ttf)i Sunfmrfi American, SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 1, 1806. iLoral Affairs. " EF" PobtBmorraib Fobrd. A postemonnala, containing papers of great value to the owner, wm found od Third street, Boar the depot, on Saturday, 18th alt. The owner on obtain the tamo bf calling mt this offioe. 7Basb Bali, at Tobbut tills. -A gam of taia ball oams off at Turbutville on Tuesday of last week, between the Pastime Club, of Turbutville, nd tha Kirwaneta Club, of Money., The playing was very good, considering the abort time tbe club have been organiaed. Tha Paatima Club wu vloto rioni In a aooreof 46 to 14. 17 Lotbbbar Fain ard Festival. The ladiea of tha LAorn Charoh, of thii place, propose hold ing a fair and festival dariug the coming bolidayr, to aid in tha creation of a parsonage, and are now working for that objeot, and will be thankrul for any Pkasutance that may be rendered them. ty Union Mitrina at Irt Vallet. The friends of Maj. Uen. Qbabt, our candidate for (Jot rnor, intend holding a Man Meeting at Pry Valley Furnace, on Thnnday evening next. Emlnentspeak--crt will addren the meeting. All are reapeetfully invited to attend. It la proposed to lend a delega tion from Sonbury to the meeting, who oan go early in the evening, and return immediately after tha meeting, by the steamer "Ira T. Clement." V3F Bora in Blub The Club mot on Tuesday evening last, tha regular night of meeting, in the old Court House. The following committee was ap pointed to perfect arrangements for the grand Mass Meeting, to be held In Sonbury, on Wednesday, the 26th inat. : Capt, C. 8. Prowell, Cart D. Oyster, M. Bnoher, C. H. Faost, W. A. Bennett, C. D. Wharton and II. Billington. A special meeting of the Clob will beheld in tha Court House, this (Friday) evening, for the purpose of sending a delegation of soldiers to the Loyal Sou therners' Convention, wbioh is to meet in Philadel phia on Monday next. Ep To Claim Aoexts. Blanks for the collcc. tion of "Claims of Private Soldiers and Non-Com-missioned Officers," under the late Act of Congress, equalising boontles, have been printed and are now fur sale at this office. We keep on hand a full sup ply of all kinds of military blanks, which we sell very chenp. They are copied from blanks pre pared in the Departments at Washington, and can bo relied on for correctness. Orders from a diatanoe will receive prompt attention. tV Select School. Miss Amelia C. Fisher re quest us to announce that she will re-open her school, at hor residence, in Chesnut street, on next Monday. Parents and others wishing to send chil dren, will please take notioe. 13" LKTTijta or tub Kxw School Houses. The lotting for the erection of two publio school houses, advertised by the Sunbury School Board, was made to Mr. William L. Room, an experienced builder of this place, on Saturday last, for the sum of $3,042, each . The houses are to be erected on lota purchased by the Board, ono from Dr. J. B. Mower, on Arch street, near Fourth, for $1,200, and one on the eornor of Second and Spruco streets, of Mr. 11. V. Friling, for the sum of $550. tjcPTiiK Sale or the Presbytrriar Cuurco. The sale of the Presbyterian church, in this place, which was to have taken place on Tuesday, 21st ult., was postponed, and is advertised to be told to-day, (Saturday.) As the property is in a very desirable location, it will undoubtedly sell at a high figure We understand that the new church will be crcoted in the upper part of the town, -in a more suitable locality, and will be a handsome structure. The subscriptions to the new building have been quite liberal, over $2,000 having already been obtained. (3 Concert. Last week we mentioned that a company of amateur performers, composed of young men of this place, intended giving a concert for the benefit of tbo Solders' Monument Fund of Co. C, 47th l'a. Vet. Vols. The concert will take place, in the old Court House, on Friday and Saturday even ingsofnext week. As theolijeet Is a moat worthy one, wehope they will receive the enoourngemcnt of our citiiens. lS" Uov. Hamilton, of Texas, passed through this place on Thursday morning on bis way to Philadel phia, and was introduced to some of our oilisens at the depot by Gen. Cameron. The Governor was one of the truly loyal men of the South during the war, and is an eloquent speaker. p" Si sni Br Classical Institute We are indebted to Kcv. Mr. Miller, tha Principal, for a coUlougo of this new day and boarding school for young Indies and young men, which appears to be in a flourishing condition. The eouise of study is the same that is usually pursued in our best Seminaries of learning. The school, though only opened a few months sinoc, already numbers 02 soholars, as fol lows: ' moa school department. Mules, 2.1 Females, 24 48 S3 11 44 60 sa 81 FRErARATORT DEPARTMEXT. Males, Females, Total Males, " Females, Whole number, Tho list of instructors arc, Rev. Simon S. Miller, A. M., Principal ; Rev. William C. Cromer, A. M., Vice Priclpal, and teacher of the Latin and German language ; Miss Sarah E. Powers, teacher of English branches ; Miss Jennie A. Fletcher, teacher of In strumental Music The second quarter of tha Summer session of this institution will open on Monday next. Sea an nouncement in our advertising columns. Croquet. Thus far the boys and young men bave had monopoly of athletic exercise, but in a great many places croquet is getting to be quite as Important as base ball. A number of young ladies of this place have recently organiaed a elub for tha purpose of exercising in this new and fashionable Same-, and bava already made rapid progress in tha art. They praotioe almost avery pleasant afternoon, The game Is pretty, graceful and healthful, giving ample exercise to the limbs and chest. A club of this charade is also in exlstenoa in Northumberland, among whose members are several ladies who are eonsidared rst-c!aas players. rt7BAS8 Ball. On Wednesday last a match game was played between the Agile Club, of Dan ville, and the Keystone, of this place, on tha grounds of the Susquehanna Club, below town. Tba Danville boys arrived in tha morning train, ana returned in tha 4.40 afternoon train. While here they were entertained by the Keystone Club, and partook of en excellent dinner prepared for them at tba Wash ington House. The Keystone boys were victorious, as will be teen by the following score: AOILB. Jameson, C. Baldy, p. Harder, a. a. Butler, 1st b. Brandon, Sd . Leidy, 2d a. Ligbtuer, f Miles, r. f O. R Clark, 1.1 It. Furmaa, a. I. Weaver, p. W. Furmaa, Id b. Paul, Jd a. Young, a. 1 8 2 18 SI Brindle, lets., Kessler, C. f. Total, 18 83 Total, ibriro. 