Sunbury American. (Sunbury, Pa.) 1848-1879, August 11, 1866, Image 3

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    Gtfje . Suntmq? &mtr(can.
E. WlL VERT, 1 . ,. 1'"
N. B. BNOIiB, J PnMUhMt.
i ii.
Jlocal, Affairs.
' 13T Tn MDtraotor fbr ths Iro feno around (ha
new Court Boom, i new putting It up. Although
' ib tenet if not tht kind W should hav icleoted, it
will, nevertheless, be great Improvement, and will
add much to tb architectural beaut of the build
lngi ; ,.-.... ,
Borouoh ArraaL. The Chief Burgcra, E. T.
Bright, Esq., give notice in another column that an
appeal for Borough jtaae will be held at hii office, on
Tuesday, 28th inst. Thii ii a tuatter that Interests
-a great many tax-payers In the eommunity.
IjT'Tdb Omuls Rbformkd Festival. The
festival held by the ladios of the (ierman Reformed
Church, in the old Court House, on Monday, Tues
day, Wednesday and Thursday evening!, of this
week, wm very successful. A dinner wai given on
Monday, which notted quite a handaoeie sura. The
proooeds of the foativa) amounted to $300, which
will be uacd in repairing the church.
t3PTnt Bora is Blck. A meeting of the Boys
In Blue was held ou Monday evening last. The
club now numbers some eighty members. The hon
orably discharged aoldiere in the Belaboring town
ships arc invited to join this organization. The
liext meeting of the club will be beld on Tuesday
evening, instead of Monday, (the regular night of
meeting.) at which addresses will be delivered by
W. 0. Lawson and Frank Bound, Esqri., two nblo
speakers, of Milton. An invitation is extended to
.the ladies to attend.
ijf' Xotic to Rktailib. We bare been re
quested by the Couuty Treasurer to state that retail
ers' licenses are now ready to be delivered at his
oilico. AH licenses not paid on or before the first
day of September next are liable to be seised.
Persons interested w ill save costs by attending totho
matter in time.
Promoted. We are pleased to see in tho
list of promotions in the Regular Army, confirmed
by the late Congress 'before its adjournment, the
.name of our former townsman, Capt. Isaao R. Dun
kclborger. who has been brevetted a Major, and also
Xiieutennnt Colonel, in the 1st U. 6. Cavalry. The
gallant captain was among the first to leave this
plnoo to enlist in tho service of his country at the
coinuicnoeiucnt of the late rebellion, and participated
in many of the bloodiuet battles of the war. We
congrutulnlo him on his well-deserved promotion.
Jjjr Oners. Uobinsuu's Urcat Southwestern Cir
cus will give an exhibition in this place, near the
Augusta Hotel, (Cako's addition, on Monday next.
Their performance is highly spoken of by our ex
changes. Woharobeen requested by the agent to stuto that
the perforuiuuao will not come off at Trevorton, as
announced. They will exhibit at Shamokin on Tues
day next.
OBase Ball. The Koystone Club, of this
place, which la composed of boys whose nges vary
from fifteen to eighteen years, went to Lewisburg on
Wednesday last, to play a game with the Towne
Club, of that place, also a Juvenile club, by who.u
they had been challenged. The Keystone boys, we
learn, were unsuccessful The, score stood as fol
lows : Towne, 80 ; Keystone, M.
The Susquehanna Club, of this place, also played a
match game at Lewisburg, with the M'Laughlin
Club, on last Monday. The Sunbury boys oame off
victorious in a closely contested game, the score
standing as follow i .Susquehanna, 2t ; M'Laugh
lin, 25.
13" Cot BT. Monday lust was n kind of gala day
among the legal fraternity, and those connected with
the public efficee. The lir.-t court iu the new Court
House attracted tin unusual number of persons, not
only to sec tho new building, but also to hear the
addressof Judge Jonl tn to theGrnnd Jury, iu which
ho en.b.uctd the opportunity of giving a short history
of tho organization of this county, uud other inter
esting mutters connected with tho administration of
justice in earlier days the regress of our improve
ments aid the development of the wealth and great
resources of Northumberland county. We have no
room for the address this week, but it will appear iu
our next usuo.
Sale or tub Pibuc School House. By
reference to our advertising columns it will be seeu
that the old publio school house, on Third street, is
advertised to be sold at public sale, on Tuesday, 21st
inst., by the School Board. New buildings ore to be
erected for school purposes in different parts of the
Borough, in accordance with a resolution adopted
by the Board souo time since.
IjfFiRB. We regret to say thut tho bouse 0r
D aniel Bcckley, Esq., lit the corner of Third and
Race streets, was destroyed by fire on Tuesday after
noon last, caused by ipks from the locomotivo of
the mail train North. AsShis is only one of a series
of fires caused by the running of the locomotives at
an unlawful speed, we trust our Council will devise
some remedy that will proteot the properly of our
citizens from the acts of )awlei and careless agents
and employees. The Good Intent Fire Company
were first on the ground, but their new engiue was
not in working order again, and giving the old ex
cuse that they have un engine bouse. The Washing
ton and old Good Intent, however, did considerable
execution, but not until the upper part of the build
ing was destroyed. The firemen, as well us some of
our citizens, behaved well and worked hard, and
eventually suceoeded in putting out the fire. We
trust the fire department, for their own crodit and
the credit and safety of our town, will re-organize
and adopt some better policy for action. Mr. Buck
ley's loss is, perhaps, $1200 or SI 500, and is, we
believe, fully covered by insuranoe in the Columbia
Fire Insuranoe Company.
Ltf Exi'Losioa or a Locouotivk om thk P. i, E.
Railroad. The boiler of a locomotive on the Phil
adelphia 6 Erie Railroad, at Renovo, a short dis
tance above Lock Haven, exploded on Friday week
:st wilh a most terrifio report, instantly killing the
ingiuccr, K. D. Graves, and the fireman, William
Jolgrovc. A boy named Foley was struck by a piece
if the boiler on the side of his head, opening the
.tub from above the eye to the back of the ear, frac
uring his skull slightly. The engineer and fireman
leie thrown some thirty feet from the engine.
