GTIje Stmburj) American. N. B. ENOLB, J Publisher. ... ; ' fa . -i. mm 8UHDIJHY, PA SATURDAY, JULY 28, 1808. Eocal Affairs. pJob Printing. Having received a large supply of NEW JOB TTPE, of various new stylos, Poster, Handbills, Circular!, Cards, letter Heidi, Bill Heada, Labels, Ae., can be printed la the latest and beat styles, and on abort notice. Orders by mall promptly attended to. p A Brows: Muslim Pakaboi. waa led In the drug atore of Dr. Bennett, about a week lince. The owner can get it by calling at the (tore. y Akothkb Finn at Wilmamsport. The dry house of Reading, Fisher & Co., with ita eon tenia, fifty thousand feet of lumber, waa destroyed by fire on Monday evening, 16lh inst. The loss amounts to abont $12,000. 170000 Itvtknt Firs Compart. The members -of the company are requested to get the material for their new uniforms immediately. The flannel, as ordered, ean be proeurod at the clothing store of 8. Eronenberg. Tbey are also requested to leave utheir orders for caps at the hat store of S. Faust. 13?" Festival. The ladies eonncotod with the German Reformed Churoh, of this place, intend tiolding a festival for the benefit of the church, in the old Court Houae, commencing on Monday eve ning, August 6th, (the first day of August court.) .As the objeet is a most worthy ono, wo hope they (will be well patronized. IP Sals or Real Estatb. Geo. W. Hnupt, administrator of tho estate of Wm. Konnclly, dee'd., .ndvertisej in to-day's paper the snlo of some valuable town lota, situated in this plaoe and Mt. Carmel. If the property is not disposed of at private sale before .ho !7th of August next, It will be sold at publio sale nt the Court House, in Snnbury, on that day. (Jp'TnK Second Grand Bummer Sociable, in pic-nic style, on the steamer "Ira T. Clement,' came off on Thursday evening last, under the man agement of Mr. David Fry. Mr. Try deserves much credit in getting up these sociables, and should re ceive tho pntronago of those who tnko an interest in these pleasant moonlight excursions on our beautiful basin. The tnusio and refreshments furnished by Mr. Fry added greatly to tho enjoyment of the eve ning, and the dnncing was kept up until a lato hour. ljf Last week we noticed several teams hauling lime, which was spread around the basin, below tho railroad, and in the alleys of tho town. This is a commendable move on tho port of our Borough au thorities, and, in view of the approach of the cholera to tho interior of tho State, we hope they will con tinue this very important sanitary measure until our streets and nllcys aro thoroughly purified. It would nlso greatly benefit tho Borough if the High Consta ble were to enforco soveral ordinances in regard to nuisances, which are to be found in a great many of the streets and alloys, and which he is required to inspect once a week by the Borough Council. X" Xotice to U. S. Tax-Payers. Charles H. f-hriner, Esq., collector of internal revenue for this district, gives notice in another column that taxes on tho annual list, 1868, (incomes, carriages, Ac.,) are now duo and payable. He will visit Sunbury fur the purposoof collecting, on Wednesday, Aug. 2'Jth, nt the office of P. M. Shindcl, Esq. ; in Georgetown, an Thursday, August 30th; infbamokln, on Friday, August 31st. Amos T. Biscl, Deputy, will collect at his offico in Turbutville, on Tuesday, August 21st ; in Milton, on Vfednesdny, August 2Jd ; in Northumberland, at Vandyke's hotel, on Tuesday, August 23d. y Pic-Nic os BuiD'g Island. Our neighbors of Northumberland held a grund pic-iiic on Bird's island on Thursday of lust week. We learn that it was the largest party ever bold on the island, and was attended by most of the prominent citizons of that placo. A platform was erected for tho purpose of dancing, and the younger portion of the party engnged in cotillions, waltzes, Ac.,' tho services of Messrs. Kckcrt and Ulp, tiro excellent musicians of tho place, having been engaged for tho occasion. Tho cornet band was also in attendance, and cm livened the party br playing several pieces of their superior music. ljp Shamokin AWAIR8. The Herald, of last week, says that on Tuesday afternoon Mr. S. G. Savidge, of Shamokin, was assaulted at Locust Gap by a party of Irishmen, and narrowly escaped with his lifo. It appears that while in bis meat wagon, Mr. Savidge was asked by an Irishman for some tobacco, and failing to give it, stating that he had i.or.o, the Irishman commenced throwing stones at him. To make him desist, Mr. Savidge was obliged to got out of his wagon, when he was set upon by Home fifteen or twenty, who were quickly collected. Fortunately for Mr. Savidge he sucoeeded in keep ing on his feet, and alter knocking several of the party down, finally escaped to the main road, whers his team bad been driven by a friend. Mr. Savidge'i injuries, although not of a dangerous character, are painful, he having received several severe ouU on his bead. On Wednesday moruing constables Smith and Dituhfiold, accompanied by a party from Shamokin, went to Locust Gap to arrest the persons who attacked Mr. Suidge. Thomas Golden and Jack O'Domiel were brought down, and after a hearing before Esquire Caldwell, were oommltted to jail to answer. Constable Smith's authority being resisted on Satur day, while attempting to arrest one of the gang, he made another trip on Tuesday morning with a suffi cient force, and arrested six, but did not secure the ono hewaaaftor on Saturday, he having left tho place. At the bearing Francis Carl and Michael Mullen wore committed, and the others discharged. We learn that O'Donnel has been released on buil of S1200. Base Ball. The Enterprise Base Ball Club, of Baltimore, having accepted an Invitation to play a friendly game with the Susquehanna stub, of this plaoe, arrived here on Friday evening last. They had played at Carlisle on the previous day, and also with the Tyrolean Club, of Harrisburg, on Friday morning. Tbey were beaten by the Harrisburg club in a very close game. The Baltimoreans, while here, wore the guests of iao Susquehannas, and were oomfortably quarterod at toe Central Hotel. The game came off on Satur day morning, commencing about eleven o'clock, and terminating about three o'clock in the afternoon. Quite a number of persons were present, and some fine playing on Ue part of both clubs was frequently applauded. As will be seen by the score annexed the Susquehanna were again unsuccessful. A dif. fcrcnt result was hardly expected, the Baltimore club being an old organization, while the Busque haniios have scarcely existed three months. The Enterprise boys left for home on the 11.45 train on Saturday night, all aeemlng well pleased with their visit to Sunbury. The following is the Bl'IQUEHAHMA. O. Kllinger, 8d b. Kinsley, p. OlHey, 1st b. Priee, 2d b. Ford, s. s. (iold.