o " fje Sunfcurfi ftmcncan. N. B. ENOLll, I rublihor. , ( 4 sinvnuitv, ia. SATURDAY, JULY H, 1800. rm.MAKY k:i,i:c-iio.v ' The Republican tTploa ,Vocr of North umberland County, re requested to meet in tho different Boroughs find TownshipB, on Batcbdat, tlio Hth of July, next, to elect Delegate to a Countj Convention which will meet in Sunbury, on Monday, July 16th, 1800, to nominate candidates for the County offloea, to be elected in October next. ! EM'L. AVILVEUT, Chairman of Standing Committee. SiNULiiY, Juno 7th, 1800. JLoral Affairs. y.lob I'riiitltiR'. Having received a largo supply of KEW JOB TYPE, of variom now styles, Postors, Handbill, Circulars, Cards, Letter ileads, Hill Uondfl, Labels, Ac, can be printed in the latest and bost styles, and on short notice. 'Orders by mail promptly attended to. 3-Valvablb Fbovertt roa Balk. We direct -attention to an advertisement in another column, and :also.to bills printed at this office, offering fur snte some valuable real estate by Wm. Engolman. The 'property is woll improved and located on one of tho best streets in this placo. 13?' La Broken G. W. iStroh, while cutting grain on the S hamokin Inland on Thursday last, ac- cirtontally fell, and was run ovor 'by tho reaper, had ' his leg broken abovo the knee and sovcrcly crushed. JJPTni! Maxos Acatiemv. Col. Wright, a gontlcman of New York, has become the purchaser of the Milton Academy, it is designed to erect wings to the prcsont main building and make other .mprovement?. SnofLDEn Cm shed. On Tuesday evening Inst a mnn named Krisher was severely injured by being caught between two cars, which he wns en gaged in coupling, near the cngiuo house of tho Northern Central It. K., below town. His shoulder was badly crushed, and he wns otherwise seriously injured. tfXciv Stoiie. Messrs. A. J. Knochcl and 11. P. Robbins have taken possession of tho store room formerly occupied by Weaver 4 Fagely. corner of Second and Market streets, in this plucc, and nra now opening a large assortment of goods, of every description. The stock consists of a general variety, suitublo for town and country, which tho public are invited to examine. Advertisement next week. OCiiasce or Tun:. Oh Monday, the 2.1 inst., ii new time schedule took cflcct ou the Shainokiu lHvision of tho Northern Central Railway. The ac commodation train now leaves this place nt 10. Jo A. M. and arrives at Shnmokin at 12.00 M. Returning, it leaves Shamokiu at 2.20 1". M., and arrives here at 3.30 V. M. Tho mnil train leaves Sunbury at 4.50 P. M., and returning leaves Shaiuokin nt 9.05 A. M. 13? Paving tuk SmnErs. Our worthy Chief llurgcss publishes a notieo iu another column, re soctfully reiniesling the citizens of tho Dorough who have not complied with tho paving ordinance, passed by Council somo time since, to proceed forth with to oomplete the paving required by said ordi nance After tho first of August next the committee having the matter in charge are instructed to cuforce the ordinance, and furnish ull necessary materials for the proper paving of tho streets, nt the expense of property holders. ti-Nor.T!irMnEni.ANi. Our neighbors i,f Nor thumberland aro actively engaged in improving that place, a largo number of buildings having been : erected during the present season, tjiiito a number j of old residences have been remodeled, gift ing them ! a inoro modern appearance. Pavements nro being j laid iu all the streets, which is highly commendable. ; Wo learn that tho company which intends building j the rxlliug mill, are preparing tho grounds and get- j ting ready to proceed with tho work immediately. Northumberland possesses many advantages lor manufacturing purposes. Situated in the midst ol our coal and iron regions, with communication by .tnal and railroud, and also with tho extensive wator oowcr of tho North and West branches of the Sus-qno-i.inua, it is admirably adapted fur any kind of unin ifaeturiug business. J3?-TrRBUTVii.LE CEMETEnY. We learn by last veek's Gazette that an interesting private enter rise is being projected by Samuel Leiubach and !onj. II. Barto, two publio spirited citizens of tho lace, to establish tho Turbutvillo Cemotcry. These .vo gentlemen havo purchasod an area of ground ubracing a fraction over five acres, beautifully su ited on a gentle eminenco overlooking the town id region surrounding. This ground is regularly id out in blocks, and subdivided into lots, with well 'fined avenuos and walks intervening, the groun 1 ivii:g been laid out by Thomaa Rurr, Esq., who s displayed much taste and skill in the plan. Tho oprictors have enclosed the ground with a neat ling, along which it is intended to plunt rows of iplcs, horse chesnuts, mountain ash and evergreens, e understand that it is not the objoct of Messrs. inbach and Barto to make money from their ecme y, but that when all tho expenses aro paid, the plus money arising from the tale of lots will bo tributed among the lot-holders. A portion of the und is resorved lor indigent persons who cannot rd to buy lots. 'Jf PllOCEEDINUS OF THE BoROUOU Coi'BCIL. incil met on Tuesday evening, 3d inst., it being regular stated night of meeting. Chief Burgess, ,'ht, in the chair. (uiubori present Messrs. Rruner, Clement, Ilon ik, Brice, Zettolnioyer, Kngcl.Renn, Sluymaker Rockcfoller. n motion, it was resolved that the reading of the utus of last mooting be dispensed with, and that Chief Burgess declare the same approved, ill of Gieorge Oyster and others presontcd and 1. m motion, the tamo w as referred to commit 5U Grave-Yard. 11 of John Raker presentod by Mr. Hendricks, ,7. On motion, an order .was granted for the ,. i motion, Resolved, Xhul George Wciscr be ap ted collector of taxes for 1800. motion of Mr. Brice, Resolved, Thut a com ic of two be appointed to draw up an ordinuueo iference to the using of spring scales by tho icrs who sell meat within the Borough limits. s. lirico and Bruner -were appointed said littce. motion of Mr. Grice, Resolved, That a com e of four be appointed for tho purpose of re ig an ordinance in reference to the custom of ng stove pipes through outbuildings in the igh. Messrs. Slaymaker, Haas, Brice and cnt were appointed said committee, motion of Mr. Clement, Resolved, That an ap iation of f 1,500 be made to tho Ciood Inteut Vashington fire oompanies, each. Borough to bo given to each oompany as Boon as they cte their engine houses, motion of Mr. Rockefeller, "Resolved, That Arms, Esq., is hereby authorized and eia ed to contract with any responsible pcrton or u fur the grading and constructing of a river from the northern Borough line to Spruce . and also the places washed out, immediately the Borough line aforesaid, at the lowost .hut he can procure the same to be done, and ticoed the estimate made by him and report the committee on river bank The letuag of me to be by the yard, and the contract subject ucation by the Chief Burgess, notion, adjourned. Jacob Suii'man, Clerk. tP"NlW CoCKTinraiTS Imlay k Eioknoll's Ban Mot tltporttr, for July 1st, gives the fol lowing list of new counterfeit that have made tboir appearanoe inc tin fir of June,' which will be found of intorosf o our reaSori,' and should be pro. erred for rcfercnoe : " iVr.if NiUunttl limit, JStiton,' Msjav 20s, im. taiion, art in oiroulntion. -, r r" ..'