Cf)e gunimr2 r American. SATURDAY, AUGUST 18, 1800. 1ST Job Prf tldr. narlng reoeived , a, lug npply .of NEW JOB TTPE, of varlout new ityle, Potter, Handbills, Circulars, Card, Latter Heads, Bill Heads, Label, ft., can be printed la tha latest and boil ttylct, and on short notioa. Orders by mail promptly attended to. ty Raw. W hav had two dayi and bight! of rain, Monday and Tuesday, whioh wai much needed, and will greatly add to tha ara rop, and perhapi to the crop of late potatoea. ' . , I ; ( ty Wl refer our roaderi to tbt ohurga of Judge Jordan to tha Orand Jary, on tha opening of tb Dew Court Houso, on onr Brat page. fy I referring to tha lata lira in thia place, wa atated that the englnea were not In order. Wa have einoe learned that it wa tb hoae, and not the an glues, that were out of order. ty Ibi RoLi.iaa Will. The ereotlon of a roll ing mill at Northumberland la a fixed faot. Wa learn that the work wai oommenoed tbii week. Northumberland la well located for the proposed work. J3r"lB Pbksbytsriam Chubch, la Uiia place, ti advortisod to be aold at publia sale on Tuesday otxt, list Inst , as will ba aoen in our advertising columns. Tha lot la valuable on aooount of it loca tion near the depot, and the building ia a good one. Tha congregation dealgn building a new one, in a more retired and quiet place. EP0. W. IIaci-t, Esq., offers hi lervlcea for the collection o bountiea dueaeldUum All olaima placed in hi handa will receive prompt attention. Soe card in another column. tyCmcia Couimo. -It will ba teen by refer, no to our advertising column that Van Amburgh A Co.' Menagerie and Egyptian Caravan, combined with Gardner, Hemming A Co'a Amerioan Circuii will exhibit in thia place on Monday, 27th insti They will perform at Shamokin on Saturday next. They advertise a large collection of animala for axhl. bition, and tha troupe are apoken of generally aa good performera. tyTui Colkit Fain.-'-At the annual meeting held in thin place on Monday week last, It wai unani mously resolved that a County Agricultural Exhibi tion ba hold at Milton, on tha 19th, 20th and 21st or September. Tb executive committee selected are W. C. Lawson, J. F. WoIQnger, Amoa E. Kapp, John McFarland, J. P. MoCleery, P. Wilhelm and Samuel John. CP" Tan PnooRxsi or Cmm. flood and evil seldom come alone. The progress of improvement, generally, is attended with an increase in crime, and our town is no exception. On Thursday night of last week, Rev. Jacob Martin arrived in this place in the express train, South, at 1 1 .45. He was followed by aomo scoundrel' while walking from the depot to the residenoe of bis sister, on Front street. When be arrived at the crossing of the Shamokin Valley Kailroad he waa aeiied by the throat by the stout ruffian, who wna dressed in light clothes, and pressed to the ground. By extraordinary efforts he shook tff his assailant and called for help, when tha villain fled. A night or two after, another stranger, who arrived in the night train, was knocked down while another person was showing him tha way. On Wednesday night tha Post Office was entered and robbed of nearly all the letters left in the boxes, perhaps a hundred ii number, and about $3 in the till. An entrance was effected by tearing off some of the weathor boards of the back part of the build ing, andutting a hole through the lath and plas tering."' Tbe same nljht a passenger in the Express train which arrived here behind time, and staid over until the next morning, nns robbed of $180. About 4 o'olock on Thursday morning, two indi diduala callod at the Charles Hotel, on Third street, and while tbe landlord went out for water, robbed his till of $3 or $10, and fled beforo bnrroturn. It is high time that something if done, and the Iioruugh Council should make every effort to arrest these marauding villains, and provent any further outrages on persons, or tbe property of our citiiens. tyBor-JTT ton. Soloil't. We direct attention to the cord of L. T. Rohrbach, Esq., in another col umn, who ia authorised to collect Bounties for sol diers, Ac. Those having elaima can have them at tended to by applying to Mr. R., as he ba made ar rangements at Washington city for the prompt pay ment of them. . , Court PnocxtniKat. The August term of Court for Northumberland oounty, lion. A. Jordan presiding, oommenoed in this place, on Monday of lost week. Tbe new Court Hour having been completed, it waioooupiad by the Court, and during the early part of tho week it was orowded with persons having business in Court and by those who were drawn thither to see the new building. Judge Jordan opened the Court by a lengthy charge to tha Grand Jury, a full report of whioh appears on our first page. Tbe following eases were disposed of : Com. rs. Daniel Eitenhart. Indictment, for. and bos. True bill. Bound over in the sum of $600 to appear at next session of court. Com. vs. Wat. Gray, Jette Jones and Harry Green. Housebreaking. True bill. Verdiot, guilty. The oourt aentonoed each of th defendant to pay fin of $1, cost of prosecution, restore property to rightful owner, and that Wm. Oray and Uariy Green undergo an imprisonment U tb Eastern Pen itentiary for a period of T months, and Jesse Jones for t months, from and after th expiration of th entenoe ot the Commonwealth against him for larceny. Com. vs. Jtue Joint. Laroeny. True bill -Verdict, guilty. Sentenced to pay a fin of $1, tb cost of prosecution, res lore property to owner, and undergo an imprisonment for a period of T month in th Eastern Penitentiary. Cons. vt. Michael Graham. Belling liqnor with out ltoense. True bill. Bound ever in tb sum of $800 for hi appearance at next aeaaion of oourt. . Con. vt. Elisabeth Hancock Assault and bat tery. Traa bill. Bound over in tb sum of $200 for her appearano at next term of court. . Com. vt. Solomon zisjtshoos. Keeping a gambling house. True bill. Defendant bound over in th sum of $600 to appear at next court. Com. vt. Wm. Gibbons. Assault and battery. True bill. Verdict, guilty. Benteaoed to pay a tine of $15 and cost of prosecution. ' ' Com. vt. Char let Berlin. larceny Tru bill. Verdiot, guilty. Sentenced to pay a Ana of $1 and coats of prosecution, reator property stolen to owner. and to imprisonment in tha Eastern Penitentiary for a period of 10 months. Com. vs. Sams. Larceny. Tru bill. Verdiot, guilty. Seutenoed to pay a fine of $1, cost of prose cution, reator stolen property to owner, and to itu prisonment in tb Extern Penitentiary for a term of 10 month '!:' i ''.''