu But tor. per pound, . Eggs, Cheese, ' Lard, Hams, Shoulders, Beef, hind quarter, " froni " Mutton, Chickens, per dozen, per pound, do do do do do "'' do per pair Shamoktm Coal Trade, " ' Sbahokix, Sept 18, 1860. ' '''' '' ' Ton. tVt. Sent for week ending Sept. 15, 14,784 01 Per lost report, 895.751 12 410,538 13 290,000 10 To same time; lost year, Increase, 114,448 03 Special Noticfs. Laboratory of .las. H. Clilltoti & Co., ) New York, Match 11, 1801. ( Wc Lave recently mado a careful analysis of tbe Samburo Port wins prepared by Mr. Alfred Spcer, and do not hesitate in pro nouncing it pure ; it contains all properties of the Samburg or Port grape and therefore, for medicinal usee, it is , superior to other wines. Its principal effect upon tbe system are mildly stimulating, diuretic, sudoiiflc and tonic. It will prove beneficial in Affections of the Kidneys, and Chronic diseases, with general debility of the constitution. Physicians may safely recommend it to their patients, in place of the many doubtful mixtures too often sold as pure wines. Jas. It. Cnn.TON & Co., Analytical Chemists. This wine can bo bad of W. A. Bennett. It is a roost excellent article for weakly per sons, especially females. CEf"Whcn thistles yield flags, then, and not till then, will the extracts made from common essential oils take rank: witu rlia- lon's "Night-Blooming Cercus," the rich pro duct of living tropical flowers. The demand for it, vast as it is, has not yet attained its full proportions. Sold everywhere. ITCH ! ITCH f ITCH I SCRATCH! SCRATCH.! SCRATCH! WIIEATON'S OINTMENT IVill Cure the Itcli lis 4H Honrs. Also oures SALT RHEUM, ULCERS, CI1IL liLAIKS, and all ERUPTIONS OF IliE SKIN Price to cents. For sale by the druggists. By send ing BO cents to WEEKS A POTThK, Hole Agents, 170 Washington street, Boston, it will be forwarded by mail, free of postage, to any part of thv United States. je S3 '66-y WhlNkerw t IVhUkcraT! 1 Dr. L. O. Month' Corroia, the greatest stimu lator in the world, will force Whiskers or Mustaches to grow on the smoothest lace or chin ; never known to fail , sample for trial sent free to any oae desirous of tenting its merits. Address, Rbbvbs A Co., 78 Nassau St., N. V. , . je30 Sia fTthe ConsVamlouM and Experience a of An ia valid. rublisbed for tbe benefit and as a caution to young men and others, who suffer from Nervous Debility, Premature Decay of Manhood, Ac, supplying at the same time the means of self-cure. By one who nas cured himself after underKoinir considerable snack ery. By enclosing a post-paid addressed envelope, single copies, tree or enarge may ae Bad oi we au thor. NATHANIEL MATFAIR, Esq., Brooklyn, Kings iO, a. i. . January 27, 1866 ly. - ' I iM'se ROIIRER'S Expectoral WILD CHERRY IONIC as a prevention ana cure for Asiatic Cholora. For disoasee of the Cheat, Liver, Kidneys, Stomach ana Bowels, ana as a lilooa punuer it nas no equal Bold at the Continental, Girard, La Pierre, Wash ington. St. Lawrence and Merchants, Philadelphia. Juononganela and bt. Charles, Fittaburg. By tbe principal Motels ana Druggists generally. J. Hvtl RER, Sole Proprietor, Lancaster, Pa. September 1, lut6. 4t "DON'T BE FOOLISH." Yon enn make Six Dollars from Fifty Cents. Call and ex amine an invention urgently needed by every body. Or a sample sent free by mail for 50 cents that retails easily for $0, by It. L. WOLCOTT, 170 Chatham Square, N Y Sept. 16, 1866. ly. UeafnetiBi, llllndneve aad Catarrh, Treated with the utmost suoeess by Dr. J. ISAACS Oouliet and Aurist, (formerly of Leyden, Holland,) No. 619 Ptoe street. Philadelphia. Testimonials from the most reliable sources in tbe City and Coun try can be seen at his 'office. Tbe medical faculty are invited to aooompany their patients, as be has no se erets in his praotloe. Artificial Eyes, inserted with out