1 I , L N. B. EHOLE, J PutMahefn. 8ATUWDAY, SEPTEMBEH 8, 1868. iLOcal affairs;1 : 1 . ' .. ... I t' Job Prlntinir. Having received large supply of NEW JOB TYPE, of various new ntylee, Posters, Handbill, Circulars, Cards, Letter Heads, Dilllieadt, Labels, Ao., ean be printed In the latest ud beet styles, nl on riiort notice. Vrdcr bj mail promptly attended ' ' . yNiW Firm. The partnership borb'ofore ex isting between Salem Kerlin, of the Musle 6tore, iu Selinsgrove, hM been dissolved, Mr. Salem hiving fought the interest of 'hii Into partner. Salom ft Brother are now proprietor! of the establishment. W call attention to the advertliemoat of tbl enter' prliing firm la another column. ,..-- . Kff Public Sale. Onr old friond, Mat. Malone, will ell at pobllo oale in thit place, on Saturday, the 15th Inst., two shanties, it bone and carriage, wa gooa, harness, picki, erowban, shovels, Ae. Bee hii advertisement. '' i "! ly Bask Hall at Miltoh. The Pastime Club, of Turbutville, played gome with the Hand-in-Hand Club, of Milton, at tho latter plaee, on Wednes day ot last week, and wure victorious in a More of 47 to 25. The Turbutville Club has proven itself to be one of the best organisations of the kind in that vicinity, having beaten several clubs reoently. They axe said to be well praetised, and do fine playing. tjpTui Milton Car Faetory at present has a contract for building fifty oil ears for the Empire Transportation Company, of which thoy are required to finish Six a week, besides filling a oontrnot for the Philadelphia ft Erie Railroad. This certainly ex hibits enterprise on the part of the proprietors of the establishment. KSTQoy. Pollock aud " My Polii t." The JUiltonian, of last week, in speaking of a reoent visit of ex-Uovernor Pollock to that place, where he had been spending several days, enjoying Ike eountry air, says, "We have it from good authority that when the Kandal! circular was presented to him for endorsement, he drew a pen over the different inter rogatories and sent it back to the President'! tool Randall." tyTnn Continental Vocalists are now re hearsing at Northumberland, preparatory to their full tour. They expect to give a concert in this place in a few weeks. iy Pirsonal. Major A. Lee, of the 2d U. S. Infantry, is now paying a visit to his native place, Northumberland, after an absence of nearly thirty years. The Major received several wounds during the rebellion, and has been krovetted a Lieutenant Colonel for gallant services in tho field. t5"SuEmrr! Sales. We call attention to the list of sales advertised by Sheriff Weaver in another column.' The sales will take place on Monday, 24th of September. iy John J. Oorger, of Danville, has been engaged as an assistant teacher in the Sunbury Classical In stitute..' Mr. Berger is a yonng man of considerable talent, and is a graduate of the Danville Institute.. 5" Daniel Kohrer, Esq., of MoKeee' i Falls, has been appointed Deputy Collector of V. S. Internal Revenue fur Snyder county, in place of F. Morn, recently deceased. . . fy Til a Concert. Our ettixens should not forget the concert to be given in the old Court House Ibis (Friday) evening, and also on Saturday evening, for the bcuefit of the Soldiers' Monument Fund of Co. "C," 47th Pa. Veteran Volunteers.. The performers are all well known in this place, and have on several occasions given entertainments which wcro highly appreciated. The object for which tho concert is given is commendable, and the house should be crowded on both evenings. Tickets, 25 cents ; re served seats, 50 cents. ty To Officeiis or Tn V. 8. Volunteer Army. All volunteer officers who served in the bite war, below the rank of Brigadier Ucneral, who ware in service until the close of the rebellion, were enti tled to receive, upon being mustered out of service, three months' pay proper, according to an act of Congress, approved March 3d, 1805." Lloyd T. Kohrkach, Attorney at Law, solicits the collection of these claims, and having tho necessary blanks for the purpose, will givo prompt attention to all claims of this character. Sec his announcement in another column. Ijp Good ron NoRiiit untnLAND, A Club, com posed of persons who are favorable to the olection of Mnj. Gen. Geary, the Union candidate for Gover nor, wns organized iu Northumberland on Friday evening Inst. Some sixty names were enrolled. Northumberland promises to do well at the coming cleotion, aud we bear gratifying reports of tho pro gress of the cause in that place. We are assured that an iuoreased Union vote will be east for the gallant Qatar. The following are the officer of President Capt. James D. Slater. ' Vice President Lieut. S. W. Marshall. Secretary and Treosruer Sergt. Jus. C. Wright. fy Thi Northumbehlanu Coi'ntt Aorici'L tubal Exhibition. The premium list for the thir teenth annual fair of Northumberland county, which will be held at Milton on Wednesday, Thursday and Friday, tho 19th, 20th and 21st days of September, bos been published. If the weather should prove unfavorable on the first day of the fuir, it will be postponed until the first pleasant day thereafter' and will continue open fur three successive days. The committee of arrangements, who are to see te tha erection of the necessary buildings for the fair, are Frederick Wilbclm, Dr. James McCleery and Dr. Thomas Meckley. Uen. D. C. Watson WU1 act as marshal of the fair grounds. The agricultural address will be dolivered by S. P. Wolverton, Esq., of Sunbury, on the second day of the fair, at one o'clock, P, M. Among tha list of judges appointed ere see tha names of quite a number from this place and immediate vicinity. ' ' ,' . ; " fy SuAUOKia Items. We taka the following Items iroin mo xicaaiu, pi im weva ;-va tut -jVednedaT evening a spark from a passing looomo. firo to the roof of Mr, Bittenbender'f ear iiv " """'w- ---"nvered before the ebon. Fortunately tne nrewu u-w . flames had gained any headway, and was promptly put out. We are glad that we were thus saved front a fire that would bare been not only a serious lost to the proprietor, but to tha community, as bis