...-. ti .1 fr. . i ' , rv on. Imitation f same as hs- tOt en she First National Hank ol Indianapolis, eaooptfng that eleven stars nave Deen noaeo. to tiie shield beside -uie eagio, on the back ef the neto, wWdb to eorrifcnijrids with the genuine, each having seventeen stars. The plato, no doubt, will be ftrtboT improved upon, and is liable to be altered te any of tin National Currtaoy banks. Care ehonld be taken in receiving all, notes of this denomination. , ' . I'irol Nftional litfiie of Indiamnpolis, Ind. 20s, imitation ; Uoddese of Liberty, farmers, nrti r.ans. Ao., on tower riant corner ; battle of Lexington on lower left vomer ; baptism of Pocahontas on back of note. Merchants' National Hani, Dubuque, Intra. 10s, altered from Is: tho fliriira 1 on uiiucr rleht hand corner erased and a largo X substituted, letters okk on left of vignette, and along theU?pnd bottutn of note altered to ten ; general appearance good. National hank, Portland, Court. 20s are ill circulation ; o such bank i the public should bo ou their guard, as this utato ban be altered to anv National bunk. United States Tjcsat Tender Nates. Is. Imita tion of genuine ; the groen ink is sumewhat lighter scratched. Tho head of Chase is darker, The bill has a coarse appearance. s, altered Irum Is : tiortrait of Chase on miner loftoorncr. . , . . . , 6s, imitation ; the portrait on the right and tho figure of Libcrtv on the left are rather coarse : null circulated to deceive. 6s, photographed ; the paper is stiffer than tho genuine, and not so good. ins, altered troiu Is; vig. on upper loft oval por trait of Secretary Chime. Ill Imlow il : in mi linnnr right. iVi, Ur ecu back, Imltutlon ; poorly done J engra ving coarse, and tho bill looks blurred. Tho gioon wtu ia iiiiLui inuii in genuine. 60s, altered from 2s ; iu tho genuine 50s the signa ture of tho Register is on the loll, and tho Treasurer on tho right cud of tho bill; in tho altered note they are both on tho right end, with two strips of lathe work between them. V. S. Compound Interest Notes. Ms and 100s, compound interest notes, aro woll imilutod ; ull who handle them should bo very direful. 400s of the 10-40 bonds uro reported in circulation ; also $12 40 coupons. The plates of both issues are said to have been seized. Keep a sharp look out fur them. National Ilanis. 10s, altered from Is; vig. of Is, two fcmulo figures with hands clasped, oue point ing upwards; lus have figure of Franklin drawing electricity from tho elouds, ami on the buck ul the bill is Do Soto discovering the Mississippi ; on tho back of the ones is the landing of the Pilgrims; well done. ' 20s, Imitation ; Ooddcss of Liberty, fanners, nrti jnns, Ac, on lower right corner: battle of Lexington on lower left corner ; .baptism of Pocohoutas on back of notes. lS Rei.igiuL'S. Tho Susquehanna Convocation of tho Episcopal Church holds its -xt session in bliu uiukin, iu the Chapel of Trinity Church, commencing on Tuesday next. Ten or twelve clergymen nre ex. peeled. The following is tho order of services ; Tuesday evening, at 8 o'clock Convocation ser mon by Rev. Mr. Lcvof1y, of Bcllcfonto. Wednes day morning,, nt 1(1. o'clock Sermon and Coiu muhion. Wednesday afternoon, ut 4 o'clock Clo sing exercise of the first term of Trinity School Nngiiin' by the school Addresses by visitors. Wed nesday evening t-'crmon. Thursdny the congrega tion, school, clergy, visitors auj friends make an ex cursion to n grove, out of town. Thursday evening Missionary service by Iter. A. M'ndlcijh,- of Wil liauisport. 13'" Im ohjiation W AM Eli. Col. Chaiies Cleck ncr has in his posssesion a vuluablo document sent from the Wur Department for Joseph Richards, lute of company F, 181th Pa. Vols., which was com manded by Cupt. Hitter, of Snyder county. Being unublu to lenrn of his whereabout", ho takes this opportunity of reaching him. Should this reach tho eye of tho individual concerned, or any person acquainted with his proscnt place of residence, he will ple.iso inform Charles Clovkuor, 02 and 01, North M Street, Philadelphia. 1'i:iai. List for Aiuist Teum, ISGii Fiiist Week commencing on AVednesdav. 1 Adnin J. Fahnestoek vs S. B. Buyer et ill 2 fra T. Clement vs Susan Longeneckcr, 3 lioorgc Rums vs Geo. C. Welker, 4 Israel P. Winner vs Jacob Uingumiiu, b 1'aniel P. Caul, a.tm rs vs Ann Divers et ul C David Fagely, vs A. M. E.istwick, 7 Wut L. Dewtirt vs Jacob li. Mnsser, 8 Coiumonwenlth of Peun'u. vs .1 unit? VnnDyko, 0 John llal'ir for uso vs Jucob F. Mucnch ci r. Ill Charles Reck vs Charles tiariuger, et al 1 1 Andruw Kliuger vs Wm. Fagely et nl 12 Commonwealth ol Penu'a vs I'liilip llilgcrt, Ac. I I Wm. V Chiistian Fox vs Jose,h Bird, ttf. 14 Philip Kcrstctler vs Daniel Z. Raker. 1 j Isaac T. Rrouu vs Lorenzo Muusell, Second Wei:k. li JonuLhan Hoover vs Jo-iali Reed et ul 17 John A Dodgo et ul vs Jaeoby Hurtinan, 18 Hubert D. Cuiniuing3 vs John Wittemoyer, 1'J Same vs Win. A. Forsinan, 20 Freeman Thomas vs Andrew llockel, 21 Chus. Hoy, vs Daniel W. Smith, 22 Diiuiol 11 err vs John F. Cowan et al 23 Levi IK'cht vs I'eter K. Fisher, 21 Rencvillc Shaffer vs David K-hbach 2j Wm. U. Robins et ul vs John S. Snyder, 20 Freeman Thomas vs Andrew Hcckel. 27 A. W. Creamer, vs John Reiser, 2S William Smeltz vs Jonathan P. Shultz, 2'J John Hancock vs John lliias, Ac. 0 Casier Schall et ul vs John K. Lrdmau 31 John Dunkelberger vs Andrew M. Kastwick, ;'2 Elias Stepp, vs Samuel U Rothermel i.l same vs Adam Leaker !4 Michael Hughes. et al vs Catharine Wallace, IS Catharine Curruu et al vs same I'l Wm L. Lance vs Freeman Thomas, 117 "Wm McClecry vs Seth McCoruiiek, S8 John II. Forsman vs tleo C MeKeo, 10 Anthony Budilinger vs Peter l'ar.yk et ul 40 (ieorgo t'. Lee, ex'r vs Rachel McCarty ex'r 41 William Aunkst vs Win Allen, 42 Augustus Schiiull vs Freeman Thomas, 4-'i Johu Huas et al vs Locust trap Imp. Co, 41 Margaret Yount vs Jacob Miile.. 