pain, mo enarge made lor examination. , July I,lto. ly To Coasjaiawptlvea. The advertiser, having been restored to health a few weeks by a very simple remedy, after having suffered lot several years with a severe lung off action i and that dread disease, Consumption ia anxious to make knows to bis fellow sufferers the are. ,. To all whe desire it, he will send a copy ef the prescription used (free of charge), with the direc tions for preparing and using the same, whioh they will and a suns Uuaa for Cobsdbptiob, Astbma BaoMCBiris, Couens, Colds, and all Throat and Lung Affections. The only object oi the advertises in sending the prescription is to benefit theSietod and spread information whioh he eoncaivef to be valuable, and he hopes every sufferer will try his remedy, as it will east them nothing, and may prora blessing. Parties wishing tbe prescription, rasa, by return mail, please address Rir. EDWARD WILSON, . Willianuburgh, Kings Ce , New York. , January 1 J, lcoe-ly. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. 'PUBLIC SALEi WILL be sold at public sale, oa the premises of James M alone ia the Boroarh of Sunbury. en SATURDAY, September 15th, lsOo. The follow ing property to wit : One Horse and Carriage, nine two-horse Wagnnsi four of which are nearly new J eight setts of double Harness nearly new : ooe aett of liEht Harness, one single sett Harneas, Picks, Crowbars, Shovels, Ac Also awe) Hiinrntlvn. ' Bale to commence at one o'clock P. M. of said day When the terms will be made known by Sunbury, Sept. 8, I860. 2t . -U SUNBURY CIA8SICAL INSTITUTE. Instructor!. .Rtiv. S. S. Miller, ," Rev. W. C. Crbm-rh, . Mr. Jobr J. BtlRQER, MissS. E. Powers, , ; .j; ,.. r... Mlas Jennie A. FLETCBEn., -. . Every facility afforded for a thorough training In the English, Mathematical and Classical Branches. Music, Drawinc and Book-keeping, extra. 2nd Quarter of Summer Session opens Monday, oeptemoer ixi, icoo. BEND FOR A CIRCULAR Sunbury, Sept. 1, 1890. 1 AAA Customers wsnted to buy Hardware, Ac, lVvU Rt the Cheap Hardware and Iron Store of Sunbury, June 16, 1863. STOP & LOOK AT THIS! . CAPITAL, IOO,00. Important to all Owners or IItc Stock.' ;r .; rE GREAT EASTERN DETECTIVE nORSE Insurance (Company, chartered March 12, '66, by the State of Pennsylvania, Insures, HORSES, MUliKS AMU vAlTLE, against loss by theft, death By nre, acciaeni or disease. Office : 108 South Fourth Street, Phitad., Pa President: Col Charles Frailey; Vice President, D L. Estorly; Secretary, Dr. 13. Becker; Ucneral Agent, P. liana. ' Reference, by permission, to the following cen He- men: Hon. Simon Oameron, llarrisburg, Pa.; Burd fatterson, fcsq., ronsviile, fa.; uen Josepn i.Btlon, ter, Hardware Merchant, Reading, Pa; Dr John Uloningor. President Lebanon Bank ; L Whitney, Banker, Pottsville. Our rates are lower than any other Insurance Com pany, while they insure against one risk, we insure against all risks. Agents wanted in every eounty in tuo otaie, i . ISAIAH S, GOSSLER, Assistant General Agent, Sunbury, Pa. August 18, 1856 3m j , 628. HOOP 8KIUT3 : ' HOPKIITS "OWN MAKE, cw I-'all Styles t 628. Are in every respect First Clam, and embraoe a a complete assortment lor Ladies. Misses and child ren, of the Newest styles, every Length and Sisea of II nisi. i OUR SKIRTS, wherever known, are more univcr sally pouular than any othors before the nubile Tbcy rotain their shape better, aro lighter, more elastic, more uuraoie, ana reniy uneaper, than any other jIood Skirt in the market. The snrines and fastenings are warranted porfoct. Every Lady should Try Them ! They are now being extensively sold by Merchants, throughout the Uountry, and at nolo sale et tietail, at Manufactory and bales Koom. No. 628 ARCH Street, below 7th., Philadelphia. Ask for HOPKIN S "own make," buy no other iAUiion, none ceuuine unless stamnea on each lid Pad "Hopkin s Hoop Skirt Manufactory o. D29 Arcn street, I'miaaeipma." Also, constantly on bond lull line of Ae lork UIOUV MirW, Ml TVTJ WW JJTlDCg. Aermsnet vasn. uno rrioe uuly . Sept. I, 1866. 