shops are filled with patterns of tbe various kinds of ma chinery In this region, that oould not be replaced In years. "Notwithstanding the high price of material and labor, the number of houses being built and repaired this season is veiy great. We are glad to tee, too( that a greater degree of taste is manifested In the .outside appearanoe of some of the dwellings, though many are put bp In b old style, without a single effort to make them peat, attractive, or convenient. We are also pained to tea to much indiffereno to naintina- and whitewashing; feneea and butbuitdr ingt in to many InsUnoet look as If they bad ne .n.r This blaek. dingy, and anpaintod kk dor traoti much from tha aharaater of the towu in tha eyes of strangers. ' A number of uusiaoiiai adifioe are Ineourta af erection." These wUI cer tainly set a good aam le, and add greatly to the .ppuranee of the streaW 1"'1 ' ' 'W war shewn, few day ago, by. V Bobbins, a ballot that had heea Bred into his house by a part, of young fellows who were aaolly praeU. aing mark on tha fat, just below bis bona, and rlgb. ' In the eentre of tha Borough liuiiu. . Xb bail passed through tha window, eama within an inch to of hit wila'i fan., 4 struck the marble top of a table ; with to nth force as to greatly tattan It. ach practical art not only Insolation ef all taw but bow wanton aareletsnest that it most shameful, lyDAB CisTRLLo't Grbat Bbow Mr, Dan Castello, who la rapidly acquiring tbe reputation of being tho lading snowmen, of America, will visit Sunbcry on Wednesday, tho 12th of September. From what era nan learn frs our xokanges this establishment )t oaa of uncommon merit and attrac tiveness, far superior to any Of those that bar pre coded H." ' Mr. Castello' Is personally a Very elever (In an English sense) person, playing down In a Iruty delectable ttyle. '' HI Marie are fresh, pithy, and tellingthat tort of rtdurcht anecdotes that intelligent people love to lUten to, and that appreola tire person ean ;augh at. He, hat better trained horses than bar ever been brought Into the arena, The Russian horse "Csar" Is admitted by all judgr to be tha most beaut iful, docile and intelligent equine ever seen, Mr.' C. ft alto a wonderful lea per, throw ing, during the tatottttt leapt, a flying straight torn ersault over a herd of ten horses, . Of the performances of Berr Lenget and the lions, we must refer to (he bill. ' In regard to the oompa ny, we shall recommend the tamo thing. 1 The street parade deeervet more of an extended notice. A number of knights, clad lri Veal steel armor, ladies in regal aostnmet, a superb oornet band, Queen AnBe's Carriage of State, (the real thing,) the Uolden Car of the Muses, the Zouaves, tbe colossal lion den, and the array of blooded horses, ponies and mulct, will constitute the pageant that will move through tho streets of Sunbury on Wednesday morning, 12th instant, . iy Bask Ball. A match game between the M'Laughlln Club, of Lewisburg, and the Susque hanna Club, of this place, was played on the grounds of the latter, on Thursday of last week, in which the latter wore beaten by 3 runt. Tbe following it the score t . t , .' i , i . M'LACOilMN. f Bt!SqfEDANNA. 0. 4 3 . O. Petorman, 2d b. 4 Newberry. P. Brooks, e. McDonald, 1. 1, Wolf, 1st b. Mirick, c. f. Kincade. p. Krone, 2d b. Dewart, s. t. ,Welker, I. f. Fautt, r. f. 'Han-Is, 1st b. Ilfower, e. f. Fiohtborn, 3d b. Ammons, 1. f. Harvey r. f. McConkey, MoCausland, 3d b. 3 Total, 27 3D Total, - 27 30 INNING. 2. S. 4. &. . T. 8. 9. . & 9 12 5-39 3 4 8-8 130 M'Laughlin, ( 3 6 , 0 8 Susquehanna) , 0 T f 6 Home Runs M'Laughlin, 1 Susquehanna, I . Fly Catches M'Laughlin, 6 ; Susquehanna, 8. rassuaiis an iauguun, io: nuaiuenanna, 7. Umnire Jos. Malone. of liultv Base Ball Club. Philadelphia. Morcrs Messrs. Kcber and liarbaugb. Time of Game Three hours and 30 minute. We have been requested by tho Secretary ol the Susquehanna Club, Mr. J. McConkey, to announoe that the monthly meeting of the club will be held in the depot building of the P. A E R. R. Co., on next Friday evening, at 7 o'clock. The member are requested to be present. ty Sport Ahead. Tho law prohibiting the kil ling of squirrels, partridges and other game, goes out of foroe from and afttr Friday, 31st ult., for the present year, (lame seems to be very abundant this season. , y"STnAWs Snow' wn way tub ,WiNn Blows." On the morning train, going from Sunbury to Unrrisburg, on Monday last, a vote was taken expressive of the passengers' preferences for Gov ernor, wbloh resulted as follows : Geary, 71 Clyinor, 26 We may add that the votes of the masses will be cast in abont the same proportion, on tho second Tuesday of October next. BUSINESS NOTICES, ty Like Insurance. " I oaonutafTord to insure my life" is too often the objection. But Forty-Five Cents a Week will insure $1000 on tbe life of a man aged 30. Is tbe ultimate fate of your wife and family a matter of such perfeot Indif ference to you as not to call for a sacrifice amounting to even lest than half a dollar a week T And if, with your present ineome, you are unable to make such provision for tbem, how will thoy bear the double bereavement when left without you and without your ineome ? Jacob Suipmax, Life Inturann Agent, Sun bury, Pa, jy To Claim Aqent. Blanks for tbe collec tion of '-Claims of Private Soldiers and Non-Com-missloned Officers," under the late Act of. Congress, equalising bounties, have been printed and are now fur sale at the Ameiiican office. We kocp on hand a full supply of all kinds of military blanks, whioh we sell very cheap. Thoy are copied from blanks prepared in the Departments at Washington, and can be relied on for correctness. Orders from a dis tance will receive prompt attention. ii i j . i iw Tns health of Sunbury and vicinity has been very good the past summer, when oouipsred with auiue previous seasons. Many reasons have been assigned as the cause, the most important one of which is that Wm. II. Millor, of the Excelsior Boot and Shoe Store, Market street, sold boots and shoes of the best quality so cheap that everybody bought aud wore them, thereby preserving their health. A full assortment, of the same kind of material, is con stantly kept on hand at Miller's. ty Mkbcke A Bho., 804 Arch Street, Philadel phia, dealers In Berlin Zephyrs, Domestic Zephyrs, etc., etc., offer great inducements to the trade. Head their advertisement in this issue ty Byerly'i Photographs. If any of our leaders should desire to see a splendid collection of pictures, they should go to Byerly's Gallery, in Simson's building, Market street. Hit specimens are all taken by himself, and be is ready at any time to produce tbeir equal for all who may desire au excellent likoncas. .