15 American Philo. Society vs Charles D. Wharton. BUSINESS NOTICE3. C'Tiir tub "Enamel of America," purely vegetable and harmless for the complexion. For 8alc, wholesale and retail, by Lightneb, Market Square: tir" lis not alone my inky Cloak, good Mo ther ; but my entire Suit that rcuders mo attrac tive,'' as Hamlet would have said bad ho procured his Summer Bait at the cheap and fashionable tailor ing establishment of Mr. J. E. Siuick, on 4th street, below Market. Bverlv'i PhtuhEs are acknowledged to be the best made outside of the lurgo cities. Notwith standing this, his prices' are as low us elsewhere. Uallery in Simpson's building, Market street. ty-Wur, Mother, where aro you going f "I am going to the cheapest store in town." ''Well, whore is it !" "Why, at Wm. II. Miller's Excelsior Root and Shoo Store, Market street, Sunbury, whero I can buy goods cheaper than anywhere else. ' rylf you cannot be happy ono way, be happy in another ; and this facility of disposition wants but little aid from philosophy, for health and good hu mor are almost tho whole affair. Many may run about after folicity, like an absent-minded man look ing for his hut while it is on his head or in his hand. This accounts for not buying your goods at the right place. Go "to Slay maker's Continental Clothing Buzaur, Market square, where all are made happy who buy the aheap and fashionable ready-mado clothing fold at his establishment. ' tF"NoTicE. Persons not knowing where to buy cheap, should not fail to call at the real cheap tailoring establishment of Mr. Jacob O. Beck, on Fourth street, between Market and Ohesnut. All the latost summer styles just received at his store. Persons desiring ebeap aod fashionahlo suits, caouo' do better than by giving Reck a cull. r XJfJ. II. ltaffel has Just roceired a lurgo and handsome assortment of Wall-Paper and Border, at educed prices ' f'ImiENSK Excitement Our citizen will be thrown into great exolteinont by the news that 8. Kronenberg sells his Clothing, Boots and Glioei, a IS per cent, under oust. lie it determined by al means to secure custom Let everybody come and examine, at , S. KRON'ENBERQ'S Two duorj aoove Oco. Bright' Drug Store DEATHS. In this place, on the SOth alt., IRMA H AR DIB, daughter of John P. and Bailie A. Suhaffnt, aged 8 years, T months and 18 daye. - -- BUHIUJKy MAHHKTMi , Corraotad Weekly for the "Amerioan." Wheat Flour, extra family, per barrel, $15 7 10 6 2 1 00 60 00 M 50 00 US do do do do por ewt. Rye Flour, do Whoat, urirno red Rye, , j Corn, . . 1 Oata, Potatoes, Driod Poaches, pared do do unpared per bbl. per owt. per bushel , do do do da per jound - do OS ! 00 4i; HI) 20 I oil 2i 22 2S 2S 2S 211 10 IS in j'rica Apples lnod Cherries, (unstoncd,) per bo. Rutter. per round. F.ggs, Cneoso, . Lard, Hams, 1 ' Should ors, Reef, hind quartet, ' frout " Mutton, . Chickens, por doion, por pound, do ' 'do , do do por pair NliuiiioLiin Conl 'I'i'iiile, Buamokin, Jly 9, 1806. Von. Cwt. Sent for week ending July 7, 10.371 0(1 Per last report, 254.014 05 205.01 S 11 171,672 01 03,313 10 To sametime lost year, Increnso, Special Notices. i-if" Wo havo had occasion to test the merits of Speer's Samburg Port wine lately in one of those complaints for which it is recommended, and are convinced that it must eventually take rhe place of port and the adulterated stimulants prescribed here tofore in cases of dubility. Y.- A. Benntt has just received a large invoice of the wine direct from the vineyard. Jri"NationaI refinement is indicated, to no Miir.ll extent, by a delicate appreciation of the cninparalivo merits of perfumes ; mid it is a proof'of the critical tnsteof the Ameri can public in toilet luxuries, that they have adopted as the standard article of its class, Phalon's "Night-Blooming Ccrcus." Sold everywhere. rphc C.'oiil'vMMiosiH ai ml i:xt'i'iiii'o X OF AN INVALID. . . Published for the benefit and as a caution to young men nnd others, who suH'er from Nervous Debility. Premature Decay of Manhood, Ac, supplying ntthc same tiino the means of self-euro. Ry ono who nas cured himself ntor undergoing considerable quack ery. By enclosing a post-paid addressed envolopo, single copies, tree of charge may bo had of tho uu- NATFIAXIEL MAYFAIlt. Esq., Brooklyn. Kings Co. N. Y. January 27, lSOfl ly. ESl'SI fCM-KM, EtiilMtlM'KM IIIHl 4 'it I ft 1'1'Sl. Treated w ith the utmost success by Dr. J. ISAACS Oculist mi l Aurist, (formerly of Lcjden. Holland.) No. 010 Pino street. Philadelphia. Testimonials from the most re.i ible Sources in the City and Coun try can bo seen at his ollice. The medical faculty are invited to accompany their patients, as he has no se crets in his practice. Artificial Lyes, inserted with out pain. No ehurge mudo fur exuiuiuuliou. July 22, 1805. ly i ' "DOXT UK FOOLISH' Ymi can aiuhe Six Dollars from Fifty Cents. Call and ex amine an invention urgently needed by every body. Or a sample sent free by maii for 50 cents that retails easilv for ifO. bv 11. L. AVOLCt ITT. 1 70 Chathuiu Square,' X Y. Sept. 10, 1805. y. Dr. L. 0. Mostkz' Corrotia. tho greatest stimu lator in the world, will lorco Whiskers or Mustaches to grow on the smoothest lace or ehin ; never known to fail , sample for tiial sent free to any oue desirous ol'testinir its merits. Address, Reeves ,t Co., 78 Nassau M., N. Y. jen 'im i.ovi: a:m :avi i:isp . Ladies and geu'.lemen, if you wish to innrry. ad dress the undersigned, who will send you, without money and without price, valuable information that w ill enable you to marry happily und speedily, ir respective of ago, wealth, or beauty. This Informa tion will eost you nothing, and if you wish to marry, I will cheerfully assist you. All letters strictly con fidential. The desired information sent by return mail, and no reward asked. Address SARAH 11: LAMBERT (Jrocnpomt, Kings Co., New York. June 0, 1SG0. 3iu itch fi i-cii ! YtVu ! SCRATCH! SCRATCH! SCRATCH! AV II K AXON'S OIXT M E N T Will Ciii-o I tic in lx Hour. Also cures SALT R11EI M, I LCF.RS, CIUL I'.I.AIX.S', and all ERUPTIONS OF T11K SKIX. 1'rieo 50 cents. For sale by the druggists. Ry seud ing 00 cents to WF.EKS A l'OXi'EU. Sole Agent '. 1,0 Wushiugtou street. Boston, it will bo lorwardeii by mail, ireeof postage, to any part of tho I'nitc l States. ' jo 2-1 '00-y To CoiiKiiinpli vch. Tho advertiser, having bocu restored to health in a few weeks by a very simple remedy, alter having suffered for sovcral years with a severe lung alTeelU n and that dread disease, Consumption is anxious to muke known to his fellow suQcrers' tho means of cure. To ull who desire it, ho will scud a copy of tho prescription used ( free of charge), with the direo tions for preparing and using the same, which they will find a si-re Ciiie for Consumption, Astuma, RuoM'iliTis, Colons, Colds, and all Throat und Lung Affections. Tho only object ol the advertises in sending the proscription is to benefit the afllictcd and spread information which he conceives to be in valuable, und he hopes every sufferer will try big remedy, as it will cost them nothing, and may prove a blessing. Parties wishing the prescription, ritEE, by return muil, please addross Rev. EDWARD WILSON, Williumsburgh, Kings Co , New York. January 1.1. IStiii ly. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. BOOKS! BOOKS!! rpHE subscriber begs leave to call Ihe atteutiou (T X his customers, und the community in general, to the faot that he has now received bis ceeoud lot of 3ST33W GOODS, consisting, in part, of a couiploto line of FAFElt AND ENVELOPES, lilank, School and Juvenile Rooks, Fancy Toilet Soaps, Perfume, Picturo Frames, Lavuunu Willow -llunging Rackets, Rird Cagce, II it list iliitl Nttllid 4liltsen, Fine Vases. Handsome Glove Jewelry and Work Boxes, Traveling and other Portfolios, Carved Rrackots, Feather Dust Rrushcs, - Ralls, Rats, Fishing Tackle, Toys of all descriptions, a large stock of WALL-PAPER. AND RORDER, 4t Window-Rlinds, Paper Shades, Coal Oil Lamps and Fixtures, Ac. Thankful for oast natronaco, and hone. by strict attention to business, to continue the same. N. F. LlUHTNl.lt. Sunbury, Juno 9. 