4m FTinE following Dersons are entitled to receive an .'X increase of Bounty under the Act of Congress passea July 1000, im equalise isountics. - 1st All soldiers who enlisted after the 19th day of April, 1861, for 8 years, and served their time of enlistment and have boon honorably discharged, and have received or are entitled to receive a Bounty of f 100, are entitled an additional Boonty of glvO, 2d All such soldiers who enlisted for S years, and have been honorably discharged on account of wounds received in the lice of duty, are entitled to an additional Bounty of sjtlOO. 3d Tbe Widow, Minor Children, or Parents of such soldiers wbo died in the service of wounds or disease, are entitled to an additional Bounty of felOO. By application to 8. P. WOLVERTON. Esq.. of Bon bub v, Pennsylvania, who is an authorised Claim Agent, all such claims can be speedily collected. BunDury, August , Itvott. tr EOUNTY FOE S0LLIEES. I1AVE made arrangements in Washington City, for the prompt collection of Bounty under the late Aot of Congress. I have also received the pro per blanks to prepare the claims. Soldiers entitled to this Bounty should apply immediately, as it is es- iiuinicti turn it mil rvtjuire lurev jreurs iv ouj'ist ail the claims. All soldiors who enlisted for three years and who have not received more than $100 bounty are entitled to the benefits of this Aot, as well as soldiers who have enlisted for three years and discharged after a servioe of two years, by roason of wounds received, disease contracted in line of duty, or ro-cnlistment. IjIAIIU a. llVJlliUACll. Sunbury, August 18, 1866. ALL goods bought for Cash and sold at lowest price for eaeh at tbe Hardware Store of J. H. CON LET A CO. Sunbury, June 16, 1866. AdsailniNtrutor'st roliee. NOTICE is hereby givon, that letters of adminis tration having been granted to the undersigned. on tbe estate of John Kohl, late of Lower Mahonoy township, Northumberland county, Pa., deceased. All persons indebted to said estate are requested to make immediate payment, and thoee having claims to present them duly authenticated for settlement. HENRY KOHL, Low. Mahonoy twp., Aug. 18, '66. Adin'rs. WANTED AGENTS $75 to 200 Per Month for Gentlemen, and t'ii to $75 for Ladies, everywhere, to introduce the Common Sense Family Eewinjr-Machine, improved and perfected. It will nem, fell, stilon, quilt, bind braid, ana emoroidor beautifully price only $20 making the elastio lock stitoh, and fully warranted for three years. We pay the above wages, or eommuwion, from which twico that amount can be mad. Address or call on C. BOW EH 8 CO., Offioe No. 2ii South Fifth street, Philadelphia, Pa. All letter answered promptly, tin olruulars ana terms. .., septl-lm EQUALIZATION OF BOUNTIES - - - 3L. H. KA6E, Attorney at Uw, Nssssbury, Pa. T 8 duly authorised and Licensed by (be Govern ment to collect all Military Claims against the Uuited Stales. Bounty money due soldier under the late Equalisation Aot of Congress, and all mili tary claims against the Slate, due soldiers of 1812, for Pensions and Oratuity. Claims due soldiers of tbe Pennsylvania Reserve Corps from enlistment to Ihe date of muster, promptly collected. Sunbury, August 4, 1866. NEW OPENING OI' Clothing:, CJent'si FurnUUinir ' Cioods), lloote V Nhoesi. ri iHE undersigned take pleasure in announcing to X the publio of Sunbury, and vicinity, that he nas opened hi CLOTHING STORE, with a well (elected stock of tai:."T,H ft'CItNlNlll-liU GOODS. 