-, tyUoiNO to RiiN, A .young lad. recently ran away from heme and went to a tavern, where he was found by a friend, with a cigar in hit mouth. 'What madeyou leavohoiae T" said his friend. "Oh confound it,", said he, ""father and mother' were so saucy, I couldn't stand it any longer, and I quit 'em." The lad would not have left home if hit parents nau supplied nlm wit) l suit of new clothes from those beautiful patrsrosof Cassttnere and other goods, for saea and toys' wear, and whieh are made up into suits at the tailoring establishment of John E Smiek, on Fourth street., ' . ty On ! how pleasing it it for people to know that at tbe Continental Clothing Baiaar, Market street, Sunbury, Jleady-Madt Clothing of ovary descrip tor is sold at price that surprise and astonish the All are Invited to call and see for nr Left ron Cadsb. A young, buxom, beauti ful and sensible wife but reoently married very jpmpt1y' Je.fVthebt4 end board of bar lege lord and matter, upon learning that bit wedding tuu) wsa not purchased at tha fashionable tailoring esUblwh ment of Jacob O. Beck, an Fourth street, In this plaee. ' She thought there wu soma deficiency in the fellow' "get up" all tbe time, and now wonder that aba was so stupid at not to find out tho difficulty before. Young nea who contemplate matrimony will doubtless takt the bint. t , t ; i . j ' iyD. Ur Da Gaarr.-'-Thlseelebrated surgeon will be at tha Washington Bout, In Ibis place, tor a few weeks. Tha Doctor it well known bora,' and wiI. no doubt, bare many eases brought before bit, i . i t i . . ii ..j i 1 1; i From -Hob Hugh t'OiUUtoh, .eoorotary or th Treaaury, -"Waahington,, P. O. '! " Vour College not only pos sesse la an amiaant degree tha aonldenea of Aha aosansanity, but is patnaalaH by ill beat oiiisent.: flespeetfully, i m i : f . - ,. Huo M'Collocb. To'M'i.'FBANciaco, Principal Peon'a College of Trade and Finauce. , , . , ' Notb. Thit popular Col log e will aand free to any address, samples of Green back's penmanship. Ac., with a copy of Ttu AVysKiNt, ooataiuing full par ticulars., Addret. . , Bryaut, e'tbatton A Fbabcibco, , . ilarrisburg,ra. themselves, ' ,.' . - (rrt "ft'- 1 ' i ": --., " i ' ' CorVactod Weakly tot tha A.ihrloaii' Wheat Flour, 'extra family, per barrel, lit 00 , T SO 10 00 ! M mo - . ae i - ae . - ae , per owt, Ry Flour. per bbl. - do I n X r K Wheat, prime rod Rye, r i Corn, J, , Potatoes. . ' ' I per ewt. ; , , per bushel, do' i .;;!" do , . do , ' . "' 'do' ' M 00 0 60 15 Dried Peaches, pared per pound 40 do do unnared dc 25 SO 1 0 40 Dried Applet, - do Dried Cherries, (una toned,) per bu Butter, per pound. ' Eggs, Cheese, i Lard, Hams, - per doaen, per pound, do ' i-'i i. do ; do do ' do v . per pair 24 ) li. ' 26 28 28 'I I- Shoulders. 25 18 15 18 00 ! Beef, hind quarter, " front " Mutton, Chiokens, , . . Sltamoklm Coal 1'rndc. .f., . bbamokib, Sept. 4, 18M. "tiili Sepl, Tont.Cirt. '( fieni for 'week 16.107 18 368.04T 01 Per last report; ; 184,056 DO 260,352 05 To sam time last year, . k r r -v- . Iaoroata, j. . V in,; ,702 15 Special STotitt. ty Us ROJ1RKR S Exptctoral WILD CHERRY IONIC as prevention and cure for Asiatic Cholera. For diseases of the Chest, Liver, Kidneys, Stomach and Bowels, and as a Blood purifier it has no equal. Sold at the Continental, Uirard, La Pierre, Wash ington, St. Lawrenooand Merchants. Philadelphia. Monongahela and St. Charles, Pittsburg. By the principal Hotels and Druggists generally. J. ROH RER, Sole Proprietor, Lancaster, Pa. fieptcmbor 1, KW6. 4t Scorbutic diseases are tho parent stock from which arises a large proportion of the fatal maladies that afflict mankind. Thoy are as it were a species of potato rot in the human constitution, which undermines and corrupts all tho sources of its vitality and hastens its decay.' They nre tho germ from which spring Consumption, Rheumatism, Henrt Disease; Liver Complaints, and Erup- tivo Diseases, which will be recognized as among those most fatal and destructive to the races of men. Bo dreadful ore its con. sequences to human life, that it is hardly possible to over estimate the importance of an actual, reliable remedy, that can sweep out this Scrofulous contamination. We know then we shall proclaim welcome new to our readers of one from sucb a quarter as will leave littlo doubt of its efficacy and still more welcome, when we tell them that it surely does accomplish the end desired. We mean Ayku's "Sorsnparilla," and it is certainly worthy the attention of those who are afflicted with Scrofulu or Scrofulous com pluints. Register, Albany, N. Y. Lvxcry HAS" its Cheat Staples. riia- lon's "Night-Blooming Circus" is one of them. It is as saleuble as bread as current as coin.' Fashionable Bticiety endorses it. The people approve it. It ling no equal, and, save the cliurlutans who try in vain to imi tate it, no enemies. Sold everywhere. An Agkeeaiii.e Present. We were sur prised the other day by very acceptable present of a bottlo of excellent and luscious wine from Mr. A. Speer, of New Jersey. On first tasting it we believed wo were imbibing some choice old Port, not dreaming thut a wine so rare and delicious could be raised in this country. For our part, we shall drink no more foreign wines w hile America pro duces no article so excellent ns tho Samburg Port wine, and flutter ourselves thut our readers will agree with us when they have becomu acquainted with it. Sold by W. A. Bennett. "DON'T BE FOOLISH." You can make Sis Dollars from Fifty Cents. Cull and ex amine un invention urgently needed by every body. Or a sample sent free by mnil for 50 cent a thut retails easily for ifU, bv li. L. WOLCOTT. 