1866. .ollfe to Ci-ediloi-M. ALL persons indebted to tho late firm of Rourbaeh A Cooper, on note, book account or otherwise, are hereby notified to make immediato payment if they wish to rave costs, as they will be plaued iu tho hauids of an officer fur collection. ! 1). C. ROIIRflACH, T. J. COOl'LR. Sunbury, Jane 16, 1856. A New and fine lot of PEKFl'MES, Ac , fur the Holidays, at LIliHTN'LK'S. 1 A A A Customer! wanted to buy Hardware, 4 , 1 UUU at the Cheap Hardware and Iron Store of J. CON' LEY CO. Sunbury, June 16. 1866 itS.OOOlbst. assorUd Charcoal Iron at 61 et. lb. at S. U. COOLLY CO tiunbury, June 11, I860. BALTIMORE ; lOOK HOSPITAL, E3IAULISHED A3 A "RKFUU2 FROM QUACK- - FRY. TIM om.YP,AC)S wbbre'a CURE. ' f- VAN BB VOTAlN7iH. J J Spoorly and only KtTwtnnl 1i,j, i- .uJ World for all Private Disewes, WoaknCs of Tth. Jl ,r Limbs, Stricture,, A flections of the Kklnevs aTid Uladder. luvohintnry Dlsormrires, Impotonoy 'u nl Debility, Nervousness, Dvspi'psy, Langunr, Low Spirit. Confusion of ideas, Palpitation of the Heart rimidily. Tremblings. Dimness of Sight or Uirtdinms' Disease of the Head. Throat, Nose or skin. Affections of the Tilvur. Lungs, Stomach or Suwels tlioso Terri ble Disorders ari.-ing from tho Solitary Habits of Youth tlime secret and solitary practices more fatal to their victims than tho song of Syrens to tho Mif tiuors of Vlysses, blight in it tlioir most brilliant hopes or anticipations, roudcring marriage, Ac, impossi ble, i , . Kspecially, who have become Ihe victims of Solitary Vice, that dreadful and iKwt-H'-tivo linbit whieli annually sweeps to an untimely grave thousands of Voung Mon of the most exnl't d talents and brilliant intellect, who might otherwise Drive entranced listen ing Senates with tho thunders of eloquence or waked 'n ccstitty tho living lyre, may call with full con fidence. ; - -- iI.lKIUAi3B:. ' Married Persons, or Yoting Men contemplating inarringo, being nwnro of physical weakness, organic debility, doformitics, 4o., speedily oured.. ' Ho who places himself under tho euro ofDr.J. may religiously confldo in his honor aa a gentleman, and oonSdently rely upon his skill as a Physioian. IS44A.ltJ XVi:.la.Ai:!4 Immediately Cured, rnd Full Vigor Restored. This Distressing Affection which renders Life mlsrahle und marrlnpo' impossible is tho penalty paid by the victims of improperindulgnnces. Young (icrsoiis arc too ajit to commit excesses from not icing aware of the dreadful consequences that may ensue Now, who Hint uiiderstnnils the subject will protend to deny that the power of procreation is lost sooner by those falling into improper habits than by tho prudent ' Resides being depiived the pleasures of healthy offspring, tho most serious and deitructivo sympbiiits to hoth body and mind ariso. The system becomes Derange 1, tho Physical and Mental Func tions Weakened, Loss of Procreativc Power, Nervous Irritiibilitv, Dvsiicpssa, Pnliiitiition of the Heart. Indigestion, Contitiitiona! Debility, a Wasting of ' tho Frame, Cough, Consumption, Dcviy and Death, I nsli'(','o. 7 NokiIi IVocU'i-icli Slrorl j Left hand sido Eoiin; from llaltimore street, a few doors fiom tho corner. Fuii not to observe name and number. Letters mu"t bo pai l and eoi.tn stamp. Tho Doctor's Diplomas hang in hisotfieiVsI A 4.1 Eii: W AKEJ VATIJI) HTIVO il.UK. A'o Mrrrrry or Nait'cotti Drugs. Member of tho Royal College of Surgeons. London, Graduate from ono of the most eminent Colleges in tho Tinted States, and the greater jairt of whose life lnisbccn spent iu the ho,-t,itn!s ot London, Paris, Philadelphia nnd elsewhere, has effected some of, the most astonishing cures that were ever known ; ninny troubled with ringing in tho head nnd ears I when nsleep, great nervousness, being alarmed at ! Hidden sounds, hashfulncss, with frequent blushing. I attended sometimes with derangement of mind, weru ;urcd iinitiediati'lv. I s iMi;Ti a i.aec o i it i:. Dr. J. a.l lreascs all thosu who have injured them, I it'lvc? by improper induljrcii''0 nnd solitary habits. ; which ruin both body and mind, iin1ittingtlioui for : either business, study, society or u.arriage. i TiiEsr. arc some of the sad ar.l riieliin'-holy etl'cets proihieel by early Itnbits of youth, viz: aUness of ll e Hack and Lii'ubs. Pains in the Head. Dinmees of Sie:ht. Loss of Mn'.-uiiir Pow.t. Palpitation of the1 client, liyspepiy. Nervous Irritability. Derangement i of the Di'-rstivo' Funeti, us, (lenernl bcbility. Symp- j toins of t'f.'ii.-uniptton. A','. j Miint.m.lv. i'iic fearful cHccts on tho mind uro much to bo driitidoit l.o-s of Mi-mory. Cotilnsion of , ldoi.s, DeprcNi('U of Spirits. Fvil-Forebodings, Aver- siou to Society, Self-Di.itru.-t, Love of. Silitudc, Timidity. Ac me iuei4 fhc evils produced. j 'J'liorsANUS of persons of nil ages can now judge what is tho cause of their dccliuiug health, losing 1'ieir viir'T, becoming weak, pale, nervous and o naciatt-d, having a singular appearance about ihe eves, cough and svmpton.v ,,f eonsumption. vur.JNi:. Alio havo injured themselves by n oertnin practice , indulged in when alone, a habit frequently learned i from evil eoiupunioiis, or at school, the ehVcis of j which nre nightly felt, even when nsleei. and if no , ee.red renders ninrrifln iinfossible, and destroys . bolh mind and body, should ly immediately. , Wlnita i ity thai a youii man. the iiopo of his eountry, the darling of his !ureut. should be snatched , from all iros'''t- and cn ioymonts of lite, by tlie j eonseipiciico of di'viattng from the juith ot'nnturo and iuduljriij in a certain a..-c.ret habit, tucii nertoUc' Mt:ST. btluro cor.temvlatin , relleet that a sound mind and bo ly nre the nio-t lo'c'S-nry n.'fjui.-ites lo promotf coimubiul happiness. lr'ltM-l without theso. the journey through life be- , joined a weary pilgrimage ; ihe pro-p.'et hourly darkens to t'no view; the mind becomes shadowed . with desj. air and tilled wi.h tlie iuelaiKludy rctice- ! tion that the liaj iues5 of moll,,..- becomes bihtcd I with our own or irssEja'tr.. i:. V, h- u the misguided r.nd imprudent votary of ' plcnsure finds that he has imbibed tho seeds of this: p.:h.ful disease, it too often happens that an ill-timed . ense of shame, or dread of dibeovery. dMeis him j from applying to thoce who, front odn?a'in and I respeetal.ility, can alone befriend hint, d' iylj till j tho constitutional symptoms of this horrid disease i luako their appearance, such us ulecra'cd soro i throat, diseased nose, nocturnal (ainsiii tl.o head i and limbs, dininc.-s otVi ;ht, deafness. ii"d ."