1 will sell at astonishing low prioes. I have also still on hand a large stock of Boots & Shoes, for Ladies. Qents and Children' wear, which 1 am selling off, as I intend to give up that branob ef basi It will be to the advantage to dsn Bur to give a eall. 8. KRONENBERO. B. Q boss' old stand,1"51arket Square. Sunbury. April T, 1866. f NOTbCK. NOTICE I hereby gives to parties against whom the late Arm of Friliuc A Grant, have Judg ment on the Docket of P. at. 6hindel. Esa. That unless they do within a reasonable time from date hereof, make payment, execution will issue for the eolleouon ot Ut same. FRILINO A GRANT, Per L. H. Easb, Attorney nbury, Sept. 1,1866 It ZALL aad see those beautiful Bird Cage at the J new Hardware stor of J. H. CONLEY A CO, ThUBJE Labis Extracts and Lubin been, at X LIGUTNER'S, Market Square. QUOE Finding, Sol Leather and all good bo ss. icwKuag iv auv Biaaers puciuers lor sale oy J. U. CONLEY A CO, '3tsr,Jst2eVe-meBr.!f Sheet Iron and Stove Market Street, Bear Kngel'l Store, SUNBURY, PA. AN immense stock of every kind of Tin Ware, and Sheet Iron Ware of all descriptions. STOVES, COOK, OFFICE and PARLOR STOVES of the best Brands which are unsurpassed for beauty ef finish, simplicity of arrangement, oombining cheapness and durability and each stove warranted to perform what iney are represented. Coral OH, Coal OH I.Jmpft, L.nntFrna, Shades, Chimnys, and all articles usually kept In aa establishmentof this kind. COPPER, BRASS and IRON KETTLES, of all slues. FRUIT JARS and CANS of the latest Imnroved stylos. lie is aim prepared to do all kinds of Spouting and Roofing, Range and Furnace Work. Repairing, cheaply and neatly executed. ' ' BKNJ. ZETELMOYER. Sunbury, July 7, 1866. ly NEW MUSIC STORE. Call at our New Music Store In SErmsT's orove, and buy one of Uairbs Bbotber'i New Scale Piano Fortes. Every instrument is Warranted for five years. We also keep constantly on hand a good stock of the celebrated PELOlillET'S MELOUEON3, CABI NET and CHURCH ORGANS, and challenge others to sell cheaper than we arc selling. vte also keep all. Kinds or Musical Merchandise, and receive alt the latest music as soon as published. A liberal discount to teachers of Schools and Semi naries. LV Second band Instrument token In exebance for uew ones. Pianos corrcotly turned and repaired. Send for Circular. , SALEM A BROTHER. Selinsgrovo, Snyder 00., Pa., July 28, 1806. ly 1MIOTOUKAP1IIC. B. & H . T. ANTHONY ft CO., Manufacturers of Photographic Materials, Wholesale and Ketall, SOI hkuauway, new Torn. In addition to our main business of Photograph ie Alate riais we are ueaaquariers lor me lonowing, via. STERF.OSCOrKS A 8TERESCONC VIEWS Of American aad Foieign Cities and Landscapes, Oro up Diaiiiary, etc. 8TKRKOSICOPIC VIEWS OF THE WAR, From negatives ma4e in the various campaigns and lorraing a complete rnoiogiepnic nisiory oi me greai con teat. ... STEREOSCOPIC VIEWS ON CLASS, Adapted for either the Magic lantern or the Stereoaronie. Our Catalogue will be sent to any address on receipt of enainn. PnOTOGRAPHIC ALBUMS We manufacture more largely than any other house, about 23 varieties, from 60 cents to S50 each. Onr Al bums having the reputation of being superior in beauty aim iiurauiiuy 10 any ntners. Card riiorooaAPns or GiaiAt., Statsms, Across, r.TC, rvrc. Our Catalogue embraces over Five Thousand different subjects, incliuliiig reproductions of the most celebrated Kitgravinga, Paintings, Statues, etc. Catalogues sent on receipt of stamp. IMioUigraphera and others ordering goods C. O. D., will please remit 44 per cent of ihe amount with their order. ITThc prices aud quality of our goods cauuol fail to sansiy. July II, 1606. Pra jMlllliiery sUoosla aistl Uresis) 'I'rina. mlnaps, Head lsresiecB, GLOVES, PARASOLS, 4c, Ac, South side of Market Square. SUNBURY, Penn'a Has just returned from the cities with a choice seloction of seasonable goods to whioh the attention or tbe Ladies is