170 Chatham Square, N Y. Sept. 16, 1885. ly. X4 II! irt ll ! ITCH ! SCRATCH ! SCRATCH ! SCRATCH ! WHATON'S OINTMENT Will Cure the Itch la 4 Uoura. Also cures SALT RHEUM, ULCERS, CHIL BLA1NS, and all ERUPTIONS OF 1HE SKIN. Price SO cents. For tale by the druggists. By send ing 60 oents to WEEKS A POTTER, Sole Agents, 170 Washington street, Boston, it will be forwarded by mail, tree hi postage, to any part of tbe United States. Je 23 '6-y WLIttker ! YblUerti ! ! ; Dr. L. O. Montbx' Corrolia, the greatcet stimu lator In tho world, will force Whiskers or Mustaches to grow on tbe smoothest lace or ehin ; never known to fail , sample for trial sent free to any one desirous of testing its merits. Address, Rbbves A Co., 78 Nassau St., N. Y. jeSO 3m The CoisfeMKlon und Itxperient'e Or AM INVALID. Published for the benefit and as a eaution to young men and other, who suffer from Nervous Debility, Premature Decay of Manhood, Ac, supplying at the tame timo the meant of eolf-cure. t By one who nus cured himself after undergoing considerable quack ery. By enclosing a post-paid addressed envelope, single copies, tree of charge may be had of tho au thor. ' - : ' - NATHANIEL MAYFAIR. Esa .BrooVlvn. Klmrt Co, N. Y. , ,, January 27, 1866 ly. , . Deafkiesnt, Itllntlneaa aand Catarrh, ' Treated with the utmost suoeess by Dr. J. ISAACS Oculist and Aurist, (foimerly of Leiden, Holland,) Ne. 610 Pino street.-. Philadelphia, Testimonials from tbe most reliable souroea in the City aud Coun try ean be seen at his office. The medical faculty are invited to accompany their patients, as he hat no se crets in hit praotict. Artificial Eyes, inserted with out pain. No charge made for examination. July il, 1865. ly . - . LOVE AD KIATKIMOY. , Ladies and gentlemen, if yon wish to marry, ad dress th undersigned, who will tend you, without money and without price, valuable Information that will enable you to marry nappily and speedily, ir respective ef age, wealth, or beauty. Thit Informa tion will eoat yon nothing, and If yea wish to marry, 1 win enoertuiiy aasun you. All letter nriouy eon-fijetrrHii.-Tbe desired' information aent-ty-fCturB mail, and ne reward asked. Address BAR AH U. LAMBERT ' Ureeopoiut, Kings Co., New York. ! June 9, 1866. Sot ' 7 ,. , T CioaatauipllTe The advertiser, having been restored to health In a few weeks by a vary simple remedy, after having suffered for sevsral year with a severe lung affection and that dread disease, Consumption Is anxious to make known to hi fellow sufferer th meant of sure, .i :'! .. I To all who desir it, ha will tend a oopy of tho prescription used (free of charge), with th dire tion for preparing and. ating the tana, whieh they will find a tuna Ouna ibr Vobsubptiob, Aitmba, Bbobcbitis, Codobb, Colo, and all Throat and Lang Affections, i The ealy object oi the advertise la Banding tha prescription it to benefit tha afflicted and spread hi formation whioh b eoneoive to be in valuable, and ha hope every taOorer will try hi remedy, at it will tost the aolhUig, and may prove ablsatiBg. u -" ' ' Partis wishing tho' prescription, ran, by return mail, please address .,..,. , Rbv, EDWARD WILSOK, , ; .. Wllliamsburgh, Kings Co , Mew York. January II, Woo ly. , , . (ALL and tee those beautiful Bird Cage at tha V Bew Hardware stare el - - ' . - J. H. CONLIY CO NEWfADVERTISEMENTS. STOP & LOOK AT THIS ! CAPITA! tjlOO.OOO. Iratsortaat to all Owners or 1,1 vo ii Im-ih . i Hlock, v. TnK UREAT EASTERN DETECTIVE HORSE lnsuranee .Company, chartered Maroh 12, 'AO, by ibe State of Pennsylvania, Insures, HORSES, MULES AND CATTLE, against lost by theft, death by fire, accident or ditoase. ' Office i 108 South Fourth Street, Ph'dml., Pa President : Col Charles Fralley ; Vioe President, D L. Esterly! Secretary, Dr. B. Becker; Ueneral Agent, P. Haffa, Reference, by permission, to tbe following gentle men; Hon. Rimon Cameron, Harriaburg, Pa.; Burd Patterson, Esq., Pottaville, Pa.; Uen Joseph LStich ter, Hardware Merchant, Reading, Pa; lr John tilonlnger. President Lebanon Bank ; L Vt'hilney, Banker, Pottsville. ' Our rate are lower than tny other Insurance Com pany, while they insure against one risk, We insure against all risk. Agent wanted in every oounty in the State, iu kk..i :n:--t : -. : , ISAIAH 8, OOSSLER, -- Assistant General Agent, Sunbury, Pa. , Auguatl8, 1806 3m .,. -t,. . : (., , -.,!:. 5iS.r:, ': HOOP SKIUT8 ' T ' 028. HOPltIH',S "OWN MAKE.". , j ....! Xer Fall Btylen I . Are In every respect First Clnrn, and embrace a a complete assortment for Ladies. Missos and child ren, of the Newest styles, every Length and Sizes of Waist. OUR SKIRTS, wherever known, are more univer sally popular than any other before tho public They retain their shape better, are lighter, more elastie, more durable, and realy Cheaper, than any other UoofMkirl in the market. The springs and fastenings are warranted perfeot. Every Lady should Try Tbem ! They are now being extensively told by Merchants, throughout the Country, and at Whole tale A Retail, at Manufactory and Sales Room. No. 628 ARCH Streot, below 7th., Philadelphia. Ask for IIOPKIN'S "own make," buy no other ! CAUTION, None genuine unless stamped on each Fid Pad "Hopkln'a Hoop Skirt Manufactory, No. 628 Arch street, Philadelphia." Also, Constantly on band full line of New York made Skirts, at very low prices. Terms Net Cash. . One Prioe Only. Sept. 1, 1 806. 4m 'taLTjrjfi'rmr-'Saroa THE following persons are entitled to receive an increase of Bounty under the Act of Congress passed July 1866, to eqnalixe Bounties. 1st All soldiers who enlisted after the 19th day of April, 1861, lor 8 years, and served their time of enlistment and have been honorably discharged, and have received or are entitled to receive a Bounty of 9100, are entitled an additional Bounty of glOO. 2d All tuob soldier who enlisted for S years, and have been honorably discharged on account of wounds received in the line of duty, are entitled to an additional Bounty of $100. 