1st. Id. 3d 3 10 T 4th. 6th. 6th. 883 19-44 Agile. 2 1 4 S Keystone 4 8 11 Fly Catches-Agile, 4; Keystone,!. I'wpire A. Newberry, Susquehanna Club. Ecows Reynold and Rsthbun. i t3f MtrnbBB Trias, in Williamsport. time sine we published an amount of tha sanrdef of ft Womaa Bashed Phebo Am) Beat, formerly of Hsr risburg, by Peter Bota, bar repntad husband, Bear Williamsport. Tha trial of the murderer took place last week, as will be seen by the following, from the Builti iff Saturday last ! ; O ' "Tha Base of Peter BoU, charged with the murder Of Pbebc Ann Bota, alias Pheba Ann Real, wu iaken up la tha Quarter Session, on Thursday laat. Tha murder Ob Burred in Loyalsoek township, about three hilles from this eity, en the 4th of March, I860. The ebuusel la the eaaa were District Attorney Wal bridge, assisted by Wm; H. Armstrong, Esq , and John J. Metagar, Essj., for tha prosecution, and Messrs. Wlngard and Yonngman for the defense. "After some discussion and delay on the part of tha defense, In regard to obtaining witnesses, tha prisoner was brought ap, at about a ejnarter before three o'clock, P. M. He is a man aboat 49 yean of age, has a restless bine-grey aya, prominent nose, presenting no marked features ot particular vicious character, above men often met in society. His height is about tva feet seven inches ; is a native of Hungary, and served in the Reserve Corps during the war. Considerable delay was experienced in procuring a jury, feveral were excused on aooouat of conscientious scruples against capital punishment, nine were peremptorily challenged, two could not understand the English language, and twelve had formed aa opinion. A jury was selected anally and sworn. "At 4 o'clock the Distriot Attorney opened tha case for tha Commonwealth. The trial may last for two or three day. "Since the above was pot in type we learn that Potor Bota was found guilty of murder In the first degree, and at three o'clock on Saturday afternoon he was sentenced to be hanged." 13T Death ruou Delirium Trrmexs. TheLew isbtarg Chronicle, of last week, says that John W. Jordan, originally from Rockbridge county, Va., for a while connected with the Riviere House, in Lcwisburg, as bar-keeper and oo-partner, bnt more recently a resident of Wilkesbarre, enme to the Ri viere House last Saturday, laboring under tbo influ ence of liquor. Being quite aiok, Messrs. Ueas took care of him, nailed a phystoian, and did all they could for his comfort, and for the restoration of his health. But all efforts proved in vain, for rum bad done its work too effectually. On Wednesday night, about 11 o'clock, ho died of delirium tremens, after suffering the most awful agonies. He was interred on Thursday afternoon, in the Lcwisburg Cemetery. His age was about 24 years. While living in Lcw isburg bis conduct was not such as to indicate so early and awful a death. y The Union County Republican Convention mot at Lcwisburg, on Monday of last week, and nominated the following ticket : Congress Hon. Ueorge F. Miller; Assembly Jamos Marshall ; As sociate Judge J. W. Simonton; Commissioner T. V. Harbeson ; Register and Recorder E. II. Wcikel ; Auditor I. S. Sterner. ty Tribute or Respect. At a meeting of the Sunbury Lodge, No. 134, I. 0. of G. T., held on Friday evening, Aug. 24tb, the following preamble and resolutions were unanimously adopted : WnxnKAS, It has pleased Almighty God, in His all-wise providonce, to remove from our midst, by the hand of death, our late beloved and respected member, Auram Yocru, therefore. littulrrd. That whilo we recognise the will of (be Almighty in this sad event, ths Order has lost an active, fearless, good and noble member. Re.iolvrd, That we sympathize with the bereaved family of our deceased member, in this their loss of a beloved son. Resolved, Tbat in token of bur esteem of his worth, the members of this Lodire attend the funeral of the dooeascd in a body, and wear tha usual badge of mourning for the space of thirty days. lietoivtrt, inat the dinerent newspapers or this town be requested to publish these proceedings, and tbat a copy be presented to the family of deceased. Samuel Kautz, W. 8. Editor's Table. iy Oooir'i Laot'i Book, for September, has boen received. It is an excellent magaiine, and no family should be nithout it. Terms, $3 a year. Address, Louis A. Godcy, Publisher, Cbesnut street, Philadelphia. Ijf The Lart's Fn.Eiin, rou Srpterbrb. A charming steel engraving of a mother bending over her sleeping child, adorns the September number of Ibis favorite monthly. The large sised colored Fashion Plate is as choice and reGned as ever. The other embellishments are a "Summer in Calcutta." and engravings of bonnets, veils, promenade suit, ball dress, collars, cuffs, gored dross with peplum basque, Ac. The niusio of this number is the "Val ley Farm Scbottiscb." Among the literary matter we may mention "How the Mary June Came Home," by Louise Chandler Moulton ; "Out in the Rain," by i lorence Percy ; "A Premature Proposal," by So phie May; "The Disputed Patrimony;" "The Mermaid s Home," one of the Fairy Talea of Sci ence ; "The Maltese Cross," by Mrs. M. E. Kendall ; "Pruc'a Day," by Tracy Towne; with notices of nooks, receipts, descriptions 01 lasnions, cc. rrice, $2.50 a year. Published by Deacon A Peterson, 319 Walnut street, Philadelphia. fy Every Saturday. This admirable weekly Journal of foreign literature is published by Tick nor A Fields, 124 Tremont street, Boston, at $5.00 per year, or $4.00 to subscribers to the " Atlantio" or any other of their publications. It is filled with inter esting stories, easavs, sketches, and