be engine was badly broken up, the dome being
brown a distance of two hundred yards. Another
Usee, woighing 200 pounds, was thrown soma three
uudrd yards, and many smaller pieces were thrown
juredible distances
tj-Tun Fibb is WiLLiAMspoBT. The Wil
amsport Gaxettt, of last week, gives the following
articulurt of the recent destructive fire at that
Our city was again visited by a destructive fir
i Sunday morning last, which originaud over
reeuwald'f olothing store, Arcade building, Market
luare. It waa the) work of an incendiary. The
ttire block was oonsnmed, embracing the following
inincss place ; Ureeawald's olothing store, Rett-
r saloon, Garment jewelry store, Wtlker'sboot
id shoe store, Miss Adam' fancy atore, 8ado fl
an's liquor nor, Wy' barber shop, Page'
ikury and Jameson' boot and shoe store, beside
l end outbuildings Maflgaous U lb square. The
ss is estimated at about $34,000, nearly covered by
urano. Several persons residing in the block
orely escaped with their lives, losing all their
rniiure and wardrobes. ' ' " ' :'
We are sorry to auto that professional thieve
id desperate charauteu, tmkiug advantage of th
ue aud eiroumsttaoe, mail it Uiir business to
,lp tbentsai (o tmif nade violating, boot and
oca, whisky, A. Owing to tb polio, however,' a
uub'er were taken in ebag and are now in da
te vil"
ty Urttsi Irwsl. W eopy the following item
freta last week's Mhatuan tOn Monday last,
young man named Q. I. Baker, working on the new
river bridge, fell from one of the pier npon the stone
at Jul baae, breaking both bone of his left for arm
and otherwise braising himself severely. ' "
On Thursday of last week the first nln of the
Hand-io-Band Base Ball Club, of Milton, played
return gone .with ..the Jtf'Laogbllu first nine ef
Lewtsburg, on the grounds of the latter, when the
Iland-lu-liand were proclaimed the vlotors by S8,
points , Weaver, of the Susquehanna Club, Sunbury,
was umpire. , . '.,,.
A man named Moser was shot on Monday night
last at the distillery of Martin Eilkneyer, In Liberty
township, Montour eonnty, sder the following elr
oumstances : Having reason to believe that whisky
was stolen from his barn at night, Mr. Billmeyer
kept watch for aereral nights. On the night in
question, or rather toward morning, he observed
some one come Into the barn and proceed to top a
barrel; waiting until he, had, filled bis bucket, he
hailed the thief and ooinmanded bim to give himself
up, but failing to stop him he fired one shot, when
Moser cried out to hold on, and then started to run,
when Billmeyer fired two more shots, wounding him
in the hip and in the side, whleh caused him to fall.
Billmeyer then loaded him up in a wagon and car
ried him to Danville, where be Was placed in jail .
Billmeyer has not yet been arrested, though judging
from our information, we should think he ought to
be placed under arrest until the matter Is thoroughly
tV Suamokik ArrAtns. The Herald, of last
week, says that Wm. Ii. Kreigcr, a young man aged
23 years, met with a melancholy death on Thursday
foronoon last, at the mines of the Henry Clny Col-
liory. While engaged at work bo was struck upon
the head by the falling of a piece of reek, which
fractured bis skull, and caused almost instant death.
He was much esteemed by a lurgo circle of acquain
tances, and bad served his country faithfully during
a period of over three years in the 9th Pa. Cavalry.
His remains were followed to the cemetery on Sun.
day by the Odd Fellows and Mechanics, of which
orders he was a rcspeoted member. This bereave
ment is doubly painful to the relutives of the do.
ceased, as it brings fresh to their minds the similar
sad fate which overtook an older brother, a llttlo
over two years ago. i .
James Buggy and George O'Brien were burned on
Wednesday of last week by the explosion of powder
in the mines of the Cameron Colliery, caused by a
lack of proper precaution on thoir part. Both are
reported seriously but not fatally injured.
Ijp Proceedings or tub Douolou Council.
Council met on Tuesday evening lost, it being the
regular stated night of meeting. Chief Burgess,
Bright, in the chair.
Members present Messrs. Renn, Greeuough, Hen
dricks, Clement, Brice, Rockefeller, Zctclmoyer,
Sluyniaker, Haas and Engel.
Minutes of Inst suited meeting read and approved.
On motion of Mr. Hendricks, Resolved, That tho
resolution passed by Council on tho 3d day of July,
186(1, appropriating $15(10 to each of the Ore compa
nies, to wit: tho "Good Intent" and "Washington"
fire ouinpanics, bo repealed. ' '
The Committee on Finance was continued.
Tbo oond of George Weiser, tax collector, was
received, approved, and plaoed on file.
An order for $114.20 was grunted to Philip dark
1 Co., for bill of lumber, for use of borough.
On motion, Resolved, That an ordor be granted to
A. II. Clement and Jacob F. Robrbach, for $60, in
full for services as overseers of the poor.
On motion of Mr. Renn, Resolved, That an order
be granted to J. B. Lenker, Street Commissioner, for
$50, to pay for work on roads.
On motion of Mr. Brioe, Resolved, That the Bo
rough Council, on behalf of tho citizens of Sunbury,
return their thanks to the Hon. Simon Cameron for
his presentation of a bell.
On motion, an order was granted to J. G A A. A.
Youngnian, in full for the amount of their bill for
printing, tip to date.
Silas Wiles presented bis claims for exoneration of
bounty taxes. Not agreed to.
George Weiscr, collector, debtor to duplicate de
livered (or borough, road, poor, bounty, and per
capita taxes, amounted to $14,562 59.
On motion, adjourned.
Jacob SmruA, Clerk.
Of" ConiiKCTioM. A resolution was published in
the Philadelphia Press, recently, which was adopted
by the Sunbury club of Boys in Blue, but which was
not published as desired by tbo club, and tho ''boys''
think it no more than fair that tho resolution should
bo re-published as first intended, as follows:
"Resolved, ThAt the loyal soldiers of Northumber
land county claim to have a lurge majority in favor
of Muj. Uen. Ueaky, and knowing thut tho call
puhlibhed in tho Northumberland Cvuuty Demo
crut represents some true and luyul soldiers of the
county, some of whose names were appended without
their consent, whilo many of the fixed to that
call wero those of emergency men and dusertere.1'
(jf We publish the following prcamjjle and reso
lutions adopted by the Jobusou meeting, held in this
place on Tuesday evening last, at th request of
some of our personal and political friends, and for the
purpose of giving all a chance to be heurd. We do
not, of course, endorse the resolutions. There was a
time when we cheerfully endorsed Andrew Johnson,
but many of bis lute acts are not well oaloulatcd to
"innko the crime ot treason odious," and therefore
meet our disapprobation :
Wberbas, President Lincoln did, on the 8th day
of Ilea., I 0 J. put forth a solemn proclamation, con
taining his plan of Reconstruction, in which he said
that "whenever, in any of the titutes in rebellion, a
number of persons not less iban one-tenth in number
of the qualified voters by the election law of snid
Statu, and having taken the oath ot allegiance, shull
furiu a Slate government, Republican in form, Ac.
such shall be recognised s th true government of
tbatstate, and be defended and protected by the
power of the United States."
Axu Wukkkas, Abraham Lincoln did further,
after the rebellion was substantially at an end, and
but three days before his assassination, to wit : on the
11th day of April, lftoo. reassert and reargue suid
plan ot reconstruction at length, and with great abil
ity and wwer,
And iitKEAS, The Union State Convention of
Baltimore, in 1864, did endorse said plan of recon
struction, against the protest of Mr. ibad. Stevens,
by a vote of 492 against 27,
Therefore, Resolved,
1st. Thut we considor the good faith of the nation,
and the good faitb of our party, which supported Mr.