.;.. i Com. vt. Daniel Kaxp. Larceny. Prosecutor not appearing, tb defendant wa discharged by proclamation. " Com. v. Hetty Zisiwa "-Assault and battery. Prosecutor not appearing, defendant wa diaoharged by proclamation. . , '!.: : i.l i' - :i . Com. vt, Sarah Dudley. kmaaM and battery. No bill. Prosecutor, Matthew Ward, to pay oosta of prosecution. ' i r "' ' ' Com. vt. Daniel llarrit, Ann Harris and Jan Harris. Assault and battery. Tree hill. Verdiot, guilty. Defendant each tacunced to pay a fin of VIA, and Jointly pay th tost of prosecution. ' Com. vt. David Eveland and Chat. Pettier. Subbing. Verdiot guilty. Defendant aaob sen tenced to pay a fine of $i0, and Jointly py tb cost of prosecution, and k imprisoned In tb t'euaty Jail for period ef 4 months. " Cm. i. Daniel Foley Melioiout mitchUf, TrMiaLt Yerdlot, tseft guilty, and tt roeeowtrlx, Mr. Eaily, and the defendant, each pay one-half of th eoata of proeeouUowA f v, i -' Cm. vi. Alullhsw Ward, Aasaattaad battery. Mo bill. Tb prosecutrix, Sarah t. Dudley, to pay oosta of proaeoutloa. : -. . Cam.' waV. Francis Carl, TSemai Goulds mttd M. MiUttn.AmaaH and battery with intent to kill. Tru bill. Verdlot-Francls Carl and M. Mullen not guilty,, and Thomaa Goulden guilty ia tb manner and ferae as lodietad. Beatono post poned. , l Com,-vti Jamst Smith f-svl and battery. Tru bill. Th defendant wa not found guilty aa tb first oourt,' bat guilty of aa assault only. He was sentenced to pay a fin of $20 and th cost of prosecution. " ' "'' Com. vt 2enot Hartthorvs.Vor. and ba. Trna bill. Defendant waa bound over in the sum of $600 for bis appcarane at th November session of oourt. ".; of T Mi f ' i' ' ' ' , Com. vs. Peter Pries nd Aaron Pries. Assault and battery. No bill. The prosecutrix, Rachol Gray, to pay ootttof prosecution. Com. vt. Rachel Graf , Matf Graf and Woodi Graf. Aaaault and battery. No bill. The prose outor, Peter Price, to pay ooaUof prosecution. Com. vt. David Lane. Giving liquor to drank ardi and selling without lioense. . No bill. Th prosecutrix to pay oosta. . Cam. vt. Sarah Henrf. Malicious auisohief. Tru bill. Defendant bound over in tbt turn of $300 to appear at next term of court. Com. vi. Reuben Garman.AmwM and battery. No bill found, and the prosecutor to pay th cost of prosecution. Com. vt. Georgi W. Snyder. Assault and bat tery. No bill. Prosecutor to pay cost. Com. vt. Pretrilla Martelrn.AmsuU and bat tery. ; Truo bill. Recognisanoe forfeited. Com. vt. Thomai E. Logan. Larceny. True bill. Defendant waa charged with stealing a pair of boot. Verdict, guilty. Com. ft. Wathington Otto Assault and bat tery. True bill. Verdiot, not guilty. Defendant and prosecutor, N. S. Drumheller, each Sentenced to pay one-half of the cost of prosecution. Com. rs. Sarah Manning and David Catheri. Assault and battery. Bill ignored, and prosecutrix, Anna Harris, to pay the cost. ' Com. vi. John Martdtn, Robert Martden and Fred. Martden. Assault and battery. . No bill. Anna Harris, prosecutrix, to pay cost. Com. v. Jamet Mchardt.AmtuU and attempt to commit a rape. Ko bill. Com. vi. Albert Irvin.Foi. and bas. Defend ant plead guilty, and waa aenteneed to pay a fin of $5 to the Overseers of Poor of Sunbury, and costs of prosecution, and pay the prosecutrix the sum of $70 for the Maintenance of the child, o. Com. re. Maty Williams.-Obtaining money under false pretences. Bound over to appear at next term. Com. vt. Wm B. Hartman. Obtaining money under false pretences. Entered bail in the sum of $2000 for his appearance at next court. Com. vt. Joteph Long. Larceny. Bill ig nored. Com. vt. Patrick McMahan and Sam'l Tilers. Refusing to open and dear a publia road. Com. .' Mary Alice Miller. Adultery. No bill. Ephraim R. Miller, tho prosecutor and bus band, to pay the cost. Com. vs. George Aptley, George E. Aptlcy and C. W. W alter. Conspiracy , and obtaining money under false pretence. Truo hill. Bound over to appear at next session of oourt. ' Com. vt. Jamet Boteman.JSo one appearing, the defendant and bail were discharged. Com. vs. Jamet Batman. No one appearing, defendant and bail were discharged. Com. v. George E. Milter and Montgomery B. Milter. Conspiracy. True bill. Bound over to appear at next session. Com. vt. Joteph Glotton. Obtaining money un der false pretence. Defendant not appearing, his reoognitanco was forfeited. Com. vs. John Conare. For. and ba. No appearance. Recogniianoe forfeited. Com. ft. Emanuel Eiienhart.toT. and bos. No appearonoe. . Recognisance forfeited. Com. vt. Allen J. McKean. For obtaining goods under false ) rctcnccs. True bill. Bound over to appear at next term. Com. rs. Thomas Harriton. Surety of the peace. Defendant wa sentenced by tbe court to pay-tbe costa and give bail in the sum of $1U0 to keep the poaoe. IX THE COURT OV COMMON PLIAS. Adam K. FahitestocJh vs. Solomon B. Boyer and Bail. Feigned issue to ascertain whether defendant and buil were entitled to a credit of $8,000. On bond, entered to Mar oh term, 1805. Verdict in favor of defendant This case excited considerable interest, not only on account of the amount of money in issue, but the question of character involved in tbe result. The plaintiff, residing at Harrisburg, waa the collector of Internal Revenue for tbe 14th District, and the defendant was his deputy for this county. On a settlement of their acoounta Mr. Boycr olaimed a credit of $S,0U0, which, he