Swrifatno American. -u. 4 l .ia, N. B. EN OLE, J Publisher. sunuiitv, pa. SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 15, 18G0. ILocalVlfa(r0. large tuppl 'if WBVT 30B 1VPB; of various Dew , ' n ' It tfti V4tL. k- rfl-r!v stylus, l-uatvni uanauiuB, viruuiars, varua, lhot Heads,. .Bill Heads, Labeled ic, can bo printed In , the latoet Mil but etyles, ni on ihorl .netio, fdcn by mail promptly attended to. ' .... .i. m ,:,i, - ' ONoRTltMlkrClNTBAl RaILHOAO. A llight change hai beetl nid 1tt th nmrrtng time of the 'Mail tVilti the S. 0. It. ' Going touth, It WflTMfcfrt tat 10.90 A.'M," n eotning NBtth, at 4.30 P. M. Tb Vine U about 10 rulnutea earlier t?"DiK CirrELLo'i tiria? Snow eibibited In' thU plaoe, on Wednesday last! V It was well patron iil, especially In tLe eYcntog, when It (pi orowdod. '. This circus is undoubtedly tbo beat that baa been bar Ibis season. , Tb per&rjnacoe was excellent. 1 1 1 : : , r . ' ' CP" NbW Finlt: Messra.. "orti6worth A MoOaw abase sold their tracerr. on the corner of Third and Market atreetav to B. Fr and Jaoob Bright, of this jiiao., Pucceas to tbe new nrm. ,;' ,..'., ' ' . r .' j' ' e-- ; 'i " ' UKiw Fam, tlooBlj. Mr. J. II. Engol baa Juat received a large and splendid aieoki of Fall Goods, trbioh,' for variety and cheapness, baa never been excelled in Sunbury. jlle Invitea an diamine lion of bia gooda. ,-.,, '3rTn Coktikkhtals ARt Coutxa ! These line Tooaliatf will five one of their oonocrta in the Court Bouse, In thia plaoe, on Tuesday evening next. Aa tbey are weU Itnown 1n this vic'mlly, we bespeak for them a full bouse.,,, ,,; ; . y Good Intent Finn Co. Tlie members of the Good Intent Fira Company art roquostcd to meet at the old Court Home, on next Wodncsdsy evening. It ia important that every intmber ahonld be pre eent. By order f 4b PreatoW.1'') ",' . . fjr Axotuku Sopi'LT. Our entorpriiing friend, j W A. Bennett., haa lint received a larco ail l) 1)1 v of , pur Drugs, Patent Medlci.es, pur Spices, oboico.i Wines and Brandies, Per firm ory. Soaps, Hair Oila, Brushes, Trustee, : Tobaccos, , Cigars, Paints, Oils, Glass, Ac., Ac' .'. ,ili h'(i .!.. ! i.i'i ' CoxoRissiOif.it,. Conference. The confe rees of the several counties onmposing the 18th Con gressional District , mot at M'illinmsport on tbe 6th inst. There wna a full representation of all the countiea. Hon. Stephen F. Wilson was rc-nominated for Congresa by acolamation. Snmnr.a Th lntrtnff nf ntir ruliliil Bohnola k.i i . 1 iii it,. ai r n.ink .t They will not be opened until the first Monday in January. This is rendered jieccssary on account of the old building being unfit to be oocupied, and tbe schools will be compelled to wait until the now bouses are completed. CP AojornKEP Sale op rnn Public School Hovse. The pnblio school bouse, In Third atreet, will be sold at the Court House on Monday next, according to handbills iaaued by the School Board. We learn that there are several persona who wish to purcbaae it. iy Musical. Mr. Win. Burke (of the extensive musio atore of W. Knoch, Harrisburg,) is in town with a magnificent apociuicn ot Maon A Hnmlin'a celebrated Cabinet Organs, which be bason exhibi tion at N. F. Lightner's Bookstore. The public are respectfully invited to call. Mr. Burke will alao devote aome of bia time to piano tuning. 13' Tux Domestic Market continne to be well i : -.1 ..l.i -a . n 1 r... . : T.. ..1, j . .... getting scarce, and command from $2.50 to $! per bushol, Toinatoea have been selling at from f0 to cents per bushel. Melona are abundant, and havo grown cheaper. Chiokcns are selling from 1-0 to 60 cents per pair, though some have managed to sell at a higher figure. fyTiiE Comckbst given iu tbe old Court House, on Friday and Saturday evenings of lost week, by a company of young men of this place, wna well at tended on both evenings. The performance was very good. IVj have not learned the amount real ized. Tbe proceeds will be used in liquidating a debt on the monument ereoted to tbe memory of tbe heroes of Co. "C," 7th Pa. Veteran Yoluntoers, who fell during tbe rebellion. fyTHB NOBTUI-UBKRLAKD BAPTIST ASSOCIA TION. The Northumberland Baptist Aaaooiatiou (composed of the Pastors and lay-delegates of thirty- two Churches.) held its Forty-sixth Annual Session I at Muncy, Ibis week, eomanencing on Wednoaday laat. Tbe introductory acnuon waa preached by Rev. F. Bower, of ficiintgrove. ' Tho 8aptiat 6ob batb School Convention, composing all lire Sabbath Schoola within the bounds of the Association, also met at Muncy on Tuesday lost. ' , , fy The New Bribob at Milton. Our .Milton ootemporary says that tbe bridge across tbe east branch of the river at that plaoe oan now be crossed by teams It needs the roof and weather boarding to somplote the work. Tho carpenter work boa been commenced on the middle branch, while the maaona are buay rebuilding the piers on the weatern branch. The oast branch bridge hnafoar spans, tb middle branch two, and tbe weal branch three. The remaining portion of (he bridge will undoubtedly be in oroesing order for teama by December, ty Bab Ball -The Keyetone Club, of this place, went to Belinagrove on Saturday lost, to play a friendly game with tbe White Star Club.jjf that plaoe. Our boy wer unauooeaaful, the Belinsgrov club beating tbem in tb olose score of 53 to 67. A return gam will b played ' between these two clubs, 40-day, (Saturday,) oommenoing at o'clock, P. M., .on tb ground of the Susquehanna Club. A convention of tbe Baae Ball Club of this Stat will be held in Harrisburg on Thursday, Kept. 27th, to take iuto consideration various matters of interest .pertaining to "Our National Game," aa well as to aeeur an official recognition by th next National Convention of all auoh clubs aa (ball b represented in the State organisation. Caps. J. E. Toirington ol th Suaquehann Club, of this plan, baa been (elected as a delegate to repreaent (bat club in tb convention. j, , , : (y Ibi Uxio! Mhetimo at Dnr ValLet Fun. bace. A large and enthusiastic meeting waa bold .near tbefurnaca, at Dry Valley, on Thursday pigbtof last week. At least 1UO0 person from Union county alone were in attendance. Beaides tb large nuin iber