3d Tbe Widow. Minor Children, or Parents of such soldiers who died in the service of wounds or disease, are enuuea w an aauiuonai uouoiy or aioo. : By application to 8. P. WOLVERTON. Em., of Subbubt, Pennsylvania, who is an authorised Claim Agent, til tueh claimt ean be speedily oolloctcd. Sunbury, August 4, 1866. tf BOUNTY TOE S0LDIEBS. I HAVE made arrangements in Washington City, for the prompt collection of Bonnty under the late Act of Congress. I have also received tbe pro por blanks to prepare the claims. Soldiers entitled to this Bounty should apply immediately, as it is es timated that it will require three years to adjust all the claims. All soldiers who enlisted for three yoars and who have not received more than $100 bounty are entitled to the benefits of this Act, as well as soldiers who have enlisted for three years and discharged after a service of two years, by reason of wouuda received, disease eontractod in line ofduty, or re-enlistment. LLOYD T. ROHRUACH. Sunbury, August 18, I860. Houallcti Collected. - O.W. HAUPT, Attorney at Law, Sunbury, Pa, offers his professional services for tbe collection cf bounties due to soldiers under the late Equalization Act passed by Congress. As an authorized claim agent he wilt promptly oolleot all Bounties, Pensions and Gratuities due to soldiers of the late war, or tho war of 1812. Sunbury, August 18, J866. - Adsnlniatrator'isAotice. NOTICE Is hereby given, that letters of adminis tration havine been erantod to Ibe uudersiirued. ou the estate of John Kohl, late of Lower Mahonny t i. : x- i i i i . . , , tv-iini,),, .iviiuuuiuciiBim voumy. i a., aeceasctl. All persons indebted to said estate are requested to make immediate paymcut, and those bating oluima to present them duly aulbontioated for scttloment. JAMES KOHL, HENRY KOHL, LwMahonoy twpAug.18, '00. Adm'rs. : Auditor' Notice. THE undersigned Auditor appointed by the Or phans' Court for Northumberland oounty to ex amine and restate the account of Peter I). Master, one of the Executors of Henry Mnsser doceascd, will at tend to the duties of his appointment at his office, in the Borough of Sunbury, on Saturday the loth d.iy of September next at 10 o'clock A. M. 6. B. BOYER, Auditor. August 25, 1868 3t EXTRA MOC.VrY TO SOLDIERS ! WIDOWS! FATHERS ! MOTHERS! AND MINOR CHILDREN ! Bounty Bill just passed gives all soldiers who en listed for three years, siuce April 19, 18ill, and served their full term of servioe, or were discharged before the expiration of said term of service on account of wounds reoeived in the line of duty, and received One Hundred Dollars Bounty and no more, are now entitled to an extra bounty of ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS. Widows, Fathers, Mothers, and Minor Children of deceased soldiers who enlisted fur three years, as above, and died in tbe servioe or from di sease or wounds contracted in the service and line of duty, are entitled to the above extra One Hundred Dollars . (jtTo be obtained upon application in person or by letter to tbe Military and Naval Agency, No. 427 Walnut street, Philadelphia. JOSEPH E. DEVITT A CO. August 18, 1806. in .11 Ua LOCI MA KlllSKI.i:it, .tlllliaery Uood nud Urea 'I'rlisu uinga, Head lreis, GLOVES, PAHASOLS, ifcc, &c, South side of Market Square. 8UNBURY, Penn'a . Has just returned from the eitios with a ehoioe selection of seasonable goods to which the attention of the Ladies it respectfully solicited. MILLINERY GOOOS AND DRESS TR1MMINU3 With Head-Dresjes, ' - Gloves, Hosiery, Ribbons, ' baa been carefully selected and wilt give tatisfaetion. Miss Shiasler hat had aa experience in tbe bus! nets that enables her 10 select goods with an eye to the taste and wishes of ber customers, and she begs a eoittinuanoe of favors io the future which she tnket Eleasure in acknowledging during tbe past year, adios will find a ohoiea stuck of every thing in her line of business. - , .Sunbury, April 14, 1869. EXTRA PENSION ' TO WID0W8. EXTRA PENSION TO WIDOW8- Widowt are now entitled to an Increosed Pension of $2 per month for each child ol tha soldier nader 10 years or age. To be obtained upon application in person or by letter, to tb Military and Naval Agenoy, No. 427 Walnut street. Philadelphia. JUStril JS. VH V ITT A CO. August 18. 1866 lm Evocator's? Notice, Etfate of .Philip JJrymirt. defeated. NOTICE is hereby given that letters testamcnta rv have been irranted ta tha n n,l .r.i E.n.,.1 n the estate of Philip Brymire, lata of the borough of Sunbury, Nortlmaiberlaiid eoanty, Pa., deceased. All persons inaeniea lo-taia aula la are requssted to snake immediate payment, and those having claims to present them duly authenticated for settlement. WM. M ROCKEFELLER, Ex'tr. Dunoury, ssagast , seoo. s EQUALIZATION OF BOUNTIES. X. XX. EASE, At tor a t tat I-sim ( Mustbary, ln. TB duly authorised and Licensed bv the Govern. I stent to eolleet all Military Claims against the United btatet. ilounty money due soldiers uuder the lata Equalisation Aot of Congrats, and all mili tary claims against tha titate, due soldier of 1812, for Pension and (iratuity. Claim da soldiers of tb Pennsylvania Reserve Corps from enlistment to the data of muster, promptly collected. Sunbury, August, 18tX. I t0 AAA A YsVAH made by aay ana with O.vUv fl-tenail Tool. No experience neoeatary. Ibe rreoideait, uasniera aua treasurers of I Banks lad one th eiruular. Sent free with sam Diet. Address SUneU Tool Work, Springfield, Vermont. Jaly IM, 1868. m. ' ' Cssli1 Caah ! I ' Caafc ! ! ! , wanted In exchange fur all kinds ol Hard ware. Irons, Nails, A., at the new Hardware Store of J. H. CONLEY A CO, , Suabery, Jane 18, 1868. ; t r , j f (3TWmWAtUB:9 ' Sheet Iron and Stove Markot ttreot, near Kngel't Storo, SUNBURY, PA. A N immonse stock of every kind of Tin Waro. 1 .,1 . Mr - i. . , .. anu ouoei iron n are oi an uosoripiion. . S TOVSS, COOK, OFFICE ana PARLOR STOVES of the best Brands whioh are unsurpassed for beauty of finish, simplicity of arrangement, oombining oheapness and durability and each stove warranted to perform what they are represented. Coal Oil, Coal OH Iampa, Ijintrrns, Shades, Chlrany, and all artioles usually kept in an eetablisbmentof this kind. COPPER, BRASS and IRON KETTLES, of all tuns. FRUIT JARS and CANS of th latest Improved Style. . . . .. .,. , ;, , lie is also prepared to do all kinds of Spouting and Roofing. Range and Furnace ' ,'ork. Repairing, cheaply and neatly executed. ... . . ben zetelmoyer.; , Sunbury, July T, 1886. ly GREATEST ""lM VENT10N SIXcFtHE SEWING MACHINE. . : . TAW UAANlli:i:K H . SASH 8IOJPER AND LOCK. Simplicity, Durability, Convenience, Comfort and Socuiity, combined with Economy THE STOPPER AND LOCK supports either sash at any point. 