-mith. e. ltuilcy, r. f Cbenoweth, 1. I tiuruian, e. f. Seller, C. Weaver, 1st D. Newbury, p. Krone, 1. 1. Hewart, s. s. Hower. a. f. MoCausland, Sd b J Kodriiue, r. f. 4 Sarvis, Sd b. 4 27 31 INNIVOI. 2. 13 l a. 6. 7. 8. I). Enterprise, ( Susquehanna, V II ft 11 1 8 i a i s I o-2i J. Flv Catches Enterprise, 1J ; Busquehanna, 11. Pass Balls Enter pr bte, W ; buaquenanna, a. . i. di... LntamriM. 1 : Bum aenanna. I. Vmyi& FkK4ic;ot Wuliamsport Baa. Kcorers-Messrs. MoCenkev and Harrisoo. Time of game J hours and ti minutes O. R.I 1 10 ft 6 3 T I 8 4 6 5 7 4 6 3 7 5 8 27 M i ty MiiiTON Inns. The Miltonian, of last week, furntahes us with the following chapter of accident in that vlolnlty On Thursday morning, the 12th inst., a young man from this borough, by the nam of Hoppler, a brakes, man en the Cattawlssa Railroad, wm killed on his first trip by jumping from a freight train near Catla Wlsaa, while going at ft considerable speed. On Monday last, William Frymlre, residing near Pottsgrove, committed suloide by leaping into a well while laboring under the dillrlum caused by fever. The shock so affected his mother-in-law, who was attending him, that she died the lame after noon, from paralysis About noon on Monday the worthy citizens of onr village were roused from their dinner tables by the cry of Ore. A few mluutes run brought the specta tor to the farm of Moses Chamberlin, above town, where the devouring element was seen In full head way, rsduolng to ashes the barn, with Its mows groaning undor the load of newly stowed grain and hay. The loss wilt doubtless reach throe thousand dollars. Whether the property waa Insured or not we havo not been able to learn. Mr. Franti saved all his stock with the exception of one or two shoats, but lost nearly if not quite all bis machinery and farming Implements. On the same afternoon John Buoy, a lad of four teen, employed at the Milton Car Factory, received a severe injury from the falling of a door, which atruok him In the sldo, inflicting serious bruises. On Tuesday morning the many friends of William H. Follmer, of Wataontown, son of Ool. Daniol Foil mer, of this place, were saddened by the intelligence that he waa drowned in the basin at Watsontown. It appears that he had riddon bia horse into the water to wash him, and by some means became nnsoated ; being a good swimmor, he saw bis bona make for shore and then himself swam to the bank where one of his children was standing, but hearing his other boy crying to him from the opposite side, he turned back and had arrived within six feet of the shore when he suddenly sank. Physicians cay that he must have been paralyzed by a sun stroke. ty-THE oornor stonoof the Lutheran and German Reformed chnroh, of Watsontown, was laid on last Saturday week, with appropriate ceremonies. Not withstanding tho extreme heat of the weather the at tendance was large, numbering not less than six hun dred persons. 13rwTiii! new hell, presented by Gen. Cameron, waa hung in the tower of the new Court House, on Saturday last. The tone of the bell Is clear, full and deep. It is one of Moneely's best. It weighs 1024 pounds, and eost, with the mountings, $510.80. It is a handsome and appropriate gift, and is properly appreciated as such. I5r Lecture. The Rev. J. W. Langley, pastor of the M. E. Church, of Covington, Ky., delivered a lecture in the Methodist Church, in this place, on Thursday evening last. Subject "Freedom's Mar tyr." The lecture was very interesting, and was listened to with marked attention by the large audi ence assembled. Tickets wore issued at twenty-five cents each, and tho proceeds given to the Ladies' Mite Society, of this place. LtT Church Judilke. A jubilee will be hold at Jacob's Church, generally called the 'Brick Church,' near Reed's Station, In this county, on Saturday next, to celebrate the fiftieth anniversary of the dedication of tho church. Services will be hold at 10 o'clock, A. M., and at 8 o'clock in the evening. Rev. M. J. Allctnan, of Hanover, and Rev. P. Wil liurd, of Reading, former pastors of the church, will be present and preach on the occasion. Tho publio are respectfully invited to attend. I'ST Lamp Extlosiom at Siiaxokin. On Thurs day evening week last, In Shamokin, an alarm of fire was occasioned by tiie explosion of a coal oil lamp in Mr. Valentine Fagcly's residence. The flames wero extinguished before any serious dam ago was done. BUSINESS NOTICES. I5f J Cholera Preventive and' Cure. Dr. Hamlin's celebrated medicine for the cure of Chole ra, Diarrhoea and dysentery, which should be kept iu every family, is prepared and for sale by W. A. Bennett, Druggist, Market street. jPDoN't Waste Your Time this hot weather in bargaining over a suit of clothes for a half an hour, but go to John E. Snrick's fashionable tailor ing establishment, on Fourth street, where you oan procure suits of the best material, at the very lowest prices. -- i ly Presents. A first class photograph Is one of the most appropriate and acceptable presents that can be given. We therefore advise our friends to call at Bycrly's Gallery, in Simpson's building, Markot street, and got their photographs taken. Call and soe bis specimens. (7 Tub Beat op War. All are now anxiously looking for the latest news from the scat of war in Germany. The conflict has commenced in earnest, and it is hard to tell where It will end. But If a man looks nil around for the cheapest and best ready made clothing, it ii an easy matter to tell whore bis search will end of course, at the Continental Clo thing Bazaar, corner of Market and Third streets. CsTTua ladios of Now York have Introduced " crutohos" invisible affairs worn for the purpose of keeping their shoulders well up. The top of the erutch fits under the arm, whilst tho piece of steel which forms the body of the crutch is firmly fixed in a convenient reocptaole located in a certain portion of a lady's attire, which we will suppose that a new kind of stay" law forbids mentioning. Gentlemen who buy the elegantly fitting ooati made by Mr. Jacob O. Beek, 4th street, botween Market and ChesDut, have no use whatev tr for this new inven tion, for Beck's coats "keep well up to the shoulders" without the aid of the invisible "erutch." "jr" Mrs. Lucretia Mott, the celebrated Quaker preacheress, in a recent Sunday lecture, said the time was fast approaching for women to ask higher recognition of their powers in all the various rota tions of life. She thought there ought to be more equality in the marriage relation ; that women ought not to be required to promise to 'obey." If the stong-minded old lady ever visits this plaoe she will, no doubt, demand a higher recognition of the supe rior qualities of the boots and shoes disposed of at Wm. H. Miller's Excelsior Boot and oboe More, Market street, MARHIAQE3. In Milton, on Thursdav evenine. 