Lincoln, as solemnly pledged to that planof recon
struction which looks to the restoration of the L'nron,
wilh all tbo "rights, dignity and equality of the se
verulstate unimpaired."
2nd. That we regard the plan of. TbadJeus Stevens
and others, to hold eleven states as conquered pro
vinces, as at open war with the dootrinee proclaimed
by Congress ou the 2 1st of July, 180! ; at war wilh
Mr. Lincoln's reconstruction plan ol Deo. 81b. 18ti.i;
anu especially nustile ana disrespeouul to Mr. Lin
coln's last great speech of April Ulh, 1805.
3J. 1 nut since the Southern Status have laid down
their arms, abolished Slav ery ; adopted the constitu
tional amendments urobibiuuK it : doue all Mr. Lin
coln required them to do, the promise of Mr.
xjiuutnu 10 restore ine cuion, anu ueienuj aua protect
the slates, in all their rights, dignity and equality,
should be held sacred, and carried out iu good faun.
iu. iu u uoiu tueveu dales oy lore, a ug-
land holds Ireland, or as Austria holds Hungary, aud
as Russia holds Poland, would be to falsify all tbe
promises we made u the world, from the begiuniug
to the end of the war. Would require vast standing
btiuic., resuu in a ueepoiic government, ana entail
unioio, ueot, misery and boudage on us and our
6lh. That Andrew Johnson is striving to earry
out the principle, and redeem the pledges of Abra
ham Lincoln to protect the people from th dan
gers and encroachment of a centralised despotism,
and that his name will forever stand with Lhos of
Washington, Jackson and Linooln.
Sin. That the Hon. Ed. Cowan, our talented and
laou-Hurted Senator, for standing by Andrew John
son, as ilenlon stood b, Jackson, has won for himself.
t7Z7iS.L ' . "oen ,M wormy whirlwind or
name of Johnson end Cowan, as they now delight to
honor those of Jaokson and Benton ,
tlon of lr. R. MoCoy, of Northumberland, and P. M
Uackeuburg, Ksq., of Snyder, a th Unloa. Reran.
14. n SJm.Im lit ,k. W.I. . . . . 1
fur the 14 th Congressional distriot.
e".uZA7ZZ. ""a" wveatsun,
' fire person, put of family of aig, died
on the same 0J . ftceatly in . PliUaUuljjkia.
noicrn, was me luppossxs cause. .
' One-fifth of the mortality' foa tbV citT of
New York for the week ending last Saturday,
wai causea dj cnoicra.
-nr. 7C i naitort ma.!? oi i:
.... . h
ty Tad Atlantic Mobtblt, for August, offer
In rartety of interesting article. 'How my,
New Aoqualtttan Spin," aa Interesting aooonnt
of th silk-prod unrig apiden of South Carolina
their disoorery, habits, and use, by Dr. Wilder.
What did he see with f " i Very singular story,
founded on facta, well known to the inhabitant of
i Moss. ''The Great Looter, Part II," give
th eotoohislon of Miss Alio Cary's absorbing and
touching story. "A Mania' Confession," Is th
gossip of a book-lover about rare editions of famous
author. Passage from Hawthorn' Note-Book"
give continued sketches of Hawthorne s lif in th
Old .Manor at Conoord. From th "Chimney-Corner"
Mr. Slow discourse of party-giving and
? arty-going, and how to get out of both very grace
ully and pleasantly. London Forty Year Ago,"
contain John Neal'i reeolieotion of remarkable
events, soenos, and person in th English capital.
"A Year in Montana'' is a very entertaining paper,
by Hon. Edward B. Neatly, V. 8. Dletriot Attorney
of Montana, giving his observations of gold-mining
and miners, at Virginia and other points In the terri
tory. Prof. Agassi contribute another graphio
article on the Physical History of tho Valley of tbe
Amazon. "Griffith Uaunf is continued, and flue
poems are furnished by James Russell Lowell and
Bayard Taylor., Ticknor Field, Publishers, Bos
ton, Moss, ; .'j ', i.
IjF I"' August number of Oim YC!o Folks,
we find "The Daisy' First Winter," by Mr. Stow,
who i as (harming a writer for th juveniles as she
Is for th older people, and other paper by Gail
Hamilton, Lncy Lnroora, Mrs. Whitney, being ano
ther instalment of "A Summer in Leslie Uoldth
wsite's Life," and by Severn 1 other writers. Tb
illustrations in this mags tins are numerous, admira
bly executed and specially prepared for and adapted
to the text by tbe best artist. In th September
and subsequent numbers full-paged Illustrations will
bo given, and the colored engravings promised for
this year will appear in the numbers for November
aud December. Messrs. Ticknor A Fields, the emi
nent Boston publishers, ore distinguished for redeem
ing all their promises.
Persons wanting good, honest and truthful
likencatus cannot do better than by going to Byerly 's
famous Photograph Gallery, In Simpson's building,
Market street, Sunbury, Pa.
(7 Notice. All persons Indebted to J. E. Smick,
Merchant Tailor, on note, book account, or other
wise, are requested to pay np and save costs, with
out further notice. Mr. aSm'ek intends to increase
his stock, with a desire to pleas all, and hopes that
all will please him by calling and Settling their
bills. -
17 There is quito as much truth as poetry in the
saying that " the apparel oft proclaims the man."
Especially is this truo when tbe men gets the apparel
at the fashionable tailoring establishment of Mr. J. 0.
Beck, on Fourth street, Sunbury.
lyTin Continental Clothing Bazaar, cor
ner of Market and Third streets, Sunbury, is gene
rally acknowledged by men of taste is tb plaoe of
all others in this section of the State, where tbey can
be suited. The elegant aswrtment of summer clo
thing cannot bo beaten outside of the cities.
Though the thermometer continues to rise,
the immonse stock at Miller's Excelsior Boot and
Shoe Store, in Markot square, remains at the regular
prices. His boots, shoes, Ac, are selling rapidly.
Call and see them.
Corrected Weekly for tho "American."
Wheat Flour, extra family, per barrel,
$14 00
do do
do do
per cwt.
per bbl.
per cwt.
per bushel,
, ; , do ii
per jound
7 00
Rye Flour,
Wheat, prim red t
, Kye, . '
Dried Peaches, pared
do do unpared
Dried Apples.
10 00
5 50
2 50
1 00
2 00
' t 20
4 50
Dried Cherries, (ttnstoned,) per bu.
per pound.
Beef, hind quarter,
' from "
per dozen,
per pound,
do 1
per pair
ISbusnoUiii Con I 'I'rudc.
. Suauokin, Aug. 6, IBM.
Ton. Ctrl.
Sent for week ending Aug. 4, 16.075 13
Per lust report, 309,654 16
325.730 09
220,601 07
To same time last year,
105,129 02
Special iCot'urs.