1 It can be applied to any window in a few minutos. It does not intcrtcre in taking out a lash. It is not affected by any jarring action, and pre vents the rattling of sash. It is self-acting in all its work, and makes it im possible to forget to lock tbe window. It allows proper ventilation without leaving the window unlocked. It acts by gravity hot no tpring and can nover get out of order. It doet not wear out, but will last while the bouse stands -, Windows that have only one sash moveable, may be changed, so as to move both, at a trilling expense. Stopper and Lock, One Iollar Complete. It must come into general use for it radical ad vantage, as a Self-Aoting, Burglar-Proof Look and Ventilator. For Rnilway Cars, Steamboats, etc., it is perfeot, and, in faet, the thing long nought. , It is emphatically just what everybody wants, and everybody can have. The demand must be unlimi ted. Capitalists, Manufacturers, Builders, and men looking for business, are iuvited to coll on the sub scriber and exomino it. . JACOB WILVER, Jr., July 21, I860. 6m Sunbury, Pa. NEW MUSIC STORE. Cull at our New Musio Store in SEX,IJSrS OROVE, and buy one of Haibes Brother's New iScnlo . Piano Fortes. Every instrument is Warranted for five years. We also keep constantly on hand a good stock of tho oelcbrated PELOUltETS MELODEONS, CABI NET and CHURCH ORGANS, and challenge others to sell cheaper than wo are selling. Wo also keen all kinds of Musical Merchandize, and receive all tho latest musio as soon at published. A liberal discount to teachers of Schools and Semi naries jf Second hai.d instruments taken in oxchango for new ones. Pianos oorrcclly turned and repaired. Send for Circular. SALEM A BROTHER. Selinsgrore, Snyder eo., Pa., July 28, 1806. ly 1I10'1'KAI1I1;. E. H . T. ANTHONY & CO., Manufacturers of l'lirtiigraBic Materials, Wl.olesale and Retuil, SOI UltOADWAY, New York. In addition tnour mum buiiness of Photograph Ic M ate rials we are Headquarters for the following, viz. . STKKKOSCOI'KS A 8TERKSCOPIC VIEWS Of Americas and Foreign Cities and Landscapes, Gro ups eUatusry, etc. BTKRKO&COI'IC VIF.W8 OF THE WAR, From nt-tilives made m the various campaigns and forming a complete Fhotogtaphic hisuiry of lite greut con test. STEREOSCOPIC VIEWS ON GLASS, Adapted for eiruer the Magic Lantern or the Slerettscnpic. Our Culakigue will be seut to any uddicss on receipt of etaiiii. PHOTOGRAPHIC A I, HUMS We manufacture more largely th any other h'.use, about SiKI varieties, fmin SO cents to .VI each Our Al liums having the repunuiiNi of being superior in beauty and durability to any others. Cibd PHoroGSAms or Obkxkals, Statkshim, Across, Etc., Etc Our Catalogue embraces over Five Thousand different subjects, including reproductions of the most celebfated Engravings, Paintings, ftatuea, etc. Catalogues sent on receipt of stamp. Photographers and others ordeiing goods C. O. D., will plense remit 44 per cent of the amount with their order. r"l'ht prices aud quality of our goods cannot full to satisfy, JutySl.lSOi Cm '' TMNE Feather Uruahos. at 11 LIOIITNER'S. FINE Myrtle Pomatum, at the Fancy Store of ANNA PAINTER. NEW SPRING GOODS!! NOW OPEN, , 1 A FULL STOCK OF NEW SPRING OOOX3S Consisting of lsreaw dieods, in great variety, auoh as Delaines, Challiot, Uiughamt, Crapes, Lawns, Brilliants, Ae. Hoop Skirts, Fine White Goods, in variety. , Dress Trimmings, I, aces and Embroideries, VEILS of all descriptions, ti loves. Hosiery, Corsets, Zephyrs, f Htent llair Urinipors, Aeca-ties, anu motions ol all kinds usually kept in a Fancy Store. Lockwood's Paper Collars and Cuffs. Stamping and machiue stitching done to order. MARY L. LAZARl'8, Two doora west of Wm. H. Miller Shoe fe'tore. Sunbur , April 28, 1866. LADIES O.M1 and see tbe Hanging Baskeui, Brackets and Fine Work Boxes, at , LIUHTNER S Procure one oT BYERLY'S Fine Photograph Pic tures at bis Rooms in Simpson's Building. To procure a family croup Photograph, go to BYERLY'S Room in Simpson s Building up tUtirt PHOTIIOXOTAttY.' At th solicitation of many of my friends, I have consented to be a VOLUNTEER CANDIDATE for the office of Proibonotary Ae. Should 1 be eleeled, I promise to fulfill the duties of the cQioe impartially, and to th beet of my ability. CHAS. J. BRUNER. Sunbury ,Ju neS0th,lb66. SPUING AND SUMMEB Millinery Goods, : Just opening at the Millinery Store of Miss M.I. QUjSSLER Fawn Btreet, below th Railroad, UNO URT, PA., Such aa ram matt a-9 'imh89 SHAKERS, Dross-Trimming, Uead-Drosae, Gloves, ' Uotiery, Ribbona, Flower, Collar, Handker chiefs, Ac, Ac, which have been carefully selected. The attention of the Ladies is solicited to her large assortment or the latest stylus of BONNETS, which live satisfaction to all. Call and examine tor yourselves. No trouble to Sunbury, April II, 18M. " 1 LADIES' OLOVE KID BOOTS, at - BOOTS AND ttllOES, FOR MEN, WOMsIn,' AND run ntik w u, ' iu ..j i- BHOEB OF EVEKVlDECRIPTION. at 1 - - ' TCE CREAM FREEZERS and Haley's Patent A. Vlolba Wringers, for sat ny . B. tETELMOTER i Sanbory, July T, 186A. ' - . TUmtw, Olaie, PuUy, Whit Lead, Vanishes. X 4e. Kvarytbiug that Paiatert at aa Babeard of nrioe a w itataaar OUre ot. w T,H. CONLEY A CO, Sunbury, June IS, 1868. ; PERUVIAIT QTJAH0 SUBSTITUTE ' BAUGII'S HAW BONE SUPERPHOSPHATE OP LIME. After more than twelve year of oonstant nse, this nigoiy eoncenirniea manure nat attained a wide spread reputation at a SUBSTITUTE