poems from for eign periodicals. With the first number for Septem ber 11 will be enlarged ny aa pages, witnout any increase in the price. The great success of the journal justifies this enlargement. It is tha only puunoBiiuB in inn ouunirj iuh giria ua ii ujpuriu nity to read articles from the press of the most eminent literary contributors of the old world, such as Henry and Charles Kingriy, Anthony Trollope, Alexander Dumas, the author of "John Halifax, Robert Buchanan," Ac. binjrle copies, ten cents. Send for one and examine It. fy Toe Atlartic Mohthlt, for September, hat a choice variety of valuable and entertaining articles. "The Surgeon's Assistant" Is an interesting and thoughtful story turning upon incidents of tha war. Mr. Longfellow 's Sonnet "On Translating the Divina Commedia." is very noble. "Women's Work in the Middle Ages" will attract lady-readers by its aa eounts of laoe-makintt, embroidery, illumination, and medieval authorship. "University Reform" is the oration delivered at the meetinc of the Harvard Alumni, by Dr. Hedge. Kvery one will recognise the truthful and lively portrait of a "Distinguished Character." "The Bobolinks" is a deiioiously light and snarklins? noem bv Unristopber rease irancb, The interest of "Griffith Gaunt" grows more and mora intense, and tba lotlv moral 01 ine suu-y is im pressively developed, "the Johnson Party" is a polished and very caustic due nation or tne poiitioai ituatioB. "Lake Chamolaiu11 is a noem by H. T. Tuckerman. The remaining articles valuable for their timeliness or intrinsic Interest are : "Life Amraiu.:" "An Italian Kaln-Stonn . "incidents of the Portland Fire;" "Yesterday;" "My bitUe Rib,:" "Raviawaand LiUrarv Notices ;" and "ine Chimney Corner," in which Mrs. Blows promulgates some fresh ideas concerning popular amusements. Tick nor A Fields, fublisbora, Boston, aai. BUSINESS NOTICES. y Stoves, Tih-Warb, Ac Smith A Oenther, of this place, having sold during the past season, large numbers of Stoves of all kinds, cook, parlor, offioe, heaters, fire-place stoves, Ac, ara now re- stockinc their establishment for tha approaching season, with tha vary best la use. Their stock of tin-ware Is extensive and of tha best quality. 8,'C their new advertisement tT On bow pleasing it Is for people to know that at tba Continental Clothing Baaaar, Market street, Sunbury, Ready-Made Clothing of every descrip tion la sold at prices that surprise and astonish the moat fastidious. All are invited to eall and sea for themselves. rr Larr roa Cause. A yoaag, buxom, bcauU fill aad sensible wife but recently married very promptly left the bed and board of bar liege lord and master, epos learning that his wedding suit was not narcbaaed at tha fashionable tailoring establish ment of Jacob 0. Beck, on Fourth street, la this place. She thought there was soma deficiency In tha fellow's "get up" all tha time, and bow wonders that she was sa stupid as not to find cut the difficulty before. Young atea wbt 000 template matrimony will doubtless take the hint. ry Hoop Sklrta, Hopkln's "cam maW f Arch street, Philadelphia, advertised la this issue, give universal satisfaction. Ladies, aoU tb fast. 17 Th First or tbs BaAe.-We ara happy to state that Wm. H. Miller, thaaatorprialng preprt Mor of tha Kxcehrior Boot and Shoe Btore, Market street, hi th, first la this place or Vicinity to lay in a full supply of boot and shoes. Ha has just opened R large assortment of the latest styles, made ap of the best material , Call and see his stock . 3 Reorrt. How . often have we beard tha regrets of those who have lost tha dear ones of their household, because they bad neglected to gets like ness of tha loved and lost, are they departed. Be wise then in time ; call at Byerly's Photograph Oal. lery, In Market street, Sunbury, and get a life-like picture, that may prove a priceless memento In the dim, uncertain future. iujiiai ly A exchange says : Wa were compelled to refuse aa offer of Job printing tha other day by a man who innocently called to get some postage stamps printed ! He was quite disappointed because we oould not do tha work he wanted 'em real bad to put On letters when he writ to a gal, and they cost too much to buy them of the post office fellers. Of course the verdant youth never wore one of 8miek's fashionable Suits. ' The elothlng made at his establishment is not only polished itself, but frequently polishes the ideas of its fortunate wearers. Call at Smlok'i establishment, on Fourth street, nearly opposite Weaver's hotel. : , DEATHS. In Urncr Augusta township, on Thursday, the 23d ult., HARM AN CAMPBELL, aged aboutW) years. In this place, on Friday the 24th alt.. Mr. ADR AM YOUNG, aged 31 years. Corrected Weekly-taw th "American." Wheat Flour, extra family, perbarrot, do do do do pcrewt. Rye Flour, per bbl. do pcrewt. Wheat, prime red per bushel, Rye, do Corn, do Oats, do Potatoes, do Dried Peaches, pared per round do do unparcd do Dried Apples, do Dried Cherries, (unstoned,) per bu. Butter, per pound, Eggs, per dosen, Cheese, per pound, Lard, .do Hams, do Shoulders, do Beef, bind quarter, do " front " do Mutton, do- Cbiokens, - per pair $14 00 7 00 10 00 6 60 Nhumoklsa Coal Trade. Bbamokir, Aug. 27, 1868. Tan: Ctrl. Sent for week ending Aug. 25, 15,586 11 Per last report, 353,360 10 368.047 01 261,357 14 107,489 07 To same time last year, Increase, Special Notices. tyUse ROIIRER'S Expectorol WILD CHERRY 1UMC 111 prevention and cure for Asiatic Cholera. For diseases of the Chest, Liver, Kidneys, Stomach and Bowels, and as a Blood purifier it has no equal. Sold at the Continental, Girard, La Pierre, Wash ington, St. Lawrence and Merchants. Philadelphia. Monongahela and St. Charles, Pittsburg. By the principal Hotels and Druggists generally. J. ROU RER, Sole Proprietor, Lancastor, Pa. September I, !. 