alleged, bad been sent to Mr. Fahneatock in a package, by the bands of Mr. A. F. Clupp, of this place, who requested him to send a recoipt for the tame by mail. Mr. Clapp testified that on the 14th of April, 1864, he carried and delivered a package of money for Mr. Boyer to . Fahneatock, amounting to $V00 or $0000, but wo not certain wbion. Mr. cuunesloak denied having received any auch package of money from Mr. Boyer, who stated that he had lost or mislaid bit receipt for the tame, shortly after the groat flood, in which bis papers had been damaged. On the trial this paper, or letter, waa produced by the counsel of Mr. Boycr. The defendant admitted that th date of tbe letter and receipt, for $187, was gen uine, as was also the signature, but it was alleged that the receipt immediately below this, for a paok age of $8,000 lees $10 for a note returned, leaving to be oredited $8,000 was a forgery, and that the ink of three lines of the letter, relating to a soldier's claim, bad been extracted by acids, and tbt receipt for the $8,090 written in it place, immediately above the signature, and also that tbe lines extracted were those written below tbe signature. Several expert! swore that the receipt for the $8,990 wai a forgery, but that the other parts were genuine Others, who were familial' with Mr. Fahneatock'a writing, swore that they believed the whole to be genuine. Tbe Jury was charged by Judge Jordan on Satur day afternoon, about I o'clock, fiarly bn Sunday morning tb Jury seal e J their verdict, and at one of them left for home, th sealed verdict wa rendered on Monday morning. " At the request of plaintiff's eoanael the Jury was polled, and th Clerk of the Court understood them all to be in favor of the defendant. Two of them, however, afterward atated that they had not declared for the defendant, but for tbe plaintiff. A motion was mad for a new trial by plaintiff's counsel, which hat not yet been deolded. The eoun- al for olaintiff were R. A. Limberton, Esq., of Harrisburg, and Wm. M. Rockefeller, Esq., of this place. : For th defendant Meant. Packer, Comly,' 1 TT : , t L ' ' " ureenougn, ouu nwiwwu. BUBINEBS KOTICiX. . , ' y Hat WaKTin. Several tons of hay are want ed, tor which the highest market prioe will be paid. Apply at Adams' Express Onto, Sunbury, Pa. eM ; iy Lost On Wednesday last, la Market ititet, Sunbury, a plain Gold Ring. . The taint will be re warded by leaving it at J. K. Smick't tailor Mora. CT Scrxmox Clothi. Gentlemen who wish to replenish their wardrobe by clothing of a tuparl or quality, thould go to Jacob 0. Beck' fashionabl toilostog establishment, oa Fourth street, where suits are made bp ia th neatly fitting atjl and faithful manner thai bar gained for him aa enviable repai tatioa with penou of Wat and faalion. Givt him aeeH.j.t... V(; v. . - f iTTSiaM . Or Tai ' Atljxti Caili il (aooaaafully laid and to it all opposition to th "eee price" lytUm adopted at Mlller'i Exoelator Boot and BhoaBtor Market street, Sunbury. Miller i determined pot to be outdone, and hi Hock of boot and shoe is coin off rapidly. Hi invito aa examinatloa of bit lock. ' '... 1 fyHttmr inmstTfta--Tb SoWlert Boun ty Bill having beooaa a law, let ne on fail to read th rd of Joseph K. DeviU A Co., Military Claim Agents, uader new admtlaamenta. f -j .r t , nnisrwi Cr " Ntr, Mm, I know not learnt." Beam leas eoata mutt have beea worn in Hamlet's time. There era then no Continental Clothing Bataar In Sunbury o gentlemen's auitt, ne boys' suita nothing worth mentioning. ; Now, however, every body wh understands their intereatt, get their cheap and fashionable olothlng at th Continental, because suits are told lower at this establishment than any other outside of the large cities. Pirioki wanting good, honest tnd truthful likenesses cannot do better than by going to Byarly'l famous Photograph Gallery, in Bimpeon'i building. Market street, Sunbury, Pa. iiri tfT NoTica. All persons Indebted to J. E. Smlok, Merchant Tailor, oa note, book account, or other wile, are requested to pay up and lav costs, with out further notioa. .;. Mr. 5miek intends to Inoreas his stock,, with a desire to pleat all, and hopes that all will please hint by oaJllag and settling their billt. " U.liljIti' MARIUiria. , Corrected Weakly for tha "American." Wheat Flour, extra family, per barrel, $14 00 7 00 10 00 6 0 2 60 1 00 90 75 1 00 4ti 30 20 4 60 40 20 26 26 27 22 16 16 18 To do do da do perewt. Rye Flour, per bbl. per ewt. per bushel, do do do do oo Wheat, prim red f nye, Corn, Oat. . ' Potatoes, r . - Dried Peach . oared - per round do do unpared do do Dried Apples, Dried Cherri , (unstontd,) per ba. por pound, ; per doien, per pound, Butter. Eggs, . Cboeae, Lard, Hams, ' -Shoulders, Beef, hind quarter, " front " Mutton, Chickens, . ao do do do do do per pair Hbamekla Coal Trade. s SnaMOKitj, Aug. 13, 1866. Ton. Cap Sent for week ending Aug. 11, Per last report, 12.110 16 326,730 09 33T.841 06 229,732 00 108,109 06 To lame time last year, Increase, Styfticil Noturs. kjOlUccr who have returned from thy war to lay their laurel at the feet cf the ladies, find it expedient to perfume the leaves with Phalon's "Night-Blooming Cereus." A few drops of tho perfume takes off the odor of gunpowder Required amid the smoke of buttle. Sold everywhere. SrKEit 's Samburo Pout Wise. Parties from London and Paris unit r it, appreciating it above French wines. It is said to be un surpassed for summer complaints, and for weakly persons. Our druggists have ob tained some direct from Mr. Spcer. ' The price is low for so excellent a wine, and every family should have a bottle in the house. Call at W. A. Bennett. "DON'T nE rOOLlSH." YoTcan aoake Six Dollars from Fifty Cents. Cull and ex amine an invention urgently needed by every body. Or a sample sent free by mail for 50 cents that retails easily for $0. Iv R. L. WOLCOTT. 