- on tho I stiiu bones und nrios, blotehes ou the bead, faeo nnd i extremities, iirogre sin ith frightful rapidity. Ull I at last the palate id' tiie nioulh or tho bones of tho nose fall in, and tho ticiiui of this awful di-enso Leuiinos u horrid object ot ceii:n.iscrati,.n. till death puts a period to his dreadful suflcrings, by sending him to "Hint VnuiseoVkircl Country liuin n hence no U livelier returns " It is n melancholy fart that thousands fall victims j to this terrible disease, owim; to tho un-killfulncss of . iirnorunt pretetidoni, who, by the use of thut DrwUy ' I'vKnn, Mirctry, ruin the constitution and malto tiie rusidueof life miserable. siic.imi:s Trust not your lives. -or health, to tho eareoftho many L'uleaiued and Worthies 1'relei.dcif. destitute ol knowledge, name or character, who copy Dr. j Johnston s advertisements, or stylo themselves, in tho liovspiipeis, regularly Ldueated I'hysieians, hic.ap.vUu ut Curing, they keep you liilliu uioulh after nioiitlt tuking their lilihy and poisonua eoiu (nuinds. or as Ion? as the smallest fee can bo obtained, and iu despair, lenv o you with ruined ucullh lo sigh ov er your gi.lliii'rdisappiiintnient. Ir Johnston is the only Physician advertising. His credential or diplomas always hang in his othce. His rcuiidies or treutoineul are unknown lo till others, prepared from a life spent in the great hos pitals o! Kurope, the lir.-t iu tho country und a more cxtunsiv o I'rivute 1'raelict than any other l'bysicinu in the world. '',ioisi::?ir.vr v tsiu iE:s!i The many thousands cured at this institution year lifter year," and the numerous important riurieul Operations performed by Dr. Johnston, witnessed by , Ihe roporlort of the 'Siiii,'' "Clipper." and many oilier papers, notices ol wi.ien nav e uppeuu-1 again and uguiu before tho public, besides lus standing as a ki 'Uili luan of character and lespousibiliiy, is a suliiclent guarantee to Ihe nfrlieted. Mil inieoi'M-xi.ft ir.E:2ii.' l ICI.lb. Persons writinjr should bo particular in directing their letters to bis Institution, in the follow ing uiaiiuu .on .ti. .iosj."wro, yt. i. Ol the llaltimore Lock Hospital, Daltimore, Md. .time .10 lsiitl 1 y. RESTAUUAIJT & BOARDING HOUSE. f 3 IS. HS.t.t.. Ii-oin-I-lr. Iu Cake's Addiiicn tu tLM:L UV, near thu l'enu'u. Jiailroad Conipany's !hups. IAUKK HFElt, Porter and Ale of the very best J brands, excellent (Icrnian Wines, t-chweiticr ChccjC, Tripe, Ac, always on hau l. PERMANENT AND TKANV1ENT F.OAUDl'.KS, kept who will tind umiilo uceouimudatiuus. tiood cooks aud waiters, bouidurs oau eujoy the ipuict rum. lurts of homo with f.iro eo,uul to thu beat huUU. r-unbury, iloy. 2G, l:k. WE would invito tho allei.liuu of Curpeuters to our large iu.d well soltoti t n?sorluiuiit of Tootcs, conii.iiting Cl.iscls of all kinds, Aururs, 1 Planes, tfuws, Iron and Steel Square, and in fact 1 every thing wanted to complete a full outlit. at the Hardware turn of J. H. CU.N'LEV & CO. I XVRME11S call and look at the stock of IJrass and lii.au Mcytlnw, Miiuure, Hay and Straw Forks, (ruin Cradles, Cradle 1'iucrs, Traoe, Log, Fifih, Tongue and Halter Chains i Hey tho bluucs, (iiind ttonesand fixtures, and ev ery thing tu make harvest ing pleasant aud agreeable at tho new Hardware store of J H CDS LEY Jt CO. liMHolullun vt larlitralii. The tiartnerfehin heretofore existinff between the undersigned in the business of lllacksmithing, in the borough of Norihumbcrlaud. was dissolved by mu tual eunsent, on Ihe first of Way last. Tha business will be continued by Alex. Colt, who will also sottel all the accounts of the late Brm. I T Al.r.X. Ct'LT, JNO T COLT Northumberland, June 18, 18ti6 3t Mll Iaprr "aud BordorTn grout variety new stylos just ruceivcd at tba Mammoth Store of . J. W.tiULl.Na60N. iuubary, Oct. 11, 150S. .THE VERY LATEST ARRIVAL 1 1 r . i i . . . - Spring & Summer Goods! '. JOSIil'lI EVSTEU, (Suercufimar to John Vowin.) Corner of Market and Fawn Street, STJNBUJIY, PENN'A. Invites the publio to sail and examine his elegant assorlmentof SUMMER GOOOS! which be will sell at greatly reduced prioes. His stock consists in part of OASSIMEBES s t , CI.OTIII3. &C-. Sl,;- J?0"' Hinghnnu, Calicoes, Muslins, r 2'n5kl! Jeans, end a full ussortmcntof t-otton and W Oolen goods gencrnlly. 1 1 Hosiery, Olovcs. Ur, sV .. ... Rrnshes, Combs: ' ' "" "'JKcrcnieis, Hills, mul Caps,. iioo1 ,, Wt His assortment of goods will ot. ,,0 fail to please tho Diney and suit tho wanls ,f any dc siruns uf purchasing. His stock of ' 1 HARDWARE AND tjrFKNsW ARE, and flroccries Is largo in quantity nnd choice in quality, comprising generally everything needed iu the household either lor use or ornament. Ilo Is always ready and glad to sen his friend and takes plossuro in showing thnm his goods even though no sales nro ma do. He only aks call, and is sure that the stock will coinpnro favorably in price and quality with the cheapest. JUSL'PJI LYSTER. Sunbury, April 21, ISfltl. NEW GOODS!! li AS just roturned from New York nnd l'hibulol- plna, and is now receiving n New cilock of Spring & Summer Goods, nt ii great reduction in priors. j':niri:i'ii.H ll'ritr. I'ino 1'Iaek Cloth at St. 00 that used to fell at S.im. Casc-imcres, atinott, Ciwhniercttii, Kentucky Jeans, CottonaJc und Linen Panting, nt reduced prices. Ladies' Dross Goods- f?ilk. Wool Delaines, Mohair, JSilk Stripe, Paul Dc Chain. Alpaeca, 1'oplett, English and Scutch liinglnuus, Challies, Delaines, La A ll, Calico and Muslins, very cheap. Whito Goods. Linen Dress Hoods. Linen Skirting, White Toilet Quilts, lhiiliant, Swiss Stripe, Swiss Cambric, Jae toiiett. Irish Linen, Shirt Fronts, Ac. LfiUcs' Cloth and Flannel Sacking, and other flannel at low prints. While Shetland Wool. Shawls, Jtalnioial Skirts, Ac Skirting and the latest style of Hoop Skirts, very handsome and cheap. Yankee Notions in Great Variety Hosiery, (jlovcs. Pocket yiiindkeruhiet's, Suspen ded, Xciktio-, Paper Collars, I'liil.rclli.s. a good assortment of Spectacles, Coats, Spool Cotlon. fancy IjLi'.tons. Triininiiigj. A'e. C.irpels. Floor an 1 Table Oil Cloths, brown and green Oil Clo'hs fer windows, tlilt Shades', rixtures for Window lilin Is. Hat.., Ca. mi l La. lie-' Shaker-'. II u d ware, X. ils. Kyrk. Shovi'L, Spade;, iron-tooth tinr len Unkiv. (illQCERlEX, SALT & FJS1J. Unociisvare, Glassware, Eocts anil Shoos, ' Paints, Oils, Glass and Putty. School li.ioks, and a new supply uf WALL PA PElt. will be sold very ehe.ip. All person dcsiroi.sot getting g.,o,l gi ls at lo'v price.!, tor cask or eountry produce, will pl-n-o give menc U. J . H. IlNtlLl,. Sunbury. 'April 7th, IsiHi. N Is WO P KN I N G Ol li)t liiii,, ;' I E'tiriiisEii!t;' iiMlr, ItiiojN A- Mines. riHE undersigned takes pleasure in iiniioon ing to .1, the public of Sunbury. ami vicinity, thut lie has opemd Lis GLOTHlNii STORE, wiln n well jt'loct:d sUu-k of 1 will nvll at asUmiihiiif; low (irluLS. , , I liiivc iiJso till un liuiul u lurbro utuuU uf Boots & Shoes, for Ludius. (Jents and Children's wear, which I am selling oil, us I intend In give up that brunch ol busi iie.