respectfully solioltcd. MILLINERY OOOOS AND DUESS TRIMMINGS With Head-Dresscs, . . Qloves, Uosiory, Ribbons, has been carefully selected and will give satisfaction. jliss Bliuwler has bad an experience in tne bust nets that enable her to select goods with an eye to the taste and wishes of her customers, and she begs a continuance of favors in the future which she takes pleasure in acknowledging during tbe past year. Ladies will find a choice stock of every thing in her line of business. Sunbury, April 14, 1866. NEW SPRING GOODS!! NOW OPEN, A FULL STOCK OF NEW 8PBINQ OOOSS Consisting of IsreMH iloolsi, in great variety, such as Delaines, Cballies, Ginghams, Crapes, Lawns, Brilliants, Ac Hoop Skirts, Pine White Goods, in variety. Dress Trimmings, Laces and Embroideries, VEILS of all descriptions. Gloves, Hosiery, Corsets. Zephyrs, Patent Hair Crimpers, Neck-Tics, and Notions of all kinds usually kept in a Fancy Store. Lockwood's Paper Collars and Cuffs. Stamping and machine stitohing done to order. AIARYL. LAZARUS, Two doors west of Wm. U. Miller's Shoe Store. Sunbury, April 28, 1866. Great Attraction, at the NEW TIN-WARE, fctueci Iron mid Store HI ore ot SMITH &. GE1TTHE2L Where they keep constantly oa hand and manufac ture to order at abort notice. TIN AND SHEET IRON-WARE of all description. They would especially call the attention of pur chasers to their large and well (elected (took of C00E ASD FAEL0E STOVES. The subscribers have made arrangements to have all their best stove made to order, and tbo who would nave a good novo would do well to go and examine tneu large ana well selected stuck. First. Tbey defy competition on the following iriea oranas oi ious ciovet, vis : Combination iiu Burner, Cook. CJovcruor lenn Cook. WABASH AND IBONSIDES, and the well known Autidust Cook Stove oallod SPEAR'S ANT1DU8T. Also. Parlor and oflioe Stoves in great variety em bracing all tne best manufacture and moat laatiion able duaigns, unsurpassed for beauty of finish simpli city of arrangements combining oboapness, durability and each stove warranted to perform what they are representca. Also, xiie ceieoraiea Baltimore rire 1'lace Move, for beating ttret, secoud and tnird stones by Regulars Also, VULCAN HEATER. Also, the eelcbrated MORNING GLORY. Coal Oil, Coal Oil I Jtnipe. 8 hades, . .. Cblinnle), and all articles usually kept In an establishment of this kind iney are also prepared to lurntso Btato ana ao uaung in Uie best woramantiae manner. Also, to do Tin Hooting. Spouting, Range and Furnace Work, Go Fitting, Ao. Repairing neatly and cheaply executed. aiso : "liuugu's) Haw Hone gnpcr-Plsoa phute." Remember tbe place. Sample and Sale Room nearly opposite Couly' Hardware Store, Market street, between Third and Fourth street. Building dark paiuted. August, z, 1000. LADIES eall and sea the Hanging Bankets, Braoket and t in Work Boxes, at LWHTXERS Prooor ooeof BYERLY'S Fine Photograph Pie ture at hi Rooms ia Simpson' Building. To preenr a family group Photograph, go to BYERLY'S Koom in Simpson' Buildug up stair PUOTHOmOTAUY. At the solicitation of many of aav Weeds, I have consented to be a VOLUNTEER CAND1DATK for the office of Proihonutary ao. Should I be aleeled, I promise to fulfill the duties of the ome impartially, and to the best gf aa ability. ' CHAS. J, BBVNER. Eunbmy, June Mth, IBM. F 1KB feather Brtue.es, at LIGUTNER'S. FIXE MyrtU Paasatum, at the Fancy Star of PERUVIAN GUIKO SUBSTITUTB! BAUGXTS HAW BONE 8UPERPII08PII ATE OF LIME rCanP MARK After more than twelve years of constant use, this highly concentrated manure ha attained a wide' spread reputation as a SUBSTITUTE FOR PERUVIAN GUANO, Being found active in Its operation, and of great du rability. It does not exhaust tbe soil, but on the contrary, permanently improves it. Tbe increasing sales annually, abundantly