1 70 Chatham Square, N Y. Sept. 16, 1864. ly. IIX'II! ITCH! ITCIIt SCRATCH! SCRATCH! SCRATCH! WHEATON'8 OINTMENT Will Cure tbe licit In -tH Hours. Also cures SALT RHEUM, ULCERS, CHIL BLA1N.S, and all ERUPTIONS OF THE SKIN. Prioe 50 ccutt. For aale by the druggists. By tend ing 60 cents to WEEKS A POTTER, Sole Agents, 170 Washington street, Boston, it will be forwarded by mail, tree of postage, to ana'part of tho United Suite. je 23 '6ti-y Wiilkcr ! VviilU-r ! I Dr. L. 0. MoKTKt' Corrolia, the greatest stimu lator in the world, will force Whiskers or Mustaches 'to grow on the smoothest lace or chin ; never known to Ian , sample lor trial sent tree to any one aesirous of testing its merits. Address, RtEvcs ft Co., 78 Nassau St., N. Y. jc30 3m rphe Confetloese) and Experience JL OF AN INVALID. Published for the benefit and aa a oaution to young men and others, who sutler from Nervous Debility, Premature Decay of Manhood, Ac, supplying at the eome timo the means of aelf-oure. By one who nut oured himself aftor undergoing considerable quack ery. By enclosing a post-paid addressed envelope, single copies, free of charge may b had of tb au thor. NATHANIEL MATFAIR, Esq. , Brooklyn, Kings vo, . x . January 27J866 ly Deafnett, Hlindnesisi and Catarrh, ' Treated with the utmost success by Dr. J. ISAACS Oculist and Auritt. (formerlv of Levden, Holland.) No. al Pin street. Philadelphia. Testimonials from tbe moat reliable sources in the Citv and Coun try can be teen at bit offioe. The medical faculty are Invited to accompany their patient, at he not no se crets in his practice. Artificial Eyes, inserted with out pain. No charge mad for examination. July 22, 186i ly . LOrii A.AI JIA'l'HlllO.W. Ladiea and gentlemen, if you wuh to marry, ad' dress the undersigned, who will tend you, without money and without price, valuable information that will enable yon to marry happily and tpeedily, Ir respective of age, w Altb, or beauty. Thia informa tion will coat you nothing, and if you wish to marry, I will cheerfully annul you. All letters atriotly con. fidential. The desired information aent by return mail, and no reword asked. Address SARAH B. LAMBERT ' Oreen point, Kings Co., New York. June 0, 1866 3m . . . T Coasamptives, ' Tbe advertiser, having been restored to health in a few weeks by a very simple remedy, after having Buffered for several yean with a levero lung affection nit (hut jlrAail ritutuA. CnniutiinHnn ta anxious to make known to hit fellow lu&arer th mean oT cur. To all who desire it, h will tend a copy of the prescription nsed (free of charge), with the direo tiont for preparing and using the tarn, which they will find a soan Coaa for Cosii'snior, Aitbma BaoNcaiTiS, Coreat, Colbi, and all Throat and Lung Affection. Th only object of th advertises in lending tb prescription is to benefit tbe amioted and spread information whioh he ooneeives to be in valuable, and he hope every sufferer will try bi( remedy, at it will oust them nothing, and may prove a Meeting, i . i i ' , ' Parties wishing th prescription, rata, by return mail, pleas address Williamsburgh, King Co , New York January 18, Irtoo ly. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS Pensions; Increased. . The late Aot of Coagreaa give additional (ay to tb following Pensions, via I ' 1st. To too who have last th light of both yet, or both bonds, or totally disabled to oa to require son aLant attendance, the sum of ttb 00 net month. Id To those who have lost both feet, or are totally disabled In tbe same ss ai to require eoatlant attend anaa. tha aura ef ttt 00. 3d. To too who have lost on hand or on foot, at aim aa diaabled a to render them unable U per' form manaal labor 1 M per month, and other aaaoa in uorjortiosi. The lubacriber ia duly prepared for th lauaadiat procurement of these claims. B. B. BOTER, Att'y at Law BunbufV June 16, 1866. ANVILS, Vioet, Bellows Stocks, and Diet, and all good belonging to tha Blacktmithing busi- ..a. W ,ow m v-a H CQNLEY A ca PEETTVIA1T GUANO SUBSTITUTE V BAUGH'S f : - . SUPERPHOSPHATE OF LIME. 1 .:-'M..- ; ' . After mora than twelve veara of oontnnt use. thia highly concentrated manure hat attained a wide spread reputation as a . ,. i . SUBSTITUTE FOR PERUVIAN GUANO, Being found active in its operation, and of great rite rabilitv. It does not exhaust tbe toil, but oa the contrary, permanently improves it. Tbe increasing sale annually, abundantly prove the high popular value of this manure, and estublish tha faot of it being relied upon by a wide circle of agriculturists supply an wants in ine aireouon or manures for very crop. BAUOH As SONS, Sole Manufacturers ft Proprietors, Offioe, No. 20 South Delaware Avenue, PHILADELPHIA. BAUGII BROTHERS & CO, General Wlwlesale Agent, No. 181 Pearl St., corner oi Cedar. NEW YORK. GEORGE DUG DALE, Wholesale Agent for Maryland i Virginia, No. 105 8mItlT Wharf, BALTIMORE, MD. Price 56 per 2000 lb. Just Published, the 13lh edition of our new pam phlet, "How to Maintain tho Fertility of Amerioan Farms and Plantations," furniebed free nnon annli. cation to us or our Agents. H ALU II ft SU.NS, 20 South Delaware Avenue, Philadelphia. Sold by SMITH A GENTIIF.R .?.,nhnr July 28, 1866. ly r NEW AND CHEAP GOODS JUST OFEZSTEr). KMEBKL & ROB BINS. RESPECTFULLY Inform the cltitena of Sunbury and vicinitv. that thev have iust ouened a larire swok oi In the store room lately occupied by Wearer A Fa- gety. opposite tbe Ulil Uourt House. REMEMI1EK that these Goods have just been purcnufcu at reuuoed prices, and are sold according iy, comprising oi jdt-t GOODS of every style and variety, such as CLOTHS, CASSIMERES, VESTINQS, 4C. res Uoods, Print, Muslins Domestio Qoodt, Notions, Ac., Ao. GROCERIES, TEA. COFFEE. SUGAR MOLASSES, AC. IlouMekeepitig Cioods. Tbe attention of the millio is respectfully Inv'tcd to t no advantages oucred at tuts eitabiishment. THE HIGUE5ST PRICES PAID FOR COUNTRY , PRODL'CE. Call and examine for yourselves. A. J. KNCEBKL, II. P. ROBBINS. Sunbury, July 21, 1856. I710R