4t 7"Tbe Talisman of Fashion; the Favor ite of Beauty; tho Pet Luxury of every dressing-room and boudoir ! Canst thou guess what it is, reader? Aba! well guessed! Thou art right; it is Pbnlon's "Night-Blooming Ccreus," of perfumes "the chief among ten thousand." Sold everywhere. Spebk's Samucro Pout Wine. For per sons of sickly and debilitated constitutions it is especially recommended as a valuable tonic and invigorator. As a dinner wine it s pleasant and agreeable, and its exhilirat- ing eflects considerably assist digestion. For general family use it cannot be excelled by the finest port for taste, flavor, or juicy rich ness, while it is devoid of tho deleterious and intoxicating qualities which uniformly characterize foreign wines. W. A. Bennett has it. "DON'T BE FOOLISH." You enn make Six Dollars from Fifty Cents. Call and ex amine an invention urgently occdud by every body. Or a sample sent tree by mail for 00 cents that retails easily for ft), by It. h. WOLCOTT. 170 Chatham Square, N Y. Sept. 10, I860. I y. ITCH I ITCH! ITCH! SCRATCH! SCRATCH! SCRATCH! WHEATON'S OINTMENT Will Care the Itch In 44 Ilotir-M. Also cures SALT RHEUM, ULCERS, CHIL ULA1N.S, and all ERUPTIONS OF THE SKIN. Price 60 cents. For sale by the drueiinls. Bv send ing 60 cents to WEEKS A POTTER, Sole Agents, 1T0 Washington street, Boston, it will be forwarded by mail, free of postage, to any port of the United States. jo 23 '68-y Whlajkerti t Whlaiker ! ! Dr. L. O. Mourn' Corrolia, the createst stimu lator in the world, will force Whiskers or Mustaches to grow on the smoothest lace or chin ; never known to fall , sample lor trial sent tree to any one aeairous of testing its merits. Address, Rbbvbs A Co., 78 baseuu St., H. X. Je30 am The Coarolou nsad Isperlestce or ar irvalio. Published for the benefit and as a eaution to young men and others, wbo suffer from Nervous Debility, Prematura Vecay or aiannooa, c, supplying at tne same time the means of self-eare. By one who naa cured himself after undergoing considerable quack ery. Uy enoloslng a poat-pata adaressea envelope, single copies, free of charge may be had of tha au thor. NATHANIEL MAYFAIR, Esq., Brooklyn, Kings UO, H. I. January 37, I860 ly. Deaiaiesw, llllsadaieaHi stsast Catarrh, Treated with the utmost suoeess by Dr. J. ISAACS Oculist aad Aurist. (formerlv or levden, Holland,) No. stw fine street, rauaaeipnia. -Acsumoniais from the most reliable sources la tbe City aad Coun try oan be seea at his offioe. The aaedicai faculty ara Invited to aooompaay tneir pauenia, aa 00 oas no ae- OTOia in nw praoiMie. aziiiwim mijvm, iunriu w,ur out pain. No charge made for examination. t , .:.: I? - i . - A !,. July xx, iwn. ly I.OVK A.D MATRIMONY. Ladiea and gentlemen, V you wish to marry, ad dress tbe andersigned, who will send you, without money and without price, valuable Information tbat will enable you to marry happily aad speedily, Ir respective of age, wealth, or beauty. This lntbrma tion will cost you nothing, aad if yoa wish to marry I sill ahaarfullT assist von. All tellers sitiumt eon ftdential. The desired information sent by return mail, and no reward asked. Address SARAH B. LAMBERT O reap point, Kings Co., New York June , I860. 3a To Cosaaiasaintlvca. Tba advertiser, having been restored to health la a few weeks by a very simple remedy, after having suffered for several years with a severe Inng affection and tbat dread disease, Consumption is anxious to ssaka kaowa to bis follow sufferers tha means of cure. . To all wbo desire it, ba will send a copy of the preaoriptioa used (free of charge), with tha dire tions for preparing and using the same, which they will find a subb Curb for ConsuarTios, Asthma Bronchitis, Cousas, Colds, and all Throat and Lang Affections. Tha only abject ot the advertises la sending the preaoriptioa is to benefit tha aHioted and spread in formation wbioh ba aoneaives to ba la valuable, and ba hopes avery sufferer will try hif remedy, as it will cost them nothing, aad may prova a blessing. Parties wishing tba presorinUoa, raxs, by return snail, nlaaas sililiass P Rar. EDWARD WTLSOnT, WlUiamsbargh, Kings C , New Tor January 13, 1864 ly. NCT-Aj7ERTIsEMENTS- :vj,v ,," HOT1CK. '" ', Art appeal for Boron rh Taxes wilt be held at the ofllee of B. Y, Bright, on tbs 28tn day of Au gust, 1H66, between the hoars oft o'clock, A. M., and 12 U., aad between the boars of land t o'clock, P. M. ... , E. Y. BRIOUT, Chief Burgess, - Jacob GmrHAR, Clerk. Sunbury, Aug. 11, 1866 3t CALL and see those beautiful Bird Cages at the new Hardware store of ! J. H. CONLET ft CO. THE forlowlnc persons are entitled to receive an inoreaae nf Bounty under the Act Of Congress passed July 1866, to equalise Bounties. 1st All soldiers who enlisted alter the 19th day of April, 1861, for 8 years, and served their time of enlistment and hsve been honorably discharged, and have received or are entitled to reoeive a Bounty of $100, are entitled an additional Bounty of glOO. 2d All such soldiers who enlisted for S yean, and have boen honorably discharged on account of wounds received in the tine nf duty, arc entitled to an additional Bounty of ftlOO. 3d The Widow, Minor Children, or Parenteof such soldiers who died In the servioe of wounds or disease, are entitled to an additional Bounty of g IOO. By application to S. P. WOLVERTON, Era., of Purrdrt, Pennsylvania, who is an authorised Claim Agont, all suoh claims can be speedily collected. -Sunbury, August 4, I860. If VTOTICB TO OFFICERS. Act of Congress, ap 11 proved, July 18, 1866, gives Three Months' Pay Proper to oflloeis of volunteer service, who were In any manner honorably discharged after April 9tb 1865 who had been officers on March 3d, lrS6a. Ap ply immediately, in person or by letter, to the Mili tary and Naval Agency. No. 427 Walnut street, Phil adelphia. JOSEPH E DliVlXTiV CO. Angus! 