19th inst., at the residence of the bride's parents, bv the Rev. J. W. Langley, Mr. W. H. H. DiarriaBAucB, of Sunbury, to Miss axnic mwink, oi juiuon, I Baltimore and Cumberland county papers please copy. j NUni'HY MAIIUETN, Corrected Weekly for the "American." . Wheat Flour, extra family, per barrel, $14 06 7 00 do do do do per ewt. Rye Flour, 'do Wheat, prime red By. Corn, Oats, Potatoes, Pried Peaches, pared do do unpared TWIajI AnnlM. per bbl. per ewt. por bushel , do do do do per pound 10 00 6 1 1 00 80 75 00 40 80 uv do 20 0 35 20 25 25 27 Dried Cherries, (unstoned,) per bu. Butter, Eggs, Cheese, Lard, , Hams, Shoulders, Beef, bind quarter, ' from " . . Mutton, Chickens, jer pound, per down, par pound, do do do do do : do per pair 22 Id 15 18 7e BnamoJct Ceal Trad. Bhahokib. JuU 23, 18M. Tom. Cvt (Sent for week ending July 31, !, Vat Uatiepwt. 277,012 IV 203.62A 0 To sane time last year, Increase, 1M.932 II 08,993 17 "DON'T BK FOOLISH." You cn make Bix Dollars from Fifty Cent. Call and ex amine an invention urgently needed by every body. Or a sample sent free by moil for 50 cents that retails easily for $0, by It. h. WOLCOTT, 170 Clmthara Square, N Y. Bept. 19, 186J. ly. WhUkcrn ! Wliinkfra ! ! Dr. L. O. Montei' Corrolia, the greatest stimu lator in the world, will foroe Whiskers or Mustaches to crow on the smoothest face or chin ; never known to fall , sample for trial tent free to any one desirous of testing Its merits. Address, Reev es ft Co., 78 Nassau St., N. Y. Je30 3m i.ovi: axi niAxm.nov. Ladies and gentlemen, if yon wish to marry, ad dress the undersigned, who will send you, without money and without price, valuable Information that will enable you to marry happily and speedily, Ir respective of age, wealth, or beauty. This informa tion will cost you nothing, and if you wish to marry, I will cheerfully assist you. All letters strictly con fidential. The desired information sent by return mail, and no reward askod. Address SARAH B. LAMBERT Greenpoinl, Kings Co., Mew York. June 9, 1806. 3m To ConnnmpllTesi. The advertiser, having been restored to health in a few weeks by a very simple remedy, after having suffered for several years wjth a severe lung affection and that dread diseaso, Consumption Is anxious to make known to his follow sufferers the means of cure. To all who desiro it, he will send a copy of the prescription used (free of charge), with the dirco tiona for preparing and nsing the same, which they will find a sure Cuni for Consumption, Asthma, Bronchitis, Coughs, Colds, and all Throat and Lung Affections. The only objeot of the advertises In sending the prescription is to benefit the afflicted and spread information which he conceives to be in valuable, and he hopes every sufferer will try bis remedy, as it will oost tbom nothing, and may prove a blessing. Parties wishing the prescription, free, by return mall, please address Rev. EDWARD WILSON, Willinmslmrgh, Kings Co , New York. January 13, 18(10 ly. rpiie I'onfi'Hfclou ihmI Experience OP AN INVALID. Published for tho benefit and as a caution to young mon and others, who suffer from Nervous Debility, Premature Decay of Manhood, Ac, supplying nt the same timo the means of self-cure. By ono who noa cured himself arter undergoing considerable quack ery. By enclosing a post-paid addressed envelope, single copies, free of charge may be had of the au thor. NATHANIEL MAYFAIR, Esq., Brooklyn, Kings Co, N. Y. January 27; 1866 ly. ITCH! IT4TI! SCRATCH ! SCRATCH ! SCRATCH ! WIIE ATON'S OINTMENT M ill Chi p the If els 1st 4t Uoiii-m. Also cures SALT KHEUM. ULCEUS, CHIL BLA1N.S, and all ERUPTIONS OF TUB SKIN Price 50 cents. For sale by tho druggists. By Bond ing 6(1 cents to WEEKS A POTTER, Polo Agents, 170 Washington street, Boston, it will be forwarded by mail, frco of postage, to nny port of the United States. jo 23 '66-y IW Before you buy "foreign perfumes," ask the dealers to show you their European invoices. They can't do it. Reason why Importations have ceased under the present tariff. The articles arc coonterfeits. I'lmlon's "Night-Blooming Ccrcus," a finer extract than Paris ever produced, now reigns su preme in tliis market. Sold everywhere. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. SALE OF VALUABLE PROPERTY. TOWN WILL be sold at privato snlo, tho large two-and a-hnllMory 1SRICK DWELLING HOUSE AND LOT, situate on Walnut street, between 2d and 3d streets, in the Borough of Sunbury. The lot is thirty feet front and two hundred and thirty feet in depth. The house is entirely new and built of tho best ma terial, and is well urranged. There is a number of choice fruit trees on the lot. If the property is not sold by the first day of August next, it will be offered at public sale on that day, at the residence of the subscriber, at 1 o'clock, P. M. For terms and conditions apply to WM. E.NUELMAN. Sunbury, July 14, 1866. 3t Sheet Iron and Stove ifEiS KM MC JE2 Market Street, near Engcl s Store, SUXBl'RY. PA. AN immense stock of every kind of Tin Ware, and Sheet Iron Ware of all descriptions. STOVES, COOK. OFFICE and PARLOR STOVES of the best Brands which are unsurpassed for beauty of finish, simplicity of arrangement, combining cheapness and durability and each stove warranted to perform what Uiey are represented. Coal Oil, i'oul Oil I-nmpx, Lanterns, Shades, Chimnys, and all articles usually kept In an establishment ot tins kind. COPPER, BRASS and IRON KETTLES, of all sues. FRUIT JARS and CANS of the latest improved styles. He is also prepared to do all kinds of Spouting and Roofing, Range and Furnace Work. Repairing, cheaply and neatly eiecuied. BENJ. ZETELMOYER. Sunbury, July 7, 1866. ly BUILDERS and those contemplating building, would do well to eall and see the large assort ment of Locks, Latches, Bolts, Butts and Screws, Straps and T. Hinges, Window Springs, and evory thing wanted to complete a home, at the new Hard ware store ot J.u. viunuisiU. ALL kinds of Hardware, Iron, Ac, not in store will be sent for and delivered at the lowest liriees by J. H. COX LEY A CO. Bunnury, June to, moo. IP vou want a food Likeness for your frionds, go to S. BYEULY'S Uallery in Simpson's Building. niURPENTINE, Coal Oil, trtsu Oil, Linseed uu, X for sale low for tasn oy J. H. CONLEY A CO. NOTICE ALL those knowing themselves indebted to C. A U. F. Haas, by note or book account, must make payment before the first day of August next. After that date the accounts will be left in the hands of John Farnsworth, for collection. u. a ii. sr. xi a ao. Upper Augusta, June 16, 1866. ICE CREAM FREEZERS and Haley's Patent Clothe Wringers, for sule by 11. &1.1jA1U1C.1V. Sunbury, July T, 1S66. Pain Ao. laintM, Glass, Putty, White Lead, Varnishes, Everything that Painters use at uubeard of prices at the Hardware Store of 4. 