preaent from that county, there were delegation from Sunbury, Northumberland, Cbilisquaqua, and other place in Northumberland county. Tb dele cation from thia place eharUred tbe steamer "Ira T, Clement" for the ocoaalon, and (topped at Northum berland and took on board a large number of Union' ists from that plaoe, ; There could pot bav been jess than three hundred perauos preaent from tbe two places. Tbe boat retvrnod about II e'plook, all aeeming highly pleased wUh , tb delightful evening exouraion. j -, ,!r; u h'Ji . The meeting waa organised by calling Dr. Rook to tb chair, and appointing a large number of Yie' President and Beoretarie, . Abl addresses wer delivered by J. H. Wiigbt, JCaq., tb Union nomine for Assembly in Snyder county, and Clinton Lloyd, sq., of Williaminort,'wbp was, until tb eommenoa went of tb rebellion of ,tb pnnilavwy Democracy, prominent member of that party, but bow a staunch Republican. Hi address on th nooaaioa was abl and eloquent, and in lb eouree of bia remark was frequently applauded. Tbe meeting adjourned about half past It 'lock, w"h deafening cheer fir tb gallant Gn. GT and lb wbei Union tiket.-r Union oounly will ndouUdly pve a largely in creased vol for tb Union ticket st tb approaching 1 action "" t3T WTeonrow. W take pleasure In trans ferrlng io.ottr ooltmnt .th following artlole, from the MittoHtan, of laat week, in relation to tb Im provement In tb thriving village of Wataon town, in the npper part of onr county t "Manyjpf oar read era ina not be aware of tb improvement that art beibgoarried forward In our little alater village of WaUontown. ..for tbe past two or three years there haa befcnarider abler enqrgj fnajilfeated by Ita oitl ena in th ntablishment of several thriving menu- I facturet, but. th jrant year, witneeeoa the graateaL nterprU that ha yet been developed. .. The Wapt (ontown Lumber Company, of which Mr. Pardee, of Ilaaleton, ia the head and front, are engaged in en nterpria whiob prnie to b th anoat oonalderable In the upper end of out oeunty.1 " -rml , Having purchased the atrip of timber laud lying on either side of White Deer Creek, in Union county, for ita entire length, they bav undertaken to drive tb log down to th river.' Upwardsof one hundred and twenty-flv men r at work along th creek, from th .mouth to a point in Sugar Valley, about twonty mile diatant. Of thee, part ar angaged in foiling timber and preparing it tor the mill, while the balance are engaged In cleaning out the crook slrntglitenlng th eurvea, and by means of system of dam planing, it in condition for uae. More than i ,400,000 feet of loga are ready for the firat flood1, and it Is expected that by the middle of Octobor the work on tb ereek will be finished for their paaaaga. : At Wataontown th Company ar treoting a large Saw Mill, to contain three gang aawa and three mu Icy aawa,' to , be driven by an engine of 150 or 200 horse power The mill ait ia on tb farm lately owned by Ji h. Watson, Esq.; oloae by the road loading from tbe lock to the town, and on the edge of baain which an be filled with water and kept in good condition, by meana of a email brook, which at present finds an outlet under th canal.. . The road la to be vacated Mr. Pardee agreeing to furnish a new road through his farm, east of the railroad. This will be an advantage to the traveling community, aa the road at present ia In dangerous proximity to tbo railroad. A short distanoe above tbe main mill, and noar the eanal, ia being built a jack mill, which is to be used in drawing the loga up from the river, across the canul, and rolling them off into the pool. Th mill will be in running order by next spring, and will employ a considerable number bf (hnndi. .The Company extras Ihe Relief that here ia enough timber along the creek to keep the mill busy for ten years. If this be so, we may ex pect to see a sturdy rival (n Wntaontown ; bnt never theless we wish them great proapcrity, believing at every enterprise should sucooed that make uae of capital, and auppliea tbe industrious meobantc and laborer with honorable employment." ' tj?-Tii loynl people of Snyder county will hold a moss meeting at Middlcburg, on Tuesday, tho2&th inat. Gen. deary, Uov. Curtin and ex-Uor. Pollock are announced ar the apeakera. Miuolecreek Valley Railroao. A meet ing of Ihe Commissioners of this road was held at Selinsgrove, on Tucaday, the 4th inst. Five thou sand dollars were paid into tbe Treaaury, which eocurea the patent. The Commisaioncra will meot at Middlcburg on Tuesday, the 2d of October, for the purpose of electing a President and twelve Directors of the road . y II. E. Taylor has been removed from the Post Office nt Williunisport, and Jacob Sallada ap fiointed in bis stead. Another inttance of the work ings of '-my policy." BUSINESS NOTICES, jy To Claim Aoents. Blanks for tho oollce- I tion of "Claims of Private Soldiers and Non-Com-1 missioned Oflioera," under the late Act of Congress, ' equalizing bounties, have been printed and are now I for sale at tbe American office. We keep on band a full supply of all kinds of military blanks, whiob 1 we sell very ebeap. They are copied from blanks ' prepared iu tho Departments at Washington, and ' can be relied on for correctness. Orders from a dis- tanc will receive prompt attention. I3Too True. Tbe appreciation by the public of the new and beautiful stock of gooda for full wear, just received at the fashionable tailoring es tablishment of Jaoob 0. Beck, on Fourth atreet, ia but using another word to indicate tbo great rush of customera that may be seen daily selecting their mite at Beck'a. He haa on hand an extensive as sortment of fall goods, which be will mako up into suits at reduoed prices. Call and examine. tjf-A plain iroKEN weatern preacher delivered tbe following from bia desk :: ! would announce to the congregation that, probably by mistake, there waa left at tbia meeting house, Ibis morning, a amall cotton umbrella, much damaged by time and wear, and of an exceedingly palo blue color, in the place whereof was taken a very large black silk umbrella of great beauty. Blunders of thia aort, J brethren and Bisters, are getting a