C;lf A lew yeiira ugo tho munufacturing
perfutuerfl of Europe detived an immcusc
revenue Ifom t!ii country. . Jv'uw the entire
uoinnif amount of thtir toilet extracts itu
ported docs not equal one month's consump
tion of Plmlon't "Night-Blooming Cereus,"
the mo6t popular scent extant. Sold every
where.,., , , . , , . ,;.
Calling on u friend of ours, of the Ameri
cun legation, the other day, ha invited us to
a g!uss of wine. We complimented his taste
in the choice of so rich n port, but were
somewhat astonished when he assured us it
was an American vintage called Samburg
Port wine. It was rich, juicy and high
flavored, possessing none of the peculiarities
which distinguish the manufactured sugared
wines aud cider-champugueg. . lie told us
the proprietor, Mr. A. Speer of New Jersey,
U. 8. A., had been awarded a gold cup by
the American Institute for the excclleuco of
hi wine. This is a new phaso in tho pro
duce of America a wine country.
Dickens' "All the Year round."
We quote tbe above with pride that we
do produce one wine iu this country that
Europeans acknowledge superior to their
own production. Sold by W. A. Bennett.
AiutEST of CocNTErtKEiTEits. The de
tective police have arrested aud imprisoned
at BulTulo, N. Y., otie Andrews and his as
sociates, whom . they caught in the act of
making a counterfeit of Ateb'b Cathartic
Pills. Their detection was accomplished at
tho instance of Messrs. J. C. Aver & Co., of
Lowell, Mass., who have shown a commend
able energy and promptitude iu protecting
tho publio from imposition through spurious
imitations of their invaluable medicines.
Doct. Ateu's Sarsaparilla, Cherry Pectoral
and Pills have coma to be staple necessities
with the community, and the imposition
upon the sick of spuiious, worthless, if not
injurious fabrications of them, is in fact the
consummation of villainy. We hope the
scoundrels will ' cet their due. and iu the
keeping they now are, they are pretty sure
of it." '; " ; 1
iTCii! rrciii lxt in
Hill Cure Use Its li Is 4N Ileum.
fri Ml eeut. for aula by tb rug tut. Uv send-
iuc M oeot to WfcKkfii A Kill lilt, (tola Aiteut.
170 Washington street, Boston, it will b forwarded
by mail, true of postage, to any part of the United
b tales. - . j J!3 'U-f
Whisker I y blbrrs7 ! I -t)r.L.
O. Moti' Corroha, th rrejoest stimu
lator in th world, will for Wbiskwr wMuataohe
le crow oa lb smoothest laa or chin : sever kuowa
to fail , sample for trial ant free to any aua deairou
of tasting iu saeriM.. Address, Baavs A Co., 7o
Msisaa bt., si. Y. JJO Sat
Tin Comffeswioa sissd I'.xpcrleaco
5""V. nS. "5 iF"? t0" Motility,
am uraa uie mean or aeir-e&r. B m,.
cured hlimeir ater nnderavrinJ TeitJ.h il T
ery. By ensloeing a PiM MrI2 ,
agl. eoplee, Ire.of .Ws fi,?.'?
NATHANIEL MAYFAIR, Esq , Brooklyn, King,
, January 37, 1806 ly! '
DeafticiMS, Hllmslnc)) niul 'nt art-is.
Treated with th nttnost snoeefts by Dr. J. IB A AC 8
Ooulist and Aurist, (formerly of Loyden, Holland.)
Ne. 19 Pin street. Philadelphia. Testimonials
from th most reliable sources in tbe City and Coun
try can be seen at his offioe. Th medical faculty are
invited to accompany their patients, as he has no se
crets In his practice. Artificial Eyes, inserted with
out pain. No charge mad for examination.
July 22,180s ly
Ladies and gentlemen, If you wish to marry, ad-
uresa toe unoersignea, wno will lena you, witnoui,
money and without price, valuable information that
will enable you to marry happily and speedily, ir
respective of age, wealth, or beauty. This Informa
tion will cost you nothing, and If you wish to hiurry,
I will cheerfully assist von. All letters strietlv con-
fldential. Th desired information sent by return
man, ana no reward asaea. Adciress
Oreonpoint, Kings Co., New York
June 9, 1S0I1. 3m
To ConwmeiptivrM.
The advertiser, having been restored to health in
a fow weeks by a very simple remedy, nftor having
suncrod for several years with a severe lung affection
and that dread disease, Consump'ion is anxious to
make known to his follow sufferers th means of
To all who desire it, he will send a copy of the
prescription used (free of charge), with the direo
lions for preparing and using the same, which they
will Cnd a sure Cub for Consumption, Asthma
Biioncditis, Couubs, Colds, and ull Throat uud
Lung Affections. The only object oi the advertises
in sending the prescription is to benefit tho atllictcd
and spread information which he conoeives to b: in
valuable, and he hopes every sufferer will try his
remedy, as it will cost them nothing, and may prove
a blessing.
Parties wishing the prescription, rnxr, by return
mail, please address
Williamsburgh, Kings Co , BTew York
Januntf 13. 18ftfl ly.
1 fi ((fi LBS- Nftil" D1 f!P'kc l 7 25 per
lu.uyu cg, at me new naraware iMore nt
Bunbury, Juno 16, 1896.
T ATKOSE S Hair Restorative, the beet in use, for
JJ sate ny
LIQIITXER, sole Agent for Sunbury.
- Manufacturers and
70t Arch Street, Ilsilul-Inliia.
Those in want of Silver or Silver Plated Ware will
find it much to their advantago by visitiim our tlore
before making their purchases. Our long experi
ence in the manutucture of the above kind of goods
enables us to defy competition.
We keep no goods but those which are of the First
Class, all of our own make, and will be sold ut reduc
ed prices.
July 7th, 1SG6. lycj
J JAXD and Stand G liases at LiuiiT.nn't
I7IIXE Feather Uruslics, at "
FIXE Myrtle Pomatum, at the Fiiney Sture of
At tho solicitation of many of my friend", I linve
consented to be a VOLtNTEER CAN UI1JATE fur
the oliice of Prothonotary Ac. Should I be elected, I
promise to fulfill tbe duties of the otlice impartially,
and to tbe best of my ability.
Suiitury, JuncS(lth,l60.
Sheet Iron and Stove
m? t :h e. : sej 9
Market Btreet, near Engel' Store, SUXIIL'KY. PA.
AN immense stock of every kind of Tin M are,
and Sheet Iron Ware of all descriptions.
Brands which art unsurpassed for beauty of finish,
simplicity of atranzemunt, combiniuir cheapness nnd
durubiltty and each stove warranted to perform hut
they are represented.
4'osil Oil, 'onlOI! ItisnpH, I.iiiiicrns,
Shailes. Chimnys. and all artioles usuully kept iu au
establivhnicntof this kind.
FRUIT JARS and CANS of the latest improved
. llo is also prepared to do all kinds of Spouting and
Roofing, Range and Furnaoe Work.
Repairing, cheaply and neatly executed.