Bounty, Pension, Increase of Pensions, and ; Arrears of Pay, Prise Money, or for tbe prosecu tion of any cluitn whatever against the National Government, or that of any State, arising out of the late war, or any previous one, Especially lhat ot 1812 all persona would do well to apply to tbe Military and Nnvnl Agency or JOSEPH E. DEV1TT ft CO., No. 427 Walnut street, Philadelphia. All informa tion and advice given free ot charge. Bunoary, August 4, looo st LADIES call and see the eHunging Baskets, Bracket and Fin Work Boxes, at LIGIITNtR S Procure oneof BYERLY'S Fiuo Photograph Pic tures at bis Rooms in Simpson's Building. To procure a familv croun Pholoeroph, go to BYEKLY'S Room in Siinioou t Buiidiug up stairs l'HUTIIO.OTAItY. At the solicitation of many of my friends, I have consented to be a VOLUNTEER CANDIDATE for the otfiee of Proibouolary Ac. Should I be elected, I promise to tulnl! tbe duties ot tiie olnue impartially, and to the beet of my ability. " .... . T T1U I'"T-T1 Buntnry, June 30lh,la66. Sheet Iron and Stove Market Street, near Eugel't Store, SUNBURY. PA. AN immense itook of every kind of Tin Ware, and Sheet Iron War of all description. STOVES, COOK, OFFICE and PARLOR STOVES of th best Brands which are unsurpassed for beauty of finish, simplicity of arrangement, combining cheapness and durability and eacn stove warranted io perioral wuei they are represented. Coal Oil, Coal Oil Ianip, Idinlrrn, Shades. Chlmnys, and all articles usually kept ia an ealablT-timentoi tins xina. COPPER, BRASS and IRON KETTLES, of all aiaes. FRUIT JARS and CANS of tb latest Improved stvlea. lie It also prepared to do an Kindt oi spouting ana Hooting. Kange and ruruace vrora. fiepeiring, cneapty ana neany exeeu'ea. r BEN. ZETELMOYER. 8unbury, July T, 1866. ly - 8PBING A.&D BUM.MEB Millinery Goo'd s, Jul opening at tbe Millinery Store of Miss M.I QU8S17EB Fawn Street, below tb Kailroad, USB URY, PA., Such aa SHAKERS, Drest-Trimmlngt, liead-Draases, Gloves, Hosiery, Ribbon, Flowera, Collars, Handker chiefs, Ac, ft., which have been carefully aeleuted. Tbe attention of the Ladies ia solicited Khor large assortment of the latest tty let of BONNETS, whioh give satisfaction to all. ' Call and examine for yourselve. No trouble to show goodi - Sunbury, April 11, 1366. LADIES' GLOVE KID BOOTS, at W. W Apshey'a BOOTS AND SHOES, FOR MEN, WOMKN, AND W. W.Apaev'a SHOES OF EVERY DESCRIPTION, at W. V. Aisley i New Arrival of SUMMER GOODS! AT THE MAMUOTH STORE of ' j. w. rniLKo.: son. Market Square, near tbe New Court House JUST OPENED a large and new assortment of . i GENTLEMEN'S WEAR. Cloth, Cassimeres, Cottonadet, Linen Panting, do LADIES' DRESS GOODS. 8111s. Delaines. Alanaeaa. Knirliah and Scotah Ginghams. (Junlliee, Lawns, Ar inures, Brilliants, vvtaueUoods, Calicoes, Muslins, and every other arliol belonging to tbe above branch of business. WHITB AND COLORED FLANNELS Sheetlnga, Hoop Skirt Hosiery and glove. CARPET & OIL CLOTHS, Glassware, Quecnsware, Crockery, Hardware and Cutlery. Drugs, Oilis, Iuiulai, Conl Oil and I.nnuiH. Fish, Pork, Coarse and Fino Salt, CoJoe, Tea, Su gar, Molasses Syrup. Spioca, ia., Urocurivs, Tubnoco. Scgnrs and Snuft", togethei with a largo variety of miacrllaneous goods at prices that oanuot fail to sa:isfy purchasers. Sunbury, June 2, 1RSS. New Spring Styles I Silt. A.Wl PAI.TF,H, Two doors West of the Post Oilice, styrrBTTR-5r pbnn'a. RESPECTFULLY invitet the attention of the public to her large and varied assortment of Spring & Summer Millinery Goods whioh ihe hnf just received and opened. Her stock embraces FANCY DKE8S GOODS, Embroideries, Cluny Lace, Lace Collars, Linen Collars, Dross Cords, Zephyrs, Buttons, Ao. A fine assortment of ladies' and gents' Hosiery, Gloves, Fans, Parasols, Bugle Trimmings, Ribbon's, Belt Ribhons, Velvet Ribbons, Braid. Ladies' Neck ties, Fancy Dren Combs, Head Drosses, Ac. Irvin's Patent Hair Crimpers, Hair Coils, Corsets, and a large assortment of other articles, too nume rous to mention. I have also just received a fine lot of Perfumery, Toilet Soaps. Tooth and Hair Brushes. Ao. ANNA PAINTER. Funbury, April 25. 18f.6. NEW HARDWARE IROIT STORE. THE subscriber having opened in SCNBCRY, Pa., anew large, and well assorted stock of all kinds of HARDWARE. CUTLERY, COACIIWARE SADDLERY, SHOE FINDINGS, IRON, NAILS, 4c, laid in at lowest New York and Eastern prices which they will he plouscd to soli for Cash at the lowest Eastern prices. Intending to do business in the honest principles of small profits and quick solo for Cash. J. U. CON LEY ft CO. Sunbury. June 16, 1866. WE would invite the attention of Carpenters to our large and well teleoted assortment of Toolee, comprising Chisuls of all kinds, Augurs, Planes. Saws. Iron and Steel Square, and iu fact every thing wanted to complete a full outfit, at the Hardware store of J. H. CONLKY A CO. tVllll l'itM-rand Border in (treat, varioty new stylos just received at the Mammoth Store of J. W. FULLING 4 SON. Sunbury, Oct. 14. 1865. 12.1,0OII , assorted Charcoal Iron at 6j cs. lb. J. 11. CONLEY 4 CO. at Sunbury, June 16, 1866. .BOOKS! BOOKS!! THE subscriber begs leave to call Ihe attention of his customers, and tho community in general, to ine loci mat ne no now received nis second lot ot ZXTZETW GOODS, consisting, in part, of a complete liiuj of PAPER AND ENVELOPES. Blank, School and Juvenile Books. Fancy Toilet Soaps. Perfumes, Picture Frames, Lava and Willow Uangiug Basket, Bird Cajet, II II SI 1 Utttl I 11 II1 IXKHPH, Fine Vases, lluudsouie Glove Jeweiry and Work Boxes. Traveling nnd other Portfolios. Carved Brackets, Feather Dust Brushes, Balls, Bats, Fishing Tackle, Toys of all descriptions, a large stock of WALL-PATEK AND BORIER, Window-blinds, Paper Shades, Coal Oil Lamps and Fixtures. Ac. Thaukful for past patronage, and hope, by strict attention to business, to continue the same. N. F. LIGHTNER. Sunbury, Juno 9. 