11. VVliCl VU. Sunbury, June 16, 1866. Cuab ! ! t . ! ! 40,000 wanted in exchange for all kinds ol Hardware, Irons, Nails, Ao., at the new Hardware Store of J. U. CONLEY A CO. Sunbury, June 19, 186 BPHINQ ADD BDMMIE Millinery Goods, Just opening at the Millinery Store of Hiss M. X QUSSLEH fawn Street, below the Railroad, SUNBURY, PA., Such as SHAKERS, Dress-Trimmings, Head-Drosses, Gloves, Hosiery, Ribbons, Flowers, Collars, Uandker. chiefs, Ac., Ac, Mull have been earefullv lei acted. The attention of the Ladies is tolioited to.her large assortment of the latest styles ef BONNETS, wmoo give satisfaction to all. Call and auuuine tor yourssivas. No trouble to show goods Sunbury, April 14, 1864. ' MINOR' Patent Pocket Lanterns for sal at tk Book and Stationery store of ' N. I. LIQHTNEU New Arrival of SUMMER GOODS! AT THE MAMMOTH STORE of j. v. rini.iMj a. no, ' Markot Square, nonr the Now Court House JUSTOPENEDa large and new assortmontof OENTLEMEN'3 WEAR. Cloths, Cesstmerca, Cottonades, Linen Panting, Ao LADIES' DRESS GOODS. Silk, Delaines, Alapacas, English and Scotch Ginghams, Cballios, Lawns, Armurcs, Brilliants, White Goods, Caliooes, Muslins, and evory other article belonging to tho above branch of business. WHITE AND COLORED FLANNELS Sheetings, Hoop Skirts Hosiery and gloves. CARPET & OIL CLOTHS, Olassware, Quoensware, Crockery, Hardware and Cutlery. lrug;, Oils), I'ainiM, C'onl Oil nnd I.nmpsi. Fish, Pork, Coarse and Fine Salt, Coffee, Tea, Su gar, Molasses Syrup, Spices, to., Orooories, Tobacco, Begars and Snuff, togetlici with a large variety of miscellaneous goods fU prices that cannot fail to satisfy purchasers. J.W.FRILIXO A SON. Sunbury, Juno 2, 1S66. New Spring Styles I v MInsi A'.iA IAI3i'I i:iS, Two doors West of the Post Oflico, 8TJXTBTJH-5r PENN'A. RESPECTFULLY Invites the attontion of the publio to her large and varied assortment of Spring & Bummer Millinery Goods which jho has just received and opened. Hor stock embraces FANCY DRESS GOODS, Embroideries, Cluny Loco, Lace Collars, Linen Collars, Dress Voras", &cpnyrs, .uuuong, so. A fine assortment of ladies' and gents' Hosiery, Gloves, Fans. Parasols. Buirlo Triiniiiinirs. Ribbons. Belt Ribbons, Velvet .Ribbons, Braid. Ladies' Neck ties, t anoy Dress Combs, Head Dresses, Ao. Irvin's Patent Hair Crimpers, Hair Coils, Corsets, anu a largo assortment ot othor articles, too nuino rons to mention. I have alsopust rcocived a fine lot of Perfumery, auiiui owijjb. xooiu luiu mkir uriiKnes, ao. ANNA PAINTER Sunbury, April 29, 1866. CALL AT FURMAN'S OLD STAND. mi. WHOLESALE RETAIL AND Provision Store FOR CHEAP GOODS ! Their Stock Is complete, consisting in part of SUGARS, COFFEES, TEAS, SPICES, COAL OIL, Tobacco, Cigars, Flour, Food, Fish, Salt, Hams, Shoulders, Cheese, Fruit, Glass, Lamps, &e.t Ac. Country Produce taken in exchange for Goods. (jCall nnd cxnmineour .Stock, and satisfy your selves. Sunbury, Mny 12, 1866. BREAKFAST SHAAVLS, Storo tf fir sule at the Fancy ANNA PAINTER. CARPENTERS. Saddlers, Blacksmiths, Carringo Makers, Shoemakers, Merchants, Miners, Far mers and the citizens generally. Look to your intercut and buy nt the new Hard ware Store of J. H. CONLEY 4 CO. Sunbury, June 16, 1866. ALL goods bought for Cash and sold at lowest prices lor cabnt the Hardware Storo of J. 11. CONLEY A CO. Sunbury, June 16, 1806. NSW HAHBWAI1H IRON STORE. milE subscriber having opened in SUNBURYi J Pa., anew liirge. and well assorted stock of all kinds of HARDWARE. CUTLERY, COACHWARE SADDLERY, SHOE FINDINGS, IRON, NAILS, Ac., laid in at lowest New York nnd Eustern prices which they will bo pleased to soil for Caih ut tho lowest Enstern prices. Intending to do business in tho honest principles of small profits and quick snlo for Cash. J. 11. CON LEY 4 CO. Sunbury, June 16, 1K66. WE would invito the attention of Carpenters to our largo and well soloctcd assortment of Toolos, comprising Chisels of nil kinds, Augurs, Planes. Saws, Iron and Steel Square, and iu iitct overy thing wanted to complete a full outfit, at tbo Hardwares lore ojf J. H. CONLEY A CO. Willi IH MT and Border in great variety now styles just rcocived at the Mammoth Store nf J. W.F1UL1NG 4 SON. Sunbury, Oct, 14. 1865. Atlminitf li'ulor'a ."ol !. NOTICE is hereby givon tiiat lottcrs of adminis" tration, with tho will annexed, hnveben granted to the undersigned on the estate of Frederick Luza rus, late of the Borough of Sunbury, Northumber land county, Pa., deceased. All pursons indebted to said estate are requested to make immediate pay ment, and those having claims to present them duly authenticated for sottlument. JARED C. IRWIN, J. B. MASSER. Sunbury, Juno 16, 'CO. fit Administrators. AltAMM i:I'Iti:S!i COMPANY. REDUCTION OF RATES ON PRODUCE, OYS TERS, AC. mHErntes on Fresh Fish, Oysters in the Shell, and X Truck of all kinds, to places in this Division, where the rate is 75 cents per 100 lbsos over, has been reduced 25 ceuta por 100 lbs. At places where ihe rate is between 50 and 75 cents per 100 lbs, the rate will bo 50 cents per 100 lbs. Burrels of truck weighing less than 100 lbs will be oharged as 100 lbs wuigtit. Fresh Fish will require to be nocked in ti Jfct bar' rcls or boxes. Prompt attention to tho collection of Bills, Drafts. - - c. N. FERHEE L1GI1TNEH, Agent. Sunbury, June 1 6 1 866. tIS.UOO lbw. assorted Charcoal Iron at M ets. lb at J. U.CONLEV A CO. Sunbury, June 16, 18116; BOOKS! BOOKS!! rPHE subscriber begs leave to oall the attention of bis customers, ana lue community in general, to the fact that be has now received bis second lot ot 3STE-W GOODS, consisting, in part, of a complete line of PAPEK AND ENVELOPES, Blank, School and Juvenile Books, Fancy Toilet Soaps, l'erlunies, nature frames, liavaanti Wiow Uiuiging Bankets, Bird Cages, II a sad asid Ml and sLilaentetj, Fine Vases, Handsome Glove Jewciry and Work Boxes, Traveling and other Portfolios, Carved Brackets, Feather Dust Brucbus, Balls, Bats, Fishing Tackle, ?oySM all descriptions, a large stock of WALL-PAPER AND BORDER, Window-Blinds, Paper Shades, Coal Oil Lamps and fixtures, do. Thankful for past patronage, and nope, by strict attention to business, to continue the same. XT 1 1 fjlHWk.'L'U Banbury, June 9. 