Sunbury, July T, 1S66. ly
LL kiwis of Hardware, Iron. Ac, not in store
will he sent lor and dolivun-,l at the kmcst
prices by J. H. COXLEV A CO.
buubury, June 16, 186t.
IV vou want a good Likeness for your fiionds, go
to S. ilYKHLY 'S Uullery in Eiimpsou's Building.
a'iURPFXTIXE, Coal Oil, Fish Oil, linseed Oil,
for sale low for Cash by
Haley's Puteut
J. Clothe Wriugers, fur sale by
Saubury, July 7, 1806.
PliiulM, Glass, Putty, White Lead, Varnishes,
Ao. Everything that Paiuters use at unheard
of prices at the Hardware Store of N-
Sunbury, Julie 16, 1806.
Cutis ! 'uU ! ! 4 u kIi ! ! !
ft'iO.OOO wanted in exchange for all kinds oi
Hardware, Irons, Nail, Ae., at the new Hardware
Store of J. II. COXLEY A CO.
Sunbury, June 19, 1S86.
UILDERS and those contemplating building,
ment of Looks, Latches. Bolts, itutls and St rews.
Straps and T. Hinges, Window Springs, and every
thing wauled to complete a home, t the new Hard -
ware atore of
ALL goods bought for Cash and sold at lowest
price for oasb at th
Hardware Store of
Bunbury, June 18, 18(36.
Fishing Tackle,
Toys of all descriptions, a large stock of
Window-Blinds, Paper Shade, Coal Oil Lamps and
Fixtures, 4o, Thankful for past patronage, and hope,
by strict attention to business, lo continue the same.
Sunbury, June 0. I860.
I ! to Creditor.
ALL person indebted to th late firm of Rohrbaob
ft Cooper, on Dote, book aeoountor otherwise,
are hereby notified to make immediat payment if
tbey wish to sav ou, as they will b placed iu lb
haud of an officer for oollectioa
, 1. C RolIRBACH,
Saubury, Jan 16, 1866.
A New aud to lot of PERf UMiUi, A , for the
Holiday., at UGlllMKK'H.
AUalstlatrtfr'k) I(ic0
NOTICE 1 hereby given that letters testameutary
on the tat of Henry Wit law, lata of Jordan
township, Northumberland county, Pa , deceased,
have been granted to th undersigned. All
person indebted to laid Mtat are requested to
Diak immediate payment, aud tho having claims
to preBt them, duly authenticated, fur selileweut.
Jordan twf , July U, U -t
' New Arrival of
- AT TUB '
, j. w. ruiiM.Au v soy.
Market Squaro, near tb New Court House
JUST OTENED a large and new assortment of .
Cloths, Casslmerc,, Cottormdes, Linen Panting, Ac
Silk, Delaines, Alunnon. r ,. v .
Ginghams. Chal He. LaVn.' A"?,ub ""V? .,??0,ch
White Goods, CalioocI, Mill,-Tj"' BriUi""i
article belonging to the abov. ! branchtf buH,''1"
Sheetings, Hoop Skirts Hosiery and gloves.
Ulnstwaro, Queenswaro, Crockery, Hardware and
lvi-iiN, Oils, liiil, Coal Oil sisul
Fish, Pork. Cnarso and Fine Salt, Coffee, Tea, Su
gar, Molasses Syrup. Spices, 4e.,
Umcorii'S, Tobacco. Srirnrs and Snuff, tngethat with
a litre Variety of mioellancou9 goods at prices that
euijinik inn iu &n;iaiy iiurciiaerp.
Sunbury, June 2, 1866.
Kevv Spring Styles !
m axxa ja,
Two doors West of the Post Cilice,
RESPECTFULLY invites the attention of th
publio to ber largo and varied assortment of
Spring & Cummer Millinery Goods
which she has just received and oiiencd. Ilersloek
embraces FANCY 1RESS UOOUS, Embroideries.
Cluny Lace, Lnce Collars, Linen Collars, Dress
Cords, Zephyrs, liutton, Ac.
A fine tisortinent of Indifl' and gents' Hosiery.
Gloves. Fans, Parasol", Hujile Trimtnings. ltilibons,
Helt Ribbons. Velvet Kibiinus. IJruid. Ladies' Neck
ties. Fancy llron Combs, Head liressiw, Ac.
Irvin's l'utcnt Hair Crimpers. Hnir Coils, Corsets,
and a largo assortment of other articles, too nume
rous to mention
I have also inst received n fine lot of Perfumery,
Toilet Soaps. Tooth and Hair IlrtHics. Ac.
StinV'ury, April 2S. ISfiO.
iCTaS- fiSKEjRtejrz: B.12 dctiJ"
Provision Store
Their Stock Is complete, enmisting in part of
Tobacco, Cipirs. Flour, Feed. Fb-h, Suit,
Hams, &uou.dcrs, Cheese, Fruit,
Ulii-s, Lumps. Ac, Ac.
. Country rroducu Uiken iu excbiingo fur Goods.
I if Call and exini.inu our Slock, and saliily your
fiuubury, Muy 12, 1SC0.
rpiIE subscriber havina; opened in SUXBUUV,
X l't., n new lur-jn. mid well axsnrted slu-k of hII
kinds ,f ll.VKDWAKK. t'lTl.KKY. CllACliWAUE
Ac, ltiid in ut lowest New York und Eastern piiecs
which they will he pleased to sell for Cash ut the
lowest Eii'tern prices.
Intendir to do business in the honest principles
of Email profits and quick stile for Cash.
Sunbury. Junolrt, 138ft.
11JE would invito the attention of Carpeutera to
TV our lnre;e and well selected assot tuicnt of
Tooles, eniiiiiriiu Chisels of alt kinds. Aii;;urs.
Plimen, Saws, Iron and Sleel Sipinrc, and in fact
every thing wanted to complete n full outfit, nt the
lliiidwarcjltore f J. II . COX LEY A Ct).
Vlll3 I'tii? and Border in Brent vaiiety
new styles just received at the Mammoth Store nf
Sunbury, Out. 14. lSiiu.
"VTOTICE if hereby given that letters of udminis
J trillion, with the will annexed, have been granted
to tho under.-inud on the estate of Fioileriok Laza
rus, lute of Ihu Jiorou.b of Sunlmry, Xorlhuinher
land county. Pn , deceased. All pi:rMiB indented
to suid estaionre requi-sted to make iiumediate nay-
ment. and th.we hut ing claims to present them duly
uiiicuaviauu lur Buiueuiuui.
jarfdc ntwix,
J. B. iMASSEll.
Bunbury, June 16,
'6(5. Of Adininislriitors.
4 (i.iii: or m:i'OT.
nnllE underrigned respectfully informs his friends
X the ptililiu that tie has changed ids place of
loading Freight in Philadelphia from Freed, n urd
A Freed, Xu. till Market Hlreet, to
(Commission Merchant, dealer in Flour Graiu, Seeds,
u. 1-:J. .Tlai'Ks-t t tr:Ia!i lpl.Iii,
wh'-re all fri l;;bt will be loaded on ears of the un
denitriied. fur Danphin, Sunbury, Shnmohiu, ami all
intervening points.