prove the high popular thus oi tins manure, ana esianiisn me laci oi lis being relied upon by a wide oirole of agriculturists m auppiy an want in tbe direction or manure tor every orop. 23WTJGHX St SONS, Sole Manufacturers A Proprietors, Office No. 20 South Delaware Avenue, PHILADELPHIA. BAUG1I BROTHERS & CO, General WholemU Agent, No. 181 Ponrl St., eorner oi Cedar. NEW YORK. GEORGE DUGDALE, Wholetule Agent for Maryland A Mrginia, No. 105 Smith Wharf, BALTIMORE, MD. l"Mce f)56 per 800 lb. Cnsh. Just Published, the 13th edition of our new pam phlct, "How to Maintain tho Fertility of American farua anu rianiauona, lurnished free upon appU cation to us or our Agonts. BAUOIIA SONS, 20 South Delaware Avenuo, Philadelphia. Sold by SMITH A OENTHER, Sunbury. July 28, 1R.J. ly NEW AND CHEAP GOODS JXTST OPENED KMEBEL & R0BBINS. T ESPECTFULLY inform the eitiiens of Sunburv XV and vicinity, that they have just opened a large sioca oi In the store room lately occupied by Weaver A Fa' geiy, opposite tne uid uourt House. REMEMBER that these Goods have just been fiureuased at reduced prices, and are (old according' y, comprising of ZDIEVSrT GOODS of every style and variety, such a CLOTHS, CASSIMERES, VESTINGS, AC. Dress Goods, Print, Muslin Domestic Goods, Notions, Ac, Ae. GROCERIES, TEA, COFFEE, SUGAR MOLASSES, &C. Honnekeeplna; Uoods, The attention of the public is respectfully invited lo tne advantage onereu at mis estabtisnment. THE HIGHEST PRICES PAID FOR COUNTRY PRODUCE. Call and examine for yourselves. A. J. KNfEBEL, U. P. BOBBINS. Sunbury, July 21,1866. NSW HARDWARE IRON STORE. THE subscriber having opened in SUNBURY, Pa., a new large, and well assorted stock of all kinds of HARDWARE, CUTLER Y.COACH WARE SADDLERY, SHOE FINDINGS, IRON, NAILS, Ao., laid in at lowest New York and Eastern prioes which tbey will be pleased to sell for Cash at the lowest Eastern prioes. Intending to do business in the honest principle of small profits and quick sale for Cosh. J. U. CONLEY A CO. Sunbury, June 16, 1866. . Cask !. Cab ! ! Cash ! ! ! &'IO,000 wanted in exchange for all kind ol Hardware, Iron, Naii,Ao., at the new Hardware Store of J. II. CONLEY A CO. Sunbury, June 16, 1866. GREATEST INVENTION SINCE THE 8EWINQ MACHINE. VA.H UAAKUEEKH SAB II 6TOPPER AND LOCK. Simplicity, Durability, Convenience, Comfort and Seoul ity, combined with Economy THE STOPPER AND LOCK support either sash at any point. It can be applied to any window in a few minute. It doe not intertere in taking out a sash. It is not affected by any jarring aotion, and pre vents the rattling of sah. It ia self-acting in all its work, and make It Im possible to forget to lock the window. It allows proper ventilation without leaving the winaow aniocaea. It act by gravity ha no spring and can never get out of order. 11 uoes not wear out, but will last while tbe house stands. Wiudows that have enlv one luh mavmIiIa. mav be changed, so as to move both, at a trilling expeiise. (Stopper ussd Ioc-k( Oae Hollar Complete. It mast eome into general e for It radical ad vantages, as a Self-Acting, Burglar-Proof Lock and Ventilator. tor Railway Car, Steamboats, ete., it is perfect, and, in faet, tie thing long sought. It is emphatically just what everybody want, and everybody oan hav. Tb demand must be unliml ted. Capitalist, Manufacturer, Builder, and men looking fur busineas, are invited to eall on the sub scriber aud examine it. T JACOB WILVER, Jr., July n, IBM 6m Sunbury, ra. lm i- to Creditors. a ii . i.j.kt. Ik lata trm of Rohrbaoh A A Cooper, oa note, book aeoount or otherwise, are hereby notified to make immediate payment if they wish to rave east, a they will oe piaeea w we nana ot a omoer io .,.