FOR PERUVIAN GUANO, Being found active in its operation, and of groat du rability. It docs not exhaust tho soil, but on the contrary, permanently improves it. The increasing salet annually, abundantly prove the high popular value of this manure, and establish the fuot of its being relied upon by a wide circle of agriculturists to supply all wants in tbe direction of manure for every orop. S SONS, SlM,fM,m ft Proprietors, Office, No. 20 South Delaware Avenue, PUILADELFHM. OA UGH BOOTH EI3 & CO, General Wholetale Agents, No. 181 Pearl til., corner ol Cedar. NEW YORK. GEOOGE DUG DALE, Wholetale Agent for Maryland & Virginia, No. 105 Smith's Wharf, BALTIMORE, MD. Price gSO per SOOO Ibis. Cui.Ii. Just Published, the 13th edition of our now pam phlet, "How to Maintain the Fertility of American tarms and Plantations, " furnishod free upon appli cation to us or our Agents. BAUGH A SONS, 20 South Delaware Avenue, Philadelphia. Sold by SMITH A GENTHER, Sunbury. July 28, 18tttS. ly ' NEWAND CHEAP GOODS JTJST OPENED. KNOEL & BOBBINS. RESTECTFULLY inform the citizens of Sunbury and vicinity, that thoy have just opeoed a large stock of In the storo room latoly occupied by Weaver A Fa gcly, opposite tho OKI Court House. REMEMBER that these Goods have iust boon fmrchosed nt reduced prices, and are sold accurdiog y, comprising of IDR.'T GOODS of every style and variety, such as CLOTHS, OASSIMERES, VESTIXGS, AC. Dress Goods, Prints, Muslins Domestic Goods, Notions; to., Ac. GROCEOIES, TEA, COFFEE, SUGAK MOLASSES, &C. louekecpluj; Uoodn, The attention of tho public is respectfully invited to the advantages otfurcd at this eitablisbmunt. THE 1110 II EST PRICES PAID FOR COUNTRY PRODUCE. Call and examine for yourselves. A. J. KNtEflEL, U. P. ROBBINS. Sunbury, July 21, 1888. New Spring Styles ! SIIxsj a.va imi.ti:k, Two doors West of the Post Office, 6TJNBTJRV XENN-A.. RESPECTFULLY Invites the attention of the public to her large and varied assortment of Spring & Summer Millinery Goods whioh she has just received and opened. Hor stock embraces FANCY DRESS UOODS. Embroideries. Cluny Lace, Lace Collars, Linen Collars, Dress Cords, Zephyrs, Button, Ae. A fine assortment of ladios' and gents' Hosiery, Gloves, Fans, Parasols, Bugle Trimmings, Ribbons, Belt Ribbons, Velvet Ribbons, Braid. Ladies' Neck ties, Fancy Dress Combs, Head Dresses, Ac. Irvin's Patent Hair Crimpers, Hair Coils, Corsets, and a large assortment of other articles, too nume rous to mention. I have also Just received a fine lot of Perfumery? Toilet Soap. Tooth and Iluir Bruxhos, Ac , ANNA PAINTER. Sunbury, April 28, 1868. NEW HARDWARE" AND . IRON STORE. milE Subscriber havinir nnaniul In KTTVtll'PV X Pa., a new large, and well assorted stock of nil kinds of HARDWARE. CUTLERY, COACH WAKE SADDLERY , SHOE FINDINGS, IRON. NAILS. a.o., mm ma, lowest new lor It ana tiiuetern pnoet which thoy will be pleased to tell fur Cash at the lowest Euatera price. lulending to Jo business in tbe bouest principles of small profits and Ojmck sale for Cash. Sunbury, June 18, 1866. WE would invite tbe attention of Carpenters to our lane and well aeleutad mrtin.ni r Toolcs, comprising Chisels of all kinds, Augurs. Planes, Saws, Irou and Steel Square, aud iu l'aot every thing wanted to complete a full outfit, at the a aru ware store oi J. Ji. uusLJill A CO. Willi fit i-r and Border in great variety new styles just recoivod at the Mnmrooth Store of , J. W.FRILINU A MN. Sunbury, Oct. U. 18(li. 85,000 lb, assorted Charconl Iron ai a uts. lb. at J. Il.CO.NLEV A CO. Suabury.fJune 16, 1R69. - - Notice to fri'tllloru. ALL persors indebted to the late Arm of Rourbauh A Cooper, on note, book account or otherwise, are hereby notified to make immediate payment if they wish to lava ouals, aa they will be plaued in the bands of an oHoer for collection. D. 0 ROHRBACH, T. U. COOPER. Sunbury, June In, 18A6. ' Admiaisirntor's .otlf. NOTICE it hereby given Ibst letters tetttmenttry oa the estate of Henry Witmer, lata of Jurdan ..--Li., N.irilmmbarluiA eountv. Pa . decease i. have beta granted to the undersigned. All persona indebted, to laid estate are requested to make immediate pay meut, and those having olaiuis to present them, duly auUieiHioateu, mr seiueuuius. BENJAMIN WITMER. ! MICHAEL EMER1CH. Jr. Jordan twp., July 1, loo. 6t .. 1 rv AAA LBS. Kails and Spikes at 7 25 per lU.UUW Aef,attsiBew xlaro ware o lore ol I ... J. H. CON LEX A CO. Bunbury, June l, 186e. T ATROSK'S Hair Restorative, tb bast ia at, fur 11 sal by , . LI0UI5ER, sole Agent for Sunbury. IICEIK'H IHANDBAIil! VI I.I. ' FOR LIVER COMPLAINT. A SUBSTITUTE FOR CALOMEL our bowels aioet(ve, TRY THEM, , you have worms, TRY THEM. your breath Is bad, TRY THEM. f you fee) drowsy, TBY THEM. If fouarelvwspiiited, TRY THEM. If Tea have a siok headache, TRY THEM. If you have taken a drop loo much, TAKE A FULL POFB. They only cost JJ cents t box, TRY THEM. Blue Mnst.aocl other preparations of Meteury, actually produce mire suffermg and death than the diseases winch tney proreas to cuie. And yet tins corrosive mineral so denounced by the allopathic doaUra, is prescribed by J'eaojt universally in Liver Complaint, Consumption THE MANDRAKE PII.LS are composed entirely of roots and herlis, obtained fr. ni the greut storehouse or Nature, and theii aalutarr effects will appear as toon ae the medicine is biought to the lest ol afuir experiment. P,Hl.,CK'SM ANl.KAKK p ILLS do not produce any nausea or sickness of the stomach ; but when given lor Dyspepsia, It may he proper to use them in connection with t-CHKNt.K'S HbAWEKD TONIC, liy this judicitius treatment the digestive faeul ties are speedily restored to their full vigol, and the Woist cases of indigestion may be cured. Wben we reflect that the liver is the largest internal organ of the Ondy, that to it is assigned the important duty of Altering the blood and preparing the bile, thut it is subject to many disorders, and thut when it is diseased or Inactive the whole bodv suffers sympathetically, it is not surprising tbit a medicine which can resloie the healthy operations of the Liver should