All freight will be curried as low as on uny ether
line. Orders to carry freight respectfully solicited,
which will rccuive prompt attcr.Uuu.
Sunbury, Jan. 13, ItiOfl. Sni.
Sunbury, Penn'a.
Cl AV. II A HPT. Esq.. having taking out license,
j, under the t ui'uJ rilates excise Laws, as Real
Estate Agent, offers for sale the following property,
to wit: ,
Sixty (60) pxiA building lo's and five (5) dwelling
huusi-s, in the horough of Sunbury.
A farm iu Upper Augusta township, Containing
lt)tl acres, moro or le.
A small farm roumining .IU sores, more or less,
about one mile from Puxiuo. Shmnokin township.
A small mnn containing 03 acres, more or lew, In
! Irish Vulley. Hhaniokin township. There are good
buildings on these three farms.
Sunbury, March 10, Urt8. tf.
. TERS, 40.
milKrateson Fresh Fish, Oyster in the Shell. and
I Tri.ek of all kinds, to places iu this Division,
wheretberateisljoenis pur luv Ibsor over, has been
rcduoed 25 cents per 10M His. At ilaces where lb
rate is between 50 and 75 cents per 1 041 lbs, the rate
will be 5u cents per 100 lbs. Barrels of buck
weighing lew than 100 lbs will he charged a 100 lbs
in weight.
Fresh Fish will require to be packed in tight bar
rels or boxes.
Prompt attention to the collection of Bills, Drafts',
Sunbury, June IS. IWitr
'i.VOOOIlM, assorted Cbnrooul Iron at 6J els. lb.
at J. U. COXLEY i CO.
Sunbury, Jun Id, 186S.
THE subscriber begs leave to 011 Ihe attention of
bis cutuu.eri, and tbe c uimuuity in guuerul, to
the fuot that he ha now received bis second lot of
consisting, ia part, of a torn plot Un of
Blank, icboul and Juveuil Bucks, Fancy Toilet
hoaps. Perfume, Pioiure fcraiat, Lara and Willow
Umjgiog Basket, Bird Cage,
llssssil uud Nu ul Ulaaweai,
Fin Vases, IloLdauui Glov Jewelry andV Work
Boies. Travaiiug and other PurtfoJio, Carved
Brackets, Feather Dust Brush,
BaJlo, Bats,
Spring & Slimmer Goods!
(Svcceiiticssor to Jvhn Loiren.)
Corner of Market and Fawn Street,
Invite th publio to call and txaniiuo his elegant
assortment of
which he will soil at greatly reduced prioes,
stoca consists :n pari oi
Silks, Delaines, Lawns, Uinghams, Calicoes, Muslins,
iSheetlng, Tickings, Jeans, and a full assortment of
Cotton and Wool on goods generally.
Hosiery, Gloves, Hoop Skirts. Al.10 Handkerchiefs,
Brushes, Combs.
Hula and 'lips, lIotsi 11 ml SIioch,
His aswirtinent of goods will not, ho Is nro sure
fail to please the fancy and unit the wants of any dc,
sirous of purchasing. His stock of
and Groceries Is largo in quantity and choiue In
quality, comprising grnirrally everything needed in
the household either lor use or ornament.
' . always ready and elnrt to sen Ms friends
ana takes pleasure in showing them his goods ct en
iuouku no sales are made Ho only asks a
nriT , 1 Jho ,loclt wi" compare favorably in
pnoe and quality with the cheaper! .
?.!.,.. 1 . . JOSEPH EYSTER.
bunbury, April 21, 1800.
J- II-
AS just returned from New York and I'hilsdel-
JLL phia, and is now receiving a No
sloua of
Spring & Summer Goods,
nt a great reduction in prices.
-)cnt Iciim-ii'm Writr.
Fine Block Cloth nt $l.Ptl that used to sell at f 8.0(1.
Cnssimeres, Sntinett, Cashmeretts, Kentucky Jeans,
Cuttonado and Linen Panting, at reduced prices.
Ladies Drees Goods;.
Silk, Wool Delaines. Mohair, Silk Stripe. Paul
Do Chain, Alpneca, Poplett, English and Scotch
tlinghnms. Chullies, Dulaiucs, Lawn, Calico and
Muslin", very cheap.
Whito Goods.
Linen Press Goods, Linen Skirting. White Toilet
Quilts, Brilliants Swiss Stripe. (Swiss Cambric. Jau
conott, Irish Linen, Shirt Fronts. Ac.
Ladies' Cloth and Flannel Sucking, and other
flannel at low prices. White Shetland Wool. Shawls,
Bulmo.-al Skirts, Ao Skirting and tho latest style
nf Hoop Skiits, very hnndsome and cheap.
Yankee Notions in Great Variety
Hosiery, Gloves, Pocket andkerchiefs, Suspen
ders. Neckties, PaDcr Collars. Umbrella, a irood
assortment of Spcctueles, Coats, Spoul Cotton, fancy
Bultons, Trimmings, Ac.
Carpets, Fluor uud Tablo Oil Cloths, brown and
green Oil Cloths for windows, Gilt Shades, Fixtures
for Window Blinds.
Hats, Caps and Ladies' Shukcrs, Hardware, Xnils,
Forks. Shovels, Spades, iron-tooth Garden Rakes.
&ucen3ware, Glassware, Boots and Shoes,
Paints, Oils, Glass and Putty. ..
School Books, and a new supply of WALL PA
PER, will be sold very cheup.
All persons desirous of getting good goods at low
prioes, for oasb or country produce, will pleaso give
mo a anil. j. 11. i.i
tsunhury, (April 7th, 1S08.
Ol' Clothing', sUi'nt'M FuriiisliInK
ol, ISooIm & SilOI-H.
rplIK undersigned takes pleasure iu announcing to
.he public , anbury, and vicinity, that he has
wita a well seleoted stock of
1 will sell at astoubhiug low prices.
I havo also still iui hand a large stock of
Boots & Shoes,
for Ladies. Gents nnd Children's wear, which I am
selling oil', us I intend to give up that branch ol busi
It will he to the advantage to Cash Itcrana to
give me a call.
S. flnnss' old stand, Market Square.
Sunbury. April 7, lHliG.
Boot, Shoe and Trunk
SI Mig KY, t'.l.
STORE ill the well-known house of Mrs. Ilnul-
ton. in Market street, nnd oilers to theoituens of
Sunbury aud neighboring towns, BuOTS A SHOES
of the best quality and workmanship. Ho baring
made arrangements with tirst-clius manufacturers
to supply Ihe best quality of goods.
In the Wholesale Iepartinent ho calls tho attcn-
i tton of Countrt storekeepers to his nno stock, which
I will be sold nl tho lowest u huleaale prices, thus emi.
bling Kotail Dealers to save expense of visiting tho
cities to replenish their stock.