-o. It will be lo tho advantage to Cash lluirustu giv e uu a call. S. KP.ONEN11EIM. S. tiiinss' old stand, iMarket .S' juarc Sunbury, April 7, lisiiil. MEW G-ROGE.RYI CALL AT ITU MAN'S OLH STAXU. AVIIOLEAL i KETA1L ; scs .lass.eiE' asz tiz He's.' AND Provision Store FOK CHEAP OOOPS! Tlii'ir Ptotk is cwnrileto, ccntiitio' iu ji-irt of SCliAllS, COi'l'LlOS, TEAS, .VPICKS, COAl. Oil.. Tobucoo, Cini'ii, Klour, l'V't.l, l-'i.sb, ?nlt. llmiis, .'liouUUr.', I'lu CiO, Fruit, tllu-'s, l.nnii'i.. Ao., A. Country l'roJuoe Inkcu iu exchange for (lonli. ti- Cull uuj cxaniincour Mo-k, mul satisfy your olres. JSunbury, SIy 12, ISCil. A.SU IROIT STORE. rpilK suW'rilicr Imviiift oK'i'.cJ in SFXIil'llVj ' I l'u.. iii'W liirc. nn l v.'oll ni-orti-1 ftook ol'al I kimlsiit llAUl'WAllI'. (.'11 LI.UV, t'HACll WAHK bAUl'LEllV, .ll(ii: KIMUMIS, I IU IN. NAILS, ! Ae.. Iitiil iu lit lowest Now York im.l Ku-sturn jtioos hii'h I hey will l.o ) Iou.-vi to soli for Cu. li nt tho' iowi:.i I'.n-iern irn)i,s. i Inton.liujr. to do hiisint'Ss in tho lionost irineiiU'S ' of small iirotitsaiid quick s-ilo lor t'nh. i J. 11. L'i'XLEY CU. I'-'uiiliuiy, Juno 10, 1 Still. OHANT & SIIEKMAN ! j The two hcroi's l.vlorc thi'ir t.iiit ilannin u hiullc lliui.t mii.jkii.jr. A litauiiful stuvl cnviiv inj; l.y j Win. Surtiiin. Adonis vvaiit.' I I'vorywlu'i o. .Sinijilo soLt l-v lii.tii fur o CwiiL.-. Air-, nt.-: niuko jl' i-vrotul. : Ail.rrss, HAI'.TI.KHDN A Ci'.. ! luyl2 2iu ' CM ChvJiiut tl., l'hila. I lIKliAKFAST SHAWLS, for snlo at tho Fimcy j telorotf itJ.Al'..MUi New Spring Styles ! MitfN ASK.V lMlliTl'ZIt, Two JtKim West ol" tlic I'li.-t illi'.cc, SXTJSTXiXJR'ir PENN'A. 1 KSl'KCTl'l'LLY iui itos tlio attoniioii of iho i publiu tu htr lurgo aud varied assortment ot Spring & Summer Millinery Gooda which Jho lias juHt rnoeived arid upeued. Hrr stuck eiulirooi'S FANCY UltliSS liODl'S. IJiiiItoiiIoiios, Cluuy Lhoo, Liioo Collars, Linen Collars, l'roi3 Cords, Zophyrs, Buttons, 4o. Aline assort nit-lit uf lailios' and (T't- Hosiery, tJlovw, Fans, Parasols. Bugle Trimming. Kil.la.ns, Kelt ltibbous, Velvet Kibhous, llruid. Ladies Neck ties Fancy Dress Combs, Head Ureases, Ao. Irv ill's l'ateut Hair Crimpers, Hair Coils, Cors.'l., and a lr;e aatortuieiit of other artielos, too Humo rous tu oieution. 1 have also iust received a hue lot of l'orfuuiery, Toilet (ioaps. Tooth and llalr Druslies. Ac. ANNA FAl-NTKlt. unl'Uiy, April 2S. lmirt. CAKt'liX'TKR.V.Sil.ldlcn., Jllacksuiitbs, Crrriu-o Makers, blioeaiakira, ilorohauts, Miuers, Far wars and the cilisous geuorully. Look to your iuteroct and buy at the new Hard ware .Store of J . li. CON LL Y i. CO. Sunbury, June 111, 1S66. VLL goods bought for Csh and sold at lowc.-t prices fur cash at the Hardware Store of J. 11. CON LLY I CO. fcuulury, Jauc 10, UGO. WOTIIKie I.Iti:T Ct'ltE, IN THK CITY OF NEW YORK, 1R. J. H. 8CI1GNCR. THK GREAT I.LNU DOCTOftOl' rHH.ADKI.riHA. j " OrtiPaN.Y. an Ualess I.kaiu o., ' No. 19 Nassau St., New York, lime I. tin.-,. I hvc been troubled wall uaevere coouh. nn,l JT,?. oruiiun too,.! a year w tli more ot l, iMmoiilmii,. : whieh together, t-r the Inst few years has kept iw tim! in tlesn and too weak to to liiiniin ss of snv kind wiiln.iu i tulleriiig. In Aullst last I Inula ver) severe liein-irrhittp, i ami, eeeonting lo ihe jiidjnwnt oi'n goial New Vorkia,,. I leian.l was classed ' beyond the reach of n,e,l,. ,',., ; ant n. I. in i,. ... ' w .... , ),,,,(- o'i were concpi neu, tu leuve llns worlil nt sla.it ii. tao. 1 he lilivGieian (any my po,Kl r,-i.,iils) Miiit thut the tir.,t eolcl J took mut prove intal. r;arly in Jananiv 1 t"ok a severe cok). and natuimluly was occupying inians el iS,. yj Ul).U SI KKlvT, ilircelly over your odK'e. I Hunk iiliont lilu ln!h (if Jaaliarv I pri4air,'tl a liotlle or V' ,, .. ............ ........... ... I uiFinuiir )iu, nun m i-in-m mftiiiH ll nrriy. .11 y leet nu limits were very much hwoIIph, nnH nil Ihe Hvtnit torn of n j'el denth srt'mcd ki Hi'CMnpmiy my rnltt. I fitt for my former pliysifimi, nml ituteil to him ilmt I wm tukiiiK Yx meflifiitp, nnd niter showing thm to hitrt, Hiiti liuviMfr taated of them, Ac, ho replied : "Vou 4-m lake them if you like, they will uu yon im hiirin.'' tic Miiii ; 41 Von know what I 10M vou lusl MiinniiT, nmi 1 .nv thu enmc now. if you have any Ijmsiiicko lo close up, ilo Ik -t pnl it off." lit Siiid loot Ik r friends lliul lie '-t'liiiM tve no hom: fr me," am) mv funiJs nnl )flnli"ii ctinrhr- dul my tiiiiw hmt come. At litis time 1 wmj inkniK frfply i uf your medicine, Init Imdnut seen you. Tite tloeturoaH'-U n Jew tones, (iii'l fituiKl mu (iniu:h to his sin ,i.'u, he K-O l.) inipr-ivuig, mul lie citulil i-1 iiittleisluiid wliy. My luiiu vni inrrciising; in your medicine, nnd I hud a wirh lo trtvp you i-xiiin no my enne, nnd nvo. what you hint to riv. "'hen yitu tirt enm" to in mom tnl tiunfe th exuiiiin'i- you rinvu me tut little eiionum iii'-nt. hut on th , viitriiiy, uxpi.-eil end clouhts -l" my evi-r bvmg helped , , r "len S'.'eiiiinif Uillifii lies. J he SfeiiU limi: -""nieiil, yi Cv" .v.1 uIV ZZXrZ ! ,i p , ' -iii iiiy nj iiljiflii nt;n: iiiiiiivim , , l'ad-ttMiik i it ..i. im . r , .V...ri,i v'l,lx ' ifhTuvr. and U-.Mil.l u.tlk alM.ut k I f , n vwi,,,,i t.KMnly cvr.yTuhv, rnmn until this first tiny ui May. t..,k u .cold wttilu .y.mti.lLimo to eut tv.rv,!,,,.,. U,.A ( M ha.. ,i(Mlfl .nlur... :-. 1 1. i-xw.-in; - Hl,.ut dm,,,, l;1 )tfi .,, (iM 1; . I f"U.iwerl your mlviro, ami to the nui,.i1BC ,.f ,m uht nliyi-inn mifl iricmf::, I t..em fw!i Miit thnu 1 ,;iv,. t Jl MM Witl.ll MMIP, HUM I'lflllllf lift If r tllllH I icrifil ti ii:iMiiii jini M witii one li-ntr, the U-it In 'V T fi- J p:tuiy vtivti up. i i-mi very KwUritii t y-'iir uJvn-c int l m -ii' iiif inwilu ii'l"' m- It-r I 1 you, uti'l c ,. V-ur.s, truly, T. Tin. PfircN' it r:ir h'ir : '. mt txv y-n. mr. I whs Inkt-n Willi it viv lr')li'i!ciitnr nji !i nmt :i ji.tiM m mv In ciii1! ; : vt-n ot fin ii nia,ul;!i M3f.l au.iv wi;tim my l ull; MiivihiiiK l-.r iii-. Mil. 'i'li- il I h; ;n t.p a U i. riiin, ht nitCfii't 'I m (ot nl-iil Hit - m hiIIif will," 'tu ri'MtllTIIll liiCilMV MTVIfC . ' ' 'lillll'll T In" Il.lv It f ii tifntthritl ol' u (iiiMi-mn in ciif if iM li' uiiift, :irn(:tS., 1 li;ii! t!ie n-Ivirt lrt :iHiM-i;t. "'f (v't i)itit.'i' inns ! dut ull to no purport, liiiriim tini l-iitp vn e of tnur t J W.iH lic irlv il- :nl ; ttfvrral !liin-8 HIV IriftHU r;i,:ie In f'.c tut aihl wiliu'M my exit into the flj ir.l-wvutil. I wns t n- iiiHul to my Ut'ii two nn'iitim ut nu lime. My Iirfiitliirn ', win fxpflinly h Ik nt . I Hive up ievt.rnl time:- till hojn- , 'f tt'ttimr ln ttiV; ;ni. n r Mi'l. il r. -ttir wll, tUnt w:is 1 rtiliu'ly out ol the question. At if I ti think thiscnv 1 hjii well iltnl lit;uty ! I w;is iFid l.y 8 iiit- ul mv 1 1 ii-n-. t try Dr. S:nrcK .M'iliCinc.. 1 ucoT'Imuta- '"Li.t !. ' l!f ;tl"iei It- ttlc, until I rent tli - lin-.t!i ; tln-a I ;'-:ii.;t h ; tlecnlfd c'l.-ntt;!. in my r uli tor tt.i: l-ctlt r. 1 m.i!-t() ' c.'Vt.rely friiii p:il;,itnti n ol t!tc lu;ot. m'.i I wo v.