little too com- mon." Speuking of ''umbrellas of great beauty," reminds ua of tbe large stock of that artiolo for sale at Slaymaker'a Coutinentul Clothing Bazaar, Market street, Sunbury. Cf The health of Sunbury and vicinity has been very good the past summer, when compared with aome previous acasuna. Many reasons have been assigned aa the .cause, tbe moat important one of which Is that Wnv 11. Miller,, of the Excelsior Boot and Sho Store, Market street, sold boot and shoe of tb beat quality so cheap that everybody bought and wore them, thereby preserving their hoalth. A full assortment, of tbe same kind of material, ia con stantly kept on band at Miller'a. -ot - '. IcByebly's Photographs. If any of our readers should deeir to Bee a splendid collection of pictures, : they should go to Byerly'a Gallery, in Simpson'a building, Market street. His specimens are all taken by himself, and be Is ready at any time to produce their equal for ail who may desire an excellent likeness. i iw .iiias;. i ty Uoixa to Bus. A young lad recently ran away from bom and want to a tavern, wber he waa found by a friend, with a cigar in bia mouth. 'What mode you leave borne?" said bia friend. "Ob, oonfound it," said be, "father and mother wer ao aauey, I couldn't stand it any longer, and I quit em." The lad would not have left bom if bia parents bad suppfted him with a suit of new clothes from those beautiful patterns of Caaaimere and other gooda, for men and boys' wear, and which are mad lip into suits at tb tailoring satablubmant of John E. Smiok. on Fourth atreet. A large assortment of gooda from White Deer Milla b just baen opined by Mr. Smick . "" VW A FcRET Book baa Juat com to ua, called 11 Poetical Aeorna from tbe Great Oak Hall." It is on of the jollleet little booke we ever aaw-full of fun, aide-splitting piotarc and eapital Joke., It ia a good thing to bav about tb boo or, a it ia mad to nioely fit in tb pocket, it if juat what ia often wanted to mak a merry evening.. It I given away gratuitouely by Wancinaker Brown, tb popular Clothiers, Oak Hall, B. E. cor. 6th and Market ata. Philadelphia, and any body can get it by eneloaing their ddres and a two-ent stamp for tb postage ry-lara Ixsvaaaoa a Dutr "Xwill b as ured." Skylit.- ' Dr, Cumming ay! "Kvery man ourht to Insure bis life. Some people thick that this is a want of trust in God. Th contrary ia Uue. It i com moo sense, and common sens is never tuoonsietent with tb Word of Uod. Butsom people ay, when you Insur your life, is it not something vary like gambling or speculating, or at least something very Ilk not taring oonldenea) in Alod I Tb Inaurano of life i on of th most cbriaUan things (bat I know ) for what Is It? It is taking the load that would ruah on family, and spreading it over twenty tbouaand famili; ao that a mar drop light upon mob., instead f tb over whelming torrent falling upon on. It seems to m a beautiful illustration of bearing on another's bur den. And, threfor. lot very young man enter ing upon life, very bead of a family in life, wbuber bigb or low, at bis kouM ia order ao far aa U inaur hi lite. It doe not mak bins dl sooner ; It will not prvntbto living Iongr." ' -., ",,t Jacob Saiirati, Uf aiartraxr AveU, Saa- i hury, ra. MARRIAGES. it - On Thursday, the 6th inst.. at the resi dence of thO bride's f nth or, (y the Iter. L. W. Gibson, Mr. Noxman ClBvbi.and, of Richmond, O. E.r and Laura, eldest daugh ter of Charles F, Littlo, Ksq., of Northum berland. ' -t; At Wyoming, tai, rWptl Ulh, by Rct. 0. Harej Mr. N. Fkrrkm Lioiitnkh, of Sunbury, Pa., and MIbs L'Altititt II. Miller, of the former place. . . .,, ' ' "'' - DEATHS. . i In Northumborlaod, Aughst 25th, ELIJAH PEALE, youngest ton of Dr. E. I), and Jado ' '; ttlinilUKf HARHEaX ' Corroded Weekly for th "Amorioan." i' Wheal Flour, xtra family, pctbarrf, I 'do 1 do do 1 do - per ewt. Rye Flour,. , ,, . per bbt. v do " per ewt. Wheat, prim red - r - per bushel, , Rye, , f i t " .' 4o i,...' ! CornV"v;.i do Oaht, ' do - Potatoes, ; i !"'. do l)ried Peaobea, pared , : per round ; do do unpared ' do , . .. rtrtpit A nnlM ' HnK . . . a)l5 M 7 60 10 00 i 50 3 (0 1 00 0 60 . I 00 Si 25 20 i 3 00 ", Dried Cherries, (umWoed.j per bu Butter, per pound. i 1 Eirita. per dozen, , per pound, " do : d . . do. do .,, 4o ' :'M do per pair Cheeae. - Lard, ' ' -llama, ' i Should era. Beef, hind quarter, " front , it , Mutton, , . is Chiokeoa, v " Shauaokln VoalTrade,' !' ' , : t'- SnAuoms, Sept. 10, J806. ' ' ' ' Ton. Cart. Sent for week ending Sept. 8, 11.699 12 Per laat report, 381.055 00 .195.754 12 276,770 18 118,983 13 To earn tim laat year, Increaae, ' ' ' Special Not'icc3. OTlIse ROIIREBS Expeetoral WILDCHERUY IONIC as a prevention ana oure for Asiniio Cholera. For diaeaaes of Ihe Chest, Liver, Kidneys, Stomach and Bowela, and aa a Blood purifier it haa no equal. Bold at the Continental, Girard, La Pierre, Wash ington, St. Lawrenoe and Merchants, Philadelphia. Monongahela and St. Charles, Pittsburg. By th principal Hotels and Druggists generally. J. KOH HEtt, Solo Proprietor, Lancaster, Pa. September 1, 18B6.4t . Ask the entry clerks at the custom, house bow much foreign perfumery is im ported under the present revenue laws. They will tell you next to none. Tho extracts and essences purporting to bo European are fraudulent and spurious. The only genuine, pure and standard perfume in the market is Phalon's "Kight-BIooming Ctreus." Sold everywhere. Yikcm Sambviig. We have been shown specimens of sacramental or pure juice Wine,' prepared by Mr. Alfred Speer, of Passaic, N. J., out of the Portuguese Samburg, a valuable grape which he cultivates in tl.is country. In taste it assimilates to port without its heating qualities, being absolu tely free from spirits further than its own fermentation affords. Preference is given to it over all other wines in New York and other hospitals, as a tonic, gentle stimulant, diureticand sudorific. Mr. Speer bus been uine years experimenting in the production of this wine, and the ncwrst wine he sells is four years old. Exchtnyt. W. A. Bennett has it. "DON'T RE FOOLISH." You can ainke Six Dollars from Fifty Cents. Cull and ex amine an invention urgently needed by every body. Or a sample sent free by mail for 50 cents that retails easily for f(J. bv R. L. WOLCOTT. 