4, 1S66. It bountyIfor soldiers; I HAVE mado arrangements In Washington City, for the prompt eol lection of Bounty under the late Act of Congress. I have also received the pro per blanks to prepare tbe claims. Soldiers entitled to this Bounty should apply immediately, as it is es timated that it will require three years to adjust all the claims. All soldiers who enlisted for threo years and who have not received more than $100 bounty are entitled to the benefits of this Act, as well as soldiers who have enlisted for three years and discharged nftor a servioe of two Tears, by rtasnn of wounds received, disease contracted in line of duty, or re-enlistment. LLOYD T. ROHRBACU. Sunbury, August 18, 1866, llonnlics Collected. O.W. HAUPT, Attorney at Low, Sunbury, Pa", offers hii professional services for tbe collection cf bounties due to soldiers under tbe late Equalization Act passed by Congress. As an authorised claim agent he will promptly oollect all Bounties, Pensions and Uratuities due to soldiers of the lato war, or tbo war of 1812. Sunbury, August 18, ,868. AdmlniMralor' Notice. NOTICE Is hereby given, that letters of adminis tration having been granted tothe undersigned, on tbe estate of John Kohl, late of Lower Mahonoy township, Northumberland county. Pa., deceased. All persons indebted to suid estate are requested to make immediate payment, and those having claims to present them duly authenticated for settlement. tPAitins nunij, HENRY KOHL, Low. Mahonoy twp., Aug. 18, '66.- Adm'rs. Auclilor's Notice. THE undersigned Auditor appointed by tho Or phans' Court for Northumberland county to ex amine and restate the account of Peter B. Mower, ono of the Executors of Henry Master doccasod, will at tend to the duties of his appointment at bis office, in the Borough of Sunbury, on Saturday the 15th day of September next at 10 o'olock A. M. S. U. BUY EU, Auditor. August 25, 186A 3t :vika IIOI.MV TO SOLDIERS ! WIDOWS ! FATHERS ! MOTHERS' AND MINOR CHILDREN ! Bonnlv Bill lust passed eives all soldiers who en listed for three years, since April 19, 1861, and served ineir 10.11 term 01 service or wore discharged bctoro the expiration of said term of sorvice on account of wounds received in the lino of dutv. and received One Hundred Dollars Bounty and no more, are now entitled to an extra bounty of UK llUKDKEU DOLLARS. Widows, Fathers, Mothers, and Minor Children of deceased soldiers who enlisted for tbreo years, as above, and died in tbe service or from dl- Base or wounds contracted in tne service and line or utv. are entiucd to the Above extra One Hundred Dollars IT-To be obtained upon explication in person or by letter to tbe Military and Naval Agency, No. 427 Walnut stroet, Philadelphia. JUMll'U JS. DEVATT VV. August 18, 1866. lm RHmm I.OI IMA MlllMMI.r.ltl Millinery taoodsi usisl Irt Trim- mtsir, Head lrcmes, GLOVES, PARASOLS, &c &c, South aide of Market Square. SUNBURY, Ponn a Has just returned from the cities with a choice selection of seasonable goods to whioh tho attention of the Ladies is respectfully solicilod. MILLINERY UOOOS AND DRESS TR1MMINUS With Head-Drosses, Uloves, Hosiery, , Ribbons, has been carefully selected and will give satisfaction. Mtm euusler has had an experience in the buiii iess tbat enables her in select Roods with an eve to the taste and wishes of her customers, and she begs a continuance of favors in tbo future whioh she takes Eleasare in acknowledging during the post year, adiea will find a oboice stock of every thing in her uiu 01 DueineBS. Sunbury, April 14, 1866. EXTRA PENSION TO WIDOWS. EXTRA PENSION TO WIDOWS. Widows are now entitled to an Incrcosed Pension of $3 per month for each ohild ol tbe soldier under 10 years or age. io no obtained upon application in person or by letter, to tbe Military and Naval Agency, No. 427 Walnut street, Philadelphia. is. Ait nr uu. August 18. 1866. lm Kieculor'ii ZMollce. Etat6 of Philip Brymire. dcceatal. NOTICE Is hereby given tbat letters testainenta rv have been crrruited to tha nndersiirned. nn the estate of Philip Brymire, late of the borough of bun bury, JNortnuiuuorianu county, ra., deceased. All persona indebted to said estate are requasted to make immediate payment, and those having olaims to present them duly authenticated for settlement. ii r .1 . Tumi: i.' i. i.' i t i ij i . -. TTXU. jn. 1JHE.E AUiLA, AA V eunoury, August a, ioo. ot EQUALIZATION OF BOUNTIES. X.. XI. EASE, Attorney at I.nv, Msialtary, Pa. 8 duly authorised and Lioensed by the Govorn I ment to collect all Military Claims against tbe United States. Bounty money due soldiers under the late Equalisation Act of Congress, and all mili tary olaims against the iState, due soldiers of 1812, for .Pensions and Gratuity. Claims due soldiers of the Pennsylvania Reserve Corps from enlistment to tne date or muster, promptly collected. ounoury, Augutie, leoo. t0 AAA YEAU made by any one with VV,V7vv 14 otenoil tools. Ro experience necessary. 1 he Presidents, Uasbiors and Treasurers of I Banks indorse the circular. Sent free with samples. Address the American Stencil Tool Works, opnugncia, v erinoni. July IS, tbOB. 3m. IMPORTANT TO DISABLED SOLDIERS, BAI LORS and MARINES. Soldiers, sailors, or Ma rines, who have lost an arm or leg, or been perina nentlv and totally disabled in tbe same, are now en tilled to a pension or fiiieen Acinars per monin: those who have lust both arms or both eyes, Tweuty five dollsrs. This act also restore the Pension to Soldiers employed in any civil capacity under the Uovernment. Apply in person or by mail to the Military and Naval Agency of JOSEPH E. DEVITT CO., Ho. til walnut Btreet, rniladelpma. August a, I oon as - TCE CREAM FREEZERS and Haley's Patent J. Home wringers, lur sale ny Cloths Wringers, fur sale by it. ZEI JSLMUI&U. Sunbury, July 7, 1866. PalattM, Glass, Putty, White Lead, Varnishes. Ae. Evervtbine tbat Painters use at unheard of prices at tne Hardware btore or B anbury, June IS, 1866. CmIb ! CsusU ! ! Caali ! ! ! 