-c-ki ' ntier I coiiuia-iiL-cU lukiii jour medicine lists diiiuu.tv ! t-'fiif-fl ' ! Wlii'ii I iir-;t went to Dr. Seln'iiek's ( tiU-- ii w:m wiih J dillieuiiy ti. it I r.tuld t' t up ndo it-ft.;jon ronm. I : n i weak :uid ko t-wel'.f' ; mv si. 1:1 wns td ;dV tu Hioimli 1 hud tli' nun.ii'-c ; 1 dull, lu-.ivy tlid.di:t'i. y-;. Ir. S'ltt'ii'-k ;ifti r x. itij : ) ! iitr Hit- fi.d t 'ih my luima Wfe iiii-ctr d, .-md ti-.ivv- l:i t.-it Idllf h p.-; .: im .,- ( iiii ", in ;di nl two wet iif, t i': nrht li"!d et tu--: it Menu! to co ritht tliri-u'h ti.y vM"!t w,le:it Tli1 l'u ! lit' mi' Sm w.i. Se.l- lied i'oIIU- illl'l M;iM'li:iSe 1'iil.s. ti"ik uuM l.oiti ui the rmlit pine, 'i'hr: FiitH Ir u-jiit :iv -uu'tt j:i:nil liti s of hile iu.d !nti'' ; tin S; nip ItHwnetl tliy , m.itlci iu itiy hittj.-s, whlfll ram t i." Vury 1 icf i I tie Sr-u- W ee rr-iiir jjiic me a; t :i;fj an I c ei v t.mr; lccuj;'! ( I r:i..o. ff.Mid.' To si. iw y.-IiaI gri'l power Piu ni'-ilicineii hiv? iti pun- j l;.!i'irin Mauiu, and to nimw how l.-.id 1 w.m ili.:..-td, ; lit.-M,; ad tin' hiie lii.it i uK-t mv h 'we f. u-. llietirent ipvni'ilM;: of ph.fjni nu I n:-itt'f 1 ;v-.--'fuo-d, 1 lirokt j out all ovr in laij-i: l i!s. thut wotiM r-.i.tiMtir tog.niier u.itl runi'T nnout bix vt and ! Icrl at mie tiineoVer trnty-f,ve 1'Oils 1 lav li lli i:-- ! lilt,- klil I ll 'W. 'ind 'eri like Iii.t prrt 'ii a!!oi;r: ;kt. I ea:i satelv (Kiy IiiaI i li:i e ni't rntoj i d K.u li hudlli tor I.ve ytais n d" n , and r-nmot prai1.' you nnd y . 1 1 1 mci!n i;;"t t'ii' iv.'h .Vav tu. I ii'umd. tally l lr-s- ami pr.-sjrvi; yi-u! ibiI.l: wun-eru di-siro in nut; whit has hern S" w-n Jeii'.il'y ti'!irvn tliniu-jli ymir nceiiev; wnd ii' :my rnp dt-fin s to I-.. wnli ii-CMnl to i hi? nu'M'tlin ni tai rrpi.,1. ii tli-Will e:.ll upon unv oi" mv Irteni's. or r.p n int. .No I D' vVu I'lHi't'. nriir Thoinptiifii street, lielow Otidwahidcf, 1'inl.i-d- !pl:ta, tln-y wi'd in: ?n I'ectly ski t iti it with ti,.- va'.d.iy ol the ra.ie. Y"itrn. with mueh i."pf t. MARY SrilXAIDT. T!i-. ithovi' r;tJi', :if deseri!. .!, is prifr-tlv r-irir-rt. I kii.-w it to l.t- tmo. "t;tf, T. li. .Mil. 1.1 It, I'ajloi oi' Jlum eii M. K. (.'U.ueli. Pr Sl'IirWIv wilt lie ,ir'.(V8M,ni:itr!y Ht lii .r itu-.iv :il I'ihf '. I N us Til Sim ii iniKT. r I .i.t of l'o v. tit it, 1'ihi.ai n.i-HiA, v.'rv Sitiiiiii.v.lr.iiii ll A. M ui.i,. 1 I'M ; N.I :i' 1! ijl lr.. .-v.' ' .t:, I'Vi'IV 'l'll.'i..l.iy, f r. . : : In :! : ,n. :( -iiMMi),'r s'ri'i't -n. ln.s.. everv V. U'tr-- il'iy, (loin Olo iiii.l evrv t.iii I'liilm-iil Jo- Ituliuu. iio Klir,-t. liiiiiiiii.iie, Mil. All .'Ul . ii'i; I'.c. l-i. t lor a th'-riiii'li fX'iiiitn iti' il of tin. Iui:i;s WkIi his U;.npru!ii..Pr1 cirtrii is Itii.'H doiiiirs t.' I'i I . -t- ol" tin; I'loiii'iiiO' S nil mul Sin-W'cixt T. .im-. t-ir-li si rn in-r li.itllo, or i7 ol' i .r i.nir dozen. " Miiiiiii.iac k'i'h 'sai'k'ijv aij'. nr;rr.f;isTs and dkai.chs Duo, .A-iy NEW 81 III?n(J C0ODS!! Ol'K.V. A l'Tl.l. STOl'K jF iPRINO GOOX5!3 NEW j Consisting of Hits IiIinkN, I riui'i us l'.'liiino. Chulli.'S, ti l.iiwiis. IJi'iiliiiiits. A'. in ?r.nt vnririy, nl::i!is, Criijio.-. Koop skirts, Fine white Gooch, in vnni'tv. Vvvrs Triii"! niiuj-, U:i'(f nn 1 rpil-fiidi-rics. V Kt L of all di'-ei iiii inns. tJloVi'-. ilii.-ii-ry, t'ofM-l.-. cj hyr. I l al. nl liuir C'rituiicr, Mofk-Tu-.. und ''tu:ii t-i' I kind iHimllv ki-pt in u tnney inre. J.i.i-Uwi.ud's r;itcr Cnlhirs and Cutis. Vtujn!'iiiiZ uud Uiti.diine siitclii-'-r d rn- t- ci-di-r. MAi.Y 1,. LAZAliTtf. Two door-i west of Wtr.. JI. Miller .Store. Sunbury. April 2'-, lA'.''. WILLIA1I W. APSLEY'3 Boot, Shoe and Trunk WAREHOUSE, Ml Wail CIV, A. rM W. Al'Hl.LY h is ju,t open. I u M:W S1'"HE in wcll-knoVnhoiin' ot'Mr-. Jl.al tun. in ala.kct st.tct, and t lies t,i thu cituoiis oi' Sunbury and iu-iUb,.i iu. tow us, l:ili.Jl'S A ilill- S of tho bosi nuiiliiy and ,vorkiiia".-hi'. Ho Laviiij luado arr.-uii'iucnls with lir.-i-.-lass uiuuutacturci'S to supply the best ipinlity of oods. Iu tLo Wholesnlu li.purliueiil ho calls the atten tion of Country Suu'eki-cpu to his liuu sleek, which will busold ut the lowest wholc-alu pri-.-ts. thus ena bling lletail Hi.alei.ito save exponso of Uiiinj; tho cilion t.i rcpleuish their stock. In tho lletail lieparti.ient can bo f .und HOOTS, SII'il.S. Till NKS, VALlSIvS, Ac, which, iu piico, at Ihcso limes, aro witt'.out a tr:i!! 'l. 'fbo ftoek of La lici' Wenr is supoiit r in s!ylc and vvoi'l.iiuinship than is i-siiully t'ouu I in country towns, euihrtii-iug fieui uf llalinoral. spU-udid Coiigrejs ilaiter. snd fancy shoes of ewry l.md. V,'. W. A. ulsu'eulln attintioii t,. Lis larestoik of Men s wear, of latest ;yiei, that will til liny toot vviiU uao and eoud'ort. Conso ii-! Come All! Sunbury, March loth, li-'t. .iiisa i.is;riA ;;. a. ?S!!i'fj' 4 j iml Sr'. 'ivltti iiilmv,". B5-il I'nM'S, Cl.OVilS, l'AU.V.Si.il-:'i, v'-c, Ac, South sido uf Market S inure SI Mil KY, Fliu. llns iust reuiiue'l (rom the u.tiu. with a . lioieo selection of seas'.uiable K.-.d to which the uiteuiuu of Iho Ladks is icspooilully solicited. MILl.lNt:UY;0'iOa A N H 1) K ESS TUlMMIXijS With Head-Uinsoi, U loves, Hosiery, I'.iLLw.iS. has been ciirel'ully selecte I and v ill t,i , c .-atisf.'.etioii. Miss Shissler b.tf h id an i-xpcriciicc in tho lui ncss that cnaldis her lo soleet 'ood witli 1111 uye lo the taste and wishes of hor customers, uud siiebcs a coniiuuance of favors iu liio tuiuro vvi.ih she takes I'lcisure in ackuow ledinK during the past year. Ladies will Cud a choice stock of every thin,; iu lur lino of busiuess. Sunbury, April i, lbi;j. FANCY DRY GOODS STORE 1V1IS3 KATE 03LA.C3IS:, llaiket street, four doors west of Win II. Miller's Kootand thoe store. ril'NKl ltY, Fa.. I KSFECTFl'LLY Informs her friends in Sunbury V and vieinily, Unit sho bas just opeued her BPiUNO AND SUMMliUl GOODS, il Notions and Fancy l'ry Hoods, Hor stock coiu,iU of AU-Wool Delaiucs. Chaiiibra-', UiUKhauis, tuibroidones. Lace Collars, I ans, ItA 1, Muslins. Urilllnirs. liaribaldi Muslins, Hud t.ye Linens, I.ini u Lawus Crape and 1. ,o eiis. Ac. Mme. liciuorcst'a Hair Curlers, Hair tuili uj.U A ill v iivmuivr.. ' , r. .i . in c..Vin.s- lA r. ( tifitU. 0 O.'jiu' ColUirs, ektiel, halt lice, Handker chiefs and Suspenders . .. UruJluy's new 1'atont Dujder LUiptie (or ucublo p..r..n,.,r Toilet Soal'S, I Hair uru-ius, nn.'. t'ovs, and a general varioivoi noi w... u Al'FFLRINU dona haudcouitly and al , V. ' , . ..TlikV hi nt notioe. Suulury K ATI! Itl.ACK j-ril 2S, 1 S J 6 . 1 oiir urn & aiifis STORE. UE.SPLC1FL LLY inlorms tho citizens ol Suubur and vicinity that he has taken tho n.oui iu Pieasaut's lluildinir. in Market Sniiiire, two dooi-d ra'im iner.xpreiw tMiiee, lor 1110 purpose ol cirr n . !,th? '! IllKl Mhoo llusiness, In ull itsva- , " ornnelies, wonld rospootfully inform tin t:iu ns "' vicinity, that he has purchased an entile n-w "'Kk ioods which he iutends to disirax of a: li., vcry lwel prieus II i,w.v ., ., ,,. , , Ktilhed iutJ, MJu- ,i .Cnl , F" ,,",I"U U-OUl, Wen s a kins llrmis nnd Mov r hn . , . J hi , n '""' uiiuers: 1 Ana Mne M.acs. Mlmi Gaiters. Ralinorals and Children 'a Shoes of oeiy dosenption. llnlM iiikI i'mi Ho bos also in his employ su,er!n' workm !, ru':r;jr worKinea, I'lal i'.viiicu iu Qo inu IT ltlCSt of C Hi-tOllieT M'l.l !'