170 Chatham Square, NY. Sept. 16, 1805- ly- 1T'1I! U CII l H'411! SCRATCH! SCRATCH SCRATCH! WIJEATON'S OINTMENT Will Cure the Itch in 4H lloiirtt. Also cure SALT RIIEUM, ULCERS, CIIIL BLAINS, and all ERUPTIONS OF THE SKIN Price 50 cents. For sale bv the drueiistr. Bv send ing 60 cent to WEEKS. A POTTER, Solo Agents, 170 Washington atreet, Boston, it will be lorwarded by mail, tree of postage, to any part of the United states. je a oo-y IVhlxkcria ! M hixkerst ! ! Dr. L. O. Moetez' Corrolia, tbe ereatcat stimu lator in the world, will furoe Whiskers or Mustache to grow on Itie smoothest lace or cuin ; never known to fail , sample for trial sent freo to any one deairou of testing its merits. Addreaa, Reeves A Co., 78 Nassau St., N. Y. jo30 Sm fpiho Cout'cajwioaiM nisd llxpcrlt-ucp a or AS 1KVAL10. Published tor the benefit and aa a caution to young men and ouhera, who Buffer from Nervous Debility, Premature Decay of Manhood, ate., supplying at tbe same titno the means of self-cure. By one who nas oured bimseir ater undergoing considerable quaon cry. By eneloaing a post-paid addressed envelope, single copies, tree of charge may be bad of the au thor. NATHANIEL MAYFAIR, Esq., Brooklyn, Kinga Co. II. Y. January 27, 186(1 Ty Ikeafaens), lillndncs and Catarrh, Treated with tbe utmost auooess by Dr. J. ISAACS Oculist and Aurist, (formerly of Lejden, Holland,) No. 619 Pine street. Philadelphia. Testimoniala from the most reliable aourcea iu tb City and Coun try oan be seen at his office. Tbe medical faculty are invited to accompany tbeir patient, a be haa no ae creta in bia practice. Artificial Eyea, inserted with out pain. No charge made for examination. July It, 1863. ly Xo Conataiinptlvcs). ' 1 The advertiser, having been restored to health in a few weeks by a very aimple remedy, after having suffered for several year with a sever lung affection and that dread disease, Consumption ia anxious to mak known to bis fellow (ufferer th means of cure. To all who desire It, be will send a copy of the prescription used (free of charge), with tbe diree tiona for preparing and using the same, which they willfindasuBE Core for Comsomftios, Asthma Bbomcbitis, Coughs, Colds, and all Throat and Lung Affections. The only object oi the advertises in Bending tbe prescription is to benefit the afflicted and spread in formation whieb he eonoeive to be in Valuable, and b nope every eu Barer will try hi remedy, aa it will coat tbia nothing, and may prov a blessing. i Parties wishing th prescription, pbeb, by return mail, pleas address ' Ret. EDWARD WILSON, Williamaburgh, Kings Co , New York. . January 13, 1B6--Iy. , NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. STOP & LOOK AT THIS! . CAP1TAI, $10O,O00. Important to all Owners of I4ve Block. fTlHB GREAT EASTERN DETECTIVE H0R8K X Insurance .Company, eharUred March 12, '66, by tb State of Pennsylvania, insures, HORSES, MULES AND CATTLE, against loaa by theft, death by nre, aooiaoa or lsease. -- Offlc : 108 South Fourth 8trMt, Philad.,' Pa President: Col Charles Frailer; Viee President, D L. Esterly; Secretary, Dr. B. Backer lienor! Aa-enL P. Hane. . ' ' Reference, by permission, to tb following gentl. men: Hon. riimoa Cameron, Harrisburg, Pa.; Burd Patterson. Km., Poturill. Pa.: Uea Joseph LBiich ter, Hardware Menbaut, Heading, Pa; Dr John Uloniager. President Lebanon Bank ! L Whitney, Hanker, roiuvillo. a Our rate ar low than any other Inaarane Com paar, whil tbey luaur against on risk, we insure against all risk. Agent wanted ia very county ia ta bvave, 1., v; I8AIAS 8, G083LER, 1 l ' A aa Want General Agent, Banbury, P August 18, left tm vr''T Great Attraction, NEW TIN -WAR II, fiht Iron and Htotra Htorr- of i'OMITS & GElTTHEPw, , Where tbey keep constantly on band and saanufaa tur to order at abort noliee, TIN AMD 8niiI IBON-W ARE of all desortptlona. Tbey would especially call tb etlentHiif pur. baera to their large and well aeleoted atoe-K of ' i .1 COOK AMD PARLOR STOVES. 1 , , ' The subscribers bav made arrangement to have all their best (tovea made to order, and those who would bav a good stove would do well to go and txamln their large and well selected a took. First. They defy competition On th following' tried Brands of Cook Stoves, vi : i.-. Cosiblnitlt ja) Ilmraer, Cook. ' aiiioTcriaor PfnnC'ook. ' , , . WABASH AND IRONSIDES, i and tb wall known Antiduet Cook Stove called SPEAR'S ANTIDUST. . Also. Parlor and office Stoves in great variety rtn bracing all the beat manufactures and moat fashion able deaigna, tanaurpaased for beauty of finish aiinpli olty of arrangementaoomblning ohespnesa, durability and each stove warranted to perform what they are reprcaented. , Also, The celebrated Baltimore Fire Pine Stove, for beating first, second end third stories by Rogistera Alao, VULCAN HEATER. ., . Also, lb celebrated MORNING GLORY. Coal il, Coal Oil Lamps, Nhadcu, ' Clilmnlca, and nil nrllclest. usually kept In an establishment of this kind. Tbey are also prepared to furnish Slate and do sluting In th beat workmanlike manner. Also, to do Tin Hoofing, Spouting.' Range and Furnace Work, Oas Fitting, Ao. Repairing noatly and cheaply executed.' . , Also ; , , , " "Ilaucli flaw Jtoao Supervl'iion t : .-pliaae." . i;- Remember the place. .Vamele and Salea Room nearly opposite Conlv'a Hardware Store. Market atreet, botween Third and Fourth streot. Building dark painted. Auguetzo, lbSB.i ;extiia iiou.vrv. TXTRA BOUNTY ! ! Iam prepared to collect li tbe additional Bounty due Soldiers under the late Aat of Congresa. promptly and apeedy. Soldiers will find it to thoir advantage to either call in person, write or send their discbarge to me; my charge in each case ia Five Dollars, no charge until bounty ia oollooted. Satisfactory references will in all cases be given. - JAMES M. SELLERS, No. 224 8onth 4th Street, rhiladolpbia. August 2i, 1866. 