90,t0) wanted in exohange for all kinds ol Hardware, Irons, Kails, Ac, at the new Hardware tureor J it. CUMLfcX IU. Sunbury, June 18, 1864. A LL goods boagbt for Cash and sold at lowest Xi prioes for ansa, at tha Hardware Store of J. 11. CONLET A CO. 8 anbury, June H, 1864 16Afi Customers wanted to buy Hardware. As XV VV A Cheap Hardware and Iron Store of , J. to. Sunbury, June 18, 1863. Sheet Iron and Stove Market Btreot, aear Engel's Store, 8UNBURT. PA. AN Immense ittodk of every kind of Tin Ware, and Sheet Iron Ware of all descriptions. S T O V ES, COOK, OFFICE and PARLOR STOVES of the best Brands which are unsarpassed for beauty of finish, simplicity of arrangement, combining cheapness and durability and each stove warranted to perform what they ara represented. Cotal Oil, Coal Oil Iinipa, Iintrrna, Shade) Chlmnys, and all artiolcs usually kept la aa establishment of this kind. COPPER, BRASS and IRON KETTLES, of all sixes. FRUIT JARS and CANS of the latest Improved stylos. He is also prepared fo do all kinds of Spouting and Roofing, Range and Furnace Work. Repairing, cheaply and neatly executed. . BENJ. ZETELMOYER. Sunbury, July T, 1866. ly GREATEST INVENTION SINCE THE SEWING MACHINE. VAN UAAfaHItEK'B SASn STOPPER AND LOCK. Simplicity, Durability, Convenience, Comfort and Security, combined .with Economy THE STOPPER AND LOCK supports either sash at any point. It can be applied to any window In a few minutes. It does not intortere In taking out a sash. It is not a (Too ted by any jorring aotion, and pre vents tbe rattling of sasb. It is self-acting in all its work, and makes it lm possible to forget to lock the window. It allows proper ventilation without leaving the window unlocked. It acts by gravity has co spring and can never gel out of order. It does not wear out, but will last while tho hntiKO stands Windows that have only one sash moveable, may be changed, so as to move both, at a trilling expense. stopper and lyock, One Hollar Complete. It must come into general use for its radical ad vantage.!, as a Self-Acting, Burglnr-Proof Lock and Ventilator. For Railway Cars, Steamboats, etc, it is porfect, and, in foot, the thing long sought. It is emphatically just what everybody wants, and everybody can have. Tbe demand must be unlimi ted. Capitalists, Manufacturers, Builders, and men looking for business, ore invited to call on the sub scriber and examine it. JACOB WILVER, Jr., July 21, 1868. 6m Sunbury, Pa. NEW MUSIC 8T0EE. Call at our New Musio Store in SELIN'S QROVE, and buy one of Haires Brother's New Scale Piano Fortes. Every instrument is Warranted for five years. We also keep constantly on hand a good stock of the celebrated PELOUUET'S MELODEONS, CABI NET and CHURCH O KUANS, and challenge others to sell cheaper than wo ore selling. We also keep all kinds of Musical Merchandize, and receive all the latest music aa annn as published. A liberal discount to teachers of Schools and Semi naries I (Second hand Instruments taken in exchanco for new ones. Pianos correctly turned and repaired. Send for Circular. SALEM A KERLIN. Solinsgrove, Snyder co., Pa., July 28, 1866. ly PHOTO t RAPHIC. E. & II . T. ANTHONY ft CO., Manufacturers of I'hotographic Mntcrinls, Wholesale and Kelaii, sui HKUAUWAI , new vork. In addition InfHir main business of Photoaranh ie Male rials we arc lleadiuarters for the MkiwniR, vis. STKREOPCOPfS A 8TKRKSCOPIC VIEWS Of A met Ura n and Poieign Cities and tafidscupes, Cro ups Statuary, etc. tf l KKEUPCUriC V1KWS Ur THE WAI1, From nraalivra made in the various ramnniina and inning a complete Photiwinphic history ol'ttic great con ical. STEREOSCOPIC VIEWS ON (JI.A83, AHnnlnl for either Ihe Macic lantern or the Stereoscopic. Our Catalogue will be sent to any address on receipt of Stump. I'ltUIUlillAI UIU ALUUniS. We irmiiiliiieuire more largely than any other house, about 200 vaiielits, from fill cnils to SoO eaiii. Our Al bums having the reputation ot being superior m beauty no nuruoiiiiy io any mners. Card I'HorocRiraa or tiaasRAM, Staiesmkn, Actors, l.TC, tTC Our Cntaloeue embraces over Five Thousand different subjeels, including feprtxluc lions of the most celebiRled .iigravuiffs, Paintings, ttulues, etc. Catalogues sent on receipt of alainp. I'hiitna-raohers and others nrdemiff eofHls C. O. will please remit per rent uf the amount with their order. I & rue prices and quality ol our c,mkib canuoi inn i satisfy. July SI, lhoo. m JjllNE Foatbcr Brushes, at LIGHTNER'S. FINE Myrtle Pomatum, at the Fancy Store of ANNA PAINTER. NEW SPRING GOODS!! NOW OPEN, A FULL STOCK OF NEW BPKING GOODS Consisting of lkr'M8 (ioods, in grout variety, sucb as Delaines, cnatiios, uinguuius, vrapes, Lawns, Brilliants, Ac. Hoop Skirts, Fine White Goods, In varietv. Dress Trimmings, Laces and Embroideries. VEILS of all dexcrintions. U loves. Hosiery. Corsets, Zephyrs. all kinds usually kept in a Fancy Store. iiockwooa s raper uouars ana tuns. Stamping and machine stitching dune to order. MARY L. LAZAKI S, Two doors west of Wm. 11. Miller's Shoe More. Sunbury, April 28, 1866. TV)R Bounty, Pension, Increase of Pensions, and Arrears of Pav. Prise Monev. or for tbe prosecu tion of any olaim whatever against the National Uovernment, or that of any State, arising out of the late war, or any previous one, Especially that ot 1812 all persons would do well to apply to Ihe Military and Naval Agency of JOSEPH E. DEVITT A CO., no. CZi uaiuui sireoi, ruitauuipum. am imosum tion and advice given free of charge. Sunbury, August 4, iboo. in LADIES oall and see the Hanging Bankets Brackets and Fine Work Buxoe. at m r,,ftmV'LniU Procure one of BYKRLY'8 Fine Photogruiih Pic turet at bit Hooin in bimioa'l Building. Tn nnieura a faluilv croun Photograph, go to BYERLY'S Room in Simpson's Building up stairs rnoriHHOTAiiv. At the solicitation of many of my friends, I have consented to be a VOLUNTEER CAND11M1IS lor tbe orfioe of Proilinnotary Ac. r-nouia i oe ticti. a promise to fulfill the duties ol tne omue uuparuauj and to the best of my ability. nv.. VUAO. a, VUViif" Suntnry, Ju nc Sfltb,lo66. BpniNa A&D BUMMED Millinery Goods, JuUopeniog at tha Millinery (More oi Mjsa M.I GUSSLEU Fawn Street, below tbe Railroad, U.NU URY, PA., Suoh as u, d ill b i a 9 ill ft tt a SHAKERS, Dress-Trimmings, Hoad-Dresse, Uloves, Hosiery, Ribbons, Flowers, Collars, Handkcr. chiufs, Ac, Ac, Mffh bava been carefully selooted. Tbe attention of tbe Ladies is solicited to her large auKirimeut of tha latest atvles 01 itUA ACAO, suits n.i. .lrlln l all. Call and examine lor voursolvcs. No trouble to show goods Suubury, April U, 1866. LADIES' CLOVE KID BOOTS, at . BOOTH AND HOE8. FOR MEN, WOMtN, AND srllll rittsVKI sal . W . !" WSS UASS1 i ettotaor every description, at VV. W; Apslay.'s PERUVIAN GUANO 8UB8inUTE I BAUGII'S IRAW BONE SUPERPHOSPHATE OP LIME. After more than twelve years of constant