1866. Motlce to Creditors. ALL persons indebted to the lata firm of Rohrbaoh A Cooper, on note, book aeoount or otherwise, are hereby notified to make immediate payment if they wish to save coats, as they will be placed in the a audi oi an omcer lur eoiieeuon. D. 0. ROHUBACH, T. O. COOPER. ' Sunbury, Juut 16, IBM. A New and fin bit of PERFUMES, 0 . for the . Holidays, at LIUUTNEK bV THE VERY LATEST ARRIVAL!! Spring & Summer Goods! JOSEPH EYSTEH, (S'ieee$imisor to John Bowe..) Corner of Market and Fawn .Street, 8UN1JUKY, PENN'A. Invites tho publio to call and examine his elegant assortment oi SUIN21VIER GOO OS! which he will sell at greatly reduced prlocs. His stock consists !n part of CASSIMEBE3 fiit CLOTHS, &C-, Bilks, Dolalnss, Lawns, Gingham!, Calicoos. Muslins, ftheoting, Tickings, Joans, and a full assortment of Cotton and Woolen goods generally. Hosiery, Gloves, Uoop Sklrta. Also Handkerohlofa, Brushes, Combs. IIhim nnd (!p, lloota nnd Slioox, His assortment of goods will not, ho Is are euro fail to please the Taney and suit the wants of any de, sirous of purchasing. His stock of HARDWARE AND QUEEN8WARE, nnd Groceries Is large In quantity and choice In qnnlity, comprising generally everything needed in the household cither for nse or ornament. Ho is always ready and glad to see his friends and takes plonsure in showing them his goods even thouirh no sales aro mado. Ho only asks a cull, and is sure that the stock will compare favorably in pTice and quality with tho oheapest. 1 JOSEPH EYSTER. Sunbury, April 21, 1H66. NEW GOODS!! J II ENGEL HAS just returned from New York and Philadel phia, and is now receiving a New Stock of Spring & Bummer Goods. at a great reduction In prices. 4cniloiiioir lVenr. Fino Black Cloth at J 1.00 that used to sell at Cossimeres, Sntinett, Cashmeretts, Kentucky Joans, Coltonado and Linen Panting, nt reduced prices. Ladies' Dress Goods. Silk, Wool Delaines, Mohair, Silk Stripe, Paul De Chain, Alpacca, l'oplett, English nnd Scotch Ginghams, Cliullios, Dciumcs, Lawn, Cuhoo and Muslins, vory cheap. YVliito Goods. Linen Dress Goods. Linen Skirting. White Toilet Quilts, Bri'liitnts, Swiss Stripe, Swis Cambric. Jac oonett. Irish Linen, Shirt Fronts, Ao. Laiies' Cloth nnd Flannel Sacking, and bthcr flnnnel nt low pricos. White Shetland Wool, Shawls, Balinotnl Skirts, Ao Skirting and tho latest stylo "f Hoop Skirts, vory handsome and cheap. Yankee Notions in Great Variety Hosiery, Gloves, rocket 7anilkcrchiefs, Suspen ders, Neckties, Pnpcr Collars, Umbrollits, a good assortment nf Spectacles, Coats, Spool Cotton, fancy jiuiious, minuting?, AC. Carpets, Floor and Table Oil Cloths, brown nnd green Oil Chillis for windows, Gilt Shades, Fixtures lor t luu'jw linnets. Huts, Cups nnd Ladies' Shakers. Hardware. Nails. Forks, Shovels, Spades, iron-tooth Garden Hakes. GROCERIES, SALT ft FISIL Queensware, Glassware, Boots and Shoe3, Paints, Oils, Glass and Pntty. School Books, and a new sunrlv ol WALL PA PER, will be sold very cheap. All persons desirousof getting pood goods at low prices, for cash or country produce, will please give mo a call. J. 11. LNGLL. ?unbury, 'April 7tb, ISofl. Ol Clolliin. CSt-ut'M I'liriiiwliiuji' oocl, Itoof s iV Mines riliiE undersigned takes plensuro in announcing to X tbo public of Sunbury, and vicinity, that ho has npcntd his CLOTHING STORE, itn n well selected stock of j iti-s B't fi:Bii!ia ;oob$.w. 1 will sell at n-toni.'hing low prices. I have ulso still on bund a Iure stock of Boots & Shoes, for Lndies, Gents and Children's wear, which 1 tun selling oil, as I inteud to give up that branch ol bu-i ness. It will bo to tho advantugo to Cash El VKlis to give mo a call. . KKONKMIUtr. S. Gross' old stand, Markot Square Sunbury, April 7, IStill. WILLIAM W. APSLEYS 1YIil'n3c Boot, Shoe and Trunk w are a u us K, WM. W. APSLEY has just opened a NEW STORK in tho well-known house of Mrs. Boul ton, in Market street, und otl'ers to thecitisvns of Sunbury nnd neighboring towus, BOOTS A SlloKS ot tuu best ciualily and workmanship, ilo having mado arrangements with first-class manufacturers to supply Ihe best quality of goods. Iu tbo Wholesale Department he calls the atten tion of Country Storekeepers to his fine stock, which will be sold nt tho lowest wholesale prices, thus ena bling Retail De.-ik-rs to save expeuse of visiting tbo cities to rcplcubh their stock. In tho t.i'ttul Department can bo round uOOIb, SHOES, TRUNKS, VALISES, 4c, which, in price, at thuse times, ore without a parallel. The stock of Ladies' Wear is superior in stylo and workmanship than is usually found in country tow ns, embracing gems of Buluioruls, spleudid vongrcts Gaiters, and fancy times of creiyjiiud. Y, . n . A. also culls attention to his largo stuck of Men's wear, of lutost styles, that will lit any foot wiili case and comfort. Come One ! Conic All S Sunbury, March 10th, 1868. SARATOGA TRUNKS at W W. Apsley's. IflH A Carriage Makers Wanted lo buy Felloes, J Uvl ' Spokes, Hubs, Axles, Springs, Bands, Bolls nnd everything pertaining to tho business at the Chenp Hardware and Iron Store of J. 11. OOLlil 4 CO. CHILDREN'S Carriages of the newest and most fushionuble styles at the Cheap U.irdware store J. H. CONLEY 4 CO. A. LECTURE TO YOl'NG MEN. Just Published, in a Sculcd Envelope Price (Scents. A Lecture on tho Nature, Treatment, and Radical Cure of Spermatorrhoea, or Seminal Weakness, Invol untary Emissions, Sexual Debility, and Impediments to Marriage gencrallv, Nervousness, Consumption, r.pilepsy, and rits; Muntaland rhvstcal Incapacity, resulting from Self-Abuse, 4c liy ROBERT J. Ct'LYERWELL, M D., Author of the "Green Book," Ao. The world-renowned author, iu tills admirablo Lecture, clearly provos trom his own experience thut the awful consoquenoes of Self-Abuse uiny be tlvctualty removed without luedicuin, aud without dangerous surgical operations, bougies, instrumouis, rings, or cordiuls, pointing out a mode of cure at once oortain and etlectual, by which every sufferer, no matter what bis condition may be, may cure himself cheuply, privately, and radically, 