4c WANTED AGENTS $75 to 200 Per Month for Oentlemen, and $35 to $75 fur Ladies. everywhere, to introdnce the Common Sense Family t, i w.i! , . r. cewiog-macnine, improved ana perrected. It will hem, fell, atitob, quilt, bind braid, and embroider beautiful I vnrico onlv $20 making the elnstin lm;k atitch, and fully warranted for three years. We pay me aoovo wages, or commission, from whieb twice that amount oan be made. Address or call on C. BOWERS A CO., Office No. 255 South Fifth street, Philadelphia, Pa. All lettcra answered nrnmntlv. with ciroulara and terms. aeptl-lm 028. HOOP SKIRTS 628. HOFKXN'S "OWN MAKE." Iew Fall Stylets I Arc In every respeot First Class, and embrace a a eomplete assortment for Ladies. Misses and child ren, of tho Newest styles, every Length and Sixos of ft nix. ' OUR SKIRTS, wherever known, are more univer sally popular than any others before tho public Tboy retain their shape better, are lighter, more elostio, more durable, and rcaly Cheaper, than any other Hoop Skirt in tbe market. The springs ami fastenings are warranted perfect. Every Lady should Try Tbem ! They are now being extensively sold by Merchants, throughout the Country, and at Whole sale A Retail, at .Manufactory and Sales Room. ' No. 628 ARCH Street, below 7th., Philadelphia. Ask for 'IOPKIN S "own make," buy no other! CAUTION, None eenuine unless stamped on each Fid Pud "Ilopkin'a Hoop Skirt Manufactory, no. via Arcn street, rnuaaoipiua." Also, Constantlv on hand full lino of Now York mnde Skirts, at very low prioes. lurnn Bri vasn. Uue 1'nce (July. Septal, 1866. 4m r I lflE following ncrsona are entilled In recniva an X increase of Bounty under tho Act of Congress passed July ioo, to equalise uounues. 1st All soldiers who enlisted after the 19th day of April, 1861, lor 3 years, and served their time of enlistment and have been honorably discharged, and have received or ar entitled io receive a Bounty of $100, are entitled an additional Bounty of tflOO. 2d All such soldiers wbo enlisted for 3 years, and have been honorably discharged on acoount of wounds received in tbe line of duty, are entitled to an additional Bounty of ejllOO. 3d The Widow, Minor Children, or Parents of such aoldiors who died in the aervice of wounds or diseuse, are entitled to an additional Bounty of sjlOO. By application to S. P. WOLVERTON, Em., of ScKSunr, Pennsylvania, wbo ia an authorised Claim Agent, all auoh claims can be speedily culloolod, Sunbury, August 4, 18116. tf . BOUNTY FOR SOLDIERS. InA'E mode arrangements in Washington City, for the prompt collection of Bounty undor tho Into Aot of Congress. I have alao received the pro per blanka to prepare the claims. Soldiers entitled to tbia Bounty should apply immediately, aa it is es timated that It will require three years to adjust all the claims. All soldiers wbo enlisted for tbree years and who have not revived more than $100 bounty are entitled to the benefits of this Aot, as well as soldiers who have enlisted for three years and discharged after a aorvioe of two rears, by reason of wounds received, disease contracted in sine el duty, or re-enlistment . LLOXU X. ilUliltUAC'lI. Sunbury, August 18, 1866. A LL gooda bought for Cosh and sold at lowest XI pr rices for cash at tbe Hardware Store of J. 11. Sunbury, June 15, 1866. CONLEY A CO. Administrator') police. NOTICE is hereby given, that letters of adminis tration having- been Krantod to tho undermined. on the estate of John Kohl, late of Lower Mahouoy townsnip, Horthumneriand oounty. fa., deceased All persons indebted to said estate ar requested to make immediate payment, and those having claims to present mem duly autncnticated lor settlement. T . iiua t.-1 II I IIA1ULD VIIU, ( . ; HENRY KOHL, Low. Mohonoy twp., Aug. 18, '66. Adiu'rs. Auditor's) Notice. THE undersigned Auditor appointed by the Or phana' Court for Northumberland countv to ex amine and restate the aoeonnt of Peter B. Hosier, one of the txecutors of Henry Manser, deceased, will at tend to the duties of bis appointment at bis office, in the Borough of Sunbury, on Saturday the loth day oi oepiemoer next ei iv o oiocs a. m. a. is. uuxfiti, Auditor. August 35, 1866 St EXTRA PENSION TO WIDOWS. EXTRA PENSION TO WIDOW", Wldowa are now entitled to an Inereosed Pension of f 2 per month for eaob child ot the soldier under 10 yoara of age. To be obtained upon application in person or by letter, to tbe Military and Naval Agency, No. 47 Walnut street, Philadelphia. JOSEPH E. DEVITT A CO. ' August 18.18(1(1 lm ... . lixecutttr'ti Notice. Estate of Philip Iirymire, tfVcyuW. , NOTICE is hereby given tbat lettera testamenta ry bave been granted to the undursigned. on the ealate of Philip Dry ntir, late of the boroujrh of Sunbury, Northumberland oounty, Pa., deceased. All persons indebted to said estate srs requaeted to make iinniediat payment, and those having claiuia to preaent tbein duly authenticated tor settlement. WM. M. ROCKEFELLER, Ex'lr. Sunbury, A o gust 4, IBM. fit EQUALIZATION OF BOUNTIES. X.. H KASE, Allorniey sit 1.4 w, ualtiry, Ia. IS duly authorised and Lioenaed by the Govern ment to oolleot all Military Claims against the I'uited States. Uouuty money du soldiers under tba lata Equalisation Aot of Congr ess, and all mili tary claims againat tb Mtate, dus soldier of 1H12, for Pension and Oiauiity. C'laiajs due aoldiera of th Pennsylvania Kcsarve Corps from enlistment to tbe date of muster, promptly oollooted. Sunbury, August 4, 1866. AAA A "a I'lAIl mad by any on with S?r,UUU ) Stencil Tools. No experience neoeasary . Tb PreaideuU, Cashier and Treasurers of I xtanks indoma tb eiroulur. Sent free witb saiuples. Addreuatb Aniarloan Stcucii Tool Work, Springfield, Vermont. , ,i iv . July 2d, I8d.--8m. ' ..... i'uatU ! Cuah ! ! Cftsiaa ill SO.OOO wanted in exchange for all kinda oi Hardware, Iron, Nails, Ao., el the new Hardware Storaof J. U. CONLEY-a CO. Eutrbury, Jut 16, 1866. Sheet Iron and Stove ' rjrojuti'na Market Street, near Engol's Store, SUNBURY, PA. AN Immense stock of every kind of Tin Ware, and Sheet Iron Ware of all description. , ST OVBS, OOOK.OFFICK and PARLOR STOVES of th best Brands which are unsurpassed for beauty of finish, simplicity of arrangement, combining ebunpness and durability and enoh stove warranted to perform what tbey are represented. - , Coal OH, Coal OH Lamp, Lantern, Shades; Chtmnys, and all artiolo usually kept In an establishment of this kind. COPPER, BRASS and IRON KETTLES, of all aires. . - FRUIT JAR3 and CANSof th latest improved styles.' He Is also prepared to do all kinds of Spouting and Roofing. Range and Furnaoo Work. Repairing, cheaply and neatly executed. " ' BEN ZETELMOYER. 