pniduce wonderful changes in the general health, and effect curea which muy appeal to be almost miraculous. Headache of Jong con. tiiiuauce, severe pains in the side, breast aud shoulders, aching of the limbs, a feeling of geueiul weakness and wietchedncss, aud other elurining and distressing symp toms, indicntive of imperfect or disordered setion of the liver, are speedily leinoved by the use of SCUENCK'S MANDRAKE I'lLlJJ. . Costiveness, piles, bitter of tour elections, and that Indescribable feeling of oppression, mental anxiaty, lan guor, lethnrgy, and depression of spirits which unfit a mint for the tnausgeineiit of business and the enjoyment of life, are all relieved by the use of BCilENCK'S MAN DRAKE Pll.LS. Da Pchinck. Dear Sil : I take pleasure in sending ynu a certiheatein addition to many you have already re ceived from suffering humanity. I can scarcely hud Inn guagestilTicieiitly strong to express my heaitfelt gratifica tion of the wondcirul curea your MANDRAKE PILLS and 8KAWKKD TONIC have edected in the entile cure of uuc of the most stubborn cases of the tidecllon of the liver, for three years 1 suilered beyond description; all my frien:lst as well as myself, came to the conclusion that my time in this life was short. Such was the terrible condition to whi-h I was reduced that life to me had be come a burthen; my whole system was in a state of m ttnininution ; I could u.it eat, 1 could not sleep; my whole body was filled with pain swelling would arise in my wrists and ankles, mulcting them totally useless On seve ral occasions I was attacked with a rush of blot d to the head, which would fell me to the (round, and I would be earned away for dead. 1 applied to several eminent physicians of our city, wbo administered all the medicines that they thought would reach my ruse, but of no avnll. One of themsiiid he could do no more fur me, and ad vised me, as a last resort, to drink cod liver oil. Not relishing the hoirid trnsh 1 declined to tnke it. Accident put your advertisement ia my hands. 1 called on you ; you examined me and told me the oatuie of my disease. You then ordered me the I'iils and Tonic with an observ ance of diet, pledging vour word that iu one week I would find myself unothel man. I followed yonrailvice, and, as you predicted, an astonishing cure wns effected 1 continued your Pills und Tonic foi some time, and now thank tiod for his goodness, and your valuable medicine, I am once more restored to perfect health. I most earnestly recommend those who are suffering from sffec tion of the liver to ?ive your Pills and Tonic a fuir triul, aud a cure will lie effected 1 have sent many peisons to you, and they have all beencured. Any information my fellow citizens may require will lie freely given by the sutwcrilier, at his lesidence, No, Hl-J Federal street, be tween alb street aud Pufsvunk rood CHARLES JOHNSON, Saa Formerly Printers' Ink Manufacturer Dr. 9CHKNCK wilt be professionally at Ins principal office, No. 15 North Sixth sireet, corner of Commerce, PHILADELPHIA, every Saturday, from 9 a. in. until 4 p.m.; No. W Bond street; New Yoik, eveiy Tuesday, fiom 7 to 3 ; No. 3S Summer street, Hoslon, Mass , eveiy Wednesday, from 0 to 3, aud ev7 olher Friday at 1IW Kiiltiinore street. Hnhimure, Md. All advice free, but for a thorough examination of the luigs with his Respi romeler the charge is three dollars Pnce of Ihe Pulmonic 8ynip and Seaweed Tonic, eaeh IH,6U pel lyottle, or 70' per liaif dozen. Mandrake Pills, 25 cents per box. For sale by nil DruirgisU and Dealers. Muich 2t, IMS. ly. New Arrival of SUMMER GOODS! AT THE MAMMOTH STORE of j. w. i nirnu & so., . Market Square, near tho Kow Court Ilouae Jl'T OPENED a large and now assortment of GENTLEMEN'S WEAR. Cloths, Cassimcres, Cottonades, Linen Panting, Ao LADIES' DRESS O0ODS. Silk, Delaines, Alapaaas, English and Scotch (Jinghnins, Challiot, Luwus, Aruiuret, Brilliants, While Goods, Caliooet, MusIinB, aud evory other article bUongiug to the above branch of business. WHITE AND COLORED FLANNELS Sheetings, Hoop Skirt Hosiery and gloves. CARPET & OIL CLOTHS, O (outwore, Queenswaro, Crockery, Hardware and Cutlery. ItrugK, Oils, PalutH, Coal Oil and I.ninpx. Fish, Pork; Coarse and Fine Bolt, Coffee, Tea, Su gar, Molussos Syrup, Spices, Ac., Groceries, Tubaooo, Sogara and Snuff, togethei with a large variety of miscellaneous goods at prioot that ctnnot foil to satisfy purchaser. J. W. ERILINtt A SON. Sunbury, June 2, 1868. BOOKS! BOOKS" rpHK subscriber begs leave to call tho attention of L his customers, aud the community in gouerul, to the fact that he bat now received hit second lot of NEW GOODS, oonsitting, in part, of a complete Una of l'APEU AND ENVELOPES, Blank, School ami Juvenile Books, Fancy Toilet Soaps. Porfumca, Picture Frames, Luvuuiiu Willow Hanging Baskets, Bird Cages, llusttl und Nland ( I n s s e s , Fine Vases. Handsome Glove Jewelry and Work- Boxes, Traveling and other Portfolios, Carved Braokuts, Feather Dust Brushes, Balis,. Bats, Fishing Tackle, Toy of all descriptions, a large stock of WALL-PAPER AND BORDER, Window-Blinds, Paper Shades, Coal Oil Lamps and Fixtures, Ao. Thankful for past paUuuage, and hope, by strict attention to business, to jJ,Ujj'ju5K'ue' Sunbury, Jbxno ,8M' BOWMAN & LEONARD. Manufacturer and WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALKUS SILVER and SILVER PLATED a GOODS. v 701 Art-H Wired, IMtiludelpnla. Those io weutorSilver or Silver Plated Ware will BnJ it much to their advantage by visiting our Store before making their purohiu.es. Our long experi ence in tbe manufacture of thetbov kind of good ouuldet ut to defy eompetilion. We keep no goods but those whioh are of the First Class, all ol our own make, and will be told at reduo od prices. July Tth, 18M-lycJ ir AND and Stand Glasses at lmmtub a. ALL kinds of Hardware, Iron, .' lu. iB(W,l. b. u, for and l&" ""bunbury, Jun 16, 18M. ' IP you want a good Llkeueas for your friends, go to 8. BVHRLi1 SUallery ia Simpson s Jjuildmg fril'RPENTISE, Coal Oil. ii i Oil, Linseed Oil, X lor al low ior tw vv J 11 COSLEV CO 3 MSS