use, this uignty ooncontratea manure naa aitainea a wiuo spread reputation as a SUBSTITUTE FOR PERUVIAN O L'A NO, Being found active In Its operation, and of great du rability. It docs not exhaust the soil, but on the contrary, permanently improves it. The increasing sales annually, abundantly prove the high Popular value of this manure, and establish the fact of its Ming relied upon by a wide clrole or agriculturists to supply all wants in the direction of manures fur overy crop. BATJOH Se SONS, Sole Manufacturers A Proprietors, Office, No. 26 South Delaware Avenue, PUILADELPUIA. BAUOH UUOTHEHS & (JO, General Wlwtemle Agent, No. 181 Pearl .St., corner ol Cedar. NEW YORK. GEOKUK DUO DALE, Whohtulo A'jtntJ'or Maryland & Viiyinut, No. 105 Smith's Wharf, BALTIMORE, MD. Is-lc-c gffO por 2000 lltx. t Just Published, tho I. 111. Ail I linn nf nnr tiam. phlet, "How to Maintain the Fertility of American inrms and PlantnlionH," furuifhod free upon appli cation to us or our Agents. JJAUUU SONS, 20 South Delaware Avenuo, Philadelphia. Sold by SMITH A 0 ESTHER, Sunbury. July 28, 18(56. ly NEW AND CHEAP GOODS JUST OPENED. KNOEL & R0BBINS. RESPECTFULLY Inform thocitir.cns or Sunbury and vicinity, that lliev have iust onened a liirir stock of In the store room lately occupied by Weaver A Fa- geiy, opposite Uio Uld Uourt House. REMEMBER that theso Onods have iust been purchased at reduced prices, and are sold according- w,iu prising ui 3D GOODS of every style and variety, such as CLOTHS, CAStSIMERES, VESTINGS, AC. Dress (loods, Prints, Muslins Domestic Uoods, Notions, Ac, Ac. CIIOCERIES, TEA, COFFEE, BUG All MOLASSES, &.C. lloiiNvkvrpiiiK; 4ooIrt. The attention of tho nuhlio Is resneclfull v Invited to tho advantages offered at this ectablishment. THE UIUUEST PRICES PAID FOR COUNTRY PRODUCE. Call and examine for yourselves. A. J. KNfKHEL, U. P. BOBBINS. Sunbury, July 21, 1S66. New Spring Styles I SI1 A.W 1AI'1'1'IC, Two doors West of tlic Post Oilicc, STJNBTJRY XJEJM IST'A. RESPECTFULLY Invites the attention of the publio to her large and varied assortment of Spring & Summer Millinery Goods which she has just received and opened. Her stock embraces FANCY DKKSS UOUDS, Embroideries, Cluny Lace, Lnoe Collars, Linen Collars, Dress Cords, Zephyrs, Buttons, Ac. A line luuortiucnt ot ladles and gents' lltwiery, lloves. Fans, Parasols. Bugle Triinminirs. Ribbons. Belt Ribbons, Velvet Ribbons. Braid. Ladies' Neck ties, Fancy Dress Combs, Head Dresses, Ac. Irvin's Patent Hair Criuincrs, Hnir Coils, Corsets. and a large assortment of other articles, loo nume rous to mention. I have also just receij-yl a One lot of Perfumery, Toilet Soaps, Tooth aiiailiiir Brushes, Aa. AnX A rAlHlEK. SunV ury, April 28, 1866. NEW HARDWARE AND IRON STORE. milE subscriber having opened In SUNBURY. J Pa., a new large, and well assorted stock nf all kinds of II AKIW A RK. (HITLER Y, COACH WARE SADULERY, SHOE FINDINGS, IRON, NAILS, Ac, laid inat lowest New York and Eastern prices which they will be pleased to soli for Cash at the lowest Enatern prices. Intending to do business in the honest principles of small profits and quick sale for Cmh. J. 11. IUSLA1 IU. Sunbury, June 16, 1866. WE would invite tbe attention of Carpenters to our lance and well selected assortment of Tnolcs, comprising Chisels of all kinds, Augurs. i'lunes, haws, Irou and Meet r-quare, ami in fact every thing wanted to complete a full outfit, at tbe Hardware store of J. II. CONLEY A CO. Willi I'uprrand Border tn great variety- new stylos just ruoeivea at uie uiainmoin More ui 4. IV.rKlLlKU Suubury, Oct. 14. IMS. 115,000 !!. assorted Cbarconl Iron at 61 els. lb. at J. U. CONLEY A CO. Suubury 'June 16, 1806. Notice to CreditOrrat. ALL persons indebted to the lata firm of Rohrbacb A Cooper , on note, book account or otherwise, are hereby notified to make immediate payment if they wib to rave coats, as they will be placed in the bands or an omoer for collection. D. 0. ROHRBACU, T. a. COOPER. 6'unbury, June HI, ISM. Adsniatitirasor'at No(c. NOTICE is hereby given that letters testamentary lhaaataianf Henrv Wituier, lata of Jordan township, Northumberland county. Pa , deceased k..a faa cranted to tha undersigned. Al pursons tudebwd to said estate are requested to make immediate payment, and those having claims to rre..n, them, uui, w ,Tm MICHAEL EMERlCU.Jr. Jordan tap., July 14, lt.oo.-64 . i A LBS. Nails and 8pikes at $7 li fer Sunbury. June 1, ., . ,i . t ; .. tlxm kjMit In uma. fn t ATKUatk O naa sm""-i - - " '-1,10 UTNER, sols Agent fur 6unbury . DEInXRiO gntKftKS 1TIAIVRAKI3 FOR LIVER COMPLAINT. A SUBSTITUTE FOR CALOMEL oar bowels ais coat) re, TRY THEM. you have worms, TRY THEM. your breath la bad, TRY THEM. f you feet drowsy; TBY THEM1. If yoa ar low sniiited, - TRY THEM. If tor have a sick headache, TRY THEM. If yo have taken drop too maeH, TAKE A FULL DOSK, They only tost is eenu S bn, TRY THEM. Blue Mass.itiKl other preparations of Mercury, actnall produce more euffenug and dralh than the diseaarTwhieh IheyprofeM io cuie. And yet thieaurroaive mineVal ., deiaiunced liy the aUnpalhic d,urs, ia preacnlN? hv thnu almost Universally iu Liver Complaint, Cuusnmatinn of ijtings, e. TUB MANDRAKE PILLS are composed entirely of roots sod herhs, of.fahied' from the great sUirehouaeor Natufe,and Iheli salitmry efleeta will appear m Boon as Ihe medielne is biought to the lest of afairexpe'immit. t(JIIK.NCK'XWANL.kAKKPILI do not produce auy nnaaea or sieknen of the stomach i l-nt when given for Oyspepsis, It may I hi proper to dm Ihem in connection with SCHKNCK'8 HKAWKKU TUNIC, By this ndieloaa treatment the digestive facul ties are speedily restored to their full vigor, and the worst esses of indigestion may he cured. When we I e Heel lhat the liver is Ihe largest internal organ of Ihe nndy, that Ui it ia aasigncd the important duty of altering the hlond and preparing tbe bile, that it is sutijeet to many disorders, anil that when it is diseased or Inactive tho whole bodv snfTers sympathetically It is not surprising that a medicine which can restnie the healthy operations of the Liver should produce wonderful changes in the