8unbury, July 7, 1806. ly greatesOn sewing machine. VA.1 JAA!iltICi:M.'M SASH STOPPER AND LOCK. Simplicity, Durability, Conveniepce, Comfort and Security, combined With Economy THE STOPPER AND LOCK supports either sash at any point. . . It can be applied to any window In a few minutes. - It does not intortcro in taking out a snsh. It is not affected by any jarring action, and pre vents the rattling of saMi. It Is self-acting in all its work, and makes it Im possible to forgot to lock the window. It allows proper ventilation without leaving the window unlocked. . It acts by gravity bn no spring and can never get out ofordor. It does not wear out, but will lost while tho house stands Windows that have only ono sash moveable, may be changed, So as to move both, at a trilling expense. Kfoppcr nnd Lock, Ono Oollar Complete. It must come into general use for Its radioal ad vantages, as a Sclf-Auting, Burglar-Proof Lock and Ventilator. . . For Hail way Cars, Steamboats, etc, it ia perfect, and, in fact, the thiqg long sought. It is emphatically just what everybody wants, and everybody can have. The demand must be unlimi ted. Capitalists, Manufacturers, Builders, and men looking for business, are invited to cull on the sub scriber and examine it. JACOB WILVER, Jr., July 21, 1868. 6m ' Sunbury, Pa. NEW MUSIC STORE Call at our New Muslo Stove In SELIN'S GROVE, nnd buy one of Haines BnotnER's New Scnlo Piano Fortes. Every instrument is Warranted for five years. We also keep constantly on hand a good stock of the oolchrated PELOCBET'S MELODKONS, CABI NET nnd Clll KCU ORGANS, and challenge others to soli cheaper than we areacllintt. We also keep nil kinds of Musical Merchandise, and receive all the latest music as soon as published. A liberal discount to teachers of Schools and Semi, naries tjj Second hnt.d instruments taken in exchange for new ones. Pianos correctly turned and repaired. Send for Circular. SALEM & BROTHER. Selinsgrove, Snyder co., Pa., July 28, 1860. ly IMIOTO.BlAlIIC. E. & II . T. ANTHON5T & CO., Manufacturer of Plift'i-raphic Materials, AVtolcsale and Hetail, 601 UHUADtVAY, New Ymk. In addition to our main bnsineaa of Plotograph je M ute riaia we afeiieuaquarters lor tae loiiowing, viz. STKRKOSCOPKS A STKUKSCOP1C VIKWS Of American and Fuieign Cities and Laudacapea, Oro upa ciaiunrv, etc. STHRKOSCOPIC VIEWS OP TUB WAR, Prom neenlivea made in the varioua campaigns anil Inrinmg a complete l'botniapliic History ul tile great con test. STEREOSCOPIC VIEWS ON CLASS, Adapted fer either ihe Manic lantern or the Stereoacnpie Our Catalogue will be neat to any addiesa on receipt of stamp. I'liU lUbUAI'llIU AI.UI.MS We manufacture more largely than any other house, alKiill aiu vaniliia, iroin oil eeuta in Sf.rt) eaeu. uur ai buma having the repuiuiiiHi of being auperior in beauty uud durability to uuv otliera. Cao PiiorooaArna or Geskbals, Statssmkn, Actors, tic., r.tc. Our Catalogue embrat-ea over Five Thouannd different aubjeera, including reproductloua of the most celebialed r.nirraviiiK, faiiitinga, rutues, etc. catalogues seal on receipt of alainp. riitiuvraphera nnd others oriienna srmxiB o. u., win please reinti.) per cent of the aniouut wilh llieir order. I ht prices and cjunlltv oi our e-'iodB camtitl Ian to aatttfv. July SI, loa Pin kxtkI uoilVrv TO SOLDIERS! WIDOWS! FATHERS MOTHERS) AND MINOR CHILDREN ! Bounty Bill just paased srives all soldiers who en listed for three years, ainoo April 10, 1811, and served their full term of aervice, or were discharged before the expiration of said term of service on acoount of wounds received in the line of duty, and received One Hundred Dollars Bounty and on more, are now entitled to an extra bounty oi IKNli JIUMJKKU DOLLARS. Widows, Fathers, Mothors, and Minor Children of deooased soldiers who enlisted for throe years, us abovu, and died in the service or from di sease or wounds contracted iu Uie service and Hue of duty, are entitled to Ihe above extra One Hundred Dollars IjTo be obtained upon application in person or ny letter to the .Military and aaval Agency, jto. i.l Walnut street, Philadelphia. JOEPn E. DEVITT A CO. August IS, 1SC8. lm KlUi I.OI IS.l (ailSISKl.i:!!, nillinery tiooda uud Is-msi 'l'riiti. GLOVES, PARASOLS. &c, &c. South side of Market Square. SUNDUUV, Penn'a Has just returned from the cities with a choice selection of seasonable gooda to which the attention of the Ladies Is ruspeutfully solicited. MILLINERY G0O0S ANDDKESS T1UMMINGS Wilh Ueud-Dresses, . , Gloves, . Hosiery, Ribbons, has been carefully selected and will give satisfaction. Miss Shissler has had an experience in tile busi ness that enables her to seleet cowls with an eye to Ihe taste and wishes of her customers, and shebrs a continuance of favore in the future which ahe takea pleasure in acknowledging during tbe paat year. Ladies will And a cboioe slock of every thing in ber line ol business. Sunbury, April 14, 1886. ' NEW SPUING GOODS!! NOW OPEN, A FULL STOCK OF 1ST E "AT 8PBINQ GOODS Consisting of lrHM sUooalat, iu grew, variety, auoh as Delaines, Challios, Ginghams, Crapes, Lawns, lirilliants, eto. Hoop Skirts, Fine "White Goods, in variety. Dress Trimmings, Laces sud Embroideries, VEILS of all descriptions, Gloves, Hosiery, Corsets, Zephyrs, Patent lluir Crimpers, Nock-Ties, aud Notion of al! kinds usually kept in a Fancy Mure. Loekwood'a Paper Collura and Cutis. Stamping and machine stitching dune to order. MAKV L. LAZAKl'S. Two doors west of Win. U. Millor Shoe Store, Sunbury, April ltd, IHlKt. T AD1ES call end see the Hanging BotkeU, urauauuiium xuie n ora iioxes. at LIGHTNER'S Piooure one of BVEULY'S Fin Photograph Pie was at sa auiouui in onnpson s liuilding. To procure a fauiilv roon Phntonraoh. ai to BVKKLY'S Room iuSlmpsoii building up stairs " 1'UOIIIUOTAUY, At th Solicitation of many ef my friends, I