'ibis Lecture will prove a boon to Thousands and Thousands. Sent under seal, to any address, in a plain scaled envelope, on the receipt of six cents, or two posugo sumps, by addressing. CUAS. J. C. KLINE A CO., 127 Bowery, New York, Post OUlce box e.SStl. March 17, lSlit) ly REAinrSTATirAGENCY" OFFICE, MARKET STREET, Sunbury, Penn'a. G. W. UAUPT. Esn.. bavins takinv out linenu under the United States excise Laws, as Real Estate Agent, otters for sale the fullowing property, to wit: Sixty (Ml good building lots and five (5) dwelling houses, iu the borough of Sunbury. A form in Upper Augusta township, containing 100 acres, more or less. A small farm containing 30 aeres, more or less, about one mile from Paxiuos, Shamokin townthip. A small farm containing 62 acres, more or loss, In Irish Valley, Shamokin township. There are good buildings on these three farms. Sunbury, March :0, lrtfi. tf. 1 AAA Customers wanted to buy Hani ware, Ac lUvV at the Cheap Hardware and Iron Store of J. CONLEY A CO. Sunbury, June 16, 1866. SHOE Find IngJ, Bole Lpathor and all foods U lcniTing to thoa makers businc rt J.U COOLLY i CO BALTIMORE LOOK HOSPITAL. ESTABLISHED AS A RKFUOB FROM QUACR- EKY, THE ONLY PLACE WllERB CAN BE OBTAINED. A CURB DR. JOHNSTON has discovered the most Certain, Speedy and only Effectual Remedy in the World for all PrivaleDlseascs, Weakness of the Back yt Limbs, Strictures, Affections of tie Kidneys and Bladder, Involuntary Discharges, Impotency, Gene ral Dobilily, Nervousness, Dyspepsy, Languor, Low Spirits, Confusion nf Ideas, Palpitation of the Heart, rimidity, Tremblings. Dimnessof Bight or Giddiness, Disease of the lload. Throat, Nose or skin, A (loot Ions nf tho Liver. Lunirs. Stomach or Bowels those Terri ble Disorders arising from the Bolitary Habits of Youth those sccrot and solitary practices more latal to their victims than the song of Byrcns to the Ma imers of Ulysses, blighting their most brilliant hopes or anticipations, rendering marriage, Ac, impossi ble. Especially, who have become the victims of Solitary Vice, that dreadful and destructive habit which annuallv sweeps to an untimely grave thousands of Young Men of the most exalted tulents and brilliant intellect, who might otherwise have entrnnood listen ing Senates with tho thunders of eloquence or waked to eostaty the living lyre, may call with full con fidence. k , MARl-tlAf.!!?. Married Persons, or Young Men contemplating marriage, being aware of physical weakness, organic debility, deformities, c, speedily cured. He who places himself under the care of Dr. J. may religiously confide in his honor ns n gentleman, and confidently rely upon his skill as a Physician. 4MM.3 tIC WBJAIi.i:!! Immediately Cured, and Full Vigor Restored. This Distressing Affection which renders Life miserable and marriage impossible Is the penalty paid by the victims ot'iuipropor indulgences. Young Cersons aro too apt to commit excesses from not oing aware of the drcadrul consequences that mnv ensuo Now, who that understands the subject will pretend to deny thnt the power of procreation is lost sooner by those falling into improper hnbita than by tho prudent Besides being deprived tho pleasures of healthy offspring, tho most serious nnd destructive symptoms to Doth body nnd mind arise The svstcm becomes Deranged, tho Physical and Mental Func tions Weakened. Lofh of Procreative Power, Nervous Irritability, Dyspepssa, Palpitation of the Heart. Indigestion. Constitutional Debility, a Watinr of uie rrume, iuugu, vuhbuuiinu, iucuy anu ueuth, Ofllce, rW. 7 Montis l'redoi-H-lk Siren Left hand side going from Baltimore strcot, a few doors from tho corner. Fail not to observo nnme nnd number. Letters must bo paid and contain a stamp. The Doctor 's Diplomas hang in his oflico. a ci;ke: wakka.-vtub htivo WATS. No Mercvry or Kauieotii Drugs. HIS. .?5flM'l"". Member if tho Royal College of Surgeons. London, 'Iraduatc from ono of thi most eminent Colleges in the United Slates, and tho greater part of whose lifo hasheen spent in tho hospitals of London, Paris, Philadelphia nnd elsewhere, has effected souio of tho most astonishing euros that were ever known ; many, troubled with ringing in the head and ears when asleep, great nervousness, being nlarmed at imlilcn sennits, baslitulncss, witn lrcquent Mushing, attended sometimes with derangement of mind, were surcd immediately. I'AMJJ IAIITEC(IAK ."TBCE3. Dr. J. addresses all those who havo injured them, elvcs by improper indulgence and Rolitary habits, which ruin both body and mind, unfitting them for either business, study, society or marriage. Tiiksb nro somo of the sad nnd melancholy effects f reduced by early habits of youth, vii: Weakness of lellack and Limbs, Pains iu tho Head, iJiinnecs of Sight, Loss of Muscular Power. Palpitation of tho ;hcart. Dyspcpsy. Nervous Irritability. Derangement of the Digestive' Functions, General Debility, Symp toms of Consumption, Ac Mkntam.v. The fearful effects on tho mind aro much to bo dreaded Loss of Memory, Confusion of Ideas, Depression of Spirits, hvil-l'orcbovlins. Aver sion to Society, Sclf-Distrnst, Love of Solitude, Timidity, o nre someisl tbo evils produced. Titot sANns of persons of nil aces can now iudgo what is tho cause of their declining health, losing tneir vigor, bocoiuing weak, palo, nervous nnd ennciated, having n singular nppcurunco about tho eyes, cougb nnu svmptnmsot consumption. Yr.ii.iii Vho have Injured themselves by a certain prnctico Indulged in when alone, a habit freiuentlv learned from ovil com pan ions, or nt school, tho effects of w hich are nightly fell, even w hen asleep, nnd if no cured renders iniirriago impossible, and destroys both mind and body, should apply immediately. What a pity that n young man. the hope of bis conntry.tho darling ofbis parents, should besnntched from all prospects and enjoyments of life, by tho consequence of deviating from tho path of naturo nnd indulging in a certnin secret habit. Such persons iiukt, beforo contempbilinij MA IK ft! A 12. reflect that n sound mind nnd body nro the most noeossnry requisites to promote oonnubial happiness. Indeed without these, tho journey through life bo 3omes a wcii.