- V eV nviiunva T. U. COOPER. Sanbory, Juna 1, 186- X ATROSE'B Hair Rtorativ, th bast In tuo, for U 'lIOHINER.folfAientfof Sunbary POR LIVER COMPLAINT. A SUBSTITUTE FOR CALOMEL ' our bowels at costive, TRY TlrEM. yoa save worms, try them. your breath la bad, TRY TMKN, f you feel drowsy, TBY THEM. If yem are low spii itpd, TRY THEM. If you have sick headache, TRY THEM. If yon have tnken a drop too mach, TAKE A FULL DOfJB. They only cost 5 cents a box, TRY THEM. Blue Mass, and other preparations of Mercury, actual ; produce more suffering and death than the dimaea whii they profess lo cute. And yet this corrosive mineral i denounced by the allopathic doctors, is preecntied tv them almost universally in Li ver Complaint, Consumption of Lungs, to. THE MANDRAKE PILLS are composed entirely of roots and herbs, obtained t- . the great sun choose of Nature, and their salutary eflt will appear as sunn aa the mcfliriue ia btought to 'the t ofa fair experiment. CIIKiMC'K'0MAIMI)KAKt: PI LI do not produce any nnosca or sickneaa of the stomacl, . but when given for Dyspepsia, it may lo proper to us them in connection with SCHKNCIv'S HKAWF.I ' TUNIC. By this judicious treatment the digestive facni lice are apeedily restored to their full vigor, and the wou t cases of indigestion may be cured. When we reflect that the liver Is the largest interna) organ of the Cody, that to it is assigned the imporuw'.t duty of filtering the blood and preparing the bile, that it is subject to many disorders, and that when it is diaens'-'l or inactive the whole bodv suffers sympathetically, It ii not aurprieing tfaut a medicine which can restoia th.' healthy operations of the Liver should produce wonderful changes in the general health, and rflect cures U'hich may appear to be almost miraculous. Headache of long cm tinuatice, severe re partis limlis, a ma in the side, breast end shoeidera aching of the teeiiug ot general weakness aj wietcne-luees, and other alarming and distressing symp toms, indicative of iinDerlect or oisordered aelion of tho liver, are speedily removed by theuse of SCIlliNCK MANUIIAKK PILLS, Cosliveneas, piles, bitter or sour erections, and tb-.t indescribable feeling of opiireasion, mental aiixiet-F lan guor, lethargy, and depression of spinft) which Built r. man lor tiie manageineut oi business auo the enjoyment of life, are all relieved by the use of SCHKNCK'S MAN Iiu luf i a Dr tcnxrn. DentSii 1 1 titkepleasure hi endiliff ynj t'crtificnte in mitiition to mnnv you have alrenriv ro- ceivedfrotniufTeriiifr humanity. I enn scarcely flitti la i-zuimriiurK-ichtly tin. n-; to expreu my henitfelt grntifir urn wnnucMHL cures ynur MAiKUitAivii. riii . Olid SKAWKKI) TONfCi hvt pfltv-trf. in the eittue cut f one nf the mmt uiltlmru crtnes of the nfTcctiuti of tlio liver, ror three yen 1 m lie fed beyond duicriptinii ; sll my frieiilit as well at myself, came to the conclusii n that my time in tliii life wm hurt. Such whs the ternblu condition to whi?h 1 was reduced that life to me had be come a burthen ; my whole syWcm was in estate of in nammation ; I cnuui not eat, I could not sleep ( my whol body wna filled with pain; swellinir would arise In mv wrists and ankles, rentier ins them totallv imrlma On mvb lal occasions I was at lucked with a rush of Word to the head, which would fell me to the ground, and I would be mniedawny for ileud. I applied to several eminent physicians or our city, who administered all the medicines that they thought would reach my cuse, but of uu avail. One of them SHid he could do no more for ma. ntiti nrf- vlsed me, as a Inst resort, to drink cod liver oil. Not relishing the horrid trash I declined to take It. Accinen put your advertisement In my hands. 