bav consented lo be a VOLUNTEER CANDIDATE for tbe oniou ef Prnihonotary ta. Should 1 be eUeled promise to fulbllUie duties of th uifiue impartially, Md Uth. bast ot any .hil,t,buA3 j BauHEB i Sunbory, Jun Snih,la. E jllNE feather Brush,) LIGHTNER'S. PERUVIAN GVAN0 SUBSTITUTE BAUGII'S BONE 8UI'EPII08PHA.TE OF LIME MARK A After more than twelve venrs of oonstant use, this aigniy oonoontratca manure caa auuined a wmo spread reputation as a SUBSTITUTE FOR PERUVIAN GUANO, Being found active In its operation, and of great du Tabihty. It doe not exhaust the anil, bnt on the contrary, permanently improves it. The Inernasing sales annually, ahundantlv nrove lb hiirh nonulur value of this manure, and establish tbe fact of it being relied upon by a wide oirole of agriculturists to supply ll wants in tb direction of manures for every orop. BATTOH &c BOIV8, Sole Manufacturers A Proprietors Office, No. 20 South Delaware Avenue PHILADELPHIA. BAUGH BUOTHEH9 & CO, General Wholesale Agenli, No. 181 Pearl St., Comoro! Cedar. NEW YORK. ' GEORGE DUG DALE, Whuliale Agent fur Marylarul & Virginia, sta. IU3 smith s Wbarr, BALTIMORE, MD. Price 5 per 3000 lbs). Cui.li. Juat Published, the l.'lih cjition of our new pnm- fhlot, "Huw to Maintnin the Fertility of American arms aud Plantation," furnished free upon appli- . v u ,g us Ul uur AgUUlB. BAUGIIA SONS, 20 South Delaware Avenue, Philadelphia. Sold by SMITH A GEXTHER, Suubury. July 28, 1886. ly NEW AND CHEAP GOODS JUST OPENED. KN(EBEL & ROCIilNS. T) ESPECTFULLY inform tho oitiicnB of Sunbury and vicinity, that they have just opened a large atoek of In the atore room lately occupied by Weaver A Fa gcly, opposite the Old Court House. REMEMUER that these Goods have just been fiurehased at reduced prices, and arc sold according y, comprising of IDEVZ- GOODS of every stylo and variety, such as . CLOTHS, CASSIMERES, VESTIXGS, AC. Dress Goods, Prints, Muslins Domestic Goods, Notions, Aj., 4c. GUOCE1UE3, TEA, COFFEE, SL'GAll MOLASSES, &C. Iloiini-Ui'i-piii (iSootlis. Tho attention of tho public ia respectfully inv'ded to tbo advantages offered at this eitublishuient. THE HIGHEST PRICES PAID FOR COUNTRY PRODUCE. Call and examine for yourselves. A U Sunbury, July 21, I860. J.KXiF.BEL, P. KOUUINS. New Spring Styles I ' Ills a:va jvn.-vri:!!. Two tltiors Went of tho Post Office, 7" ESPECTFULLY invites tho attention of the Xb public to her large and varied assortment of Spring & Summer Millinery Goods which she has jusreceived and opened, llnrstock embraces FANCY KESS UOODS, Embroideries, Ciuny Lace, LaceTollars, Linen Collars, Dross Cords, Zephyrs, Muttons, Ao. A fine assortment of ladies' and gents' Itosiory, Glove, Fans, Parasols, llnule Trimminirs. Rilihons. belt Ribbons, Velvet Ribbons. Rraid. Ladies' Neck ties, fancy Kress l;nuihs, Head Dresses, Aa. Irviu's Patent Hair Crimners. Hair Coils. Corsets. ana a large asaorimoiu ol otner articles, too liumc roua to mention. I bave also just received a line lot of Perfumery, auiioi, ouaija. xuom aou jiair jirunnes, so. ANNA PAINTER. Sunbury, April 28, 1866. NEW HARDWARE IRON STORE. fTIHE subscriber having opened in SUNBURY A. Pa., anew large, nnd well nssortod stock of nil kinda of HARD WARE. CUTLERY, COACH WARE SADDLERY, SHOE FINDINGS, IRON. NAILS. c, laid in nt lowest New York and Eastern price which they will be pleased to sell fur Cosh at tbe lowest Easter prices. lutendiug to du business iu the honest principles r ...... i . j ut siuuii nuuu nun iiuiua sale Tor uasn. J. 11. CONLEY' A CO. Sunbury, June 16, 18flti. " l7E would invite th attention of Carpentors to V our large and well aelacted awrttneut of Teoloa, enmprUiug Chisels of all kiuds, Augurs, Planes, Saws, Iron and Steel Suuare. and iu facl every thing wanted tocompleto a full outfit, at the llurdware store of J. II. CONLEY A CO. Willi liiT and Burder in greut variety- new styles Just rooeived at tbe Aiainmoin more oi J. W.FR1L1NG A SON. Sunbury, Oct. 14. 18114. tt.VUIill Ili. assorted Cliarooul Iron at bi ot. lb. t J. U. CONLEY A CO. Sunbury.'Jun 16, Iwtill. lo CiTdltors, 1 T.l. imai.Bs Indebted lo the late Brut of Rohrbach A Cooper, on uota, book aooountor otherwise, aie hereby untitled to make immediate payment if they wish to save ewls, as they will be plaeed in uie nanus o. c HOHRBACH, I.tt. COOPER. Suubury, Juu 16, 1RM. . 10,000 LUs). Noils and Hnikea at $7 2i per kez.atthepew Hardware .More ol Sunbiu2!jJj?J8jJ.??L LATROSE'S Hair Restorative, tb best in us, for sale by LIOHTNER, sole Agent for Sunbury. "FINE Myrtle Pomatum, at th Fancy Store of ' ANNA PAINTER. FOR LIVER COMPLAINT. A SUBSTITUTE SOU CALOMEL our bowela ate costive THY THEM. you have worms, TRY THEM. your breatN ia bad, TRY THEM. f you feel drowsy, TBY THEM. If yna are low apitited, - . TRY THEM. If you have a sick headache, THY THEM. If you have taken drop too mach, TAKE A FULL uuu. They only oust 23 ccnta a box, .,; TRY THEM. Blue Muaa(ud other preparations of Mercury, actually produce more auffernw and death than the diipi.in ulnr h they profeea to cure. And yet this eorroaivo mineral ai dtiiouiiced by the allnpalhiu ditors, is prescribed by them almost universally in Liver Complaint, Consumption of Lungs, Vc. ' THE MANDRAKE PIUS aie composed entirely of roote and hi iha, obtained from tlie great atorehtiuseof Natuie, aud their anlurary (.Tecta will appear aa aoou aa the medicine ia hiouelit to 'the test of a fmr experiment. SCHKMCK'SMANHH AKK I'll.l.S do not pnaluce any nauaca or aiekneaa of the atomaeli but when given for lypepsia, It may he proper to use them in connection with BCUE.NCK'S KKAWF.F.D TONIC. Bv thia jildicioua trnilmeut the diiestive facul ties are aneedilv restored to their full vijrof , and the wurst easea of indigestion may be cured. When we reflect Ihnt the liver ia the largest internal organ of the Dody, that to it ia aMiiaucd the importnnt duty of filtering the blood and preparing the bile, that it ia aulijeet to many diaordera, and that when it is diseased or inactive Ihe whole bedv Buifera aynipathetically, it ia not aurprising tbat a medicine which can restoie the heallliy operntiona of the Liver should produce wonderful ehatiKea iu the general health, and rd'ect curee which may appeal to be almoat mirnculoua. Headache of long con tinuance, aavere pains in ine aiue, oreasr anu snouiuers, aching of the liinha, a feeling nf general weaknesa and wietcliednesa, and other alnnning and distreraiog aymp toms, indicativeof imperfect or disordered action of the liver, are speedily letnoved by the use of SCHENCK'S MANDRAKE I'll,!.?. Coativen"a, piles, bitter or a.'ur eiuctions, and that indescnluilde feeling of oppreasion, mental anxiely, lau gti'rr, lelliuray, and depression ol apirita whicti unfit a man for the inanngeineift of business anil the enjoyment of life, are all relieved by the use uf SCHENCK'S MAN DRAKE PILLS. Dr ciisnck. DenrSii ; I takepleasuie iiiaenrling you a eertiheate in addition to many you have alretidy re ceived from suffering humanity. 