1866. ioli-e lo OsMliiorH. ALL persons indebted to Ihe lato firm of Rohrbach A Cooper, on note, book uccountor otherwise, are hereby notified to make iiuiiieitiate payment if they wish to tave enets. as they will be placed in the hands of aa offijor for collection. D. C ROHRBACH, T. G. COOPER. Sunbury, June 16, 1866. 10,000 I BS Nails and pikei at ft 26 per ko,r, at the new Hardware .Store of J. U. CONLEY ft CO. Kunbury. June 14, ISM. 1 ATltOSE a Haii & torative, the best in use, for XJ . ilo by LIG1ITNER, tola Agent for Sunbury. BOWHAH & LEONARD, Manufacturers and WHOLESALE AND KETAIL DEALEltS SILVER and SILVER PLATED GOODS, 901 Arch Mrvea, lillal-lplila. Those in want of Silver or Silver Plated Ware will find it much to their advantage by visiting our Store hl,,ra inaitinff their nurchaaus. Our louz experi ence iu the manuiocture of the above kind of goods enahlet us to dcty competition. We keep no goods but thoae whioh are of the First Claaa, all of our own make, and will beauld at reduo ed prioea. July 7th, lSo6 lycl JJAND and Stand Glasset at Light.ixb'i. A" LL kinds of Hardware, Iron," Ac, not In store will ba sent for and delivered at the lowest prices by Sunbury, June 16, 1866. J.U. CONLEY A CO. I F you want a good Likenesa for your friends, go to S. BY ERLY'S Gallery in Simpson's Building. T URPENTINE, Coal Oil, Fiab Oil, Linseed Oil, for tale low for vasb by J. II. CONLEY ft CO. I CE CREAM FREEZERS and Ualoy's Patent Cloth Wriugers, fur sul by o Bunbury, July 7,1868. ZETELMOYER. I)u!ut, Glass, Putty, White Lead, Varnishes, Ao. Evervthing that Paiuter ue at uukoard of price, at th.Hordw. BJ-" . c0- Sunbury, Jun 16, 1866. -CisbIi. Cr1!' Ciifh!!. 630,000 wanted in exohange for all kindt ol Hardware. Irons. Nails, Ac, at the nek Hardware Store of J. U. CONLEY ft CO. Sunbury, June 18, lo66. BUILDERS and that contemplating building, would do well to call and see ibe large aseorl mentof Locka. Lalebea. Boll, liutu ami Screws, Strap and T. Uiugea, Window Springe, and every thing wanted to oomplele a home, at Ihe new Hard ware atoreoi s. u. vualci aw. LL goods bought fur Cash and sold at lowest orioea ior eabkt the uaruwore owe oi Sunbury, June 18, 1666. CONLEY ft CO. F INE Feather Brushes, at LIGUTNER'S. FINE Myrtl Pomatum, at the Fancy Store of ' ANNA PAINTER. THE VEBY LATEST ARRIVAL 1 1 Spring & Summer Goods! JOSEPH. EY8TER, ! (Sueeessemor to John Botren.) Corner of Market and Fawn Street. I SUNBUJIY, PENN'A. . Invite th public to call and examine hit eleaant aaaortmentof 6 SUXtXXrlaQR GOO OS. which be will 'tell at greatly redueed prices. Hit lock consists !n part of OASSIMEKES CLOTHS. 8cC , Silkt, Delaines, Lawns, Oinghamt, Calicoes, Muslins. Sheeting, Tiokings, Jeans, and a full assortment of Cotton and Woolen goods generally. J? Hosiery, Gloves, Hoop Sklrtt. Also Handkerchiefs, Brushes, Combs. Ilniai and Cup, Itoots nnd Klioesi, Ilia assortment of goodi will not, lie is are lure fail to please the fancy and tuit the wants of any de, sirout of purchasing. His stock of HARDWARE AND QUEENSWARE, and Groceries If large In quantity and choice in quality, comprising generally everything needed in ih hnnsohnM either tor use or ornament. Ho is always ready and glad to see his friends and taxes pleasure in snowing mem u goum oven though no sales are made He only asks a call, and ia sure that the stock will compare favorably in prioe and quality with the oheopest. Sunbury, April 21 , 1806. NEW GOODSU J II ENGEL HAS,Jiist rcturned-fiora New York and Philadel phia, and is now reoeiving a New Stock of Spring & Summer Goods. at a great reduction in prices. - fjienf lcssien llfiir, Fine Black Clolh at (4.00 that used to sell at $8.00. Cassimeres, Satinett, Cashmerotts, Kentucky Jeans, Cottonade and Linen Panting, at reduced prices. Ladies' Dress Goods. Silk, Wool Delaines, Mohair, Silk Stripe, Paul De Chain, Alpaeoo, Poplett, English and Scotch Uinghains, C hall ins, Delaines, Lawn, Calico and Muslins, vory cheap. White Goods. Linen Dress Goods, Linen Skirting. White Toilet Quills, Brilliant, Swiss Stripe, Swiss Catnbrio, Jao conett, Irish Linen, Jhirt Fronts, ho. Ladies' Cloth and Flannel Sacking, and other flannel at low prices. White Shetland Wool, Shawls, Balinoful Skirts, Aa Skirting and the latest style of Hoop Skirt, very handsome and cheap. Yankee Notions in Great Variety Hosiery. Gloves, Pocket .Handkerchiefs, Suspen ders. Neckties. Paper Collars. Umbrellss a iood I assortment of Spectacles, Coat.; Spool Cotton, fancy Ba tons, Trimmiiigi Ac CurrV-.F1 ,or nd. T?bl ! .?!'". "f0 green uil c ions tor windows, U lit Shades, ruturct for Window Blinds. Huts, Caps and Ladies' Shakers, Hardware, Nails, Forks, Shovels, Spades, iron-tooth Garden Rakes. GROCERIES, SALT ft FISH, Queensware, Glassware, Boots and Shoes, Faints, Oils, Glass and Putty. School Hooks, and a new supply oi WALL PA PER, will be sold very cheap. All persons desirous of getting good goods at low priocs, for cash or country produce, will please give me a coll. J. H. ENGEL. Sunbury, April 7th, 1866. NEW OPENING Oi Clolliiug', UeiLfe) I'lirnisliisig iiooIs, HootM & tjilsoca. TIIE undersigned take pleasure in announcing to the publia of Suubury, and viciuity, that he bat opened his CLOTHING STORE, with a well tulectcd stock of 1 will sell at astonishing low prices. I bare also still on hand a large stock cf Boots & Shoes, for Ladies, Gent and Children's wear, which I urn Belling off, at I intend to give up that branch ! buti ness. It will be to the advantage to Cash Buyers to give me a call. S. KRONENBERG. 