1 called on you , nuexumincu me aim cmci me tne imture oi my iIijcum 'uu then ordered me the Pills and Tonic with an observ ance of diet, p lodging viur word that in one week t would find myself uiiolher man. 1 followed youradvice. and, ns you predicted, an astonishing cure was effected. I continued your Pills and Tonic for some time, and now tlinuk ttod for his goodness, and your valuable medicine, I am once more restored to perfect health. I most earnestly recommend those who are stiflering from atl'ee tion of I lie liver to give your fills and Tonic a fair trial, and a cure will be effected. I have sent many peiaona to you, and they hnve all been cured. Any inform t ion my fellow citizens tmny require will he freely given by the subscrilrer, nt his lestdence, No. 61'J Federal street, be tween bla street aud msayuttk rond Formerly Printers1 Ink Manufacturer D. 3CHFNCK will lie oi-nfesslonallv at his principal office. No. 15 North Sixth street, corner of Commerce, PHILADELPHIA, every Saturday, from 9 a. in. until 4 n. in. i No. 34 Bond street; New York, every Tuesday, from 7 to 3 ; No. 33 Summer street, Boston, Mass , every Wednesdnv. from 0 to 3. and ever? other Fridav at 108 Baltimore street. Pa Hi more, Md. All ad'iee free, but for a thorough examination of the lu'igs with hia Rcspi ronieter the charge ia three dollars. Pi ice of the Pdfinouic Svruo and Seaweed Tonic, eaeh 1,50 per Untie, or 87,50 per haif dozen. M nudnik a ri us, to cen is per do jr. ror sale by nit ltruggists and Dealers. March Si, 1868. ly. New Arrival of SUMMER GOODS! AT TIIE MAMMOTH STORE of jr. w. ruii.ics v so, Market Square, near the New Court VLyZ JUST OPENED a large and new assortment of OENTLEMES'3 WEAR. Cloths, Cassltneros, Cottonados, Linen Fantlng, Aa LAMES' DHEbSUOODS. Silk, Delaines, Alapacas, English and Sootoh Uinghauis, Challies, Lawns, Arinurcs, Brilliant, White Goods, Caliooes, Mulins, and every other article belonging to the above branch of business. WHITE AND COLORED FLANNELS Sheetings, Hoop Skirt Hosier; and glove. CARPET 'd OIL C LOTUS, Olaatwore, Queenswnre, Crockory, Hardware an Cutlery. Drugs, Oils, Pnlnlai, Coul Oil au 1 Fish, Pork, Coarse and Fine Suit, Coffee, Tea, Su gar, Molasses Syrup, Spioes, -to., Orooeries, Tobacco, Sogers and SnurT, together with a largo varioty of miscellaneous goods at prices that cannot fail to satisfy purchasers. J. W. illlljIU BUf. Sunbury, June 2, 18S6. BOOKS! BOOKS!! TUB subscriber begs leave to eall the attention of his customers, and tho community in general, to the fact that be ha now received bis second lot of NEW GOODS, eonsittlng, in part, of a oomplote line of PAPEK AND ENVELOPES, Bluuk, School aud Juvenllo Books, Fancy Toilet Soup. Perfumes, Pioturo Frames, Lava and Willow Uuuging Baskets, Bird Cages, II tan d and Httnid Ulunse, Fine Vases, Handsome Glove Jeweiry and Work iioxes, irareting nnd other rorttolioa, Carved Brockets, Feather Dust Brushes, Balls, Bats, Fishing Tackle, Toys of all descriptions, a lars;e stock of WALL-PAPER AND BORDER, Window-Blind, Paper Shades, Coal Oil Lamis and Fixtures, 4c. Thonkiul for past patronage, and hope, by striot attention to busineas, to continue Ihe same. ' H. F. HU11TNER. Bunbury, June 9. 1866. BOWMAN & LEONARD, Manufacturers and WHOLESALE AND JtETAIL DEALERS i BILVEB and SILVER PLATED GOODS, Y Ol Arls fro t, I'blladolphfa. Those in want of Silror or Silver Plated Ware will Bad it much to their advantage by visiting our fclora before waking their purchase. Our long exiri ance in the maautaotureof the above kind of gild enable us to defy competition. We keep no goods but those which are of th First Class, all ol our own make, aad will be sold at redu d prioe. July 7th, ISM lye) J JAND and Stand 11 lasses at Light'. ALL kind of Hardware, Iron, Ac, not in store wdl be sent fur and delivered at the lowest prioes by J. H. CONLEY A CO. Sunbury, J una 18, IBM. I? you want a good Likeness tor your friends, g t 8. BYERLY'S Uallery in Simpson' Building. , Fish Oil, Linseed Oil, fur sals low for Cash by J U ONLEY A CO.