general health, bikJ effect cures whieh may appeal Io he almost miracnlous. Headache of long eon tinnauce, severe pains in the Side, breast and shouidere. aching of the limbs, a feeling of genets! Weakness and wietcheilncKa, and other alarming and distressing Symp toms, indicative of imperfect or disordered action of the liver, are speedily lemoved by the use of SCHENCK'9 MANDRAKE TILLS. Cosiiveness, piles, hitter or snur erections, and that ludescribahle feehrvg M opiiression, mental anxiety, lan guor, lethnrcy, aial depression of apirita which unfit a mnn for the management of business and the enjoyment of life, are all relieved uy the use of SCHENCK'S MAN OR AKK PILLS. Ila Vermes. DearSil 1 1 lake pleasure In sending you a certificate in add. lion ui many you have already re ceived from suffering humanity. I can scarcely find tan runce sufficiently strong to express my heaitfell gratifica tion "t lite woudeilul euiee your nAnuaAsn riL,LO und PKAWKKD TONIC have efiected ill the entue cure of one of the moat stubborn ensea of the affection of tha liver. For three years I suffered beyond description j all my friends, as well aa myself, came tnthe conclusion thai my time in this life was short. Such was the terrible condition to wlil'.'h I was reduced that life tn me had be come a burthen ; my whole system was in a stale of in Hnmination ; I could nt eat, I ciaikl wit sleep; my whola body was filled with pain ; swelling would arise in my wrists and auklea, rendeiing them totally useless Un sere lal occasions 1 was attacked with a rush of bkx d to the head, which would tell me tn the Rnund, and I Won Id be earned away for dead. I applied to several eminent physicians of our cily, who administered all the medicine that they thought would reach my case, but of no avail. One of them soid he could do no more fof me, and ad vised me, aa a last resort, to drink cod liver oil. Not relishing Ihe horrid trash I declined to take it. Accident put your advertisement la my hutid. I called on you ; you examined me and told me the nature of my disease. You then ordered me the Pills and Tonic with an olwerv auce of tliel, pledging vouf word Ihut in one week I would find myself another mun. 1 followed your advice. nnd,asynu predicted, an astonishing cure was effected I continued your Pills and Tonic for Anne time, snd now tliank tiod for his goodness, and yoht valuable medicine, I am once more rretnred to perfect health. I most earnestly recommend those who rtte suffering from affec tion nf the liver to sive your Pills mfr Tonic a fair trial, and a cure will be effected. I have sent many neiaous to you, and they have all been cured. Any information my fellow citizens may require will lie freely given by the suhserilier, at his leaidence. No. 814 Federal street, be tween 8lh street null Pnmyiink mod CHARLES JOHNSON, Sr.j, Formerly Primers' ink Manufactory Or PCI1KNCK w II he professionally at his principal office. No. 1.1 North Sixth street, corner of Commerce, I'll 1 l.A Ol'.l.l'll I A. every Snlurdav. from 9 a.m. until 4 p. m ; Nn. ! Bond street; New York, every Tuesday, Mom 7 to : ; No. 39 Summer slreel, Bostiai, Mass , every Wednesday, from 9 Io 3, and evety other Friday at 108 Baltimore street. Baltimore, Mil. All advice free, but for a thorough examination of Hie lu-lgs with his Respl rorneler the charge ia three dollars' Price of ihe Pulmonic Syrup and Seaweed Tnnie, each tI.0 per tKittle, or 7,50 per half dozen. Mandiaka Pi la, '2 cents per hox. For snle hy nil Druggists and Dealers. Muuh Sit, 1H6IT. ly. New Arrival of SUMMER GOODS! AT THE MAMMOTH STORE or J. V. I'ltll.lX.' & Market Squaro, near tho New Court House JUST OPENED a largo and new assortment of GENTLEMEN 'IS WEAR. Cloths, Cussiuicrcs, Cottouadcs, Linen ranting, Ac LADIES' DRESS UOODS. Silk, Delaines, Alnpacas, English and Kcotch (iinghiiuis, Challies, Lawns, Annures, lirilliunts, While Hoods, Calicoes, Muslins, and every othor article bctoujjing to tbo above branch of biuiueas. WHITE AND COLORED FLANNELS Sheetings, Hoop Shirts Hosiery and gloves. CARPET & OIL CLOTHS, tilunWare, Quecnswaro, Crockory, Hardware and Cutlery. gruu, Oilfc, I'uiiitM, Coal Oil nnd I.UIIipH. Fish, Pork ; Coarse and Fine Bait, Coffee, Tea, Bu gar, Molasses Syrnp, Sploes, Ac, tinicerles. Tobacco, Sogars and KnntT, tngethel with a large variety of miscellaneous goods at prioes that cannot tall to sutisly purchasers. Sunbury flune S, 1S66. BOOKSrBO'OKS!!" fptlE subscriber begs leave to call the attentionol 1. his customers, and the ooininuuity tn general, to tbe faut that be has now received his second lot of aSTZETW GOODS, confuting. In part, of a complete line of PAPEIl AND ENVELOPES, lllank, School and Juvenile Books, Fancy Toilet ."oaps. Perfumes, Picture Frames, Lava and Willow -Hanging llaskels, llird Cages, laud u u u Nlaud Ulussrs, Fine Vases. Hundsome (jlove Jewelry and Work- liozes, Traveling and olner I'ortlolios, Uarved Brackets, Feather Dust Brushes, Balls, Bats, Fishing Tackle, Toys of all descriptions, a large stock of WALL-PAPER AND BORDER, Window-fillnd'i Paper Khades, Coal Oil Lamps and Fixtures, Ac. Thanklul for past patronage, and hope, by strict attention to easiness, to continue ine same. k, u r. i iit u l-u N. F. LIUUTNER. Sunbury, June 9. IMA. BOWMAN & LEONARD, Manufacturers and WHOLESALE AND liETAIL DEALERS -r SILVER and B I L V E II PLATED GOODS. ?. Arsis Mlrcft, Ihllad-lpBia. Those In want of Silver or Silver Plated Ware will find it much to their advantage by visiting our More before making their purchases. Our lung exri ence in the manuiacturoof tbe above kiud of goods enables us to defy competition. We keep no goods but those whioh ara nf tha First Class, all of our own make, and will be sold at reduo ed prioes. July 7lh, lHttd lycl J.AND and Stand O lasses at Liobtrer's. A LL kinds of Hardware, Iron, Ac , not in store will be sent for and delivered at the lowest prioes by Sunbury, June 16, 1866. J.U. CON LEV A CO. If you want a good Likeness for your frieads, go to S. BVERLY'bUallery in Simpson's Building. rpVRPENTINE, Coal Oil, Fish Oil, Linseed Oil, L fur sale low lur Cash by