In the Retail Department oan be found BOOTS.
SHOES, TRL'XKS, VALLSEd. Ao.. which, in price,
at these limes, nre without a parallel.
The stock of Ladies' Wear is superior in sty'.o and
workmanship than is usually found in country towns,
emUwtiug gems of liulmoruls, splendid Congress,
Uaiters. and fancy shoes of every kind.
W. W. A. ulso calls attention to his lurgeslock of
Men's wear, of latest styles, that will lit uny foot
wilh ease and comfort.
Come Ono ('cine All !
Sunbury, March lOlh. 1SG8.
W W. Apiley's.
I AAA Carriage Makers Wantod to buy Felines,
Xv'Uv Spokes. Hulis. Axles, Springs, Bunds. Bolls
mid everything pertaining to the business at the
Cheap Hardware and Iron Store of
CHILDUEX'S Carriages of the newest and most
hisl'uUHUlu styles at tho Cheap Hardware store
to youxg jn:x.
Just Published, in a Sealed Envelope Price (I cents.
A Lecture on the Nature, Treatment, nnd Radical
Cure of Spermatorrhoea, or Seminal Weakness, linol
untary Emissions, Seiual Dubilily, and Impediment
to Marriage generallv, Xervoiisiiess, Consumption,
Epilepsy. null Fits; jletilid atid Physical Incapacity,
r-uliing from Kelt-Abuse, Ac fly ROBERT J.
CULVER WELL, M D., Author of tho -vrceu
The world-renowned author, in this admirable
Leoture, clearly prove from bis own experience
that the awful oonscquonee of Suit-Abuse maybe
etloctually removed without nicdiuuin, and trithout
dangerous surgiuul operutions, bougies, instruments,
riu;J. oi cordials, pointing out a mode of cure at ouee
certain nud ebectual, by which every sufferer, no what his coiiditlun muy bo, msy cure himself
cheaply, privately, nn I radically. This Lectuie
. ,11 m. hoon in Th.n.inJi and Thousands.
.cut under seul, lo auy address, in a plain sealed I
nvelopu. on the receipt of six ceuls, or two postage
stamps, by addrossiun. . .
127 Rowerv. Xew York, Post Oiiioe box ,U6.
Jdarch 17, leVitl. ly
ARKnowearryingonbusiiies at thi old estoh
hshmeut wilh reuewed vigor.
Castings of evuiy description, promptly furnished
lThi'stove manuraottired at this Foundry have
acquired th highest reputation.
Particular attention paid to aJILL I Abl J.MIS
Farmers should not foiKel that lb PLOW ! made
at the tiunbuiy Foundry have never been equalled.
Agricultural implements repaired at short uuyce.
buiall eatiings. inoludiug Cooking uteniila, of the
most improve.! and most useful pattern.
The husiuesa will be eonduoted un an eblarged
Male. Old customer will be accommodated a usual,
nd new ones are respectfully solicited.
Suubury, May 12, ltS66.
I FARMERS call and look at th stock of Urns and
i Grain boyihos, Mmiure, Hay and Straw Forks,
Grain Cradles. Cradle Fingers, Trace, Log, Fifth,
Tuiigue and Halter Chain ; Scyth Stones, Grind
stone and fixtures, and everything to make harvest
ing pleasant and grabl at in new Hardware
tor ef J H. COXLEY CO.
RESPECTFULLY Informs the ciliteusoiSnnbury
and vicinity that he has taken th room in
Pleasant' Building, in Market riquare, two door
oast ot the Express Offioe, for tbe purpose f carrying
on the Hoot nsisl Kbo Business, la all it va
rious brunches, would respectfully Inform theoititeu
of this vioiuity, that he ha purchased ao entire new
stock of Uoodswbioh he intend to dispose of at th
very lowest price.
HI slock comprises Gent's Fin Pegged and
Stitched Boot, Men's Walking Boots and Boy s Boots.
Ladles' Fancy ttuekl G alien! I And Pine Shoe.
Missc' Uaiters, Balmorals and Children s Bhoes of
every description.
lint siiiil Cupn.
II has also In his employ superior workmen, and
Is prepared to do th Finest of Customer V'ork
Gent's Fine Dress Boots, Lidles' Gaiters A Child- .
ren's Shoes.
amine my slock, even if yon do not wish to bujf. I
am dctermitied to sell at the most lilieta) rates.
Sunbury, March Sil, 1306. '
Dr..n Sir : I feel it a duty I owe to you, end to
all who arc suffering under the discing known
Consumption and Liver Complaint, to let them know
what grent benefits I have received from your Pul
monic Svrup and Sciiweod Tonic in so short a time.
Uv tbe Clcssins of God it hascursd mo thus far.
Dr. Scbenck, I will now innko my statement to
you, as follows: About cighUicn nioml s ngo I w
attacked with a severe cough, and it settled on my
lungi 1 could not retain anything I ate. und suf
fered with evening lovers and night sweats. I was
very mui'h reduced. The whites of lny eyes were
very yellow; likewise my skin; my appetite all gone,
and unable to dint what I did cat; bowels swollou,
irregular and cuitivo. I was vory low spirited, and
had such violent sindls of toousliing when I laid
down ut night and when I aruse iu the tuvruing that
they would liu-t one or two hours.
i'lhen would be nearly eahaustcl, and was entire
ly unable to lie un lny left side. 1 eaunot describe
tii v wreii hed us I would with todo. Every
orgiu in my body' wn diseased or deranged. Such
was my situation at this lime, and I was coufljicd to
my bcil from the lt of Fehruarv'1852, not able to
sit up. 1 had tho bct of medical attendance the
wliule of the time. JJy cough was so very bad that
it racked mo very much. I at this timo raised a
lnrgo quantity i.f ihiek, yellow, offensive matter,
sometimes with Uood, and 'it was generally accompa
nied by nausea and a furred und thick cooted tongue.
At the lime of cmiAliing so badly I would have
sharp, shootinj; paius in my left ride and heart, night
sweats, ond soreness nil thiough my wbole chest; had
nuich inward fever, pain in my back and under niy
shoulder blades und In the small of my back, and
ut timos so scvero thut it would throw mo into
spasms. Now my phTicinn jraye me up to die.
Others I bad, and the best of them, but they oould
do nothing fur mo, and at that time I was nothing
but skin uud bones. I then wus in the western put
of Missouri. In June last wo left there for tho r.ast,
and in August lull wc came to Xew York, nnd I was
mi reduced thut 1 could ouly walk a little with mv
i husband's help. After 1 had been here a short tiuio
the salt water breeze ntauo mo tec! luucu hotter tor a
timo and thin 1 ha-1 ugain to call n physician for aid.
We had four of tho beat physicians cf Xew York
on tbe discuses if tho luu-s, aud doctors of all kinds,
but of no avail. They s.iid 1 wus pu-t euro, cud that
my lunif were ton tar goiio for any one to cure me.