-y pilgrimage ; tho prospect hourly darken to tho view; tho mind becomes thndowed with despair aud filled with the melancholy reflec tion that the happiuess of another becomes bljjhtvd with our own. msuAi-ii: oi' B.'7Basse:iiK.'Ej. Whin tbo misguided nnd imprudent votary of pleasure finds that ho has imbibed tho seeds of this painful disease, it too often happens that an ill-tinu d s.'iiso ul slinmo, or urcau oi tiiseovciy, uetcrs unn from applying to those who, from education and respectability, can alono befriend hiln, delaying till the constitutional symptoms of this horrid diseaso make their appearance, such as uleeruted Eoro throat, diseased nose, nocturnal pains in tho head andlimls, dimness of sight, deafness, nodes on tho shin bones and arms, blotches on tho head, face and extremities, progressing with frightful rapidity, till nt last tho palate of the mouth or tho bones of the noso fall iu, and the victim of this awful diseaso bocomcs a horrid object of commiseration, till death puts a period to his dreadful sufferings, by sending him to "that Undiscovered Country from whuuoo no traveller returns." It Is iiirmrlif furl that thousands full victims to this terrible diseaso. owing to the unskillfiiluess of ignorant preteudcrs, who, by the use of that Deadly Vuiton. A.rrrwy, ruin tbo constitution and make tho residue of life miserablo. PiiESACJEJBiS Trust not your lives, or health, to the careoftho aniny Unlearned uud Worthless Prcteuders, di-stituto ol knowledge, t,nmo or character, who copy Dr. Johnston's advertisements, or stylo themselves, iu tho newspapers, regularly Educated Physicians, incapable of Curing, thoy keep you trilling month after mouth taking their filthy mid poisonus com pounds, or as lung as tbesuiallustfoccan be obtuii.od, and in despair, leave you w ith ruined health to sijjk over your gullingdisuppnintment. Dr Johustou is the ouly Physician advertising. His credential or diplomas ulways hung in his office. His reinidies or troatemcnt uro unknown to all others, vrenarcj from a life spent in the great hos pitals ol Europe, the first in lUo country aud a more extensive i'ririsisiVac.'i'r than ULy other Physician in tho world. B'VIIt!iB:?!B'.7S'l' OE-' '!'SaE2EECB:M Tho many thousands cured at this institution year after year, aud the numerous important Surgical tipcrations performed by Dr. Johnslon, witnessed by the reporters ot.tho Sun," ''Clipper," aud many other papers, uu'licci of which havo uppeared auiu and again before tbo public, besides his standing as a gi iilleinan of character and responsibility , is u luiUcieht guuruntcc to the aillicted. sui bbi: s-:oi s&.'i:b:bei,y c Bts;g. Pursons writing should be particular in directing their loiters to his Institution, iu the followiug manuo .HOB!." HI. .lOBIASTOA, HE. . Ol the lialliinoroLick Hospital, Baltimore, Md. June .'10 I ulri 1 y. FANCY DRV IJOOlTs STOKE MIS3 KATE BLACK, Iliukel street, four doors west of Win. 11. Miller's Bootiu.d Shoe store, Sl'Nlil'KY, Pa.' " KSl'lX'l l'l LLV informs her friends in Sunbury t uud vicinity, that sbo has just upeucd her BPKINO AND SUMMER GOODS, ol Notions and Funay Dry Goods, Her stock couslts of All-Wool Delaines. Ckambras, Ginghams, f.mbroidorics. Lace Collars, Funs. HA'IS, Muslins, Drillings, Garibaldi Muslins, Bird-Eye Linens, Linen Lawns, Crape and Lace Veils. Ac. Mute. Demurest 's Hair Cutlers, lluir Coils and Curls, Gloves, Stooking. Collars, Corsets. Ac. Gents' Collars, Neckties, half Huge, Handker chiefs and Suspenders. Bradley's new Patent Duplex Elliptic (or double Spring SK1UTS ) Perfumery, Toilet Soups, Hair Brushes, Combs, Tuvs, and a general varieivof NOTIONS. GAUFFERING duuo bawUuniely and at short notice. iiAXK BLACK. Sunbury, April 2, lSfid; EESTAUJRANT & BOARDING HOUSE CBEAH. rrZKI Bs-prI'ior. In Cake s Additim to SUNDIRY, uew tho Peun'a. Railroad Company's Shops. TAGER BEER, Porter and Ale of the very best J brands, excolleut German Wines, Schwoilser Cheese, Tripo, 4c, always on hand. PERMANENT AND TRANSIENT BOARDERS, kept who will find 'amnio aecommodutious. Good cooks and waiters, boarders can enjoy the quiet com forts of home with fare equal to the best hotels. Sunbury, May 26, IBoS. LAPIK8' (J LOVE KID BOOm at W W ApsUv'a. BOOTS ANI MIOF.9, OR MLV, tVOMtN'i AND CIIII.I'KLN, .i k W. WjAfsev & ro? iBDDii & sot STORE. O'. S. SANDERS RESPK0TFL LLK in form t the citinens ol Hunbury and rloinity thnt bo baa tnken ihe room in rieawant' ltuilUing. in Market tiqunro, two ilonm ean of tbe Express Ufuee, fur the purpowe nf carrying on tli lloolniul pilioe Bnninew, in all itn va rious branches, would respectfully in farm the oitieen oi this vicinity, that he hri purchased an entire new stock of Goods which he intends tu dispone of at Uio vory lowest prices. u.?nf f,wk dent's Fine Pogffcd ami Stitched BooU, Men's W ft Ik ing Koou and liny 'a Boot , Ladies' Fancy Ituckla Onitr.' ? . Arwl Finn Alin. MiFscs Onitcns Balmorals and Children's Shoes ol every description, lint nnd i npi. He has also in hit employ superior workmen, and is prepared to do the V inert of Customer Work Uent's Fine Irow BooU, Ladles' Uaitcrs A Child ren Shoes. t trALU W01U( WARRANTED! Cnll nnd ex nuiiim my 9toek, oven If you do not wUh to buy. Did duteriuiued to sell at the mont liberal rate- 6 unbar j, itfarch 30, tS65. for uvi;r complaint. A SUBSTITUTE FOtt CALOML), our bowels ate costive, TIIYTHKM. you huvc worms, TRY TIIKM. your breath is bad, TRY TIIKM. f you feci drowsy. TBY TIIKM If yon are low spiiiteri, TRY TIIKM. If TH huvcu aick headache, TRY TIIKM. If you have Itiken a drop too much, TAKK A FULL DO?K. They only cost 35 cents a box, TRY TIIKM. - Blue Mns,niiil other preparations of Mercury, acdmltv produce more tmfteriMg and death Until the diseases which they pniffii to euie. And yet this corrosive inuifml no denounced by the nMoputhic ticctors, is pretenhed by ihftn Hlmoitt universally in Liver Complaint, Consumption of Lungs, Ve. TIIK MANPRAKK PILLS itr composed entirely of roots mid herbs, obtained fr-nn lliegi-ent storehouse f Nature, mid their salutary effects will u;HMr as emu as the medicine i luotiicht to ihe test of nfa-rtxpei uncut. SCI 1 K.N CK'S MA.tKA K K IMLLH do ii"t produce any nausi-n or siettnensof the stoinnchj 1'iit when given lor lJnpeptin, it maybe proper to us-j them in connection willi bCllK.NCHVd SliAWKKD TONIC. By tin judicious trcutmmt the digestive facili ties nre speedily nst"r-d to their full vigor, uud lite Worst caws of indirection may lie cured. When we leliert Unit tho liver is the largest internal orpan of the Oodv, that to it is iissisued the important duly of tillering the bloml and preparing the bile, that it is fculyect to many disorders, and that when it is diseased or luuciivMuu whole body surfers uvinputheUcally, it is nt suiprisiiig that a medicine which unn reHoie, tho healthy operations of the Liver nhouid produce wonderful climnres in the !;i'iier.