. em r ino urer'S llootB, Ladies (laiters & Chill. ' Ten's Shoes. I l -ALL WORK WAIIUANTKD! Call sn l , x ' amino my stock, cvrn il yon do not wish to bay. I ' am determined tu sell at the im.ni liberal rater i tlL'J. b SA.SDI.ii.S. ; 'vunbury, ilareh I'.O. Wnl. BAR3AIKS IN rilU:! CLOTDIHCi KOCKHILLfic WILSON, CLOTHING HALL, oOoandOOj CHrTXL"T tlUFKT, rniLADELrniA. KEW STOCK at the LOWF.ST PRICES ' Ilnviiii" - ew slock of for UenUeimu unci J;nyrtt oarnml over iruiu uio iuus uie, our unurn dock rf Fiuliiitnf Mo K'jnily-Miw.c Clothing is thu Ncweit- et our prirjo ro ih' I'v'5t. MAdXlMCK.XT Xl'HJKG STOCK, Now remly, to suit cvervbody CttSTOM ULPAUTMLNT. fhir newly tittej npCu.-tom Iepurtmoiit now cm taind tlio larTCf!t noi -uncut oi nil the KHi-hiunubU New J')iirici, lor our pulnm.- to select troui. 1SL1J6, Civil mid Military, uimlu up to oruVr piomptly, in thu highcit .t.vlu, und aL uiodirato I'li-Cb. LOWS' CUHlil.V'G. In tht-.tvp.-irtuicnt our ntjtik is nlo umivuiloi l1"' e t in thu city, nt the lutvtst price.-' '.id,,rs At-juttd at !;.Tt milieu. 'nil's choicest stock ML L) Y-MADL1 CLOTH ISO St'.ue Clutliin Hull, C-y- ai. I Ci" Chi.-iiiut .tn-vt. Apt 2H. y,,', -:, lMl!T.AIi:i.lMUA Will do inoioa:nl In-ii-T work nt u (riven Cust, tlmti juiv oilier 1 iiv it! M.in u'jtornrt.l onlv lv y.ihiiu;u.v .Miiu, A'ho!of:ilo Intir. Paim A (Jlns.-t Ij:j1oih, X.i. K7 .Nodi! J ill lib tticcl, I'iiihidelphm .Ili:!t.V "7. I St ,Ti -1 v . $90 X A TOO VMS ! A: MM S wuidt-d -..r crSiW llfv mtiele. n:M nut Ad iln-ffl (.. X. tJAHKY. City IJujliUii'. IttddcfcrJ MllilUV lf?'. ly UExVL 1 1ST AT li AUExNCV ornci: maukkt tih:; r, t'uu'.iirv. lViura. i W. HAI 1 1. l.-j . Liivinv; tnkiin nut li, iin.lrr i!.,' I ni'.i' l .Mi.tiv i .v'i i' l.-ivv-i. ns IU-a l'..-;u:c Ai'i.t. oSurJ t jr sale tlic tuliuvvin,; jiriijiiTtv to wit : Jmxi.v !ifll r " ! I'liiMUip ltf iiii.l live (,') dwelling b"UJf.-, in ihv t.irtHili Siiiilmiy A t'uiiii in l'l Au?'.ltll ti-rtin-Uiti, cotituiLi:.j 1011 IliTl't:. niori: ur let . A.-nuill l?iriu i"iii!iiii,::i .'.'.I m-r.-s. ui-iro or li iil'uiii oih" inilo fniin 1'HxiinH. Slinii. -Liii t(ivvn-)iii' A .ni!ill t.ii'in I'l'iituiiiiii ii, ri'.:, in' ire or hs: , u Ii.-li V ii I ley, ." !..:n.kiii I o'vn.-liip. Thurd nre g w. ia.ii.iili on I'.n' thli'c punia. SuiiLiiiy, Jlmoli M, ISiVi tf. J'l-rc l.iliiTly Ves5l'' B-vsif". Tlic Wliit. yt. tl.o ir.ot ilttniMv nn I tlio moil ctu uoii.ii.'tl. Tivit! .Miii.uf.'ii'tiiri' l oiilv l.v XIKiil.l.tl .'. SMITH. Vhii!!:!- I'rnir. I'niiit A lilnv. lMlrrs. :. : Xoiili Tllliili slioct. l'liihululiihiii .tuniinry -7, 1 ''liti ly. f AHATi CA TKL'M.S nt W W. Aii.-t. ;:UV nESCKII'T.ON. "t W. V. Apn.'i' FL0UI & FEHD STORE. Io:.l:sLl: AXi) uin'Mi.. IT IIK ."ul'Si-rH-cr rcfpccifrJly informs tho jmiI-Im t!:ut ho ki'.-'im ooust.mtlv ou tinri'i at in.s i.i v WAliLtlOLrh. n.'iir l'u hl'.amokiu alloy llnilr-ni.1 liv;. it. in SI 111 It V. Flour ly the hi.nol ami . I of all kiiui ol 1 f i l.y tlio t ..ii i 'Jho iihovo is all iiiiiiiiii'aclui'.'-.l ut hid own Mill , i an I will be sold i.L ll.o lovvo.t cd.-h j.i ioi'S. j ,1 11. CAb ALLADL'K j Siiiiliury. Ai'i'il I. lt'ni. Surjport Kcnie Industry ! I v It: tiis t a: ! tM'si'i'UMioii: FILL A? -'M'.TMKNT Ji.-r oi'knkii by S AMUI'.X. FAUST, : Two ,'.o.'rs wci t of Ueiiuut: s Store, M.ukcl..t j GUNBUBY, PKNN'A. : f Lli and exauiii.u tho liir'o iis.-ortuient of tl.w I j latest Xew York as I l'lnlad. lpliia stylet .,1' Sii'k, Ciis.-iinerr. Vetto Derby, Wire llrini, Soft For. ' .iravv und lioy'. llet-. which lor beauty and da j nihility cannot be excelled, being a practical Hat ter. be ll alters himself that his stock has been select ' ed with inoro cue than r.ry ever before brought to 1 this place Ho also mainifiu lurea to order all kinds of soft I Fur Hats, all of whieh will be sold at wholesale aud lolail. at reij-otiublu rates. ' liyeius done at short notieo and at tho lowest rates ! Sunbury. May l'J. Im'm. 1 I F vi"j runt p.,od 'i iii-AVart-. t:o lo i.MTII A. VjLS'1 il.H's New , iiop. St3 and ;'t37 J?:o.;..'i'. Vomrr 1'nuU.liu Stn.-t m:w YOV.K. T VHS firrt cii:.s House thu uiort iii!it. bcnieliko and okasuut Hi.tol in the ci'.t ..Iter supirior iuduevuieuts n t!ic.-o vi-.lting New York for business or i.leasurfc. It is pent nil in its location, raid kept ou I the F.i:itoi'K 5i J'l.AK. in i or.m i t; .u with l.in.uii s . tf.vi.oox. w hero retrc.-huieiits enn bo had all hours I or served in their ov.n roou.s Iho e!..iry,s aro nio derate, the rooms und attendance, of the .li st order ! baiU, uud all tuo modern pnnvonienci'S aitacbcd j JOHN TAYLOK, Fiviricior '. Nov I. ISij- 1 p-i coo s:k -:.: ; we wan M----,-J au'elils every vvlo.ro tu sell our l w I'Kuven If-1' twills AlacliinrK. 'i'hrea in w kiio.i . l.r and upper food. Warraiued tim ycrs ' A iii.v cs.ilary or la";o coliiuiis.-ivi..- aul. Tl.eeM.v in.'ohines.-ol.l i., i i.iiol ;;iati lor !is than s.j''. i which nro lully licen.-cd bv Howe, "v heeler .': Wil ; sn. il rover A ji.iker. Miri t .v Co . ai.d Ilachcl l.-! All oilier cheap nia.-hiucs are ii:trii;i'eiuci.ts and tr seller or ioit aro liable to arrest, tiuc. ao 1 iiiipri-'-, ui- iit. Circulars tree. Ad'iress. or eail iiK'ii Sh'tw j A I lark. Lid ielord. Maine, or Chicago. Ilf "-'-i', I.AUIKS l.ASI'lMj UAIiT.ltXur at I W. VV. Apsle,1.!. i.r -IKS' oi.ux t: kiu uiwrs.at ; XV W X;l i'V . . KliKTS AM) Slllli:.'i. K U MLW. VV.il.. AMI Clill.lilil.N. ii: u' W Ai'sc's Si!MU:itY FOUNDRY. 1 :s:. KisE:if.n-:i a. mw, i A It K now e.u -r; eii-s on business ut this old estab t V li-hnier.t wiih reiu'ived v i,;or. I I'aMings of every lUscriptio:., pivmpUy luriiuhvd to ordor. , ,, . ,, , . I The St.v M lii'irutVoiured ut Ilia I oiiuory havo iu.,uir.d the hikliost r.'Utiol(. I particular aiieuiiou paid lo llll.l. I AS l.y..-. ; l arincrs shoubl uot loiu-ot that ll c I'LOV iiiade I ui Iho Sunbury Foundiy have never been equalled ! Aijiieulluiai implements repaired at sheit notice. Su.all easvitis. iucludiug Ouokiiig utcooils, ot the ......I imi. roved and most u.-el'ul patterns. 'ihe hu-iuer will bo conducted on an cnb'TJod i scale Old customer will be accommodated r-a Usual, 1 and new one are ri.peull'ully aulicitod. j Suiilury, May 12, I SOB. i 1 or ti:a,T. 1 MIV. undersigned respectfully ioforu'j his friends ami tho publio thai ho has el.ane.1 Ins placo I loadiuit Freight in l'hiladelphia Horn lined, ui .1 ft Freed, So. bll Mai ket Street, to A. 13. AOHEBON -CuuiUitiiioa Merchant, licaicriu lour. Oraui, fcvc.ti.. A o.l Mo. 1015 .TSurUvt St., IMladt'lplii;., i where all freiL-bt will bo loaded on ears i f the un- I dcrriiied. for I'hupuiu, Suulury, thuiuoii.i; kui i.ii All uii,ni ui muiiioi . . line Order, lo cairy lriic,ui towi-uuiiy iiui. , whuh will receive prou t atuniior f "M.-1.I. I tuubury, Jan ! iiui.