1 can- aonrcely find Inn guiiacNairu'ii'ntly strong to expresa my heartfelt gratifica tion of the wondet fill cmea your MANDRAKE FILLS arid SKA WEED TONIC have cfl sctcd in the entire cure of one iif the moat stubborn enara of tlie nrTection of the liver. For tlimo ycaia I autlered beyond deBCtiption all my friends, ua well as myself, came to the conclusion that my time m this life was short, fuch wna the terrible condition to whi?h I wna reduced that life to me hud be come a burthen ; my whole avatein wna in a ebiio of m niiinmalion ; I could nl eat, t could not Bleep j my whole body was filled with naui ; swelling would ariie in my wriata and ankles, rrnilcing them totally useless On seve tnl oceusiirna I was attacked with a lush of blnid to the head, which would fell me to the ground, and I would bo rnmedawny for dead. 1 applied to several eminent physicians of our city, who administered nil llie medicinee that they thought would reach my tune, but of no uvuil. One of them auid he could do no more fur me, nnd ad- . vised me, as a last resort, to drink cod liver oil. Not' relishing the hoirid trneh I declined to trike it. Accident put your ndvettisement in my hauil?. 1 called on you ; you examined me aud told me the nriloie of my disease. You then ordered me the Pills anil Tonic with an olrseiv aiica of diet, pledging Your word Ihnt iu one week I would find myself another man. I followed your advice, and, as you prerbcted, an astonishing cure was ellectcd. I continued your Pills and Tonic foi some time, and now thank God for his goodness, and your valuable medicine, I am once more restored to pcifect health. I most earnestly recommend those who are sufn-ring from ntl'ec tion of the liver to give your Pills and Tonic a fair trial, and a cum will be elfected I have sent ninny peisons lo yon, and they have all been cured. Any information my fellow citizens may require will If freely given by the subscriber, nt his lesulenee, No. t-t'j Federal street, be tween blh atreet uud Pcssvunk road CH A It I.l'.! JOHNSON. Pau Formerly Printers' Ink Manufacturer Pr.CHF.NCK will be piolcFsinnnlly at his principal office, No. r, North fSixth street, corner of Commerce, l'lllI.MHII.I'IIIA, every !iiturdav. from 9 n. in. until 4 p. in ; No. H-2 lloucl street; New York, eveiy Tuesday, flom 7 to .1 ; No. 38 Summer street, iloston, Mima , every Wednesday, from fl to :'t, and ever; other Friday at lnS Ballim ire street. Baltimore, Md. All advice free, hut for a thnrouch exnmluition of the lunga with his Uespi rometer the chnrjre is three d rtlnrs Price of the Pulmonic Svrup and Seaweed Tonic, each 1.50 per Untie, or fa7,fU per huf dozen. Mandrake Pills, 25 cents per box. For sale by nil Druirgists and Dialers. Miiich SI, 1-Od. I,-. New Arrival of SUMMER GOODS! AT THE MAMMOTH STDRE of .1. w. rmi.i.iic. & so, Market Square, near the New Court IIouso JUST OPENED a largo nnd new assortment of GENTLEMEN'S WEAR. Cloths, Cassiincrcs, Cullonadei, Linen Panting, Ao LADIES' DRE.SSG0OD3. Silk, Delaines, Alnpncas, English and Scoloh (iiijrliauis. Challies, Lawns, Annul cs, lirilliunts, Into tioods, Ualicocs, lUufluia. and cvory otber article belonging to the above branch of business. WHITE AND COLOHED FLANNELS Sheetings, Hoop Sk!rts Hosiery and gloves. CARPET A OIL CLOTHS, ijlaswarc, Queenswure, Crockery, Ilavdwara an Cutlery. Iri:;, Oils, 1'itiailM, 4'onl Oil nn 1 I.iiiuim. Fish. Pork, Conrse nnd Fine Suit, Cofieo, Tea, Su gar, Muliies fyrup. Spices, Ac, Groceries. Tobacco, Scgars and Snuff, togtthet with a largo variety of miscellaneous goods ut ricoj that cannot fti.il to satisfy puri'lisse rs. J. W. FRILIXU A SON. Suubury, Juno 2, 16. BOOKS! BOOKS!! rpHE subscriber bes leave to oall the attention of J his customers, and tho community in general, to the fact that be haa now received his seooud lot of IsTES-W GOODS, consisting, in part, of a oomplote line of PAPElt AND ENVELOPES, lllank, School and Juvcnilu Books, Fancy Toi'ct Soaps. Perfumes, Picture Frames, Luvaauu Willow Hauling Baskets, Bird Cages, tin aid uud Nlu nd Uliiases, Fine Vases, Ilundsoiue Glove Joweiry aud Work Oozes. Traveling and other Portfolios, Carved Brackets, Feather Dust Brushes, Bulls, Huts, Fishing Tackle, Toys of all descriptions, a large stock of WALL-PAPER AND BORDER, Window-Blinds, Paper Similes, Coal Oil Lamps and Fixtures, Ao. Thankiul for pust patronage, and hope, by strict attention to buiiness.o -sati isu Jj'Jjj Sunbury, June 9. ISfSO. - BOWMAN & LEONARD, Mr.nufacturerB and WHOLESALE AND HETAIL DEALERS W8ILVBR and f.ww SILVER PLATED ViZ' GOODS. 7Qi Arrla SlrMt, Pliiludc-Ipaala. Those in wantofSilver or Silver Plated Ware will find it much to their advantage by vUiting our Store before making tbeir purchaaua. Our long experi ence in the manufacture of the above kind of good enables ua to defy competition. We keep no good but thuse which are of tb First Clasa. all ot our own make, and will be sold at ledua ed prioes. July Tth, 1866 Iyer JJ AND and Stand Glosses at Liauriun'f. A LL klndsof Hardware, Iron, 4c, not In atore 1. will be sent for and delivered at the lowest prioes by Sunbury, Jan 16, 1866. J.U. CONLEY A CO. 19 you want good Likeness for your friends, go to 8. BYERLY'S Gallery iu Simpson's Building. a TURPENTINE, Coal Oil, Fish OU, Linseed Oil, for sale low for Csab by J.U. ONLEY A CO; rr-iin