8. Gross' old stand, Market Square. Sunbury, April 7, 1866. WILLIAM W. APSLEY'S tVlsoIeaulo Boot, Shoe and Trunk WAREHOUSE, XI ttl ItV, 1M. WM. W. APSLEY has just opened a NEW STOKE in the well-known house of Mr. Boul ton. in Markot street, and odors to the cititens of Sunbury and neighboring towns, BOOTS ft SHOES of the beat quality and workmanship. Ho having mode arrangements with first-clat manufacturers to supply the best quality of goods. In the Wholesale Department be calls the atten tion of Country Storekeepers to his tine stock, which will be told nt the lowest wholesale prices, tLus ena bling Retail Dealers to save expense of visiting the cities to replenish their stock. In tbe Retail Department can be found BOOTS, SHOES, TRUNKS, VALisLS, Ac, which, iu price, at these times, ore without a parallel. The stock of Ladies' Wear is superior in style and woikiuannhip than is usually found in country towns, embraciug gems of Balmorals, splendid Congress Gaiters, and faucy shoos of every kind. W. W. A. also calls attention to his large stock of Men's wear, of latest stylus, that will fit any foot wilb ease and oomfort. Coitio Otto I Come Sunbury, March 10th. 1SC6. All! SARATOGA TRUNKS at W.Apslry'i. NEW GROCERY! CALL AT FCRMAN'S OLD STAND. WHOLESALE A RETAIL AND Provision Store FOR CHEAP GOODS! Their Stock It complete, confuting in part of SUGARS, COFFEES, TEAS, SPICES, COAL OIL, Tobacco, Cigars, Flour, Feed, Fish, Salt, Hams, Shoulder, Cheese, Fruit, Glass, Lamps, Ac, io. Country Product taken in exchange for Good. 1 Call and examine our Stuck, tnd satisfy your elves. Sunbury, May 12. 1S66. THE undersigned respectfully informs bis friends and the public that be boa changed bit place of loadiug Freight in Philadelphia from Freed, Ward ft Freed, No. ell Market Street, to A.. XJ. AOHESON i Commission Merchant, dealer in Flour. Grain, Seeds, io.) rSo. 1013 Market tit., I'Uiladelphla, w here all freight will be loaded on ears of the un dersigned, for IMupbln, Sunbury, btiainokia, and all Inlervenina poiuts. All freight will be carried at low a on any other line. Orders to carry freight respectfully solicited, wluun will receive prompt attention. J. B. WEISER. Bunbury, Jan. IS, 1866. 3m. . A(liuinltrntor,t Notice. NOTICE la hereby given that letters testamentary on the estate of Henry YV timer, late of Jordan luwnahip, Northumberland county. Pa , deceased, have been granted to the undersigned. All persona iudebted to aaid tetal are requested to make immediate payment, and thua having claims to nrotent Ihtin, duly authenticated, for settlement. BENJAMIN WITMER, MICHAEL KMERlCU.Jr. Jordan twp., July 11, lo66. 6t A New and tine lot of PERFUMES, Ac , for th Holidays, at LIGHTNLR'B. BEAD WHAT DR. 8CI1ENCK IS DOING. R. J. H. SCHENCK, Dm Sia : I feel It a dntv 1 ewe to vou. and to til who are suffering under tbe diseasea known ai uonauinpuon and lilver Uoroplsint. to let them know what great benefits I have reosived from your Pul monic Syrup and Seaweed Tonic in so short a timo. oy uie oieraina ot uoa it net cured me tnus lar. vt. Be hone a., 1 will now make mv stnlemont to you, aa follows : About eighteen months ogo I waa attacked with a severe cough, end It settled on my lungs I could not retain anything I ate, and sul- ivrna witn evening fever and night sweats. I was Very much redueed. The white of my eye were Very yellow; likewise my skin; my appetite all gone, and unable to digest what I did eat: bowels swollen, Irregular and costive. I was very low spirited, and bad such violent spells of leoughlng when I laid down at night and when I arose in the morning that tliey would last one or two hours. ' i i?. "."".'J1 n'"rlT Mhausiel. and was entire ly unab o to lie on my left side. I cannot describe my wrotened sut.ering aa I would nish todo. fcvery organ in my body was disooaed or rteranired. Such was my situation at this time, and I was confined to my bed from the last ot February, 1852, not able to tit up. I had the best of medical attendance the whole of the time. My cough was so very bad that it rooked mo very much. 1 at this time raised a large quantity of thick, yellow, oflonslve matter, onietiinca with biood, and it wosgenorally accompa nied by nausea and a furred and thick coated tongue. At the timo of coughing so badly I would have sharp, shooting pains in my left ride and heart, night sweats, nnd soreness all through my wholo chest; had much inward fever, pain In my back and under my shoulder blades and in the small of my back, and at times so severe that it would throw me Into inasms. Now tny physician ckvu me up to die. others I bad, and the best of them, but they could do nothing for me, and at that timo I was nothing but skin nnd bones. I then was in tho western part of Missouri. In Jnne last we left there fur the LasJ, and in August Inst we came to New York, and I was so reducedthat I could only walk a littlo wiih my husband's hoi p. After I hod been here a short timo the salt water hreese made mefoel much better for a time and thou 1 had again to call a physician for aid. We had four of the best physicians of New York on tbe diseases "f the lungs, and doctors of all kinJf, but of no avail . They said I was post euro, ami that my lungs were too far gone for auy one to ouie mo. But nt this time I was on my feet nbont tbe house, not able to do much of anything. In November lost 1 grew worse, and the consumption diurrbea set in and lasted about eight weeks. We had triod all and everything that I oould grasp at like a dying person for my diseases consumption and liver coui plnint but of no avail. In January, 133, 1 wot brought down again on my bed, and was not expected to live the night out. My husband stayod at my side, and other friends, and they all give me up io die. At this time every one who saw me did not think I would leave my bed a living woman. The first night 1 wot attacked with spasms, and was deranged most of the time. A friend, Mrs. Harris, came to see mo tho last of too week, and brought the Sunday Mercury. In it was an account of a great cure performed by Dr. Schenck. She rood it to me. and it was so much like my own disease that I asked my husband to go and see bim fur me. At this time 1 bad given up oil hopes of ever getting well again, and made my peace with God, to be ready when lie oalled for me. On the 27th of January, 1803, mjf-tJBsbnnd colled on Dr. Schenck, 32 Bond street, TSew j ork, and stated to him my caxo, with a request lor him to call . ' ii.,VV.