But at this lima I was on my t'oet about the house,
not nblo to do much of anything. Iu November
last I grew worse, and tho consumption diarrhea
set iu and litsle i about eight weeks. Wo hud tried
ull and everything that 1 could grasp at like a dying
persen foriny diseases consumption and liver com
plaint hnt of no avail.
In January, SH:i. I waa brought down again on
my bed, and was not expected to live tho nijrnt out.
My liusbund stayed at my side, and other friends,
nnd they all give me up m die. At this time every
ouo who saw me did not think I would leave my
bed n living woman. The hist night I was attacked
with spasms, and was deronjrod most of the time.
A friend, Mrs. H:trris. came to see me the last of too
week, uud brought tho Sunday Mercury. Iu it
was an account of a great euro performed by Dr.
Scbenck. Sho read it to mo, nnd it was so much
like my own disease that. I asked juv husband to go
- .0, ?
'.. ... .... "..., ,,.,., ll .,o'!,..l f.,r
On the 27i'n of January, 1HM. my husband cuiloj
on l'r. Pclii nek, ".2 liood street, New York, and
stuied 1 1 biui ii, v CU.-.C, rah a request lor him to cell
an. 1 sec n'e, which he did, and cxtimintd iuu wiui
liu respuromeir. ncn lie wits aooui w &v naixtn
him if ho 0"iil 1 euro me ? His reply was: "1 can
not tell, both lungs are diseased, ami the brunchiiil
tubes are affected on both sides. 1 And yet he
seemed to think there were lur.;;s enough left lo ef
fect a cure if tho diarrhea o.mld be stopped. Ho
said In order to do this, he would have to give Man
drake Pills in small doses at first, to curry off tbo
morbid maltur, and then, with astringents, he hoped
to check it. which ho did, but tho constant coughing,
night sweats, aud diarrhea had prostrated me so that
hu was utraid my vital powers wero too much pros
trated ever to rally, aud yet he seemed to think if I
oould livo to get enough Puliunnia Syrup through
my sysloin to causo expectoration, there were luui;s
euoujih kit lor me to recover, ilo wi-hed mo to try
tho Pulmonic Syrup and Seaweed Tcnio at o:ice,
saying it would du menu harm, if itdid mono Rood.
The first week it seemed to give me strength, so
that on Sunday ofier I sat up in bed aud uto hearty
for a sick woman; but the next week 1 lost all hope
und wished my busb.ind not to give mo any moro
medicine. But the djctor hud warned him of this,
and when the medicine was clearing out tho sstem
it made them fuel some hut restless, and to perse
vere; uud ho iiisted eu my taking ii; nnd I new
feel ihe benefit of if. For after eight days I liojian
to gain strength, end, with the exception of a cold
thai put mo back sou c, I bnichei n feuiuing strciiil.
o ' body, my cough is goiujr away, aud all my pains
are gone; no soreness of tho body, my bowels are
regular, aud my breath is swoct, uud I UiauW God
Unit I uiu now yuin;,' uboul, und sew and read as well
ns 1 ever could. 1 'ilavo taken sixlceu bottles ut tun
medicine, cit.t of each. 1 now unvo a good uppe
tito and re.! well at night ; my cough due not
Iroulile me in getting up or lyiug down. I would
hero any to tho alttiutcd wilh coutumptiun or liver
complaint, that ir Schenck is no humbug. You
cau rely on what bo says Delay not; it is danger
ous to mile wan tlieiio diseases. 1: you would be
cured, go nl on
end any one wishing In know tho
facts as herein suited can call l:t my residence, 111
We.-t Uouitou street. Aew York city.
AVe, the umlersignud. residents. if New Yolk, are
acquainted with Mm. Farrow, and know her sUte
l.'.ciit lo Le trim. Wo also know that sh ued Dr-rii-l,
eiick Pulmonic Syrup and Seaweed Tunic, and
hate reason to believe that Iu ibis uiediciue she
owes her pnscrviuiou from a prct.iivture gru,vv,
S. FAKLOW, 117 Wen tlousltm t.
El 'GENE r.NDHItlllLL. riTi Greenwich St.
.Mis IH GE.VE I'XIir.K HILL. Iliii Greenwich at.
AUGUST A I'XDEKHILL. ; Greenwich st.
A. ?. HARRIS. 117 West Hou-tonst.
EMILY GLOVER. 117. West Houston It.
J L. COLE. :J'S Cottage plocu.
M A. LEIiill l'KN. 4;h Uroadivay
Mrs. L E.N JAM IX rLAPP, IS Amity place. x
1 am well acquainted with Sirs- Mary l'arlow,
and with her husband, Mr. B. 'l'arlow, they having
for a few mouths past, utteuded ut my church, uud
I iui.iconviuocdil.nt any statement which they miobt
make might Le relied on Its true.
Pastor of Bcdfonl tt. Baptul Church, X. V.
De. .Soliciick will be professionally at hi? principle
Xo. IA -Vorlh Sixth street, corner ul Cuiuinerce,
l-hil,, I,,,. M.tor.lav. from V A.M. until
4 P. M., Xu. ;!2Bond street. New York, every luc
day, l'rora V to i Xo 3n tuiniuer street, Boston,
Mass., every Wednesday, from lo 4- and every
iit her Friday at 10$ Baltimore street, Baltimore, Md.
All advieo free, but for a ihoroutsh examinaliijn of
Ihe lungs with the Rispiromoter. the ebargu i thie
dollars. , , .
Prico of the Pulmonic Syrup and Seaweed Tome,
each SI JO per holile.or 7 U per half doion. Maa
druko Pills. Z: cents p"r hox.
For sale by nil Druggier aud Dealers.
Deem, ber 2, Irtj-I y.
Support Home Industry !
Hula ef livery crip ou!
A FI LL ASSOUTM1.XT Jl ht ors'.,Kl by
Two door west of Beuoett' Drug 8' ore, Market it.
CALL and exauiin th larg-j asaurnucnt of th
luteal Xew Yurk aud Pt.iladelpb'm styles of
Silk, Cassimerc, Petto Derby, Who Brim, Soft Fur.
Siraw and Buy' Hal which lor beauty and du
rability cannot be excelled. Beiur a practical Hat
ter, ho millers biuisoll' that hi etuofc has been selucl
ed with more ear thau any evur befur brought to
this place.
He also manufacturei to order all liu ls uf soft
Fur Hats, all of which will be Sold at huleiial nd
retail, at reasonable rule.
Dyeing dohe at short nutlo and at th lowest rate.
Suubury, May 1 3, lKrtrt.
Ladies' i.astinu uaiti:k for i .
W W. Ansler'a.
BREAKFAST SHAWLS tor shI at th Fane
Store if AS S A PAIWTER.
C "ARPENTERS, Saddlers, Blacksmiths, cTrrlaT
J Maker, rihiiemakers, Murchanl, Miners, Far
mer and tb tlisen generally.
- Look to your interest and buy at the nsw Hard
war 6'tor of J. ii COXLEY 00.
Sunbury, Jua 14,