-il health, and etleet cures which may appear to tie almost n:ir:ieiilous. Ileiulaehe of Ion con tmiMotei. severe- pmns in the sido, breast und vhoutder, nrlniirof (ho limli.1, a feeling ot penvial weakness nnd wietth.ediiess, anil o'lier nlaruniiir nnd dirtn-nsin symp toms, indicative of iiiipen'eet or "disordeted amiou of ih liver, are speedily re:njvi dby the use of SUHKNC1VS MANDHAKK PILLS. Costiven- Bs, piles, hitter or s-'ur ernetions, nnd thnt iudcscT dmble feehnir of oppression, mental anxiety, lan guor, leth'iray, und depression of spirits which unlit a man lor the inuiiageuieiit of business und the enjoyment ot life, nre all Mieved oy the use of SCiiKNChVS MAK 1JRAKK PILLS. 1)k Scukxck. De-irSn : I lake pleasure intending you a certificate iu addition to many ou have already re ceived from suffering hum-tnity. 1 cun scurcely in id Ian purine suiVieieiuiy strong to express my liciulkli gratifica tion --f the wonderful cities yur MaNIjU KK PILLS nnd iSKAWKKI) TONIC have effected iu the entile cure of one of the most atub!oni eases of the affection of the liver. Tor three i'ars 1 unfit-fed beyond description; oil my friends, as well us myself, came to the conelu: n that my time in this life was short. t?U"'h was the ternVe condition to whi'di 1 wus reduced that life to nie had be come n burthen ; i:iy wh 'irt sftem was iu n stale of iu tliiiiiuiaii iii ; I could n I eat, 1 could tn-t sleep; my whole body was fi!Jed with pniu : mveihng would urine in my wrt&ts uud ankle., reniient tliem totully us lr On sevc tal occasions I vu attiu-kid wiMi n tunh of m d to (lie head, winch would fell me to the round, aud I would be cart led away for dead, I H plied to scveful euuni'iit physiei;iii of ot:r city, who adaiinitere.l ail I lie medicines that Uiey th nn;!;t would ri'iiel: my case, but t fiio avail. (hie of ibeiu s iid lie c-'u!:l do 111 til' ie f -r me, anil nd vised me, as a List rc'it, to drink c d liver oil. Not relhmg the hoi rid trash I declined to t-ike it. Accident put your advertiiienient ia my hands. 1 cniied en yon ; you exaujiniMl nie and told me (he nat ure of my tlm-nsu. Oil tlnn ordered ine the Pdlsaud Tonic with unobseiv mice of diet, p!e.!i;iiig voiu word that iu one week 1 Would find m h auotliei mui. I followed yourudvice, uud. ns y -ti predicted, an r.t nibbing cure was ctrcted. I couliuut-tl ' in 1'ii's und Tonic fui Some tunc, and now thank (jod for li s g'todiie&s, and your vulunble tm:dieiui;, 1 am once more restored ut p. -i feet heiilth. I moHt enrncslly recnmiuend those who nre sutTering from niTce tion of the liver to atve your Pilis and Tonic a fair trial, and a cute will be el Tee ted. I Imve sent many peisou to you, and they have all been cured. Any inioruuhon my fellow citizens m w rwpiire will he freely givti hy tlm subscriber, at his lesideuee, .No. bl2 l-'ederal street, be tween eth street and PnfsMoik r"ad t'MAKI.KS JO!IN?f. Sit., Ponutrly lJrintera' Ink Mtimd aclurer Pr PCIir.NCK will be j ioiY?Mio!int!y at his principal olVn-f, . 15 V-Tth Sixth utreett corner of Crtnmeice, I'MILAI'I'.MMMA. cv-ry Sittuidav. from It a. m. until 1 it. in ; No.:!! l!oid street; New York, eveiy Tuesday, fiom 7 to :j ; No. a Summer street, Hoston, Muss , every Wcihiesday, from o ttt :j( und ev7 other Pnday tit IH Lnitun iro street, t'altimi're, Md. AU advice free, but for a tlioinuifli examination of the lu'is with his Rtspi rometer tlte eliurge is tliree dollars Pi ice of the Pulm niie Svrup and Seaweed Tonic, eneh Pi, 50 per hntie, or tf7,30 per haif doen. Mandiuko Pilln, rents per box. Tor sale by all lritrgists ami Dealers. Match ai, l?0u. ly. BIIOKS OF liVKHY UKSCRIPTION. nt W. W. Apsley.'s FLOUR" &" FEE D STORE. VMOLEiSALK AXD RETAIL. rilllK subicribnr rc?vecifully informs the publio L l!i he kecjM eon.-tniilly un hnnil nt his ucw WAUKIIOVSK. nosr th Hhamnkln Vnlloy Kailrnail l)uiit. in SL'MK'K V, l'luur by tbo barrel and sacks of nil kinds nf Feci by the too Tbo iJi.ivc is all uiaiuificturcd at his own Mills, and w ill bu suld at the lowest civh vriecs. J M. CAUWALLADEU. Kmiliury. April 1, Im'.B. Support Home Industry! tliils 1" SI v e r y It o m c r 1 1 1 1 u 1 A IT'LL ASSOKTMKXT Ji st oi'Kned by SAMUEL PAUBT, Two doors we?t ofllennett's Urus; Btoro, Market st. SXJJSrBTJK-2", PENN'A. C1 ALL and exumine tbo lnrgo assortment of tho latest New York und l'liiludeliliiu styles of Mlk, Cassimcro. l'otto JJorby, n iro Brim, Bolt Fur, Irnw und Jioy s lints winch tor beauty and riu rubilily cumivl bo excelled. lieinK a r;wtical Jlut ti r. bo ll;itlcrj biiuelf lliut his (took bus been select ed willi uioro euro thun uny ever before brought to tbU I' lie o uutmif.i 'turci to order all kinds nf soft Fur lliil, all of which will be sold at wholesale, au.l retail, nt riMsomihlo rnle. l'yeiu dono ut short notio and tit the lowest rates. Hunbui'v. iliiy 12, IHiid. I.AIHKS' LASTING UAITKKS for JM.7A, ut "TUNBUKY FOU.NJHtY tiiXK ItOIIKUACH A M. HV. now ourrvinir on bn. iness ut this old eslnb lirhmeiil wiih n newed vigor. Ciislingiol cveiy deaciiiUioii, froinntly furuUhcd to order. The Kovcs niaiiufuelured nt this loundry huvo umiiired tho highest repiilntion. riiriituliir nilenlimi mid lo MILL CASTIXHS I'iiriners should not ioret lliut the PLOW S nudo st tho t-uubury Foundry havo ucver boon cqusllod Agricultural implctiieiitij repaired at ijhort notice. Small casting, iuoludini Cooking utensils, of tho wont improved und :io.-t useful i ilterns. 'i'ho busiuess w ill bo cnduotixl on an enlarged cilo. Old cusloiiicis will beiieaouiiuod.tled xs usual, and new ours aro respectfully solicited. rtunbury, My i2, IHiHI iiAi(is:oi' ii:it. rpllU undvmignod respectfully in.rriru. bis frieu l l mui tho publio thai he has changed his tilni e of loading Freight in Philadelphia frout 1'iecd, Wurd it Freed, No. bll Market blroot, to A. r. AOHESON iComuiisbioa Merchiuit, dealur in Flour. Ii rain, .Seeds io.) I. Kil 5 .llin-krt SI.. lhlla(lrllii, whre all fright will ba honied on ours of the un dersigned, for i'aupliin, Sunbury, hhauiokia, sue1 ull points. All freight will bo carried as low as on any other line. Orders to carry freight respectfully toliciled, which will receive prompt uttouiion. J. B. WLISLII Sunbury, Jan. 13, IS36. 3ui. IARMKKS oall and l.ok t tho stock of Grass und ' timiu Scythes, Munure, Huy aud Straw Fork., I i rain Cradles, Cradla Fingers, Traoe, Log, Fiflh, Tonguo and llullcr Chains ; Knytke Emu., tirind stonos and Bxture?, aud evrryllnn tumuke harvest ing pU. nt nnd agieablu at tb new lUrdxMe btoreof J. II GO,'LL a Co.