-.i.j 0'. uVn hV about togol asked him if ho could cure me ? His rcoly was: "1 can not fell, holh lun are diseased, and the bronchial ...... ' Bffeoted on both sides. 1 And yet ho seemed to Uiink thero were liinzs cnouzh left to ef fect a cure if tho diarrhea could be stopped. He soid iu order to do this, he would have to givo Man drake Pills in small dosct at first, to carry off the morbid matter, and then, with astriugents, he hoped to check it, w hich he did, but the constant coughing, night sweute. and diarrhea bod prostrated mo so that he was afraid my vital powers wcro too much pros trated ever to rally, uud yet he seemed to think if I could live to get enough Pulmonio Syrup through my system to cause expectoration, thore were lungs enough left ior me to roeovar. Ho wished me to try the Pulmonio Syrup and Seaweed Tonio at once, saying it would do me no harm, if itdid me no good. The first week it seemed to give me strength, so that on Sunday after I sat up in bed and nte hearty for a sick woman; but the next week 1 lost all hope and wished my b unhand not to give uie any more medicine. But the doctor bad warned him of this, and when the medicine was clearing out tho system it made them feel somewhat restless, and to perse vere; and ho insisted on my taking it; and 1 new feel the benefit of it. For after oi;ht days I began tognin strength, and, with tho exception of a cold that put mo 'back souio. I hove been gaining strength o.' body, my cough is going away, aad oil my pains are gone; no sorcnca of the body, my bowels are regular, and my brath is sweet, and I thank God Ihut 1 em now goinjr about, uud sew and read as wcil as I ever could. 1 have taken sixteen bottles ol the medicine, eight of each. I now have a good appe tito and rest will rt niht ; my cough docs not trouble me in getting up or lying down. I would here say to the atHielod with consumption or liver complaint, that Dr Schenck is no humbug. You can relv on what he says- Delay not; it is danger ous to tritle with these diseases. If you would he cured, go at once, and any one wishing to know th ftcta as herein stated con cull at my retidecuo, 117 Weal Houston street, New York oily. MRS. MARY F. FARLOW. We, tho undorsigned, residents of New York, or acquainted with Mrs. Furlow, and know her state ment to bo truo. Wo also know that she used Dr Schcnck's Pulmonio Syrup nnd Seaweed Tonic, and have roason to believe lhat to this medicine she owes her preservation from a premature grave. S. FAR LOW, T.7 Wert Houston st. EUGENE UNDER HILL, 676 Greenwich st . Mrs. EUGENE UNl'ERHILL, 676 Greenwich st. AUGUSTA VNDEUHILL, 676 Greenwich St. A. c. HARRIS, 117 Wet Houston st. EMILY G LOVER, 117 We-it Houston tt. J L. t'ULli, .13 t'otluge place. M A. LE1UI1TON. las Broadway. Mrs. BENJAMIN CLAPP. 19 Amity place. I am well acquainted with Mrs- Mary Farlow, and with her husband, Mr. B. Farlow, they having for a few months post, attended at my churoh, and I ainiconvinced that any statement which they might make might be rolled on as true. JOHN DOWL.ING, D. D.. . Pastor of Bedford St. Baptist Church, N. Y. De. Schenok will be professionally at his principle office No. 1 4 Aorth Sixth street, corner of Commerce, Philadelphia, every Saturday, from u A. 31. until 4 P. M., No. 32 Bond street, New York, every Tues day, fioin 9 to X; No 3d Summer street, Boston, Maw. .every Wednesday, from 9 to 3. and every other Fridoy at 1U8 Baltimore street, Baltimoro, Ml. All advioo free, but for a (borough examination ot the luii us with the Rospirouiolcr, the charge is three doltnrs. . . Price of the Pulmonio ryrup tnd boaweed lnio, each $1 40 per bottle, or $7 ill per half doteu. Man drako PilU, 2'j cents per box. For sale by all DrugUrs and Dealers. December 2, lo6i i y. Support Home Industry! Hut of livery Ileicrlptlont A FULL ASSORTMENT Jk'BT opened by SAMUEL FAUST, Two doors west of Bennett't Drug Store, Market tt. CALL and examine the large assortment of the latest New York and Philadelphia styles of Silk, Cossimere, Petto Derby, Wire Brim, Soft Fur, Straw and Hoy's Hat which for beauty and du rability cannot be excelled. Being a practical Hat ter, he llatlers himself that bit stock hat been select ed with more core than any ever before brought to this place. He also manufactures to order all kindt of soft Fur Hals, all of which will be aold at wholoaulo and retail, at reaoonable rates Dyeiug done at short notioe and at the lowest rates Sunbury, May 12, 1866. LADIES' LASTING GAITERS for f 1,70, at W.W.Apslev'a. BREAKFAST SHAWLS, tor sale at the Fauci Slure cf ANNA PAINTER. CARPENTERS, Saddleni, Blacksmiths, Carriag. Makers, Shoeuiokera, Merchants, Miners, Far mart and the citiiens generally. Look to your iuterett and buy at the new Hard ware Store of J. II. CONLEY ft CO. Sunbury, June 16, 1S66. ADIHS i:.lltlN COMPANY. REDUCTION OF RATLS ON PRODUCE, OYt TERS, 40. mil E rales on Fresh Fish, Oysters In the Shell, an X Truck of all kinds, to place in thia Divuiui where the rate it 7J eenti per 100 lb or over, bat bet reduced la cent per 100 IU. At place whr ll rate ia between 60 and t & ocut per 100 lbs, th ra will be io cents per 100 lbs. Barrel of true weighing lea than 100 lbs will b charged at 100 1 in weight. Fresh Fiah will require to be packed iu Ukbt br rela or boxes. Prompt attention to th collection of Bills, Draf N. FERREE LIGUTXER, Agent. Sunbury. June 1 6.J btMh AdualsatalraKor'si Felice. NOTICE it hereby given that letters of aJmti tration, wilb the will annexed, have been ;ran to tho underaigued on th estate of Frederick La rut, lal of the Borough of 6unbury, N ort burnt laud oounty, 1'., deceased. All peraon indeb to said eataieare requested to make immediate p meut, and tho bai ing claims to present them 0 authenticated for settlement. JARED C. TRWiy J. b MASTER Sunbury, June 16, 6661 Administrator